i - ,| m m in T . mim 1 ¦¦ imim i ii i ¦¦¦¦¦¦ i WHOLE NO. 6697. MORNING? EDITION-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1864. PRICE TWO CSfT?-

to wbM an .ARRIVAL OF THE QEORQE LAW. CilforaU, they wan attacked on tkt Hamboidt tbOOO who made Uw application *.*.*> to notorioua frauds in unworthy tho eupport of imirlun Mr*. TMMmm ¦ aitter 9t Mn. flbK Jamse H. Hlie> of lute Oftrm, to Mtaa Bw the Iadiaae At la tabu- set forth tu whole story of hex these poor devils nmlTM to inm- mi aa briSnL ff"Laf Hot luck, of Oilroy. rir*r, by MTi|Mwn«l^a| do f4 thftw* kmkf iMft wtth tbi ltaiiM trompt, Msfl* L"l chaaeed to bote 4uum vile. So V °®«w do Was, U> a 0^.» U* of M. am Diy Orwk, eade, tad wn« eraaad with riflae. They Brad upaa the cr*Ma Borjia." M-um thorough ^ . ° IMm, B*., treaty or h tmty, thaa to mat tho wnt; and wbea aa *xc*tl*nt Italian and a 4* * IUt. Mr. MoCullum, Mr. K. fetes to TWO WOT8 LATE! CAUPHWA. party aad killed teo; the other two aeoapod. the pstaoaeia won brought before hitn ho could dismiss tho«e Aldomon &nd ¦male, aeeaat, MImM. A. Waldren. FB01 Aeaietent Alder- rote*. with nor* , will aa*k« k. tho cut wd remaad thorn to the their fraopSjjThathare i which, training At the iwlliiiii of Vb. Mr. aC who waa oa Ui Custody J* oap- voted to auatola the late frauda la our tXMBMt alBMT. . Miliar, ba aw MUMrtowo. Geo^a Robiaioa, Keotnoky, If ouch o eo«roo wore either tew or the Be*. Umm way to thia State with a drove of by the aouthaaa torr, required by J**T* traitor* to the oitlaeaa Caroline Chapman and Julia Oonld at* fhjtaa' lb/ Item, ET^d^wntetoMtoi atoek, treaty- Such >ooi to ui . naaoa mho via w of the *Wl W ** "Weh Marrtrlll*. Carotin* la dmag the Pnollne*, aadA * Hilary M. May, all atlW oouotyT^ JL MilHoa and a Half in Treasure. route, waa ahat by oaa af hia Mrvaata, at the Proeidio out; hut as we are not a lawyer, and tho cooo x«av bo tW 2£«£l8!"* julifti. ¦ I» e*enm»nto city. by Ju»ticeWm. 8hoemaksr, taw- Bio Grande The Midatar diacaaeed by tho trst jurist. and lawyers in tho temS *. ltaelTed, That the thaaka of the oatire are due Mr. u4 Mr*. Kent ar* alao at FMbIIIm to Muimt MeMnrry, All of llsfrsntsoto eecaped. will not a aad will vbo people KujiTtO*. to Los Rn. Mr. The Indiana are tary tronbleeome to the whitea la fire booty opinion, advise thooo Oooah tal Baafcingham, »ud A»aiatant Mr*. EMrldg* and Mia* Mat* Gray k*i* be*n I AngeuM, by Caldwell, Mr. Fktoioe IB BTHIU M BOW l« know all aboot It to withhold thotr opinion loot tha>y Alderman Maynard, Merrill and Perry, |i»r their praiae dramatic the I town*. Binning, (of the Ann at Alexander k Buaiii, of Omm HtMRU Phaata. rah off with one hundred aad tho cooo la tho mUds «f to repr***ntatlon< through mining to Miss LM They recently prejudice thooo who ha made worthy conduct ia Totin* toexclade thou who had boon Chriatj't Mlnatreli ar* doing a good hminm in Sm- | i'edro,) Rebeece Sonford. nun tmr. ninety heed of atoek, including a numberof Sao hama. constitutional rand International low the study of tholr fraudulently elected la the «rat ward. cramento. I In Lm Angeles, by Iter. Padre Anaelota Lsetrade, Mr. Uvea. On the whola. tho matter woo of la tho HooolTQd. That wheroM law haa AtOo to Mies Bodiate all of toot Mult. At OregonGoloh, Trinity oaanty, they entered a teat boot disposed .the utterly failed to KBk-iqno Komi, poostbl* way. it is not Ukelj that aay dUlcalty protect t puHty aad Integrity of the ballet box, that yi»M fun Dun mm! fi< 1 nauli i la c*n the church of St >tood», Valine rod atole $400 aad a Urge quantity of prorUiooa aad can grow out of ft, and though State papero amy pass la the time haa oome for the of a Secret We have by the Rt. wr Bishop Mtr. to aad tho tew in organization Vigi tbe San DiegoOrrcUd ofthe 18th of November itmt Alsmany, Mignfl, Cottoapt of CmutI by the Ofiears of blanketa. relation It, ouch cane* bo deftaod for ***.* OBBMaltteo, far the purpoae of eeeurinr our right .. and Loi Angeles papers of the 23d. fki«f fr-p 'nor of too Oakland Fire Popart.», to MIm tho future; yet that la and aad editor* who Th*t * committee ho to on »«*» ty, »il ot Oakland. An took near the Plan af Loe all, lawyer* . appointed .wait Thi Bab Dixoo Gnu Railjioad..We oongratulate the totem affray recently place an blowing oo Indignant on tho natter would do well to J. T. Hyde, and him to hla aeat la the oiUtetu of ten tho R«*. a. H. WiU»jr. Mr. Peter MoL. Qu the Sitka. between tome native Galiforniana aad a in requeat resign Diego on the success that hai thai far Mr a^^^H Angelee, party abate their ardor, tfr, vulgarparlance, to "dry up." Board of AUeraaaa, aad atoad hia ehaaeo to bo re¬ attended their efforts tswardJ the eonitruetion of t rail¬ to Mm Mar* 8B>all, all of 8aa of Soaoriaae. Eight or ton ahota were exchanged, one elected o% defeated by the honeat rotere of the ward; road from thU poiat to tbe Colorado River, to meet tbe By the Rot. K H. Willey, Mr. JohnItoaoisoe.^^^H aad in oaao that ho of Jk XYJLVIMfAft of the eoaabataata waa killed, and two othere were Mo i win eftto ¦.Imi mm Moo Pattfk. refnaae to comply with thU roaaeat, great Atlantis and Paello Road, now in coarse of con¬ Mary BilsiiiMoo V Francisco.Conaan^^^^H QUXIVZOM. the Alto ho muat abide the let them bo what struction the State of Texas. Gitohell re¬ In San *. Hunt, wouaded. [From California, Doe. 1.] had bo aaauredcouaoquoaooa, they through Mr. V ,h*uKeT I**" The iacreoeo aal extent of power on tho port of ftaoite war, that thia ia ao idle threat, turned from 8acraaiento, on Thursday, with tbe charter, Bcauchaap to MIm few? within tho poet forty year*, haa been ooaroolj aay Keeolred, That the thaaka of thia meetiar be urooeut and the organisation is now perfected by the election of At Georgetown Mil .peorestown, by R. B. C. Tfc* B.laa Minn . BimJ ttw Mtka. ed to Mayor Webb for Uw noble ataad he haa tokea in o(Beers. Mr. L. A. Moose t» JOk^ Frances M. Stewart of tor i HtOttr Kg Limp.The Largest in the World. FOB THE OF THE greater aloag tho liao of tho DaauMaa provinces, aad In permanent dy, AJTUCATION DISCHARGE rUOOH. the direction oftho than rofueing to ratify the oooaioatioqa of the 1'rtiident.J. W. Robinson. den An ni nude it Chamber* to Gaaptea, la North-eastern Asia, polioeiaea by Valley. | application yesterday, and it iia well known fact that for many year* poet there protended aUeia^a of thia ward, while wo condemn Viet J'retidmt.O. 8. Witberby. In Jaekwi, by Bruoe Manband. J. P., Mr. ffcoak Jiltt Judge Norton, for a writ of Mm oorytu to dlechargr baa been o continual of