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May 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982

5-10-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 10, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ih :\nita Jackson Poli~ have ht'l'n "cautious pard·s nude body lying on the Staff \\'ritf'r about releasing specific details bedroom noor of her apartment of the case because of the in ­ at 418S . Graham on April 8. The Aftpr confus ion and con ­ vestigative value of such in­ news release said that a tradiction surrounding the formation ,' · the news release telephone cord in Miss Shep­ dt'ath of SIl--(" student Deborah said. pard's living room was found Sheppard_ police now say her Results of a second autopsy severed. but a second telephone Sheppard case death was a homicide and the,· performed on Miss Sheppard in in a bedroom was still have a suspect in the case. - Chicago revealed there was a operating. A pollee news release said compression of the muscles in The release also said that a investigation of Miss Shep­ the back of her neck, indicating window was removed in the pard·s apartment indicated that that someone may have bedroom where Miss Shep­ being treated someone was present when she strangled or suffocated her. pard's body was found . died and police are certain that police said. However. nothing around or person contributed to her death. An initial autopsy indicated under the window was out of The suspect"s identity was not that Miss Sheppard died of a place. police said, and there is disclosed. pulmonary edema, a condition question as to whether or not as a homicide M iss Sheppard , 2~ , was a of fluid in the lungs possibly the window was used for en­ senoir in marketing from tillulting from a seizure or drug trance or exit by the suspect. Olympia Fields. cWerdose . However. police said Police said Miss Sheppard's Miss Sheppard's medical No wounds were found on death had been treated as a records showed no history of Miss Sheppard's body or any homicide when it was reported, seizures and toxicology reports si~n indicatin.g that she fought and as a result, the direction of showed no signs of drugs in her With an assailant. police said. the investigation will remain body. Her neatly kept apartment the same. A friend found Miss Shep- showed no signs of a struggle. Britain breaks lull; Vaily 'Egyptian Argentine targets Southern Illinois University shelled and bombed

By Th~ Associated Press Monday. May 10, 1982-Vol. 6;. No 15 at least one British Harrier jet strafed and sank the Argentine Britain shattered a four-

By Bob Bondurant acquire the property , no legal some are planning to relocate in governor Steve Dusch said the share with the J &I L Robinson Staff Writer battles have occurred because carbondale, some may go out of club was "fairly satisfied" with Developl1)ent and Construction of the overpass. even though the business and some are having the city's purchase offer. Co o, according toModem Tile's Nine years after it was acquisition process is almost trouble finding locations to Construction should begin co-owner Betty Smith. designated a part ofthe national halfway completed. move to. soon on a new lodge, on an 11- railroad-highway relocation acre lot farther north on U.S. 51 , de~fe~tifu~ J:~a~un~;~ ~':~ program, the Carbondale TO BUILD the overpass, 20 FOR ART HAZEL. owner of Dusch said_ The Moose Club Corp _. said Richard Hunter, an Railroad Relocation Project is parcels of land need to be ob­ Art and Jack's Auto Repair. hopes to have a som'all field officer in the firm . Hunter moving towards eliminating tained. In some cases, large "there's no place to move a and a barbecue pit there as declined to give the purchase problems caused by the city's sections of land are needed, shop to." well . The club must vacate its price negotiated with the city. heavv railroad traffic. while others are slivers of real Hazel said he may have to go present location by Oct. 3\. Century Sports will relocate estate_ out of business, at least for a into its warehouse area, at 610 The U.S. 51-St. Louis Spur Sixteen businesses will be while. He said he has talked mE APPRAISAL process overpass and a planned Trailer­ with several realtors, but has begins with two separate See RAILROAD, Page 8 on-Flat-Car facility