The Order passed by Hon'ble JAD-I & JAD-II, on the mention-slips filed by the Ld. Counsels through
[email protected] Mentioning matters regarding filing of fresh cases: Sl.No. Name of Name of Nature of Reasons for Remarks Adv./ Ph.No. Party Case Mentioning 26.02.2021 1. Captain Captain MJC Restoration Permitted for Rajesh Rajesh matter- filing through e- Kumar Kumar permission to file portal 9431018246 in person. 2. Abhishek Prema Devi Cr. WJC For a direction Not Permitted for Kumar upon the State, urgent filing 776303488 Home through e-mail Department, Government of Bihar, Patna to find a deadbody of husband of the petitioner or to make necessary enquiry regarding the same. Mentioning matters regarding urgent hearing of pending cases: Sl.No. Name of Adv. Name of Party Nature of Case Reasons for Remarks With Ph.No. Mentioning 26.02.2021, 27.02.2021. 1. Purushottam Kr. Mahesh MJC No. Pension matter- To be Listed Jha 9431043413 Chandra Jha 2652/2019 petitioner suffering from cancer 2. Bipin Kr. Rubi Devi CWJC No. Matter relates to No Urgency 9430001331 9991/2020 payment of monetary benefits. 3. Bipin Kr. Punam Kri. CWJC No. Service matter. No Urgency 9430001331 9138/2020 4. Sanjeev Kr. Raghunath Cr. Misc. Withdrawal. To be Listed Singh Paswan 13035/2021 9905866979 5. Surendra Kr. Dolly CWJC No. The respondents are No Urgency Singh Securities and 3098/2021 compelling the 9431047690 Intelligence Govt. to appoint Pvt. Ltd. another service provider. 6. Sanjay Kr. Kusum Kri. MJC No. Tied up matter for No Urgency Sharma 642/2021 the compliance of 9430286194 petitioner selection.