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SRIVAISHNAVISM No.1 1 Om NAMO BHAGAVATHE VISHVAK SENAYA NAMA : SRIVAISHNAVISM No.1. WEEKLY MAGAZINE FOR SRIVAISHNAVITES. வ஬஠஬ண஺க ஬஺ழ்ந்஡஻ட ஢஺믁ம் ஬ிவ஫ந்஡஻翁வ஬஺ம் ,வ஬஠஬த்வ஡க் க஺த்஡஻ட ஢஺쿁ம் உவ஫த்஡஻翁வ஬஺ம். Estd : 07 – 05 -2004. Issue dated 19-06-2011. THIRU GOPALAKRISHNAN THIRU KAAVALAMPADI. editor : sri.poigaiadianswamigal. Sub editor : sri. sridhara srinivasan. EDITORIAL BOARD : SRI. V.C. GOVINDARAJAN & SRI. A.J. RANGARAJAN. E-mail : [email protected] Flower : 8. Petal : 07. 2 SRIVAISHNAVISM Table of Contents SUNDARAN By Poigaiadian FROM THE DESK OF Dr. SADAGOPACHARIAR SWAMIGAL PANCHANGAM சிந்திக்க, ச஻쎿க்க. VAARAM ORU SLOKAM LETTERS FROM OUR READERS ESSAY ON GITA BY Sri. CHINNASWAMI. Guide to 108 DIVYA DESAMS Tamarapu Sampath Kumaran Prayer Hall DHARMA STHOTHRAM By Arumpuliyur Sri. Rangaran SRIMADH BHAAGAVATHAM Yadhavabhyudhaya of Vedanta Desika by By. Dr. Saroja Ramanujam M.A., Ph.D, Sanskrit Siroman PALSUVAI VIRUNDU TIT – BITS .DO YOU KNOW Brain Work5 DIVYA PRABANDAM SRI NARASIMHA DARSHANAM Srimadh Bhagavad Gita Ivargal Tiruvakku Matrimonial 3 ஓம் ஥மநோ ஧கயமத யி�யக்மே஥ோன ஥ந: ஸ்ரீவய�ணயிேம் வயணயர்க쿁க்கோ஦ ஒமப யோபப் ஧த்திவக. வயணய – அர்த்த஧ஞ்சகம்– கு஫ள்ய羿யில். வயணயன் என்஫ சசோல்஬ிற்கு அர்த்தம் ஐந்鏁 கு஫ட்஧ோக்க஭ில் சசோல்஬஧翁கி஫鏁 ) 1. சதய்யத்鏁ள் சதய்யம் ஧பசதய்யம் ஥ோபோனணவ஦மன சதய்யசந஦ப் ம஧ோற்쟁஧யன் வயணயன் . 2. எல்஬ோ உனிர்கவ஭뿁ம் தன்ꟁனிர் ம஧ோல் ம஧迁஧யம஦ எல்஬ோரி쯁ம் சோ஬ச்சி஫ந்த வயணயன் . 3. உ翁க்வக இமந்தயன் வகம஧ோல் நற்஫யர்க஭ின் இ翁க்கண் கவ஭஧யம஦ வயணயன் . 4. ந鏁, ꯁ஬ோல் ஥ீக்கி சோத்ய ீக உணயிவ஦த் தயிப மய쟁 எ鏁ퟁம் யி쏁ம்஧ோதயம஦ வயணயன் . 5. சதய்யத்திꟁம் மந஬ோ஦யன் தம்ஆச்சோர்னம஦சன஦ சநய்னோக யோழ்஧யம஦ வயணயன் . தோேன், ச஧ோய்வகன羿னோன். 4 SRIVAISHNAVISM KAINKARYASABHA Address :Flat A4, No. 5 Venkateshnagar Main Road Virugambakkam , Chennai 600 092 India (Ph 044 2377 1390 ) HAVE YOU JOINED OUR KAINKARYA SABHA! IF NOT JOIN IMMEDIATELY . AND GET THE FOLLWING BOOKS. The first set of our publication : Swami Desikan‟s arulicheyalgal : By POIGAIADIAN SWAMIGAL. 1. DHAYASATHAKAM ; HAYAGREEVA THOTHRAM ; DHASAVATHAARA THOTHRAM ; KAAMAASI KAASHTAKAM ; DHEGALEEKASTHUI ; GOPALAVIMSATHI ; BHAGAVATH DHYANASOBHANAM ; VEGASETHU THOTHRAM ; NYAASA DHASAKAM ; ASHTABHUJAASHTAKAM are in Tamil , 2. “ARANA DESIKAN “ Collection of articles about Sri Vadantha Desikan by Villiampappam Sri.V.C. Govindarajan swamigal, in English. 3. “Essence of Geetha “ by Arumpuliyur Sri. Rangarajan Swamigal in English will be sent to them by courier. 4. OUR SECOND SET OF BOOKS : A. PEARL OF WISDOM By. Sri. LAKSHMINARASIMHAN SRIDHAR. B. WOMEN IN EPICS By. Sri. ARUMPULIYUR RANGARAJAN. C. AARANA DESIKAN – PART II, By. Sri. V.C. GOVINDARAJAN. 