oolonlsts from Oohotok U>e oourae of thoee aldermen who voted to ratify the Trtctvrer.Lewis Roee. to Miaa Pablina CaparalK, bvth of Conpo Beco. certain Russian prisoner* on board the Sitka. The point migration nomination*. P. At lone James J. Mr. V* KNOW NOTHING INDIGNATION MEETING. insisted to the shores of the Japaaooe flea. Thia program of Ruaata ¦Secretary.Geo. Tebbetti. City, by l,i»ermore, P., by counsel. In making the application, ia The meotiag adjourned to meet at the aarae thia Directori.g. lW. H. of to Wm M. of too toupon A»ia, within tho past Are or ton year*, haa boon auoh place Robinson, S. tlurtoa, E. W. Asnick, Dry Creek, Phillip., scented be that the prisoner* could not bo retained on aa to rival ia extent the of our evening, to hear the report of the coausitteoappoiatod Morse, Joseph John M. M. L. Vslley. I hoard the as she was a merchant vessel: oproad repnblicaa away to call Reiner, Hayes, Hexton, Sitka, but, 00 the opposite there* of . Ruasian ateamen upon the aldermen and request their resignation Ro*e, I.. Straus*, J. R. Gitchell, Geo. l.jons, O. P. At Yolo, Yolo county, by Bo*/ Mr. Cook*, Mr. W. 8- UTTSSBSTDIO MININO MEWS. however this may be, tho taking of prisoner« or war ply upon the Pea of Aral aad upon tho Oxus; Ruasian Witherby, W. C. Perrett. Button, to MIm 8. K. Rbbertson, to'l> of MImoutI. I row aboard a national or prise veosel, Is a most serious engineers explore Mongolia between Thibet and th CalMtrnU Male PrlMii. The party of surveyors that went out some woekn In Cresceot City, by K. Mason, ft 'i, J- *. Hayneo. proceeding, and not unlikely to create a government dif¬ Altai, and build forta along the Steppe*, aad mlsalonarle [From the Alt* California, Dec. 1.1 since to examine the pass from here to Han Ysabel by District Attorney, to Mr*. M. B. Cphafti, «D at Oresosnt IiwmIi «f ttc tantauu m Ot Fadlc. ficulty. whatever the right, under a strict construction have rrofaed into Machurta, aad, ft ia aaid. with We are indebted to Col. R. N. .Snowden, one of th« the w» v of tbe Ban Diego river, have returned, and made of the Saw, it is certainly taking a daring step, and one which designa State Prison for Nome information their which was so favorable a* to s Mr. M. to Mfk s Z. Reed. that lead and they do not attempt to conceal. It Is tho inten¬ inspectors, interesting report, astoai.h AtHardy Flat, Kanady may into danger difficulty. tion of these tealota to oroes over to the northern in relation to the State Prison. There are three lnspec ever} one who had never been through by thin route. On Sunday, Mo* !i«th, J. J. Faggan, at Niton Omk, The following if the petition on which the1 writ was -lanUn tors appointed the Col. H. W. It i> miles nearer tban the road now to Mrs. C. of I sued oat:.- of Japan, whither, there caa be no doubt, Ros¬ by Gerernor, bnewden, nearly twenty-five Hartigan, Msrysville. 8V9IMMIY OF THE INTELLIGENCE. eau dominion would soon follow them. Oarpentier and Col. Miller. The two former have aneut ti sidled, and offers scaicely an impediment to the con- duo, I To mi Hon. Inwar© Nortojt, Jpdox or thx Twrara1 be recent accounts published in this of the considerable time at thejnrUaa of lato, gathering bet* vtruition of a railroad. Another party left here yeater- In San Francisco, H C. Fritz, in the nth j'«« * Ms ¦ Dim.uit Conn. S»rj>Titor C«umftMt. paper and i (or the movemeats of the Rnasiaas in Manchuria.of their mill statistics, which will bo contained in the report y purpose of examining a new pas* to the age. I tary works and internal no doabta< which they will noon make to the Governor, and alto i n ert. by the way of the Sweet Water Valley, which is Of typhoid ferer, Mr. R. McLean Stevenson*. nf*d 83 THEATRICAL AHD MUSICAL. to the of the navigation.leavewaa viewing the workings of the present system and «a d to be even more favorable tban the one the bed I designs Autocrat, (t even rumored In ment manage¬ of up years. the East, a few month* alnoe, that hia ageata and ahip* of the prisoners, with a view of making recommen¬ the Fan Diego river. At his residence, on Cache oroak, Yolo coanfj', Mr. now held in Illegal custody, confinement and restraint, had obtained in Thia dation* (or any ebangee which nuy consider de¬ While others have been talking, the cltlsens and pro¬ Thomas about 37 rears. I and are therefore unable to for themselves. important advantagea Japaa. does sirable. they Gordon, aged MARRIAGES AHD DEATHS. petition not appear to be the teot as vet, though we can perty holders of this county hsve been acting, aod now Tn San Francisco, corner of Pike and ItowawdMto That the said Johan Zakens Nystrom and Johan Rein- these hardly The whole number of who have been re¬ we can look forward with to the on 2#th Jams W. hald are suppose advantagea will to long forthooaaiag. prlaonora certainty early comple¬ streets, Sunday night, Inst., Yewafe Blom illegally held in custody, confinement and we leave It to our countrymen to judge whether, ia ceived at the State Prison since it* eitabliahment, ia 601, tion of a railroad connecting the Atlantic and Pacific compositor, and 34 years. I restraint as prisoners of war on board of a certain vessel the event of Russia mastery of the trade of of which 1M only are of American birth, and MM or Oceans and terminating on the beautiful Bay of San At Jim's, in the 30th year of his ago, of Ma- called the Sitka, now near in the of obtaining whom are . THE MARKETS, lying Saucellto, Bay Japaa. America can long remain a dialnterested specta¬ foreignera. Among theae are representatives Diego. Smn Diego Heraid sumption, Dr. John P. Harper, of Auburn, formerly at Pan Francisco, in the Stats of California, by one Orone, tor. We leave it for them to determine whetlwr we from twenty-eight State* in th« Union, and from thirty- Tm Uhittd £tatw Bocndaby 8crvwt..Lieut. Miehler Marshall. Mo. I Ac., *&, Ac. whose first name la unknown to petitioner, and certain could accept the unequal conditions of rivalry for the two foreign countries or coloniee. Of the States, New and his party left here on Thursday, with a large train, la New Castle, after a lengthened illness, Jsasttoss other pmona, names unknown to York la the most a of for their field of la tbe new S3 of petitioner, calling . Kantern trade, which alone Russia in competition oonld largely represented, 3d the foreign operations running boundary Green, aged year*, formerly Indiana. I themsslrea officers aad seamen of the navy of Great offer. We shall not make our mind to fratornire countries, Ireland. line