Efc.'wS!! i-.* m sisst 1S5W M S M ■ OAL SKETOH OF PLAI ELD, D L IE F IN A L P F O H O T E K S L A IO R O T S U l N. . Y . N , Y N A B L A UrL* ad AW0Q0, 7ANW and DUir*LL*N n .amn n m i.ia pnn ...... O E E8PD S 1889. IS REI88PBD BE TO LVR . LEONARD,OLIVER B. h Imdae arre of Satrarbe Immediate the F kindly 5. . ' ; ; . -5 4 8 8 1 B O b Y R. 9. DILLON 00, 9. A R. Y omUDw*t * oom'UBDTw tats

AID : ; 1 ' : , r c m S .. ... - r r . r r - E* q . "ft.V\Vr - < % .M')

J'-i’ ’J t >. }f H £ <■ PLAINFIELD D3BECTQBY:

No. 3 North A?e., (Ohautauqna .. l?LAINiIELD,N..J.

W. L FORCEwd A .L FORCE, - Editors and Proprietors.

T in obmrriTimOKAUSTto aI>e»0Matjc Journal, 5 0 i« in An. 9 ooIudm lo a MM, m4 m UUMA eaeiy Friday. SuUeriptfon, Two DolUtta * yaar. , ll Ww Qflrial Papar ot tkeBteta of New Jeraay. ' r ft la aa QMaf Papar of tha County of Union...... - — • - U ia an omitl F+f*rJt tfca Chyof PUinfiald, and baa tb« larjjeat; drealatiaa af nny weakly nnkphad in tip eonaty. ■ JOB PBlBlTlNO executed In atyla and price equal to any kriaMk-Kineat in tie Mam Telepboae Gall No. 91. X

— ~ ----PLAINFIELD, N .J . A Political, Literary and Home Newsptper. (REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS.) ’ 1 UVTOVAUOVABD, - - > - . Propriatorp.

Oflcw: Comer front and Somerset Stm ts. Tsnm, in adranoe, $2.50. a year. Parte of the year at the same nie.

A Good Medium for AdYertiaera. Bates very Reaaonabk. 1 ...... BOOK AND JOB PRIlfiDINO. .1 Ererytbtog that ia required in the line of Job Printing ia dotte at the Ttaoi/ofloa. Order* kindly aolicited, and estimate# eheerfnlly fnrniahed. j. o. wmyok. . . w. j, imam. •. NEW WARD MAP ...... o r___:_ CITY OF PLAINFIELD. COMPILED BT 0, B. LEONARD, City C M , 1884. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ~ fflUVffBf!TAT. VTTTj AND ELEVATOR. A L. CADMUS, Proprietor. Wholesale and retail dealer in FLOUR, FEED, MEAL AND GRAIlf Office and Mills located on ' _ SOUTH M H U S tear Plainfieltf Avem [P. O. Box 80,] PLAINFIELD, H. J. m-KINDLINOWOOD. J. MANNING & SON, ~

Q tv|ttfcv« i ..l « i N % H ) AND CONTRACIOBS. Shop and Residence corner of . BmUJEH M M and ALBERT BTREEL " IT. X .... ' ' ■ . ■ .. ' * ' ' _ . - 'WJetting and Repairing prempilg attended te. [r. o. aoz:«A] BE NJ. fi. ME8IE, N u a » IB , CIM, J » ; SILTCBui PLATKD TvABI* k 26 Norik Avo., net Depot, ....: .....rijjwraajib m. A' Watch**, dock*, a rt Jawaky yalNiaaiwanaataA H * « sk i flttar la th* Maat aM*. I n . Fraaek Ctoaka a apaalaitr; Nhuhtiahadtwntj year* laRaw Teak. mW' PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. JAMBS CONNBBLY, X M Z i M O N o 82 Park Avenue, PJiAINFIELD, N. J. Lager Beer, Coolest and freshest Tap in City. Domestic and Imported Liquors, «»».» ©to. Billiard and Fool Room Attached. Accommodation Express ! ^ iFBJTBH, BIOKSBT, % O Im at Vaaderbeek’M, ear. Part Atomic, aid NorthATCiiMe,_____ j EeaMmet* 2 2 PEACEHT^PIJUMF^ ^he ACCOMMODATION EXPRESS will attend to the general Carrying Batineaa ^ of the City; delivering Good* or Baggage to ana from the Depot,' 7 . . or from place to place. Moving of Furniture, Pianos, Ac., with care and Safety. Prompt attention given to all orders. HENRY GOTELLERj Jr.» ...... GENERAL REPAIRER OF MACHINERY. f Bowing Xachinn, Lavn lowers, Locks and Chun Xopalrod.

lawk mowirs, and allki'/ds or/ cutlery ground, trunks, satchels, vauiu

: UMBRELLAS AND rARASOLS, SKILLFULLY REPAIRED. LOCKSMITH1NG AND; 7 BELL RANGING. S3 SOMERSET STREET, PLAINFIELD, X. J. ■...... l a t A i L , : _ H arness Maker, REPAIRER & CARRIAGE TRIMMER, %r ' • . ■--•••'• ' \{ ' _ ' ; ' ’ ‘ i 23 Somerset Street, Plainfield, AT. J. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY.

IBaTJLIBLISHIED 1868. I..W v L I T T B I l , ; ; ■ IfMttfMtam «b4 Oetlwr U Brick and Portable A N D ILAJSrCKBS. Abo, Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron Ware, Pumps, Sink*, Ac. Plumbing, 7~ S&Ipi FttBng...Tiii Rooling'arid/obbiug Promptly • ■ attended to.

j h j m w m m , p u m i e l d , h . j . WBAVBR BROTHERS, ~


j A i m m o . h o u se o e c o w m » OIL OB WLTBB COLOBS. ; Oftee JVa. 17 Emit Frent Street* ■ ■ — rtAlSEXELE, N. J. P. 0. Box m . , ' . v .. ■ . •/.' „ •' ' ■ ' ■ *»*»» ▼. **xnB. . : DATiP *. wKArn. ■ ■ ^ j . w. a h . chjddington, dbaukm m CLEAR $HHV(| WATtR

P . f t l n IH , Puiuvnftn.N.j. KunUkaHolala ,


GENERAL FAINT SUPPLY STORE. ARVI0TK'MATERIAL*. II Papers, Window Shades, Mixed Paints, Var­ nishes, etc, ...... / D M 5tmi Eut - -__ - P i , f c l N .3 .—TTewTorlc prices a specialty. . “• * CHARLES M. RAYBERT, ~ ■ . ' f s a c t i o A l Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copper W orker. Plumbing and BclMisnging. Special attention paid to Electric Call Bells and Burglnr Alarina. • , __ tnrWAKE, STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, &c. JteM faB PM nptly ▲ * * » » * • * *•» ■’ S y n i M 1 TM16, - - PUMFIELD, H. J. 7 ’ R. T. BUTTBRWORTH, x ^ a s r © ^ AND REPAIRER. Iwidwce 34 EAST FRONT STREET, | P. 0. Boi 838, PLAIMFELD, N. J. -PIANOS REMO J>ELED | AND POLISHED.

F !R. W A LD ItO lT, PRACTICAL GILDER, r No 9Ea*tFront8treet, W rit National Bank Building,.. , PLAINFIELD, N. «T. Manufacturer of all kinds of Picture and Portrait Fnunea, Window Cornice*, 4c. Old Frame* Re-Gilded, Pictures Hung end Mirrors put up, also, packed and j, ; boxed for shipping. ■ woaiac •WAismATiTTacp jlbtd a t xo-wacarg, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ------tf-r- HUilOMUM. ' imuiaiuDUM. J- If. UixtkmiLD, & MACDONALD & SON,


“ 4 « ¥ a st f r o n t s t r e e t ,

PLAINFIELD, - - - - - N. J.

JOSEPH B. MILLER, Prop’r. CLA88 FAMILY HOTEL; HMiqotften.for ConaereUl Men. ..- . &*H9hnt rates, $$.00 per Day. FRONT STREET, Opp, Madison ave.,



AMERICAN KOOEINOl .... Slate, Piiin ind OmiiMntal, t a u u m i m i r , m m a a ) , s : i PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY.

| * O X Z 9 w > l l A T . i JOURNAL HEBDOMADAIiRE, I journal siiisse public en Tangue franpaise auxLEtats- Unis, et paraissant }e Jeudi,


itTEW ^'OBZ:

D . S. ROBERTS, (Of ttokte Ira of Rotate A (Menu) 8uoo«Mor to JOHN "W. LAiXO. IMAGES FOR CHURCH, DEPOT ANO PRIVATE CALLS. kinds of Turn-outs for tnj pur- ftirnlshed promptly snd rsssonsbly bosrdedwltb grestsst sttontiouto Tending snd Grooming. An Inopee- F stable seeommodetloMs oollcited. : IT1XIT, (Adjoining Lslng’s Motel,) FLAINTIILB, N. J, I . L . M c V O Y , umber, Gasfitter,

- — ’ • I I ® M iV © t NO. 8 PARK AVENUE, 'iJJSttPI'ESLiD, - IT. J*. m l * 10 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. m:. ££i_ BALE HAT, STRAW, GRAIN, FEED, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, H, II and 17 — U1ITIT1IIT, . PliMHlli, N.J.

| | tolly itmiK N01T1 PtAiwriiLa, n. 4 m .::; '1 •. JOHW w. HX70HW, Proprietor. ‘ ' . Paraaneu* And Tranaieot Board, at Reaaonable rate*. Firat Clan '( r StaMea and Bbed* attached. . ■ ' ' ■■ ' ' • - ______: ■ . . - v-. D. J . B O I C E, ------^ , IK AND Lu OfcaJil Tart, P ill ATENUA adjatai^r Ballraad, V li AINFIELI), N. J, fa'T- V • t ...... OMA8 EENNA, i'b I IM w ta FAMILY 8AFB1T OIL ta d

Vegetables, .. fruits, Ac. TRY OUR ft Cat T E E Nu.M?wk»M«.,opp. Noam Atutoi, PLAINPKU), 21. J. J . BOSS & SON

f a n t o Bprlnf WATER ICE! Office and jHeel- dent* Le Grande are., corner of Franklin Arena*. ICE deUrerod daily to any pur* of the city. JOHN ROBS. LEWIS R. ROSS. WOOX STON ft B'OOK LE, P A I N T -T SB 3ft 8 , FulNfftHTi Gi'+inlnif, Flat* and Decom- Mw» Pmper Hanging, KuUDmining Jt Deeormting, in Distemper colon. A Done promptfyaad elHeeeooeM# Rates. Alt wo Warranted. Paiitx u i Fner H u d w F iin M » NORTH AVENUE, (nearly opposite the depot,) PLAINFIELD,N. S, L. B. W 00L8T0R, J« F. BUOKLS. I t PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. GOING! G O IN G !! G O IN G ffl! ------... T. J. GILLIES, ... AadSfiOfiar and Real Estate Agent Attention giren to in and out door sales. Goods received " : . ok consignment. U U W 9I1 ft a 7 MADMON ATKNUE N1AR F ftONT S T I frr ,...... P lrAlRyiRLP, *■ J . ______L A RHEAUNHE, aMiamc lark

PXJLOX ST., ' ' i' . ■ . t a f (yn id .It, • ______HAgflBA J tl W «#ro.a«IITHr - v .; “ “ . p r a c t ic a l kaboi, m a n aid coriactob, 14 RAKNIW ATENUf, FLA1NP1IL1, R, ft.

JOBBING in «H U§ M m AU •riera prMnjrifc :-> v -■ :. • P . O, BOX, S M . Y:: : j

B L . - 1 C . L A I N G , HEIR CONSTANTLY ON HANDATUIL LINE OF N^S^tOYS^SmwrFim^^^M - A w ( M i M ------T8’ FURMISHIHC COOD8. I fc ft m i ATIHCf, rLAINFIELD, N. 1. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 13 THOS. WORTH, Saddle & Harness ' M A N U F A O T U B B B , Saddle*, Bridle*, Whip*, dc. Repairing done at ehort netice. Bo. 4 Somerset Street, Plainfield, N. J. JOHN N. STEINER, Manufacturer of And Dealer in 8M0KI90 AHD OHIWIKO TOBACCO, Bio.,

XI Perk A?enu«, Plainfield, K . J. HVGOWEIQMANN, * 80 Seat Freat Street, PLAINFIELD, - • N. J . . 'Upholster* Decorator and m D B I DIAL1B, Manufacturer of Store, Win* downed Piasau Awning*. D. J. MARSHALL,


Rooms or Coapartmooto tewed by tbo month or ytnr. 57 aid i t Perk Areaee, PLAINFIELD, V. J. Photographic Studio 6 E. Front St., Plainfield, X.J. Out-Door Views a -Spc*ci«lty I'M* igru pits Pin­ tailed in India Ink, Oil or Water Uuloni. . Picture Framep, Large Variety. 14 PIJU'NFIELD DIRECTORY.

...... — . H WIST PB4N1 SHEET, • • PLAINFIELD, N. J. MB, STATMNUY AM TOYS. A Full line of Fancy Good* of all khul#. PIANOS FOB SALE AND TO BENT. Music Books and Sheet Music.. _____j BACHMAN b r o s ! Popular Dry and Fancy Goods Store, Carpels, Oil Chilis, Mattings. Windows hades & Fixtures,

y i |M <« fur Meochmcd* W«l$t Lining. ITWIST riONT SHEET, • * PLAINFIELD, N. J. J. H. HONEYMAN & OO., 1EAST FI®NT SHEET, OPP. PAMKATE., PLAINFIELD, N. I , ' .' ; ...... MJALKM' W " ...... ~...~''V'T' T’ I lU iieiT, liner fieelii h t e r Worsteds, Oerwantown, Shetland, Saxom and Crewel Wools. Emroidery and Knitting Silk, 5 Felts, Plashes, Canvas, Arrasene, Chenilles, i Plash Ornaments, etc. — *■ EukwMerj »»d Fuey Work. Sfeoiptof 0«m to Or*r. „ : ■ : ' VT. B. MA.TTIS 0 1 T, M . D .( PareBp«ffs <* letieiiM . ..Compounding of Toil* Article*, PhyoMamf Prtocrip- t B p H w t i a Specialty* •­ No. 71 80IEI8ET SHEET, ^Bc^PLAINFIELD, N. T. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY^ ..... 15. ....MULFORD BSTIL, I ttk ittto & iU ttaH t* School Bookt, Blank Book*, Law fita n ii, Pino Papeterieo, Fancy Articles, d'e. Agent for the “White Stax’’ Lise of Steamers. Draft* on England, Scotland and Inland, laauod at Lowsat Rat**: — Wo. 7 Pork Avenue, PLAINFIELD, W. J. B8TABLIBHBD 1864. W. H. WILLIAMS, «r»W SPM AJhM»...... No. 7 Park,Avenue> * N ew York Morning [Papers Delivered by Curriers at nil early hour to al, parte of the city. Sub­ scriptions filled for all weekly papers and monthly magazines, at the publishers’ prices. JOHN LINDSAY, O-AR/DEIITBR,

Coolest and Freshest Tap in the City. ______CHOICE ALES, WINES, LIQC0R8 and CIQABS. FREE LUNCH FROM 9 YO 19 A. M. u PLAINFIELD DIKECtORY.

(SEVENTH STREET SCHOOL FOR BOYS.) Boy* prepared fgr Business and for College. EVENING SCHOOL for Young Men. The School occupies a building erected expressly for school purposss,ihe.ventilation andlighting of whichi*

JW fm iktr fmrtUulmr* mMtvm, J4JK3B LYOW, Friaeii*;,, gereal* N tret, ae«r LUttrtf- KHnc’i f l&Tora g Ixtracti. THE CONTINUED INCREASING SALE FOR THESE ■ B X ! S"'^L O T S ■ '

■ ■ . ■ •'■/(•'v: They art held by D talert and Conaumtra. m m m r m axs alwats ssuabul

£ "

IfunfM tutr of mio«a kiwis of

MAFXiHl J\.TBlinTHL NearQreenbrook Road, PLAINFIELD, N. I P. O, BOX, 880. PLAINFIELD -DIRECTORY. 17 F B A F K D A Y , <8oeceaaor to K. * J . Coleman,) LIVERY STABLE, goeoad Street, Hear of City Hotel, PLAINFIELD, N. J. Carriages to meet all traina. - FAM ILY BIDING- A SPECIALTY. Telephone Call t il. WILLIAM BEITER, Dealer In a ll Und* of SEWING.M AflimiB No. Si W. FRONT, • PLAINFIELD, N. J. Maohineo Taken in Exchange. Repairing a ll kind* of Sewing Machine# a Specialty. Thread, Needles, QU and Attachment* o f a ll kinde lo r sale. Machine* to rent by tbo weak or month. GUSTAV SUTTERLIN,

GBEENBBOOK AVENUE, bet. Dier and Somerset gts., P. O. Box 1008, - - NORTH PLAINFIELD, N. J. Bottle Kruger’s and Trofz’s Pure Lager, Families supplied with Pure Beer, All orders delivered free of charge. JAMBS 8 . LUNGER,

WESTERVELT AVENUE, PLAINFIELD, N. J. lobbing and Repairing promptly attended to. Pont Office Box No, 9*9. 3 18 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. WM. B. MAXSON,

O onitielaf at M w i- MASTER m EXAMINER I HI CHAHCEM, i i i i CoiiiaiiaiiQn«r of Supreme Court,

9 K. FROM HTKKET, arer Pint National Bask,

PLAIHF1BLP, M. J. ISAAC W. PANGBORN, ■ PRACTICAL ___ MtSIN, U H K R i l l CHiTUCTN, Rook View Avenue, V. O. Bo* 835, , BiAiisrFiBrLD, isr. J*. JOBBING in’ all its branches. All orders will receive prompt attentioe. RAMONBTTI, FRENCH CONFECTIONERY ARP i d CREAM 8AL00H. French and American Ice Cream and Water Ices French styles for.... ------PimclrGlace:“A large van ety of Individual Ice Creun Imitation*. lev Cram for lieaniaM , . Ftntivnla,CharchM,Phlr*, •*£.,•! rodecoi . prims. Tnlephoas Call No. 10. 91 North Avenue, PUInfleld, N. J. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 19 0 X0 X0 1 BELCH1 B, Lifsr, Ms aoi Boariini Stable, HORSE CLIPPING A Specialty. ' E. 4th 8 L, hear Park Are.) PLAINFIELD) N. J. OOBIELL & SON, Manufacturers of • i , Jffw rv Jv> K JBfcwar a A CPj o t p : Office and Factory CLINTON AVENUE, opposite Evona Station, wu. ii’d. cobikli. PLAINFIELD, N'. J. n. r. com m..

A K D DEODOKrXZEIR. Pronounced by leading Physicians to bo the best in the market. Testi­ monials scut free to any address. Manufactured by C. THORP, comer Front end New Streets, PLAINFIELD, N. J. EDWIN B .MAYNARD, Fashionable Shaving, Hairdressing and Bathing Booms, in Forces Hotel, (nearly op|>osHe Depot). Ladies and Children’* Hair Cutting done at their residences. None but Aral class artists employed. JULIUS W. A. BAUEBSAOHS, Manufacturer of WALKING GAMES. Office and Factory WARREN STREET, opposite Harmony, ... PLAINFIELD, N. J. Terms, Nat Cash. ______P. 0. Box 1477. ------FIRE INSURANCE! Agent of the Star and Merchants’ Fire Insurance Companies of the City of , and prepared to frimish substantial Indemnity against loss by Fire, and solicits applications from the citizens of Plainfield and vicinity. ^ NATHAN HARPER. 80 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. JOBN B. PROBAflOO,1C. D., " ; ' Office *1 Ea*t Front Htreet, PLAINFIELD, - - : . ______Qfflct boani 7 to 9 A. M„ 12 j to 2f«nd 9iJo 7J P. M, E.W. SOUTH, M. D .,.... ----- HOKOHOPAIUHT,------Office 58 East Front 3k, Near Peace. PLAINFIELD, N. J. / OFFICE HOfJRB: 7}V>0A M., 1 W 3 «i)d 7 to 9 P. M.

*“ g e 6 7 ^ PHYSICIAN * IlIBCiltOIi ....N*. (M Pirit Are., (’•r.F M rtlS t, PLAINFIELD, *- J*...... OFFICEHOUH8: Until® A. M.,2 to8 P.M-. 1 lo8P.M . > I. RENWICK GLEN, IN. D., MO. S WEST SECOMD STREET : V • • ] DOORS FROM P A IK A V K N U t, 1 FUlSimD. • ..- - NSW JBRSSY. Office Hour,: B#foru 9 A. M., 13 to > P. M., *fU* • P. M, HENKT iT lOW BIB, M ttmtciAR amh ttrnea. SSParkMvtm, PUIMFIELD, M.J. OPFIC* HOIKS: M i l l . M , l U l . u d S » g P M. T. H. TOMLINSON, M. D. _ r_ Physician and Surgeon, n WIST SECOND 8TBIXT, PLAINFIELD, N. h j OFFICE HOURS: 7 to9 A.M., 1 t o l u d tto»P. M. •. TELEPHONE CALL NO. W. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 21 . MONROE B. LONG7M~_a 7 PHYSICIAN AITD SUROBON, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, 23 E. FRONT STREET, PLAINFIELD, N. J. OFFICE HOURS: Before 0 o’clock A. M., 13 to 2 P. M., 6 to 8 P. M. EDWARD RUSHM EonoeopatMc Phyarian & Surgeon, 75 PARK AVENUE, PLAINFIELD, N. J. _ Office Hours: 7:30 to 8:30 A. M . 1 to 8 ami 7 to 8 P. M. SUNDAYS, 7:80 to 9 A. M.*only. TELEPHONE CALL 119.

...... Physician and Surgeon, 63 cast Second, Cor. Street, PlaitifieSj N. ). OFFICE HOUHH: 7 to 9 A. M., 1 to 3 and 0 to 8 P. M. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY, CHAUNCEY M. FIELD, J lf. D , ,

52 PEACE STREET, • PLAINFIELD. N. t/. OFFICE HOURS, From 10 A, M., to 1 P. M. ~ c # H . CLARK, -jp e IT T I S T , Corner of Front Street and Park Avenue, opposite the Poet Office, PLAINFIELD, - - - NEW JERSEY. OFFICE HOURS; 8 to 12 A. M^-1J to 5 P. M.

: e Tw 7 h e d g e s , m . d „ - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Reaidenee corner Front Street and Central Avenue, PLAINFIELD, N. J» Office Hours: Until # A. M., 3 to 4 7 to 8 P. M. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. B. OACHMAN, DMler la Fine Family Groce­ ries and Proviaiona, Better, Egg», * Pro­ due*. Meats and F|ih of ail kind*, Fraitt and Vegetable* in their season. 40 Cherry street, op* pooite North arena#, Plainfield, N.J. Goode delivered to any j>art of the city. DELICATESSEN STORE, m 1 S O M E R S ^ ^ Next door to Front Street,

PLAINFIELD, - - HEW JERSEY Wlwre may be found everything in the line of Choice Delicacies, such aa Imported Striae, Neufcnatel, Limburger, Kockfurt, Hand nod Croaui ; Cheese. Whittaker Ham*. Domestic and Imported Sardieee, Sardelle*, Imported Herrings, all kind* of Fruit, Marmalades, Canned Fruits,...... Jellies, Preserves, Boiled Ham*; Corned Beef, Smoked Tongues, Imported , and Domeetic Bologaaa of all kinds, French and English Mustard, Chow-Chotr, Mixed Pickles, all kinds of Pried Frails, Macaroni, Ac. J. A* BUkTZ. " GEOBG-E W. BEAM EE, VPHOL 8TERER AND GENERAL JOBBER. . Furniture of all kinds neatly repaired at low prices. Billiard Tablea fixed over. W. Flirt Street; etraer Central Ave., PLAINFIELD, N J. FURNITURE PACKED FOR SHIPPING. H. A. WEBER, Dealer in Fine FAMILY GROCERIES, Provisions, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ac., No. 8 0 LIBERTY STREET, PLAINFIELD, N. J. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 2S

LAGER BEER SALOON, No. 5 East Second Street near Park Aye., ZPXjAISTFIELD, - - - *• - 3ST. «X. CHOICE ALES, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS... - Agent for Trolz’s Extra Lager Beer. Plainfield lee Co. JOHN H.TIER&S0K, Prop’s. DEPOT, FBOHT 8TBEET, Above* Peace St., PLAINFIELD, N. J. HOTELS. FAMILIES, BUTCHBB9 and FISH DBALEBS, SUPPLIED at MARKET KATES.


Particular atteutlon given to the Shoeing of FORGING, Stumbling and Interfering Home. SPEEDY CUTTERS atop(>«d in a very abort time or the money refunded. BEOROE FELLER, DKAl.KH IN Fresh, Sait., and Smoked M eat*, Hum, tiaemiv' Ho- logon, Lard, poul­ try, Game, Ac. Goods delivered free of charge. M PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. KLEIN &SON © A I I I I 1 MAKKRS* . Ho. 79 HAST SECOND STREET, Mantels; Newels, Book Cases, Sideboards & c., Made to Order. Venewing, Poliahing, 8taiulng,Jtc., Wood Work Finished i t Reasonable Rate* W k KLMJJf. AKTMYIO WJI.V1TCNK A SPECIALTY. LOUIS KUHN. I S A AV

‘V Ho. 13 Duer Street, Lock Bet 725, PLAINFIELD, - - - NEW JERSEY. Ageut for the Hanover Fire Ioiurance Company, aud Jersey ...... City Insurance Co. i:______— :— IOBI It. OABLB, W indow Decorations, iESIDENOE 23 FRONT STREET, Opp. City National Bank, P. O. Box 357, - - - PLAINFIELD, H. J. Carpets, Matting and Oil Cloth put Down...Awnings made.. and Repaired. A Specialty made o f the Making over - o f Old Carpets, at Moderate Bates. ... P. HOACLAND’S ^ C I T T E 3: E E E S S , 1 N®.. 17 Nwtl AyeiN^, * epp.Depet, PLAINFIELD, K. I. aye, Furniture ami Freight Conveyed to or from the Depot to all parte of the City at all hour*, AT REASONABLE BATES, JAMES B. CLABK80N, HOUSE AMD SIGH PAIHTEH, Paper Hanging, draining and C'alcimining. Residence on Arlington Avenue, . PMDdZIID, - - - ». J. . PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 2ft ~~ ALFRED A. TITSWORTH, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, OFFICE, 13 EAST FKONT STBEET, PLAINFIELD, N. J. HENRY W. LIVINGSTON

Ho. 150 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. High Class SUBURBAN PROPERTY a Specialty. BmMum* 81 EmI NUth Street, Plainfield, If. J.______E. W. &JST. RTJN YON, .. ^ ..COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, Masters and Examiners in Chancery and notaries Public, EAST FBONT, earaer «f PAHK AVENUE, PLAINFIELD, N. J. CHARLES.W..TALLMAN,...... M I R IN TEAS, C m BUTTER AND EGGS, MADISON AVENUE, near FBONT STBEET, PLAINFIELD, N. J. We make a specialty of these goods. Our Coffees are iresh roasted every day, and our Teas are finest in market. P. 0. Lock Box 581.' X. T). T E N E Y C K , ’ Agent, dealer in O A T S, VISH a id OYSTERS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, &e., ______No 37 West Front St., Plainfield, N. J.______------JOHN H. SAYERS, Mannfacturer and dealer in Harness, Whips, Collars, Blankets, Nets, &e, 28 EAST FRONT ST., PLAINFIELD. N. J. 4 • ' ’ ’ 96 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. P. M. DEMARE8T, Wboleetle tod reUil dealer to Choice Groceries of Every Description, ...... All of which are told at New York price* for C*ob. STILLMAN*8 BLOCK, 14 FRONT STREET, adjolala* Opera I n n , iFLJLisnraBJjjrD, w . j . ALBERT HEDGES, Livery and Bearding Stables. b i t Fourth S t, »**r Fork A vein*,

P-LAINFIKLD, K. J. Carrlageo meet *11 train* at depot,to convoy paaoen* r ger*.--Tel#plw«» CnllrnL~ - JAMES E. WHITE, Dealer in DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Toyo, Notions, Ac., Crockery, Silver, Glue, Qneeuttrare, Ac...... Headquarter* for 6 and 10 cent Good*...... ___ No. 6 EAST FRONT STREET, PLAINFIELD, N. J. O ld W. MOOR*, PLAIN WHEELS AND Warner Patent Wheels, AND MATERIAL, » c .»« 1 A3T raOMT, FlA rm K J), H. J. ... JOHH H. VIA WINKLE, ...


No. I WEST FRONT 8T., epp. S011RSBT 8T„ PLAINFIELD, N. i . P l a i n f i e l d d i r e c t o r y . 27 THOMAS F. RANDOLPH, Dealer in Fine Groceries and Provisions, Teas, Coffees and Spices. Canned Goods and Dried F ruit, WEST SECOND, CONNER MADISON AVENUE, PLAINFIELD, N. J. 1 WILLIAM MEIER, “ CIGAR MANUFACTURER, And dealer in choice brands of CIGARS, TOBACCO and SMOKERS' ARTICLES in general. 1 MADISON AVENUE, • PLAINFIELD, N, 1. ______.HOLMES’.CITY EXPRESS, Office. He. 4 East Front Street P U IH FIE LD . H. J;. Freight, Baggage, Furniture, &c. Baggage Checks left here for City delivery, will receive prompt . attention. ______, ■ ______: ' CONTRACTOR, GRADER&EXGA VATOR, Dealer in First-Class Second Mountain Stone.. All orders will receive prompt attention. Residence, ORREN BROOK AVENUN, near Someraet St., •______giiA iyyiK i.p, w. j .______L E W IS & CO., 8 tI T € a » XL 8 . And dealers in Beef, Mutton, Cork, Poultry, Sausage, Hams, Bologna, Head Cheese and Mince Meat. 16 PARK AVENUE, at the old Stand, PUINFIELD, N. J. BQTA.Bl4XeHB3r» 1886. J*. X 3KT *B‘ O DT laii&ttirer aid Dealer it lACHBiM AM CASTDI6S, Steam Engines, Boilers, Fire Regulators, Steam Fittings, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Bolts, Ac. Also manufacturer and proprietor of Kinyon’a Celebrated Meat Choppers, for hand or power. CORNER THUD AND B1CH10ND STREETS, PLAINFIELD, N. * J. 18 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. HEADQUARTERS OF VOEHL’S NEW ENflLAND BREAD! Na. 18 W ait F rtttl Street* FLAINFlIIdDji N. J. Hating bonght oat the bualneaa of A. Warnodt, I call the attention of my pat. m m to my Mock Of all tarietien o f Unit claw Cake, Plea Bread, etc. NEW EN­ GLAND BREAD A SPECIALTY. The old atand at 68 Somenet street, will be In chart* of my aoa. thankful for past patronage, I aolieit a contlcuanoo of the • ' JACOB VCEHL. W . T. , HIM PAIITIB, GBAIMIB AND PAPES HANGER. DRALKR IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, PAPER HANGINGS, At.

No. 10 Park A re sue, • PIAINITELD, N .J. All Orders Promptly Attended to.... “ GEORGE SCHLERETH, OTHe&BTSisi, 17 Went Btaond Street, Opp. Trinity Reformed Church, . PLAINFIELD, N. J. FarnHr-r Rtpairad at abort notice. Carpet# Pitted and Pnt Down. llattieaat* Ke-made. A Specialty made of thi making oyer of old Carpal a/, Iftlerata rates. TRUK4N W. BILYEU, BLAOmiTHm. HORSESHOE- IH6 <£ GEHERAl JOSSIRQ, C a rria g e and Wagon B a k e r, Somerset atreet, above Johnaloa’a Drive, NORTH PLAINFIELD, - . - , N. J. JAMBS K. ASKOLD, 9 S O C E B , POBNEB SOMERSET AND CHATHAM STREETS* NOWH PLAHTOLT, . . . N1W 7IB8R. .CANNED GOODS A SPECIALTY* PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 29

f (Formerly Mansion House.) Cor. Park Ave., and Second St.. One minute's Walk from Depot. First Class Accomodations Tor Transient and permanent guests. House all newly fitted up. People desiring weemmedations apply at office or address post­ office box 984. T. J . HALSTEAD. CABINET MAKER.....AND UPHOLSTERER, All kinds of Furniture made and Repaired at short notice. CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS RESEATED. All orders promptly attended to. 32 CAST FRONT STREET, - - PLAINFIELD, N. J. ------II ------O -A. R . E3 "XT ’ S fuoitus and fnight Ixpms, 45 West Front Street, 7 P. 0 . Box 492, - 1M.AINP.H5LI>, N. J. Second-Hand Furultnro Bought, Sold and Takon in Kxchangu tvr .Moving. First-Class ...Storage. (foods carefully {tacked and 81ii|t|tod. '• BERNHAR])T B QRAT| — PRACTICAL VAROV, BUEOIB AVD OONTBAOTOB, Illllsldo Avenue, near Prospect Avenue, P. 0. Box 1830, PLAINFIELD, “ * " NEW JERSEY, Jobbing in all its branches. All orders will receive prompt attention. NEW BAKERY! The undersigned, for the past ten years in the employ of A. Warnock, has leased the BAKERY At No. 14 W. Fourth Stm t, PLAINFIELD, N. J. And is prepsred to supply the citizens of this city and vlcinitv with the beet quality of BREAD, CAKE8 and PIES, also HOT ROLLS EVERY MORNING. Orders, called for fend Delivered. JOHN a ALBERT. » PLADJIOU) DIRECrORY. JOHN M. SCHORB,

READY MADE....CLOTHIMG, AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, It Feet Front Strut, Opp. Park Avenue, Nut Door to Pint Notloul Ruk,M floor, ______PLAINFIELD, ... HEW JEB8BY. W BellaWt Help A liaji ei la ri. HRS. OAIRNOROSS, r o m u o B N C B o p p i o i 57 PARK AVENUE, near NORTH AVENUE, PL^nrVJELD, • * - - - J . EMMONS BROTHER8, '

BMKDKNCl, 14 ORCHARD FLAGS, Ne»if Front ..Street, PLAINFIELD. N. J. m» m r. unoM. P. 0. BOX, m jamm h. nw ost



Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended to. ' T. El, M O B G A W S, PSAlilK IK BOOKS, STATIONERY, HUSK, Blank Books, Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Perfumery, Toys, Ac. P IN E ST-A.TIONBE/ir A SPEOIAHnT. ------NEWSDEALER. ORDERS RECEIVED FOR BOOKBINDING. 27j Wert Front Strut, . • ■ - PLAINFIELD, N. J. JACOB MOBALLER, , PRACTICAL, WATOIHAOB § J1W1L1B, 57 Weet Front Street, - - - PLAINFIELD, N.J. . Oppoeite Laiug'i Hotel. Repairing of French and American Clocks, Fine Watches and Jewelry, a specialty. A floe assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ete., for sale at reaaonable price*. A Khare of public patronage is respectfully solicited. THE NEW YORK AND PARIS Silk and Mourning Goods House OFFERS ALL REQUISITE, FEOPKR AMD AI" t’ROPKIATK OOOIDS TOR _____ mwnooumnrnoM^iAavARnRiorAnR VdUD, ~— COR. SIXTH AVENUE AND TWENTY-SECOND STREET. Upon receipt of portal card a competent lady representative edit promptly salt, chow cample*, malic M«a*aremcats and receive la*traction*. ANt rHOMISES FOR THEDKL1 VERY OF ORDERS WILL BE SURELY REFT. P. McCANN, Proprietor. n PLAHUmD DIRECTORY. * JOHN ULRICHT ...... , Qt L(m and Solicitor in ------dOXXlMXOVZB OF D^EPS, fce.------i— KtcfttwratMlt. ;; N* 1 WIST FlONT SHEET, BERRY'S BUILDING, P, 0. Look Box 154, - - PLAINFIELD, N. J. f ^ FIRE INSURANCE place* for the benefit of Clients ------I PARSONS & CO., “ SB 1AWT VBOHT STR1BT, - - PLAINFIELD, K. J. . Dnlm in Boob, m m } Fair/ Artds, Tin, l: Bicycles, Velocipedes, Children's Carriages, ■ _ ' Wagons, Ac. _ __ Pianos, Organs, uim! Music, at Lo%>at Prices. Agency for the Domestic Sewing Machine, Needles f_ ' •-■ ______for all machines.______■ \ r‘ r i , . "TIN ROOF PAINTIN’Gh S s (f Orders taken and executed for painting Tin Roofs with ^ i ..... OXIDE OF IRON PAINT,...... C At the TEMPERANCE SALOON, ? , 8IC0ND STREET, next to Engine Rouse, PLAINFIELD. K"...... G. P. SMITH, Proprietor. ' %fe Colkider's CelebratedPool Tables. Ivory Balls. Nothing but tefflpe* ranee drinks, snch as Lemonade, Sarsaparilla, Soda Water, Ac., also Cigars,diseased ovoi the Bar. . • ■ „ __ ' . • * ~ TH1 L1AD1B OP LOW PBIcIfct. ’ ; I. LEDEKEK, Dealer in Dress Goods, ’. Shawla/Silks, Hosiery, Woolens, White Goods, Domestics, Ac. Staple' and Fe^cjf Dry Goods at below New York Prices. Ta™ Cir-tM^s ...... " andTable Linens a Specialty, also a large assortment o>/ | GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. IhFront Stmt, opposite Somerset St., PLAINFIELD, N. J. - - \\ ...... ;O m P nw m d that tbt I i o w m i . Wt WBOMtWS Chth’1 l it «a Oottesto b>ttfbSTts uSSriMiy HISTORICAL SKETCH OF PLAINFIELD, N. J.

t^l ” w 1 ■' ■ ■ WWHMW * W W * W V W ^ at IMT lla ■a'»'™ Wa.aaWW^ ft few important feet* of th# preterit. The practical businees man may perhaps be more anxious to know ftbout the place y it it anawhat it is likely to be, than to be told what were the earty sosnee and reminiscences of .|eo«rati0ni i ^ 8ome inquiiitWe miti(l« will uotbe satisfied in going baok simply to the early days of the aboriginal settlers in 1700, when a few log hats and wig- wins were scattered here and there, on this level plain, Soeh persone might not be contented with the statenfent , that, about 1684 industrious Hollanders or Sootehmen, name into poeeeeeion of the land on whieh Plainfield is now bnilt/nor with the more remote inoideot that the shore land now called Hew Jersey (but then designated by the King of England as “ heathen and barbarous regions ”) was first discovered by white men in 1407. To sttch antiquarian minds nothing Short of some pre- hlstorie fhets from the testimony of the rooks will give entire relief ) they may not be satisfied nntil assured that many thousand yearn before the Mosaic oreation, these monntaias on the north-west of Plainfield formed the eOMt tine of the continent, and gigentio reptiles left their monstrous footprints on the sands of timet that ages afterwards a Inxnrient forest of mammoth vegetation7 existed on these plains for centuries, with no human Ming to admire the unsurpassed grandeur or walk among the magnifioent flowers and foliage. Bit as a chronicle of early times, it must suffice if reference le made tO no more distant events then those of a comparatively modern period; such events as are found Fint-GlMs Ftmily JOfl. B. 1CLUE, Prop'r, 7 FORK'S HOTEL R ™frl, hvp'r.- " ™ JUinisU, V. I.

00 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. in historical records, or unwritten incidents, banded down by tradition, and verified by tbe accurate memory of some of the oldest inhabitants. These facts correctly narrated will aiford a connected outline view of thi» locality from the days of our earliest forefathers, and may be of interest to many readers...... EyWM^. _...... The beginning of ourciviiaed history commenoes about 1780, with the erection of the first frame dwelling house. The first grist mill was built 1755, near what is now tbe Up town pond, and there remained for 85 years, when it was moved to the present site of the “ City Mills." In 1759 Front street was laid out and described as the((road from Scotoh Plains to Piscataqua," and in .1760, Peace street was surveyed and defiued as the Rah* way road and three years afterwards officially laid out by the highway commissioners. The first school house in 1760 was built on the east corner of the main road and the road to Rdhway, now Peace street. Till about this period ox-carta were the only vehicles used, but now occasionally wagons were brought mb' service. In 1764 the water power of Greeu brook was further utilised by another gnat mill in the lower part of the town. Up to this date, 1770, there werd only eight dwelling houses in this locality and a population of thirty-five to forty. Daring the Revolutionary days some skirmishing oo- curred here and in this vicinity. In the summer i*f iii / General Washington is said to have visited the place and frequented the mountain heights to watch the movements oftne enemies' troops. His head quarters with his army of about 8,000 had recently been moved from Morristown to a securely entrenched position near Bound Brook oil the ridge overlooking and commanding the country around New Brunswick, where the British were encamped to the number of 15,000, under General Howe, Tradition says that ° the rock,” a prominent projection on the brow of the mountain just south-west ot Plainfield, was a favorite place of rendezvous to which the Father of his Country veiy often resorted to inspect the operations of the enemy

itmt NEW J o & k ! a. F. A C. E. BROWN,

~ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. >1 on the plains and watch the reeonnoitering parties of the Americau forces. A few years after peace was declared, the first meet­ ing house was built by the Society of Friends. It was in 1788 and the same building is now occupied by them on Peace street. By this time the population reached one hundred and the few scattered dwelling houses were located along the; main road. The only other thorough­ fares were the roads to New Brunswick, now Plainfield avenue, one to Rahway, present Peace street and Broad* way, and the mountain road or Somerset Btreet.

a . d, 1800, At the opening ot the nineteenth century Plainfield was still a thinly settled neighborhood with about 200 inhabit­ ants. It was not ’till 1803 when a lint shop was built in the rear of the first dwelling house, that anything like business life was manifest. A few years later in 1808, the United States government established a post-office here and the old stage line, nOw running for several years past, left its occasional passenger and meagre mail list. A two- story Academy was built in 181» which served its double purpose for a day school and public hall, till the upper part was destroyed by fire a short time afterward. /The First Baptist church was organized and their house of worship erected in 1818 nearly on the site of the present edifice. The population of the village in 1820 is reported to be 450 to 500. The First Presbyterian church was built in 1825 on the same ground the society now ooou- ies. The division of the Society of Friends in the United States, 1828-80, led to the organization of the Orthodox branch in this placo and the building of a frame meeting house on Front street, since re-built of brick. In 1882 the Methodist Episcopal church was consti- toted and their meeting house ejected nearly where the new structure now stands. In 1888 cue Plainfield Semi­ nary, a frame building 40x86 feet, was built on the land adjoining the Presbyterian ohuroh on the south-west, aud thePlainfield Classical Institute, a rival educational in­ illicit M ini HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL MEM, L i l i a i f i l m , Joi.8 .JCUlsr,Pnp’r.,Pl&inflild,9.J hi m eet HOTEL, l E 70*01, htp'r 52 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. terost was organized the following year and the building i&'XSfi feet commenced in 1884 on a lot opposite the Laptist church. Both buildings are still standing having been converted into private dwellings. This same year the Plainfield Mutual Assurance Fire Company was or­ ganized. In 1885 the first newspaper was established, called the Plainjitld Herald, with three of its sides printed in New York and said to be the largest paper in the state. It soon suspended for want of patronage and in 1887 was founded The Plainfield Union which still exists in the weekly journal of the Central New Jersey Timet. The same year the first bank was chartered, aud a new church Organisation established, the Seventh Day Baptist Society. |n 1888 steam power was introduced on the uaw strap* -railroad running through the place from Elizabethtown to Bound Brook ahd Somerville, to take.the place of horse power in use for two years previous. This decad* from 1880 to l840was marked by considerable activity ingeneral business, and the erection of many new dwellings. The population in 1880 being a little less than 700 bad increased in ten years to something more than 1,200. During this period several new streets were laid ont and opened, the. growth of the place demanding more " front lots ’' than the main thoroughfare afforded and the three old inter­ secting roads, The last chronological occurrence of im­ portance which will he mentioned in this connection is the organization of the Public Sobool in 1847, the year after the formation of Plainfield Township, and the erec­ tion of the school building in 1848. With the succeeding events for the next twenty-five years in the history of the place, many now living are per­ sonally familiar. From a population of about 2,505 in 1850 there was a rapid increase to 12,000 in 1880, a date which brings the record down to the modern city of many churches, schools, hotels, stores, markets, banks, gas works, telegraphs, telephones, macadamised roads, lighted streets and moderate taxes. CiTT or Plaihjiild. Punrmui of 1884 is situated on the line of the N. J. Central Division of the Philadelphia and Beading Hail- imatuifi a. F. A C. L BROWN, V A S f

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 53 road 24 miles south-westerly from New York city,, and on the new through line to Philadelphia, about 90 minutes ride therefrom. I t is pleasantly located on a gently sloping plain at an altitude of 100 to 140 feet above tide water. The underlying geological formation of this section of country is red sandstoue and shale, and the superincum­ bent drift material is composed of gravel and sand to a considerable depth, covered with a rich surface loam which affords a fertile soil and a quick healthy drainage. Plaiufield has a population of about 13,000 including ] the inhabitants on both sides of Green brook. Of this | number, less than 2,000 are foreigners. It covors an area of 7 square miles or about 4,500 scree ns embraced in the territory enclosed by Terrill avenue on the north, east, the city limits ou the south-west, and extending from Mountain avenue on the uorth-weBt to the eastern limits of the city line. Plainfield was incorporated- a city iu l869. The oity proper is divided into four wards, and is governed by a Mayor and Common Council. The municipality is free from auy bonded indebtedness. The assessed valuation of personal property and real estate in the limits described (including North Plainfield) is 85,500,Q00 which is about one-fourth of the true value. The total taxes assessed and collected for city, school, fire and state and county, amount annually to $75,000 to $80,000. There are over 1,600 legal voters in the corporate limits, and about600 in the ifcrth Plainfield district mentioned. The oity is( lighted with gas aud gasolene. Several miles of that main thoroughfares are graded. The railroad passes through the place on an artificial embankment, crossing ! the streets on substantial irou bridges. The Fire Department, under the control of a board of managers, is a volunteer organization composed of 246 men, having three good steam fire engines eaoh with hose carriage, one hook and ladder truck, aud one hose com­ pany. The water supply is from 21 large never failing fire-wells, and the two streams of Green brook and Cedar brook. . There are two weekly newspapers and one daily. Thef Central Hew Jersey Times, The Constitutionalist and D a ily First-Glass Family Resort, 70S. B. KXLL8R, Prqp’r. QAM AMD MDMMIMO WAT1B IM BV1BY BOOM. 54 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY.______B m w g N n c s , There are two public halls: Vau Deventer Hail with a Mating capacity of 800, and Assembly Hall Mating 400. The Mniio Hall Association of the city is just completing one of the handsomest opera honse in* tenors in the state, accommodating an audience of 1200. It is owned by Mveral wealthy stockholders, built , and furnished at a cost of 160,000. There are two National Banks with in aggregate capital of $350,000, one _Savi ngs Bank, two Fire insurance Companies and Building and Loan Associations. Homs. The Hotels of Plainfield will do credit to many a city of much larger pretensions. “ The Netherwood,-’ situated on a charming elevation in tfiosastern part of th^city,-is rmassive five story briok building with 200 rooms elegantly furnished throughout and complete in all its appointments. It was recently built, 1878, at a oost ot $150,000 and is dosignod for a luxurious summer resort for New York business men and their families. The Park House erected in 1872 is a largo frame structure uftbrding accommodation for 125 guests....Hav­ ing beep thoroughly renovated and re-furoished, this year, it Is now under the efficient management of a popular caterer, andisa bouse well Worthy of the first class patron, age which it receive*. Force’s Hotel is located on North avenue near the depot and is a well conducted honse, affording good board for permanent as Well as transient guests. I t has recently ne|n fitted up with all the modem imnrovemenst and heated by steam throughout with gas ana running water in

~ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. U house with good appointments and excellent management and always draws a large share of publio favor. The hotel has always been a favorite resort of excursion par* ties from neighboring towns for miles around, and noted throughout the state for its cleanliness and comfort. Oonnected with the hotel is the largest livery establish* ment in the city. Besides these thore are the “ Farmer’s Hotel” and “ Somerset House,” both well kept and affording good accommodations for man and beast.

