
Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied (2018) 7:2 DOI 10.1186/s13617-018-0071-3

RESEARCH Open Access Synthesis of global satellite observations of magmatic and volcanic deformation: implications for monitoring & the lateral extent of magmatic domains S. K. Ebmeier1*, B. J. Andrews2, M. C. Araya3, D. W. D. Arnold3, J. Biggs3, C. Cooper4, E. Cottrell2, M. Furtney5, J. Hickey6, J. Jay2, R. Lloyd3, A. L. Parker7, M. E. Pritchard8, E. Robertson3, E. Venzke2 and J. L. Williamson3

Abstract Global Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) measurements made over the past decades provide insights into the lateral extent of magmatic domains, and capture volcanic process on scales useful for volcano monitoring. Satellite-based SAR imagery has great potential for monitoring topographic change, the distribution of eruptive products and surface displacements (InSAR) at subaerial volcanoes. However, there are challenges in applying it routinely, as would be required for the reliable operational assessment of hazard. The deformation detectable depends upon satellite repeat time and swath widths, relative to the spatial and temporal scales of volcanological processes. We describe the characteristics of InSAR-measured volcano deformation over the past two decades, highlighting both the technique’s capabilities and its limitations as a monitoring tool. To achieve this, we draw on two global datasets of volcano deformation: the Smithsonian Institution Volcanoes of the World database and the Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics volcano deformation catalogue, as well as compiling some measurement characteristics and interpretations from the primary literature. We find that a higher proportion of InSAR observations capture non-eruptive and non-magmatic processes than those from ground-based instrument networks, and that both transient (< month) and long-duration (> 5 years) deformation episodes are under-represented. However, satellite radar is already used to assess the development of extended periods of unrest and long-lasting eruptions, and improved spatial resolution and coverage have resulted in the detection of previously unrecognised deformation at both ends of the spatial scale(~10to>1000km2). ‘Baseline’ records of past InSAR measurements, including ‘null’ results, are fundamental for any future interpretation of interferograms in terms of hazard‚ both by providing information about past deformation at an individual volcano, and for assessing the characteristics of deformation that are likely to be detectable (and undetectable) using InSAR. More than half of all InSAR deformation signals attributed to magmatic processes have sources in the shallow (< 5 km depth). While the depth distribution of InSAR-derived deformation sources is affected by measurement limitations, their lateral distribution provides information about the extent of active magmatic domains. Deformation is common (24% of all potentially magmatic events) at loci ≥5kmawayfromthe nearest active volcanic vent. This demonstrates that laterally extensive active magmatic domains are not exceptional, but can comprise the shallowest part of trans-crustal magmatic systems in a range of volcanic settings. Keywords: Monitoring, Volcano, InSAR, Satellite, Deformation, Database, , Mush

* Correspondence: [email protected] 1School of & Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 2 of 26

Introduction as VOTW) and for the Centre for the Observation and Monitoring data have been described as the “only scien- Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics tifically valid basis for short-term forecasts of a future (COMET) volcano deformation catalogue. Some additional eruption, or of possible changes during an ongoing deformation measurement characteristics were compiled eruption” (Tilling, 2008). Ideally, such data should be for this article (data sources are described). From a snap- collected and analysed in real (or near-real) time and be shot of these databases, we describe the temporal and done so consistently over long periods. In practise, con- spatial characteristics of InSAR-measured deformation at tinuous measurements from seismometers, tiltmeters volcanoes. This allows us to examine two issues concerning and Global Positioning System (GPS) form the basis of the measurement and recording of deformation: (1) the most monitoring data streams, occasionally supple- type of magmatic processes we are most likely to be able to mented by field campaigns, gas and geochemical mea- detect with InSAR and how these compare to ground- surements (e.g., Sparks et al., 2012). Satellite-based based measurements; and (2) considerations for construct- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) measurements have the ing catalogues or databases of volcano deformation to pro- potential to make a significant contribution to volcano vide accurate baseline data for future monitoring. We also monitoring (e.g., Pinel et al., 2014), especially in the discuss the implications of InSAR observations for our un- form of regional surveys and for remote volcanoes with derstanding of the location and lateral extent of magmatic limited monitoring infrastructure. systems. The focus of most research in the application of SAR imagery in volcanology has been Interferometric SAR SAR data & volcano monitoring (InSAR), where the change in phase between time- The pixels of SAR images contain an amplitude and a separated radar images is used to measure displacements phase component, both of which provide information of the Earth’s surface on a centimetre to millimetre scale relevant to volcano monitoring (Fig. 1). Variations in using interferograms (e.g., Bürgmann et al., 2000). Such SAR amplitude occur when the reflectivity or scatter- measurements capture a wide range of magmatic, hydro- ing properties of the surface of a volcano change thermal and structural processes (e.g., Prichard & Si- (e.g., Pallister et al., 2013) and can be used to assess mons, 2004; Biggs et al., 2009), including deformation the shape of volcanic structures during eruption or during pre-eruptive unrest and during eruptions (e.g., Lu unrest, including detecting the development of new et al., 2010; Sigmundsson et al., 2010). Deformation eruptive vents, dome growth (e.g., Wang et al., 2015; measurements make a broad range of contributions to Ozawa & Kozono, 2013) and the emplacement of flow hazard assessment at volcanoes, from providing the sole and eruptive deposits (e.g., Meyer et al., 2015). On evidence that a magmatic system is active (e.g., Pritchard the scale of days to weeks, SAR observations of dome & Simons, 2004; Biggs et al., 2011), to distinguishing and crater changes from amplitude imagery have pro- between tectonic and magmatic deformation mecha- vided critical information during volcanic crises at nisms (e.g., Biggs et al., 2009, Ebmeier et al., 2016) to Soufrière Hills, Montserrat (Wadge et al., 1999) and making eruption forecasts from analysis of variation in Merapi, (Pallister et al., 2013). Radar images system overpressure (e.g., Hreinsdottir et al.). are particularly important because they can be made InSAR measurements have now been made at over 500 through clouds and at night when visual observations volcanoes worldwide (including null results; Fournier et are not possible. al., 2010; Biggs et al., 2014; supplemental material in Biggs InSAR methods require at least a pair, (and prefera- and Pritchard, 2017; Global Volcanism Program, 2013) bly a longer time series), of SAR images to analyse and have advanced our understanding of many of the the variation in phase. Variations in radar phase are a physical processes that drive deformation (e.g., Pinel et al., consequence of relative ground motion and/or 2014; Biggs & Pritchard, 2017 and references therein). changes to the surface scattering properties (as well However, the use of interferograms for volcano monitor- as nuisance factors including path delays through the ing, especially in a decision-making context, remains chal- atmosphere due to changes in refractivity). Measure- lenging due to delays between data acquisition and ments of displacements are made from interfero- delivery of ‘raw’ imagery, the historical lack of freely avail- grams, maps of shifts in radar phase between images able imagery, and to a dearth of the experience needed to acquired at different times. As phase is cyclical, phase interpret diverse satellite datasets in many observatories differences take the form of repeating ‘fringes’ with (e.g., Dzurisin, 2000). values between 0 and 2π, resulting in an ambiguity of This article describes global datasets of InSAR observa- 2π in phase measurements. The main challenges of tions of volcano deformation and draws primarily on the analysing InSAR data include solving for this ambigu- Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program (GVP) ity and identifying or correcting the contributions that Volcanoes of the World database (from here on referred to other factors, such as variations in satellite position Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 3 of 26

Fig. 1 Flowchart illustrating the current uses of SAR imagery and InSAR timeseries observations for volcano monitoring through the use of amplitude images, coherence changes in phase, ground displacements from differential InSAR and topographic change detection. Illustrative examples of amplitude, coherence and displacement data are from RADARSAT-2 images, while topographic change is derived from the analysis of TanDEM-X data at volcano, Ecuador (Arnold et al., 2017) or atmospheric composition, make to phase (InSAR from the phase component of SAR images that have methods are reviewed by Simons & Rosen, 2007). In close temporal but large spatial separation (e.g., addition, changes in the scattering properties of the Ebmeier et al., 2012; Arnold et al., 2016, Naranjo et Earth’s surface may result in phase incoherence, mak- al., 2016). This is most successfully achieved with ing deformation measurement impossible. This is par- bistatic image pairs (close to simultaneously ticularly problematic on steep volcanoes with frequent acquired, but spatially separated pairs of images) explosive eruptions or rockfalls, on volcanoes with ice acquired by satellite missions designed for the meas- caps and in regions of dense vegetation (e.g., Pinel et al., urement of topography (e.g. DLR’sTanDEM-X, 2011; Ebmeier et al., 2013; Lu & Dzurisin). Measurement Albino et al., 2015). Although the effectiveness of thresholds have been lowered from centimetres to milli- SAR measurements of topography during an effusive metres through the development of methods to correct at- eruption have been demonstrated (Poland, 2014), mospheric phase contributions (e.g., Parker et al., 2015; such bistatic data are not yet widely available for use Bekaert et al., 2015), limit analysis only to stable (‘persist- in monitoring. Finally, interferometric phase coher- ent’) scatterers (e.g., Hooper, 2008), and solve for deform- ence captures how rapidly surface scatterers are ation as part of a time series (approaches reviewed by changing and can in some circumstances be used to Osmanoglu et al., 2016). Increasing numbers of systematic track the development of fresh flows as they are acquisitions by constellations of SAR satellite platforms emplaced, settle and cool (e.g. Dietterich et al., offer the chance to improve on these detection thresholds, 2012). Incoherence, caused by the emplacement of and provide the opportunity to apply signal processing ap- fresh explosive deposits including pyroclastic flows proaches (e.g., independent component analysis, Ebmeier, and ash fall, also has potential for tracking eruption 2016) to the analysis of large, multi-temporal InSAR progress, especially in conjunction with SAR ampli- datasets. tude measurements. Other types of measurement (beyond ground dis- The contribution that InSAR and SAR data make placements), have also been derived from the phase to volcano monitoring varies between economic set- component of SAR imagery and successfully demon- tings. In some regions, especially where volcano ob- strated for use in volcano monitoring, including servatories1 employ specialist staff, interferograms topographic differences and variations in the coher- are integrated into the data streams relied upon for ence of the phase signal (Figure 1). Changes to top- decision-making, notably the Volcano ography on a metre-scale related to dome growth or Observatory (Meyer et al., 2015), the Hawai’i the emplacement of flow deposits can be retrieved Volcano Observatory (Poland et al., 2008), Italian Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 4 of 26

