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2-5-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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McNam^ Humphrey Asks In Cuba Can ftAenace Congressional Ask Aid lor into that; question. He said he ate-rangeU.S^ ballistics , " •' ' ' .- By HARRY KELLY i record in an exclusive interview , missiles . . •„ - Sen. of Defense j congressional hue and cry rosej . . . Robert S. McNamara ' strength- on ports they seem to be digging in the other t ypes of. "missiles Which Hubert H: Humphrey, D-Minn.,.' : says ' 'there are undoubtedly mis- over Soviet military j :the island SO miles from; the ! to 'stay, undoubtedly are stocked in Cuba ," called today for public congres- ' .Cuba'.'- but not of the type ' I American coast . j But he declared 't.hat . ' orie rea-: he; said: . sional hearings on the controver- thai would menace the United v . - ' . : ; . : son for the; maze of persistent re- Mentally Of this latter category, : McNa- III States7 ; sy over whether offensive - Soviet- One issue of . the controversy is ports on ballistics missiles in Cuba mara ticked off five kinds: "'Based on the information . avail-: | just how many Soviet troops- are may be confusion over the vari- missiles and bases remain in "1. Air d efense missiles. ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦' able to me," he said, . "I believe in Cuba . President Kennedy ! hae ous lands of missiles that are Cuba. . .;. " . - ¦ ' . ."2. Air-to-air missiles by : that there are no surface rriissiies ! estimated 17.000. Some legislators there. ' - . ' used Humphrey.; , t Jie deputy Senate First-Year in! Cuba threatening this country have expressed belief there are fighters to attack other fighters. leader, told a news conference he today. " , ' ,7 ¦/ ; ' V I many more^ . .. . . "This reports perhaps! coti-! "3. Surface-to-sea missiles used ; fuse ground-to-ground , intermedi- belie-ves public hearings should be McNamara put his views on the i McNamara would not be drawn for coastal defense purposes. ^ "4. Missiles for coastal defense held since 'there have been Cost Around purposes fired from patrol-type charges that the Russian military boats. ¦¦ -. - . ' . . buildup on the island is more 7 " 3. - .' Ground-to-ground , missiles menacing than the Kennedy ad- for short range use against troops ministration admits. 7 S3f Million in the-field." -7 "Candor is required in this situ- By JOHN BARBOUR ation ," Humphrey-- , said. "We AP Science Writer Said , McNamara : "It is entirely should have open sessions on probable , that missiles of these these matters. There isn't any in- . WASHINGTON (AP)—President , classes exist. , in Cuba, and it formation that it,is going to be Kennedy urged today hold new programs he said, would eventual- ¦seems probable that the reports kept secret anyway." . ' ' ".' •'. . are based on that probabili : ly free hundreds of thousands of ¦ ¦ ty." , ' ,;. ' - - ' mental patients from hospital beds and lighten the tragic toll The missile ¦ issue was brought of mental retardation . tip again Monday by Rep. Donald The cost for the first C. Bruce. R-Ind. - . ' - ¦¦ "'. Tide Votes year would . of be $31.35 million, but it might . He told the . House he has in- cost many millions niore when the formation* from friendly diplomats program accelerates. ¦ indicating; that -40 or more So- Runs Against His. proposals- were in a special viet intermediate-range missiles— message to Congress on mental of striking American cit- capable health — the first such message". - .. ies—are still in Cuba, These, he sent to Capitol Hill by an Ameri- said , are iti addition to the 42, the Diefenbaker can president ' , Soviet said it put in Cuba arid re- Kennedy asked for an across- moved after the threatening days OTTAWA !AP)-A group of the-board l egislative program for : of the crisis: ; ' :; : Cabinet ministers was , ' reported pressing Prime Minister John G. New comm unity mental health Tlie Defense Department swiftly Diefenbaker today to resign , centers, the centerpiece: for bring- disputed Bruce'-s contention, de- in an effort to save Canada's Conserva- ing the mentally ill back to a use- TUMBLE WEED JUNGLE ; . . A fence ol tirne were stacked about 20 ,feet high. Winds whip claring: "No friendly government government from being ful life, and preventing new cases ' ' " tive top- tumbleweeds almost surrounds the farm home, . ' the . dry .weeds'. across' farmlands and Mrs. -Shritnp- has so informed the•'¦IJnited.States'; ^ earlier.' ' . ' There remains no pled by a no-confidence, vote stem- . of the Eldon Shrimplin family about five miles lir said this is the largest amount tb blow into credible evi- . More pre-natal Care for moth- . dence to support " his statement." ming from the nuclear warhead north of Sublette in western Kansas.: Mrs. Shrimp- their yard in the four years they have lived crisis.1 , . ers-to-be to: help insure their in- lin and . her son survey the weeds which at one there. 'AP Photofax > In reply, Bruce suggested "they Without naming them, informed fants will not be doomed to men- quarters said six, members of the tal retardation. talk to the ; State Department. . More, They better get their heads 2|-rnember Cabinet agreed to put child health care to detect to- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦- gether." the issue to Diefenbalcer after So- ~' *:r..t- ' - - - ::x: ^^ .^'.^w^CK?-.*-*** - ^y:^\-'*: '.^. .. . - ,< and treat threatened cases ear- cial: Credit leader Robert Thomp- DAMAGED, ORE CARRIER .. . . The Norwegian ore carrier lier!" .7 " A week ago, Sen, Kenneth B. More trained personnel and fa- son promised to back the govern- Skaustrand is shown tied up - to a p-ier in Baltimore harbor ' after , Keating, R-N.Y. . added more tind- ' cilities for training ' arid rehabilir er to the Cuban controversy when ment with his party s 30 votes if being in a collision with the American tanker Thirllc ; Monday the prime rmmster stepped down; tatipn,. -6f the mentally ill and . re- 2 he told the Seriate a Soviet ship night. 'Both . ' ships had their . bows eayed in during the collision - S£l2^ . tarded. had unloaded arms in Cuba and -The two ships were locked to~ Unless such a compromise could which, occurred in clear /weather. More research centers to get at ¦ implied it had slipped in undetect- be arranged, or Diefenbaker him- gether for more man an hour, before three tugboats arid five Coast the causes and, hopefully, th«- '. '• ' ed! •' - -; " "¦ ' ' , ,;, self dissolve-d Parliament, a , vote Guard vessels separated them. The Thirtle, the least damaged of .cures; . . -/ - , .- Authorities said today they don 't of no-confidence seemed certain the two, is riding at anchor jh the harbor. (AF Photofa;x) For believe any vessels have slipped in a showdown tonight in the Specifically, the President Inr ' tends to.introduce four new bills, N,D (AP)—Two/^ young tral North Dakota town 65 miles later at a Minot pizia shop, also into Cuban ports without being House of Cornrhons. N1INOT , . ; spotted ! They said every sea lane This would mean a general elec- one of them not to he fully inn* men arrested here late Monday • east - of - Minot . is studiousJbbking. wears glasses plementcd until the fiscal year be- is strikingly thin. He is 6 feel into the island is watched 'by pa- tion in April. night admitted. Sheriff! Olaf Haa-:i Original reports "were that three ahd ginning July t . 19R4. " • - ' .' men had fled in a car from the i and weighs, 145 pounds. trol planes: According to the informants , land said , gunning down, a; police i . . - ' : ¦ ' ;.'. - Tiia't bill would encourage state a** . . _ _ Storrn . . : Haaiand said loot from several Wihfer officer found - dead jh an alley i scene of the shooting. Haaiand Finance Minister George Nowlan or local governments or non-profit early Sunday at Rugby. N.D. said that ,; and because' their car burglaries was found in their had strong backing inside the Cab- 7¦ 1 ¦¦ '. groups to establish networks of : The sheriff identified tie two as did not quite match a description apartment. ;. . . • inet to become prime minister if community mental health centers. Lewis Mattern . 21, described as: of the fugitives' car, was why Mat- He- said they wer e "kept in Diefenbaker agreed to resign. ; It would provide part of the con* ' 't Lashes Atlantic . the son of a -. well-to-do-widow who • tern and Linha were ! allowed to mind" since a few hours after the Court Won struction costs and up to. 75 per owns an implement and autorrio- i drive through a road block officers shooting in Rugby. Two motions of no-confidence, ¦ each '¦ ,. - charging the government JACKSONVILLE, Fla. fAP)-A breakers onto:. valuable ocean-: cent of the staff costs f or the f irst bile agency at Rugby, and Edward j had set up Sunday west of Rugby. front property, battering' resorts 15 months ,, decreasing thereafter A witness to Peterson's death with indecision, were scheduled to slow-moving winter storm lashed , . Liiiha, 22, son of a prosperous ! Mattern was held in the Ward and swallowing yards of beach.: for the rest 'of the our-year pr-o- farmer north of Minot. . ' . ; County jail here, Linha in the Mi- saw a car drive off which he be- be balloted on by the House to- the Atlantic : today. . Twenty-foot Disbar Attorney night. grarri. There is no price tag for The Riigby policemaiti Frank j not city jail. Shortly after Mat- lieved was a 1952 Chevrolet; black They .were; f|led by the So- Waves and 50-mile winds endan- Coast Guard craft were trying " cial Credit and Liberal parties. this prograrn. Peterson , 56, was found beside his tern's arrest he knocked down a and pink. lo rescue ships j.frorn the tip of It now costs the American tax- The two suspects went through The crisis, brought to a head gered more than a half-dozen Gale squad car with 16 bullet wounds photographer 's camera and struck attempts at Florida to the Carolines. payer more than $2.4 billion a a roadblock west of Rugby about last week by a public U.S. State ships and hobbled warnings flew most" of the "way in. his; body. Prom the car dangled the sheriff with his fist. He was rescue. year for services to the mentaLly the short-wave radio rnicrophorie subdued without difficulty. 9 a.m. Sunday, about - . 4*a hours On Tax Count Department demand that Canada but heavy seas gave the rescuers accept nuclear warheads The storm also pushed heavy ill and retarded , the President with which Peterson apparently after the murder. , moved almost as much trouble as the ' :' :¦ • Mattern was arrested as he MADISON, Wis. 'APi-The State toward a climax Monday with the said. . had tried to summon help when he Their car was a pink and! black Supreme Court ruled- today that rescued. surprised burglars trying to break emerged from a IViinot apartment lftn.'i Rambl-er. Original reports resignation of Defense Minister "This situation has been : toler- he and Linha had rented : about a the conviction of Holland , R. Rog- Douglas Harkness. into an electric shop. Beside the said three men were involved. gehsack for evasion , of state in- Tides ran two to four feet above ated far too long. It has . troubled week ago. The sheriff slid Mat- Geor- officer 's body was his service pis- i This, coupled with there being only come taxes does not. warrant sus- Harkness told a packed House normal along the Ca rolinas , our national conscience—but only to], from which he had fired sev- tern , a scholarly - appearing two men in the car , led to its of Commons that Canada should Opposition to pia and northeast Florida Non- as a problem unpleasant to men- ¦ man , 5 feet II , Weighing about 260 pension of the former Grant Coun- eral shots. " I being cleared. ty district attorney as a member have obtained the U.S. warheads day with flooding and consider- tion , easy to postpone , and des- pounds and wearing thick glasses, long ago. able erosion , the Weather Bureau of (he State Bar. ¦ ¦ pa iring of solution ." the President Peterson, an undertak-sr at Rug- when arrested was carrying a Haaiand said officers noted In the tense debate that fol- said. ¦ ".' said. stuffed rag dog, such , as children there was -no back seat in the car , But, in a majority opinion , the lowed Harkness' . statement -two- of by, worked as a relief patrolman . , New Taconite The Coast Guard said towering Within a decade or two , the three nights a week for the police play with. ' : which police later surmised might court reprimanded Roggensack and Canada 's three opposition parites ordered him to pay costs of waves mad e rescues ticklish. President said, a broad , new men- department, of the small north.cen- Linha. arrested a few minutes have been to leave room for bur- the —the Liberals and the Social tal health-"-program can reduce by glary loot. review in an amount not to ex- Credit pa rty—presented motions "We 've got just about everything ¦ that will out there," one offi- at least hnlf the (100,000 hospital- "We pieced together many ceed $750. of no-confidence. Amendment cer said. . . ized nientnl patients, MONA IN NEW YORK pieces of a puzzle to come up with ST. PAUL rAP > —Opposition to "Many more mentally ill can '' Roggensack , 35, was convicted An informal poll indicated that Before sweeping across Florida the answer, Haaiand sajd. Names in October , 1961 , of failure to file the motion of the Social Credit a compromise taconite amend- he helped to remain in their own of the two were taken and their from the Gt|lf ' nf Mexico , the hnmes without hardship to them- state income taxes covering his party could gather enough support ment , began forming up today, storm sank a trawler , drowning backgrounds checked Monday. 19~*.B*1!I59 earnings. Judge Kdwin to bring down ihe government with the president of the Minne- selves or their families , " he said. One had a record of minor infrac- three men. Six others were res- "Those who are hospitalized can ¦ ¦ Wilkic of Dane County Circuit when the showdown voting comes sota Farmers Union declaring cued. Lady With Smile tions. Court fined him $3(H). Roggensack tonight. . The Social Credit motion that. Ihe amendment might not be helped lo return io their own The capture was preceded by subsequently settled his tax debt was presented as an amendment create , a single job. communities. All but a small pro- Among the craft in trouble In portion can be restored to useful several hours of confusing reports with an Sl .WK) payment that in- to the Liberal motion and was to Kdwin Christianson, president the Atlanti c were- : the shrimp ' life. " and messages among North Da- cluded $500 interest. he voted on firsl. of the big farm organization , said boat Minrgo, ' '- the tanker Texico kota lawmen With two vacancies in Ibe 265- , who had joined in in a statement that federal limita- Illinois, the fishing vessel Sultana Tho community mental health Joins Philosopher a wide-ranging hunt for the killers. member House of Commons . 132 tions on import of iron- ore would II . am) the fishing vessel Tiger center can he the f ocus o! voles are needed to unseat the help northern Minnesota much Shark. NEW YORK 'APi — The Lady terpiece at a Parke-Bernet auc- On* report said three suspects government l r all members vote. care , diagnosis , rehabilitation and with the smile is joining the tion in November 1961, outbidding were captured by the border pa- more than the amendment. A work crew nf more than fiO emergency service , he said. It philosopher with the contemplative the Cleveland Museum of Art, ^Wfc*m\mk\mmWmm&?%in43XBfS&f$f) V trol at Portal , on tlie Canadian Cooper Flight Ho said fl cutback in the 30 to shored up seawalls In Jacksonville would operate day and nigh t , for air, Ever since , it has been the Met- horder. However , this apparent- .1,5 million ton s of foreign ore with sandbags. A request, for con- inpatients and outpatients . It ' The lady is Lisa, known as the ropolitan s biggest drawing card , ly involved oilier poi sons not in- r^f i P'^ im|x*rted annually would reopen vict labor was tu rned flow n be- would aim at prevention as -well "Mona (Madonna ) Lisa , " some- running up new attendance rec- volved in the Rugby case . Minnesoln mining cause the prisoners bad their as treat nienl. " ords , hundreds of ' times called "La Giacnnda be- Peterson was killed with U shot s t *-* im "# ''""* &z jobs " while the taconit e amend- hands full trying In repair washed Such center s , iisinn new meth- cause she was the. wife of a man The "Mona Lisa, " whoso regu- from ,22 caliber guns and two Delayed Month out drainage dilHies anil other ods o( imilmenl and tranquiliz- I Mif '** ment will not assure that a single ¦ named fliocondo . lar place is a special section of slugs from a ,M caliber revolver. CAPK CANAVERAL , Fla. (AP) ' ? additional job will lie created. " storm da mage. ers , will reduce the treatment Her portrait was painted 4H the Grand Galerie of the Louvre periods lo weeks or months, Rugby is in north-central North —The planned orbital flight of I lenders of the sleel industry cent uries ago by a great man and in Paris , has been on loan I D this Dakota , about (i.r> mile * east of astronaut Lcroy Gordon Cooper - The weather pntlern in other rather .(ban years , the Presi dent great ailis- t , Leonardo da Vinci , I *^FL' have said thai some assurance of parts of Ihe nut ir m showed only country from the French govern- Minot . .Ir. has been postponed from April ¦ needed lo said This means thai mental , ill- The philosopher is Ari.slolle, the ment ^ fair tax irenlmeiil is minor changes. 'Nn .severe ' -slnnns . She attracted . huge crowds Officers slid one of Ihe suspects 2 until Inter I hat month because give impetus to investments in ness could be paid for as other ancient Creek , who in the ' 17th nt the National Gallery in Wash- ¦ were reported ,T« IH I a wi-irniing medical and hospital costs. formerly lived in Kngby, and per- o( undisclosed technical prob- f m. mm m • 1 plnnls Hut there century was -painter ] hy Rem- ington from .Ian . R to last Sunday. new taconite t rend continued in inosl sections The l- residenl said he lias di- Imps was recognize d hy PeleYson. lems , reliable sources report . Diefenbaker Pearson hav e been no outri ght , promises ' brandt , as "Aristotle Contemplat- The Metropolitan will have a from llif I' acific Coast to Ihe rerleil thai a 'study be mad e to KIJI I , willi or without a Inc the Bust of Homer. " preview for her Wednesday night nl 'I plants Appalachians. Unseasonab ly mild explore ways lor ex- lacoiiite amendment. <'iiriiurngin £ The "Aristotle " became famous and from Thursday through Back to Tedd ' temperat ures were reported in pansion nl privalc health insur- when the Metropolitan Museum of March 4 the public will create a y s Da ys Tho compromise plan worked central nnd western,parts of the ance Wi include mental ln'nlth Ail paid S2 :i million for the mas- great Jam to see the fea- nut between business and labor country. care . ture. lenders calls lor an amendment lo be submitted lo voters in liiM Several programs wore re-com- It Mould declare by constilulionn l mended by the I' resident to help WEATHER Marines Plan 50-Mile Hik e lint that l;ix<'s on (aconite plants preMint some-of Hie I2fi ,()00 Manu- Store Robbed not he raised unless lltose on other al now cases nl menial ret-irdn- FEDERAL FORECAST By FRANK CORMIER it was more than a curiosity. He idy 's press secretary, types of biii.ine.vs be raised pro Hoffa to Get lini ), and lo i chal iilitiile and earn WASHINGTON 'AP'-At Presi- | responded with a proposal that por 'tionalely. for sum" L'liii.nun menially re-tard- WINONA AND VICINITY - ' As Kenned Variable cloudiness dent Kennedy 's .suggestion, 20 .Ma- . Slump' find out "how well our j y noted in his letter iy| now in instituti ons. tonight and to Shoup, Theodore Roosevelt The main new gimmick I» thai At Rochester Wednesday wit h chance of scat- rine olficors will attempt a ."lO-mile ! pi esent-day ollicers perform Ibe . Mental retardat ion strikes chil- "laid down such requirements not tlii-s amendment would decree tha t tered light rain or freezing rain hike next week—to sec If I hey can tests specif ied by President linos- Surety Bonds dren ot all classes and economic ItOCHF.STF.H, Minn. 'Al' ) - evelt. " only for the officers of the Ma- voters opposed to the idea cuuM levels Ihe President said. showers tonight. Warmer tonight , move forward wit h Ihe vigor de- petit ion lor another vole in :MI - Burglars pried open the front door o[ In a matter of hours , Marine rine Corps bill , when *xissiblc , for DKTKOIT l LOCAL WEATHER lo he conducted at Camp I,c.juetie , I eel's of ihe 211(1 Marine IHvision I even for unlucky diplo- co uld heller help the Iron linage nnd has been under cu.slodlaS care 1 mat s" (' (ingressian.-il an Indianapolis hiuniling firm an- expensive* jewelry iind watches , Official observations for (he 24 N .C , .stemmed t rom Ibe recent al Camp l.ejueiie. who were dragooned into hy arranging lor in a Ki'innn Cutlmlic institution hikin g with him ore nounced it will wile ti!> per cent l/iot was expected to run as high hours ending at 12 m. today ; discovery of a long-loi gotlen ex- - Al least 11) captains and Id lieie through Washing- hearings in Minnesota on since lull. 1 ton 's Hock ('reck Park. i ~~ ' of the surely bon ds covering lloffn ns $1(1,0(10, police said. Maximum, -1,1; minimum , 12; ecutive tenants , selected to provide a rep- imports \^-' " Mental ri'tiirdittinti "bits more order in which Roosevelt and oilier nallon al and lo-cnl olli- The lir«\ikiii ' al Wicker.*. .Jew«<|r ,v noon, ,'t(); precipitation, none. Prescribed fitne ss standards ! resenlalive sample ol personnel , The I 'residenl told .Shoup Ihn! if "I believe Congress woiild l)f often-mid liiirdfr—iit the •under- for cers nl I be union , 1 store , n block from t he Mayo ( :iliv AIRPORT WEATHER Marine oll icers. will take the lest. Shoup warned Hie tost indicates "tluil llie receptive to establishin g iinpo rl privileged anil the poor , ' tho le , was discovered by a bent pa- (N. Central Observations) Uen. David M. Shoup, Hie Ma- (hey shoifW not be told about (lie slreit»ih and slximina of the mod- rest net ions , if it understood Ihe Frank Wrlghl Sr,, president ol President said. "In some slum trolman nt 11710 p. m. The store Max, temp, 40 nt 4 p.m, Mon- rine commandant who shares experiment In advance , ern Murine is at least equivalent dnninge heinn mused hy Ihe boy- United Bonding Co., I old reporters areas Hi lo 30 per cent -of tho had closed nt fl p. m, day, inin, 12 at 8 a.m. today, noon ' i Actually , this could be more to that of his antecedents , I will coll of iliinv'slic ore. " here that his lirm will Issue bonds M-honl-fign children are m-enlally Kennedy s Interest in fitness , senl Mr to Taken were diamond , emerald 31, sky clear, visibility 3 miles the fvl-yciii-old dorumertl to Ihe than a test of Marine vigor, The then n^li S:ilinger look into Clii'iMiiiiiMiit called taconite "nn up lo its capaoly of tjtio.tmo pet- retarded , while in the very snmo and pi'.irl rings , nnd diamond with hnze , w ind 7 m.p.h. from President ns an historic curiosity. entire White House stuff may Ihe ma tier personally and Rive me already liij dily-lnvnrod industry " person and will seek reinsurance cites more prosperous neighbor- watches rangin g in value I rnrr southeast , barometer 30.23 and lim e a slake in the reMilts-par- : a repo rt on the fitness of Iho and said il deserves no further elsewhere for anyone nei*dliiH hoods have only one or t"*wo per SlfiO lo SHOO . falling, humidity 69 percent . Kennedy de Falls , has a quarter system. En- rollment there for the winter quar- . PFAR HAPI'.V: Attempting to cover tip ter which began Dec . 3 is 1.790, up |/ LISTERINEW ' an office romance is .like- trying . to smugsle R 5 percent over the 1961-62 winter j TOOTH VITALIS | I TOOTH PAST E "(I ( » i f j- dawn ;pasf "«'.rooster. Voir and >, nii' . yr,ii. ,c quarter . ¦ ' .' ¦ The/facts ¦= » ' man . should tel l "Miss Also Ran .¦ Enrollments at the other col - i I ANTISEPTIC]\ PAST E ]\ »"» •" Ml ' m g% Vas soon as possible , But be kind ; ; a i\ fij.\ f '- '-\ mmrnm J MM Gleem** or _mMm^_W c i ll I . logps . and ihe increases over the Crest H" ' enrollment a.year ago: ft ^ilHlV _^ !|| ^ ^ 7 'DE Al* ABBY; When dining in a first-class , , up; 11.2 p e r- I l\ ££r / \ K7r 7/C Jfffl ? waiter to Eau Claire 2 365 ^ * ¦restaurant., have you . ever asked the cent; La Crosse 2. 125, up 6.8 per- wrap up the left-over steak for vou to take home up 11 .3 per- " ' ¦ cent; Oshkosh 3,085. to; the dog? - . ; ' BOSTONlAS cent; Platteville 2 ,044, up 8.8 per- cent; -Stevens Point 2,2.50, up 15.7 DEAR- BbSTQMAN; "Certainly.. Arid/it, percent; Stout e M'hniil due .to do is haul it . . . graduations and withdrawals The : :t working. . All he does is : watch TV and. work cross- patient. He isn decline this year amounted to 5.7 ward puzzles;'. . ¦ . COLD \VATER'WlF-E percent , from 20 ,551 to .19.36?. .Th" y the magic words , "Either do it today, or decline a year ago amounted to DEAR VVIFE: Sa . ¦ :i'll hire someone to do it .''.This works. 7.2 percent , from 18.577 to 17,236. DEAR ABBY*. I-just caine froi'n. a. dentist who tol d, me it would , a. VALENTINES cost me $600 [or a complete set - of dentures. He:is coti-siriered' Ga/esv/7/e Mother S SLIM ^^ Wi' For Ev«rybodyon Your li«t p If ' right. He. 'A C^XZL } Th || g > my Triends tell me the- price is Wmmm I . I IAb -Z^ * '/$/§ of -good dentist-and . MB* ¦ " very : ^£¦ 5::!!/-: l jiLLlLU I *** ^ BE5I « ¦•»* Ha»mork and Gibson llilljj K "¦' does. not:, do anything , "on; time.'" which .means . I; will, have to Home From Heart J IfSuTkP I ^AWZ " . -scare up the cash. Does a bank/finance things like that;,' ' ' ¦ Surgery at Madison - . . . - 7 - . ^SEEDS. DENTURES • ¦ SIAMUSS y (IALESVII.LE. Wis. (Special) ¦l- ' , Gi-Ag d.™- IM ¦«fcfcWii»»i V« II l# I bank , and find' put; ' It. . .. . 'l :¦ /" finish. Delicate 'VALENTINE CA NDY Jp DEAR -NEEDS: Call youl ;local —After major heart surgery. Mrs fmv: \ \ ¦ , < /' ''Ml f/ ^ - reason for. a loan . ': (Then . the, bite is piili^C"\ L ' ' e Li_ design between "^•¦•i Heort Boxes bv Ru»t«lI Stover, Whitman, fM$&k .. , -founds- like . a.legitimate . ¦ Don aid Finch returned home Sun- I l4fidllTRV1% /• \l every month, > . - -, "" ij 'X diagonal stri pes, ' ¦¦ \/^ ¦ lii I Goggini and Deran. on YOU - ; day evening from Wisconsin Gen- piJV SI Itlinnj / i "plPjlsft ifSm % ¦ ' _ Choice ¦' What 's on your: mind? For a personal reply, send a self- eral . Hospital , Madison. 3, iili:pi:S\.% \ Others *> AW of //"AillliliHl-M - . . _m AWM *. *w iBiiiillih the par- > ** addressed , stamped envelope to ¦; Abby, Box 3365, Beverly Hil Is.. Mr. and Mrs. Finch are t llIIife>-\ from: $^ . ^eJe, / .» !ll | 4Qc . Ulll "• of five children. Mrs. Finch $f 59 ? S JL ' 7 - - ' Calif7 ¦ ' ents had scheduled her surgery for 3,S BOX of E v.l " ^9 2 Pr I ^iil^SL — 1 Mill ' June when the children would be S II J I I L \ / ^^ Crop Production ' out of school. She was called when a postponement came up Arcadia to Open topic for Wabasha ; three weeks ago. Class on Wednesday ' In ihe opinion of her surgeon* she would not have lived for a Bids on Schools WABASHA , Minn.—The Waba- June appointment. Now she is ARCADIA, "Wis. - fSpecial ^Con- sha adult farmer class will meet resting comfortably at home. -75 nesday at tne !!!":""!!::,,:-!:!!:!!r!!!!- -:!s;ii|/ JV struction bids on a new elemen- at 8. p.m. Wed :1 -^i-i^W- . en AD I i agriculture room of Wabasha High j lllb J^ /pl 8nd r tary school at Arcadia and addi- V^ Horehound ^ I 1 El in Cooperative p SiJij j || i;lplIiIllli:l!l ^ Z^ i!|lj !f % tions and renoyai ions to the high School.;. 7: g I f school will . . be opened by. the A pane! discussion on cip|> pro- KI,GIN. Minn. 'S|>ccial> — The School Board Feb! 27 . at 8 p.m , diiction. for. Wabasha County has Elgin CnoiK'rative I'reamery will according lo Wiliard .Gautsch , su- been "arranged; Panel members ' hold its annual meeting at the high pervising principal. will be .lohn: Ahle rs; ' Paul !Vlarx, school auditorium here at 11 a.m. 7 The board accepted final archi- Tony Walierich , Donald Tentis, Sat urday, Two directors will he tects' plans Monday might. Last Walter: Carlson, Joseph Abler?, elected to three-year terms. Terms October the district voted a $350,- Lloyd Roerner and John Brucg- of Hoy Hoist and Avery Sawyer ' ¦ ' ' ' 7mo bond issue to purchase addi- ge''- . - : ¦ ¦ . • '¦v . have expired. Lunch will be serv- tional land. ;.in the;. vicinity of . the Films on new techniques in corn ed lo all p;itrons and Iheir families high: school for the com prpsentecl ' by " their fam- ^^ present production will . be. ; . and .businessmen and . TWEED Cofogtie sM . I struction and to pay construction Phil Hodgson . Byron. There U be ilies. The Elgin High School band 3 W^ \ UCATwr ol^ 111^ and furnishing costs plus engineer- a door , prize and lunch. will perform during the lunch - Tt. f iM f .r HEATING PAD " ' | # B\ Jir 111 Sllf NHI | inR' and legal fees. ' . Werner "Stegemann, , vo-a .g. . in- hour. Door prizes wiJI be given I • (•: ' l jatorite Valentine. :\W Low-Medium-High H<>at f r*% AA mMf rAVMPIl#YI -\| | structor." urged -all area farmers and a program presented during Z,5,b to-altehd. . . ihe. afternoon. S *¦'•• •• 'j Rehabilitative Nursing > *"bottle S3»ifl $ "•"~ - .., . * Il( BARS I I'1| I§-. y vkT-^J Q0.3U ,, 7,;;;;'.:, .; ,; :,.,^:;:;;::,:i:;;:;;: ;;:::...:: .' ,,, .„„ 1;;; il 3 for J * Sessions to Beg in ! PAID ADVERTISE MENT -^ Prepared bv James V Stolfmfln, 204 M*niva»o I Ave ; ..Winona, Minti.v in his own behnll and inserted al th« , regular, general At WhHehail Feb. 13 >; advertising rate . ' ", ~ ; ^ """ J§ WHlTEHALt , Wis. (Special)— I 1A TIMEXmrM ^^y/ll|IIlll P^^^ 10c I The first of the in-service ses- I lllsA WRi^TWATmvir ifi^ (fe^^r/illSllB/^^^ vifil! 1 sions on rehabilitative nursing j ii^\ 1 1 ^n ^^^-^/^njiiiiiii^^^ ^ •vvill be held at the Trempealeau Thank You 4 PARDNER ^" <^v^S. ^SpBiSl-P^ P ; County Hospital Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. ... The Trempealeau County nurse; My to the voters Famou T-Ball Mrs, Mabel Skroch , will' speak on. H |lll ;:l::!K \ * skip*;free pen aaJ VBallSr the goals of rehabilitative nurs- of tHe Fourth Ward who supported 1^ ^VU^illlllfffe / ^^ l ^ Vy DAI M ^Bi 1 ;l sSyJj^MiMMS;: matching mechanica l penciL BAL ffl ^i| 1 ing; Dr. C. F.Meyer, county hos- me in Monday's Primary Election, llllHiiilliiHiPl^YS. \mf Weal \^ xN\. |*^'^^/ pital, will discuss medical aspects, and there w ill be a film , "Second if ARGENTA i James V. "Jim" Stoltman t^V/^ Chance, - ' with a question and an- ! tM^^xi !! i |: | |^ | | i| ; i:i i ; ii!iiji: ;^ ^^ ^