E ducation. The educational advantages of the place are of an ex* cellent order and furnish good instruction to both sexes. The private schools are several in number and under the care of experienced teachers. The Plainfield Publio School is regarded the banner school of the state and is in charge of a Board of Education and a compe­ tent corps of popular instructors. The primary, grammar and high-school departments have enrolled for 18*4, the the nan tea of over 1800 pupils and the average attend­ ance has been 900. The Public Sohool in Ijforth Plain­ field is in the hands of an able and efficient principal with good assistants, and a board of trustees. The board, during the past year, seeing the pressing need of enlarged accommodations for the growing list of sohool children, I which number tiOO with 400 in average attendance) lave errected one of the most commodious and complete school houses in the country costing $-6,000. The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific circle has its head quarters in Plainfield. This organization aims at popular education, by promoting habits of reading and study at home in connection with the routine of daily life. The number of pupils is now counted in the thousands all over the civilized parts of both hemispheres.

Ecclesiastical, bio. The city is uot deficient in its religious and charitable institutions. There are sixteen churches with a mem­ bership of about 4,000, besides two or three indepeudeut I l l i C ’ t I l f l T H H W FOR COMMERCIAL MEN, LIIHu 0 IUILL, Jos. B. Wile?, Tsop’r, FUisfisU, If. J. EVERYTHING NEW l E fOBOl, fnflUtUM, V. I. M PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. bodiM: vis.: 4 Baptist, % Presbyterian, % Episcopalian, 1 Methodist Episcopal, 1 Congregational, l Reformed, 1 German Reformed, 2 Roman Catholio 2 Society of Friends, 1 Society of Brethren. AtNetherwood heights hes been built a handsome Union chapel, and at Evona is located the Episcopal church of the Heavenly Rest. -—The Yonng Men’s Christian Association organised in 1867, has a numerical strength of over 200. They have a circulating and reference library of 2000 volumes and a free reeding room containing many of the best religious and seclolar publications. Under the auspices or the % M. 0. A., is given every season an excellent course of literary and scientific lectures and musical entertainments. The efforts of the Association in philanthropic an well u ■ religious waysare designed to help jmd elevate the young men of Plainfield. The Reforrojj Club is a pnblio Temperance organisation, Ideally chartered and working for the moral reformation of all persons ^dieted to the use of intoxicating drinks. , The membership numbers 760 and their pertnaueut head­ quarters are located at the north corner of Second street ...... The Relief Association looks after the needy poor by fhrnishhg help, through an Employment Bureau, to tboee who are able to work, and aispeivsiug clothing, food, //' medicines, etc., through a scrutinising Executive Board of self denying ladies. • . The Children’s Home, is organised for the care and rapport of little ones, orphans, half orphans or those whose parents are incompetent to provide for their uecee- aaiy wants. Their large and comfortable building re> eently erected and newly furnished complete in sanitary appointments, is located ,in North Plainfield and ia an ornament to the place. The Holly Tree Inn, is a well patronized resort for the youth of onr city where they can find a home-welcome, | good promiscuous reading matter and * simple lnncb without any evil temptations. It is nearly self sustaining, 8. F. A C. L BROWN, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 67 though needing the sympathy and assistance of a chari­ table public, ft exists in the interests of temperance and is doing a good work under the direction of the Womeu’s Christian Temperance Union. > The Muhlenberg Hospital is a new enterprise organized in 1878. A Board of Governors have control of the institution.which is «oii8tantly _growi!\g m fflvor, ft8.au increasing number of patients treated every year testifies.

v Manuiactdbbb. The manufacturing interests of Plainfield are increas-- ing slowly, though not on such an extended scale as to give a distinctive character to the place. Encouragement is generously held out by the citizeus for the intrpauotion of new departments of labor* and with the growth of the city no doubt the number will be augmented. The largest establishment is the clothing manufactory of Sohepflin, Baldwin, Tweedy & Co,, which ranks among the first of this class of industry in the United States, both with re­ gard to capital and credit, and the quality and quantity of goods made and sold. Thoconcern employs a great many skilled workmen at the factory and affords steady occu­ pation to scores of others in the neighborhood around. The Pottf/r Printing Press establishment erected by 0. Potter, Jr.,, is a valuable branch of manufacture which furnishes remunerative employment to about 100 first class mechanics. The machine shop, foundry* work shop and other uecessary buildings built of brick, cover nearly an acre of ground. The firm is an old and well estab- iished concern, having had tfieir works in Rhode Island for many years. ^ The Walter Scott Press Works, now nearly completed extend over a large plot of grouud. The buildings are among the largest structures of the kind in the United States, and are most complete in all their equipments. The enterprise will furnish employment to three hundred skilled mechanics and raattUfacture a prihtihg preM surpassing excellence. First-Class Family liesort, a m m u , JOS. B. MILL1R, Prop’r. 8 MUMBInNKrl mJTtL,I1ATC1 HmM j. byx. moi,Itm fn»».IhmihHt, 68 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. J - The Plainfield Gae Light Co., is an incorporated or- ganiiation established in 1857. They have several miles of mains laid in the principal streets and are constantly extending them as demand increases. The City Mills, a four atory frame structure, have four ran of stone with steam ana waterpower. With their new process machinery just put in, they are mannfactur- ing large quantities of flour of an excellent brand, and other products such as oat meal, corn meal, etc., used in boms market and the surrounding suburbs. The Commercial Mills and Elevator are also extensively engaged iu similar products. There is an Iron and Brass Fouudry recently built in 1878, the first of the kind where excellent castings are made by practical mechanics...... An Oil Cloth Factory, located near Richmond street, keeps at steady work over fifty? bands, manufacturing exclusively an enameled cloth for carriage trimmings, table covers and the like and turns opt a large quantity of stock which finds a readjriuarket in neighboring cities. » There are two machine shops for the manufacture of stationary engines, machinery of various sorts, mechanics’ tools ana other work in iron and steel. Among other ind ustries requiring iuore or less of capital, employing labor and developing the local resources of the place,, may be mentioned piauing mills, mannfactnring sash, doors and blinds, grist mills, .containing the cereals of the farming district of this locality, and other establish- mentfi for the manufacture of carriages, confectionery, hots,seg*ri, soap, harness, oil, hoop poles, brioks, etc.; also a tteem stone crusher for cracking rook of suitable sixes tor macadamiiing,.besides -a Steam Laundry, and the Steam Marble Works. The mercantile basiness of Plainfield is as extensive as will be found generally in cities of this size so near to a l*1^ commercial metropolis. There it a fair atock of goods of all kinds in the various retail stores and prices compare favorably with other inland cities. »r. NEW ORK. LACE AND HEAVY CURTAINS 8. F. A C. E. RROWN, S81 Caaal 8fc, N. T. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 59

ASSOCIATIONS. The miscellaneous organizations of the city are numer­ ous enough to meet the wants of all persons. The societies are well officered and generously sustained. The Free Masons occupy their new rooms which are said to be unequalled by any iu the state. The Odd Fellows also have a fine lodge room, and the other-fraternities are favored with convenient and commodious apartments with good working harmonious membership. The Washington Monument Association exists with a determined purpose in ho distant f u tu r e , to honor the memory of our great American Chieftain, by erecting a suitable memorial upon the summit of the mountain emi­ nence near the notable rock that beaie his name. A Water Supply Go., was chartered in 1889 which will some day develop the needful improvement so easily secured by a mountain reservoir or from an underground supply of pure and wholesome water. As the city en­ larges this will bo of great benefit for fire purposes, do­ mestic and manufacturing uses, and as an additional sanitary measure. , Ah Art Gallery and Library Building iB being erected at the generous suggestion of Hon. Job Male and others, and will soon minister to the refined tastes of all lovers of fine arts and intellectual culture. Already a Public Library and Free Reading Room is established under the laws of this state and sustained by a moderate tax on the property owners of the city. The institution is largely patrouized by the working classes and others, consulting its files of papers and books of reference. The Winfield Scott Post No. 73 of the Grand Array of the Republic, lias a vigorous membership which keeps alive the valorous deeds of the Union soldiery, and every year appropriately honors the memory of brave comrades who fell on the field of battle. The Union Club is an incorporated society forthe en­ couragement and promotion of social. qualities, and the FOR COMMERCIAL HEN, lilRG’ S HOTEL, to. B. Xttlsr, hop'*, PlataMd, IT. J ffiinint UATCI Oil A1TD BUVmsra WATB* rORvTa______nUlcL,’? ______h i t i s y io o k 80 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. development of advanced measures for the best interests of the city of Plainfield. The association holds regular monthly meetings for its subscribers, and provides for occasional receptions and entertainments at the club bouse. There is an initiation fee of f 50 and annual dues of f 28 to each member. The distinctive characteristic of^ Plainfield is not its manufacturing or commercial interests; but rather its elegant residence property, and the interesting drives on level, shaded streets, under continuous archways of maples and elms made delightful by the well kept, tasteful lawns. 'The drive on Netnerwood heights affords a charming pleasure of endless variety over serpeutine roadways, on an undulatiug surface covered with a natural growth of foaks and chestttutsrpassing air unusually attractive clash : of dwellings and beautified grounds. The Johnston Drive is a ^macadamized road along the. brow of the Blue Ridge ‘ range extending from the notch through which Somerset etreet passes to the picturesque gap in the mountains at Scotch Plains. Some of the highest poiuts on the drive are 800 to 850 feet above the adjacent plain and through many of the clearings the eye can feast upon the magnificent valley, replete with quiet aud.gentle beauty. And lastly the ride to Washington Rock is another at* tractive pUsuio and well repays anyone to visit that upper regioi, of invigeiratiug mountain air, and expan­ live panoramic landscane. These things with the natural advantages of location have gained for Plainfield the rep­ utation of beiug a sanitarium free from all epidemic* or decay and won back declining health by the genial in- fiuence of an exhilerating atmosphere, pure, wholesome water and enlivening surroundings. These circumstances in connection with the local improvement* afforded, and the unsurpassed railroad facilities hsive attractad a larger percentage of New York busineri* men than any other suburban city along the eighteen or twenty lines of travel1 firom the great metropolis. ..



Albert st., ticaQ Front st. to Qreenbrook Arlington ave., trom W. Ninth st. to Randolph road Arlington place, from Park avo. to Arlington ave. Bank place, from 59 E. Front "Belmont ave., from Brook ave. to Mountain ave. ~ Belvldere ave., on Netherwood Heights ...... Berkley ave., on Netherwood Heights Berckman st., from 170 E. Front st. to Woodland ave. ' Broadway, from 8d st. to Netherwood Heights Carlton ave., from La Grande ave. to Broadway Central ave., from 77 W. Front st. to city line on 8. E. Central st., from South ave. to Woodland ave. Charlotte road, on Netherwood Heights Church st., from 74 E. Front st toE. Fourth st. Clinton ave., from Qreenbrook to Sherman ave. (Evona) College place, from W. Eighth st. to W. Ninth st. Cottage place, trom Richmond st. to Washington st. Crescent ave., from Willow ave. to E. Front st Cushing road, from Leland ave. to Tyrrel road Darrow ave., from W. Fourth si. to W. Seventh st. Denmark road, on Netherwood Heights Division st., from W. Fifth st. to W. Eighth st. Dunellen ave,, from Compton ave. to city limits Eighth at., from Park ave. to Clinton uve. Eliubeth st., from Plainfield ave. to Lane ave. Elm place, from E. Front st. to Chatham st. Elm st., from 85 W. Front st to W. Secoud st Evona ave., from 8outh ave, to City line on 8. E. ~ Exchange alley, from 27 W. Frout to W. Second st. Field ave., from Randolph road to Citj line on 8. E. - — Fifth at., from Peace st to PJainfieliLave...... First-Class Family Besort, u i k s mil. JOS. B. 1QUIS, Pijp’r. CAMPf IMKTn EVERYTHING NEW. rUIVvCa IWIEL, ;,inioi,Pnp,r.,niiiM ,u. __ 61 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY; • I I II.W I I I — ■ I f . II 11 ' ' ...... Firat place, from Crescent are. to Ninth 8t. ;.Fourtn it., from Richmond st. to Clinton ave. Franklin place, from South avo. to Broadway Front at., front Tyrrel road to S, W. to Clinton ave. Grant ave., from W. Front at. to Sherman ave. Highland ave., from Woodland ave. to Kensiugton ave. Hillside ave., from Randolph road to Berckman st. Hill at., from Midway to Woodland ave. ~ Johnston ave., from E. Front st. to North ave. Kensington ave., from La Graude ave. to Broadway. La Grande ave., from Peace st. to city limits on N. E. Lake st., from S tiger ave. to Hillside ave. Lee place, from W. Fourth st. to W. Seventh st. Leiington place, from W, 4th to W. 5th, (near Evona) Liberty st, from 109 W. Front st.-to W. Eighth at. __ Madison ave., from W. Front st. to Randolph road Midway, from Tyrrel road to Berckman st. Milton place, from Raymond ave. to Leland ave. Motfoe ave., from Sherman ave. to W. Fourth st. Netkerwood ave., from North avo. to Mountain ave. . Nelaun sve., from W. Front st. to Midway - New'st., from W. Front st. to 3eventh st. Ninth st., from Broadway to Central ave., and from Plain­ field ave. to Grant ave. North ave., from 88 Park ave. to Peace and from Rioh- mood st. east to the city line Orchard place, from 19 Liberty st. to New st. Park ave., from Front st. to city line on E. ,\. place, from Broadway to Berckman st. Peace st., from 46 E. Front st. to E. Seventh st. Pemberton ave., from Sherman ave. to Central ave. Plainfield ave., from 146 W. Front st. to city line on E. Prospect place, from Grove st. to Washington ave. Prudent alley, from 15 W. Frout to W. 2d Pntnam ave., from La Grande ave. to Woodland ave. . Randolph road, from Woodlanchave. to Plainfield ave. Rahway road* on Netherwood Heights Ravine road, on Netherwood Heights Raymond ave., from E, Front st. to Mountain ave...... Richmontist.,frQmLaQrande.ave.to-MoiintainHvc. w i s i i a i i 8. F. & C. E. BROWN, **«? PLAIN FIELDDIRECTO RY, "(58 Rock ave., from Green brook to city line, C. JE. Rose Bt., from Arlington ave. to Randolph road Rurhmore ave., from Clinton ave. to city line on S. E. Second place, from Crescent ave. to E. Ninth st. Second st., from Plainfield ave., to Netherwood ave. Seveuth st., from Peace st to Clinton ave. Sherman ave., from Plainfield ave. to Clinton ave. Short 2d st., west from Liberty st. (running alongside of the C. R. R.) Sixth st., from Richmond Bt. to Plainfield ave. Sooth ave., from Clinton ave. to Plainfield ave. and from. Peace st. to city line on N.E. Spooner uve., from Third st. to Eighth st. Stiger ave., from Highland ave. to Berckinan st. Stillman ave., from Sherman ave. to city line on 8. E. Sycamore st., from Fourth st. to Seventh st...... Third place, from Crescent ave. to Ninth st. Third st., from Union st. to city line'on S. W., antHrora Peace st. to Richmond st. Tyrrel road, from Greehbrook to South ave. and city line Union-af., from W. Third st. to W. Ninth st. Van Sicler st., from Seventh st. to Eighth st. Washington st., from 94 W. Front st. to La Grande ave. West Eud ave., from 148 W. Front st., to Rock View ave. Woodland ave., from La Grande ave. to city line ou S.


Brook ave., from WestervelUve. to Farragut road Chatham st., from 50 Somerset st. to Elm place Compton ave., from W, Front st. to Greeubrook Craig place, from 85 Somerset to Grove —Crescent~ave?f from E.-Seventh st. -to-Park ave. ...Dner8t.,from9GrftigpIaeetoStonyBrookroad------

M i l l W m m e m i n , nil I CL, 1m. B. XtUw, Vn,’,) PUliUM. 1.1. HmM k| F«P>S INTEL, J, E V01Q1« h f f ' t . 64 PLAINFIELD DIBECTOBY.

Emily it, from 77 Somerset to Grove \ / Fairview eve., from Someraet at, to Franklin ave. Farngnt ave., from E. Front to Mountain ave. Fraoidin ave., from Brook ave. to Mountain ave. Garden ave., from Bockview ave. to Willow ave. Grandview ave., from Someraet at. to Furngat ave. Greenbrook ave., from Someraet at. to Waahiugton ave. Grove at, from 77 W. Front at. to Mountain ave. Harmony at, from 66 Someraet at. to Warren at. Jaekaon ave., from 108 Someraet at. to Farragut road Jeflbraon ave., aonthern limita of city Leland ave., from Mountain ave. to city Hue on oaat Lindan ave., from Someraet at. to Sycamore ave. Madiaon ave., from Rock View ave. to Proapect ave. Magnolia ave., from Bock View ave. to Willow ave. Manning ave.. from So Someraet at. to Richmond at. Mapleave., from Magnolia ave. to Weat End ave. Mercer *ve., from 8il)uer at. to Bock View ave. Mountain ave, from Someraet at. N. E. to city line Myrtle ave., from Willow ave. to Creecent ave. , Orchard ave., from Willow ave. to Rock View ave. Park place, from weat from 108 Someraet Pearl at., from Someraet Bt. beyond Warren at. Proapect ave., from Park ave. to Nether wood Rs$e at, from Someraet at. to the Preebyterien cemetery Begbiit at, from Mouutain ave. to Lelana ave. Roek View ave., from Grove at to Weat End ave. Somerset place from 63 Somerset to Doer Someraet at, from Front at. to Mountain ave. 8teiner place, from Linden ave. Bnmmit ave., from.,Someraet at to Franklin ave. Sycamore are., from Myrtle ave. to Rock View ave. Vine it, from 17 Emily at. to Park place Warren at, from Craig place to Manning ave. Waihington ave., from 108 W. Front at. to Rock V. live. We^eryelt ave., from Brook ave. to Mountain ave. Willow ave., from Waahiugton ave. to West End ave. PLAINFIELD in NORTH PLAINFIELD

A bbreviation *.— Are.t avenue; bds., boards; cor.,corner; E.,e*st;, h., house; N.,north; opp., opposite; R.R., railroad; sq.,square; 8., ■oath; W., west.

A. Abbott Charles F., salesman, N. Y., h. 74 W. 4th Aboott T. W., com. iner., N. Y., h. Arlington ave. Aborn Cbaa. B., com. mer.f N. Y., b. 0 E. 7th Acker E. S„ farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Ackerman Archibald 0., h. 8 Elm place Ackerman Cornelias J., Jr., clerk, h. 8 Eira place Ackerman Cornelius J„, watchman, b. 3 Sim place Ackerman Ernest, cement, h. 7th cor. Central uve. Ackerman J. Hervey, lawyer, h. 7th cor Central ave. Ackerman John JM laborer, h. Race cor. Warren Ackerman Lowis, bds. Holly Tree' Inn Acor James H., plasterer, North ave. opp. depot Adair George W.. clerk, h. 80 W. 2d ' Adams Alexander, mason, h. 82 Manning ave. — First-Class Family Resort, LUNG’S IOTEI, 708. B. MILLIE, Psop’r.

------C iM in t IMITC1 ga# and dunning watdb rfRCIrl HOItl, i* ivibyboom. 68 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ___ ■__JtdaraeDaniePG.ystudeut;h.l8-Cniig place Adams Edwin M., clerk, h. 4 Duer Adams Express Co., E. H. Holmes, agent, 4 E. Front Adams Jacob T., mason, b. 56 Duer . Adams John E., mason, h. 55 Duer Adams John Q., mason, h. 92 E. 2d Adams L. Mra., millinery, etc., 42 W. Front Adams Mary, h. Mountain ave. near Westervelt ave. Adams Priscilla Mrs., h. 19 E. 3d Adams William F., paints and wall paper, 10 Park ave., h. 4 Duer (see adv.) < Addis William (Addis St Haskard), h. 98 E. 2d Addis & Haskard, sanitary plumbers and gasfitters, 10 North ave. (sea adv. front cover) Albert Arabella Mrs., bds. 20 W. Front Albert John H», baker and confectioner, 14 W. 4th „ - - (see adv.) — —— ■ Alberti Thos.B.,h. 72 E. 5th Alberti Wm., clerk, N. Y., b. 80 E, 5th v Aldrich Thomas C., bookkeeper, N. Y„ b. 54 W. 2d S Alexander Tillie, dressmaker, b< W. 4th cor. Union Allen Alice, at Washington ave. cor. Mercer ave. Allen Aaron, farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Allen Aaron B., carpenter, h. Race near Somerset Allen Daniel L., farmer, h. E. Front near Tyrrel road Allen Frank, h. 47 W. 2d . Allen Gideon, agent, h. 18 Grandview ave. v Allen Esther 8., widow Henry, h, 88 E. Front Allen Irenas, clerk, b. Somerset opp. Linden ave. Allen John, dentist, N. Y.f b. Franklin place near 7th Allen John, farmer, h. Somerset opp. Linden ave. Allen John H., clerk, b. 18 Grandview ave. . Allen Jos. C., law student, E. Front near Tyrrel road Allen Samuel, ergioeer, h. 48 E. Front Allen Samuel H., engineer, b. 48 E. Front Allen Samuel C., attorney, h. with Sarah Cole Allen Elias, farmer, address Plainfield P. O. Allen William, farmer, h. Somerset opp. Linden ave. Allis Jeremiah, draftsman, h. 42 W. 2d . C jL II C DDAlifU Interior Deoonttou, B • r « w Wi Ci D n U W n ^ m c«>«i s t , n. t. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 67 Alpaugh William E., painter, 21 E. Front, b. 27 E. 8d Ames Charles J., insurance, N. Y., b. 14 Crescent ave. Ammerman Henry, batter, h. Cliuton ave. cor. W. Frout Ammermau James, switchman, h. 19 Cottage place Ammon John F., carpenter, b. 18 E. 8d Anderson Alfred W., carriagemnkor, b. 27 Manning ave. Auderaon Chas., carpenter, n. 42 E. 8d Abderson Frederick E., lawyer, N. Y., h. Broadway cor. Belvidere Anderson Isaac E., importer, N. Y., Broadway cor. Belvidere Anderson John L., broker, N. Y., b. 146 W. Front Anderson Peter, cook, h. 42 Manning ave. Anderson Robert, h. 104 E. 2d Anderson Robert W., dentist, 104 E. 2d Anderson Samuel, coachman, for J. M. Bettman Anderson Thomas L., engineer, h. 21 E. Front Andrews Amos, machinist, bds. 101 W. Front ’ Angleman Abraham, carpeuter, h. 68 W. 2d Angleman Geo. M., contractor, b. W. 6th near Division Angleman George W., hatter, b. 86 W. 6th Angleman Geo., clerk, 86 W. 6th Angleman Wra., clerk for J. K. Arnold, h. 86 W. 6th Angleman John, carpenter, h. New cor. 6th Angleman John F., butcher, h. 8 Chatham Angleman W. S., reporter “ News ” h. 68 W. 2d Anthony Edward, broker, N. Y., h. 71E. 5th Anthony Edward, clerk, N. Y., h. 5 Prospect place Anthony John W., h. 47 Jackson ave. Anthony Peter 0., real estate, N. Y., b. 7th near Clinton ave. Anthony William R., broker, N. Y., h. La Grande ave-. Apgar mao F., carpenter, h. W. Front near Albert Apgar Jacob W., grader, h. 28 Manning ave. Apgar Lewis L., clerk, h. 88 W. 2d Artomann George, batcher, b. Steiner place uear Linden ave. Armstrong Robert, laborer, h. 58 E. 4th Armstrong Thomas S., druggist, h. 19 Duer ____ FOR COMMERCIAL MSN, LUNG'S ISTEL, 70S. B. 1CILLIB, Prop’r. EVERYTHING NEW, meet h o tel, J, K. fOWI, Fref’r. 68 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Armstrong Dr., h. Clinton ave., Evona Ar»w Otto, broker, b. Park ave., beyond 9th •Arnold Charles, market, h. 37 Plainfield ave. Arnold Jambs K., fine groceries, Somerset cor. Chat* ham, b. 7 Manning are., (see adv.) Arnold Jnlia A. Mrs., b. 7th aor. Union Arnold William F., clerk, N. Y., h. 7th cor. Union Arrowsmith Mary E., h. 18 Elm place Arrowsmith Susan A., h. 13 Elm pliee Atkina Albert, coachman, b. rear 85 W. 3d Atkinson Alvin, coachman, b. 118 W. 2d Atterberg Fred, machinist, bds. 19 Centra) ave. Atwood Isaac B., provisions, N. Y., h. W. Front near Plainfield ave. Aoatin Charles E., builder, h. 16 Craig place ...Amlin Julia, select school, 16 Craig place Aveut John Mrs., h. 65 E. 8d Avery William B., h, Westervelt ave. near Fairview ave. Ayers Ale*. D., clerk Park House, h. 11 New Ayers Alonso T., painter, h. Washington st. Ayers James C., hatter, h. 50 W. 2d > Ayers Edward, clerk, bds. 11 New Ayers William B., painter, h. 11 New Ayers William C., carpenter and builder and contractor, 28 W. 2d Ayers Win. S., driver Adams Express, h. 88 New Ayres Hannah A. Mrs., b. 58 Pesce Ayres N. T., dry goods, N. Y., h. 20 Crescent ave.

JB Babbitt Jas., b. Race near Somerset Babcock George H., pres:, N. Y., h. 8th cor. Union Bach Elias, tobacco, N. Y., h. Broadway nr. Place Bach Jacob E., h. Broadway cor. Park place Bachman Beqjamin H., butter, eggs, produce, etc., 40 Park ave. (see adv.) Bachman Bernhard, derk, h. 27 W. Front

l» -NEW YORK. 8 . F. k C. L BROWN, " s t X t f l J i n * PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 69 Bachman Bros., dealer* in dry and fancy good*, car­ pet*, 27 W. Front (see *dv.) Bachman Edwin G. (Bachman Bros.), h. 27 W. Front Bachman Gabriel, b. 34 W. 2d Bachman Henry (Bachman Bros.), h. 84 W. 2d Bachman William H., olerk, h. 17 W. Front Bacon Frank M., real estate, h. 58 W. 5th Bailey Mary, h. 12 Third place Bailey Harriet M., h. 109 Somerset Bain Benjamin, farmer for John Wilson Baiubridge Emma J., teacher, b. 83 Jackson ave. Baitibridge John Y., pumps, h. 38 Jackson ave. Baird Catharine, h. 92 E. 3d Baker Daniel, farmer, h. Tyrrel road Baker Geo. O., h. Grove near Greenbrook ave. Baker H. H., inventor, N. Y., h. 84 2. 5th Bilker 8. C., bookkeeper, N. Y., h. 70 W. 5th Baldwin Augustus 0. (Schepflin, Baldwin, Tweedy k Co.), h. Park ave. cor. Crescent ave. Baldwin Frank, h. Sherman, ave. near Grant ave. Baldwin Henry S., flour, N. Y., h. 87 E. 4th * •Baldwin John S., com. mer., N. Y., h. Rockview ave. Balen Abram B., b. 64 Central avenue Balen Anna M. Mrs., h. 64 Central ave. Ball George, coachman, h. 64 W. 8d Ball Isaac,, moulder, h. 27 Liberty Ball Joseph, engineer, h. 27 Liberty Ball William, h. 10 E. 6th Banks William T., butcher, h. 77 Somerset Banner Jacob, produce, h. rear 31 W. 3d Barber James, fish, h. -Woodland ave. Barkalew Frank H., h. Emily cor. Grove Barkalew Lewis, carpenter, n. Emily cor. Grove Barnes Gideon A., coachman for Mrs. J. Rooine Barnes Henry S., wall papers, paints, oils, artists’ materials, etc., 17 and 19 Front east, h. 6 W. 2d (see adv.) Barnes Moses D., com. mer., N. Y., h. 46 La Grande ave. Barnes Thos. S., merchant, li. 71 E. 6th First-Class Family Resort, m m n m . 708. B. HXLLIB, Prop’r. Heated by iteua throughout, M K P ! HOTEL, J. H. rOlOl, frop’r. TO PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Barry Darid, mason, h. 81 Manning ave. Bariy Edward, laborer, h. E. 4th near Richmond Barry dame#, laborer, b. 65 W. 8d Barry Michael, h. 65 W. 3d . Bam Thoe., h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. Barth Charles E., mason, h. 6 W. 8d Bartlau August,-machinist, b. 06 W. 6th Barton C» W., h. Putnam ave. Barrow John E., broker, N. Y., South ave. cor. Belvidere '' Bascome George D., insurance, N. Y. h. 69 E. 9th Baa* Walter A., com. mer., h. 8th near Plainfield ave * Bas»; Walter A. Jr., broker, h. 8th near Plainfield ave. Ba^e Wm. F., h. 8th above Plainfield ave. Bassett Richard, tailor, N. Y., h. 58 Grove Bhiierahclw Julius W. A., cane manufacturer, Warren opp. Harmony, h. Race cor. Warren (see adv.) Baxter A. W. Mrs., h. 20 Crescent ave. Baynon C. Arthur, clerk, N. Y., h, 5th cor Union Baynon George G., clerk, h. 16 Craig place Baynon Frank F., clerk, h. 23 W. 2d Beak Adam, laborer, h. 21E. Front ■ Beal Albert J., clerk, h. 66 W, 2d 4 Beale Frederick, broker, N. Y,, h. 142 E. Front Becker Christopher, dyer, 41 W. Front, h. 56 E. 4th Becker Frederick, cigannaker, h. 66 Somerset Becker George P., laborer, h. 69 Somerset. Becker John, hoop poles, h. 69 Somerset B|cker John, Jr., mechanic, h. 66 Somerset Bicker Martin, machinist, bds. 89 Central ave. Bedsit Jeremiah H., painter, b. 7 New Beekman City, clerk for I Lederer Beekman John, carpenter, h. E. 8d near Richmond Beetham John W., confectioner, h. 82 Union Begley James, h. near Scribner’s brick yard Beguelin Tell A., h. E. Front near Farragut ave. Behn Charles, driver, h. 65 Park ave. Behn Fanny,* dressmaker, 65 Parker ave. Belter William, dealer in all kinds of sewing machines, retiring machines a speciality, 65 W. Fro.pt (see I F. 4 C. L BROWN, U^ M K T II,S' ~ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 71 Belcher Charles, h. 65 Park ave. Belcher George, livery, sale and boarding stable, horse clipping a speciality, E. 4th near Park ave., h. 65 Park ave., (see adv.) Belcher Nellie Miss, h. 65 Park ave. Belknap Theodore, h. Belvidere ave., Netberwood Bench James, laborer, h. 4th cor. William Benedict Alexander Mrs., h. 9 W. 5th. Benedict Eiia 0. Miss., clerk, h. 9 W. 5th Benford Margaret, h. 90 E. 8d, near Richmond Benner Jacob, lather, h. -9 W. 8d Benner Jacob, gardener* h. 116 W. 2d Benner John A., peddler, h. 116 W. 2d Bennett Benjamin F., marbling, h. North ave. cor. Hill Bennett Peter H., clerk, h. 28 W. 2d Benoit Edward, Bup’t at Satulford k Co.’s, h. 124 E. Front Benson Cbas. 0., cashier, h. 58 W. 7th Benson James, laborer, h. 66 Duer Benton William S., h. Woodland ave. near Broadway Borckmans Emil, music teacher, h. Steiner place Berhkmans Maria £., h. Steiner place tiear Linden ave. Bergen John, laborer, h. 9 Cottage placo Bergen Patrick, h. South aveuuo near Grant ave. Berger T. W., watches, N. Y., h. 64 E. 6th Berkaw Aaron, carpenter, h, 57 E. 8d Berkaw John V., clerk, h. 67 E. 8d Bernard Francis, cooper, h. 20 Hurroony Berry Alfred, h. 85 Somerset Berry Daniel 8. (Berry k Thorn), h. 85 Somerset Berry Inslee H., expert bicycler, h. 85 Somerset Berry John C., h. Somerset near Linden ave. Berry S t Thorn, hardware, etc., W. Front cor. Pa rk ave. (see adv;) Bettman John M., com. mer., N. Y., h. 5 Willow ave. Betts Mary A. Mrs., h. 106 E. 2d - Betts Peter B., produce, N. Y., h. 106 E. 2d Bigelow K. Mrs., music Jteacher, h. 6 W. 2d Bigelow Frank H., music, N. Y., h. 10 Piuinfield ave. aUBQCARTKRS FOR COMMERCIAL HKM, Ullfi’S IBTEL, JOS. B. UILLIB, Pnj*. CAMCM UATCI 0Ai AJTD BUlHUlf a WiTII rVnlftrf llvICL, wivmyboom. 72 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. b _ Bilyeo Charles E., clerk, h. Somerset opp. Grandview ave. Biljeu Elisabeth, h, Somerset opp. Grandview ave. Bilye a Geo., baker for J. H. Albert Bilyeu Horatio, printer, b. Somerset near Linden Biljeu Jeremiah, mason, h. Somerset near Linden Biljeu Truman W., blacksmith, horseshoer, carriage and wagonmaker. Somerset above Johnston’s drive. Bimbel Louts, b. near Scribner's brick yard Bird David 0., salesman, b. 64 Pearl Bird lliaa H., clerk, h. 9 E. 2d Bird Frederick, carpenter, b. 74 Somorset Bird Jacob, firmer, h. North ave. near R. R. Bird Joseph, machinist, h. 86 W. 4th Bird Levi, bay, h. 8 Harmony Bird Lewis M., peddler, b. 27 Chatham - —Bird Louise, dresamakerr 18 Peace------Bird Morgen C., wholesale and retail dealer in coal and kindling wood, 61 Park ave., proprietor of Bird’s coal elevator Birdaall Samuel E., ship chandlery, N. Y., h. 14 W. 5th ;..Birmingham Edward, coachman, h. 100 W. 6 th Black Sarah Mrs., b. E. 4th near R. R. Blackford Lewis, cairpenter, b. Grove opp. Rockview ave. Blackwell William H., h. 85 La Grande ave. Blaine Ramsay, farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Blair James R., clerk, P. 0.,k. W. Front near Rock ave. Blair Ramsey, former, W. Front st., Evona Blair Ramsay, W. Front near Dunollen Blakely Frederick, employed by I. 8. Enyard Blanchard Charles, laborer, h. 88 W. 8d Blata Joseph A., dealer iu all kinds of delicacies, 1 Somerset, h. 26 W. Front (see adv.) Blazier 8tepheh, carpenter, h. 121 W. Frout Blimn Jacob, prop. Farmers’ hotel, 17 and 19 Somerset Blimm John, clerk, h. 68 Pearl /Bliven Charles H., h. W. 7th near Clinton ave. Bliven Sarah M., widow C. D., h. W. 7th near Clinton ave. Bloodgood William, woolen goods, h. 28 E. 9th fi E A |l Z DttnUfM Interior Decorations, Ms I . W U i E l D IIU E 9 R ? !I21 Caaal 8t,N . Y.

~ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 78 Bly John, waiter at Ghaa, Smith’s Blyer Sophia, employed with D. Boehm Bock Cnarle&, saloon, 5 E. 2d nenr Park ave. (sec adv.) Bodenheimer Henry, h. Somerset above Johnston’s drive Bodenheiiuer John, Somerset above Johnston’s drive Bodine John, carpeuter, h. 16 Grandview ave. Bodine John, mechanic, h. 59 Pearl Boe William, hatter, h. 48 Pearl Boehm David (D. Boehm & Bro.), h. 7 W. Front Boehm D. & Bro., dry goods, carpets and millinery, 7 W. Front (seo border lines on front and back cover) Boehm Ignatz (D. Boehm & Bro.), h. 7 W. Front Bogart F., grain, N. Y., h. Park place Bogert Henry A., carpenter, h. E. 2d near Richmond Bpgert Joseph N., telegraph, N. Y., h. 22 E. 8d Bohley Frederick, baker, 29 Liberty ...... Bohnaker Frederick C., cigarmaker, h. 28 W. Front Boice Cornelius 0., clerk, N. Y., h. E. Front opp. Church Boice David J., lumber aud coal and terra cotta pipe, Park ave. near R. R., h. 80 Park ave. Boice L. B., flour, feed, etc., 68 and 65 Somerset, h. 56 Somerset (see adv.) Boice Sarah A., h. E. Front opp. Church Bold Geo., mechanic, h. 58 W. 6th Bolden Samuel, coachman, h. 62 E. 4th Bolin Samuel, coachman, h. 6^ E. Fourth Bolsterli Caspar, tailor, h. 58 Pearl

D. B. B U S T . ALEX. TBOBfif, BERRY & THORN, Wholesale and Retail


Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, (Topper, Tin, Sheet-Iron Ware, Table Cutlery Pumps, Agricultural Implements. Clothes’ Wringers, Manures, Be. First-Class Family Resort, u m n lo ro , JOS. B. MILLER, Prop’r. 10 r — r r t i m t e i e v e r y t h i n g a n e w r M C F I M I EL) 7.110101 fnt'r., niUftili, V. 1. 74 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Bond Lewi* Rev., b. 88 E. Front Bonnell Alfred, saw mill, h, 9 Manning ave. Bonnell George, clerk, h. 9 Manning ave. Bonney Charles, driver, h. rear 85 V/. 8d Bonny Edwin L., bookkeeper, b. 58 Grove Boone William 0., pbyaiciau, 49 Peace Booraam Anna M., teacher, b. 10 Liberty Booream Catharine, h. 10 Liberty Boca Cbas,, teacher, b. 6 Duer Bounds Tbeo., barber, rear 112 W. 4th Bonie* Julea, hairdresser, 16 W. Front Bowen Henry E., drugs, N. Y., h. Ravine ave., Nether* wood ..... Bowers Beojamln O., wholesale and retail grocer, E. 5th cor. Peace, h. La Grande ave. cor. Franklin place Bowiaby Wm;, millor, h. 8 Chatham— .. - .. ..— Bowman A. H., grain, N. Y., h. Dunelleu ave. Bowman Ed ward P., telegraph operator, h. 45 W. 2d Bowman Pamelia, boarding, 88 W. Front Bowman James, salesman, N. Y., h. 46 E. 6th Bowman Wm. L., boarding, 45 W. 2d Bowser Thomas, cbachmah, h. 118 W, 2d Boyd George, clerk, N, Y., h. 186 W. Front Bradshaw Sarah Mrs., |i. 88 Duer Brady Bernard, shoes, 47 W. 8d Brady Sarah Mrs., h. 74 Somerset Bradv Sarah, dressmaker, 74. Somerset Braider Benjamin S., salesman, h. 17 Manning ave. Brand James, h. 4 W. 8d Brand R. S., farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Brannra Eugene, carpenter, W. Front st., Evoua Bremer Dietrich, tailor, h. Greeubrook road cor. Rock* view ave. Bremer Geo., h. near Scribner's brick yard Bremer John 0., tailor, h. Greenbrook ave. corv Madison ave. . . . ■ " ' ' Brennan James, coachman, h. 86 E. 9th Brett Gustavus A., shipping, N. Y., h. 86 Park ave. Brett William G., shipping, N. Y., h. 86 Park ave.