5. THOSE WHO JOIN NOW AS A MEMBER WILL GET ALL THE SIX BOOKS. 6. A VER GOOD GIFT TO BE GIVEN FOR SASHTIYABTHAPOORTHIS, WEDDINGS & UPANAYANAMS. HURRY ! ONLY FEW COPIES ARE LEFT. For Life membership Rs. 1000/- ( send the local cheque or bank draft in favour of Sr. A.J. Rangarajan payable at Chennai and send it to our above Office address ).Inform your friends & relatives also to join . Dasan,Poigaiadian, Editor & President 5 SRIVAISHNAVISM இத்஡க஦ ீ஧ம்஬ , தனம், ஞ஺ணம், ஬ ீர்஦ம், தக்஡஻ இவ஬ அவணத்வ஡뿁வ஥ ஡ன்ணிடம் ஑쏁வச஧ பதற்ந஻쏁க்埁ம் ஥஺쏁஡஻வ஦, 毁ந்஡஧வண, அஞ்சண஺ வ஥ந்஡வண, ஹ鏃஥஺வண ஡஻ணம் 鏁஡஻த்鏁 ஬쏁த஬쏁க்埁 வ஥வன 埂நப்தட்ட எல்ன஺வ஥ 埂羿஬쏁ம் என்த஡஻ல் என்ண ஐ஦ம். ஆகவ஬ இன்쟁 믁஡ல் , ஜய் ஹ鏃஥஺ன் க்ஞ஺ண 埁஠ச஺கர் I ஜய் கதீஸ ஡஻ஹூ( ங்) வன஺க் உஜ஺கர் II என்쟁 ப஡஺டங்埁ம் ஸ்ரீ鏁பஸீ஡஺ஸர்,அ쏁பிச்பசய்஡ “ ஹ鏃஥ன் ச஺லீஸ஺ “ என்ந ஸ்வன஺கத்வ஡ பச஺ல்ன஻஬஺쏁ங்கள். ஬டப஥஺஫஻ அந஻஦஺஡஬ர்க쿁ம் ஡஬ந஻ன்ந஻ பச஺ல்쯁ம் பத஺쏁ட்翁 அ羿வ஦ன் அ஡வண எபி஦ ஡஥஻஫஻ல் அ஡ன் பத஺쏁쿁ம், ஬ன஻ퟁம் 埁ன்ந஺஡஬வக஦ில் இ஦ற்ந஻ இ쏁க்க஻ன்வநன். ஬ி쏁ப்த 믁ள்ப- ஬ர்கள் srivaishnavism@yahoo,com என்ந 믁க஬쎿க்埁 எ폁஡஻ண஺ல் அ஡ன் ஡஥஻ழ் ப஥஺஫஻பத஦ர்ப்திவண அꟁப்திவ஬க்க஻வந஺ம். அ鏁வத஺ன்வந , தீ஥쏂தி ஥ஹ஺쏁த்஧஺, ஬ஜ்஧ ஹ鏃஥஺ன் ஥஺쏁஡஻ I ஬஢஺쏀 அஞ்சண ீஸூ஡஺, ஧஺஥鏂஡஺ ப்஧தஞ்ஜ஢஺ II என்쟁 ப஡஺டங்埁ம் ஸ்ரீஸ஥ர்த்஡ ஧஺஥஡஺ஸ் ஸ்஬஺஥஻கப஺ல் இ஦ற்நப்தட்ட ஸங்கட஢஻஧ஸண ஸ்ரீ஥஺쏁஡஻ ஸ்வ஡஺த்஡஻஧த்வ஡ச் பச஺ல்ன஻஬஧ ஢ம்믁வட஦ அவணத்鏁 கஷ்டங்க쿁ம் தகன஬வணக்கண்ட தணி-வத஺ல் ஬ினக஻ ஬ி翁ம் என்த鏁 ஡஻ண்஠ம். “ ஒம் ஆஞ்சவ஢஦஺஦ ஬ித்஥வஹ ஬஺뿁ꯁத்஧஺஦ ஡ீ஥ஹ஻I ஡ந்வ஢஺ ஹ鏃஥த் ப்஧வச஺஡஦஺த் II ஢ன்ந஻, ஡஺ஸன், பத஺ய்வக஦羿஦஺ன். 6 SRIVAISHNAVISM FROM THE DESK OF SrI RanganAtha Thirumanjana Kattiyam by Swamy Parasara Bhattar Lord SrI RanganAtha of SrIrangam in the backdrop of Pranavakara Vimanam Lord SrI RanganAtha SlOkam 2 SrI: Today we will enjoy the second slOkam of the Kattiyam for Lord RanganAthan by Swamy ParAsara Bhattar: anisam kumudham vikAsayantham satatam poorNamaharnisam cha dhrusyam 7 anupaplavamadhya RangarAjam manuthE chandramasam jAnOnumAnyam ----(2) In this slOkam, Swamy ParAsara Bhattar visualizes Lord Ranganathan as the Moon. This RanganAtha Chandran is however different in number of ways from the ordinary Moon. First, the ordinary Moon makes the lilies (Kumudham) bloom (vikAsayantham) only at night. Second, the Moon is not full always (satatam PoorNam); it waxes and wanes. Third, the ordinary Moon is invisible during the day time. Fourth, the ordinary Moon is full of defects (dhOshams) and difficulties (upaplavam). In contrast, the RanganAtha-Chandran is quite different in many ways. Lord makes the Kumudha (the Earth) bloom always (anisam). He