between the Cnited States and Mexico, agreeable to In. Han Frsneiaoo, aged 3d years, of consumption, J. The and to the said vessel as up The tbe steamship Oeorge Law, Lieut. Fox, C. 8. N., com- Britain, claiming hold prise of with our Autocrat neighbor until we can know their following is a Uat of the birth place* of the provisions of tbe Gadsden Treaty. Another party, T. Hears, of the Unit or Wm. McCana k Co. I mandiuj. left Asplnwall at 12 o'clook, midnight, on the war, taken on the high teas. opinion. pri&oners, with the numbers attached:.Massachusetts, under the direction of Major Emory, have commenced at In Sacramento City, of hemorrhage of the kings, Id- That petitioner baa bean informed, and belierea, and .3; New York, 47; South Carolina, 4; Maryland, 8; El Paso, on the other end of the line, and will work this ward Gavin, aged about 28 years. I 10th uw'., and arrived at Quarantine at 4 o'clock oa the therefore alleges, that the said Grone, first nnme un¬ The HlnN. , 13; Kentucky, 7; Delaware, 1: Ohio, 19; way till they meet Lieutenant Micliler. The following In Loa Angeles, Jane, Infant daughter of Ira and Oath- -afternoon of the 2Cth. She brings the California malls known to petitioner, and the said certain other persons, fi'iom the San Krancisco Herald, D«c. 1.) California, 19 Maine, 2- Pennsylvania, 84; , are the names of the surveying party that left here:. erine Gilchrist. I «( the liit lust., in tieaanre on ami names unknown to petitioner, calling themselves offi- Notwithstanding the ceaseles^croakings of the de- S; District or Colombia, 8; Missouri, 4; Texas, 4; Con¬ Lieut. N. Miehler; A. C. Von 8cbott, Geologist and In Woodville, Captain Wm. Dill, aged about M years, $1,461,646 freight, cers and seamen of the of Great as afore- E. A. *4 Doc. 21st, died of Mr. D H. navy Britain, rj online here, ud the Incredulousabroad, there is every necticut. G, 'Illinois. 7; Rhode Island, S; New Hamp¬ Botanist; Phillips, J. Donoghue, T. Gotten*, and C. formerly of Marlpou. I pasvengers. epilepsy, said, brought the said vessel called the Sitka from come 1 probability that the yield of oar mloM thin year will ex- shire, Si; Indiana 4; Alabama, 4; Louisiana, 4; Vermont, Miehler, assistants. At the residence of John Meeks, on the Merood river, "Weym . ulh, aged M> of New York* within tho possessions of Great Britain Into this T c«ed that of last. The month of November haa been 5; Florida, 1; Michigan, 1; Tennessee, 2; Georgia, 1; Los Angeles has been very quiet of late, not a murder Wm. Dick, son of Wm. snd Hannah Dick, of MaijsilHo, The following is the specie list of the George U*:.¦ of San Francisco, where she now has, and that the leatarkaU; dry, and load have been the complainta of North Carolina, L having been committed for a week. The Cblijornian aged 1 year and 11 months. . I said Johan Zaken Nystrom and Johan Relnhald Blom ¦ want of water, yet we exported daring the month gold Toxuas CocjrmuH..Ireland, 39; Denmark, 2; Braail, thus coolly speaks of tbe state of affairs At Sacramento City, of consumption, Captain AM V. Cancan t«lierman * Co were brought as prisoners of war on board a certain re- duet to the value of $6,276,562, which cxeeeds the ship¬ 2; France, 22; England, 35; Oermany, 26;A Chili, 14; trifling affray took place Saturday night near the Wright, late of Wisconsin, aged 44 years. I * Co..... ^SS'Sm265,000 puted British shlnof war called the President, from the ment by the steamers daring the name month laat year West Indies, 2; Mexico, 60; Peru, 3; Portugal, 3; Canada, placa, the particulars of which w* have taken no pains In Nevada county, Dr. Benjamin Ripley, In the 801k "WeUt, fnrgo *C» said place within fee possessions of Great Britain into by $25,920. Were mining conducted now aa it waa in 4; Panama, 1; Italy, 2; Scotland 7; Argentine Republic, to obtain. Some five or six men fired eight or ten shots year of hie age. I f». this Bay of Ban Francisco, and here transferred to the earlt (laya, there ia not a doubt the recent dry weather1 ; Hungary, 2; Western Islands, 1: Cuba, 1; China, 11; at each other. Three men were wounded, but none At Whiskey Flat, Mariposa connty, James Thompeea, said vessel called the Sitka, where they are now illegally wouM have thrown thousands out of employment and re¬ East indies. 1; Malta, 2; Buenos Ayre*, 1: Sweden, 1; killed. It was simply a case of shocking bad shooting. of ihiiladelpnia. Pa., aged about 41 years. tSAZZ-i held in custody, confinement and restraint, as aforesaid. duced the product of the minei to a trifle. Now, how¬ Norway, 1; Nova Scotia, 1; Bavaria, 1; Westphalia* 1 ; The liquor license ,hu been raised to 960 per month, ggR That the illegality of tho said custody, confinement ever, more than one half the gold ia taken ort of the Belgium, 1 : Auatralie, 1; .Newfoundland, 1; Trinidad, 1. which will nearly amount to prohibition, and will pro¬ Markets. «^V^'i'Beiier.'.'.'.'. and restraint consists in this to wtt:. I billa and diggings aemote from the streams, and theee Of the whole number who have been imprisoned, seventy- bably have a good effect n Piunoisgo, Nor. 80, 1IM. H- Ham « 4 Co *?>." Fimt .That the said JobanZaknns Nystrom aad Jo- localities, aa a general thing, hare beeome independent five have escaped who have not been retaken, twenty- The California*, says that the citizens of Los Angelos There baa been but a limited buaineas do. 1» ly, «. Tee Baur k han Reinhold Blom cannot bo legally bald in custody, of the raina by the oonstruction of a multitude or canals one of whom made their escape while Colonel John 0. have been directing some attention to the subject of a either from first or aecond hands. It beingsteaaMrday, 43. W. Tbomaa... confinement and restraint by the said Grone and the said and ditches, whereby an adequate supply of water ia Bays was in charge of the prison. Eight have been railroad from there to San Pedro. and bat a light demand from the country for geods, are John l'orand * Co 2,516 certain other persons calling thansolve* officers aad son- brought to them from the head waters of perennial tilled while attempting to escape, and but two have died sufficient reasons for the inactivity which has atiatad sfearael Austin "*w> men of the navy of Great Britain, as prifoner* of war streams. To the dry diggings thus supplied, thea failure natural death at the prison. There are now Ml pri¬ Miscellaneous. Flora.The market for domestic ha* a tilt. look. on board the said vessel, called tho Sitka, within the of the rains is rather u as it enables soners, sentmeed for term* varying from six months to Kite itiojr or wa. We note aalee of aacka MQif at of advantage, Muxnox rom Mrs I'cauc Goxnasioit. 