AARON GOODMAN Morris and Sophie Chang Building, E52-300 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142
[email protected] EDUCATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) PhD, Economics, 2017-Present Principal Advisors: David Autor, Amy Finkelstein, Jonathan Parker Dartmouth College A.B., Economics (High Honors), Government (High Honors), 2015 Summa cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa RESEARCH Primary Field: Public Finance FIELDS Secondary Fields: Education, Household Finance FELLOWSHIPS Jerry A. Hausman Graduate Dissertation Fellowship, 2021-2022 AND HONORS Graduate Student Research Grant, MIT George and Obie Shultz Fund, 2019 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2017-2022 Jonathan B. Rintels Prize for best thesis in the social sciences, 2015 Lewis H. Haney Prize for best Economics thesis, 2015 Bennett Essay Prize for best thesis in political theory, 2015 Nelson A. Rockefeller Prize for best overall Economics major, 2015 Economics Department Commendation Award for perfect Economics GPA, 2015 Phi Beta Kappa, early inductee (top 20 in class at end of junior year), 2014 Rufus Choate Scholar (top 5% in class), 2011-2015 James O. Freedman Presidential Scholar, 2015 Best Undergraduate Paper on the Presidency, American Political Science Association, 2014 INVITED PRE- 2021: American Economic Association Annual Meetings (coauthor), Interna- SENTATIONS tional Association for Applied Econometrics Annual Conference, European Fi- nancial Management Association Annual Conference (coauthor), Financial Man- agement Association Annual Meeting (coauthor),