volcanoes (Buongiorno et al., 2008), at La Réunion repeat measurement intervals have increased (Table 1). (Peltier et al., 2010) and in Iceland (Sigmundsson et Of particular note for volcanology are the shorter repeat al., 2015b). The utilisation of new technology times of a few days and higher ground resolutions (of a (Poland, 2014), developments in analysis and near few metres) of the X-band satellites (TerraSAR-X) and real-time data integration (Meyer et al., 2015) and constellations of satellites (COSMO-SkyMed), as well as use of geodetic measurements in remote settings (Lu the global coverage and free data supplied by Sentinel-1 & Dzurisin, 2014) have all been driven by monitor- and promised by the upcoming NASA-ISRO SAR ing goals. For some observatories where SAR data (NISAR) mission. are not integrated into monitoring streams, especially in Middle Income Countries (as defined by Identifying and interpreting magmatic and volcanic the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and deformation Development Development Assistance Committee, Deformation identified as volcanic or magmatic is OECD-DAC), SAR measurements have nevertheless generally in a geographic region with evidence of past been used to supplement ground-based measure- volcanic activity and is additionally either (1) localised ments, especially where instrumental networks are on a volcanic edifice/deposits or (2) consistent with a sparse (e.g., Delgado et al., 2017; Ebmeier et al., pressure change within the Earth’scrust.Most 2016). Where local observatories do not routinely displacement signals that meet these criteria are processes and analyse SAR imagery, external organi- related to structural (edifice growth and collapse), sations or research groups may do so (e.g., U.S.G.S. hydrothermal or magmatic processes. In most cases Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP) or the spatial and temporal characteristics of magmatic Volcano Hazards Program, and Committee for Earth deformation have limited overlap with those caused Observations Satellites (CEOS) Volcano Pilot). by tectonic or anthropogenic processes. However, am- Projects such as the CEOS Volcano Pilot have dem- biguities sometimes exist between magmatic and, for onstrated that SAR data provide unique information example, isostatic rebound (e.g., Lu & Dzurisin, 2014) about volcanic unrest, which is complementary to or hydrothermal deformation signals (e.g., Biggs et al., established monitoring networks and valued by 2011). Distinguishing between hydrothermal and mag- observatory scientists (Pritchard et al., n.d., under matic volume changes is particularly challenging, and review). Where volcanoes are unmonitored, espe- not usually possible from geodetic data alone without cially in Least Developed Countries, and where there additional constraints from gravity or conductivity have not been recent eruptions, InSAR measure- measurements. Separating out the magmatic and tec- ments may provide the only source of information tonic elements of a deformation event may also be about volcanic unrest (e.g., Biggs et al., 2011). Such non-trivial, for example, during an episode of rifting measurements often come from retrospective (e.g., Biggs et al., 2009) or during moderate earth- analyses of SAR data archives, and thus do not quakes that sometimes accompany volcanic unrest or constitute true monitoring, although some pilot schemes eruption (e.g., Diez et al., 2005; Ebmeier et al., 2016). are getting closer to that goal. Magmatic deformation can be broadly defined as relat- Displacement measurements from interferograms ing to pressure changes within a magmatic system. A are included in analyses of multi-year trends in a vol- first order interpretation of deformation at a volcano is cano’s activity by some volcano observatories (e.g., often one of a change in volume within a long-lived Wicks et al., 2006; Neri et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2010). or reservoir (which could be loosely de- In a few regions, over time windows of weeks to fined as a site of repeated intrusion). However, InSAR months, InSAR deformation measurements have con- displacements have also been attributed to other phys- tributed to datasets used to forecast the development ical mechanisms, including, but not limited to, one-off of eruption (e.g., at Bar∂abunga, 2014, Sigmundsson emplacement of dykes or sills (often called simply ‘intru- et al., 2015a) or unrest (e.g., at -Cerro Negro, sions’), phase changes (e.g., Caricchi et al., 2014), and Ebmeier et al., 2016). At all volcanoes an understand- the interaction of magma with a conduit system (e.g., ing of deformation baseline is critical for interpreting Stephens et al., 2017). Parts of the crust where magma is new geodetic observations, and is especially important stored are currently understood to include zones of in absence of other geophysical datasets. partially crystalline mush, more mobile lenses of lower The number of SAR satellites providing data for re- crystal fraction, and a higher crystal fraction framework. search and geohazard applications has dramatically in- Zones of magma storage are expected to be spatially creased over the past two decades (e.g., Pritchard et al., complex, with temporally varying types of connectivity n.d., under review; Elliott et al., 2016). Since the 1990s, between different parts of the system, allowing both the the ranges of wavelengths available, swath coverages and development of distinct chemical compositions and the Ebmeier ta.Junlo ple Volcanology Applied of Journal al. et

Table 1 Some parameters of historical and current SAR satellite instruments used to measure volcano deformation

Instrument Operation time Wavelength Swath width (km) Ground pixel resolution (m) Repeat time (2018)7:2 (cm) (days) ERS-1,2 1991- 2000; 1995-2011 (gyroscope malfunction 5.6 80-100 26 x 6 35 2000 severely limits use) JERS-1 1992-1998 23.5 75 18 x 6 44 RADARSAT-1, 2 1995-2013 (1); 2008 – (2) 5.6 multiple modes, including: 50 (Fine Beam multiple modes including: 5 × 8 (Fine Beam 24 Mode); 100 (Standard); 500 (ScanSAR Wide). Mode); 25 × 28 (Standard); 100 (ScanSAR Wide) ENVISAT 2002-2012 5.6 100 (image mode); 400 (wide swath) 30 × 30 (image mode); 150 × 150 (wide swath) 35 ALOS-1 2006-2011 23.5 70 (Fine Beam Single); 350 (ScanSAR) 10 (Fine Beam Single); 100 (ScanSAR) 46 ALOS-2 2014- 23.5 55 (Ultra Fine Beam Single); 490 (ScanSAR 3 (Ultra Fine Beam Single); 60 (ScanSAR single) 14 single) TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X 2008 – (TSX); 2010- (TDX) 3.1 4 (Starting Spotlight); 30 (Stripmap); 270 0.25 (Staring Spotlight); 3 (Stripmap); 40 (Wide 11 (Wide ScanSAR) ScanSAR) Sentinel-1a, b 2014 – date (a), 2016- date (b) 5.6 80 (Stripmap); 250 (interferometric wide 5 × 5 (Stripmap); 5 × 20 (interferometric wide 12 (6 with 1b) swath); 400 (Extra wide swath) swath); 25 × 100 (extra wide swath) COSMO-SkyMed 1,2,3,4 Constellation staggered launches between 3.1 10 (Spotlight-2); 40 (Stripmap); 100 1 (Spotlight-2); 3-5 (Stripmap); 30 (ScanSAR) 16 (≥ 1 for full 2007 and 2010, active to present. (ScanSAR) constellation) ae5o 26 of 5 Page Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 6 of 26

assembly of mobile (and therefore eruptible) magma. InSAR studies have revealed differences in magmatic Such systems as a whole have been designated ‘trans- systems related to tectonic settings. At volcanic arcs crustal magmatic systems’ (e.g., Cashman et al., 2017), InSAR measurements have provided evidence for while magma storage zones of unknown structure and deformation sources at a range of depths (e.g., Lu & connectivity have been termed ‘magmatic domains’ (e.g., Dzurisin, 2014), including the growth of mid-to lower Sigmundsson, 2016). crustal plutons (e.g., Pritchard & Simons, 2004; Ruch et The links between geodetic sources and the character- al., 2008) and shallow, extensive bodies aligned with the istics of complex magmatic domains are inherently am- arc azimuth that subside during great earthquakes biguous. A single observation of uplift, for example, does (Pritchard et al., 2013; Takada and Fukushima, 2013). not allow us to discriminate between a one-off intrusion Both long term (e.g., Parker et al., 2014) and transient and the latest cycle of growth of a long-lived reservoir. (Caricchi et al., 2014) have been interpreted Furthermore, we cannot necessarily discriminate be- in terms of phase changes related to the cooling of an tween a pressure change throughout an entire system intrusion. and one limited to some small section of a larger whole, InSAR observations have provided major insights into i.e. we do not know what fraction of the magmatic sys- the progression of rifting episodes and fissure eruptions in tem is involved in the deformation. However, if a East Africa (e.g., Wright et al., 2006; Biggs et al., 2009; Pagli deforming system can also be imaged tomographically et al., 2012) and Iceland (Sigmundsson et al., 2015a, b). (e.g., as a zone of low seismic velocity, Sigmundsson, These have included the observations that magma is 2016), then the relationship between the actively supplied to the crust intermittently, rather than steadily, deforming sections and broader magmatic domain can and that its storage is distributed over multiple locations be assessed. and depths in the lead up to a rifting episode (Wright et al., This article synthesises volcanic and magmatic dis- 2012; Biggs et al., 2016). Ascent into the shallow crust placement measurements made around the world by encompasses both repeated intrusion and multiple, abroadrangeofauthorswithdiverseframeworksfor interacting dykes (e.g., Hamling et al., 2010). Rift zones are the interpretation of measurements made over the extensively intruded by interconnected lenses of melt (e.g., past two decades. Here, we therefore describe Heise et al., 2007), but InSAR measurements have never- ‘deformation source’ characteristics, rather than im- theless shown the importance of repeated deformation ori- posing terminology associated with different physical ginating beneath volcanoes and of repeated sill intrusion, interpretations by different authors, e.g., ‘chamber’, which also seem to play a role in rifting events. For ex- ‘reservoir’ or ‘intrusion’. We refer to the full extent of ample, uplift attributed to sill intrusion at Alu and Gabho magma storage throughout the crust as a trans- in Ethiopia preceded the Alu-Dalafilla and Dabbahu rifting crustal magmatic system, but use the term ‘magmatic episodes, respectively (Pagli et al., 2012), and similarly a de- domain’ more generally to describe a part of that formation source beneath dormant Gelai volcano was ac- system - for example, a region examinable from a tive during rifting in Tanzania (Biggs et al., 2013). In particular type of measurement. We discuss the impli- contrast, neither long term uplift nor subsidence in the cations of the global InSAR deformation dataset for Taupo Volcanic Zone New Zealand, are associated with understanding magmatic processes in the discussion. major volcanic features, but are centred beneath the Bay of Plenty and the boundaries between in the Taupo Insights from global InSAR volcano deformation volcanic zone, respectively (Hamling et al., 2016; Hamling measurements et al., 2015). InSAR measurements have provided a diverse picture of The measurement of deformation at ocean islands with magmatic processes in different tectonic settings. One InSAR presents particular challenges due to the lack of far major advance provided by InSAR data is the possibility of field observations, especially where only a fraction of the regional surveys, which have now been carried out at most full displacement field may be discernible (e.g., Gonzalez, et of the Earth’s major volcanic arcs (Alaska/Aleutians, al., 2013; Lu & Dzurisin, 2014). Long-lived erup- Mexico/Central America, Northern-Central-Southern- tions at Kilauea, Hawai’i (e.g., Poland et al., 2008) and Piton Austral , Indonesia & Japan). The incorporation of de la Fournaise, Réunion (e.g., Peltier et al., 2010), as well as ‘null’ results into such studies has allowed global statistical repeated episodes of intrusion in the Galapagos (e.g., demonstration of the association between deformation Bagnardi et al., 2013) dominate the small number of and eruption (Biggs et al., 2014) and the observations that systems worldwide where multiple cycles of eruption have some smaller volume (< VEI 3) eruptions at stratovolca- been observed geodetically (although this also includes noes take place without generating measurable deform- non-hotpot volcanoes such as Okmok, Aleutians, Biggs ation (e.g., Pritchard & Simons, 2004, Moran et al., 2006, et al., 2010a). As well as cycles of pre-eruptive uplift Ebmeier et al., 2013). followed by co-eruptive subsidence, such long-lived Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 7 of 26

