JANUARY 18, 2012





Call to Order ...... 1 Invocation ...... 1 Recess/Reconvene...... 2 Board of Commissioners of Cook County PRESIDENT Ordinance: 12-O-07 Renewal of a new Cable Franchise Agreement, as Amended ...... 2 Proposed Appointments ...... 6 Proposed Reappointment...... 6 Proposed Resolution...... 7 Resolution: 12-R-31 Supporting a Comprehensive Review on the Issuance of Bonds, as Amended...... 4 COMMISSIONERS Request to Amend a Previously Approved Resolution ...... 8 Proposed Ordinance Amendments ...... 11 Proposed Ordinance ...... 17 Proposed Resolution...... 22 Resolution: 12-R-32 Congratulating the Saint Xavier University Football Team on Winning their First National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National Championship ...... 20 Consent Calendar Resolutions: 12-R-33 Honoring Bennie Martin, Executive Cook County Law Librarian for his servic...... 22 12-R-34 Honoring Fredda Berman, Director of Real Estate and Tax Services, upon her retirement...... 23 12-R-35 Honoring Diane Janosek, Deputy Budget Director, Department of Budget and Management Services, upon her retirement...... 25 12-R-36 McGlother “Mac” Irvin, Jr. - In Memoriam ...... 26 12-R-37 Honoring Gerald (Jerry) J. Roper for his longstanding commitment to civic services and to the people and businesses of Cook County...... 28 12-R-38 Honoring Mona Nasser Hersheway on the occasion of her 100th Birthday...... 29 12-R-39 James Bowman - In Memoriam...... 31 12-R-40 Robert Alan Pritzker - In Memoriam...... 32 12-R-41 Diane Dispensa - In Memoriam...... 33

12-R-42 Edward P. Shilney - In Memoriam ...... 34 Reports of Committees Zoning and Building – January 18, 2012 ...... 35 12-O-08 (Zoning) Special Use in Northfield Township...... 36 Finance – January 18, 2012...... 42 Finance Subcommittee on Litigation – January 18, 2012 ...... 109 Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations – January 18, 2012 ...... 111 Rules and Administration – January 18, 2012...... 113 Business from Department Heads and Elected Officials ADMINISTRATION, BUREAU OF Resolution: 12-R-43 Appointing the Superintendent of Highways 114 ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT 12-R-44 Declaring the month of February as National Spay and Neuter Month in Cook County...... 115 BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Report...... 116 BUILDING AND ZONING, DEPARTMENT OF Waiver Of Permit Fees...... 116 COUNTY CLERK, OFFICE OF THE Grant Awards ...... 118 Contracts...... 119 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF Grant Award...... 120 FISCAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT OF Grant Award Addendum ...... 121 HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF Proposed Ordinance Amendment...... 122 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Proposed Agreement Resolution...... 126 Improvement Resolutions: 12-R-145 (Improvement) 87th Street, Cliff Street to 96th Avenue (LaGrange Road) ...... 127 12-R-146 (Improvement) 88th Avenue at 105th Street ...... 129 12-R-147 (Improvement) Schaumburg Road, Barrington Road to Roselle Road...... 130 Supplemental Improvement Resolution:

iv 12-R-148 (Supplemental Improvement) 88th Avenue, 103rd Street to 87th Street...... 131 Completion of Construction Approval Resolution: 12-R-149 (Completion of Construction) Elk Grove Township 2009-E.R.P. Project...... 133 Changes in Plans and Extra Work...... 134 Report...... 136 HUMAN RESOURCES, BUREAU OF Report...... 136 Proposed Resolutions ...... 137 JUVENILE TEMPORARY DETENTION CENTER Transfer of Funds ...... 140 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF Proposed Resolutions ...... 141 PURCHASING AGENT, OFFICE OF THE Request to Amend Previously Approved Contracts...... 149 REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT DIVISION Amendments to Lease ...... 152 Termination of Lease Agreement...... 154 Assignment of Ground Lease Agreement ...... 155 REVENUE, COOK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF Intergovernmental Agreement...... 156 STATE'S ATTORNEY, OFFICE OF THE Grant Award Renewals ...... 157 Pending Litigation ...... 160 WOMENS JUSTICE SERVICES, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT OF Grant Award...... 161 Adjournment ...... 161






Meeting of Wednesday, January 18, 2012

10:00 A.M. Central Standard Time


Board met pursuant to law and pursuant to Resolution 12-R-19.


President Preckwinkle in the Chair.


At 10:00 A.M., being the hour appointed for the meeting, the President called the Board to order.


County Clerk David Orr called the roll of members and there was found to be a quorum present.


Present: President Preckwinkle and Commissioners Beavers, Butler, Collins, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Garcia, Gorman, Goslin, Murphy, Reyes, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Steele and Tobolski (16).

Absent: Commissioner Suffredin (1).


Reverend Father Aren Jebejian of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church gave the Invocation. ______

President Preckwinkle moved that the meeting do now recess for the purpose of holding the various committee meetings.


President Preckwinkle in the Chair.


County Clerk David Orr called the roll of members and there was found to be a quorum present.


Present: President Preckwinkle and Commissioners Beavers, Butler, Collins, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Garcia, Gorman, Goslin, Murphy, Reyes, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Steele and Tobolski (16).

Absent: Commissioner Suffredin (1).




Transmitting a Communication, dated December 28, 2011 from

LAURA LECHOWICZ FELICIONE, Special Legal Counsel, Office of the President

In accordance with Chapter 78 of the County's Code of Ordinances, on June 5, 2007, the Cook County Board of Commissioners authorized the execution of a new Cable Franchise Agreement ("Agreement") with Comcast of California/ , LP; Comcast of Illinois VI, LLC; Comcast of California/ Colorado/ Illinois/ Indiana/ Texas, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/ Indiana; Comcast of Illinois IV, Inc.; Comcast of Illinois/ West Virginia, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/ Texas, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/ Indiana/ Michigan ("Comcast").

The Agreement provided for a five (5) year term with an option to extend/renew the Agreement upon the same terms and conditions for two (2) additional two (2) year terms. Per the terms of the Agreement Comcast submitted its request for an extension/renewal to the County on June 29, 2011. The extension/renewal would be effective on June 4, 2012 and would expire on June 3, 2014 unless further extended by the Board. The renewal/extension is based upon the original terms of the Agreement and the County would continue to receive 5% of Comcast's gross revenues for the franchise area, the statutory maximum, which is approximately $1,000,000.00 per year.

Per the terms of the Agreement, it is hereby requested that the Board authorize an extension/renewal of the June 5, 2007 Cable Franchise Agreement by Ordinance.




WHEREAS, Section 6(a) of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution provides in relevant part that a home rule unit "may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs including, but not limited to, the power to regulate for the protection of the public health, safety, morals and welfare; to license; to tax . . ."; and

WHEREAS, Section 5/5-1095 of the Counties Code, 55 ILCS 5/5-1095, provides in relevant part that "The County Board may license, tax or franchise the business of operating a community antenna television system or systems within the County”; and

WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) adopted Ordinance 82-0-32 ("the Cook County Cable Television Ordinance" or "the Cable Ordinance"), to provide for the non-exclusive franchising and regulation of CATV Systems within Unincorporated Cook County; and

WHEREAS, the County seeks to provide cable Franchises and renewals in an equitable and nondiscriminatory manner, taking all relevant facts and circumstances into account, so as to allow all cable television Franchisees to provide service within Unincorporated Cook County on a fair and competitive footing; and

WHEREAS, Comcast of California/ Illinois, LP; Comcast of Illinois VI, LLC; Comcast of California/ Colorado/ Illinois/ Indiana/ Texas, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/ Indiana; Comcast of Illinois IV, Inc.; Comcast of Illinois/ West Virginia, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/ Texas, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/ Indiana/ Michigan, Inc. ("Comcast" or the "Grantee”) requested a renewal of its various cable television franchise(s) to provide CATV Service in the County; a new Cable Franchise Agreement was negotiated and granted on June 5, 2007 by the Board; and

WHEREAS, the June 5, 2007 Cable Franchise Agreement provided for a five (5) year term with an option to extend the term of the Franchise by two (2) additional years upon Grantee’s written request to the County to renew the franchise for two (2) years upon the same terms and conditions as the June 5, 2007 Cable Franchise Agreement; this renewal may be extended for another two (2) year term conditioned on the above; and

WHEREAS, the Grantee has constructed and installed, and is currently maintaining and operating a CATV System in Unincorporated Cook County pursuant to the Franchise Agreement which is set to expire on June 4, 2012; and

WHEREAS, the Grantee provided to the County a letter stating the Grantee’s intent to renew its cable television Franchise agreement pursuant to Section 626 of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. Section 546; which the County received and subsequently the Grantee and the County conducted Franchise renewal negotiations pursuant to 47 U.S.C. Section 546(h); and

WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the Grantee’s performance with the County per the terms of the Cable Franchise Agreement; and

WHEREAS, the County has determined that it is in the public interest to renew the grant of a non- exclusive cable television franchise to the Grantee in accordance with the terms of the Cable Franchise Agreement entered into on June 5, 2007.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes a renewal of the June 5, 2007 Cable Franchise Agreement upon the same terms and conditions with Comcast of California/Illinois, LP; Comcast of Illinois VI, LLC; Comcast of California/Colorado/Illinois/Indiana/Michigan, LP; Comcast of California/Colorado/Illinois/Indiana/Texas, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/Indiana; Comcast of Illinois IV, Inc.; Comcast of Illinois/West Virginia, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/Texas, LLC; Comcast of Illinois/Indiana/Michigan, Inc. (“the Grantee”); and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the President be authorized to execute an addendum to the June 5, 2007 Cable Franchise Agreement authorizing a two (2) year extension/renewal of the June 5, 2007 Cable Franchise Agreement with the extension period to begin on June 4, 2012 and expire on June 3, 2014.

Approved and adopted this 18th day of January 2012.

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President Cook County Board of Commissioners

Attest: DAVID ORR, County Clerk ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the Ordinance be approved and adopted, as amended. The motion carried.

Commissioner Gorman voted “no”.




WHEREAS, Cook County strives to implement procedures and mandate provisions to account for the public safety of all of its residents; and


WHEREAS, Cook County should take steps to continue to evaluate the criminal justice system to ensure the public safety of all its residents; and

WHEREAS, Cook County offices should undertake efforts to study the criminal justice system and implement policies and programs that increase public safety; and

WHEREAS, Cook County should provide and enhance pre-trial services in an effort to reduce the risk of flight, promote successful reintegration into communities, and ensure fair and equitable access to justice; and

WHEREAS, in the interest of justice and public safety, Cook County should explore ways to support enhanced pre-trial services at Central Bond Court which could assist the judicial branch in its decision making process as it relates to making better informed release or detention decisions; and

WHEREAS, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has requested the Cook County Judicial Advisory Council (“Council”) to conduct a comprehensive study on the issuance of bonds over the next six months; and

WHEREAS, per the Council’s role, this six-month study undertaken by the Council will result in a factual report that will include recommendations for the administration of justice; and

WHEREAS, through the efforts agreed to be undertaken by the Judicial Advisory Council, which is chaired by Illinois Supreme Court Justice Anne M. Burke and includes Judge William Hooks, Judge Michael Stuttley (ret.), Attorney Victor P. Henderson and Attorney Virginia Martinez, the Council will consult with the key public safety stakeholders and make recommendations as to how pre-trial services may be enhanced to carry out our shared goals of public safety.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and the Cook County Board of Commissioners note their support of this initiative undertaken by the Judicial Advisory Council to conduct a comprehensive study on the issuance of bonds over the next six (6) months at the request of the President; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all relevant County Offices and Agencies, including but not limited to, the Office of the Cook County State's Attorney, the Office of the Cook County Sheriff, the Office of the Chief Judge, the Judicial Advisory Council and the Office of the Public Defender are encouraged to share information and collaborate in the comprehensive review undertaken by the Judicial Advisory Council; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, upon conclusion of its review, the Judicial Advisory Council shall communicate the results of its study and any recommendations to the President, the Board of Commissioners and the public safety stakeholders.

Approved and adopted this 18th day of January 2012.

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President Cook County Board of Commissioners

Attest: DAVID ORR, County Clerk



Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Daley, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted, as amended. The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication dated January 18, 2012 from

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners

Please be advised that I hereby appoint Mr. Stanley Rakestraw to the Metra Board of Directors for a term to begin immediately and to expire on March 31, 2012. Mr. Rakestraw will fill the vacancy of Mr. Willis E. Pennington, Jr.

I submit this communication for your approval. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Fritchey, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the communication be referred to the Committee on Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations. (Comm. No. 316312). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication dated January 18, 2012 from

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners

Please be advised that I hereby appoint Ms. Maribeth Vander Weele to the Cook County Board of Ethics for a term to begin immediately and to expire November 1, 2012. Mrs. Vander Weele will fill the vacancy of Mr. John J. Pikarski, Jr.

I submit this communication for your approval. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Fritchey, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the communication be referred to the Committee on Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations. (Comm. No. 316313). The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication dated January 18, 2012 from

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners


Please be advised that I hereby reappoint Mr. Juan Calixto to the Cook County Board of Ethics for a term to begin immediately and to expire November 1, 2015.

I submit this communication for your approval. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Fritchey, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, moved that the communication be referred to the Committee on Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations. (Comm. No. 316318). The motion carried unanimously.


Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by:

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President and EARLEAN COLLINS, County Commissioner



WHEREAS, the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC) is responsible for providing temporary secure housing to youth from the age of 10 through 16 years, who are awaiting adjudication of their cases by the Juvenile Division of the Cook County Courts; and

WHEREAS, on January 15, 2012 at approximately 4:00 pm Terry Bell, a 16 year old JTDC resident, died; and

WHEREAS, there has been no expert determination to date of the events leading to, and the exact cause of, Terry Bell’s death; and

WHEREAS, it is expected that any death of residents at the JTDC and protocol addressing the same is to be given the highest priority by the JTDC administrators.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby request that Earl Dunlap, the Transitional Administrator for the JTDC (the Transitional Administrator), seek approval from the federal monitor for the initiation of an independent investigation of Terry Bell’s death; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby request that upon receiving such approval, the Transitional Administrator, in conjunction with the President’s Office, assemble an independent team of medical, legal, and/or juvenile corrections experts (the Investigation Team) to investigate the events surrounding and exact cause of Terry Bell’s death; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby request that the Investigation Team share its findings regarding Terry Bell’s death with the Board, the


Transitional Administrator, and the President’s Office within sixty (60) days of the passage of this Resolution. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Committee on Criminal Justice. (Comm. No. 316320). The motion carried unanimously.



The following item was deferred at the December 14, 2011 Board Meeting:

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 7, 2011 from

JOAN PATRICIA MURPHY and ROBERT B. STEELE, County Commissioners requesting authorization for the Cook County Board of Commissioners to approve as amended (Comm. No. 315209), which was previously approved on the November 15, 2011 Board Agenda in the Finance (Public Hearing) Committee Report of November 14, 2011.

The amendment is indicated by the underscored and stricken language.



WHEREAS, since 2006, the Cook County Board of Commissioners have discussed the need to have a plan to implement fee-based parking at all Cook County owned parking lots; and

WHEREAS, implementing fee based parking at the Cook County Courthouse Facilities will provide a revenue resource that will not only assist in deficit reduction but will help offset the costs of the parking facilities; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Facilities Management supervises County owned parking lots and is working with the Purchasing and Revenue Departments to implement fee-based parking; and

WHEREAS, fee-based parking should be implemented at the following Cook County Courthouse Facilities: Criminal Courts Complex (26th Street); Bridgeview Courthouse; Skokie Courthouse; Maywood Courthouse; Markham Courthouse and the Rolling Meadows Courthouse; and

WHEREAS, fees should be charged to any individual or employee entering utilizing the Cook County Courthouse Facility parking garages on a daily basis in an amount no less than $4.75 a day; and


WHEREAS, monthly passes should be made available that could be applied for monthly use at any one of the Cook County Courthouse Facility parking garages for a fee of no less than $65.00; and

WHEREAS, any individual acting as a juror, law enforcement personnel on official business, a voter participating in an early voting site, or witness under subpoena from the Cook County State’s Attorney or Cook County Public Defender, and handicapped persons and disabled veterans is are exempt from having to pay a fee to park in any Cook County Courthouse Facility.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that the Departments of Facilities Management, Purchasing and Revenue Departments implement fee based parking at the following Cook County Courthouse Facility parking garages: Criminal Courts Complex (26th Street); Bridgeview Courthouse; Skokie Courthouse; Maywood Courthouse; Markham Courthouse and the Rolling Meadows Courthouse; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that the Departments of Facilities Management, Purchasing and Revenue shall work together to implement the fee based parking, and to exempt jurors, law enforcement personnel on official business or witnesses under subpoena from the Cook County State’s Attorney or Cook County Public Defender, and handicapped persons and disabled veterans from having to pay the fee, within 6 months of the effective date of this Resolution inclusive of any applicable tax other than parking taxes imposed by Cook County; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that the Departments of Facilities Management, Purchasing and Revenue report back to the Board of Commissioners within 120 days regarding the status of the implementation of fee based parking and exemptions at the Cook County Courthouse Facility parking garages. ______

Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the communication be referred to the Committee on Finance. (Comm. No. 316282). The motion carried unanimously.


Submitting a Proposed Substitute Ordinance Amendment sponsored by




Sec. 46-37. Policy for responding to ICE detainers.

(a) The Sheriff of Cook County shall decline ICE detainer requests unless there is a written agreement with the federal government by which all costs incurred by Cook County in complying with the ICE detainer shall be reimbursed or the individual referenced in the detainer:

(1) Has been charged with:

(A) A felony which is a “forcible felony” in Illinois, or the equivalent under the law of any other jurisdiction, as defined in 720 ILCS 5/2-8 treason, first degree


murder, second degree murder, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, aggravated criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual assault, robbery, burglary, residential burglary, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated kidnapping, kidnapping, aggravated battery resulting in great bodily harm or permanent disability; or

(B) A Class 2 felony or greater offense under the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, 720 ILCS 570/100 et seq., the Cannabis Control Act, 720 ILCS 550/1 et seq., or the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, 720 ILCS 646/1 et seq., or the equivalent under the law of any other jurisdiction; or

(C) A felony offense under the Illinois Compiled Statutes resulting in the death, great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement of any individual; or

(2) Is listed on the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE)

(b) Unless ICE agents have a criminal warrant, or County officials have examined the individuals criminal history and believe the individual is eligible to have his detainer honored pursuant to 46-37(a), ICE agents shall not be given access to individuals or allowed to use County facilities for investigative interviews or other purposes, and County personnel shall not expend their time responding to ICE inquiries or communicating with ICE regarding individuals’ incarceration status or release dates while on duty.

(c) There being no legal authority upon which the federal government may compel an expenditure of County resources to comply with an ICE detainer issued pursuant to 8 USC § 1226 or 8 USC § 1357(d), there shall be no expenditure of any County resources or effort by on-duty County personnel for this purpose, except as expressly provided within this Ordinance.

(d) Any person who alleges a violation of this Ordinance may file a written complaint for investigation with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office of Professional Review.

(e) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit, or be construed as prohibiting the Sheriff of Cook County from identifying and reporting any person pursuant to State and federal law or regulation who is in custody after being booked for the alleged commission of a felony and is suspected of violating the civil provisions of the immigration laws. In addition, nothing in this Section shall preclude any County department, agency, officer, or employee from (a) reporting information to ICE regarding an individual who has been booked at any county jail facility, and who has previously been convicted of a felony under the laws of the State of Illinois; (b) cooperating with an ICE request for information regarding an individual who has been convicted of a felony committed in violation of the laws of the State of Illinois; or (c) reporting information as required by federal or state statute, regarding an individual who has been convicted of a felony committed in violation of the laws of the State of Illinois. ______

Commissioner Schneider, seconded by Commissioner Goslin, moved to accept the Substitute Ordinance Amendment. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Schneider, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Substitute Ordinance Amendment be referred to the Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee. Commissioner Garcia called for a Roll Call, the vote of yeas and nays being as follows:



Yeas: Commissioners Beavers, Butler, Collins, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Garcia, Goslin, Murphy, Reyes, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Steele, Tobolski – 15.

Nays: Commissioners Gorman - 1.

Absent: Commissioners Suffredin - 1.

The motion to REFER the Substitute Ordinance Amendment CARRIED.

* * * * *

Submitting a Proposed Ordinance Amendment sponsored by:

PETER N. SILVESTRI and JOHN P. DALEY, County Commissioners



Sec. 46-37. Policy for responding to ICE detainers.

(a) The Sheriff of Cook County shall may decline ICE detainer requests unless there is a written agreement with the federal government by which all costs incurred by Cook County in complying with the ICE detainer shall be reimbursed.

(b) Unless ICE agents have a criminal warrant, or county officials have a legitimate law enforcement purpose that is not related to the enforcement or immigration laws, ICE agents shall not be given access to individuals or allowed to use county facilities for investigative interviews or other purposes, and county personnel shall not expend their time responding to ICE inquires or communicating with ICE regarding individuals’ incarceration status or release dates while on duty.

(c) (b) There being no legal authority upon which the federal government may compel an expenditure of county resources to comply with an ICE detainer issued pursuant to 8 USC § 1226 or 8 USC § 1357(d); tThere shall be no expenditure of any County resources or effort by on-duty County personnel for this purpose, except at the discretion of the Sheriff of Cook County or as expressly provided within this Ordinance.

(d) (c) Any person who alleges a violation of this Ordinance may file a written complaint for investigation with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office of Professional Review.

(e) (d) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit, or be construed as prohibiting, the Sheriff of Cook County from identifying and reporting any person pursuant to state and federal law or regulation who is in custody after being booked for the alleged commission of a felony and is suspected of violating the civil provisions of any state or federal laws. In addition, nothing in this Section shall preclude any county department, agency, officer, or employee from reporting or cooperating with an ICE request for information regarding an individual who has been convicted of a felony committed in violation of the laws of the State of Illinois.

Effective Date: This Ordinance Amendment shall be effective immediately upon adoption. ______


In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the Proposed Ordinance Amendment be referred to the Committee on Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations. (Comm. No. 316311). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Submitting a Proposed Ordinance Amendment sponsored by




Sec. 74-390. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the Cook County Amusement Tax Ordinance.

Sec. 74-391. Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

Amusement means any exhibition, performance, presentation or show for entertainment purposes, including, but not limited to, any theatrical, dramatic, musical or spectacular performance, promotional show, motion picture show, flower, poultry or animal show, animal act, circus, rodeo, athletic contest, sport, game or similar exhibition, such as boxing, wrestling, skating, dancing, swimming, riding on animals or vehicles, baseball, basketball, softball, soccer, football, tennis, golf, hockey, track and field games, bowling, or billiard and pool games. For purposes of this article, the term "amusement" shall not mean any recreational activity offered for public participation or on a membership or other basis, including, but not limited to, carnivals, amusement park rides and games, bowling, billiards and pool games, dancing, tennis, golf, racquetball, swimming, weightlifting, body building or similar activities. For purposes of this article, the term "amusement" shall not mean raffles, as defined in 230 ILCS 15/1 (Raffles Act—definitions), intertrack wagering facilities, as defined in the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975 (230 ILCS 5/1 et seq.), or automatic amusement devices.

Automatic amusement devices means any machine which upon the insertion of a coin, slug, token, or similar object may be operated generally by any person for use as a game, entertainment or amusement, whether or not registering a score, and includes, but is not limited to, such devices as jukeboxes, marble machines, pinball machines, video games, movie or video booths or stands and all games, operations or transactions similar thereto under whatever name by which they may be indicated.

Department and Department of Revenue mean the County Department of Revenue.

Live theatrical, live musical or other live cultural performance means a live performance in any


of the disciplines which are commonly regarded as part of the fine arts, such as live theater, music, opera, drama, comedy, ballet, modern or traditional dance, and book or poetry readings. The term does not include such amusements as athletic events, races, or performances conducted at adult entertainment cabarets (as defined in Section 14.2.1 of the Cook County Zoning Ordinance of 2001).

Maximum capacity means the persons that an auditorium, theater or other space may accommodate as determined by the local fire department or other appropriate governmental agency; provided, however, that maximum capacity shall not exceed the maximum number of tickets or admissions that may be made available for sale to a performance as stated in any binding written agreement relating to that performance. If the number of tickets or admissions actually sold to a performance exceeds the legally permissible limit, then, for purposes of determining the applicable tax, the term "maximum capacity" shall mean such greater number.

Owner means:

(1) With respect to the owner of a place where an amusement is being held, any person who has an ownership or leasehold interest in a building, structure, vehicle, boat, area or other place who presents, conducts or operates an amusement in such place or who allows, by agreement or otherwise, another person to present, conduct or operate an amusement in such place;

(2) With respect to the owner of an amusement, any person which has an ownership or leasehold interest in such amusement or any person who has a proprietary interest in the amusement so as to entitle such person to all or a portion of the proceeds, after payment of reasonable expenses, from the operation, conduct or presentation of such amusement, excluding proceeds from nonamusement services and from sales of tangible personal property.

Person means any natural individual, firm, society, foundation, institution, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint stock company, joint venture, public or private corporation, receiver, executor, trustee or other representative appointed by the order of any court, or any other entity recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. The masculine, feminine, singular and plural are included in any circumstance.

Sec. 74-392. Tax imposed.

(a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, an amusement tax is imposed upon the patrons of every amusement which takes place within the County. The rate of the tax shall be equal to three percent of the admission fees or other charges paid for the privilege to enter, to witness or to view such amusement, unless Subsection (g) of this section provides for a lower rate.

(b) The tax imposed by Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to the following persons or privileges:

(b) The tax imposed by Subsection (a) of this section may be waived for the following persons or privileges, after approval by the Department of Revenue or, if applicable, the Cook County Board of Commissioners.

(1) The privilege of witnessing any stock show or business show that is not open to the general public;


(2) The privilege of witnessing any amateur production or activity such as amateur musicals, plays and athletic events conducted by a not-for-profit organization operated exclusively for charitable, educational or religious purposes; or

(3) Subject to satisfying the requirement contained in Subsection (c) of this section, the privilege of witnessing any amusement sponsored or conducted by and the proceeds of which, after payment of reasonable expenses, inure exclusively to the benefit of:

a. Religious, educational and charitable institutions, societies or organizations;

b. Societies or organizations for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals;

c. Societies or organizations conducted and maintained for the purpose of civic improvement;

d. Fraternal organizations, legion posts, social and political groups which conduct amusements, sponsored occasionally but not more often than twice yearly; provided, however, that the entities described in Subsections (b)(3)a—d of this section are not-for-profit institutions, organizations, groups or societies, where no part of the net earnings inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or person;

e. Organizations or persons in the armed services of the United States, or National Guard organizations, reserve officers' associations, or organizations or posts of war veterans, or auxiliary units or societies of such posts or organizations, if such posts, organizations, units or societies are organized in the State, and if no part of their earnings inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or person;

f. Organizations or associations created and maintained for the purpose of benefiting the members, or dependents or heirs of members, of the police or fire provided that the exemptions contained in Subsections (b)(3)a—f of this section shall apply only to benefits or other fundraising events and shall not apply to more than two events per calendar year which shall not exceed a total of 14 calendar days.

g. Societies or organizations conducted for the sole purpose of maintaining symphony orchestras, opera performances or artistic presentations, including, but not limited to, musical presentations, ("artistic societies or organizations"), if the artistic society or organization:

1. Receives substantial support from voluntary contributions;

2. Is a not-for-profit institution where no part of the net earnings inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or person; and

3. Either (i) bears all risk of financial loss from its presentation of the amusement, where the amusement takes place at a venue that is owned or operated, a not-for-profit institution, no part of whose net earnings inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or person, and where the amusement is limited to an engagement of not more than four calendar days over the course of a calendar year or (ii) is substantially and materially involved in the production and performance of the


amusement. Where an amusement is sponsored or conducted by two or more artistic societies or organizations, the requirements of Subsections (b)(3)g.1 and 2 of this section must be met by each of such artistic societies or organizations, but the requirements of Subsection (b)(3)g.3 may be met by any of such artistic societies or organizations, individually or in combination.

(c) None of the exemptions contained in Subsection (b)(3) of this section shall apply to a person or privilege unless a written application for exemption is filed with the Department at least 15 calendar days prior to the amusement. The application shall be on a form prescribed by the Director of Revenue and shall contain all information and materials necessary to permit the Department to determine whether the exemption claimed by the applicant is applicable.

None of the exemptions contained in Subsection (b) (3) of this section shall be granted unless a written application for exemption is filed with the Department at least 45 calendar days prior to the amusement event. The application shall be on a form prescribed by the Director of Revenue and shall contain all information necessary to permit the Department to determine whether the exemption claimed by the applicant is applicable. If the department determines that by granting the exemption the potential loss of tax revenue will be greater than $150,000.00 the application shall be submitted to the Cook County Board of Commissioners for final approval. The County Board may deny the exemption application if it finds that the exemption is not in the best economic interest of the County.

(d) The tax imposed in Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to or be imposed upon:

(1) The admission fees to witness in person, live theatrical, live musical or other live cultural performances that take place in any auditorium, theater or other space in the County, whose maximum capacity, including all balconies and other sections, is not more than 750 persons.

(2) Initiation fees and membership dues paid to a health club, racquetball club, tennis club or a similar club or organization, when such club or organization is organized and operated on a membership basis and for the recreational purposes of its members and its members' guests, shall be exempt from the tax imposed in Subsection (a) of this section. This exemption shall not be construed to apply to any fees paid or based upon a per-event or a per-admission basis.

(3) Fees or other charges paid by a patron for the privilege of witnessing, viewing or participating in an amusement, solely within the confines of such patron's home, shall be exempt from the imposition of the tax imposed in Subsection (a) of this section. For purposes of this exemption, the term "home" means the permanent dwelling residence of the patron. For patrons who live in condominium buildings, apartment buildings or other multiple-unit structures, the individual dwelling unit the patron occupies shall be considered the patron's home.

(e) For the purpose of determining the amount of the amusement tax due under this article, admission fees or other charges shall be computed exclusive of any Federal, State or municipal taxes imposed upon the amusement patron and any separately stated charges for nonamusement services or for sales of tangible personal property.

(f) It is unlawful for any person to produce, present or conduct any amusement without collection of the tax, except as provided in this article.


(1) The rate of the tax imposed in Subsection (a) of this section shall be one percent of the admission fees or other charges to witness in person live theatrical, live musical or other live cultural performances that take place in any auditorium, theater or other space in the County whose maximum capacity, including all balconies and other sections, is more than 750 persons and less than 5,000 persons.

(2) The rate of the tax imposed in Subsection (a) of this section shall be 1.5 percent of the admission fees or other charges to witness in person live theatrical, live musical or other live cultural performances that take place in any auditorium, theater or other space in the County whose maximum capacity, including all balconies and other sections, is 5,000 persons or more.

Sec. 74-393. Tax additional.

The tax imposed in this article is in addition to all other taxes imposed by the County, the State of Illinois or any municipal corporation or political subdivision of any of the foregoing.

Sec. 74-394. Registration.

Every owner, manager or operator of an amusement or of a place where an amusement is being held in the County, shall apply for registration as a tax collector with the Department no later than 30 days after commencing such business or 30 days after the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived, whichever occurs later. Application for registration shall be made to the Department by use of the form furnished by the Department for such purpose and shall contain such information as the Department may reasonably require.

Sec. 74-395. Collection, payment and accounting.

(a) It shall be the joint and several duty of every owner, manager, operator of an amusement, a place when an amusement is being held or place of amusement and every ticket reseller to secure from each patron the tax imposed by this article. Tax payments accompanied by tax returns prescribe the Department shall be remitted to the Department on or before the 20th day of the month following the month for which the tax is due.

(b) Canceled admission tickets and complete and accurate records, books and accounts in detail of all receipts shall be kept at the place of amusement or such other place in the County as may be designated in writing by the person liable for collection of the tax. All such books, records and accounts shall be open to inspection by the Department at all reasonable times during business hours.

(c) Every owner, manager, or operator who is required to collect the tax imposed by this article shall be considered a tax collector for the County. All amusement taxes collected shall be held by such tax collector as trustee for and on behalf of the County. The failure of the tax collector to collect the tax shall not excuse or release the patron from the obligation to pay the tax.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, in order to permit sound fiscal planning and budgeting by the County, no person shall be entitled to a refund of, or credit for, the tax imposed by this article unless the person files a claim for refund or credit within one year after the date on which the tax was paid or remitted to the Department.

Sec. 74-396. Rules and regulations; authorized.


The Department of Revenue is authorized to adopt, promulgate and enforce rules and regulations pertaining to the administration and enforcement of this article.

Sec. 74-397. Application of uniform penalties, interest and procedures Ordinance.

Whenever not inconsistent with the provisions of this article or whenever this article is silent, the provisions of the Uniform Penalties, Interest and Procedures Ordinance shall apply and supplement this article.

Sec. 74-398. Violations; penalty.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be fined not less than $200.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense. Every day such violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.

Secs. 74-399 - 74-429. - Reserved. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Gainer, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the Proposed Ordinance Amendment be referred to the Committee on Finance. (Comm. No. 316319). The motion carried unanimously.


Submitting a Proposed Ordinance sponsored by

JOHN P. DALEY and LARRY SUFFREDIN, County Commissioners

Co-Sponsored by




BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 2 Administration, Article V Departments and Similar Agencies, Division 1 Generally of the Cook County Code is hereby enacted as follows:

Sec. 2-341. Purpose and Policy.