to be ~~ac~v~Y a~:aS~o~~e a~~ found no suitable buildings in assessments, given within 90 located north of the city was the terms with the city ":'" the Moose Carbondale to house a body days of each other, Gosnell said. third component of the project Lodge, R.B. Stephens Con­ shop. The appraisals, once complete, gus to receive construction funding struction Co ., and Hunter Sales Joe Krack, owner of Krack's are sent to the minois Depart­ ~~ in March. The proferty Corp. Auto Repair. faces a similar ment of Transportation, which ~.;\p 'Bode acquisition process wi I be Appraisals have been com­ problem. Most of the property recommends a price to be of­ r" _ ) ~ completed by spring 19&1. pleted on 12 of the other 17 available for relocation is too fered for the property_Then it iii parcels. Last month, Eldon expensive, Krack said, and sent back to the city, and passed .o~~~ . In contrast with the city's Gosnell, director of the city's "there's nothing suitable to on to th·e property owners. ~ property acquisition for the Railroad Relocation Unit, gave what I need ." Modern Tile will move from GUI say. they'll flnisb the downtown convention center the Ro-ahead to appraisers to The Carbondale Moose Club's its location on Route 51 to a raUroadprojectsabout die time and parking garage project, in assess the other parcels. lodge will also be forced to give building in the Carbondale the flnt outer-space colony which 20 lawsuits were filed to Of the businesses displaced, way to the overpass, and lodlte Industrial Park, which it will c~lebrates its centennial. Reagan challenges Soviets ews GRoundup----. Sierra Club seIM up political group ROCKFORD (AP> - Siena Club members met over the to join in nuclear reductions ~end to ouWne stra~y for a new political action com­ mittee to be caUed the Sierra Club Committee on Political EUREKA (AP) - Pres.ident the presideDt told the graduates Friday. and that Secretary of Education. Reagan OIl Sunday cballenIed OIl the 50th aaaiversary of his State Alexander M. Haig Jr .. 1be aim of the new PAC is to raise money and recruit the Soviet Union to join the commeDCeIDeI1t. .... directed to keep in touch volunteen for pro-e:nvironmental candidates in the November United Sutes in aharply Reagan said he hoped the with Soviet Foreign Minister elections. according to SCCOPE Winois organizer Larry reducing its arsenals of long­ START negotiations for a new Andrei A. Gromyko. Johnson. range nuclear missiles and arms limiution treaty could At a brief'1IlI before Reagan's "We for so many years have stood outside the political warheads. begin in GeDeva by late June. departure from Washiniton. process." saidJohnSCIII befon! the Rockford meetinS. "For the In a commencement speeeb "We will negotiate seriously U.S. officials were reluctant to rll'lt time we'n! uYUW, 'We'n! going to get rilht into the at hia alma mater. Eureka in good faith and carefully estimate how long it might take political fray ... • . College in Illinois. Rea,an coaaider all propoaala made by to nelotiate a new treaty to SCCOPE IUiaQII will not announce ita endorsements until assured Soviet President the Soviet Union." Reagan said. supersede the SALT II pact sometime this -.mer. but Johnson said it would probably Leonid Brezhnev tbat "his " If they approach these sigDed by then-President Cartrr lIUpport candida_ whom the Sierra Club feels have had good government and his people negotiations in the same spirit. and Brezbnev in 1979. voting records on envirorunental issues in the past. have DOthing to fear from the I am cmfideDt that toIether we In strategic tenns, Reagan He aid these might include Rep. Paul Simon, 0.01 .• state United States." can achieve an agreement 01. Sens: ~wn Clark Netscb, D-Chlcago. and Vince DeMuzio, 0. seetI to neutralize the Soviet Carhnville. and state Rep. Woods Bowman. O.a.icago. He proposed that as a first enduring value." Union ' s " first-strike step. the United States and So Car. there has been no capability" to launch an attack Elgin police offICer held in slayings Soviet Union reduce by one­ indication of how the Kremlin with confidence that the United third their complement 01 more might react to the U.S. States could not respond in a ELGIN CAP) - A 24-year-()ld police officer described as lhan 7.000 warheads