UNITAID Annual Report 2009 UNITAID ANNUALREPORT 2009 UNITAID Secretariat World Health Organization Avenue Appia 20 CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland t +41 22 791 55 03 f +41 22 791 48 90
[email protected] www.unitaid.eu Unitaid is hosted and administered by the World Health Organization UNITAID Annual Report 2009 UNITAID Annual Report 2009 Contents 4 Message from the Chair 6 Message from the Executive Secretary 10 Who we are and what we do 12 Why UNITAID is needed 14 How the air tax works 16 2009 highlights 2 4 HIV/AIDS 4 4 Malaria 5 6 Tuberculosis 72 Investing in quality 76 Support for the Global Fund 77 Thank-you campaign 78 Project funding commitments at end-2009 8 0 Our partners 8 1 UNITAID and WHO 82 Measuring our performance 84 Our members 85 Millennium Foundation 8 6 Governance 90 Financial highlights 2009 94 List of acronyms and abbreviations 2 | www.unitaid.eu 3 UNITAID Annual Report 2009 Message from the Chair It is precisely because economic crises UNITAID’s efforts are clearly directed at supporting Goal are rocking industrialized countries 6 (to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases) but are indirectly impacting on maternal and child health that it becomes all the more important as well (Goals 5 and 4). UNITAID is one of the largest to ensure access to global public investors in integrated programmes for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS, ensuring goods for the poorest populations. preventive treatment for both mothers and infants. UNITAID has delivered 19 million of the best-to-date We must of course do this by increasing official aid malaria treatments to 21 countries, thus contributing to to development, but also by seeking and creating saving hundreds of thousands of lives of women and new sources of financing.