flattt^sirr ' ■ Vc’j-; ■ ^HDBSDAT, ffAMVART U ■ r . . AVKRAOB liAii.* on oin A W w F ^ '^ i'/irih .1 . The meetlnr of the Sewtaf Cto> | A cast of n from the parish of| tor the BMoth e f I ole of the American Legion aux- The installation of officers ABOUT TOWN St. Jdm's PoUdi church on Oolway Loyal Orange Lodge W, which < The Junior Quest ehib at toietod an amateur hear. GsrakHns lUaiy, scheduled for tomorrow after­ ■treet win present the Christmas North M eUiodist church arin i 4 a- tosnl noon, has been postponed. scheduled , to be held tonight umm toidgbt I Tenn^ won tha prtss. ^ BeUeemska Swieto been postponed until Saturday night from 7 to 8:48 o’clock. R^eahamts werr ssrrod later (ZTS NEEDED RABTCHB 5 , 8 4 1 —,— ll aMtrtlM c t tlM Waah I Noc. ■ , Sunday —aftenoocn —■ MW l «at . V-UCIUCI5-o’clock at S o’clock In Oranga Hall. to the evening. I b i —I tod a l chib wm be beM at the Rev. Cyril B. Bentley,- aasodato to Pdaaka hall. North street, am- The audit eommtttse at the BoaM COM ) toMM, Jan. 3S. A turkey aup> director of tbe American tostltute dren, young people and the older of Selectmen will meet tonight at T DDT BAHT IS TWINS! ' «ffl pcaoada the meeting. AU for Negroes, will preadi at St. rocrabcn of the congregation wiU The card party held by Manches­ o’clock la the Hnniclpsl building to ter Orange in Odd Fellows HaU last MANCHESTER— A CITY OF VHXAGE CHARM I an nqueated to reglater nary's Episcopal church on Sunday. have a part in the play. to*P*ct tbs bus incurred by the TOWN HAS PLACED HOIS night proved a success in evety way. SELF SERVE VOL.LVL,NO.90 ea with the ateward or town last month which will be at- Now Town’8 WeHara Depart- an P » o U ), > of the dub before ‘^ u f^ Them were 18 tables occupied hF FRIDAY note than 125 attended the sup­ Group 4 of the Memoriel Hoepltol card players. ■ « « ! * « « » Monda went b AppenHnc for Dona- MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, IflST (SIXTEEN PAGES) -----n. No namee aball be per given by Temple Chapter, O. B. suxiUery gave a eucoeeaful bridge night for psymant THAN n s SHARE IN CCC PBKX THKEK C IN iti rafter that datoi Hon of AiNitlier Crib. 3 TO 6 SPECIALS Se In tbe banquet ban of the Ma­ ymtorday afternoon at tbe Uawmic The Sons of the Legion wilt bold sonic Temple last night, and fuUy I Temple for tbe benefit of tbe linen rifle practice at the Pearl street — I annual meethif of tbe Swed- Meadieeter, aeoordliig to a atatla- ■Mamond Brand 200 the meeting which foSowed, I fund. Only p ivot bridge araa played range toi^ht at 7 o’clock. rUVERS MAP PROGRiW r e ^ r t from the State Emer- la st month the municipal welfare BtiUioii— H alf BiUkMi— Safe In FiHTtress Oangregatloiial churdi win be with visiting matrons and patrons m i tbe w&ner at each table re- foney R elief oommlaston p lac^ 1 tomorrow rnmUag a t 7:Sa department obtained, after some ef­ SUSPEa IN MATTSON occupying the chairs. a potted fern or plant ^ S J t s ahars o f young men Epwortb League members ars ra- fort. the donation of a crib and a (^k les and eoffee were aerved at mlnded of the first meeting of the FOR B A U E X OF SEASON ^ ^rilton s CkmservaUooCorpe. WALNUT the cloae of the gamee, amf a draw­ Nutmeg TraU Midwinter Institute ™ i* ,o «* * * ’ •nroUed from C b im e ^ crib mattress for tha use of a wom­ ing waa held on the fine, larxe IISIMPSON ACQUITTED tomorrow evening at the Burnside per cent were from Maa- an reeetvtng aid from tho town and cocoanut cake made and donated by F^h er Plans for Presentinff ®n**ter, w M e toe town hM, aceord- (R alvea.)MEATS CASE, LONG SOUGHT, Methodist church, wdth supper at about to have a liaby. Mra Walter KnofaMe, chairman of 6:80. *Tctticoat Fever”—Conduct Board of Health eaU- At Plnehiint— the committee in charge. Thle added b ^ waa twins and now the Amatcar Hour at Meetiar- but 1A8 o f the state’s pu- welfare department is anxious to Whole Haddock appreciably to the net profits and Robei;t Glenney of Porter atreet was won by Mja. Edward F. ’Mori- eooo as poaslbls an addl- i lb. bag PnDock or left this morning by automobile for At the regular meeting of the As their famillee’ Miare o f the llonM crib and crib mattress. Any­ GIVES HIMSELF UP OF MURDER CHAR(X arty of North School atreet Boston Bine Birdseye Frosted Foods la Endorado, Ark., w here'he win vlalt C o^unity Players held last night wsgea ptid by tbe government to one wishing to make the doneUra ing with Plnehnret on a fruit special his uncle, Hutton McFarlane. He to tbrir club rooms, plans were fur- distributed can arrange to have tbe article, Chase A ffeahnra Dated 1 2 V2c l b . Ihle week-end—Jnat think! 