eruptions have also provided evidence for endogenous and largely recorded in ‘free text’ format. The catalogue is growth, change in intrusion location in response to designed to allow community contributions, with most in- varying stress fields (e.g., Bagnardi et al., 2013) and formation recorded in ‘free text’ boxes (sample guidelines cycles of feedback related to topographic structures for contributors to the COMET deformation database are (e.g., Jónsson, 2009; Lénat et al., 2012). shown in Appendix 1). Volcano names, numbers and lo- cations use the VOTW database conventions to ease fu- Data sources: Catalogues and databases of ture compatibility. Contributors are asked to select volcano deformation multiple options from a list of categories to describe the Freely accessible catalogues and databases of past vol- types of deformation measurement and the range of in- canic eruptions, activity and unrest are critical for identi- ferred causes before describing deformation characteristics fying gaps in current observations and for understanding in as much detail as possible. Catalogue entries are orga- the context of recent activity (e.g., Venezky & Newhall, nised by volcano, with multiple observations recorded in 2007; Brown et al., 2014; Loughlin et al., 2015). The the same entry. The COMET database currently includes dataset compiled for the Smithsonian Institution GVP’s entries for 1011 volcanoes, of which 464 have reported VOTW relational database (Global Volcanism Program, geodetic measurements (including null results). Although 2013) is being developed to allow deformation to be the majority of the information in the catalogue comes compared to eruptive parameters and other information from publications, our intention is to provide a forum for including petrological and emission data. It contains sharing information from the ‘grey’ literature, including, data about all of the volcanoes known to have erupted in for example, observations from otherwise unpublished the past 10,000 years and is housed at the Department student theses, conference abstracts, observatory reports of Mineral Sciences at the National Museum of Natural and personal communications, which are allowed as refer- History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., ences. The COMET catalogue records ‘null’ results – that USA. The addition of deformation (and emissions) data is, a measurement of no deformation with a quantified un- to this database has required the adoption of new certainty (or measurement threshold) over a particular database structures to allow database entries to be made time period (e.g., Moran et al., 2006; Ebmeier et al., 2013). for deformation and emission periods as well as erup- Such data are critical for robust probabilistic analyses of tions. Any number of deformation periods can be added links between measured deformation and outcomes in to the database for a particular volcano, with entries term of volcanic activity, but are rarely published. made for a set number of parameters including: start Here we present a synthesis of observations based on a and end dates, method of observation (InSAR, GPS, tilt, ‘snapshot’ subset of information from the VOTW and etc.), direction of displacement, displacement and/or COMET databases (from March 20172). Our combined displacement rate, location of centre of deformation, dataset encompasses InSAR measurements of 339 episodes spatial extent of deformation, likely cause of of deformation at 160 different subaerial volcanoes and is deformation, and remarks. In addition to this basic in- spread globally across all arcs, rifts and oceanic islands formation, the database also aims to record modelling (note that as this encompasses just InSAR measurements, information where available, as well as sample images this total is lower than number of records in either data- and appropriate references. VOTW currently includes base, and lower than the 485 episodes of deformation in 422 records of deformation measured at 198 different the appendix to Biggs and Pritchard, 2017, which combines volcanoes. Users will be able to search for deformation both InSAR and ground-based measurements). This work data on the Smithsonian Institution GVP website (volca- is focussed on parameters of individual deformation epi- no.si.edu) and submit published measurements through sodes including deformation episode duration, maximum a Microsoft Excel upload tool for GVP staff to approve deformation rate, approximate signal area (‘footprint’)and and commit. inferred depth of the associated source. Not all of this infor- The COMET volcano deformation catalogue is, at this mation is available for every deformation episode, or even stage, an inventory of past observations of volcano de- every volcano. The uncertainties on some of the properties formation, designed to accompany and provide context are also highly variable between catalogue entries. For ex- for the release of the most recent Sentinel-1 interfero- ample, the values for maximum displacement rate may be grams for volcanoes around the world. In the long term reported directly in publications or estimated from publica- the COMET catalogue should provide feeder information tion figures, and may therefore depend on the figure reso- for the VOTW database. The COMET catalogue is cur- lution and quality as well as the processing and reporting rently hosted by the University of Bristol, UK (volcanode- choices made by the authors. Inferred depth is non-unique, formation.blogs.ilrt.org) and is designed as a repository for dependent on choice of model and optimisation method, as information about past observations of deformation, pri- well as a normally incomplete knowledge of crustal proper- marily, but not exclusively, from InSAR measurements, ties, and can trade-off with estimated volume change (e.g., Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 8 of 26

Masterlark, 2007; Hickey and Gottsmann, 2014). The ma- an explicit record category (measured in days) in both jority of inverse modelling of geodetic data relies on analyt- the VOTW database and COMET deformation cata- ical solutions for particular geometries and assumptions logue. The apparent duration of a deformation signal that the Earth’scrustbehavesasahomogeneousuniform measured with InSAR depends both on its true duration half-space (e.g., Segall, 2010). The reliability of geodetically and on the satellite repeat time. It is sometimes possible determined depths may therefore depend on assumptions to assess the duration of deformation episodes that are about crustal rheology and whether any independent con- shorter than satellite repeat time if multiple satellites straints on source depth and location inform the modelling. have acquired data or if a correlation with independent We discuss some of the challenges of classifying deform- measurements of unrest, such as seismicity, is assumed ation data for a catalogue or database, along with strategies (e.g., Sigmundsson et al., 2015b). However, for at least for making such exercises useful in the discussion section, one fifth of the InSAR observations in the VOTW data- below. base, deformation is thought to have started before or finished after the window of observation, and therefore Assessing the characteristics of volcano only captures a fraction of the true signal duration (e.g., deformation Chaussard et al., 2013). The distribution of apparent du- In this article we discuss both direct observations of rations in the VOTW and COMET databases are shown InSAR-measured signals, such as signal area and duration in Fig. 2A. of displacements, as well as parameters derived from the Displacement signal area is a critical consideration for InSAR measurements, such as deformation source location, designing monitoring networks, measurement campaigns displacement rate and source depth. We also use context- and tasking satellite acquisitions. Signal area is reported in ual information such as dates of eruptions and published some entries of the COMET deformation catalogue, and interpretations of deformation signals in our discussions. we have supplemented this information from the primary This section describes considerations for defining parame- literature (e.g., Additional file 1: Table S1). Whilst signal ters than best characterise both InSAR measurements and area can be inferred directly from InSAR data, it depends the episodes of deformation that they capture. on both the properties of the deformation source (depth, volume or pressure change and geometry) and on the de- Direct parameters of InSAR signals tection threshold for deformation in the InSAR data An estimation of signal duration is made by almost all (which depends in turn on radar wavelength, time span of publications that describe InSAR data and is included as observations, look direction of satellite, number of

Fig. 2 a Frequency of the observed duration of InSAR-measured displacement episodes, subdivided by whether deformation occurred in the period leading up to eruption (grey), during eruption (red) or during an inter-eruptive period (orange). b Relationship between approximate area of displacement signal as detected from InSAR measurements and the maximum detected rate of displacement in cm/yr. Note that the y-axis is logarithmic c Frequency of inferred maximum depths of deformation sources estimated from InSAR-measured displacements at intervals of 1 km, with same colour scheme as part (A). d) Boxplots illustrating distribution of deformation source depths inferred from InSAR measurements of deformation. The central dark line indicates median value, the box limits show upper and lower quartiles and red crosses show the locations of outliers Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 9 of 26