(a). Title. This division shall be known and may be cited as the “Cook County Lighting Ordinance” of Cook County, Illinois.

(b) Purpose. The purpose of the Cook County Lighting Ordinance is to achieve effective and efficient lighting, while:

(1) preserving the safety, security and well-being of Cook County residents and visitors;

(2) protecting natural flora and fauna;

(3) conserving energy and other resources; and

(4) allowing visual access to starry night skies.

Accordingly, it is the intent of this Ordinance to have Cook County Departments use lighting systems that minimize light pollution, light trespass and conserve energy while maintaining nighttime safety, utility, security and productivity.

(c) Public and Private Partners. Cook County Departments shall strive to plan, design, operate and maintain their lighting systems, with Public and Private partners, in a manner that meets the guidelines and objectives outlined in this ordinance.

(d) Applicability. The requirements of this Code shall apply to all new and replacement lighting on roadways, developments, properties, buildings or structures under the jurisdiction of Cook County Departments. Each Cook County Department will create, enact and implement policies and procedures to meet the purposes of this ordinance in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein.

(e) Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or clause of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction or administrative agency, the invalidity of that provision or application shall not affect, impair or invalidate any remaining section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or clause of this ordinance or its application.

(f) Conformance with Applicable Codes. All outdoor electric illuminating devices shall be installed in conformance with the provisions of the Cook County Code, the Cook County Zoning Regulations, the Illinois Compiled Statutes or any Federal Statute. Where any provision of any of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, or any Federal Statute, or any related County regulation conflicts with the requirements of this ordinance, the most restrictive shall govern.

Sec. 2-342. Guidelines.

In furtherance of this ordinance, Cook County Departments will work to ensure that:

(1) All lighting fixtures and lamps shall be located, installed, directed, shielded and maintained to avoid light trespass and to eliminate direct light and/or glare on neighboring properties. To the best extent practicable, light emitted from outdoor lighting on County property shall not cause the light level along any property line, as measured at a height of 60 inches above grade in a plane at any angle of inclination to exceed the maximum light level of 0.1 footcandles. For purposes of this section, “footcandle” is defined as “a unit of luminous flux.”


(2) Lights that minimize the amount of electricity consumed (such as Low Pressure Sodium, High Pressure Sodium, Mercury Vapor or Light Emitting Diode) are to be installed, to the best extent practicable.

(3) Lighting directed upwards is to be eliminated, to the best extent practicable. When lighting flags, Cook County Departments will strive to install lighting that is directed downwards, to the best extent practicable.

(4) All non-essential lighting is to be turned off after business hours and/or when not in use.

(5) Where practical, outdoor lighting installations are to include timers, dimmers, sensors, or photocell controllers that turn the lights off during daylight hours to reduce overall energy consumption and eliminate unnecessary lighting. Sensor activated fixtures should not be triggered by activity off the subject property.

(6) When selecting new outdoor lighting, the full cost of operation over the life of the fixture(s) should be considered. Substantial annual energy savings may be realized by using quality efficient fixtures. To the best extent practicable, all lamps installed must exceed 72 lumens per watt.

(7) Indiscriminate and excessive lighting should be avoided. Light should be directed only to where it is needed with appropriate intensity.

(8) On properties which are adjacent to or contain sensitive biological resources, any exterior lighting shall be limited to low-level lights and shields to minimize the amount of light entering any identified sensitive biological resource areas, to the best extent practicable.

Section 2-343. Exceptions

This Ordinance shall not apply if the County Department finds that one or more of the following conditions apply:

(a) The lighting is required by State, County or Federal law.

(b) The lighting is in use for a temporary purpose, including, but not limited to:

(1) Special Events

(2) Seasonal Decorations

(3) Maintenance or repair operations

(4) Other emergency lighting

(c) The lighting is in use for construction activities intended to keep a roadway in serviceable condition. Lighting used for construction must only be erected during the period of construction and must be removed upon completion of construction activities.

(d) The lighting is in use for the control of aircraft.

(e) The lighting is located within a fountain, underwater or to illuminate the American Flag.



Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the Proposed Ordinance be referred to the Environmental Control Committee. (Comm. No. 316284). The motion carried unanimously.


Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by

PETER N. SILVESTRI, County Commissioner

Co-Sponsored by




WHEREAS, due to budget considerations the suburban courthouses at Rolling Meadows, Skokie, Maywood, Bridgeview and Markham will be closed on weekends; and

WHEREAS, these closures are scheduled over a period of time, beginning with the closure of the Bridgeview courthouse; and

WHEREAS, these closures are now estimated to save $1.9 million in county expenditures; and

WHEREAS, these closures will compel the 128 suburban municipalities to transport all detainees to the Criminal Courts Building on the near southwest side of , requiring such communities to reduce the number of police officers on suburban streets or add overtime costs to such cash strapped communities; and

WHEREAS, these closures will most affect the suburban municipalities in greatest need of public safety services.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and Board of Commissioners are requesting the Office of the Chief Judge to review these possible solutions to providing court services on the weekends in suburban areas:

1) The opening of some courthouses on weekends, geographically, including one in the southern areas (Bridgeview or Markham), one in the central area (Maywood), and one in the northern areas (Rolling Meadows or Skokie);

2) The opening of the central courthouse (Maywood) only;

3) The alternate opening of one courthouse in each area on alternate weekends;


4) The opening of such courthouses for bond court only, without adding the other suburban courthouse services; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President and Board of Commissioners direct that such report be submitted on or before March 1, 2012, and that no additional courthouses be closed on weekends until completion of this review; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Office of the Chief Judge, in cooperation with the financial offices of the county, prepare a financial impact of any options presented and prepare contingency plans to address any budgetary changes needed to fund such weekend court services as proposed by the Office of the Chief Judge as part of the report requested herein.


Commissioner Silvestri, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Committee on Finance. (Comm. No. 316285). The motion carried unanimously.




WHEREAS, Saint Xavier University, located in both Chicago and Orland Park, Illinois, has developed into a national football powerhouse; and

WHEREAS, the Saint Xavier Cougars, using a high-powered spread offense, dominated the competition throughout the 2011 regular season and post-season; and

WHEREAS, Saint Xavier’s Head Football Coach Mike Feminis led the team to its first ever NAIA National Championship game on Dec. 17, 2011 against Carroll College; and

WHEREAS, with a combined offensive and defensive effort, the Cougars pulled off a stunning 24-20 victory over Carroll College at Barron Stadium in Rome, Georgia; and


WHEREAS, Saint Xavier executed the “The Syracuse Pump” to perfection where Quarterback Jimmy Coy pump-faked and threw a pass to Wide Receiver Shane Zackary who made an acrobatic 31-yard catch; and

WHEREAS, Running Back K. J. Franklin punched in the go ahead score on a 4-yard touchdown run in the third quarter; and

WHEREAS, the Cougars made a goal line stand with a huge play from freshman Cornerback Mark Williams who knocked down a pass to seal the win against Carroll College; and

WHEREAS, this is the first time a college football team from the city of Chicago has won a national championship since the University of Chicago shared a national title with Harvard University in 1913; and

WHEREAS, Saint Xavier has had several playoff appearances including three semi-final appearances, and Coach Feminis has a career record of 116-41 with the Cougars.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and Board of Commissioners of Cook County congratulate the Saint Xavier University Cougars on earning their first ever NAIA National Championship; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cougars continue to build on their success and bring more championships home to Chicago and Cook County. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.





WHEREAS, Bennie Martin has served as the Executive Cook County Law Librarian since 1986; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Martin began working in the Law Library in 1967 as a Clerk, one year after the library’s inception; and

WHEREAS, having grown up in Chicago for most of his childhood, Mr. Martin received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago and his Juris Doctor degree from Northwestern University Law School; and

WHEREAS, upon obtaining his law degree, Bennie Martin returned to the Cook County Law Library and opened the first branch library at the Criminal Court Building; and

WHEREAS, the Law Library’s staff and Mr. Martin have a profound commitment to sharing legal knowledge and research with every patron who visits the libraries; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Martin and the Law Library’s staff have tirelessly supported and provided access to legal information to residents of Cook County; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Martin has supported and nurtured the careers of professional law librarians for more than 40 years; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Martin has steered the Cook County Law Library through technological innovation, thereby expanding access to library resources; and

WHEREAS, under Mr. Martin, the Cook County Law Library has become a pillar of the legal and law library communities, known for its expansive resources and exceptional staff and services.

NOW, THEREFORE, IT BE RESOLVED, that the President and the Cook County Board of Commissioners do hereby honor Bennie Martin for his service as a Cook County Executive Law Librarian and for his unwavering commitment to public service. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *





WHEREAS, Fredda Berman retired from the Cook County Clerk’s Office on December 31, 2011; and

WHEREAS, Fredda Berman was appointed Director of Real Estate and Tax Services for the Cook County Clerk’s office in 1991; and

WHEREAS, as Director of Real Estate and Tax Services, Fredda Berman was responsible for the redemption process for taxpayers whose taxes have been sold, maintaining the county’s property tax maps, and calculating the tax rates for more than 1,500 taxing districts in Chicago and suburban Cook County; and

WHEREAS, as Director of Real Estate and Tax Services, Fredda Berman oversaw countless improvements and efficiency efforts, including an automated customer service system, a customer service call center, a redesigned office space, and revamped judgment and warrant books; and

WHEREAS, Fredda Berman spearheaded the effort to bring 30 years of delinquent real estate tax records into one central database and add notification on tax bills; and

WHEREAS, Fredda Berman oversaw development of an award-winning cashiering system that integrates a general ledger system with tax bill generating capabilities, a customer service log and an imaging system; and

WHEREAS, Fredda Berman automated all tax bills issued by the Clerk’s office from the annual sale, scavenger sale, forfeiture sale and open items; and

WHEREAS, Fredda Berman served as the Clerk’s representative for the county’s GIS initiative; and

WHEREAS, Fredda Berman implemented the Property Tax Extension Limitation (Tax Cap) Law for Cook County property owners; and

WHEREAS, Fredda Berman worked to improve online tax information at, including a searchable tax increment financing (TIF) address tool; and

WHEREAS, prior to joining the Clerk’s Tax Division, Fredda Berman previously served as Director of Governmental Affairs and Counsel for Senior Lifestyle Corporation, a U.S. Department of Labor attorney and an aide to then-Alderman David Orr; and

WHEREAS, Fredda Berman earned a Juris Doctorate from the Georgetown University Law Center and a bachelor’s from the University of Chicago; and

WHEREAS, Cook County Clerk David Orr, the Cook County Board of Commissioners and the residents of Cook County owe a debt of gratitude to Fredda Berman, whose dedication to her job is matched only by her devotion to the residents of Cook County.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioner of Cook County does hereby offer Fredda Berman congratulations on her retirement and thanks for her many years of public service; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this Resolution be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body and that an official copy of same be tendered to Fredda Berman. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *



WHEREAS, Diane Janosek was born on the South Side of Chicago and attended Lourdes High School; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Janosek received her Associates Degree in Accounting from MacCormac Junior College and also attended DePaul University; and

WHEREAS, Diane commenced her employment with Cook County in 1976 with the Cook County Clerk’s Office as a summer clerk while she attended college; and

WHEREAS, Diane worked in the private sector before returning to the Clerk’s Office where she worked through 1991; and

WHEREAS, in 1991 Ms. Janosek began her tenure with the Cook County Department of Budget and Management Services as a Budget Analyst; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Janosek was promoted to positions with progressively more responsibilities, including Deputy Budget Director; and


WHEREAS, in her work managing the County’s grants and reviewing the Board agenda, Ms. Janosek has been vigilant about ensuring that they are right and comply with County’s rules and procedures; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Janosek was critical in putting together the application for the “Distinguished Budget Award,” an award which the Budget Department has received from the GFOA; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Janosek played a key role during the budget amendment process to ensure amendments were correct and balanced; and

WHEREAS, during her 30-plus years of service to Cook County, Ms. Janosek has earned a reputation of being hard working, straight forward and committed to her job.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and Board of Commissioners of Cook County do hereby extend their appreciation to Diane Janosek for her over three decades of service to Cook County and its residents, and wish her a happy and healthy retirement, and the best of luck in all her future endeavors.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this Resolution be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body and that an official copy of same be tendered to Diane Janosek. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *


WHEREAS, Almighty God in His Infinite wisdom has called McGlother “Mac” Irvin, Jr., from our midst; and


WHEREAS, Mac as he affectionately was called was born May 19, 1937 to McGlother Irvin, Sr. and Eva Terrell; and

WHEREAS, he accepted Christ at an early age as his lord and savior and was baptized at West Point Baptist Church; and

WHEREAS, Mac starred on the basketball team at Tilden High School and upon graduation attended St. Augustine College in Raleigh, North Carolina where he also played basketball; and

WHEREAS, before graduating from St. Augustine with a degree in Elementary Education he met and fell in love with Louise Gillespie during a visit to Maywood, Illinois; and

WHEREAS, in 1965 the couple married and to this union six children were born, five boys; Byron, Lance, McGlother III, Michael and Nicholas and one girl; Cynthia; and

WHEREAS, Mac’s knowledge of life, outgoing personality and voraciousness for conversation also made him a good surrogate father to others in his community; and

WHEREAS, during his first job with the City of Chicago as a coordinator with the Neighborhood Youth Corp that Mac found the passion for his life’s work of helping young people. And having served on many corporate boards, he was able to aide people of all ages in their search for employment; and

WHEREAS, Mac began coaching basketball at the South Central YMCA Biddy Leagues. He also coached baseball in the Jackie Robinson West Little League for a number of years and was present when the 1983 team led by son McGlother, Jr., made it all the way to Williamsport, Pennsylvania to compete in the Little League World Series; and

WHEREAS, after working for Xerox over 20 years, he retired as a manager in 1992 and became a consultant with Adidas. With retirement offering him more free time, Mac started what was to become the foundation of a successful club basketball program with the creation of Team Chicago, a team that featured future NBA All –Star Antoine Walker and was led by Mac’s son Michael; and

WHEREAS, during this time the Mac earned his nickname, the “Godfather” of Chicago basketball for his ability to assist player in gaining athletic scholarships to schools around the country; and

WHEREAS, the Mac Irvin Fire is now one of the biggest and most successful club basketball programs in the nation and currently features 15 teams with over 200 players ; and

WHEREAS, a creative thinker and innovator, Mac Irvin has often been credited with creating summer league basketball thus changing the recruiting landscape forever. Always the caretaker, the Mac and Louise Irvin Foundation was created to support at-risk youths.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Cook County Board Toni Preckwinkle, and the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, do hereby offer our deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family of McGlother “Mac” Irvin Jr.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resolution be tendered to the family of McGlother “Mac” Irvin Jr. and a copy be spread upon the official proceeding of this Honorable Body. ______


In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *



WHEREAS, in 1984, Mr. Gerald (Jerry) J. Roper, was hired by the Chicago Convention and Visitors Bureau to help promote McCormick Place, and as a result of his hard work and dedication was shortly thereafter promoted to Executive Vice-President and Managing Director of the Chicago Convention and Visitors Bureau; and

WHEREAS, in 1986, he became a founding member of Chicago Gateway Green Committee, an organization whose mission is to green and beautify Chicago’s expressways, gateways and neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS, under his leadership, Chicago Gateway Green has planted 57,000 shrubs, 53,000 perennials, 2,050 trees and removed over one million pounds of refuse from Chicago’s expressways; and

WHEREAS, on November 5, 1993, Roper became President and CEO of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce; and

WHEREAS, under Jerry Roper’s leadership the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce was recently awarded a 5-star accreditation - the highest possible - by the United States Chamber of Commerce for its sound policies, effective organizational procedures, and positive impact on the region’s business climate; and

WHEREAS, he has been an advocate for the entrepreneurial community in Illinois, as demonstrated by


his leadership in the formation of the Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center, an affiliate of the Chamber; the Innovative Bridge Program which connects emerging companies to established firms to their mutual benefit; and the Illinois Innovation Accelerator (I2A) Fund to bolster access to venture capital; and

WHEREAS, in addition to his Chamber of Commerce duties, he also serves his community as a member of numerous boards, which include: Chicago Gateway Green, Chicago Sister Cities International, American Chamber of Commerce Executives, WorldChicago, Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau and Executive Committeeman on the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, along with serving as Chairman of the President’s Advisory Council for Harold Washington College; and

WHEREAS, Jerry Roper gives much of his time to promote Chicago and Illinois so as to ensure it is the best place to do business in the United States; and

WHEREAS, he has been recognized for his leadership in Illinois by receiving over a dozen awards for his service to many organizations, convention and tourism industries, as well as the business community as a whole; and

WHEREAS, his contributions to the Chicagoland area will be recognized on January 25, 2012 at a dedication reception for the Kennedy/Edens Junction, to be named “Gerald J. Roper Gateway”; and

WHEREAS, today, Cook County, the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago have the opportunity to celebrate Chicago as a global leader in business and sustainability, as well as a beautiful place to visit, and recognize the contributions of one person who has led the effort to make this possible.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Mr. Gerald J. Roper be commended for his longstanding commitment to civic service and unwavering dedication to the people and businesses of Chicago and Cook County; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this Resolution be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body and that an official copy of same be tendered to Mr. Gerald J. Roper. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *




WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Ms. Mona Nasser Hersheway will soon celebrate her 100th Birthday; and

WHEREAS, Mona Nasser was born Birmingham, Alabama on January 21, 1912, and was the first daughter of Elias and Angel Nasser; and

WHEREAS, Mona Nasser married Mitchell Hersheway December 30, 1937 in Valparaiso, Indiana; and

WHEREAS, Mona Nasser Hersheway and her husband operated a butcher shop at 36th and Wallace, and later worked at an upscale men’s apparel shop in downtown Chicago; and

WHEREAS, Mona Nasser Hersheway once appeared on the popular national television show, “Queen for a Day”; and

WHEREAS, Mona Nasser Hersheway and her husband Mitchell adopted twin girls, and today Mona is the proud grandmother of 5, and great-grandmother of 2 with a third great-grandchild due in March; and

WHEREAS, Mona Nasser Hersheway still resides in Chicago’s Bridgeport community, and spends her time visiting with friends, and keeping up with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and

WHEREAS, Mona Nasser Hersheway has witnessed monumental events over the course of her lifetime such as: World War I, Russian Revolution, 1917, First Commercial Radio Station, 1920, Era of Depression, 1929-1939, Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, World War II, 1939-1945, Korean War, 1950- 1953, Russian Sputnik, 1957, President Kennedy Assassination, November 1963, First Moon Landing July 20, 1969, Vietnam War, 1965-1973, the dawn of the computer age, and the new Millennium; and

WHEREAS, Mona Nasser Hersheway will celebrate her 100th Birthday with an Honorary Reception featuring Commissioner John P. Daley and Alderman James Balcer at the 9th District Senior Advisory Council Meeting in Bridgeport on January 17, 2012.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby extend its warmest wishes and congratulations to Mona Nasser Hersheway on the occasion of her 100th Birthday, and join all who have had the pleasure of her friendship in wishing her still more years of good health and richly deserved happiness; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and an official copy of same be presented to Mona Nasser Hersheway to commemorate this joyous occasion. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


* * * * *


WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Dr. James Bowman from our midst; and

WHEREAS, Dr. James Bowman was the beloved husband of Barbara (nee Taylor); and

WHEREAS, Dr. James Bowman was the devoted father of Valerie Jarrett; and

WHEREAS, Dr. James Bowman was an internationally known specialist in inherited blood diseases, and was the first tenured African-American professor in the Biological Sciences Division at the University of Chicago; and

WHEREAS, Dr. James Bowman graduated from the School of Medicine at Howard University and completed an internship at Provident Hospital of Cook County, and a residency at St. Luke’s (now part of Rush University); and

WHEREAS, Dr. James Bowman lived and worked in Iran for a period of time, where he helped establish Nemazee Hospital and served as its Chairman of Pathology; and

WHEREAS, Dr. James Bowman was a senior scholar at the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics; and

WHEREAS, Dr. James Bowman was known and respected for his pioneering work in the field of medical ethics, with an emphasis on policy issues raised by mandatory screening and advances in human genetics; and

WHEREAS, all who knew him will attest that Dr. James Bowman was a kind and compassionate man, virtuous of character and gentle in spirit, admired and respected by his many friends and neighbors, and dearly loved by his family.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County that the Board does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family and many friends of Dr. James Bowman, and joins them in sorrow at this time of loss; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and a suitable copy of same be tendered to the family of Dr. James Bowman, that his memory may be so honored and ever cherished.



In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *


WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Robert Alan Pritzker from our midst; and

WHEREAS, Robert Alan Pritzker was the beloved husband of Mayari; and

WHEREAS, Robert Alan Pritzker was the devoted father of James, Linda, Karen, Matthew and Liesel Pritzker; and

WHEREAS, Robert Alan Pritzker was a successful businessman and entrepreneur, having founded the Marmon Group in 1964, which went on to become one of the most successful conglomerations of business enterprises in the world; and

WHEREAS, Robert Alan Pritzker was born in Chicago in 1926, the son of Ukrainian immigrants who came to America seeking better opportunities for their family; and

WHEREAS, Robert Alan Pritzker was one of the greatest philanthropists in the history of Chicago, and his legacy of charitable giving and capital campaigns will live on in the many worthwhile causes and institutions who were his beneficiaries; and

WHEREAS, Robert Alan Pritzker issues a $60 million challenge gift to the Illinois Institute of Technology, sparking a significant re-vitalization of the school he attended as a young man, which thrives to this day thanks in large part to his gift; and

WHEREAS, Robert Alan Pritzker generously gave of his time as well, serving on numerous civic and cultural boards, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Rush University Medical Center, Lincoln Park Zoological Society, American Enterprise Institute, Chicago Jazz Ensemble, MPN Research


Foundation, National Academy of Engineering, Junior Achievement International, and the Field Museum, where he once served as Chairman; and

WHEREAS, all who knew him will attest that Robert Alan Pritzker was a kind and compassionate man, virtuous of character and gentle in spirit, admired and respected by his many friends, colleagues, and neighbors, and dearly loved by his family.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County that the Board does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family and many friends of Robert Alan Pritzker, and joins them in sorrow at this time of loss; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and a suitable copy of same be tendered to the family of Robert Alan Pritzker, that his memory may be so honored and ever cherished. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *


WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Diane Dispensa from our midst; and

WHEREAS, Diane Dispensa (nee Depeder) was the beloved wife of the late Mario Dispensa, and former wife of Frank S. Kotarac; and

WHEREAS, Diane Dispensa was the loving mother of Laura (Tom) Howard, James V. Dispensa, and Thomas (Regan Lachapelle) Kotarac; and

WHEREAS, Diane Dispensa was the former mother in law of Michelle Michael; and

WHEREAS, Diane Dispensa was the beloved daughter of the late Edward and Mary Depeder; and


WHEREAS, Diane Dispensa was the fond grandmother "Dida" of Tyler, Mario and Morgan Mary Howard, Owen and Faris Dispensa; and

WHEREAS, Diane Dispensa was the dear sister of the late Marie (James) Crosby; and

WHEREAS, Diane Dispensa was the dear sister in law of Salvatore Dispensa, and Marie Joyce (Rally) Sherry; and

WHEREAS, Diane Dispensa was the favorite aunt of Jimm, Kathy and Donna, Lisa, Tommy, and Tony; and

WHEREAS, all who knew her will attest that Diane Dispensa was a kind and compassionate woman, virtuous of character and gentle in spirit, admired and respected by her many friends and neighbors, and dearly loved by her family.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County that the Board does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family and many friends of Diane Dispensa, and joins them in sorrow at this time of loss; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and a suitable copy of same be tendered to the family of Diane Dispensa, that her memory may be so honored and ever cherished. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *


WHEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called Edward P. Shilney from our midst; and

WHEREAS, Edward P. Shilney was affectionately known as "Buddy" to his family and many friends; and


WHEREAS, Edward P. “Buddy” Shilney was the dearly beloved husband of Ann Shilney; and

WHEREAS, Edward P. “Buddy” Shilney was the devoted father of Jessica (Brian) Sullivan, Eric (Megan) Shilney, Missy (Dennis) Berg and Corrine (Ron) Vasquez; and

WHEREAS, Edward P. “Buddy” Shilney was the loving grandfather of Joshua, Jack, Grace, Kaitlyn, Mollie and Sadianne; and

WHEREAS, Edward P. “Buddy” Shilney was the cherished son of the late John and the late Myrtle Shilney; and

WHEREAS, Edward P. “Buddy” Shilney was the dear brother of Jack (the late Peggy), Mike (Marsha), Larry and the late Barbara (Daniel) Hlivyak and the late Thomas; and

WHEREAS, all who knew him will attest that Edward P. “Buddy” Shilney was a kind and compassionate man, virtuous of character and gentle in spirit, admired and respected by his many friends and neighbors, and dearly loved by his family.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County that the Board does hereby offer its deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathy to the family and many friends of Edward P. “Buddy” Shilney, and joins them in sorrow at this time of loss; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and a suitable copy of same be tendered to the family of Edward P. “Buddy” Shilney, that his memory may be so honored and ever cherished. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved to suspend Section 2-107(g)(1) Order of business. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


January 18, 2012

The Honorable, The Board of Commissioners of Cook County


Present: Chairman Silvestri, Vice Chairman Murphy, Commissioners Beavers, Butler, Collins, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Gorman, Goslin, Reyes, Schneider, Sims, Steele and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Commissioners Suffredin and Garcia (2)


Also Present: Andrew Przybylo – Secretary to the Zoning Board of Appeals

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Your Committee on Zoning and Building, having had under consideration the matters hereinafter mentioned, respectfully reports and recommends as follows:

314392 DOCKET #8753 – DOUGLAS H. NAAL TRUST AND ESTATE OF MARIJEAN NAAL SCHULTZ, Owner, 3252 Landwehr Road, Northbrook, Illinois 60062 and 216 Pleasant Hill Road, Flanders, New Jersey 07836, Application (No. SU-11-11; Z11041). Submitted by Scott Nierman, Attorney for Trust and Estate. Seeking a SPECIAL USE, in the R-3 Single Family Residence District for subdivision of existing 1.66 acres property into two single family parcels, one conforming to the R-3 requirements and one not-conforming to the R-3 requirements and parcel environmentally sensitive in Section 29 of Northfield Township. Property consists of approximately 1.66 acres located on the east side of overland pass approximately 442.73 feet west of Landwehr Road in Northfield Township, Cook County Board District #14. Intended use: One (1) existing accessory detached shed to be demolished and future small frame shed. Recommendation: That the application be granted with a condition.

Condition: The Condition of Approval is that the sump pump and the proposed South elevation down spouts be directed and discharged south in the direction of the detention pond.

Objectors: None



WHEREAS, the owner of certain property located in Northfield Township described in Section 1, herein, has petitioned the Cook County Board of Commissioners for a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development, in the R-3 Single Family Residence District for a sub-division existing vacant 1.66 +/- acre parcel into two Single Family parcels, one parcel conforming to the R-3 requirement and one parcel not conforming to the requirements and parcel environmentally sensitive in Section 29 of Northfield Township; and

WHEREAS, the said petition was received by the Zoning Board of Appeals of Cook County as Docket #8753 and a public hearing was held in regard to said request after due notice, all in accordance with the Cook County Zoning Ordinance and the Statutes of the State of Illinois; and


WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals entered detailed findings in accordance with the standards set forth in the Ordinance recommending that the Cook County Board of Commissioners grant said applications for a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development permit; and

WHEREAS, it is the determination that said request be granted in accordance with the recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois:

Section 1: That the following described property be granted a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development, in R-3 Single Family Residence District for a sub-division existing vacant 1.66 +/- acre parcel into two Single Family parcels, one parcel conforming to the R-3 requirement and one parcel not conforming to the requirements and parcel environmentally sensitive in Section 29 of Northfield Township.





Parcel located on the East side of Overland Road approximately 442.73’ West of Landwehr Road in Northfield Township.

Section 2: That the Special Use for a Planned Unit Development, in the in R-3 Single Family Residence District as mentioned in Section 1 of this Ordinance is hereby authorized.

Section 3: That Map 22 of the Cook County Zoning Ordinance, Cook County Comprehensive Plan, and all other pertinent records be and the same shall be changed to show the zoning of the described property in accordance to the provisions of this Resolution, as provided by law, and the Special Use permit be and hereby is authorized.

Section 4: That this Ordinance under the provisions of Section l3.8.9 of the Cook County Zoning Ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, except that if said use is not established within one year as provided in Section13.8.14 said Special Use for Planned Unit Development shall be null and void. That said property be developed and constructed pursuant to the detailing set forth in the testimony and contained in the exhibits and Findings of the Cook County Zoning Board of Appeals hereby incorporated by reference into the Ordinance, as provided by law.

Approved and adopted this 18th day of January 2012.

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President Cook County Board of Commissioners

Attest: DAVID ORR, County Clerk

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Schneider, moved the Approval of Communication No. 314392. The motion carried.

312489 DOCKET #8734 – CONNIE SIERRA, Owner, 2310 North Hawthorne Avenue, Melrose Park, Illinois 60164, Application (No. SU-11-05; Z11026). Submitted by same. Seeking a SPECIAL USE, UNIQUE USE in the R-5 Single Family Residence District to allow continued use of the existing building as a two dwelling unit in Section 33 of Leyden Township. Property consists of approximately 0.36 of an acre located on the west side of Hawthorne Avenue approximately 86.99 feet north of Belden Avenue in Leyden Township. Intended use: Continued use as two (2) dwelling unit Single Family Residence (primary) and story detached garage and one (1) story detached shed. Recommendation: That the application be granted with conditions.

Conditions: 1) The subject property is limited to two dwelling units. 2) No vehicular parking in the front yard.


Objectors: ZBA has received an Objection by Resolution from Leyden High School District #12. ZBA has received a valid Objection by Resolution from the City of Northlake. ZBA has received a letter of Objection from Leyden Township.

*This Item was Deferred at the December 1, 2011 Zoning and Building Committee Meeting.

*This Item Failed by Roll Call Vote at the December 14, 2011 Zoning and Building Committee Meeting.

This Item was Withdrawn.

316275 DOCKET #8782 – DAVID A. MOONE, Owner, Application (No. V-11-58): Variation to reduce the left interior side yard setback from 15 feet to 12 feet (existing) deck; and reduce rear yard setback from 5 feet to 1 foot (existing) shed in the R-4 Single Family Residence District. The subject property consists of approximately 0.22 of an acre, located on the west side of Paw-Paw Avenue, approximately 158.78 feet south of Sherman Street in Orland Township, County Board District #17. Recommendation: That the application be granted.

Conditions: None

Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Approval of Communication No. 316275. The motion carried.

316276 DOCKET #8783 - PSD2, LLC & PSD6, LLC, Owners, Application (No. Z10930;V-11- 59): Variation to permit two (2) billboard signs. One (1) sign to be relocated at 16 feet from the required 30 feet front yard setback and the height of the sign to remain 52 feet and the second sign to be closer than 500 feet required from the Cook County Forest Preserve property at 345 feet for two (2) billboard signs in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District. The subject property consists of approximately 7 acres, located on the west side of I-94 Edens Spur Tollway and east of Chicago, Milwaukee & Saint Paul Railroad in Northfield Township, County Board District #14. Recommendation: That the application be granted.

Conditions: None

Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Approval of Communication No. 316276. The motion carried.

316274 DOCKET #8781 - ALEX ZAVALA, Owner, Application (No. V-11-57): Variation seeks to reduce right interior side yard setback from 10 feet to 6 feet (existing); in order to finish construction of a detached garage in the R-5 Single Family Residence District. The subject property consists of approximately 0.18 of an acre, located on the south side of Schubert Avenue, approximately 178.14 feet west of Hyde Park Avenue in Leyden Township, County Board District #16. Recommendation: That the application be granted.


Conditions: None

Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Approval of Communication No. 316274. The motion carried.

316277 DOCKET #8785 - A. & B. MADRO, Owners, Application (No. V-12-01): Variation to reduce lot area from minimum required 40,000 square feet to 16,531 square feet (existing); increase height of fence from 6 feet to 8 feet for a brick archway (existing) and 6.6 inches for a brick wall/wrought iron archway (existing) on left side; increase height of fence in front yard from minimum required 3 feet to 5 feet and 4 inches brick wall pillar (existing); and reduce rear yard setback from 50 feet to 23 feet for a wood deck (existing) and 22 feet for a block wall/pillar (existing) in the R-4 Single Family Residence District. The subject property consists of approximately 0.38 of an acre, located on the east side of Illinois Street in approximately 244 feet north of Pratt Boulevard in Schaumburg Township, County Board District #15. Recommendation: That the application be granted.

Conditions: None

Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Approval of Communication No. 316277. The motion carried.

316278 DOCKET #8786 – THE GOLF TERRACE APARTMENT BUILDING OWNERS ASSOCIATION, Owner, Application (No. V-12-02): Variation to increase height of fence from minimum required 3 feet to 5 feet 5 inches steel fence in front yard in the R-8 General Residence District. The subject property consists of approximately 0.51 of an acre, located on the north side of Golf Road, approximately 1,613 feet east of Dee Road in Maine Township, County Board District #9. Recommendation: That the application be granted.

Conditions: None

Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Approval of Communication No. 316278. The motion carried.