1,000 quarter Eclipse 98; Total.. State California. I miners to continue their works uninterruptedly. lorty years. The average aft of the prisoners is about .On ths 34th November the streets .of Martinet were 1,160 do. other brands domeatic at 87 76 a 98. MUl| Second.Because tho said vessel, called the Sitka, aad Even to a class of those in river twenty Ave year*. «alea of 100 bMs. Gitlmo and Haxall at 912 IN The Geerge Law etsaaaM with the atenmship Bono- said large engaged The thronged with people from vsrlous pert* of the county, 78; tho Johan Zakens Nystrom and Johan Reinhold mining the long continued draught is beneficial, as they inspectors will recommend several desirable gathered to witness the extreme penalty of the law on quarter aacks Chile at 9>; MO do. do. AddtjlNV- ve, whieb tailed from Ban Franeiaoo on the 1st with the Blom were brought as aforesaid from some place within are enabled by the law stage of the water to get more rbaages in the managiment of the prison, and will also the person of Henry H. Munroe (no called) who bad raining at 810 60. treasure on hoard:. tho possessions of Groat Britain into the Bay of San readily at the bed of ihe stream, which ia ordinary ri commend that a wall be erected about the prison been condemned to be banc this dar, for the murder of Grain.Mr. R. D. W. Davie void at anotion 6,400 aaske in the State of and because . inside of which the work at 40 Francisco, California, prison- aeasoss is unapproachable The Burning companiee, building, shall bo done. The iQmes M. Gordon. During the imprisonment of Mnnroe Chile Barley 91 per 100 lba. , 3,000 do. Cattfanlm ers Qf war so brought from a place within the posses- which here become very numerous throughout the*, in case of escape, will be required to report the be ban manifested entire indifference to hia occu¬ do. at 91 37 W per 100 lba. At private aale 400 aaeka of can- same to one of the fate, a &.Co:::::::: ston<- Great Britain into tho State of California, Mats, are usually compelled to suspend opetaVDns long inspectors within twenty-foor hours, pying his time ha Ringing, playing with bones, and com¬ barley at $1 60 91 60 per 100 lba.; 600 do. oats ok VeUa, rar^'iCo* not be lawfully hold ia custody, confinement and re- before this. A few of tbem were injured by the slight and a record ia hereafter to be kept of all punishments posing ob(cene aonga. When the hoar arrived for hia 1 Vc. ; 200 do. wheat, ordinary, at 2c. *Chareh. - JJJOg straint, in the 8tate of Ckllforau, on board of the said mine which fell in the early part of the month; Eat inflicted upon prisoners, and the eanses for which tney execution, he walked with a firm step to the scaffold, ftuKK .126 bag* California red at 3)£c. ; BOO do. CMa ®"1'3 *' 888 vessel called the Sttka, also so brought from a place since that have had fall twee weeks of most fa¬ were so inflicted. The report will be a very and on hia addre Bayos at 8*c. su",i* they the interesting arrival Med the crowd at considerable 100.000 within thepoamsfams of Great Britain into the State of vorable weather. To a company of this kind one week one, and inspectors deserve much credit for the at¬ length, stating among other thinga that he alone waa Potatom.1,200 aacka sold at l>fe. ft 1 Vfe. StlterM'on California. I is often of vast importance, la former years many tention which they have given to the matter. guilty of the murder. There are two others awaiting Provisiono.Sales of 26 bbls. mesa beef at 922 69; Ik 60,101 Wherefore petitioner prays that you will be pleased to I have had their works washed away after months of teil, trial for participation in the same crime. Munroe said half do. extra family do. at 914 76; 26.000 lba. haaas to grant him your most gracious and merciful writ of ha- just as they were beginning to reap the reward of their HoMikeeplng In lu francloco. that Gordon waa the only wnite map be had ever killed, dry sal*. at 16^e ; 60 bbla. BUlinga' do. at p. a. t: 1* We* corjmi, directed to tho said Orone, first name un labors. This year they have had all tin time to operate [From the Alta California, Dec. 1.] although be bad shot Spaniards and Indian* merely to hhds. butter, new, at 61c. ; 100 oaaea lard, 10 aad 16 B. known to petitioner, and raid certain other persons, tbey could reasonably expect, and we are pleased to The suggestions of a housekeeper, in another colu mn, ?ee them jump and die. Hia death was accompanied tins, at 17%o. ; BO do. do. 10, 16 aad 36 lb. tins, to ar¬ Chse, Meieer came* unknown to petitioner, calling themselves sea nun leeru that they have been generally successful. As the are the reflections of a hundred of our morning readers, with but a brief struggle. The crowd was orderly in the rive. at MJfc. »Vnt, Veabody k Co of the navy of Great Britain, aad now holding posses- canals which are now protected aad in coarse of con¬ and hit subject a breakfhat theme aad a dinner topic. extreme. Among tho person* present we notioed seme 8nm-10,000 lbs. Chloft No. 1, sweated, aold at 9K*- "WjWi 1 Co "'"J0. slonsf said vessel called the Sitka, commanding them struction ere eoatplcted, the miners will every' year be familiar in their minds as household words. '' The cost fifty ft males, thirty of wham weto Americans. Monroe Coma.30,000 lbs. Js va sold, in lota, at ITe. Cftieii.r.ter.Derreinery *Co n'ooi to have before you the bodies of the said Johan 7a- came more independent of the and< the( happy Usao housekeeping in Ban Francises! Who that has a house bad said while in that Manroe waa not bis real Bw« Massrs. Poulterer k Co. Hold, at auotiea, 19k rains, prison . A. HUrr«.-« ti Co ®»®®f kens Nystrom and Johan Reinhold Blom, to do and re will cone who we shall have a* mbre complaints of th . snd hone has not thought of that, and haw many, but name; that lie was from Rutland county. Vermont bbta pOot. at f>Xc belanso of lawki SttMim J. 8eeln«er J'?!; ccivewbat shall there he considered concerning siU\ Vantot water. 