acquisitions in a time series, ability to reduce atmospheric magma composition, stress conditions and pre-existing noise, and level of coherence). Ideally it would be defined structural features (e.g., Chaussard & Amelung, 2014), as using a threshold displacement magnitude, relative to a well as conditions that promote the amalgamation of far field location, but it is rarely possible to extract such lenses of melt and volatiles in a mush system to form information from publications. We therefore approximate larger bodies of eruptible magma (e.g., Cashman et al., deformation footprint areas by using the signal diameters 2017). We do not discuss estimations of volume change provided by authors (or estimated from publication here, because it is strongly dependent on the reservoir figures), assuming either a circular or elliptical shape. As or intrusion compressibility, which is very poorly con- signal areas have a range that spans orders of magnitude, strained, and depends on both magma and exsolved gas this crude approximation is sufficient for a first order compressibilities as well as source geometry and material comparison with other properties (e.g., maximum dis- properties of the surrounding rock (e.g., Rivalta and Segall, placement rate in Fig. 2B). 2008; Amoruso and Crescentini, 2009; McCormick Kil- bride et al., 2016). Modelled source depth is recorded for Derived deformation source parameters some deformation episodes by both VOTW and COMET, The VOTW database records both mean and maximum and we build on this by including further preferred de- displacement rate (in cm/yr), where it has been reported formation source depths from publications (including any in the source publications. Mean displacement rates de- estimation of uncertainty provided). Such depths are af- rived from total displacement in a single interferogram fected by the assumptions required for modelling, as well (or from the sum of a chain of images) can be calculated as the spatial and temporal resolution of geodetic data for most episodes in the dataset. However, mean (and therefore the SAR instrument used for measurement) displacement rates are only physically meaningful if the and processing methods (e.g., single interferogram, time duration of deformation is equal to or greater than the series, persistent scatterer). We do not attempt to separate time spanned by the interferogram(s). Maximum out data from magmatic and hydrothermal sources here, displacement rates estimated by the authors of InSAR but note the authors’ interpretation of the deformation. studies and recorded in both VOTW and COMET data- Some of the shallower depths reported are therefore likely bases are more likely to represent true deformation to relate to hydrothermal systems, so that any magma rates, but are limited by satellite repeat time. For ex- storage is actually deeper (e.g., at Campi Flegrei, Trasatti ample, the maximum displacement rate of a transient, et al., 2008; Gottsmann et al., 2006). Figure 2C and D il- but rapid, acceleration is likely to be underestimated if lustrate the distribution of inferred depths of deformation its duration was a small fraction of satellite repeat time. sources. For this figure we have used the maximum esti- The highest deformation rates in our datasets (metres mated source depth where a range of possible values have per day) were detected during collapse at Bar∂a- been evaluated, or where multiple depths have been sug- bunga (Gudmundsson et al., 2016), and dyke opening gested for the same deformation events. Only depths asso- during eruptions or rifting events (e.g., Pagli et al., 2012) ciated with potential sites of magma storage are included where duration could be defined from independent data here (in practice, the majority of these are modelled as sources. Despite measurement limitations, some general point, spherical, ellipsoidal, penny-shaped or sill-like trends can be observed in the relationship between dis- sources - the depth ranges estimated for opening dykes placement rate and other deformation signal parameters. are excluded). There is a broad anti-correlation between displacement rate and duration (e.g., Fournier et al., 2010; Biggs & Summary of InSAR signal characteristics Pritchard, 2017), as deformation rates above a few 10s If we were to describe a ‘modal’ InSAR deformation sig- cm/yr tend not to continue longer than a few weeks to nal from the global datasets described above, it would be months (Laguna del Maule, 28 cm/yr., is a notable excep- attributed to the movement of magmatic or hydrother- tion, e.g., Feigl et al., 2014). Deformation signals with large mal fluids within the shallow crust (< 5 km depth), not spatial footprints (> 1000 km2) have low rates (Figure 2B) associated with an eruption, with a rate of a few cm/yr. and have been attributed to the growth of plutonic bodies and footprint area < 100 km2. The properties of this in the mid to lower crust (e.g., Pritchard & Simons, 2004). modal signal are primarily the consequence of the One of the most useful derived parameters is the historical spatial and temporal boundaries of InSAR depth of the inferred deformation source. Apparent measurement, rather than evidence for a universally depth of deformation depends both on the processes de- common deformation sources. In fact, we expect melt to tected (e.g., the intrusion of a sill, overpressure of (part be distributed at different fractions throughout the crust, of) a reservoir or ascent of a diapir) and on the approach with significant differences between rift zones, where taken to modelling the geodetic data. Source depth melt fraction is expected to be high over large areas, and depends on a range of factors relating to buoyancy, in arcs, where accumulation of higher melt fraction Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 10 of 26

lenses will form melt-rich reservoirs at depths where growth (e.g., Salzer et al., 2014) or conduit processes stress conditions are favourable. However, characterisa- (e.g., Stephens et al., 2017), possible for the first time. At tion of the depths and setting where most geodetic sig- the other end of the scale, the duration of satellite nals originate is a good starting point for assessing the missions (typically 5-10 years) is also potentially a limit- processes for which SAR data are likely to be most use- ing factor for detecting low-rate, long duration deform- ful for monitoring. ation. Ground-based measurements have captured 10% There is a peak in the number of displacement epi- more deformation signals lasting > 5 years than InSAR, sodes in our study that suggest a maximum deformation suggesting that the longest duration processes also source depth of 4-5 km (Fig. 2C), and only half of the remain under-represented. The planned long duration of deformation signals were thought to be deeper than this. current missions, especially the European Space That half of potentially magmatic source detected with Agency’s 20 year commitment to the Sentinel-1 InSAR are thought to lie in the shallow crust (< 5 km) is programme, should improve this in the coming decades. unsurprising, given that pressure changes in shallow sys- A small proportion of volcanoes have levelling survey tems cause higher magnitude surface displacements, and data that extends back decades, providing evidence of are therefore more likely to be detected by InSAR meas- many decades of subsidence (e.g., > 50 years at Medicine urement (i.e. small volumes changes in the mid to lower Lake, Parker et al., 2014; Santorini, Parks et al., 2012), crust are unlikely to be detectable). It is likely that very uplift (decades e.g., Long Valley, Newman et al., 2006) or shallow sources are underreported due to both the lower complex deformation sequences (e.g., 100s years, Campi spatial sampling of many historical measurements and Flegrei, Lundgren et al., 2001 and references therein). particularly where high deformation rates or eruptive InSAR measurement has been possible since 1992 at the products cause phase incoherence near active vents. earliest, so the longest possible duration of InSAR de- Although the ranges of co-eruptive, pre-eruptive (here formation observations is 25 years, although in effect, defined as occurring in the year before an eruption) and measurements have been possible for a much shorter inter-eruptive inferred maximum depths largely overlap time in some parts of the world due to dense vegetation (Figure 2D), the mean value for deformation sources in- and low frequencies or gaps in image acquisitions. volved in co-eruptive deformation is ~ 2 km shallower The surface area of InSAR-measured volcano deform- than that for those not associated with eruption. Whilst ation ranges from < 1 km2 to > 3000 km2, with a mean there are examples of volcanoes where co-eruptive value of ~ 240 km2 (e.g., Figure 2B). The majority of subsidence is shallower than the pre-eruptive uplift (e.g., ground displacement footprints are elliptical, and related Eyjafjalljökull 2010, Sigmundsson et al., 2010), this is not to the elastic deformation of the crust caused by the always the case, and the difference in mean values is movement of fluid, but shallow processes that involve a more likely to be because most examples of mid-lower brittle component can produce more complex, irregular crustal deformation are non-eruptive. Deformation patterns (e.g., fracturing of deposits at sources with maximum depths deeper than ~ 12 km , Andes, Whelley et al., 2012; and landsliding at were inferred only from displacements that occurred Arenal, Costa Rica, Ebmeier et al., 2014). One of the during inter-eruptive periods. most striking outcomes of regional InSAR surveys of About 60% of InSAR measurements of deformation volcano deformation (e.g., Pritchard & Simons, 2004; Lu catalogued here (Fig. 2A) have estimated durations that & Dzurisin, 2014) has been the discovery of deformation exceed a year, and only 14% have durations shorter than taking place many kilometres away from the nearest a month (39 of 285 entries for which we have signal du- recorded volcano. In Table 2, we list 33 obser- rations). Those thought to have lasted less than a month vations of deformation where the centre of deformation were almost all high magnitude (i.e. much larger that is ≥5 km away from the volcano’s summit, or in some half radar wavelength) and produced displacements that cases the most recent vent. Offsets of ≥5 km are unlikely endured at least as long as the satellite repeat time. to be an artefact of the inclined SAR viewing geometry Ground-based deformation measurements record a for deformation sources in the shallow crust. The 33 slightly higher proportion of deformation lasting less examples in Table 2 are limited to signals attributed to than a month (20%). Pre-eruptive unrest lasting days to magmatic or hydrothermal processes (excluding a few months, especially where deformation is low magnitude examples of dykes opening which may, or may not be or transient, is likely to be under-represented in histor- associated with long term storage of magma in the ical InSAR data. However, newer satellite missions with crust). Figure 6 also excludes instances where we are shorter repeat intervals (TerraSAR-X repeat = 11 days, confident that the deformation measured was associated COSMOSkyMed constellation minimum repeat = 1- with a one-off intrusion rather than the development of 16 days) have recently made the measurement of rapid a reservoir (e.g., one of Fernandina’s multiple sill intru- processes, particularly those connected to sions was ~ 5 km away from its summit), although in Ebmeier Table 2 List of the 33 InSAR detected deformation sources that are more than 5 km from the nearest Holocene volcano. Displacements that lie beneath volcanoes, or apparently recent volcanic deposits are indicated with a star, and details provided in the ‘context of deformation’ column

Volcano Approximate Point of reference Context of deformation Description of Footprint Estimated References Volcanology Applied of Journal al. et offset distance for offset deformation (km) source depth (km) Akita- 5 summit Subsidence triggered by Tohoku Ellipse, primary axis ~ 55 km 1.8 to top of pluton Takada and Fukushima 2013; Ozawa Komagatake earthquake, near two Cenozoic and Fujita 2013 calderas Atka (Korovin) 5 Korovin stratocone – Co-eruptive subsidence (2006) Roughly concentric on Mogi sources 3-4 km Lu and Dzurisin 2014 site of eruption and subsequent uplift Kliuchef cone (subsidence); 5-8 km (uplift) Cerro 7 Aquihuato summit Uplift – no associated activity –– Morales Rivera et al., 2016 Aquihuato

Cerro Azul 7 Volcano summit Subsidence triggered by Maule Ellipse, primary axis ~ 10 km Shallow point source Pritchard et al. 2013 (2018)7:2 earthquake “Bay of Plenty”, ~ 35 Okataina Uplift on margin of Taupo Roughly 40 km diameter Point source, 9.5 km Hamling et al., 2016 Off axis Taupo Volcanic Zone Volcanic Zone “Bora” 8 Bora-Bericcio volcano Uplift in low-lying area between Roughly circular Penny shaped crack Biggs et al. 2011 (nearest GVP) Bora Berrichio and Tulla Moje 0.9-1.3 km * 16 Volcano summit Subsidence beneath Pleistocene Ellipse, primary axis ~ 30 km Mogi source, 7.2 km Pritchard et al. 2013 collapse caldera, triggered by Maule earthquake Chillán, 5 Volcano summit Subsidence triggered by Maule Ellipse, primary axis ~ 15 km Spherical source, 7 to Pritchard et al. 2013 Nevados de earthquake 10 km “Lazufre”* 9 Cordón del Azufre Uplift between and Ellipse, primary axis ~ 45 km Various analytical Pritchard and Simons 2004; Froger volcano (nearest GVP) Cordon del Azufre, spans wide models, 6 to 15 km et al. 2007; Ruch et al. 2008; area encompassing three active Henderson and Pritchard 2013 volcanic centres and 2 older calderas Fernandina 6 Fernandina summit Uplift 1992-1997 attributed to Roughly circular, ~ 5 km Okada planar sources Amelung et al. 2000; Jonsson et al. intrusion on SW flank. This is diameter used to model 1999; Bagnardi et al., 2013 most likely a one-off sill intrusion, intrusions, ~ 1 km not connected to reservoir depth formation “Fourpeaked- 7 Fourpeaked volcano Uplift between Fourpeaked and Roughly circular, diameter Mogi source, ~ 7 km Lu and Dzurisin 2014 Douglas” (nearest GVP) Douglas volcanoes approximately 15 km “Haledebi” * 10 Hertali volcano Epsiodes of uplift and subsidence Roughly elliptical, primary Sill, 2.7 to 8.8 km Biggs et al. 2011 (nearest GVP) between Hertali, fresh looking axis ~ 8 km lava flows above signal “Hualca 7 (nearest GVP), Uplift 2 cm/yr. 1992-1996, unclear Roughly circular, ~ 90 km Various EHS source Pritchard