is always full (ParipoorNan in the spirit of IsAvAsyOpanishad). He can be visualized day and night (aharnisam cha dhrusyam). He is free from all defects and dhOshams (upaplava rahithan, anavadhyan, nirdhOshan, anupaplavan). Bhattar enjoyed Lord RanganAthan during one Thirumanjanam day and compared the Lord with Chandran. He found that the Lord of Srirangam had many unique features that are not found in the Moon. He enjoyed the differences between Lord Ranganathan and the Chandran step by step (VyatirEka saraNi) and blessed us with this slOkam. Bhattar wrote an in-depth, most erudite commentary of his own for this slOkam with many VedAnthic references. Here it is with explanatory notes: NaayantE ! You are the Jn~Ana JyOthi (flame of Jn~Anam)! As the AzhwAr saluted, thou art: " Yejjn~AnRum engum ozhivaRa niRaintu ninRa mey Jn~Ana sOthi" Saasvatha , ParipoorNa , all pervasive true JyOthi). JyOthi svaropam of Brahma tatthvam is saluted here. You are akhila hEya Prayaneekan (free from any and all dhOshams)! You are KalyANa guNaikathan (abode of all auspicious guNams) SvEthara samastha vasthu vilakshaNar (Tani Tatthvam differing from all others. Sri RanganAthan's anugraham to the Bhaddha Jeevan ************************************************* As the Jeevan driven by its timeless flow of karmas (anAdhi karma pravAham) embeds itself into four kinds of bodies (DevAs , Humans, animals and plants) and roams in the 14 worlds. You take pity on them and with Your visEsha kaDAksham , You rescue the Jeevan buffeted amidst the aasA thrayaM (MaNN, PeNN, Ponn---land, women and gold); that jeevan did not comprehend Tatthva Thrayam (Chith, achith, Iswaran) before; you blessed that jeevan with Tatthva Thraya Jn~Anam and save them. That jeevan is bound (Bhaddhan) in the bonds of karmAs and suffers the Taapa Thrayam (aadhyAthmikam, Aadhibouthikam and aadhidhaivikam). At that time, the Jeevan is caught up in the net of thriguNams (Sathvam, Rajas and Tamas) and is drowning in Karma Thrayam (PrArabdham, Sanchitham and AagAmi KarmAs). Then, the Lord through His visEsha KaDAksham banished the Jeevan's VirOdhi Thrayam (three obstacles to Moksham: Svaroopa 8 VirOdhi, UpAya VirOdhi and PrApya VirOdhi) and blessed them with Sukrutha Thrayam (Yaadhrucchikam, aanushangikam and prAsangikam). Our Lord engaged the jeevans in the aakAra thrayam (ananyArha sEshathvam, ananya SaraNathvam and ananya bhOgyathvam). He blessed them through their AchAryan with Manthra Thrayam (Moola Manthram, VaasudEva Manthram and VishNu Manthram). He chased away their ajn~Ana