'or the thought, wo«ld now bo housete*pars among us* where he bad relative*. Much credit is doe Use Mmrtff XMlBsaaka Tuaaiat's ale. aorta pskaeosdar, sail Gthei a&'oO' ' PW0I19, m no unifk It f* eren eoa* oarnurrespoadsat dodvea, theaonrceef of the count v, J. F. P. Smith, for the efficient manner la at 99 tl^. And will ever etc. h.flatte dtooeodW* mm and It in which the execution wne oondnCted. Brwn*.000 kegs Beaton aold at 06o. petitioner prey, , The Pea Joaquin amulfifl. glee* the Mlesdog Meetmgmncnft equally canes yesterday MM m, tire from thh one of Tobacco.16 Neptune aold at 86c. ; at auetioa, y0tn4 of the of ef wMeh wy tl'«t, proceeding directly source, a . ; description mmmi hasp geld, the with the WaiisnoB VFCsinr inFajt Fit ckco. The Son Vran Messrs, Poulterer k Co., 113 caaes at 26c. a Ska. Sworn to, 2Mb Horn spelt Yesterday:. deepest ffle which it i* misfortune of San eisco Ktv baa been furnished from the Mar by olive, I hn».«<»»'»i*» th»»«BM>i»od**f the s«en>- Edasnnd for the On the 1 raneisto to be aflUeted, may be traced. Large results Krhing Powdbk.600 lba. English sportiag said at auettoa, at J^vtetph, Kmj., appeared petitioner. platform Males, need ia the office, it weighed abalV office with the following statement of ths arrests S7«c. a 40c. 4 A. M The JudgeFudge entered thet following order: one hundred and -one or hun¬ nor from little causes, and the correction of abuses in *ra»et»fcftto- lit, «th, sixty pounds, tweatjr-llv* Sffifr in this city during the month of November, 1861. tiotr.4C0 HOl's No. 1 aold at Let a writ of Anton* eoar domestic economy will sav» heavy consequences, it '68 and '62:- boxes B){e.; at aaettam, of the within at returnable beflvre mo, in avoirdupoia. Calculating be, to the interests of the 500 do. English, common, at 6Kc. a 6Uc. ^ ^vWLtSsSdUodSth^ to the MWth prayer petition that H contains twruty pounds of quarts rock, (which -nay general city. Charnet. Aon. 18<"2. JV»t\ 'A3. t?»i\ '54. Tranomxc. in aold at 99 ^ for tho court rrom of tho Twelfth Judicial District Court, in is a large estimate, In the opinion of those who It I* highly essential that San Francisco, if no other CranC 1H 30 22 1,200 gallons, tin, 26; 2,00ft .J^s^^'to th.hlo?U«g«|u«lro. il»e of San on the 27th at examined the at t srt of California, should come to he considered aa the larceny do., last evening, at the tame figure. * city lu»U, city Francisco, inst., lump. ) il* -value, $17 25 per ounce, is 1'etit ill SO 8B - A If arrived at coaled and left 10 o'clock A. M., of that day. Kdwatcii Norton, $y«.®£0. I one of ihuse who do business hero. It ie eminently larceny Cikdub.100 boxes adamantines sold at 42>^«. 8Q§ .S|,& , Acapnlce, Twelfth District Ccurt. for this that the unnatural AhfsuH and battery. 7 42 55 cases French, at 60c. a file. : 60 do. mould, at auction Judge The length of this immense mass is about fifteen important, purpose, Pinerderly conduct 15 42 87 at 24a. "itifc"V 'r°M.^arrlred at Panama strong November 36th, 1854. incites, aad it* width from five aad one-half to six u-s traintj imposed upon society should be broken, and Trunk 21 ft! 58 * ;e*pwiencja Ihe wnt was in the hands ef Sheriff inches. As one side is ft bon»> of domestic life In the " tT.JZ tor sewn?dare after leaving SanrraDcUoo. plactd Deputy extremely irregular and uneven system adopted. place t runk and disorderly 23 SO ftl arrived at en the 7th, and T site for service. in Us formation it is difficult to arrive at the tliiokness, of hotels and boarding houses we want retired homes Violation ordinances 131 47 M IMPORTANT FBOM ACAPULOO. lfcaOtSien Afn Acapulco and our own firee and la city . but it will four inches. The other ides; it remarkable, only that it THE CASK OF THX KT88IAK PRISONERS A OOTKKS- probably average reveals the unsettled and transient of the Ob'g money und. take pretence. SIS IW0,?i,.l«5ff Susquehanna wae lying in the MEET AFFAIR. side is almost flat, aad presents a solid mass of pare state majority Insane 2 10 6 Arrtral of Oea. C.aanfliit Thu rwisfalsa «r 12th the is on er tf onr citi/*as. that we have so small a com the War. Wb«.r «ail tor Valparaiso about Tviun District Oounr.Before Norton .Nov. gold; only quarts perceivable the upper rag¬ proportion dwindling 4 2 0 ^pKto Jndge and some are so in situated, and so many accessories of domestic 21. .At the sitting of the court Mr. Randolph said that ged side, pieces loosely imbedded the '.ortahTy Malicious mischief s 3 7" [Acspulco Correipondence of Panama on 234 and 01 metal that with the aid of a instru at our disposal. hotels are far from Herald.] talL Hioora has board paaeengers, bag. he had learned fiora the newspapers that tho Sitka bad precious pointed enjoyment <^>r Assault with deadly weapon .... 6 11 14 December 1864. after the writ bad ment they might be easily removed. The whele mass, (omfortable, aid our besrding houses, at beet, poqr 10 * 30 38 Acakloo, Mexico, 8, -ailed, of habeas corpus been served, substitute* for homes. We have the best Fightlrg Since I wrote last hare assuaaed a warttka for New Tort; $1«0,701 do. for on Saturday afternoon. Be wished the oourt to take at some period, has apparently been la a fused state. country Murder 4 2 0 you things °w'.4W,«4T^M'du,t Mr. Parkin*, one of the to whom It markets of sny city in'America, second to New York . 4 9 8 The have advaaeed oa Pra- judicial notice of the contempt, and he snggested that company belong*, 'I here sae few Vagrancy aspect. government troop* M. 8. 8. Jno L. an informed us yesterday that it was taken out ia Oalaveraf luxuries, indeed, not attainable here; 0 23 32 Company's Stephens, attachment should he issued and the proper return a what is of the costs Lodger* videncis, AWaret's Hacienda and headquarters, ha hav. arrived ai Sea Frandaco 4 A."^ainarM-, Dec. 1st. made on it the to enable the Court to county, on Wednesday ersning. November £id, just as nd, greater consequence, ^f pro- Ihreat* life 9 11 10 by officer, certify the were work for the he would Tiaious are so reasonable as to bring the of against ing previoualy reduced the sasae to aahea, aad takea la We aw indebted to the of the George Ut, and to the disobedience of its process by the officers of the company auitting day , explhses Misdemeanor 2 11 0 purser Sitka. not give any particulars in regard to where the claim ia plain family living within the range of price* which we Contempt of conrt 0 2 0 his atrongholda in the mooataina. They Dumber 8,888 te the rvpreFs of Hobsts. * Co., J W. Sullivan, to. that it is in the above named. i- re accustomed to pay in onr old home*. 