tf ^^ ' i j^K^*'**' ^^^^^^^kwW ^^^^^^^^ Bl^B^^^^^^^ Kk TBS&siiiiWmkJ ^FM *'*^til»Ji mmmi/ JC& *f^Qlmm\ma^ v ^dm ^^^ H|H^H^HH |HH ^^ J HAIR ^^ |^^HJ|^F __mtv JraH ^ml^p^ ^^ _ _ ^W^^___f-______\_\\ ¦ _ ^ ^ff^, , "^ ^^__ ^^a^tmJ ^^B^^K8SmWm\^^af ^mW> * ' ' ^SlP^flHp*m\\ *_l 'J; jS^HHB I $19 95 SSiilBllSlSi||s^^ Y v4 iiim.iiuiii!! ' ..unit ;;:;. r.*,'?—*r .i\:i: :;::;:;::;::;:::::t..;!:::::::;; *;::::::;t:ytf*fia::::;" :; IT "'f********** **** ise Tax ^ | li n 1 M il :i!::iHi:pi! ;i!!;lli:|:ii!i!i :Hi:l ; P'us Fed- ^^c oa Luggage Watches, and Jewelry. - | I ii^^^^^^^^^^^l X,, if ~ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I^A^^^ ^^ % I SriULl^N^PElsiALni l DURA P|L 99C A I Y^'^f fiA " M S Atm\W ' > ^^iMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMWmr T^ jS ¦fc t ' ' ": \^\ ^H^^^ V ^^ J ! .- v.,^^.00 BUL ifew ll SH BS^&k ®W I I'-' 51.00 Deserf" Flower Hand and Body Lotion i l' ll SURE-FIRE FOR A ^^^^t^j ^ i "¦ ^p_ ^ "^ ^M t \\ if $1.00 Desert Dri C ream Deodorant BETTER """ PICTURES ^^^%^TWB F ^S fe Jiii Honie \i Ben $-| f\f\ Sleeve -.-*< \$Mi ^ W ^ ] |)| ° I .U U | of S // ^\^^ |[ Permanent \ j; : /f ff l!!!ili! !i!!'iiil!ll j i i!ljjil!liiij!;!ii»i - < - :i !<-;-Ji;;;;Iiii::;^ AA. \, } Italian Balm Loti«n 7Q1 Vicks 99c / I VA-TRO-MAL "" iv ! ;.; CAMPANA , World's finest hand Union. '•'>/.. " * NOSE DROPS Breath again, sleep Afr \i\ again ... 1 ot. J * .. i i| i!! ii^W _ Wf^il:^ URLINGTO B N .. . |} PIGGY-BACK , 1 |j| ||&^ "-S^iiHll i i2 50 flTfil I I LTII I P- Wr,rlBV to the TWIN Nt,,urc l*A*A i ll l*I U P FLASHLIGHT SET -L-^'W W/ \l *| CITIES or > ' ,i 1 p^fc*-«-«iiiwj K#y Cha .n flaihllBhf V- BfenT ff/ ' wi,h 2 C B Magrt.t ^T BATH \l i-'- Ii Bri »tl«» i T fn ' 7.1 ? -i:; - " ^MffiP\^^ iil I ,«... 4 ?: to CHICAGO wi,ho11'«Hou i>t...thi » i« M ! ? Ml ? iilj;: Fla.hllgM. ' ,, fJ& _J^^^ V i!l I ' OIL 1 I' t |u> fines I way lo «o. Sink Kirk in a rfinlf til , rchxiri f,' cn.'ich or parlc >r c;ir neat .. .Hlroll In (ho dinor wlipn you i>rl hungry. And don ' t f orpot. ( lie Vi.slii - DniWK for wonderfu l , sn-n ic KHzing. Fur >-our con veninKX', Btirlin f,'(on haa the moat, service. •i j Crushes :: ; hytf 'rg ? l ita iliiiiiiii iiii ^ ^ .-; NOR THBOUND . Laav. Wi nona 1 :25 pm . 4:50 pm - 7M pm • 4:45 am SOUTHBOUN D • Uave Winona 8:15 om . 9,35 am « 6,05 pm . 12:50 am Ii [1'£^P !35e 03c j xr : UPCHAPSTICIC BALM mmWtkkmW SKBN : MEDICATED | Informat ion • rr»eri *itiniit • tn hrtt ' ' ' ^ ^ ;: ^^ mf ^ ht. ( f'F' ' ,i? 'w^r ,w's'^ ' > 1 C^ *4l /LO RRA. R • ' ''*' '**^ | 4*0 H »W # ^ ? :. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦MHMMHHMMHHnMMHHnMaaNW ^ !'^ r 1 1 i ~ "-- " A - - ' * i „^^ ! (Aftor-shdvj) ? 7 IB «^**-i' iiii p. *A *.'!!' M'-^'i ^'^ ^** _i^ - - -9 ^ I 4 j ^KTnTI»BiftiiWT iW»TTTT~MMiT»^^ ij H'^ ifaiiw^ •««» J-.'(¦»(*'. A-> .: ' ;¦ .7-71; s7;:' - . - , : :„ . ,.;H.«*25ii Legal Advice City Incumbents Sfoy Board9B^j^^^-Q6i, Poll Reaction May Be Needed Slow on Cdfetef fcf Job On Ballot; 3 Run 2nd The Board of Education Mon- Tlie rough estimate was quoted hat the over al l project would i Good, Jaycee ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Three of four incumbent «andl- On Districting day decided that it wants to take by a food serving consultant, Hu- probably cost somewhere between I K ' '. - J* . - - n Legal advice ' ¦ ' dates ran second to their major should be sought a closer lodk at its projected re- bert Wiles, Minneapolis, after a and $9o,ooo. , . - I challengers in Monday's city pri- in drafting such measures as may facilities for vamping of public school food ser- survey of existing ; On the other hand, directors | mary elections. be necessary if the special school vice f acilities before taking any the preparation and serving of I were told, modernizing of the ser- Checkers Find Alderman-at-Large Only in the 4th Ward was. the district of Winona is faced with action after learning the project noon lunches : in the system. rice and preparation the prospect of facilities . Winoniaii s are willingly giving mmmzsim^- -'m • ' ~:n : picture different. Aid. James Stolt- expansion , of its could involve an expenditure of Superintendent of Schools . A. l«. should result in a substantial re-"¦> opinions' ' on their city, its govern- 1 present boundaries to include ad- Business ¦ man outdistanced his nearest rival something like $90,000. ; Nelson and Clerk and taction in labor costs. ¦ •' ' ment, its advantages, its draw- l and upcoming election ditional outlying districts, mem- Manager Paul W. Sanders told di- opponent^ Directors for - several months This year labor cost is figured i backs and bow it can be improved; Jerry Borzyskowski, plumbing con- bers of the Board of Education have been discussing expansion rectors that Wiles felt that the . at approximately 12 cents a meal, j Junior Chamber, of Commerce tractor , 556-269. Eliminated from agreed Monday night. of cafeteria facilities at Senior most economical method woiild be :¦ ' Wiles feel that this could be re- ; polUakers reported this week.; the race were . Louis : Czanriovv'ski Slated for action by the state High School to accommodate an to prepare all food at the Senior ' Legislature duced to near 8 cents a meal \vith ' Donald Haack, chairman for the with 226 and Harvey L. Stever, at its current session increased student load and have High School cafeteria and trans- : ' is a proposal that would make it the system he 's proposing. Jaycee survey , project , said the 201, Both are. -Peerless Chain Co. thought of possible economies port it to the outlying schools. 70 volunteer pollsters have com- ' employes. necessary for every school dis- that might be realized This would involve purchase of If 2,000 meals Were to be served' ; in the es- pleted about one-eighth of the 2 ,500 ' trict in Uie state to be in a high tablishment of a food service cen- new kitchen equipment, remodel- a day (the volume is running j JIM D. MOHAN , ' 'a .- , two-term school district. around 1,500 interviews they hope to have by | ter—presumably at the high school ing of the cafeteria, expansion of now > and the labor | j former alderman , carrying a 200- cost saving predicted realized, the ! April 1. Cooperation by local resi- RIGHT MOW the area served —for the preparation and distri- food freezer and storage facilities, dents has been given freely, he • vote lead in the 4th ward, out- by the Winona public schools has buying a truck and other equip- (otal reduction in labor costs each j polled ilrs. Mary Masyga, incum-. bution of noon lunches to all ol , said. Polling by five 14-rrian teams 1 52 districts without a high school. ment necessary for transporta- year should run to. about $14,oeo.i ' ' ben t , U946 to 1,891 for the at-large /; the schools in the system. ¦ ; began Jan. 28. •' . 7 | If the bill -were to be passed by tion. " '; - 'y: rCpuncil seat, they will battle it ' .; ', '. : ^ THEY WERE thinking, howev- ON THE FACE of it/ this would j rle Legislature these 52 districts appear to indicate that the pro- HAACK SAID questioner* have out in the , April runoff. Mohan is wotild be among those that would er, in terms of a cost consider- WILES WAS quoted as laying : 1 been surprised ; that very fe-w "no !a window and door salesman and ject would pay for itself in around j ' ¦ have to attach themselves to an ably , less than the estimate re- that while a definite, figure was ¦: opinion" answers are given: In* aii accountant, :.. existing high school ported Monday night. impossible to give now, he thought seven years. Fourth Ward Direc- te'rvievyers represent a broad David Kouba. a newcomer to : district or tor Dan|el Sadowski, however, . provide a high school plant with- cross section . of the city's popula- ; city Mitics . and ¦ a. J.C. Penney, in the district. said he couldn't see how- it would tion, he said, and in every case ' employe, tlrew 777 voles. The day work out As it stands now, Winona is a that way because the have been pleased at being sel- .- .was : otherwise memorable for ' special school district established cafeteri a operation this year ected. . ! Kouba . made so by. the hirth of by legislative act which provides would seem to be running around Questionnaires.contain 115 queS: ; a son Monday at Community Asks Out $5,000 in the red Farmer . . Kouba and that the boundaries of the district tions. Each interview takes about ' ' : j Memorial . Hospital 7 "Take that off ," Sadowski" com- 30 minutes, he 7-Jirh D, Mohan Mrs. Mary Wasyga - - I his wife , have another 18-rriohth- are contiguous with the city lim- ¦¦ explained. its. That means that Winona mented,' "•"and-you 'll'find that this 7 City .government.; officials ¦ will I old son: couldn't accept ' any of the rural would take an awfully long time find: the tabulated replies .are Val- . In .' the 2nd Ward , Allyn S. Mor- district under its- present char- Wi iisiif? to pay for itself." uable clues to. public view-points , 2nd Ward Aldermatv gan Jr., jeweler , polled 520 votes The Utica-Lewiston-St. Charles Charles : Independent District 858 ter. By legislative act Winona ; Board President Lawrence San- in Haacks' opinion. Jaycees, too. to 398 for Lloyd E. Deilke, in- could change from a special dis- school district consolidation con- had been competing for : merger will have a ready ' supply of ideas cumbent alderman. They will be • - " . troversy may be in the news again with the -Ut|ea district . . telman wondered whether arrange- trict to an independent school dis- ments could be made for terital for : public service -projects when opponents in the runoff. Tony trict that would allow for mer- riext month. . Monday afternoon , Commission- the results are examined, he said: Fischer, Winona 'Metal Products er Adolph Spitzer . St. '-Charles.' 3rd of freezer and storage facilities ' ger of outlying districts now out- John J, Cutlen, " freeholder in somewhere as a stop-gap t erii- Co., vviith 206 votes was el iminated .: .- r School District District , expressed concern about ALL. INQUIRIES are held con- (he side the present legal boundaries. Ltica Common porary measure to reduce the in- from race. ; : ¦ 2561,, petitioned the Winona Coun- Cullen 's setoff petition. I fidential , Jaycees, emphasized, and Rer>eating his challenge of four BOARD PRESIDENT Lawrence much taxation is ¦ ' being itial outlay and prolong the re- ;.-hp personal- identifications, ty Board of Commissioners Mon- "Too ¦ ¦ are years ago, A. Del Schneider, Santelrnan commented Monday, 105 acres of his land taken away from the Utica dis- modeling project over a longer attached-to answers. • - . - ' cleaning route day to have time. 7 ' laundry and dry "1 feel that this, is .something so set off to the adjoining Lewiston trict ," Spitzer :said , referring to Although, it is too early in the had 5-17 votes to 433 for ,we salesman, big arid about which- know so Independent District 857. His chil- the district's; declining assessed . Sanders said that siich a meas- survey for patterns to emerge, Howard A. Baurnann, veteran 3rd little thatwe should get some school and he valuation as freeholders ; leave to ure would result in- 'additional' - i.Haack . said , there are striking sim- incumbent alderman. How- . dren go to Lewiston ' ' ' ' Ward legal advice on what we should wants them to continue doing so. join Lewiston. bor ' costs for transportation . of the . • ilar-ities in' answers to th e ques'-. ard E.: Hdvelarid. public school do in the event the Legislature food from storage places and . tion;of -what respondents, like most The commissioners will hold a TWO SETOFFS were approved ¦ teacher, making his first race, approves the proposal." would reduce jthe ¦ anticipated say- i about Winona. Nearly all of them ' ' ' - hearing at 2 p.m. March 4 on the Monday afternoon without opposi- was third . with . 275. The' alternative; to Winona 's , ings from the - new, system. , list location and: recreational changing its charter or becom- petition. tion, from CSD 2605, Prig g e assets and add the comment that FORTY-ONE PERCENT of the School, to Lewiston -district. Peti- ing an independent district would LAST MONTH the commission- DR. C. W. ROGERS, 3rd Ward, the city is a good place to bring city's registered voters turned out. be for it to remain as a special tioners were Richard Dora, 320 thought there were ¦i ers approved two setoffs from the ' too many un- up a family, Haack isaid. The list Morning voting \vas7 extremely district, making it impossible for acres ;arid .. . Erwin Richter, 160 answered questions f or the, board ; of things residents . dislike about light when many, residents hesi- : . Utica district to the Lewiston dis- ' ¦ -. ' '¦ the rural districts to be attached. acres. -- to take action now. • - ¦ their city is relatively, small, re- tated to venture out on ice-coated trict but rejected five other setoff DOrn's approved petition, was the Winona -now has 81 children from petitions. The two approved peti- "We don 't know for sure how searchers have discovered. walks and streets. these districts in the elementary second one he filed. The first one Voting was heaviest in", the 4th tions were ifroni ' persons living ' many we'll be serving," he as- grades here and 460 high school was for 120 acres, but tlie. Lewis- ward. Percentages by wards"-of near Utica School.; Both Lewiston ton board asked him to Eile a pe- serted, "and it's been my7 exper- students. Superintendent of . Schools Independent District 857 and St. ience that when you registered voters casting ballots Monday tition covering all his land in the go into some- A L. Nelson estimated thing new you can ; come up; with were: 1st Ward 31 percent; . 2nd night that if there was a merger Prigge district. The commission- County Receives . some additional costs that you Allyn 5. Morgan Jr. tloyd Dellkt Ward , 4i; percent; 3rd Ward , 44 of districts nearly 3O0 more stu- ers therefore rejected Dora's first percent and 4th Ward, 51 percent. accom- petition which covered part of his don 't take iiito consideration when dents Would have to be Commissioners OK you ' ' modated here (and it would ap- land.. : start out. -;!, - for one, would Bids on Truck, pear , the Winona system has fa- Attending hearings on these two want to take a pretty long look 3rd Ward Alderman cilities for them) ; with grade 2-Ceht Gas Boost setoffs were three Lewiston dis- at this/thing, before I'd be willing trict officials-T-Donald B. Nelson, to go out and spend $90,000. " Aldermen Run schools continuing to operate in A 2-cent-a-gallon increase in such corniiiunities as Dakota, No- superintendent; Dr. K. W. Klaus, _ Santelman said he thought that Station Wagon the state gasoline tax wa» re- in view ^f; the large dine, Minnesota City and Stock- vice chairman of the board, and expenditure . Winona Truck Service submit- , involved it would ton: ' commended to the Legisla- Charles Radatz, clerk be a good idea , ted^ a low net bid of $1,598 with if the board began seriously con- Quick Meeting, tor* by th« Winona County trade-in for a half-ton pickup truck ROCHESTER; another special IN RECENT years, most school sidering such a project, for a com- school district, Is; faced with; a Board of Commissioners . Mon- merger news in the; county Usual- mittee ;', to -''visit - and Owl Motor Co. submitted a some school where low net bid of $2,635.10 for a sta- similar problem. Winona board day afternoon, ly involved a big or independent a system such as that proposed members have contacted the Roch- tion wagon for the Wiiiona County Check Returns Th«r commissioners' resolu- high school district and a little or for Winona was 7 determine what ¦ in operation. highway department at this morn- W inding up, their shortest meet- ester board to common one. : "That way we action is contemplated •; there. Both tion cited the need for street could see just ing 's session .of , the County Board ing in months, the City Council Monday the commissioners were how well it's operating, . Santel- boards are in agreement that if and road construction.: asked to approve a merger be- " of Commissioners meeting, Monday night zipped, through a ¦ man observed, "and get some def- ¦¦ any legislation is introduced to Commissioner Carl O. Peter- tween two small common dis- ' - .A " trade-in of $904 was offered small stack of resolutions.and rou- change status is should be word- ' .' ' - ' inite cost figures to work : from." tine; actions . then adjourned early V »on, Fremont Township, 4th tricts. • - . on; the county's old pickup by Win- ed to cover both cities in the same A petition was received from ona Truck Service, to be deduct- to. examine election returns. ¦ District, discussed briefly the NELSON SUGGESTED tliar it ¦way . 7 ' CSD 2591, Upper Pickwick Valley might be best to ed from; a bid of $2,502. A request by the Feiten Imple- . hold off on the close Washington , Santelman told fellow . board recent meeting of Winona School; asking that the district be project for perhaps another year. The bids exclude federal excise ment Co. to streets members Monday that there were County Township Officers As- dissolved and attached to. . CSD "We'll have more :money avail- tax ; ' Street between 2nd and 3rd top many unresolved questions 2603, Pickwick School , which is in Feb, 36 was granted; It will be in , sociation which opposed an able if we want to go into it at OTHER BIDDERS follow : QuaL 's annual now for the board to consider any Pickwick. Jan:- 31 CSD 2591 free- that time " ' ' connection with the firm . increase in the tax unless part , the . -superintendent ity Chevrolet Co., Winona—Pick- when farmer cus- action and that the situation is holders voted 14-0 to dissolve their said, "and we John Deere Day . ; were 'll have a chance to up, $2,065 " tradei-in); sta- at demon- complex ; that legal counsel of Hie increase given to district . In an advisory ballot, all get net 3 than those involving Federal Power Commission street deparlmenl will lur purchus- , according to Sheriff way 61 intersection. a breach of in n J ¦ 7 accident could bond itself for the improve- 1 •*' ¦ • ; * • <•;• - t . ; fd Irdin Hiiffrjdge- .lolnison Ffiuiti- Amctt wns driving contract) liability except ns may Washington. D .C., this week that \ 5 (icorge Fort. Attending the meeting; were ments and retire (lie bonds inciit Co ,. Minneapol is, for $:i .9(l."i , a ear nnd Gile a truck, members of tho Winona County otherwise be permitted by statute. , may lead to natural KMK service No monies received from through future stnte aid receipts lor Luke City mid W, )> - , ; less 's.'ilii li/idc in , or n ni'l of $:i , - Both were driving west on CSAII Board of Commissioners. any she said , A referendum miglit bo 'I HN I I .I ¦ ' sources shall be used for the pay- Ii Ihe FIT Norlho rn M'! :ili!i . The boiler is used for thaw- 12. Arnett came over tho crest of in order she added . 7 !IT|: ' ¦ ^- -i-; i ment of alleged tort claims, Courts , Natural (Jus Co ., :'7 ! ¦ : ing fro/en .scuer lines and cal.-h the hill and Gile's truck wns mov- Aid, Henry Parks said he would n pipeline .sup- 7 I ' I ahead of his car , said of the state shall not have Juris- plier , to build pipelines to these ' basins. ing slowly "go along 100 percent on any proj- IST - WAHD , i 1 1 ; 1 The oilier - bidder was ltoad M;i- Fort. Gile started to moke a left diction to entertain suits of alleg- eil ies , NSI> will build distribution !»:t 101 . ; . Hokah Resident ed tort liability against ect where the people get a chance 1st Precinct I -42 ' - cliinerv d .Supplies Co.. Minne apo- turn and Arnett could not stop be- school dis- systems to provide rel.-iil natural 1 " II I , ; . ' r tricts except as permitted by sta- to vole on whether to spend their 2nd I' rrcillcl '!, > "'I - lis , whose ni'l price was $."> , . > 0i) , or cause of the icy road , Fort snld. gas service here , ,NS|' officials re- .till Precinct . -Hi 124 9V , tute , " money, " ported, %.:\ W less $7 1(1 lrad«' in, Arnett then pulled to the left |o 4th 1'rccilicl HI 12V Vl 'i I ' . ' .. , . . The school board association is "NSI' is appearing before the Delivery uf llie new machine w ill avoid hitting Ihe truck , lint hit its Hurt in Crash COUNCIL PRESIDENT Harold ,. . .' .. ., ... urging .support of the measure in FI'C in nn effort lo bring nnliirnl 16*1 458 358 , . ; . , , . . , .;. . : be made hv Feb . :!/'. left front door . Bolli Vehicles end- HOKAH , Minn. Iloknli Briesatli objected In llie: building on Ihe left. —A wom- consequence of a recent ruling by gti.s .service lo Lake Clly and W'a- 2,\'l) W'AIII ) 1 ; , i ed In Ihn ditch an is in snlisfnctory condition to- the State Supreme Court Hint it Idea because tlie stale , he rald. Damage was about $4(10 lo Ar- Indicated It may do the Hull Street Iwshn , " unit) A. K. J^recbcrg, 111:111- 1st I'ri'i'incl !>i< 127 Kin ll."i (in I'.'ii day nt Lutheran Hospital , l,n will no longer recognize n long- Lit ¦ ,... ¦ ! .. ,. nclt ' s car and ni>out $250 to Gile's Crosse work itself. Aid. Daniel Iliiiiiboiiek agcr of NSP' s-lli 'd Whig division. 2nd Precinct 57 17,'i 120 12*1 -ii La Crosse Firm , after being pinned under time common law principle ol ¦ 2!» I23. 12,'. 11*1 'in ITi l . . . .. ; . ,, . lruck.. No citations have been is- her nuto when it went out of con- said if the Muukato Av enue and "We are hopeful thai authorl/n- 3rd Precincl ! ! school dish-let liability from dam- > tit ) H' ', ¦>' ¦ Wl . ... 7 . . ;.,.. sued. trol nnd rolled down n 25-foot, em- age suits, Huff Street projects were in the liori will he fo rthcoming early 4th Precinct ! l'- -< '!" Buys Blacktop bankment. same project , Hie cll y .should get enough this year HO (lint we run 161 542 419 398 204 520 . . ! .... School district immunity, begin constructio n She is Mrs. Alvin Kiel lick , iiO, through (he proposal , would lie af- a hotter eonlracl , of our distri- ) ' Surfacing Co. Creamery at Eyota Mayor Idlings bution system in time to hiivc It :ini) WAIII , , 1 who .suffered lirolton ribs , n brok- forded hy legislative net rntlier suid hi.*s recollec- 'i I-in . ' 94 ',,i i:i'.' tion of completed lor the next heal inn lsl Preciiu'l 1 31 I2. II .1 , l iuini lllin 'klup Surf acing Saturday en right arm ft ml a concussion, tlmn under common law . Ihe sUitu ' .s position was Hint 4;l i;u i .v.i . .. no im t'.'u To Meet the Higliw.iy season. " 2nd Prcciiu'i Co. bus liccii ac(|u iii 'il by Matliy According to Houston County Sher- Directors agreed lo give addi- Di'pai'liiii 'ii t was not '(nl 'l 119 l«(i . I ¦*'. M ...... committal to llcaring.s on Niitiinil ' .s rnpicM . Precinct -l. H'-> Coiislriiclion Co ,, l,;i Crosse , F.vjui KVOTA, Minn . "Special '-T It c iff Hyrmi Whitchotisc , K IKI uppnr * tional study to tho proposal before Ihe wor k and It 4th Precinct ; Ml HH tun , mi ¦'» 124 , |.... ' . ... stockholder s meeting of enlly was thrown out of the cur taking official action. would lie four years away at Ihe lo bring pipeline service to Lake II, Dnvlcs , iiiiiiinger of the srupfac- annual ' If this is ; . Kyoln Farmers Creamery A H - SiUurday when it went down the done, counly legislators would bo minimum . Cily and Wahn.shn have been in ; 170 508 5B0 | .. . 4« 275 547 | ...... ing firm , iinnminced tmlay. the " " soelution will begin nt 11:30 a.m. embankment on Highway 16 about urged to support the proposed hill. The city 's I'.NKI apportionment progress for several months, 4Tii wAiti ) ' ' Muthy bought all of the Uunii : i : . ' , Saturday al Ihe high school cafe- two miles south of La Crescent, Attending Monday 's meeting of slate street aid hinds will bo lsi Precinct ,. 'i 94 l lll 4. :v.l r.I 1411 firm s si nclt for 'in undisclo.M'i l teria here He said Ihe ear rolled over and wore Hoard President Lawrence SI01 , ISO, aldermen were Informed. LAKEVIEW BARRACKS 2nd Picciiicl t' -l III I'M 'IV VI ,'i« 179 ; iiDioniil. The .slock wns ownerl by F. I. . Jensen , St, I'nul , Minne- pinned her, Nmitelniim, Franklin Tillman , Dr. Maintenance aids will total S2-',- I, A KM CITY , Minn, 1 Special 1— 3rd Prcciiu 'i 79 llll LV/ . . . imi («(i .V, Kill Mrs. K M her H. Dunn , (loodview, sota Agriculture Deparlmoiil. will A wrecker was culled lo lilt the C, It. Knllofskl , Diuilel Sadowski , IMii ; construction aids w III amount l ,:iknview H.'irrncks 17.13 , Wleriins 4lii Precinct l '.;i (ill IU5 , ¦'-' -W 37 9li 1 A. I.. Muthy is prcsiilciit tif ibe speaker, enr to free Mrs , SletileU. Hopes h. It. Woodworth C. , Hog. of World War I , w ill meet nl II coiisliiict ioii firm, be the featured Lunch , Dr. \V to $7IUH. hi 1IK« aids fur main- 202 383 589 . , 269 226 201 556 tlio busi- were used lo pull her up the steep ers, Itay Gorsuch nnd Maurice 1) , tenance were , , for construc- tonight a I the Ahierican Legion , .J I Havles continues ns miuingcr ol will be served following $a2 ll'l!i ' " ness meeting. embankment on a stretcher. Uodsey. tion $7l),7,r>J. Hull, I 777 , 1891 , 1946 1..,. !.. ,| . .. |. .. ] ,. |... . , , , | . ' . | .. the siirluclng comiiiiny. They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo Connecticut M Xapfatti ^^ ^ Program Cuts Fired f or Merv Traffic Deaths - HARTFOKD, ' Conn. (AP)-Four years ago, the state cf Connecti- cut won national attention for its ", ' : '. . . " . ,, . . ." ,. By-'EARL-. WmsON . effective campaign against traffic "¦' NEW: YORK V- That's' all they; were . ' talking' about ', around Broad- death.-:: way — the secret reason that Merv Griffin lost his TV show. It took The death toll had tumbled for' our hottest , new comic, — Jackie Mason, to put it in words. four consecutive years, and other It's because he got an award for having such a good show," shrtig- states . looked to Connecticut for ged Jackie, to whom all mysteries are very clear. assistance in their; safety efforts. "As soon as you get an award, you always lose your show," Jackie Gov.. Abraham A. Ribicoff, who told the table-sitters at . Lwdy s. is now a U.S. ; senator, had pin- "Happened to Bob Newhart, pointed . speed as the greatest too. " Jackie said. "Now the trick threat ori the highways and had is not to get an award. 7. inaugurated a stringent system of "This trick I have mastered . license suspensions for speeders. Driver Killed NBC should hire rrie. I would His efforts were widely acclaimed. guarantee not to get an award But each year since 1959, Con- and I would deliver. I've been not necticut bas had an increasing getting awards in cafes — why number 7 of traffic victims. Last \Vhen Sheep shouldn't I not get awards in TV?'' year, the fatality figure went , over Groucho Marx, Ed Sullivan , 300 for . tlie first time in seven Jack Paar, Sammy Davis , Steve years. 7- • Allen and Jar Murra y claim that Truck Crashes Mason, ' a 32-year-old: bachelor ex- Now Gov. John N. Dempsey is ST. PAUL (SWLloyd G. Madge, asking the 1963 General¦ Assembly .FAMILIAR? . . , It's that blond rabbi , is- the funniest new funny- „¦ ¦" DOES THIS CHAP LOOK 35,'. - .BI'oo'rhingto'n,- .' Minn!;-was injur- man. Thanks to TV spots j Jackie's for netv state action: • • , CANYON. He 's disguised The st»ry of Connecticut's traf- adventurer of the Air Force STEVE ed fatally Sunday when a truck cafe salary has gone to $8,000 a as'; a U.S. civilian pilot on loan to a Turkish airline' ..' —. arid hii loaded with 350 sheep crashed week-^-though Julie Podell, Cqpa- fic safety program began inearly 30 years ago. . : assignment is to whisk a f amous German scientist now held by over an embankment on Highway cabana owner , pays him- only $5,- . ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ' ¦ In 1935, when there' .-: were some tlie Reds to. the safety of friendly territory, the scientist- .will 494 near¦ the South St7 Paul stock- 000. ; ' ' . - ' " : ,; . ' ' yards. '; ' ' ' 378.000 vehicles registered in the make a d ash , for freedom into ;Turkey, the only area where a . , . Madge's relief driver, Jeffrey "PODELL SAYS ti me, 'I'm los- Voi^ state,¦ 7, the death toll soared to 485; N'ATO nation borders directly on the" USSR; Sieve is under orders Duvlea, 21, Willernie, Minn., suf- ing nioney on you. I' m losing $40,- A ividspread publicity , cam- to fly him away in an ancient DC-3. But if you think : those old ' ' ' to come paign launched by Gov Wilbur L. fered a broken ankle. Forty of .000. on you. I . - want- you. crates are obsolete, wait until you see STEVE eANi'OI*!, 'at the the sheep were, killed, /arid police back next year, the same price.' " Cross /was credited with bringing the; figure down into the ' 3O0s. : controls of one of the World War II relics. and passersby herded the others Jackie looked puzzled. "Could a : / 7 into a truck sent from the stock- guy be so/,desperate to lose ?40r Further efforts by other Conn- yards.-^ ' :;, -; -> ¦ ' . ".' ' - ' -, 7- 7 0O0 next year, he's got to have me ecticut governors kept the ; death Minnesota 's traffic «eathu toll is back?. 'I'm- , holding out for a raise toll closer to 20O in the years 37 compared with 53 at this time so he can lose even rnore on me!" that followed. It wasn't until 1955 ; last year. ;' - In Hollywood, Jackie was such that it crept; back up to 324. : Answer Childrehs Spec . 4 C, Donald R. Johnson , a hit , he says, - 'people were fbr- Then Hibicoff became alarmed 21-year-old Minnesota : serviceman gettih ' - 'to talk about Frank Sina- and touched off his drive. stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, tra." And in the Mid West, especial- ly Detroit , he has a big following. The »rder wertt , out lit 1W4: Mo., was killed Saturday when the One . speeding; conviction / Questiens "A Detroit guy. Bob Adel—he and a Denf 0 car he was in crashed off a road motorist would ; be banned from near Cuba, Mo. Two companions hnust own General Motors, he's got 7 (This.. is the second in av 2. Brush, each area at least ten - such a big limousine—wants to the highways for 30 days; two Series of questions and an- :. times — the surfaces next;to-the , reportedly were not injured . 7- convictions for 60 days; three ¦ . Johnson is survived by his par-; b-ack me in a picture of my own swers: oiv dental health .pub- cheeks and next to the tongue an - Minher 7 he says, "maybe I'm not too fan- -State Police Commissioner Leo tials for dental health. . OSSEO, Wis.—Five .new mem- . J: Muleahy carried , Ribicoff's pro- apolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. tastic." .-. ' During the years the teeth are Monday reported "indicated earn- - bers were elected to the church gram further with uhmarbed cars being formed (from about 5 months board and a $30,000 budget adopt- extensive use cf radar , safety ings of .$26,883,90$ for the year FAT JACK E. LEONARD, the before birth to the age of 8 years > . ended Dee. - 31-7-equal, after pref- 7 ed at the annual meeting : of the comedian, is very ill in Chicago slogans along the highways, and an adequate supply of calcium and Lutheran erence dividends, to 4'3.72; a share Osseo Evangelical - . .In our poll to choose "the man on-the-spot car checks. phosphorus is needed for harden - ' Church. ;; of common slock. "with , the most sex appeal ," JFK ing of the tooth structure.. Once This compared with 1961 earn- ,. : The new board members are: 3s neck-and-heck with movie stars Ther* measures arc sti ll in ef- the teeth are fully formed and cal- , fect, but the tide is still rising. ihgs of $24,945,845.or -$3.48 '.a . share. - . .. Dale . Amundson, Allen Anderson ¦Cary Grant, Tony Quinri and Rock cified, -the . enamel does not need Gordon Hong, James Julson and Dernpsey—eyeing the 320, deaths Record sales of $596,266,929 were Hudson, The gals who nominated any more calcium and cannot reported for 1962 compared with . Melvin Krienke. JFK were Susan Strasberg and in 1962---1S convinced, that more needs to be done. He asking absorb any. The gums and the $470,182,073 ; the previous 'year. Also adopted at the meeting was Bernice Massi. . .Marilyn Monroe is bones of the jaw s must, have . the a recommendation to seek merg- wasn't able to work when she was the legislature for a maximum same nourishment throughout life er of the Osseo Lutheran Ceme- trying to do her last but unfinish- speed limit; law, a chemical test make it a criminal offense for as the other tissues of the body. Gl enwood to Vote on tery Association with the Osseo ed picture, "Something's Got to While a good diet does play a Cemetery Association *nd the con- , :. says Tryon , who for drunken driving; and a law to : Sc lrool B^ond Issue Give '' Tom 's make it a criminal offense for part in the development of so>und, tinued authorization of preliminary since: been cast: to star in "The healthy teeth, only fluorides have teen-agers to possess alcoholic ¦ GLENWOOD ,; Minri7 ::i Monday hy ' Although he agrees that more Your dentist can tell y*ou the day . Steamboat Days street carnival to Inlerior Secretary of the dog-killed deer earlier best method of toothbrushang for LOAN CO. "Farmers like low-moisture si- Stewart L. Udall. in the winter were cripples state legislation is needed to put show on Center street if tlie ap- teetli in existing laws, Muleahy you, Three good genera l rul es are: WINONA DAILY NEWS lage and more of them will be proval of merchants there is tib- Ihe projects , certified by . the from the fall hunting season. 