NEW YOb S******* B. F. A C. L SHOWN

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ' 75 Brewster John L., real estate, h. 7th near Cliuton ave. Brewster Margaret Mrs., h. 12 Broadway Brigham Lucian F., ship chandler, N. Y., h. Belvidere ave. BrinkerhoffRanz W., engineer, h. Somerset oor. Emily Brintnell Wm. P., banker, N. Y., h. Madison ave. oor. 9th Brittin Cbas., hostler, at Roberts’ livery Broadway Wm. T,, dry goods, N. Y., h. Grove cor. Prospect place Brockway Frederick A., h. 61 W. 7tb Brogley Jacob, baker for Jacob Voebl Brokaw Ohas., blacksmith, h. 71 W. 4th Brokaw Dewitt D., jeweler, N. Y., h. 62 Grove Brokaw Eugene W., engineer, h. 44 E 4th BrokawHarry U., clerk, h. 12 Duer Brokaw Isaac, real estate and insurance, office and rest- dence, 12 Duer, Branch office, North ave. opp. depot (see adv.) . * Brokaw Isaao I., cutter, h. 107 W. 4th Brokaw John T., batter, h. 27 E. 8d Brokaw John V., clerk, h. 27 E. 8d Brokaw William H., carpenter, h. 15 E. 5th Bromfield John J., hatter, h. 7 Orchard place Brooks Charles, h. 14 Crescent ave. Brooks Herbert, h. 50 W. 7th Brooks John, superintendent Potter Press Works, h. 26 Plainfield ave. Brooks Mary, Miss, clerk with Seely Edsall Brooks Thomas, varnish, N. Y.,,h. 50 W. 7th Brower E. R.y farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Brower Heury W. Mrs., h. 47 Jackson ave. Brower William H., florisl; N. Y., h. 4 E. 6th Brown Abraham W , fiishiouable shaving and hair­ dressing rooms, 26 Park ave., h. 80 Park ave. Brown Edward, mechanic, h. 86 Manning ave. Brown Oconto F.. wall paper and interior decorations, 821 CaD.CN. -S’, b. 11 Duer (tee top line.) Brown Geo., employed by T. J. Carey Brown Geo, cutter, bds 11 E. Front lUWMItiaiS FOB M W ill, i i i k ’s u n i . lx, B. Hlllar. Fro,'.’., FlalnleM, V. J. , M M n § UHTCI Heated by Steam throughout. ' r l m W ^ NUIeLj 1 1. fOSOI, h q ’r. 78 ! PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY Brown Isaac P„ h. Broadway near E. 9tb Brown John B., h. 74 Park ave. Brown Joseph, machinist, h. 106 W. 2d Brown Judson A., cashier, N. Y., h. 17 Duer Brown Marshall, cook, h. 40 Manning ave. Brown Peter, coachman, h. Grove near Green brook ave. Brown Sarah J., laundress, b. W. Front near Grand ave. Brown Thomas B., bookkeeper, N. Y., h. Park ave. above 9th Brown Thoe. M., law student, with Craig A. Mursh Brown Whitfield, h. 74 Park ave. Brown William 8., grainer, h. 26 E. fid Browne Frank 8,, insurance, N. Y., h. 61 W. 6th Brunsen Peter, sup't Plainfield Gaslight Co., h. Green* brock ave,, Evona______Bryan Charles H., printer, b. 19 Chatham . Bryant Joel, bookkeeper, N. Y., h. 69 W. 5th BrywitMary E. Mrs., 11 Somerset place Buchanan Auna D., widow, Edward, h. 8 Duer Buckelew Charles H., inspector, N. Y., h. 11 W. 6th Buckle James F. (Woolston A Buckle), b. 65 Grove cor. Linden aye. * Buckley Julia E., prin. public school, h. 6 First place Buckley Mary, widow Thomas, h. £. 4th near R. R. Bulltyan Cbas., chemist, N. Y., h. 6 Third place Bulman Geo. W., farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Bulmer Alvin, gardener, b. Lake near Hillside ave. 3 Bulmer John, carpenter, h. Union ave. cor. Clinton ave. Bullmer John, carpenter, h. Richmond near E. Front Bundy Henry, sexton, h. Leziugtou place cor. Pember­ ton ave. Bunting Anna M., h. 9 Second place Burdick Geo. N., clerk, bds. 42 W. 2d Burdick James W., driver, h. 64 E. 8d Burger Theo. W., tinware. N. Y., h. E. 6th cor. Frank­ ; '■■■' / lin ave. ; ... Burgess George U., spicee, N. Y., h. Ceutral ave. near Elizabeth ‘ . Burgoyne Chas. 0., printer, h. Rockview ave.

rljr * W*t t NEW YORK. A. F. A C. L BROWN, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 77 Burke Bridget Mrs., h. W. 4th cor. William Burke Frank, gardener, h. 121 W. 4th Burke John Mre^ h^South aye. Burke. Michael, laborer, h. Plainfield ave. near W. 8d Burke Thomas, laborer, h. 8th above Plainfield ave. Burllnglnuu Harvey D., physician and surgeon, 84 Park ave., cor. W. 4th Burns John, laborer, h. Grove near Grcenbrook ave. Burns Thos., h. Elizabeth ave. near Plainfield ave. Burns Tim, backman, orders left at Rockfellow’s grocery store, h. Pemberton ave. Burr Samuel J., journalist, N. Y., h. 28 W. 5th. Burr Thomas S., cashier, N. Yf, h. 114 E. Front Burr Walter P. C., barber, Force's hotel Burrill Chas. H., printer, h. 9 Central ave. Burrows William M., broker, N. Y., h. 10 Prospect place Burt Wm. C., h. W. 7th near Clinton ave. Burtou Charles W., broker, N. Y., h. Putnam ave. Burton Elizabeth, h. 60 E. Front. Bush Harry C., clerk, P. 0., 50 E. 8d Bush Nancy Mrs., h. 70 Pearl Bushnell Albert, agent, h. 12 W. Front Bushnell John, h. 88 E. Ninth Butcher George, ciirpente?, h. 98 W, 4th ^ Butchey Geo.. A., hostler, h. W. Front opp. Methodist church / 4 Butler C. A., druggist and pha; macist, 21 W. Front, h. 20 W. From Butler Johu II., painter, h. 17 New Butler William C., insurance andy^eal estate and notary public, 1 E. Front, h. 65 E. Front (see adv.) W. O. BUTLEB, Is sgent (or some of the best Fire and Life InsuranceCompanies, Asd will write PollelM at nwoubl* ntei. Also N&iarj Pukllo. KEAL ESTATE BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. OSce, 1 E. FRONT S i., sad Residence 65 E. FRONT STREET, - PLAINFIELD, N. 4. First-t’lass Family Kesort, iillG ’S HOTEL, JOB B. MILLIE, Prop’r. E ttlM fft UATCI o i» amd im n ra ra w atbb rtfftSrS iffTtL, IHIV 1 BYB0 0 M. i f PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Butler John, laborer, h. Warren near Harmony Butt Chaa., machinist, bda. 67 E. Front Batto Alex* B., lawyer, 102 Broadway, N. Y., b. 28 Manning are. (aee outside back cover) Butte E. A., dressmaker, b. 79 W. Front Buxton Catharine, b. rear 108 E. Front Bnttonrorth Robert J., piano tuner and repairer, Si E. Front, b. North ave. opp. depot (see adv.) Button Alexander D., h. 88 La Grande ave. o CadmnaA. L., proprietor of Commercial Mills, South ave., h. W. Front near Plainfield ave. («ee adv.) CadmuaMary Mrs., h. Grant ave., near adw .mill Cadmus Jasper GV, h. 87 La Grande ave. Cadmus R. V., farmer, h, Greenbrook road Cadmus Zeruab Mrs., h. E. 4th cor. Church Cahill James, laborer, h. 10 Cottage place Cahill Ellen Mrs., h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. Cahill Mary Mrs., h. 28 New Cahlr Frank, manager of Northern Pacific Tea Co., 10 W. Frout, h. 57 E. Front Cahone Stephen Jr., broker, N. Y. , h. 14 Broadway Cairneros* Anna, employment agency 57 Park ave. (see adv.) Caleu Thcs., machinist, bds. 89 Central avenue Callaghan Michael, coachman, h. 47 E. 8d Callahan Jeremiah, h. Brook ave. near Westervelt ave, Callahan Thoe., grocer, next Force’s hotel. Callahan Wm., coachman, h. Belvidere ave. Cameron John, contractor, bda. City hotel Campbell B. S., teacher, b. 80 Grove Camphall David, h. 54 Jackson ave. Campbell Edward,, foreman at News office Campbell Ellis, stable, h. 42 E. 2d Campbell Furman, h. 54 Jaclcson ave. Campbell Harry and Edward, h. 42 E. Second

NE\T?ORK. A r A m r BDA1AIU Interior Decerattoni, «• r. €& V. C. Dnllvf 8tt Canal 8t,N.Y. i ' PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 79

Campbell Wm. S., bookkeeper for Lewis & Co. Cannon Edward, dyer, W, Front st. Canfield Benjamin F., clerk, h. 14 Orchard place Canfield Corraack, laborer, h. 88 W. Third Canfield Fred. W., cutter, h. 14 Orciiard place Canfield Frederick, folder, h. 75 Duer Canfield James, laborer, b. 33 W. 8d Canfield Mary, b. 75 Duer Canfield Mary Mrs., b. 14 Orchard place Canfield Michael, laborer, h. 83 W. 8d Caunon James, tailor, h. 72 E. 3d Cardner J. E/Mrs., with W. M, Tall in an Carey Jolm Rev., h. rear 40 Manning ave. Carey Motes, gardener, b. rear 40 Manning ave. Carey Tunis J., second hand furniture and city express, 45 W. Front (see adv.) Carman Albert, packer, h. 34 Liberty Carman Jane E. Mrs., h. 185 W. Front Carman James 8., supt., h. 78 E. 6th C arney see also K e a rn e y Carney Andrew L. (Carney Bros.), h. 18 Emily Carney Brothera, tinners, plumbers and gusfitters, 11 Somorset (sec adv.) Carney David J., printer “ Constitutionalist,” h. '18 Emily Carney Denis, laborer, h. 51 E. 4th Carney John H. (Carney Bros.), h. 16 W. Front Carney Moses, gardener, h. W. 8d Carpenter A. F., veterinary surgeon, h. South ave. near Berckman Carpenter Henry W., bookkeeper, h. 48 Duer Carroll Henry K., h. Westervelt ave. cor. Qraudview ave. Carson Robert, coachman, h. 167 F. Front Carty Thos., clerk, h. Shorted near Plainfield ave. Carver Wra. A., stonecutter, 58 W. Front Case Amy C., dressmaker, h. 20 North ave. Case Charles A., clerk, h. 88 Manning ave. Case George, clerk, N. Y., h. 6*1 W. 6th Case Harriet Mrs., h. Church near 3d Case Joseph D., publisher, h. Church near 3d mmmm for c o v v w h e n, U llfi’S I0TEL, 70S. B. M2LLSB, Prop’r. M iim IMITCfl EVERYTHING- NEW. rvnvEw nvlcL, i . pome,Fssjr.,Phiafltid, *. j,

bT ~ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 'Jaae John T., carpenter, h. 2tf Emily Case Mary E., dressmaker, h. 20 North ave. Caae Rufus K., h. 67 E. 9th Case Sarah Mrs., h. 83 Manning ave. Caae Susan Mrs., h. Hillside ave. ' Caaey John P. (P. Casey k Son), h. 11 W. 3d Caaey Patrick (r. Caaey k Son), h. 11 W. 3d Caaey P. A Son, undertakers, 11 W. 3d Casbin Chaa., employed by Adam Fritz Caahiu James, laborer, h. 61 Duer Caspar Fred., bottler aud proprietor of Blatz’s hotel, Somerset

N E W Y O R K . a F. A C. a BROWN, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 88 Coleman Richard, hackman, h. 43 Jackson ave. Coles Daniel, driver, h. E. Front near Leland ave. Coles Elias, farmer, h. Front near Leland ave. Coles Qeorge, clerk, h. E Front near Leland ave. Coles Mulford, farmer, h. E. Front near Leland avo. Coles Misses (Maria E., Kate A. and Mary E. Coles), select school, 6th neajr New Collier Asa, watchmaker and jeweler, 3 Park ave. h, 14 E. 6th Collins George A., h. 69 Somerset Collins Goo. 8., h. 83 W. 4th Collins Barney, laborer, h. 4th cor. William ‘ Collins John, tailor, h. 87 W. 4th Collins Mary Mrs., 9 W. 8d Collins Peter J^ grocer, h. 66 Plainfield ave. Collins Samuel D., grain, N. Y., h. 88 W. 4th Collins Susan S., widow William F., h. 83 W. 4th Colthar Isaac, carpenter, bds. 11 Harmony Colthar „Phebe Mrs., h. 15 Chatham : Colthar William, hatter, h. 71 Duer Combs Wra. H., grocer, 62 E. Front and 13 Patk ave. Commercial Mills, A. L. Cadmus, proprietor, South ave. near Plainfield ave. (see adv.) Compton L. L., baker, confectioner and ice cream manufacturer, 26W. Front (see adv.) Compton Myer, h. near Scribner's brick yard Compton Cornelius K., confectioner, h. 16 Duer Compton Effie M., h. 26 W. 2d Compton Halsted C., h. W. Front near Compton ave. Compton Israel, blacksmith, h. 71 Manning ave. Compton Lewis F., law student, h. 26 W. Front Compton Zebulon, confectioner, h. 26 W. Front Conant Alonzo G.» broker, N. Y., b. 9 Broadway Cone Thomas R., fruits, N. Y„ h. 11 Third place. Conger Frank, clerk, h. 11 Manning ave. Conger Wm. A., bookkeeper, h. 11 Manning ave. Conklin Edward W., grocer, N. Y., h. 11 First place Conklin Henry R., b, 40 Jackson ave. Conklin S. 0. Mrs., boarding, 22 W. Front METERS FOR MIRCIiL MEN, UmC’ SIQIEU Joe, A Xlllsr, Prop’r., PUinfloli, H. J. FORCE’S HOTEL, S f " “ 84 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Conklin Sylvan us C., carpenter, Jh. 22 W. Front Conneely James, wholesale and retail wines and liquors, 82 Park ave., h. 81 Madison ave. (see adv.) Conneely Patrick, laborer, b. Plainfield ave. cor. 8dl Connett Benjamin, farmer. Plainfield P. O. Connett Daniel, farmer, Plainfield P. 0. Connett Harry, clerk for 8. H. Whitney Connett Isaao A., butcher, 88 W. 2d, h. 19 Peace Connett Samuel, mason, h. 7 Peace Connett j^ydia and Nancy, b. 71 W. 2d Connett William H,, mason, b. 10 Cottage place Connolly Patrick, laborer, h. 3d near William * Connolly Edmond, cooper, N. Y., h. Duiiellen ave. Connors Edward, laborer, h. 80 W. 8d ... Coifiovei; Bsraiila F., clerk, b. 8 Jackson avo. Conover David, carpenter, b. Manning ave, cor. Warren Conover Gtlorge, teamster, h. 84 Manning ave. Conover Jacob C., physician, N. Y., h. 37 E. 6th Couover Ralph, constable, h. 8 Jackson ave. ; Conrey Hannah W., select school, 18 E. 6th Conrey Hattie select school,18 E. 6th .. Conroy William F., insurance, N. Y., b. 64 E. 6th Consbea Frank and Edward, h. 08 Pearl Constitutionalist The, Weekly, W. L. Force A Bro., prop's, 8 North ave. (see adv.) Conway Daniel, laborer, h. 180 W. 4th Conway Daniel, printer, b. 87 Cottage Conway Michael, laborer, h. 72W- Id Conway Nicholas W., clerk, k. S i E. 8d Conway Robt., laborer, h. 100 W. 4th Conway Spencer, gardener, h. 120 W. 4th . Cook Albert G., hat finisher, h. 84 E. Front Cook Alfred D. (A.D. Cook ABro.),h. 7th eor. Broadway Cook A. D. ft Bro., dealers in lumber and coal, Park: are. near R. R. Cook Caroline A. Mrs., b. 84 E. Front Cook Chas. 8., pressman “ Const’!,” h. 84 E. Front Cook Elisabeth A. Mrs., h. 7th cor, Broadway Cook Frederick S., civil engineer, N. Y., h. 54 E.- Front

I NEW t o R K . PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 86 Cook Frank, hostler, h. 108 W. Front Cook Geo., laborer, h. 15 E, 2d Cook Robert H. (A. D. Cook & Bro.), h. Rockviow ave. opp. Washington ave. Cooley Edward J., clerk, b. 82 E. 2d Cooley Justus H., sanitarium, Westervelt ave. cor. Manning ave., b. Jackson ave. near Westervelt ave. Cooley Martin I., cloth, N. Y .t h. Rockview ave. Coon Elwin D., machinist, h. 87 W. 6th Coon John, florist, rear 68 E. Front Coon Levi, laborer, h. rear 63 E. Front Coon Matthias, h. rear 68 E. Front Coon Barah A. Mrs., h. 20 W. Front \ Coon Binneus, h. rear 68 E. Front , Coon Walter, gardener, h. rear 58 E. Front Cooney Joseph, blacksmith, b. 6 W. 6th Cooper Mary A., notions, 26 Harmony Cope George, b. 64 E. 6th Corcoran Annie, cook at Park House Coricll B. Frank, hat manufacturer, bds. 21 W. 5th Coriell Cornelius, painter, h. 16 Mauning ave. Coriell Elisha, b. 66 Somerset Coriell Richard, b. W. Front st. Evona „ Coriell Richard R., h. 14 Liberty Coriell William McD,, bat maunufacturer, Clinton ave., cor. South ave., Evona Coriell A Son, manufacturer of fur hats, Clinton ave., opp. Evona depot Coriell Wm. H., hatter, h. W. Front cor. Clinton ave. Coriell Wm. W., wholesale butcher, h. 87 W. Front Cornish Alexander, carpenter, h. 14 W. 4th Cornwell CBas. M., stationer, N. Y., h. 57 Pence Cornwell Geo. R., broker, h. Washington noar E, 6th Cornwell Richard P. Mrs., b. E. 6th cor. Frauklin Cortwright William, carpenter, h. 52 W. 6th Corwin A. Mrs., millinery, 16J E. Front) h. 46 W. Front Corwin Chaa. B., hardware, N. Y., bds. 16 W. f»th Cory John, carpenter, h. 19 Harmony Cotter Michael, laborer, b. 106 W. 6th First-Mass Family liesort, LUNG’S HOTEL, JOS. B. MXLL2B, Prop’r. EVERYTHING NEW FOMFS HOTEL, J. H. 70101, Prvp’r., TlalsflslA, IT. I. 86 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Cottrell Philip, carnenter, h. 42 E. 4th Coach Edwin A., florist, h. Short hills Coach Henry, |>ainter, h. Broadway near Hillside ave. Conrvoisier Elsie Mrs., h. 149 Central ave. CouBsen Josephine, widow Prosper, h. 6 W. 2d Coventry Edwin E., paints, N. Y., h. Franklin place Covert Albert Y.( h. Somerset.near Mountain ave. Covert Israel, hatter, h. Somerset near Mountain ave. Covert Samuel M., hatter, h. Somerset near Mountain nvo. Coward Building, 7 Park ave. Coward Joseph B., lawyer aud notary, 7 Park ave., b. 81 E. Front Coward Harry H., student, h. 81 E. Front CoxfAlfred, h. 22 E. Ninth Cox Andrew, bricklayer, bds. 96 W. 2d.. - Cox 0. E. Mrs., h, 22 E. Ninth Cox Roland, lawyer, N. Y., h. 7th cor. Ceutral ave Cox Thomas"0., bank clerk, N. Y., h. 12 W. 2d Craft Henry, b. Kensington ave., near Prospect Craft Milton, h. Kensington ave., near Prospect Craig Geo. £Lj»tudent, h. 38 Somerset . Craig Joanna K. Mrs., b. 60 E. 6th Craig James, farmer, Plainfield P. O. . Craig Lewis, b. 88 Somerset Craig Bering P., salesman, N. Y., h. 41 E. 4th Craig William 1)., h. 88 Somerset Crandall Esther W. Mrs., h. 71 W. 4th Crane Albert, h. 66 E. 6th Crane John M., insurance, N. Y., b. 66 E. 6th Crane James E., importer, N. Y., h. Dunellen ave. Oran# Dial B., hats and caps, 12 Park ave., h. 82 E. 4th Crawford C. G., stationer, N. Y„ h, 84 E. 6th Crawford Mary, widow John, h. 60 Duer Craamer Garret, oilcloth, h. 84 E. 8d - Crating J. 0., watt extension of Johnston drive Crockar Hannah, b. 20 W, 4th Crosley Thomas R., marblecntter, h. 20 Emily Cronnae Martin B., blacksmith, h. 27 Liberty Caff Lewis, laborer, h. Short hills NHKt 111 B. F. A C. E. BROWN, ’ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 87 Cuff Peter W., driver, h. rear 64 E. 4th Cuff Simon, h. 42 Manuing ave. Cuff Sylvester, h. Somerset near Mountain ave. Cuff Sylvester, laborer, h. rear 112 W. 4th Cuff Theodore, laborer, h. Lake near Hillside ave. Culley John, laborer, h. 89 E. 4th Cuney Joseph, spikemaker, h. W. 6th near Park ave. Cuney Joseph Jr., tailor, h. W. 6th near Park ave. Cunningham Horace, mining, h. 61E. Ninth Curran Edward, horseaboer, h. Peace cor. E. 2d Curran Thomas, laborer, h. E. 2d near Johnston ave. Currie Robert T., broker, N. Y., h. Westervelt ave. cor. Brook ave. Curtis Albert A., broker, N. Y., h. 41 Central ave. Curtis Catharine Mr Mrs., h. 41 Central ave. . Curtis David R., h. 17 Cottage place Curtis Saiaes E., peddler, h. North ave. near R. R. Curtis Geo. W., clerk, N. Y., bds. Park House Cuthbert John H., h. W. 7th near West End ave. Cutter Joseph S., fine family groceries, 25 W. Front, ...h. 80 W. 2d ......

D Daboll Henry E., bookkeeper, N. Y., h. 50 E. 6th Dady Mary Mrs., h. 78 W-8d Dady James, plumber, h. 78 W. 8d Daft Leo., electrician, h. Putnam ave, Dalrymple — , b. W. 6th near Clinton ave. Daly Charles, h. 88 W. 2d Daly D. J., clerk City hotel Daly Edward, asst, reporter, at “ News ” office Daly James, tailor, h. 85 Mudison ave. Daly Kittie, clerk Boehm’s, 85 Madison Daly Maurice, proprietor ot City hotel, Park ave. cor. 2d (see adv.) Daly Patrick, laborer, h. 88 Chatham Daly William, tinsmith, li. 82 Chatham Dance Herman, coachman, h. Plainfield ave. cor. 3d M W II H H in, m m , Jot. B. XUlsr, Prop'r, PUlafisl4,4l. 7 .. FORCE’S HOTEL,


Danforth H. J., h. W. 7th cor. Grant ave. Daniel Edwin M., lawyer, N. Y., h. Plainfield ave. cor. 8tb Darby Albert B., furs, N. Y., h. 31 Grove Darby J. L., farmer, Plainfield P. 0, ( Darling John, grocer, 48 W. 2d, h. Prospect ave. Davis Arch, painter, W. Front st., Evona Davis Ghas. L., painter, h. 5 Elm place Davis Charles 8. A., h. Broadway*above Kensington ave. Davis Daniel E., bookkeeper, N. Y., h. 34 E. 6th Davis Ivan, h. 42 W. 7th Davis Horatio, hatter, h. 11 Harmony near Somerset Davis Stephen A., painter, h. 88 W. 2d Davis T. S., homoeopathic physician, office and residence 38 Peace, office hours 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 6 to 8 .. • : r. m. . ■' ' ___Dane.William. Ci, book agent, h. Plainfield ave. cor,.... \Y.8d Davison Wm. M., drug clerk R. J. Shaw’s Dawe Joseph, moulder, b. 80 W. 2d v Dawson J. H. P., printer, h. Park ave. above 9th ' . Dawson Jas. H. P., printer, h. Park ave...... Day Anna M., teacher, h. W. 5th Pay Beqjsmin M., broker, N. Y., h. Rockview ave. Day Charles 0., salesman, h. 44 Oner cor. Park .place Day Oharles P, salesman, h, 44 Duer cor. Park place Day Oharles J., banker, N. Y., b. 44,E. 6th Day Frank, livery and boarding (table rear of City Hotel, h. 16 E. Front (see adv.) • Day James, clerk, b. 89 W. 8d Day John, clerk, h. 89 W. 8d Day John and Thomas, h. 49 E. 4th Day Patrick, saloon, 89 W. 8d Day Richard, book keeper for Frank Day Day William E., clerk, h. 44 Duer cor. Park place Dean Fred., baker for J. Yoehl . Dehaud Antoine, h. 108 E.Frout DeCamp Alonzo, farmer, b. Maple cor. Greenbrook ave. DeCamp Anna, b. Grove near w. Front DeCamp Frank, /mrpenter, h. 11 Lindeu ave. fi. F. & C. t BROWN, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 89 - ...... ■ — ... - * - DeCamp Louis D., painter, h. 41 Plaiufield ave. DeCourcey Michael, printer “ Constitutionalist,” h. 70 E. 2d DeFerrier Theresa, bds. 85 E. 8d DeForrest J. A. Mrs., h. 68 E. 5th DeForrest James, tailor, h. 54 Pearl DeForrest Jas. W., tailor, h. 85 W. 8d > DeGraw Augustus, h. 59 Park ave. DeGraw Charles W., salesman, h. 59 Park ave. DeGraw James A., candy, 8} and b. 59 Park ave. Deike Harmon, h. Grove near Greenbrook ave. De Klyn William, h. W. 5th cor. Liberty De La Montauye C., locksmith, 12 Park ave. Delisle Pauline, h. 70 E. Front Demareat Albert W., clerk, h. 22 Craig place Demarest David M.r twine, N.Y.,h. 2 Crescent ave. - Demarest James A., city editor “ Constitutionalist,” h. 11 E. 5th Demareat James A., editor, h. 11 E. 5th Demareat Peter M., grocer, 84 W. Front, h. 22 Craig .....place (see ndv.).. 'Demarest William M., twine, N. Y., h. 2 Crescent ave. Demarest William P., shoe trimmings, N. Y., h. 11 E. 5th Demesa George H., furniture, 25 Somerset Dernier Geo. v., hotel, Somerset near city line Dencklan Charles, clerk, h. 81E. 2d Denniok Leonard, paiutor, h, 11 Plainfield ave. Dent Alfred J., machinist, h. 87 W. 6th Denton Lewis J., florist, Hillside ave. Denton Susan E., dressmaker, P. 0. address, Plainfield Dents John, mason, h. 11 Steiner place Deoringer Peter, laborer, h. 86 Duer Depew Ephraim P.,-banker, N. Y., h. 15 Orescent ave. Derby Frank agent, Y., h. 25 College place Derby James 0., books, N. Y., h. 89 E. 5th Deebeayes John G., paints, h. W. 4th cor. William Deville Amelia Mrs., b. 26 North ave. Devine Alfred, machinist, h. 6 W. 6th Devol Chas. Rev., h. 14 Cottage place First-Class Family Resort, UMHIOTEL, 708, B. MILLER, Prop’r. 12 rirrrt wiTfl gai ahd Bronraro watbb Jf. rUHir# IIOICL, x* iv b by bo o m . PLAOTIELD DIRBCTORY..... ~ Dewey ChM., clerk, Geo. W. Force Dewey Charles, bde. 10 W. 4th Dexter Dr., h. off West End, ave. Dey Ellen Mrs., h. Broadway near Hillside ave. Dey Nancy* widow Charles, h. Broadway near Hillside ave. Desendorf Elisabeth Mrs., h. 20 Grove Dickinson Caleb, jeweler, h. Vine near Emily Dietrich J. H., h. Clinton ave., Evona Dietrich Johu, h. Arlington ave. cor. Arlington place Dietrich Sarah A. Mrs., h. 22 Grove Diets Mary E. Mrs., h. 50 E. 8d Diew Luke, h. rear 18 W. Front Dinae Bavlnfs Institution, 14 E. Front Dinius Harriet P. Mrs., Ii. Richmond cor. E. Front Dieboroogh Daniel P,, clerk, h. 56 E. Front ...... Dlxon’slee Cream, 95 W. Front (see adv.) Doese Chas. E., carpenter, b. 41 E. 4th Doane J. Hervey, jeweler, h. 41 E. 4th Doane; John H., salesman, h. 54 E. 5th . Doane Samnel 0., carpenter, h. 41 E. 4th...... ^ Doane Thaddens 0., carpenter, b. 68 W. 6th y:: Dpok Peter, shoemaker, M W, Front Dodd Chas. W., chief cfpolice, h. Park ave. 'Dodge A. B.,clerk,N. Y., h. 15 Somerset place Dodge Frank, h. 6th cor. Division Doioier Cutteu, farmer, Plainfield P. 0. Dolliver Garret Q., carpenter, b. 16 Doer Donohue Mfry, washing, b. rear 78 W. 8d Donovau Patrick, laborer, h. Short 2d near Liberty Donovan Patrick, laborer, h. 16 W. 8d Dooley John, sravdener, b. lb E. 2d Dorgan John, laborer, h. 105 W. 5th Dorman fiben E., h. 145 Central ave. Dorman Wm;, engineer, with L. L. Manning . Dorriuger Pe'.er, gardener, for 0. W. McCntcben Dorsey H. F., barber at Force's hotel Doty Horace, barnesamakor, h. Richmond oor. Front Doty Jonathan, carpenter, b. 88 W. 7th Doty Samuel a ., carpenter, h. Grove noar Greeubrook .r* X j K 2 C A H T

_ I 708, 707, 709, 711 an# 713, Weed Street o c c v p M t b m x M b v A d ix o h , NEWARK, - '■» NlftT JERSEY. Eleven Reaso^a w^y you should atteQd this lQsfilulioq : Becausetheconjrteofilsdyjuatwheteverybodywant* BeOiile tbs'methods i t 1 teachinsifcr driginaMiftftlfca) arnffiftbr* **“*• will Inem more here in• three • - ^B ecam e y i will net’ hstfe1 to w&effrtougfaJ U tiit a a mM tho get what yoo want. Became the teacher* are men.of experience end ability. Beewee it ia no place for dronee or do-nothiage. - i Became ithaa a manly working olaea of students, from every .State in the Union ...... -..-...... - . :■ " Be&aise yon urn enter at ady diee/wnd go* rigfctaaVyeei*ir« . lBeg#Me*tbete i« leas ooDtautthato itn m M d move reeMleiaf tbacj laany othereobijol. . ■ ■ ■ ' ...... — "Jleoaoee » wlaoeft more worthy stodants in portions than all other •obooU in the State. .Became . . the sobetaabip . j f.ia only . .|40 for da months, whieb time )e of the baainala oontte.

~ = n s * « P tm JA iD . AJLLVr,»+***M

to m J M U * tJm listomjwn. * • • Befetofcttr SeiiimkrntanMa.. *m&M.PAMMOTT, Cfc, Trnm^M .J.

An a COLEHAN 4 litllS,lF«pffctofii . CAM' Or write for circulars! CITY

*L7i Ii/ft I 4tSU.

___ Proprietor, V Ol 16 NHtS tW l SttW *,

^ ■ v ^ r a r a T i H L > i n :. JT. s . DIAIUOI

C arptto, >dj% ■. . 8 E. FBONfr "«ttKE®fc, PLAINFIELD, - - - - "NEW JEN8E1I. T. 8. 8 AY 18, i c i a a , OFFICE AND. RESIDENCE, , 53 EHIA-Offl STRBEHKT, PLAINFIELD. - - - 'NtWV£N8Er. * OFFICE ROUB8: 7 tof^A. M./l to-l uh^6 to>iP. AL .L.' li' COM PTOlT, IAK 1B, OOKfiCTIONUI

AMD ICE CREAK Manufacturer.

Families, Wedding# and Parties supplied. at the lowe*t price*.

HENRYSTRAUSS, ' —— . mamdfactui** or . ■ ■ : ; Mineral Water, Soda Water, BELFAST m m ALB, SABSAFABILLA, A s . '

- '■ . *,PHILADELPHIA ' • / ' . ■ , ' • ALE . . & . PORTER ■ i ' . . ' iMP* Hotel*, Private Families, Partie* and Picnic*, supplied «t the rj’, \ ' / ’.Shortest Notice. •. N alilut S*ccnd Stmt, ; PLAOTULD, V. J.

Ooeyi%M mand UM, by IX P. Uafchijr. Alphabet of TWdgtefr. SHOBTHAMQ VRiTH6. :■ ««..! ; SCHOOL OF TAK.IGRAFY,,. I I S \ — _ V B* » Ga Ka D* T« Bo P l a w v i i l d , N. J. ) ) ( ( ~ / Front V* «P Zh* t8h Zc ,«8 , aB PrtuoxnoM Omen o* m ■ * > ■­ A - \ • . > r .s i* ■ II K M. Th* O k «L «M «N

3 * i <£. « m i o, p, U N ito , Pub. r a Interior Decoration* F . A C. E. y tf 1 Caul St., N. T. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY, 91 owd Thomas, laborer, h. Short 2d near Liberty Ioyle William H. Mrs., b. Exchange alley Dlrake Chaa., h. Clinton ave. cor. Dnnelten Draka Chaa. F., well driller, h. Randolph ave., near city line rake David F., farmer, h. off Greenbrook ave. rake Ephraim, farmer, Plainfield P, 0. •rake Henry C., cigars, North ave. ' rake Julia A., widow M. F., h. 68 W. 2d •rake Martha, widow Piatt, h. 16 Duer rake Matthias F., h. Richmond cor, E. Front rake Newton P., tailor, 12.Park ave., h. 16 Dner •rake Oliver A. Mr*., h. Sherman ave. cor. Grant •rake Thompaon B., upholsterer, h. 12 W. Front •rake William, hostler, h. Richmond cor; E. 4th.... rake Wiiliam H. B., harneeemaker, h. 12 Orchard place rayton Adelaide D. Mrs., h. 7 First place •rayton William H., clerk, h. 7 First Place reler Samuel, tailor, 6 W. Front •reader Charles, cutter, h. 18 Steiner place Dreader Charles, tailor, h. 17 Emily eyer Emil, b. E. Front beyond Farragiat ave. rig g David, b. near Scribner’s brick yard roliC., machinist, h. Church uear E. 4th •rummond Thos., horseshoer, h. Peace cor. E. 2d •uhoii Cornelius H.,iron,N. Y.. h. Broadway near Ken* singtonave. jfttbbii Louie H., h. 72 F. 6th uokworth John, machinist, b. 101 V. 5th uderstadt Hugo, stair builder, h. 76 Somerset uflcy Thomas, blacksmith, h. 72 E. 4th uflcy Winfred Mrs., h. 72 E. 4th offir James, laborer, h. 20 E. 8d oily Michael, laborer, h. 69 Manning ave. Pally Patrick coachman, h. 70 Manning ave. r‘ully Thos., laborer, h. 88d W. 8d nhrke George, tailor, h. Emily near Somerset umout John B., 2d vice*pres., N. Y., h. 19 E. 7th Umout Peter P., h. 60 Crescent ave. l u n M i i u s m c o m m, Jos. 8. XUlsr, Frsp'r., JUlafitU, V. J. EVERYTHING NEW. FONTS HOTEL, J. 1 .70102, Prop’r., TUlsSali. V. 3.

92 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Dnnavau Alfred B., express driver, b. 51 W. 2d Dunavan David S., clerk, b. 50 E. Sd Dunavan Lewis M., clerk, h. 50 E. 8d Dunavan William, driver, b. 50 E. 3d William H., engraver, N. Y., h. 87 E. 2d Dunham Aaron, waiter, h. 64 E. Fourth „ . Dunham Augustus M., h. 30 Union Dunham Charles E., hardware, b. 25 Craig place Dunham Chas H., machinist, h. 17 W. 5th . Dunham Effie Mrs., b. rear 112 W. 4th Dunham F. A., civil en^heer and surveyor, 7 Park ave., b.8E.5th , Dunham Frank M., clerk, h. 17 W. 5th Dunham Frederick M., h. 55 Madison ave. Dunham Jane L., widow Isaac 8., h._17 W. 5th DunhamMarvinM.,produce,h. 10 Union Dunham Methume, painter, h. 18 Cottage plac6 Dunham Oscar M., tailor, 44 W. Front, n. 55 Madison aye. Dunham O. W., tookkeepar, Newark, h. 61E. 5th ' Dunham Randolph, tailor, b. 55 Madison ave. Dunlap Abram B., h. 9 Broadway Dunn Charles 1., h. 62 Park ave. Dunn Cornelia ALyMrs., b. Ceutral ave., cor. 8d Dunn David, patternmaker, b. 59 W. 5th Dunn Edward T., h. 83 New Dunn H., widow Aaron, h. 17 Park av*. 7 Dunn Harry B., clerk, N. Y., h. l l E. 7th Dunn James M., groceries and provisions, 86 Park ave. h. 16E. 5thcor. Sycamore!seeadv.) Dunn Lewis B., painter, h. 3 W. 4th Dunn Lewis C., tailor, h. 42 W. 2d Duun P. Mrs., millinery, 14 W. Front Dunn Isaao H., h. 80 W. 4th Dunn Peter, meat market, h. 70 E. Front Dunn Samuel R, grain, N. Y., h. 17 E. 7th Dunn Solomon F., b. 62 Park ave. .. Dunn Theodore A., tailor , h. Broadway near Hillside ave. Dnnn William, cleric, bdi. 4 E. 5th * Dunn William ii., clerk, h, 15 Park place 6. F. & C. E. BROWN, cfc?18t^N.P?!r’

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 93 Dunning John H., painter, h. 67 Duer Dunning Wn1! A., student, h. 67 Duer Dunshee Spencer H. C., banker, N. Y., h. 62 Madison ave. Dupee George P„ hats, 557 Broadway, N. Y., h. Rock- view ave. near Sycamore ave. Duryea P., h. W. 7th cor. Madison ave. Duvall Charles, coachman for E. J. Waring Duvall Reuben, porter, Shaw’s drug store Duxbury Alfred W., salesman, N. Y., h, 55 E, 9th Duxburv Sarah I. Mrs., h; 55 E. 9th ' Dwyer Margaret Mrs., h. '29 Liberty Dwyer Thos., bartender, City Hotel Dye James, carpenter, h. W. Front near Albert Dyer John 0., h. 7 Central ave. Dyer J. C. Mrs., milliner, 88 W. Front

Eagen Patrick, h. Mountain ave. near Westervelt ave. Eagney Matthias, tinsmith, h. 82 W. 4th Ebbitt David, b. Summit ave. near Somerset Ebel Otto, bookkeeper, h. 64 Duer Ebner Casimer, laborer, b. 19 Steiner place Eccleahare G. M., painter, h. Short 2d st. Edgar E. B. Rev., h. 11 Broadway Edmonson William, plumber, h. 66 W. 8d Edsall Seely, dry and fancy goods, 20 W. Front, h. 52 E. 5th (see adv.) Edward Charles; h. 45 La Grande ave. Edwards John, Mountain ave. cor. Westervelt ave. Egan Patrick, laborer, h. Mountain ave. near Westervelt ave. >- Egbert Lamont W., mason, h. 6 W. 8d Egel George, butcher, h. 17 Steiner place Eggerdiug Henry, cigars, 15 Park avu. Emk Garrett, h. 101 W. Front First-Class Family Resort, JOS. B, MILLEB, Prop’r. Hm M by steam throughout, HOTEL, 7.1. TOXOI, Proy’r.

M PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Elliott Mftr? J., h. 44 E. 2d Electric Construction and Supply Co., F. E. Kina, man, vice-prea’t and general manager, 145 Broadway and 86 Liberty at., NT Y., h. 48 E. 6th (see adv.) Embury Edmund Rev., b. Washington ave., cor. Park pl&e Embury Edmund A.,h. Washington ave. ,cor. Park place Emenott Howard L., h. 56 Central ave. Emerson Katie Mrs., b. 56 Central ave. r i l l l Bros., masons and builders, Orchard place near W. Front (see adv.) Emmons James H., (Emmons Bros.) h. 45 W. 2d Emmons Joseph, farmer, Plainfield P. 0. Emmons John, farmer, h. Rockview ave. Emmons John P., (Emmons Bros.,) b. 14 Orchard place Emmons Peter, trav. agent, b. 60 Jackson ave. Endicoit. George W., physician and surgeon, office hours until 9 a. M , 2 to 8 and 7 to 8 P. m., 66 Park ave. Enyard Imc S., produce, N. Y., h. Central avo. uear 9th Enjard J, M. Mrs., bds. Force's hotel Eriokson»pp, in depot at Netherwood Erickson TiJnc N., ageut, h. 8th uear Division Erekine John, h. Third place cor. Cresceut ave. Eskerson Chas., h. Woodland ave. Estil H. Mulford, books, stationery, fancy articles, etc., also European steamship agent, 7 Park ave., h. 12 W. 5th (see adv.) Estil William, hitter, h. 12 W. 5th Etner C., laborer, h. Steiner place near Linden ave. Ettinger Michael, laborer, h. 28 Cottage place Evans G«o., machinist, bds. with J. F. Evans Evans James, machinist, h. S4New Evans John F., machinist, h. W. 8d opp. hospital Evans John H., chemicals, N. Y., h. Plainfield ave. above 9th \ Everitt Charles H., h. 145 E. Front Everitt Edward Wclerk, N. Y., h. 29 La Qrande ave. Everitt John 1*., b, 145 E. Front C Jb P C DDAtff II lace and heavy curtains, 6I r . « Vi L Dltuwn, III Caul 8t,N. Y. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ' 96 Everitt Mary A., h. 11 Chatham Everitt WmM clerk for Geo. Feller Ewiug Alfred, machinist, bds. 101 W. Front

Faber Alexander E., cigars, N. Y., h. Rockview ave. Faber Edward, hardware, N. Y., h. Mercer ave. Faby John, machinist; h. 31 Liberty Fahy Thos., laborer, b. 31 Liberty Fairbairn Robert M., broker, N. Y., h. 11 Second place Fairbank William G., machinist, b. 42 W. 3d Fairchild Rodolphus R., furniture, 9 Somerset, h. 14 Grandview ave. Fairfax Robert N. Rev., pastor Mount Olive Baptist Church, h. 40 Liberty ** Farlee Charles H., clerk, h. Jackson ave. near Wester* velt ave. Farlee Joseph V., clerk, b. 26 Emily Farlee Richard Mrs., b. Jackson ave. near Westervelt ave. Farley Anthonv, farmer, h. Tyrrel road Farley James, hack driver, h. 91 W. 4th Farmers' Hotel, Jacob Blimra, proprietor, 17 and 19 Somerset Farqubar E. Y., b. 18 First place Farrington W. 11., physician, N. Y., b. 17 E. 6th Faulbaber Emma Mrs., h. 29 Liberty Feeney Paige, waiter, h. Race near Warren Feibel George, tailor, h. 69 Grove Feibel William, tailor, h. 22 Emily Feiring Christopher, h, near Scribner's brick yard Feller George, moat market, 6 Somerset, h 47 Pearl Ferri George, cotton, N. Y., h. E. 2d near Berckman Ficke Chas., upholsterer, b. 76 Somerset Fiedler Albert, barber h. at 29 W. Front Field Chaunr.ey M., physician, office hours from 10 a . m , to 1 p. m., office and residence, 62 Peace cor. E. 6th Field Jumes, hatter, b. 49 W. 8d HEADQUARTERS FOE COMMERCIAL KEN, [ m u m , Jos. B. SlUer, Bsoy’r, Plainfield, 1.7. JPC FI HOTEL, 96 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Field Mary, widow James, h. 49 W. 8d Field Mary J., widow Uriah, h. 69 E. 2d Field Michael, hatter, h, 49 W, 8d Field Peter W., bds. J; K Maxson’s Field Richard R., real estate, 62 Peace cor. 6th . Field Samuel B., b. E. Front cor. Tyrrel road Fields Manning, laborer, h. 14 Elm place Finch Edward L., flour, N. Y., h. Park avo. above 9th Fine Abram Q., machinist, h. W. Front near Grant ave. Fine C. M. Mrs., milliner, 79 W. Front Fine Christopher M., cigars, 28 Park ave., b. 79 W. Front (Fine Frank, baggageraaster, h. 38 Plainfield ave. Finney Page, b'ds. with Harriet Richardson —Finigau Wm. J., machinist, h. 89 W\ 6th Finley John, carpenter, h. 86 E. 8d Finney Thomas H., laborer, h. 46 Manning ave. firman David, waiter, h. Race near Somerset . First National Bank, 9 E. Front Firstbrook Wm., grocer, 101 W. 6th Fish Andrew W., h. Evona ave. near 2d Fish Ferdinand, real estate, N. Y., h. 132 Park avo. Fish Frederick K., olerk, N. Y., h. Sherman ave. near 7th ischer George, tailor, h. Cottage place fisher Beqjamiu F., sexton, h. 76 W. 3d FisherChas. W., photographer, h. E. Id cor. Richmond Fisher Geo., h. east end of 2d at. Fisher Riobard C., confectioner, 24 W. 4th Fisher Wm., japanner, h. E. 8d near Johnston ave. Fisher Wm. H., laborer, h. Brook avenue Fisk Pliny, banker, N. Y., b. 4 W. 7th Fisk Wilson, printer’s machinery, h. Woodland ave. Fitipatrick James, laborer, h. E. 2d near Johnston ave. FlaoY Joseph, clerk, for B. 0. Bowers Flack Sarsn Mrs., h. 65 E. Fourth Flsig Solomon, shoemaker, 74 E. Front Flanagan Patrick J., policeman, h. 88 Liberty Fiaunery John E., horseshoer, h. 98 E. Front

NEW "foRK. FORGE’S HOTEL, IRGHKSWZ"® 102 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Goodwin John A., painter, h. 74 Jackson ave. Gordon Alexander, farmer, for John Wilson Gordon Wm., laborer, h. 64 W. 6th Gorman Thos., h. E. Second near Johnston ave. Gorton Robert, clerk, N. Y., h. 11 W. 2d Graham Walter 8., h. Woodland ave., Netherwood Grannatt Wm. B„ scroll sawing and turning, line ost, tie posts, fence posts, columns, brackets, etc., at picer A Hubbard’s mill, cor. Madison ave. and Third st., h. New cor. 8d. Grannatt Wm. B. Jr., scroll sawing' h. New cor. 8d Grannatt Henry C., scroll sawiug, n. New cor. 8d Grant Amelie Mrs., h. 25 E. 9th Grant Frederick W., h. Westervelt ave. near Grandview ave. , Grant George W., police, North ave. opp. depot Grant Robert A., bookkeeper, h. Westervelt ave. Graves Charles, slate roofer and dealer in all kinds of American roofing slate, plain and ornamental, 82 Liberty (see adv.j Graves Ghas. 0., rooter, h. 82 Liberty Graves 3arah V. Mrs,, h. 88 E. Front Gray Amos P., machinist, bds. 101 W. Front Gray Bernhardt B., mason, builder and contractor, Hill* side ave. near Prospect (see adv.) Gray F. fl., pressman w Constitutionalist,” h. 8 W. 4th Gray Frederick,W., h. Hillside ave. near Prospect ave. Gray Theodore G., masou, h. Hillside ave. hear Prospect Greder Charles, bottler, 50 Somerset Green Douglas, broker, N. Y., bds. Netherwood hotel Green Francis C., carriage trimmer, h. 26 E. 4th Green Frank 0. (Green A Co.), bds. Force's hotel Green Frederick 3., h. Sherman ave. near Grant ave. Green Johu H., coachman, h. 82 E. 3d Green Lawrence, laborer, h. Liberty above 8d Green Lawrence, laborer, h. Church near 4th Green Orson C. (Green A Co.), h. 47 W. 2d Green ft Co., dealers io all kinds of furniture, 18 W. Front


96 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Field Mary, widow James, h. 49 W. 8d Field Mary J., widow Uriah, h. 69 E. 2d Field Michael, hatter, h. 49 W. 8d Field Peter WV, bds. J. K. Maxson’s Field Richard R., real estate, 52 Peace cor. 5th Field Samuel B., h. E. Front cor. Tyrrel road Fields Manning, laborer, h. 14 Elm place Finch Edward L., flour, N. Y., h. Park ave. above 9th Fine Abram Q., machinist, h. W. Front near Grant ave. Fine G. M. Mrs., milliner, 79 W. Front Fine Christopher M., cigars, 28 Park ave., h. 79 W. Front Fine Frank, baggageraaster, h. 38 Plainfield ave. Finney Page, bd«. with Harriet Richardson ~ Finigan Wm. J., machinist, h. 89-W. 5th Finley John, carpenter, h. 85 % 8d Finney Thomas^H., laborer, h. 46 Manning ave. Firman David, waiter, h. Race near Somerset . First National Bank, 9 E. Front Firstbrook Wm., grocer, 101 W. 5th - Fish Andrew W.,n. Evona ave. near 2d Fish Ferdinand, real estate, N. Y., h. 132 Park ave. Fish Frederick K., olerk, N. Y., h. Sherman ave. near 7th Fischer George, tailor, h. Cottage place Fisher Benjamin F., sexton, h. 75 W. 3d Fisher Chas. W., photographer, h. E. 2d cor. Richmond Fisher Geo., h. east end of 2d st. Fisher Richard C., confectioner, 24 W. 4th Fisher Wm., japanner, h. E, 8d near Johnston ave. Fisher Wm. H., laborer, h. Brook avenue Fisk Pliny, banker, N. Y., hi 4 W. 7th Fisk Wilson, printer’s machinery, h. Woodland ave. Fitspatrick James, laborer, b. E. 2d near Johnston are. Flack Joseph, clerk, for B. 0. Bowors Flack 8aran Mrs., h. 55 E. Fourth Flaig Solomon, shoemaker, 74 E. Front Flanagan Patrick J., policeman, h. 88 Liberty Flannery John E., horseshoer, h, 98 E. Front Interior Decoration* B. F. A C. E. BROWN, 121 Caul St., N. Y.