eacb. initiative. which seeks to devastating way. "average and weU-liked" was denied bond Sunday after he "1 hope the commencement overcome the 3-1 advantage was charged with the shooting deaths of a young man and today will also mark the that the Soviets have in large The officials said they con­ woman, officials said. commencement 01. a DeW era - land-bued miailes. sider the heavy. in­ Patrolman Herschel Glenn. a three-year veteran of the in both IIeDIe8 of the word - a Administration officials said tercontinental missiles to be the Chicago suburb's police force, was ordered held without bond new start toward a more Reagan notified Brezhnev most threatening element of the on charges of murdering James H. Wright. 18. and Lillian peacefu1. more 5eCUl't' world." about the proposal in a letter on Soviet arsenal. F~l 20. said SIl· Kenneth Anderson of the Kane County Sheritrs Deparbnent. Andenoa and other police officials declined to comment on a possible motive for the killings. On Saturday, Deputy Police Israeli planes attack PLO bases Chief Warren R. Danielson said investilators had found "no connections whatloever" between the officer and the couple. By The AtsoclaWtl Press stretching from Damour, nine quoting hospital officials. said "We're pretty much in shock." said Danielson. "It·s un­ miles south of Beirut. to the oil­ another six wen! killed and 16 believable any time lODletbing like this happens. but when you Israeli jets pounded reCming town of Zabrani, just wounded in air strikes OIl Udaod !Jaw a' poHce officer involved it's eYeD more unbelievable." Palestinian guerrilla bases south of Sidoa. and coastal lariets. along southern Lebanon's The Israeli military com­ Mediterranean coast Sunday mand in Tel Aviv named Associated Preas reporters and Lebanese officials said at Damour. Zahrani and Sidon as Edmond Chedid and Nabih least 16 people were killed and the towns attacked, but in- Abaaho in Sidon said inland 46 wounded. Palestinian gun­ dicated that only ai.rcraft were guerrilla stroft8boIda were bit ners retaliated with artillery involved. by Israeli naval venela. barrages on northern Israeli Ten people wen! killed and 40 Guerrillas reacted by aendiDg border towns. wounded· in air and naval up volleys of SAM-7 and SAM-9 In Beirut. the Palestine bombardment of PLO bases in miuiles at the craft. they Liberation Organization and southern Lebanon, said a'~ . LebanOD'S state televi.IiOll aid spokesman for the governor's Israeli warplanes strudt PLO office ill Sidoo. 2D miles south of target3 along a 1!HDiJe stretch Beirut. A poli~spobsman in of the Mediterranean coaat, the Lebanese capital. also

OASIS STIJDBNT CENTER "gINNER SPECIAL" CAFETERIA &. "THIS WEEKS STUDENT .D6Y ~ WOODY HALL ~ 12.65 12.«> LUNCHEON SPECIALS CENTER FOOD SPECIALS Hom 5 ..... &. IrDaaIi A..Gtotin May 10-14,1982 Salad SANDWICH SPECIALS DInMr .011 w~_ DAY ~ Student Center Food Service ~ S2.G15 SI.lO ~ --"(~I)wl ~.:.- UBIG MUDDY" s..-tt...." ... "" "" ~ ...... ea..-(aaby ~ SUNDIIIIZIII Whole) 30. CoItep a.... lavlot; OW-'oIlw~ ...edChldl ... ,...... ~ -- t.....! Salad (..... ~ 1 '*-inga) Com ...... C.. , ....rd CooIoed Eel -- ColeSlaw ~co.-...... _c.o. a. '".t_ Ccwlka..od Hot .00h ..1101_ w...... S2.2S 12. 10 -- "" !~51icft ._'Canoed .... -- taH .. or Tea ..ed'--w/lol_ --- ~ Sl'lHACH SlIMME. -- stoaghe"1 w I _I Sauc. OW-'oU wllu_ ~ 0.. __-- ~IC,-- .. / Hom ~ Salad wI ...... 5Iw1mp eJoodo.._C- Swwet ond ...... ' "oR 'UI a .• '-tSalad {~~2"""") ,.... '...".. wI...... 0re0Ip ColeSlaw T...... Salad s.r--. F.wh~. Serwd 12-'5 ShetMt ~ SUO - .... OIIe·' .. · ' ..... HoI,...... a..od ..Ith '''''Ien Dr'Malftg ~'"- 11 .1'S .... fOattIew / ~ 'It "'""' CooIoed E9I C...... Owen 11<--.1 ,,_ -- Wednesday C...... «T... o.m_ Salad-- lurrito w/ Chlll CRUNCHY CHIOCfN Dt_ ",/bu_ 0-.. and 'ic_ c...... '01' f ..... T..-d Salad (Ooaa ~ 2 '*-inga) ' ...... and .... 11ocIa Chldo ... O"'.... tld. « ""'ty .. w/ Sauce _ ColeS.... ~ 0. C...... 0-. II> " .... Holt O""'-~IT­ ~ 12.25 12.00 ~'"- t i l'S S-U 'aued SoIod .ott. Chlpo 2-...... 2~ . Ia...,T_ MOSpore'" ShetM. G.-...... ,,_ -- • Gorlk ...... «C...... 2-Ol_.oth Gou",h C ...... or t ... ".".. Fried .ie...... AlSTUNH.. Sl'KIAL T.....! Salad (~ ~ , '*-inga) p ...... H ColeSlaw ..... I $wIeo 0-QookN Gorika..od ...-....roccoll '_FIlled with C...... o-. t ...... 