316279 DOCKET #8787 - KRISTY MOTTL, Owner, Application (No. V-12-03): Variation to reduce lot area from minimum required 20,000 square feet to 14,895 square feet (existing); reduce lot width from minimum required 150 feet to 133 feet (existing); and reduce corner side yard setback from minimum required 25 feet to 4.5 feet (existing) in the R-4 Single Family Residence District. The subject property consists of approximately 0.34 of an acre, located on the southeast corner of Midlothian Turnpike and South Luna Avenue in Breman Township, County Board District #6. Recommendation: That the application be granted.

Conditions: None


Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Approval of Communication No. 316279. The motion carried.

310498 DOCKET #8690 – J. DOYAL, Owner, Application (No. V-10-59): Variation to divide a parcel into two parcels: reduce parcel one (1) from 20,000 square feet to 19,511 square feet; reduce corner side yard setback from 25 feet to 4.9 feet (existing); and on parcel two (2) reduce rear yard setback from 50 feet to 20 feet for a proposed single family residence in the R-4 Single Family Residence District. The subject property consists of approximately 0.91 of an acre, located on the southwest corner of 127th Street and Hill Drive in Worth Township, County Board District #6. Recommendation: That the application be granted for a one-year extension of time.

Conditions: None

Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Approval of Communication No. 310498. The motion carried.

299982 DOCKETS #8518 AND #8521 – KAREN DEMAY, Owner, 1640 East Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois 60120. Application (No. SU-09-05; Z09021). Submitted by Same. Seeking a SPECIAL USE, UNIQUE USE in the R-4 Single Family Residence District for an after the fact 32 x 36 foot, 18 foot high storage building with a companion Variance (V- 09-17) to reduce left side yard setback from the minimum required 15 feet to 7 feet 6 inches (existing) in Section 20 of Hanover Township. Property consists of 1.69 acres located on the north side of Chicago Street approximately 100 feet northeast of King Arthur Court in Hanover Township, County Board District #15. Intended use: Storage building. Recommendation: That the application be granted for the second time for a one-year extension of time.

Conditions: None

Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Approval of Communication No. 299982. The motion carried.

308592 DOCKET #8646– PSD2, LLC, Owner, Application (No. V-10-32): Variation to erect a billboard advertising sign closer than 500 feet to Forest Preserve District property; and reduce corner side yard setback from 30 feet to 16.2 feet for billboard advertising sign in I- 1 Restricted Industrial District. The subject property consists of approximately 0.97 of an acre, located approximately 505 feet east of R.O.W. line, Chicago Street and Milwaukee Avenue and St. Paul Railroad and 1,052 feet west of the centerline of Waukegan Road in Northfield Township, County Board District #14. Recommendation: That the application be withdrawn.

Conditions: None


Objectors: None

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved to Receive and File Communication No. 308592. The motion carried.

316280 INDIAN HILL CLUB, Owner, One Indian Hill Road, Winnetka, Illinois 60093, Application (No. SU-11-17; Z11076). Submitted by same. Seeking a SPECIAL USE, UNIQUE USE in the R-3 Single Family Residence District to allow for the continued operation of a multiple dwelling unit dormitory for grounds keeper residence (up to 28 staff people) in Section 29 of New Trier Township. Property consists of approximately 9.1011 acres located on the west side of Ridge Road approximately 90 feet south of Winnetka Road in New Trier Township, County Board District 14. Intended use: For the continued operation of a multiple dwelling unit dormitory for grounds keeper residence (up to 28 staff people).

Vice Chairman Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved the Referral of Communication No. 316280 to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The motion carried.

Commissioner Tobolski moved to adjourn. Seconded by Vice Chairman Murphy, the motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,



ATTEST: MATTHEW B. DeLEON, Secretary ______

Commissioner Silvestri, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the Report of the Committee on Zoning and Building be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


January 18, 2012

The Honorable, The Board of Commissioners of Cook County


Present: President Preckwinkle and Chairman Daley, Vice Chairman Sims, Commissioners Beavers, Butler, Collins, Fritchey, Gainer, Garcia, Gorman, Goslin, Murphy, Reyes, Schneider, Silvestri, Steele and Tobolski (16)

Absent: Commissioner Suffredin (1)


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Your Committee has considered the following court orders submitted by attorneys for payment of expenses and fees billed by said attorneys for representing indigent respondents, or while otherwise acting in the capacity of a court appointed Special State’s Attorney.

By adoption of this Committee Report, the Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes and directs the County Comptroller and County Treasurer to issue payments to named claimants in the amounts specified herein.


315937 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, presented by the Clerk of the Appellate Court, Steven M. Ravid, submitting an Order of Court to pay the sum of $2,649.14 attorney fees regarding In The Interest of Anthonty J. and Alexandria J. Trial Court No(s). 05-JA-2 and 05-JA-3. Appellate Court No(s). 01-10-1694.

315959 S. MICHAEL KOZUBEK, Attorney, presented by the Clerk of the Appellate Court, Steven M. Ravid, submitting an Order of Court to pay the sum of $1,700.00 attorney fees regarding People of the State of Illinois v. D.H. Trial Court No(s). 07-JA-89 and 07-JA- 90. Appellate Court No(s). 01-11-1583.

316160 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney, presented by the Clerk of the Appellate Court, Steven M. Ravid, submitting an Order of Court to pay the sum of $3,817.19 attorney fees regarding People of the State of Illinois v. Zulay C. Trial Court No(s). 04-JA-1563, 04-JA- 1564 and 04-JA-1565. Appellate Court No(s). 01-10-2109, 01-10-2110 and 01-10-3080 (consolidated).

316161 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney, presented by the Clerk of the Appellate Court, Steven M. Ravid, submitting an Order of Court to pay the sum of $3,963.06 attorney fees regarding People of the State of Illinois v. Alenka K. Trial Court No(s). 06-JA-155 and 06-JA-156. Appellate Court No(s). 01-10-3438.

316262 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, presented by the Clerk of the Appellate Court, Steven M. Ravid, submitting an Order of Court to pay the sum of $1,312.50 attorney fees regarding People of the State of Illinois v. Regina W. Trial Court No(s). 07-JA-01005. Appellate Court No(s). 01-11-2345.



315883 STEVEN R. DECKER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $4,393.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Brandon Smith. Case No(s). 09-CR-9019-03.

315914 GAYLE M. SCHOR, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,112.50


attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Robert Coleman. Case No(s). 10-CR-13619.

315921 STEVEN M. WAGNER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,125.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Donnell Flora. Case No(s). 11-CR-10926.

315922 STEVEN M. WAGNER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,875.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Byron Willis. Case No(s). 11-CR-8495.

315938 JOHN F. LYKE, JR., Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $5,750.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Keyonte McDowell. Case No(s). 06-CR-10590.

315960 MITIGATION, LLC, Chicago, Illinois, presented by Robert Gevirtz, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $4,011.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Samuel Dupree. Case No(s). 04-CR-2158901.

315981 EDWIN J. BAUKUS, PH.D., presented by Stephen F. Potts, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $5,949.00 expert witness fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Darius Mahaffey. Case No(s). 03-CR-80006.

315997 DAWN PROJANSKY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $8,644.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Taurice Rembert. Case No(s). 10-CR-1792901.

315998 MICHAEL P. GILLESPIE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $24,953.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Bryant Buchanon. Case No(s). 08-CR-323701.

316067 ANTHONY L. SCHUMANN, Grant Schumann, LLC, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $3,580.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), James Massey. Case No(s). 04-CR-21589-03.

316124 MARK H. KUSATZKY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $5,525.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carl Gustafson. Case No(s). 05-CR-80004.

316167 ERIC OSTROV, J.D., Ph.D., ABPP, Forensic Psychology Associates, Chicago, Illinois, presented by Law Offices of Joseph G. Howard, P.C., Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $4,210.30 expert witness fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Anthony Collins. Case No(s). 05-CR-80001.

316168 ERIC OSTROV, J.D., Ph.D., ABPP, Forensic Psychology Associates, Chicago, Illinois, presented by Pradeep Roy-Singh, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,359.80 expert witness fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jessie Reed. Case No(s). 06-CR-80018.

316169 STEPHANIE SALTOUROS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,850.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s),


Bradford T. McHugh. Case No(s). 11-MC2-001199.

316170 BARRY A. SPECTOR, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $15,336.20 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carl Hicks. Case No(s). 08-CR-12655.



315982 GERALD P. NORDGREN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $700.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Ellery Brayboy. Case No(s). 03-D-8859.

315983 ARLETTE G. PORTER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $616.94 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jacqueline Saunders. Case No(s). 06-D-10372.

316123 ROBERT A. HANDELSMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,112.06 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Michael Pozzie. Case No(s). 05-D-430199.



315836 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,325.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Cicely Sigmon, Mother, re: G. Butler, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-50.

315837 STEVEN O. ROSS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $290.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Donell Auston, Father, re: D. Auston, a minor. Case No(s). 98-JA-4167.

315838 STEVEN O. ROSS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $440.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Stephen Reed, Father, re: the Reed children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-765 and 09-JA-766.

315839 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $387.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Roberto Rodriguez, Father, re: J. Padgett-Maldonado, a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-719.

315840 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $537.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Erica Seymore, Mother, re: F. Taylor, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-306.

315841 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $450.00


attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Rachel Andrews, Mother, re: J. Hall, a minor. Case No(s). 02-JA-01541.

315842 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $725.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), David Thornton, Father, re: M. Chatman, a minor. Case No(s). 02-JA-00446.

315843 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $462.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Terrance Craft, Father, re: Y. Craft-Ordonze, a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-726.

315844 PATRICK K. SCHLEE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $337.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Timothy Stovall, Father, re: T. Stovall, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-1067.

315846 THEODORE J. ADAMS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $320.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), A. Valenza, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-982.

315847 LAW OFFICE OF ELLEN SIDNEY WEISZ, presented by Ellen Sidney Weisz, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $125.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), B. Smith, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-00715.

315848 CHARLES J. ARON, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $225.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Casharae Bell, Mother, re: C. Bell, a minor. Case No(s). 99-JA-1152.

315849 CHARLES J. ARON, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,455.91 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Demetrius DeBerry, Father, re: D. DeBerry, a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-0459.

315850 CHARLES J. ARON, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $587.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. Holliday, a minor. Case No(s). 98-JA-1221.

315851 CHARLES J. ARON, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $912.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Manuel Flores, Father, re: N. Flores, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-0330.

315852 PATRICK K. SCHLEE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $962.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lillian Gibson, Mother, re: the Coleman children, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-00501 and 11-JA- 00502.

315855 COLLEEN R. DALY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $437.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jermarcus Jones, Father, re: X. Jones, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-669.

315856 COLLEEN R. DALY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $702.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Donnell


Houston, Father, re: the Houston children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-00044 and 09-JA- 00553.

315857 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $762.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), W. Austin and A. Hawkins, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA-429 and 06-JA-430.

315858 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $675.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Dominique Atkins, Father, re: S. Robey, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1118.

315859 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $656.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Ernestine Curry and Geneva Davis, Co-Guardians, re: M. Robinson, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA- 973.

315860 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,325.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Luis Rivera, Father, re: the Rivera children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-291, 10-JA-292, 10- JA-293 and 11-JA-31.

315861 MELINDA MACGREGOR, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $637.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), T. Flournoy, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-279.

315862 BRIAN M. DANLOE, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $918.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Bain children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-287 and 08-JA-288.

315863 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $400.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Rolandsas Bartuvinas, Father, re: M. Bartasuaite, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-530.

315864 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $718.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jimmie Hill, Father, re: the Meeks children, minors. Case No(s). 01-JA-1474 and 01-JA-1475.

315865 MICHAEL D. STEVENS, LTD., presented by Michael D. Stevens, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $722.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), James D’Angelo, Sr., Father, re: the D’Angelo children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-169 and 10-JA-170.

315866 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $562.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Michael Brown, Sr., Father, re: M. Brown, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-00315.

315867 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $700.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Rosie Guider, Mother, re: the Guider children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-00515 and 10-JA- 01019.


315868 RODNEY W. STEWART, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $606.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Ricardo Lopez, Father, re: A. Lopez, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-905.

315869 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $275.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Michelle Steward, Mother, re: D. Bell and D. Brown, minors. Case No(s). 03-JA-01102 and 03-JA- 01103.

315870 RODNEY W. STEWART, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $981.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Isaias Ramirez, Father, re: the Ramirez children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-067, 09-JA-068 and 09-JA-070.

315871 RODNEY W. STEWART, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $468.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), M. Ortiz, a minor. Case No(s). 05-JA-0457.

315872 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $450.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Gus Swift, Father, re: the Swift children, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-00452 and 11-JA-00453.

315873 RODNEY W. STEWART, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $687.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), T. Taylor, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-1048.

315874 HORACE M. EALY, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $612.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. Thomas, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-1038.

315876 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $225.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Eliseo Argueta, Father, re: the Argueta children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-00548 and 09-JA- 00585.

315877 HORACE M. EALY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $800.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Larry McGhee, Father, re: S. McGee, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-01039.

315878 BRIAN M. COLLINS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $187.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jerel Brooks, Father, re: J. Brooks, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-00938.

315879 BRIAN M. COLLINS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $205.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Bobby Reed, Father, re: V. Reed, a minor. Case No(s). 05-JA-1181.

315880 MELINDA MACGREGOR, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $437.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), K. Brickell, a minor. Case No(s). 04-JA-621.


315881 DONNA L. RYDER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $350.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Christopher Mitchell, Father, re: the Mitchell children, minors. Case No(s). 03-JA-572 and 09-JA-610.

315882 MELINDA MACGREGOR, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $350.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Hubert Watson, Father, re: the Watson children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-765 and 10- JA-766.

315884 THEODORE J. ADAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $935.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Maurice McClain, Father, re: A. McClain, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-302.

315885 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $431.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. Harris, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-00096.

315886 THEODORE J. ADAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $427.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Nancy Vasquez, Mother, re: S. Guzman and J. Rivera, minors. Case No(s). 01-JA-1082 and 01- JA-1083.

315887 MELINDA MACGREGOR, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $711.27 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Maureen Mayer, Mother, re: V. Mayer, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-644.

315888 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $187.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Pierre Agee, Sr., Father, re: P. Agee, a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-00605.

315889 THEODORE J. ADAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,155.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Janice Hanson, Mother, re: the Crespo children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-271 and 10- JA-272.

315890 MELINDA MACGREGOR, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $400.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Yvonne Kemp, Mother, re: the Peeples child, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-324.

315891 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $350.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Caldwell, Hollis and Jaudon children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA- 00024, 10-JA-00025, 10-JA-00026 and 11-JA-00439.

315892 THEODORE J. ADAMS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $580.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), K. Anderson, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-147.

315893 MICHAEL D. STEVENS, LTD., presented by Michael D. Stevens, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $685.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal


representation of indigent respondent(s), Damien Wolfe, Father, re: F. Wolfe, a minor. Case No(s). 96-JA-4955.

315894 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $462.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), S. Hardy, a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-00780.

315895 PAUL D. KATZ, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,106.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), S. Dellar, a minor. Case No(s). 05-JA-01050.

315896 HORACE M. EALY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $700.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jacques Michaud, Father, re: K. Michaud, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-455.

315897 PAUL D. KATZ, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,462.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Holman children, minors. Case No(s). 98-JA-01491 and 98-JA-01492.

315899 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,306.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Laphonso Harrison and Stewart Parker, Fathers, re: the Amos-Mandella children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-466, 11-JA-179 and 11-JA-180.

315904 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $968.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Howard Junious, Father, re: A. Junious, a minor. Case No(s). 99-JA-2530.

315905 ROBERT A. HORWTIZ, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $631.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Corlett Dunbar, Guardian, re: D. Kolheim, a minor. Case No(s). 03-JA-1164.

315906 ROBERT A. HORWTIZ, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $450.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Rogers children, minors. Case No(s). 01-JA-2015 and 04-JA-771.

315907 ROBERT A. HORWTIZ, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $575.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Bland and Williams children, minors. Case No(s). 03-JA-1562, 05-JA- 869 and 05-JA-870.

315909 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $775.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Antonio Olvera, Father, re: T. Cooper, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-1135.

315910 LAW OFFICE OF ELLEN SIDNEY WEISZ, LTD., presented by Ellen Sidney Weisz, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $450.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jennifer Parker-Bell, Mother, re: M. Scott, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1068.

315911 LAW OFFICE OF ELLEN SIDNEY WEISZ, LTD., presented by Ellen Sidney Weisz,


Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $375.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Holt and Lopez children, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA-881, 06-JA-882, 06-JA-883 and 07-JA- 904.

315912 ELEESHA MADELINE O'NEILL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,298.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Sharon Davis, Mother, re: M. Brown-Davis, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-00071

315913 COLLEEN R. DALY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $390.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Adoracion Caprial, Mother, re: Y. Caprial, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1094.

315915 MICHAEL G. CAWLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,406.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Julio Hernandez, Father, re: J. Cirio a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-920.

315916 MICHAEL G. CAWLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $412.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Moses Stamps, Father, re: the Robinson children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-580 and 07-JA- 581.

315917 MICHAEL G. CAWLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $562.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Nancy Martinez, Mother, re: N. Diaz a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-436.

315918 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $277.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Richard Turner, Father, re: D. Turner, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-420.

315919 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $537.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Sherman Tillman, Father, re: R. Gilliam, a minor. Case No(s). 05-JA-94.

315920 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,200.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jacques Collins, Father, the Collins children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-759, 09-JA-760 and 09-JA-761.

315923 CRYSTAL B. ASHLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $400.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Billy Marbury, Father, re: C. Marbury, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-984.

315924 CRYSTAL B. ASHLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,360.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Rosie Guider, Mother, re: D. Guider, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1019.

315925 CRYSTAL B. ASHLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $730.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Leonard Jenkins, Sr., Father, re: L. Jenkins-Eaton, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-279.


315926 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $533.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), April Thomas, Mother, re: the Thomas children, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA-838 and 08- JA-70.

315927 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $528.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Derrick Ott, Father, re: J. Johnson, a minor. Case No(s). 96-JA-2362.

315928 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $405.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), James Lewis, Father, re: S. Lewis, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-283.

315929 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $402.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Christopher Payne, Father, re: C. Payne, a minor. Case No(s). 04-JA-700.

315930 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $712.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), M. Jenkins, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-399.

315931 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $932.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), A. Partington-Patterson, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-401.

315932 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $910.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Jones children, minors. Case No(s). 05-JA-2 and 05-JA-3.

315933 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,436.13 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Audrey Smith, Guardian, re: the Walker and Watson children, minors. Case No(s). 00- JA-1411, 00-JA-1839 and 03-JA-744.

315934 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $843.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Willie and Catherine Wilson, Guardians, re: the Wilson children, minors. Case No(s). 03- JA-1466 and 04-JA-648.

315935 THOMAS M. O’CONNELL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,647.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Melissa Christian, Guardian, re: E. Nusko, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1057.

315936 THEODORE J. ADAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $712.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Wayne Forrester, Father, re: R. Soto, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-493.

315939 SAMUEL N. WARSAWSKY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $325.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Robert Anderson, Father, re: the Anderson children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-63 and 09-JA-64.


315940 SAMUEL N. WARSAWSKY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $275.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Charles Clemmons, Father, re: T. McDonald, a minor. Case No. 02-JA-1149.

315941 GILBERT C. SCHUMM, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $481.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Marquis Mays, Father, re: C. Calmese, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-827.

315942 GILBERT C. SCHUMM, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $718.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Gregory Robinson, Father, re: the Robinson children, minors. Case No(s). 02-JA-00217 and 02- JA-00218.

315943 ASHONTA C. RICE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $400.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), John Lindsey, Father, re: the Lindsey children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-930 and 09-JA-931.

315944 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,337.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lucinda Crawford, Mother, re: A. Tyler, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-1103.

315945 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $550.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Larry Morris, Father, re: the Morris children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-415, 10-JA-416 and 10-JA-417.

315946 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $250.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jerrold Hopkins, Father, re: M. Hopkins, a minor. Case No(s). 97-JA-3234.

315947 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $737.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Annie Wiggins, Adoptive Mother, re: S. Wiggins, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-320.

315948 MELANIE M. PETTWAY, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $887.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Deberry children, minors. Case No(s). 04-JA-427 and 04-JA- 459.

315950 S. MICHAEL KOZUBEK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $635.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Deshunn Echoles, Father, re: N. Echoles, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-415.

315951 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $387.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Denise Starsinich, Mother, re: M. Peters, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-889.

315952 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $550.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Shawn Biehl, Father, re: I. Biehl, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-340.


315955 STUART JOSHUA HOLT, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,037.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Curtis Jones, Father, re: the Jones children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-01100, 10-JA- 01101 and 10-JA-01102.

315956 STUART JOSHUA HOLT, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $287.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Derrick Faulkner, Father, re: D. Faulkner, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00189.

315957 STUART JOSHUA HOLT, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $462.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Robert Johnson, Father, re: R. Johnson, a minor. Case No(s). 91-J-14856.

315961 S. MICHAEL KOZUBEK, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $219.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), S. Caldwell, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-237.

315962 MICHAEL D. STEVENS, LTD., presented by Michael D. Stevens, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $212.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Andre Moten, Father, re: A. Moten, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-381.

315963 PAUL S. KAROLL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $593.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Keena Peeples, Mother, re: D. Parker, a minor. Case No(s). 04-JA-1568.

315966 ADAM J. JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $550.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), William Johnson, Father, re: L. Johnson, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-1138.

315967 ADAM J. JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $271.18 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), William Johnson, Sr., Father, re: L. Johnson, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-1138.

315968 ADAM J. JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $987.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Aaron Mackey, Father, re: M. Warner, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-717.

315969 STUART JOSHUA HOLT, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $450.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Winston Jones, Father, re: A. Jones, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-0578.

315970 STUART JOSHUA HOLT, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $568.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Mary Rivers, Guardian, re: D. Romero, a minor. Case No(s). 99-JA-01109.

315971 S. MICHAEL KOZUBEK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $540.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Belinda Williams, Mother, re: the Williams children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-277, 10-JA-278 and 10-JA-279.


315972 S. MICHAEL KOZUBEK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $702.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Brandon Nelson, Father, re: the Murph and Nelson children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-1077, 07- JA-1078 and 07-JA-1080.

315973 EZRA HEMPHILL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $275.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Paul Kruger, Sr., Father, re: P. Kruger, a minor. Case No(s). 97-JA-2076.

315974 MICHAEL G. CAWLEY, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $537.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Givens children, minors. Case No(s) 10-JA-374 and 10-JA-375.

315975 MICHAEL G. CAWLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $800.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Iesha Wilson, Mother, re: the Gresham and Wilson children, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA-25, 07- JA-101 and 10-JA-1000.

315976 MICHAEL G. CAWLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,025.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), James Townes, Father, re: A. Gatewood and J. Townes, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-698 and 11-JA-201.

315977 S. MICHAEL KOZUBEK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $635.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Alberto Guerrero, Father, re: the Guerrero children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-47, 09-JA-48 and 09-JA-566.

315980 ELIZABETH BUTLER, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $587.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), R. Valentine, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-341.

315984 MAUREEN T. MURPHY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $537.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Regina Fox, Mother, re: the Walker children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-00565, 10-JA-00566 and 10-JA-00567.

315985 MAUREEN T. MURPHY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,537.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Manuel Zapata Perez, Father, re: the Nall children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-00223, 10- JA-00224, 10-JA-0225 and 10-JA-00226.

315986 SAMUEL N. WARSAWSKY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,075.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Sarah Saez, Mother, re: A. Saez, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-00368.

315987 SAMUEL N. WARSAWSKY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,137.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Meribel Hernandez, Mother, re: the Texis children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-114, 10- JA-115, 10-JA-116, 10-JA-117, 10-JA-118, 10-JA-119 and 10-JA-120.


315988 SAMUEL N. WARSAWSKY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $650.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Daniel Mengoni, Father, re: D. Mengoni, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-998.

315989 RODNEY W. STEWART, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $625.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), William Ruth, Father, re: J. Ruth, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-038.

315990 ADAM M. STERN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,393.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Marilu Morales, Mother, re: A. Rodriguez, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-778.

315991 STEVEN O. ROSS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $670.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lewis Green, Father, re: the Gardner and Green children, minors. Case No(s). 98-JA-1613, 98- JA-1614 and 98-JA-1621.

315999 RICHARD S. GUTOF, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $137.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Minnie Johnson, Mother, re: A. Davis and A. Johnson, minors. Case No(s). 03-JA-00644 and 03- JA-00645.

316000 PAUL D. KATZ, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,218.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lygia Cook, Mother, re: S. Harris, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00473.

316001 PAUL D. KATZ, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $662.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lashaun Andrews, Father, re: the Williams children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-00510 and 08-JA-00513.

316002 PAUL D. KATZ, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,768.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), David Flores, Father, re: the Flores children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-00545 and 11-JA- 00411.

316003 PAUL D. KATZ, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $500.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), F. Wolfe, a minor. Case No(s). 96-JA-04955.

316004 MARCIE CLAUS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $531.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Byron Wilson, Father, re: the Wilson children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-404 and 10-JA-405.

316005 MARCIE CLAUS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $562.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Elizabeth Moran, Mother, re: Z. Ward, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-368.

316006 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $237.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carmen Miranda, Mother, re: M. Miranda, a minor. Case No(s). 01-JA-011.


316007 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $612.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), C. Dunlap, a minor. Case No(s). 04-JA-652.

316008 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $956.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Billy Nunn, Father, re: T. Nunn, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-690.

316009 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $625.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Vincent Buckner, Father, re: T. Dennis, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-707.

316010 RICHARD S. GUTOF, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $225.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carolyn Robinson, Mother, re: J. Collier, a minor. Case No(s). 02-JA-00788.

316011 RICHARD S. GUTOF, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $375.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Christopher Gardner, Father, re: K. Gardner, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-000970.

316012 ELLEN J. MORRIS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $337.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Sherme Berry, Mother, re: the Berry, Melvin and Williams children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA- 495, 08-JA-496, 08-JA-497 and 08-JA-498.

316014 ILDIKO J. BODONI, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,306.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Anthony Coffey, Father, re: C. Coffey, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-198.

316015 ILDIKO J. BODONI, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $318.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), James Clark, Father, re: J. Clark, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-199.

316016 ILDIKO J. BODONI, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,195.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Donny Otis, Sr., Father, re: D. Otis, a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-182.

316017 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $212.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Wayne Bell, Father, re: the Bell children, minors. Case No(s). 05-JA-547, 05-JA-548 and 05-JA- 549.

316018 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $627.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), W. Holt, a minor. Case No(s). 98-JA-4219.

316019 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $142.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Michael Alexander, Father, re: K. Peppers, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-747.


316020 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $160.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Constance Slack, Mother, re: the Slack children, minors. Case No(s). 01-JA-2236 and 01-JA-2238.

316021 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $255.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Angel Vasquez, Father, re: the Vasquez and Vazquez children, minors. Case No(s). 01-JA-1160, 01-JA-1161 and 01-JA-1162.

316022 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $537.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Tereatha Guy, Mother, re: the Guy and McGowan children, minors. Case No(s). 05-JA-00904, 05- JA-964, 07-JA-00923 and 08-JA-531.

316023 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $950.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Nicole Mahone, Mother, re: the Redmond and Taylor children, minors. Case No(s). 05-JA- 00662, 05-JA-00663, 09-JA-00442, 09-JA-00443, 09-JA-00444 and 10-JA-00603.

316024 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $973.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Byron Williams, Father, re: J. Williams, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-00521.

316025 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $518.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Thomas Adams, Father, re: A. Nunlly, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-290.

316026 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $856.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Roberto Corral, Father, re: V. Corral, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-1007.

316027 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $575.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Calvin Brady, Father, re: the Brady children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-430, 08-JA-431, 08-JA- 432, 08-JA-433, 08-JA-434 and 08-JA-435.

316028 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $370.45 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Alvin Lashley, Father, re: the Lashley children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-17 and 09-JA-20.

316029 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $745.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Katherine Manning, Mother, re: M. Manning and M. Walker, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-608 and 10-JA-609.

316030 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $425.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Trent Henley, Father, re: M. Henley, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1083.

316031 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,293.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Solomon


Williams, Father, re: L. Williams and K. Sears, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-594 and 11- JA-595.

316032 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $337.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Michael Lucio, Father, re: the Lucio children, minors. Case No(s). 01-JA-1224, 01-JA-1225 and 01-JA-1226.

316033 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $312.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Elaine Rounds, Mother, re: C. Weaver, a minor. Case No(s). 01-JA-01853.

316034 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $250.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Marvin Gentry, Father, re: T. Stone, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00030.

316035 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $81.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. Ross, a minor. Case No(s). 01-JA-00306.

316036 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $287.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), J. White, a minor. Case No(s). 01-JA-01126.

316037 DEAN N. BASTOUNES, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $225.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Alvarez children, minors. Case No(s). 05-JA-00341 and 05-JA-00342.

316038 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $606.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Melvin Booker, Father, re: C. Henderson, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00642.

316039 PAUL D. KATZ, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $608.88 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Melvin Johnson, Father, re: M. Wilson, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-00814.

316040 PAUL D. KATZ, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $550.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Daisy Gonzalez, Mother, re: the Kellis children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-00542, 07-JA-00543 and 07- JA-00544.

316041 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $463.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Willard Banks, Father, re: A. Lindsey, a minor. Case No(s). 04-JA-00484.

316042 STUART JOSHUA HOLT, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,031.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Erika Rodriguez, Mother, re: M. Molina, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-00128.

316043 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $500.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Marvin


Cole, Father, re: X. Cole, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-00891.

316044 STUART JOSHUA HOLT, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $531.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lonnie Barron, Father, re: S. Barron, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-00122.

316045 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $600.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. McNulty, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-642.

316046 STUART JOSHUA HOLT, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $706.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Johnnail Craig, Father, re: the Craig children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-0402 and 10- JA-0016.

316047 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $387.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), I. Hobbs, a minor. Case No(s). 04-JA-1242.

316048 ROBERT L. FRIEDMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $525.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Vernetta Collier, Mother, re: the Collier, Elma and Morris children, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA- 462, 06-JA-464 and 10-JA-56.

316049 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,087.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Walter Thomas, Sr., Father, re: the Thomas children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-259 and 10-JA-887.

316051 DOUGLAS J. RATHE, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $150.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), J. Barragan, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-00334.

316052 GILBERT C. SCHUMM, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $731.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Deangelo Bridges, Father, re: A. Bridges, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-00102.

316053 GILBERT C. SCHUMM, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,050.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Melanie Holloway, Mother, re: M. Brooks, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-848.

316054 STEVEN O. ROSS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $918.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Beathea children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-506, 08-JA-538 and 09- JA-814.

316055 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $187.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Sheena Richardson, Mother, re: S. Richardson, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-914.

316056 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for


payment of $750.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), J. Lowe, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-00799.

316057 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $300.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Marquis Carpenter, Father, re: the Demiles child, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-575.

316058 STEVEN O. ROSS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $390.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Collier children, minors. Case No(s). 02-JA-788 and 02-JA-789.

316059 THOMAS J. ESLER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $260.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Samuel Burnett, Father, re: the Burnett children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-00482 and 08-JA- 00483.

316060 STEVEN O. ROSS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $800.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), S. Blake, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-589.

316061 CRYSTAL B. ASHLEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $687.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Tasha Brown, Mother, re: the Brown children, minors. Case No(s). 03-JA-837 and 03-JA-839.

316062 ILDIKO J. BODONI, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $893.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Richard Bloxton, Father, re: the Bloxton children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-465 and 09-JA-466.

316063 ILDIKO J. BODONI, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,225.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Melvin Wilson, Father, re: C. Wilson, a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-734.

316064 ILDIKO J. BODONI, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,043.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Frederick Jones, Father, re: the Jones children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-0083, 10-JA-0084 and 10-JA-0085.

316065 COLLEEN R. DALY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $761.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), S. Allen and S. Brooks, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-483 and 11-JA-484.

316066 COLLEEN R. DALY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $820.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Cortez Wraggs, Sr., Father, re: C. Wraggs, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-458.

316068 RICHARD S. GUTOF, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $743.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Shambreya Barfield, Mother, re: D. Barfield, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-1010.

316069 BRIAN J. O'HARA, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $287.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Derrick


Burke, Father, re: D. Jenkins, a minor. Case No(s). 03-JA-1527.

316070 MICHAEL D. STEVENS, LTD., presented by Michael D. Stevens, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,315.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Danate Barnes, Father, re: I. Barnes, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-373.

316071 MICHAEL D. STEVENS, LTD., presented by Michael D. Stevens, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $652.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carl Roberson, Sr., Father, re: the Roberson children, minors. Case No(s). 97-JA-143 and 97-JA-146.

316072 MICHAEL D. STEVENS, LTD., presented by Michael D. Stevens, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,127.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Kara Johnson, Mother, re: the Johnson children, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA-910 and 06-JA-911.

316079 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,550.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Richard Brown, Father, re: M. Brown, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1002.

316080 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $450.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Kenneth Bautista, Father, re: the Bautista children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-225 and 08-JA-227.

316081 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $950.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Johnnie Sampson, Sr., Father, re: the Sampson children, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA-721, 06-JA-722, 06-JA-723 and 06-JA-724.

316082 BRIAN M. DANLOE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,850.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Nicole Belcastro, Mother, re: the Belcastro children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-650, 09-JA-651 and 09-JA-652.