Hualca” * 2.5 km East of Hualca if pluton has any connection to diameter geometries, 11 to & Simons, 2004 26 of 11 Page hualca summit either Sabancaya or 13 km Iwatesan 13 Volcano summit Uplift during seismic swarm Roughly circular 12 km Mogi source, 7.9 km Nishimura et al. 2001 diameter Table 2 List of the 33 InSAR detected deformation sources that are more than 5 km from the nearest Holocene volcano. Displacements that lie beneath Pleistocene volcanoes, Ebmeier or apparently recent volcanic deposits are indicated with a star, and details provided in the ‘context of deformation’ column (Continued)

Volcano Approximate Point of reference Context of deformation Description of Footprint Estimated References Volcanology Applied of Journal al. et offset distance for offset deformation (km) source depth (km) Kirishimayama 5 Shinmoedake vent Pre-eruptive uplift (2011) –– Miyagi et al., 2013 Kurikomayama 25 Volcano summit Subsidence triggered by Tohoku Ellipse, primary axis ~ 40 km – Takada and Fukushima 2013; earthquake, displacement well-aligned Ozawa and Fujita 2013 with Cenozoic caldera rim Lassen 5 Volcano summit Variable rate subsidence SE of Lassen Roughly circular, 30-40 km Various elastic half space Poland et al. 2017; Parker et al., Peak diameter models, 8.18-11.6 km 2016 “Gelai”* 25 Ol Doinyo Lengai Deflation of reservoir during Gelai rifting Complex signal due to Mogi source, 4-8 km Biggs et al., 2013 summit event, beneath Pleistocene coincidence slip on and

dyke opening (2018)7:2 Makushin 5 Volcano summit and Episodes of uplift and subsidence Roughly circular, variable Mogi and Sill sources in Lu & Dzurisin, 2014 most recent eruptive diameter range of 5.0 to 7.4 km vent Nasudake 5 Volcano summit Subsidence triggered by Tohoku Ellipse, primary axis 15 km Ellipsoidal pluton, top Takada and Fukushima 2013; earthquake depth 3.8 km Ozawa and Fujita 2013 Nevado del 10 Temporally correlated Uplift during unrest and eruption at Ruiz Roughly circular, 20 km Point or spheroidal Lundgren et al., 2015a Ruiz unrest at Nevado del volcano source,14 km Ruiz, but nearer Santa Isabel Cerro Overo* 13 Cordón de Puntas Uplift 1992-2003, subsidence 2003-2010, Roughly circular, 17 to 20 km Mogi source, 9 km Henderson and Pritchard 2013 Negras (El Laco volcanic SE terminus of Puntas Negras pre-2003 uplift, 13 km complex is ~ 10 km to post 2003 subsidence the SW). Puyehue- 2-10 2011-2012 eruptive vent Three episodes of pre-eruptive uplift, Various geometries and areas Various analytical Jay et al., 2014; Delgado et al., 2016 Cordon Caulle co-eruptive subsidence and an event of signals between 1996 and sources, depths 5-9 km. triggered by the 2010 Maule earthquake 2012, areas from 20 to 400 km2, some sources beneath past vents Recheshnoi 7 and 12 Volcano summit Uplift near Geyser Bight and Hot Springs Ellipse, primary axis 7 km – Lu and Dzurisin 2014 Cove (smaller patch of subsidence superimposed) “Robledo” 8 volcano Long term subsidence Roughly circular, diameter Various analytical Pritchard and Simons 2004; Henderson (note some difference 20 km models, 4.5 to 6 km and Pritchard 2013; Brunori et al., 2013 in the application of name ‘Robledo’ to caldera and lava dome in publications) Seguam 8 Pyre’s peak, site of most Pulses of uplift and subsidence in Roughly circular, diameter 10 Mogi source, 5.5 km during Lee et al. 2013; Lu and Dzurisin 2014;

recent eruptions eastern caldera to 15 km uplift, 2 km during subsidence Masterlark and Lu 2004 26 of 12 Page Table 2 List of the 33 InSAR detected deformation sources that are more than 5 km from the nearest Holocene volcano. Displacements that lie beneath Pleistocene volcanoes, Ebmeier or apparently recent volcanic deposits are indicated with a star, and details provided in the ‘context of deformation’ column (Continued)

Volcano Approximate Point of reference Context of deformation Description of Footprint Estimated References Volcanology Applied of Journal al. et offset distance for offset deformation (km) source depth (km) Shishaldin 15 and 30 Volcano Summit Uplift East of Shishaldin and NW of –– Gong et al. 2015 Shishaldin (close to Fisher) temporally correlated with 2004 eruption Spurr 20 Volcano summit Uplift during seismic swarm NE of Spurr, Approximate diameter of Mogi source, 12 to Lu and Dzurisin 2014 near Strandline Lake 35 km 16 km 6 Volcano summit Uplift centred between Tanaga and Approximate diameter of Mogi and Yang sources, Lu and Dzurisin 2014 Takawangha spanning both 16 km 5to8km 5 Volcano summit Uplift with variable rate, WSW of volcano Ellipse, primary axis 20 km Analytical and Dzurisin et al. 2009; Wicks et al.

numerical models, 5 to 2002; Riddick and Schmidt 2011 (2018)7:2 7km Tinguiririca 6 Volcano summit Subsidence triggered by Maule Ellipse, primary axis 20 km Spherical source, 8 to Pritchard et al. 2013 earthquake 10 km Villarica 5 Volcano summit Post-eruptive uplift, near Holocene Uplift SE of volcano Mogi source, ~ 4.2 km- Delgado et al., 2017 crater rim Zaozan 20 Volcano summit Subsidence triggered by Tohoku Subsidence triggered by Ellipse, primary axis Takada and Fukushima 2013; earthquake Tohoku earthquake 30 km Ozawa and Fujita 2013 ae1 f26 of 13 Page Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 14 of 26

many cases we do not have the means to distinguish including deformation associated with hydrothermal sys- this. In several cases, such deformation lies beneath a tems (e.g., Recheshnoi, Lu & Dzurisin, 2014), the settling volcanic edifice where deposit age is unknown (e.g., at of recent flow deposits (e.g., Arenal, Ebmeier et al., 2010), Haledebi, Ethiopia; examples marked with a star in Table 2) fault slip (e.g., Gelai, Biggs et al., 2009) and gravitational and the volcano has not historically been in included in failure (e.g,. Etna, Lundgren et al., 2004). Holocene databases, although VOTW has recently been Of the 152 observations of deformation made with updated to include all Pleistocene volcanoes. ground-based instruments from our snapshot of the VOTW database, 98 are from Developed Countries Comparison between InSAR and ground-based (DCs) and a further 19 from Upper Middle Income measurements Countries (UMICS) and territories (2017 OECD-DAC Some of the characteristics of volcanic and magmatic list of Official Development Assistance recipients, deformation signals measurable with InSAR can be il- www.oecd.org/dac/stats/daclist.htm), and < 2% of mea- luminated by comparison to the properties of deform- surements come from Least Developed Countries ation measured with ground-based instrumentation. (LDCs), although these countries have roughly 8% of However, both the GVP VOTW database and the Holocene volcanoes. LDCs are better represented in the COMET catalogue also include deformation observa- global InSAR catalogue with 15% of all records (DCs tions made from ground-based instrumentation. and UMICS make up ~ 70% of observations). This illus- Figure 3 compares 339 observations of deformation trates the potential that satellite remote sensing has for made with InSAR (at 160 volcanoes) to 152 made monitoring volcanoes in LDCs, where funding for with various ground-based instruments (at 77 volca- ground-based infrastructure is particularly limited. noes). It should be noted that there are many decades of ground-based measurements that have not yet been Temporal properties of volcanic and magmatic compiled into any database, and that form our only InSAR signals record of pre-satellite era deformation (e.g., deform- To be useful for hazard mitigation, monitoring data need ation during unrest at 27 volcanoes described by to be available for analysis on the timescales over which Phillipson et al. (2013) and extracted from Global hazards manifest (e.g., Loughlin et al., 2015). Decision Volcanism Program weekly reports). There are some makers with different responsibilities require hazard in- volcanoes in our datasets where both InSAR and formation at various timescales (black bars on Fig. 4A) ground-based measurements of deformation have and levels of detail, with an emphasis on uncertainty. been made, but many volcanoes appear in only one For example, the Geological Survey oper- of the two datasets. Almost three times as many ate dual volcano alert level systems to accommodate InSAR measurements capture non-eruptive processes both the aviation industry, who require hazard informa- relative to ground-based measurements (including tion as rapidly as possible, and those responsible for haz- GPS, tilt & electronic distance meter) (Fig. 3). This is ard response on the ground who may prefer a lead time unsurprising, given that ground-based networks tend to inform and educate decision makers (Fearnley et al., to be installed at volcanoes in response to recent 2012). While relevant information for long-term infra- activity, while InSAR studies can be conducted structure and public service planning should capture systematically in survey mode over large regions. broad changes between years or decades, monitoring Possibly because ground-based instruments are sited to data that feeds into decisions about evacuation must be avoid such effects, InSAR measurements have also de- available on much shorter timescales in as near to real- tected a greater proportion of non-magmatic processes, time as possible (Tilling, 2008).

