1 RC2021-03 2 Resolution opposing the Line 3 pipeline 3 4 Whereas, in 1993 the ELCA passed "Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice,” 5 proclaiming that “according to Genesis 2:15, our role within creation is to serve and to keep 6 God’s garden, the earth” and that we are to “behave in ways that are consistent with the long- 7 term sustainability of our planet”; and 8 9 Whereas, the Minneapolis Area Synod is comprised of Climate Justice Congregations and 10 compelled by our faith, the Minneapolis Area Synod recognizes care for God’s creation as a core 11 value. We are committed to being stewards of the earth: the soil, the air, the climate, the water, 12 the animals, and the people. We recognize that fresh water is essential to life, both physically and 13 spiritually; and 14 15 Whereas, ’s Line 3 pipeline would bring tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada, to 16 Superior, , crossing over many water bodies, rivers, and treaty land along the way; and 17 18 Whereas, the pipeline construction violates treaties, the supreme law of the land, and threatens 19 waterways, water quality, and sacred wild rice habitat, causing Anishinaabe Water Protectors to 20 put their lives on the line to stop the Line 3 construction; therefore, be it 21 22 Resolved, that in response to the Anishinaabe Water Protectors’ invitation and Minneapolis Area 23 Synod Bishop Ann Svennungsen’s statement of February 8, 2021, the Minneapolis Area Synod, 24 meeting in assembly in 2021, supports the statement of Bishop Svennungsen opposing the 25 construction of the Line 3 pipeline; and be it further 26 27 Resolved, that Bishop Svennungsen deliver her statement of February 8, 2021, in opposition to 28 the Line 3 pipeline to the Office of the Governor of the State of and, in consultation 29 with ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, to the ELCA Advocacy Office in Washington, 30 D.C., and be it finally 31 32 Resolved, that the Minneapolis Area Synod, meeting in assembly in 2021, encourage its 33 congregations to become educated about the Line 3 construction. 34 35 36 Author: DeeDee Edlund, Edina Community Lutheran Church, (612) 730-5758 37 Contact person: DeeDee Edlund, Edina Community Lutheran Church, (612) 730-5758 38 Adopted by: Crosstown Conference Assembly, February 13, 2021 39 Central Conference Assembly, February 13, 2021 40 South Minneapolis Conference Assembly, February 13, 2021