316083 BRIAN M. DANLOE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $256.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Floyd Plant, Father, re: the Plant child, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-974.

316084 DEAN C. MORASK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $212.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Donald Wheaton, Father, re: J. Senjanovich, a minor. Case No(s). 00-JA-1882.

316085 DEAN C. MORASK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $750.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Antwonne Holmes, Father, re: the Abron, Bledsoe and Holmes children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA- 203, 09-JA-204 and 09-JA-205.

316086 CHRISTINE S. MARSHALL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,660.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s),


Aaron Anderson, Father, re: the Anderson children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-561 and 10-JA-1071.

316087 ADAM J. JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $487.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), James McQueen, Father, re: A. McQueen, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-1132.

316088 ADAM J. JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $592.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lawrence Sloan, Father, re: L. Sloan, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-1119.

316089 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $318.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Salone Rainge and Antoine Randle, Fathers, re: the Jackson children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA- 722 and 07-JA-723.

316090 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $900.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Thomas Pierce, Father, re: the Pierce children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-141 and 10-JA-142.

316091 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $325.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Royce Trammell, Father, re: S. Randolph, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-954.

316092 THOMAS J. ESLER, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,330.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. Bridges and H. Smith, minors. Case No(s). 91-JA-017445 and 93-JA- 01959.

316093 THOMAS J. ESLER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $745.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Hilda Kolheim, Mother, re: the Kolheim children, minors. Case No(s). 94-JA-225 and 03-JA- 01164.

316094 THOMAS J. ESLER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,225.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Charnise Dixon, Mother, re: T. Dixon and C. Hall, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-0624 and 09-JA- 0625.

316095 THOMAS J. ESLER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $655.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jesse Chagoya, Father, re: the Chagoya children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-0866 and 09-JA- 0867.

316096 PAUL S. KAROLL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $293.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Dominique Gray, Mother, re: the Gray children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-440 and 10-JA-441.

316097 PAUL S. KAROLL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $725.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Alvin Washington, Father, re: A. Tyler, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-1103.


316098 PAUL S. KAROLL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $162.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Alvin Washington, Father, re: C. Rogers, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1015.

316099 WILLIAM J. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $300.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Tanzanea Jones, Mother, re: J. Unique, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-555.

316100 DARLENE L. REDMOND, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $312.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Sergio Moreno, Father, re: M. Moreno, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-63.

316101 DARLENE L. REDMOND, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $562.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Cynthia Richardson, Mother, re: D. Wadlington, a minor. Case No(s). 05-JA-338.

316102 MARILYN L. BURNS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $850.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jake Bronge, Father, re: L. Bronge, a minor. Case No(s). 00-JA-1151.

316103 DOUGLAS J. RATHE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $551.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Alexis Gomez, Father, re: the Gomez children, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-00063 and 11-JA- 00064.

316104 DOUGLAS J. RATHE, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $137.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Shaheed children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-00089 and 07-JA-00090.

316105 FRANCINE N. GREEN-KELNER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $825.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), James Young, Father, re: the Young children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-952, 07-JA-953 and 10-JA-00617.

316106 FRANCINE N. GREEN-KELNER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $460.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Felicia Kimber, Mother, re: the Adams children, minors. Case No(s). 04-JA-01067 and 04-JA-01068.

316107 FRANCINE N. GREEN-KELNER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $620.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Antonio Greer, Father, re: B. Ayers, a minor. Case No(s). 98-JA-00051.

316108 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $681.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Gerardo Martinez, Father, re: J. Martinez, a minor. Case No(s). 07-JA-928.

316109 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,050.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Gregory Brown, Father, re: G. Brown, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1069.


316110 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $912.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), M. Logsdon, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-965.

316111 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $650.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Glenn Baker, Father, re: the Baker children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-358 and 11-JA-53.

316112 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $287.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Suzanne Schaefer, Mother, re: the Schaefer children, minors. Case No(s). 03-JA-1428 and 03-JA- 1431.

316113 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $750.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Hunt and Stevens children, minors. Case No(s). 05-JA-696, 05-JA-697 and 09-JA-294.

316116 MARILYN L. BURNS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,050.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Veronica Sims, Mother, re: the Clark and Sims children, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA-76, 06-JA-77, 06-JA-78 and 06-JA-79.

316117 MARILYN L. BURNS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $612.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Tondra Kornegay, Guardian, re: S. Kornegay, a minor. Case No(s). 99-JA-00897.

316118 MARILYN L. BURNS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $337.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Romanel Lampley, Father, re: T. Christian, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-00491.

316119 MARILYN L. BURNS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $300.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Sandra State, Guardian, re: T. Conn, a minor. Case No(s). 99-JA-137.

316120 MARILYN L. BURNS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $937.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Doris Johnson, Mother, re: C. Bills, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-687.

316121 DOUGLAS J. RATHE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $275.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Teodosio Montalvan, Father, re: C. Montalvan, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00074.

316125 PAUL S. KAROLL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $456.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carl Moses, Father, re: T. Moses, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-979.

316126 GILBERT C. SCHUMM, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $700.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Hurst children, minors. Case No(s). 99-JA-1771 and 99-JA-1772.


316127 LAW OFFICE OF ELLEN SIDNEY WEISZ, LTD., presented by Ellen Sidney Weisz, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $300.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Denise Lewis, Mother, re: the Lewis children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-305, 08-JA-306, 08-JA-307, 09-JA-793, 09- JA-794 and 11-JA-0019.

316128 GREGORY M. BALDWIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,167.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Richard Ponce, Sr., Father, re: R. Ponce, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-0562.

316129 GREGORY M. BALDWIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,137.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Latoya Watson, Mother, re: M. Martin, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00231.

316130 DEAN C. MORASK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $450.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Antonio White, Father, re: the White children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-851, 09-JA-852, 09-JA- 853 and 09-JA-854.

316131 DEAN C. MORASK, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,018.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), M. Wilson, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-412.

316132 MAUREEN T. MURPHY, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $3,025.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), T. Cardona, a minor. Case No(s). 04-JA-00378.

316133 DONNA L. RYDER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $697.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Manuel Capiral, Father, re: Y. Capiral, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1094.

316134 BRIAN J. O’HARA, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $825.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Christo children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-01065 and 07-JA-01066.

316135 BRIAN J. O’HARA, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $612.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Eddie Rivers, Father, re: J. Rivers, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00148.

316136 DONNA L. RYDER, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $470.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), J. Espronceda, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-990.

316137 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,000.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Tracy Torello, Mother, re: A. Greco, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-836.

316138 BRIAN J. O’HARA, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $593.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Roylia McNeal, Mother, re: R. Wilkinson, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-00657.


316151 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,062.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Magdalena Cornejo, Mother, re: the Cornejo and Guzman children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-889, 07-JA-890, 07-JA-891 and 07-JA-892.

316152 DONNA L. RYDER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $932.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Larry McDaniel, Father, re: the McDaniel children, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-116 and 11-JA- 117.

316153 DONNA L. RYDER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $205.59 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carrena Jackson, Mother, re: P. Jackson, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-59.

316154 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $837.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Romerio Morgan, Sr., Father, re: B. Brinkley and R. Morgan children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA- 1108 and 10-JA-1109.

316155 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $475.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Hubert Wilson, Father, re: D. Wilson, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-642.

316156 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $412.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Betty Sloan, Mother, re: D. Honey, a minor. Case No(s). 03-JA-373.

316157 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $675.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Norbert Roldan, Father, re: N. Roldan, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-280.

316158 PETER N. RYAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,312.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Rafael Lara, Father, re: the Lara children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-963, 08-JA-964, 08-JA- 968, 08-JA-969 and 08-JA-970.

316162 BRIAN M. COLLINS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $137.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Johnny Washington, Father, re: the Rice children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-666 and 08-JA-667.

316163 BRIAN M. COLLINS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,210.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carlos Flores, Father, re: the Flores children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-1092 and 09-JA-1093.

316164 DARLENE L. REDMOND, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $650.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Steve Cervantes, Father, re: the Cervantes children, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-566 and 11-JA-567.

316165 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of


$1,525.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Quinilla Lang, Mother, re: M. Adams and D. Lang, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-0357 and 09-JA-009.

316166 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $812.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Corey Jordan, Father, re: E. Jordan, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-289.

316178 LAWRENCE H. NECHELES, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $975.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), M. Manning and M. Walker, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-00608 and 10-JA-00609.

316183 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $750.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Gary Petty, Father, re: F. Petty, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-0437.

316185 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $575.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Wesley Reynolds, Father, re: M. Reynolds, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-266.

316191 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,312.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Caesar I. Brown and Gregory Rowell, Fathers, re: I. Brown and I. Spencer, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-0196 and 09-JA-0202.

316192 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,984.96 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Larkins children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-311, 09-JA-313, 09-JA- 314 and 09-JA-0440.

316193 BRUCE H. BORNSTEIN, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $612.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), C. Bell, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-1152.

316194 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $650.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Timothy Kaufman, Father, re: the Kaufman children, minors. Case No(s). 07-JA-1861 and 07-JA- 1862.

316195 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $443.99 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Allen Ladd, Father, re: A. Miller, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-255.

316196 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,175.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Debra Pietrzyk, Guardian, re: the Benoit children, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-217 and 11-JA- 218.

316197 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $173.68 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Yolanda


Arrington, Mother, re: L. Arrington, a minor. Case No(s). 03-JA-235.

316198 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $175.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Marcus Spencer, Father, re: the Spencer child, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-448.

316199 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $525.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jennifer Long Davis, Mother, re: L. Fields, a minor. Case No(s). 02-JA-00162.

316200 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $887.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Christopher Oliva, Father, re: J. Oliva, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00075.

316201 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $575.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Liliana Osorio, Mother, re: A. Suren, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-00713.

316202 DEAN C. MORASK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $381.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Brenda Cox, Mother, re: A. Warner, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-914.

316203 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $305.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Sims children, minors. Case No(s). 04-JA-1302, 04-JA-1303 and 04- JA-1304.

316204 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $410.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Michelle Steward, Mother, re: D. Steward, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-767.

316205 LAWRENCE H. NECHELES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $425.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Aiesha Nathan, Mother, re: the Barnett-Nathan and Reis children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-00107, 09-JA-00108 and 09-JA-00109.

316206 LAWRENCE H. NECHELES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $662.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Teofilo Peralta, Father, re: the Peralta children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-1027, 09-JA- 1028, 09-JA-1029 and 09-JA-1030.

316207 LAWRENCE H. NECHELES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,000.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Taniya Crockett, Mother, re: L. Phillips, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-00728.

316208 LAWRENCE H. NECHELES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $400.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Isay Rihter, Father, re: G. Rihter, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-00974.

316209 LAWRENCE H. NECHELES, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $537.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s),


Michael Hanford, Father, re: J. Brooks, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1065.

316210 JUDITH HANNAH, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $688.82 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Margaret Chitwood, Mother, re: J. Meraz, a minor. Case No(s). 06-JA-92.

316211 JUDITH HANNAH, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $726.32 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Kimberly Harper, Mother, re: the Harper children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-964 and 10-JA-1124.

316212 JUDITH HANNAH, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $808.01 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Selina Benniefield, Mother, re: S. Benniefield, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-306.

316213 JUDITH HANNAH, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,532.47 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Britney Brooks, Mother, re: the Allen and Brooks children, minors. Case No(s). 08-JA-506, 11- JA-483 and 11-JA-484.

316214 JUDITH HANNAH, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $550.88 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Diana Espronceda, Mother, re: D. Espronceda, a minor. Case No(s). 00-JA-521.

316215 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $788.69 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Michael McGee, Father, re: the McGee child, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-758.

316216 STEVEN SILETS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $812.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lynnesha Revis, Mother, re: the Revis children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-954, 09-JA-955, 09-JA- 956, 09-JA-957, 09-JA-958 and 09-JA-959.

316217 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $981.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Karen Kmiecik, Mother, re: L. Loveall, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-594.

316223 LAW OFFICE OF KENT DEAN, LTD., presented by Kent Dean, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $543.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Geoffrey Gilliams, Father, re: the Gilliams children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-792, 10-JA-793 and 10-JA-794.

316224 LAW OFFICE OF KENT DEAN, LTD., presented by Kent Dean, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $578.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Derek Patterson, Father, re: the Patterson children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-908 and 10-JA-909.

316225 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $187.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Karol Kowalczyk, Father, re: the Kowalczyk child, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-860.

316231 PAUL S. KAROLL, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $504.00


attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lee Brown, Father, re: the Brown children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-799 and 10-JA-800.

316232 ROBERT A. HORWITZ, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $406.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Michael Kirn, Father, re: the Kirn children, minors. Case No(s). 11-JA-161 and 11-JA-162.

316233 ASHONTA C. RICE, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $500.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), the Taylor children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-442, 09-JA-443 and 09-JA- 444.

316234 MARILYN L. BURNS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,025.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Carolyn Suttle Ernest, Mother, re: J. Morrow, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-371.

316235 MARILYN L. BURNS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $912.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Cassandra Barker, Mother, re: the Basemore children, minors. Case No(s). 06-JA-00716, 06-JA- 00717, 06-JA-00718 and 07-JA-00306.

316236 ELIZABETH BUTLER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $615.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Shawnquanice Kimbrough, Mother, re: the Kimbrough and Siler children, minors. Case No(s). 10-JA-726, 10-JA-727 and 11-JA-692.

316237 DONNA JEAN RAMEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $343.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Andre Williams, Father, re: the Givens children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-163 and 09-JA-164.

316238 BRIAN J. O’HARA, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $362.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Clarence Martin, Father, re: C. Martin, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-00014.

316254 GREGORY M. BALDWIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,437.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), John Smith, Father, re: J. Smith, a minor. Case No(s). 03-JA-0055.

316257 GREGORY M. BALDWIN, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,175.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), J. Rasheed, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JA-0446.

316258 GREGORY M. BALDWIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,125.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Shawn Clark, Father, re: R. Clark, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-1066.

316259 GREGORY M. BALDWIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,862.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Donald Jambrosek, Father, re: E. Gilmore, a minor. Case No(s). 99-JA-1467.

316260 CHRISTIAN S. COLLIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $266.50


attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Robert Largent, Father, re: F. Largent, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-823.

316261 CHRISTIAN S. COLLIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $531.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Jamie Lattimore, Sr., Father, re: J. Lattimore, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-560.

316263 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $250.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Marquita Rowell, Mother, re: M. Rowell and S. Small, minors. Case No(s). 01-JA-1062 and 01-JA- 1064.

316264 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $325.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), George Pinkston, Father, re: K. Pinkston, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-959.

316265 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $300.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Erica White, Mother, re: K. Phillips, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-270.

316266 CHRISTIAN S. COLLIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $541.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Davita Parks, Mother, re: D. Talbert, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-250.

316267 THOMAS J. ESLER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,405.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Reginald Jones, Father, re: C. Jones, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-0601.

316269 JUDITH HANNAH, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $969.63 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Tamara Thompson, Mother, re: M. Thompson, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JA-908.

316270 DEAN C. MORASK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,031.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Ahmad Martin, Father, re: A. Martin, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JA-176.

316271 DEAN C. MORASK, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $500.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Ivory Crawford, Father, re: the Crawford children, minors. Case No(s). 09-JA-220, 09-JA-221 and 09-JA-222.

316272 HORACE M. EALY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $800.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Tremaine Holmes, Father, re: T. Holmes, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JA-00876.




315845 PAUL S. KAYMAN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $850.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), E. Delgado, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JD-04133 and 11-JD-4701.

315853 MARV RAIDBARD, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $362.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), J. Almond, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-2729.

315854 MICHAEL R. MCINERNEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $437.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), R. Schuller, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-30152.

315875 DOUGLAS J. RATHE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $712.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), A. Oliver, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JD-02588.

315908 STEPHEN JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,231.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. Wiley, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JD-3660.

315953 RAYMOND A. MORRISSEY, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,137.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), T. Gray, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JD-5373.

315954 BRIAN J. O’HARA, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $625.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Veronica Duran, Mother, re: D. Hernandez, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-0222.

315958 ADAM J. JAFFE, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $592.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Maria Ojeda, Mother, re: J. Morales, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JD-313.

315964 MICHAEL D. STEVENS, LTD., presented by Michael D. Stevens, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,115.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Guadalupe Uriustegui, Mother, re: A. Castillo, a minor. Case No. 10-JD-3138.

315965 WILLIAM J. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $587.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), K. Chamberlain, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JD-60092.

315978 WILLIAM J. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $420.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), R. Rodriguez, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-60704.

315979 WILLIAM J. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $387.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), M. Short, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-60539.

315992 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $700.00


attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), C. Pittman, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JD-61103 and 08-JD-61104.

315993 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,650.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. Douglas, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-60166.

315994 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $5,287.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), O. Ali, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-60073.

315995 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,250.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), A. Ali, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-60296.

315996 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $975.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), T. Jackson, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JD-60885 and 10-JD-60389.

316013 ELLEN J. MORRIS, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $356.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Linda Byars, Mother, re: J. Byars, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-4545.

316050 ILDIKO J. BODONI, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $337.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Shirley Johnson, Mother, re: C. Johnson, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JD-4918.

316073 THOMAS J. ESLER, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $870.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), C. Jackson, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-4605and 11-JD-3973.

316074 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $425.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), M. Jones, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JD-60670 and 10-JD-60055.

316075 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,300.00 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), R. Ostrega, a minor. Case No(s). 08-JD-61108.

316076 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $712.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), R. Finley, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-60670.

316077 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,862.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), A. Walker, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JD-60506.

316078 QUEEN V. HERRING, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $2,187.50 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), A. Bartolomi, a minor. Case No(s). 09-JD-60295.


316114 DARLENE L. REDMOND, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $293.75 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), Lashonda Gills, Mother, re: L. Hodges, a minor. Case No(s). 11-JD-3817.

316268 CHRISTIAN S. COLLIN, Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $456.25 attorney fees for court appointed legal representation of indigent respondent(s), D. Almond, a minor. Case No(s). 10-JD-1784.



316150 ROCK FUSCO & CONNELLY, LLC, John J. Rock, Special State's Attorney, presented by the Office of the State's Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $565.70 attorney fees and expenses regarding Lambert v. Jamison, et al., Case No. 08-C-3613 (Petition for Appointment of Special State’s Attorney, Case No. 09-CH-526), for the month of October 2011. To date $313,975.01 has been paid. This invoice was approved by the Litigation Subcommittee at its meeting of December 15, 2011. Please forward the check to Patrick T. Driscoll, Jr., Deputy State's Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau, for transmittal.

316171 DONOHUE, BROWN, MATHEWSON & SMYTH, LLC, Donald J. Brown, Jr. and James D. Sloan, Special State's Attorneys, presented by the Office of the State's Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $3,168.20 attorney fees and expenses regarding Demarco Robinson v. Cook County, et al., Case No. 06-L-4916 (Petition for Appointment of Special State’s Attorney, Case No. 09-CH-28456), for the period of July 28 through September 20, 2010. To date $95,529.30 has been paid. These invoices were approved by the Litigation Subcommittee at its meeting of October 13, 2011. Please forward the check to Patrick T. Driscoll, Jr., Deputy State's Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau, for transmittal.

316172 DONOHUE, BROWN, MATHEWSON & SMYTH, LLC, Richard H. Donohue, Timothy L. Hogan and Cortney S. Closey, Special State's Attorneys, presented by the Office of the State's Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $9,653.53 attorney fees and expenses regarding Victor Santana v. Cook County Board of Review, et al., Case No. 09- C-5027 (Petition for Appointment of Special State’s Attorney, Case No. 09-CH-39547), for the period of June 15 through July 8, 2010. To date $47,463.50 has been paid. These invoices were approved by the Litigation Subcommittee at its meeting of December 15, 2010. Please forward the check to Patrick T. Driscoll, Jr., Deputy State's Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau, for transmittal.

316173 NEVILLE & MAHONEY, Ronald F. Neville, Special State's Attorney, presented by the Office of the State's Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $8,661.34 attorney fees and expenses regarding People v. Michael Fezekas, Case No. 11-CR-11414, for the period of September 6 through October 31, 2011. To date zero dollars have been paid. Please forward the check to Patrick T. Driscoll, Jr., Deputy State's Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau, for transmittal.

316179 CARDELLE SPANGLER, Compliance Administrator for the Recorder of Deeds,


presented by the Office of the State’s Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $9,537.47 fees and expenses regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County Recorder of Deeds, USDC No. 69-C-2145. On July 30, 2010, the United States District Court entered a Supplemental Relief Order (SRO) for the Recorder of Deeds in this matter requiring the appointment of a Compliance Administrator. As part of the SRO, Cook County is required to pay the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Compliance Administrator for the Recorder of Deeds. Settlement of this matter was approved by the Finance Committee's Subcommittee on Litigation at its meeting of July 21, 2010. On November 23, 2011, Magistrate Judge Sidney I. Schenkier entered an order approving fees and expenses for the 31st Unopposed Petition in the amount of $9,537.47 made payable to Cardelle Spangler, Compliance Administrator for the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. To date, Ms. Spangler has been paid $627,479.16. Ms. Spangler has accumulated total fees and expenses of $637,016.63 as of today’s date. Please forward the check to Thomas E. Nowinski, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.


316182 CARDELLE SPANGLER, Compliance Administrator for the Recorder of Deeds, presented by the Office of the State’s Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $10,735.42 fees and expenses regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County Recorder of Deeds, USDC No. 69-C-2145. On July 30, 2010, the United States District Court entered a Supplemental Relief Order (SRO) for the Recorder of Deeds in this matter requiring the appointment of a Compliance Administrator. As part of the SRO, Cook County is required to pay the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Compliance Administrator for the Recorder of Deeds. Settlement of this matter was approved by the Finance Committee's Subcommittee on Litigation at its meeting of July 21, 2010. On December 27, 2011, Magistrate Judge Sidney I. Schenkier entered an order approving fees and expenses for the 32nd Unopposed Petition in the amount of $10,735.42 made payable to Cardelle Spangler, Compliance Administrator for the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. To date, Ms. Spangler has been paid $627,479.16. Ms. Spangler has accumulated total fees and expenses of $647,752.05 as of today’s date. Please forward the check to Thomas E. Nowinski, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.


316184 CARDELLE SPANGLER, Compliance Administrator for the Recorder of Deeds, presented by the Office of the State’s Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $8,347.83 fees and expenses regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County Recorder of Deeds, USDC No. 69-C-2145. On July 30, 2010, the United States District Court entered a Supplemental Relief Order (SRO) for the Recorder of Deeds in this matter requiring the appointment of a Compliance Administrator. As part of the SRO, Cook County is required to pay the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Compliance Administrator for the Recorder of Deeds. Settlement of this matter was approved by the Finance Committee's Subcommittee on Litigation at its meeting of July 21, 2010. On December 28, 2011, Magistrate Judge Sidney I. Schenkier entered an order approving fees and expenses for the 33rd Unopposed Petition in the amount of $8,347.83 made payable to Cardelle Spangler, Compliance Administrator for the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. To date, Ms. Spangler has been paid $627,479.16. Ms. Spangler has accumulated total fees and expenses of $656,099.88 as of today’s date. Please forward the check to Thomas E. Nowinski,


Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.


316186 MARK J. VOGEL, Complaint Administrator, presented by the Office of the State's Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $37,194.32 fees and expenses regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County, USDC No. 69-C-2145. On February 12, 2009, the United States District Court entered an Order appointing Mark J. Vogel the Post Supplemental Relief Order Complaint Administrator for Cook County. As part of this Order, Cook County is required to pay the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Complaint Administrator for Cook County. On December 1, 2011, Magistrate Judge Sidney I. Schenkier entered an order approving fees and expenses for the 66th Unopposed Petition in the amount of $37,194.32 made payable to Mark J. Vogel, Complaint Administrator. To date, Mark J. Vogel has been paid $1,755,357.84. Mr. Vogel has accumulated total fees and expenses of $1,792,552.16 as of today’s date. Please forward the check to Lisa M. Meador, Assistant State's Attorney, for transmittal.


316187 MARK J. VOGEL, Complaint Administrator, presented by the Office of the State's Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $43,269.49 fees and expenses regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County, USDC No. 69-C-2145. On February 12, 2009, the United States District Court entered an Order appointing Mark J. Vogel the Post Supplemental Relief Order Complaint Administrator for Cook County. As part of this Order, Cook County is required to pay the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Complaint Administrator for Cook County. On December 6, 2011, Magistrate Judge Sidney I. Schenkier entered an order approving fees and expenses for the 67th Unopposed Petition in the amount of $43,269.49 made payable to Mark J. Vogel, Complaint Administrator. To date, Mark J. Vogel has been paid $1,755,357.84. Mr. Vogel has accumulated total fees and expenses of 1,835,821.65 as of today’s date. Please forward the check to Lisa M. Meador, Assistant State's Attorney, for transmittal.


316188 MARK J. VOGEL, Complaint Administrator, presented by the Office of the State's Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $42,974.20 fees and expenses regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County, USDC No. 69-C-2145. On February 12, 2009, the United States District Court entered an Order appointing Mark J. Vogel the Post Supplemental Relief Order Complaint Administrator for Cook County. As part of this Order, Cook County is required to pay the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Complaint Administrator for Cook County. On December 20, 2011, Magistrate Judge Sidney I. Schenkier entered an order approving fees and expenses for the 68th Unopposed Petition in the amount of $42,974.20 made payable to Mark J. Vogel, Complaint Administrator. To date, Mark J. Vogel has been paid $1,755,357.84. Mr. Vogel has accumulated total fees and expenses of 1,878,795.85 as of today’s date. Please forward the check to Thomas E. Nowinski, Assistant State's Attorney, for transmittal.




316189 MARY T. ROBINSON, Compliance Administrator, presented by the Office of the State’s Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $75,221.35 fees and expenses regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County, USDC No. 69-C-2145. The Board of Commissioners approved a Supplemental Relief Order (SRO) on November 29, 2006. On November 30, 2006, the United States District Court entered a SRO in this matter requiring the appointment of a Compliance Administrator. As part of the SRO, Cook County is required to pay the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Compliance Administrator. On December 5, 2011, Magistrate Judge Sidney I. Schenkier entered an order approving fees and expenses for the 76th Unopposed Petition in the amount of $75,221.35 made payable to Mary T. Robinson, Compliance Administrator. To date, the Compliance Administrator has been paid $5,204,112.09. The Compliance Administrator has accumulated total fees and expenses of $5,279,333.44 as of today’s date. Please forward the check to Lisa M. Meador, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.


316190 MARY T. ROBINSON, Compliance Administrator, presented by the Office of the State’s Attorney, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $71,379.26 fees and expenses regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County, USDC No. 69-C-2145. The Board of Commissioners approved a Supplemental Relief Order (SRO) on November 29, 2006. On November 30, 2006, the United States District Court entered a SRO in this matter requiring the appointment of a Compliance Administrator. As part of the SRO, Cook County is required to pay the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Compliance Administrator. On December 20, 2011, Magistrate Judge Sidney I. Schenkier entered an order approving fees and expenses for the 77th Unopposed Petition in the amount of $71,379.26 made payable to Mary T. Robinson, Compliance Administrator. To date, the Compliance Administrator has been paid $5,204,112.09. The Compliance Administrator has accumulated total fees and expenses of $5,350,712.70 as of today’s date. Please forward the check to Thomas E. Nowinski, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.


316255 GREGG A. GAROFALO, Attorney and Guardian ad Litem, presented by the Circuit Court of Cook County, Office of the Chief Judge, submitting an Order of Court for payment of $1,097.50 attorney fees and expenses regarding Estate of Jan Opanowski, a Disabled Person, Case No. 11-P-1253. Please forward the check to Kathleen J. McKee, Assistant State’s Attorney, Civil Actions Bureau, for transmittal (300-829 Account).





Your Committee has considered the following numbered and described bills and recommends that they be, and upon the adoption of this report, approved and that the County Comptroller and County Treasurer are authorized and directed to issue checks to said claimants in the amounts recommended.

315898 WALSH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling $4,018,758.12, 11th part payment for Contract No. 10-53-42, for the new Residential Treatment Unit (RTU) Reception Classification Diagnostic Center (RCDC) Building at the Department of Corrections for the Office of Capital Planning and Policy, for the month of October 2011. Bond Issue (20000 Account). (See Comm. No. 315521). Purchase Order No. 173503, approved by County Board July 13, 2010.

315900 FARBER SPECIALTY VEHICLES, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, submitting invoice totaling $298,221.00, full payment for Contract No. 10-53-019, for one (1) 2010 custom Freightliner bomb truck response vehicle - Robot Operation Center for the Sheriff’s Police Department through the Homeland Security grant (769-549 Account). Purchase Order No. 174742, approved by County Board October 19, 2010.

315901 SYSTEM SOLUTIONS, INC., Northbrook, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling $318,400.00, part payment for Contract No. 09-41-227, for computer hardware, software, peripheral equipment and support services for the Circuit Court of Cook County, Office of the Chief Judge (717/310-579 Account). (See Comm. No. 313362). Purchase Order No. 175004, approved by County Board June 16, 2009 and July 13, 2010.

315902 WRIGHT EXPRESS FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION, Carol Stream, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling $326,585.14, part payment for Contract No. 09-41-249, for the County’s participation in the State of Illinois contract for motor fuel card purchases submitted by the Sheriff’s Office, for the month of November 2011 (211-445 Account). Purchase Order No. 178569, approved by County Board July 21, 2009 and June 14, 2011.

315903 MUTUAL AID BOX ALARM SYSTEM (MABAS), Wheeling, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling $264,000.00, full payment for one (1) 2012 mission support vehicle for the Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management through the UASI Homeland Security grant (769-847 Account). Approved by County Board February 9, 2010.

315949 TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES FOR SAFE COMMUNITIES (TASC), INC., Chicago, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling $351,017.00, part payment for Contract No. 11-45-99, for first offender drug program for the State’s Attorney’s Office, for the month of November 2011 (250-260 Account). Purchase Order No. 178546, approved by County Board October 4, 2011.

316115 NATIONAL ROOFING CORPORATION, Forest Park, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling $685,214.76, 4th part payment for Contract No. 09-53-237, for the Countywide Roof Replacement Project (Phase IV, Bid Package #3) for the Robert J. Stein Institute of Forensic Medicine, Hektoen Building, Durand Building, Cook County Building and Provident Hospital of Cook County for the Office of Capital Planning and Policy, for the period of October 12, 2010 through March 29, 2011. Bond Issue (20000 Account). (See Comm. No. 311367). Purchase Order No. 169114, approved by County Board September 1, 2009.

316122 WALSH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling


$5,898,864.24, 12th part payment for Contract No. 10-53-42, for the new Residential Treatment Unit (RTU) Reception Classification Diagnostic Center (RCDC) Building at the Department of Corrections for the Office of Capital Planning and Policy, for the month of November 2011. Bond Issue (20000 Account). (See Comm. No. 315898). Purchase Order No. 173503, approved by County Board July 13, 2010.

316159 GATEWAY FOUNDATION, INC., Chicago, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling $242,910.72, part payment for Contract No. 09-41-118, to provide substance abuse treatment services for the Pre-Release and Day Reporting Centers for the Sheriff’s Department of Reentry and Diversion Programs, for the month of November 2011 (236- 298 Account). (See Comm. No. 315760). Purchase Order No. 176998, approved by County Board April 1, 2009 recessed and reconvened on April 2, 2009, March 26, 2010, March 15, 2011 and July 27, 2011.

316219 PUBLIC BUILDING COMMISSION OF CHICAGO, Chicago, Illinois, submitting invoice totaling $951,133.00, part payment for operating expenses for the Richard J. Daley Center, for the month of December 2011 (499-470 Account). Approved by County Board November 18, 2011.



Your Committee has considered the following communications from State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez with reference to the workers' compensation claims hereinafter mentioned.

Your Committee, therefore, recommends that the County Comptroller and County Treasurer be, and by the adoption of this report, are authorized and directed to issue checks to the Workers' Compensation Commission to be paid from the Workmen's Compensation Fund.

316226 GERALD A. SAWYER, in the course of his employment as a Maintenance Worker for Stroger Hospital of Cook County sustained accidental injuries on April 11, 2008. The Petitioner was lifting a drinking fountain and felt a strain, and as a result he injured his groin (direct right inguinal hernia). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 08-WC-23893 in the amount of $7,951.88 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Dennis M. Lynch, The Healy Law Firm.

316227 STEVEN BECK, in the course of his employment as a Correctional Officer for the Department of Corrections sustained accidental injuries on September 23, 2008. The Petitioner intervened in an altercation, and as a result he injured his hand (soft tissue injury to right hand which required a cast, a splint and physical therapy). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 08-WC-32816 in the amount of $2,500.00 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Ivan M. Rittenberg, Law Firm of Rittenberg, Buffen & Gulbransen, Ltd.

316228 YVONNE RUCKER, in the course of her employment as a Custodian for the Sheriff’s


Custodial Services sustained accidental injuries on July 29, 2010. The Petitioner was assaulted by an inmate, and as a result she suffered mental anguish (depression, posttraumatic stress disorder and anxiety). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 10-WC-36742 in the amount of $3,000.00 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Sheldon I. Minkow, Law Firm of Sheldon I. Minkow & Associates, P.C.

316229 GLORIA C. LANDRUM, in the course of her employment as a Probation Officer for the Adult Probation Department sustained accidental injuries on May 23, 2010. The Petitioner tripped and fell, and a result she injured her ankle (avulsion fracture of the right lateral ankle malleolus). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 10- WC-15644 in the amount of $11,100.82 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Robert I. Briskman, Law Firm of Briskman, Briskman & Greenberg.

