30B, Ramkamal Street & Co. Kolkata-700 023 B. Mukherjee Ph. : 2455-4888, 2459-6310, 30025106 Chartered Accountants Fax': (033) 2455-4888, 2455-3601 E-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] Kolkata Branch Office: 28A, Subarban School Road Kolkata-700 025 Public Disclosure Authorized Auditors' Report We have audited the annexed CONSOLIDATED Annual Balance Sheet of STATE RURAL in Form ROAD DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MEGHALAYA (PROGRAMME FUND) in form PN1GSY/F-2 as at March 31. 2014 together with Statement of Annual Account PMGSY F IA together with Schedule PMGSY/ SCII/--52, 52 (REM). 52A, 52B, 52C. 521). 53A. 53B, 53C. 53D. and 57 for the year ended on that date. Our These financial statements are the responsibility of the DPIU*s & the SRRDA. Meghalaya. based on our audit. We have Public Disclosure Authorized responsibilit\ is to express an option on these financial statements in India. Those conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted whether the standards require that we plan and perform the Audit to obtain reasonable assurance financial statements are free of material misstatement. and disclosure in An audit includes examining on test basis, evidence supporting the amounts principles used and financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting financial statement signilicant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. were placed We have obtained all the information we have required for those accounts which as produced before before us. The said accounts are in agreement with the books and documents Public Disclosure Authorized Audit reports us and according to information & explanation given to us read with notes/Internal principles generally thereon gives a true and fair view and in conformity with the accounting as on March 31.