5ct1ad • S...... I Grilled .... "otty ~ AppIeCrI'9 S-U,...... 5ct1ad C...... «T_ ..... Momronil_ ...... StoonIoh· ... T-.dSalad(~0I2""") TUNA 0IfT OfI.IGHT 0...11ed (reb In Shell ColeSlaw 30. tu.... 5ct1ad in T...... to 101 .. CodFUIet F.-to Fned bll_ ~Gom ..... (c.Ieoy Stldol. etc.> S..... Friel I Hord C..... ed fW ColeSlaw C...... «T_ Sunday:~as '~eagan Day' in Eureka EUREKA (AP) - 11!e day president came from the ~th , inside the building a cheer went than most, that we just can't go parkirlg lot and carried neatly had several official titles - dippinl appropriately, If not up from a nearby dormitory on this way anymore," Ulrich hand-lrttered IigaB about the commencement day and ceremonially. across the where the 86 graduates in black said. arms race. Mother's Day - but it cleMly college football field where robes and cape and members of The entire college is a good " It's just that we bad belonged to favorite son Ronald Reagan starred as a junior and the coUege board - including example of what the common something to say. and this is Reagan in Eureka Sunday. senior. brother Neil - in maroon robe people have done for them- bow we cboIIe to do it," said The President returned to this "He sat on the bench mostly," had been standing in the heat. selves "without the benefit of student Marty Jobnston from Central lUinois community of said Louis White, a Eureka area Jim Ulrich. a retired Eureka the big government giveaway," Glen Ellyn. 3,400 to addreSB the 86 farmer who was among a crowd farmer, chatted briefly with he added. When told that Reagan's graduates of the Claa of 1982 of about 1,000 who mingled in 83 Neil as the line of graduates and An example Ulrich said, is the speech would cover a call for a and commemorate his 50th degree heat outside the gym. faculty passed throuIl1 a large Melick Library, one of the reduction in nucleM weaponry, anniversary of graduation from Msium. metal detector. One woman newer buildinp on the campus. he said simply, "far out. " Then Eureka CoUege, a small liberal " I was in high school here asked Neil to give his brother a It Wd the gilt of the Melick be added that he could hardly arts school founded 177 when he was in coUege." said bunch of flowers she had brotben, Ulrich said. "They wait to read about it in the years alo and set in a wooded White. "I remember him as a sheltered from the sun with her came here from Iowa years ago papers. area of this c~mUllity . very likeable fenow . Everybody hat. but he declined. and bought the telephone Reagan arrived in a loved him then.' " He and the Secret Service company. Theil they sold it to Several blocks from campus. helicopter, one of four which White said he doesn ' t wouldn't like it," Ulrich said. its present owners, but tbey a group of young people sat dipped down from sunny s!ries necessarily agree with all of Ulrich said Reagan's land· gave something back to tbe under the shade of a tree on onto the college baseball field Reagan's policies, but added, " I slide victory said something community when they gave Conover Street watching tbe just east of Reagan Center, the was on the county road board about the mood of this country, money for the library." commencement on a color TV gymnasium named after for five years. I wouldn't take reflected in the mood of The mood was mosU~ro - set. One oC them, student Reagan and his brother Neil, his

~ ( ~ ~ a~ tw, PI-aZ41:z0*.. " -2 ~ ---- ~ ~ Whole Wheat ~ .. / Pilla Crast ~ ~-= :=it Only On Mondays ~ :I After 4:00 p.m. ~ . 3- Campus Shopping etr. ~ : I · Carbondale ·R fw.QI'Jjl".'\\\""~

Today Featuring... Tickets on Sale May 24 .... t ...... toe...... ty ..,... •• '1 .• ~.... '1 .• rena Spadal Events Tlc:ket·Offlca l)e.XX '1 .• ...... ) 'If tam-4:31pm A ...... ~tf.... ·K...... n .• ~ " lltN..... A.'- 453·5341 SIU Arena LIVE ON 8'G SCREEN CLOSED CIRCUIT TV • 1III______... ~ ...... , ...... 1 ..!'T •..,...... TT1.-rr...... 'lI'T'IIrT'r' ...... H1'~.,.,. •....., ...... c.:, ._-'-. ---"'-0'..:..' ------"'--, o.iJy Euptian. ..ay 10. Itst'Palle 3 .. ; .',' ". ' '', 0:'' " I . Editorial atld l_ !'ollcleo-Oplnions ••"" .. oed .... do "." ...... 11, .eflee. opinions 0+ .... Un'-'-Ity admln".... tIon . U"'tvn-d ,",,1 ...... 10 .--.._. 0 cono...... 0+ .... _ 'I EdI_lol Commlflee. w ...... _ben a ...... tuden. ,""i.o-·In. c";.I . .... ,""itorlal pop ,""ltor, 0 ...... staft~ , .... facully """'OV'''9 ,""i'or and .. Joun>olIsm Sc:hool faculty ...... Mr . l_"...s 101' which ...... hlp conno' be verified ..I II no' be publi.h.d Siuden'. ,ubml"ing 1__ " must identity ...... tves by cIas. and malor, faculty ...... bert by ra .... otld depo.-•. -'·o< ...... k .taft by ,....ltlon atld depo~ t. l.tten ,hou'd be type-rl",-n ond ""'"t ".,t •• c..d 250 wordt All I_"_n ore tubiect to ,"" Stude". Edito• . in·chlef, Alon Sc:ulley: A.. o