1, Brush immediately aft er eat- 170 E. 3rd Sfr. using it during the coming . Area Itedevelopment says Connecticut has fewer fatal TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, lt» tained . Dates are .Inly 12-14 . Administra- ing. , ' ' years , " said Peter Bieri , Trem- tion, are for areas with a high George Meyer, Whitewater ref- accidents for miles traveled than VOLUME 107, UO . t* Mayor Ii, K. Ellings , comment- any ~ pealeau County ngonl . "This moot- rale of unemployment. They are : uge, who attended the Wetlands other state except Rhode • * e* same reservation in Carlton Coun- ing in the .standing corn patches million vehicle miles of (ravel, IF EVER A WHISKEY DESERVED TO ent of the University of Wisconsin if it won Id not bo better to dis- 7i week! S12 . 75 _ _ 52 weeks M3 J0 ty, $fi7 ,fl00 for grading and nnd have found plenty of cover in Experimental Kami at Marsh- continue the sometimes-controver- surfac- By mail (irtclly In aduoncei paper iton- field , will be the main .speaker. ing; roads and forest improvement the dense areas of conifers. BE CALLED THAT, IT'S 7 CROWN. pet) on expiration date . sial street show altogether. Mayor for seven man-years of new em- M ay 27 Last Day In Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted, Wlnone lie supervises research at I lie Fillings ,s;ikl it. was ;in important Despite tlie cold, fox hunting Trempealeau counties: farm and comes to the ineetiii R ployment. >3 purl of the event and besides it the past two weeks has been Leg islators Meet • month* M.50 3 monlln -50 with the experience gained from Agassi* Rational Wildlife Ref. IT'S THE MOST WIDELY SERVED 1 year J13. 00 1 month »1 35 provided n majo r source of rev- uge $3!) , pretty good in tlie part of feed ing (rials , according lo Bierl . , 00O fnf- this strategic re f. Houston County north of the ST. PAVl ' (AP) — Ally. Gen. All other mall eutaicrlptlonn: enue, ug« in Marshall Count y to - " The meeting, which is open lo promote Root Iliver. Rifle Ininlers and Walter F. Mondalei n3 Minnesota Legislature to pass mm AND BE SURE. Items lo Winona Dally Mews , Box 95, W|. Lnonln fi, nnd llie counly extension cliiint.s in. the area who favor the One Wisconsin project also was dropped off sharply in the hills nnd that the Legislature must none, Minn. requested locut ion. np-proved. Il involves $18,000 for lecond elate postage Paid Wlnone*.. .service.) area around Spring Grove and adjourn no later than May 27. *t ¦ Lap du Flambeau Reservation in A bonsai is dwarfed so Caledonia ,. Ham d e e I a res. Voters adopted nn amendmen t a tree Oneida county for Reading and Hunters think Ihe fox there nt the November election extend- perfectly controlled that it may surfacing roads , or the equivalent grow just two feet in 300 years. were hit by a disease last ing; the session limit from 90 to mm ;i SODOMY of two man-years of employment. fall. 120 days. ™ tniPLypri ENDS TONIGHT — a y:I0 TOMORROW A NEW mm COME rfl wi I IN COLOR I i LDhitJmV 4 1 A» 7!?0 nd «nd EVEiRY WEDN ESDAY N ITE THE SCREEN...AND Jffli ^ I 1 BAKED SHORT RIBS DINNER complete wllh nil the trimmings I (T| PA THE WORLD IS A HAPPIER ^¦R|& X ^ToUu f ^itd^tftkMui&l! ALL YOU CAN EAT VOR ^JL.JU H s 1 ^/ ^) PUCE TO UVE IN! _\\\\\\\\\f$W% si^' BOB LUCILLE .MWJW*8R THURSDAY (r.1 ^*-V-"**1**M-- -^.M '. 7 '' firing \tmM^mW^mMmMmMm\mMmMm\m\\mW and EVERY THURSDAY NITE I MN^MIIore Ihe -«-^hj«euCMT»-| , Jtii M , MUL M f m EXTRA - "I WAS A TBENAGE THUMB" I Jhn 8, m ulblli iMm \ j "TEASURES OP STANBUL" / SUPPER CLU B *TC Pronounced OBE-OO , tWam. am m! * I . FOUNTAIN CI TY, WIS, SMQ »IM.0ISTHIK(S COHPANf. HtW VORK ClU BltW) YlHISKtUO rBOOF . 6&7i GRAIN Mumi SMIja ;, posed to supply Its neighbor 'Wi th >: ROBERT C RUARK WORLD TODAY missiles and bombers. The mis- '/ siles needed nuclear . warheads."; 4 Convicted in ' the / State Department had not Under air act of. Congress this!; handled this whole business too Area Extension Home country cannot give, awav or soil. hastily, there would have been no ': nuclear weapons.-:!' , Counselors to Meet ' need or reason to apologize. ¦ " Xj'' ' ' - ' ' . ' • ' . . ; 1. .. - De-. .. .&iii£$ti0 United to Start - This required American control At Rochester Church Once more Cuba on Ameri- ' not of nuclear-tipped missiles in < - a!i : can nerves, this time because of ada although Canada could have ROCHESTER , Minn.-A district Stock Swindle the number of Soviet troops and meeting for county extension liome joint say on . w-lieri/ they would be • ¦¦• ' ' ' The Kennedy ad- NEW. YORK (AP)- Four men | Up ' weapons there. . counselors in ', ' this area will ho J-Class Jel Service New Tempest iisr:<) . . - . '/" . NEW YORK—It seems and- ;r . corporation were cony Icted i niinistralipn had been rather com- : held at the' Bethel English Luth- to me that United Airlines should be sound- . By JAMES MAR LOW After the trouble with De Gaulle "Prime Minister ! Diefenbaker fort-able about Cuba ever since ly congratulated for having .'struck: the sensible ,blow in. Jlonday of defrauding the - ptiblic ! j eran Church here Wednesday at , first really Associated Press Ne>ws Analyst ! got severe, Khrrislichev called off 'had different ' -' ideas:' That Canada / Khrushchev; carted his missiles ' passenger relations since the common use of jet aircraft rendered the of $5 million through a conspiracy / . . !):30 a!m. It was tne. .talks.., No doubt. .he felt he did not really need the missile 's, away last fall. . - ¦ ' sleeper-plane obsolete. Starting March 10,; United plans to offer a tn sell fiOfl.OOO shares of . ii nrtegis- , /WASHINGTON (APi. — Theme is "Let s Look at Plan- . . could make a helter . dea!. if¦ the and that if Canada had .them she . '' ' one-class service on the/ big jets,/ first between Chicago and San , Fran- terecl stock of United- Dye , and .like; watching an uninvited guest . ' '¦ .Now members, of Congress were ning./' The - .rneetirig - ' v.:iH ' close. .-at- ! ' bang inlo , the . China/ tioset .- The , Western . squabble go! . -- . ishoiilrl . control Ihom! So every 7. complaining alwut the size of So- 3-iSO p.m. TTiis is one of- nine dis- cisco, and Chicafio and ,; Cleveland. . Later, /other cities will he linked Corp. . . - . i thiii « stalled . The CairH - /Pope j Premier Khrushchev , took ad- and drink and passenger-handling ' ' :o dawn, which more money, arid to John XXIII; is. gradually getting vantage . of- - this disarray to cross ¦ for a little in e a n s . ';' ' th at give the / former first-class er a oyer the bad cold that has both- up Kennedy again. He had looked ' you' ve/eaten els-e- opulence for a lot less ered him for ; two days, Vatican chastened and even reasonable, '¦ little less ' - .: Ruar|< 4'here,. and:possi- money." - .. sources said Monday, ;!• like . a man who might be ready bly picked up your load, if you're. It was the Fope's first iOlness to do business at last , ever since great deal of sense, v^Lw ; ¦ ¦¦ ¦ a drinker , at your leisure before ,; IT MAKES a since he recovered from severe. Kennedy made him take his mis- fl^L^La^L^L^L^Hfe V ¦ •'^L^L - ^^^ILS - z^^^^^A ^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^H- ' • boarding the plane. : ' :// ;/, / \ and is long overdue in coming tc anerriia and a. stomach disorder siles, out of Cuba. - . -. — iL^kv ^ America. Some of the Europear which sent him, to bed last* Nov ' At the nuclear test ban .. talks , THE SCORES o-f ' ' I've- * . time* - . lines " already have it , on theii 27, two days after his/.'S' lst. [birth- j the / Russians made a concession made, that particular flight 1 ha-ve i shorter flights, with marvelous .im ¦' ' ¦ day. :; " ' , -; v they /had . made once¦ before but been more . comfortable flying ! proverb ents . ifi former ; cattie-boal [withdrawn ; They . . would permit economy than the rich kids up!passenger-paefcirig, general ser- two or '/three -op'site inspections in ' ¦ H^^^^^^HL^B- , ' ¦ - . COUNCIL AIRED i .^^L^L^L^itai^Ji^Ll^HL^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^^L^^L^L^L^L^L^L^ front because in a partialiy-fiil-e d | vice, and good win, . .' NEW YORK, im — Radio Free i Russia !'" - prevent, cheating . .,- if- - ^^H^^^^^^C^^-a^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IH^^^^^^^' - aircraft ; the secohd-classer qiiate - : . 1 ¦ Bearing in mind that a. man whe j' Europe; says a total of .31 hours i there was. »¦- no-test ' -agreement..' - . often has three,.seats to /.himself ,/; wants- real luxury': over , long dis- ' arid 52 minutes of bToaiicasts i The United States wanted e ight which handily convert into a com- : .will go/ by , boat or. train, or 10 but this looked like prog- fortable bed when you take - the i tances I beamed to countries behind the ' , and that ho aircraft is much bet- / Iron Curtain last Oct. 14 to Pec. 8 ;.|' -an obvious, attempt, to en- partitions out . whereas the first- concept than an airborn e : ' '! classer has only one seat no/rri at-: j ter in u/ere devoted to descriptioris of , courage Khrushchev. Kennedy bus, the - whole point of /the jets Roman Catholicism * Seconii Vat- i suspended American , underground ter what live condition of passenger \ - * ¦ ¦ is to; make' the longest distance -ir ican Council in ¦Rome.' ..' " ' fpsl.K:' ; ' . ' . -. load. 7 ¦ ;/' - ' ; . .. ; : the-shortest time. " Only once that I recall did 1 j From the first moment of obsol- SPECIAL M-SERIES CONTRACT ever sit three people to three i PAID ADVERTISEMENT — Pieparetl by Howard A., Baumarin. 5«3 Kansas St>. . the old propeller plane, ' ' ¦¦ ' ¦ seats, arid in this instance the i escence of In Ills:own behalf end inserted! «t regular general adv: rales. • • ' . one-class service has been indicat- meat in the sandwich was a very ) ' ' ed. For implementing it. Uniter pretty girl. Mostly, between h-ere : deserves, a resounding pat . pn the and Europe and Europe /and New . - PROVIDES PAID-!N-FU1_L back. | ' -'" ' York, I've had the three seats, to ! . . /. myself/ But again, - with. -two-people • For the fine supp'&rt given me • for Third Word in the three seats, removal of .the COMPARATIVE RELIGION center bar gives each customer a PRINGETON, ' NJ. — Protes Alderman in Monday's Primary Election. SURGICAL & IN-HOSPITA L Comfortable seaf-and-a-h'al' f. "-' tant , Roman Catholic, Eastern Or : The same booze that the ftrst- thodox and Jewish scholars join BE SURII TO VOTE IN tHE ¦ ' ' ¦ classer gets free on overseas runs ed with specialists in Islam, Bud- . - ' 7/ GENERAl . -ElECTION. /¦/, sells for 50 cents • a shot to the dhism, and Confucianism in a poor cousin back/ aft.. TouT i'st- three-day conference oh the signi- class foc-d is edible, if not sump- ficance of comparative religion in HOWARD A. BAUMANN tuous — and for my money any modem culture;

* ' " " ¦ ¦:¦ '• • /¦¦ ' : ; '¦ • ' ' -/¦ '" : 7': /- -: -7 . ' / /'/ 7 :" . . -; . :- , .;: ';. ; : . -' : . : .. . '.. ' .:. ,(¦ ' -y-:: 7 7- :.. . ' : . 7' ./ Il ''7 . y: :¦¦::. - ::7 : - ... j . / I Ety S I NlCF^EASED D|AGNG>STIQ I ^;S|3S AS^^'^ I I EMERGENCY G^RE You're probably paying thk BEN^^ ~\7 [—~—"k. C~ -"—"—^ pr.,_, ic• , „ ' ' " Luxu rious interiors 307 dec- I—^—w l—:—- ' r -~~Tk.C—"TkCT«> ... A-f ±iebaOreT *Q~hmn li.. orator trims, durable4> vinyl V. __%% __\\I: . W *« S ff\ e^LV I e OJ d Oy or ^ ¦ Buick-why not own on^ \\ 1 F¦ ' l \ \ W -I Tir • I ' ¦ rj ' r^.tn^^XSstraight tracking Wildcat 401 ¦ \ ¦ /¦ M ¦ B I ¦ ¦ ' ¦k^ • ' LeSabre 2-door sedan shown below-y^.* «> ' ¦/ ' ¦ '/ " - ' ' • ¦ - •'¦ ut ¦ - V-8 Action Surging Turbine \ ¦ \ - M I ¦ ¦ •*' ¦ " ,7. d . . ,,j ,.. ,.. - ¦ V' ' ¦ ¦ I J .B 'm f" Drive' «. Substantial Buick ride . -B/ eW 7«W l mil2iV f.T,k,LiSsbie. Z-dcot!. ^, laain.^i nef^"nimburtt--S?"" I/ A \ W ham / km 1\ B I am ma H B H '" w*** JL Frontr.y.„» and~*, rear-l-.. floon«« r« ..rnoun-».»..» \'W'eW- - - « ¦ PeV ¦ H ¦_¦ ' ' " • m«.t l.r fKK.H titi« In ind SUU«I*«1 Bait. « || l ag| || ! ¦ « ¦ : ¦ n«h»« f J' * ' *' 1V \* M' - r ' " I r>. : / . ,. . - - ; ; . . . —-^-^— . IF THEY QUAIIFY FOR SPECIA L M-SERIES INCOME-CEILIIVG ¦ ' ' CONTRACTS : . . - / • FUUVPAYM ENT for surgery - • FULL PAYMENT for in-ho-p ilal doctor visits ' ' I • INCREASED PAYM ENT for ' lab , tests Buick I INCREASED PAYMRNT for x-rav« ' I • - ¦^K ^^^ ¦ resale 1 • INCREASED PAYMENT lor maternity ¦ i ' value flying high RECORD NUMBERS SHARrNG BUICK SUCCESS! -«SaS^' ' 1 l EK.mpi.*..i96o i.s«br.*.do.r For ooin p lctf covcrage and qiialifiralioii ilclail- , mail thi > rnupon today. YOUR CAR IS WORTH MORE NOW IN TRADE THAN / S an . - /' .wKSar^jw.^^%. A hardtop ralauis avfirage of - " 1256 more of its original cost to. ITII C¥imPVPH WilW1M*l DL./iUfllN.RP AfiAIN f . ^* %»Iii?e# «i i §$$ $mW& $- . 1J dnylhan did a comparable1 1 1908 DON'T DELAY! BE MONEY AHEAD! TRADE NOW! v ^.l^^c^, ^;!, ^ \H*'.._3l ^Sffl6*>' CSMMBffF *Jm,r

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Extra values in Double w Check used cars, tool F. BEMIS, WINONA, MINNESOTA PHONE 9628 See your authorized quality Buick Dealer today! I ¦¦¦¦¦ M ^MHHMMBMIHHlMllMH ^l ^i ^^^^ HI Redevelopmen t WASHINGTON CALLING NO NOOSE IS BAD NOOSE To Vour Good Health Pbwh .t6.wn Letters to The Takes U pwa rcl Turn hp i^rts.Rep orts Editor Alcoholi cs (¦Editor's Note: Letters 7 ' INTEREST IN putting a new face on nnisl be temperate , / of Can Be ' k a definite Winona s/downtown area too We/come News reasonable:: length and upward turn last week following, a two-day signed by the writer. visit by the director of the Land Glearan-ce By MARQUIS CHILDS Bcni fide names of all Helped t , letter-ivriters will be and Redevelopment Authori y of Colum- WASHINGTON .— The record profits shown By JOSEPH G. MOLNER , M.D. bia , Mo. ; by General Motors, DuPont and other American published * No religious, . . medical or personal con- I have a letter — in fact I giants/;.;(with/ U.S. Steel a notable exception ) is troversies are :- A special vote of thanks certainly is- . d ue accept' have several startlingly like it Welcome news to the business community and ' ¦ ' ¦;//¦ ' .' able.) . :/ . -/ .:"— fro-m a wife whose husband the Winona ExcSrange Club ior underwrit- the /. stock market. , But what , it will mean for ing expenses incRRnt to bringing C. K. President . . Kennedy ' s proposed lax program is Winona Needs Hockey insists that he/isn't an alcoholic , // Odor to Winona for his informative series quite another- matter; And an Auditorium because he never drinks in the ' ' Only/in the evening. of - ta lks. . The tax bil l passed last year, in effect, gave Tn the Editor:' - ,. ; daytime. business a 10 percent tax cut through an invest- He insists that he! can stop /1 would like to express; my he Columbia , a /city of 40.000,' has some- ment credit and a speedier writeoff of business any time he wants to. But opinion ! about a subject which never wants to. Every night - g i , with 25,000 people investment for tax purposes. . Conservatives such thin to show to W nona has been a real sore spot with it's the same story : A series , aT~Senator Harry F. . Byrd! chairman of the and a similar set of circumstances. Much me for some time now. The oai b l:.'C Senate Finance Committee , insisted - that Busi- ot d . progress has been made i n updating and subject is, when is Winona go- shots p f liq- ness: neither Wanted nor needed the reduction. rebuilding, rundown sections by Ihe Mis- ing to get an auditorium? ! uor, a/f ter But . thanks to the forceful strategy Of the lale i i li Everytime I talk to a person which he be- sour munic pa ty. . , Senator Robert S. Kerr the Administration meas- from Winon a 1 ask them about comes sen- ure was pushed through. : 7 THERE |S abundant evidence the same this, and the answer ! is al- sitive to any The President's new program ways, "They 're talking! about thing can be done for outdated 'sect i ons ' -of remark he gives business ' ah added five it ." or "I don 't know." thinks is crit- the Winona commercial arca - In fact/ the > percent ceil ,. reduemg the max-' - , I think its a shame that ic a J. lie air- t ask here i s . considerably/simplcr since no inium rate from 47 per- Winona is again taking a ¦ g. , be- ' . . u e s slum housing , area s . arc involved. In Col- cent- The savings will go into backseat to other Minnesota c orn e ' s posr ' urnbiajt was necessary to/build a comp lete new- plains , to provide an addi- 10 w"n s. Rochester has one, itive ¦;..that he. low-income housing comp lex to pro-vide tional - stimulus to the economy, South St. Paul has one and is right /about Albert Lea has . at least a shell e v. e r ything/ homes for persons displaced by the l ater it .is claimed. Yet as Walter . ¦ to protect thejr ice. The thing - a n d' -- every- - Molner demolition, of dozens of downtown shacks Heller, t h e conscientious, in- that ' makes it a sore point body else is wrong. , tensely hard-working chairman which the city acquired by condemnation. with me is that you are go- ./ Now I can't say that/such a of the President's: Council of . ing to kill hockey in your , man necessarily is an alcohol- ' Economic Advisers, showed: in ¦/ Like : Winona, Columbia has three col- town,!.just like baseball was <="" ic , but the personality changes within its city limits. JVs does Winona his report, it is investment that ¦ ' " ' ' " ' ' - leges ^ . .,- • . : - . ChiWs ' - killed because of the need for and - "-the/ touchiness, and the ! Columbia: calls- education its greatest in- lagged in the hist months of 1962 a better ball park. Hockey! in assertions.that he- "'can stop" ,! despite . 'high . ' profits'.'' and dustry. But the pride and satisfaction evok- . . large : cash reserves.. Winona is popular, not only, - but doesn't, aren't good signs. On this point — the stimulation of more in- with the grownups, but with - ' ed by the presence o f t his asset has not AJcoholisni doesn t necessar- vestment , in more productive capacity ¦/¦versus, the children too. And I say ily mean falling down drunk / tak en (h e aKention of . Columbians away putting: more spending/. money; in the pockets of hockey , because it is now and ! in the gutter, . although that ... / ¦ from the necessity to keep up in other consumers —- much of the debate preceding the : always will: be, my first "love! .often is the end of the' story. ' phases of community development. / unveiling of the President's progra m turned, '.;. I've heard groups complain 7 It simply means dependence There is today a. distinct divide 'between the pri- about juvenile problems for on alcohol. For some, it is de- ' WHILE THERE is no* much question vate doubters and the public advocates who some tirne now , and what -. pendence at night. Sor , .others, that traditional downtown groupings and must try.' to make, the case for the program be- should be done about it. Well .if is/a periodic dependence. -. ' / Sobriety, nay 'continue for : patterns no / longer : fulfill/ their functions fore. Congress. .' here s what Winona did. They adequately, the renewal concept does not cut out High School hockey be- days, weeks or even months, mean wholesale atomizing of the entire IN THE - lengthy discuss ion in* rhe inner coun- cause it was costing! too much but time after time the person cil Seymour Harris/ the Harvard professor who and there - was no revenue to is at last -impelled- to/retiirn area. In many cases, ' ¦ ,it/means retention of is economic adviser/ to Secretary of the Treas THE WASHINGTON MER.RY-GO-RPUND offset the cost. Might I ask to - his liquid crutch . Many of ! ' /¦ ' ' serviceable buildings./ - .„ ury Douglas Dillon , expressed '¦his frank doubts. them hbvv much money does these alcoholics keep insisting thai they , can ''take it or leave The program as presented by; the President is baseball , golf , tennis and track . . In Columbia 's case, some; older ihulti- bring in? •< "¦ it alone," and cite /the periods not in: accord with -the Keynesian theory of com- " " storied buildings whose upper floors were Maybe some , people don 't . of sobriefv /as proof. . pensatory . government spending to stimulate the ¦ unused anyway, realize it But/ you do have/a v/ere remodeled into ade- economy. John. Maynard . Keynes, the theory's - BUT THE real proof isn't , WormgriA^ pretty fair hockey team . in - quate attractive single story Structures , high p/r ies t; /advocated massive government ¦ he occasional or even the fre- your 'tbwii; , How long, 'you 'll- - - spending with the onset Of a recession in order . .. jucnt "dry. periods." The pVobf have ityyl can't say because Downtown redevelopment , after all, is to keep purchasing power up. A search of his ,s in the repeated ' -'falling off ! alter some! of the older fel- " not simply stone, steel and ,/glass s/haped writings shows that/ be mentioned tax cutting .he wagon. lows/ now playing decide to It is,:candidly, ! of scant use into modernistic architectural : forms. It is. only once/ . or/ twice. , '!¦.; .¦/¦ . " ; Chaiige call it quits I'm afraid that's tell To ^iSv^o/icfef b . this to alcoholics. They first of all a will to find new ;ways to it -was' plain to the President, however, that . ' ' ' ' it. There is no high school to refuse to believe it. They con- ' " ' ,spending pro- By.DREW PEARSON Po.rti.igab . : . . • . may.. represent foreign inter- ' . meet new challenges; 7 . the Congress would never pass a ' provide 'anymor/e talent.!. tinue, to kid ! themselves. ¦ They, , ' WASHINGTON - A star- / Washington Attorney Lowell ests/under the . :law, but the gram. So. the tax cut , with the -determination to :hink -the! advice applies onl ' studded parade .; of witnesses J.! Bradford was actually paid Senate foreign relations corm . Now some members of . the y THIS ATTITUDE is hot completely hold spending to the .level of recent , years, rep- ' lo/: "the , other fellow;'/! will soon come before the Seii - by Uncle Sam for arranging a noittee is alarmed over their board can justify their position . lacking here because there are some solid resents a comprbfrrise, They can 't be convinced that . ale -/'foreign-, relations ' - . . cbrm development loan for the attempts to influence U.S./pol- by saying that a meeting was ' ihere are potential dangers in examples of downtown progress which mittee during its probe of for- Bangkok 3Ietropolitah/ Elec- 'cy/. .. ¦ held to hear any objections, to BUT THE doubters believe that th« cut 1« - " overindulgence; Br a in de- anyone can see, More are in the offing; At ' tricity! Authority. The Thai giv- The blowup. in .Canadian- the/cutting of the 'hpekey; pro- .- . too little and after the . long/ toilsome process eign agents, ' , ernmerit hired Bradford , and American relations , is the cul- gram , and not enough people erioration . Ii v er disorders, , present , however, these examples are in- of Congressional . action will be too late. The $6 7/ It is riot against the law .to certified he was entitled , to nhination of a series of irritat- were there. Well , this can 7 !os,s -of work aCcvracy; / terspersed and surrounded by far too many serve as a .foreign agent if you 1/ billion cut proposed for the first year, if it is . 519 ,911.20 in fees—which Uncle ing incidents, each causing the / They have, to: encounter some ai'e registered. !but the! Senate uhderstaiid if my experience less/functional types of construction . adopted in July and applied to the last six Sam cheerfully paid. two traditional neighbors to real catastrophe,: An accident wants to determine how much ' With the midget hockey, pro- months, will mean a net of only -$3 billion: drift -/further apart. Here are gram a few years back in Wi- to themselves or -someone else ; The random appearance of/such im- these/ agents have been influ- ',;. ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ' / Furthermore, this is offset ; by the fact that WILLIAM KL'ING *ilm so- the.-highlights: . . 7: ; ' ' nona still holds true. A tour- a lost week or. lost weekend; proved facilities makes it even more ur- encirig U.S. foreign policy. , pcrvisbr for some of CBS-TV 's loss; a bite of up to $2 billion in new Social Security 1. Canada, instead of break- nament was being held in Bo- of jobs; gradual economic: gent that the This column can reveal the top news shows,, doubled : as decline: loss of friends; alie- city get started with a coher- taxes is now being taken out of the consumers' ing with Fidel Castro and join- cbester, and we. , needed help 7 foreign agent for -7 Japan and /,- ent pattern of/upgrading. Because such de- pocket; That/reduces the net gain to $1.5 bil- names of some of the wit- ing iri the Pan American boy- in- providing transportation 7 nation of family. . nesses who wil Spain. His function was to dis- velopment: must cdnsidei future ne eds, as lion Or less. '•:. - l make head- cott, continued , to ship, vitally for the boys so the parents lines.later:: / ¦*-' . . . - tribute/ propaganda films, to TV THEY OFTEM (but not al- far as can/ be foreseen , it is obvious /that With a gap of up to $40 billion, according to important spare parts to ; oper- were asked if they could help. ways) are unaware of the mis- Satiety ' Columnist- . .Igor! Cas- stations and theaters. ate American - built trucks. any growth frorri now on should fit into the Heller's estimate, between America's capacity to ' - Every parent refused. ery of their families. They a re sini. who orbits in the same .: .Harriet and Reef Associates, Without them, the Cuban pattern in order to he of greatest Value. produce and the current rate of consumer spend- social .circle- as the - John F. a public relations- firm, draft- How many parents-go: to see particularly self-centered while ' transportation /system would ' ing,/ , this is;' . to .say - '/the least , inadequate. Kennedys, acted ed a telegram; which it per- their ,son ; play in the hdebey' . drinking, and don 't remember as middle have broken down. / ' .;: ' Without such planning, implemented suaded a cabinet officer : to program, or baseball / pro- this after they sober . up/,./ . WHILE MOSTof the doubting it being done man in set- 2. Canada sold surplus wheat now, the city could conceivably be allowing 7 ting up a pub- sign ,; boosting Nigeria. At., the ¦ gram? the exact! number T Alcoholism is a disease, a in private, critics, such as Leon Keyserlihg, to Red China last summer at rhixture of physical and emo- 1 i c relations same time,: the firrn was draw- a .'time "when the United States can't say, /but I know there , the growth of a commercial area which in chairman of the / Council of Economic; Advisers , tional factors, out alcoholics program for ing $1,750 a. month retainer wtas trying to- isolate China. are very few. The biggest 30 years will be as unsatisfactory and but- under President Truman, are outspoken. Keyser- ARE salvable. " - the late • - . Do- from Nigeria. - . " . 3. During . the Cuban crisis thrill in the world to a toy dated as its present array of gingeibready ling is saying that far from being, adequate the ¦¦ However,/ you can ' t preach minican Dic- ' Tom Dewey, erstwhile pres-, las't October , the Diefenbaker is to know that his Dad is museum pieces is - fall so short as to them into reforming until they today. We must refrain President's .program rriay tator Trujillo. idential ¦;¦¦ candidate ,. helped ar- government .v-'aited 53 hours there watching him play. from-p iling one short-lived , ill-conceived invite another recession. He does an "I told you On e Trujillo have acknowledged their prob- range a special presidential before ordering the Canadian Forgive me if I got! off the so," pointing to his prediction of a year ago , press agent lem. Usually.this means reach- complex on the ruins of another , as was economic mission to go to Tur- Air Force to man the defense track for awhile, but I believe that the recovery operated out ing some form of disaster or done in ancient cities . now yielding their when optimism was prevalent, key in 1956 at the same time alert. Russian bombers could that all of these tie into one of an apart- ' crisis before, at last ,: genuine- forgotten secrets to the scholars' picks. would slow down. Dewey s law firm was draw- hteve slipped over the border knot If you take something m en t leased ly making up their minds that His Figures show a growth rate at the end ing a $150,000 retainer from the while Canada was trying to a way from the kids, their in- ' hy Cassini's they have to stop. BUT UNLESS intelligent planning is Of )!>(>2 of one to' V .2 percent. This ; is almost Turkish government. The mis- make up its mind'what to do. terest will be lost and prob- brother , Oleg, sion, headed by Clarence B. empl oyed , this will be the result and our imperceptible in . view of Ihe increase in the work P«arson ably never revived . Give tliein . Dear Dr. Molner: Is , it! who is also wasi appointed by -CANADIAN AIR Force offi- force . that- goes along with the population boom, /Randall , something, not take it a way- harm fu l -to use magnifying inheritors will often wonder at the doubtful Kennedy 's favorite cials were embarrassed by Keyserling's remedy is a massive spending pro- .1 at k ie then-President Eisenhower, because its costing a lew glasses that are advertis- , judgment of their, forbears. dress designer. Olcg is a di- thib , urged the Diefenbaker gram that would rout dollars into areas of public Os'good Nichols, who was bucks. ed nowadays for close w-ork , rector in his brother 's public government to act , but were ' .schools, urban renewal, mass transporta- sent to lTsrael to study tourism 't and reading? I am in my Many good th i ngs wi ll accrue tr> t h e ci ty need — relations firm. powerless. The government Can anyone see how «in ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ facilities for Uncle Sam, col- 80' s. — A. -L.' - . ' by reason o f an ear l y dec isi on t o ' ael wisely tion — together with a tax cut. Author Robert T.. Oliver said it hadn 't been consulted auditorium would benefit Wi- President is re- lected $3,000 from the Israeli Not just the hockey sit- an d a f irming ' up of Ihe will lo .see the job " lkit what can I do , " the . ' wrote a-'favorable biography, of in advance by Washington , nona. No, t.h ey' r e not harmful.. " tourist office to handle public- but other civic events, throu gh . ported to have said to a recent visitor, so Jong former Korean strongman wasn't going lo be the tail on uation They do not , however, correct ly for the official report that Carnival. as 04 percent of the people are working and only S'yngman It hoc at "the same the American -Canadian alli- such as the Winter for other faults in the eyes, he helped to write. shell six percent are unemployed? Where is the public time he was on lihec' s pay- ance dog. - At least build a type of such as astigmatism , if they It will mean jobs, n o t onl y in t he actual ' op inion that would support a drastic program?" roll . The Korean information PACKAGE Express -&' Trav- lii the present controversy for them to use. exisi. . construction but/those to be cfeated by ex- ' ' One . answer i.s that lliis is not just six per- of fice also purchased several el Agency, Inc., . which was over putting nuclear warheads Well , 1 could go on and (ill pans i on o f commerce. It can mea n a flow ' cent — ¦(hat in any one year the unemployment hundred copies of the book. loiindcd by one-time Commu- on the Boinarc missiles and page after page, but I'll just of younger people into the city father than rolls vary so thai from 15 to IR percent may Selvage and Leo , the public nist informer Elizabeth Bent- Voodoo fighter planes trr com- close hy asking Winona to fict the constant exodus we now see bul can- be out of work for vary ing periods. Whether, relations I inn, was hired by ley, ha.s been shipping relief bat: bombers , the Canadians out of the backseat and drive not ch eck. It would guaranlee a much li- with the power of the Presidency, the chief ex- the Portuguese government to packages from Americans to point out that we have can- for awhile—nothing ventured , Meet Me Brit- dier city, one which would be more in har- ecutive- might create the climate for a more far- . influence I. .'. S. policy toward their relatives in Russia. Dur- celed the Skybo' t for the nothing gained. .Portugal . The firm-pa id $100 a ing the latest 12-month period, ish on tho ground that the mony -with the clean beauty of hijls , val- reaching progra m 'is an unanswered question, Robert Michalski , week In ' Boston Attorney Mar- the tinii collected $95(i ,O0(l in bomber is out of date; there- 1659 Bayard Ave. Face to Face leys and river. It will attract more out- tin Camndio. who formed the duties and commissions for the fore, why should the United St. Paul, Minn. o f-town shoppers. Portuguese • 'American . Com- Soviet government on 30,700 States demand that Canada IN YEARS GONE BY mittee on Foreign Affairs lo package's. In addition , the firm modernize ils • weapons to Som» Dogs Art THERE ARE problems to bo solved, of bring pressure on Congress. collected $165,000 as its own knock down old - fashioned Chained In Cold Garagai Ten Years Ago . . . 1953 service foes from the individ- cour se. But not one of them is unsolvalilo The senators and congressmen bombers. To the Kdilor: when attacked willi resolute, logical plan- Tlie Winonn Ciintriirling Construction Employ- hud no idea that llie organiza- ual American shippers. Note—Best friend the United M& ' wtt t ion wns financed indirectly by Registered foreign ayenls I appreciate and was glad ning and the sincere desire to ma ke a good ers As social ion elected William A. Calewski thoir Slates has among Canadian presidi'iit lo succeed William M. Cliristenson , leaders is Liberal Lender Les- lo read that a few on (iiuswoi.n (iiiiu>i *N llui. 'n: S.iin Kaslry has I'liiislrurled an Ingenious pm ' . ' M. rucss Action , brim tnM nnllnKvc relief of lliaw nut li 'ii/eii hy drants. with a twin bill of Coctciiu 's iym|)lum«llc pnini In tucfc.Joluli «ml ¦ "Orphoc " nnd "Tho Apollo of i .lf> , newllt 'i Pill* «rc mildly tiki* ¦ mi**' ¦ STENEHJEM „(.5^>^. Bcllac " by (Jlniiicloux , relic "ml hel p H11.1I1 mil iinwinleil One Hundred Years Ago .. . 1 863 ltineyi , H TI»o loader ol Iho group, wit-itea led by ilutjisli k Tin: Associated I'wss is enlillei l ¦•xi'lu.s ively 'I luisc v\ hn indulge In venison will find t hai n. n-vvin's I'llli miiv be J IIM w»ml you H Insurance Agency to Ihe ii.*.c lor reinildlcnliuii u| all llie .lean de [tlt-nulL li-iuichcd the nrrvl lo icllevc b.nk.uhc mkei IO mul \ will In- dear nii'iil il il In is been killrd .since I'Vh. venture in l tisil, with a lour ol holp you «voj >l peiling up nig Uli. _^_ 207 East Broadway news printed in llil s ueu' .'.paper ns well ;i,s ;ill ^M I , us at tluil (Idle the KUIII « law went into ef- ''I don 't lliink a woman like lhal. should bo allowed lo The new pro- A.P. news dispatches. II universities. Phono 3289 fect prohibiting the killing or offering lor sale havo a telephone—that's Iho IliinJ time in the last Iwo gram Is liooked lor (17 perfor- 5 Tui'Mliiv , l' 'i'lii'i iai v ii , t%:< nl I'CIK.' I OII ill tins iditte. hours .slic's broken into our convcrwition!" niitm-f's In M eltlc.-i, y TUESDAY The Dail Record FEBRUARY 5, 1963