Fig. 3 Comparison of InSAR and ground based measurement in terms of inferred origins: i) attributed to magmatic processes during period of eruption, ii) attributed to magmatic processes not associated with eruption, iii) either magmatic or hydrothermal or both in combination, not associated with eruption, iv) attributed to hydrothermal system, v) settling of recent flow deposits and f) displacements associated with faulting or gravity driven collapse on any scale Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 15 of 26

Fig. 4 a. Illustration of significant timescales for InSAR measurement (satellite repeat time, 1observation period as estimated by Parker et al., 2015), decision makers with responsibility for volcanic hazard (indicative durations) and duration of unrest and eruption (2unrest periods as described by Phillipson et al., 2013). Examples of eruptions with different durations of pre-eruptive unrest are indicated by volcano name and eruption date (López et al., 2012; Delgado et al., 2014), while volcano name and arrows show episodes of unrest. b. Cumulative number of InSAR measurements of volcano deformation that have captured various durations – note non-linear time scale on x-axis

The processes that eventually lead to eruption, in- 2015a, b) over weeks to months. Deformation of a cluding the intrusion, migration and ascent of mag- lava dome (hours to days, e.g. Salzer et al., 2014), matic fluids, take place on a range of timescales from change in effusion rate (days to months, e.g., Poland, days to decades (indicative red bars on Fig. 4A). For 2014) or slip during mass wasting (over years, e.g., monitoring, the most important of these is arguably Froger et al., 2001; Solaro et al., 2010 or minutes e.g., the duration of any pre-eruptive unrest. Passarelli & Voight et al., 1981) may also indicate changes in haz- Brodsky, 2012 find that the duration of pre-eruptive ard level during an ongoing eruption. Changes in unrest is generally longer for volcanoes with higher such deformation signals may occur rapidly, or grad- silica contents: from minutes to a year for , ually over years, requiring measurement at regular in- and from days to years for . Phillipson et al., tervals for detection. Satellite repeat intervals that (2013) find that the median duration of pre-eruptive exceed the duration of target deformation signals unrest captured by monitoring networks varied sig- limit the timescales over which InSAR is appropriate nificantly between different types of volcanoes, with for monitoring. Historically, satellite repeat times were pre-eruptive unrest at complex volcanoes lasting an 35-46 days (ERS, ENVISAT-ASAR, ALOS-PALSAR, average of just two days before eruption, about a Table 1) with actual measurement frequency being month at stratovolcanoes and > 2 months at shield even lower in areas with seasonal snow cover or volcanoes and calderas. The timescales over which an flooding and for instruments with limited power and eruption evolves in character are also important for acquisition strategy that did not prioritise volcanic assessing volcanic hazard. Decrease in reservoir over- hazard. The higher number of InSAR measurements pressure, for example, has been estimated from GPS for signal durations of > 12 months (Fig. 4B) reflects (e.g. Hreinsdottir et al., 2014a; Mastin et al., 2008) the under-representation of signals lasting days to months and InSAR measurements (e.g., Sigmundsson et al., in our records. The lack of a significant increase in the Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 16 of 26

cumulative number of InSAR observations between one future episodes of uplift in particular. For future moni- and two decades is a consequence of the limited time over toring, InSAR is likely to be useful for ‘pulsed’ reservoir which InSAR measurement has been possible. Presently, charging, where the time between intrusion and multiple cycles of eruption and intrusion have only been eruption greatly exceeds satellite repeat time (but is also observed at a handful of volcanoes (e.g., Sigmundsson et less than the total monitoring duration) and measure- al., 2010; Lu et al., 2010; Biggs et al., 2010a, b; Bagnardi et ment of repeated intrusion allows a picture of the vol- al., 2013), although cycles of activity within long-lasting ume and location of eruptible magma to be built up. eruption have been observed at several more (e.g., Poland et al., 2008; Peltier et al., 2010). Spatial properties of volcanic and magmatic Pre-eruptive deformation InSAR signals Pre-eruptive deformation can take a range of forms, but The high spatial density of InSAR displacement mea- its utility for volcano monitoring and ultimately forecast- surements over wide areas has revealed the areal extent ing eruptions depends on our ability to interpret the of deformation fields that would previously only have process responsible and forecast its evolution. A simple been sampled at a handful of points. This includes highly definition would be any deformation that occurs in a localised deformation signals that occur between the specified time period leading up to an eruption, but at gaps in ground based monitoring networks (e.g., Fig. 5A). active, frequently erupting systems, it may be unclear In some cases localised deformation signals lie in net- whether this is related to the previous eruption or sim- work gaps by design – for example, where instruments ply baseline activity. are sited to avoid local subsidence associated with young About half of the deformation episodes in our cata- flow deposits. In other cases (e.g., at , logue occur in the year before a volcanic eruption or Fig. 5A; , Parks et al., 2011), InSAR has allowed span the eruption itself (excluding flow deposit and the detection of displacement associated with magmatic gravity-driven subsidence). However, a more useful def- intrusion beneath regions where the installation and inition of ‘pre-eruptive’ might require the demonstration maintenance of ground based instruments would have of a causal link to the eruption. This is relatively been too dangerous. All of the deformation signals at- straight-forward where pre-eruptive uplift continues tributed to magmatic processes detected thus far are until the onset of eruption, and is followed by similar smaller than the footprint of TOPS mode Sentinel-1 co-eruptive subsidence (e.g., at Okmok, 2008; Lu et al., imagery (~ 250 km), although several exceed the area 2010) or when the onset of deformation is correlated of higher resolution instruments, such as COSMOS- with seismicity (e.g., at El Hierro, Gonzalez et al., 2013). kyMed and TerraSAR-X (e.g., at Uturuncu, Lazufre, However, gaps of days to months between a period of Lassen, Fig. 5B, Pritchard & Simons, 2004; Ruch et observed inflation and the eventual eruption (e.g., at al., 2008; Parker et al., 2016). For most displacement Kerinci, Sinabung and Slamet, Indonesia, Chaussard et footprints ‘offset’ by <5 km, the volcano itself lies al., 2013) make a connection with eruption harder to within the deformation footprint, but at greater off- infer and interpret. Uplift preceding eruption can be of sets, a higher proportion of displacement footprints long duration (e.g., 6 years before the 2011 eruption of would not be detectable in measurements on the vol- Hudson, Delgado et al., 2014), or continue after an cano’s edifice itself, where ground-based instruments eruption has taken place (c.f. 2012 at would usually be located (Fig. 5C). , Velez et al., 2016). There are a growing num- Calderas typically have spatially and temporally variable ber of observations of episodes of uplift occurring both deformation signals, as well as some of the highest rates of months and years before the onset of eruption: the 2010 non-eruptive deformation detected using InSAR (Wicks et eruption of Eyjafjallajökull tapped sills both emplaced al., 2006; Le Mével et al., 2015; Jay et al., 2014; Biggs, et al., gradually in the three months before eruption, and a 2009). At larger calderas (> 10 km diameter) deformation is decade earlier (Sigmundsson et al., 2010). Such frequently centred on caldera rims and extends beyond intrusions could only be classified as ‘pre-eruptive’ in their topographic boundaries. These include displacements retrospect. Distinguishing between a shallow pre- attributed to both magmatic and hydrothermal processes existing reservoir being ‘charged’ by an intrusion (e.g., as where deformation signals occur outside caldera boundar- interpreted at Santorini, Parks et al., 2012) and endogen- ies, including at Uzon caldera, Kamchatkta (Lundgren & ous growth of a volcanic edifice (e.g., Tungurahua, Biggs Lu, 2006) and at Yellowstone, USA (Wicks et al., 2006). et al., 2010a, b; Fernandina, Bagnardi et al., 2013) there- The peaks of displacement signals at active calderas are fore requires an understanding of the pre-existing mag- rarely focussed on the most recent eruption vent, although matic plumbing. These historical deformation some do correspond to the location of a resurgent dome measurements provide a useful baseline for interpreting (e.g., Newman et al., 2006). Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 17 of 26

Fig. 5 a. Examples of localised displacement signals at Arenal (landsliding and gravity-driven slip) and Tungurahua (co-eruptive endogenous growth) with footprint area indicated by grey polygons and the locations of the stations that make up local monitoring networks indicated. b. Footprints of some of the largest InSAR displacement signals detected so far compared to ground swath dimensions of commonly used SAR instruments and acquisition modes. Note that the inner footprint for Uturuncu shows uplift, while the outer footprint shows the even broader annulus of subsidence. The bold red circle (diameter 20 km) indicates the size of the rose-plots in D-F. c. Scatterplot illustrating the relationship between displacement signal offsets and area. Data are limited to a single displacement episode per inferred deformation source location, so that there may be more than one entry per volcano, but only a single entry for episodes of uplift and subsidence attributed to the same source. The red dotted line describes the area of a circle with radius equal to the offset from the nearest volcano, so that points below the line generally represent displacement signals that do not encompass the nearest volcano. d. Illustration of displacement locations (red crosses) not associated with an eruption and ≥5 km from the nearest volcano (central triangle). Grey shaded ellipses show approximate signal dimensions where signal diameter < 10 km. e. Displacement locations and footprints associated with specific eruptions, relative to the eruptive vent (central triangle), as for D. f. Displacement locations and footprints associated with earthquakes in the immediate surroundings of a volcano, or triggered by distal great earthquakes, relative to the nearest volcano (central triangle), as for D. Volcano locations are from GVP’s VOTW database

For the majority (27 of 33) of signals occurring ≥5km centred ≥5 km from the volcanic edifice, with 8% (11 of away from the nearest GVP volcano, the deformation 133) more than 10 km away (Fig. 6A, note that only centre is not associated with distinct volcanic structures observations for which depths were available are in- at the surface. There are 5 cases where deformation can cluded). Of the 11 signals ≥10 km from the volcano, be associated directly with a specific eruption (Fig. 5E), Haledebi, Gelai & Calabozos are associated with appar- and 11 either caused directly or triggered by an earth- ently young volcanic features at the surface (fresh look- quake (Fig. 5F). In total, 24% of deformation signals ing lava flows, Pleistocene shield volcano & Pleistocene attributed to magmatic deformation (32 of 133) are collapse caldera, respectively; Biggs et al., 2011, 2013; Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 18 of 26