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 97 Flattery Martin, laborer, b. S3 W. 3d Fleming Howard, cemeut, N. Y., h. 20 E. 9th Flemming Bridget, opp. Evoua depot Flower Sidney E., artist, h. 20 W. Front Flack Edward, molder, h. 5 Union Flynn Ann Mr*., h. 46 W. 8d Flynn Jamea, coachman for J. H. Evans Flynn Peter, laborer, h. 81 W. 8d Flynn Thomas, laborer, h. 88 Madison ave. Foote A. M., b. Brooklyn ave. Foote Henrietta S., confectioner, 19 Park ave. Footit Joseph, carpenter, h. 4 Orchard place Forbes James 8., patternmaker, h. 58 Park ave. Force Albert L. (W. L. Force A Bro.), b. 86 Duer Force Benjamin K., shoes, 1 W. Front, h. 7 W. 4th Force George W., shoes, 11 W. Front, b. 8 W. 2d Force Henry W., carpenter, h. 18 New Force Janies H., proprietor of Force’s hotel, North ave., nearly opp. depot (eee adv. top lines) Force John L., clerk at Force's hotel Force Mary E. Mrs., at Force's hotel Force Thomas A. J., carpenter, h. 18 New Foroe Ulysses, clerk, bds. 18 Now Force William L. (W. L. Force A Bro.), bds. Force’s hotel Force W. L. Mrs., fancy goods and notions, 8 Park ave., bds. Force’s hotel . Force W. L. ft Bro., editors and propr’s “ Constitu­ tionalist,” 8 North ave. (see adv.) Ford E. H., with Ford A Stiles, 14 E. Front Ford George C. (Ford A Stiles), b. Elizabeth Ford Harnet, h. Putnam ave. near Park place Ford ft Stiles, funeral directors and practical embalmers, 14 E. Front (see adv. next page) Fosbury Henry, laborer, h. 88 w. 8th Foster Edwin F., clerk, bds. 17 W. Front ...... Foster Geo. W., clerk, h. 8 Cottage place Foster Phoebe Mrs., h. 17 W. Front Fonlkes W. M., farmer, Plainfield P. 0. First-Class Family Resort, Llllli’S HOTEL, JOS. B. 1CILLEB, Prop’r. 18 EflIBMP# lllfeTCI e v e r y t h i n g n e w rWIVK^ nil I CL, 3. H. 70101, Trtp’r., Plalaflali, M. J. 98 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Fowler Benjamin J., candymaker, b. 89 E. Front Fox Emma F. Mr*., h. Broadway cor. Park place Fraley J. U., dry goods, N. Y., Park ave. cor. 7th France Alonzo, secretary, h. 11 Peace Francis Cbas. &, insurance, N. Y., b. 7th near Clinton ave. Frankliu William H. Mrs., h. College place Frazee Abraham Mrs^ h. E. 2d near Pea^e Fracee Alexander D., b. Somerset cor. Greenbrook ave. Frazee Amanda Mrs., h. 28 E. 2d Frazee Augustus M., express, h. Peace cor. E. 2d Frazee George D., clerk, b. Peace cor. E. 2d Frazee Gersbom, h. 4 E. 5th Frazee James K., painter, h. 23 E. 2d Frazee Ludlow, h. 28 E. 2d Frazee 8amuel D.v musician, h. 2 Orchard place Frazee Sophia Mrs., boarding, 4 E. 5th Frazee Vincent L., clerk, h. 0 Elm place Freeman Robert, h. Broadway cor. Park place Freeman William A., oils, N. Y., h. 80 E. 5th Freeman Jarvis A., tailor, b. 43 Peace Frees Wm., h. near Scribuer’s brick yard French Bros., proprietors City Flour Mills, 10,12 and 14 Somerset FORD &, STILES, (Successor* to David Leesoa,) FUNERAL DIRECTORS, AND PRACTICAL EMBALNERS. A tall AMortmeot of Roaewood, Oak. Clotb Covered and Walnut Coakets and Coffins, with a bill line of Plates, Handles, Barlal Robes, etc., constantly in stock at the warerooine, and ianiibedat ehori notice. Funeral arrangements attended with promptness at all hours, day or night. OFFICE, WAREROOMS AND RESIDENCE, N/o. 14 EAST FRONT STREET, ; ..... ------OIO. C. VOHD. ' OBO. M. 8TILI8. . Telephone Call, No, 191.

M f U H U l l K R , B. F. A C. E. BROWN, ***1 f PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 99 French Jobu H. (French Bros.), h. 144 W. Front French John H., merchant tailor and dealer in ready made clothing, 29 W. Front, h. 80 W. Front Frenoh L. M„ carriage and sleigh manufacturer, 18 Somerset, h. 28 Chatham French Moses H., h. Somerset near city line Frenoh P. M., saw mill, street sprinkler, aud farmer, 10 Somerset, h. Somerset cor. Pearl * French Phoenix W., clerk, N. Y., h. 74 E. 6th French Theodore F. (French Bros.), h. 44 E. 5th Frey Catharine, widow Frederick, h. 87 Plainfield are. Frey Charles, tailor, 87 Plainfield are. Fritts J. T„ physician and suiveon, office hours before 9 a . m., 12 to 2 p. m., and after 6 p. m., 78 Park ave. Fritts Maggie C., milliner, 14 W. Front * Fritz Adam, wholesale and retail butcher and dealer in salt aud smoked meat, bolognas, lard, etc., 17 W. Front, h. Somerset above Mountain ave. Fritz Gottlieb, cattle dealer, Somerset near Regent Froment Frank L., iron, N. Y., h. 68 E. 6th Fuller Floyd D., h. Church near E. 2d Fuller Jos. G., h. W. 8th above Plainfield ave. Fuller Jos. H., clerk, h. W. 8th near Plainfield ave. Fuller Wra. W., clerk, h. W. 8th noar Plainfield ave.

a Gable John B., upholsterer, etc., 23 E. Front (see adv.) Gal her t John, laborer, h. 104 W. 4th J. T. FRITTS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 78 PARK AVENUE, .... PLAINFIELD, N. J......

Office hour*, 7 to 0 A. M., 13 to 2, and after 6 P. M. lllICK RATH HffiPfflis m M im lm ; LIIIIQ 0 lUMlL, j«i. s . xm«, Prop*., ». j. FOBCFt HOTEL,


Galbert Martin, laborer, h. 94 W. 6th Galbert Peter, roasoft, h. 124 W. 4th Gallop Arthur T., 'bookkeeper Potter Printiug Press Works, h. 28 W. 2d Gamberton William, tailor, h. Pearl cor. Warren Gambling Theodore F., machinist, b. 67 W. 4th Gardner Chas. H., manuf., N. Y., h. 8 Second place Gardner David, hatter, b. 18 Somerset place Gardner Frank II., bookkeeper, b. Sycamore ave. Gardner William E., butcher, h. 19 Liberty Garretsou J. Smith, clerk, h. 25 Central ave. Gurretson Jeremiah Fi, baggage ugent, h. 13 Peace Garrisou Henry, laborer, h. 20 E. 4ih Gaakill William C., painter,' h. 16 Harmouy Gaub Jacob, tailor, h. 6th cor. Division...... Gavett Andrew J., civil eugineer, N. Y„ h. 67 W. 2d Gavett Esther L., b. 67 W. 2d \ Gavett Joseph W., h. 67 W. 2d Gavett William L, (W. L. Gavett 1 Co.), h. 67 W. 2d Gavett W. L. A Co., crockery, china and glassware, lamps and gas fixtures, rebronzii.g and gilding cham deliers, 15 East Front st. Gavin Edward Pv,dairy^Maple near Green brook avo. Gavin Patrick, mason, h. 48 W. 8d Gayle Edward W., architect, h. 84 E. 2d Gayle George, teacher, h. 84 E 2d Gayle Henry E., carpenter, b. 84 E. 2d . Gee Alexander A., folder, h. 71 Somerset Gee Wah, laundry, 21E. Front Geiger Frederick, merehaut, h. 55 W. 7th Genot Francis F., h. 187 W. Front Geogban Martin, laborer, h. 55 Plainfield ave. Gephardt William, oil cloth, h. 81 Manning ave. Geratel Joseph, (champion billiard player of New Jer. aey,) temperance billiard parlors (six tables), state agent for the United States Standard Billiard Table Co., 80 W. Front st., bds. Laing’s hotel Gerrity Peter, laborer, b. 74 E. 4th Lies and Heavy Curtain*, (L F. A C. E. BROWN, IS! Caul ni, N. T. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 103 Qibb Alexander, granite worker, h. E. Front near Ray­ mond Qibb W. Travis, student, h. E. Front eor. Raymond ave. Gldney George, veterinary surgeon, office rear City hotel, Park ave. cor. Second, residence 26 E. Second at., near Peace Giebelhouse George, baker, h. Arlington ave. Gieae Charles, restaurant, 7 Somerset Gilbert Alexander, cashier, bds. J. K. Maxson Gilbert Edward H., dry goods, N. Y., h. Prospect ave. Giles Hannah E. Mrs., h. B W. 2d Giles John, Lake near Hillsdale GiiS Catuanne Mrs., h. North ave. near R. R. Gill Charles H., carpenter, h. 69 W. 4th Gillam Wm., h. 114 E. Front Gillern Anna M. Mrs., h. 58 Duer Gillette N. Horace, salesman, N. Y., h. 57 Doer Gillies Emily A., select school, b. 6 Madison ave. Gillies T. J. Mrs., milliner, 5 Madinon ave. Gillies Theodore J., auctioneer, 7 and h. 5 Madison ave. Gilmore Edward, lawyer, h. 5 West Second Ginna Stephen A., Broadway cor. Carleton ave. Gisser Nicholas, butcher, h. Somerset near Mountain ave. Gittis John, farmer, h. 48 pearl Gtm I. Renwiclc, physician and surgeon, office and residence 5 W. 2d. Glennon Philip, h. Elizabeth at. Gloke Win., engineer, h. 27 Liberty Glover Angus, chambermaid, at Laing’s hotel Goddard Christopher M., clerk, N. Y., h. 17 Third place Goddard George H., broker, N. Y., h. E. 9th eor. Third place Goeller Henry, shoemaker, h. 89 Plainfield ave Goeltar Henry Jr., locksmith and machinist, 28 Somer­ set, h. 18 E. Front (see adv.) Goff Howard M.,whip manufacturer, bds. Force’s hotel Good Peter P., lawyer and notary, 9 W. Front Goodrich 0. L., Rev., pastor, bds.. Park House Goodwin George, driver, h. 7 New First-Class Family Resort, 70S. B. MILLIE, Prop’r. GAS AND SUNNING WATIB FMCFS HOTEL, IN IVWT500M. 10* PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Goodwin John A., pointer, li. 74 Jackson ave. Gordon Alexander, farmer, for John Wilson Gordon Wm., laborer, h. 64 W. 6th Gorman ’|hos., h. £. Second near Johnston ave. Gorton Robert, clerk, N. Y„ h. 11 W. 2d Graham Walter S., h. Woodland ave.. Netherwoud Onnnatt Wm. B., scroll sawing and turning, line post, tie posts, fence posts, columns, brackets, eto., at Spicer A Hubbard’s mill, cor. Madison avo. and Third st., h. New cor. 8d. Grannatt Wm. B. Jr., scroll sawing' h. New cor. 8d Grannatt Henry 0., scroll sawing, n. New cor. 8d Grant Amelia Mrs., h. 25 E. 9th . ' Grant Frederick W., h. Westervelt ave. near Grandview __ aye, ______Grant George W., police, North ave. opp. depot Grant Robert A,, bookkeeper, h. Westervelt ave. Graves Charles, slat^ roofer and dealer in all kinds of American roofing slate, plain and ornamental, 82 liberty (see adv.j Graves Chas. C., rooter, h. 82 Liberty Graves Sarah V. Mrs., h. 88 E. Front Gray Amos P., machinist, bds. 101 W. Front ..Gray Bernhardt B., mason, builder and contractor, Hill* side ave. near Prospect (see adv.) Gray F. VL, pressman “ Constitutionalist,” h. 8 W. 4th Gray Free erick W., h. Hillside avo. near Prospect ave. Gray Theodore G., mason, h. Hillside ave. near Prospect Greaer Charles, bottler, 50 Somerset Green Douglas, broker, N. Y., bds. Nethorwood hotel Green Francis C., carriage trimmer, h. 26 E. 4th Green Frank C. (Green A Co.), bds. Force’s hotel Green Frederick 8., h. Sherman ave. near Grant avo. Green John H., coachman, h. 82 E. 3d Green Lawrence, laborer, h. Liberty above 8d Green Lawrence, laborer, b. Church near 4tb Green Orson 0. (Green A Co.), h. 47 W. 2d Grew A Co., dealers in all kinds of furniture, 18 W. Front

I NEW YORK. { £ fl r DDrtllfkl Interior Decersttone. 8 • II W II. Ea DnUlfn^ 811 Caaal 81, N. Y. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 103 Greene H, W., Park ave. beyond fair ground Griffon A. 5L, dealer iu hardware, agricultural imple­ ments, stoves, ranges, iron, steel aud house furnish­ ing goods, 18 E. Front, h. 63 E. 2d GrifFen, Clias. H., clerk, h. 63 E. Second Griffon Goo. M., clerk, h. 63 E. Second Griffen John F., physician and surgeon, office and res­ idence 63 E. 2d, diseases of women a specialty Griffin William H., clerk, h. 78 Duer Orisley John, carpenter, h. rear 12 W. 4th Grobleuski Johu, machinist, h. 50 W. 8d ( Groendyke D. N., h. Mercer ave. Grogan William H., bartender, h. 29 W. Frout Gross Eugene A., candles, N. Y., h. 51 Jackson ave. Guion Charles G., clerk, h. 41 La Grande ave. Guion ChlrliM S., coal and wood, hay, oats, etc., 81 Peace, b. 41 La Graude ave. near Washington Gulich John N., carpenter, h. 58 Somerset Gulick Jacob, mason, h. 8th near Grant ave. Gulick R. V., laborer, bds. 85 E. 3d Gunniug Patrick, h. uear Scribner’s brick yard Qurnell Thomas, trimmer, h. 20 North ave. Guttmau Bernhard, clothier, 22 W. Front, h. 58 E. Front Guttman Nathan H., musician, h. 58 E. Front

Haberle Elias J., tailor, h. 65 W. 6th Haberle Gottfried J., tailor, h. 67 W. 6th llaberle Johu, cigarnmker, h. 67 W. 5th llaberle Johu G., cigartnaker, b. 67 W. 5th Haberle William H., batter, h. 67 W. 5th Half Stephen, b. Sherman ave. hear Clinton ave. Haiues Mury A., florist, 88 Park ave., h. 78 2d ilait Seymour, fruits, N. Y., h. W. 7th cor. Spooner ave. Hale David W.. h. South ave. uear Clintou ave. Halfpenny Philip 13., painter, 32 E. Front Halfpenny Kieburd, laborer, h. 116 W. 2d HEADQUARTERS FOR COHMERCUL MEN, LilNG’S HOTEL, Jot. B. M tiltr, P^op’r, Flalsflrid, V , J. EVERYTHING NEW. m et hotel, J. I . rOSOI, Fwp’r., flalaflili, V. J. 104 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Hall Abram F., wheelwright, b. 71 W. 4th Hall Albert E., pumpi, N. Y., h. 5 Franklin place Hall John R. (Weed ft Halit, h. Williamaport Hallock Charlotte Mrs., h. 20 W. 5th Hallock James H., bookkeeper for L. M. French Hallock George, h. 61 Grove Hallock George D.f clerk, N. Y., b. 61 Grove Halloway Henry R., collara, N. Y., b. La Grande ave. cor. Frankfiu place Halsey Cbaa. 0., ineurance, N. Y, h. 141 Central ave. Halstead T. Jefferson, cabinetmaker, upholsterer, 32 E. Front, h. 67 W. 4th cor- New (see adv.) Hamilton Thos. J. Mrs., stenographer, h. Arlington ave. near Randolph avel. Hammeal Clarkson M., butcher, h. 19 Elm place Hand Chr/tes 11., lather, h. 106 W. 2d Hand Frank, horseshoer, 1 Union Hand John W., h. 61 Duer Hand Naney Mrs., L. 96 E. Front Hand Samuel T., mason, b. New cor. 6th Hand William, bricktnaker, h. Netherwood • Hanmer Edgar M., clerk, N. Y., h. 8 Second place Haunter Wm. L., clerk, N. Y, h. 8 Second place Hann Geo. W., h. E. Front beyond Farragut ave. Hannigan Edward H., h. 2 Grapdview ave. Hannan Edward, laborer, h. E. 2d near Johnston ave. Hannon Edward, h E. 2d above Johnson ave. Hannon John, h. E. Second near Berckroan Hauraban Richard, engineer, h. 4th above Plainfield ave. Hansen Jens, painter, basement 5 W. Front Hansen Thomas, machinist, h. 42 W, 2d Hanson Peter, coachman, h. 25 Emily Harberger John, broker, N. Y., h.'148 W. Front Harberger Mary, widow John 8., h. 148 W. Front Hardcaatle Thomas, machinist, at Potter's Harder Frances C., dry goods, h. 108 E. Front Harding John, laborer, h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. Harding William H., carriagemaker, h. 76 W. 3d arm lulling"*® PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 105 Hardingham Walter R. U., stenographer, office, 85 William 8t., N. Y., h. St.mmit uve. Hardy William H., clerk, h. 67 W. 4th Hardy F., P. 0. addrea* Plainfield Harger N. Y. Mrs., b. Netherwood Harman J. F., banker, N. Y., h. 67 W. 7th Harper Joseph M., paper, b. 62 W. 2d Harper Nathan, insurance, b. 62 W. 2d Barren James, laborer, b. 88 W. 8d . Harrington Mary Mrs., b. 51 Central ave, Harriott Charles T., machinist, h. Netherwood depot Harris Catharine Mrs., b. 54 Jackson ave. Harris Charles, engraver, N. Y., h. 67 W. 5th Harris Charles A., butcher, h. 80 Somerset Harris Cornelius 0., driver, h. 80 Somerset Harris Simeon, batter, b. 68 W. 4th Harris Wm., carpenter, b. 11 W. 2d ' Hart Charles A. (M.D.), b. 11 Crescent ave. Hart Lemuel E., carpenter, h. 10 W. 2d Hart Wm. Harvey, bds. Park House Hartfelder George, machinist, h. 69 Somerset Hartpence Absalom R., carpenter, b. 8 Union Hartpence Kate Mrs., h. 126 W. Front Hartwell Louis, h. 11 Craig place Hashrouck Richard H., b. 47 E. Front Hasbrouck Julian A. H., b. 42 Grove Haskard William T. (Addis 4 Haskard), h. 58 W. 2d Haurand Henry, clerk, 29 Park ave. Hatchett Henry, laborer, h. Short hills Havell James, clerk for Sandford 4 Co., b, 63 E. Front Havsly Wm., laborer, h. 68 Duer Haven M. A., manager of Plainfield Beef C o., Third cor. Washington, bds. 85 E. Third (see adv.) Havilsnd A. Walter, stationer, N. Y., n. liockview ave. nstmr Syoamore ave. Havilaod Edwin, French china, N. Y., b. 72 ?ffl. 2d Hawkins Joseph, machinist, h. 61 Central ave. Hayward Wm. H., batter, bds. Win. Sutton’s Hawkins Mary J., seamstress, h. 42 w. Front First-Class Family Resort, LUNG’S M itt, JOS. B. MILL2B, Prop’r. 14 tA M N M UATCI He*U4 bysteam throughout, rURRT nulcl^ i H. roioi, hopv.

m PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY^ ~ Hawley Frederick B., cotton, (N. Y.), h. Creseeut ave. Hawley Seth E., watchman, h. 74 E. 2d Hawthorn Robert H. Jr., h. Putnam ave. cor. Carlton Hayes James, h. 166 E Frout near Berckman Haynea Charles A., f'/uita, N. Y., h. 10 First place Haynes Joseph H., station agent C. R. R., res. North ave. (in depot) Hazeltine Charles A., clerk, h. 60 Qrove Hazeu Charles P.,-clerk, N. Y., h. Broadway cor. 9th Haxeu Edward R., h. Broadway cor. 9th Hedden Albert, livery and boarding stable, E. 4th near Park ave., h. Race at. ^see adv.) Hadden Ephraim B., tinsmith, b. 7 Union Hedden Frank, clerk, bda. 2 Orchard place Hedden Joseph D., clerk, b. 8 Orchard place .UeddenJoelD., clerk, h. Orchard place Hedden Samuel, h. 6 Duer Hedden William, punter, h. 20 Cottage place Hedges E.W., physician "and surgeon, office and resL aence Front cor. Central ave. Hefferman Michael, h. E. 8d near Richmond ... Hefty Matthew, machinist, bda. 87 Plainfield ave. - Hepeman Benjamin A., freight ageut, h. Washington ave. opp. Prospect place Hegeman Benjamin A. Jr., clerk, N. Y., b. 21 Qrove Herman John, bda. Qrove cor. Prospect place Heideloff Jacob, h. Belmont ave. near Jackson ave. Heideloff Mary A. Mrs., h. Belmont ave. Henderson Joseph J., h. Rockview ave. Henderson James, eagiuecr, bds. 46 K. Front Heury Qeo., janitor of Grace Church Henry James 8., carpenter, h. 9 Linden ave. Hepburn Michael, laborer, h. E. 8d near Riohmond Herleck John P., trimmer, h. Brook Herman Frank, clerk, h. 68 E. 4th Herring Frank 0., safes, N. Y., h. 84 E. 9th opp. First place . Herring Michael, shoemaker, h. E. 4th near Richmond Hess Uenry> coachman, b. E. 8d near Richmond LACE AND HEAVY CURTAINS. LF.ACLL BROWN, SllCaulBt.,N.Y. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 107 Hetfield John M., cleric, h.*42 Madison ave. Hettield Leri, coa!, flour, etc., h. 42 Madison ave. Hetfield Squire, h. 42 Madison ave. v Hetfield Walter L., lawyer, 2 E. Front, h. 67 E. 2d Hewitt Williiam B., carriage painter, b. 87 W. 4th Heyburn Wtn., hardware, N. Y., h. 29 Grove Heyuiger Lambert, willow ware, N. Y., h. Grant ave. Hibbetts Finiin, coal and wood, 18 Liberty Hibbitts Daniel, hackman, h. 89 W. 6th Hickey William, laborer, h. Liberty cor. 8d Hickhng John J., banker, N. Y., b. 108 E. Front Kigbie John 8., bds. Lame's hotel Higgins J*a. B., h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. Higgins Maurice, sexton, h. 94 W. 4th Hi!! Johu, h. 41 W. 2d Hi 1 R. Alonzo, barber, h. 115 W. 4th Hi Iman Edward J. Mrs., h. (Sherman ave. near Grant ave. Hi lman Samuel T., electrician, N. Y.} h. 72 E. 6th Hi lman Wm. H., h. Sherman ave. near Grant ave. Himes Geo. W., miller for French Bros. Hine* Ptter, laborer, h. Liberty below 7th Hoadley George E., h. 7th c r. Union ------Hoaglaad Peter, city express and dealer in fine cigars, tobacco and smokers' articles in general, 27 North ave. opp. depot, h. W. Front, below Plainfield ave. Hobby Charles E., painter, It. Park place cor. Vine Hockridge Wm., cornetrav., h. 61 Peace llockridge W. G., h. Peace above 6th Hofi* Andrew S., peddler, h. 88 Pearl Hoff John C., cartman, h. 11 E. 2d Hoffman Mary, dressmaker, 18 W. Front Hoffman Soring P., carpcntor, h. 18 W, Front Hoffman Theodore H., clerk, h. 18 W. Front Hogan Daniel, laborer, k. 16 W. 8d Hogan Daniel Jr., plumber, h. 16 W. 8d Holcombe Isaac M., real estate,, N. Y., h. 42 Central ave. Holland E. F., sewing machiues, 110 W. Front Hollenbeck Frank, peddler, h. North ave. near E. 8d Holiy Tree Inn, S. C. Terry, supt., 2*2 North ave. D u v i m cohmircul xu, UING’SROIEL, In . 3 . XiU.r, Tnj'r., P U Iii.14, H . J. O il AHD BUBBIHO WATMt FORCE’S N O TH ? Ilf BVBBY BOOM. 108 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Holly John I., stock breeder, h. Park ave., beyond fair ground Holmes Augustus D., b. 46 E. 6th Holmes City Express, R. R. depot Holmes Edwin H., agent Adams Express Co., and prop., Holmes' City Express, office 4 E. Front, h. 47 E. Front (see adv.) Holmes Isaac L., tinsmith, Carncr Bros. Holmes J. B , farmer, Plainfield P. 0. Holmes Lewis D., carpenter, b. 11 Orchard plaoe Holton Sarah A. Mrs., h. 82 Qrove Homan George M., bookkeeper, h. rear 108 E. Front Homan James P., horseshoer, 13 Somerset, b. 10 W. 6th Honeyman ft Co., millinery and fauoy goods and no­ ...tione,9E. Front------Honeyman Fanny U., derkHoney man & Co. Honeyman John H. (J. H. Honeyman k Co ), h. 20 Duer Hoitevman J. H. ft Co., fancy goods, 0 E. Front (see sav.) Honeyman Sarsii, h. 86 W. 4th Honeyman W, E. Re?., h. 46 Somerset Honian Thomas, laborer, h. 81 Plainfield are. Honeger Theodore, silk, N. Y., b. Hillside ave., cor. Prospect are. . Hooley Abram, broker, N. Y., h. 68 Central ave. Hooley Edwin, broker, N. Y., h. 68 Central ave. Hooley Lucy, Mrs., b. 66 Central ave. Hope Clarkson R., sssh maker, h. 89 New v Hope John S.t machinist, at Potter’s Hope Stephen R., former, at Potter’s Hopper Robert, machinist, at Potter's Hopkins Cbss., coachman, Isaac E. Anderson P'oreo Terence, tinsmith, h. 86 W. 7th Horn Cbss. E., carpets, N. Y., h. Willow ave. Horn D. T. Mrs,. K 67 W. 2d Hornby Mary, teacher, h. 16 W. 6th Hornish Hiram- nurse, 26 W. 2d Horton Ashland C., salesman, h. 6 W. 6th Horton Lester, h. 48 Somerset *

«. a. Cor. Uterty BWeiTStm^ N E W Y O R K . D f i II F DDiim il Interior Decorations, « i T . W Vs L D lfU lV n 9 121 Canal S t, N. Y.

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 109 Horton Stephen 0. Mrs., h. 48 Somerset Hotchkiss James, boiler cleaner, N. Y., h. 41 Madison ave. Hotel Netherwood, S. V. Woodruff proprietor. Nether- wood (see adv.) House James H., painter, h. 64 E. Front Houseman George W., upholsterer, 93 E. Front Houseman Willard, painter, h. Richmond cor. Front Howard William, weaver, h. 20 W. 2d Housson John, carpenter, h. 27 Liberty Howatt Wm., bds. rear 26 W. 2d Howell Russell 0., bookkeeper, h. 68 E. 8d Howland Win. W., com. mer., N. Y., h. 68 E. 6th Hubbard J. Frank, b. 7th cor. Madison ave. Hubbard Joseph A. (Spicer A Hubbard), h. 5 W. 5th Hudnutt Alex., clerk. N. Y., bds. 16 W. 5th Hudson Samuel, b. Somerset above Mountain ave. Huff Daniel P., h. 60 Park ave. Huff Frauk P., clerk, h. 60 Park ave. Huff Henry, carpenter, h. Grandview ave. Hoff John C., h. 11E. 2d Hughes John, carpenter, h. 76 Jaokson ave. Hughe* John W., proprietor Somerset House, h. Som­ erset cor. Emily Hughes Matthew, marble polisher, b. 94 E. 2d Hughes Michael, farmer, h. E. 3d near Berckman j Hughes Thomas J., carpenter, h. 76 Jackson ave. Hull Emma M. Mrs., h. 56 E. Front Hull Nelson Y., drug clerk, h. 56 E. Front Humble Auu Mrs., h. 77 Somerset Humble Joseph P., grocer, 77 Somerset Hummer Lewis A. (Lutkins & Hummer), h. 18 Craig place Humphry Mary A., dressmaker, h. 04 W. 2d Humpston Samuel, h. 100 W. 2d Humpston Samuel Jr., machinist, h. 100 W. 2d Hunn Thompson, com. mor., N. Y-, h. Prospect ave. Hunu Townsend H., commission,,N. Y., h. 7 8d place Hunt A Fisher, photographers, 15 E. Front Hunt George S., photographer, 15 E. Front First-Class Family Resort, UUCS KIEL. JOS. B. MILLIE, Prop’r. EVERYTHING NEW J. H. fOIOl, froj’r., FlalafisU, I. 3.

110 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Hunter Charles A., W. 7th near Spooner Huntington Frank, journalist, E. Front cor. Raymond are. Huntington James H., tinsmith, h. 6 Union Huntington James E., clerk, h. 6 Union Hurlbert Jesse L, Rev., h. 68 E. 6th Hurlbnrt Jos. B., foreman “ ConstTst,” h. 20 Emily Hurley James, h. off Belmont ave, HurlingQeo., clerk for Q. W. RockfeUow Hurst William, laborer, h. 52 E. 4th Hyde Arthur, machinist, h. W. 4th cor. Plainfield ave. Hyde Dorsey W., h. Woodland ave., Netherwood Hyde Charles, pres. City National Bank, h. 141 E. Front Hyland Mr., b. W. Front near Albert

X Iauson Charles K;, carpenter, h. 42 R. Sd Irving Jacob, carpenter, h. 43 E. 2d c r Jable John, upholsterer, h. 21 Cottage place Jackson ft Coddingtoi, lawyers, Park aye. cor. 2d Jackson Eltaa Mrs., b. 68 E. Fourth ' Jackson J. Henry, laborer^ b. 88 W. 8d Jackson Isabella Mrs., h. 80 E. 6th Jackson James W., h. 8 Crescent ave. Jackson John H. (Jackson k Ooddington). h. 60 Duer Jackson John M., policeman, h. 21 Cottage place Jackson Philip, machinist, h, 69 W. 4th Jackson Samuel R., h. Central nve. above 9th - Jackson Susan E. Mrs., h. 86 Park avr. Jackson Wm./h. Mountain wve. cor. Westervelt ave. Jacobus Samuel II., h. E. Front near Berckman — Jacques Charles E., architect, h. 86 Duer - Jacques Henrietta P. Mrs., h. Washington ave. near Mercer ave.

» N E W Y O R K . 6. F. A C. I . BROWN, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Ill Jaggers Jeremiah M., h. 34 E. 4th James Abbic H., mutroii, Westervelt cor. Manning ave. Jamison Aaron L., brick, Loland ave., Nethorwood Jauneret-M^ry A., widow Henry, b. 149 Central ave. Junes Henry D., insurance, N. Y., h. 8 First place Jenkins J. Newton, building mover, E. 6th cor. Wash' ington (see adv) Jansen Chas., carpenter, b. 42 E. 3d Jenkins Joseph B,, h. 6th cor. Washington Jenner Margaret W. Mrs., h. Washington cor. Linden ave. Jennings Andrew D., bookkeeper, h. 12 W. 4th JenningB Eliza Mrs, h. Somerset opp. Grandview ave. Jennings Jacob M., shoemaker, h. 48 W. 2d Jennings Frederick C., teas, N. Y., h. Mercer ave. Jenuings Thomas, horsesboer, 2 Madison ave., h. W. Front cor. Madison ave. Jennings William M., h. W. Front cor. Madison ave. Jennings William R., borsesboer, h. 15 Steiner place Jimerson W. S., clerk, for John H. French Johnson Abigail, Mrs., h. 49 Duer Johnson Andrew W., tinsmith, 80 Park ave., b. 49 Somerset Johnson Benjamin E., clerk, 42 Manning ave. Johnson Chas. F., carpenter, h. 17 E. 3d J. JtfEWTON JENKINS, n u n io n , Residence eor. 6th and Wash­ ington streets, PLAINFIELD, N. J. Brick end Fmme Buildings Raised and Moved with care and safety. Contracts taken at any place accessible by railroad.

W FOR CUKffil IKK, KING'S ROM, Joi. B. Xlllsr, Prop’r, Plainflsld, H, J. fflM D t IUITEI Heated by Steam throughout, TtnKt * mil CL, Mrooi,?is,r. 112 » PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ’

Jo h n so n C. L., proprietor of Park House, Park ave. «)or. 8tb. Johnson 8. Mrs., dressmaker, 66 W. 2d Johnson Grace, dressmaker, h. 49 Duer Johnson Henry, gardeuer, b. 64 E. 4th Johnson John, tax collector, 1 W. Front cor. Park ave., h. 17 E. 3d Johnson Jonathan P., carpenter, h. 16 E 2d Johnson J. Wesley, h. 29 E. 7th Johnson John W., silver, N. Y., h. 27 E. 7th Johnson Russell C., flour, N. Y., h. 49 Somerset Johnson Sarah F., widow Oren, b. 86 E. 2d Johnson Thoe., coachman, h. 106 W. 4th Johnson P. C., farmer, Plainfield P. 0. Johnson Mr;, h. Grove near Greenbrook ave. Johnston Colics, pres. Central N. J. Laud Co., h. E. Front cor. Farragut ave. Johnston J. Herbert, h. E. Front cor. Farragut ave. Johnston John,, wood and coal, 8outh ave., Nether- wood, h. Fanw'ood (see adv. frout cover) Johnston John Taylor, h. E. Front cor. Farragnt ave. Jones Cadwallader, carpenter, builder, and contractor, h.Prospectavenue------Jones David, fertilisers, b. W. Front st., Evona Jonea David, cook, h. 14 Cottage.place Jones Evan, Kensington ave. near La Grande Jones Frank W., h. Somerset opp. Grandview ave. Jones James G., belting, N. Y., h. Madison ave. above 9th Jones Lewis, h. 67 Park ave. Jonea William E., freeholder, h. Somerset opp. Grand­ view ave. ' Jones William L., bds. Park House Juler Edward, laborer, h. rear 80 W. 8d

Kaeding Wm., h. near Scribner's brick yard Kano John, laborer, h. 62 W. Sd Curtains, 8. F. A C. L BROWN, N. T. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 118 Kane John, laborer, h 86 W. 8d Kane Lawrence, laborer, h. 84 W. 3d Kane Martin, laborer, b. 65 W. 8d Hatch Herman, h. F. Second near Netherwood Kaufman Maria L. Mrs., b. Arlington ave. cor. 9th Kaufman W. T., insurance, N. Y., h. 69 Central ave. Kearney Moses, laborer, h. 86 W. 3d Keefe John, laborer, h. 103 W. 5th Keefe Jobu, laborer, h. 98 W. 6th Keefe Jobu 0. Mrs., h. 80 E. 8d Keefe Michael, mason, h. 59 W. 3d Keegan James C., clerk, h. 63 Manning ave. Keegan Jobu, gardener, h. 68 Manning ave. Keely Patrick, hackman, h. 91 W. 5tb Keen John, cook at Park House Keeney Sarah D., physician, 20 W. 4th Kelleher Patrick, tailor, h. 69 Somerset Kelleher Sarah, laundry, 20 E. Front Keller Edward, painter, h. rear 68 E. Front Keller George, clerk, h. Somerset cor. Emily Keller Christian, h. near Scribner’s brick yard Keller Jacob, h. near Scribner’s brick yard Keller Thomas H., cigars, N. Y., h. 8 Park ave. Kellogg John Mrs., h. 77 Park ave. Keilum C. L. Mrs., bds. Park House Kelly Anna Mrs., b. 26 Liberty Kelly Bernard, laborer, h. 1'22 W. 4th Kelly James, rear of Mrs. J. Harberger’s Kelly John, laborer, h. 45 W. 4th Kelly Nicholas, police, h, i22 W. 4th Kelly John, driver, b. E. 3d near Richmond Kelly John, laborer, h. 25 Liberty Kenna Thos., dealer in family safety oil and lamps, and iixtures of ail kinds, h. 69 Duer Kennedy Alex,, gardener for J. Johnston Kennedy Edward, h, near Scribner’s brick yard Kenney Andrew E., freight clerk, P. ft R. railroad Kenny David, plumber, bds., 57 E. Front Kenny John, machinist, bds., 47 E. Front First-Class Family Resort, LUNG’S M l, 708. B. MILLER, Prop’r. 15 FORGE’S HOTEL, 011 ffiSSKSRZ4* " m T lainfield directory. r Kenny Patrick, laborer, h. 6th cor. Plainfield ave. Kenny Sarah G., select school, 10 2d place Kenny William, clerk, 82 E. Front. Kenyon Elvira E., principal Plaiufield Seminary, 7th, cor. Park ave. Kenyon James, machinist, h. 9 E. 2d KerchoffF., broker, N. Y\, h. Park avenue KesselriugJQeorge, barber, 15} Park ave., h. 18 Chatham Ketcham F. T. Mrs., k. 55 E. 5th Ketcham K. P. Rov., pastor Pres, church, h. 62 E. 5th Kieley Michael, h. E. Richmond near Johnston ave. Kiely Patrick, h. Steiner place near Linden ave. Kiely Patrick, laborer, h. Richmond cor. 8d Kiernan Wm., coachman, b. 21 8teiner place Kilbride Denis, driver, h. 4th near Spooner ave. ... Kiley John, laborer, h. Short 2d near Liberty Kiley Patrick, coachman, h. E. 3d near Richmond Killoran James, h. rear 18 W. Front Kilpatrick Matthew, W. 6th cor. Plainfield ave. Kimball Charles W., lawyer, N. Y., and Nprth ave. opp. depot, h. Arlington ave. Kimball George W., h. Somerset near Grandview ave. Kimball Horace, physician, h. 56 E. 2d Kimball Samuel F., cashier, N. Y., h. 18 Broadway Kinch Augustus, laborer, h. 4th near William King Abraham, hatter, h. 22 Chatham King Charles W., cashier, N. Y., h. 102 E. 2d King David, clerk, N. Y., h. Arlington ave...... Kiug Emma U. Miss., bds. Force’s not el King Francis, h. 16 Broadway King Francis Jr., mining broker, h. 16 Broadway King James W., h. Arlington ave. near Arlington place King John 8., insurance, 86 Park ave. .... Kiugslow Henry, waiter, h. 4 Exchange alley Kingston Joseph, muson, h. E 2d near Richmond Kinsman Frank E., vice-president and general maua- ger Electric Construction and Supply Co., 146 Broad­ way aud 86 Liberty at,, N. Y., h. 48 E. 6th, P. 0. Box, 1368, Plainfield (see adv.) [ A |fe C DDfllAfU Interior Decorations. 8 • i« w w* s* DIHIIfllj «f 1 euui 8t, n. v. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 115 Kinsman J. Douglass, insurance, N. Y., h. 81 W. Front Kinvon Jameg H., machinist, E. 8d cor. Richmond, h. E. 2d (see adv.) Kirchoft Frederick, broker, h. Park ave. beyond 9th Kirk Elizabeth T., b. 5th cor. Park ave. Kirk Wm. T., h. 5th cor. Park ave. Kirkner Jacob, broker, N. Y., h. 8th cor. Division Kissam Charles, h. W. 9th near Park ave. Kisaling Gottlieb, h, 68 W. 8d Kister August, mechanic, b. 40 Catherine Kitchen Jobn, h. W. 4th above Plainiield ave. Kitchen William H., coremaker, h. 58 Plainfield ave. Klein & Son, cabinetmakers, 79 E. Second (see udv.) Klein Louis, cabinetmaker, h. 79 E. 2d Klein William, cabinetmaker, h. 79 E. 2d Kleinecke August, straw, h. Park ave. beyond 9th Klenck Christopher F., h. 108 E. Front Kline Auron B., salesman, N. Y.. h. E. 6th near Peace Kline Dora F., dressmaker, h. E. 6th near Peace Kline John B., ticket agent, depot, h. E. 6th near Peace Kline Lewie A., manufacturer of fine flavoring extracts, 17 Craig place (see adv.) Kline Peter N., bookkeeper, h. 75 E. 6th Kliue Sarah E., widow John R., h. E. 6th near Peace Knauffi F. F., b. 107 E. Front Knight Montravill fc>., planer, h. 69 W. 2d Knowland Frederick, R. R. agent, N. Y., h. 15 E. 7th Koechle Frederick'Rev., h. 44 Somerset Koller Michael, shoemaker, 27 Somerset, h. 22 Emily Krausse Charles W., plumber, h. 18 Duor Kruusse Frances Mrs., h. 18 Duer - Kreitling Philip J., barber, 58 W. Front Kreizfcld Henrj, h. near Scribner’s brick yard RfevVson Chas. C., butter, h. 2i Manning ave. Krewsou Frank C., clerk, h. 4 Graudview ave. Krewcon John, carpenter, h. 4 Grandview ave. Kreweon John K., laborer, h. 82 E. Front Krewson Willie, clerk with Seely Edsall Kriney Jacob, carpenter at Potter’s jlliC Jf llllttl HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN, L l l n l l 0 lU I lL , Joi. S. Miller, Prop’r., PUlnflsli, V. J. M iiP l MATH e v e r y t h i n g n e w . nPRvKv nui c l ,

m ~ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Kroiu Stephen R., mechanical engineer, N. Y., h. 7 Broadway Kunz Lonis, bottler for Fred Casper Kurzbals Theodore A. B., barber, 18 Park ave., b. 80 New