At Community Winona Deaths Two-State Deaths Memorial Hospital George E. Dolan Donald J. Terland Visiting : hours: Medical - and surgical George E. "Dick" Dolan, 62, 225 MONDOVI , Wis. (Special)—Don- pjflentS ! 7 to i end 7 to 8:30 p.m. (no N. 9th . St., La Crosse, died Mon- ald , J. terland, 59, died at his children under 12)7 Maternity patlenls- S to 3:30 and / to day night at St. Mary 's Hospital, home Monday morning. He had t:X p.rrt. (adults .only). ' ¦ Rochester. He been suffering from hearr trouble. . was an accountant ' and : a former resident of Winina. :.- He ,- was born March 26, 1902 , at MONDAY St . Paid Park , Minn., and had liv- . He was born April 15, 1900 , at ' ' ¦ Admissions Minn ed here since 1958: . . He was cm- ." .' John: Schenk, Stillwater,. . He married Isa- Mrs. 158 W. 5th St. bel! Vatter , Winona : liv- ployed by the Burlington Railroad , 467 E. 5th St. , and they Peter Knopik ed in Winona several years leav- ¦as a clerk and was a switchman. Julie Kreidermacher , Minneiska , , ¦ ing in! 1937. His. wife died June He also had worked for DiiPont. 7 Minn , Survivors include three daugh - ; 30, 1950. . . William C. Fritz Sr., .Miniieiska , Survivors, ters , Mrs . Roger Johnson , -M 1; s; '¦ ¦' Minn;- ¦ ' are: One daughter , ¦ - Mrs. Wayiie (Ann) Farnholtz Wal- Waller Jacobson and Mrs, George • ' '¦ ' -.Conrad W. Kramer Lewiston , , ¦ ¦ ¦ . nut Creek , Calif ,; two grandchil- Bergup, St, Paul; . dne brother '¦¦-Minn . ¦• • • • ' dren; and one brother, John Do- Hjalmar , Mondovi , and . -.-two sis- Clarence E. Cheslik , 406 E. 3rd ters, Mrs; , ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Ian/ Willistoii , N.D. .' - ' ,.- ' Jnga Ilines, Stanton -¦St, , - /- ". :, :7 . ' ./' ' ¦- ' ' : .' ' . Minn., and Mrs. ft. W. Patten , Frank Ives," 483 E Belleview St. Funeral services will be Thurs- , day at 8:30 a!rn Twill . Lakes. M inn. . .¦V Mrs. Sandra Todd , Lamoille , . at Burke Funeral Home and at 9! a.m. at Cathedral Funeral services will be .at 1:30 ¦ !- 'Mir)n; . -' -. - " - -' -' - ' .- .- - ' " ¦' p.m. . Friday at , . . . . of the Sacred Heart , the Rt. ' Rev,. BodelsonrLarspii ; WEATHER FORECAST ... . . Except for some Showers are expected in (he northwest Pacific John Culhane, Rushford , Minn. Furieral Home, St; Paul Park/ the Msgr. Harold J. Dittman officiat- cooling in /New England it will be warmer tonight area while occasional rain , Compare the features with Miss Gertrude Haase, 162'i Rev. . 0. C. Borden , Church of mixed with snow flur- ing. Burial , will be in St. Mary 's in the eastern half:of the natio*h with temperatures ries , is forecast for the upper Lakes area. Franklin St. ' .- God; St. . Paul Park , officiating. 'AP mattresses selling at $69.50! : '!' : Births Cemetery. - Burial , will ¦ be in'Newport Ceme- in the western-half remaining about the same. Photofax Map) , Friends /may call at the funeral ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' # Mr. and/Mrs. LeRoy GuiKlerson , home tery, /. ... • ' .: ; . 806 AV. .Broadway, a son. Wednesday evening. JVIsgr. Ditthian .will lead the . Rosary Friends -.may call at/Kjehtyet .¦/ '' ' -. Mr. and . -Mrs. .- .Raymond -'K'u'las, Son Funeral Home Thursday,aft- ' Wednesday at 8 p.m. 7519 E. 3r'd-. Sti , a daughter: ernoon and evening. County Considers Mr. and Mrs. David Kouba ,! 824 ¦ ¦ E. Belleview St., a son. : ,;;;;, : ¦WEATHER-;:^ : John Hayden Rain Tonight; Discharges ;^ DURAND ,. YVis.. (Special).:- John , Mrs./ Hazel Kinzie ,, lTM "\V; OTHER TEMPERATURES Hayden. .79 ,. died Monday! at his Full-time Salary Broadway. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS farm home ,in; the . Town of Albany. ¦ ; Leonard Kaczorowski , 977 E. 5th High Low Pr. :. He was DOrn , April 29. ,1883, in!the Hot' ¦ VVedn^sday . " ¦St. - ,'- . - . ' • ' Albany, .cloudy. /:7.. .. .\ ' 21! 18 - . . -. Town of Lima, son of. Mr. and , Mrs. Miss Evelyn Haskett, .703 Wilson Albuquerque, clear .,, . 69 38 , .. . Joseph Hayden , nnd married Mary Of Gt> Director There: may be a:lot of objec- LA CROSSE posted a high of - ' ¦ ' - ' Bauer in liios. They had -farmed The Winona Cpunly . Board of ' ' ; ' St .- :¦/ , 7 ' Atlanta;' cloudy ;-.;.:.- .- . , 48 ; 3B : .' . tions to the weather but if would ¦39* ' ¦ . . ' ' . ,/¦/!¦ ;/! - :: ¦' ' ¦' - ' and lived in the Town of Albany ¦Commissioners ' (ind '•: County -Civil be pretty difficult . • . Bernard Maas . 123 N . Baker .St. Bismarck , cloudy. .;:. 44 30; ... for . anyone to Wisconsin ' ' '¦ Boise; . clear ' ..... 62 / 40 ! the . past 55' years. Defense Director Hay Johns , iLew- protest a lack /of Variety. s mild weather con- . . ;. Elmer Meinke, 511 Liberty St; .7 . . . linucd today, but cloudy skies ' arid-I :¦' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' , ' 'Survi vors' are : His wife ; one i.ston,/ discuss'ed-Jhi s morning his Anthony Klines,. St. Mary s Col- Chicago clear ...... 40: '22 T After surviving a cold spc/1, of ¦occasional fog (he .' ' " : Cleveland clear .., ./ 36. :25 ' . , : daughter; ' -! Mrs. Leo. C. -i Caroline) projxisal tor full-time employment replaced sruii- ! 7 ' lege, - ,/ ¦ 19 Consecutive days on w:hich the shine that brightened part of the \ :Mrs. Lester Johnson and baby, Denver, cloudy ...... (19 41'' ''. -•: ; Bauer,/; Lima: one .niecc; . Mrs. on a .salary basis. temperature '¦ ' - '/ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦' /. registered . below state -Monday; .;' ' Winona . Rt. Des/ Moiries, .clear ...7 41 . ,22: ! - .;¦ Richard (Rosinai ¦Fbrst er,.. L.irna; Johiis, . vvho has • 'worked . part zero Winona and ¦ 3./ , vicinity ! was The mercury ' !• ¦'"' Mrs; Franklin . Stark-', and baby. Detroit ,. Clear/ -... '.... 3'v. 24 .. seven grandchildren '-! - two ...sisters, time oil an hourly basis since his shocked ! today with a prediction bit a:whopping 46 i . degrees , at Lone ItOck Monday . Altura, Minn. :/ Fairbanks, clear .... .-24 -13 7 Mrs. William E. (Lucy) Bauer.and appointment last February, gets which said: j George Ressie Sr!, Winona Rt. -I, Fort Worth, clear ...... 67 .37 .. Agjies Hayden , Lima, ' and. Iwo SI.50 an'hour -plus 7'.j- .' cents /mile- at the warmest weather in weeks j brothers; August Lima , . and. Leo, age- - and expenses. "Variablt cloudinesi tonight ' surged across Wisconsin. Beloit / William A. Roth , Utica- Minn. Helena , clear, ., : ..../.. .. .61. - 37 ;01 , •; ^ , cloudy .' -.. 71 81V 08 .03 Rock Falls- Three brothers and »r>d Wednesday with a chance had 39. Madison arid Racine 38; j Mrs, Eugene Nard ini and baby, Honolulu EXPAND THE county civ- ¦ : City, clear .;." 59 29 ¦'.. one sister have died . TO '* of . scattered light rain or /Milwaukee 34/ Green Bay and 1028 W. King St. - Kansas . ! il defense ' effort. , as recommended : Los Angeles; clear ... 82 61 - . .. Funeral " services will , be held freezing showeri t o n i g h t. 'Ea u Claire 2.9, WausEti 25, Park ' George!Eckel , 381 Druey Cl. . . by area ' and . stale.. CD otilcials , Memphis , clear ' :. .' ... 47 :2K . Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Holy Ro- . Somewhat v/armcr. Continued Falls 21 and Superior lb". I . /Johns proposed he go "on..a /full- ¦ Miami cloudy ..;.... 70 . 57 ,66 sary . Catholic Church , Lima, the m ild Wednesday. : Low tonight " ' :• . Lone Rock was the coldest com- . OTHER BIRTHS , time basis :,with a salary of,$300 a ; j , - cloudy ,7. -34 ,21 Rev. . - Leonard Kaiser , officiating. ,25 -30, high Wednesday 38-48. " , munity during the night with a Milwaukee /01 be in /month. The commissioners , coiin- Mpls;, Paul , clea r 30 9 ,., Buriall^ill the church cem; low. of 11 degrees. !. : . ' , ' . ¦ \ . - /WHITEHALL, Wis. ^Special) — St. . . by! offering S300. : Johns said .- New Orleans, clear ':' , 58 : 32 ' . ' etery. Two. Rosaries will be! said -tered - T"emperatures are slated to! v At Tri-Co'unty Memorial Hospital: . : • "he: \yoiild be willing to compromise YUMA New YorK cloudy ... .28 27 . ... toriight at Rhiel Funeral Home, ¦ continue above normal! Thursday , ARIZ., s«t the national j Mr./and Mrs. Clarence Dubiel a . at $375. ¦The, salary would "be in with little if any precipitation. high of 92 degrees Monday, Omaha , clear . .,. '..!. 51 , 33 ' ..- one at 7:45 . the other later.! com- 1 ' daughter. Thursday. , : : . addition /to . the ' mileage and cx- parcel with the low of 7 below/; Philadelphia ./cloudy , 26, -20 ,! - Mr. .and. Mrs. . Albert Bloom. . ,Os: Francis J. A/lcDpnough .pensc . 'allowance.. . '• THE TEMPBRATURE rose to : early tod-ay at Limestone, Maine. | . seo; a son Friday. Phoenix , cloudy!.. ,.. 85 50! . civil- ' ' 43 in Winona Monday afternoon , ¦'¦ : show. , 12 .15 . KELLOGG , Minn;. '(Special) - , 'Die defense director-. -.said . • . ' - Mr, and Mrs. John Howard/!Min- Portland ,/Me., .13 half his salary, mileage! and ex- the highest reading since a 45 on /¦¦ ,, Portland, Ore., clear 60 -45 .17 Francis J. McDonough , 61, former Jan. 8. During the ; , neapolis a son Saturday: She is resident , penses would be paid by the fed- night the the former Sharon iMaldonado, Rapid City, cloudy ... 63 32 !.: died suddenly ot a heart > ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ thermometer/dropped to 12 and ' attack /at. 3:30 . Monday: wliile' eral go-verriment. . - ' . i Mr. and Mrs. Eichard Clark , St., Louis, clear .; •/-..- .!.- ., - 53 28 7. . was back up to 30 at noon today. $30 Stolen 59 ,39: . ' .. working al a Rochester drug store. By presstimc th e comnuss loners Blair, a son Sunday./'. Salt L.ake City, - cloudy! . , considering the! , salary The highway departments, of ¦ , clear - . 7V 55 " ' :.' He. was bo rn here Juhe : 16. 190.1, were /still • - ' .. - Mr. and Mrs. Pe/ter A. Kahipa , San Francisco ¦' ' . - Minnesota; and Wisconsin report- : rain '/. '. /!///: . /fiO " 4,1. .61 son ;of Coleman and 31aryy Mc- /question. 7 ., . Independence, a daughter Sunday. Seattle, . !During '¦ • ¦ the -discussion;- Johns ed today ! that the slippefiness At ' '( .Washington ,, cloudy "' , ,- .' 32 26 " .- . ,. Donough. He: attended the school Rollingstone . ;' ETTRICK , Wis. . Special) — Mr. ¦ . said! his , $1.50 hourly salary and caused by a freezing rain/over the ' ' .-¦ (T-Trace) ' ' ' - . here and - married Margaret Ann' A cash drawer containing : about . and Mrs. James- Sheehy, La O'Riley in 1940. He was employed mileage 'were inadequate to cover weekend had worn off and most " ¦ ' $.30 in/ small ', change was ', taken Crosse, , a son Friday : at a La at-the Cash Store here before mov- maintenance of his/car and that main highways were; in good win- . ¦ from the Rollingstone Feed Mill- . Crosse hpspilal. They¦ !are former ing to/ Rochester eight years ¦ ago; ! because; of frequent use of his car ter driving condition. . - ¦ " Ettrick residents! . cluring 'the- ' Survivors include his . wife .; two. on CD business he would be need- Slild \veather prevailed, at this .: -night , according to Sher- Frank J. Kreulz ' softs; Den n i s, - Minneapolis-, - and ing a new car soon., time last year, too, with W-ino'ria- iff George Fort., - . ' -. .¦' ¦ ¦ . ;' :,.! ,.' ; TODAY'S BI RTHDAY Terrence; Rochester;; three"daugh- i "You knew -that when you got reporting; a high of 47 and a low A sheriff' s deputy investigated RESTONIC OTHER MATTRESSES ters , Mrs. .Paul '¦(Kathleen) Jack , i into this, didn 't, you? "/ said Com- of 10. Alltirne high for Feb. 5 was the incident this morning and found "SILVER ANNIVERSARY" MATTRESS SELLING AT 569.50 • '/ Vickie Lynn ,Stueve, /173.5 . \V. Rochester , and Maureen and ; Ann , missioner Leonard J, Mcrchlewitz , 54 in 1878 and the low 7^-24 in ; that a rear , ' . '¦ Succumbs at 81 door had been forced ' ' Wabasha St., 3. at home; two ,, brbthers . Leo , Kel- i 'Winona ,' - 1st .. Districts concerning 1395. The mean for the past 24 open with a wrench of some kind , V. UPHOLSTERINCJ-Smooth/ no- )-. UPHOLSTERING- . . '. .Frank/ J. .Kreutz , . 81, . 459. John- 27; : logg,, and Dominic ,. Rochester , and Johns' comment about inadequate hours was Normal for I his . said Fort. the. litirglars entered the button top— hand-crofted for deep Similar son St„ died . at l:/50, a.m. this , .;' conipensation. time of the; year is. 17, - 7 : comfort with! RESTONIC "Body** : two sisters Margaret , and Loret- office of tlie feed mill and took ¦ Municipa l Court morn ing. at Community Memor- , Winona 's 43 appeared to be the - ,,;, ' ,' -! Lin«." design/ - ¦. " ' .¦ :¦: '. ' "-. '¦' ta Kellogg. . One. brother! and two JOHN REPLIED; that he had j the cash' . drawer ,. .which, was part ial Hospital.¦ He had been ill two sisters have died. hi ghest for Minnesota Monday of an: adding /machine. Forfeits : years'. .- '¦ ' ; asked modest / compensation to •/• 2. INNERSPRING—Excliiilv* 2. TNNERSPRING— .: ./ . . . Allen J. Betteri, 25, Rushford - Funeral services wilt be at 9:30 but other communities had tem- Fort received a call from /Rob- . He was born , at La Crosse; Nov. , :start , because he./knew he needed in- RESTONIG "Equipoii*" 'oil con- ' . Similar- Rt. 2. Minn., $25 on a charge of a.m.! Wednesday .at St. Pius Cath- peratures well above freezing, J ert Schmidt, part owner and man* - ' ¦ 18, . 1881, son of Mr . and . Mrs. j training, but that he deserved cl uding Redwood Falls with a . • . " • -!' structioh forhead-to-footreiiiience. - speeding 40 m.p.h. in a 30 zone. olic Church , Rochester, the .Rev . more/ compensation . now. ! ¦/>./ - ager of the feed mill , at .8 a.m. Frank Kreutz.¦ He moved here in ¦Wa . high of 36, Rochester ' 37, Madi- today. Sheriff Fort said that he "" ¦ : He was arrested by ' police at Main • ¦:• ' ¦'- . rjrcn:-Ryan official ing,. Burial ¦j ' Board' Chairman . James Papen- i ' ¦: ' ;¦ 3. DOUBLE ¦INSLILATION-- "Perfle. x"! 3. -INSULATION—: . 1900. will be in the chiirch cemetery. son, Wis., 38 and Calgary, Cana- would continue his investigation and King streets!at.2:25 a.Tii/.Sun- ' was ertip.loyed at Empire ! fuss, Dakota , 5th District , expressr ¦ '¦• protective layer , p luJ special . ' Similar ¦/- - He Friends may call at Towey- Fu- da, 57. . .,;. i later today.! 'day. , Lumber Co. 12 years; ..In 1912, .1 ed . concern about spending too "Dorsal" cushion pod for lower !! Warren J. Wunderlich, 616 Wal- neral Home , Rochester, today and back support. , ¦ when he was a secretary of Jones ; much tax¦ monej¦ on the CD prpr nut St., $15 on a charge of fail- until time . of service H'ednesclay. ¦ ¦ : . 7/' ; ; & Kroeger: Co., he . purchased gram . CQVERlNG - "RegaI"! excIusiveV 4. COVERING— ' ure to display a-trailer license. The. ,Rosary¦ will . be recited .at- 8¦ .,: "When you start something . it 74. . ; stock in the company- He became tonight. ' . - ' ¦ RESTONIC decorotor pattern , spe- Similar quality. ' :. He was arrested by police at Gil- - • . ',- ..iusl keeps getting bigger.and big- president of; the printing firm in ¦ ¦ cially-woyen hea-vyweig hl damosk. more Avenue ./ and Cummings ger," Papenfuss said.. ' ' • '- '' '!¦ . Monday. . 1939 and , remained as president Lester Cameron Street at 7:45 p.m. . , "If it . grows it must be neces- .fOI PROPER BACK SUPPORT USE SPEClAlLY-DESIGIiED MATCHIN G BOX SPRING— until his retirement in 1959. DAKOTA. Minn. - Lester Cam- . 77 ¦ SAME LOW PRICE John A. Johnson , Seattle,Wash., sary, " Johns.said.:. / $10 on a charge of driving with He was. a member of St. Paul's eron , 58, Detroit , ; Mich., died . re- Episcopal Church , the Rotary- cently. "If you get the right guy back an expired driver 's : license. .He , he'll make " Club and the Arlington Club. He was born May 20 , 1904 , at of these things it gq. was arrested by police at 2nd arid . . Papenfuss said. Main streets at . 1:45 a .m. today. Survivors include his wife , La Crosse, son . of Mr. and Mrs; fjj &fifc tastes so J Carlton E. Hafner, La Crosse, Helen ; two daughters , Miss Ethel Wallace Cameron , former Dakota Wis., $10 oh a charge of driving Kreutz, at home, and Mrs. Frank residents. He had been English in- iRuth) THE|% with an expired driver 's license. Sheehan, Palm Springs¦ , structor at Wayne University, De- goo don the He was arrested by police at 4th Calif, ; one. . .brother ,.; ' Emit, St. troit , 12 years. He also lived at Festival Elects HIIH THERE^^^IM MIDDLE and Main streets at 1:07 a.m. to- Paul , and two sisters , Mrs. Gus Ames, Iowa , and Madison , Wis. ^ day . (Katherine) Ott and Mrs! Carl He served in World , U'ar II and ^ili Hiawatha! 1 OF THIS MAT1RESS ! (Lillian ) Ott , l La Crosse. never married , v ' ^V Funeral services will be at 2 Survivors include Iwo aunts , Mrs. At La Crescent You can SKK it ll . mmmmV ^% IMPOUNDED DOGS ' ' i different outside ... v p.m. Thursday at St. Paul's Epis- i Len Howard , Sparta, Wis., and I.A CRESCENT , Minn. (Special) m^r if' ^HA * ^ ^fc. 's „ ' ¦ *" copal Church , the /Rev. Robert Mrs. Alice Purdy, "Winona , and —Russell Hayes was elected chair- you can FEEL it ^KJ - -' H?- *' *—1~«-^_ No. 1647—Female , white , small ! diffe rent inside- * r" " ' terrier type wit h black eyes, no Fenwjck , assistant rector , Calvary several cousins. man of the 19G3 Apple Festival :: JPV^ -': ' ' " - ' - ' V*? - more , com/or/n/i/r , ' * ' '' ; ' license , third day. Episcopal Church , Rochester , of- A memorial service will be held board at a meeting ol the festi- r ^.. ¦* - \ - ," *" . s* - HKire healthful , roiillv . "' -» ' - ... ' ficiating, Burial will ' be in Wood- here at a later date with burial Saturday at the » ¦ 1 j|t]pi ^*^ * '*'^*>-* ^f'^^B^^Hi ^ ¦ - , "" . - No. 1648— Female , red , cocker , val corporation ' ' ¦ -' ' ' " ' ., ¦* ' lawn Cemetery. in Dakota Cemetery. F.-iwccll Fu- DeJarlnis Supper Club. .1 : ff i*b m '7LW n "REST-TONIC!" , , . " „/ * . " . ' ' ;. .SA no license, third day. . : no o thcr matlre-sii ¦ ** ' ' black and white Friends may call from 7-9 p.m . neral Service, Winona , is in charge Keith Jones was elect ed secre- -V W "i-'- "' t&mL ^^-- |fe^*'r ^ ' ' - ^ ?>' w' JmP No. 1649—Male , , can deliver these ^ / , first day. Wednesday at Fawcett Funeral of arrangements. tary and William Kerrigan was re- ^^tffi&ir?tt# / ^ ¦' no license Biime benelits to you ^^a Available for good homes: Home. A memorial is being ar- elected treasurer. F^^^^JI S ITIMII /> ¦ *! ¦ ^^fjSffiwr ranged. , s . . . he i'a usp only ^-Sft^.- ^^'WSI'TtSii' &(^^&W None. Two-State Funerals Cordon Yates retiring chair- ' Nl'C v - ; , expressed his appreciation to KKSTO. has ' * s ^^lw man , "ORTHOTONK!" " ¦ ; ' Evelyn Rose Glodowski rill members for their cooperation " - <|.> WmW FOUNTAIN CITY , Wis. -Funer- k \, VI' * s^^St^JV ^» T^fc v uV /- ^wtmmW' COKRKC'f'I v i<: -^s_W and efforts in promoting Ln Cres- *^ *—>^m ~ • " al services for infant FJvelyn Rose cent through the festival, Yates ~ : CKNTKR. . \.\ ^ ^k ( ] Glodowski were held this morn- and Bruce Nelson , who had served l^^^i^^S^^fr ORTHOTONIC ¦rIIL ^ ^~* Exclusiv. with . - -~ ing at Watkowski Funeral Home , Ihree-ycar terms , retired from the ¦ ^ms\ v /'/^^^"^^ZS^L^ / >s. ^^s^mWm^Bmir -i:-*»-; ^ E Winona , and al 9 nl Sacred Heart hoard .'A Idler* of resignation from *^. / v /nvr^^^BSHr "»-' lEaonic-^N S™ Church , Pine Creek , where a Mass linger Ulri ch was accepted hy / ol the. Angels wits conducted hy (lie board. j t OMHOTOniC* ) „ the Rev. Augiistyn Sulik. Burial Jones and Cliesler Lachceki \tRtelLCUSHION« MATTRESS / w&£.WANT il, locked-in was in the church eomclery. ^ S* were elected to fill the three-year , , ^- s^ , ~~. ^ Ccntrr SUPPORT Pallbearers were Roger Tulius , terms and Victor Leido- I the one- ) """ ."."." v/nrie yon NEED ill Marvin Neumann , Joseph G rub year unexpi red term. Howard BRAND. $7Q50* kowski and Bernard Corcoran , ' ' ?^W® ! NAMES /^/ .. ¦ '¦> ' Pi-art and Dr. L. VV , CiUcns I , } Dinner in the diner is delightful on the Hiawatluu. F ine 5|.i.,ig ....•' M..^, lto.,. tt»^(nj A \ i«iV^r»N/ do« ^^ also are on I . he board. • food, served with a care and courtesy (hut 's hard to find j ^ S I I Pr ' "'" ' ._. '' Mrs. Fred Romenberg W VBII»(I i»ioii |w.( ¦ I r ' tlicac dnys. The snme with your Super Dome smick. Hut j ^ **:. 9 « __ LANFSBORO , M i n 11.-Funeral NW SCHOOLMASTERS \ services for Mrs. Fred Rimncn- Wis, ( | thnt 'a just pnrt of your enjoyment when you ride these j WHITEHALL , Specinll- , berg will be a I 8:45 a.m. Wed- Tlie Trempealeau Colin ty superin- .' wonderful trains between the Twin Cities and Chicago. ' nesday at Walkowski Funeral tendent of Schools , Mrs. Lily : There's the armchair comfort of aofl , reclining sentu. .. or : TRY THIS OFFER! ~^~L Home, 'Winona; and al 10 al SI. Heidi , and counly supervising : the thrill of the scenery from Ihe Super Dome i- «rs. Next ; j Joseph's Church , llushfnrd, Ibr teachers , Miss Kvclyn Kennedy : trip, miikc it n Hinwntlin holiday the whole famil y will : Rcilonic M.iHress, you Art f Rt. llev . -Msgr. .I . Uielmrd Fe.iten I J If , viftcr 30 dnyi of ui* of «ny •ind Maurice Kwing, Mill attend : enjoy, Roth conch nnd parlor car nccnmiiiocliilionn , ; Precious Blond Church , Umoillo Ihe Niirthwi -slcrn Wisconsin \ In «ny w*y dljjfltlsfird, yoo mny r«turn the unit, f officiating. Buri al will be in the '.s Chip nniuial meet • ¦¦¦¦iHMHHkiMMHHHHMHHH HHHkl : church cemeiory, Schooliiiaslcr ing held In Fan Claire Wednes - Friends may call after 2 p,m : A.M. HIivKithi P.M. rllawalhi Ploneef Limited [ 1 SATISFACTION GUAHANTEED ON ( day. • Dmlr S.'lioi/n/o Miln< OM^M ? K 1 } 1 ALL RESTONIC B EDDING) I hi MiUMik., 1 JO CN 1 'I!I I'M •> e,i AM : ed nl II . ¦ / iSPM / 1(I HA M ; Al CMcujo _ 'JL*- .. i GliS y : i'./Winocii V-l? PM » M PM J 2/ AM ' FIRE RUNS J y \ • ' Ai. SI. Pnul- Ii IJPM 1 1!' PM 7JS AM I Al . Miiiniwiinli** SKIPM » Oi PM l,» AM ; Today I the ShoeLr.^) j 1 Alio Mivlng In Cii^ villii , aliciiili ' il Farm anil Home [ build or rcslylc ll»cin at a { • FARES ; Week session s last Tuesday I .imall cost to give you lols , /fll l^i^^^ Mllwnulii* P ' FUHNITUrVE Ihrmii;!) Thursday nl Madison lis [ 0 lW)///M ^/797w/ < 1a more wear from e^'cty pair. K WEATHER OUTLOOK . . . 'Hie M-day |ircci|)ita- dclegnles ol Trciiipeiili 'iiu Cnunly ^^- 30-DAY llonii 'iiinkcrs, I'cgiini ¦•- •¦¦ norniiil , accord in« lo llx's c ^ lioii outloo k for llu* ' -< ' ' B maps Mipplied by llie Ihiilnl Stales Weal her Hurean , bill look .li'i'U'lio , wlinsi* Inmiiiis walls GUS the Shoe Man 1 Jrd IODB 173 East 3rd Si, TERMS for U'liiiii'i-iilurcs iliiriug Hi<' MIIIW IM 'I'IIMI I D he below . normal were (mill sonic (l ,(Ki(l years unit , - ' L 215 E, PI 4502 Phone 9433 iipl Ete. ^mmmrn^. ^^rnmrn^ -^B^. ^kmm. ^k ^^^ .. ^i must ill Ihe lime 'Al' I'luiluliiK M Is llu* nldcsl kiiiiwn wailed town. *"MM,"* W^** ' ' ter Dieraueiv Mrs/' Alcleii . VYiberg, Kelley and Mrs, John Scliell. ed. Unit 3 has arranged a card \ Mary Circle will meet villi Miss Mrs. .Mela Bielefeld! and Mrs. Rad- Mrs. Robert E. Oram and Mrs. party for Sunday and Units 1 and ' Mathilda Hogden; Priscilla Circle '; ke followed the business session. Mark / Durah members of the Mrs. ; ; were Mrs. How- , 7 Will/ clean the church. 7 /will meet at the home of Lunch - hostesses Cathedral7of the Sacred Heart Mrs, Gladys Rentmiester was : Norman Hagen. Rebecca Circle ard- Achenbacli , Mrs. Oscar/ Stirn, parent-educator committee, pre- introduced as a meets with Mrs. Silas Breuengen. i/IUrs. Hex Moore - and .Mrs. . .Hay " ' hew member.Mrs. . sented a skit. • ": Clair Hall and Mrs. Lawrence Pas- .Miriam Circle hostess is ' ../Mrs. ' Beseler. - the Rt . Rev. Msgr!/J. R. Feiten se visited the sic k and aged dur- Amund bhsrud. Gletm Turton¦' , will be chairman nounced that the annual Thanks- ing January. Mrs.: Martin Kenne- of Patriotic Night to be observed giving clothing drive netted 150,000 beck, relief services chair- TAYLOR CIRCLES Feb, '15. Others oh pounds of- I j at the meeting used clothing for needy | man, displayed a white bed jack- tJie committee are Mrs. Victor Arn- throughout the world: The TAYLOR , Wis. (Special)—Taylor Rt . Rev. et and 1 oiled bandages she made J old. Mrs W ibei g, Mis Rostoe Keil Msgr James 1) Habiger ako American Lutheran Church Worn- 1 for medical mission hospitals She en will meet as follows Monday and Mrs. Turton. spoke. asked foi white goods including A social at 8 pm — Saiah Circle at the ! hour followed the meet men's white shirts to make these BAKE SALE ing. by Miss home of Miss Bernice Matsdii;j A JUNE 8 WEDDING is planned Lorreen articles and explained where the TREMPE.\LEA.L', Wis ( Special) articles weie distributed Feb 12 at 2 pm — Ruth Cucle Mane Munson and Itichai d J Brown The wedding will at.the home Of Miss Clara Jacob- 1 — Mount Cdlvaiv LiKheran Chin ch Strum High Names take place at St Stanislaus Catholic Church at 11 a m [ Reports wei e given by Mrs son. Mrs Alfied Olson , hostess at Women will hold a hake sale at Parents are Mrs. Mane Munson , 274 Chatfield St , and I Bartley McDonotigh , Mrs Caleb 8pm— Mary Circle at the^home the IG\ Store Satin day atl am DAR Tontis, [ Winner Hialmer Munson, 650 W 5th St , and Mr and Mrs. John i Mrs Leo Krays Members of Mrs Morns Casper with Mrs who wish to join St Elizabeth Hos- STRUM , Wis /Special) -Winner R Brown. 10b 1? V 3id St Mis', Munson is an elementary Lee Caspei co-hoste-.s , 8 pm — j CARD PARTY WINNERS pital Auxiliary at Wabasha are to Specia!) of the Daughters of American Rev- teacher at Lincoln School and hei fiance is the Winona Rebecca Circle at the chin ch pai , TREMPEALFAV . Wis > olution contact Mrs. Teritis. loi s with Mrs. Arthur Haialsiud SOfl weie plased Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Craven award at Strum High f or (Edstrom Studio) Attendance pn -—Schafskopf and ¦ - • ' • ¦¦ ¦ (Edst rom Studio) ¦ School is Caroljn Maug, daughter agent the St. Paul Pioneer Pi ess. zes wen t to Mrs and Mrs Deyo Relyea , hostesses, at the Band Parenls card paitv : Lawrence Passe, of Mr and Mrs Clarence Maug Mrs William 8 p m — Marth a Circle at the : Sunday evening in the school g\m Strum Rt Arens and Mrs Eugene Belli ns ; Sharon Ellies rounded neckline and unpressed 1 Lunch was home of Mrs Leonard Simonson Tlie door pn?c went to How aid Carolyn plans Mondovi DAR Canton High Lists served bv Mis Harry Mis. pleated skirts. , ' • '/" ! . '. . to become a sec- Ralovv . Mis Beth Tentis M <¦ Rachel Circle will meet Feb 13 Coyle W mnejs 111 ioti weie retary or elementary teacher She 1 at 2 p m at the home of Mr, , fust \Ue11 Coot?- Is Bride of Winner Announced Good Citizen Winner 1 Roy Speedlmg and Mrs Richard Pauline tail A LUNCHEON war given by was cnorus ac- Braun. Lloyd Nehring and N'aomi CnSfr 1 man, second Fi nruis Wood low Mrs. Harris Kalbrener assisted >*> companist f 0 r MONDOVI , WJS ( Special)-U)en CWI O.V, Minn (Special)—Mar ¦ members w ill meet Feb 1 > * 2 Sthnfskopf winnei s weie Mis .lo- Eugene Graven .Mrs., John . Fuller. Candles anc three years and a ice Prisse! has been selected win ST. PAUL'S CHURCHWOMEN p in at the home of Mis Onn seph Lake\ fu st Fi aiil*. W ilhui , member of the ibeth Jones daughter of Mr. and Koxlien. Adam* : Miss Sharon Lee Ellies, daugh- red , white arid pink flowers wer« ner of the Uaugn- second ^'an en lo" reception anc choius four years teis of the Mis Donald Jones has been se- Dessert lunch-eon at 1 30 pm / ter of Mr.: and Mrs. V. p; Ellies, decorations for the A^nei- buffet ' supper. 7 Carolyn has been ic an Re\olution lected C%inton 's Good Oti?en , the I will precede the business meeting .;. 714 AV.! Wabasha St., became the of St Paul ' The couple, is at home at 165 1 active m G I e e award at Monde I annual aw aid given by the Daugh- s Episcopal Church wo ' bride of Eugene Craven, son of C I u b. Library men Wednesday at the parish ' ¦ , Highland Parkway,/St. Paul. Th< High School ter s of the American Revolution Y.M.C.A. HEALTH SERVICE :. Air. and Mrs . George Cra\'en ' Club, FHA, Stu- She was fresh- I house. Members of St Elizabeth's ;Jan. bride is a graduate of• - . Winona She will now complete for the DAR Your health l»: Difficult t-o Regain, Easy to Maintain Jackson , Minn., 26. dent Government. man class presi- Guild are hostesses foi the meet- The Rev. Russell Wigfield , as- Senior High School and the bride- distmt au.ud groom is a graduate of Jacksoi Pep Club and has dent and . has bean ing MASSAGE — INFRA-RED — UITRA-VIOIET — STEAM sistant chaplain at! Macalester Col- been president active in foren- M mbeth has setverl as class lege, performed the ceremony in Senior High School. / president and is editor of the sen- TIME . Miss Karen Kunzman. and Mi's: and secretarv of sics, Fil l u r e 1 CORRECTION " Central Methodist Church. - , Both . her class She IOI jeuibook She has also been 1 Call "Rernp Shealy Connie . Eckoff were hostesses a' Homemakers o f St Mai tin 's Ladies Aid who pre the bride and bridegroom are stu- took part in the Carolyn America , M a t It active in the student council and vioiisjv announced —¦ a bridal shower , Jan. 24 at Mac hjs , a meeting for 2 8-1521 Appointment dents at Macalester. The mantel class play \\ s. t -v ./-.^ *.% f ¦<¦* ¦ . .«%% Ladies Aid will meet Thursday al ¦ * ww * •*• Kathleen Ellies, sister of the bride, 2;30 p.m. in the church basement. *• " *. ' ' ^ *.v*/ .H*ut*a£u<. -,.< J. V. ii A J v >*•' \fi\ -- J *, <**^ *.-, -^taj^. and Le-ren Little, Sioux Falls, S.D. Hostesses are/ Miss Martha Fishei / Dale Weularj*sr, Aurora, Minn., and Mrs. Martha Otto/ and Hugh Craven, Jackson, broth- j er of the bridegroom g^ , ushered. LADIES AID The bride chose a floor-length BETHANY, Minn . : (Special ) - L ....jr/wCT/m */ ^ft ^ white peau de soie gown made The Moravian Ladies Aid will en Cj 3K3Jb ' With fitted bodice trimmed with entertained by Miss Ethel Hardtki French rose, rounded neckline, at/ the home of Mrs, Alfred Muel I FdBu 1 / "\- \ long sleeves and unpressed pleat- ler ; Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Thi |P I ed; skirt. A crown of seed pearls group is studying the Book of Act . held her illusion veil and she and the subject for February i carried red , white and pink roses. ."Background of Pentecost;,"' Act: . . The maid of , honor wore a light 2: The mission study for . 1963 i I ! - *. - VMENZBD^ i"l I The Look % green satin street-length dress "Helping Hands." All women/ o styled . wi th fitted sleeveless bodice. the congregation are invited. iPa GrvxN^ j ^ SS^^iriiSiSK; LAST CALL Ladies' Dress Shoes & Casuals Heel* — Wedgies — Stocks 9 A. "^^ m^Hmmm$SaW8am£i£L\& ^.\ a Now '/a Price -« $5.00 *'/ lmm\\\mm: ¦^^BB^ttHHHV * ^^^m\m\\\\\\\\m\\\l Girls' Sport and Dress % ^^H T*- ^VBIHIHiEVs - / /A^^Bi^V FLATS 1 or your Valentine 1 M^^Mh f • • • own party. | . ' ; Price ;| H^HHyl These enchanting and unusual | % ^ ^ " Hi "Candlelites , with brass finish f ^ I^^ B^^ $ I jraBglffl l holders are decorative with any |, -< )] eco r 3t any time of the year, jc 3.50 IJH ^ V ^ • • •

