The Chinese .

Rat Those born under the sign of the are very smart, friendly, playful and funny. They are a good friend and are generous and caring to people who they love. Rats can be greedy, is ever curious, always wanting to learn and likes to solve problems. Rats’ friends are with or . Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Ox is patient, a good leader, smart, hard-working, impatient, boring and shy but can feel lonely. The Ox is caring to friends and family and is a kind, helpful and strong friend. The Ox’s friends are the or . Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Tiger are mean, selfish, and are strong leaders. They are smart, creative, courageous, caring, helpful, moody and they’re ready to attack at any time. The tiger’s friends are with or . Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rabbit enjoy being with their family and friends. They’re popular, generous, caring, honest, and they like to always be helpful and are sometimes seen as too nice. enjoy being at home and being playful at home. The rabbit’s friends are with or . Dragon A powerful sign, those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dragon are playful and caring, creative, lucky at love, mean and selfish. They’re good leaders, good at telling people what to do. The Dragon’s friends are with Monkey and Rat. Snake Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Snake are creative, friendly, shy, generous, good with money, smart, selfish, a little mean and hard-working. The Snake’s friends are with Rooster or Ox. Horse Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse love to have fun. They have a lot of energy so they are playful, friendly and sometimes childish. They’re not boring and very smart but they are impatient and sometimes seen as unfriendly. The Horse’s friends are with Dog or Tiger. Goat Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Goat enjoy being alone. They’re creative, shy, unfriendly, smart, and quiet. They need lots of love and people to take care of them. How someone looks is important too. The Goat’s friends are with Pig or Rabbit. Monkey Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Monkey love to have fun. They have lots of energy, playful, patient, caring and good at listening but sometimes childish. They like having fun and making people happy. They can be mean and selfish. The Monkey’s friends are with Rat or Dragon. Rooster Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rooster are smart, honest, quiet, boring, and caring. They like things to very clean and organized. The Rooster’s friends are Ox or Snake. Dog Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dog are honest, good friends, caring, and can sometimes be unfriendly, impatient, and childish. Dogs are good with money but have problems finding friends. The Dog’s friends are with Tiger or Horse. Pig Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Pig are extremely nice, kind and smart. They enjoy helping others and are good friends until someone close makes them angry, then they can be really mean! They’re smart, always wanting to learn. The Pig’s friends are with Rabbit or Goat.


1. Circle the words that are positive personalities. 2. Underline the words that are negative personalities. 3. Which sign are you? Do you agree with the description? 4. Which sign do you think best fits you? 5. Which sign do you think be the best for a teacher? Why? 6. Which sign do you think would be the best for a police officer? Why? 7. Which sign do you think would be the best for a mother? Why? 8. Which sign do you think would be a good friend for you? Why?