8 The Court said that it did not think the issuance of ated, except county The drawback these to Burglary 2 2 mea, aad are advancing on thta place. We may there *«t%* k for California papm. an but that tt would take 11>e company consists of four Americans aad one Hwiss. great upon advantages appears Arson 0 2 0 I'a, Fargo Co., attachment necessary, judi¬ l-nta. specimen securely away strong only Perjury* armed and fortified with aa Francisco, a box yesterday and will be to New and for that scarcity we are indebted toOongmsi we are strqngly auxiliary bettcvyr. Brde, the incumbent. Ihe court adjourned till Saturday. afternoon, dispatched Had a road been to this coun¬ planted on the summit of a oommending aetataia, York by Adams ft Co., on the 1st Instant Mr. Perkins ijuitenurc. good opened Total 334 441 411 which is also covered the guns of the ceatia. Tbe the boat Dancing Feather had returned from the NEWSPAPER REMARKS. snd one of his partners also go home on the steamer, and try « hi n it was ilr»t demanded by the yearly sacrifice of 154 231 251 by ]»!»t the Alta 1 re in It, we should ere this have bad Discharged force of the Liberal party, la all, ia this State aaaaaala -wreck ... the Yankee ¦ W0W" [From' California.} left Stockton last evening on the Crllda. reaching long or ik to abtut and a* both this Mad., having By our law report of this morning it will be ><*en that This is another that the mines of Call- other arrangements for transporting a population to our A**n*tn Vaio: Propxrty Sah Fbascisco.. 6,000 men; parties, time, ay- discovery proof a The ia sn abstract of of all its pear determined on a decisive battle, I will of im% feia boxes of treasure, containing W0,000. It was suggested that tho Judge of the Twelfth Judicial lornia are "giving out," but in a manner that auit .; the Mate that ould supply all the deficiencies in household following property kinds, notify you district should issue an attachment for the officer in and other of labor. We cannot an valuation, State and County tax, and aggregate thereof, the result. Vti u, I oe Angelos we learn that two Sonyians, having miners. Calaveras and the southern mines against the every species expect new* we from the coat mend of the Sitka, on accoaat of his failure to !nrreace of this class of industrial cltisens until the rate and amounts of tax, and number or polls asseossed Thi lateat have City of Mexico ia feed a dfSeeHy to eettle, resolved to appeal te arma, and obey woiM. for the of San for ths year that Santa Anna i* about salliag General Los Vegas ' the writ of habcM corpus issued front fbe court. The SCUMART. ljjgb price* of passage to Osllfornis are abated. In the county Francisco, California, (ka a of were on i»< 1864:. who was captured by Col. May at Palo Alto,) to the no- of real estate other than city Mdency, pro tern. , as alio ioni changes being mads ka their » av thither, when oneot the parties, thinking to pone of forming basis for future actionja the very character. The miner* are action part housekeepers, reduoe | the ia matter. «atl«f«ctorj anxiously r. suck i with all other kind* of sala- lot* 1 10,021 « cabinet. 8anta Anna making preparations to K» ck»m«e, U bU I.MM »<«»>.< awaiting the commencement of the winter's rain*; and roportionally nearly Value of same to ££Z'L We do not propose hero to srrue the right of the it It that when set in lies. It ia worth the trial. $780,005 Jalaps. mud sUo! him through the head. The wae of the* Twelfth Judicial district to orler before generally expected they have tho Vslue of improvements tbsreon 273,560 Aside from the blockading squadron from the Gulf of Judge product of the large amount* of accumulated earth wQl Great Fire In Value of lot* several sail vessels are now bound from a but effected his eecape. espritWhat is mortpursuedsur- him the prisoners of war of a foreign power. There are be of a character. Happy Tall*y. city 19,766,285 Mexico, Gay. by poi'se, nice technical connected with this whole rich AHOIT THIRTY KOU8K9 BCKNKD DOWN.A CHILD Vslue of improvements thereon 9,169,935 emas, and may be looked for shortly. the wounded man, although shot oompletoly many points A large lump of qoart* gold ba* been taken out in Value ol The U. S. steam arrived on tko /wJg, matter, and it is very doubtful what would have been CalaTeran and ha* been in Messrs. BtTBKCD TO DBATH. personal property (exoept improve¬ frigate 4usqnebanaa the forehead, is recovering. the had the been an t the county, deposited On the l*t instant a Are broke out in some stables at ment* on real estate) 5,887,607 Mb instaat, to coal and water. Her commander, Okft thresgti result, prisoners brought np /dime A Co.'* Bunking House, in this city. It weigh* V. Bnchanau, officers and crew, are all well, aad bneia< Three ladiaue, who murdered Mr. A. Folnsh, wsre subject of their release argued. It docs seem to ns, and wai found a of live men. ilie rear of the Pacific Brewery. The brewery was front¬ that the interference to the in¬ lbO>« pound*, by company on Second street and the stable* on Jesoie street. Total value of property 836,790,475 in me, after a dour veers' cruise. fcuog at descent City on the 20th ult. Th.y were tried however, wa«, say least, who are about to forward it to New York. It is reported ing *n>e steamer Golden which arrived oa the 9M» judicious and in vary bad taste; and that it had better to contain 80 cent, of and I* ratued at 'lliero bad been two alarms of Are prior to this one. Com been our own crcdit and per puie gold, In the from the chim¬ State tax thereon at 00c. on each 8100 8214,778 86 Instsnt. brought Col. Ignscio infort, the hero ei not made, for good standing The new* from Calaveras 1* yesterday, forenoon, proceeding the Revolution cf the aad he who with 600 am learn that has Van discovered witii $S8,914. mining county ney of a bra** on Halleek street on County tax thereon, at 81 10)£ 396,661 88 South, h^ro«oigVuUws gold foreign powers. altogether very flattering. foundry being fire, Amounv of tax for State reeiated the Santa Anna force of 6,000 when in front e< on iii.d one poll polls) someacvenor above If the Russian prisoners board the Sitka were en¬ in 1'lacer noma new discoveries had been made the other only ten aiinutei before the extensive (2,646 a Willamette river, eightmvlea county in purposes; 3,174 00 the ssatle, last April. He brings large supply ef am¬ titled to their discharge at all, it *1.1 upon a mere tech- Dutch which had caused excitement. Bappy Valley. of war and which has ^sJvm it 1« found to and m quarto. we Uoich, great The acre on the but were Amount of poll 'ax for county purpose* 4,761 00 munitions money, had a HadiB| particles nicklity that they were to, anyone of which consider From Sierra we learn that new discoveries engines promptly spot, run stock to u county useless on account of State portion of delinquent tax or previous to the revolutionary up par. From \s* Angela we have rumor, of «th" that we should not have taken advantage. It but too hare Ui n made on Natchez Flat, on the Norih Fork, and r.early the scarcity of water. 