Thrayam (ajn~Anam/nescience, anyathA Jn~Anam and Vipareetha JnA~nam) through sanmanthra Thrayam (Moola Manthram, Dhvayam and Charama slOkam). In Moola Manthram, the esoteric meanings of the Padha Thrayam (PraNavam , Nama: Padham and NaarAyaNa Padham) were revealed. AakAra Thrayam led the Jeevan onward to Parva Thrayam (Para Bhakthi, Para Jn~Anam and Parama Bhakthi) and then on to Paadha Thrayam (Parama Padham: "ThripAdhasyaamrutham dhivi"). Special Notes on the Passages of SlOkams *************************************** "Anisam Kumudham VikAsayantha:" During the night, Chandran makes the Kumudham (Aambhal Flower, which is Kumudha sabdha Vaachyam) blossom. Lord RanganAthan gladdens ( Mudh) the heart of BhUmi DEvi ("Ku" sabdha Vaachyai): " Paarennum madanthayai maal seyyum Maal". "Sathatham PoorNam": Chandran will be PoorNan one day and apoorNan at all other times. RanganAthan in contrast is ParipoorNan always (Idham PoorNamatha: PoorNam PoorNAth PoorNamuthrisyathe! PoorNasya PoorNamAdhAya PoorNamEvAvasishyathE"). "aharnisam cha dhrusyam": Chandran is seen only at night (Nisaa dhrusyan). RanganAthan can be seen at all times by every one (Varadhas-sarva bhUthAnAm adhyApi paridhrusyathE). "anupaplavam": Chandran is Upaplavan , since he is attacked by Raahu. RanganAthan is "anupaplavan". He cuts off the head of Raahu and attacks Raahu and therefore He is "RaahOscchiraccha chicchEth DevAnAm Prabhurachyutha:" "adhya RangarAjam manuthE Chandramasam JanOnumAnyam": The state of RanganAtha unlike Chandran was (1) KumudhOllAsakam (2) PoorNan at all times (3) Seen at all times (4) unattacked by anyone at any time. He blesses Muktha Janams to enjoy His dhivya mangaLa vigraham in archa form at Srirangam without them blinking their eyes. Just as Chandran nourishes medicinal herbs as rasAthmaka Chandra Sareerakan, Our Lord with His archA roopam nourishes us all and grows our Jn~Anam and Bhakthi. SrI RanganAtha ParabrahmaNE Nama: Daasan, Oppiliappan KOil V.Sadagopan 9 SRIVAISHNAVISM PANCHANGAM FOR THE PERIOD FROM – Aani 05th To Aani 11th . 20-06-2011 MON Aani 05 Pancami S Avittam 21-06-2011 TUE Aani 06 Sashti M Sadayam 22-06 -2011 WED Aani 07 Saptami S / A Sada / PUrattadi 23-06-2011 THU Aani 08 Ashtami S PUratt / UttratAdi 24-06-2011 FRI Aani 09 Navami S / A Uttra / Revati 25-08-2011 SAT Aani 10 Dasami M / S Revati /Asvini 26-06-2011 SUN Aani 11 EkAdasi S Asvini ************************************************************************************************ DASAN, POIGAIADIAN.
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