316230 ELAINE M. MCLAUGHLIN, in the course of her employment as an Administrative Assistant for the Highway Department sustained accidental injuries on July 31, 2007, December 20, 2008 and March 16, 2010. The July 31, 2007 accident occurred when the Petitioner lifted a cabinet door, and as a result she injured her nose (fractured nose). The December 20, 2008 accident occurred when the Petitioner slipped on ice and fell, and as a result she injured her wrist and arm (left wrist distal radius fracture). The March 16, 2010 accident occurred while the Petitioner was cleaning an office wall, and as a result she injured her shoulder (right rotator cuff superior labrum anterior to posterior tear with impingement syndrome, and acromioclavicular joint arthritis). Prior/pending claims not listed here: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order Nos. 07-WC-41410, 09-WC-02220 and 10- WC-12807 in the amount of $82,383.94 and recommends its payment. (Finance Subcommittee December 1, 2011). Attorney: Larry Karchmar, Law Firm of Karchmar & Stone.



316239 FRANKIE L. BERTHA, in the course of her employment as an Administrative Assistant for the Department of Corrections sustained accidental injuries on May 11, 2011. The Petitioner was retrieving documents from a file cabinet when another cabinet opened, and as a result she injured her arm (contusion of right arm and right hand sprain). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 11-WC-19424 in the amount of $2,700.00 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Michael R. Schneider, Law Firm of Cohn, Lambert, Ryan & Schneider, Ltd.

316240 TONYA DAVIS, in the course of her employment as a Clinical Nurse for Stroger Hospital of Cook County sustained accidental injuries on August 22, 2010. The Petitioner struck her head against a monitor, and as a result she injured her head (post-concussion syndrome). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 10-WC-35875 in the amount of $6,000.00 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Robert B. Pawlowski, Law Firm of Rubens and Kress.

316241 KEVIN A. BOENS, in the course of his employment as a Correctional Officer for the Department of Corrections sustained accidental injuries on June 26, 2009. The Petitioner intervened in an altercation, and as a result he injured his hand, shoulder, back and neck (torn left rotator cuff). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 09- WC-38264 in the amount of $35,908.29 and recommends its payment. (Finance Subcommittee November 1, 2011). Attorney: Lawrence G. Gordon, Law Firm of Gordon & Centracchio, L.L.C.

316242 MARY R. DANIELS, in the course of her employment as a Cook for the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center sustained accidental injuries on October 15, 2005, February 7, 2007 and June 11, 2008. All three incidents on three separate dates occurred while the Petitioner was stirring bulk quantities of food in large cooking vats during meal preparation, and as a result she injured her back and arm (central herniated disc at L5-S1 and herniated disc at L1-L2 level; foraminal and far lateral disc protrusion with accompanying disc bulge and changes at L1-L2; and cervical disc herniation, lumbar disc syndrome and lumbago). Prior/pending claims not listed here: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 08-WC-35361 in the amount of $43,395.00 and recommends its payment. (Finance Subcommittee December 1, 2011). Attorney: Matthew J. Leonard, Leonard Law Group, LLC.

316243 CHARLEY MENTZ, in the course of his employment as a Deputy Sheriff for the Sheriff’s Court Services Division sustained accidental injuries on February 14, 2011. The Petitioner slipped on ice and fell, and as a result he injured his hand (fifth metacarpal fracture of the right hand). Prior/ending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 11-WC-06942 in the amount of $20,440.14 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Karin K. Connelly, Law Firm of James M. Ridge &


Associates, P.C.

316244 KEVIN J. CRONIN, in the course of his employment as a Carpenter for the Department of Facilities Management sustained accidental injuries on February 26, 2007. The Petitioner was loading a truck when he slipped on ice, and as a result he injured his arm and side (right rotator cuff tear and superior labral tear, requiring injections and surgery). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 07-WC-47206 in the amount of $47,195.72 and recommends its payment. (Finance Subcommittee November 1, 2011). Attorney: Gerald J. Doll, Law Firm of Goldberg, Weisman & Cairo, Ltd.

316245 WILLIAM J. MOODY, in the course of his employment as a Counselor for the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center sustained accidental injuries on March 10, 2010. While restraining a combative resident the Petitioner fell, and as a result he injured his elbow and shoulder (right shoulder impingement and right elbow soft tissue injury). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 10-WC-10284 in the amount of $7,383.55 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Michael P. McCready, Law Offices of Michael P. McCready, P.C.

316246 PAULA Y. WILLIAMS, in the course of her employment as a Juvenile Probation Officer for the Juvenile Probation and Court Services sustained accidental injuries on May 27, 2010. The accident occurred when a heavy door was slammed into the Petitioner, and as a result she injured her arm and neck (fracture of the right humerus, cervical radiculitis, right ulnar neurophathy). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 10- WC-24231 in the amount of $47,336.65 and recommends its payment. (Finance Subcommittee November 1, 2011). Attorney: V. Andrew Marzal, Law Firm of Baum, Rufflol & Marzal, Ltd.

316247 ANIELA NEWSOM, in the course of her employment as a Corrections Officer for the Department of Corrections sustained accidental injuries on July 13, 2009. The Petitioner slipped on a tag, and as a result she injured her foot (fractured fifth metatarsal [right acute Jones fracture]). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 09- WC-42348 in the amount of $24,976.25 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Eric M. Glasson, Law Firm of Eric M. Glasson and Associates.

316248 ANGENITA JORDAN-HARPER, in the course of her employment as a Probation Officer for the Circuit Court of Cook County, Office of the Chief Judge sustained accidental injuries on April 4, 2010. The Petitioner was exposed to mold, and as a result she sustained pneumonitis (pneumonitis caused by inhaling mold). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 10-WC-20423 in the amount of $4,985.40 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: David W. Martay, Martay Law Office.


316250 PHARLIS JAMES, JR., in the course of his employment as a Counselor for the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center sustained accidental injuries on September 29, 2009 and February 15, 2010. The September 29, 2009 accident occurred when Petitioner attempted to subdue a resident who attacked a nurse, and as a result he injured his knee and wrist (right knee strain). The February 15, 2010 accident occurred when a resident threw a chair at the Petitioner, and as a result he injured his hand (sprained wrist and left knee sprain). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order Nos. 10-WC-13956 and 10- WC-13638 in the amount of $9,012.15 $7,544.48 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Raul V. Rodriguez, Law Firm of Goldberg, Weisman & Cairo, Ltd.

316251 RICHARD GASIK, in the course of his employment as a Property Investigator for the Circuit Court of Cook County, Office of the Chief Judge sustained accidental injuries on October 13, 2006. The Petitioner was inspecting a home and fell, and as a result he injured his back and neck (neck and lower back C5-6 herniated disc). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 07-WC-07049 in the amount of $20,000.00 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Colleen L. Murphy, Law Firm of Steinberg, Burtker and Grossman, Ltd.

316252 LUCIA S. GALINDO, in the course of her employment as a Clinic Assistant for the Department of Public Health sustained accidental injuries on November 20, 2009. The Petitioner slipped on water, and as a result she injured her knee (torn right lateral medial menisci). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 10-WC-32640 in the amount of $23,654.70 and recommends its payment. This settlement is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. Attorney: Bruce A. Dickman, Law Office of Bruce A. Dickman.

316253 CHRIS KALOUDIS, in the course of his employment as a Correctional Officer for Department of Corrections sustained accidental injuries on September 8, 2010. The Petitioner was assisting in an emergency handcuffing during an inmate altercation, and as a result he injured his shoulder (left shoulder rotator cuff impingement). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order No. 10-WC-42072 in the amount of $50,452.25 and recommends its payment. (Finance Subcommittee November 1, 2011). Attorney: Jim M. Vainikos, Law Firm of Cornfield and Feldman.

316256 HOWARD KING, in the course of his employment as a Nurse for Stroger Hospital of Cook County sustained accidental injuries on November 28, 2006 and September 13, 2007. The November 28, 2006 accident occurred when the Petitioner was moving a patient, and as a result he injured his back (bulging disc at L4-L5 with ligament flavum hypertrophy; and disc herniation at L5-S1). The September 13, 2007 accident occurred when the Petitioner was lifting a patient, and as a result he injured his neck and arm (bulging disc at C4-C5; herniated disc compressing the right anterior side of the spinal cord right neuroforaminal stenosis at C5-C6; and bulging disc at C6-C7 causing severe left neuroforaminal stenosis). Prior/pending claims: none. State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, is submitting Workers' Compensation Commission Lump Sum Petition and Order Nos. 06-


WC-55070 and 08-WC-5237 in the amount of $92,995.50 and recommends its payment. (Finance Subcommittee December 1, 2011). Attorney: Stephen J. Block, Law Firm of Lidov & Block.




Your Committee has considered the following communications from the Cook County Department of Risk Management requesting the County Board to authorize subrogation recoveries.

Your Committee, concurring in the requests of the Cook County Department of Risk Management recommends the authorization of subrogation recoveries be approved.

316139 DEPARTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT, submitting for approval Subrogation Recovery of $1,238.00. Claim No. 20050561, Sheriff’s Police Department.

Responsible Party: Eladio Castaneda (Driver and Owner), 3515 West 63rd Place, Chicago, Illinois 60629 Damage to: Sheriff’s Police Department vehicle Our Driver: Robert Helson, Unit #1747 Date of Accident: October 18, 2011 Location: 5500 South Central Avenue, Chicago, Illinois (211-444 Account)

316140 DEPARTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT, submitting for approval Subrogation Recovery of $450.39. Claim No. 20050562, Highway Department.

Responsible Party: Danielle A. Szablewski (Driver and Owner), 1362 East Belle Drive, Northlake, Illinois 60164 Damage to: Highway Department vehicle Our Driver: Mark A. Menolascino, Unit #166 Date of Accident: November 14, 2011 Location: 25th Avenue near Armitage Avenue, Melrose Park, Illinois (500-444 Account)

316141 DEPARTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT, submitting for approval Subrogation Recovery of $1,711.94. Claim No. 20050544, Sheriff’s Court Services Division.

Responsible Party: Caitlin E. Tencate (Driver and Owner), 1117 South Euclid Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60304 Damage to: Sheriff’s Court Services Division vehicle Our Driver: Wayne E. Simek, Unit #7671 Date of Accident: August 12, 2011 Location: I-290 near 1st Avenue, Maywood, Illinois


(211-444 Account)




Your Committee has considered the following communications from the Cook County Department of Risk Management requesting that the County Board authorize payment of said claims.

Your Committee, concurring in the requests of the Cook County Department of Risk Management, recommends that the County Comptroller and County Treasurer be, and by the adoption of this report, authorized and directed to issue checks to claimants in the amounts recommended.

316218 DEPARTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT, submitting for approval Self-Insurance Program Settlement Claim payment of $1,122.10. Claim No. 97009311, State’s Attorney’s Office.

Claimant: Robert Jania, 4840 South Lavergne Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60638 Claimant's Vehicle: 2008 Dodge Ram 2500 Our Driver: Patrick Welsh, Unit #0026 Prior Accident(s): 0 Date of Accident: December 11, 2011 Location: 2300 South Rockwell, Chicago, Illinois

State’s Attorney’s vehicle pulled into a parking spot and struck Claimant’s vehicle causing damage to the right front bumper (542-846 Account). Investigated by Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. We concur and recommend payment of the above charge.

316220 DEPARTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT, submitting for approval Self-Insurance Program Settlement Claim payment of $425.00. Claim No. 97009221, Highway Department.

Claimant: Margaret Abraham, 9606 Keeler Avenue, Skokie, Illinois 60076 Claimant's Vehicle: 2005 Volvo S60 Date of Accident: September 12, 2011 Location: Crawford Avenue north of Main Street, Skokie, Illinois

Claimant was driving on Crawford Avenue just north of Main Street in Skokie, when Claimant’s vehicle went over a ditch or sinkhole causing damage to the tie rod (542-846 Account). Investigated by Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. We concur and recommend payment of the above charge.

316221 DEPARTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT, submitting for approval Self-Insurance Program Settlement Claim payment of $2,028.30. Claim No. 97009200, Sheriff’s Police Department.


Claimant: Denis Morrin, 11214 South Talman Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60655 Claimant's Vehicle: 1995 Mercury Grand Marquis Our Driver: Thomas Clemmons, Unit #3834 Prior Accident(s): 0 Date of Accident: October 5, 2011 Location: 111th Street and Cicero Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

Sheriff’s Police Department vehicle was traveling westbound on 111th Street approaching Cicero Avenue and failed to stop in time, striking Claimant’s vehicle and causing damage to the rear bumper (542-846 Account). Investigated by Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. We concur and recommend payment of the above charge.

316222 DEPARTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT, submitting for approval Self-Insurance Program Settlement Claim payment of $4,313.58. Claim No. 97009164, Sheriff’s Police Department.

Claimant: Geico Insurance a/s/o Jui Lin Huang, 1 Geico Center, Macon, Georgia 31296 Claimant's Vehicle: 2007 Mazda CX-7 Our Driver: Roy L. Jones, Unit #1809 Prior Accident(s): 0 Date of Accident: February 10, 2011 Location: I-290 at 25th Avenue, Bellwood, Illinois

Sheriff’s Police Department vehicle was traveling eastbound on I-290 at 25th Avenue in Bellwood, and was unable to stop in time and rear-ended a second vehicle causing damage to Claimant’s rear bumper (542-846 Account). Investigated by Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. We concur and recommend payment of the above charge.




Your Committee has considered the following communications from State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez.

Your Committee, concurring in the recommendations of the State's Attorney, recommends that the County Comptroller and County Treasurer prepare checks in the amounts recommended in order that the payments may be set in accordance with the request of the State's Attorney upon proper release from the Office of the State's Attorney.

316142 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $6,000.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Kendall Bowman v. Dart, et al. and Kendall Bowman v. Dart, et al., Case No(s). 10-C- 6339 and 11-C-1129. These matters involve allegations of civil rights violations. These


matters have been settled for the sum of $6,000.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $6,000.00, made payable to Latham & Watkins, LLP, his attorneys. Please forward the check to Shandra Leary, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316143 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $9,950.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding David Fajardo, Sr., et al. v. Jose B. Aguilar, et al., Case No. 11-C-511. This matter involves allegations of false arrest and other related state law claims. The matter has been settled for the sum of $9,950.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $9,950.00, made payable to David Fajardo, Sr. and the Law Office of Robert Orman, his attorney. Please forward the check to David R. Condron, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316144 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $21,000.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Fulford v. Coleman, et al., Case No. 11-CV-4161. This matter involves alleged civil rights violations and state tort claims. The matter has been settled for the sum of $21,000.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $21,000.00, made payable to Amos Fulford and Ed Fox & Associates, his attorneys. Please forward the check to R. Seth Shippee, Assistant State’s Attorney, Special Projects and Assignments Unit, for transmittal.

316145 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $37,500.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Jeremy Patterson v. Thomas Dart, et al., Case No. 10-C-6600. This matter involves an allegation of a civil rights violation. The matter has been settled for the sum of $37,500.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $37,500.00, made payable to Jeremy Patterson and Parts & Spencer, Ltd., his attorneys. Please forward the check to Shandra Leary, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316146 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $60,000.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding SEIU v. Cook County, Case No. L-CA-09-038. This matter was brought as an unfair labor practice against the Cook County Health and Hospitals System. The matter has been settled for the sum of $60,000.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $60,000.00, made payable in six (6) separate checks as follows:

1. the first check in the amount of $10,000.00, made payable to “Adamasu Kumssa”; and

2. the second check in the amount of $10,000.00, made payable to “Zaia Lachin”; and

3. the third check in the amount of $10,000.00, made payable to “Sirara Sharif”; and


4. the fourth check in the amount of $10,000.00, made payable to “Ranjit Sigamony”; and

5. the fifth check in the amount of $10,000.00, made payable to “Mohammad Vaseemuddin”; and

6. the sixth check in the amount of $10,000.00, made payable to “Samina Khattak”.

Please forward the checks to Gregory Vaci, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316147 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $80,000.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Phyllis Goodwin, Special Administrator of the Estate of Lamar Goodwin, Deceased v. County of Cook, Case No. 08-L-10745. We have settled this alleged medical negligence case for the sum of $80,000.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $80,000.00, made payable to Phyllis Goodwin, Special Administrator of the Estate of Lamar Goodwin (deceased) and Muslin & Sandberg, her attorneys. Please forward the check to Mark N. Pera, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316149 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $2,050.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Lee McCorker, et al. v. Tom Dart, et al., Case No. 09-C-2071. This matter involves an allegation of a civil rights violation at the Jail. The matter has been settled for the sum of $2,050.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $2,050.00, made payable to Lee McCorker, Juanita Helm, Bruce Giles, Jose Romero and George Cortez. Please forward the check to Michael J. Sorich, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316174 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $1,500.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Kenny Ingold v. Sheriff of Cook County, et al., vis-à-vis Young, et al. v. Sheriff, Case No. 05-CV-0552. This matter involves an alleged civil rights claim from the same issues raised in the Class Action known as Young, et al, v. Sheriff of Cook County. Plaintiff opted-out of the class and hired an attorney. We have settled the case, pre-filing, for the sum of $1,500.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $1,500.00, made payable to Kenny Ingold and Thomas M. Breen & Associates, his attorneys. Please forward the check to Francis J. Catania, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316175 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $2,000.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Ruben Dunkin v. Thomas Dart, et al., Case No. 09-C-3460. This matter involves allegations of civil rights violations at the Department of Corrections. The matter has been settled for the sum of $2,000.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $2,000.00, made payable to Ruben Dunkin. Please forward the check to Paul W. Groah, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.


316176 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $2,500.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Maliek Evans v. Sheriff, Case No. 11-C-2935. This matter involves allegations of civil rights violations at the Jail. The matter has been settled for the sum of $2,500.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $2,500.00, made payable to Maliek Evans and Kenneth Flaxman, his attorney. Please forward the check to Marilyn Alioto, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316177 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $107,370.69 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Shakman, et al. v. Cook County Recorder of Deeds, Case No. 69-C-2145. This lawsuit was filed in 1969 against the County of Cook, the Cook County Board of Commissioners, and the Cook Recorder of Deeds among other defendants, and arises out of plaintiff’s class action lawsuit asserting violations of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. On September 14, 2010, the Cook County Recorder of Deeds and Plaintiff has entered into a Supplemental Relief Order, which is designed to improve hiring practices of the Recorder’s Office and resolved all pending civil matters involving any alleged violation of the Shakman Consent Decrees.

Pursuant to the terms of the Recorder’s Supplemental Relief Order, class members were allowed to file claims with the office of the Compliance Administrator for the Recorder of Deeds for alleged violations of the Shakman Consent Decrees. On November 29, 2011, the Compliance Administrator completed her investigation of four remaining Pre- Supplemental Relief Order claims and issued awards to 3 out of 4 claimants totaling $107,370.69. Upon approval, the Comptroller will be provided with the information required to issue checks to the respective claimants in specified amounts. Please forward the checks to Thomas E. Nowinski, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316180 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $5,200.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Kevoy Brown v. Cook County, et al., Case No. 09-C-6319. This matter involves allegations of a civil rights violation while a pre-trial detainee at the Department of Corrections. The matter has been settled for the sum of $5,200.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $5,200.00, made payable to Shiller Preyar Law Offices. Please forward the check to Aaron R. Bond, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.

316181 STATE'S ATTORNEY, Anita Alvarez, submitting communication advising the County to accept Proposed Settlement of $3,500.00 for the release and settlement of suit regarding Lee McCorker v. Tom Dart, et al., Case No. 09-C-5949. This matter involves an allegation of a civil rights violation at the Jail. The matter has been settled for the sum of $3,500.00, which is within the grant of authority conveyed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to the State's Attorney's Office. State's Attorney recommends payment of $3,500.00, made payable to Lee McCorker. Please forward the check to Michael J. Sorich, Assistant State’s Attorney, for transmittal.





Your Committee has considered the following communications from the Cook County Department of Risk Management requesting that the County Board authorize payment of said claims.

Your Committee concurring in the requests of the Cook County Department of Risk Management, recommends that the County Comptroller and County Treasurer be, and by the adoption of this report, are authorized and directed to issue checks to claimants in the amounts recommended.

316148 PATIENT/ARRESTEE SETTLEMENT PROGRAM CLAIMS. The Department of Risk Management is submitting invoices totaling $40,257.52, for payment of medical bills for services rendered to patients while in the custody of the Cook County Sheriff's Office. Their services were rendered under the Patient/Arrestee Settlement Program (499-274 Account). Bills were approved for payment after an audit by Cambridge Integrated Services Group or the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, and by the Department of Risk Management, who recommends payment based on Cook County State's Attorney's Legal Opinion No. 1879, dated July 14, 1987. Individual checks will be issued by the Comptroller in accordance with the attached report prepared by the Department of Risk Management.

YEAR TO DATE TO BE APPROVED TOTAL BILLED $183,906.42 $102,322.60 UNRELATED $0.00 $40,701.78 IDHFS DISCOUNT $162,511.78 $0.00 PROVIDER DISCOUNT $0.00 $21,363.30 AMOUNT PAYABLE $21,394.64 $40,257.52



Your Committee has considered the following communications received from the Employees' Injury Compensation Committee requesting that the County Board authorize payment of expenses regarding claims of Cook County employees injured while in the line of duty.

Your Committee, concurring in said requests, recommends that the County Comptroller and County Treasurer be, and upon the adoption of this report, are authorized and directed to issue checks in the amounts recommended to the claimants.

316249 THE EMPLOYEE'S INJURY COMPENSATION COMMITTEE, submitting invoice totaling $896,019.44, for payment of medical bills for Workers' Compensation cases incurred by employees injured on duty. Individual checks will be issued by the Comptroller in accordance with the attached report prepared by the Department of Risk


Management, Workers' Compensation Unit. This request covers bills received and processed from December 15, 2011 through January 18, 2012.




Your Committee was presented with the Preliminary Annual Revenue Report for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2011 for the Corporate, Public Safety and Health Funds, as presented by the Bureau of Finance.



Your Committee has considered the following items and upon adoption of this report, the recommendations are as follows:

313603 AMENDMENT TO COOK COUNTY WHEEL TAX ORDINANCE (PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT). Submitting a Proposed Ordinance Amendment sponsored by Gregg Goslin, County Commissioner.



BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 74 Taxation, Article XIV Wheel Tax, Section 74-566 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 74-566. Right to inspect.

The Cook County Sheriff's Police are hereby authorized to issue citations to any vehicle registered to an address in unincorporated Cook County on the public way in unincorporated Cook County that is not displaying a Cook County vehicle sticker and furthermore, officers of the Cook County Sheriff's Police shall have the authority to enter the following places for purposes of ascertaining whether vehicles parked therein are in compliance with this article and issue citations accordingly:

(1) Any parking lot that is open to pedestrian traffic. Nothing in this section authorizes any officer to force, break, or remove any lock or door in order


to gain entry to any of the foregoing places.

(2) Before issuing a citation for a Wheel Tax Violation the Cook County Sheriff’s Police are required to 1) verify a vehicle is registered to an address in unincorporated Cook County and 2) if vehicle sticker is not current, verify the vehicle sticker is not issued to a senior citizen.

*Referred to the Committee on Finance on 7/12/11.


314395 OFFICE OF THE PURCHASING AGENT. Transmitting a Communication from Maria De Lourdes Coss, Purchasing Agent:

requesting authorization for the Purchasing Agent to enter into and execute a County-wide contract with Lexis Nexis D/B/A Vital Chek Network, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, for Credit Card Processing Services.

Reason: Authorization to advertise for Multi-Step Bid was approved on June 1, 2011. Step 1 of this Multi-step Sealed Bid process was to pre-qualify respondents for Credit Card Processing Services. An evaluation was conducted based on the evaluation criteria listed in the solicitation document. Responses were received and evaluated. Four firms were found qualified and were invited to participate in Step 2 and submit a sealed bid. The County is seeking the most economic flat rate convenience percentage fees to be charged to taxpayers for credit card payment transactions. Lexis Nexis d/b/a Vital Chek Network, Inc. submitted the lowest percentage fee.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Contract period: October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2016. (Various-260 Accounts).

This is a revenue neutral service.

Vendor has met the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Ordinance.

*Referred to the Committee on Finance on 9/7/11. **Deferred on 9/20/11.


315447 AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 74 TAXATION, ARTICLE XI TOBACCO TAX, SECTION 74-431 TO 74-435 (PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT). Submitting a Proposed Ordinance Amendment sponsored by Larry Suffredin, County Commissioner.




BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 74 Taxation, Article XI Tobacco Tax, Section 74-431 to 74-435 is hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 74-431. Definitions.

For the purpose of this article, whenever any of the following words, terms or definitions are used herein, they shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section.

Altered or mutilated tax stamp means any tax stamp on which the identity information is illegible or incomplete.

Chewing tobacco means any leaf tobacco that is not intended to be smoked.

Cigar means any roll of tobacco wrapped in leaf tobacco or in any substance containing tobacco (other than any roll of tobacco which is a cigarette as defined in this article).

Cigarette means any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco, irrespective of size or shape and whether such tobacco is flavored, adulterated or mixed with any other ingredient, or not, and the wrapper of which is made of paper or any other substance or material except tobacco.

Concealment means cigarettes, other tobacco products, or cigarette tax stamps, in violation of this article, deliberately hidden to prevent or evade discovery and offered for sale by or in the possession of a wholesale or retail tobacco dealer.

Conspicuous means easily or clearly visible.

Counterfeit cigarettes means any cigarette or pack of cigarettes bearing a false, forged, artificial or imitation manufacturing label.

County means the County of Cook.

Department means the Department of Revenue within the Bureau of Finance of the County of Cook.

Director means the Director of the Department of Revenue.

Improperly stamped pack means, any packs of cigarettes on which is affixed an altered/mutilated; used or reused; or counterfeit tax stamp.

Large cigar means any roll of tobacco wrapped in leaf tobacco or any substance containing tobacco and weighing more than three pounds per thousand.

Little cigar means any roll of tobacco wrapped in leaf tobacco or any substance


containing tobacco and not weighing more than three pound per thousand.

Loose cigarettes means cigarettes that are not contained within a sealed container, pack, or package as provided by the manufacturer or as a result of any wholesale or retail tobacco dealer or person breaking or otherwise opening any cigarette package to sell or distribute individual cigarettes or a number of unpackaged cigarettes that is smaller than the minimum package size of 20 cigarettes or any quantity of cigarettes that is smaller than the smallest package distributed by the manufacturer for individual consumer use.

Loose little cigars mean little cigars that are not contained within a sealed container, pack or package as provided by the manufacturer.

Manufacturer means any person, other than a Retail Cigarette Manufacturer, who makes or fabricates cigarettes and/or tobacco products and sells them.

Other Tobacco products includes, but is not limited to, smokeless tobacco, smoking tobacco, large cigars and little cigars, but does not include cigarettes.

Package means the original packet, box, tin or container whatsoever used to contain and to convey cigarettes tobacco products to the consumer.

Person means any individual, corporation, Limited Liability Corporation, organization, government, governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association and any other legal entity.

Pipe tobacco includes any tobacco which, because of its appearance, type, packaging or labeling is suitable for use and likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as tobacco to be smoked in a pipe.

Premises means, but is not limited to, buildings, vehicles or any place where cigarette inventory is possessed, stored or sold.

Purchaser means consumer or end-user.

Retail cigarette manufacturer means any retail tobacco dealer who makes, fabricates, or produces cigarettes or provides to consumers tobacco and other material and equipment for the production of cigarettes in Cook County.

Retail tobacco dealer means any person who engages in the business of selling cigarettes or other tobacco products in the County of Cook to a purchaser for use or consumption and not for resale in any form.

Roll-your-own tobacco includes any tobacco which, because of its appearance, type, packaging or labeling is suitable for use and likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as tobacco for making cigarettes or cigars or for use as wrappers of cigars or cigarettes.

Sale, resale, selling means any transfer of ownership or possession, or both, exchange or barter, conditional or otherwise, in any manner or by any means whatsoever for a valuable consideration.


Smokeless tobacco includes any snuff, snus, chewing tobacco, or other tobacco products not intended to be smoked.

Smoking tobacco includes granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed and other kinds and forms of tobacco prepared in such manner as to be suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette.

Snuff means any finely cut, ground or powered tobacco that is not intended to be smoked.

Stamp means paper or other material with an imprint or decalcomania device thereon, of such size, design, color and denominations as may be prescribed and procured by the Department which, when affixed to a package of cigarettes, shall evidence payment of the tax thereon, as provided by this article.

Tobacco products includes, but is not limited to, any cigars; cheroots; stogies; periques; granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco; snuff or snuff flour; Cavendish; plug and twist tobacco; fine-cut and other chewing tobaccos; shorts; refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings, and sweeping of tobacco; and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both chewing and smoking; but does not include cigarettes or tobacco purchased for the manufacture of cigarettes by cigarette wholesale tobacco dealers and manufacturers as defined in this article.

Unit means any division of quantity that may be used as a standard to measure the quantity sold based on length, width, weight such as pounds, ounces and/or grams or volume or some other similar unit of measure, including but not limited to per item.

Unstamped pack means any pack of cigarettes on which a Cook County tax stamp is not affixed.

Use means any exercise of a right or power, actual or constructive, and shall include but is not limited to the receipt, storage, or any keeping or retention for any length of time, but shall not include possession for sale by a retail or wholesale tobacco dealer as defined in this article.

Used or reused tax stamp means, any tax stamp previously affixed to a tobacco product, removed and subsequently affixed to any tobacco product purchased, offered for sale or sold by any person, wholesale or retail tobacco dealer; or any removed tax stamp purchased, offered for sale, sold by, or in the possession of a wholesale or retail tobacco dealer.

Wholesale tobacco dealer means any person who engages in the business of selling or supplying cigarettes and/or tobacco products, who brings into the County cigarettes, to any person for resale in or outside the County of Cook. For the purposes of this article, wholesale tobacco dealers also include cigarette distributors who are licensed with the State of Illinois (35 ILCS 143/10-20).

Sec. 74-432. Registration of wholesale, and retail tobacco dealers and retail cigarette manufacturer.


Wholesale tobacco dealers, retail tobacco dealers and retail cigarette manufacturers as defined in this article, shall register with the Department in accordance with policies or procedures prescribed by the Department.

Sec. 74-433. Tax imposed; cigarettes, other tobacco products; collection; remittance.

(a) Cigarette Tax rate. A tax at the rate of 100 mils or $0.10 $0.15 per cigarette is hereby imposed upon all cigarettes possessed for sale and upon the use of all cigarettes within the County of Cook, the ultimate incidence of and liability for payment of said tax to be borne by the consumer of said cigarettes. The tax herein levied shall be in addition to any and all other taxes.

(b) Cigarette Tax stamp purchases. The tax imposed in this section shall be paid by purchase of tax stamps from the Department, except as otherwise provided in Subsections 74-446(a) and (b) of this article. The Department shall only sell Cook County cigarette tax stamps to cigarette distributors who are licensed with the State of Illinois. It shall be the duty of every wholesale tobacco dealer, before delivering or causing to be delivered any cigarettes to a retail tobacco dealer in the County of Cook to purchase from the Department a tax stamp for each package of cigarettes and to cancel said stamps prior to the delivery of such cigarettes to any retail tobacco dealer in the County of Cook. Said stamps shall be affixed and cancelled in the manner prescribed by rules and regulations of the Department.

(c) Retail cigarette manufacturer rate. A tax at the rate of $0.10 $0.15 per cigarette is hereby imposed upon each cigarette produced by a retail cigarette manufacturer.

(d) Other tobacco product tax rate. A tax at the following rates is hereby imposed upon the following products:

(1) Smoking tobacco - $0.60 per ounce or fraction thereof

(2) Smokeless tobacco - $0.60 per ounce or fraction thereof

(3) Little Cigars - $0.05 per unit or cigar

(4) Large Cigars - $0.30 per unit or cigar

(e) Wholesale Tobacco Dealer Tax collection. Any wholesale tobacco dealer who shall pay the tax levied by this article to the Department shall collect the tax from any retail tobacco dealer to whom the sale of said cigarettes, or other tobacco products is made, and any retail tobacco dealer shall, in turn, and then collect the tax from the purchaser of said cigarettes, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, little cigars and large cigars. The tax shall be paid to the person required to collect it as trustee for and on account of the County of Cook.

(f) Retail cigarette manufacturer Tax collection. Any retail cigarette manufacturer who shall pay the tax levied by this article to the Department shall collect the tax from the purchaser.


(g) Other Tobacco Products Tax collection. It shall be the duty of every of wholesale tobacco dealer and retail cigarette manufacturer to remit tax due for Other Tobacco Product sales along with forms prescribed by the Department, on or before the 20th day of the month following the month for which the tax is due.

(h) Tax included in sales price. It shall be deemed a violation of this article for a retail tobacco dealer or retail cigarette manufacturer to fail to include the tax imposed in this article in the sale price of cigarettes and other tobacco products to otherwise absorb such tax. The tax levied in this article shall be in addition to any and all other taxes.

(i) Tax debt owed to County. The tax required in this article to be collected by any wholesale tobacco dealer, or retail tobacco dealer, or retail cigarette manufacturer pursuant to this article shall constitute a debt owed by such wholesale or retail tobacco dealer to the County.