80 The French 80 La -Porte be f'b«fof that there is a abroad in this which Almost superhuman efforts were made to the year 8,928 gun frigate may keaijo teriM expedition, having for its object the overthrow plain spirit city on Jer»ey and Dargsn's Flat*; and the new* from the bring of same 32 looked for ia this she being on a cruise, aad the U. would embroil ns, it possible, in difficulties with nations various i-tteem* to hear on the biasing pile, but with very little County i>ortion 14^654 port, will arrive Melemlier in Lower California, and that men and money encampments represent good average yield*. clfcct. the fire from the stables soon communicated ft. stesm frigate Mississippi ia al>out ten days* with which we are now at peace, and upon the most un¬ The mining new* from Matipo-sa, particularly at French Total tax 86 are raiaedfortbe purpcee. and frivoluu-< pretences. The vexatious wor- i» witli the brewery, and in a very few aainute* the whole 8641,848 Frm being important Camp, ^evy satisfactory. was a .The Russian Oregon. new Sorter route from Salt through tho medium of the United St.ites From the are to l»e .'(talilithment blading at fearful rate. The houses Rrnux Mkjmhast Shi* Akrivkd ship Tbn dates from are to the 2%\ of thV.U'edOiata and ryings which, O'Byrne's Ferry, digging* proving n were of them at on Oregon op November l.ristrict Court, have been inflicted upon Consul Dillon, the u>oie are worked. the vicinity all built wood, many of but Ksmrchstka. Capt. Riddle, arrived San Fianciaco The aewa ia From the wo take vhc Humbolds has richer they Mail tmi which were devoured the flames in a the 30th 29 from and anchored on the unimportant. papers th* \rttSir.mtwW.^. deemed to have been caused by *ouie such desire; and, The new* from the mine* i* I'arorahle. meats, by ult., day* Sitka, item*:. very 1. vr 1, from the Is a of 600 loaHod following bem dVeevmd by some inteUigent travel et« although we cannot believo that the pifflie* who haTe We lean that the K1 Dorad inutes time the fire seised them. bar. She fine looktng vessel, tone, The of a IIm ef Ma been in this habeas nutter have KpanlUi Dry Digging*, Tl:e acme of the conflagration wss bounded Second. with and to the Russian Consul, Mr. contemplated enterprise building iMt to Mission. of the and no John over at eventually California, piaa'Tesato; grass. believe that the existence of this feeling mani gine* arc yielding well. through nhtps allies, <)oubt Bull, wilb probability of being carried into sucssnfal l|W> ttiat the Humboldt 5» 800. frated to a Certain degree by the action which ban been We that ounce* of liar« been One of the melancholy ineldenta wo are called upon to Saucelito. will curse his eye< for revenge at her impu¬ Hon. by learn *eTeral platlnium rt-laie U that of a little six burned dence in thus in nim; for rue at the whoU State taken. taken out the miners en the north fork ol the boy, years old, being succeeding Untaliring though The fitatfjmtcn says, "Gov. Curry recalled by the teat gr cry throughout On the 26tb, an was m-idc to by Trinity 10 ian prisoners on board beginning to tese.macb inttrest in thin valuable metal. vntljr burned, placed Tbk SiiRAinevio V*u.rr RaiUKUD.We understand Gold baa been discovered, *ays tha JMmm, vttUa has the Sitka. The insisted counsel in mik¬ Litcccock snd liaminel. Several other persons were that the Council at their oe few at John I^abo'a on th* HZ H Bryan, of Marysvllle, »P^'oUd point upon by I b< rned. ft could not be ascertained whether meeting Monday evening, the pact day*, farry, inte¬ the application, seemed to be that tho prisoners adly any reconsidered the vote to submit to -the people a propoei rn' tta river. »cme mtn or miles abora Salaam m , he to 611 the vacancy occa- ing Know Nothing Indignation Meeting In Sau 1 ore lives were lost. It is to been the eight judge Supreme Court, could not be retained on board the titles, as sho was a FnntUro. 1 supposed have tion to raise 8250.000 for the ptrpoee of making this city About one hundred men bar* proapaotad these, aad .Moned the death of Hon. Alexander The ap- merchant aad alse that she had oome here from «ork of »n incendiary. terminus of the and then In¬ not by vessel, Fursusnt to a public call through tike papers, a very the contemplated railroad, itm rold baa bean takes out,bat ofany considerable very general gatWactlou.Wel^ an Kngliah port. The Sitka was a Russian American and assembled in San Fran Pin In ilevsda, definitely postponed the entire matter. The reasons for i| a entity baa yet token place. The color ia raieed. ]>«lalm>ut girea near Urge entiimiahtlc meeting Dtrtrucihr* so for as we are able to were that a aaeily II that calarera. vesrel, captured Petropaulowski, aqd brought here cieco on tbcTOth ult. Mr. waa called Not. 29.9 P. M. this step lesrn, very It Ik found in partlolea and in quarts. There is fkaty reported Big Camp, her after remaining some la the harbor Benjamin Hayward NrvADA, has been bad of persons friendly to of black sand where it is found. We kara been aba an the of a band of Mexlcan baod i by captors, dnys upon to rreside, N. Wentworth wa* made Vlee Presi¬ At about 7 Jj o'clock this evening, the eitiafos were general expression headquarters of Vancouver. The fact of the application created con¬ I of The lire broke ont la the the road, who would prefer to see the company proceed some specimen* of tke geld. We think it ie gslsaMMiy dent, aad George W. Merritt, Secretary. slsirccd j the cry fire. the and build toe road now lr»n> wlii.1i issue out at night and commit every siderable excitement here. The writ was served by a waa to re*olution* «. ar of above Commer¬ with funds already subscribed, genuine; and the only question to be determined la, they A committee appointed report r< of the carpenter shop C. Balnea, as When that shall have been deputy sheriff on the officer second in command of the sense of and while the com- Main streets. H say far aa Negro Bar. ere the diggings rich enough to peyt predatiea. on press! ve of the the meeting, j cial street, between and Coyote spread and their are turned .n this direc¬ some Sitka, an IngUsh naval officer, the 26 th, and the were 9. H. Tarker the assem¬ consumed doers west of either street. accomplished, faees Gen. Nctmith time since resigned bia olae of A. ocenred Nov. on Buah Creek, H which a on the mittce out, Mr. addressed