4e special A local storekeeper started to plana to spend several wrecks in the toered for the two night preeenU- to loeal famines needing relief. called for by telephoning 8360, reducUon . . , keep a dlaiy this year, the chief rea­ Southwrest and before returning w ill Uon of “Petticoat Fever" u d piaya Fred Orrm H iyiei, Former son being to g e t a check on the go to to see Carroll W. Wilson were discussed for preiwnUtioif for weather on each Thursday, an Im- of Woodbrtdge street who is manag- the. rcHiEi ndct* o f tho toniOD ~ COFFEE DEMAND BRIHSH IN SUDDEN VERDIC Red RMpberries Salmon imrtant trading day and night in tog tbe branch there of the Wilson ^ e to the absence of Mrs. Doris CLASSES IN _ Conrid, Sorrendert to Swordfish Speciall 19c pkg. I Manchester. On the arst Thursday Nurseries of this town. _ POPULAR SINGING BCKV LEO OF A COW ?1 January 7, he wrote was made U :15 Tacom Police; b Qm i- ANH-RED AID AS TO HAVE OOOO LCOK Steak Cod Csnally tge. For aherbeta, abort- I toat tbe weather was rain, snow and Chapman Court Order of Ama- head director for the balance of the At the Baat SMe iw AOTU aad fltlH M iUCPAUUNQ 2 4 * New Lorntoi B id cakes, Over ice cream. aieet Today, the aecond Thuraday. season, Rins i rantb, wriu meet tomorrow night in ^ ____ Iwetroetori ^ Werti Onaraateedi Finan Haddie he recorded rain. Thto was not plea^ Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. IS— the Masonic Temple, when each The meeting was Uter turned Woroeater L^ lMHied by Federal Men. NEOTRAUTY PAY (A P )— It la "bad luck to have Asparagrus, box 35c Peas, 28c ing informaUon and hs was consid­ ETHEL VON DECK M Osepar Street member is expected to respond to o w to Mias Evelyn Jones, Carl Pkone s n i three lights in a room,” but It Ordered Disdturid Broccoli Spinach ering today giving up the idea of the roU-caU. Mrs. Lula BidweU la Cubberly and Byron Neff who eon- I i n i IBltlNGFlOODSTO Steaming Clams I keeping a diary record of tbe ^ r “ righ t eye Jumps, It Is a Tiny Limas Cauliflower wreather. chairman of the social to foUow the SALT ^ t^ m a , Jen. 18.—Fred sign of good luck." Opened Chuns business meeting. Itolp u d GemanY Befiered Theae auperstltions were State W uUuble to] 35c pint Strawberries Orrin Heynea, ex Folaom. Calif, M W C r AREAS among hundreds listed In a W PA The Manchester Trust company Qnohanir Chowder Friends of Miss Mary F. Fer- ^ ^ e 1^ lb. box priaon convict, nought for queitlon- Joined m Effort to Win writers' project among southern Out StrMf Euigh as trustee under the will of Herbert fluson of Lincoln, Nebraska, for-1 ^ 9g In tbe Cbxrlea Mettaon Udnep- negroes. -Clams in Shell * FRIDAY 25c SPECIALS O. Bowers, has sold to Lasrrence A merly of this town, wiu be.lnterestsd You're Invited u one woidd keep away “baa Converse, for $2000, four loto of land s m AND ^ Attend the First Public kllllng COM, aurrendered here to­ 2 quarts 35c, to near that the Is now living tnl England to >Power Con- spirits," one of the foUowtag N orw id i, Jan. 15.— (A P )- FIG BARS ...2 lbs. 25c I and the btiildlngs thereon, south of the home of relatives at 288 North! day aad waa quSationed in DetecUve 4 “tried remedies" is recommend­ Seymour street, west of Congress 16th street, Lincoln. Capt. Harahall Scrafford'a office. ed: -A. Simpson, blopde band Shurfine Coffee . .lb. 25c I street and east of Irving street ac­ BE SAFE- tool As “Price” m ^nin. Bridget Ont, Mines Flood­ "Put