Pile 4. Daily EII~ian, May to, t982 -----~ewpoint------~etters-­ Falwell fosters intolerance Make the poor work SINCE THE FIRM implantation of rights of counUess individuals whose lifestyles for their educations monotheism in major cultures of the Western or ideJils conflict with those of the Moral World, religion has been used for the 0p­ Majority. I'm sick and tired of hearing I think there should be a pression of one group by another. Many groups people who are complaining better system wbere people claim possession of direct revelation from the WOMEN WHO SEEK to forge their own about not getting their free ride would be required to earn their one God ; there have been many occasions for identity outside of patriarchal constraints are through collete. I'm a 28-year­ money for college instead of certain groups to claim that sole possession of called "unnatural." Persons Who choose old Air Force veteran and I having it given to them. the right revelation. Often this claim of " right alternative Iifestvles are slandered as weJl. The want to clear tbe air. We're not revelation" has induced its followers to per­ "traditional morality" denies the rights of getting anything for free. The Meanwhile, scrap the BEOG secute, both physically and psychologically. counUess InmvlOUlWi wnoee lifestyles or ideJils money we get as veteraDI was system: U you need money to groups who are perceived as opposing this conflict with thoee 0( the Moral Majority. for taking risks while you were help WIth your education, get a "right" revelation. Christianity has long been Women who seek to forge their own identity still safe in your motber'. arms. job like I did. You may have to one of the monotheistic groups most guilty of ouwde of oatriarchal constraints are called The money we get ~'t pay drop down to a part-time this practice. Further, Christians even per· "unnatural." Persons who choose alternative all the bills either. Some blve to student status or only go to lifestyles are slandered as well. =~~~~~~t.r~~htoS~-V;:~US~~~fS a~ have a part-time job to take up school one semester a year. U the slack. We can't get Basic you let a budget cut keep you others in addition to the Bible, the revelation to The .. t~di.ti0':l4l1 morality" P."ea~hed by the end al] revelations. Moral MaJonty I.S not necessanly biblical but is Educational Opportunity out of school, you don't have In this context it is al>Propriate to dillCUSS the in. fact culled mostly from the values of the Grants or even loans for enough interest to be here in the ElSenho",,:er years: The . Moral Majority's in­ education, So as we pay our own fU"!t place. The worst that can ~~~~~~c:~or:e~ 0a"se ~~rn~~~~ terpretation of scnpture IS extremely legalistic taxes, the government in its happen if you 're really in· contradictions apparent in this group's words and selective, purposefully ignoring those infinite wisdom giVe!! the terested in education is that you and deeds. There exists in this country a group Biblical passages which strictly condemn money to you. won't graduate with all your called the Moral Majority, led by Jerry Faltiell legalism. In reality we are financing high school buddies. And we al] - a contemporary Tartuffe - who has brought both your education and our know what a tragedy that can once again to the forefront the most insidious Falwell cannot speak for the spirituallv own. We are paying so you can be ~ kind or monotheistic intolerance. This group diven>e American public. He cannot even speak compete for grades with us and seeks to use biblical revelation, sacred to for Ch~tiall5 as his views are extremely later on you'll be competing Everyone should fight for his many, to further its own views. The Moral narrow m scope as compared with Christian with us on the job market. A!I