rapidly, and eight it ia It wll bo time to come to the States to take ettect aeray 58, prisoners were to have been brought up Monday, 1 he losses are the carpenter's shop and tion, thought enough United Marehal, when bia ancossese nww named »:ab«*d by ««. named KellV> 27th. On the 24th, a llttlo after day¬ blage. principal rescue..MarytvilU Erpreu. wa» appointed, which will be at aa early Kllegrovewas Sunday, however, 1 he following resolutions were reported and adopted tMla of C. Balnea, worth full 94,060. the livery sta¬ also the day. .who dieted ao leaa than sight wounda-seven in the light, the Sitka hoisted andpor, get nnJer weigh and left acclamation:. ble of Mr. worth 91,000; the granary and Ciscovan ov a Tvsk..Cant. Williams, of the Otsego J. 1.. Tarrish resigned postal Indian Agent the fet»Vancouver. Thus in by and Keys, dwelling at Born en the Nerth two or thfe mentfea since. We learn that Sassilainn fc. the sailing of the Sitka, end that an attachment sight business aa aa and dealer in dost: No mercantile housee were *,pectator.^ basisOor future action of .the government in rela¬ which recite* that he ha* resided for the talue. very, la length it was about five (bet ten inehee, and at mentioned connection with the .Speakership tti» guilty tion to the matter. * turalisation, waa hollow House. i. malea. three of eh,m were Amerigo., were last live years in the United States; and The Hook and Ladder Companies performed worn tne base 24X Inehee in circumference, and «tt, the flaa Francisco a fraudulent of e* ws* surrounded wooden for three feet toward the The tusk is nr»ii»at >t [From Journal.! Whereas, Sail Hyde was, by stuffing the whole block by polst. undoubtedly *¦* the executien teOs of a man " so Alderman of the said on dm, aad is .FUctr MermU. Mrsdm and Ronvr #i Irving who Was ; igno¬ the ballot box, elected Ward, bolldinga. Ivory, beautifully grained. Iw*,*JfeT53,NW. « . t. to the mar- as to knew le Win IMttn tkl Mr. Mmt VpnaMM, itrment waa caused Mariposa, by rant not know-that he .We have 6th of and consummates the wh mat¬ Had < here been Wiad, the fire must ooonaa..Sownat by prt\ata nothing/' the September, my iaevitaWy BmniUKi bmuNMK*.Umon , Nor. . .ad waUIkMwt te a a a named many men about us here la San of a ter the of all bis officer* from lrnvn 1. r It tbe whole town..7We. *ii»e was afterward* »ei»»d by the pop.i thenar* entirely ignorant ef its history, and one that California alone produce. Cali/nrvia. Inst., gives Mr. J Crook* s g. Dnniel Webster .. 2 8 8 2 8 waywrth of WmolatfTo.-/ifaaMga, I merits a< net to know Mat they know nothing at all Resolved, That a* Wilde aad Hyde were proved by the ing summary.A benefit was given to Msdams Anna Time 2.80, 2 38, 2 80, 2 32, 2 34. With W« tao.ow I about the One man shall say that the ao< ion of of their own that the or Riohop, on evening. The house waa crowded. of the Ap»th» *nl f«- matter testimony witnesses, Judge* twtarday 15? a m«rwo«i lw *poti «M VMf it h"iT*n.-t. n«m»d Wot-ds «a^ sbrtt n the breastI Judge Norton was out of reason, aad ia defiance of law Election were foreigners, not naturalised, but are sub- Madame Blehop appeared as Fra Diavolo, tad Mrs. Sin¬ ty. iho OT^n#d *QW aonuded by one McI>0Wt41, the Ueepor ef a saloon land treaty; ana another, half aa Ignorant, shall tell us Jecte of the Qneea of (treat Britain, and all efforts in a clair a* Zerllaa. 'ae'.ly that the act of tho officers on board of the ia run- Th* Italis a consistta* of Lea- ¦nam, era to dafand *h» . at W<-< lUt. I Sitka, legal way have utterly failed to protect the parity and opera troupe. Bnla, b^Bjjtsrr'JiiA''i&tszrc., of the wae cassis B. Mr. Rtlwwd H. could. itood I nlng her and harbor, ample MU Now, of the ballot boi, we hereby pi vt«« ourselves tonl, LeonardI aad 8ignora Barili Taora, have been In SacruM«to, by Rot. Movehttt, Thtj aobVy" i'SreJW&.'tfS'lSP"! .nie «f Michael rowers was fo'in'l s fee more about the matter iategfity 11 to of Son to Mill Cfooboth H of back thfirth*ir aaaallaata, bat upon a third attaak, Ro# amy y Capt. I srraaow than tho whole of them, hereafter to come to the polla armed, with the dttermi- Ineretie Borgla'faml "Krnani." excellent Cm, RtmcUco, Boraoy, He tb« tnd of the I in and we know at all about It But ith- rent and .uses, at the are a Bair HllUlHtP Eeawaaafcabot through hoart, faU, exeUtaaiag, "l am .ioc* n<.*er the North fort American river, just nothing nation to protect it from all fraud, from all corrup¬ Crlng Metropohtan. They very troupe. ' than I of them who disease the matter so ire not tion and *11 control '< Nuhuco'* will bo aext. In floonwoirto Ber. B. Mr. OhM. KilM.kilhxl. Tb« ronnc* Wotlwr *mi the l/.dlaaa o»- ntv. He had keen .Urved to d«atb. noaitively, growing oat of foreign Influence, produced city, by Morchont, of bla ..«,rifted Vlat-. I evei. aware of their osru ignorance. Our Impress' i« is. from those who have not become eitirens of the I'nired Mr. and Mrs. Burner Williams cemmeaatd are-engage- T. U»h*» to Mi* R- Barney, berth of thot pUc*. (tripped tho MMMN anaa, Wepocfcata, 1-.U* who was cltanr-d with the murder of when the waa to for a writ of htb»ts on In Rot. K. More Mr. 0. W. Sobbed Uta wmfon*. ud drora off tha nattle TV a raaag- V..v..*rs, I that Judge applied Mates. meat at the Metropolitan, Wedneeday evening. Bmimw* efty, by boat, «ba«» p,,;,; iHirer, lu 1*W, ^ K> county,I has beeo corpus, on affidavit that snndry persons were illegal ) Resolved, That in the opinion of the eitlsen* ot the The American theatre will opea on Monday aext. P'fNr*""1*, ot Ptaoor eowmtj, to Miao CUoUm 8. Pntt, ar heather, UU* ridm* a^frtp^a^efarWofc as- I it srns bis to and order the1 irst It that at tho late tinder the msnaaswi ai ef Mr. Reafle. It is aa ntbrr train, and, retaralag, fouaS bia MreVUr where Ha . yma miv tiird and confined, duty grant H, pa- ward, has been twioe proved efegaat Mtoeed tb, India.. acquitted. I tips to be brouyht before him. t loathe ballot be* bed been onentd aad tampered estabHshaseat, aad the best talent ia the coaatvy ha < by Bo*. H. L. R. Mr. Job* hadWfthli. fWy dMaawJ hTSaniMteaity, _ ~ lod'aes ba. taken . fc"»t trvb of \h*m A rr ilia aITray mth recently ptoee. We do not see thai ha wae hound to know that. th 'h at aaldafght. aad that theee Aldermen and A«iJt- C Ktafioy *o Mlaa 2aa Mooa. U1 of tVrtiwto. bat *«.*? rntlrtl' r*rfr^> f, .' .2. - >¦ F- ^ soling fro.nS.ltI i.aKe were prisoners of war, ami we da not snnf>«# itu an' AMeiniea who by their rote* hive «a«etM>.>».| t't»« T>e Monp'slatis see etill tn