¦ ' ¦ % : " ' " . . t Men's Shoes $A y JKWEiro y iK cAsm.VA.nrs | r 00 ; ¦ ' '\ ' ; • ' fl" - 10" - 12" - M" Holders with Huby. t to $13.95. Now . . U«77 ' f / Grei'ii , Blue or Amber (.'ii[) .i j . Boys' Shoes $/{ QQ Sizes 4 to 6 i£2 *f» # # ' son to-. season. 1 7j Two-plere costume with print ^ Children's Shoes - Values to $6.99 \ 7 blonso toppini; Ihe liif;h-ris« 1.50 "• i / : ¦ '¦ !-/ skirt . Ja cket lined with nmtfh- TIIIPLF (II.EKMLI'I'KS fc , '/ Inn print . Navy or Hl.ui. with IroMcd white cups only VF~ 7 % lj On, • piece Double RronMH Sues: to to Ifi . '2.88 to '4.88 >\ Mylo wllh salin Inin iiiarkni R % 25.98 nr-ekllne , buttons and bell, |i 2.00 i| ' Navy or Black. \\ ; Winono'i ^ ^ k 75 ™ sjj SiAea: 12 lo in, ' Largott Wa M M W* _P\. W\ "V 'f ^ ^Ji 17.98 sho« ¦ 1 Sloro " enz Street nr ™* 1 7 k^.rU;. .UW*MS *Z4;;&?¦¦ZX^W^^^ I r.fc I,. MW-. .,':*

/ Some Bird Notes Two readers took /us to task for no-t.havin g more about the vyin- te-r birds in our column, that we have seemed to have sacrificed the/birds on the snow covered altar of the flowers . One lady phoned that she had greatly enjoyed the article en "The Passenger Pigeon " in the column on December 24, that! she had ciippe/d it for her scrap- book , and would Tike to see; more on the birds. . Perhaps/ we have been somewhat remiss: lately in regard to the birds, since in previous win- ters we seem to have given; them BOYLE'S COLUMN '.more- attention . As we have so often stated , birds and the gar- den go together. Their cheerful presence and delightful songs ! in NightcQp the growing seasons give a decided uplift .to the spirit as we plant , Something j cultivate and harvest. Their cort- !./start war against; destructive in- sects is highly '. -appreciated- ' by all You Wore •gardeners' who offer them the deep- est gratitude for the valuable serr By HAL BOYLE •/' vices rendered . NEW YORK (AP)-One of the Even during the winter many of things the old feel sorry for the the insect eating birds such as the REGIONAL CHAMPS . . .A new trophy w ais pionship team, place the trophy iri /the case are, .woodpeckers ,, " nuthatches / arid HEART FUND DRfVE ; .7 Victor W. Bohnen, chairman; Mrs. Elmer "Hannon , 2nd Ward pre- , young about is that they^ave so - . added to the Senior High ; School tropliy case left to right, Robert Smith, Senior High principal; L'liickadees are continuall y filing ¦¦ righ t, Winona! County -'chairman; of; the 1963 Heart cinct worker-. Mrs. Otto Pietsch , 1st Ward pre- lew memories. this morning; following - the: victory of Winona 's WarrenMagnuson , speech ' instructor;./ Robert This century has seen more oyer the trees and shrubs in search , Fund campaign/ introd uced . drive workers at the cinct worker, and Mrs. Dan /Siera cki, 3rd Ward, of-, the larvae, pupae and eggs of high/.school debate team in Monday 's Region I Neujahr , debate coach , and team ! members Rich- change . than any in history, per- tournament at Rochester. Watching Carole/,. Van- - ard fezak, Barbara Ferguson and Tony Schirna. kickoff luncheon Monday noon at Hotel Winona. chairman. (Daily News photo) 7 haps too much for the welfare of insects. The , large quantities of ' photo) Left to, right. Mrs: Donald Schneider, : 1st Ward all. ' /¦ -: "¦/ ' - such food that they consume helps Tliomma, ext reme right , a rnember of the cham- •Daily News . . . immeasurably in reducing the num- But the roller-coaster ride we've ber- of insects, thai hatch out /in had in the last two generations the spring.-/ '' '; 7/ Ettrick Explosion Ettrick Residents Houston Heart Research Need certainly', has left a treasure-trove . . I of recollections, both sweet and WE WERE pleased to receive a High School / ElT ftlCK ,. Wis, tSpecial)—When Req uested to Keep County Btiys ¦ ' And you-can hold your! own Chairrnen¦ ' ' "" -' - -; : ¦ bitter. report on the . birds that are fre- Mrs. Alfred .. TriULX/ attempted to i . ;. N^med. .. - . . in the / nostalgia derby if you can quenting the ' feeders , of, Mr; .and light the. oven in her gas ¦ range Water oh CdnstantlY ' (Spe- - LA / CRESCENT, Minn. remember when . 7 Mrs. LaGrande .Sanford , Dakota , for heat in/the kitchen Sunday, at ETTRIGK/, Wis, ' ¦ ( Special ) -Be-!.'. | cial)---The Houston County Heart Cited at Heart Minn! They/always have, a large Debaters Win 3 a.m., an explosion occurred that A nightcap was something a cause of the cold , the village board Insurance for i Fund chairman, Mrs, Robert Em- number of birds at their home; and shook the house. Windows in the has asked all Ettrick residents to man wore to bed—not a last belt - /mons/La Crescent, lias named lo- party; this . .winter/, is no exception. - kitchen were shattered. No other keep ivater running from a faucet from a bottle to \yind up a damage resulted.- Mrs. ; Triinx es- cal chairmen, as -.follows: Fund Kickoff You could get in a fist fight /..'¦The- cardinals are plentiful as at the rate of a quart every two or . . usual, numbe ring about 2o . iri(livid- In Regional caped without injury! three minutes. Frost has been Tdwriship^-Mrs. Lawrence Ga- in an argument over such heated Ifc Employes Fifty percent of the deaths in uals ,, - about equally divided be- The Winona Senior High School /driven/deep, into the ground. vin, Caledonia; Mrs! Paul Palm- questions as the protective tariff LA CRESCENT BOYS STATE Blue, Cross and Blue Shield will Winona this year will be caused and the free coinage of silver. tween males, aiid. females. They debate team Monday - went . uncle-; Otherwise. Ettrick . persons art .. -' quist , Sheldon -. Aarbn Zumach, did put in their - appearance LA CRESGENT, Minn.' (Special ) /asked to , conserve , water , as ap- provide hospital and surgical ' "cov- by heart diseases. . This ratio w ill . Tht/ newspaper feature . sections . not' ¦ feated through; three rounds to erage for/Winona County employ- Hokah; : Mrs. Roy Walters, La continue ./until . further , advances on Sunday carried visionary . pre- until 'just- before Christmas !when win the Region I high school de- —Robert Boohm , commander of •' proximateiy 20.000 gallon s a day . es for the year starting March tJie first . ones:/came to the feed- lace Giltcns-Leidel Post SOS; American ¦ will; be used te keep water run* Crescent; Mrs. Vince Scanion , are . made in the / study of heart dictions that eventually man bate tournament aiid win a p 1, the county commissioners de- abl e -to fly nonstop . 'in ers. Mrs. Sanford thinks this de- in tin s month's state tournament. Legloji,. announced . that; .at: ' a re- riing. The board will notify resi- Brownsville;" Clifford'. 'Orr. Mound 'ailments, possibly 1970 or 8p. would he. . . ' , cent meeting it was voted to send I cided /Monday afternoon . :¦. "/- . "/./ an airplane from ' .coast to coast/ i lay . was due to the fact that many Competing against seven other j dents when it is safe to [urn the . Prairie; .Johnny L,ee, /Yii/'afan; These statements yvere made by and shrubs .to the7 west of a. boy lo the . iSth . -annual "Anieri- water ., off. • - The ; organization s, known for- ' The height; of elegance was to /frees high schools in Southeastern . Min- . ' mally as .Minnesota "Blue Cross Arthur /Serines, . Urnon; Theodore Clark Pai- adise7 . St. Paul , state their yard had been .removed dur- cai) Legion .Boys State on the St. 1 Billing fpr the present, quarter Kruse, Winnebago: Henry Chris- be able to afford an . iron stag in nesota in a tournament at Roch- and Minnesota Indemnity, Inc., campaign director for the , Minne- ¦your front lawn ,/ ,. ing (he! fall in the process of grad- ester , the .Winona debaters, coach* Paul campus of the .University of : will be ..based on the last .: quarter'!- / tiansen, Money Creek; Arthur Minnesota,:! June 16-22, " Stuart read ing., . A, ;; ¦ were , low bidders for the cover- sota. Heart , "Association., - ' at the People threw . away, : their : box ing for the! new highway, Birds, ed by Robert' .Nctij ahr , clinched the j. , M. - Hogden is village age which had been provided the Gran , JeffersOn and Almor - : of course, have to adjust/ th em- Clark' was named post boys; state I prcs-iderit . ; ;., Heintz, Crooked Creek:* county / fund drive kick-off lunch- tops because thereWas no place 1963 title with a win over Roch- past year by North American Life ¦ you:Coiuld mail them with -a¦quar- selves to such /changed conditions. ester ' -in . the final round. . chairman:: Boys . State was first . ' City and Village!— - Mrs. Bud eon :Monday noon at /Hotel Wino- held in Minnesota in 1949 with 169 [ Post has been ; by & Casualty Co., Minneapolis/ The na;/ ' ;' ../ v ¦ - ./¦ , .' ter . and ge/t, something back. .7 Rochester, /as runnerup in; re- . represented .15 Mallory, Galeclonia; Mrs. Allen "7/ . • THE SANFORDS have only ono boys attending. In 1962 there were i boys throughout the history of th» Blue Cross organizations held the Rostad. Houston : , . Mrs. Herman .//Only ..Norwegians and kids-;.oil gional compettiion , also will .par- contract prior to that. V ICTOR; w. BOHNEN, 351 w brown creeper this year while last ' 369 boys on: campus . The local program., /" .. ' / Kurk, Eitzen; .Mrs. Ernest. Ell ing- . barrel staves'! ever.Went skiing. ticipate in the/state meet at the winter at le ast two frequented the ¦ ¦ ¦ Sarnia St., "is county .drive chair- We all felt grateful to Warren University of. / Minnesota - Feb! .- : - ' '- ., . Ailv'iM-l *' 17 ' • '' • ¦ ' ' ' - ' y ¦¦ ' ¦' ' . THE COMBINED Blue C ross- son, Spring Gro-ve; Mrs. Roy man: Sam . . Crea , . St. Paul/ state trees in their yard . While they had , . :•- Hanke , Brownsville; Martin Hori- G. Harding for . returning lis to winter; 15-16. ¦ Blue Shield bid was S5.85 month- field director , announced that "Wi- norhialcy^whatever that was tvvo tufted titmice last they Members ' . of. Winona s. • team ly - .' for/ coverage of indiv idual han , Hokah. and Robert Eminon 's, ,. now-.-bave- only one; This has heen ' . ;. ' ¦" nona ,Couniy was: one. of . the few were Barbara - Ferguson .and county employes (that' s what the La. Crescent. / . .// counties in the ; :!tate to exceed its Rupert Hughes scandalized the our experience, also, since, we ' -now ' Ralph Jones will be county de- . Richard- Tezak , affirmative , and county will pay': arid an optional quota last . year, collecting rndre literary world , by writing a book have on'y one of these dainty little Tony Sch|ma and. Carole, Van- , positor and; Dr; Philip Utz . La birds as -against two last ,, year; additional $11 70 monthly to be , than $4,000.7 James Rowan ;was pointing out that George Washing- Thomma ,' negative . The . two- top Block paid by married employes who Crescent is in charge of special coun ty chairman. . .- .. ton had sometimes acted like an They report having two free spar- New laxative acts on gifts.' , - '! :/¦'! . teams . each received a trophy! / want coverage , for "their wives and , /Dr . S. O. Hughes discussed mis- ordinary human being. ,7 rows this', year. We, had one ' of Winona:./participated in last children. ; , these birds' .'last year , but recent 'ly : colonic overnight. conceptions ;' regarding . heart dis- If .a man had gold in his teeth year's/.state ' tournament . aft er , fin- ¦ North American 's rate during KELLOGG PATIENTS eases, ' and . recent;:, advances. in if was a. pretty safe bet he either three, have . been . .coming to our ishing , second behind St. Charles The muscular wall of your colon con- only a new tablet called CoioNAro ' :• - . ' " - -He feeders, regularly. . / Inins nerves known to medicine as giyes you this special combination for the past year was $4.93 for indi- KELLOGG/ Minn!;/(Special ^ : — treatment of heart- conditions. . was /a/¦banker- or had a steady / in regional competition . : . . . Aiierbach' x Plexus. Tn rcgular pcople, -3 way overnight relief: , ¦/¦ : - 7 vidual employes and $1-1.73- for Mrs. . Margaret . Tibesar is at St. listed , major : types of' circulatory job with a railroad. The. juncqs that frequent the San- 7 Other.schools ip Monday 's tour- lliese nerves tell the colon muscles to; ¦( I) ' CO'LONMO - ... stimulates colonic family coverage. However, Harold Elizabeth' s!. Hospital , Wabasha , aft- ailments as .'. heart' attack , ! high The ambition of many a house- ford feeders number 8, more : than nament , in addition to Winona , propel and expel waste from the body, nerve network , to further activate and Krause, , er, fracturing her Trip in a- fall blood pressure , stroke, rheumatic wife was/t o , have her husband take they . .had last year at this; time. Rochester and St. Charles ,;were Hut tense nerves or emotional upset regularize its muscular "movement". La . Crosse the firm's ' .can block .youj * normal bowel habits. (2) C OL .ON' AID 'S unique re-bulking representative, ! told the commis- there/ Mrs:. Bernard Hager is a fever and rheumatic ' heart disease. her out to dinner at one of those This has been our experience as Spring: Valley , a- ' third-place ' fin- ' to Voii r colon n-jusclc impulses arc no action helps re-tone tense colon sioners that as of last November surgical,patient -at St.;Elizabeth' s; ; Antircoagulants-and treatment new-fangled cafeterias!. . / • . we have had! as , many as , s/. at isher , /and Albert . / Lea, Elgin , longer strong- enough to eliminate niusclcs. (3) COI .ONAID moisturizesfof 1, the. claims experience among Mrs. George Passe, a . patient at raise blood pressure, have been A small boy/whose mother made times. Of course, they have the Plainview -and Ziimbrbta! waste—which dries an6 shrinks , eiwv ,passage without pain or strain ,/ ' '¦ ' ¦- ¦ ' ¦ • ' '¦ arresting progression : further aggravating tlic coridition. •Cot-ONAihcvcn relieveschroniccon- ; county employes had been 120 per- St. Elizabeth's three months with successful in him carry, a handkerchief to usual large number 7 of. English ' ' ¦ ¦ fractured hip/ returned home of certain difficulties, 'he ; said. school in winter was the :-. class -. - .- . .''The ' average!: seven-iiich pencil . The most effective relief, many doc- sttriation overnight; yet it is clinically- cent. . a . " ¦ sparrows along with about 3t>. star- tors say, comes from a bulking -action proved ;.gentle even for expectant, That means; the firm paid out Monday. Jane Graner , ifl , daugh- Surgery has been an effective sissy./ ' .- " lings.. We have often! won dered can draw a line at least"33 fhilos combined with a colonic nerve s'imii- m ot hers. Get GoiosXr n today. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gran- treatment, for some conditions, -he During prohibition the serious why more starlings , : long. : ' ¦ lating action. Of all leading laxatives IN'TROtJUCTORV SIZE 43e.: in benfeits 20 percent more, than . ''¦'. ' do: hot . come it received in premiums, Insur- er, is recovering from : pneumonia added. . .. . drinkers/ imbibed ; everything , front to our feeders. One : lone , individual Dr. Hughes., enumerated aims of bay riim lo Jamaica ' ginger, and ance firms generally feel that an at her home. 7 made a brief¦ appearance one day, 80 percent claims experience rate the Heart Fund: Return victims to everybody , for safety's sake was but- hone lias " been seen since. productive Work, prevent invalid- banned . from : the basement .'while (that is , the firm pays out. no ployes had individual coverage. pressure, ' more than 80 cents on each dollar Thirty-five employes paid for fam- ism , contro l high blood father /bottled his. home brew , 7 MRS, SAN FORD /ad vises that; two ' provide surgery when needed and The family doctor created a bronze grackles are now patrbniz- , received in. premiums) is the ily coverage. - . - rheu- maximum desirable rate. prevent rheumatic fever and neighborhood furor when he ing . their feeders. One -appearedI In THE COMMISSIONERS ap- matic heart disease. raised his price to $5 for a home the early fall and the second one A&D Bbotery ' " ' ' KRAUSE TOLD th» commis- proved payment of the county 's BOHNEN introduced Erwin W. call, /; -; !/, . - ¦!!.;/' :,/' : is a newcomer.. The nuthatches , sioner that in view of the high $940.88 share of Homer Town- Richter ,.. Lewiston ,. regional -Heart. chickadees, woodpeckers and blue claims rate, the new premium ship's 1962 poor relief bill! Noboby felt unsafe because jays are in about . the same num- r-'uiici cnan-nian; Mrs. Everett . j . every boy in . town , carried , a would have/to be $6!90 for indi- Two resolution!s were approved Kohner ,, secretary; Mrs. Don Wil- bers as/last winter.; 7. viduals and $16.42 for family cov- for reimbursement of county jaekknife, usually .attached to his liams, Heart Sunday chairman ; pants ' belt loop! by an . old shoe- It is a. real treat to see the erage. Ail bids for such cover- ; funds for/ payment of routine ex- Mrs. Howard Bieleteici. rural Wi- / large number of cardinals that fre- age were based on the same gen- pehse's." ' ¦' ¦' ¦ ¦;' string, . - "- ' I nona County chairman, ' and Mrs; i Most city dwellers dreamed of quent: their feeders. When we were eral benefits contained in/ the pre- Approved was payment to the Jerry Papenfuss, publicity chair- there one day last winter, v/e had ' ' /saving! enough money to retire to! ¦ vious year s plan . auditor's incidental fund of $1.- man.! : the pleasure of seeing' about 20 of Lucky Size Employers Mhtuals of Wausau , 765.72 ' from the road and bridge ! the country in their/ old age . and ! , W ard chairmen for Heart Sun- run a! chicken farm./ these beautifu l birds at one time represented by R. ,V7. Strand , Win- fund. Paid! previously from the in- day drive lo be conducted fc' cb. a most wonderful sight against a ona , had previously submitted cidental fund were county highway One of the most hated chores 21-24 are: Mrs. ' Donald Schneider , of childhood was emptying the snowy background. bids of $6.3G and $15.72. James department expenses for postage, 1st; Ward ; Mrs. J. ' ¦!)." Scott , , 2nd; ' . We saw 4 bald eagles last Moil - P! Garry, Winona , appeared at $60 ; telephone, $835.53; water , Mrs. Dan Sieracki , 3rd; Mrs. Dan clammy pan of water under the ; day oyer the open water below the meeting Monday and submit- $85.41; electricity and gas , $586.87 ; family icebox, I { Sadowski , -1th; Airs. Eugene Ma- Remember? Lake Pepin at Reads Landing. It ted the Mutual of Omaha and Uni- ! freight , $138.10; express, $32,81, roushek , Goodview chairman , and ¦ was an inspiring sight to see these ted of Omaha bid of $6.41 and $15.- i boiler certificates , $2, and tax ex- Mrs. Dean Harvey, co-chairman. , 11)59 , majestic birds willi , their white ' On Dec. 1 all nalions 2.7. empt license plates. $25. ' Members of.the Life Underwrit- with claims to Antarctic territory heads and tails , soaring continuous- Shoe Blue Cross and Blue Shield And the road and bridge fund ers Association , who conduct the i signed a treaty declaring the area ly over the area. We watched them were represented at the meeting was reimbursed $452.86 from tlie drive , were introduced. The Rev. j south of 60 degrees south latitude through '' binoculars for about twen- by Roger F. Boerboon , Faribault , general revenue fund for work Wilmer- Friesth gave the invoca- an international preserve for sci- ty minutes , but none of them land- sales supervisor ; Wilfred M. Zen- and material s , provided by the tion. ¦ I entific research. ed. ner, St. Cloud , sales representa- j county highway department to the tive, and Richard .1. Griffin , Man- county jail , $223.24, and to the The average American spends kato , sales supervisor. courthouse, $229.0.2. These expen- only about a fifth of his income from a 40-boiir week for food. SALE During the past year, 49 em- ses are mainly for hauling ashes. PRESTO* Wed. - Thur. - Fri. - Sat. AIR HUMIDIFIER Broken Size Runs Taken From Our Reg. Quality Stock ADDS NEEDED MOISTURE TO DRY, H EATED AIR! . *- .- . ¦ '} * f 0j ^ Nationally Advertised Brands ! LUMAGE CL0SE0UT \ Winter heating creates "desert-dry" a!r - //M ]py~$T Ht IURS ,<: P into any 115v A.C. outlet. Tank , ///>A //V'\ S & Casuals Flats cabinot and grill are rustproof for lifa. \ L'y^^. \ lAji)* '\ **v r Humidistatcontrol malntainrs _ /Z:JS&MK\^m^ Reg . to $18.99 Reg, to $10.99 desired humidity setting _^^ ^^ ' '¦ *f ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ \

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j. i i i I I -»' i i' " I-, " ' i i i ' , I. HUSKI ES TRIUMPH 103-84 PLAYER IN DUFFER'S N IGHTMARE Winona f 0<^i^i^ St. 06ud Jolts /W/cftfTOn Tech News By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ence and 16-4 overall, broke out Morris downed Sioux Falls 75-68 in : The Pipers outscored Concor- Nickldul P St. Cloud State jolted Michigan of a 50-50 halftime; tie to blitz a non-conference contest. dia 31-12 from ihe free throw; line Tech, now 5-1 jn the NSC and to win at Moorhead. Jerry Kauls' Tech back to earth in the North- " The Auggies romped in front 30- ern State Conference and all-*win- 13-2 for the year. It cracked a 12- .9 and never had any trouble with two charities with 17 seconds left Sports ning Augsburg made it 'No. 17 to game Tech winning streak. Macalester in posting their 17th cl|nche^«^^rfS^N^^'^^*V*»»*M^N*V^»*^VM»M highlight Minnesota college bask- straight win , 10 of them in the ' etball action Monday night. freshman Dave Linehan , making MIAC. Dan; Anderson's 27 points Gary. Larson led Concordia with - - . -Patjc-lO' . ¦: his first start. 30 foi- St. Cloud. 217 :' Tuesday, February 5, 1963 , rebounded from an paced Augsburg, while Bob Mul- The Huskies " , $9 000 Pm Bob Lurtsema had 22 for Michi- One: 31IAC gaine is scheduled - to- upset loss at Bemidji , Saturday ' len got 14 for the Scots. 103-84 and gan. : night , with Gustavus Adolphus. night to trounce Tech ¦' ¦ ' harrow the Michigan team's NSC Augsburg rocked Macalester 73- " '/. Hardline evened its MIAC rec- <4- .it at Minnesota Duluth (6-2 > . -lii ¦' - " ' lead: -, //; 60 and Hamline eked past Concor- or-d '- af/'4T '4, while Macalester non-conference tilts, AVinona* Stat* Denies Talk dia 71-70 in a pair of Minnesota dropped to ¦3-6 and Concordia to plays at Superior, Wis., and Mar - St. Cloud, now i-l in th« confer- Intercollegiate Conference: games. 1-9. ' ¦:" . '. ¦" ' ,¦'. kalo State hosts Stout, Wis. / Of 'Split' (API- ' ¦ '¦ ' . i PALM SPRINGS, Calif- . :• - ( Jack Nicklaus, : golf's million-dol- lar baby, is $9,009 richer Tuesday, Warriors Meet Superior an amazing 8-stroke winner oyer Garv Player in an 18-hole , playoff for the Palm Springs Golf Classic ¦ ¦ .championship. .¦/ " . -• ,'. - - . SPEAKS TO LEGISLATURE Ironically, Xicklaus disclosed Redmen Busy ; Monday: that he almost cancelled / lllini Post : playing in the classic because of t bursitis in/ his Iiip. , Clay Claims Lead Nicklaus shot a 34-31 -45, six- / On 2 Fronts 1 Fifth Victory; iinder-par , over the: Indian Wells By AUGIE KARCHER I course. He saak 35-foot . putts, for Daily-News Sports Editor | ' a birdie 3 on/ 'tlie 17th. arid /for an . In Boxing Comeback [.eagle 3 on the JSth. ' ALBANY , K..Y-. (APi — Cassius Billy Graham turned Ui iMead r /Winona State • College - invades^ i . :. - ''Some , . only, have to BadflerspB up ; ¦ ¦ ; , ' '' ''' Clay, the loquacious heavyweight tor die . preservation¦ of professioii- Superior State tonight and St. | j work :four days for $9:000; said By JOE MOOSHIL al ' fisticuffs. ' •; ' ¦ ( the- - smiling -23-year-old - National , . . with a penchant for poetic pre- Mary 's College." meets Hamline - . Associated Press Sports Writer : ! Opeii champion . "This week I had ¦Pulling far/ahead of; ibe field , dictions, says, he knows .just. what , - Clay, who: likes to name the Wednesday night in.St. Paul to get ': ¦ ' ' ! to. work six. :. Illinois took command of the Big boxing needs to lift it out of: the VouiKl-in-rhyme^-wlien lie's/ soins city college fives off to , another \ Player ran into disaster . in the Ten . basketball race Monday night doldrums—a fellow named Clay. .',, to knock oiit his opponents, agreed week of . baskeiball. ;-second' . nine.. -After finishing , the ' . . . . over that -boxing was waning in popu- with a 104-101 victory Indi- /"With Cassius Clay here it' will ; For /the Warriors ,., wlio . have : /first nihe two strokes behind:while; ¦¦ ' ' ' " larity—like the birds going .south . . aha. -.. - . /• liveri-..iip,'' - . the irrepressihle Bard ; dropped . 12 of. is games this sea- , ! shooting even par. Player bogeyed -. The /triumph / gave Illinois a for the . winter: But it will, make 3- putted , fro m 25 feet, of -boxing told : a . state legislative/ son tonight's test may give-tliem ' i the 30th. He ; .corniiianding lead .vyifh--J ts- 5-0 recr a comeback, lie predicted , with . missing an 18-inclier in ' the proc- . . committee .Monday. - . '¦ j ord over Ohio State and M inneso- Clay leading the/way. a : breathing, spell , - • • 1 ess. .: . -¦ '. ' , Clay stole the spotlight at a pub- None. -of/ the.witnesses who ' ap- ' ta who are tied for second with SUPERIOR ' is nursing a medio- That . . was . . nothing . compared 4-2 marks, followed by Indiana lic hearing on whether . professionv ; peared at Monday 's fbur-hpur ses- , with- what . hit him. ' on.. 12, . where ; with a , 3-2 record. ' al boxing should be abolished/in sion spoke against boxing- They cre 2-5 record in tlie Wisconsin ! Player saw .' more palm tree trunks , . . ¦ New York State—and this was go ¦) talked of its virtues, as: a physical College Conference and suffered a 7 TO THE WINNER GOES THE SPOILS ... strokes in their piayoif of .the Palm Springs Golf - than -a camel looking '•:for , shade. Using a balanced attack in which ing some, because he was in; fast conditioner. . ; • ' ¦ . and argued that 90-61 defeat .Saturday at the ..hands Victor Jack Nicklaus, right, accepts the/ Eisen- Classic. In addition to the trophy. Nicklaus: re- , His tee shot , landed behind one. . . . five starters scored, in. double fig- company. underworld control : of the sport of .-River Falls. Winona holds a win hower Trophy : from Indian Wells golf pro Eddie '- ures, the lllini more than offset Such ring greats as Carmen j had been - virtually eliminated in ceived a check for S9.0&O for -the victory.. >j\P./. Thrae strolces behih-d, play*r over River Falls but succumbed to/ :¦ the torrid shoo ting of T0m Bol- Basilio. Henry Armstrong .and ; New.York State. the Falcons 85 58 on Jan. 24. Susalia. while runner-up; Gary Player, left, squints Photofax) 7 decider), to' gariible and took a vi- ' Vard fin- : , the , ball: It. landed ' - yar-d, and Jim . Bayl. Bol. -, - / into the desert sun. Nicklaus beat Player by eight -cious cut at . ished with 35 points and Ravi, had ¦/P r- Robert Gampb/ell, W'SC cage •/smack,', in back '.' of another palrn. . ' -./- ' coach, took a 13-player squad to ' '31- . -:/ /¦ • .; 10TH STRAIGHT WEE K ' i tree: Stil l gambling, Player, hit the ' Topping Illinois, ' meanwhile, was Superior. ; It includes a pair of nex t shot, left-handed; The ball hit . freshmen,- Darreii Schuster -and j sophomore TaL Brody with : 22 . (¦another- palm- tree/-. -and' , bounced - . Clair Flatten, who have not seen points but Cant . Bob Starnes had - ! into> a:trap.: / much varsity action to date, i - \VTien 'the . .duffer 's nightmare fi- . • "., . The Warriors split in two games Clncy Streaks to 3Wh j nally. ended , : Player had shot a ' ./¦' ¦ last weekend,, beating Loras 78-70 ! bogey 7—and, Nicklaus was • ' '- .- BIG TEN Poll, and then losing to Moorhead State ! six strokes, ahead. " ' Bearcats Top '¦/ ' w. L. >«. ¦ . • '¦ ' ¦ 67-66, their seventh straight North- /. On the par 3 13th Nicklaus shot . Illlneis 5 . ? ' !;« • ' ' Ohio State ...... 4 1 .«« ern States College Conference de- ; a .birdie , two and Player/ was in '/ / . " M lrmesoti - . ...,.....,.. * 1 ,M7 feat. . ' •' bogeysville again with a 4./ Indiana ....:,...... ,.* 3 7 .«» In -with -of 8 M/ctilgan /...... ;.....* 1 .504 : /Nicklaus, . . a .