Fig. 6 a. Distances between the centre of deformation and the nearest edifice catalogued in the VOTW database are shown with respect to inferred source depth. For offsets greater than ~ 5 km, depths are shown as a range of values which correspond to the best-fit depths from different modelling methods, source geometries and time periods in different cases. Displacements < 5 km from the associated edifice are shown as circles. Red symbols correspond to deformation attributed to magmatic processes, while blue symbols were attributed, at least in part, to hydrothermal processes. The examples in this figure are limited to those sources interpreted to be associated with magma storage of some variety, normally modelled as a sill, point source or ellipsoid. Volcano feature locations taken from GVP’sVOTWdatabase.b. Illustration of generalised magmatic systems consistent with the prevalence of deformation sources at different lateral distances from and depths below a volcano. No vertical exaggeration

Pritchard et al., 2013). Distal uplift at Iwatesan and Spurr 2014; Kirishimayama, Kato & Yamasato, 2013). This in- were both associated with seismic swarms (Nishimura et cludes many mature caldera systems (Atka, Lu & Dzurisin, al., 2001; Lu & Dzurisin, 2014), while uplift at the Bay of 2014; Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Jay et al., 2014), but also Plenty has been attributed to an off-axis pressurisation several stratovolcanoes (Three Sisters, Wicks et al., 2002; associated with the Taupo Volcanic Zone (Hamling et Villarica, Delgado et al., 2017 and Fourpeaked, Lu & al., 2016). Figure 6 B is a schematic illustration of mag- Dzurisin, 2014). Deformation ≥5kmfromthenearest matic plumbing systems as we might imagine them from volcano is roughly half as likely to be co-eruptive (16% of InSAR observations alone, and as such is likely to deformation ≥5 km from nearest volcano), as deformation under-represent deeper, smaller reservoirs. within 5 km of the edifice (39% of deformation < 5 km from 16% of observations are between a surface radial distance nearest volcano). of 5 and 10 km from the nearest volcano, and are largely at upper crustal (< 10 km) depths. These examples are more Discussion likely to provide an indication of the lateral extent of shal- An implicit assumption behind the design of most in- low magma storage at currently active volcanoes, and strument networks and monitoring strategies is that a where associated with eruption, have been interpreted as persistent body of melt (a chamber) or melt-rich magma evidence for connections between bodies of melt-rich (part of a reservoir) that feeds eruptions is located dir- magma over distances exceeding 5 km (e.g., at Puyehue, Jay ectly beneath the volcanic edifice and/or active vent. et al., 2014; Seguam, Makushin, Korovin, Lu & Dzurisin, This assumption is particularly common for volcanoes Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 19 of 26

without either recent eruption or a record of unrest, and less frequent, broader swath imagery to identify any dis- where information about subsurface plumbing is there- tal deformation processes (e.g., Sentinel-1 or ALOS-2). fore minimal. The InSAR record of volcano deformation provides evidence about deformation signal characteris- Considerations for recording volcanic and magmatic tics that allow us to refine this at individual volcanoes, deformation and more generally provides temporal and spatial The usefulness of any record of volcano deformation de- constraints for monitoring network design, and the pends heavily on the quality of reporting. Publications characteristics of deformation we can expect to detect from scientific journals generally provide sufficient infor- using InSAR. mation for measurements to be reproduced, but often lack description of signal parameters (e.g., precise loca- Implications for the use of InSAR in volcano monitoring tion, area, discrimination between mean and maximum Regular acquisition strategies (e.g., Sentinel-1, COSMO- deformation rate). This information can often be ex- SkyMed volcano background mission, ENVISAT in tracted from figures, although this adds additional un- some parts of the world) has meant that InSAR mea- certainty associated with figure scale and labelling. surements have already been used for monitoring the Informal (‘grey’) literature, including conference ab- development of unrest or eruptions lasting weeks to stracts, volcano observatory reports and personal com- years (e.g., Poland, 2014; Sigmundsson et al., 2015a, b). munications may record that an observation of If satellite acquisition timings are fortuitous, InSAR may deformation was made, but often lack any further de- also provide important deformation information in near scription. Furthermore, observations of a lack of deform- to real-time during a volcanic crisis, but serendipitous ation are rarely reported. An important goal of the overflight times cannot be relied upon for monitoring. production of catalogues and databases of volcanic and Data from multiple satellites or constellations are likely magmatic deformation is therefore to encourage com- to be required for the detection of pre-eruptive deform- munity contributions of records of InSAR measure- ation that occurs on similar timescales to the satellite re- ments. One purpose of this article is to engage the peat times. Given that almost one in five InSAR- international community in reporting deformation to be detected deformation episodes are thought to exceed the recorded in the COMET and GVP VOTW databases. duration of the window over which measurements were Another consideration is the primary classification of made, the proportion of deformation episodes found to each catalogue or database entry (Fig. 7). Episodes could last multiple years or even decades is likely to increase be classified by deformation source location, defining a in the future. The number of short duration, transient minimum spatial separation for establishing a new rec- deformation episodes detected is also likely to increase ord, but the simplest way to do this is by volcano, which due to the impact of shorter repeat time instruments requires a common list of active volcanoes as its basis, and especially the application of constellations of similar for which the Smithsonian list of Holocene volcanoes is satellites (e.g., COSMO-SkyMed 1-4 and Sentinel-1a,b). widely used (Global Volcanism Program 2013). This pre- Improving our detection limits and establishing good sents a particular challenge for deformation measure- baseline measurements, are also critical for being able to ments, due to the notable number of episodes that have recognise pre-eruptive deformation. been observed at distance from Holocene volcanoes, About half of the deformation sources ≥5 km from the which would nonetheless be associated with that volcano nearest volcano did not encompass the edifice itself. in the record (starred volcanoes in Table 2). Different Such signals are likely to be missed by observations deformation episodes at a volcano can be defined by made from higher resolution instruments with narrower their location or duration, both of which in practise de- swath widths (Table 1), especially in TerraSAR-X and pend on spatial and temporal observation windows. If COSMO-SkyMed’s Spotlight modes. For example, uplift properties of the deformation, beyond whether it is oc- southeast of , , was outside of curring or not, are also recorded, some further separ- the footprint of both the GPS network and the ation on the basis of signal characteristics, such as sign COSMO-SkyMed imagery acquired over the volcano or rate are also required. Records by observation, rather during unrest, but was captured by RADARSAT imagery than episode, would be needed to support future prob- over the same time period (Lundgren et al., 2015). Ob- abilistic analysis. This is challenging, because measure- servation footprints require a radius of > 20 km about ments of a lack of deformation are rarely reported in the volcano of interest, to capture at least part of > 90% academic publications, so establishing a record of null of the deformation signals in the historical InSAR cata- results would rely on community contributions from re- logue. Good practice for monitoring could encompass searchers and observatory scientists. the integration of higher resolution imagery (e.g, A fully relational database is the most desirable format Spotlight mode TerraSAR-X) over active volcanoes with for recording volcano and magmatic deformation data, Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 20 of 26

Fig. 7 Flowchart illustrating the classification choices required for recording instances of volcano deformation in a database. Both the deformation information within the GVP’s VOTW database and the COMET volcano databases start by categorising by volcano using the Smithsonian list of volcanoes active in the Holocene. The GVP VOTW database (orange path) then allows the creation of separate entries for different deformation episodes. Note that although deformation episodes presented here are classified by Holocene volcano, VOTW also includes 1100 Pleistocene volcanoes, which may provide improvements for classification. Episodes are distinguished from each other on the basis of a change in location, change in sign, and temporal separation determined by either the start/stop of deformation, or the start/stop of observation. The COMET deformation catalogue (red path) aims to record InSAR observations for each volcano, with a particular emphasis on null results. In practice, both approaches result in a large number of entries that are defined by the start and end of deformation detection – a classification that depends on both timing of both observation and deformation as it would allow future users to search for deform- catalogues in the first instance, and an analogous ap- ation episodes on the basis of location, as well as proach for InSAR may be to share deformation signal pa- properties such as rate, duration, area or inferred rameters or heavily downsampled data. depth. However, the construction of a database re- quires defining categories that impose some interpret- Characteristics of shallow magmatic domains ation on observations. For example, recording a InSAR measurements allow us to identify distinct sites deformation rate, requires that a new entry is made of magma storage at high spatial resolution. As relatively every time a new rate is measured. Similarly, periodic few magmatic systems have been imaged tomographic- pulses of uplift and subsidence attributed to the same ally (e.g., Lees, 2007; Sigmundsson, 2016), at many source would require multiple database entries. A volcanoes this provides the best evidence of the lateral suitable approach at least for preliminary catalogue extent of many active magmatic domains. The decrease entries, is to allow a ‘free text’ format, so that as in the number of deformation sources found with in- much information can be recorded as possible, allow- creasing depth (e.g., Figure 6) may reflect a transition ing for unexpected styles of deformation that do not away from elastic rheology, but is also a consequence of conform to previously established definitions. This measurement detection thresholds (i.e., deep sources will also allows for a description of uncertainty, which only cause measurable deformation if volume changes would currently be challenging to define uniformly are very large). The lateral distribution of sources, how- for InSAR measurements due to the diversity of data, ever, is not correlated to systematic measurement uncer- processing and analysis methods widely used. tainty or modelling choices, and is therefore expected to However, community contributions provided in this capture real characteristics of magmatic systems. Lat- manner are likely to vary in consistency more than erally extensive magmatic domains encompassing mul- entries to a database with clear definitions. The paths tiple deformation sources (Figure 6) are consistent with taken to describe deformation by GVP’s VOTW data- the upper levels of a complex, variable melt fraction sys- base (orange) and COMET deformation catalogue tem (e.g., Cashman et al., 2017). Mechanisms for de- (red) drawn upon here, are indicated on the flowchart formation in such systems include the ascent and in Fig. 7, which shows the areas of overlap and intrusion of juvenile magma, the migration of mobile difference between the two approaches. A further melt/volatiles and phase transitions (e.g., crystallisation, consideration for the dissemination of InSAR data is exsolution). the challenge of storing and sharing the very large Broad zones of magma storage have previously been data files. The seismic community generally share event identified by tomographic studies that found low velocity Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 21 of 26