Lackner John 0., photo painter, b. Hillside ave. Lahertz Catharine, h. 88 E. 3d near Richmond Laine Eugeue A., barber, Hi 29 W, Front Laine Louia, telephone operator, h. .9 W. Front Laing Isaac, farmer, Plainfield F. 0. Laing Edward Mrs,, Peace cor. E. 4th __ Laing Eugene M.t hats, caps and mens' furnishings, 5 Park ave., h. 17 Park place (see adv.) Laing Jacob Q. Mrs., h. 17 W. 4th ‘"■"Laing John W., h. Laing’s Hotel Laing Nathan J., printer ** Times," h. 17 W, 4th Laing Phileta, bds. Force's Hotel Laing Voorhees, h. 92 E. Front u Laing -William, carpenter, h. 68 W. 5th Laing*a Hotel, Joseph B. Miller, prop., W. Front opp. Madison ave. (see bottom lines) Lair Leon, carpenter, h. 87 E. 8d , Lake Gertrude G., W. Front st., Evona Lane Wm. Mrs., h. Central ave. cor. Pemberton ave. LangenbahnPeter, tailor, h. 22 Cottage place Langkcme Frank C., photographer, 5 E. Front, h. 55 La Qrande ave. Lanphear Ethan, h. 54 Central ave. Lancey Jas., steel, N. Y., h. Potnam ave...... Lansing Margaretta D. Mrs., h. Park ave. cor. 6th Lapsley Henry, bds. Park House Larew Theodore J., painter, h. I ll W. 4th Larkin John, laborer, h. 108 W. 6th Larrabee Wm. H., editor, N. Y., h. Mountain avt. Latimer Henry 0. Mrs., h. 69 E. Front Laubenheimer Jacob H., clerk^Jtelle's drug store

i W i M w b k s s I"* 6. F. A C. E. BROWN,

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 117 Laurent Rudolph L., watchmaker, 2 Somerset Lawler Patrick, laborer, h. 81 W. 2d Laws Margaret U. Mrs., h. 87 Peurl Lawson Cnas., dry goods, N. Y., b. Central ave. cor. 0th Lawson Jesse, clerk, h. 9 Central ave. Lawson Samuel Q., h. 7th near W. Grant ave. Leader Albert J., job printer, N. Y., h. 81 Duer Leahy Wm., laborer, h. Brook ave. Leal'John, teacher, h. Kensington uvo. near Broadway Leal Joseph M., teacher, h. Prospect ave. Leathern Robert H., h. 8 Broadway Lederer Isaac, dry goods, 9 W. Front (see adv.) Lee Frasier, farmer, Plainfield P. 0. Lee Tbos., farmer, Plainfield P. 0. Lees Mark, laborer, h. Chatham near Somerset Leeson Flora, h. 52 W. 7th Leffler Harriet Mrs., La Grande ave., Netherwood Leik Philip, laborer, b. 6 Harmony Lelaud Benjamin M., h. Leland ave. near E. Front Leland Edwin R., clerk, h. 60 W. 5th Leland George R., tinsmith, Linden ave. cor. SteiuCr place Leland Walter H., hatter, h. Steiner place cor. Linden ave. Lematty John, brakeman, h. 26 E. 4th Lenke Frank, machinist, at Potter’s Lennox David, druggist, N. Y., h. 22 W. 5th Leonard Cornelia B., h. 94 W. Front Leonard James M., bank clerk, N. Y., Madison ave...... near 9th...... Leonard Oliver B., general insurance agency and citv olerk, 1 E. Front, h. Madison ave. near W. 9th Leot_____ 0., Mm., h. 55 E. 9th Leonard William J. (Runyon A Leonard), h. 98 W. Front Lemed F., h. 69 La Grande ave. Lesh John H., leather, N. Y., h. Washington ave. near Myrtle ave. Leveridge Charles W., bookkeeper, N. Y., h. Wester- velt ave. Firot-Claw Family Kcsurt, lilt’s mu, JOS. B. ULLIB, Prop’r. Heated by iteeiu throughout. FORCE* HOTEL, j. a. roioi, Pwp'r. 118 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Lewald Adolph, carpenter, h, 6th cor. i)ivision Lewis Abram H. Iiev., pastor of the Seventh D a y Baptist Church, h. 69 Centra) ave. Lewis Charles S., banker, N. Y., h. Evona ave. uear 2d Lewis Edwin EL, bookkeeper, h. 59 Ceutral ave. Lewis Frederick W., h. E. 9th near 'Third place Lewis George, cattle, h. Mountain ave. near Somerset Lewis Israel (Lewis A Co.), h. Somerset near Mountain avenue Lewis James M., mason, h. Grove cor. Lindeu ave. Lewis William B., pres., B’klyu, h. 8th cor. Madison ave. Lewlfl A Co., meat market, 16 Park ave. (see udv.) Libby J. Fred., photographer, h. 88 W. 2d Lightfoot L. A., stationery, N. Y., h. 42 E. Front Liuenstern Isaac, clerk, 8. C. Lilieustern, h. 90 E. Front Llllenatern S. C., merchant tailor and dealer in ready made clothing and gents furnishing goods, 7 E. Front, h. 90 E. Front (see adv.) Linbarger David L., salesman, h. 7 Prospect placo Linbarger John, paper banger, h. 86 Park ave.. Lincoln A. E., florist, 12 North ave. Lincoln Felix T., hatter, hf 5 Union LiadMjr John, florist, W. Front near Baptist Church, h. 8? W. Front (see adv.) 8. C. LIUBNSTBRN,

...... THE..LEADINGfs 1 PLAIN ■ FIELD ' ...... ■

GENTS’ FURNISHER, No. T EAST FRONT STREET, - Oppealto Park At o m , . PLAINFIELD, N. J. The Lightest and Brightest Store in the Stato. • I9PKIRS ft ILLEi 8 C A p C D D f l i i f l l WCE AND HEAVY CURTAILS. E.DnUIVn, mcrjwist,n. y. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. lS Lindsay John Mrs., employment agency, a 7 W. Front Llndsley David P., publisher of Shorthand writer ” and all works on Lindsley's takigrafy, North ave. opp. depot, h. Front cor. Netherwood ave. (see adv.) Lindsley Harry, bds. 29 La Grande ave. Linekey Bryan, laborer, h. 103 W. 5th Linskey Martin, laborer, h. 108 W. 5th Linaley N. E., broker, N. Y., h. 8 Franklin place Lisaiguolo Geo., broker, Front h. cor. Netherwood avo. Lithgow Washington, sugar, N, Y.r h. Crescent ave. Littell Daniel W., furnaces, ranges, tin roofing and plumbing, 8 North ave. (see adv.) Livingston Henry W., real estate broker, 150 Broad­ way, N. Y., h. 21 E. Ninth (see adv.l Livingston Robert L., insurance, N. Y., n. Hillside ave. Livzey Cyrus A., clerk, N. Y., h. Washington cor. E. 6tb Lockwood Samuel, hostler, h. 98 W. 4th Loizeaux Paul J., h. Chatham near Elm place Loizeaux Timothy, books, N. Y., b. 48 Grove Long Eli, h. 80 Grove Long Frederick, bottler, h. 61 Duer Loomis Ethvin, corsets, N. Y., h. Rockview ave. , Long Jacob, cattle, h. Craig place Long M. B., physician and surgeon, office and residence 23 E. Front . Loomis Ezra, corsets, N. Y.. h. Prospect place near Grove Longhlin John, trimmer, b. 11 Cottage place Loughlin Thomas, (rack walker, h. 11 Cottage place Love Andrew, grocer, 8 W. Front, h. 19 W. 2d Love Andrew. Jr., clerk, h. 75 W. Front opp. Grove Love JameB L, clerk, h. 19 W. 2d • Love Robert, clerk, h. 19 W. 2d Lovell Leander K, commission merchant, N. Y., h- Crescent ave. near 8d place Low Edward T., agent, h. E. 9th near Third place Lowe Wm. E., insurance,!). Park ave. beyond 8th Lowrle B H., homcBopathist, office hours 7 to 9, a. u., 1 to 8 and after 6 P. m., 66 Park ave. HEADQUARTERS FOR G0MIERC1AL MEN, Limn in i, Jos. E. Millar, Prop’r, Plilnfloli, N. J. r a r e * m m , ^ ^ jsssss.*^ 120 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY.

Lowry Robert Rot. D.D., pastor Park ave. Baptist church, h. Madison ave. cor. 9th Lowry Robert H., clerk, N. Y., h. Madison ave. cor. 9th Lowry Wheaton 8., broker, N. Y., b. 124 Park ave. Lowitx Denv A., merchant, b. 70 W. 6th Loyd E. 8. Mrs., h. Washington ave. cor. Park place Loyd Thos., b. Washington ave. cor. Park place Ludlatn John L., b. 153 IS, Front near Berckman Ludlow Nancy, Mrs., h. 70 E. 6th . Ludlow Sarah D., bds. with R. G. Silvers Ludlow William 11., carriage trimmer, b. 16 Mauning ave,, Lunger Jam es S., carpenter and builder, h. Westervelt °PP*» Fairview ave. (we adv.) ...... Lunger Caroline Mrs., 92 E. Front Luther Grace W., h. Willow ave. Lutkins Andrew (Lutkins k Hummer), b. IS Craig place Lutklnsft Hammer, meat, produce; etc., Parle ave. cor. 2d Loti Henry, coachman, h. W. 8th cor. Division Lyman Ohaa. H., h. Washington ave. cor. Mercer ave. Lynch Patrick, carpenter, h. Short 2d near Liberty Lynch Patrick, havkman, h. Elisabeth near Piainfiald ave. Lynde Mrs. widow, h. 28 Dner Lyness Tho. JL sewing maobiuee, 16 E. Front, h. 20 W. 2d Lyon James, .principal Plainfield, academy, 59 W. 7th near Liberh (iae adv.) ...... Lyon Wm. H. J/., dork, N. Y., h. 28 College placa - Lyons Albro. sexton, h. 9 Central ave. , Lyons Albro Jr., clerk, N. Y., h. 9 Central ave. Lyons Thomas, laborer, h. Short *2d near Liberty

1 / L McCabe Eugene, barber at 26 Park ave. __ McCann Edward, laborer, h, 76 W. 8d McCarthy Cornelius, h. Belmont ave. near Mountain ave.

o Q E A fl C DMItAfll Interior DeoonttoBS, % n W Wt t* DnUfinj 111 Caisl 8t,N.Y.

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 121 McCarthy Ellen Miss, bds. City hotel McCarthy Charles, laborer, h. 85 Plainfield ave. McCarthy Daniel, b. W. Front near Albert McCarthy Daniel, farmer, h. Belmont ave. near Moun­ tain ave. MoCarthy James, clerk, h. 85 Plainfield ave. McCarthy James, moulder, h. W.8d above William McCarthy Jgs., farmer, h. W. Frout near Clinton ave. McCarthy James, coachman, for C. W. Opdyke McCarthy M., compositor, at “ News” office McCarthy Michael, laborer, h. 82 W. 8d McCarthy Timothy, laborer, h. W. Front near Clinton McCarthy Thos., h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. McClellan Andrew, machinist, h. lOt^W. 2d McClement James, coachman for Wm. Taylor McClure William K., stationer, N. Y., b. 5 Broadway McClymer Patrick, laborer, h. Somerset n. Mouutain ave. MrCormick James, driver, at Roberts livery McCue Thomas, laborer, h. 4th near Spooner ave. McCusker Geo., machinist, b. 25 Liberty y McCutchen Charles W., flour, N. Y., h. Washington ave. cor. Rock view ave. McCutchen Samuel St.J., lawyer, N. Y., h. Rockvievv ave. ' McCutchen William, insurance, N. Y., h. Rockview ave. McDonald Thos. E., agent, h. 40 E. Front McDonell Hugh, livery stable, W. 6th near Park ave., .. h. 18 W. 6th.... McDonough Ptter W., horseshoer, h. 81 W. 4th McDonough & Martin, horseshoers, 20 Somerset ’ MoElroy John, h. Short 2d st. McFadden James, laborer, h. Plainfield ave. near 8d McGauley Patrick, h, Grove near Greenbrook ave. McGee Henry A*, oil, N. Y., h. Willow ave. McGee James, oil, N. Y., h. 8 Willow ave. McGee Walter M., clerk, h. Linden ave. near Grove MoGinley James, h. 18 E. 8d cor. Church McGinnis Geo., carpeuter, h. Somerset near Greenbrook ave. * First-Class Family Resort, HUH HOTEL JOS. B. MILLER, Prop’r. 16 EVERYTHING NEW FONTS HOTEL j. X. roci, Pwpr., ruufliii, x. i. 122 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. McGinnis George 8., h. Somerset near Linden ave. McGinnis A Coadington, sash, doors, etc., Steiner place McGlone Mary, b. 70 Pearl McGonegal Hiram, merchant, N. Y., h. Kensington are. McGrath Patrick, laborer, b. 80 E. 3d McGuggieu Alexander, shoemaker, 74 W. 3d Mclnerney John, laborer, h. 5Q 8d Mclnnese Archibald, b. 89 Somerset McIntosh Harry L., b. 7th cor. Division McIntosh Louise W., k. 7th cot*. Division • McIntyre Franois, h. North ave. opp. depot McIntyre Mary, clerk, h. 25 W. 3d McIntyre Stephen, gardeuer, b. 25 W. 8d .....McLain James, b. 68 W. 7tb McLean Henry, macliinist, h. 17 Liberty ...... MeLongbliu Wm. F. B., h. Somerset near Mountain a?& McManus Patrick, b. E. Second above Berckman McMnrtrie David, builder. N. Y., h. Sycamore ave. cor. * Linden ave. McNamara Patrick, laborer, b. Short 2d near Plainfield Avenue MeNaugbton John M., bookkeeper, N. Y., h. 115 WV Front > ‘ McQuade John, h. Arlington ave- ne^r Randolph ave. McVoy IiaUtL L., well driver, plumber and gasfitter, b. 8 Park ave. (see adv.) —Maag Philip, harneaimaker, h. 77 E. 2d Maass Cbas., cutter, b. 18 Duer...... - ...... — ...McDcnald J. Frederick (R. MacDonald A Son), b. 88' E. 2d ...... Macdonald John-, painter, b. 48 Pearl MacDonald Richard R., baker, h. 24 Harmony MacDonald Rodolphus (R. MacDonald ASou), b. 48 E. Front MacDonald Thomas, painter, h. 59 Pearl MacDonald B. A Son, grocera, 44 and 46. E. Front ..(see adv.) Maciutyre John D., insurance,, N. Y., h. Clinton ave. near W. 4th !


PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 128 Macintyro Philip B., h. Cliuton uvo. near W. 4th Muckey John, gardener, h. 86 Somerset Madden Win., gardener, h. 94 W. 4th Maddox William R , painter, h. 91 E. Front Magee Abraham, hatter, h. rear 108 E. Front Maginley Charles, gardener, h. 59 E. 8d Maginley Charles, painter, h. 45 Peace Maguire James, hatter, bds. 45 W. 2d Mahaffee Reamer W., express, h. 12 Manning ave. Mahaffee Wm. D., clerk, h. 12 Manning ave. Mahon George C., 4 E. 7th Mahoney Janies, gardener, h. 52 W. 3d Mair Alexander, tinsmith, Leland ave., near E. Front Mair James, farmer, h. Leland ave. near E. Front Mair John, butcher, h. Leland »vc. near E. Front Mair John Jr., gardener, n. Leland ave. near E Front Mair Rachel G., teacher, h. Leland ave. near E. Front Mair Thomas, carpenter, h. Leland ave. near E. Front Male Job, h. 19 Crescent ave. cor. First place Malay Thomus, h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. Mallinson Alexander D., clerk Stelle’s, b. 84 Somerset Malm Alfred, machinist, bds. 101 W. Front Maitby C. R., teas, N. Y., h. Brooklyn aye. Maltby E. 0., teas, N. Y., h. Brooklyn ave. Manchester John 0., carpenter, h. 7 Union Matin Margaret K., h. South ave., Netherwood Manning Albert, waiter, h. rear 112 W. 4th Manning Alexander, laborer, h. E. 4th cor. Peace Manning Betsey S., h. 82 E. Front „ Manning Charles H., b. E. 3d near Johnston ave. Manning Daniel, Clinton ave. near Sherman Manning Emma B., h. 82 E. Front Manning J. & Son, carpenters, builders and contract* ors, Dunellen ave. cor. Albert (see adv.) Manning Jas. C., carpenter, h. Dunellen ave. cor. Albert Manning Jeremiah, carpenter, Dunellen ave. cor. Albert Muiinlng Lebbens L., marble, granite and slate works, 69 W. Front, li. 7th cor. Grout ave. (see adv.) • Manning Mott, h. 88 Manning ave. M l U f f i i t o t COHHERCUL K ill, I B I I , In. & Wltor. Fnp'r., PliliMl, V. I. HmM bj Steam thfovAtil FOWTS HOTEL, J. I . 70K0I, T n p ’r. 124 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Manniug Robert 8., h. 101 E. Front Manning Sarah, widow Abe], h. 4th near 8pooner are. Manning Satan, widow Oliver, h. 4th near William Manning Warren L., waiter, b. 4tb near William Manning William, engineer, h. E. Id near Richmond Manning William H., wbitewaaher, b. 109 W. 4th Manta Andrew, b. 108 Somerset Manta Martin, clerk, h. 6 Chatham Manta Simon, driver, h. 14 Park ave. Marcley M. F., b. 21 New Mariner Robert, coachman, b. 9 W. 6th Markham Hattie Mrt., h. Church near E. 8d Marley Thomat, horteahoer, h. 15 Linden ave. Marley Thomat, blacksmith, b. 91 W. 4th Marsh Anna 0., mono teacher, Madiaon me. near 9th.. Martb Angustos L. C., architect, b. 85 E. Front , Marsh Aaron T., hatter, b. 20 W. 2d Marsh Catharine, dressmaker, 45 E. 8d Marsh Cr*lg Adams, lawyer, 1 E. Front, h. 8d place near Crescent ave. Marsh Elias Mrs., h. Madison ave. uear 9th Marsh Everett, painter, h. 6 W. Id Marsh Francis £., lawyer, room 4 “ Times” building, h. Madison ave. near 9th . Marsh Lewis P., h. 2 Cottage place Marsh Lucy A. Mrs., b. 21 W, 6th Marsh Mary A, Mrs., h. 85, E. Front Marsh Phebe Mrs., b. 7 Manning ave. Marsh Randolph, mason, h. 54 Plainfield ave. ' Marsh Seymour, h. 16 Third place Marsh Warren, mason, 45 E. 8d ...... -

CRAIG ADAMS MARSH, CORPORATION COTJNSEI* Coaaielov at Law, SUPREME COURT COMMISSIONER, ETC., FRONT, esrasr Ssaerast PLAINFIELD, N. J, C j | P f DBAMfll Lace and Heavy Curtains, S i Ti A Vi L DnUIVn9 I11Cu i1R.,N.T, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 125 Marsh Warren H. Jr., printer, “Coustit’t.” h. 45 E. 8d Marshall Daniel J., storage for furniture, h. 57 Park ave (set adv.) Marshall Harry C., hardware, N. Y., h. 29 Grove Marshall James L., atorage for furniture, h. 57 Park ave. Martin Augustus H. (Martin Broa.), h. 86 Jackson ave. Martin Brothers, grocers,, Park ave. cor. 2d Martin Britton J., driver, h. 126 W. Front Martin Cathariue L. Miss, h. 2 W. 2d Martin Darius, iron foundry, Richmond cor. E. 8d, h. 68 E. Front Martin David, h. E 8d uear Johnston ave. Martin David C., laborer, h, E. 8d near Johnston ave. Martin E. J. Mrs., dressmaker, 58 E. Front Martin Emma T„ telephone operator, h. 26 Manuing ave, Martin Frank L. C., clerk, N. Y., h. 186 Park ave. Martin Frank S., h. Uuion near 9th Martin Gilbert, printer “ Times'’ h. Cottage plaoe Martiu Horace J., horseshoer, It. 44 W. Front Martin J. Marc, insurance,»N. Y., h. 165 Park ave. Martin James, carpenter,* h. 15 Cottage place Martiu James A. ^Martin Brothers), h. 2 W. 2d Martin L. L., h. Washington ave. cor. Mercer ave. Martin Mary, servant, h. E. 8d near Johnston ave. Martin Nathaniel T., clerk, h. 82 Central ave. Martin Phebe D., widow Henry A. H., h. 2 W. 2d Martin Rboda, h. Grove near Front Martin Surah E . M ibb, h. 2 W 2d Martin Thomas, h, 82 E. 8d near Johnston avo. Martino Dan jet Mrs., h. Broadway near Kensington ave. Martins James E., farmer, h. Broadway near Kensington avenue Martiue William, h. Broudway near Kensington ave. Mason Henry 8., grocer, N. Y., h. 40 E. 6th Mason Theodore, mason, h. Warreu Mason Wm. L., stenographer, N. Y.v h. 44 E. 6th Matthews Charles, lawyer, h. 21 Grove Matthews Peter B., h. 21 Grove Matthews Oliver B. Mrs., h. 10 Second place . First-Class Family Resort, UING’S 891, JOS. B. MILLZB, Prop’r. M ft f t f t t IIATCI 0A* AMD BUNMIlfO WATXK fO llv C ^ VVUICL, Ilf 1VMBYBOOM. 5 T PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ~ Matthews J. Franklin, clerk, h. 10 Second place Matthews Forrest, wheelwright, h. 58 Park are. Matttoon Will. E.( physician ami druggist, 76 Somerset, b, (8 Somerset (see adv.) Mattox Wm. J., gramer, h. 26 E. Third Mhuuon William B.» attorney and counsellor at law, aud mayor of city, office 9 E. Front, h. 37 W\ 4th Maxson Joanna K., b. 7th cor. Park ave. Mayer Gilford, insurance, h. Park ave. above 9th Muyhew William, waiter, h. Madison ave. near 3d Maynard Edward, coachman, h. 108 W. 4th Maynard Edwin B*, shaving aud hairdressing rooms Force’s hotel, h. 74 E. 3d (see ndv.) ... Mayne Emms Miss, waitress, Park house Mead Mary Mrs., h. 26 W. 5th Medina Cecilia De Mrs., Crescent ave. cor. Second place Meeker Corra 0., h. 20 E. Front Meeker John C., tanner, h. Raymond ave. Meeker Maiy A. Mrs., h. 84 E. Front * ... Megle Benjamin G., jeweler, 26 North ave., h. E. Front opp. Fsrragut ave. (see adv.) . Megio 8. H., watchmaker and jeweler, h. E. Front opp. Farrsgnt ave. Mshi George, cajrpceter, h. 15 W. 2d , Meier Wm., cigar manufacturer and tobacconiet, 1 ~v Madison ave., h. 78 W. Frout (see adv.) Melbonrn lisas g.f mason and builder and brick manu- iactorer, 71 Park ave. (see adv.) ' Melville Samuel Capt,, bds. Park House __ Melvin Patrick, laborer, h. 126 W. 4th Melvin Thomas, laborer, h. W. 4th cor. William ------­ Merritt Jamee, h. Kensington ave. near Broadway Merritt Richard, iron bndgo bnilder, Kensington ave. near Broadway Meschntt Geo. E., restanrant, Jereey 0., h. 88 E. 2d Meeeersmith Emil, cutter, 88 Jackson ave. Meseersmith John M., salesman, h. 80 Jackson ave. Mesaenmith Wm., cutter, h. Washington near 6th Miles Frank W., b. Somerset near Jobuston’s drive . A E | A E D D A U fil Interior Decorations, O . r. W V . Cl D liU vV R } 511 Casal 8 t, N. T. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY^ 127 Miles Jacob, h. Somerset near Johnston's drive Miles William, h. Somerset near Johnston's drive ' Miliue Alexander, clerk, h. 48 Jackson ave. Millard A. M. Mrs., bds, Laing’s hotel Miller Arthur P., law student with W. B. Maxson Miller Charles R., bookkeeper, h. 88 New Miller A. K. Mrs., h. 1 Franklin place Miller Caroline, widow George, b. Laing’s hotel Miller Edward, bottler for H. Strauss Miller Dudley S., clerk, H. P. Reynolds Miller Ephraim, real estate, N. Y., h. 7th near Spooner avenue Miller Frederick H., salesman, N. Y., h. 56 Peace Miller George, clerk, h. Laing’s hotel Miller H, R., telephone manager, bds. City hotel Miller Isaac L., lawyer, N. Y., h. Broadway cor. 9th Miller Jacob, driver, bds. Somerset House Miller James, engineer, h. 27 Liberty Miller Joseph B., prop. Laing’s hotel; W. Front opp, Madison ave. (see adv. bottom lines) Miller Joseph G. (Miller A Wiberley), h. 68 Peace Miller Parker B., nurse, h. 22 W. 4tn Miller Robert 3., broker, N. Y., h. Park place Miller Theodore S., insurance, N. Y., h. 7th near Grant avenue Miller Theo. J., teas,N. Y., h. W. 7th near Spooner ave. Miller W. D. W., shipping, N. Y., h. 89 La Graude ave. Miller Wallace V., clerk, Laing’s hotel Miller & Wiberley* druggist, and pharmacists, 10 E. Front (under Van Deveu'ter Hall) Milligan Stewart W., mason, It. 77 W. 4th Milligen Edward F., iron, N. Y., h. 140 Central ave. Mil liken Foster, clerk, N. Y , h. 140 Central ave. Millikeu John J., hatter, h, 88 W. 2d Milliken Samuel, h. 140 Central ave. Milliken Wm., clerk, W. Front near Dunellen Miiiiken Elias C., h. W. Front near Dunellen Mills J, B., carpenter and builder, 184 W. From Min ford T., Park ave., beyond fuir ground HnWETIIS Ft MHXIll III, LUNG’ S HOTEL, 1 m . B . XU1h , Pnj'r, Ih tald t, X. I. en n p # iia t H e v e r y t h i n g n e w , rMIIW J nUICL, J. S. rotOE.fw |’r.,FUlaiaU, ». 1 188 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. " Miner Lawrence, hatter, h. Elm cor. W. 2d Miner Mary Mrs., 81 Liberty Miner William, laborer, h. rear 53 E. Front Mirex David, carpenter, b. foot Race Mitchell Cornelia, widow James, h. 28 Grove Mitchell Jas. Mrs., P. 0. address, Plaiufield Mitchell Robert, machinist, h. 97 W. 5th Mitchell Samuel I., dour, N. Y., h. W. 1th cor. Union Moe Addison, real estate, 53 W. 5th Moffett Amos, constable, 62 W. 6th Moffett E. D. Mrs., dressmaker, h. 9. Orchard place Moffett Elmore D., clerk h. 9 Orchard place Moffett Frederick, clerk, h. 82 Park ave. Moffett J. A., grocer, 88 E. 8d, h. 60 W. 6th —Moffett Oliver, clerk, h. 40 E. 2d ...... Mohring Henry, h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. Molleson Henry L , painter, h. 7 Cottage place Monford Charles, h. South ave., Netherwood Mouford Mrs., widow, h. 18 W. 6th Monford Win,, engineer at Park House Monks Bridget, Mrs., h. 120 W. Front Monsall W illiain, laborer, h. Short 2d at. Monston Joe., h. Grove near Greeubrook ave. Montauye Chas., bds. 22 North ave. Montanye Joseph D., coal, h. E, 4th near Peace Montgomery Jas. A., naval stores, N. Y., h. Emily st. Montgomery Richard W., cashier, N. Y., h. 81 Madison ■ ave. ; ■ ...... - Montgomery W. Bradford, h. 64 Ceutral ave. Montgomery Samuel B., h. 64 Ceutral ave. Montgomeij William Jr., hats, N. Y., b. 51 W. 5th Mooney William,, architect,^. Y., h. Elm near W. Front Moorcraft Frances, rear 18 W. Front Moore Amy, h. 22 North ave. Moore Benjamin F. (Moore Bros.), h. 51E, Id Moore Bros. (Bsryamin F. and George A. Moore), butchers, 20 North ave. Moore Charles C., bookkeeper, b. 84 Jaeksoa ave. Moore David M., spices, N. Y., h. 86 E. 8th ~ ~

IIKIIUILLEI, NEW TO Fine WiOl Paper, F. tb C. E. BROWN, 801 Canal St., N. V. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 129 Moore Eugene, iuason, b. 18 Grandview ave. Moore Geo., cleric, h. 18 Peace Moore George A. (Moore Bros.), h. 89 E. Front Moore Geo. W., dealer in Warner patent and plain wheels and material, 26 E. Front, h. 15 Elm place Moore Harriet E. Mrs., h. 80 E. Second Moore Harry H.,com. mer., N. Y., h. 48 Grove Moore Isaac J., mason, h. 57 Madison ave. Moore James, hatter, h. Warren cor. Chatham Moore Jeremiah A., bookkeeper, h. 57 F. Front Moore John, clerk, N. Y., h. 48 Peaco Moore John C,, h. 12 E. 2d Moore John D., h. 25 Chatham Moore John W., com. mer., N. Y., h. 48 Grove Moore Joseph L., salesman, N. Y., h. 77 E. 6th Moore Lewis, bookkeeper, N. Y., h. 57 E. Front Moore Mary E. Mrs., h. 34 Jackson ave. Moore 0. C., marbler, h. E. 4th near Peaco Moore Samuel A., h. Grove cor. Greenbrook ave. Moore Samuel S., coal and wood, 25 Chatham Moore Thomas W., furniture, N. Y., h. 48 Peace Moore W illiam, h. 12 E. 2d Moore Wm., clerk, N. Y., h. 48 Peace Moore William B., painter, h. E. 3d cor. Washington Moore William H., olerk, h. E. 8d cor. Washington Moore William B., mason, h. 50 Plainfield ave. Moorhouse George, blacksmith, b. 4th near Spooner ave. Morallor A., watchmaker and jeweler, 57 W. Front Moraller Jacoby watches and jewelry, 67 W. Front Moran Dennis, h. near Scribner’s brickyard Moran Francis, watchman, h. Liberty above 3d Moran Patrick, 1st, gardener, h. Short 2d Moran Patrick, 2d, laborer, h. rear 55 Plainfield ave. Moran Patrick, 8d, h. Plainfield ave. jor. 8d Moran Patrick, laborer, h. 85 W. 8d Morgan J. H. Mrs., h. 138 E. Front MorganaT.E.,bookseller, stationer and newsdealer, , 27$ W. Front, h. 88 E. Front (see adv.) First-Class Family Itesort, LAIRG’S HOTEL, JOS. B. MZLL2B, Prop’r. 17 FORCE’S HOTEL, ISO " PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY Morris E. L., coal, N. Y., h. 70 EL 6th Morris John, machinist, h. at Potter’s Morrison Geo.i pressman* “ News ” office Morrison Harry D., pressman at “ News ” office Morrison Geo. D. Capt., h. 42 E. 6th Morrison Thos. W., editor and proprietor “ Evening News,” office 7 Somerset, h. 85 W, Front (see adv.) Morrison John R., printer “ Times,” h. 47 Duer Morrocks David, h. Grove near Qreenbrook ave. Morse Chas. 0., painter, h. Race above Warren Morse Edward C., painter, h. 66 E. Front Morse F. W., oil, bds. Laing’a hotel Morse Timothy H., h. 80 E 6th Morse William Z., architect, 80 E. 6th ..Mortimer John, b. 75 E. 5th.._.. • ... Morton Joseph C., clerk, Boehm k Bro. Moss Loo. Miss, clerk, h. 60 Doer Moss Martha Mrs., b. 50 Duer Morton John, ice dealer, h. 108 W. Front, Mosher Edward A., proof reader, b. 64 W. 5th Mosher Edward, sasbmaker, h. 88 W. 7th Mosher Joseph E., tailor, h. 19 W. 6th Motley James, laborer, h. Short 2d near Liberty Motley Patrick, laborer, h. Short 2d near Liberty Mottley James, mason, h. Richmond near E. Id---- Monntaiu Frauk, b. Greenbrook ave. near Roekview Mountain Mahalia Mrs., h. Qreenbrook ave. near Rock- view Mowrey John, carpenter, h. 1 Union , . Muckey William C., hatter, h. 8 Cottage place Muhlenberg Hospital, W. 8d above Plainfield ave. Muir Andrew, drivei, h. Plainfield ave. cor. Short 2d Muldoon Patrick, grocer, 47 W. Id Muldowney Jaaee, laborer, h. 88 W. 8d Muldowney Thomas, laborer, h. 68 W. 8d Mulford Arthur H., b. 68 Liberty Mulford A. 8., clerk, h. 69 E. 5th Mulford B. T., h. 18 Craig place , Mulford David H., teller, n. 10 Crescent ave.

* NEW YORK. LACE AND HEAVY CURTAINS. 8. F. A C. E. BROWN, 181 Canal S t, N. ¥. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 131 Mulford Edward C., real estate and insurance broker, office opposite the depot, h. 69 E. 5th (see adv.) Mulford Eliza Mrs., h. 40 E. 4th . Mulford Lewis B., clerk, h. 17 E. 2d Mulford Mablou T., mason, h. 15 Chatham Mulford Mary A. Mrs., h. 68 Liberty Mulford Samuel P., clerk, h. 69 E. 5th Mullen Ella, clerk, Boehms, 54 Madison ave. Mullen James, Jr., clerk, h. 54 Madison ave. Mulligan Bridget Miss, h. 20 E. Third Mullen Jetties, gardener, h. 54 Madison ave. Mullener Frank, broker, N. Y., h. 29 E. 8d Mulleuer Jane, widow John, h. 29 E. 8d Mulligan William, farmer, h. 29 New Mumford Benjamin A., manager of Plainfield steam carpet cleaning, mattress and feather renovating company, 2. 4 and 6 E. 3d, h. Arlington ave, near Arlington place . Mumford T. J., insurance, N. Y., h. 2 Franklin place Mundy Frank, b. 54 W. 6th Mundy James L., clerk, h: 82 E. 5th Mundy William V., janitor, h. W. 6th near Division Munger H. K., broker, N. Y., h. Washington ave. opp. Myrtle ave. Mansell 0. H., safes, N. Y., u. Clinton ave. Murphy Hazlett, clerk, at 10 W. Front Muntz Martin, olerk for I. Lederer Muntz Theodore, clerk for I. Lederer Murphy Michael, h, near Scribner’s brick yard Murphy Michael, coachman, h, Greenbrook ave. Murphy Patrick J., porter at Laiug’s hotel , Murphy Samuel 0., drugs, N. Y., h. Division near 8th Murphy T. Logan Rev., pastor Holy Cross Church, h. Washington ave. hoar Myrtle ave. Murphy Thomas, laborer, h. 98 W. 6th Murray Gilbert, coachmau tor Rev. D. J. Yerkes Murray John W., insurance, b. Central ave. oor. 8th Murray John, coachmau at Roberts’ livery Murray John W. Jr., N. Y., hi 47 W. 6th m i l m COMMERCIAL m , UING’ S HOTEL, Jos. S. Hiller, Prop’r., Plainfield, tf. t FORCE’S 382 PLAINFIELD DILECTOUY. Myers Charles, machinist, h. 35 Pluintield avo. Myers Jured K., banker, N. Y., h. 18 E. 7th Myers Johu, coachman for Dr. Probasco \ Myers Joseph M., cashier City Nat’l Bk., h. 187 E. Front Myers Lawrence, receiver, N. Y., h. 139 E. Front Myers William, h. Broadway near Kensiugton aye.

IT Nash Vincent cigars, tobacco, etc., and justice of the peace, 5$. Park ave. Nason James 8., wood machinery, N. Y., h. 44 Ceutral ave. . . Nason Frank 8., clerk, b. 44 Central ave. .. Naylor Charles W., b. 82 Duer Naylor Jacob, carpenter, b. 47 Manning ave. Naylor John, carpenter, h. Lake ave. near Hillside ave. Naylor Laura Mrs., h. 68 Pearl Neal, Frank 8., butcher, h. 116 W. Front Neal George, carpet weaver, b. 67 K. Front Neal Jane Mrs., b. Elm near 2d Neal Rachel, h. 77 W. Front cor. Central ave. Nfaal Samuel J.f carpet weaver, 67 E. Front (see adv. inside front cover) Neher John, butcher, b. 25 Emily near Somerset Neher John, butcher, 73 Manning ave. Needham Henry E., broker, N. Y , b. 87 Madison ive. Neighbor Forman G., telegrapher, b. 57 E. Front Neighbour Calviu, grocer, 5 Madison ave., li. 57 E. Front Neighbour John A., clerk, b. 9 Peace __ Nei’ghbour Mary, boarding hou*s,h.57E. Front...... — Nelfor Laura E., widow Jonathan, h. 88 W. 2d Nelson Asenath, widow Joseph, h. 105 W. Front Neison Edward, ticket agent, h. 105 W. Front Nelson Frank H., waiter, h. 58 W. 8d Nelson Henry, gardener, h. 58 E. 4th Nelson Wm. J., well driver, h, S4 Park ave. Nelson Joseph, h. 105 W. Front Interior Decorations. 6. F. A C. E. BROWN, 181 Caul 8t,N.Y.


Nesler Fred., cutter at Scbepflih’s Nesler John, cutter at Schepflin’s Netlierwood Hotel, 8. V. W oodruff, prop., Nether- wood (see aiv. col’d page) Nevius C. V. F. Mrs., matron Plainfield Children’s Home, Jackson ave. cor. Westervelt ave. Kevins P. T. B., cattle, h. Somerset cor. Linden ave. Newell Charles H. (Sanford & Co.), b. Pbila, Newell Theodore, h. 19 E. 5th Newhall E. R., clerk with Miller A Wiberley Newhall Geo., bookkeeper Plainfield Beef Co. Newhall Henry B., iron, N. Y., h. 16 E. 7th NewLnd Helen L. Mrs., h. 42 Grove Newman H. Ots, clerk, N. Y., h. 8 W. 5th Newman Joseph, h. 2 Harmony Newman Joseph R., plumber, h. 2 Harmony Newman Max, coachman, h. 68 E. Front Newman Michael, laborer, h. 82 W. 8d Newman Thomas, coachman, h. 15 Harmony Newman William T., machinist, h. Harmony near Warren ft. Y., and N. J., Telephone Co., 2 E. Front Newton Adeline P., teacher, h. 9th cor. 8d place Nichols Harley B., agent, h. E. 6th cor. Franklin Nichols Hugh, blacksmith, h. 86 W. 8d Nichols John A., blacksmith, h. 52 E. 4th Niles Ellen E., tcncher, h. W. 5th cor. Union Nischwitz Heury, coachman, h. E. 2d near Berckman Nitsch Helen, h. Rockview ave. Noble Martin W., mason builder, 24 North ave. Nodyne J. Oakley, justice of the pence and lawyer, 7 ..E. Front, h, 69 VY, 4th ...... Noel Joseph, olerk, h. 45 E. Front Noel Kate, dressmaker, 4 W. 8d Nolan James, laborer, h. 67 Manning ave. Nolen Albert V., h. 4 Broadway Norris John H., draughtsman Walter Scott A Co. Northern Pacific Tea Co., Frank Cahir manager, 10 West Front First-Class Family Resort, LAIRG’S I0TLL, JOS, B. 1CXLLEB, rwp’r, M IM Pf ItfITFI e v e r y t h i n g n e w t m s t '9 VfUIEL, J. H. 70101, Prop’r., Plslaflili, 1. J.


Norton J. B., coal merchant, bda. Force’s hotel i Nugent Michael, laborer, h. 29 W. 8d Nnttall David, machinist, h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. OakleyJesse, carpenter, b. 48 Somerset Obit* Hilary, h. Somerset near Mountain ave. O'Brien Denis, coachman, h. E. 4th n:ir Peace (PConnor Dauiel, b. near Scribner’s briolc yard Odam Eli, machinist, b. 96 W. 2d * Odam John T., roofer, h. 96 W. 2d Odd Fellows Hall, 7 Park ave. Odell L. E., sewing machines, h. 20 Peace O'Donnell Hugh, saloon, Liberty cor. W. 8d, h. 29 W. Sd O’Gorman Thomas, gardener, h. E. 2d cor. Johnston ave. O’Haalon Thomas j . Rev., pastor St. Joseph's R. C. church, h. Manning ave. near Somerset Oh) Percy 0., h. Central ave. cor. Pemberton ave. O’Keeffe James/mason, h. W. Front near Albert Oliver Sarah Mrs., h. 15 E. 6th Olssen Edward J., clerk, N, Y., b. 96 E. 8econd Oltman Isaac, off head of E. 3d Oltman Margaret Mrs., h. Grandview.ave, O'Neill James, machinist, b. Short 2d near Plaiutield ave. O'Neill Lawrence, b. Short 2d new Plainfield ar e. O'Neill Miohael, coachman, b. 8d near Liberty O’Neil) Richard, machinist, h. 18 Liberty Opdyke Chas. W., banker, h. Hillside ave. near Broadway Opdyke George F., banker, N. Y., h. 7th cor. Union Opdyke Henry B.f b*&h»r, N. Y., h. Fnrragut ave. Orlemanu Geo., butcher, h. 7 Steiner plaw Osborn John, b. 29 E. 7th ______-— Osborn Riohard, coachman, b. Race near Somerset Osborn Wro.-Thomas, h. Rase near Somerset ... Osborne Tbeod^ B., lanterns, N. Y., h. 12 E. 6th Ostram Win. B., shipper; b. 27 E. 9th O'Toole Alice Miss, waitress, Park House Ovsrbanjfeb Kate M. Mr*, b. 108 E.2d


Pack Eilraen W. (G. Pack k Son), h. 81 Park ave. ’ Pack Gororae (G. Pack k Son), h. 81 Park ave. Pack G. k Sou, confectioners, 81 Park ave. Packer Garret Q., salesman, N. Y., h. 12 E. 6th Page Rebecca P., physician, Peace near 2d Page Julian, h. 59 E. Front Paine Ann E., h. 5 Elm place Paine Wm., painter, h. 6 Elm place Paugborn Agnes Mrs., h. 89 Jackson ave. Pangborn David, teamster, h. 98 W. Front Pangborn Eliza Mrs., h. 120 W. Front Pangborn J. Freeman, sashraaker for Snicer As Hubbard Pangborn Isaac W., mason and builder and contractor, Kockview ave (see adv.) Pangborn James F., foreman, h. Broadway near Hillside ave. , Pangborn William H., mason, h. 41 Chatham PaoR Lorenz, confectioner, 14 North ave, Park House, 0. L. Johnson, prop., Park ave. between 7th and 8th. Parker James, Post Office address Plainfield Parkhurst Ansel, cashier, N. Y., h. 44 W. 7th Parks Wm. F., stationer, h. 142 E. Front Parse 0. Mrs. (J. H. Honeyman k Co.), h. 18 Craig place Parse Carman, cashier First National Bank, h. 18 Craig place ' Parsons M. Mrs. (Parsons k Co.), h. 62 Madison ave. , Parsons ft Go., books, toys, music and stationery, pianos, sewing machines, etc., 28 E,Front(see adv.) Pasch Herman, h. near Scribner’s brickyard Pasch Wm., h, near Scribner’s brickyard Passmore Geo., h. W. 7th cor. Grant ave. Patten Geo. D., cashier, N. V., h. 61 E. Sixth Patterson Charles, machinist, h. 88 W. Front Patterson George H., clerk, h. 88 W. Front Patteison James, machinist, h. Madison ave. Heated by Steam throughout, FORCE’S HOTEL, J. H. rOlCI, Prop’r. 136 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Patterson Joseph A., cigars, 33 W. Front, h. Fan wood Patterson. Reziu 8,, h. E. Front near Furragut ave. Patterson Walter, machinist, h. 83 W. Front Patton Alfred S. Rev., h. Bolvidero ave., Netherwood Patton Wra. L., banker, N. Y., h. 24 E. 9th Pawaon Richard, stouecutter, h. Green brook ave. cor. Duer Payne Abram, h. Somerset uear Mountain ave. Payne Abram, laborer, h. 109 W. 4th Payne Agnes, short hand amanuensis with D. P. Lindsley Peace Catharine R. Mrs., h. Grove cor. Prospect place Pearce Frederick P., polisher, h. W. 4tb above Plain­ field ave. Pearson Edward G., lawyer, h. 9 Second place Pearson John F., shoemaker, h. Washington ave. Pearson John T., raetul, N. Y., U. Belvidere ave. cor. Booth ave., Netherwood Pearson Wm., h. Clinton ave. near 7th Pearson Wm. J., carpenter, h. Vine near Emily Peck James C., dry goods, h. 86 Grove JPMk Samuel C., Jr., fancy and dry goods.'agent Deraarest’s natterns, 28 W. Front, h. 118 W. Front Peer Sylvester H„ stairbuilder, h. 98 W. Front Pell Walter T., batter, N. Y., h. 66 E. 8d Psndetgast James F., shipping, N, Y., h. 25 Grove Pendletoa Henry C., W. 2d near Liberty Pendleton Henry, h. 77 W. 2d Pennington Aleeta, b. Grove near Front > Pennington Cornelius M., paiutery b. 112 W. 4th Penfrtoo J. Frederick, broker, N. Y., h. 61 La Grande avenue • Peniston Riohard, broker, N. Y., h. 61 La, Grande ave. Pennington Nathan C., carpenter, h. IQS W. 4th —— PentzFrederiok^h.Putiiaro ave. cor. Carlton ave. Perine Alanson K., batter, h. 2 Grandview ave. Perine Edward T., foreign stamps, b. 62 Madison ave. Perine James R. (Parsons A Co.), b. 52 Madison ave. Ferine John J., hat manufacturer, h. 67 W. 4th Perine William, laborer, b. 53 Plainfield ave.