- lead ¦ ROGER KJOME , recently eligi- R^ ' ' ' - ' - - . J . .500 By JIM HACKLEMAN ; over-all . for the third longest Vic- , ' ' 5. holes to: go, ¦/. : . Iowa ...... ;..... S . . , ahd Georgia Tech, No: 6 needed strokes and only . . MlcWgan Stati7 ...... J 4 .«? ble transfer student from Luther, Associated Press Sports Writer tory string ever. San Francisco some clutch , work by a pair of • started , relaxing.: Wlionsln .....' . J 1 .400 Loyola Still No. 2 ¦ has shown up well in two games, ' " Northwestern . ' ' 4 7 .40O Cincinnatis streaking Bearcats holds the record of 60 in a row reserves . to squeeze hy W-illiam ; - "It s a: great feeling, said the , ...... 2 . playing behind center Chuck Weis- v ' ' Punlua . -.:.:. IT .US' By WILL GRIMSLEY ¦ have posted another triurnph in in 1954-5^ arid North Carolina won And Mary 50-49. - husky belter. 'That-. ,: 1 ead, felt so / brod . - •;. ' ' Associated prest Sports Writer their drive to establish themselves 37 straight in 1957r58.-/Cin"cy. will good that I sank three putts.that . Campbell did not reveal his Cincinnati took a while to as- ' , make ! was . 21 aiid Jim Downey added 20. Illi- Headed by Cincinnati, No. l for COLLEGE NINE as one of college basketball's have a shot at tying North Caro- I/didn t even; try to ..:. plans foi- a starting five tonight. sume coiiimand ill . their Missouri , finish' :the/round.- ', nois led 5746 at the/half and never the loth straight week, the top six all-time top teams, settling a lina's total this Saturday against just anxious to TO USE WIDER His. two top scorers are still , the Bradley. Valley match at-. . Drake, trailing fell behind with /Indiana making teams held their positions today minor score in the bargain: txie 'of - , Hi«- - game's . , Papenfuss brothers, Dick with a In Monday night's other head- by. as much as five points in. the . Player, , - . its bid in:the final'minutes. in The Associated Press college STRIKE ZONE Fired by the shooting -of Ron , ' " ' 15.6.average and Lyle with 15 even. ¦ line attractions^fourtn-ranked Il- first half. But with Bonham . pump- ;greats and the . .year s leading / Xeanwhile, Purdue finaUy broke basketball poll. / Bonham and showing their cus- '¦ ! money , winner , didn't . let his TUCSON ,, T . ' ' ing . in 15 points: in: a . 10-miriute the ice with its first Big Ten vic- / Behind the . unbeaten Bearcats / Ariz. W - College St. Mary s run into a Hamline tomary tenacious defense,- . . the linois strengthened its Big Ten , -He ' ..¦¦ ' baseball will turn to tea m which has a 4-4 mark in Oie span; before intermission , the bogey , trouble . upset him. tory , in eight games. The Boiler- came Loyola of Chicago , Duke, the widened Bearcats recorded a 71-60 victory lead by outlasting Indiana: 104-101 ¦; --last- A ' holes with .' •; strike zone for the 1963 playing .Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic iri - a free-wheeling affair: Okla- Bearcats left the floor with a two- finished; the . . makers, led by Mel Garlan-d, bump- Illinois, Arizona State and :Georgia Monday - night over the Drake ' | three . birdies and a . par to wind s e as o n. Collegiate Baseball Conference and ranks fourth in the homa State toppled seyerith- point edge. Cincinnati -limited ,, the ' ' ed Michigan State 103-81. . Garland Tech, all of them unshaken after team that threw a scare into Bulldog-; to 22 points in the second ; up. with .' a 3*6-37-73. . . . scored 34 points to top T'urdu.e's a week ol solid / success- : Newspaper reported-Monday./ standings after beating Concordia them last week. Drake took the ranked Colorado 52-49 and thre'y i "Nicklaus and. Player/both vehe- Monday 71-70./ This is the half and held them scoreless /the .. fire starters who scored in double In following the leads of the night nation's No. 1 club into overtime the Big Eight race wide open ; mently' deni ed one published re- ¦ The last -four: teams in the or- first Redmen-Piper meeting this Mississippi State pushed into final three minutes; figures.! ..' pros, the . new college rule Thursday /night before : falling a made, a deal der are Colorado Mississippi : ' Bonham finished- with 31 points l port that they had . , changes :the strike zone to be- season. 65-60. 7 7 first-place tie in tlie : Southeastern ' purse — $9,000 for ' State, Wichita and Stanford—the and ," . to" prove he is no slouch de- to split the . ;• ' S«phornor« Marcus Sanxkrt led tween the /top of the batter's Conference by whipping Tulane ./the ,/winner and.S4 .6M) for second . same as a week ago but in scram- ST. MARY'S is 9-9 for the s»a- Cincinnati now is ; ' fensively, did a .brilliant -job . on Michigan State with 18 pbhits and shoulders and his knees when he 18-0 rhl* sea- 91-73; fifth-rahked Arizona. - .State- place; -— down , the middle. ..' - ' three other Spartans scored in bled positions. Tre poll was based son and - 3-5 in the MIAC. St. son : and won ,!6 Drake sophomore Gene West , :who ¦ . assumes his natural position, . has straight ran over New Mexico State 89-^2 ; !. ' "I Have never split ¦' a purse and/ double figures including Ted Wil- on games through Saturday Feb. Mary's has eight games, remain- had/scored ' JSl/against - Bonham in ' J , Kyle Anderson of the Uni- ing,/, ' j l never will,'.'.- said Xicklaus. who. . - / liams with 15 points ajid Jack 2*v ¦¦/- -' "/,:/ including Wednesday s con- the squeaker last Thursday: night. ' , loser to Washington versity of Chicago, chairman of test. Winona State is down to six, West got. - only. 2 Monday night. i made a personal . .protest .to the , Darners with 16. /. Stanford SIGNS 1963 CONTRACT . ¦writer " ' 49-47, fell from seventh to 10th the NCAA ; rules: committee, told including tonight's. Ivan " Wiley's ¦ of the report. . Wisconsin and Michigaji staged three/ free throws "I'll swear on a slack of Bibles / and was replaced by Colorado, the newspaper that the change /There'll be as much if not more in the final , 54 :¦ seconds clinched ¦ real barn-burner with Wisconsin ¦¦ there was so "¦split-nor even any7 : * which climbed a notch, after beat- had , been made after he topic a interest centering around the St. Oklahoma State 's victory ' over . finally, win mi n g out. Trailing /. . I mention of any . such a thing." ! ing Oklahoma 77-68. Mississippi hurried mail vote of his mem- Mary's liocley team which Wed- Colorado, now 5-1 in , the Big ' throughout th« second lialf, the of: ' adderl -Plaver,' stay on a State rose a single rung to No. 8 bers and leaders the Ameri - nesday meets Maicaiester at the Eigh t, Iowa State moved ' up to Badgers went ahead to can Association of College Base- basket by Tom Gwyn. Fr*ee throws on victories over Southern Missis- Cow Palace in South St. Paul, For Aparicio to Collect 6-2, beating Nebraska 83-69. Ok- ball coaches. by Dave Grams and Ken Siebel sippi and Louisiana State, /Wichita Coach Max Molock's skaters, the lahoma State: is : 4-2 along with Twins Sign Touted moved up from tenth on . a 66-38 game could determine whether Kansas State , a 90-55 winner over iced the 81*78 Badger triumph. ¦ ' Jack Brens led Wisconsin with decision over Tulsa. MIAC championship will wind up Missouri. ' • ' . Prep Ri ght-Hander 22 points and Bill Buntin, Michi- Cincinnati, which won over at Terrace Heights. : Mississippi State swamped Tu- MrNXEAPOLIS t-Fi The Min- gan's injured sophomore,, was high Drake 65-50 in overtime and St. — Louis 70-40 to extend its season's Wright THE REDMEN sextet is host to $37 500; Top Oriole lane with 54 points in the second nesota Twins have signed 10-year- : Cops ' for the Wolverines with 20. Hamline . Saturday afternoon and liichnrd game s arc winning string to 17 games and half after being tied 37-37 at inter- old left-handed pitcher Five conference plays at St. Thomas next Monday Associated Press Sports Writer 29-year-old Venezuelan would re- Gardner of Binghamton , K.V., for Saturday with Wiscon- its over-all streak to 35, drew: 42 The baseball trade that mission. Lei and Mitchell hit 29 scheduled to wind up its league schedule. It sent ceive about $37,500, the same a substantial bonus, . sin at Ohio State in a regionally of the 44 first place votes from the Luis Aparicio from the Chicago points for the Maroons, now tied AP's special panel of sports writ- has a Feb. 14 date at St. Olaf if salary he drew from the White with Georgia Tech for the SEC The Twins said Monday they out- televised matinee. Other games At Sea Island the weather holds up, White Sox to the Baltimore Sox last season. ers and broadcasters . Orioles last monl-h already is pay- lead with a 6-1 mark. bid five other clubs , the Pirates , . find Indiana at Michigan, Iowa at On the swimming . Winona Lee MacPhail , president of the Orioles Uodpcrs Mcls. Reds, , Michigan State at With 10 points for a first place front* ing off as far as the speedy short- , Reserves John Herbert and , , and Northwestern nine for second , etc., the Slate College is host Wednesday Orioles said Aparicio could be the tn land G arclner, who graduated .Minnesota. vote, stop is concerned. Charles Spooner sparked Georgia Illinois and Purdue at Bearcats ran up 438 points for a afternoon to La Crosse State for highest paid Baltimore player in ill mid-term from high school. By 10 Strokes Tliere 's nothing like a change of 1.963. Tech in its non-conference .cliff- Wisconsin (Ml Michigan (71) substantial margin over Loyola , ;» dual meet at 4:30 o'clock at the hanger against "William And Mary The yout h lias been assigned to fg rt tp ts tt l*» [ uniform and a new pay contract Luis had been miffed winner of 20 straight games. SLA ISLAND , Ca. . 'APt-Mnn Memorial Hall pool. when the scoring 12 straight Tech points as the Twins' Class A farm team at Gratru t t-l It Colt 4 1-4 1J | to make a discontented player White Sox threatened him with a Siebel ! «•! 10 Harris 5 .0-0 10 velous Mickey Wright coupled a the Engineers took the lead lor Orlando an the Florida State Loyola , which crushed Washing- G FG FT PF TP Avg. happy, and Aparicio showed his sizable pay slash before the trade. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Brtns 10 2} 2] Buntln t 5-4 10 ' hole-in-one with three birdies and D, Pnpcnluii IB 110 40 Si 2B0 15.4 good. •. ; ¦ League. O'Mella J 2-J i) cantrell 4 1-J 13 i Iowa satisfaction by signing his 1963 ton of St. Louis 118-58 and won her fifth Sen Island Ladies l_. Papenfuss U 110 it 73 m IS.O From his home in Maracaibo , he O-wyn I Oi l) Harner » 0-J III 86-58, got one of .the two stray ?lllcy 17 10 55 41. 155 >.l contract ' Monday. was quoted as saying he would Johnson 1 01 i Totals 37 4-11 711 Open Golf championship in rec- first place nominations. The other . Klimlcr . ¦ IS 54 38 41 150 ».3 Although terms were not re- quit the game if his salary were Totals 34 t-15 II ord-breaking , fashion. Kiome •.. . J 6 3 4 15 7.5 vealed, .' il, was reported Hint the WISCONSIN .. , 43 34— II I went lo third-place Duke, winner Weisbrcd 17 3» 4S 51 133 7.1 cut. »IPBMM |i|i«ima *|^^ MICHIGAN 41 37-71 ! Wright 's closing round :i;i- over South Carolina 88-70 and Mis* Petersen ...; 1* 31 15 l» 77 4.1 Aparicio , Personal louli — Wisconsin, Grams 2, ; 40—73 Monday gave her a 54-hole Mllii r ;., 17 13 50 JO 44 J.» the American Bretis 4, O'Mclli 3, Gwyn, Johnson, Mlchl- i North Carolina 77-89. Kellcy 11 14 14 30 43 3.1 League's leading base stealer for ' total of UI2 , a Kl-slroke margin qan, Cole I, Harris 4, Buntln 2, cm- The Top Ten with first-n-Uice Le.-iby 11 I 1 17 34 3.3 seven straight seasons, is playing Ircll 3. over her closest compet itor , Until Pohl a 2 3 13 7 1.1 votes in parentheses: winter baseball in Maracaibo, and 1. Cincinnati 1*1) Ol .lessL*n of Bonsiill , C:ilif „ Fliltcil " ., 11 4 3 ? 14 1.3 who ¦ Week' ..37a Wodlcskl 10 4 2 10 l.C s latest averages had him hitting I. Loyola of Chicago curdi 'd a ¦»)-.'!.')-711. The li)iini;i - [This 3. Duke (1) 203 lolborman 13 3 4 5 10 .1 around .400. 4. Illinois 291 nienl record was 21!l , also held -Schuster 5 1 1 3 3 .4 5. ArUona Stato It)* by Miss Wright. Basketball Oiorgli Tech ,. 303 The flashy fioldor joined Chi- 4. ; Basketball 7. Colorado IIS The tield of DO finj ili-sts battled cago in )93ti and stole 55 bases I. Mississippi State ti ¦Kl-ili'Kree leinperalures ami :i() when Ihe club won the pennant t. Wichita 64 Tuesday 10. Stanford it inili.\s-i)er-))»iu* winds d.-ished will) LOCAL SCHOOLS in lil.'i'.i . He stole only 31 bases last Scores ¦ Snead Won't Get Others receiving votes, alphnbetlcallyi light sled . The final votuxl was v*lnon» St«t« al Superior St«t«, " season after pilfering more than EAST Auburn, Bradley, Drake, Holy Cross , Iowa postponed Sunday BIG NINE 50 in each of the last three years. Salon Hull *>4, Upsala 7). Stale, Kentucky, LaSalle, Miami, Ha,, because of West SI. Paul at Red Wlng.- SOUTH Niagara, Norlh Carolina, St. Joicp'i'*. heavy rains, Farlbaull at Mlr.tcnMe.- The wiry riahl -handed batter Ca. Tech 30, William I Mary «». (Pa.). Texas, UCLA, Utah (Utah Stale), $J5 Day Salary MAPLE LEAF nlso hit only .241 and his lifetime Mlsslislppl SI. tl, Tolana 73. Waka Foroit, West Virginia. The 27-yeiir-olil Miss Wright , L( Roy ol Spring Valley.* Maryland 73, Georgetown 7). now playing out of Dallas, Tex., Canton at Wykoll.* batting average dropped from Vnnderbllt 74, Alabama 73, (ot). was 2-un(l(!i' €h»tll*U at Mabel. ' .2fifl In .2(12. Florida 14, Tennessee 73. -par on tlie first nine BI-STATE you get prompt Mississippi 40, Louisiana St. 41. Giants Sign Rokie alter an nee on the (Kill bole. The With Peace Corps Lima Sacred Heart at Arkaniaw. MIDWEST hall soared over a lake and ROOT RIVER Augsburg 7a, Macaleste r 40. Pair to '63 Pacts MIAMI . Fin. (AVl — Norman Caledonia «f HarmonK.* Hamline 71 , Concordia 70 , dropiK'd into the cup IM yards Snead , Washington Redskins quar- DAIRYLAND SI. Cloud 10), Michigan Tech 14. away. Augutta at Whitehall. I'.ilh dependable service » terback , will not he paid for nny Osieo at Blair, Minnesota Morris 73, Sioux Falls tl. SAN FRANCISCO )); >» ,S))i*/i'| as a ivi!h()iil-r«»)|)en- nxjKirioncnd Maimgor. IIo 'll Utah Stale 13 scoring last season with M Unich- nhow you how thoy cim , Montana it l'«:riie.-,s Chain hung nn lo clip sal ion cuiisiiltiiiit to the l'ence HEATIMG NBA dotvn.s :ii»l a twn-piiinl cDiivcrsimi Corps In the •lanie way a.s Ittife r bu lui lulled quickly nnd |^##i,, San Prtncuco lot, Ctilcjqo 107. run for 11,1 [M>inls . Athletic Cluh •14-4(1 in llie I' ark-llec Grid Coach jilciiHtintl y, llnulam Iliiskcllmll l.«*ai;iic .. lied Johnson and Kurcsl lP"l77::ll 5# _f% 1 fi C Men Club beat Central Methodist and iillu'i* top nlhU'li'S who have If a loan It noconary, he'll M '^13^1:^ VI B «P liV-I. 'i in llie ol her selieduled eon- served ." land you th* amount you test , .fnlmstin is n former Olympics Found Dead naod—on a i«jntlbla plan. Gall 9421 Despite an in point tii iirlli - ((Hur- decathlon rhunipiim anil Kvushev* Tho Hinnllfltit poHoibla J ler by Allilelic Cluh , Peerless ski is at lilelie dlreelor nl the Uni- CLINTON . S.C . (Al' i -Tho body pnymnntn tiro /irruii^dd t Chain iiiilelii 'd ils lifl h viclury versity ol Iowa. nl Presbyterian Colloji «* s lonlliiill io fit your iiu-omii. Lot our Glen Stales Dis ributor Chillies llaiisiui Snead lias siud tluil when lie (llytlt * •!() Mnnii|{nr HIHIW vou how tn puiii /ed in :n» couch , Khrli/irdl , , was niului your IHII H oiiHy-to- 'IOIII S joined llie corps lust week he I I. , .in iixlivi dual M-a-Kiii |ii[;li. was found in his 'itiloinobile new here hiindlo. or furnlHh >s^|pp^^V! tolil he would lie pnid $7.1 a day, you Allan Soiiiieiiiun and Ti tin Sly liu J Monday ninhl. A (lisfliiii' Kcd «hnt- inonity tor oilier IIRIK IH', ^^^E ¥73 V piiccd Ihe losers willi 14 and ' lis Hep. Victor Wickersham , !)• Kini wns hy his .side. | , ((iiickly Call, writ* or com* In today, 1 Trust , Taste Enjoy SS poitlls respective ly, \ Okl.'i, ('imiiiiciiled Sne/ul Laurens <'<>iuily Coroner Mnr- laWljjBWBta^^^JmmmmtftmWaaWKmmmWimn hP f m -: ti g It look (i dig third ((iiaclcr (or i ."ihoiij iln 'l be jwiiil thai miK'h nnd SJ WJ IJ l'rens)«y declarei ) Die .shnot- \ f m^. lSa 3| fca^ ^ lied Men Cluh In gain it- , siiid he woiili l (leiiuuid a congres- ' U I TlieWorifJsFinest Bourbon since 1795 £R~ m i\f sevcntlr I IIR wns iiei'l denliil . XjPUBLIC ^g| **a*|t? vin , Huh He (Ir I Mined 111 sional i lives! i"at ion. Tlii! wooded nroil whore Ihn - \lhskw*'»* - - — _ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ _ \_ \_\\_7& ^ pm ill *- and Hill Van Deinse eight "There is no intention lo pay body was ft mi id was niio in which T^INANCiz [\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Wmmmmmmmk*r*IfI *i/ZiAkl *llJl^^ammmm\mmmmmm\11 HH^^^I^I^LE5id ^3^Tl'JlSflSl^BiB lor llie winner:,, lln-li llntajiyyk j Sneiid lor this work nml any Klii'hiirrtl nml olhor inonibors ol » OOltroaAiictN JlM liMM lallli'd eiiilil Inr Cenlral Melllo - statements to llie conlrnry me. (Im IrMiiionlly nswl I pj lii ranching t-itnff 301 cho«l« Bids. Phont ]ltl diM, ' false ," Slirivcr .snlil. lor hunting nnd fishing. THREE NOTCH 600 • ' ": ' " Beranek Leads Twins Begiii : . .; :APARTMENr:.3-0 ,7 , -7. , :By . Mmx- Kohlty Florida trek Englerth AP) H MINNEAPOLIS i Sterling to Belt ; : - The Minnesota Twins have began the annual exodus to Florida, and 2,782, Third the opening of spring training Feb. 20 at Orlando. ' Sterling Mofel of the Westgate Roll Lakeside League rolled into third H^ Traveling secretary' -Howie Fox Three 600 totals were recorded week layoff to make room for the ¦ place Monday night iri the Wino- in -' three , men's leagues and a near- women's city tourney; . - ': Assistant Farm Director: George na Men's City tournament at Keg- 600 in a women's circuit to high- Brophy went down last weels, and ler's Lanes. light Winona League bowling Mon- B ELL BELTED a J4« single President Calvin Griffith heads That was the only change game and led day night.. another party which was due to among the top 10 leaders as the, Top total was John Bell's 636 Schlitz to 1,011- completed its third day 2.8&1. depart to-day, classic of for Schlitz Beer in the Monday ' ¦ five-man competition. League at the Athletic Club where Iri the .- .- . V-FW Griffith still lias 14 Twins not Bill Beranek anchored the Ster- loop bowling resumed after a two- League at Hal- under co-ntract and will continue ¦ ling five with ; 188-552, the top Rod , Wall'y Con- MARY WORTH '; By Sauhderi- - andJErnst . , series of the night; His mates to- rad canned 243- negotiations with them from Or- taled: 2,782. . . 610 for AVinbna lando. They are outfielders Har- ;Hi gh game was a 203 by Bob Milk Co. He -had mon Kill-ebrew and Lennie Green , Aaker of Dale's Standard from Gaither Bemoans opened with 166- infielders Bernie Allen , Rich Rol- the Westgate- Classic. 201 . Shorty's Bar- lins, pora Mincher , George Banks Still holding: first is Horseshoe Cafe hit 982 and and Bill Tarrolly, catcher Gerry Hamm 's Beer Zimmerman and ' Loss of Talent ' pitchers Jack fired . 2.794. .. Kralick , Joe Bonikowski , Ray TOURHEY LEADERS Jim Konke .l M. fengierrn Moore. Bill Pleis. Gerry Arrigo errorless 608 for Horseshoe Bar . . Houston March: J,si» smashed an and Marvin Mecklenberg. "Winona Coimt-y Abstract Co. To Grid Rivals KVYNO Radio, in the City League The Twin;; Saturday announced Westgate - Men's .1,791 Errorless totals also Starling Motel - Weslsjfe TALLAHASSEE, Fla. . API- at Hal-Rod.: signing of J 8-year-old - outfielder by George Kratz 596, Lakeside . .. "1,781 White: colleges searching 3or Ne- were posted Reuben Francis of Manhattan. . N. Hal-Rod Lanes - City - Hal-Rod:. 1,370 and DeWayne gro athletic talent are closing on JoTin Schreiber 579 Y., to a contract "for a sub- Welmersldrch Shell - Westgate - Yantes 515. Hal Biltgen's 239- led Men's ...;.:: . ::. . ...:.¦ : .' ..:..:. .. - jj,7«» on Jake Gaither of Florida A&M, stantial bonus. " . He is 6-feet-l and Merchant! Na|(| Bank ¦ Hal-Rod Lanes to .2,912 and Speed . ¦ the nation's most celebrated Negro weights:. 197. Francis - will go American Westgala . 7. ..;t,j) t Wash, counted ; a ,1,001.. game. -. Winona Ins.. Agency-Eagles football coach: . to Erie 'in 7the New Vork-Penn Hal-Rod . S,7M The latest ; bad hews to afflict shooting league. He is '/' a - '.native of! the Schlitz Beer - .-Houston - Merch.'.'.- . . 'l,7l l HELEN ENGLERTH, ¦ Top Score-Bay Stale - Jake's ears was a repbrt. that the Pin Top- Virgin.Islands. ¦ for Main Tavern in Westgate - ,. . -...... ;. : :: 1,715 Wake Forest, will begin actively piers League at Westgate Bowl , Blanche'! Ta-wern - VFW - paced the victors with 12 point* ¦ ¦ recruiting Negro athletes, and an- tlc . Athletic Association . ... j Hal-Rod ' . :.,...- ..: . ..:...¦::. 1.7U hammered a 214-592. . She holds while Tom Wenzel : topped the los- other ; - that ¦ Maryland will , play a rolled in Pulaski Tops ; Muskego, the : second - ranked ! Huiflers' Stall the season high of 623 Floyd, Listen ers with 20 markers. . Negro halfback next season. Jan. 7, team, had an 11-0 diial meet re-c- ] Bar of the Houston, Minn., Mer- the same loop dropped ta ;19 Other 500s were: Audrey Gorec- Mat Ratings ord and. won the tournament in the I Fails at CRG Dennis Fenton chants: League whicli fired 2,819 "This '- • concern* m« a great Title Go Set ¦¦ points to pace the Rockets to a 26- . ki 519, Betty Englerth 530,. Betty southern, division of the Braveland l ast weekend . deal," Gaither moaned."They : can " Uf) Conference. ' j . The Hustlers played a stall type 17 win oyer the Saints. Bob Przy- 7 Tonight's 16 teams include Schoonover 514, Joyce Locks 503, . ; MADISON . — - Milwaukee Pul- four take my: boys, but I can't take , ' For April 4? ! offense in an attempt to contain bylski counted -nine points for the Elks Leagu e Esther Pozanc -502- - .and Marge aski High School which finished I Jhe ratings with Won-lost recr ' - ' ' '¦¦¦' teams from the host theirs. I know a lot of good white , .; •'' ' the Royals hut came out on ihe .losers. . -- - .. • .' Moravec SOl. Hamernik's Bar hit ( : brds: : - .. . . .;¦( Keglers Lanes. players I would like to have 6n NEW YORK AP)-Floyd : Pat-, its wrestling season with -0 . .; . . Catholic Rec In- 2,690. a 12. . MllwauKea'" - -P' short eiid 34-7 iri. The Knights held the Falcons to Defendin g champion .Winona my; " 946 and Lincoln Insurance terspn 's attorney denied rumors i 1, ulaikl 11-0. 1, MusKt- I team. ' ;. ' record and . successfully defended 30 11-0. 3, Richland Center 10-1. 4, Wl- tramural baskefhall play. Sherrriari three points in the second and RED MEN: Class B—Ron V"on- that.'- - .tbe - - ' ex-charnp had suffered . . ' Speed Wash shoots at 9 p.m. He ' wasn't surprised though, jlerlown 11-0. 5, Coleman li-i. i, Janes- | Smith hit eight points for the win- third quarters to gain a 3S-17 vic- ; drashek belted 204 to lead Doefr a back injury in training and in- its City Conference title last week- ' vllle 10-1. 1, Luxemburg -%\. «, Berlin I Wednesday, Gaither has had a beauti ful flock ners. , tory. Steve Peplinskl dumped in 13 . e rs' to 9a7—2,632. Jim Hermes dicated , 9\. 1, Elliworlh ll-o. 10, Reedsburg 11- , STERLINO MOTEL Monday that April 4 is end held the top spot in the final B, 11, Wisconsin Rapids ».]. |3, P ort I 1 : Lakeside—Westgate on Florida's Negro high school The Mustangs used superior points for the Knights, notched 535 for Sunbeam. the most likely date for the re- Washington 11-0. 13, Fort Atkinson 10-1. | ten DuBols . .... 149 188 170—507 ! Sweet 16 rating .-innounced Mon- down Pairings for the start of playoffs ; talent , but lately he has felt it WESTGATE BOWL: Alley Car- ¦14, Merrill 8-1. 15, StougMon 10-1. Ii; <)»- , height and a fast break to | William Weaver ¦ . .:¦- 167 177 170—Jl« ¦¦ match with heavyweight champ . gradually slipping. '¦•' ' i day by the Wisconsin Intcrscholas- ccola ?-l. ' the Johnnies 42-32. Darrel Holzer next week will be announced soon. Bob Kosldowskl . .. 155 161 141—K9 er's—Donna Selke rolled 19S to Sonriy : Listori. :' . . ' Allen Howard 195 151 Hi-530 But the d|stihguished coach , pace - tayerna Barber & Beauty ¦"1 Wllllsm Bera nev , . .talked to Floyd on the tele- .. . lei 182 188—552 whose teams have been perennial j Supply 's 2,533. Shirley Squires phone,"' 848 Ul 851-110-1711 contenders f or the national .Negro said Julius November, 743 688 7J4-JW—37)0 Bread's7],030-.2 860. November said OUT-DOR-STORE , the contracts al- Tuesday—St. Martin's , "Here, they find a better social Westgate Ladies—Joan Leer and ready have: been signed calling Hert> Bern ...... 129 198 146—473 life and more satisfying comrade- 75Iary- 'Jo •' Grulkowski copped-". indir for th—458—2547 with 10 tahies. John Ahrens added ' Bernlei r>x '« 13 ™ a verage on 2,532 points in his 55 ,^° BAST EIND MERCHANT'S Shortys Bar-Cafe II 11 nine, MI ean "¦ Sportsman—Athletic Club Blanches Tavern 17 11 games. Elgin Baylor , o( Los -An- ¦ I MUD & SNOW CLOSE-OUTS! i " Ed Wantoch 115 HI 142-430 Bunkes Apco 14 14 geles Harold S kroch . . 154 141 147—441 , remained second with a r^^ Hammi Beer IS IS . Charles A. Lindbergh refused to Jamei Clicewskl 124 114 140—180 7-Up .. ' 14 IS 33.6 average. € Following ma» available with quantities, listed: » Leo Proctowlti . 145 155 113—431 Bubs Beer 14 14 tak e his mascot, a pet . kitten J LOOK AT THISf Alphonie Bambenek 135 118 178—411 Fountain Brew 11 1* ". A 90-yard pass play was the named "Palsy," on his pioneering 673 664 780—354— 24»1 Winona Milk Co .,..10 3D AID ASSN. FOR LUTHERANS Bakken Con. Co. I 11 longest nerial in the Big Ten In transatlantic flight in 1027 be- {; 13-iNcn 14-INCH 75-INCH «; 75% TREAD OR MORE Wednesday—SI, Martin' s LADIBS 19fi2. Mike Taliaferro thre w it to cause he felt it would be "loo 7 — 5.60x1 3 61. 21—7,00x14 Bl. 61 6.00x15 Bl. !| Geo. Hartner 146 131 113-389 Westgate W L Mike Y«vorski of Illinois for a TD dangerous a journey to risk the !| — Hi-Tred Robert WoH 120 111 112-153 Country Kitchen 11 » 5 9 — 5.60x13 Wh. _ 55 Bill Bon-OW . 133 97 117- 337 Grulkowski Beauty Shop 10 s against Ohio . State. cat's llfo . " | 6 7 00x14 Wh — 6.00x15 Wh. i\ Tom Oelilfeldl 153 120 137-400 The Oaks 7 a John Brang 146 106 154—408 Sams Direct Service ,: « * DENNIS THE MENACE 688 571 624-579—3466 Tloughan Ruico , a •> PEPSI COLA Silver Dollar Bar 5 10 > 55 — 6.00x1 3 Bl. 23 — 8,50x14 Wh. ¦ USED TIRES Thurad ay—SI. Marlln' s COMMUNITY „„ „,,„ ., , ii H-IE if :-*; 58»-™.x. — 7.60x15 Bl. I ¦ Ben Holt 139 lit 124-194 Wes lasts W I *., 43 — 6.00x13 Wh. ,. : . „ „nn „ g* mmmmmW-f%Af\ Jim McDowell 131 124 131-181 Schmidts Beer 10 1 5 -6.50x13 81. 8-9.00x14 Bl. 42 _ 7.60xl5 wh. Henry Hanson HI 110 100-111 Hackbarlh Feed Mill B 4 | | S 7 00 Bob Board 112 110 125-167 Silver Dollar Bar 7V*i 4ft J» 4—6.50x13 Wh. 6—9.50x14 Wh. 19 8 00x15 Bl !' ¥ Dick Stanto n .. . 100 134 125-149 Wlnone Ramblers 7 I — __ 615 607 609-594-1411 Senilis B eer 7 • • j - x ] s !: ~* U Coca Cola 7 5 j 74;; —7.00x13j-s; "Su Wh.- - "-aM ^ <| P Sunbeam Bread 4'*i svs < * Miller Hlfjh Llie 4 t Farmers Bxchenoe 1 10 ! coWPi.t. S.I«HM of si«, Warriors Bid For Blumenlrltl Store .1 11 f FROM 25% TO 50% DISCOUNTS' ! ; ALLEY OATBR* i _ !| QUANTITIES LIMITED Weslqnte W a. Curleys Floor Shop 10 > Valentine Trucking a 4 Plav-Off Berth Montflomery Ward 7 I Nashs 4 4 By THE ASSOCIATED PRJSS Taverns Barber ...... ,,,,... t • The San Francisco Wnrriorn , Buds Bar 4 • FREE MOUNTING of All Tires Bought During This SALE Wllllami Hotel 4 $ Rtriiggtllng all soasnn to try lo gain Winona Dally News 1 » the National Brisketl>nl ) Associa- PIN TOPPL BR1 Wesltiate W U tion playoffs , are back within one- Main Tavern i 4 1 half Rami1 of third plnco In Ihe Lincoln Iniurance 4 1 Western Plvlslon. thanks to their Vies Bar 5 4 Watklni Mary KlnJ 1 4 seldom-used magic victory for- HamarnlKs Bar 4 S mula, Winona faint a Olase 4 I Knlue Klub 1 4 Tho secret: T«ko n home game Wellya i 4 nut of town. LADIH1 St. Martins W L GOOD Warriors moved south YEAR The Coca Cola 1) | about 50 miles to San Jnsn Mon- Winona Typewriter Service .. t 1 United Building Center 4 t / day night and edged tho Chicago Zephyrs lOO-ltn. In their only pre- Farm a Garden SupP'V J 7 Drelllowa, * t vious "homo" road finmo, the Skally atria J r whipped Detroit nt Ba- Palnl Depot 4 a Warriors Ooedes Chick Hatchery > r kersfiold , Call! only consistent, manner It'« tlie MCMILLAN SIGNS in wlilch the Warriors have won NELSON TIRE Two more siieh game£ MILWAUKEE Ml ~ The Milwau- SERVICE this siNMon, are scheduled. kee Ilrnvcs annomiced Monday Fourth and Johnson Phono 2306 Wmrlors-Zeph-vrs flume thnt shortstop Roy McMillan has The Branches in Min neapolis, Winn.; M.adl»on, "Wis., wns Ihe only one in tlie NHA signed (or hia 121li Nallonal 1/eagtie * Sufie , I 'LL GO WITH VA. iVrie/?£^ FLORIDA? * and Springfield, III. Monday ni«ht. Mfiiwn. 1 PM. New York LIVESTOCK Stock Prices SOUTH ST. PAUL Plant SOUTH ST. PAUL. Minn. -Ji-( .USpA) Sewage ¦ Sharp Sell-Off 2007 trarie on ' ~: Callle 5.5007 calves 3. Abbott L •' ¦:77%! - -Jones' & L 49% slaughter steers' - , and heifers (airly »c" Allied Ch 44% Kerinecot 7214 live; opening- fully steady; cows s»eao/YI Federal Welding bolls ' flboul steady; choice , slaughter All is Chal 16% Lorillard 45V4 steers 25 25-56.00; package mostly aver- ' mixed high Grant Amerada 119 Mpls Hon • • ' 91% In age choice M13V- lbs- J6.00; Moderately 25- QKed good 23. . Am Can 46'4 Minn MM 59 good and choice. 25.00-25.25; ' 35.00; choice hellers 25:00-25.50;. load W Am M&Fy 22% Minn P&L :.4U4 lb 35.50; good 23:00-24:50 ; utility and com- Am Mot' mercial cows. U.0O-U.BH ; canner, and cut- Offered I9 '7i Mon Chm 52V< 00/. Course J ter T2.00-U.O0; utility bulls I8.SO-20. AT&T 121 .4' Mon Dk U 37% - canner At La Crescent . Active Market commercial and good I8.0O-20.op, Anaconda Ali't Mon Ward 331i arid cutter .15.00-18:00; vealers and slaijgh;. LA (Special) ; - lower; high choice CRESCENT, Minn. . Arch Dan 41 Nat Dairy 64V8 NEW YORK (AP) .- The stock, ter calves ,weak to 1.00 —A motion to accept a federal arid prime vealers 33.00-35;00; good and Armco St: 52',v No Am Av 62-li market went through ;a fairly 27.(XM2.00; good and rholce . slaugh- grant of $55,950 to be used in con- choice Armour •, 45'/. . Nor Pac 40% sharp sell-off early : this afternoon . ter calves723.00-27.00; feeders scarce. . T&fPij ^ic:Sidio^si: " 13,000;- barrows and gilts fairly struction of a proposed ,?ltl6!50O Hogs , Avco Corp 24i-i No St Pw 35% Trading was moderately active. . Mon- : A course in weldhig for unem- mand for we|dcrs in this area. waste treatment plant was pass- : active; prices steady to strong wltt* Beth Steel 30'i Nvvst Airl 40% Losses of key. stocks r*-w£ed day's average, (nslances 25 higher : sowi ployed or underemployed persons ed 4-1 at the Monday! night meet- ¦ " - ' arouri' 'head 1 , 215 lb barrows IF THE CLASS were to be or- Boeing Air 39' ¦» Penney 45% from fractions to 1 or 2 points. steady, d-15-¦ in the Winona area may be: offer- ing of. the , village council. 7 and gilts 16.50; several lots 1-2 200-220 select- Brunswick : 18t; Pepsi Cola 4S!« The Associated! Press average - most 190-2.10 IbV !J.7i-1«.B0 ; the Winona Area Vocation- ganized students would be The ' motion , made by Council- ¦ lbs 16/25. t-2. ed by ed by the local office of the em- Chi MSPP ' .iOU Phil Pet 49% Of 60 stocks at noon was down 1.5 mixed 1-3 . 18O-240 lbs 15.25-15/75; mostly al-Technical School under provis- man Martin Miller and seconded ' 15.50; 2a0-270 Jbs 14.2 5-15.25; 2-3 270-300 ployment "' service and all -costs of Chi & NW - 'Hl-i' Pillsbury ! 