Sec. 74-435. Sales, possession, use or hindrance violations and penalties.

(a) It shall be a violation of this article to engage in the sale, possession, or use of any cigarettes and/or other tobacco products subject to any tax provided by this article upon which said tax has not been paid or the stamps affixed and cancelled as herein required, including, as described in this article:

(1) Counterfeit cigarettes or counterfeit other tobacco products.

(2) Counterfeit tax stamps.

(3) Improperly stamped packs.

(4) Unstamped packs.

(b) It shall be a violation of this article for any wholesale tobacco dealer, or retail tobacco dealer, or retail cigarette manufacturer to engage in any of the following:

(1) Utilization of used or reused tax stamps by possessing or offering for sale or resale packs of cigarettes affixed with a used or reused tax stamp.

(2) Concealment, as described in this article.

(3) Sell or distribute loose cigarettes or little cigars.

(4) Sell cigarettes to any person, other than to another registered Cook County wholesale tobacco dealer, unless each package bears an un-mutilated Cook County tax stamp affixed, or where the selling wholesale tobacco dealer, or its agent, delivers the unstamped cigarettes to a location outside Cook County.

(5) Hinder or prevent an authorized Department representative from performing an inspection or audit.

(c) Prima facie presumption. The sale, resale or possession by a wholesale or retail tobacco dealer of altered/mutilated, counterfeit, used or reused tax stamps; or packs


of counterfeit, improperly stamped, unstamped cigarettes or loose cigarettes shall give rise to the prima facie presumption that the wholesale or retail tobacco dealer is in violation of the provisions of this article.

(d) Cigarette pack, tax stamp, loose cigarettes and little cigars, other tobacco products and hindrance violation penalties.

1st Offense $2,000.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 4,000.00 Counterfeit packs of cigarettes 40 or less 2,000.00 41 or more, per pack 50.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 4,000.00 Counterfeit tax stamps 40 or less 2,000.00 41 or more, per stamp 50.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 4,000.00 Improperly stamped packs 40 or less 2,000.00 41 or more, per pack 50.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 2000.00 Loose cigarettes and little cigars 40 or less 1,000.00 40 or more, per cigarette 25.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 2000.00 Other tobacco products 1st offense 1,000.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 2,000.00 Sales to unregistered wholesalers 1st offense 2,000.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 4,000.00 Unstamped packs 40 packs or less 1,000.00 41 packs or more, per pack 25.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 2,000.00 Utilization of used or reused tax stamps 40 or less packs or stamps 2,000.00 41 or more packs or stamps, per pack or stamp 50.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 4,000.00 Hinder inspection or audit 1st Offense 1,000.00 2nd and each subsequent offense, an additional 2,000.00

Effective Date: This Amendment shall be effective on the 30th day following passage.

*Referred to the Committee on Finance on 11/15/11. **Withdrawn on 11/18/11.



315450 AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 74 TAXATION, ARTICLE IX ALCOHOL BEVERAGE, SECTION 74-352 (PROPOSED ORDINANCE). Submitting a Proposed Ordinance sponsored by Larry Suffredin, County Commissioner.



BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 74, Article IX, Section 74-352 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 74-352. Tax imposed.

(a) A tax is hereby imposed on the retail sale in the County of all alcoholic beverages. Such tax is to be paid by the purchaser, and nothing in this article shall be construed to impose a tax upon the occupation of retail or wholesale alcoholic beverage dealers. This tax shall be levied according to the following schedule:

(1) Alcoholic beverages other than beer, containing 14 percent or less alcohol by volume, a tax at the rate of $0.24 $0.23 per gallon or the pro rata portion thereof.

(2) Alcoholic beverages containing more than 14 percent and less than 20 percent alcohol by volume, a tax at the rate of $0.45 $0.44 per gallon or the pro rata portion thereof.

(3) Alcoholic beverages containing 20 percent or more alcohol by volume, a tax at the rate of $2.50 $2.49 per gallon or the pro rata portion thereof.

(4) Beer, a tax at the rate of $0.09 per gallon or the pro rata portion thereof.

(b) The ultimate incidence of and liability for payment of the tax levied in this article is to be borne by the consumer of the alcoholic beverages.

© It shall be deemed a violation of this article for a retail alcoholic beverage dealer to fail to include the tax imposed in this article in the sale price of the alcoholic beverage or to otherwise absorb such tax. The tax levied in this article shall be in addition to any and all other taxes.

(d) Except as provisions are made in this article for the collection of the tax levied in this article upon the sale of alcoholic beverages in the possession of retail dealers of alcoholic beverages on the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived, the tax levied in this article shall be collected by each wholesale dealer of alcoholic beverages who sells alcoholic beverages to a retail dealer of alcoholic beverages doing business in the County.


(e) Any wholesale alcoholic beverage dealer who shall pay the tax levied by this article to the Department shall collect the tax from any retail alcoholic beverage dealer to whom the sale of the alcoholic beverages is made, and any retail alcoholic beverage dealer shall in turn then collect the tax from the purchaser of the alcoholic beverages. The tax shall be paid to the person required to collect it as trustee for and on account of the County.

Effective Date: This Ordinance Amendment shall take effect on the 30th day following passage.

*Referred to the Committee on Finance on 11/15/11. **Withdrawn on 11/18/11.


315451 AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 34 FINANCE, SECTION 34-135 AND SECTION 34-144 (PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT). Submitting a Proposed Ordinance Amendment sponsored by Joan Patricia Murphy, Peter N. Silvestri and Jeffrey R. Tobolski, County Commissioners.



BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 34 Finance, Section 34-135 and Section 34-144 of the Cook County Code are hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 34-135. Procurement methods.

All County Procurements shall be made pursuant to the appropriate procurement method set forth below and described in the applicable Section.

Sec. 34-136. Competitive Bidding; Sec. 34-137. Small Procurements; Sec. 34-138. Requests for Qualifications or Proposals; Sec. 34-139. Sole Source Procurements; Sec. 34-140. Comparable Government Procurement; Sec. 33-141. Emergency Procurements; Sec. 34-142. Joint Procurements. Sec. 34-143. Consortium and Group Procurements. Sec. 34-144. Responsible bidder process for public works construction, maintenance and repair contracts.

Sec. 34-144. Responsible bidder process for public works construction, maintenance and repair contracts.


"Responsible bidder" for bids for construction, maintenance, and repair of public works shall mean a bidder who meets all of the job specifications, the following applicable criteria, and submits evidence of such compliance:

(a) All applicable laws prerequisite to doing business in the State of Illinois.

(b) Evidence of compliance with:

(1) Federal Employer Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number (for individuals).

(2) Provision of Section 2000(e) of Chapter 21, Title 42 of the United States Code and Federal Executive Order No. 11246 as amended by Executive Order No. 11375 (known as the Equal Opportunity Employer provisions).

(c) Certificates of insurance indicating the following coverage: general liability, workers' compensation, completed operations, automobile, hazardous occupation, product liability and professional liability insurance.

(d) Compliance with all provisions of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, including wages, medical and hospitalization insurance and retirement for those trades covered in the act.

(e) Active apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for each of the trades of work contemplated under the awarded contract for bidders and all bidder’s subcontractors.

(f) Certified payrolls as specified in 820 ILCS 130/5 for all contractors and subcontractors.

For purposes of this Sec. 34-144, the terms, “public works” and “construction” shall have the meanings set forth in the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/2.

Effective date: This amended Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon adoption.

*Referred to the Committee on Finance on 11/15/11.


Submitting a Proposed Ordinance Amendment sponsored by





BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 34 Finance, Section 34-135 and Section 34-1445 of the Cook County Code are hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 34-135.Procurement methods.

All County Procurements shall be made pursuant to the appropriate procurement method set forth below and described in the applicable Section.

Sec. 34-136. Competitive Bidding; Sec. 34-137. Small Procurements; Sec. 34-138. Requests for Qualifications or Proposals; Sec. 34-139. Sole Source Procurements; Sec. 34-140. Comparable Government Procurement; Sec. 33-141. Emergency Procurements; Sec. 34-142. Joint Procurements. Sec. 34-143. Consortium and Group Procurements. Sec. 34-144. Innovative Procurement; Sec. 34-145. Responsible bidder process for public works construction, maintenance and repair contracts.

Sec. 34-145. Responsible bidder process for public works construction, maintenance and repair contracts.

For purposes of evaluating whether a Bidder for a Public Works Contract is Responsible, the CPO shall determine that the Bidder:

(a) is authorized to do business in Illinois and the County;

(b) has, as applicable, a Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number;

(c) meets any applicable insurance requirements in the Bid Document;

(d) has certified that it is in compliance with all provisions of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, and State and Federal equal employment opportunity laws;

(e) has certified that it participates in active apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for each of the trades of work contemplated under the awarded Contract;

(f) contractually requires any subcontractor to participate in active apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for each of the trades of work contemplated under the awarded Contract; and

(g) has agreed to provide Certified payrolls as specified in the Illinois Prevailing


Wage Act.

For purposes of this Sec. 34-145, the terms, “Public Works” and “Construction” shall have the meanings set forth in the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/2.

Effective date: This amended Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon adoption.


315452 CREATING THE COOK COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW COMPLEX PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT APPEAL FEE (PROPOSED ORDINANCE). Submitting a Proposed Ordinance sponsored by Larry Suffredin, Joan Patricia Murphy, Peter N. Silvestri and Jeffrey R. Tobolski, County Commissioners.




Officers and Employees, Division 7A of the Code of Ordinances, Cook County, Illinois is hereby enacted as follows:


Sec. 2-318. Cook County Board of Review Complex Property Tax Assessment Appeal Fee.

(a) Appeals of property with an assessed valuation of $2 million or more to the Cook County Board of Review require unique expertise, time and analysis to fairly review those appeals and to protect the interests of all Cook County taxpayers’ property. To cover the actual costs of such appeals a Complex Property Tax Assessment Appeal Fee is created.

(b) The Cook County Board of Review shall charge and collect a fee as set forth in Section 32-1 to review an appeal of an assessment of a property with an equalized assessed valuation of $2 million or more, which shall be retained in a special fund designated as the Cook County Board of Review’s Complex Property Review Fund.

(c) The fee for reviewing a property with an equalized assessed valuation of $2 million or more shall be $500.00.

(d) Upon appropriation by the Cook County Board for use in reviewing complex property tax assessment appeals, the Board of Review shall make expenditure from the fund to pay costs related to the cost of providing an appeal of properties valued at $2 million or more.


BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 32 Fees, Section 32-1 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 32-1. Fee schedule.

The fees or charges provided for or required by the below listed sections shall be as shown below:

Code Section Description Fees, Rates, Charges (in dollars)


Sec. 2-318 Cook County Board of 500.00 Review Property Assessment Appeal Fee for Properties with an Assessed Valuation of $2 Million or More

*Referred to the Committee on Finance on 11/15/11.


315832 OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT. Transmitting a Communication from Maria De Lourdes Coss, Chief Procurement Officer:

requesting authorization for approval and execution of a Contract No. 11-87-007 with Lexis Nexis d/b/a VitalChek Network, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, for credit card processing services.

Reason: Authorization to advertise for Multi-Step Bid was given on June 1, 2011. Step 1 of this Multi-Step Sealed Bid process was to pre-qualify respondents for credit card processing services. An evaluation was conducted based on the evaluation criteria listed in the solicitation document. Responses were received and evaluated. Four (4) firms were found qualified and were invited to participate in Step 2 and submit a sealed bid. The County is seeking the most economic flat rate convenience fee to be charged to taxpayers for credit card payment transactions. Lexis Nexis d/b/a VitalChek Network, Inc. submitted the lowest flat rate.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Contract period: December 1, 2011 through November 30, 2014. (Various-249 and 260 Accounts).

This is a revenue neutral service.

*Referred to the Committee on Finance on 12/14/11.


**Deferred on 12/19/11.



Your Committee has considered the highway bills submitted by the Superintendent of Highways for approval and payment.

Your Committee, after considering said bills, recommends that they be, and by the adoption of this report, approved.




Acura, Inc. Section: 11-B6022-04-RP $41,378.44 171st Street LaGrange Road to Harlem Avenue Estimate # 11

Arrow Road Construction Company Section: 11-W4337-04-RS 47,223.55 Crawford Avenue Lincoln Avenue to Golf Road Estimate # 4

Capitol Cement Company Section: 01-A5020-02-RP 226,898.64 Lake-Cook Road East of Wilmot Road to Pfingsten Road Estimate # 13

Greco Contractors, Inc. Section: 09-V6946-03-RP 16,302.71 Arlington Heights Road University Drive to Lake Cook Road Estimate # 18

Hecker & Company, Inc. Section: 10-TSCMC-08-TL 159,143.04 Traffic Signal (53 Loc.) Modernization and LED Retrofit Estimate # 6

Triggi Construction, Inc. Section: 11-C1136-01-RP 141,282.79 Sauk Trail Calumet Expwy. to Torrence Avenue


Estimate # 4

S.T.A.T.E. Testing LLC Section: 09-V6946-03-RP 113.59 Arlington Heights Road

Section: 01-A5020-02-RP 2,518.51 Lake Cook Road

Section: 08-W3719-04-FP 16,757.64 Narragansett Avenue

Section: 11-B6022-04-RP 113.59 171st Street

Section: 09-37120-90-FP 2,231.89 Wheeling Township

Section: 11-B6128-05-RP 243.28 175th Street

Section: 11-C1136-01-RP 882.83 Sauk Trail

Section: 11-B4527-03-RS 978.20 103rd Street

Section: 11-W4337-04-RS 3,733.44 Crawford Avenue

S.T.A.T.E. Testing LLC Section: 10-25154-90-MFT 3,572.03 Palatine Township

Arrow Road Construction Company. Section 10-HBITN-04-GM 2,895.18 Furnish Bituminous Material (Hot Patch) North Estimate #8 and Final

K-Five Construction Corporation Section 11-HBITS-05-GM 11,284.52 Furnish Bituminous Material (Hot Patch) South Estimate #2

Arrow Road Construction Company. Section 11-HBITN-05-GM 21,345.92 Furnish Bituminous Material (Hot Patch) North Estimate #2

Transystems Corporation Section: 05-V6246-10-ES 2,116.58 Quentin Road Dundee Road to Lake Cook Road


Invoice No. 59

Village of Buffalo Grove Section: 08-A5015-01-ES 4,803.37 Lake-Cook Road Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Invoice No. 13

City of Harvey Section: 02-W5208-02-RP 249,050.50 Center Street 171st Street to 159th Street Invoice No. 1

Western Remac, Inc. Section: 11-8SPAM-32-GM Sign Panel Assembly Maintenance-2011 Estimate No. 6 7,231.39

Estimate No. 7 10,645.77

Western Remac, Inc. Section: 10-8SPAM-31-GM 64,993.91 Sign Panel Assembly Maintenance-2010 Estimate No. 10

Motor Fuel Tax Fund # 5300 (600-600)

LEGAL SERVICES Section: 05-A5021-07-RP

Holland & Knight, LLP Lake-Cook Road 3,000.03 Various Parcels


Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. Lake-Cook Road 379.00 Parcel 0G50018 & TE-1 & 2 Invoice # 3559.218-13

TITLE POLICY Section: 04-B6736-02-LA

Wheatland Title Guaranty Company Joe Orr Road 186.00 Parcel 0013 Invoice # 395238

TITLE POLICY Section: 04-B6736-02-LA

Wheatland Title Guaranty Company Joe Orr Road 70.50 Parcel 0021 Invoice # 395239

APPRAISAL SERVICES Section: 05-A5021-07-RP


Linberger & Company, LLC Lake-Cook Road 2,112.50 Parcels 0G50013 A & B & TE Invoice # 917011

FINAL JUDGMENT ORDER Section: 05-A5021-07-RP

Lake County Government Lake-Cook Road 73,000.00 Parcels 0G50013 A & B & TE Case No. 08 ED 14

TEMPORARY EASEMENT Section: 03-W3017-03-FP

Raed Ihmud 88th Avenue 2,100.00 TE 967.25


Patrick Engineering GIS Phase III 12,576.88 Version 2 Engineering Services Supplement #2 Invoice #19



Respectfully submitted,


JOHN P. DALEY, Chairman

ATTEST: MATTHEW B. DeLEON, Secretary ______

Commissioner Silvestri, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Report of the Committee on Finance be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


December 15, 2011

The Honorable, The Board of Commissioners of Cook County

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Your Litigation Subcommittee of the Finance Committee of the Board of Commissioners met pursuant to notice on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 11:00 a.m., in the County Building, Room 569, Chicago, Illinois.


Present: Chairman Silvestri, Vice Chairman Fritchey, Commissioners Suffredin and Tobolski (4)

Absent: Commissioners Collins, Gainer and Schneider (3)

Court Reporter: Anthony W. Lisanti, C.S.R.

Commissioner Schneider, seconded by Commissioner Collins, moved to convene Executive Session. The motion carried.

Commissioner Tobolski, seconded by Commissioner Schneider, moved to return to Regular Session. The motion carried.

Commissioner Suffredin, seconded by Commissioner Schneider, moved to concur with the recommendation of the State’s Attorney’s Office to authorize invoice payments for Special Counsels as listed in Tab #1 through Tab #11 in Volume 1 which are in compliance with the County’s Attorney-Fee Guidelines. The motion carried.

Tab 1 K&L Gates LLP Fairley, et al. v. Andrews, et al. Case No. 03 C 5207

Tab 2 Rock Fusco & Connelly LLC Capra v. Cook County, et al. Case No. 11 CV 4028

Tab 3 Rock Fusco & Connelly LLC Lambert v. Jamison, et al. Case No. 08 C 3613

Tab 4 Rock Fusco & Connelly LLC Santana v. Cook County, et al. Case No. 09 C 5027

Tab 5 Donohue Brown Mathewson & Capra v. Cook County Board of Review, Smyth LLC et al. Case No. 11 CV 4028

Tab 6 Donohue Brown Mathewson & Santana v. Cook County Board of Smyth LLC Review, et al. Case No. 09 CV 5027

Tab 7 Donohue Brown Mathewson & Satkar Hospitality, Inc., et al. v. Cook Smyth LLC County Board of Review, et al. Case No. 10 C 6682


Tab 8 Hickey, Melia & Associates Wendy Cash v. Cook County, et al. Case No. 08 L 04619

Tab 9 Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP Shakman v. Sheriff of Cook County Case No. 69 C 2145

Tab 10 Querrey & Harrow, Ltd. Degorski v. Cook County, et al. Case No. 04 C 3367

Tab 11 Querrey & Harrow, Ltd. United States of America v. Cook Case No. 10 C 2946 County, et al.

Commissioner Schneider, seconded by Commissioner Suffredin, moved to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,



ATTEST: MATTHEW B. DeLEON, Secretary ______

Commissioner Silvestri, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Report of the Litigation Subcommittee on Finance be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


January 18, 2012

The Honorable, The Board of Commissioners of Cook County


Present: Vice Chairman Fritchey, Commissioners Butler, Daley, Gainer, Garcia, Gorman, Goslin, Murphy, Schneider, Silvestri and Steele (11)

Absent: Chairman Suffredin, Commissioners Beavers, Collins, Reyes, Steele, and Tobolski (6)

Also Present: Alberto Montalvo – Appointee, Addison Creek River Conservancy District; John A. Bills – Appointee, Employee Appeals Board

Ladies and Gentlemen:


Your Committee on Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County met pursuant to notice on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at the hour of 9:30 A.M. in the Board Room, Room 569, County Building, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois.

Your Committee has considered the following items and, upon adoption of this report, the recommendations are as follows:

312748 ADDISON CREEK RIVER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT (APPOINTMENT). Transmitting a Communication, dated May 16, 2011 from Toni Preckwinkle, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners.

Re: Appointment – Addison Creek River Conservancy District

I hereby appoint Mr. ALBERTO MONTALVO to the Addison Creek River Conservancy District for a term to begin immediately and to expire August 1, 2016.

I submit this communication for your approval.

*Referred to the Legislative and Intergovernmental Relations Committee on May 17, 2011.

Commissioner Butler, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved the Approval of Communication No. 312748. The motion carried.

315835 COOK COUNTY EMPLOYEE APPEALS BOARD (APPOINTMENT). Transmitting a Communication dated December 1, 2011 from Toni Preckwinkle, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners.

Please be advised that I hereby appoint Mr. John A. Bills to the Employee Appeals Board for a term to begin immediately and to expire July 1, 2013. Mr. Bills will fill the vacancy of Mr. Ray Nice.

I submit this communication for your approval.

*Referred to the Legislative and Intergovernmental Relations Committee on December 14, 2011

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, moved the Approval of Communication No. 315835. The motion carried.

Vice Chairman Fritchey asked the Secretary to the Board to call upon the registered public speaker, in accordance with Cook County Code, Sec. 2-107(dd):

1. George Blakemore – Concerned Citizen


Communication Number 312748 Approved Communication Number 315835 Approved


Commissioner Steele moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Gorman. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


JOHN A. FRITCHEY, Vice Chairman

ATTEST: MATTHEW B. DELEON, Secretary ______

Commissioner Fritchey, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, moved that the Report Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


January 18, 2012

The Honorable, The Board of Commissioners of Cook County


Present: Vice Chairman Gorman, Commissioners Fritchey, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims and Steele (6) Absent: Chairman Suffredin, Commissioners Daley and Gainer (3)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Your Committee on Rules & Administration of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County met pursuant to notice on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at the hour of 9:45 A.M. in the Board Room, Room 569, County Building, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois.

Your Committee has considered the following item and upon adoption of this report, the recommendation is as follows:

316273 COOK COUNTY CLERK, David Orr, presented in printed form a record of the Journal of the Proceedings of the meeting held on Thursday, December 1, 2011.

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Schneider, moved the Approval of Communication No. 316273. The motion carried.

Commissioner Steele moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Schneider. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.


Communication Number 316273 Approved


Respectfully submitted,



ATTEST: MATTHEW B. DeLEON, Secretary ______

Commissioner Gorman, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Report Committee on Rules and Administration be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated January 6, 2012 from

ROBIN KELLY, Chief Administrative Officer, Bureau of Administration respectfully requesting the approval of a Resolution appointing Mr. John Yonan, P.E. as the Superintendent of Highways. This position has been vacant since the resignation of Mr. Rupert Graham on August 1, 2011.



WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the Office of Superintendent of Highways, Cook County, Illinois due to the resignation of the incumbent County Superintendent of Highways, Mr. Rupert F. Graham, P.E., which occurred on August 1, 2011; and

WHEREAS, the Cook County Board by Resolution dated December 14, 2011 certified the name of one (1) candidate to the Department of Transportation to take the examination for the Office of County Superintendent of Highways; and

WHEREAS, Ann L. Schneider, Secretary, the Illinois Department of Transportation, certified to the County Clerk of Cook County, that John Yonan, P.E., made a satisfactory grade and is eligible for appointment to said office.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cook County Board that John Yonan, P.E., be, and is hereby appointed, County Superintendent of Highways for Cook County for a term of six (6) years effective January 18, 2012; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two (2) certified copies of this Resolution to the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, through its District Engineer's Office at Schaumburg, Illinois. ______

In accordance with Rule 2-10, Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Goslin, moved to suspend the rules to consider the appointment of Mr. John Yonan, P.E. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Goslin, moved that the appointment be approved. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated January 18, 2012 from

DONNA M. ALEXANDER, VMD, Administrator, Department of Animal and Rabies Control respectfully request approval of the following proposed Resolution.



WHEREAS, pet overpopulation results in an estimated 6-8 million animals entering shelters nationwide each year; and

WHEREAS, tragically, only half of these animals find adoptive homes resulting in the euthanasia of 3-4 million animals per year across the nation; and

WHEREAS, spay/neuter is the only permanent, 100 percent effective method of birth control for dogs and cats; and

WHEREAS, the spay/neuter procedure prevents various forms of cancer and bacterial infections thus adding to the quantity and quality of the dog or cat's life; and

WHEREAS, during the month of February, the Cook County Department of Animal and Rabies Control conducts a spay/neuter rebate program that allows any citizen of Cook County with a valid rabies vaccine to have their pet spayed/neutered at the veterinarian of their choice; and


WHEREAS, 4,075 animals were spayed/neutered in the month of February 2011 in Cook County saving the citizens of Cook County $162,020.00 through the Cook County Animal and Rabies Control Rebate Program.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the month of February is recognized as Spay/Neuter Month in Cook County; and all residents and employees of Cook County are urged to have their pets spayed or neutered to help stop pet overpopulation. ______

Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated December 5, 2011 from

ANDREA GIBSON, Director, Budget and Management Services submitting the Bond Series Status Report for the 4th Quarter of 2011 Fiscal Year, ending November 30, 2011 in accordance with FY 2011 Resolution Section Number 15. The report consists of two (2) sections; the first section defines the bond funding status for Capital Improvement and the second section for Equipment approved by the Cook County Board of Commissioners. The report presents the projected cost, adjustments to the projected cost, expenditures and commitments, unencumbered balances, existing funding resources and future funding resources required for the approved projects and equipment after the end of the quarter. ______

This item was WITHDRAWN at the request of the sponsor.



Transmitting a Communication, dated December 14, 2011 from

MICHAEL FAZIO, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Building and Zoning. respectfully request the granting of:

1. The following No Fee Permits for the Chicago Zoological Society at 3300 South Golf Road, Brookfield, Illinois in Proviso Township, County Board District #16.

WAIVER PERMIT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 111476 HVAC Replacement Project $2,422.38 111483 HVAC Control Upgrade (8 Bldgs.) $3,160.00 111656 Temporary Tent-Man Cave $605.13


111848 Electrical Update-Goat Barn $267.38

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $6,454.89.

2. The following No Fee Permits for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for work performed on the following District properties:

WAIVER DISTRICT PERMIT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TOWNSHIP AMOUNT 9 111589 9451 N. Hams Replace 36 light fixtures Niles $88.13 Morton Grove, IL 9 112021 9451 N. Harms Replace Water Line Niles $126.00 Morton Grove, IL 6 112115 159th, ½ Mile East of Sewer Repair Thornton $123.00 Torrence 6 112117 9451 N. Harms Road Water Repair Niles $126.00 Morton Grove, IL 16 111820 Oak Park Ave., Shelter Repair Lyons $727.50 Lyons, IL 6 111821 200 W. 26th St., Shelter Repair Bloom $2,767.50 Chicago Hts., IL

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $3,958.13.

These requests are pursuant to the County Board's adoption of Ordinance No. 91-O-45 on September 16, 1991 that all building and zoning permit fees be waived for public entities defined as county, township, municipality, municipal corporation, school district, forest preserve district, park district, fire protection district, sanitary district, library district and all other local governmental bodies.

Total Estimated Fiscal Impact: $10,413.02.



Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the permit fees be waived. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 14, 2011 from

MICHAEL FAZIO, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Building and Zoning

respectfully request the granting of the following 10% Reduced Fee Permits:



University Maywood, IL Remodeling, Medical Center Proviso Township Building 120

1 111617 Loyola 2160 S. First Ave., Office $962.63 $866.37 University Maywood, IL Remodeling Medical Proviso Township Building 107 Center 1 110828 Loyola 2160 S. First Ave., Remodel $18,321.00 $16,488.90 University Maywood, IL Building 107 – Medical Proviso Township First Floor Center 1 111817 Loyola 2160 S. First Ave., Remodel $359.50 $323.55 University Maywood, IL Building 101 Medical Proviso Township Center 16 112209 Fourth Avenue 2460 Landen Dr., Temporary Tent $1,410.00 $1,269.00 Gospel Melrose Park, IL Building Corp. Leyden Township 17 111715 North Main 9301 Potter Road, Re-roof Fire $75.00 $67.50 Fire Protection DesPlaines, IL Station District Maine Township

This request is pursuant to the County Board's adoption of Ordinance No. 91-O-45 on September 16, 1991 that valid not-for-profit organizations be required to pay ten percent [10%] of the standard permit fee as established by Ordinance.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $19,501.77



Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the permit fees be waived. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated January 10, 2012 from

DAVID ORR, County Clerk by CLEM BALANOFF, Deputy County Clerk requesting authorization to accept a grant award in the amount of $3,029,073.00 from the United States Department of Health and Human Services via the Illinois State Board of Elections. The purpose of this grant is to improve the administration of federal elections in Illinois under the requirements of Title III of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002. (See related Items #43 and 44).


Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Grant Award: $3,029,073.00. Funding period: July 1, 2009 through November 6, 2012.

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the request of the County Clerk be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated January 10, 2012 from

DAVID ORR, County Clerk by JAN KRALOVEC, Director of Elections requesting authorization to accept a grant award in the amount of $175,189.00 from the United States Department of Health and Human Services via the Illinois State Board of Elections. The purpose of the Voting Access for Individuals with Disabilities (VAID) grant is to ensure that all polling places are made accessible to voters with disabilities.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Grant Award: $175,189.00. Funding period: May 1, 2011 through December 1, 2012.

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the request of the County Clerk be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication, dated January 9, 2012 from

DAVID ORR, County Clerk by CLEM BALANOFF, Deputy County Clerk and MARIA DE LOURDES COSS, Purchasing Agent requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Runbeck Election Services, Inc., Tempe, Arizona, for a vote-by-mail processing system.

Reason: Runbeck Election Services, Inc. was the winning respondent to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for a vote-by-mail processing modernization system. Runbeck Election Services, Inc.


is to provide hardware, software and maintenance for a comprehensive incoming absentee ballot mail management system. This item is funded using reimbursement funds from the requirements of Title III of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) grant.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Grant funded amount: $259,466.00. Contract period: Thirty-six (36) months from the date of execution. (619-260 and 619-579 Accounts).

The Purchasing Agent concurs.

The Chief Information Officer has reviewed this item and concurs with this recommendation. ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the request of the Chief Procurement Officer be authorized to enter into the requested contract be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated January 9, 2012 from

DAVID ORR, County Clerk by CLEM BALANOFF, Deputy County Clerk and MARIA DE LOURDES COSS, Purchasing Agent requesting authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Everyone Counts, Inc., San Diego, California, for an electronic ballot delivery system.

Reason: Everyone Counts, Inc. was the winning respondent to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for an electronic ballot delivery system. Everyone Counts, Inc. is to provide hardware, software and maintenance for a comprehensive outbound absentee ballot mail operation. This item is funded using reimbursement funds from the requirements of Title III of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) grant.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Grant funded amount: $251,970.00. Contract period: Thirty-six (36) months from the date of execution. (619-260 Account).

The Purchasing Agent concurs.

The Chief Information Officer has reviewed this item and concurs with this recommendation. ______

Commissioner Reyes, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the request of the request of the Chief Procurement Officer be authorized to enter into the requested contract be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.




Transmitting a Communication, dated December 21, 2011 from

DEBORAH STONE, Director, Environmental Control requesting authorization to accept a grant award in the amount of $7,700.00 from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency toward the purchase of new microbalance scales needed to maintain compliance with U.S. EPA specifications.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Grant Award: $7,700.00. Funding period: October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012.

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Gorman, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the request of the Director of Environmental Control be approved. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated November 8, 2011 from

THOMAS J. DART, Sheriff of Cook County by RASHANDA CARROLL, Executive Director, Department Of Reentry And Diversion Programs requesting authorization to accept a supplemental grant in the amount of $7,879.00 and an extension from October 31, 2011 to December 31, 2011 from the Illinois Department of Human Services. This increase and extension will provide alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse prevention services in Leyden, Norwood Park, Riverside and Stickney Townships.

The authorization to accept the original grant was given on July 27, 2011 by the Cook County Board of Commissioners in the amount of $42,599.00.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Supplemental Grant Award: $7,879.00. Funding period extension: November 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Reyes, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the request of the Sheriff of Cook County be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.




Transmitting a Communication, dated December 27, 2011 from

MICHAEL MASTERS, Executive Director, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management respectfully submitting a Proposed Ordinance Amendment to change the department head title and add authorization to enter into training agreements.

Submitting a Proposed Ordinance Amendment sponsored by

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President and JEFFREY R. TOBOLSKI, County Commissioner



BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Chapter 26 Emergency Management and Services, Section 26-31 through 26-43 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 26-31. Establishment.

(a) There is hereby created the Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) to coordinate the efforts of the County to develop, plan, analyze, conduct, provide, implement and maintain programs for disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery within the County and with private organizations, other political subdivisions, the State and federal governments, established pursuant to Section 10 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) Act (20 ILCS 3305/10).

(b) DHSEM shall consist of the Coordinator Executive Director, who shall serve as emergency coordinator of the County’s emergency management programs pursuant to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, and such additional members employees as may be selected by the Coordinator the President or Executive Director per the County’s hiring rules.

Sec. 26-32. Coordinator Executive Director.

(a) The Coordinator Executive Director of the DHSEM shall be appointed by the President of the County Board of Commissioners and shall serve until removed by the President.

(b) The Coordinator Executive Director shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, training and operation of the DHSEM, subject to the direction and control of the President, including the preparation by the DHSEM of an emergency operations plan consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS), as adopted by Resolution No. 05-R-464.

(c) The Coordinator Executive Director shall possess all powers and duties set forth for the Coordinator Executive Director by statute and in this Ordinance, including the authority to designate


emergency vehicles as provided in the Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/12-215.

(d) In the event of the absence, resignation, death or inability to serve as the Coordinator Executive Director, the President or any person designated by him or her shall be and act as Coordinator Executive Director until a new appointment is made as provided in this article.

Sec. 26-33. Functions.