XXCerrnRrtT r w m i i m f m , I NEW YORK. lace and Heavy Curtaint« 6. F. A C. 1 BROWN, 821 Caul St., N. Y. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 137 Perkins Richard J., clothing, 84 Purk ave., h. 8 E. 5th Perriu Wm. N., h. Westervelt ave. near Mountain ave. Perry John, waiter, h. 77 W. 2d Perry Robert 0., shoernakor, h. 116 VV. 2/1 Perry Samuel M., inventor, h. 11 Elm place Perry Wm., cook, h. Madison ave. Peterson C. L., florist, Peace opp. North ave. Peterson Lewis, laborer, h. 66 E. 3d Peterson Nelson, laborer, h. W. Front near Grant ave. Pfoudor Carl, bookkeeper, N. Y., h. HE. 6th Phillips George A., machinist, li. 41 Plainfield avo. Phillips George M., h. W. Frout near Albert Phillips James, shoes, N. Y., h. W. Front near Cliutou avenue Phillips Walter P., editor, N. Y., h. Kensington ave. Phillips Wm., Greenbrook ave. near Rockview Philpitt Geo., telephonist, b. 61 E. 8d Philpitt James, h. 61 E. 8d Philpitt John R., tailor, h. Grandview ave. Philpitt Margaret, notions, 2Q Manning ave. Philpitt Moses H., 20 Manning ave. Philpitt Oscar P., h. 20 Manning ave. Philpitt Robert, harbor, N. Y., h. Westervelt ave. Philpitt Robert, Jr.,,clerk, b. Westervelt ave. Philpitt Theodore, fruit, N. Y., h. 61 E. 8d Philpitt Warner, machinist, b. ’Westervelt are. Philpitt Winfield, machinist, h. WestervelVave. Pierce George B., h. 94 E. Front Pierson Hannah, widow Daniel H., h. 40 Duer Pierson Israel C., insurance, N. Y., h. 11 Broadway Pierson Oliver R., engineer, h. 69 Duer Pierson Samuel, b. near Scribner’s brick yard Piereou William, carpeuter. b. Vine near Emily Pike Noah W,, h. 128 E. Front Piker Henry, shoemaker, h. 89 W. Front Pittis Thomas, h. Central avi&. above 9th Place Charles, lawyer, h. 24 Grove Plainfield Academy, James Lyon, principal, 58 W. 7th (see adv.) First-Class Family Resort, LAIHfi’S HOTEL, JOS. B. 1CXLLIB, Prop’r. w FORCE’S HOTEt, 0A8 ^n^ tSbyeooJ 4™ _____ PLAINpIELI) direcTOBY.

Plainfield Beef Co.. M. A. Haven manager, office aud gales room, cor. Third and Washington (seaadv.) Plainfield Gaslight Co., office E. 4th cor. Washington Plainfield Public Library, 2 W. Front Plainfield Relief Association, W. 2d cor. Madison ave. Plainfield Steam Laundry, A- G. Thorn, proprietor, E. fid above Richmond Plummer Johu F., dry goods, N. Y., h. Netherwood Plummer John L., clothing, N. Y., bds. Park House Poillon J. J. H., h. 48 Putnam ave. Polak Carl T., dry goods, N. Y., h. South ave., Nether- wood Poihemus G'eorge H., foreman, h. 58 Dudih- Poihemus Mary A., h. 20 W. 2d Pollock James, plasterer, bds. at Farmer's hotel Pond Colies T., merchant, N. Y., h. 186 Park ave. Pope Brothers, dry goods, carpets, oilcloths, notions, hosiory, gloves, etc., agents for McCall’s Baaaar patterns, Front cor. Somerset Pope Christopher D., farmer, h. 44 Msuuing ave. . Pope David bookkeeper, h. 180 W. Front Pope Edward G., clerk, 78 Park aye, cor. 5th Pope Ella* R. (Pope Bros, and J. C. Pope St Co.), alio postmaster, b. 78 Park ave. Pope Frank A., asst, postmaater, h. 78 Park ave. : Pope Howard A. (Pope Bros.), h. 6 W. 5th * . Pope James C. (J. 0. Pope St Co.), b. 13 E. 2d Pope J. C. k Co., general insurance agency, office 14 E. Front - Porter John, machinist, h.122 W, 2d Post Chas., stage driver, Park House Post Office, Elias'R. Pope, postmaster, 11 E. Front Potter Angeline Mm., b. 69 W. 5th ^ Potter Charles, Jr.,prop. PtrtterPrintmgPreee Works, South ave. near Graut ave., h. 87 W. 7th Potter Ellis S,, grocer, N. Y., h. Park ave. cor. W. 7th Potter Ezra H., publisher, N. Y., h. 17 W. 6th Potter John M., h. Park ave. cor. W. 7th Potter John W., laborer, h. rear 85 W. 8d C jfc It C DDAIAIU Interior Decorations. 6• r. 06 v. c. vnuvvn, uiic»B«i st., N.Y, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY^ 189 Potter Reub'.i, former, Plainfield P. 0. Potter 8. A. publisher, N. Y., b. Grove cor. Mercer ave. Potts William R., h. Union uve. near Plainfield ave. Pound Daniel, farmer, h. W. Front above Clinton avo Pound Edward D„ clothing, N. Y„ h. 6 W. 4th J Pound George R., hides, wool and tallow, E. Front opp. Masonic Hull, h. 37 E. 3d Pound Henry C., painter, h. 8 W. 4th Pound Mary S., h. 78 E. 2d Pound Rebecca Mrs., h. 8 W. 4th Pound Robinson, cleric, h. 8? S. 8d Pound Samuel 0., pressman, ‘‘Constitutionalist,” h. 3 W . 4th Pound Sarah, h. 78 E. 2d Pound Walter, curpeuter, h. 60 W. 6th Pound Aaron M., editor, N. Y., h. 87 E. 6th Powell Edward B., clerk, N. Y., h. 57 E. 5th Powers James, laborer, h. rear 18 W. Front Powers Patrick, employed at 10 E. 6th ! Powers Margaret, washing, h. 68 W. 3d Powers Michael, wood dealer, h. 29 Manning ave. Powers Patrick, employed by Hugh McDounell Powers Perry, laborer, h. 88 W. 8d Powers William, laborer, h. rear 18 W, Front Powlison Charles F., salesman, h. 12 Grandview eve. Powlison John A., salesman, h. 12 Grandview uve. Powlison Joseph 8., cabinetmaker, b 12 Grandview ave. Praed John J., tailor, h. W. 2d cor. Madison ave. Pratzner John, clerk, h. rear 11 W. 8d Pray Anna R. Mrs., b. 89 W. 5th Pray Elisa C., h. 89 W. 6th Pray A. J. Mrs., supt. Plainfield Relief Association, h. 89 W . 5 t h ...... P rescott Lizzie Mrs., bds. Force’s hotel Preston William 8., com. mer.; N. Y., h. 7th near Clinton avenue Price Catharine, sewing, h. E. 4th cor. Peace ' Price Thos., watchman; h. foot o/ Race Price James T., plumber, h. Gvrr,ve near Greenbrook ave. I l l i c i t IlflT tl 1 N B (Ot COHNlhClAL Mt UIM « HU III, Jm. 8. im » , Prop’r., PUlnH.14, H. I. ftlATEI EVERYTHING NEW. rinivrd nuicL, j. & mat, prop*, naMiM, ». i 140 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Price John, bat manufacurer, b. 57 W. 4tb Price J. Wilbur, h. Sherman ave., near Clinton ave. Pringle Thomas; horseshoer, b. 2 Duer Probasco John B., physician, 41 E. Front Prosher Henry, b. 8hort 2d near Plainfield ave. Pruden Isaac C., salesman, N. Y., h. 42 New Pruden Theodore J., dealer in fine family groceries, and provisions, 18 W. Front, h. 24 E. 2d Ptaschinska P., shoemaker* h. 54 Duer Purcell John, laborer, h. 41 Cottage place Putnam Frank, clerk, h. W. 2d cor. New Putnam Lowis C., tinner, b. 17 E. 2d

Q > Quaes Brigdet Mrs., b. 58 Plainfield ave., Quaes John, carpeuter, h. 63 W. 2d . Quick M. H. Mrs., vapor baths, 18 E. 5th Quinn John, b. 64 W. 6th Quinn Michal, horsesboer, E. 4th pear Park ave.

® . Radford Geo,, machinist, bds. 89 Central ave. Radiord Lizaie, clerk, b. 115 W . Frout Radford Robert, watchmaker, 51 W. Front, b. 115 W. F ro n t Radford Robert H., engraver, N. Y ., h. 56 Grove Rafferty John, wines and liquors, driven and drilled ■ wells, 29 Park ave. Rafferty Patrick, painter, h. Grove near Greenbrook ave. llam onetti Edw ard, confectionery and ice cream ' saloon, 24 North ave. (see adv.) Ramsay H. K , clerk, for G. W . Rockfeller H and A. W ., books, stationery,sewing machines, etc., 24 W. Front, h. 59 Duer (see adv.) Randall John, h, 9 W. 2d Randall Joseph, machinist, h. 21 W. 5th

lOPKIISft lllll, NEW 8. F. A C. E. BROWN, clu»??i^N?T!3r* ' PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. lil Randall William, h. Church near E. 3d Randolph Annie Miss, clerk with Beely Edsall Randolph Alexander, farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Randolph Catharine Mrs., h. 71 W. 3d Randolph David, farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Randolph Charles H., grain, h. 92 W, 2d Raudoiph Clinton F., bookkeeper, N. Y. h. 64 Madison ave. Randolph Daniel A. F., brakeman, h. 22 E. 2d Randolph Daniel F. (D. F. Randolph & Sou), h. 62 W. 7th Randolph D. F. & Son, boots and shoes, 12 W. Front Eaudolpn Edgar F., salesman, h. 68 E. 8d Randolph E. F., farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. Randolph Edward R., farmer, h. Park ave. near City line Randolph Emma Mrs., h. 35 W. 4tb Randolph Frank, h. Park ave. near City line Randolph George, laborer, h. 109 W. 4th Randolph Geo. F .f laborer, h. 14 Elm place Randolph George W. F„ collector, N. r., h. 20 Peace Randolph RLC., farmer, address Plainfield, P. 0. Randolph. Isaac F., h. 64 Madison ave. Randolph Im ic F., farmer, h. 4th cor. Grant ave. Randolph Tames F., h. Crescontave. cor. Second place Randolph John, laborer, h, 109 W . 4th Randolph J. D., farmer, address, Plainfield P. 0. Randolph Joseph J., hatter, h. Elm near W. 2d Randolph Joseph N., lmrnessniaker, h. 10 Manning ave. Randolph L. Warren, druggist, h. 6 1 W. 2d Randolph Lewis V. F „ treasurer, N. Y., h. 167 E. Front Randolph Luthora F. and Laura, h. 61 W. 2d Randolph. Mary E., widow David L., h. 49 Duer Randolph Mary E., h. 51 W. 2d Randolph Nathan F., farmer, h. Park ave. near City line Randnlpe Nehemiah J., hatter, h. Grant ave. cor. 4th Randolph Newton J. Mrs., h. Elm near W. Front Rannolph Robert, whitewashes h. 18 E. 3d Randolph Robert F., carpenter, h. Elm near W. Front Randolph Samuel F. laborer, h. 45 W. 4th Randolph 8. F., farmer, address Plainfield P. 0. First-Class Family Resort, l i l l H HOTEL, JOS. B. MILLER, Prop'r. FUME'S HOTEL, .t m«S M2 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Randolph Sarah A., clerk with 8. Eds^ll Randolph Sarah Mrs., h. ISO W, Front Randolph Theodore F. (D. F. Randolph A Son), h. 12 W. F ro n t R andolph Thom as F., staple and fancy groceries, W. 2d cor. Madison ave., h. 46 Central ave. (see adv.) Randolph Thomas S., with Thos. F. Randolph, h. 55 Madison ave. Randolph William D.. engineer, h. Central ave. cor, 3d Randolph Willmr W., bookkeeper, h. 51 D uer Randolph Wilton, insurance, Woodland ave.,Netherwood Rankin Henry, salesman, N. Y., h. Arlington ave. near Arlington place Rankin Win., ods. with Lawrence O’Neill Rappleyea Jerome N., h. Arlington ave. Ray Geo., bds. with J. F. Evans Kaybert Alexander, carpenter, b. 4 Union R aybert Charles M., tin and sheet iron workor, 16 North ave,, h. 5 Union (see adv.) Raymond Audrew V. V. Rev., pastor Trinity Reformed Church, h. Central ave. cor. 6th Reade Wm., h. Madison ave. eor. 9th Reamer George W., upholsterer, h. W. 8d cor. Cen­ tral ave. (see adv ) Redmond Henry, tailor, b. 57 E. Front Reed Geo., laborer, h. 74 E. 4th « Regan Daniel, laborer, h. 83 W. 8d Reiehart Aaron, saieaman, b. 90 E. Front Reid Mary Mrs., h. Short 2d near Liberty Roiman John, employed by Adam Fritz Reinhardt August, baker for Jacob Voehl Reinhardt Guatave, baker for Jacob Voehl Reinhart John, coachman, b. 87 W. Front R ein h art M aty , h. 72 E . F ro n t Reiss Walter, b. near Scribner’s brick yard Remsen A. G., appraiser, N. Y., h. 19 Plainfield ave. Remsen Charles, clerk, h. 66 E. 8d . Remsen George, shoemaker, h. 56 E. 8d Revelle Jas., laborer, h. E. 8d near Broadway . 0 C A P C MMINfll LACE AND HEAVY CURTAINS, 0. r . 9b (#■ CtDnUif n 9 iti c«*i su, n. y. "T? PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 148 Reynell Arthur B., insurance, b. Washington ave. cor. Linden ave. Reynell Wm. W ., insurance, h. Washington ave. cor. Linden ave. Reynolds H ow ard V., Plainfield pharmacy, Park ave. cor. North ave., h. 9 First place Rheaum e Louis A., lumber, coal, wood, flour, feed, etc., 4th cor. Peace near R. R,, h. Somerset cor. Grandview ave. (see adv.) Rhees Annie M. resides with W. McCutchen R hees B . R u sh , resides r*rith W m . M cC utchen Rhodes Orville, brick m’f’r, h. 56 Jackson ave. Richards A. L., South ave. near Clinton ave. R ichards W iu. R., pastor Crescent ave. freabyterian church, bds. Park House Richardson Harriet, h. Race near Warren Richmond Geo., engineer, h. 87 E. Second Richter John, shoemuker, h. E. Front near Madison ave. Rickert George, truokman, b. 22 Peace R ickert P eter, accommodation express, 88 Park ave., h. 22 Peace (see adv.) Ridley John, lawyer, b. 11 F 6th Riera James, b. W . 7th near Clintou ave. Riker Ira F „ bookkeeper, h. 88 Jackson ave. Riley George, h. near Scribner’s brick yard Riley James M., machinist, h. 88 W. 2d Rilling George, shoemaker, 5 Somerset, h. Mountain ave. Riordan Edmund, tailor, h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. Rittenhouse George M., com. mer., b. 64 E. 6th Rittenbouse John, laborer, h. 81 New Rittenhouse Moses, produce, N. Y., h. 11 W. 4tb Roach Henry, coachman, h. 26 E. 4th R oberts D . S., livery stable. Front opp. Madison ave. h. 40 E. 2d (see adv.) Roberts E. A. Mrs., h. 4 E. 5th Roberts E. L., architect, N. Y., h. 129 Park ave. Roberts Geo., clerk, b. 40 E. 2d Robertson David S. Rev., h. 6 Emily Robertson John W ., agent,, In 6 Emily flUWARTNtS FOR tO im tlU 111, LIIKfiS HOTEL, lu. 8. XUltt, Fnp'r, PUhftlU, X. I GAB AND BUNKING WATIR FORCE’S HOTEL, INBVBBY BOOK. 144 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Robinson David L., laborer, h. 88 E. 4th Robinson Mansfield, rear 38 W. 2d Robinson Samuel, clerk, h. 38 E. 4th Robson Robert II., baker, h. Grove near Green brook ave. Rocap Charles E., electric light, N. Y., h. W. Front near A lbert Rocap Lewis M., farmer, h. W. Front near Grant ave. Rockfellow David, blacksmith, h. 36 Munniug ave. Rockfcdliow G eorge W ., groceries m d provisions, North ave. cor.T*ark ave. h. 140 Park ave. Rockfellow John, blacksmith, b. 86 Manning ave. Rockwell George 8., clerk, h. 59 E. 2d Rockwell William, cashier, h. 31 E. 5th Rodman Erskine M. Rev., rector Episcopal Church, k. E. 2d near Richmond Rogers Charles A., clerk P. 0., h. 63 Madison ave. Rogers Chas. V., laborer, h. rear 112 W. 4ib Rogers David W., steward, h. 86 W. 2d Rogers P., coachman for Geo. P. Dupee Rogers Thos. A., clerk, b. Broadway cor. 6th Rogers William H., machinist, h. 87 New Roll Chancellor, h. 9 Peace Ro 1 Nancy Mrs., b. 8 Peace Ro 1 Mary J. and Geo. II., 81 Liberty Ro linson Edward, feeder at “ News ” office Romieu Louis, h. 56 Jackson ave. Roney Samuel C., salesman, N. Y., h. 9th cor. 8d place Rooms Jane Mrs., h. Washington ave. opp. Prospect • place Rooms William J., .broker, N. Y-, h. 18 Willow ave. Rosell Albert E., carpenter, h. rear 20 E. Front Rosetta Cecilia Mrs., h. 8 Peace Rossi Cornelius P. h. Plainfield ave. cor. 8th Rom Edward, barber, n. 56 Doer Ross James, carpenter, h. 68 E. 2d Rose John (J, Ross A Son), farmer, h. La Grande ave. cor. Franklin place Rom J. A Bon, ice dealers, La Grande ave. cor. Franklin place (see adv.) A A Jr 0 E DDf|llf|| Interior Decoration*. Q. r. « V. L D nllW n^ 121 Canal St., N. T.

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 145 Ross Lewis R. (J. Ross & Son), h. La Grande ave. cor. Franklin place Ross Phoebe D. Mrs., h. 5th cor. Union Ross Sarah B., La Grande ave. cor. Franklin place Ross William A., butcher, h. Exchange alley Roth John, shoemaker, rear French’s mill Roth Martin, shoemaker, rear of French’s mill Roth Martin Jr., shoemaker, rear French’s mill Rouch Miles, laborer, h. 22 E. 2d Ronnsaville Jacob J., tinsmith, h. 7 Somerset place Rourke John, laborer, h. 85 Plainfield ave. Rowe Jeremiah, butcher, h. 21 Steiner place Rowland J. H., asst, freight agent, h. 17 Peace Roxbnry William A., watchman, h. 46 E. 4th Roxbui) Zara L., watchman, h. 46 E. 4th Ruggles Emma Mrs., h. 53 W. 3d R unt Ghus E., h. Kensiugtou ave. near Broadwav Runk George W., h. Kensington ave. near Broadway Runkle Harry G., treas. Plainfield Gaslight Co., h. 17 Crescent ave. cor. 2d place Runyon Abbie Mrs., h. 109 W. Front Runyon Albert, delivery olerk P. 0., h. 6 Peace Runyon Alexander M., undertaker, h. 48 Madison ave. Runyou A. M. A Son, undertakers, 58 Park ave. Runyon Chas. cL compositor, “ News,” h. 48 E. 8d Runyon Chas. W ., line man, h. Arlington ave. Runyon Carrie B., teacher, h. 6 Peace Runyou David, sign painter, 6 Peace Runyon David M„ clerk, First National Bank, h. Arling­ ton ave. near Randolph ave. Runyon E. W., lawyer (E. W. A N. Runyon), h. 46 P eace . Runyon Elmer E., undertaker, h. 48 Madisou R unyon E. W . & N., counsellors at law, masters and examiners in chancery, E. Front cor. Park; ave. Rnnyon Frank S., teller, 1st Nat. B’k,/h. l09 W. Front Runyon Frank W ., journalist, h. 48 Madison ave. Ruuyon Howard J., produce, N. Y., h. 102 W. Front Runyon Isaac M., tailor, h. 102 W . Front First-Class Family Resort, LUNG'S I0TEI JOS. B, KXLLEB, Prop’r. 19 EVERYTHING NEW FORK’S HOTEL, 7. S. rOlCX, Ftop'r., Flaiaiili, V. J.

146 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Runyon Israel, carpenter, fa. 48 E. 3d Runyon John C. (Runyon k Leonard), h. Arlington ave. Runyon Juliet Mrs., fa. 7 Central ave. Runyon Nelsou, lawyer (E. W. k N. Ruuyon), h. E. 2d cor. Richmond Runyon Orrin E., real estate, N. Y., h. Arlington ave. Ruuyon Rachel Mrs., h. IS \V. 2d Runyon 8. Frank, bartender, Force's hotel Runyon Theodore J., insurance, N. Y., fa. 63 W. 4th Runyon Wm. M., leather, N. Y., fa. 12 W. 2d Runyon ft Leonard, proprietors Central New Jersey Times, 1 E. Front (see adv.) R ushm ore E d w a r d , homoeopathic physician, 76 Parle ave., office hours, 7:30 to 8:80 a. m., and 1 to 8 and 7 to 8 p. m. Rushmore Isaac W., milk, fa. 7th opp. Grant ave. Rosbmore Townsend, com. mer., N. V., h. opp. Grant ave. Russ Elizabeth Mrs., h. 55 E. 4th Rutan Theodore, blacksmith, b. W arren cor. Chatham Rutherford George E., painter, b. 22 N orth vave. Rutledge Thomas, laborer, h. W arren opp. Harmony Rotter Clement M„ broker, h. Crescent ave. cor. First place „ Rnttmau Ferdinand, h. Broadway cor. Kensington ave. Ryan Rdward, coachman, h. 76 Jackson aye. Ryan James, b. Brook ave. near Franklin ave. Ryan James, gardener, h. 87 E. 3d uear Richmond Ryan Michael, laborer, b. Brook ave. uear Franklin Ryder Charles E. Mrs., b. 148 E. Front Ryder Edward, h. Central aye. cor. 3d Ryno Ar J., farmer, Plainfiold P. 0. Ryno Oorra, shoemaker, 81 E. Front Ryno David A., carbenter, h. 80 E. 2d „ ... Ryno Frank J., clerk, b. 50 Somerset Ryno Martha, h. foot of Race st.

s Sadler George, coachman, h. 66 E. 4th 8. F. & C. E. BROWN, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 147 8altzm anAugusteE.» editor “ La Croix Federate” (only Swiss French organ in the TJ. 8.), office 28 Doy st. N. Y., bds. Force’s hotel h. 147 Central ave. (see adv.) Sampson William H., insurance, N. Y., h. 41 E. 5th Banaell E. C. Mrs., b. Grandview ave. 8anders George E., clerk, h. 82 Duer Sanders 8. E. Mrs., h. 82 Duer 8audford Charles W., h. Washington ave. cor. Linden plaoe Sandford Edward (8andford 4 Co.), h* N. Y. Sandford Joseph W ., h. 62 W . 5th Sandford Sarah M. Mrs., h. Washington ave. cor. Linden ave. Sandford W ra. M., h. Washington ave. cor. Park place S a u d f o r d A Co., oil doth manufacturers, North ave. near Richmond Sargent H. J., theatrical manager, Union near 9th Sargeaut Alexander, carpenter, h. 11E. 2d Sauerraan Catharine Mrs., h. 60 W. 6th Saums Ralph V., carpenter, h. Cliuton ave. near W. Front Saunders Nathaniel, bookkeeper, h. Grandview ave. Saxton Newton H., bookkeeper, h. 81 E. Fourth Buyers Jo h n H ., harnessmaker, 28 E. Front (see adv.) Schaefer Susana Mrs., i>, 54 Pearl Schafer William, laborer, h. 7 Chatham ‘ Sohafter Andrew, h. Greenbrook ave. near Roc kviewave. Schattle Frank J., machinist, h. 47 W. Third Scheeline Conrad, cutter, h. Pearl cor. Warren Scheeline Frank, tailor, h. Pearl cor. Warren Scheidecker Emil, h. Church near E. 4th Scheidecker Sarah Mrs., h. Church pear E. 4th Scheidler John, bottlerior Fred Caspar ...... > Scheler Chas., hackman, L. 57 Madison ave. Schenck Edgar C., carpenter, h. 68 Somerset Schenck John N-, machinist, Race st., h. 16 Manning Schenck John W ., clerk, H. P. Reynolds Schenck Lizzie Mrs., h. 88 W . 2d Schenck Martin W., carpenter, h. 68 Somerset FOR COMMERCIAL MEN, UING’ S HOTEL, Joi. 8. XUlsr, Prcp'r,, Plainflsld, N. J. FOMPS HOTEL, ■"•'i* S K C r*"* 148 PLAINFrELD DIRECTORY. Schnellendreussler, U. h. Rayraoud ave, gchepflln, Baldwin, Tweedy A Co.,(Cbri»tain Schep- flic, Augustus C. Baldwin, Charles Tweedy and Albert Winter) clothing m’f’rs, W. Front cor. Grove Schepflin Christian fSchepfiin, Baldwin, Tweedy k Co.), h. Dnnellen Sohermerhorn Clhaa. H ., manager W. U. Telegraph, office R. R. depot, h. 16 E. 5th Bchipper Charles, merchant, N. Y., h. W. 7th near Grant ave. Bchipper Gnstav, merchant, N. Y., h. 7th near Grant ave. Scmereth George R., upholsterer, 17 W. 2d, b. 12 Chatham (see adv.) Schlereth Michael, cutter, b. 12 Chatham Schlereth Otto W., cutter, h, 10 Union Schlereth Robert, cigarmaker, h. 12 Chatham Bchlitz Charles, upholsterer, 24 Chatham, h. 25 Somerset Schmidt Thomas, secretary Danish Consulate, h. South ave., Netberwood Schorb John M., tailor and men's furnishings, 11 E. Front, 2d floor (see ady.) Schorb John M. Jr., tailor, h, 11E. Front Schroder Frederick, clerk, N. Y., h. 19 Plainfield ave. Schuck John A., tailor, h. 15 W. 6th Schacks Frank, engineer, h. Vine near Emily Schultbeis Jacob, tailor, b. if W . 2d ___ _ Schutt William, manager, N. Y., h. 21 Duer Schwarts Theresa A., dressmaker, 47 W. Front Scott Arthur, machinist at Potter’s Scott Frank, machinist, h. Short 2d at. Scott James, h. 20 E. Front ... Scott John, waiter, h. Race near W arren ave. Scott John B., oiehier, N. Y , h. 102 E. 2d Scott Julian, artist, rooms 84 W. Front ...... Scott Martha, laundress, rear 19 E. Front .... Soott ISfoil D., laborer, h. 122 W. 2d Scott R. T. Mrs., h. 20 Grove Soott» W a l t e r (ft Co., iron fonuders and machinists, manufacturers of printing machinery, 101 to 211 S outh ave.

m u i i L i i fi. F. A C. E. BROWN, ‘•WtBB.Sfif* PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ,* 149 Scott Walter (Walter Scott & Co.), h. 182 W. Front ~ Scott Win. P., hardware, N. Y., h. 7 Franklin place Scribner Charles W., mechanical engineer, N. Y., h. 140 E . F ro n t Scribner Egbert, coal, b. 17 Linden ave. Scribner Henry S., h. 140 E. Front Scribner Iaaac, brick manufacturer, Maple ave. near Oreenbrook road Scribner Nathan, brickmaker, b. Mtplo ave. near Green- brook ave. S cribner & Newton’s ladies’ school, 21 E. 5th Scribner Sylvester B., brick manufacturer, Maple ave. near Greenbrook road Soribner W alter, teamster, b. 17 Linden ave. Scribner William Rev., h. 140 E. Front Scribner William H., moldor, h. 70 E. 4th Scudder John, Mountain ave. cor. Westervelt 8earing Edward C., pressman *’ Const’t”, h. 86 W. Front Searing James H., carpenter, h. 112 W. Front Sears Frederick, machinist, b. 15 Plainfield ave. Sebring Catherine B. Mrs., b. 44 W. Front Sebring Charles P., well driver, 75 W. Front opp. Grove Sobring Edward, marble cutter, h. 44 W. Front 8ebring Nathaniel M. Mrs., 51 Central ave. Sebring William H., shirt manuf., 29 W. Front, h. 44 W . F ro n t . bee Abram S., insurance, N. Y., h. 15 Crescent ave. See Mary A., Mrs., h. 15 Crescent ave. Seo Peter E., grocer, Somerset cor. Manning ave. Seiblejdhus., driver engine No 8, h. 76 Somerset Scrrtll Harold, patent solicitor, N. Y., h. 22 Plainfield ave. Sorrell Lemuel W., solicitor of American and foreign patents, 140 Nassau N. Y., h. W. Front near Piain- field ave. (see adv. front cover.)...... Seyfried Martin, cutter, h. 61 Pearl Shaffer Chauncey, lawyer, h. W. 7th uear Clinton avo. Shannon Maurice, h. 57 Plainfield ave. Shannon Maurice, laborer, h. 61 W. 3d Shannon Michael, laborer, h. 9 Plainfield ave. First-Class Family Resort, LIIHG’S HOTEL, JOS. B. MILLER, Prop’r. forcfs hotel, 0AS ^N^BVIKY BOOITATBE 160 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY...... S harkey John, butcher, 74 Somerset, b. Warren near P e a rl Sharkey Mary A., h. 5 Warren Sharkey Sylvester, driver, !• W. 8d Sharker Win., blacksmith, h. 5 Warren Sharp J. B., librarian, b. 71 W. 4th Sharp James H., painter, h. 16 Harmony Sharp John J.% carriage raanuf., h. 71 W. 4th Shaw R obert J„ druggist, 8 E. Front, h. 40 E. Front (see are.) Shay John, h. 18 Linden ave. near Somerset Shay Minnie Mi's., h. 18 Linden ave. near Somerset Sheehan Cornelias Mrs., h. Plainfield ave. cor. 3d Sheehan Dennis, laborer, b. 88 W . 3d Shelley Thomas, laborer, h 4th cor. William Shepherd Charles, carponter, b. 17 Somerset place Shepherd Ella H., clerk, Honoyman k Co., Shepherd George, butcher, h. 86 Pearl Shepherd Isaac N., carpenter, h. 4 Steiner place Shepherd John, painter, h. 16 Linden ave. Shepherd Margaret, h. 26 Emily Sherwin Horace M., boots and sho>«, 23 W . Front Sherwin Orrin, bookkeeper, N. Y ., h. 6th cor. New Shotwell Alexander, clerk, h. 44 Pearl . J. SB AW

Dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Articles ... and Honweopathic Medicines. PRESCBIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. Ho. 8 HAST TOOHT STOUT, TLAIOniLD, - - . . . H. 1.

N E W Y O R K . Interior IJecoration* G. F. A C. E. BROWN, 881 Canal HU, N. T. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 151 Shotwell Edmund V., h. 24 E. 2d Shotwell Freeman, clerk, h. 29 Duer Shotwell John, iron, h. W. 7th near Clinton ave. Shotwell Robt. J., painter, h. 56 Duer Shotw ell W in. H ., ) Smith Geo. M., depotmau, h. 12 Cottage place Smith Qibson £., h. 52 Jackson ave. Smith H. C., b. Netherwood ave. near Front Smith Harry, clerk for 8. H. Smith M S & ILLER G. F. A C. E. BROWN, i Saffi PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 158 Smith Helen Mrs., matron, h. Westervelt cor. Manning ave. Smith .Tames F., painter, h. Elm near W. 2d Smith John, coachman, h. Madison ave.'near 8d Smith John D., contractor, h. Greenbrook avo. Smith John, porter at “ News ” ollice 8mitb John, carpeuter, h. 08 W. 2d Smith Joseph, coachman, h. Greeubrook ave. Smith J. Augustus, clerk for B. 0. Bowers Smith Palmer, laborer, h. Short hills Smith Rob’t, resides with A. H. Wiilmout Smith R. B., fruit, N. Y., h. 98 E. Front Smith Roland, fruit broker, N. Y., h. 93 E. Front Smith Ruth E. Mrs., h. 110 E. 2d Smith Seymour G., teas, N. Y., h. Brooklyn avo. Smith Thaddous C., machinist, h. 60 W. 5th Smith Wm. U., carpenter h. Grove cor. Greenbrook Smith Wm., h. off West End ave. Smith Wm., feeder at “ News” office Sm ith W illiam C., mason, builder and contractor, 14 Manning ave. P. 0. box 212, (see adv.l Smith William P., broker, N. Y., h. Belviaero avo., Noth* erw ood Smock Geo., farmer, h. Washington rock road Smock Wrn., farmer, Plainfield P. 0 . • Smyth P. E. Rev., pastor St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Ch irch, h. 80 W. 6th Snedeker Alexander, laborer, h. 50 Somerset Snedeker David, salesman, h. 10 Duer Snedeker Jane A. Mrs., h. 85 E. 8d Snedeker Eliza Mrs., h. 9 Prospect placo Sniderwind Hannah, h. 92 E. &d near Richmond Sniderwind Peter, b. 92 E. 3d • Soper Frederick L., clerk, h. 50 W. 2d South Ephraim W., homoeopathist, office and residence 60 E. Front Southard Almira Mrs., h. 16 Cottage place Southard Elias M., gasfitter, 1:. 16 Cottage place .. Sowden Mary A. Mrs., 74 E. 4th First-Ckss Family Resort, L l l i r S HOTEL, JOS. 2. MILLER, Prop’r. 20 FOMTS 154 PLAINFIELD DIKECTORY. Spark* Hervey Mr#., b. 64 W. 7th Spark* Mr*. Suaau S., cor. E. 2d and Richmond Sparling Thoraaa h. Arlington ave. naar Arlington place Sparrel Mary Mra., h. 55 Plainfield ave. Spencer Anna L., h. Grandview ave. near. Weatervelt ave. Spencer Henry N., grocer, 62 and b. 00 Someraet Spencer Jamee A. Mre., h. 9 Manning ave. Spencei’ William, farmer, h. Someraet near city line Spicer Joeeph D. (Spicer k Hubbard), h. 15 W. 5tb Spicer Lorenzo J., aaahmaker for Spicer & H. Spioer A Hubbard, moulding*, aaeh and blinds, etc., Madiaon ave. cor. fid (aee adv.) Spicer Rennie, mechanic, h. 88 W. 7th Spillane Michael, ooachman, h. 51 Plainfield ave. Sprague Cbriatian, macbiniat, h. 31 Plainfield ave. Sprague Ludwig, tailor, h. 81 Plainfield ave. Sprague Lewie, h. Scribner’* brick yard Sprigge Louie, packer for 8chepfiin Springman William W., barber, 71 Someraet Squiar David, turner, h. 21' Steiuer place Squier Frank, painter, h. 21 Steiuer place Squier Henry 0., h. 0 Broadway Squier Isaac 0., painter, b. Grove near Greenbrook ave. Squier Warren 0., paperhanger, b. Race near Someraet SFIOBR A HUBBARD, man dM-ifruB ana or Mooldings, Sash, llinls, and DOORS, Corner Madison Avenue and Third Street, PL,AINFIi-;r,D, N. J. J. 0. SrlCKR. i. A. HUBBA1U). AC JATC ADAW II lace and heavy curtains. lii AtihDnUIVmcuii sl,n.v. “ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 165 Squier William, wheelwright, h. Steiner place Stasts Abraham, laborer, n. 1 Chatham Stsats Cornelius, h. 12 W . 2d Staats Elwood, calenders, b. 82 Park ave. Staats L. H. Mrs., h. 9 E. 2d Staats Geo. B., laborer, h. W . 6th cor. Madison ave. Staats Isaac, laborer, b. 4th near Peace Statts Maria Mrs., h. 3 Chatham Staats Phebe Mrs., h. Belvidore ave. Staats John H., laborer, h. W. 6th cor. Madison ave. Staats Peter, coachman for C. Schepflin Staats Stephen 0., clerk, h. 10 W. 2d Staats William, laborer, h. 1 Chatham Stace James, machinist, h. Short 2d near Liberty Stace John, machinist, h. Short 2d at. Stafford John T., wheelwright, h. 1 Union Stagasrd Geo., shoemaker, b. 1G W . Front Stah'i Christopher, presser, h. Grove near Greenbropk ave. Stanford Etta, cleric Boohms, h. Manning ave. Stanford Margaret, h. 24 Manning ave. Stansberry Frank, h. Race near Somerset Stansbury Ann E. Mrs. h. Exchange alley Stahsbnry Maria Mrs., h. Exchange alley Startup Fred F., broker, N. Y., h. 4 E. 5th Steiner Charles E., clerk, h. Somerset near Grandview ave. • Steiner George W ., h. Somerset opp. Grandview ave. Steiner John N., cigar manufacturer and tobacconist, 11 Park ave. h. Somerset near Grandview ave. (see adv.) Stelle Isaac, b, Park ave. near city line Stelle Manning, farmer, h. 161 Central ave. Stelle Randolph M., druggist, IP'ront cor. Park live., h. 161 Ceutral ave. (see adv. inside front cover) Stelle William E.» dentist, 84 W. Front Stelzle Leonard, address Plainfield P. 0. Stephenson Elizabeth, crockery and ice cream, 49 W. * Front r Stephenson Heury, veterinary surgeon, 65 W . 4th lilMClt ■flTII WMRTBRS FOR GOMKDLCiAL KEN, LIMA 0 INI I IL, Jos. B.Xtllcr, Prop’r., Plslnflsld,*. J. FORCE’S HOTEL, “ ■ iR J S K K Z "” 158 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ~~ Sterling W . H., General, It. 18 First place Stevens Elizabeth Mrs., h. 15 Linden ave. Stevens Edmond P., clerk, h. 5 Manning ave. Stevens John, luborcr, li. Church near K. E. Stevens John H., horseshoer, 37 E. 2d near Peace, h. 15 Peace (see adv.) Stevens Richard, lumber, h. 15 E. 2d 8tevens John 0., lawyer, N. Y., h. South ave. near Clinton avenue Steveuson Eliza Mrs., h. roar 53 E. Front Stewart Abel, carpenter, h. Park nlace cor. Vine Stewart Audrew J., sash and blimls, 61 W . 5th Stewart Charles, carpenter, h. 61 W. 5th Stewart' Embley, hatter, h. rear 53 E. Front Stewart Freeland, mechanic, h. Vtt W". Front Stewart Geo. B., blacksmith, h. 15 Emily Stewart George, farmer, h. Somerset near City line Stewart James A., hatter, h. 11 Chatham Stewart John, farmer, h, 41 Plainfield ave. Stewart John, h. W . Front near Evona Stewart John E., stationer, N. Y., h. 50 W. 6ih Stewart Joseph W., wheelwright, 26 Somerset, h. 15 Em ily Stewart Lavina, boarding, 41 Plainfield ave. Stewart Lemuel Mrs., h. rear 32 E. Front Stewart Sheppard L., lawyer, Newark, h. 27 E. 6th Stewart Sinclair, marine eugineer,N. Y .,h. 1S1 Park ave. Stewart W alter E., broker, N. Y,, h. 60 W . 7th Stewart William B„ farmer, b. 27 E. 6th Stewart William D., carpenter, h. 61 W. 5tb Stickle Josie, children’s clothing, 11 W . Front Stiger David M m bdo. Park House ..... Stiles George M. (Ford h Stiles), h. 14 E. Front Stillman Frederick, machinist, bds. 184 W . Front Stillrnsu George E., patternmaker, h. 62 W. 5th Stillman Mary S., h. 18 E. 7th Stillman Music Hall, 36 W. Front Stillman Matthew, h. 99 W . 5th Stillman Susan, machinist, h. 56 Central ave. fi C h A C PDAWII IotorlorDMoraNmi, SL r . Qb Vi C. D n U W R , # 2 1 C u t i 8 t , n.T.