5B',i to 254,8 with! industrials down 2.50, -50;- - 1; 2 and medium 140-HO ions of the federal Manpower De-- by Village Clerk . linger Ulrich , : : lbs 14.0O-U. the course — including those for Chrysler 84 Polaroid . ! iSTVa rails down .8, : and utilities lbs 14.50-15.75; 1-3 300-400 lb SOWS .13.00- velopment & Training Act. also gave Mayor William! Mishler " ' ¦¦:' 14.00; 20 --lOO-SOO- - lbs' 12.50-13.50; / feeder new equipment purchases, build- v Cities Svc 60 Pure Oil S9 !4 •4 . . Superintendent of: Schools A . L. ppwer to sign acceptance papers. THE DRIVER LIVED . . . William Moran ,. is, Galesville- — pigs steady;7 choice 120-160 ..lbs .mostly ing rental and instruction — would ' Comw Ed 48Vk RCA 61'/2 General Motors declared only ¦ 14.00';"- few 160 Ibs/U'.SO, Nelson told members of the Boajd ¦ . -.who -'escaped' injury when this car , which he was driving, went r¦ slaughter . Iambi be financed by the federal ¦govern- VOTING AGAINST the motion Cons Coal 39 '«,• Rep Steel 36Vk the usual quarterly dividend Mon- . Sheep . 3,500.; wooled of Education Monday night that . out of control and rolled over — will appear, in Trempealeau ' 25.50 lower, than . Monday, • shorn , .iambs ment/ ' was!;!Councilman Clarence ¦:Vetsch Cont Can MY * Rex Drug 31% day. !As the/news was more wide- fully 56 lowerd; ' slaughter ,: ewes- and a survey by the state Department ¦ . This would be the second ' man- who said he felt at this time the County:traffic court- Wednesday tp answer charges of driving too Cont Oil V' SSVi'-. Rey Tob 40% ly published¦ ¦ today, the market: re- feeder lambs -steady; choice and prim* of Employment Security has in- Deere '56.1-i Sears Roe '" ' ¦ " 85-llO lb v/ooled - slaughter lambs 18.50- power /development and training pro)>er details had not been work- .: fast for road conditions. According to Trempealeau County sheriff's 76'i acted. . . 17:00-18.50; pood dicated that there is a strong de- Douglas :" -2J-Ti Shell Oil ' . ' : 36-V 19.25; good arid choice course , .to'/he established in Win- ed out for financing and contracts. office, IVIoran was driving south on Highway 53 three miles south , . 8 The auto stocks took some l6.OO-i7.OO; . cull- . ' 12.00-15.00; . cull 10 good ¦ Dow Chem ?8*i-i Sinclair slaughter ev;es 6.00-8.00; choice and fan- bha'.- - , .. ' The . proposed .. .waste treatment " . 38'.2 sharp losses/ along with steels, . ¦ ' ¦ 7 of Whitehall-at 12:30 a.iii, . Friday w hen his car approached -a d\i Pont 240.'.; 7 Socony 60% cy wooled (eeder lambs 17,00-18.75;. good . -The . - - .'superinlen'dent;' . • said . ' that plant plans had been! sub fritted t0 chemicals7 utilities, drugs and a and choice 1 S OO-.17.0C. i curye, went out of control and rolled over in the ditch. The high- ;. -1-12 '- ' ¦' first meeting of a : federally-fi- the council by Caswell Engineer- East Kod Vi Sp Rand - 33% variety of other issues: ' ¦ ', " - . . . . . CHICAGO : ' ing Co. in. May 1961 with an es- ' way was slipperj- at the time of the accident , the sheriffs; office , . Ford Mot 7 42% St Brands 65% CHICAGO W, — (USDA) '— Hogj «,000l nanced , class, .for ; stenographers butchers weak to' , 5,0 -lower; .1-2 .V90-220 Gen Flee 77% St Oil c' :: GM fell more ' Mental Chapter was Monday with 20 students en- timated , cost of $168,708!: At that reported . Damage was estimated at .*?3fld. Moran is tlie son of alv -t>4% than a point and lb butchers 16.00-.16.6O; bulk mixed 1-3 lime¦¦• '- Gen Foods 84' 4. St Oil Ind 52',4 Chrysler about 2. Both had 190-220 lbs 15.50-16 35 ;. 220-250 Ibis 15.25- rolled. ' This; is ' the first , class .ad- . Tiussell . Senrt . . was - mayor , Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Moran. (Mrs. Dahlgreh photo) . ' ' Gen Mills 32?'» St Oil N.J 60 touched new highs Monday. 15.75; . 2/3 740-280 lbs U.75-15,25; 270-300 ministered under ,.provisions. \ of Robert ; .Kies . clerk!- and cduncil- Ford lbs .14.50-14.85; mixed 1-3 300-400 -lb . JOW| Gen Mot 6'i.i'j. swift and American 75-14 "4O0-500 , 13.OO-14.0O. the federal act : to , be organized meii were Mart in Miller . Donald & Co-:Am Motors were frac- 13. .25; lbs . ' ' '¦ ¦Tsdhu Gen . Tel 24% Texaco C0% tional losers. • • Carrie " 4.000; calves none; slaughter ssed; Schliclil and¦- .::Anton• ' -. .rnper. Studebaker was ' load lots ,high Site Discu in Minnesota outside the Twin/Cit- I Winona County Federation Steers steady to 25 higher; ¦; ; ¦ Only- Miller .and Schlicht ; .remain, Goodrich 46% Texas Ins 63'/*. about unchanged,,, choice and prime 1,1' 00-1,350 . lb . slaughter ies ' - , ' ¦ 1 ' ' on the council. . ..- '¦ "• Goodyear 33% Un . Pat 35% Du Pont trimmed a point from Steers : 26.SO-27 .0O; bu lk choice 1,000-1,300 -N'elsoii'.-- .- said that students- en- : lbs 25.00-26.50; good - 1 33.25-24.75; CholC* Herb Stanford , president of the Gould Bat 41 TJn Air Lin 34 a 5-pojnt loss. Union Carbide was ' rolled for the 32-week course in Gt NoRy ,4 : 850-1,025 lb heifers . 2J-.75-24-.00;: good .23.00-, ' La Crescent Taxpayers Associa- 44' .U S Rub 44 off about a point , paring an early 24.50; utility- and commercial-¦ cows 14 .25- 3 Counties Join stenography. were selected by the :¦ '¦' ¦' -¦ ¦ tion , questioned the legality of Ihe Greyhotnjd 34% US Steel : 44 34 loss - 16.00. ' / :- ' : . ¦Where will the county s mental employ ment service from a field Sheep- , 1.500; sTaugh.ter - lambs' mostly- 50 ¦ raise in the cost of the estimates Homestk — West Un 30'/2 Standard Oil iNew Jersey ) lower; package prime 90 lb wooled slaugh- be established'.' ¦•/!. of- . 4P applicants who had been held health- center . without, a .public hearing, -L. L. IB Maeh . 417'~2 \Vestg El a^'-a firm , trading unchanged at- 60 on ter lambs . 26.00; three .' loads. . .choice and today the Winona given: aptitude-; tests and . inter- ; prime: TIOO U lb fed .Weslern' '¦ 'wooled By presstime Duxbiiry Jr. -, - village . attorney, said Int. Harv 52'i Wlworth ' . 62"B a block of 13,300 shares, then County Board of Commissioners viewed to insure that they were Int Paper 28% lambs 19.25; qobd einri. choice . 80:100 lb " that he had checked with several . Yng S & f 90!s nudging ahead fractionally:. Texa- natives 17:50-19.00; culi . to -good wooled , a center qualifi-ed for Instruction!¦ . ' • ¦ slaughter, ewes ' 6.C0-B'.- CO. . ' / had no-t .yet . appointed boiidnig attorneys and - they had co and Royal Dutch showed small hoard or! selected- a site for the of: ¦ ¦ IN RESPONSE to inquiries by assured . hiiri. . the vsltdity of ¦TcS: losses..-!, center. - . . - . '• bond issues including the raise due ^/^• board : members, the superintend- ! Aldinger noting that the FU. is Jones & La u ghlin fell more than WINONA MARKETS to- .' .increased construction costs ^^! BY WILL SMITH , - THE COUNTY haghWay depart- ent said 7 that about half, of: the : against the sales tax , Said that the a /point. U.S. Steel was!. nearly/ a 7 Reported T)V . . ' students were married women and over- a period of time. Daily News Farm Editor Sen. McCarthy point , lower .' - . . - ' • ment has vacated i ts. office space ¦ . , only, way.lo. get more, revenue for Swift & Company that ages of students in the:' class -Stanford asked about a petition ' LEWISTON , Minn.—With , some ' Buying hours are from a. a .m/ -to 4 .p.m. in'!-- the ." courthouse - basement and . the. state. is toJncrease the income ¦ ¦/¦ presented , to the council in Janu- 1 Lossei exceeding a point were Monday through Friday, 7^ to the new county, high- ranged from about 21 to 50.. members ..abstaining, the Winona: tax-, questioned 'whether ' ex- These has moved . ary signed, by more than- 300" per- lie shown also! by ! International Tele- guotatiens of noon today. way '- blinding in Goodview. The . If ir is established 7- aiid the . County Farm . Organization Peder- . emptions would be granted under All livestock arriv-ing. after -closing time ' sons requesting a vote.oh this is- phone, " . - Wool worth . and: will be properly cared for. weighed arid being ren- board : informally, . expressed-: ap- ¦ ; atiori voted 13 to S in: favor '. of the; '¦' ' Expects tax . .. . Pfizer. . basement quarters . are ' , ' ' a sales tax. , ;. . priced , ihe foilowir.o m'orhi'nq:. sue: . . . . . :"- '. ' Amerada and, Scheri'ng lost about - ovated , b.ii.t ' the. count y board has proval for; the. course -if a: final Farm Bureau s sales tax proposal lie said that the .FU .agrees- that ¦ • . . 7 HOGS : - .- . a point each. The hog market is steady. not yet announced/ which: county decision , is , made by the, govern- DUXBURY SAID an advisory at a meeting here iMonday night. ! the personal property tax is un- , : IBM was off more than a point ,. . Strictly: meat .type additional 20-40 centsi agency- - -will . .occupy the space.! ment to. organize, it here .— ' the vole! at the cost . of the taxpayers The proposal involves a 3. per- . ; fair but. that the , sales , tax is not ¦ ' fat hogs' . discounted - , 20-JO .cent 's p'er.,-hun- Polaroid* loss - was- ..over ' . 2. - , : dredweJah*. ..Site '.of ' the mental health , center course , \vould. be offered to be- and ordered by. the . council , is rent sales tax as a- complete re- ; the . way .to solve the problem:; This ^ . ¦ ¦ Yea ¦ . Gut r ' . . . ' Good hogs; barrows and: gilts^- - .:" tween /15 arid 20' The/Dovy Jones industrial . aver- ¦; was discussed briefly Monday aft- men. Facilities frowned upon and the legality of placement for the personal prop- Farmers would still end up- wit h / By RICHARD P. POWERS 160-180 •. .. . ¦:::.'/¦ . 7. . - ... ' . 13. 75-14 .75 . ¦ . age at - noon was down 6.23 at ' ' ' ' ¦ ernoon. Commissioner Leonard J. of the high school's welding shop such a vote - is. questionable!. He erty: tax and exemptions from the a burden from the: sales tax:: and WASHINGTON (API - In the . 1B0-2C0. - . . . ., -; ..'. ¦: ...... 14 . 75-15.00 ' 675.78.7 . '-; .. "' '! 7 200-220 ..;..;,..,:/...... /... T5.00 Merchiewitz, Winona , .1st district , would be used but several new point ed otit that a request for . de* sales tax , including feed , fertilize that it would cost moredn the long ¦ 220--240 : ' '¦:¦: • 14.50-15:00 opinion of Sen. Eugene JV McCar- •Prices oh the American Stock ¦ ...... ;.... . welding machines would have to . 240-270 7.- ..... 7 7..' - . -.:.-..: - .T4 .-00-.V4-SO suggested the center be. establish- terniinatioh of labor rates that will er and purchase of dairy and beef run . he added- . thy, , D Minn;, Congress will pass ' ..¦ ¦ ' an: : . Exchange . were mixed in moder- 270-3C0 - - ...... -,.. . .:- ..,•. . .".// . 1125-14.CO ' ed in Lucas Lodge, headquarters be. purchased and instructor apply to this project if work is to battle!:''- ' ' -!' . ¦: He said that a .whole :fie.w tax ' ' ' "• "' ' . . . " a tax reduction . bill this year -and ate trading. . ' ./ ; 300-330 ...... :- .. . - ...... ,,. . -13.00-13.25. of the Winona Couiity . Red Cross hired/. ; be done must , be made' within - 30 The proposal was discussed: for : organization would need to- be set ' 330-360' .. '..' .-;- ,.' ..'.' .... -,...... : 12/ 75-13.011 ¦ ¦ . possibly ; make it effective July 1;- Corporate 'bonds .were mixed .. Chapter: : ;• '¦ " P resumably, the cou-rii days after notification/ of. the more than two hours at the tliird up-'vin the state to. cope with the .. : Good :sows—: - ' , 19B3. , : , ! . 7 7: U.S. .,' government bonds were 27O: 300 ,. - ...,, :../' . ,.....!.... -. 13^25-13 50 Last, year, ! when "! , the - .commis- would be administered on grant , Duxbiiry- also said if the meeting of the federation at the new; tax reform and sales tax. ¦ ¦ ; ' '¦ ' ¦:,. " - ' . McC-art hy. agrees;-. with Preside nf ' ' • ' ¦ '" ' - ' : ' ' - ' 300-.330 . .'..... ¦ :. . 7... 13:00-13.25 ' easv. . . . ' • - ' . ' ¦ • . .' sioners agreed to establish a men- about the same basis as the grant was accepted bids for con- village halj, -Twenty!--five persons Kenned y' s 330 360 - ..-.. .-...... :.;....;.:. 7-12. 75-13.00 said view/ that a fax cut is . 36OU00 : .. -...... :...... 12.50-12.75 tal health center this year, there ont> in stenography/: struction must be called for. and attended . PAUL MUELLER, NFO, : ' - - ' ' necessary ,as . a .stimulus to the - . 400.450 ' .;, '... . - .. . '.. - .;... - ... : .. - -17..C0-!2 50 That would mean that students submitted by May 1 and contracts that .his organization had not - .tak- : " ¦ - ' ' was some!talk of -using the base- . economy. GRAIN 450/50O . . . ., . ,. :...- . . ..,,.. ..:.. . 1.1 . 75-12- .00 - ment highway office for the ; cen- would begin classes in the after- awarded by June 1 of. this year! THE FARM Organization Feder- en, a stand, on the sales tax and : ' ' ¦Stags— . . "lt is important that' a tax!!re- MINNEAPOLI S ' ¦&::— Wheat re- 450-dow'n ¦ ../'.:,. ¦ .. " .. 7 ..- ¦ .. 9.25 noon and work into the evening • : Mishler said,;the ' present treat- ation is the name . for. a joint meet- lie was in ho position to speak for ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ter when the pffic-e was vacated, duction .be , effected as quickly . as ceipts Monday 261; year ago ; 292; . <50-up - ¦ ¦ . ¦/- - ., . f. 25- » 35 for whatever period the course ment plant has been inadequate ing of the ; three niajor . farrri or- the group. . . Th"th- and unfin'- <:t-.ed hegs- : discounted. but no agreement -was reached- ¦ ¦ possible," McCarthy said, - 'ft trading basis- unchanged ; ': prices, ' ¦ lasts. " ¦; " '/- ., ' -' -/ for several - years and w*as built ganizations: . Farrri Bureau, Na- U'hen the panel, members had . CALVES . Appointment of a mental health ] " s . higher; /Cash , spring wheat ¦: . the/veal market Is sieady: . There' for a maximum 1 ,200 population. tional Farmers Organization an d finished explanations of their poli- wpuld be an important stimulus , to center board is necessary b«fore s-no cost to the student the economy." basis, No, ! 1 dark northern 2.32%; Top. choice : . - . ,.. . . 7 . 31 . 00 and during his period of training He added that the state Health Farmers Union. Attendance at this cies and Burke .called ; for questions . 'Choice'" ...... / -29 .00-30.00 a state appropriation can be Spring wheat one' cent: premium :Good ,. - .' ,-:.:..."- ,26.OO.'28.0O he'd be eligible for certain finan- Department has stressed several third:- -meeting • -.-was smaller than from those attending. . • . ' ' - sought :for-:the center . Under state ' At the same time, McCarthy each lb : over 58.-61 lbs;.- Spring Commercial to gcod :.,.... 18.00-21.CO , cial benefits. times - the- need for immediate im- for the first two!; /The .was noted , will not 'believe.that Congress!will Utility . 16.00-17.00 law the state and the sponsoring does riot , wheat , one cent discount each v 2 7 Boners and cults ' - , 15.00-down Those over 19 but under 22 provement; - The panel members were, as beV back - 'any. sales . tax . proposal ¦ community or county share the ' make! any material reduction in lb under 58 lbs; Protein premiums ., CATTLE ..:¦ might be eligible-for ''The, new -,' . treatment - plant ,' fore, representatives of each of other than the one it has proposed. , T'he 'csttie .'markoi. ' Al/ clasr-es steady t« cost of operating a center on a a youth . government expenditures, And , he U-1" .. per cent 2.32%-2.80%7 . !!: training allowance of up to $20 a said Mishler, ' ' - .is planned for ^fu- the three county farmer organiza- If any of the exemptions it seeks " ¦ strong.'.:. . . ' :' 50-50 basis. (Winona County could questioned ' : whet h er. Congress . No.7 1 hard ' Montana ' winter Oryfed steers and yearlings— . . . ture growth,, the building of a new tions, Clarence Mundt. St. Charles, are left out , it would be opposec ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' qualify for about $21,000 in state week. Those from out of: the city . should do so." . . ¦;.• . . ; 2.2'r>%-2!62%. ¦! • .":' ' Extreme- 1oo . 55:00 ' 7 high school plan t, and with indus- Bureau; to the tax: It also Would have tc ; . Choice to prime /: .:. .. : ... '.. 72.0074 00 ) would receive a travel all owance represented the .7 Farm ' "I 't believe is any area ' aid for a total budget of $42,000. ¦ ' ¦ / don there :" Minn .-S'.D. - 'No'. 1 hard winter '¦Good' -to ' .- choice - . ¦:•.. '.....- .. . '.'.: 21 :do-23.oct - . ' trial expansion, in. mind:!' . ; • - Paul Mueller , Lewiston, the Na- replace the persorial property tax ¦ - ¦ ¦ Meanwhile, the GOODHUE and and subsistence while they re liv- where any great cut backs could 2.16%-2!59%:. , ' - ""- ' ' / Comm. to- good ¦:. ,. - ..'..- .;,.. 16.00-18 50 , A. discussion was.: held on the ' . - -' • ¦ ¦' ' ¦:' ¦ '_' ' WABASHA county boards of com- ing in Winona. tional Farmers Organization , and said Mundt; ; ; be made on government expend- .Utility • ' . .. ..;.. . . 16.00-dOwn proposed!' 'financing and mainte- , The session became spirited .vitr No. 1 hard amber durum choice Dryfed heifers- rnissiqners, meeting jointly at Red Arthur Aldinger , Witoka the ' ," McCarthy ' ¦• IF THE federal agency decides nance of the new plant which re- itures said. , 2.60-2 62: discounts , amber 5-7 ; Extreme Top ,. ;...... ;.. , 24 .06' Wing Monday; approved unani- ¦ Farmers; Union. . Neil Burke. Wi- the pros and cons of the sales ta> "If there was a ' cut back , the CHo'ice 'fo prime ,.:. -,. .: 7'.;-... 25.00.-23,'50 ' to file a formal request for or- vealed that 'an-- ' assessment ' might- ' durum! 7-10. Good to .choice ..,;,.....;.. 2050-22.75 mously a resoluti-pn for affiliation toka , i-s chairman of the federa- being discussed and almost argu economic effect of the tax cut ;: ' : . ganization of the course: in weld- be- made aga inst- each Jot, and a - ' ed. Corn No .2 yellow. l-!l2-V«. Comm. to gcod • . -.. ,... 16.00-18.00 of the two counties with the Olm- ¦ tion. - . ! /Almost every person attending would, be. to some degree neutral- : L/rility ,- :.':.- '.,:..,... ,/14.00-down . ing and its' sewer tax levied , against each Oats No 2 white 61',i-66 ; No 3 ' : s granted by the school At the beginning of the meeting, asked questions and discussed on< ' '' ¦ .' :- .' ¦ ' '. - ' ) C.oivs— sted .Cbuhfy Mental Health Cen- ized ! . while 5!)' i-63 2 ; No 2 heavy . white . .Extreme tco /..-;.. . -.:.:.. 715.25 " board , prospective ; trainees would residence, commercial establish- the Minnesota Farm Burea u pre- or more , points , at length. 7 ' ter, Rochester. Trie resolution call- '/There is '. .great . .tal k about /cuts 66-704 : No .3 heavy white 65-66^., • .-Commercial / •-. ,.. : ....., 13.00-14 ?5 apply to the; Winona employment ments, and schools, payable- quar- sented a motion picture!ori the pro- '/Utility .... - - ' 12,00-1:50 ed for establishment of a nonprof- in . .spending, but : most of this, .is Barley cars today 230, year ago ., . .. office for enrollment and be giv- terly. A notice of-.'. public hearing posed sales tax for Minnesota The THE MATTER of restoring th< Canners and .cutters ...... 12 .50.down. it corporation by the three, coun- . from people who are at . the. same 128: bright . color 98^.25: stra w Bulls- en tests to determine whether on proposed . assessment roll, must film showed the good points of the household goods tax . was- discuss . ties to operate the center. Half of time talking about expanding mil- color 98-1.25; stained 98-1.22 ; feed Boiogna . ., ..:...... 15.00-16.50 they have aptitudes that would in- be mailed to each property owner. proposal and explained the : need ed.- On a; vote the group was abou ¦ Commercial¦ '. . - .. -; ; .'.:' ..'...'.. 7/ 14 .00-15.50 the Olmsted center's budget is how itary expenditures. ", 87-96 , •. •' • " •; ' : L ight thin. : ./...... :. ;- 14- dicate potent ial career success. for the sales tax . . evenly,.divided! ... . .50ldown financed 70 percent by Roches*- R esults, of the tests and inter- IN OTHER business the council - . - Next . meeting ' will be held nea; Rye - NO 2 1.24H-L27 . ter city and 30 percent agreed to approach the Houston McCarthy Is ; a. member of the -Fiax. ' : "!; Froedtert Malt Corporation .by . .Olm- BURKE STARTED the panel the end of this month or the! be .-\o ,,. : ' " views would be the basis for se- complete ,7the Senate Finance Committee , head- ' Ho.urs-78 p.m. 'to 4 p.m ; Saturday*. sted County, with the state finan- County Board to. . discussion by calling Mundt. He . Soybeans .No 1. yellow 2.58U, . / Submit: san-iple before loading! ' ' lection of students: who'll take the ginning of. the next.; An announce ed by Sen: Harry F. Byrd D-Va: , cing the other half. -. 7' ¦: . - . . proposed improvement'.- on t he explained the FB proposal. ment will , ' - made. No. 1 barley ' 11:6s course. ' be which will consider a tax bill when ¦( AP) . No. 2 barley ...:...... ^5 . Under the resolution, there county at .- South! 7th Street. . The CHICAGO , -- No wheat , ' ¦ and if, one is passed by the House. No. 3 barley ....,' .. : . -./ ....!.... . 90 would be a nine-member board of street is hot hlackto ppcd to HK oats of soybean sales7 Corn No 4 Mo. 4 barley . . . . .85 edges and children riding bicycles McCarthy^ said some of the yellow- . l!l33/fl-l8 I i;.; No S! yellow director s of the new corporation- ¦¦ Sweden Approves 81 ' 1 three from each of the three ¦ or ' walking to school are in the Schoonover Reads changes suggested by Kennedy to 1.18; sample grade yellow .. LIB -.*. Winona Egg Market lane of traffic. recapture revenue, losses will not Soybean oil 9''4a. (These quotations apply as of counties. For Nobel Prizes 10:3d a.m.. loday) Boston Railroad Permission was given to Fire be adopted by Congress . It is his Barlev: malting choice 1.23- .A. (iumboi - ' .... Olmsted County officials have The Long Record Class . . ' . .35 STOCKHOLM , Sweden (AP) Grade A (larq-? , .30 already indicated willingness for Chief Donald Loechler to use the : - feeling that some should not be 1.30n: feed 1.00-.U12n. ,, The Nobel Committee of the Swed- The Winona County Board of adopted, Grade A (medium) 26 such a merger. A $90,000 annual International fire truck, if needed v Grade B 7 .. , .36 budget has been proposed. Each for rural fires. . Meetings with rep- ish A.cndemy approved 81 candi- Commissioners accomplished a PRODUCE Grade C ...... 7-20 county's contribution would be on Seeks to Lure resentatives of the townships and dates Monday for consideration lot at th-eir annual meeting last :NE\V YORK ,it .. , S3 Wabasha. The pickup truc k will be Pro bation Staff CHICAGO-fAP ) 34. state would pay the other half— Auto Drivers The village closed . read the minute s of that meet- — Chirago Mer- No. 2 northern s'prmq-whi-it .7 1? 'No ' - was taken No 3 northern /.prinq whe^t . ... $45,000, overhauled. -action Last year about 7ft candidates ing Monday afternoon when cantile Exchange — Butter steady BOSTON (AP'—Can automobile ' proposed lighting of Ihe Getting Increases No. 4 northern rprinn wh,; ,it ...... 2.14 on the passed the committee screening. the board's February meeHng wholesale b uying prices un- 1 hard w inter ¦ v;hi\i t 2 09 commuters be lured from! their ' ' No. . new highway intersection where American novelist John Steinbeck started. RED WING , Minn —The three- chansod; 93 score AA . 57la; 92 A No. 2 hard, w ,'ltr.T -.M'.f;i t .2 07 daily morning and evening cha- ' state will ' install' it vapor mer- S"1-.; No. 3 hard v. mlf- r v/hr.,1 7.03 I the was awarded the 1062 prize. member juvenile probation staff 90 B MU; 89 C 55' 2 ; cars y riot races on crowded superhigh- Further costs of No. 4 hard y, intor v.-iu-at .19 I cury lamps. serving Wabasha and Goodhue 90 B 57',.* . ; 8!l C 57. No. , 1 rye , . . ; 1 33 M'ays hack to relatively relaxing , about No 2 rye .. . , 2-Year Senlence 'lightin g and . maintenance counties will be getting salary in- Kgg.s f ully steady ; wholesale . I 20 railroad commuting? 555 per lamp a year , must he paid District 4-H | buying prices It begins to appear so. creases. unchanged to l' i ; for by the village. Automatic Rail highor : 70 per cent or better grade The stale of Massachusetts nnd Increases were approved at a F,ii£lisli CDiil.'iins . in;iny trchni- Schlicht, Miller and Vetsch were Radio S peaking A ' whites 364;.mixed 36 V. me- For Schneider Ihe Boston & Maine Railroad- study nnd present joint meeting of the county cal words ol Ai.-ihic origin , in- . appointed lo Signals Proposed .board s here Monday. diums 3"i; standards 35; dirties 33; SHEBOYGAN , i one , of three serving Boston—be- i sanitary land cliiiliii R ;ilkali . alcohol, iilclicmy, Wis. .f! — .lohn new locations for a Contest Sa turday The salary of .1 1,. Weigenant , checks 32. ))m - Schneio' gan a- commuter experiment un- fill for Ihe March ' meet ing. . alficbr;i , ;i|ni ;im, /ciiith , n;irlir , rr .fr . prominent Demo- On Airport Road probation officer , was increased, ' cratic politicia n arid his derwritten by federal funds .Ian, The Southeast Minnesota .district NEW YOKK ' cipher , Moslonis used the cipher. party's ' from S6.795 a year to S7 ,200; Mrs, . 'AP i - (USDA" - candidate for Slate Treasurer 7. Tlie slate ' s Mass Transporta- Possible installation of automat- 4-11 radio speaking contest -will Butter offerings light to ample. or zero , mo re* than two centuries in Lorraine Kelider . part-lime em- 1st: fall ' s elect ion , was sentenced tion Commission signed a $2.2- Typographical Union | ic ^radc crossing signals for the be held here at 2 p,m, Sainrday, Oemand dull. bofore it appeared in Miirope, millioii contract with the-railr oad Winners fro m county con .sls ploye working, with delinquent to uo years i n State Prison to- slreot leading to . Max Co|ir;ul 1'Meld , .U' Wholesale ' prices on bulk car- irirst Put) . Tur,rt,iv, Jan. 3?, 1963) ¦ under which it undertook tn in- Renames Officers in Winona , Wabasha , Houston , girls , from $2«n to $:?2fi , nml a «!»;- for misapproprial ins will lie explored liy the City t'iit>i- ; tons 1 fresh) 5t.))c ol Mlnnc-. o|j) ) v, -funds part-time clerk from S100 |o SI 15. , creamery , 93 score from ihe cemetery association he crease trains , includin g single car iicer iinil city altorney. Fillmore iind Olmsted County will AA > all*1 *- ."'!) cents; 92 score iA) County ol Winofiii i in Prohale Court diesels, from 207 lo ,184 daily and At Labor Temp le compete over KWNO radio. The Tho salary increases received ' No IVJ9< formerly headed. The . act ion was flireeled Mondiiy 5tli.-.- ,-)B :i .i; 90 score (Bi . : 1)1 speeches , five to seven minutes strong hacking from Probate . M'-. '.f>tl U. Ro Ell.ito ol 7hr- . 4'5-year-nWI three-t ime As- to slash commuter fares nil . aver- Local 24ii of Ihe Typographical nijdit by the City Council which , William J. Holtiworlh, alr.o known Bl of .11) 1 .ludges' Klmer Tomfohr (iood- Cheese st eady. Prices un- semblyman showed no sign of age per cent. I' li ioii i'(' -t*l<*cl ('fl all ils ot fleers j heard a letter on the - subject, from lonK, will lie on "Mow Should 4-11 of William J , Holzworth . Decedent. Prepare Me For Itesponsible Cit i- hne County and Kenneth Kid - changed, wholesale sales , Ameri- Order lor Hearing on Pi*iillon lor Probata emotion as County .1nd£e at a meeting al the Lahor Tem- Police Chief ( ieorne Savord. The ( ot Will, Lltr> lllnq tlnio to File Clalrm Clar- The result? Th» Mas* Transpor- zenship, " hrenner , Wabasha County, who can cheese whole milk>; single ence WlnfiVn reject ed defense ple MiHj il.-iy eveiiiuj;. crossing siijnj il installation also and lor Hearing Thereon. tation Commission repo rt s that in (lie also nerves »s juxenile jiicige of dais ies fresh .'I9' a.44 cents; single Robert W HolWwnrlli h.wmn died a p»- motions 1 for a new trial , for .set- They are: I'erc-y Hoijers , of was recommended liy the Hev . A. : Area winners compeliitf! in the third week of (he test , the contest are: Margaret lletihlein . the two eoiintifs , daisies aged 49-52; flats aged 48- tlllon Inr Ihe nrnhaii' ot the Will ol ^*id ting aside tho verdict , and for l.eii'hl Press , president; Harold P . Di*ye , president of the Auto 5:i'-. ; processed dt'teiidnt and tor thi- ,*i|)pi ;inlment nt Ron- railroad carried 31 , .">2!) more pas- Lewiston , Winona Comity; liar- , Judge Tomfohr told the com- ainerican pasteur- erl W. Holljwoith eyi'cutiK, probatio n, and imposed the pris- Huntley, vice president ; Kenneth ('hit) Safet y Council. <%• uhk.h Will ' sengers thou in tlie same, week hara Horihan , lloknh . llouslon miss ioners that the Cioodhne-Wa- ized 5 lbs ;i'.i-42; domestic swiss I*. on Ille In lull Court and open lo In- on sentence. Mc( 'reiidy, secret ary - ti - e;i Mirer; ' spection; of 10112— a gain nf 2-1.!? |>er cent, . S;ivord wrote that the street 's , Counly; Mai'cia Kin;!, Stcwartville , hzasha counly probation service (blocks ) grade "A" 47-50 ; grade Schneider was convicted last Holier! O/.mun, rocnrdiii R secre- IT, IS ORDCRf-D, Hint thi* lienrlnq What do these figures mean? traffic is .steadily increasing nnd i Killmorp and Carol Mc- "Ii" 44-47 grade "C" 41-44 . tliDri'ol ho hrtfl on I 14 , \%:, , nt Wednesday hy a jury which found and Iticharil Mueller , ser- 1 County, is re-cognized around Ihe st ate as v' , E)j- Joseph K Malnney, director Inry, will continue to do so ns activity Nallan , KelloRn. Wiibasba County. ' the lies! in Minnesota. Wholesale egg offerings more 1(1 3(1 o' clock A,Mi., t><-t«i «* llii*. fmut in inn that he had misused $10 , .r>n!) probata coui l room in th,- i nnrt luiusr in in of l ite MTC . ' snys cautiously lhal Beanl al arms. in the new industrial park area i Members of the Winona Toast- , (Irobe than ample on large nnd light on funds belonging to the Sunrise auxiliary served lunch. Commissioner A. G of Winona, "Jiinn.notn, rtiul ohicilioni In t hey " The expands. liiik ince. HIP allownnri- nt - llmiled to lour i results will prove no one dares niicl Milwaiik< *c railway officials ! test Mnreh *1-r> on the SI. Paul , Hay ('reek and passed wilhoii! on exchange and other volume month*, from the dale m-teni, and lhat guess at this lime " Arrested in Hong Kong relative lo Ihe proposal. 1 1 thf rln|m\ '.o tiind lie he-aid nn Mav JJ. ' campus of the University ol Minn- dissenting voice . sales. I»03, at 10 n' clock A M , hcliire ||ih The railroad' s conductors are • ! Court HONCi KONC i.M ' - -H OIIH KoiiK esota, \ew York spot quotations fol- In the ptohn te court loom In lt)o court Colorad less restrained. "I' ve never seen ' low ; house |n Wlnonn, Miim<" ,oi,i. and lliat nn o Cops police have iiiTest ed the hciicl ol lice herenl In.- nivi-n liy such eiitlHj sl. isin , " says one "It 1O0 German Students niililhalira) nt tint | ' an anli-Coiniiiiinisl guerrilla re- Spring Grove Boy Mixed colors: extras (47 Ihs, order In Ihe Wlnonn Un ily New, and hy ! looks like the good old clays " "I inin, 1 3?' i-:t!>; extras medium 14O p)alle() nolhe as provided by iay/. 1 cruili iiK center , Ihe newspaper Protest for Britain Norwegian Ore Dnled Jam; ary la, lv/,;; haven ' t seen anythin g like ihis Hurt Tobogganing lbs. average ) .15-.1fi; smalls (.Ifi Ihs. Wild Ice Tilt 1 since the. war, " says another. I Inn).; Konn Tiiter Sliinclanl report- 17 IV I tni.RA , ed Monday , BONN, (iermany (AIM -- About ! average) 32-33; standards 35-37 ; I' l Oliata .lurlga. rOLORADO SI'ltlNUS , Coin Shi p Collides (Probate (r,mt Seal) Wiflt tjiiArded optimism , a rnil- The II OIIJ ; Koii/,' f iovernmettt de- Il)(i .sliidenl.s al Uonn Cniversily At Lutherhaven checks 32-33. Jolin n MiT.iii. >AVi .- Col orado College 's Pin ¦ ) Allorney lor elitamrf road spokesman explains , "our clined to confirm or deny Ihe re- deiiioiist rated in front of Ihe ; Sl'ltlNC , C.110VK, Minn. (Spe- Whiles; extras (47 Ihs . mill. f' Piela Kappa yi> ;ilit* from Port Ar With U.S. Tanker cial i—A. H-year-uld - ' extras¦ problem is lo change commuters ' : |)(irl. Tin* paper .s;ilfl the man was Wench Kniliassy ' at nearby Bad freshman at 37' .