(a) The DHSEM shall perform such functions within the County as shall be prescribed in and by the County's Emergency Operations Plan and the State Emergency Operations Plan and emergency management program prepared by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), and such orders, rules and regulations as may be promulgated by IEMA and the Governor.

(b) As used herein, the terms "emergency management agency" and "emergency services and disaster agency" are equivalent. The DHSEM shall serve as the mandated emergency management agency for all political subdivisions within the County except those areas served by emergency management agencies which have been accredited by IEMA. All political subdivisions served by the DHSEM shall be responsible for engaging in emergency preparedness and response activities within their jurisdictions. Political subdivisions which maintain a non-mandated emergency services and disaster agency not accredited by the IEMA may apply to DHSEM for certification, in which case each such political subdivision shall biennially submit an emergency operations plan to DHSEM as provided in Title 29 of the Illinois Administrative Code, Part 301, Political Subdivision Emergency and Disaster Service Agencies. Each municipality that does not maintain an emergency services and disaster agency shall designate a liaison officer to facilitate the cooperation and protection of that municipal corporation with DHSEM, in accordance with Section 10 of the IEMA Act (20 ILCS 3305/10).

(c) The DHSEM shall perform or coordinate the performance of such duties as may be required of the County pursuant to any Mutual Aid agreement with any other political subdivision, municipality, or quasi-municipality entered into as provided in Section 13 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act (20 ILCS 3305/13).

(d) The Coordinator Executive Director, in consultation with the Purchasing Agent Chief Procurement Officer and utilizing a competitive procurement process approved by the County’s Code when practicable, shall be authorized to request the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contracts for the availability of emergency equipment or supplies which may be required in the event of an emergency or disaster. Except as approved by the Board, such contracts shall not commit the County to make payment in excess of $25,000 unless such equipment or supplies are purchased under the emergency purchase authority set forth in Section 26-39 of this Ordinance.

Sec. 26-34. Service as mobile support team.

(a) All or any members of DHSEM may be designated as members of a Mobile Support Team created by the Director of the IEMA as provided by Section 8 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act (20 ILCS 3305/8).

(b) Any member of a Mobile Support Team who is a County employee or officer while serving on call to duty by the Governor or the Director of IEMA shall receive the compensation and have the powers, duties, rights and immunities incident to such employment or office. Any such member who is not a paid officer or employee of the County, while so serving, shall receive from the State reasonable compensation as provided by law.


Sec. 26-35. Agreements with other political subdivisions and nongovernmental organizations.

(a) The Coordinator Executive Director of DHSEM may negotiate Mutual Aid Agreements with other political subdivisions and taxing districts of the State as well as agreements with nongovernmental organizations, provided such agreements are consistent with the State Emergency Operations Plan and emergency management program, but no such agreement shall be effective until it has been approved by the County Board. The Coordinator Executive Director shall be authorized to enter into Memoranda of Understanding, setting forth the agreed roles of the parties thereto with respect to preparedness and response activities within Cook County without further approval by the Board.

(b) The Executive Director or his/her designee is authorized to negotiate and execute agreements with other governmental units, nonprofit and volunteer groups, and private parties for the purpose of procuring and providing training and curriculum development for first responder agencies throughout Cook County, as appropriated, and including provisions providing indemnification.

Sec. 26-36. Emergency action.

(a) If the Governor proclaims that a disaster exists in the event of an emergency created by an occurrence or threat of widespread or severe damage, injury or loss of life or property resulting from any natural or technological cause, including, but not limited to, fire, flood, earthquake, wind, storm, hazardous materials spill or other water contamination requiring emergency action to avert danger or damage, epidemic, air contamination, blight, extended periods of severe and inclement weather, drought, infestation, critical shortages of essential fuels and energy, explosion, riot, hostile military or paramilitary action, public health emergencies, or acts of domestic terrorism, and such disaster affects the County, it shall be the duty of the DHSEM to activate its Emergency Operations Plan and to cooperate fully with the IEMA and with the Governor in the exercise of emergency powers as provided by law.

(b) If the President declares a local disaster exists in the event of an emergency as set forth in subsection (a), it shall be the duty of the DHSEM to activate its Emergency Operations Plan and to cooperate fully with the President in the exercise of emergency powers as provided by law. The declaration of a local disaster shall not be continued or renewed for a period in excess of seven days, without consent of the Board.

Sec. 26-37. Compensation.

Members of the DHSEM who are paid employees or officers of the County, if called for training by the Director of IEMA, shall receive for the time spent in such training the same rate of pay as is attached to the position held. Members who are not such County employees or officers shall receive for such training time such compensation as may be established by the County Board.

Sec. 26-38. Reimbursement by state; funds received from federal government and private donation.

The County Treasurer shall establish a DHSEM fund within the general corporate fund for emergency and disaster services purposes and shall make such funds available to the Coordinator Executive Director for use in accordance with the proper purposes of the DHSEM as established in this article. The County Treasurer shall receive and allocate to the DHSEM fund:

(a) Any reimbursement by the State or Federal governments to the County for expenses incident to training members of the DHSEM as prescribed by the Director of IEMA;


(b) Compensation for services and expenses of members of a Mobile Support Team which service is outside the County in response to a call by the Governor or Director of IEMA, as provided by law;

(c) Any other reimbursement made by the State or Federal government or private donations for sponsoring and reimbursing the DHSEM emergency management activities and costs.

Sec. 26-39. Emergency powers of President and Coordinator Executive Director.

(a) In the event of the occurrence of a disaster as set forth in Section 26-36 of this article, and upon proclamation by the Governor that a disaster exists or proclamation by the President that a local disaster exists, the President may exercise the following emergency powers during such disaster:

(1) To utilize all available resources of the County, including facilities, equipment and personnel, as reasonably necessary to cope with the disaster, and to transfer the direction, personnel or functions of County departments and agencies for the purpose of performing or facilitating disaster response and recovery programs.

(2) To suspend some or all of the provisions of any regulatory ordinance or the orders, rules and regulations of any County agency, and to suspend the enforcement thereof, if strict compliance with the provisions of any ordinance, order, rule or regulation would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action, including emergency purchases, by DHSEM, in coping with the disaster.

(3) To enter into contracts and incur obligations, on recommendation of the Coordinator Executive Director necessary to place the County in a position to respond and recover from a disaster.

(b) In the event of declared disaster, the Coordinator Executive Director of DHSEM is authorized on behalf of the County to procure such services, supplies, equipment or material as may be necessary for such purposes in view of the exigency, without regard to the statutory procedures or formalities normally prescribed by law and County ordinance pertaining to County contracts, obligations, the employment of temporary workers, and the appropriation, expenditure, and disposition of public funds and property, as provided in Section 10(j) of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act (20 ILCS 3305/10(j)).

Sec. 26-40. Oath.

Every person appointed to serve in any capacity in the DHSEM organization shall, before entering upon his duties, subscribe to the following oath, which shall be filed with the Coordinator Executive Director:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the territory, institutions, and facilities thereof, both public and private, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I nor have I been a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this State by force or violence; and that during such time as I am affiliated with the Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, I will not


advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this State by force or violence."

Sec. 26-41. Designation of space.

The President is authorized to designate space in a County building, or elsewhere, as may be provided for by the Board for DHSEM for the performance of its operations and for the performance of emergency preparedness and response activities.

Sec. 26-42. Duty to cooperate.

All Departments and Officers of the County shall cooperate in developing, planning, analyzing, conducting, providing, exercising, implementing and maintaining programs for disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery as requested by the Coordinator Executive Director. In the event a disaster is declared affecting Cook County, all Departments and Officers of the County shall implement their emergency plans as applicable as requested by the Coordinator Executive Director. Every County Officer, including elected officials, shall designate a minimum of three emergency interim successors pursuant to the Emergency Interim Executive Succession Act, 5 ILCS 275/1 et seq., and obtain their oaths in the manner set forth in said Act. Such designations and oaths shall be maintained on file by the DHSEM, which shall supply sample forms to County officers, as defined in the Emergency Interim Executive Succession Act, 5 ILCS 275/1 et seq., to facilitate such designations.

Sec. 26-43. Construction.

This Ordinance shall be broadly construed to enable the President, the Coordinator Executive Director and the DHSEM to perform any task necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents of Cook County. This Ordinance is not intended to abrogate or limit any immunity or other protection available by state or federal statute or common law to the County, to any municipality or to any person participating in an emergency preparedness or response activity.


Commissioner Tobolski, seconded by Commissioner Gainer, moved that the Proposed Ordinance be referred to the Committee on . (Comm. No. 316281). The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated December 5, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, P.E., Acting Superintendent of Highways

Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation 170th (167) Street, South Park Avenue (Chicago Road) to West of the Bishop Ford Freeway (1-94) in the Village of South Holland in County Board District #6 Section: 08-B5934-04-RP Centerline Mileage: 1.17 miles


Fiscal Impact: $6,800,000.00 ($4,354,000.00 to be reimbursed from FHWA) from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-600Account)

Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Lynwood, wherein the County will include landscaped medians, a lowered roadway profile to facilitate future development and installation of a new EVPD system for the Village of Lynwood as part of the County’s roadway reconstruction project along Joe Orr Road (Relocated) from east of Stony Island Avenue to Torrence Avenue, Section: 09-B6736-03-RP (estimated project cost $7,000,000.00). In consideration of said lowered roadway profile, the Village will perpetually maintain and repair the offsite detention basins necessitated by said lowered profile. In consideration of said landscaping and EVPD system, the Village of Lynwood will operate and maintain the landscaped medians and EVPD system and shall reimburse the County of Cook for its share of construction costs, estimated Village share $6,000.00.

The Village has secured Federal funding for a portion of the improvement construction costs as specified in a Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation previously approved by your Honorable Body on December 20, 2010. Further, the Village will assume jurisdiction and maintenance of Joe Orr Road (Old) from Bluestem Parkway to Torrence Avenue following completion of the improvement as specified in the enclosed Intergovernmental Agreement. In consideration of said federal funding, the County will build certain improvements along this road segment as part of a future project.

Submitting a Resolution sponsored by




RESOLVED, that the President of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, on behalf of the County of Cook, is hereby authorized and directed by the Members of said Board, to execute by original signature or his authorized signature stamp, six (6) copies of a LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL PARTICIPATION, M-9003(742) with the State of Illinois, attached, wherein Cook County will be the lead agency to let, award a contract and supervise construction for improvements along 170th (167th) Street from South Park Avenue (Chicago Road) to west of the Bishop Ford Freeway (I-94), to be identified as Cook County Section: 08-B5934-04-RP (estimated construction cost $6,800,000.00); that the FHWA will reimburse Cook County up to a maximum $4,354,000.00 and the County of Cook shall be responsible for the remaining balance (estimated $2,446,000.00); and the Department of Highways is authorized and directed to return five (5) copies of this Resolution with Agreement to the Illinois Department of Transportation and implement a contract at the Department's discretion. ______

This item was WITHDRAWN at the request of the sponsor.


Transmitting a Communication, dated November 18, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, Acting Superintendent of Highways

Motor Fuel Tax Project


Improvement Resolution 87th Street, Cliff Street to 96th Avenue (La Grange Road) in the Village of Willow Springs and in unincorporated Lyons and Palos Townships in County Board Districts #16 and 17 Section: 11-B4221-03-RS Centerline Mileage: 1.00 miles Fiscal Impact: $750,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-600 Account)

This improvement, as proposed, will consist of milling and resurfacing the existing pavement using hot- mix asphalt materials and shall include full depth patching, drainage additions and adjustments, landscaping, traffic control and protection, pavement marking, signing, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances.


State of Illinois Resolution for Improvement by County Under the Illinois Highway Code

BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, that the following described County Highway be improved under the Illinois Highway Code:

County Highway B42, 87th Street, beginning at a point near Cliff Street and extending along said route in an easterly direction to a point near 96th Avenue (La Grange Road), a distance of approximately 1.00 miles; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the type of improvement shall be milling and resurfacing the existing pavement using hot-mix asphalt materials and shall include full depth patching, drainage additions and adjustments, landscaping, traffic control and protection, pavement marking, signing, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances and shall be designated as Section: 11-B4221- 03-RS MFT; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the improvement shall be constructed by contract; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand and NO/100 Dollars, ($750,000.00) from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the District Office of the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Approved and adopted this 18th day of January 2012.



Cook County Board of Commissioners

Attest: DAVID ORR, County Clerk ______

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the Improvement Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated November 18, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, Acting Superintendent of Highways

Motor Fuel Tax Project Improvement Resolution 88th Avenue at 105th Street in the City of Palos Hills and in unincorporated Palos Township in County Board District #17 Section: 11-W3016-03-DR Fiscal Impact: $240,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-600 Account)

This improvement, as proposed, shall consist of the correction of a chronic flooding problem along a roadside drainage ditch and shall include removal of an existing headwall inlet and grate, storm sewer installation, ditch re-grading, shoulder and gabion basket stabilization, landscaping, erosion control, traffic control and protection, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances.


State of Illinois Resolution for Improvement by County Under the Illinois Highway Code

BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, that the following described County Highway be improved under the Illinois Highway Code:

County Highway W30, 88th Avenue at 105th Street; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the type of improvement shall be the correction of a chronic flooding problem along a roadside drainage ditch and shall include removal of an existing headwall inlet and grate, storm sewer installation, ditch re-grading, shoulder and gabion basket stabilization, landscaping, erosion control, traffic control and protection, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances and shall be designated as Section: 11-W3016-03-DR MFT; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the improvement shall be constructed by contract; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Two Hundred Forty Thousand and NO/100 Dollars, ($240,000.00) from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the District Office of the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Approved and adopted this 18th day of January 2012.

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President Cook County Board of Commissioners

Attest: DAVID ORR, County Clerk ______

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the Improvement Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated November 29, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, Acting Superintendent of Highways

Motor Fuel Tax Project Improvement Resolution Schaumburg Road, Barrington Road to Roselle Road in the Villages of Hoffman Estates and Schaumburg in County Board District #15 Section: 11-A6607-04-RP Centerline Mileage: 3.33 miles Fiscal Impact: $4,625,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-600 Account)

This improvement, as proposed, will consist of full depth concrete patching of the existing pavement where it has shown signs of failure and shall include diamond grinding concrete pavement, curb and gutter repairs, median repairs, adjustments or reconstruction of existing drainage structures, joint repairs, crack routing and sealing, removal and replacement of raised reflective pavement markers, removal and replacement of traffic signal detector loops, traffic control and protection, landscaping, pavement marking, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances.


State of Illinois Resolution for Improvement by County Under the Illinois Highway Code


BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, that the following described County Highway be improved under the Illinois Highway Code:

County Highway A66, Schaumburg Road, beginning at a point near Barrington Road and extending along said route in an easterly direction to a point near Roselle Road, a distance of approximately 3.33 miles; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the type of improvement shall be full depth concrete patching of the existing pavement and shall include diamond grinding concrete pavement, curb and gutter repairs, median repairs, adjustments or reconstruction of existing drainage structures, joint repairs, crack routing and sealing, removal and replacement of raised reflective pavement markers, removal and replacement of traffic signal detector loops, traffic control and protection, landscaping, pavement marking, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances and shall be designated as Section: 11-A6607-04-RP MFT; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the improvement shall be constructed by contract; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Four Million Six Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand and NO/100 Dollars, ($4,625,000.00) from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the District Office of the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Approved and adopted this 18th day of January 2012.

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President Cook County Board of Commissioners

Attest: DAVID ORR, County Clerk ______

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the Improvement Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication, dated December 16, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, P.E., Acting Superintendent of Highways

Motor Fuel Tax Project Supplemental Improvement Resolution 88th Avenue, 103rd Street to 87th Street in the Cities of Hickory Hills and Palos Hills in County District #17 Section: 03-W3017-03-FP Centerline Mileage: 2.01 miles Fiscal Impact Fiscal Impact: $3,400,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-600 Account)

Board approved amount: 05-18-04 $10,400,000.00 Increased amount: 3,400,000.00


Adjusted amount: $13,800,000.00

I respectfully submit to your Honorable Body and recommend for adoption, a supplemental resolution appropriating additional funds for the improvement of 88th Avenue from 103rd Street to 87th Street in the Cities of Hickory Hills and Palos Hills.

This improvement, as proposed, will be pavement reconstruction and widening with hot-mix asphalt to provide 1 lane in each direction separated by a continuous/flush median; also, widening to provide a 5 lane channelized intersection at 95th Street; and shall include enclosed drainage system including off-site drainage outlets along 99th Street and 96th Street, earth excavation for a storm water detention basin, curb and gutter, tree removal, concrete sidewalk and pipe handrail, street lighting, new traffic signal installation at 95th Street and 91st Street, right-of-way, pavement marking and signage, traffic control and protection, landscaping including tree planting, construction engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances.

On May 18, 2004, your Honorable Body approved an Improvement Resolution appropriating $10,400,000.00 towards completion of this improvement. At the time of this improvement resolution, the primary scope of the improvement was limited to pavement reconstruction and widening to provide 3 lanes along with an enclosed drainage system. Subsequently, the improvement scope was expanded to incorporate additional storm water management features, including off-site detention and over-sized conveyance sewers for in-line detention storage, to alleviate chronic flooding issues along the 88th Avenue corridor.

Additional funding is required due to expansion of the improvement scope to include pavement widening to provide a 5 lane channelized intersection at 95th Street, an over-sized enclosed drainage system, off- site drainage outlets along 99th Street and 96th Street, earth excavation for a storm water detention basin, tree removal, concrete sidewalk and pipe handrail, street lighting, new traffic signal installation at 95th Street and 91st Street, tree planting, implementation of best management practices during construction, additional construction engineering and increased construction costs not anticipated in the original construction estimate.

Cost participation with the Cities of Hickory Hills and Palos Hills for infrastructure and drainage improvements is outlined in a previously executed Intergovernmental Agreement. This agreement also includes coordination with the Southwest Conference of Mayors Association (SWCMA) and the South Suburban Mayors & Managers Association (SSMMA) for the transfer of federal funding from this project to the County’s federalized project along Joe Orr Road.

I have therefore prepared the accompanying Supplemental Improvement Resolution appropriating the additional sum of Three Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,400,000.00) from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, and should your Honorable Body concur in this recommendation, I respectfully request that the Resolution be adopted and forwarded to the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for approval.



State of Illinois Supplemental Resolution for Improvement by County Under the Illinois Highway Code

BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, that the following described County Highway be improved under the Illinois Highway Code:

County Highway W30, 88th Avenue, beginning at a point near 103rd Street and extending along said route in a northerly direction to a point near 87th Street, a distance of approximately 2.01 miles; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the type of improvement shall be pavement reconstruction and widening with hot-mix asphalt to provide 1 lane in each direction separated by a continuous/flush median; also, widening to provide a 5 lane channelized intersection at 95th Street; and shall include enclosed drainage system including off-site drainage outlets along 99th Street and 96th Street, earth excavation for a storm water detention basin, curb and gutter, tree removal, concrete sidewalk and pipe handrail, street lighting, new traffic signal installations at 95th Street and 91st Street, right-of-way, pavement marking and signage, traffic control and protection, landscaping including tree planting, construction engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances and shall be designated as Section: 03-W3017-03-FP MFT; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the improvement shall be constructed by contract; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the additional sum of Three Million Four Hundred Thousand and NO/100 Dollars, ($3,400,000.00) from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the District Office of the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Approved and adopted this 18th day of January 2012.

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President Cook County Board of Commissioners

Attest: DAVID ORR, County Clerk ______

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the Supplemental Improvement Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication, dated December 6, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, P.E., Acting Superintendent of Highways

Elk Grove Township 2009-E.R.P. Project Various Locations in Elk Grove Township in unincorporated Cook County in County Board District #14 Section: 09-07109-90-FP Final Cost: $328,009.35 (+31.7% above the Construction Contract Bid Amount)


I respectfully submit to your Honorable Body and recommend for adoption a resolution approving the construction of the above captioned project in Elk Grove Township in Unincorporated Cook County.

On July 13, 2010, your Honorable Body awarded a contract for the aforesaid improvement to be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications.

The work, consisting of removing the existing hot mix asphalt surface along various streets to a depth of 1 ½ In. and then repair the existing base with patches (6 in.) of the type necessary, adjusted the pavement to provide a crown of 2% slope with leveling binder as required and resurfaced the milled pavement with hot- mix asphalt surface course, (1 ½ In.), also included were the replacement of driveway culverts as required, ditch regrading as required, restoration of shoulder and parkway with topsoil and sodding, traffic protection and miscellaneous appurtenances, has been completed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways.

The contract price of this project was $249,124.30 and final cost is $328,009.35. The increase was due to B.C. No. 1, approved by the County Board as the job progressed, to be considered the final adjustment of quantities.

It is therefore respectfully requested that the accompanying resolution be adopted.

12-R-49 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the highway improvement known as Elk Grove Township 2009 E.R.P. Project, Various Locations, Section: 09-07109-90-FP, the work, consisting of removing the existing hot-mix asphalt surface along various streets to a depth of 1 1/2 In. and then repaired the existing base with patches (6 In.) of the type necessary, adjusted the pavement to provide a crown of 2% slope with leveling binder as required and resurfaced the milled pavement with hot-mix asphalt surface course, (1 ½ In.), also included were the replacement of driveways as required, ditch regrading as required, restoration of shoulder and parkway with top soil and sodding, traffic protection and miscellaneous appurtenances has been regularly awarded by the Board of County Commissioners for construction as a County Highway improvement, and

WHEREAS, the aforesaid highway improvement has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the provisions and stipulations of aforesaid contract, now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the work and construction of aforesaid contract be, and hereby, is approved.

Approved and adopted this 18th day of January 2012.

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President Cook County Board of Commissioners

Attest: DAVID ORR, County Clerk ______

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the Construction Approval Resolution be approved and adopted. The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication, dated December 7, 2011 from


JOHN J. BEISSEL, P.E., Acting Superintendent of Highways

I herewith present the following recommendation for change in plans and extra work involved on this improvement in the Villages of Arlington Heights and Buffalo Grove, Cook County Board District #14.

AUTH. NO. SECTION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2 09-V6946-03-RP Adjustment of $158,265.05 Arlington Heights Road Quantities and (Addition) University Drive to New Items Lake Cook Road

The quantities as shown on the contract documents were estimated for bidding purposes only. This change represents the difference between the estimated quantities and actual field quantities of work performed with a large addition in the items of P.C.C. pavement and aggregate sub-grade due to an increase in the project limits.

New items were required for extra earth excavation, staking and grading, removing and replacing surface course and cleaning existing catch basins per field conditions.

I respectfully recommend approval by your Honorable Body. ______

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the communication be referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. (Comm. No. 316286). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 8, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, P.E., Acting Superintendent of Highways

I herewith present the following recommendation for change in plans and extra work involved on this improvement in the Villages of Tinley Park, Orland Hills and Orland Park, Cook County District #17.

AUTH. NO. SECTION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2 11-B6022-04-RP Adjustment of $73,574.41 171st Street Quantities and (Deduction) LaGrange Road to New Item Harlem Avenue

The quantities as shown on the contract documents were estimated for bidding purposes only. This change represents the difference between the estimated quantities and actual field quantities of work performed with substantial savings due to less quantities required for diamond grinding concrete pavement, concrete pavement patches, asphalt shoulders, detector loop and pavement marking tape.

New items were required for seeding and erosion control blanket and pavement marking removal due to site conditions.

I respectfully recommend approval by your Honorable Body. ______


Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the communication be referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. (Comm. No. 316287). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 8, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, P.E., Acting Superintendent of Highways

I herewith present the following recommendation for change in plans and extra work involved on this improvement in the Villages of Frankfort and Richton Park, Cook County District #6.

AUTH. NO. SECTION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 11-C1125-02-RS Adjustment of $46,149.78 Sauk Trail Quantities and (Deduction) Harlem Avenue to New Item Ridgeland Avenue

The quantities as shown on the contract documents were estimated for bidding purposes only. This change represents the difference between the estimated quantities and actual field quantities of work performed with a savings due to elimination of the leveling binder and contract extra work item.

A new item was added to remove HMA surface adjacent to an existing handhole on a force account basis due to field conditions.

I respectfully recommend approval by your Honorable Body. ______

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the communication be referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. (Comm. No. 316288). The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication, dated December 1, 2011 from

JOHN J. BEISSEL, P.E., Acting Superintendent of Highways submitting the Bureau of Construction's Progress Report for the month ending November 30, 2011. ______

Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Gorman, moved that the communication be referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. (Comm. No. 316289). The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated January 18, 2012 from

MAUREEN T. O’DONNELL, Chief, Bureau of Human Resources and


TAKASHI REINBOLD, Interim County Comptroller submitting the Human Resources Activity report covering the two (2) week pay period for Pay Period 25 ending December 3, 2011. ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the communication be received and filed. The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication dated, January 18, 2012 from

MAUREEN O’DONNELL, Chief, Bureau of Human Resources transmitting herewith a Salary Schedule for your consideration and approval

Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by:

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners



WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and

WHEREAS, the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments for the period of December 1, 2008 through November 30, 2012 have been negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and Teamsters Local 743 representing twelve (12) Psychologists in the Forensic Clinical Services Department and Juvenile Court; and

WHEREAS, the general increases and wage adjustments that have been negotiated are reflected in the Salary Schedule and are included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and Teamsters Local 743; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and Teamsters Local 743 as provided by the Bureau of Human Resources; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief of the Bureau of Human Resources and the Cook County Comptroller are hereby authorized to implement the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments as negotiated. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.


Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Labor. (Comm. No. 316314). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication dated, January 18, 2012 from

MAUREEN O’DONNELL, Chief, Bureau of Human Resources transmitting herewith an Interest Arbitration Award and Salary Schedule for your consideration and approval.

Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by:

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners



WHEREAS, the County of Cook/Sheriff of Cook County and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) entered into a Compulsory Interest Arbitration under the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1, et seq.); and

WHEREAS, an Interest Arbitration Award has been issued concerning unresolved salary issues between the County of Cook/Sheriff of Cook County and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) representing sixteen (16) Day Reporting Investigators (IS2) and covering the period of December 1, 2008 and through November 30, 2012; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this award and Salary Schedule shall be submitted to the Cook County Board of Commissioners for consideration; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the award is approved and that the Chief of the Bureau of Human Resources and the Cook County Comptroller are hereby authorized to implement the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments as indicated in the award. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Labor. (Comm. No. 316315). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication dated, January 18, 2012 from


MAUREEN O’DONNELL, Chief, Bureau of Human Resources transmitting herewith a Salary Schedule for your consideration and approval.

Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by:

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners


WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and

WHEREAS, the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments for the period of December 1, 2008 through November 30, 2012 have been negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) representing twenty-three (23) Social Service Department Supervisors (PS3); and

WHEREAS, the general increases and wage adjustments that have been negotiated are reflected in the Salary Schedule and are included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP); and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) as provided by the Bureau of Human Resources; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief of the Bureau of Human Resources and the Cook County Comptroller are hereby authorized to implement the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments as negotiated. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Labor. (Comm. No. 316316). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication dated, January 18, 2012 from

MAUREEN O’DONNELL, Chief, Bureau of Human Resources

Transmitting herewith a Salary Schedule for your consideration and approval.

Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by:

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners



WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and

WHEREAS, the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments for the period of December 1, 2008 through November 30, 2012 have been negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) representing fifty-eight (58) Adult Probation Supervisors (PS3 AND PS3W); and

WHEREAS, the general increases and wage adjustments that have been negotiated are reflected in the Salary Schedule and are included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP); and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments negotiated between the County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) as provided by the Bureau of Human Resources; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief of the Bureau of Human Resources and the Cook County Comptroller are hereby authorized to implement the Salary Schedule and wage adjustments as negotiated. ______

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-107(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved to suspend Section 2-107(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Labor. (Comm. No. 316317). The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated December 22, 2011 from

EARL L. DUNLAP, Transitional Administrator, Juvenile Temporary Detention Center requesting approval by the Board of Commissioners to transfer funds totaling $350,000.00 from Account 440-333, Institutional Supplies to the Office of the Transitional Administrator Account.

Reason: Transfer of funds to the Office of the Transitional Administrator account for the purchase of institutional supplies. The funds are earmarked and out of FY 2011 and this is a court order.

From Account 440-333 Total $350,000.00

To Account Office of the Transitional Administrator (OTA) Total $350,000.00


1. On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?

On October 13, 2011 it became apparent that the Institutional Supplies account 440-333 would require a transfer to the Office of the Transitional Administrator (OTA) account in order to purchase equipment for the facility. The balance in the account as of October 20, 2011 was $465,336.00 and the balance of the account two months prior was $475,000.00.

2. How was the account used for the source of transferred funds identified? List any other accounts that were also considered (but not used) as the source of the transferred funds.

The 440-333 is the only source of funds that will be used for institutional supplies; no other account will be used for purchasing these items.

3. Identify any projects, purchases, programs, contracts, or other obligations that will be deferred, delayed, or canceled as a result of the reduction in available spending authority that will result in the account that funds are transferred from.

Equipment for training, safety, and custodial will be deferred if the funds are not transferred.

4. If the answer to the above question is “none” then please explain why this account was originally budgeted in a manner that caused an unobligated surplus to develop at this point in the fiscal year. ______

Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the request of the Transitional Administrator of the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center be approved. The motion carried.

Commissioner Beavers voted "no".



Transmitting a Communication, dated December 27, 2011 from

HERMAN BREWER, Director, Office of Capital Planning and Policy respectfully submitting this Resolution regarding Brian J. Kamstra’s request for a Class 8 property tax incentive for special circumstances and substantial rehabilitation for a commercial condominium unit located at 544 East 162nd Street, South Holland, Illinois. The applicant intends to purchase this unit and remodel the unit for use as a commercial retail store.

Brian J. Kamstra requests approval of the tax incentive based on the special circumstances that the property has been vacant for less than 24 months; is being purchased for value; and substantial rehabilitation will be completed under the Class 8 Ordinance. The subject property’s location in Thornton Township helps qualify its eligibility for Class 8 as it is in one of the five pre-determined communities automatically eligible for Class 8. This Resolution is required so that the company can complete its application to the Assessor of Cook County.


Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President and JOAN PATRICIA MURPHY, County Commissioner


WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 8 that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for a commercial facility; and

WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners has received and reviewed an application from Brian J. Kamstra d/b/a Brian J. Kamstra and Patrice M. Kamstra Declaration of Trust Dated February 19, 2004 and a Resolution from the Village of South Holland for an abandoned commercial facility located at 544 East 162nd Street, South Holland, Cook County, Illinois, County Board District #6, Property Index Number: 29-15-405-044-1008; and

WHEREAS, Cook County has defined abandoned property as buildings and other structures that, after having been vacant and unused for at least 24 months, are purchased for value by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest; and

WHEREAS, commercial real estate is normally assessed at 25% of its market value, qualifying industrial real estate eligible for the Class 8 can receive a significant reduction in the level of assessment from the date that new construction or rehabilitation has been completed, or in the case of abandoned property from the date of substantial re-occupancy. Properties receiving Class 8 will be assessed at 10% of the market value for 10 years, 15% for the 11th year and 20% in the 12th year; and

WHEREAS, in the instance where the property does not meet the definition of abandoned property, the municipality or the Board of Commissioners, may determine that special circumstances justify finding that the property is abandoned for purpose of Class 8; and

WHEREAS, in the case of abandonment of less than 24 months and purchase for value, by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest, the County may determine that special circumstances justify finding the property is deemed abandoned; and

WHEREAS, Class 8 requires the validation by the County Board of the shortened period of qualifying abandonment in cases where the facility has been abandoned for less than 24 consecutive months upon purchase for value; and

WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has determined that the building was abandoned for one (1) months at the time of application, and that special circumstances are present; and

WHEREAS, the applicant estimates that the re-occupancy will create four (4) new full-time jobs; retain eight (8) full-time jobs and two (2) part-time jobs; and create six (6) construction jobs. The subject property’s location in Thornton Township helps qualify its eligibility for Class 8 as it is in one of the five (5) pre-determined communities automatically eligible for Class 8; and

WHEREAS, the Village of South Holland states the Class 8 is necessary for development to occur on this specific real estate. The municipal resolution cites that special circumstances exist in that the property has been vacant and unused for less than 24 months; there will be a purchase for value with substantial rehabilitation and that revitalization will not take place without this incentive.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the President and Board of Commissioners of the County of Cook, State of Illinois, that the President and Board of Commissioners validate the property located at 544 East 162nd Street, South Holland, Cook County, Illinois, is deemed abandoned with special circumstances under the Class 8; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Office of the Cook County Assessor.


Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Real Estate and Business and Economic Development. (Comm. No. 316294). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 27, 2011 from

HERMAN BREWER, Director, Office of Capital Planning and Policy respectfully submitting this Resolution regarding Rolam Equities, LLC's request for a Class 6b property tax incentive for special circumstances and substantial rehabilitation for an industrial building located at 4454 West Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois. The applicant intends to lease to an office furniture products distributor and a third party logistics company that performs warehousing and order fulfillment on behalf of its customers.

Rolam Equities, LLC requests approval of the tax incentive based on the special circumstances that the property has been vacant for less than 24 months; there has been a purchase for value; and substantial rehabilitation will be completed under the Class 6b Ordinance. This Resolution is required so that the company can complete its application to the Assessor of Cook County.

Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President and EARLEAN COLLINS, County Commissioner


WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an industrial facility; and

WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners has received and reviewed an application from Rolam Equities, LLC and Resolution No. 112149 from the City of Chicago for an abandoned industrial facility located at 4454 West Ohio Street, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, County Board District #1, Property Index Numbers: 16-10-200-039-0000; and

WHEREAS, Cook County has defined abandoned property as buildings and other structures that, after having been vacant and unused for at least 24 months, are purchased for value by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest; and


WHEREAS, industrial real estate would be normally assessed at 25% of its market value, qualifying industrial real estate eligible for the Class 6b can receive a significant reduction in the level of assessment from the date that new construction or rehabilitation has been completed, or in the case of abandoned property from the date of substantial re-occupancy. Properties receiving Class 6b will be assessed at 10% of the market value for 10 years, 15% for the 11th year and 20% in the 12th year; and

WHEREAS, in the instance where the property does not meet the definition of abandoned property, the municipality or the Board of Commissioners, may determine that special circumstances justify finding that the property is abandoned for purpose of Class 6b; and

WHEREAS, in the case of abandonment of less than 24 months and purchase for value, by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest, the County may determine that special circumstances justify finding the property is deemed abandoned; and

WHEREAS, Class 6b requires the validation by the County Board of the shortened period of qualifying abandonment in cases where the facility has been abandoned for less than 24 consecutive months upon purchase for value; and

WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has determined that the building was abandoned for 15 months at the time of application, and that special circumstances are present; and

WHEREAS, the applicant estimates that the re-occupancy will create 6-10 new full-time jobs, and 6-10 part-time jobs; retain 40 full-time jobs and 10 part-time jobs; and

WHEREAS, the City of Chicago states that the Class 6b tax incentive is necessary for development to occur on this specific real estate. The municipal resolution cites that special circumstances exist which include that the subject property has been vacant and unused for less than 24 months; there has been a purchase for value; and that the applicant plans invest roughly $766,513.00 to refurbish existing facility; and

WHEREAS, the applicant acknowledges that it must provide an affidavit to the Assessor's Office stipulating that it is in compliance with the County's Living Wage Ordinance prior to receiving the Class 6b incentive on the subject property.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the President and Board of Commissioners of the County of Cook, State of Illinois, that the President and Board of Commissioners validate the property located at 4454 West Ohio Street, Chicago, Cook County, Cook County, Illinois, is deemed abandoned with special circumstances under the Class 6b; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Office of the Cook County Assessor.


Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Real Estate and Business and Economic Development. (Comm. No. 316290). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *


Transmitting a Communication, dated December 27, 2011 from

HERMAN BREWER, Director, Office of Capital Planning and Policy respectfully submitting this Resolution regarding Joveking, LLC's request for a Class 6b property tax incentive for special circumstances and substantial rehabilitation for an industrial building located at 160- 200 King Street, Elk Grove Village, Illinois. The applicant intends has leased the property to EMCO Gears, Inc. whose operations consist of manufacturing, warehousing and distribution of transmission parts for the automotive and aerospace industries.

Joveking, LLC requests approval of the tax incentive, based on the special circumstances that the property had been vacant for less than 24 months; has been purchased for value; and substantial rehabilitation will be completed under the Class 6b Ordinance. This Resolution is required so that the company can complete its application to the Assessor of Cook County.

Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by



WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an industrial facility; and

WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners has received and reviewed an application from Joveking, LLC and Resolution No. 65-10 from the Village of Elk Grove Village for an abandoned industrial facility located at 160-200 King Street, Elk Grove Village, Cook County, Illinois, County Board District #17, Property Index Number: 08-22-102-242-0000; and

WHEREAS, Cook County has defined abandoned property as buildings and other structures that, after having been vacant and unused for at least 24 months, are purchased for value by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest; and

WHEREAS, industrial real estate is normally assessed at 25% of its market value, qualifying industrial real estate eligible for the Class 6b can receive a significant reduction in the level of assessment from the date that new construction or rehabilitation has been completed, or in the case of abandoned property from the date of substantial re-occupancy. Properties receiving Class 6b will be assessed at 10% of the market value for 10 years, 15% for the 11th year and 20% in the 12th year; and

WHEREAS, in the instance where the property does not meet the definition of abandoned property, the municipality or the Board of Commissioners, may determine that special circumstances justify finding that the property is abandoned for purpose of Class 6b; and

WHEREAS, in the case of abandonment of less than 24 months and purchase for value, by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest, the County may determine that special circumstances justify finding the property is deemed abandoned; and


WHEREAS, Class 6b requires the validation by the County Board of the shortened period of qualifying abandonment in cases where the facility has been abandoned for less than 24 consecutive months upon purchase for value; and

WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has determined that the building was abandoned for 11 months at the time of application, and that special circumstances are present; and

WHEREAS, the applicant estimates that the re-occupancy will create eight (8) to ten (10) new full-time jobs, and retain 22 full-time jobs; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Elk Grove Village states the Class 6b is necessary for development to occur on this specific real estate. The municipal resolution cites the special circumstances include that the property has been vacant for less than 24 months; has been purchase for value; and is in need of substantial rehabilitation; and

WHEREAS, the applicant acknowledges that it must provide an affidavit to the Assessor's Office stipulating that it is in compliance with the County’s Living Wage Ordinance prior to receiving the Class 6b incentive on the subject property.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the President and Board of Commissioners of the County of Cook, that the President and Board of Commissioners validate the property located at 160-200 King Street, Elk Grove Village, Cook County, Illinois, is deemed abandoned with special circumstances under the Class 6b; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Office of the Cook County Assessor.


Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Real Estate and Business and Economic Development. (Comm. No. 316291). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 27, 2011 from

HERMAN BREWER, Director, Office of Capital Planning and Policy respectfully submitting this Resolution regarding 1100 Chase, LLC's request for a Class 6b property tax incentive for special circumstances and substantial rehabilitation for an industrial building located at 1100 Chase Avenue, Elk Grove Village, Illinois. The applicant intends to lease the property to Labelmaster Packing Services/DGM Inc. a company that specializes in the packaging and distribution of dangerous goods.

1100 Chase, LLC requests approval of the tax incentive based on the special circumstances that the property has been vacant for more than 24 months; there has been no purchase for value; and substantial rehabilitation will be completed under the Class 6b Ordinance. This Resolution is required so that the company can complete its application to the Assessor of Cook County.


Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by



WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an industrial facility; and

WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners has received and reviewed an application from 1100 Chase, LLC and Resolution No. 56-10 from the Village of Elk Grove Village for an abandoned industrial facility located at 1100 Chase Avenue, Elk Grove Village, Cook County, Illinois, County Board District #17, Property Index Number: 08-27-402-060-0000; and

WHEREAS, Cook County has defined abandoned property as buildings and other structures that, after having been vacant and unused for at least 24 months, are purchased for value by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest; and

WHEREAS, industrial real estate is normally assessed at 25% of its market value, qualifying industrial real estate eligible for the Class 6b can receive a significant reduction in the level of assessment from the date that new construction or rehabilitation has been completed, or in the case of abandoned property from the date of substantial re-occupancy. Properties receiving Class 6b will be assessed at 10% of the market value for 10 years, 15% for the 11th year and 20% in the 12th year; and

WHEREAS, in the instance where the property does not meet the definition of abandoned property, the municipality or the Board of Commissioners, may determine that special circumstances justify finding that the property is abandoned for purpose of Class 6b; and

WHEREAS, in the case of abandonment of more than 24 months and no purchase for value, by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest, the County may determine that special circumstances justify finding the property is deemed abandoned; and

WHEREAS, Class 6b requires the validation by the County Board of the extended period of qualifying abandonment in cases where the facility has been abandoned for more than 24 consecutive months with no purchase for value; and

WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has determined that the building was abandoned for 31 months at the time of application, and that special circumstances are present; and

WHEREAS, the applicant estimates that the re-occupancy will create 10 new full-time jobs; retain 10 full-time jobs and create 20-25 construction jobs; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Elk Grove Village states the Class 6b is necessary for development to occur on this specific real estate. The municipal resolution cites the special circumstances include the property has been vacant for more than 24 months; there will be no purchased for value; and there is a need for substantial rehabilitation; and

WHEREAS, the applicant acknowledges that it must provide an affidavit to the Assessor's Office stipulating that it is in compliance with the County’s Living Wage Ordinance prior to receiving the Class 6b incentive on the subject property.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the President and Board of Commissioners of the County of Cook, that the President and Board of Commissioners validate the property located at 1100 Chase Avenue, Elk Grove Village, Cook County, Illinois, is deemed abandoned with special circumstances under the Class 6b; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Office of the Cook County Assessor.


Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Real Estate and Business and Economic Development. (Comm. No. 316292). The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 27, 2011 from

HERMAN BREWER, Director, Office of Capital Planning and Policy respectfully submitting this Resolution regarding Kenneth Properties, LLC’s request for a Renewal Class 6b property tax incentive in Unincorporated Cook County for an industrial building located at 1660 Kenneth Drive, Mount Prospect, Illinois. The applicant’s company Sun Process Converting, Inc. intends to continue to manufacture pressure sensitive film products.

Kenneth Properties, LLC initial tax incentive was approved October 5, 1999 for Class 6b new construction. The economy downturn of the recent years has severely impact manufacturing. Kenneth Properties, LLC cannot afford the new facility without the Class 6b. This Resolution is required so that the company can complete its application to the Assessor of Cook County.

Submitting a Proposed Resolution sponsored by

TONI PRECKWINKLE, President and TIMOTHY O. SCHNEIDER, County Commissioner


WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment Classification 6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an industrial facility; and

WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners has received and reviewed an application from Kenneth Properties, LLC located in Unincorporated Cook County for a renewal of an existing Class 6b tax incentive for an industrial facility located at 1660 Kenneth Drive, Mount Prospect, Illinois, County Board District #15, Property Index Numbers: 08-23-101-052-0000 and 08-23-101-060-0000; and

WHEREAS, Cook County has defined that the classification period for Class 6b shall continue for 12 years from the date such new construction (excluding demolition if any), or such substantial rehabilitation was completed and initially assessed, or in case of abandoned property, from the date of substantial preoccupancy; and


WHEREAS, industrial real estate is normally assessed at 25% of its market value, qualifying industrial real estate eligible for the Class 6b can receive a significant reduction in the level of assessment from the date that new construction or rehabilitation has been completed, or in the case of abandoned property from the date of substantial re-occupancy. Properties receiving Class 6b will be assessed at 10% of the market value for 10 years, 15% for the 11th year and 20% in the 12th year; and

WHEREAS, the real estate is located in an unincorporated area of Cook County, the Cook County Board must by lawful resolution or ordinance, expressly state that it supports and consents to the filling of a Renewal Class 6b Application and that it finds Class 6b necessary for development to occur on the subject property; and

WHEREAS, the incentive may be renewed during the last year a property is entitled to a 10% assessment level or when the incentive is still at the 15% or 20% assessment level, if the taxpayer notifies the Assessor’s Office of intent to request renewal of the incentive along with a certified copy of the resolution or ordinance from the municipality, or the County Board if the real estate is located in unincorporated; and

WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners confirms that the nature of the original development allowing the Class 6b was new construction and the original resolution was approved October 5, 1999, board communication number 230837; and

WHEREAS, the applicant currently employs 85 full time jobs in Cook County and the Cook County Board of Commissioners has determined that the industrial use of the property is necessary and beneficial to the local economy and supports and consents to the renewal of the Class 6b; and

WHEREAS, the applicant acknowledges that it must provide an affidavit to the Assessor's Office stipulating that it is in compliance with the County’s Living Wage Ordinance prior to receiving the renewal Class 6b incentive on the subject property.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the President and Board of Commissioners of the County of Cook, that the President and Board of Commissioners validate the property located at 1660 Kenneth Drive, Mount Prospect, Illinois, Cook County, Illinois, is deemed eligible for the renewal of the Class 6b; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Office of the Cook County Assessor.


Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the Proposed Resolution be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Real Estate and Business and Economic Development. (Comm. No. 316293). The motion carried unanimously.




Transmitting a Communication, dated November 29, 2011 from

MARIA DE LOURDES COSS, Chief Procurement Officer and LISA M. WALIK, Director, Department of Risk Management requesting authorization for the Cook County Board of Commissioners to approve as amended (Comm. No. 313903), which was previously approved on the September 7, 2011 Board Agenda in the Finance Committee Report of September 7, 2011.

The amendment is indicated by the underscored and stricken language.

Transmitting a Communication, dated July 26, 2011 from

LISA M. WALIK, Director, Department of Risk Management requesting authorization for the Purchasing Agent Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Health Care Service Corporation, Chicago, Illinois for health insurance benefits.

Reason: To provide the eligible Cook County employees and their dependents with health care benefits (PPO and HMO) for a period of (2) two years with two one-year renewal options. A Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") was downloaded by thirty-three (33) companies and four (4) companies responded to the RFQ. In accordance with the procurement process, each of the responses were reviewed and each respondent was deemed qualified. A Request for Proposal was subsequently issued this past spring to the qualified respondents. Based upon the initial analysis of the proposals submitted, three companies were selected as finalists and Health Care Service Corporation was recommended for a contract award.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $262,000,000* Contract period: December 1, 2011 through November 30, 2013. Department Number: 542-176 (Health Insurance).

*The estimated fiscal impact is based on current enrollment and the plan design that is currently in force. The plan design and costs are subject to change based on the outcome of future labor negotiations. Therefore, the fiscal impact is subject to change accordingly. Based on these factors, sufficient funds will be budgeted for each fiscal year.

Approval for this item would commit Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 funds. ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to enter into the requested contract. The motion carried.

Commissioner Collins voted "present".

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated from

MARIA DE LOURDES COSS, Chief Procurement Officer and DAVID ORR, County Clerk


requesting that the Board of Commissioners approve as amended the following Agreement which was previously approved on the November 1, 2011 Board Agenda, Item #35.

The amendment is indicated by the underscored and stricken language.

Transmitting a Communication, dated September 27, 2011 from

DAVID ORR, County Clerk by CLEM BALANOFF, Deputy Clerk requesting authorization for the Purchasing Agent Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with Lake County Press, Inc.,Waukegan, Illinois, for ballot printing services.

Reason: A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued for ballot printing services. Of the certified printers, Lake County Press was found most qualified, meeting all technical requirements, and with the necessary experience and lowest price.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $1,123,291.00 (FY2012: $844,000.00; and FY2013: $279,291.00).

Contract period: December 1, 2011 through November 30, 2013. (524-240 Account).

Sufficient funds are available in the County Clerk Election Division Fund.

The Purchasing Agent Chief Procurement Officer concurs.

Vendor has met the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Ordinance. ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to enter into the requested contract. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 27, 2011 from

MARIA DE LOURDES COSS, Chief Procurement Officer and LISA M. WALIK, Director, Department of Risk Management requesting authorization for the Cook County Board of Commissioners to approve as amended (Comm. No. 313902), which was previously approved on the September 7, 2011 Board Agenda in the Finance Committee Report of September 7, 2011.

The amendment is indicated by the underscored and stricken language.

Transmitting a Communication, dated July 26, 2011 from

LISA M. WALIK, Director, Department of Risk Management


requesting authorization for the Purchasing Agent Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute a contract with First Commonwealth, Inc. a wholly owned subsidary of the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, Chicago, Illinois for dental insurance benefits.

Reason: To provide the eligible Cook County employees and their dependents with managed care dental benefits (PPO and HMO) for a period of (2) two years with two one-year renewal options to coincide with the ongoing collective bargaining process. A Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") was downloaded by thirty-three (33) companies and seven (7) insurance companies responded to the RFQ. In accordance with the procurement process, each of the responses were reviewed and each respondent was deemed qualified. A Request for Proposal was subsequently issued this past spring to the qualified respondents. Based upon the initial analysis of the proposals submitted, three companies were selected as finalists and First Commonwealth, Inc. a wholly subsidary of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America was recommended for a contract award.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $8,000,000 (*representing a 3% reduction over the current expenditure for this benefit and a cost savings of approximately $93,000 to the County).

*The estimated fiscal impact is based on current enrollment and the plan design that is in force. The plan design and costs are subject to change based on the outcome of future labor negotiations. Therefore, the fiscal impact is subject to change accordingly. Based on these factors, sufficient funds will be budgeted for each fiscal year.

Contract period: December 1, 2011 through November 30, 2013. (542-177 Dental Insurance Account).

Approval for this item would commit Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 funds. ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to enter into the requested contract. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated December 20, 2011 from

ANNA ASHCRAFT, Director, Real Estate Management Division respectfully requesting approval of a Third Amendment to Lease between the County of Cook, as Tenant, and the Village of Phoenix, as Landlord. The Ambulatory and Community Health Network of Cook County currently occupies space in the building located at 650 East Phoenix Center Drive, Phoenix, Illinois. The space will continue to be utilized by the Ambulatory and Community Health Network of Cook County as a primary health care center. Details are:

Landlord: Village of Phoenix Tenant: County of Cook Using Agency: Ambulatory and Community Health Network of Cook County Location: 650 East Phoenix Center Drive, Phoenix, Illinois 60426 Term: February 1, 2012 to January 31, 2015


Termination: 90 day written notice by either party Space Occupied: 3,198 square feet

Rent: Monthly: $3,731.00 Annually: $44,772.00 Rate per Square Foot: $14.00

Approval of this item would commit Fiscal 2013, 2014 and 2015 funds.

This item was approved by the Finance Committee of the Board of Directors of the Cook County Health and Hospitals System at its meeting on Friday, December 9, 2011.

Approval is recommended. ______

Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the request of the Director of the Real Estate Management Division be approved. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 20, 2011 from

ANNA ASHCRAFT, Director, Real Estate Management Division respectfully requesting approval of a First Amendment to License Agreement between the County of Cook, as licensor and Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center, Olympia Fields, Illinois, as licensee, to extend the license for space at three County-owned Public Health locations. Aunt Martha’s will continue to utilize the space at each location to provide services and assist pregnant women and infants under the age of (1), enroll pregnant women and infants into case management programs, complete assessments on pregnant women and infants, complete All Kids applications on site and assist with referrals for patients. All services provided will be free of charge to the patient. Details are:

Licensor: County of Cook Licensee: Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center, Inc. Location: Robbins Health Center, located at 13450 South Kedzie Avenue, Robbins, Illinois Cottage Grove Health Center, located at 1645 Cottage Grove Avenue, Ford Heights, Illinois Markham Health Center, located at 16501 South Kedzie Avenue, Markham, Illinois Term: January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2013 License Fee: $10 (and other value consideration) Termination: 30 day written notice by either party

Licensee has met the insurance requirements under the License Agreement.

This item was approved by the Finance Committee of the Board of Directors of the Cook County Health and Hospitals System at their meeting on Friday, December 9, 2011.

Approval is recommended. ______


Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the request of the Director of the Real Estate Management Division be approved. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 20, 2011 from

ANNA ASHCRAFT, Director, Real Estate Management Division respectfully requesting approval of a Fourth Amendment to Lease for storage space located at 5410 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Illinois, which is being utilized by the State’s Attorney’s Office for storage of confidential records.

Storage space at the County’s Warehouse, located at 23rd & Rockwell, is not yet available for use by the States Attorney’s Office. They will need to remain at the 5410 W. Roosevelt Road location until the County-owned space is ready for occupancy. Details are:

Landlord: Shetland Limited Partnership Tenant: County of Cook Using Agency: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Location: 5410 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Illinois Term: March 1, 2012 – February 28, 2013 Space Occupied: 15,024 square feet

Rent: Monthly: $4,952.00 Annual: $59,424.00

Approval is recommended. ______

Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the request of the Director of the Real Estate Management Division be approved. The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication, dated December 20, 2011 from

ANNA ASHCRAFT, Director, Real Estate Management Division respectfully requesting authority to terminate the Lease Agreement entered into by and between Mr. Albert Pontrelli, as (“Landlord”) and the County of Cook as (“Tenant”) for space located at 2138 South 61st Court, Cicero, Illinois, which was utilized by Cook County Works for a One-Stop Career Center to provide employment and training services to the employer and client community in the West Suburbs. The Cook County Board of Commissioners (“Board”) approved the Lease February 6, 2008.

Cook County Works has communicated to this Office that arrangements have been made with a non- governmental provider which will take over the day to day operation of the One Stop Center and is negotiating with the Landlord for a lease. Therefore, Cook County Works has requested that the County Lease for this location be terminated effective February 29, 2012.


Termination of the Lease Agreement requires 30 days written notice to the Landlord. The Real Estate Management Division will send the required written notice for termination within five (5) days of Board approval.

Approval is recommended. ______

Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the request of the Directof of the Real Estate Management Division be approved. The motion carried unanimously.


Transmitting a Communication, dated December 20, 2011 from

ANNA ASHCRAFT, Director, Real Estate Management Division

Approval is respectfully requested for the County to execute and deliver an Assignment of Ground Lease Agreement, (“Assignment”) and a First Amendment to Lease (“First Amendment”) pursuant to a request from Vision House, Inc. and Chicago Commons, Inc. The County’s consent is needed to effectuate the Assignment. The First Amendment will permit the new use, financing and renewal option described below.

On January 20, 2000, the Board of Commissioners approved a Ground Lease with Vision House, Inc., granting Vision House the right to construct and operate a child care center for HIV-impacted families on vacant land owned by the County and located at 515 E. 50th Street in Chicago, Illinois. The term of the Ground Lease expires on January 31, 2030, subject to Ground Tenant’s option to extend for an additional ten-year term. The County received a lump-sum payment for the value of the land upon execution of the Ground Lease.

a. Assignment of Ground Lease Vision House completed construction of the child care center, but advancements in medical treatment rendered the program unnecessary. Since use of the facility for AIDS and HIV impacted families is no longer feasible, Vision House has requested permission to assign all of its right, title and interest to Chicago Commons so that the property can be operated for a suitable use which will benefit the residents of Cook County.

Founded in 1894, Chicago Commons, a long time provider of social services, intends to use the facility for an adult and senior health and daycare program serving low-income, frail, and chronically ill elderly residents and developmentally disabled adults on Chicago’s southwest side.

The Adult Day Services program is designed to meet the specific needs of seniors and adults who have significant limitations in activities of daily living, but are capable of riding a handicapped-accessible bus. Acquisition of the facility will also allow Chicago Commons to create specialized and separate programming for Alzheimer’s clients, traumatically brain injured- clients, and developmentally disabled clients.

Chicago Commons has provided all requested financial information and a commitment letter from the Illinois Facilities Fund (“IFF”) for financing of the acquisition and renovation cost in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Assignment of Lease Agreement.

b. First Amendment to Ground Lease


The proposed First Amendment will modify the Original Ground Lease to reflect current conditions, permit the new use as outlined above, and allow Chicago Commons to obtain a Leasehold Mortgage from the IFF to make certain improvements to the Premises to facilitate its use. The First Amendment also grants Chicago Commons a second option to extend the Ground Lease for one additional ten (10) year period, for additional consideration payable upon exercise of the option.

I believe permitting the assignment and amendment of the Original Lease is in the best interests of the County.

Approval is recommended. ______

Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, moved that the communication be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Real Estate and Business and Economic Development (Comm. No. 316295). The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated January 8, 2012 from

ZAHRA ALI, Director, Department of Revenue

As a result of efforts undertaken by the Joint Committee on City-County Collaboration and per the direction of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, authorization is hereby requested for the President to enter into and execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between Cook County (“County”) by and through the Department of Revenue (“DOR”) and the Office of the Cook County State’s Attorney and the City of Chicago, by and through its Department of Finance, its Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (“BACP”) and Office of Corporation Counsel for the joint enforcement and adjudication of Tobacco Tax violations for both the City of Chicago and the County of Cook.

Per Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution, the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., and other applicable law, units of local government are permitted to cooperate with and support each other in exercise of their authority and the performance of their responsibilities.

The purpose of this Intergovernmental Agreement is to collaborate in a greater degree and to reduce duplicative efforts in enforcing our respective tobacco tax ordinances. Employees from the departments at both the City and the County, County DOR investigators, City BACP investigators, County Administrative Hearing Officers, City Administrative Hearing Officers, County Assistant State’s Attorneys, City Corporation Counsel Attorneys, County DOR collection staff, and City Department of Finance collection staff may be cross designated to account for the intergovernmental cooperation. The cross designation through this IGA will allow the County to issues citations and adjudicate for City Tobacco Tax violations in addition to the County violation and vice versa. In addition, the City and County will share enforcement information on repeat offenders and coordinate enforcement activities on a monthly basis. The documents and information shared pursuant to this agreement, including information disclosed pursuant are to be used strictly and solely for the purpose of aiding in the administration and enforcement of the City or County ordinances regarding the Tobacco Tax.

The Intergovernmental Agreement may be terminated by the parties upon ninety days written notice.


This Intergovernmental Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. ______

Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the request of the Director of the Department of Revenue be approved. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated December 20, 2011 from

ANITA ALVAREZ, Cook County State’s Attorney by MICHELE V. LATZ, Chief of the Administrative Services Bureau, State’s Attorney’s Office requesting authorization to renew a grant in the amount of $665,879.00 from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA). This grant will provide continued funding for the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Prosecution Coordination Program, which enables the State's Attorney's Office to better utilize staff and resources to effectively address the combined issues of sexual assault and domestic violence. This program provides funding to allow the State's Attorney's Office to dedicate four (4) assistant state's attorneys, two (2) investigators, two (2) victim specialists, one (1) Domestic Violence Resource Center Coordinator, and one (1) administrative assistant. This grant requires that our office match one (1) dollar for each three (3) dollars of federal funding. The match commitment for this program is a cash match that supports the full salary and fringe benefits of one (1) assistant state's attorney, a portion of the salary of (1) assistant state's attorney, as well as a portion of the fringe benefits for the remaining personnel.

The authorization to accept the previous grant was given on May 4, 2011 by the Cook County Board of Commissioners in the amount of $665,879.00 with a total match of $227,727.00.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $261,330.00 (Required Match: $221,960.00; and Over-Match: $39,370.00). Grant Award: $665,879.00. Funding period: January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. (250-818 Account).

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved that the request of the Cook County State's Attorney be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 21, 2011 from

ANITA ALVAREZ, Cook County State’s Attorney


by MICHELE V. LATZ, Chief of the Administrative Services Bureau, State’s Attorney’s Office requesting authorization to renew a grant in the amount of $742,227.00 from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) for the Law Enforcement Prosecutor Based Victim Assistance Program. The grant will provide funding for a total of 14 victim specialists including three (3) Juvenile Court Specialists who are dedicated to serving victims of juvenile offenders, one (1) TAC Specialist who provides direct services to victims of high-risk domestic violence cases, seven (7) Victim Generalists who provide services to victims of all types of felony crimes and two (2) Polish-Speaking Specialists and one (1) Spanish-Speaking Specialist who provide services to non-English speaking victims.

This grant requires that our office match 25% of the grant award. The match commitment for this program consists of both cash and in-kind contributions. The in-kind match fully supports the salary and fringe benefits of one (1) Juvenile Court Specialist. The cash match consists of a portion of the salary costs as well as the majority of the fringe benefits of the other 13 victim specialists.

The authorization to accept the previous grant was given on March 15, 2011 by the Cook County Board of Commissioners in the amount of $742,227.00 with a cash match of $182,530.00 and an in-kind match of $58,448.00.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $282,321.00 [Required Match: $185,557.00; and Over Match: $96,764.00. $216,410.00 - (250-818 Account); $40,807.00 - (250-110 Account); and $25,104.00 - (250/171-179 Accounts)]. Grant Award: $742,227.00. Funding period: December 1, 2011 through November 30, 2012.

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved that the request of the Cook County State's Attorney be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 7, 2011 from

ANITA ALVAREZ, Cook County State’s Attorney by MICHELE V. LATZ, Chief of the Administrative Services Bureau, State’s Attorney’s Office requesting authorization to renew a grant in the amount of $470,699.00 from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) for the Law Enforcement Prosecutor Based Victim Assistance Program. This grant will provide funding for: two (2) Victim Specialists who are dedicated to serving victims of domestic violence (one assists victims of misdemeanor domestic violence and one assists victims of felony domestic violence), two (2) Victim Compensation Specialists, one (1) Disabilities Specialist, one (1) Senior Specialist, one (1) Gang Homicide Specialist, one (1) Branch 66 Homicide Specialist, and one (1) Suburban Courthouse Generalist.

This grant requires that our Office match 25% of the grant award. The match commitment for this program consists of both cash and in-kind contributions. The in-kind match fully supports the salary and


fringe benefits of one (1) Domestic Violence Victim Specialist. The cash match consists of a portion of the salary costs as well as a portion of the fringe benefits of the remaining seven (7) Victim Specialists and one (1) Suburban Courthouse Generalist not covered by the grant award, as well as the independent audit.

The authorization to accept the previous grant was given on March 15, 2011 by the Cook County Board of Commissioners in the amount totaling $470,699.00 with a cash match totaling $98,032.00 and in-kind match totaling $47,944.00.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $145,976.00 [Required Match - $117,675.00; and Over Match - $24,569.00. $98,032.00 - (250-818 Account); $42,318.00 - (250-110 Account); and $5,626.00 - (250/170-179 Accounts)]. Grant Award: $470,699.00. Funding period: November 1, 2011 through April 30, 2013.

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved that the request of the Cook COunty State's Attorney be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.

* * * * *

Transmitting a Communication, dated December 8, 2011 from

ANITA ALVAREZ, Cook County State’s Attorney by MICHELE V. LATZ, Chief of the Administrative Services Bureau, State’s Attorney’s Office requesting authorization to accept a grant renewal in the amount of $802,644.00 from the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council. This grant renewal provides continued funding for one (1) year for our Motor Vehicle Theft Prosecutions Unit. This grant funds the salaries and benefits for five (5) assistant state’s attorneys, one (1) state’s attorney investigator, one (1) administrative assistant located at 2650 South California Avenue and one (1) part-time law clerk. The personnel funded by this grant work to increase prosecution of offenders involved in motor vehicle theft crimes and motor vehicle related crimes.

The authorization to accept the previous grant was given on February 1, 2011 by the Cook County Board of Commissioners in the amount of $802,644.00.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Grant award: $802,644.00. Contract Period: January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012.

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, moved that the request of the Cook County State's Attorney be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated December 22, 2011 from

ANITA ALVAREZ, Cook County State's Attorney by PATRICK T. DRSICOLL, JR., Deputy State's Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau respectfully request permission to discuss the following cases with the Board or the appropriate committee thereof:

1. Ahmad Jajeh v. Cook County, Case No. 09-C-7227 (Comm. No. 316296)

2. Keith Dookeran v. Cook County, Case No. 11-C-2802 (Comm. No. 316297)

3. Katherine Keglovitz v. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Case No. 11-C-2784 (Comm. No. 316298)

4. Salvatore Ziccarelli v. Cook County Sheriff, Case No. 11-C-4909 (Comm. No. 316299)

5. Countiss Perkins v. Darian McKinney, Case No. ALS-11-0016 (Comm. No. 316300)

6. Countiss Perkibns v. Chief Judge, Case No. ALS-11-0272 (Comm. No. 316301)

7. Katherine Liu v. Cook County, Case No. 10-C-6544 (Comm. No. 316302)

8. Margaret Macias v. Cook County Judicial Advisory Council, Case No. ALS-11-0156 (Comm. No. 316303)

9. Bryon Edwards v. Officer Gonzalez, et al., Case No. 10-L-14430 (Comm. No. 316304)

10. Edgar Perkins v. Thomas Dart, et al., Case No. 10-C-3859 (Comm. No. 316305)

11. Harvey Fulwiley v. Clerk of Circuit Court, Case No. 2010-CF-3512 (Comm. No. 316306)

12. Terrence Austin v. Cook County and Anthony Peraica (Comm. No. 316307)

13. Jesse Anderson v. Thomas Dart, et al, Case No. 11-C-5327 (Comm. No. 316308)

14. Charles Head v. Correctional Officer Drowns, et al., Case No. 11-C-6295


(Comm. No. 316309)

15. Marcus Stanford v. Thomas Dart, et al., Case No. 11-C-7637 (Comm. No. 316310) ______

Commissioner Tobolski, seconded by Commissioner Schneider, moved that the communication(s) be referred to the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation. The motion carried unanimously.



Transmitting a Communication, dated November 15th, 2011 from

THOMAS J. DART, Sheriff of Cook County by ALEXIS A. HERRERA, Chief Financial Officer requesting authorization to accept a grant award in the amount of $300,000.00 from the United States Department of Justice, for the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA): Demonstration Project.

This grant will develop a comprehensive program to prevent, detect and respond to incidents of sexual assault within the jail and courthouse lock-ups. This will be established through staff training both in the Sheriff's Office and the Cermak Health Services. A partnership has also been established with Rape Victim Advocates, a non-for-profit agency in Cook County. They will provide support and information to inmates who have been victims of sexual assault. This grant will also provide for a full-time PREA Coordinator in compliance with Department of Justice Regulations.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: None. Grant Award: $300,000.00. Funding period: October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2013.

The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any. ______

Commissioner Reyes, seconded by Commissioner Steele, moved that the request of the Sheriff of Cook County be approved and that the Proper Officials be authorized to sign on behalf of Cook County. The motion carried unanimously.


Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Sims, moved that the meeting do now adjourn to meet again at the same time and same place on February 1, 2012, in accordance with County Board Resolution 12-R-19.

The motion prevailed and the meeting stood adjourned. ______


______County Clerk