1)I1{ECTo u y ^ 157 Stillman William M., lawyer, 7 E Front, h. Park ave. n ear 7th Stimpaon Charles, carpenter, 28 W. 5th Stine John, old Groenbrook road Stine John, farmer, h. Groenbrook road Stine* John, fanner, Pluinfiold P. 0. Stitea Elijah, carpenter, h. 26 Manning ave. St. Johu Edward, bauker, N. Y., h. ltockview ave. St. John Isabella, resides with E. St. Johu Stockton Harry M , dry goods, N. Y., h. Central ave. near city lino Stoeckle Gustav, h , Mountain ave. near Westervelt ave. Storrs II. J., h. Eonsington avo. near Prospect ave. Stout John, com. mer., N. Y., h. 61 E. 8d Stover Loul» M., teas, N. Y., h. Park place Stover R. M., lawyer, N. Y., h. Park place Stram Peter, h. near Scribner's brick yard Strauss H enry, mineral water manufacturer and bottler, 14 E. 2d (see adv.) Strouli A., silk, N. Y., h. Uillsido ave. near Prospect ave. Strong Geo., farmer, h. Mountain ave. near Tyrrel road Strong G. W. Mrs., h. Front cor. Central ave. Strong Herbert Winthrop, W. Front oor. Contral ave. Struthers W. R., Plainfield ave. beyoud city line Stryker Edward G., hatter, h. 33 E. Front Stryker John G., clerk, li. 10 Orchard place Stryker John H., carpenter, h. Park place uear Duer Stryker Peter H., hatter, h. 84 E . 4th Stryker Ilavaud, h. 86 E. 4th 8tumpfe William, machinist at Potters Sturtevaut Austiu, butcher, h. 18 Elm placo Sturtevant Cbarles S. A., mason, h. 19 Elm place Suffern Edward L.,h. 7 8d place Sullivan Dennis, waiter, h. 5 Cottage place Sullivan James, laborer, h. 87 W. 8d , Sullivan John, shoemaker, h. 15 Madison ave. Sullivan William, saloon, 64 W . 8d Summer Alexander B., expressman, h. 8 Peace Sutphen Fenny A. Mrs., h. 27 W. 2d First-Class Family Resort, UIIC'S MU, 70S. S. MILLIE, Prop’r. EM PPf UATFI EVERYTHING NEW n m w i nil I EL, H. F010I, Prcj’r., PUUflili, V. J. 16» PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Sntphen Dennis, laborer, h. Westervelt ave. Sntpben David K., bookkeeper City Nat. Bk., b. 27 ; W . 2d 8atpheu Wm. T., night operator W. U. Telegraph, bde. 15 E . 5th Suttorlin G ustav, bottler, h. Green brook ave. near Somerset (see adv.) Sutterlin Ludwig, h. Grove near Greenbrook ave. Snttou Benjamin, coachman, h. Kensington ave. Button Calvin, clerk, h. rear 108 E. Front Satton James A., painter, h. Grandview ave. Sutton Levi, painter, b. rear 103 E. Front Satton William, carpenter, h. Clinton ave. near W. Frout Suydam George P., lawyer, 7 E. Front, b. 16 E. 5th cor. Scyam ore Sw ain Philip, picture frames, looking glasses and ar- tints* materials, 32 W. Front, h. 16 Craig place (see adv.) Swftlm A lburtus, paints, oils, paper hanging, kalsomiu- ing, etc., 6 North ave., h. 42 E. 5th Swalm William, h. 18 E. 7th Sweeuej Michael, hostler, h. Short 2nd

SSTABljXeKCIDDjLSe©. PHILIP SWAIN, 32 WEST FROUT STREET, PLAINFIELD. N. J. m m m m Looking Oimsset, Paintings, Engravings, Etching*, Photograph*, Jtogtrs’ Groups, Brocket* and Sundries, Artists’ Material* and Easels, ...... ALL AT NEW YORK PRICES. A good aelectlon of Engraving!, artistically Framed, alwaya on BN-GILDING AND BXPAIBING. uuKtiun V

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 189 Sweeney Miles, laborer, b. 51 E. 4th Sweeney Geo. H., painter, b. 71 W. 4th Sweeny Michael j., hackman, h. 61 W . 3d Swinton Agnes Mrs., h. 55 La Grande are. Scheideckcr Sarah, widow John, h. Church near 4th Scheidecker Emil, oigarmaker, h. Church near E. 4th

T Taggart Charles J., clerk, N. Y., h. Sycamore ave. Taillaut C. L., upholsterer, 80 Manning ave. Taillant Franois, plumber, h. 80 Manning ave. Tallamy William, mason, h. 94 W. 6th Tallmaage H. P., banker, N. Y., h. Woodland ave.Neth- erw ood Tallm an C harles W ., dealer in teas and soffses, Mad­ ison ave., near Front, h. Maple ave. Tallman W illiam N., iinsurance, N. Y., h. Maple ave. Taylor Edmoud R., bookkeeper, b. 84 Duer Taylor George, broker, N. ¥., h. Richmond near E. 2d TayloT Geo. W ., commercial traveler, h. 92 W. 2d Taylor Isabel's R. Mrs., h. 99 W . Front Taylor James A., sugar, N. Y., h. 7th near Grant ave. Taylor John, machinist, h. 29 Plainfield ave. Taylor J. Henry, bds. Park House Taylor James M. Mrs., h. 187 Park ave. Taylor Martin D„ coachman for W . J. Roome Taylor Mary E. Mrs., h. rear 101 E. Front Taylor Morgan S., com. raer., N. Y., h. Rockview ave. Taylor William, broker, N. Y., h. near Somerset near Joh'istou’s drive Taylor William, clerk, N. Y., h. 85 E. 5th Taylor Wm. P., carriage painter, h. 2 Union Taynor Daniel, clerk foi l. D. Ten Eyck Taynor George, laborer, h. 81 Chatham Tayuor Nathaniel, shoemaker, 28 Chatham Taynor Isaac, batter, h. 68 E. 2d mmmm for c o r n u -in, UilG’S 101, Jos. 8. Millar, Yrep’r, PlalaiSU, X. I. FORCE’S HOTEL, am~,.'ZiSSSg*~' 160 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. .. T aynor John, farmer, Plainfield P. 0 . Teale Oecar 8., architect, h. 8 Madison ave. Tell Clarence E., bookkeeper, bda. J. A. Haynes Teel Howard 8., bookkeeper, bds. J. A. Haynes Teeple Dennis, foreman, h. 59 Grove Teeple Frederick 8., h. 69 Grove Teeple Henry H., foreman, h. 59 Grove Teeter John, bookkeeper with B. 0. Bowers, h. 4 E. 5th Ten Broeck Peter, canvasser, b. 68 E. 2d Ten Eyck Cornelius B., carpenter, h. 93 E. Front Ten Eyck I. D., dealer in meats, fish, oysters, vege­ tables, fruits, etc., 87 W. Front, h. 21 Liberty Ten Eyck John, tailor, 16 E. Front Ten Eyck Margaret, widow John C., h. 25 E. 8d Tea Eyck Margaret M. Mrs., h. 93 E. 4th Ten Eyck Mary E., h. 25 E. 8d Terry George, carpenter, h. Broadway near Hillside ave. Terry Oscar F , batcher, h. 11 Somerset place Terry Samuel C., painter, b. 19 E. 8d Terwilliger George B., h. Mountain ave. near Somerset Thatcher Bateman, carpenter, b. 81 E. fid Theriot F. M., brokes*, N. Y., h. Mercer ave. near 8yca* m ore ave. Thickstuu Daniel II., d en tist, 45 Central ave. Thickstun John A. (successor to the late firm of Thick* stu n A Boice), coal, wood, stone, fertilisers, 3d cor. , Madison ave., h. 80 Duer Tbiekstnn Mary Mrs., h. 48 Central ave. Tbiekstnn Mary J. Miss, b. 43 Central ave. Tiller** C harles R ., d en tist, 28J W . F ro n t, h. 7 P ro sp ect place Thistlewaite Elizabeth Mrs., h. 65 E. 3d ■­ Thomas Henry, laborer, h. 88 Manning ave. Thomas James H ., broker, h. 7th near Spooner ave. Thomas Mary, dressmakor, 38 MauniGg ave. Thompson Alma L. Mrs., h. 54 E. 3d Thompson David L., clerk, h. Rockview ave. Thompson James, machinist, h. Short 2d near Liberty Thompson John, h. E. 2d near Richmond A C fc fl C DRAMfll Lace and Heavy Curtains, H r< » v< e . o n u v v n , m i c*n»i y.

PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 161 Thompson John B., machinist, ,bds. 96 W. 2d Thompson Sarah, laundress, h. E. 3d cor Johnstou ave. Thompson Sarah F. Mrs., h. «6 E. 2d Thompson William, cotlee, N. Y., h. 44 La Grande ave. Thorn Anna Mrs., h. 2d above Richmond Thorne Q. M. Mrs., bds. Park House Thorn Albert G., proprietor of Plainfield steam lauu- dry, E fid near Richmond, h. E. 2d above Berckman Thorn Alexander (Berry A Thorn), n. 24 Craig placo Thorn Alfred B., h. 24 Craig place Thorn Edward P., wholesale and retail wines and liquors, 17 Park ave., h. 116 E. Front (see adv.) Thorn Edward M., carpenter, h. E. 2d abovo Richmond Thorn Guillermo, photographer, 6 E. Front, h. E. 2d near Richmond (see udv.) Thorn James, h. 24 Craig place Thorn Martin M., real estate and insurance, North ave. opp. depot, h. 58 Madison ave. Thorn Preston, laundry, h. E. 2d near Richmond Thorn Randolph, tinner for Berry and Thorn Thorn Timothy, bridge builder, n. 6th near Madison ave. -Thorne Henry A., h. Third place near, 9th Thorp Christopher, disintectapt and deodorizer, W. Front cor. New (see adv.) Thorp Christopher, carpenter, W . Front cor. New Thorpe Chos., hack man, h. Liberty cor. fid Thorpe Louisa Mrs., b. 47 E. 3d Thorpe W illiam, clerk, h. 47 E. fid Tier J. H. A Son (John H. and John H. Tier Jr.), ice and ice cream, Bankplace Tier John H. (J. H. Tier A Son), h. Bank place Tier John H. Jr. (J. H. Tier A Son), h. Bank placo Tier Josephine, widow George, h. Bank place Tier William N., ice dealer, n. Bank place Tiffany Dexter O., clothing, b. 16 Crescent ave. Tilton Charlotte Mrs., h. 14 W. 5th Tingley Grace A. Mrs., dressmaker, 57 W. 4th Tingley Hattie, widow Isaac L., h. Short 2d near Plain­ field ave. First-Class Family itesort, UllSi lOTEl, 70S. B. MILLIE, Prop’r. ------21 mm hotel, OAB IH^VMTBOoS4™ 162 / PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY Tingley Janob 8., carriage manufacturer, h. 67 W. 4th Tingley Mercy, widow Louis R., b. 47 W . 2d Tingley Nancy Mrs., h, 68 W . 2d Titchuor Ira 0., b. 66 W. 2d Titsworth Alexander, tailor, 41 W . Front, h. 83 E. 2d. T itsw orth A lfred A., civil engineer and surveyor, 18 E. Front h. 72 E. 5th (see adv.) Titsworth Arthur L., bookkeeper, N. Y., h. 88 W. 7tb Titsworth David E., printing presses, N. Y., h. 16 W. 5th Titaworth Edward B., washing machines, h. 87 New Titsworth Enoch W., machinist, h. 42 W. 2d Titaworth George B., draftsman, h. 88 W. 7th Titaworth Isaac D., vice-president First National Bank, h. Dunellen Titaworth Jane, b. 83 W. 2d Titaworth Joseph, printing presses, N. Y., h. 83 W. 7th Titaworth Randolph, physician, 100 E. Front Titsworth Rudolph M.. clothing, N. Y., h. 88 W . 7th Titsworth W m. L., bookkeeper, h. 65 Madison ave. Tobin John, laborer, b .’flf) W. Id Tobin Nora Miss, h. 84 W, 6th Tobin Richard, mason, b. 85 W. 4th Todd Thos. J., borseshoer, 26 Somerset, h. Dunellen ave. Todd W. R., b. Broadway near E. 9th Tomlinson T. H., physician, 82 W . 2d Tomlins John, h. near Scribner’s brick yard Toomey Patrick, clerk for fl. O’Donnell Toon Walter, gardener, b. 66 E. T tvu i Totten James,laborer, n. 61 Fearl Totten Richard Jr., butter, 87 E. Front Townley Alo:.zo C., mason, h. 5 New Townley George W., mason, h. 10 Grandview ave. Townley Warne, machinist, b. 10 Grandview ave. . Townsend 8amuel, com. mer., N. Y., bds. Grove cor. ' P ro sp ect place Tracy James, shoemaker, 24 E. Front Tracy J. Evarts, lawyer, N. Y., h. W. 8th cor. Division Trainor Mary Mrs., h. 48 W. Front P A [ BBAmil Interior Decorations L r. w v. C. DnUVVn, hi c*««i8t,n. y.


Trotter Charles, bartender, h. 28 E. 8d True!' J. R., com. traveler, h. 86 Ceutral ave. Tucker Louisa M b., h. Race near Somerset Tucker Samuel, coachman, Qrove cor. Mercer ave. Turner John C., clerk, N. Y., h. 20 Qrove Turrill J. Edward, oil, N. Y., h. 88 Qrove Tuttle Alexander H. Rev., b. 88 Qrove Tweedy Charles (Schepflin, Baldwin, Tweedy 4 Co.), h. 16 Crescent ave. Tweedy Frank, h. 16 Crescent ave. Tweedy Oliver B., h. 16 Crescent avo. Tyler Corydou E., drug, importer, N. Y., h. 17 Crescent avenue Tyler Mason *W„ lawyer, N. Y., h. 69 W . 7th


Ubdal Michael, express, h. South ave., Netherwood Ubrhahn Henry, tailor, h. Somerset near Mountain Uhrhahn William, blacksmith, h. 81 Duer Ullrich Lawrence, tailor, W. Front opp. Moth. Church Ulrich Elizabeth Mrs., h. 56 E. 6th Ulrich Jo h n , lawyer, 1 W. Front, h. 56 E. 6th Underhill Alfred, b. 185 Madison ave. Underhill Frank M., druggists’ glassware, N. Y., h. 12 E . 6th Underhill Samuel B., lanterns, N. Y., b. 12 E. 5th Utter Albert, physician, Broadway cor. E. 6th Utter E, J. Mrs., musio teacher, h, Broadway cor. E. 6th Utter Jessie M., music teacher, Broadway cor. E 6th Utzinger August, hackman, h. 24 Emily Utzinger Elizabeth Mrs., h. 24 Emily Utzinger John, hackman, h. 24 Emily Utzinger Leonard, b. near Scribner's brick yard Utzinger Valentiue, carpenter, h. 24 Emily HEADQUARTERS FOR W i l l HEN, nines iota, Jps. 8. Killer, Prop’r., PisiaflsU, V. J. EVERYTHING NEW. FORCE’S HOTEL, 3. H. fC20C, Prop’r., PUinflsld, H. 3. 161 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY.

~ \T

V»il D. K., farmer, Plaiufield P. 0. Vail Edward, hatter, b. 2 Duer Vail Abraham M., carpenter, h. 18 Peace Vail Adalbert, bookkeeper let Nat. Bk., h. 16 W. 4th Vail Alfred R., carpenter, b. 2 Duer Vail Anthony C., laundry, N. Y., h. 18 W. 4th Vail Asa, hatter, b. 9 Peace Vail Caroline H. and Catherine, h. 66 E. 2d Vail Catharine K., h. 18 W. 4th Vail Charles E., painter, h. 87 Pearl Vail Frank W., confectioner, b. 18 Liberty Vail Hartshorn, b. 18 W, 4th Vail Henry, b. E. 2d near Richmond Vail Henry, clerk, h. 2 Duer Vail Ira R., harness and saddles, 28 Somerset, h. W. Front above Oliuton ave. (see adv.) V ail Joseph T., real estato broker and fire insurance, loans negotiated, also dealer in blue stone flagging, office opp. depot, residence 68 E. 6th Vail John K., driver, h. 1 Cottage place Vail Joseph T., real estate, E. 2d near Peace, h. 68 E. 6th Vail Mana Mrs., h, 29 Duer Vail Mary L. Mrs., h. s8 E. 2d Vail Mary P. Miss,!). 9 Peace Vail Phcebe R., h. 48 E. 8d Vail Samuel, h. 42 E. 4th . Vail William B., clerk, h. 28 E. 2d Vim Aken Frank, mariner, b. 184 W. Front Vim Alstyne Lewis, produce, N. V., b. 10 Broadway Vim Alstyne William, produce, N. Y., h. 10 Broadway Van Aradale John K .t bookkeeper, h. Grove cor. Jackson ave. Van Arsdale Joseph M., carpenter, b. Mountain ave. near Som erset Van Aradale Maurice C., bookkeeper, b. E. 5th Van Arsdale Philip P., music, h. 54 E. Fi-ont

MU Ob F. A C . E. BROWN, ^M1 J mSm ?” PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 165 Vanderberg Gertrude, h, W. 4th near Madisou uve. Vanderbeok A ndrew , pianos and sporting goods, 88 Park aye., h. 8 W . 4th Vanderbeek A. M., clerk, 8 \V. 4th Vanderhoof Edward A., broker, N. Y., h. Park •**<>. above 9th Vandorweg Albert, laborer, h. 8 Elm place Vanderweg Mary, widow Frederick, h. E. 2d near Johns­ ton ave, Yanderweg Edward, driver, h. 20 E. Third Vauderveuter J. IL, h. Woodland ave., Netherwocd Van Dervonter J. R., president 1st Nat. Bk. and Plainfield Gaslight Co., h. Greenbrook ave. Van Deventer Augustus, carpets, N. Y., h. Washington ave. cor. Myrtle ave. Van Deventer Lizzie, dressmaker, 11 W. Front Van Deventer William, express, N. Y., h. 90 Park ave. Van Dyke Jacob, confectionery, etc., 15 Peace Van Dyke John, clerk, h. 82 W . 2d Van Dyke John C„ salesman, N. Y., h. 72 E. Front Van Dyke Lewis M„ carpenter, h. 82 W. 2d Van Dyke Mary E. Mrs., dressmaker, h. 82 W. 2d Van Emburgh Fred. M., salesman, N. Y ., h. 82 E- 2d Von Emburgh George L., manager for Seely Edsall, h. 82 E . 2d Van Fleet Clinton, clerk, N. Y., h. Central ave. near E lizabeth Van Fleet, Joseph, coachmun, Mercer ave. cor. Duer Van Fleet Sigler, jeweler, h. 85 Jackson ave. ' Van Fleet Voris, n. Emily cor. Duer Van Gilder Isaac, h. 2 Grandview ave. • Van Horne W illiam, carpenter, h. 62 Jackson ave. Van Liew Henry, waiter ut Laing’s hotel Vau Lieyv William B., clerk, h. 14 W. Front Van.Liow Margaret B. Mrs., h. 14 W. Front Yan Loan Levyla, bookkeeper with Sanford A Co., h. Sycumoro cor. E. 5th Van Name Henry, oyster dealer, 68 Park ave. Van Name Johu C., oyster dealer, h. 68 Park ave. First-Class Family Resort, U I K S l O I l t , JOB. B. MILLER, Prop’r. FMCPS HOTEL, hl ZS£ Sg** 166 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY.

Van Name Simon, dentist, b. Third place near Crescent a re . Van Nest C. H., driver, b. 98 E. Front Van Nest Theodore, hostler, b. 17 New Van Nest George, hostler, h. 48 W . Front Van Nest Horace, coachman, b. 91 E. Front Van Nest Horace, watchman., 17 New Van Nest Lewis, laborer, h. 8 E. 2d Van Sickle James W., butcher, h. 57 E. Frout Van Slyck W. H., merchant, h. E. Front wm\ C h u rch Van Vliet Clinton, bookkeeper, N. Y., h. Prospect ave. Van Voorhis Elizabeth, h. Prospect uve. Van Wiuken Edward, driver, h. 20 E. 8d Van Winkle Charles, bookkeeper, h. 3 Central ave. Van Winkle Daniel, clerk, h. Mercer ave. cor. Duer Van W inkle Daniel G., h. Mercer ave. cor. Duer Van Winkle Edward T., clerk, h. 19 Park ave. * Van W inkle Frank, clerk, h, 8 Central ave. Van W inkle Garret, carpenter, h. 41 Duer Van Wiukle Jacob R., taxidermist, 19 Park avo. Van Wiukle James G., butcher, h. Arlington ave. near __ Arlington place V au W inkle Jeremiah, city treasurer, h. 8 Central ave. Van W inkle Jeremiah Jr., salesman, h. 8 Central ave. Van W inkle John H., lawyer, 8 W. Front, h. 9 Duer Van Winkle William H., clerk, h. 15 Park place Van Zandt Anna Mrs., b. 6 First place Van Zandt Peter P., h. 6 First place Vars Nathan, civil engineer, Park ave. cor. 2d, h. D unellen Vaughan R .W . Mrs., h. Woodland ave., Nethorwood Vaughn Geo. A., clerk, N. Y., b. 20 Grove Van Zandt Thaddens A .,h. 9 Crescent ave. Verdon Anu, h. Somerset opp. Greenbrook ave. Vermeule Alvirnus, farmer, h. 20 E. 2d Vermeule Charles M., h. 50 Duer , Vermeule Dauiel D., insurance, 5 Peace Vermeule Eliza J., h. 48 E. 3d

u n i s i i u m fi c 1 A r pDAMf II LACE AND HEAVY CURTAINS. I r .w v i L.Dnuff*iK»Mist,N.v. “ PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. J67 V eruieule M., wholesale and retail dealer in bate, caps, furs, robes, gloves, etc., a complete assortment of trunks, valises, umbrellas, reticules, straw goods, and all articles usually kept in a first class hat storo, 5 W. Front, b. 144 W. Front Vernieulc Owen, laborer, h. 80 Cottage place Vermeule Susan Mrs., b. 20 E. 2d Vcrmule Caroline, luundiw*, rear 58 E. Front Vernmle Mary C. Mrs., b. 47 W. 2d Versoy Henry M., hatter, h. Grove near Greenbrook ave. Vetterlein John, bookkeeper, b. 60 Duer Vielbig Albert, burteuder, h. 17 Park ave. Viucent S. II., h. W. Front above Clinton ave. V o e h l lleuryr baker, 68 Somerset (see adv.) f o e h l Jacob, variety baker, 15 W. Front (see adv.) Voorhees Green leaf, druggist, b. 21 W. Front Voorbees James M., builder, b. Somerset near Mountain ave. " Voorhees William H., h. 21 W. Front Voorhees Wm. W., clerk, 21 W. Front Voorhia Poole, dairyman, Washington rook road VoMeller Janies S., county clerk, h. 10 E. 6th Vosseller John, carpenter, h. rear 108 E. Front Vosselman John, miller, h. Grove near Greenbrook ave. Vroom William S., shoemaker, h. 88 W. 2d

w Wade John C., engraver, South ave., Netherwood Wade Mary Mrs., superintendent Holly Tree Inn Wadsworth Charles C., banker, N. Y.,b. E. 9th cor. Pros­ pect ave, Wadsworth Louis F., justice, E. 2d cor. Richmond Wadsworth William B., broker, N. Y., h. 7th cor. Plain­ field ave. Wagner Jacob, engineer, h. 45 E. Front Wakefield Charles E., h. 45 Manning ave. Wakefield John, stonecutter, h. 45 Manning ave. u r m « fok m u m in , tllNC’MOni, 1m . B. «Uw, Bnp'r, PlilaMl, X. J. MMpft IlflTCI 0AS A*D BUNKING WAT1B rUnvC o ilU l in jb v ib y b o o m . *■

m PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY...... ' W akefield Samuel W., engineer, h. 45 Manning ave. Waldon Henry, painting, h. 57 Plainfield ave. Waldron Adolphus W., foreman, h- 7 Central ave. Waldron Craig, clerk, h. 77 W. 4th Waldron Mary A., h. rear 120 W. 4th Waldron R., manufacturer of picture and portrait frames, re-gildmg a specialty, 9 E. Front, h. 52 W. 5th (see adv.) Waldnck Louise Miss, bds. 15 VV. 5th Walker Edward, laborer, h. 4th near William Walker Firman, hatter, h. 28 Emily Walker John, baker, h. 14 Park ave. W alker Martha Miss, clerk, h. 73 E. 2d W alker Robert, carpenter, h. 89 New W alker Runyon J., earpenter, h. 22 North ave. Wallace Alonzo, driver, h. 33 Plainfield ave. Wallace J. B., broker, N. Y., h. 8 Franklin place Wallace Samuel A., carpenter, h. 12 W. 6th Wallace Tho*., laboror, b. 91 W. 6th Wallbridge Qeo, B., type writer aud supplies, 26 North ave., h. Franklin avo. cor. 7th Walling Edward, machinist, h. 9 E, 2d W alratn Charles H., cashier, N. Y., b. 40 E. 6th Walrath Henry, h. 40 E. 6th Walsh Patrick, coachman for A. S treu li Walsh Tbomso, tailor, 18 Purk ave. Waltber August, tailor, h. 90 E. Front W all Ernest L., men’s furn’g, N. Y., h. 42 La Grande avenue ; Warm Charles, manager, N. Y., h, 7 Willow ave. W ard Charles H., cltrk, h. 60 Central ave. Ward George E., nets, k, Somerset near Mountain ave. Ward Patrick, laborer, h. 4th cor. William Ward Walworth, broker, N. Y., b. W . Front (Evona) W ard Walworth, h. W . Front above Clinton ave. Ward William, broker, N. Y., W . Frout (Evona) Waring E. J., h. Myrtle ave. cor. W est End ave. Waring Orville T., oils, N. Y,, h. Park ave. near 9th Warner Samuel, raolder, b. 41 Plainfield ave. NKIRmiLEN, 1 F. * 11 m caM iat,*.!. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY, 199 Warner William H., (aney good*, 81} W. Front Warnock Alexander, baker, 91W. 6th - Washington Anne Mrt., laundress, rear 19 E. Front Washington Wm., head waiter, Netherwood hotel Waters J. Erwiu. botcher, h. 77 K. 2d Water* Patrick, laborer, b. EL 4th cor. Peace Watson David, employed at Park House Watson Geo., clothier, Newark, h. 6 Creecent ave, • Watters Howard B., painter, h. 14 Chatham Watt* Clarkson, hatter, h. 68 Pearl Watte E. D. Mr*., h. Grove cor. Proepect place , Watte George, botoher, h. 88 Pearl . Wayne John, plumber, h. Brook ave. ' Wayne Michael, upholaterer, h. Brook ave. Weaver Brother*, painters, 17 E. Front (eee adv.) Weaver David R. (Weaver Bros.), h. 25 Manning ave. Weaver Jamee B., wall paper, N. Y., h. 45 E. Ith Weaver Leota A., teacher, h. 20 W. 4th f Weaver Pater V. P. (Weaver Broe.), h. Grove near Linden ave. ■ r ' ' Webb Geo. E., clerk, h. Madiaon ave. oor. 9th Webb Moeee IL h. Madison ave. oor. 9th Webb Russell F., treasurer, N. Y.*b. Madison ave. eor. 9th . ■. . . : Weber Frederick A., clerk, b. Short 2d at Weber Hermes A., grocer, 80 Liberty, h. Short 2d near Plainfield ave. (see adv.) Weber Midbael, botcher, 67 W. 8d Webster Catherine R., h. 46 E. 2d Webster Daniel, barneesmaker, h. 75 W. 2d Webster Lewie, driver, h. rear 110 W. 4th Webster 8amuel, h. 76 W. 2d ^ . • Weed A Hall, dealer in lumber and masons' materials, Peace near R. R. ’ .. ' V1""- Weigel Louis, cotter, k. 16 Linden eve. W e lm su Hag*, cabioetmaker and upholsterer, 80 R» Front (see adv;) . * Walla Frank &, deutist, office hours 8 a. n. to 6 r, K., 61 Central ave. near 6tb, h. 84 W. 4th ||T ri FinM/law Family Remit, ■lilt, JOS. & 10LL1S, fcop'r. - - t i : : .. ■ . - FHCPt HOTEL,


W «U i Fred J», dentist, office hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., 61 Central ave. near 6th, h. 68 Madison a?e. W eir Richard, employed by H. M. Stockton W elsh Thomas, tailor, h. 8 Cottage place Wela.Geo., clerk, for Fred Caspar Windell George W., bookkeeper, h. 6 Elm place . W ennas William, confectionery, Vine near Emily Weseman Alonzo W., machinist, b. Prospect place cor. Washington ave. West Chas. 8., advertising agent, N. T ., ii. 81 Madison avenue West Nicholas W. Mrs., real estate, N. Y., b. 4 Elm place Westcott Elisa Mrs., b. 98 W. Front Wssterfisld Alfred, clerk, h. 14 Somerset place Westerfield Charles A., express driver, b. 17 New Westerfield Geo. A., b. 15 Somerset place Westerfield William E., h. 81 W. Front Westervelt Chas. I., bookkeeper, with T. J. Proden . Western Union Telegraph Co., 0. H. Scbermerhorn, manager, office in depot . Weston James, machinist, h. 8 Piainfield ave. Weatphal Cbae. H., dealer in groceries, provisions, " vegetables, fruits, etc., osders delivered free of charge to any part of the city or North Plainfield, 74 East " J, Third . . ,,.V / ■' '' .■ V Wetfield Daniel, farmer, Plainfield P. 0, .... Whalen James, laborer, h. Brook ave. near Westervelt ' . V 'Avenue ’ . Whalen James, laborer, h. 60 W. 6th Whalen Patrick, laborer, h. 107 W. 5th Whelan Janies, horseehoer, h. 66 W. 0th Wheeler F. M. Mrs., ticket agent, Xyona depot Wheeler Heury, b. 46 Madison ave. ’ Wheeler James, teamster, W. Front street, Xvona ...... ■ Wheeler William A., stationer, N. Y., h. 88 E. 6th White Almira, h. 9 Elm place ’ White David, laborer, h. Cottijge place White Esther Miss, h. lllU th White Emma, dressmaker, h. 54 Jaokson ave. F.A&L MOWN, PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 171 r * _ ' ■ ■ _ ■ ■ ---- ■■■—...... -i White U. L., broker, N. Y.,h. 10 Cresceut are. . White Ja u n t E., dr/ and faucyj t oode, notions.erock- *>, ery, etc., 0 K. Front, bde. 06 E, Front White Beuuiel, laborer, h. Warren near Harmony White Stephen, laborer, h. 110 We*t 4th # Whitehead Frasee, h. 106 W. Front Whitely Francis M., miller, h. Steiner place. ^Wfeitelj James, restaurant, h. 5 Union Whitenack John K., driver, h. 86 Somerset ...■> Whitenack Martin N., foreman, b. 86 Somerset Whiting K. A. Mrs., ticket agent, h. Netherwood depot Whiting Fred. G., editor, b. 10 E. 0th - Whiting John, shoemaker, b. Pearl cor. Warren • ; Whitley Francis, machinist, b. W. Front near Grant ate. Whltloek John B., foreman, b. 19 Manning are. . Whiten/ Stuart H., dry goods and carpets, 8 B. Front, h. 21 Craig place (ana adt.j Whitney Ralph 0., clerk for Theodore J. Pruden Whiton John M., insurance, N. Y., h. 7th oor. Central arenas Whittaker Mary Mrs., h. 05 Park are, WMtteman John, laborer, h. lOi W. 6th Wiberly Chaa. H. (Miller A Wiberly), h. 4B. 5th Wierenga John, ooaehuan. h. T61. 4th WiggtaKate,h. 100 W. Front WilbefSamucl T., bookkeiper,44L* 8d Wileel James C., carpenter" b. 01 Manning are. Wilcox Lissie, clerk with 8.Edsati Wild Turner, draughtsman, Walter Boott A Co. Wilkiseon 0. W., msnranoe,h. W. 7th near Spooner Wilkisson Chas. produce, h. W. 7th near 8pooner Willawbild Leo, b. 24 North are. WillettJL, dealer in boots and shoes direct from mann- lecturers, at low prices, 0 Park are., h. 17 Ct*>$ Willett Corns fins B., blacksmith, h. Harmony near Som« :V--. eteet ■" ■' V- . ■ : ■ ■ v . . - ■ ' ' ■. Willett , teacher, b. 15 W. 5th ■ Willett John, miller, h. 18 Harmony ' m pim s rot ctniiciiL in, Bite, taf'r., IWthli, I.J. fttf'r. { 172 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. Willett Lewis H., carpenter, b. 9 New Willett Patience, b. 18 Harmony Williams David, mariner, h. W. 9th cor. Arlington Williams Edward P., iron, N. Y., b. 89 Madison ave. Williams John, miller, b. 25 Liberty Williams Julius, tailor, b. Qrove near Greenbrook ave. Williams Robert, b. 9 New Williams William F., h. Somerset cor. Jackson ave. W illiams William H., news dealer, 7 Park ave., b. 58 Madison ave. (see adv.V Williamson Anna C. Mrs., n. 85 E. Front Willis Edward, b. South ave. Netherwood Willis Jacob, mechanic, h. 16 Manning ave. Willis Wm. H., merchant, b. 74 W. 6th Willis Jacob B., farmer, h. Harmony near Somerset Willmont Alfred H., clothier, N. Y., b. E. Front above Leland ave. ^ Wilson Andrew H., ii. 100 W. Front Wilson Charles M., carpenter, h. 50 Central ave. Si Wilson Edward 0., batter, b. W. Front above Clinton ave. ■. " ■ . WilaonJ. Howard, coal, h. 46 Doer WOMB jasp er H., proprietor of Johnston form dairy, ' Mountain ave. between Farragnt ave. and Nether- wood ave., P. 0. box 888. • • WUeon John, contractor and former, h. Moantain ave. between lVrragut avt. and Netherwood ave. Wilson Joho, laborer, h. 89 Gottaga plaoa Wilson John F., eoal, N. Y., h. Greenbrook ave. Wileon John H., h. Hillside ate. : WUscu Jaspsr PL, h. Mountain ave. uaar Farragnt ave. Wilson Mary Mis., h. 86 E. Front , Wflatfl A Bnydam, lawyers, 7 B. Front Wilson Samuel 0., laborer, h. rear 88 W. M Wihrtnftachariah D., laborer, h. 46 Mannlngjive. Wiuckter Augustus J,, carpenter, 18 Park puM* . Wineton Charles, laborer, b. 85 W. 8d F. * C. L M9WN, ..‘•fclSm1i L h. t. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ITS * Winter Albert (Schspflin, Baldwin, Tweedy A Co.), bds. Force's hotel ^ Winter Edward, bookkeeper, h. IS E. 5th Wise Henry, baker, h. 81 Doer near Qreenbrook are. Witteman John, laborer, b. 102 W. 6th _____ • Wolf August, cigsrmaker, b. 9 H,«rraony. ,v Wolf Johu, laborer, h. North ave. near E. 8d • 'Wolf John P., addreas poet office Wolfe Mra., widow, h. W. 4th cor. William Woltmanu Emil, clerk, N. Y., h. 11 Liberty Wolvertou Edward, machiuiat, h. 67 E. Front Wolverton Rebecca Mra., h. 28 Emily Women's Christian Temperance Union, 22 North ave, Wood A. J., farmer, Plainfield P. 0, Wood Francis, steel pena, N. Y., h. 2 Franklin plaoe Wood 8 . Louise Mrs., h. 19 Central ave. Woodcock Clarence, h. Sherman are. near Grant ave. Wooden Aun D., b. Warren cor. Chatham Wooden Peter, burner, b. 62 Somerset > Woodland Charles A., painter, h. Somerset cor. Green- • brook ave. Woodland Henry, painter, h. Somerset near Green brook " ave. .' ... • Woodland Hiram B., paiuter, Washington near 2d Woodland John A., n. Somerset ccr. Greenbrcok ave. Woodruff S. V., prop. B/#»i Netherwood, h. Hotel Netherwood Woodruff WliUam Ah general insurance and real «ate. 1 ^ . Front, £41 E. 2d (see adv. iiMtjde front eover) —--' v-: Woodruff Wm. 8 . Mra. h. 41E 2d '"7 —— Woodward E. H., merchant, N. Y., h. Carlton ave. Woolej Louisa Mrs., h. Grove cor. Prospect place Wooliton Lemuel B. (Wooleton A Buckle)^h. 61 Duer Woolatoo ft Buckle, painters, paper hangers and sup- pliei, North ave. opp. depot (see adv). Workman Richard, laborer, h. 22 Harmony near Warren Wormers FUyd, giurdner, h. 24 E. 4th Firni-ClM Fwnlly Becort, , JOS. B. HTT.MB, tn ft. oa* amp Buinraro ways* HIKE? INTEL, IBSVBBYBOOV. 174 PLAINFIELD DIRECTORS'. : ; W orth Thomas, baraesa and saddle manufacturer, 4 ' Somerset, h. 41 Grove (see adv.) . WoVth George 0., student, h. 41 Grove > Worth John H,, harueesmaker, h. 41 Goove , Worth William 0., clerk, h. 41 Grove . Wright Benjamin, watchman, h. 17 E. 2d ;■ Wright Lewis B., clerk, b. 36 W. 4th , Wright Lydia E. Mrs., h. 185 .Madison ave. Wright Peter B., telephone operator, b. 17 W. 2d Wright William L., clerk, h. 86 W, 4th , Wunderlich Michael, tailor, h. 26 North ave. - , Wyckoff Chas., driver for P. M. French . Wyokoff John 8 ., farmer, h. Randolph ave. near Ariing- , ( ton ave. r-\ Wyckoff J. 8 ., Randolph ro&d near Arlington place ’ Wjckoff Lewis, laborer, b. 91E. Front Wyokoff Peter, kaleominer, h< 116 W. 4th '; Wyokoff Peter, fruits, N. Y,, h. 20 La Grande ave. 'u Wyckoff Peter B„ tailors* trimmings, N. T., b. 20 La ,! Grande ave. ( _ ■ ; ; ■ if Wyckoff Smith, porter, b. 119 W. 4th i Wyokoff William H., whitewasher, b- 82 E. 8d * Wyckoff Wm., h. rear 106 W. Front ' Wynkoop Robert D., lawyer, h. Raymond ave.

OM»hW., African importer and' consul for Y., h. 8 E. 7th . Ynwger Isaac 6 ., bookkeeper, h. 18 Duer •; . Tericoe David J. Rev., pastor First Baptist church, h. 7th ■ oor. Libert* ; :'■■■ . ' s f n Yerkee Joseph B., clerk, N. Y., h. 7th cor. Liberty 0 Yetman Pine, laborer, h. 80 Park ave. Yonld Thomas, machinist at Potters 1 Young Oourteniua 8 ., carpenter, h. 72 Manning ave. Young Le Grand B., h. 66 Jacksou ave. F.AC.E. IMWN, *BSicL5st fcl. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. ITS ^ Touug Thomas J ., carpeuter, b. 97 Somerset rfouug W. H., bookkeeper at Cook k Bro. fe • ■ z ( , f Isise Andrew, tailor, h. 62 New f Eimmer Chat., billiard and pool rooms, 19 W. Front ^mmermau John C., agent, h. Washington ava cor. Mercer ava. A Popalar Paaaily Paper, and oee of the Bast Advar- ttalaf Mediums la the State. ^

INDEPENDENT, , , ■ ■ . • ^ w . . ■■ * . And the only Daily newspaper within a ra- «V'-- dtueof Ten Miles, B w Thousand Circulation in the Counties o f Union, Somerset and Middlesex. PRICE, TWO CENTS PER COPY ; Or TEN CENTS PER WEEK, includ­ ing delivery. By mail Fifty Cents per month, $5 per year, in ad- vanoe, poatage Dree. • ; T. W. MORRISON, JBrfMor and Proprietor.

O f all STYLES, at Reasonable Rates. “ IliWIKS M COMMKRCIil UK, u iifi's n i b , Jos.1. XUlsr, Piep’v, 91alsfidA, V. I. i8 8 4 -8 5 .K

ACADEMIES. Plainfield Academy, James Lyon, principal, 7th near Lihettv (see adr.) Plainfield Seminary, 7th cor. Patk ave. •

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. . _ ' .y . ' ■ • ■ ■ A Thorn, 9 W. Front (eee adv.) < • A. M., I t E. Front leaker C. 0 . k Go., 18 E. Front , ; ARCHITECTS. Clam W. H., 7 Park ave. Mores William 2., $0 E. 6th Oakley J. A., 48 Somerset

ARTISTS* MATERIALS. Bane* H. 8., 17 and 19 E. Front (see adv.) Swain P., 8t W. Front (eee adv.) ' , AUCTIONEER. GilHes Theodore J., 7 Madieon ave. (eee adv.)

» F. A C. L IWWM, . PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 17T m ra ctim •rt John H.t 14 W, 4th (aaa ad?.) iptoo L.L., 28W. Front (aaa «dr.) ’ ‘ H«n;y, 88 Somaraat (sm adr.) ...... _ — IJaooh, 15 W. Front (aaa ad?.) Vhlkar John, 14 Park art.

BANKS. Ohj National 14 £. Froot PfDIma 8arinm Inatitution, 14 E. Front pBnit National, 9 E. Front - > "l.. / :'f- BARBERS. f.'Brown Abraham W., haiamaat 18 Park ate. Ommn W illiam,IW . Front •Kamalrin*Qaorga* 1H Park aw. IiaitHaTPhUlpJ., 5t W. Front . ; TawhaiE ftaoSora A. B., 18 Park art. • (aea ad?.) Sprinpaann WlUiaa i f . , 71 Somaraat

" '' BILLIARDS. Oaratal Joaaph.80 Front (aaa ad?.) f FiihiyHotnETfbrtb avo^ n«vrdfpot (*ae ad?.) Smith d « N * * ., n m * ^ m ) fimmara Oharlaa, 19W. Front ■AV BLACKSMITHS AND H0BSE8H01R8. BUyan Troman V « Somaraat abora JohnatonY driranm i (aaaadfA ' . * ! laiyJ. E., E. 8d naar Choreh ,_ „ in Jama* P^ 188omaraat .!■. :; ^ [anaingi Thomaa M., t lladiaon ova. . , ranaloga Willfiam R., Emily naar Spma»a«t - nnt-C b» S n lljr Bwort, M A i l U m Heated ly ateaei 1. 1 . y a m tie**. PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY, ; MeDonirorhft Martin, SO Somerset Prinfle TbomM. 1.4th near Park at Onion Michaal, E, 4th near Park are. r/> Stetaae John H., X. Id eor. Peace (see adr.) Uhrbabu William, Somerset near Linden are.

I.r o ^ ' •f,7 •• ^ BOOKSELLERS AND 8TATIONERS. *77 M l Mnlfcrd, 7 Park are. (tea adr.) Parsons ft (to., Sfcfi. Froot (see adr.) Bnd A. W., 14 W. Front (see adv.)

>> BOOT AND SHOE DIALEB8. Fdrea Benjamin B., 1 W. Front /- Faroe George W„ IF, W. Front Randolph D. F. ft Bon, 18 W. Front i Mmnrin Horaot Front Willett Alexander, APartere, ^ Piker Story, W W. Front

■■ " • ' BOTTLERS, Gasper Fred, Somerset nor. Gteenbrook aft.

near Sottareet (eee

BRICK MANUFACTURERS. — Melbourne Iaaaa 8., 71 Park are. (see ad?.) Seriboer Isaac, Maple nearOi\>eobrook are. (see adr.) ^auiaoo Aaron I*., Laiand are, Netherwood = V BUSINESS OOLLEOF Goleman’i Bosineee Collage, 70B to7U Broad, Newark (tea adv.)

wrn i m u , NEW YORK. ?r ' r

BUSINESS ADDRE88 AGENCY. | iiintae Addreae Co., James F. Brennan, manager, 28 w and 10 Vest/, N. Y. . CABINETMAKERS. Halstead T. Jeftsraoa, t t R Front (set adr.) Hein William A Son, 79 E. Sd (ate adr.) Powlison Joseph 8., 48 W. Front

CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Artrs William 0..2SW . 2d Berkaltw Lewis E., 80 Doer ■ ■ ,.' ;:: ■■ ; Chandler John, 86 E. I i (set adr.) DonnnBamntl0 . AT. 0 .,6 8 W.5tb • Hart LtmhelRf ltfW . fid , Johneon J. P., 4th near Park are. .Fonts 0 ., Proepect a?#, (eao'ndr.) Longer /amts BL WtsterreU avs. (see adr.) .Front tManning m m A 8on, Donation art. oor. Albert (ate adr.) Hdmpeoo Chariot, 28 W .lth . ■■ • ■ ' ifetreRG .,W eeterrelt are. oor. Jaekaoh(eeeadr.) k- Cbristopber.W. Front oor. New Aogiatns J., IS Park plaoe.... CARPET CLEANER ■ ^Plainfield Steam Carpet WC, ***** « d Feather Renovating Go., Bsqjanha A. Momford, manager, S, 4 and fi a . Id ...... CARPET _ . t#tnl Bematl J.,67 K. Front (set adr.) isn scsssss?