zones > 10 km in diameter beneath active volcanoes eruptive’ deformation signals. We consider a reliable (e.g., Lees, 2007) and by magnetotelluric studies (e.g., and detailed record of past observations of volcanic Aoki et al., 2013) that have detected large conductive and magmatic deformation - preferably incorporating bodies up to 20 km away from the locations of recent uncertainties and description of ‘null’ results - to be eruptions. Calderas where the manifestations of unrest essential for the future interpretation of interfero- (e.g., seismicity, thermal anomalies, fumerolic gas emis- grams in volcanic settings. Our synthesis of global sion) extend over a large area are expected to sit over InSAR measurements of volcanic and magmatic de- large, complex magmatic domains (e.g., Wicks et al., formation has implications both for the design of 2006). InSAR observations of laterally offset deformation volcano monitoring strategies and for our under- at some stratovolcanoes (e.g., Delgado et al., 2017) have standing of the distribution of magma in the crust. provided new evidence of magmatic domain extent at We use the historical InSAR catalogue as a ‘baseline’ for smaller, younger volcanoes. Deformation associated with assessing the contexts for which SAR is most useful for an eruption is more likely to be ‘central’ (< 5 km from monitoring applications. Deformation lasting more than a the volcano) than ‘offset’ (≥ 5 km distant), although few months, but less than a decade is best represented in there are a few notable examples of distal deformation the InSAR records, with spatial extents of hundreds of accompanying eruption (e.g., Jay et al., 2014). ‘Offset’ de- metres to hundreds of kilometres. However, the number formation not associated with eruptions have been at- of deformation episodes that are (1) transient, lasting days tributed to both magmatic and hydrothermal processes or less and not producing permanent deformation, (2) at (notably, Pritchard et al., 2013 and Takada and Fukush- magnitudes of a few mm per year and (3) located several ima, 2013), so distinguishing between these origins at kilometres from the nearest volcano may be underrepre- upper crustal depths is an important problem for under- sented. The combination of data from multiple satellites standing the shape and characteristics of magmatic or constellations, longer total duration of satellite missions domains. and use of broad survey-mode regional measurements That ~ 24% of potentially magmatic InSAR signals are can mitigate these gaps for future monitoring. centred over 5 km from the nearest volcano demonstrates Of the InSAR deformation signals attributed to that laterally extensive active magmatic zones are not ex- magmatic processes, 24% are centred at distances ceptional. Such ‘offset’ deformation sources have so far ≥5 km from the nearest active volcano, and most been found in both rift zones and volcanic arcs, and at have sources in the shallow crust (< 10 km depth). volcanoes with a range of maturities. We expect melt-rich Such ‘offset’ deformation fields, many of which en- lenses to be localised in zones with favourable stress con- compass the volcano, are found across different tec- ditions in volcanic arcs, in contrast to rift zones where tonic settings and include co-eruptive subsidence, high melt fractions are likely to extend over larger areas. episodes of uplift, and subsidence triggered by great This suggests that locations of deformation will vary more earthquakes. This constitutes independent evidence in rift zones than in volcanic arcs, where stress conditions that magmatic processes take place over broad re- may favour persistent magma reservoirs. Seismic reflec- gions of the shallow crust (at least over many 10s of tion and field observations suggest that felsic sill com- kilometres) at many volcanoes, and is consistent with plexes have total lateral extents of < 20 km, while shallow a vision of magmatic processes that incorporates complexes of sills may have much greater lateral ex- spatially complex, dynamic zones of varying crystal, tents (e.g., Magee et al., 2016). This suggests that there are melt and volatile fraction. Future analysis of the glo- likely to be major differences in the eventual geometry bal set of InSAR measurements have potential to pro- and extent of mature magmatic domains in different tec- vide useful constraints on the characteristics of the tonics settings and for different magma compositions. The shallowest parts of trans-crustal magmatic systems. increasing total duration of global InSAR coverage will provide data with which to examine variations between Endnotes active systems, as well as the impact of differences in melt 1We use the term ‘volcano observatory’ to refer to or- supply and magmatic system maturity. ganizations with statutory responsibilities that include monitoring volcanic hazards. In different countries this Conclusions may be a national geological survey or meteorological Analysis of SAR images and InSAR measurements of office, an academic institution, or branch of the civil deformation are increasingly used in volcano moni- service. toring, and are swelling the number of geodetically 2The initial public release of the deformation data on monitored subaerial volcanoes, improving the spatial 31 March 2017 was updated to add figures and refer- resolution of routine observations and contributing ences on 8 May 2017 (VOTW version 4.5.6, unchanged to our understanding of the diversity of ‘pre- with the 4.6 update) Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 22 of 26

Appendix 1 • Where is the deformation? If not centred on the vol- Contributor Guidelines for the COMET deformation cano, please provide lat/lon. What is the diameter of the database as they appear on: deformation? Describe the spatial deformation pattern volcanodeformation.blogs.ilrt.org/how-to-submit-an- and how it relates to the volcano? entry • How long did deformation last? Has there been more Volcano name, Volcano number, Latitude and Lon- than one deformation event? gitude should be as they appear in the Smithsonian • Give a qualitative description of the character of the Database (download the ‘Holocene Spreadsheet’ from deformation. Was it steady, episodic or transient? Uplift the Database menu, here). In the case of deformation or subsidence? not clearly associated with a particular volcanic edifice, • Provide quantitative information about the character assign it to the nearest edifice and make this clear in the of deformation to back up your description. What was Characteristics of Deformation box, including latitude its rate? By how much does it vary? How many pulses of and longitude of the centre of deformation. Please take deformation have been measured? etc. particular care with volcanoes that have non-unique • Has a deformation source been inferred? What is the names – check that the Volcano number, Latitude and best-fit source for the deformation? What is the uncer- Longitude all match the Smithsonian Database. tainty on this? How deep is the source (with what uncer- Under Geodetic measurements, select ‘Yes’ for cases tainty)? What is the volume change of the deformation where deformation measurements have been made, and source (with what uncertainty)? ‘No’ if there have never been any measurements. If there You can add up to five References for each volcano have been geodetic measurements and deformation of (one reference is compulsory). Please include all author the volcano was shown, the field Deformation Detected names and don’t use abbreviations in the title or journal should be set to ‘Yes’. This should only set to ‘No’ if name. If the article has a doi, please use it and where there have been geodetic measurements that have not possible turn it into a hyperlink. demonstrated deformation. For the Measurement Method(s) check boxes, please Additional file tick as many as apply. Make sure to record the time pe- riods covered by each measurement method and any dif- Additional file 1: Table S1. Supplementary table summarising the ferences in the type of deformation measured in the spatial and temporal characteristics ofdefomation signals discussed in this article. Notes on estimated source depth and relevant citations are also Characteristics of Deformation section. If you enter included. For full references, and a more detailed summary of past text into the ‘Other’ box it will appear on the website observations, please refer to the VOTW deformation database and to the exactly as you type it, so make sure that it is phrased COMET volcano deformation catalogue. (XLSX 46 kb) clearly and concisely. Please indicate the Duration of Observations using Acknowledgments MM/YYYY dates ( ) separated by a hyphen. If measure- Funding ments were made over several discrete periods please list SKE is funded by a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship and a European these separated by a comma, e.g. 05/2007-08/2007, 01/ Space Agency Living Planet fellowship (formerly held at the University of 2008-10/2009 Bristol) co-funded by the NERC-BGS Centre for the Observation and Model- . ling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET). JB is also funded by Choose as many Inferred Causes of Deformation as COMET and by NERC grant Strengthening Resilience in Volcanic Areas you judge to apply. For more information about the cat- (STREVA, NE/J020052/1). The development of the COMET deformation cata- logue was supported by a NERC Impact Acceleration Account from the Uni- egories we use here, read this section. If you enter text versity of Bristol. J.A.J., M.A.F and M.E.P. were partly supported by NASA into the ‘Other’ box it will appear on the website exactly grants NNX12AO31G and NNX12AM24G issued through the Science Mission as you type it, so make sure that it is phrased clearly and Directorate’s Earth Science Division. J.A.J. was also partly supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism concisely. Program. EC is grateful for support from the Deep Carbon Observatory. The Characteristics of Deformation box should contain information about all of the observations of Availability of data and materials deformation, their interpretation and results from Unless otherwise stated, the observations discussed in this article are drawn from the Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Programs Volcanoes of modelling. This should be as quantitative as possible the World database (volcano.si.edu) and the NERC-BGS Centre for the and include references (format: Anon et al., 2014). Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics Volcano The information contained here will of course vary Deformation Database (volcanodeformation.blogs.ilrt.org). significantly between volcanoes, but please use the Authors’ contributions points below as a checklist. You may need to address S.K.E. wrote the paper, compiled information about spatial characteristics of each point for multiple measurement techniques or deformation signals and, with J.B., designed and initiated the COMET volcano deformation database. J.J., M.F., M.E.P., B.J.A., E.V., and E.C. designed periods of observation. Make sure to use SI units and the deformation component of the VOTW database and contributed appropriate references in this section. database entries. A.L.P., D.W.D.A., R.L., J.H., E.R., M.C.A., C.C. and J.L.W. Ebmeier et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2018) 7:2 Page 23 of 26

contributed entries to the COMET volcano deformation database. All authors Biggs J, Chivers M, Hutchinson MC. Surface deformation and stress interactions read and approved the final manuscript. during the 2007–2010 sequence of earthquake, dyke intrusion and eruption in northern Tanzania. Geophys J Int. 2013;195(1):16–26. Authors’ information Biggs, J., Ebmeier, S. K., Aspinall, W. P., Lu, Z., Pritchard, M. E., Sparks, R. S. J., & Not applicable. Mather, T. A. (2014). Global link between deformation and volcanic eruption quantified by satellite imagery. Nature communications, 5. Competing interests Biggs J, Robertson E, Cashman K. The lateral extent of volcanic interactions None of the authors have financial or non-financial competing interests in during unrest and eruption. Nat Geosci. 2016;9(4):308–11. this manuscript. Brown SK, Crosweller HS, Sparks RSJ, Cottrell E, Deligne NI, Guerrero NO, Hobbs L, Kiyosugi K, Loughlin SC, Siebert L, Takarada S. 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In Use of Remote Sensing Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK. 4School of Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismogenic Areas, 2008. USEReST Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. 5Department of Earth, 2008. Second Workshop on (pp. 1-5). IEEE. Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, Bürgmann R, Rosen PA, Fielding EJ. Synthetic aperture radar interferometry to USA. 6Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, Cornwall TR10 9FE, measure Earth’s surface topography and its deformation. Annu Rev Earth UK. 7Department of Spatial Sciences and The Institute for Geoscience Planet Sci. 2000;28(1):169–209. Research, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia. Caricchi L, Biggs J, Annen C, Ebmeier SK. The influence of cooling, crystallisation 8Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Snee Hall, Cornell and re-melting on the interpretation of geodetic signals in volcanic systems. 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