PLAINFIELD DIBBCTOKY. Waigntton Hugo, |0 J . Front (aaa ad?.) ^ flto*y Tu»b J., aaccad band,46 W. Front (see ad».) V; , g ild er. Waldron Raadolph^OK. Front (aaa ad?.) a ^ROGERS. ' Arnold JamaaK., Bomaraat nor. Chatham Binhwan Baqjainin H., 40 Park art. (aaa adv.) Bovarafiaqjamin 0., 6th aor. Penea /flaflahan Tnoa,. aaat Foraa’i hotal ^ ‘Ooaba William H-.OIE. Front Oattar Joaaph 8., S6 W. Front ~ “ : Jobs* 48 W. id ; Patar M.. 64 W. Froat (aaa ad?.) in Jaaaa II., 80 Park are. (ana ad?.) 1 William, 101 W .lth .aaph J\,77 8omaraat raw, 8 W, Front )■. • . " B. A Boo, 44 and 40 E. Front (aaa adr.) «i«U>»rothara,ParkaTa,oor. Sd - Madlaon a?a. ; ■ / » 1 Tbaodora Jf» 18 W. Front *, w i W.| North*?#. nor Park a?t. oaaraaar E,, Bomaraat aor. Manning a?a. * SkotwaU William H., Dotr aor. EmUj Anaaeer Haary N., 88 Somaraat , i , ' . wabar Harman A .,|0 Liberty (•«• ad?.) 1 F^HDWARK AND CUTLERY. Barry 1 Park a?4\ (sea adv.) |l « f c * 0.0. * Oo., U& hrt ji HAHWianUATTOt ;.y.S?3 Bajan John H., 88 X. Front (aaaad?.)

N E W YORK. H ■ * ■ . F. 4 C. E. MWK, PLAINFIELD DIRECTOBY. M ail Ira B., 28 Somereet (aae adv.) . mdolph Jooeph N., Somaraat oor. Emily orthThomaa, 4 Somerset (aepad?.)

HAT MANUFACTURERS, oriall Wm. Mel). A Son, South a?a. cor. Glintou aye. («

HATS AND CAPS. !h«M Dial B»M Park a?e. ieing Eugene M., 5 Park a?e. (aae ad?.) wanuaula Manning, 6 Uf. Front

HAY AND STJftAW % i L. B., 68 Somerset (aea ad?.) ’ i Charles 8., 81 Peaoe ime L. A., Peaoe oor. 4th (aae ad?.) ^ . . . ,'Hqtos.'/. iBbtaC Hotel, Fred Caspar, Somerset oor. Orei^hr^k ; 'li*mert\ Jamb BlUm, u eoa w Dommei w- Foree’s H ^ p ^ L Foroe, North m . nearly op# depot

Deader Geo., Somerset scar city line ; ; : :. % ‘ v \ .. 1 iU81 FURNISHING GOODS. J i m 4 Thorn, W. Front oor. Park a?e (aee ad?.)

. 0 . 0 .4 Co,, 18 E. Fropt ■i!'h

MILLn, PwpT. *

f t . •ii 4njnm «M v i m f i w v . i » PLAINFIELD DIBICTOBT.

ICE DEALERS. OoddingtooJ* W. 4 H., Booaraat abort Johnrtoo't < Morton John, 101W. Front B*aa J, 4 Bon, La Graoda art. tor. Franklin plnot Shnpton A Co., W. Front oor. yfanhington art. T m J , H. A Bon, Bank plnot ICE GRBAM. Compton L. L,, M W. Front («t« adt.) Dlxont Ion Crtam, M W. Front (cat adr.) Ramootttl Edward, 94 North art. (mo adr.) Stapharfaon Eliaabtth, 49 W. Front TUr J. H. ABoo, Bank plaoa 1 , INSURANCE AGENT8. % Batter William 0., IB.Front (ana adr.) Bttkaw laaao. 19 Dntr (ana adr.) in

. 1 l E. Front (too adr.) Si 3tS Thom M. North art., opp. dtpot Its J#bbd«tfWUltemJL, 1 Wont Front (too adr.) m

INBUBANCE COMPANIES. $ h '- (Rtprtatnttd in Plainlltld.) AmnrioanFira Ian. Co*, of London, 14 B. Front , C-dtomof Hartford, 1 B. front AmarkaaofNtvark, IB . Front ' ' wWah Amtrioa. North art. opp. dapot : CldfMna of N. x., 16 E. f n n ^ Coaunartial Union of London, 1 B. Front Oontinantal of IL Y ..1 E . Front - , r Merehanta of Newark, 14 E. Front. ‘ Mataal Life Ina. Co., 1 W. Front New York Bowery of N. Y., 1 K. Front, 9 m m ofN.Y.. I I . Front North Britiah and Mercantile, 1 W. Front NortberaAeeorenoe Go., of Aberdeen and London* 1 • W.Ftoht ... ' Nerwiek Galon of England, 141. Front ^ Pann^lnnia Fire lie. Co., of Phila., 141. Front FhanS of N. Y .,1. Front . . - " HaaoliofHartford, 1 1. Front * ■ oflMtodkl WiFront .. r f ’ ;■ £5and;iE.Front - f ' f::- IdFIrt and Marine, 8prinffteld, Maaa.. M I .

Union «f PhUadalrtl% 1 3L Faont W«i2a«loo Ilro, N orton. opp. depot WaMagtolirolne. Oo^l-Jr. Front l


« 5^TW «H ^Bonlli ______w m , taHUkt.lMlfe.MlMi, JUBTIOSB OF THE PEACE. p i~ m tA j* £ Pttk !■’ S y 1* ^ Q*M*y. 7 £. Front :' ■ . m - - W#ilwortk Loqu r., E. Sdeor. Richmond | v : . . _ ■■■■■ ' ■ ' LAUNDRIE8 .

w oaimn, 30 E. Front C p i ‘(ft ' “’ J b f W»b, 98om«rtet


^ a Po.M*apiBf a i l T * m ■ " . < // * ETwnt

w.( jrortb »▼•. op* J— * ' 1®

* ▼ # 1 ^ M l

.^BsWhU.Jokn' a . l V fto, fjt* &V- SM Ur*BT 8TABLM. V ! ll! * ftrk»Tl foa adv V i w * ***•) * (IWadT-) “ adr.V

n OT o «T - . V -■ , -, } ,i ft. i*


LOCKSMITHS. it»r Wm., 56 W. Front (see adv.) " » Henry Jr., 81 Somerset (see adv.)

, LUMBER DEALERS David J., Park eve. moiamg R. R. A. D. k Bro., Park ave, soar R. R. — ame L. A« Peaoe oor 4th (jee adv.) Peed h Hall, Peace near R. R.

MACHINISTS. iter William, 15 W. Front (see adv.) idler Henry Jr.,48 Somerset (see adv.) ■joe James H., E. Sd eor. Richmond (see adv.) sek John N., Rase near Somerset ; Walter k Co.,101 to 811 Booth ave.

MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. ,Meaning L. L* WMW. Front (sea adv )

MASONS AND BUILDERS. J. T., MDaer . ..~ ____ ns Bros., Orchard plane near W. Front (see adv*) Gray Remhardt B., Hillside ave. near Prospect are. (see MaviR^arren, 46 E, Id Meftoavne lane &, 71 Park ave. (see adv.) * “ .... ““ ‘ ” ave. e* ave.'fes« adv.) * ■r8d Smith William €., UMaaning ave. (sea&a*. MABONSVMATIRUm - • , 1 1 v ‘ ]z. Ip Weed A Hall, Peeoe near R R . ■ » , & MHL1B, PwjTr, in MATTR288 RENOVATOR. IfapafevdB. A., Id ,* 6ft id > ;\x MIATMABEET8. Arnold Obaa- 88 Liberty / B ataan B. H., 40 Park are. (me adr) $ Swlft-lMs - BianPattr, 7 0 Front Fetter George, 6 Somerset (eee adv.) FHta Adam, 17W. Front ■ V ' -: tiiw k A C o, 16 Park are. (see adr.) f A' Latkiae A Hammer, Perk are. oor. 2d -!I^B«^;iO'.North'nT«.; ' ;; , i Phdnfleld Beef Co.vH. A. Haven, manager. Third oor. I t Washington (awe adv.) V' Sharkey John, ftjB&Sftmt ' .' ■; ... IteaUej Darid c'.TS&omerot ~e»Kjek, 1J>., 8T W. Front (tee adr)

AdaaeaL. Mre., 48 W. Front ^ Oarwia A. lira., 16*X. Front , / ■ ^ ^ i P^ 1 1 ^ H W^ Front Front 0 . M. Iir«479 W. FTOnt ' T7j. M n.,I Madiaoa are.-7 ; A Oo., 9 X. Front (ana adr) NBW8DEALBB8. {iff W. Front (aee ndr) § H., 7 Park am. (ana adr) CT 7 / ! * w v > B1W8PAPIB8 AND JOB PRINTXBS. •U Opafal Haw J a m Tlaae, 1 X. Front (aee adr) taadtatUmakat, * North am, (me adv.) Ironing Nawe, 9 Bomeraet(eeendv.)

^%.*www^u , N E W Y O R K . ^"••a1%'v*Y7tT» < ’ a- s* ‘»K^.if \ ! PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. 191 NOTARIES PUBLIC, [Botlar William 0.. 1 & Front pm H Jca^C T Park in. Oooi P *krf|8,w , Front Hotiold WaltarL, 9 E. Front Jaakaoa AGoddiagton, Park are. cor. id , ^Mkrah Craig Adam, 1 K. Front Unmm William B., 9 E. Front Baajoe E. W. A N„ 2 E. Front Ulriak John, 1 W. Front Van Wlakla John H., S W. Front I OILCLOTH MANUFACTURERS. ) partibid A Oa, Forth ava. naar B^hmond '<•■■■.■ ,' . - : > ; ; PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS. ! Adama William F>, 10 Park av* (too adr.) I AJgaagb WUUamE, 81E. Front “ *UMaB.t Atiiagton ava. (•aaadv.) : _ H. torriMa), 18 Somenot - w Rnavoa David(alga), 6 Paaoo . . . ' ... ' ' rrt' Svaha Alkartaa, 9 North ava. / , M ik O.P. tio^acVSS W. M (mo adv.) - Waavar Bros., 17 B. Front (taa adv.) 'j Wnolrtoo A BoaUa^North ava. opp. depot (laa adv.) ^ FAQmBHjl SDPfLISa AND PAPKB HANGINGS. Bmaaa BL B., 17*ad 19 B. Front at.(aaaadv.) ■'I-:!''SS*f Svalm Albertos,A North ava.: • : .. - ■ - ,:, ■ j V " PATENT SOLICITOR. % SatraU Lamnal W* 140 Naartutj N. T. (tea adv.) % PHOTOGRAPHERS. Hint Aflahar, 19 B. Front UlmaAaniaFnak E. Front . . , ,J# B. Froat (aaa i I tv ■r— n u o iu m s M J m. 1. UUar,?nf‘rl r it,- ■ •&!A $ ?> > ' ^ ^ <* ' «U A*» im rm WA<


PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. William C .,49Pmm Barray D., 64 Park an. v > 8. (IwmcMpathiat), 68 Peace George YT, 66 Park ave. Chanacey M., 6S Peace . , J. T., 71 Park are. tX.lW.M Johnrf., oOee 66 & 2d ' w n vM m Ajj I t CniMIlt I f t * t ^fiM tos lX W., Front «or. Central are. SMM? 6anh D. (bom“t'> /VfV.

PLAOTIELD DIRECTORY. > SANITARIUM. i ■ • - . ■ _ ".. ■ ' . • .■ • . Oooitj Justus H., Wsstsrvoltava. oor. Manning ava.

BABB, BOOBS AND BLINDS A Habbard, Madison are. sor. W. td (s»a adv.) t Andrew J„ 91 W. 6th tunas A Coddingtoo, Stsinar plasa i BOROLL8AWING AND TURNING. Innstt W ». B., Madison ava. aor. 8d

SEWING MACHINES. WUHam, Ad W. Front (aaa ad?.) Tboa. J. (Wbaslsr A Wilson), 16 E. Front A CoJDomsstic), It E. Front, (aaa adv.) W.fHonasholdi SAW# Front (tat ad?.) Tg-^llOW .^iit i STONE DEALER8. ... v i.* : ‘ . IB John A., Madison are. oor. Id ! J.- T. (bint stona), opp. depot .1. : 8TOVE8* FURNACES AND RANGES. 12 North a?a. TAor&i Front oor. Park ate. (too adv.) J n tM n , 118omanat (sat adv.) W it Epcmt, .., .. : : mAttdrew W., 10 Park avs. Daait) w ., A North ava. (tan adv.) Oharlas M., 16 Nortb ava. (saa adv.) ■'i- ' A TA1LOB8. iar D., t Sttnaraat P., llPark ava. riiAifffiiLp DMQT08T,

P|M»TDIO PBB86 IIAlfIJyAgwm m I - , Jr.,Sooth m . MvCk«iai»T«L p , Scott Whiter A Oo., 101 to m South «▼«. i! * PBODUCE DEALEBfi. SSTiW ^a1--1 r. k f H tiL ifTAGfflim

\ P» W . * * * (••• odr.)


saloohs. Vn

g $ S r a * s » « g $ ! S § t e : JMBwwWnilM. MW. U ' ■f■v. *.v?v-vv:’ .0 ;*■.u » T n# i p i * i i . ’>>C' v h * v y \ w t r ._ ., • ?‘K ^ " v ”-n |L K.ACLL B M i n i , »*• «• PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. l t t Bonham Oacar M., 44 W. Front iy«tteh John H.t SO W. Front (we adv.) Gntimaa Bombard, 8S W. Front Praed John J.t W. 2d nor. Madiaon aw. Sehorb John 14., 11E. Front (aw adv.) Shroppe George, 45 Jaekaon are. J Tao Eyafc Joho, 16 E. Front Titaarorth Alaaandor, 41 W. Front W^Uk Thomaa, 18 Park are. , r% : TAKIGRAJER, P Lindalnj David P., North are. opp. depot (aae adv.)

TEAS AND COFFEES. Northern Pacific Tea Go., 10 W. Front Tollman C. W., Madtaon eve. near Front (aae adv.)

UNDERTAKERS. .'■//; ■■■ * Ford ft Stilaa. 14 E. FronUaea adf. .V'.. Baajoo iu If. ft Son. M W. Front ^spfP.ft 8on, IX W. Od j; 1 .\V Waatam Union, in dapot, 0. H. Schermerhorn, manager

UPHOLSTERERS, i John B., W E. Froot(aaaadT.)

Poviaon J. 8„ 4SW. Frontysfl'l- V • BeameToeo. W* W. t t l S . Omtral nee. (aaa adr.) BaUaretfcGao.,ITW.Id(aaaadV.) v v : . v;; lhiUaat]iO.L.f SOMaraing ora. . •• Wjigmnn H op, 10 K. Root (aaa adv.) y.-,,' ■■■■ yMj;

M M.MSXkr.Tnf’r., FU mM I 1 . I “> 4* ^ V - ‘


T1TBBCIABV STOOfOKi. tor A. F.t Sooth N«ih*rwood Gro., not City botol H., 66 W. 4tb

, WALKING CANE MANUFA0TUB1B. . Bootnooh* Jalioa W. A., Worroo opp. Hormooj (•«§ \ ; 1 •**} "■ ■ ; . --f■ '• ■ ' ■ • ; WELL DRIVERS.. J * ./ ■ . -i1) lil ■ ‘ k,jPlurk ***» (— odv.) i i MSMy wvwif of mm « t«i .. . tV Bohriif ChnrlM P,, 74 W» front opp. Groro "r‘ ■ ' " ' V' ■ : , WHEELS AND MATERIAL.

g liAotoGooigo w .t ME. front (no od?.)

: 'y / WALLPAPML U iietU uM u Information.


Jhr u ii mg J wtfah -Btanet Van Sjakal. .A m m k Thomaa F. McCormick, Lewi* 8, B w aad Nathan Harper. flAnj|f’--Thomaa Forsyth. Clrfr-Jamaa 8.VoMtU«r. , Om3^lhrnt^^fnd 0, Karth. i W ater af iW -W illiam H. Wilaop. , Chwfr CWfwfcr Patrick Bheridao. ttw if H j u i eim Dr. Jamai S.Grecn. Wipaw SylT—tor Cahill, Jr. ..

PLA U fFU LD C iTF GOVERNMENT. (OrgMi—d If* TtWty kilty, tliy.) o Jftyar WillianB. Manoa. — - “ i .F . Ooriall. KB. A. Marab. . . -Patar P.: Trnmm ■* TiramtahVan Winkle. ; immr I. A Hi"'* a t i ' * JHrfCaatmMM*--Qao. M. Aaghmna. G f % L T.Fritta, M.D. jh , Q m m m J W -J . 0 ^ - < ft C+*k»■ t. PLA ^IK LD DIRECTORY. ‘jf'j o r o o v m JYmUmt.B. PtAnk Ooritll; C. 8. Wsst, P. E, M snkJ X. L Ltviofaton, J. fjjjupsou, 0. D. Wadsworth, T. A */ NytshA, J. B. Dumont, A. Love, 8r., John Ron, W. E. y ;

S BOARD OF EDUCATION. , J h & MU Md Qfff 8* p 'to f School*—J v n b Kirkner; 1 » - a „ John W, littwmy; Msson W. Tylsr, Nsthssf V. •< Haqpsr, J. L. Huribsrt 7 #7 '■ •<

* HOBTH PLAINFIELD VILLAGE GOVERN- i r MEET. MM. V ,'Jf • X. Joass j tf«*r--Wm. H. Shotwsll; © j (W m r

*V!V 'l- 1. f«• s t , ..... ‘•4 DEPARTMENT. 5$ I •*?#«< Ho. 1, W. Id nsAr Pork ata-A ta--■ • ^ ' sma Tmgoh A.Moort; AK, ^ CUikR, AniMwif Chsriss H„ Word: a* r» N — iWflj «t(toal»^B.I. t PLAINFIELD DIBBCTOftT. m > Puiwvpun Btiamii No. 8, Front opp. Madiaon art.— J. Martin; ifr* AaaMutf-T. Lyoaaa; M W l iiiitiar—-Aloiandor Gbo; A qin m —'Frank Bohoaka. W m n lia n a No. I, Sonaraat noar Imilr—-Jbr#- - mi Qoo. Bookor; Fbrat Aui*a*t—Y4Ur fijnn; 8 m * i im'iimi—H. J. Young; Ohaa. W. KraoaM. r Z w n H i t aid Laddie No. 1, W. id naarPark a?#. 1 v Ftrmm — Baajamin A. Mnmford; Jfr* Auitkmt r Joaopk Nool; Aaond iu iiM - W n , Daria.

MASONIC DIR1CTOBT. JiavaALMi Lorn, F. 4 A. M. No. S6. Moat Aral and . tkird Tnoadaj OToninfaat Maoonie Hall. W. M .-B .7 . Cortall, P . 8, W .-W . H. Sabring, P. U-i J- W—Wm. A. lia, P. M.; TVaowror—Joa. G. Milkfe; dtr. Nalaon; 8. J).--John Vattarlain; / . D .-W in. L. Wright; A if. C—Thaodor* Nawall j / . if. C«*-W. L, Ttiaworth; Mrardi—Ohaa. A. Ooriall, _ Adolph Kpraiaa; vnutm~-W. B. Maxaon, J. 0. Pom, J. Klrkaer; C*apiau» — W. F. Adama; Oryw*— H. 'M W oodlid; 2V * «•* — «*** ^ D. BarliDffaam; 3. W.—T. 0 . Herrin:

A l J-,p*riM; * *• o-Af. j . a n ? «wft *;#• 0. G. Crawford; JO r-C W JtW«rtph«C

■; •■ ■■r ■. , • ■'..■■■ ' • •V * W ® U * A * 1 0 U i ORGANIZATIONS. t ■ v i J * » i » r - a-joho (Mm m4 ^ i S i f ; a T%-*p y Ararat * ^ * M’'~ ^ ,#nul, ^ > ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 T III ’ «■ _ ' r4 / H awnioi Pm u^ G 7J o'clock, in Hell, Trait

-*• >• W«ht«lj: V i m - a m - ■ M . S m > m u r— j *. « inv-V. (

" . P- U m * " 7 " * » , G—^1. Irani; fVolcic f, Iochcrv ^ I. ,r*T ' - _ ' . • ^54- '1 yy?* _y°4MIV Aiiciiojjrliraiei of « .1 l

a 3 T Tm ,U j " " h * l - n ± m g * t *p5?». i. JhtM„.., *l?J)il#<’.|A .^5ra^ ; ■ a. ^ ■■ '*••*',•^k- • '*•. *. * ■ ■ '.*■; • *■ ' ' •;■•/■’ i , • ‘ ’ • ■ * • -V . • • . V.'i'i'W j'

■*>« *' ft * \ 'A n y ," fi &, v;.-'/A'C^ i f . * A * c PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. SOI -ft,..flfo. * ■ F ta s in w Bi fmt Bw . Srekioe It. Rodman; Vfc-RgMt-~8almoa 0. Baker: Auf pa^iK—David E. Titiworth; Secretory— Aaron % Band; Odtetor—Wni. J. Leonard; Irate- m§ # --A . It. Qriflen; Mtdical J^nwMr—Gao. W. Endi- eott, "

Punviiui Benoite avo Loai Amooutiov. fVen- dnf I. 8. Cotter; SVwwnr—O. Bachman; Bwretary— HatVaa Harper. Alee: fourth Honda/ of each month la Cotter’# Boildii...... i-..; r WoriUL® Soon Pot* Ho. 71, G. A. B. |fcmma»». W. Moore. Meet eaoood

■IfFan Hatioial. V; 0^1100,000. teypliie, 086,000. ' ' . * . B. Van Deventer y Viet-BreuttoU-- L D. , THniafUii ( M r —O. Pane ; AlienB^Ma» U Dv mlm J. a Vca Defeuter, O Totj^ Jr., Jol ...... *..... “ l A. Ban/, L D. Titaworth, J. Wm. Me “ .P.’jfi. French. ', ^ B an BAvnaalrniRonoR . ■■ ,, ...... rvyitfnif f W. Rou/on; Viot-PtttidsiU a— Iaaao Bn*!; AeMyawd Ihaiarr-Bhae R Pope.


C m National B in ,

Ostial,■! • ■ • ■ w f 160,000. w T 1 ■ ■■ Vk+Prtidtot B. a Pont: gjSyrJwgpfc II. M ;tn; Drxiort—Z. p Pom J yJC&SV&f* 3- ^ “ DoiiM, Cbarlas Hide, J, F. Hib* ? ' T- a m w ' M -s* J J t p : / v t * -v v ’ - nwsnnoa, o C m iU HlW JlUW Timm W : , r W ««jr Ttund,, bj Bonjon k U oouL tPS?*’ ®°r‘ ,root •»<* Somtnwt its.TeH* .vl t^Wiytirj parts of tha jsar at tha •.TT*'«- ■ * J‘?U h‘- ■ i-? s T*a CounTonoMAUgr. ,,

$VB'a*- ;JW f^priato», Tams 12.00 a jaar ia adnuH* 'v ‘ Tn Btttiie Niwi. .

’ - ’ ^WlIWm'UTIOHB. sK » , . . M» 4 ^J5^w-S»m aal Haattl 52*» * “ '*• Cock, 8te.i CbartssBi

JmSLJ ^ l#r»Obaa. H.l!!S3rViuiM J : PLAINFIELD DIRECTORY. SOS > ...... 1 ■ 1 ...... i '/>...... ■■ ■ r \ „ Jfa njwy CommUki—Meier*. Huntingiou, Cook, Low#, ' Gstroaa and Dev. Hr. Raymond to whom, or to on# of th# physicians application for admission (exoept in cm## - ofaosid#at)ahooMriVmade. . * ‘ Doctors Buriinpham, Field, Endioott, Tomlinson, . Boon#, Probasoo «nd Long, Physician*; Miss Josephine Daamont, 9*pt. . PunnriiiA CiiiDtiR'i Homi Association JVs#.—Mr*. Home# Kimball; FSee-fVes.—Mr#. Jam## IMS##; Use. Gw.—Mrs. Obarle# Plao#j Cbr. Bauav Association. 8#oond oor. Madison are. JVas.—Mrs. Geo^W. Forty; Ac.—Mis*. Julia Aokley; A y t Mm A J. Gray.

union OMJB OF PLAINFIELD. , Cw. BraOwasuxlMkat. . ’ Jfcaadlaf--John P. Dumont. IfraJ M Aal -Mason W. flyUr.; IH w nk Qaa H GtnHitH \ > , V M Cbusmiias-Joho B. Dumont, Ohw. 8. W#at, W, JL Potts, C^Tw##dy, 0. D. Wadsworth. ¥ Mono HjUJiiMaoouTioir or Puuvuls. / . , / OAse ( a i Marsh’#), oor. Front and Bbm«**t at*, v jEStA ManT* Jvi;^Ond*JL MaiM», % , irm . : A ltt ffiibwi, J<*b B. K m A a m . J n * > 0 ^ 'v °?d^ AI“ BlW f■ *' w . B. Battm'L. V. F. Ban

PLAINfWLD MMICTORY. PLAINFIELD GAB LIGHT € 0 . iMd U W 1067. Capitol 1100,000. Tht ot i dMl work* i located at toe comer of Fourth aid Pruiitmt-~4. R. Yw Dmotir; Brunsen; Skcrttary and flrtam tnr, H*.\v

CHURCH DIRBOTOBT. FimtBatot. it cor. Grove. Strive en 8and*y ot 10£Ca. m. ■ Ts|0 f. m. Saoday School r,t 180 ?. m. }j Bor. I* J. Yerkae, D, D. , '• .*/ f»#V ‘ Manning fttoUe, ManninjrYermeole, D. f » u i f 1 ■ p» iaajijr BoU&t John 8. Bidwin. L. W. Sami), eodbam, . ;u\. -.; ■ ■■■ - ■ • ■■■ - ’ v.\- s>-ftv M )liw r B. Leonard...... F. K. Mareb, D. J/ Boice, A. Gilbert, J. Rat* P. H. Gardner, 11. JJEtooUy, G. A. Chapman. H. Gardejif• . ■ . ■ . WjUCatehen. & S o ft i f & &~Bufoe 1L Com.

...■ /^^Ai™ wBafi*t. '.-. , _ ’ ’ . j . .•?o. flbr. Proipoet ore. Berrioee o* 8nadaj«4' X. 8«»daj aehool it 8 k thipiitor, ‘ Rif. BobtLowry,t D. D. . . ‘ " •;' V;^| ~W *l ' Tollman, Tbeo.L B. W.G.PaU. $ v / ' .».,______M. Ronjco. ^ A ...... ■;'^jsS 7iai5ss.^S 8a?--" ^ .. BranaDoiBamir. * "*

Mbooi l l i M. Prajir aid ooafertnce meeting, =i=i l P l " f s f M . A f t t PLAINFULD Dm»r-rOBY. Fndav evening, 7:80 in winter, 8 iln rammer. Sunday senool prnjer meeting 4:15 Sunday afternoon. ' ftitor^A, ftlsfii, D, D. finww -T. H. Tomlinson, J. D. Spicer, Thos, F. Ban* dolph, B. D. Bandolph. wniteMJ. Potter, Jr.,E. B. Pope, J. A. Hubbard, T. F. Bandolph. Geo. K. Babcock. dir*—J. D. Spicer.' 2Wainrir-J. If.Titaworth Ckori$kr—D. E. Tiuworth. Orpmitt—A. L. TiUworth. SkpL 8. S,—D. B./Fitawortli. Jkfembenbip, 192; constituted 1888.

^ Mt. Olivb Baptist. Liberty near 8d; Bjpv. B. N< Fairfax, pastor. Services on Sunday at 11 A. M.|md 7:45 ?. m. Sunday sohool at ■

/ ; Fast Coioskutiomal. ; ^ ■,, .. ; Idnenr Park ave. / Service* on Sunday at 10:80 a m. •,?> Sunday school at &45p. m. ; ■'; - t S m 0 .L.Goodrich. ■ : ; XBaeans >T. R. Clarkson, A. J. Winokler, J. 8. Powli- y 'i- '■ IhnOfi J. Signer, W. P. Wadsworth, 8. O. Boney, ■a.:lLSi»#e^ .. i-s: Fhsii»V Geo;1W, Bockfellow. Av4&\^L-Geo. W. Bockfcllow, Qiaos Cioacu /Episcopal, v . . OcJrfSycamore and ftth sts. Services on Sunday at > V 10:81 A.Mn and 5 p. n... SondaySchool at 9:15 a. n.,in ;) aimmer,l:80 P. M. in winter. - . ; V W - B e v . % M. Bodmao.* - \ h : M r Wmdm Jdhn B. Dumont. , . J ? «Mr WMn—W. E. Lowe. .. ' . • * H. Erichson, O. T. Wa^g, Charles y 201 B. WLLn, Prop-T, r> r '? ; v. V,.,

1 - ...... , „ii PtAOnmLD DIEKCTOBY. C°°k» HowerdPltminf,S. h v V I Lowe. K.SriebsoB. «. *

$*T- . • ■. . •."... . :>MWilHoit VAVWCioee 4ImWMmVwm f i m r u , r;ki ,BTaehiigtqii lye. oor. Holy Roodplaoe; eenricee on M Iftl) i i . ind 4 r.v. Sandejr school at

¥ ^ £ S * i * ' I**“ Mnrjrfnr, ; P rf- JSHL WvBywUl Potto. ^ ~ * V°°» P«nk 8. Browne, Eli Lope, rVJ^rkr, Jadeon L. Browne, J. J. Heudevc^ J. Hendereoo. • ■5F“ l ■ • J4jva« .- . '••. ■ • v . . • ■■ . • • f t * * &—Wm. J. Leonard. O u N in Atuvs Pimbytiiiaw. 'w i f f M 1M0 A.M^'lid 7:46 r.m. JAtjftdO AJL -S' j t ' ~ ' ' ,,“rVlj D. Ooridl, L l £ j |

« .,» « « * « ,ftnthmt Burnt* £ , W ' * ' . ” •■- v m (. W. Moore * w .: Ohae. H. Ptooe, Ar.; Wto. Meuaoit,

.»■.•'■■ ■ v//. ■ . ■ . /j ®>V ^ Pjiet;Piieujsnia*. LPrentncarBliaptoe on Sandej at l(htO ^ at 4 r. m. - ;/P

fu ^ u ft " ■ <, X- ^ m" i 1

PLAIKHgLD DDtlOTOBY. MI •. '■£+. T^ * * - * ' W “ Cori«l|, * ■ .; W, H. Skortwl), 1 nm ; H.A. P«i»,»e.; I T, admin, B. St, Mo, W * A* Woodful V . . . .■■■■; ' Apt S. A—H. B. Opdykt. • " " : KiHaMinTawm. : ' ' / W. Id DMT Park in . Sarvioaa ou Sunday at 10:S0 **** f, ji* ■* Sunday lehool at 2:80 f.m. ^x.^- ■■ V. V. Raymond. ■' '' /'xv3

* * .• / « & - K. E. Aotbooj, ,J 4uiU. A q t L o f 8. ^.-nJoho Hf Van Wiukln. . y~.‘ ,:. ■ ■ ' ■ : ; fm n BaVOUHD. , ' ' “Vr* v F. r,, - ‘' ■'<< ' 00 Bamtyrat J0;46k :iL and 7:10 f.m. Sun­ day aakool at 9:10 a. n. • • ^'^^-Tkupllltor. ■_ './_ j; j. __ ’ Mmoftti?. _ . ( **r ; front aaar Oantral atm. -. Bureau on Sunday at 10:10 . x * and T 46 r.M. Sunday ioboorftt S:90 r. *. , ■ M^ L Bif.AlaaandirH.T«tt|a*> y :--.s ^ W. Panfborn,J. W. Jack- , Jamie MoOaa,J. H. Burgaaa, H. . Avt—Bav. J. L. Huriborti ...... ^ ^ ‘ St. Man's Rouai |Uiiouo. ’ i -■ , 1. ‘ v \{V Likarty our. tth, 8arrioaaon6unday at 8:80 and 10:10 "v AH. Sudwaatool at fetor,*. ' T - A wr Bar.P. K. Sayth . ^ St. Joam BwUia Oattouo. . t k,' SamoanBarviow atMOaadat MO and 10:901 0 :1 a. 0 « v. . and ayery Sunday at W* ». H. Sunday aakoal at I f *. 1 -fw.’ii mEt Bw. T. A. O’Uankm. ha*..ni i ... .. EUWptt M GdUKCUl H, V

■; 1 ■ O i ' ,, 1 '* ffK . i u m m m m m IM • . y-,^ E third cor. fmmk iFbiuhipotjFlrtf day at ^ ;\V , , '"v ' . ■ ** * . - ' - . ' : ■ M " ir" t M iAs - ’ -' ;:>•!j 0,\ j> ■ i •sfMMK Ffnvijf. 1. Vraot n m I l» pUm. Wonhii if an Fourth day...... at J t m * * . • , ' . ; ; ^ ; < )t, Waibiv Ufiox Mot (■.■ ■_■ ■‘, MM- -w* I P"OhalfcMMferMt Mi* Bowamt ••hool jfe#i ♦: U:& * . LviarviewT:|0».M. 'V . t t Iff. ■ ,•-* r. , * llL 'Nt o M o nui t g i** h s > c n p u i j^ s o c ia t io h . .

S B . o j j M M . * - * s fl. Mtttwd, nwumr—B. 0. Niwm i,

..iV to IS a. Mid tialr, m. Mi M] fe ll *M«d% M

mnr iit*n*ou ud amiof, J. 0. NodjfS iSmla'a BtUdlag. f isM rauapi Boonron. (umiwlM aCHii ' # ! l PLAUmXLD DQUEOTORY. f°f» i M. french iS Uwrd Ohae. Bornean; W JW *I-P. L Tea B«tek; id M*r*ka&-J. Y. - Whltloek “ • • * * “ ■ ... k»U corner of Id et, and Central ar*., orMing*. Kiperienoe meetinpTncedare n> y if Waa Qoipel meeting* el different chareneeoo ■JfV*

Weiufs Onsjsmi Tbmhraio* Unoi-Boome, !’j§ xH*Br TreeYale*; J Ml*. I , L-OoMmI; Mr.—lire. Geo. Bebeoek; IWu.— *ft| Ml*. 8. B. Strnthera; Ayi i-i #M.*r4Cn. Wide ; N*.—Miae Bank Jonee; B i r : ^

B ivu Dmstti No #7 8, of T.—Meete Taeeday ere-;" * ‘ * .... baMnf,oom*r Park are.

YOUNG MBITfl B0C1AL CLUB. Organised Jin* 16th, 1877. Meet* R. front oor. Park nana. JHn-A.TH*i1oo. PLAlHnKLD SABNOKSBCHD. ^ Hr? H * t » fcn p r mi), Hortk »»«. oor. Pwk »T.,OT«if;', 4^t-s v m m , ... i*tt.—Ofcirie* Mm*; Vfa*-i*w.—Georg* Bran*; i" // TH1 OBiUUVQUl UXERABTAND BOEEBTIFIC COWLS. T- Parkaro. eor. North are. PlainUld. * ita -L ew ii Miller t &*,—A.M. .Martin; S*fL of ih* H. Ylaeant, DJ>

Uv,?w 1 ypJLZ >. •' A ». +* V . ' w ? > :■;. DUNELLEN. "m oEKJ*Xia>te

rJ J»«i?Wir T ______tootiCL™ Ttl^npk,!. L * » W « « .O m S iw MIm W. 4 // w., iMiauu olork / aCklfc b * nGtolw, u i . iHmyof \( OMUmblfn. XT? nkrit WilHuk u __I Jj** jjS / , Ooti WUibbH^ ootl __ A a L g * * j u t o , i S f j t o * jr 5 » J S 5 2 -**- *- •” ■ M a -to * .* * ;i ■ o g S i J i t f c i i ‘ J y U n .

iftotor C *>A

T* x

** ^ 1 4Aii ■ . V .V i r DUmUKDIElOTOBT. ill Dim JEUIi J., fcmtr, Hill Charles F. ’ Prosiest art ‘ Hnmpetoa Robert, laborer Dima Herbert, eaadymaker Jones Thomas, baggage .* bam b i ' ■ master ■ ■■ •.■■’v Datead Charles A^ shoes Keel Albert, eoaebmaa i T . F., boarding Kelly Bartley, laborer Oarl shoe. KDlorio James, MaveageT ' Xitobea John A., eoaebmaa; ,: IntMiriol..k««J Knldoshes Matthias Mrs. ■=,,

LowrieJas.,teroet wearer Lovne Robert, amer ' ___ . . . Leidcey Bamoel ~ ' ^ • ; (M a t Daaiel H., tel. I # a William H. I^ ^"aSarateiT' •. .-a J^bnRt1 ■ ' •■■■■ '■ l OanSoTJ. D., nearer MeOotter A. V. . ■ i Gasifll Daaiel W., mama )M « J««ph, saloon M i l l Jamee M., Mask- Marlow Saauiel D. .: MsrreUftamnel 3.,eiiwess Mesle*3eorge 0., tinsmith Meyer WUIlL. J. ^ k ,fJ mS« w ; a^ ^ MUler Alexander Her u MUttkaaBias, earpeeter" 2 '‘v> ttUjkm Bteabeth MUfikao John, hatter , s)xA•>7-t Mortoa Mrs., widow Sm HI W. /• O. f l PBSET^.' B f K W 1^ " jgEa, aarpeater , sl.. Petite pSj^m jbyiite PlaaksttWestey, “ ~ “ Pooe Ate D^paiater _ 7 P^

Tj ' v W ToddAiatfi * ' W lir, aariatar ToW Johj^Jlw W ^oncsr ™ *££'*" „ ToddThomaaJ.,brakemaa G. , i M u To m m J mi*. wrtdwiM, Trimmer Maria L., kwjar ila Mia. Yidl «irp««l*e Van Artriala Paioa ,|B Vaa Darraar Maw A. aoaahman VaaDeraaerW. uw iipW laborer Via MMdleaPrirtb Heaw 4 £ brakaaeaa VareKathaa, ahU tagtaa^ brlakmakar WaklLoak>■ - & ;J H. , laborer Ward Walworth, 41

Waidaa A|bwt W .«w i ; ; • •?; WwM Bmwy.doAUr ,^ 1 U U fJ,. n a i ' Wheeler Jaama, wad ■■ , ;\3«| ” * W tt^lSU Ml*. ,! WUeok Frederick, flM p ^ g i p|i»r:• ,, WjBkaa am^awilahm^|P tl WitaJaafttniM Ii £ Watfri'Aui.

" . £ J 7 ' •'• JAHWOODDIBECrrOBY. JjMftan I M., aoal ' Pappora Bagaaa |^ & p M « l kookkMMr PfifiTT. If., hotel J » » WlUlui, machinist 'Pktuut Barn'l, aaarpantar UmhartJohn. . , Potin Gtdaon £*teh«tlitehartTho Thomas J.agant Post W, J , Bootch Plains I^onGnorga hotel. Soot,oh Plaini Haddad Jamas, paparmakar Raddan Philip, carpenter *, carpenter Beddea Samnal, oarpantar WUHam, fertnar Rftohia Jamaa AIM , bookk'r Bajmoldsr Thos, paparm’r Baalamb 8chvcSdar Henry, termer IWomabaa wTD. Schialen John; farmer lidlair John Soodden Smith • MnA QeovgeW., botcher 8eelay B. A. papermill Marsh John, Jr., botcher 8hepard A. B., pros. MarikJoimlLjr., batcher Smith 0. A., eoal and 1| '5:1 iU %k Mayherldara, carpenter bar, fertiliser* f$jj Martina O.W. L. ;: -.; Smith Charles ■ : ■« *M*^k.BwtckPkl.. Btuabiry W. 0. jArtf:. brickyard Stitea Heorricosaiable ;.v:8tort.Charl&:: >*. /v':; ■ , . € ;s Y ■ vYlfalorW.. B. S., rubbar • II., mill- TaynorSamoel Tice Joeepb vY: Town L P., taaebar ■ ■ U'-Ji J , I . Sakai a*ent Van Valkenborg h William, milk teWwibht , : ■'::■ Y Wm., paaenaakar Walker Jamaa % ; , •.:Y a 9eat(elL, jwSce Walpoole Bobm^^apl^ ' ...... mnith .dritar WateraonJohn, aarpanter m Watt Bat. Mr. •on WabatarThoanaaprool w w - * * paator Weaoott Frank W., phy* O k m a ^ k Man White John P. ToaOf Myron, tenner

£ f i S K ‘ . , * \\//'

- FANWOOD. A{ Cook Joho Q., bather Warren Caopai William Ci*ej William, foreman OL«%lohB v i;aiSTV': . DarbjLeri ii: * & / ^ (B*kw * S ^ k tt p,

Nfjkf •• H* Dwfct"°S Maxwell A0'b0"7, WhHl' / — Draxiar Lamia, drifar Dmm Hpraaa, poataatfet Dayakiaaka BiekanJB’, aaipaatot .. hardware. ; ’*U ■ ' ' ' s5i 1 **•. . £"jw Anthony, former paper, IWejr Jamee, earpeater g ftfblLbatel JMenC.N. * Altrti wageamaker flaaaery John, grocer “ J“ papawMjktr TlyaaJaka * ’B s s a r ■ ;ii f3g22p^* 1 s s ^ r ^ r 'A « ? 5 i & / * * *•“*» HaD B .P ., lawyer r'i W. I...... » OimVlNOUtui;,, i4Bnbidftwtwi«r Du d J mmo M a*aaa*a n t* Hdaall Baalj...... t(l Elaatria Oowtrection : W and Bap©lyCo,backc L Eannooa Broa...... I , Eadioott Goo. W,fpr..> »$ Eatfl Malford...... If EoaoiojflJawn... 17f .v\ Paj'l^F UiOtMMt*^...... ■ tt<® *Tboro ffcjaC.U.Dr„...... U" T. W Foroa'a Hotel, tonttoaa i'iToflft *•**•* •*•*** 28 and front ool— ^ St Ford 4 8UI«aM.... U.ABro. bor- ■ Fritte J. T-...... after naaa dair llsaa ob front and Fraoah John H...... 10 eorara Gibla John B...... U D.J...... 10 Gillian T* .< <•<«>. ’IS B n . 10 Qian L Banwiek, Dr... 10 «torM..»..«olY Qoallar Hasty Jr...... 'I Omvaa Oban...... t o . r . * 0 . 1 . * Gib? B. B...... 10 ■> Haaa and hoik •*** Griftas J.F. Dr...... n BMBt Halatrad T* Jaflaraoa Haddan A ~ !E j...... m ? 'U' ....baak aoaar H ad**B.W.l)r....,.,M, A. 4 Hoagtand |?ot«r...... 2 14 .oo':v|0 , HolmaaClty Exprnag^ 17 Bvoa...... orp.Ulia HosaviMS J. IEGo..... 14 . , U. Baptist k Allan .. D. v n i. IT. J . Ttawo.^.1Hotel Hafkat^tad' . : t •••- ■ " ...... a n OQMNOO pa*f HufbaaJjdio .... v«^0 I * t f c Jantiaa J^ewton.... I ll ^ ■ J.W .A Jobsatoo Jofei, front ootar ; Jooaa OadvalUdar..... 10: 'flK Sanaa ll< J IlOTOB J . :> Data A S on ...... 04 >1 (Dm) 1 KHna Lawk iLanna^aoaOaO •» 'U\% JVaotaaaaa wLa OratelswanlaP*... ju iiL uingE-iLCr...... ; 17 Iiftefa S lo t bottefr ; \ % &Dr.. .* ttaaamaS’P P. If. Laab J.4B ., ooloradpH SSF* 1 m m w ^ j £ r ••••»«•• * S’ '■ ■jRS8S-iiW»‘/'-> ___*ff»»**.».r 1# ••iWliWI W» •"*•"”"• . K*..filM fMt; SpSwk J. !!••••••• t *••*•• ■ • fltffW ’frwil i „ * : & * £ # * ■ ' * riwBL jr-i... HflUm K. 6...... WWc ar-^ LttDr...... » Bmttk Qkm...... lr it a M O . p ...... I t M M a 0 ...... <.... b**''i}]P...... ««»•«» II l a t t f B . 0 ...... S. Sjto®*. S Stalk & W. a®a.....». ■ • w BMBNf (#..■«[ L»ialil SwS SHI* 'SL ®*- taaU* ■;£' " p — i NkM.K~...^

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,t ipitF'Sgi m m m * * . .. BaB^saVr-’AM^ r'/;C I M | »«<**«>»•••'

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