- .I'.l' v; medium (40 lbs. irii-it D h. Iin - ,il,iy, Jan. 11. io tlinr , (int., Art Warwick , kicked ¦ ( _ Sprint, Crave i I' e.1) habits. Some rise miglit normally ' arrested ,);ui, '.l during a series (iodesbci'K Monday against exclu- HAI.' i'lMOUF. AIM A Norwe- ' Iliuli School is in average .t.V.'Ifi ; top quality (47 Ihs. Male nl Mint ,i" . over t in* caption "Kurope 's harbor fur uiiloniliiif !. today. > ' :i ; lop cpial ity Ihs , inin. Ihn lepre- .i.-iiidlivi! nl it,.* ahnve namM SIH IIIH in Iho ' I period , when font Ihe experiment may .show wheth- Ili iikeiiiiiii, " Oilier Sibils bore slo- ; 'Hie carrier .Slcnii.slrand, loaded and Mrs. I.uvenii' .lohnson , who Illt ' v-lil^; mediums (41 )h,s, nvi-r- fvlnhi ttnvli-i rj n|ed hl> , .irinnnl and ; new — supplies insuffi- Harold I I lie-1 ,1 " •i IIII IL top again, t ing problems. hle (^. li' .sville . D. . 'O was .small. ' fion ) 2 tn Ii pin , I'Viday, in iianel discussions and .services, cient to quote , Altai ney !»• frlitioiint . Help Wanted—Female 2<* Articlesjor SaU 57 " Wanted to Buy 81| - ^ ~ ! TWO LADIES—FiilFtlmei' i767~PfrTtlme. BROODER H0USE-ljV24. Built out oV HAMBURGER ..grinding machine wanted. ! i Want ' $30. Car helpful . Write «0 S. 7th, La . corrugated . steel Tel ,. 3.03.0. " / Frank Cunningham. The SleaV. Shop. Tet . ' i : ¦ ¦ " ' Ads ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ' . ' ¦ " ;./ ' - . Crescent, Mliw . . .. - . _ : - 7 REFRIGERATORS, - ranges, wa-sh- ' 3ISO. . 7 . " ' • Houses' for Sale 99 Used: C« rs - . ; 7 -/ \99 - .;; ~ ^ ^_ USED , ~_ 'WIb6w wish«3 >vonnan~To stay nlohti . In ers and TV. We need the space so oiif , WM, Mil LER SCRAP IRONI & METAL : EAST! LDCAJICNr Modern:~Vl-oorir cot-7 DODGE—)y4 Coronet^ in good jhapt. ' ; ¦ ' , her home , Private room. Tel. 2194. they go at : unbelievable , low prlc-es. CO pays hiqhe-st prices f or scrap. Iron, - lane. : new .furnace:. -ton ba?enheht. S3,- ! ¦ il0(l. Tel. . t-4 111 ' ." ¦ : 7 . ,; ¦ y 1 , . 7: ¦ K Sta: i rt ¦ ELECTRIC, 15S , 3rd. Tel: ' Here/ B 4 B E. . BSD C , Shank , . HOMEMAKER'S EX- i CLERKf ENO=i~ secre>arV~iiT7WSC 'of- ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦: ¦ met.ils. hidi-5, wool and ra*. tur. ., 4245. : . ' ' " " ' CHANGE; 555 E-. -3rd. ' fice. Starting, salary. $250 per' month. _ . . - . jn.kV . 2nd - '/ .. ' ." . Tet . . 7067 j BLIND ADS UNCALLED FOR- / "" ^ ' ¦ " ' 40 hour week. Tel. 8-J951, extension 25.1, UPRIGHT DEEP FREEZEi.ll cu. -ft., j Closed Saturdays tNEW 3-BEDROOM homes. BullMns Bnd I : 1 955 PLYMOUTH \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . for appointment. • ¦: ¦ '• ' - . 7- : JtOO; bldnde 4 drawer chest, like ne-v,- ,- , ^~ affachea garages. E-3, 19, JO, 51, 58, 40, 41. . J HIGHEST PRICES PAiD Low down payment*. ' ¦ ~ ' chair; nx3J sq. yard, ' ' " • ' • - ~ ' 1 bedroom flo-ral j FHA . tet . 9745 for appointment. i * NEEDED 7 for .scrap Iron, metals, rags, nldes. raw , : 7 ; ; MANAGERS ' ' .carpeting by Magee , with pad: j ¦ - . / 4-door . V-8 automa- design furs and wooil :- \ Y . . , FOR PARTY PLAN Tel: 7790. ¦ ' " ' WEST LOCATION- -* room house: furnace In 1?I . ______" ______\ 1 tig transmission, 2- . - ' - ' Interested tn Increased profits S3? " ' " ano lull bath. 3 blocks frorn bus lint. Card of.Thanks " - . of America's most . . - - .. ' . USED . -. - . Sam Weisman & Sons, " " Decor Gill Shows, one 55.000. Tel . 5705 at noon, or after 6. - \ tone. Lots of troub|e- r; ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : : ¦ ¦ " - -- . - slarnoroos party plans, has immediate . - 5IMPLICITV SNOW PLOW . INCORPORATED - . - • ¦ , / DARUNC-- , / . . ' . - BY OWNER—3-bedroom house, double ga- - . 7 -openings for home show managers 3'-i h.p. motor. .Ne-nrly new. . 450 W. Irg Tel . 5847 : V / free miles in this fina ; Again I sincerely thank everyone for 9'" ¦ - - ' ¦ ' . 'rage, carpeting and drapes, newly paint- ¦ In this area. Decor.specializes .In .proven . - . . • $100 .. - - , ¦¦ ' • ¦' i:ar; the cards, calls, prayers, flowers and . " ~~"" ed Inside and out. Taxes J190. Also ' .\f ' ' fast. lelllno Sifts and. housewares. Excil- . AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE Rooms With Mee fs : . .gifts , I received while in the hospital. . 85 Ping-pong table, used typewriter. - Tel . . Thanks : to the yVlnona' ino hostess bonus plan: senerates maxi- 5nd S. Johnson " - . - Tel . 545J . ! ¦ . Clinic- doctors, ~^ 6059 . - ¦: Rev. Bryncstad, and the nurses on 2nd mum: bookings. Orders are delivered di- ' " ' '. ¦- r. MIDWINTER SALE SPECIAL! . '. ~ REDUCED TO $495 W.. Bless, you all. . rect , to hostess eliminating delivery prob- Electric Drill; u" qualit tested. : I SUGAR LOAF--Nlce ilttle . home. Bedroom, ¦ . y ¦ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY , ': Laura Darling lems. ' For complete data, send' back- J8.99 - . :¦ ' ' ¦ living, room, kitchen: bath and basement . - - to Decor Gift ¦ New paint and roql. Garage. Priced at :" ~"" ' ' "~ ~".T" •ground and* experience . ROBB. BROS. STORE :: STEDMAN- . -. ' Shows, 5th »t Wacouta St., -St. Paul 1, Room for I gentleman/ J4 .000 lor quick sale to settle ittalt/ " ¦ S7« E. 4ttl Tel. 4007 . . i wish To thank all . my , friends, rela- ¦' /¦ ' ' ' . - ¦ ¦ ^_ . 7 j Tel 7987- during : VENABLES ' ' Minn: , : . . . - ' ^ ' . . business hours. . \ ¦ tives and . neighbor ! ' for the Masses, STbRi; ; " ~ ' 7- 75 W»2nd ; / . - Tel . 8-2711" ; "." -: prayers, cards, letters, gifts and flowers 1)K USED FtmNm-RE LEASER- REST HQME ;;>MARK W. 174^-3 bedrocm Colonlaf. !^ . ¦ ' 273 -6.' and all those/who visited me at .Grand- . . ' 3rd St. . baths. $20,000 bracket: AsSumt . *' i% ' '¦ " 1 ' Open Mon, and FVi. Evenings view . Hospital, La Crosse, and since GENERAL We Buy - W« Sell Su Charles . - . Tel/ 599 . j ; Gl .Mortgage: Call Root . Olson it 3396 1 Furniture — Antiques — Toolf ' ' daytime, ^454 nights. . - ¦: my return home. : ' ' : : ; /¦¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ - ¦ • ¦ •! ¦ ' _ / _ . . . . Mrs . Daniel Stedman . ¦ and olher used Htmi'. ' ¦ QRFIGE CLERK: Tel.B-3701 Roomi Wiihout Meals Lots for Sal* :: ;- , 100 ' ,Pe,irsoria)$ . •• "i ' : 86 ; ' ¦ V: : . . ;. good office, back- . , BEFORE YOU REPLACE that old water - ' "~ " ~ : v . Girl with - INEXPENMVE^tearn ^ heated^Tleeping '¦ >r6 r^ Er|Miding Addition 7t400'; Contact ^^)6)^ heater, set the .A. 0. Sniith PerfnaDlas : ;-^ VALENTINE CHOCOLATES by Pangburh/ ground heeded by local indus- , room 'or single .gentleman downtown , .i : Irv Pr 'ytarskl, Buffaib City, Wis. f let anybody fool w^ - heaters -- .ga s pr electric models :|n (he See Oscar Norton ¦ you with^^, low . : Delicious, beautifully wrapped in heart trial 'firiii , ; Miist be , a . - fast'; ' ; ' , Morgan Bldg. - . !' boxes. Be a sweetheart, give Pangburn. proper sir? for you: : | '/•prices.' They all : know what ' FOURTH w. . 434—sleeping room for gen- Wanted—Real Estate 102 ' GOLTZ PHARMACY/,' 274 E. 3rd, accurate typist. Some knowl- , . /¦SANITARY tlachan in: modern home. ' ', : car? are worth. GOOD CARS ' ' -._. - - ...... -, .. .. .-_ -. ... . wanted --to '.buy' ARE YOU. A PROBLEM DRINKER?—Man edge of' bookkeeping. Work ' • ' ' . - . . ilMODERN 2-bedroom house , ¦ ¦ . . :. . PLUMBING & HEATiNG in rural area but- not too far- i ARE . NOT CHEAP. CHEAP : . '¦' ¦ or woman, your drinking, creates ' humer. rise of cal- . ' . ¦ " -' - ' ' ' Apartment*, Flats or . rent consists of billing, . 163 -6. 3rd St. ' '.T el. - .7J 37 90 ' Possession on or before ' ous . problems; if you need ' and want . from Winonn. t.AHS; AIRE NOT GOOD. 7¦ - ciilaloi' and adding machines. . IDEAL LOCATION—Spacious J. rooms. G«- | !; April- .|. State pnee . Write E-64 Oaliy '' 7 help, contact Alcoholics Anonymous. Plo- : r ¦¦ Quality sells good cars/a t fair . - ¦ " year aroiind . posi- ' . T rage/ $80. Tel. . .9364 . . . - : V News: neer Group, Box 122, Winona . Minn. Permanen.l . . . ~ ~ : DAILY^Sl EWS ' ~ .. prices! . . . : " CENJTRAL LOCATION-^ . roomy lou ' WjLL PAY HIGHEST' CASH:PRICES : : LpSE WE(GHf safelyi : easily and " eco- , tion . $65.00 week -and up de- , : er ' aot., heat furnished .Vill FOR YOUR CITY PROPERTY " ¦ ::¦ '¦' . nomlcally with Desc-A-Diel tablets Only ¦ ¦ ; . ' furmsi* if de- ' .. '61 FORD 2-rl(M)r ..7 : .: . - $1398 . ¦ . pending on qualifications. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦: :;- : . : sired: Suitable Tor: college y ; .9ec. Ford /Hopkins, - ' ' ¦ :;;^^ i:L :. : :- girls. . Tel. ' , . . [uYOtt -c^ ¦:¦:}' , ' or inquire . : 60 CHEVROLET . 2-door S1398 ' ^ . Hospit al and Life Insurance 8-3374 323 A. «lh 'HAN.K'' JEZEWSKI / ' . E N JOY THE CONVENIENCE : of soil wa- " (Wlnoha' t Only Real Estate Buyer)' 'S3 VOLKSWAGEN .. $1198: : ¦ CENTRALLY LOCATED" delu«e ' hew . ter . service. Easy t-rms, nothing down Paid Vacations . .2-! ' and 7093 P .O Box 3J5¦ ' ¦ ^ bedroom apt., 4 closets, Heat, new stove, ! Tel , HUB . . . . . '.iS A1ERCI/RV 4-door . $ 898 . Tet . 3600, CULLIGAN'S, 218 W/ ' / SUBSCRIPTlONSi - ird. Paid Sick Leave refrigerator furnished Adults . Ii] E. i ' ;¦ ' ' Trucks; Tractors, Trailers 108 oS-PLYM Ol Til . Wiiqon / $ 79S ; MEMO Tp HARRY- we 'd, like to tip you Good Advancement Potential , Money to Loan .40 Horses/Cattle. Stock" 43 " .'Stn. " that BesS wanted a; birthday .parly : May: :Be Paid at- • - ~ " '55 PLYMOl- 'Tll i-ciopr - . $ 498 ,7 off ; ¦ : ^ : CENTRAL LDCATION- 'l-bcdroon/ duplex . " 'iLER, 'Will travel Built in, the .Teton roam . . . cocktails, din- ' -' '¦ .• ' GUERNSEY" COW-coming wifh 4W calf . : HAVE TR. A 'o your ; . Apply at apt., 4 cloiels, garage; Tel ' 3700 .'- , specilicafiori. . BERG'S 7 TRAILER, .3950 • ner , fun. RAY ME .YER, /|NNK.EEPER. NS and Guernsey Keifcr coming with . 1st . TED /MAIER . D-RUGS ' " calf. Tyge Lee, . Peterjonl-' Minn. Tel. : . W: 4th. " Tel . 4933 , today-.; ' . WILLIAMS HOTEL: - / . ¦ ' - ¦ ' : Minnesota State ISS' . .TR5-570i:7- .' - .7 ' "'. ; Apartments Furnished 0:1 ; ' ' ' ~"^ B^ . Hay, Grain, Feed - ' . PLAIN " : U-J CAN have your clothes expertly tsl- . NOTE^AUTO-FURNITURE ' - Used Cars '^--; .;7 ;i09 ' Employment Service ;. ¦ ' ' ' ONE BLOCK Irom WSC All modern fu r: . .'. ' ' lored by WARREN BETS1NGER, Tai :: 170 ,E. 3rd St. Tel. 2915 - : SPRINGING; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS—PPter ' : \ , . BALED .OAT STRAW—tor ; sale. ' oienn wa. " ~ . . lor . 64' i w... 3rd. Stop today. Hrs/9 a.m. to . 5 p.m.,. Sat. 9 a.m. to noon . . Olson, Lanesboro, Minn . Tei: 875-5843. . , . . nlshed apt. with private bath . Heat, f CHEVROL ET -1955, Bel-Air, 4 door, good l (!3 H'almit -Street .- . _ Babcock. Utica, Minn: ¦ /ter, , : ¦' ; '¦ '" ' hot water and. air conditioning fur- | motor ,, tires, and body: V/i)i take in ' : ' ELGIN/ WATCHES as. lo-.v as ST9.95: You : DON'T . V.iSS IT . . SAVE 51.30. 7 ' i nished in rent. Immediate . possession. »v 'Sii) ' . . , : Winona . .Minne..*ot a ' Loans ^- Insurance — ¦ BALED HAY-conditioned, no rain, piled ; - . older car/ 419, E. 6th , Tel. 2718. j'VVfcMt<*. r2K . . - /. can- be: the nicest Valentine in- the-world • - Tcl7 7776. ¦/' '- ;¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' S.ulmet: Oblets ' . in. shed. . 28c . . . per. - baie, . Russell Fried, ,. . . " " "¦ at this • price. - ' S^>e Fmnk ' , at RAINBOW " ' ¦ :. . MORRISON AUTO SALES .' ':- ' ' ' i 105 Johnson / ' Tel. 2396 7 : Real Estate ' --'op c*il' scours Arcadia, Wis.; Tel: 3453; after. 6 p;rn.. rooms', bath - JEWELERS nexr to P.O. . : H«lp Wanted—Male 27 7'° /WEST CENTRAL location 2 . ; . ' , 1956 Thunderbird convertible hard fop ' ¦ ¦;• . and closet. Laundry facilities , Inquire / / Op«in Fridays Til 9/P.M. - FRANK WEST AGENCY: ,32 .; tablets - . . ' .. : ; . §2.50 with continental kit . /WE MAKE- our own salad dressings and - 612 ' 'E- . ' " 6th.;, ;¦ " MAN .TO : SELL . Music enrollments, f.iusf " r - - I . ' " we know they ore • good. Try your fav- 175 Lalayerte St. . ' . Tel. -- 5240 . . - (Reg - retrii('S3 E9 . - 1959 .Chevrolet. : IrnpSla- 3-tJoor hard. top. have ": car. . Top earnings , Write E-57 ;¦ : ' , orite dressing soon with a crisp salad ¦¦ .(Next to Telephone Office) : Poult rymen: He lp KA,NSAS ST—-1-room apt. and- kitchenette, ;. V-8. automatic - transmission, jet . black, Dally' Nevis- .;' ' ,' . . Rea- ' ' bowl. Teamed with • a hearty, sandwich . TED MAIER: DRUGS ;; ' r^urphy,- bed . Gentlemen preferred ' 7. 26.000 miles , S139S:00. . ¦ ¦ ; Available no- Tet. , mil - ; '59 PORP GALAXIE"' '. - It' s' a " luncheon ' treat that is sure - to MARRIED. COUPLE^wanled tor . general , ' ANIW.AL HEALT H CENTER . sonable. ,'/ . . . -. j .1959 Chevrolet Impala 3 door hard top, ; ' year arOOnd |ob. Owner Qu ick [Moneyy; .y , -. o-cvlinder: .Tjtomatic transmission, white ' - p lease: RUTH'S -RESTAURANT-, 126 E.. : farm , wo-rk , ¦ Gl RL , 21- to ' 307to sharp en modern co-m- | . 4-do.oi , radio; heater ,. r ' 7 on any .-article of . value .. '. -. ' Poultry, Eggs, Supplies with red interior/ $1395.00 . . . 3 d. Open 24 hour s a- day, 7 days a does rnitking. Nearly . new ' 5-bedroom ; 44 BABY¦ GHIGKS? . pietely. .furnished apt. .Close-in. Tel. 5589 / . ' ' Wsynard Millard. Dover , Minn. NtUMANN'S-BARGAIN ST,ORE ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ .Others To cnoose From ' . automatic . ;Lran srhis- week: : house. . . ; ' ¦ ¦ DEKALB CHICKS--day old. started., ready ! ' . . ' - Grow Into ' • afler 5:;30 p.m ¦ ¦ ~ 121 E. jnd . St:: ' . ' ' ;. . " 7 Tei . 8-21337 . Scott Outbooard Motors. , ''power steering,- ' •' J17,600 PLUS NEW -CAR. -AS BONUS , . to lay. pullets. Place your , order now. Our . sion 'GOO D LASERS . : Boats and Trailers 7 - ' . FOR r MAN OVER iri Winona ' area. .,' Winona : office,: corner 2nd .8, Center . Houses for Rent 95 p6\t/ei lirakes, two7 ¦ *0 ¦ MORRISON , ' AU-TO ' ' S ' - ' - . Use car tor , short trips to: contact / Obgs, Pets, Supplies will be open Jan. 30th ' and from then "" " .SALE . WILL THE DRIVEN 42 Starting Them ' IN GOODVIEW-moderh 4-room . house. . Gaiesviiif*; Wis: tone finish. Ajiother customers. Write /V , / A,: Scars.: pres.,i on: Tel. .3910. SPELTZ CHICK HATCH- " By on , ; . " ~ " Available Feb.. 18. 560. Tel. St. Char les ' ¦ ' - 'JV ¦¦ 'Res. 8c : 'Garage 9| 77 American . Lubricants Co., Box , 476, BEAGLE HOU N D-recistered females. 13" 7.ERY. Rollingstone. Minn. Tel. . 2349. , ¦ " ' V local one-owner car. . of .vehicle directly behind cars ' ' s3i. '- : / . _. -, . - . i- Dayton V. Ohio. - . . - ¦ . . /1- high; . 18 months: old. .excellent pet . and _ _ ¦ ' • ¦' ' .' hunting dog. Sitas • Holland, Lanesboro, Wanted—-Livestock 46 ¦ colliding oh . VV. . 5th St., near MAN, wanted: for light chores ' WantedTo Rent 9;. ELDERLY ' ¦Minn: ' . ' . ' .- " ¦ ' NUTRENAi - FOR . .on dairy, farm. Alton BalK, Alma. Wis: ) ' ¦• ¦ Top prices for : ^ ^EDUCED-W ilcBride St., at about 2.15 ; sit. livestock WANTED—by: recently transfci red . family, . 'Tel. -' 550-R-3. - . ' . ' GREMELSBACH . y ;. -; ¦ . _j . " __ . _. _. } . STOCK YARDS CHICK : STARTE ¦2-bedroom apt / West End 'location.''Tel . ' FOSTER , . i , '; Horses, Cattle, Stock Lewiston, Minn. ' . R p.rn. . last Friday, Feb. . WANTED ~7 AT ONCE^Men . to operate | : 43 ¦ . ' . J-1C48. ' 7 . . . ' - - . pally. Hog ' • ¦ ¦ - : p -'contact''' . ¦ \dairy farm. Must be experienced with [ ~ . Market . . ¦ ^r Guar.a'nteecJ: .Analysis . SURER : 7. lease . ' - Tel . B86-277 1 ANGUS BU CD-iT years'.- 6id7 Peut Agrlm- Tel: 4161 on springing cows-helters. , i; ; :; VENABLES milking!. House furnished. ' ' '' Farrhs, Land for Sale 98 :¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ' days, 88«-2791 . nights- Wickett Livestock, ., son,. Peterson, Minn.;, ;' . ;¦ ..:&;. Exact , Formula , ' ' ¦75 . W. 2nd . - ' - .- - . . Tel, 8-2711 • ".,. ¦ '" Farm, Dairy Products 47 . . FARM—22 acres. 10 minutes-' frpm Winona. -' ' - " . more " . Harmony, Minn.7 . RIJSHFORD: LiyEST0CK'7T CO7fAMlS'sTciN : / W. A-:l_indquist : ~ ^ - Vitamin Freshness .'. . Modern except heat. Tel,. Lewiston 3705. . ¦ MAN—toFTgehersI , form wk. auction every Wednesday afternoon : Live- ^ ^ . Open Mori. , and Fri. Evenings '7:7 ', . ' " ;¦ .SINGLE j BUU^ILI^CQOLERS^ ¦ ' ¦ ' acre farm, •;. - . . . ' Tel: -4614 or 9247./ . Clarence Frisch,.- Minheiska, Minn. Tel, I stock bouctht daily.: Te|. Rushford 844-9149 ^ ¦; *£¦;¦'Cocciijio'sis Protection: FOR SALE /by owner—303 DEPENDABl_ ¦ LEASE or purchase the tank preferred by Wilson-Winona/area: 190 acres open . Full E . , ' Altura: 6785. . .- . ' . " collect. " 7 -. . ¦ ¦ y o' 0ut ' of.l0 creameries: The only tank' Yt 'sjitibiotic , Included .. , set of building's,, ail-modern 7-room house , ' Building Trades 13 T FEEDER PIGS—28, weaned and castrated , with full 10-year relnstatable written war. . two one: 32x90 With 34 stanch ions ; : STA RTS /;: : .;¦ ¦ barns, . ' : W^BOUTE MAN , .; ! thrifty. .William : R.. , Peterson, H ouston, ranty . . Distributed by . Land ' O' Lakes and tour, pens: ' Total. '.'price . lust 121.000.. . ;f. - : '- ^ - •' ' . STOP FOR IT AT ;,.?!( J;^i-;:^H:E^bLEf^- . ' . . . feTfCHEN READY cabinet s custom builf. LOCAL AREA--E^perienced meeting -Dub- . Minn . . TeL T'.V 6-3901, Creameries, local representatives. Annual .payment iust 5.500. Any renson- i winter and all; Bi ookwood Station Wagon; '«- ' ¦¦ ¦ ' ' " ' ' : posses- 1 to. your satisfaction . All popular woods. ' ' .. lie , musi be married , neat in appearance HOLSTEIM - ',-BULL—serviceable age. from BULK MILK-COOLER SERVICE. able down payment. Immediate . Completely vfinished and installed : Free ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - - ; Dinneen, Box 185, Kas- •!I . yea r, see and buy a passenger:,- , 6-cylinder ,. . auto- . . and own car . For interview appoint- . ¦ . .Tri-St 'a' tti .' breeding '.' - .Charles ' ' Helwig, In-, Kellogg.- jVllnn. . , Tel. ' 76/-497J sibn. Write Dan estimates: tei 8-4)44 . ¦' - ' ' '" ' -i matic transmission , beautifu l . ment . .write E-30-Da ilv News. . dependence, Wis, RI. . 1, . 15 miles N.. of .. ' son, -Minn.' late model:, VALUE- ' -. Waumagdee, Wis.) F. ;A. Krause Co. ;/ . ' ' downer ¦wagon Business Services 14 — DA I RY FARMERS;^ NEAR NOD1NE—sb-acre farm with 65 till- - . metallic gold^ A , _ able: ,Good house,, barn and other build- 1 "~ YORKSHIRE BROOD-SOWS-6, to tarrow "Breezy Ac res | RATED used car at... with low .milea ge. Now .. $1889. . DTRT^rs A D1SEASE to^u^sTTlt'Thortens ;- Train for PRINTING I in Feb. Walter Bloom, Rt . 3, Durand, BUY PROM THE OLDEST DAIRY - '^ ings. On crushed rock , road.: Spring pbs- .] ¦ ¦¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : ' I / the . life. ' Special restorative treatment !wis. . - - ¦ ;. . . - .-. . . . - . . .. . EQUIPMENT. DISTRIBUTOR IN.;,STATES 7 East on Highway 61 Session , . V . puts. life, back . into tired - fibres. Call ¦ ¦ ¦ NEAR HOUSTON - 3tSS-acre-;f*rm with I WINONA RAMBLER . REGISTERED. Angus cows and heifers, to !' ¦" . ' table land. 4-bed-i WINONA RUG, -C LEANING SERVICE, :*£ Hand Gornpositiori . ] . Lease nr - purchase the. cooler . used by - ' Closed Saturday Afteriioon*; about 100 acres Hat . I -9(h & Mankato -.. - . - . Tei,. 8-3647 . ' " 116 W. 3rd . Tel. : 3722. . come in this . spring, bred to a grand- more> ;dairy . larrners other, ¦ room house. 110' balloon root -barn. 2.; '^^MM^^M ;. . . than any. :/7 Situationi Wanted—Female 29 _ - 17 . E. Sanborn. . ment, _ : . ..;. . _ . ^:s "~" ' Shirts Washed & Ironed ¦ ' ~ , r 7" radio, whllewalls, . biua and matching ^ ~ln BUCkSKIN MARE—3 year s oldr50 ,' high, FOR CLAY BARN EQUIPWENT BY OWNER—Goodvlew, 3.bedroom ram- ' ' ¦:¦ : ¦• w6MA7r"WANf^nousekeepina modern .' - , .O.AK RIDGE SALES & SERVICE Furniture, Rugs, tinoleu m blue Interior, : ' '" " 25c - each ' •: , . broke and - very gentle. Silas Holland, ¦ 64 bler, oil lurnace, l'/3 baths, recreation , & 1 TClC , home, city or farm. For interview/write ! Minneiska; Minn. . Tel.7 Altura 788-f 4640 -REDUCED TO $.1095-:r ;, . ' ' ' Lanesboro, - Alton.- - ." . room, sevver and wafer In. . Garage. ¦ ^ ' . - FREE- PICKUP : - "7. or inquire E-65 . Daily . News. . 9x15 Ruas with foam pad 7 . ' " ! V- rr ¦ 529^5 W. 7th, Tel. . : 8 2349. . ,:)^^ ¦ ¦' I DUROC GILTS—2 purebreds, due soon, 1:7. . ¦:' •., ': ' BORZYSKOWSKI FURNITURE j : . . Next to PO on 4th Tel. 7500 ; . j : halt home. Situations Wanted—Male 30 i Adolph Schlesser, Arcadia, .Wis. Tel. i " , - ' .' . tor- . - . 305 Wankato Ave. . . Open ¦ev-ien. lndi. ' ' 1 E 3 BEDROOM, story, and a - . '57 BUICK Super 4;dpor "Hardtop, power 10-F-12. (Waumandee) garage. Gas furnace installed steering, power brakes. I. '¦ " " " ' * - ""' Attached . . radio, white- . 'V^yEHiABt^: Moving, Trucking, Storage 19 i COMMERCIAL RE FRIGE RATION . work ~ . - - . . -54" . in 6 to I5.ft. Lengths • rented at 185 per ¦ _ ' ' ' 1 year ago. Now walls ^ tu-tone grrjy . ahd white, green ' :— - wanted. Write, or inquire E-63 Daily, : FEEbER P.IGS'-SO^averagerabou t 7S lbs. CARPET RUG '.RUNNERS. ' . '.$1.39 to S6.98 ' Ayallabte on 75 W- 2nd / - Tel. 8-27*1 ., ^ AAOVING IS e7(rair7 ^Make~Tt ¦ month Full/price S7.5O0 . . upholstery, a line . fh-flCYC" ^^amTly ' :.News. ' • '- ' ¦'¦ " ' ' ¦ Virgil Kulsrud, Lanesboro,¦ Minn. Tel. SHUAASKl'S l location,.on main simple by ^avlnB BERNIE'S TRANS- .. . . ' Sales &t Service " - contract. West centra «r that is - ~ ' "^ Preston 505-2452 7. . . 7. . - .-' .' Across Frorn , Kresge'i . AGENCY, INC., Realtors.* JJfiy^ Open Mon. and Fri i Evenings FER, move your things, Tel. 8-2448. E^ERT ETTCE D FAXMHAND would llke ' ¦; ' . bus. - ABTS : priced right ...... - ,. . TV / -' y ~) - . ;,;on".- : 159 Walnut St. Tei. -4242--or alter. Hours:, farm iob by the month. Jerry. Virlng, E. ' • ' : - ¦ '¦ " - E. R.. Clay 8-2737, Bill. Zlebelj 4854, Plumbing, Roofing 21 -Chatfield. Minn. //. 7 ; .' . ¦; John:' Deere Machinery.-; New ' ¦ ¦' ¦ Mobile Homes, Trailers 111 A. . Abls 18^ V ¦ : :" - ' ' J _J7_7_1__ ^— - —,— ~ ' ' Instruction Glasses 33 ^ LEW ISTON . .Idea , - equipment., -: :' McCulloch ; CtEpAlsteP :::: ::: ;WALZ ::.'^\ plicEMAKER--i~^0/ witir lOVuTinddT-. . ETECTETCRWd ROOTEE/ lion, Deluxe mociel; . Large living room< - For clogged sewers ' and drains: chain .:saws, Mayrath elevators , ¦ . , ¦ ¦ .BuiGk-Gldsmobile-GMC . dining room- end kitchen, nil walnut pari- ' Ttl. 9509 or 6436 • 1 year guarantfrt ' Kroehler Sofa BOB ¦; ": ' . - 7. MErSTNEEDEiD : .' : ES BARN Oregon chain and I . , . r Q Open Priday. Evenlnfli ..eM. .2 bedroom s nrid bnth .- corhplelely SAL- ; : ' ¦;¦ ' CALL SYL KUKOWSKI to train as ; A Certified ¦ ' " ' ¦ .;¦ .V - ' :7& ^Chair ;¦ . .; ¦: ¦; equipped . -with shower". 'Water-pump and - . - .. , : ¦• ¦:- : -Jv 7USED - ' - " .: . ' ' I rCtOVWi 'VALUE-RATED pump house optional with unit. Inquire) - DON'T TAKE a . chance on -fixing your own . ' ' 100% Nylon Frieze | J *- - Tel 2349 ; - 3930 W , 4lh'." plumbing problems or dripping ' Livestock Auction Market 7 pipes. It Heavy Equipment lit) Exchange Bidg. USED CARS ' usually creates a.larger problem. ' No FARM MACHINERY 7 Foam Cushions. Beig-e. | ; $500 WILL PUT YOU In a new mobile). |ob . /¦ ~ " ¦ . Is too large for. us, it's our business;,. riot : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ A7r PASSENGE R " • . home. Buy now , save. SIOO' S. Special ' OPERATORS . . / -Sale ' ¦ ¦ " ¦ " STATION WAGON ¦ -low prices *no*w in ellecl on all modelst . . vcurs. ^ —SEE - ¦ -;" ¦" ¦; ¦: = ' " ¦: Attention : :Men l7-38! Expand- - . - - - .v. 1957 Chevrolet . 9-passrngar. -wagon that' s Trade fur.nif(tre or anythinq of value. - - ¦ $1 . v (DO r ' ' /MOBILE- '. HOME SALES FRANK O'LAUGHLIN ing construction industry needs Every: Thursday ¦: - ' Snug War In cxcellenl condition. . -It' s- iully equip- . RED . TOP , PLUMBING 4-HEATING ' \'V, .t: 7 . . / Cojy 3-bDdroonv homo on Chatllelc!. . St - ped. A bargain M Highway «l- Wlnone . • ¦ im- JO? E. 3rd " - . Tel. 3703 hea-vy equipment operators. p,m: ; -AH on-one.floor. .' - .Budget '.priced :, . . 1:30 DURAND $995 . New Cars : ^ Train for bulldozers , scrapers, IMPLEMENT mediate occupancy. JERRY'S PLUMBING graders, and crane operators. V We buj^ Butcher Hogs CO., INC. BURKE'S NYSTROM'S JEEP SALES, pirlrT'and -service bv Your ¦:¦ F , : KRAUSE 837 E. 4t h . Tel/ 9394 ^ ! Durand , ' -Wisconsin $4,900 ' Chrysler-Plymouth Iranchlsed Jeep dealer. A. No previous training or experi- everyday. Check our prices ' . - ' ' FURNITURE MART compact home with 1 heri- . 61, Tel 5155 , - " I . ' . ... . _ . _ ; ' . .- _ , ; >_ . buys this CO.. So. on Hwy. Help Wanted-—r-el-nafi 26i ence necessary. For details before you sell. . East 3rd and Frankl in rooms, lull basement , nice lot, plus ¦ ' , personal Articles for Sale 57 garage . . Wove right In . Auction Sales WEEKLY CLEANING and Ironing"in prl . and a interview ,/ ¦ I 960 FORD / vate home, close to WSC. Reference)i wri te:. . . ' :- . . ' . ' *£> Good selection of Dairy KREITER toot pedal anlique organ, good1 Household Article* 67 Rambler AL.VIN KOHNER co-ndllion; o.ik library, table, tei. 496o. Nice « . 4-door Station Wagon AUCTIONEER, City nnd ¦ ,. •<> licensed required. Tel. 6-2285 evenings, ' ^ bedrooms, car- , ' Gale institute. Dept. C Cattle on hand at all RENT Blue .Lustrt eleclrlc Mrpet. Iham- Like new home with J end bonded. !53 Liberty SI. .' ( Corner WASH BOWL-one '; regular size; 1 steam room, . \ / V-8 , automatic irans- . HOUSEKEEPER-wanled In modern fjrrr poocr for only Jl per day. ^. Choate peted large spacious living Tel. 4981) , . . 3255 Hennepin Ave. times/ coll'; blowers of al| sires ; ¦ ' ' ' ¦ : ¦ bullt-ins. E. Jlh and Llhcrly). home. . For interview write E-62 Dallv J . electric square' :& Co.^ _ _ _ - . amusement room, kitchen with \ / mission , radio, heat- ' Minneapolis Minnesot a D switches; 2-unll healers: J ' Ne«. . ' , h.p, 3- In the city In an area ol nnw homos. -V' / or solid white. A lo- Minnesota phase motor*. Al old vVinonn Milk build- Radios, Television - " 71 . . REGISTERED NURSB - Better . than aver Business Opportunities I Tel . Lewiston 2667 . , ; 37 in!) at HI E. Broadway. Tel, 3792 . . Down Payment- \t c*al o n o - owner car age wages and working conditions Foi "" $740 Auction Sales ~ For Informal ion On Prices. ' EXPERT WORK on all TV and radio re- Land & . more details contact: Leonard Yeskie , EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY : to take | FREEZERS S199 to $259. Used refrigera- pair. All make*,. WINONA FIRE a. will enable you to purchase a new 3- yf with low mileage. Evcrelt J Koli,)>r Superintend ent, La Crosse County Hos Trucks Available for Pickup. tors Used TV' with lamlly room, bath over 3 well established rural routes. S'5. s >50. FRANK L ILLA' POWER CO., 54 E. Jnd 51. Tel. J065. bedroom home, 1J8 Walnut n-3710 , ntn-r hours 7814 pltal, West Salem, Wis. Tel . 4684 . «. SONS, 761 E. nth. ' "~ - Walkout basement wlt*i rec ¦ ">OR BEtTER RADTO TV SERVICE with vanity. lKin p.rn miles SW ol Move right in , ' FEB. 9-5al . (" Broia's TV Service room. REDUCE D TO $1595 * Mondovi or) 5>!rttr IKvv, ' 1/. t!)i-n 1 mile NANCY Bv Ernie Bushmiller 63 W. Belleview r«i. 7*16. . S. on (own ro<)() 1?n)ir- . 1 ^li-inor. own- 2 Acre, Bluff S ide er; Francis V/rr lr '.n, .n.'c -M.m-vr , Norlh- Wlnona i Finest Electronic Repair V ' Is the setting lor this sp lit l«*vel . homo em Inv , C D . uiciI- lor All Makes living room with wit)> nylon carpqlrd VENABLES li , HI -.Minnows overlooking FCd. II Mnn > I) ri) null" of Don Ehmann TV Service spacious awning t)i .)r thi- r;*\u-. :,lnn> nn rtie ' Built-in copper ran'ic 7S W. 2nd Tel . 8-2711 DL'Corali, ' - 980 W. Filth : Tel . 6303 the river valley. Canoe Satire lil.K. i- Inii ro.i.l Ori l .ilriet, and nven, big - master hwlrnom. bath - Authorized Denier for Open Mon. ' nnr| Fii, Kvi'nitiRs owner . Heynn ) fi. luv,, . ,), JI ri-iic-'ij nnd a hall, workshop, plus lower ADAAIRAL - WIUNTZ _ ZE NITH Cnmniunllv lf"tn K I in, Cn , ti er). . _ ^- level oarage to keep your car warm USED TELEVISION SETS - consoles^nd In tho winter. A 10-mlnule drive down- arww portables. The ills and ityl» you want ' town. at w,.- --- JIIII i ^ .. v ^^ JV Hardt's Music AFTER HOURS CALL j-.. myym*. . ^ < « jr ^ j S^re W , |., (Wlh) Hclivr tl 1W #* ¦ ' ^ - ^l^ &r?) < IU E. 3rd Winona John Hondrlckson 7441 ' i nmp (Incnisi y r.iitl p fe«i „ Mi^WSSSWH"** i/mui|' for you r home, licavy duty site at dls- i 4il K li tost . hc;i\y |)i - ¦ Ml), Tel. 4375. .; IIOHSI'.'S - ?. Iciiins , f iixid uoi'lc IOI . anil li.n .:-r . * Siding KKKI ) lli .llllii hales allalfa mixed liay. i. tiiid ,- , straw , MIDWINTER SALE SPBCIALI wllh brick plnnlrr make up the altinr. ' Du*.! Slop Furnnce Flllern, 4»c ench fi DtK ) Im. corn . Vim bu. oats, 40 it. corn M I HRC in :i tl Ii -.tlo:. , live Iron) n( Ihls like nnw 1 hrrtrmin . -| ID U JI STORF M ¦ ' ints , Ronn nROs . , * Oin- wall nl ihn im-llv living MACMHNKUY -¦ Miihl of this imieliilU 'iy i*, llin-e yr.u.s or , I . 411) . iri, 400/ r,iinblr.r mom is ninhugnny paimlli'il Hmil in less old. Well I KIUM * , very (juod condition V TltACrt iKS. .1 ,1) ; i Stoves, Furnacei, Parti stiivr , nvtn ami olmu-.l lull Hi kill hi ll ; 75 Oil hunt Mtunttil nn lovely Int on Wa*,t Model 7:t<) , I I I CM 'I , powor drive ami .stecriii ft, roniloi t cili '.' -- !> IIO7P0INT 40" pu»h button e-l»ctrlc tlnvt. flu/in Valley Ho/M . 1' ilri'i) writ nniitir .1.1).. Model IL'|1, (• ,• !>; 2 - - Mr*I )., Model .'150, K 'J .S Mrli , utilit y j j Tel, nn. I20.OC0. diesel with Freeman loado-r and Ileal I IOIIMT . ,1.1 ) , Model -t'.'i) rj¦ 5/VS STOVE apt . sl;e, uood condition . In- Let Your Investment erawler with iln/ei * Iilnde , recently overlioiiled. .1 11 , Model ] (llllre 300 W. B«i||«v|ew. ¦ ' '' ItiA (iici 'iil ' ield clio|iper ; Kool Mower willi *ld It. (ii pc . ',' ment uas, oil or ele<|rlc, E»pi)rl .self-iinloridinn. V'l'O , ehoppe r hones on ,1 , lie.ivy duly wii|4 , \ -,1-rvk.e RANOS OIL miRMRR CO »07 Expenses on*,; !' (.'lioppei lio.M's with false end nale.s on lien \- duly 1) li j - C, ill) St. Tel. 7479, Adolph Mlfhalnw-vkl. Own'.-! ' *- epnilmen! nn lit llnni , cnnMsIs and ,1.1) . wacoiis . , 1 .1V . Mode l '.M hay conditliiiier -. .Ill , Model ! ol living anil cilninii ,-onms, Inmlly - T ypewriters 77 iiKiin, 7 tirdrnwin. Ii.llh and a twautlttil MT h;iY bnlrr; Mcl> . Minlel 11)1) Jlalaiiei- '/ tt (inwi'i niinvcr. :' newly ninioili'li'd kllilu-n. Hie uislnlu .1.1) , Model ,-t(l , V II. I"l'( ) I'lunlilne : .ID , Model 4-V '.Ml plow '; TVPIrWRITCRS and nildlnii machines Inr Ivntn enlrnnre. has , Rajionahln rjil«s, trim de- aim Imi'iit wllh pi - Mel ) MARK TRAIL By Ed Dodd sain or ronl. iwm, kilt In-n. 2-licit- on riilihi 'i : .11 ) ,, Model :t-14 hyd plow ml ruliher , , 3-1-1 ii livery. Soo us »or all you r olllce suppilos . living ronm, ctninu hall) , Cniiil Im alum , Mcl> . ri l-l plow on rubber i desks, lllos or ottlrt* chalr> I unil type rniiirn nml lull p low on ruhlier with l.anl/ ei>ulleis ¦, writer Co. 7i* l, 5553, wr\! JIv/SO with enver boaidh ; J .I) . 2- ,se*clii>n spike tlrii Ki .1.1) . :t .M'elioti ) 1) SAY ItOSS , glvei yonrirll artrt your nfllco | In a Pickle •spike drau; .1 ID II tiin tloni hyd wheel disc nn ruliher ; | ilall a break will) a nn w Underwood tor ip.u c * llrtre Ii a 4 linlrnom home lime sprendei - , II ft. on riiliher; N .ll . Mi) bu. single benter \\ oiivnttl Prime 30 ny liven HnloM Tiona, lo h»r desk III* ' living and illnlng room-., e«tr« large hpreaderH; .11) , Model •l!/!i -l-iow eorn iilantcr; Mel) . Ifl ft , ;. Inr time saving totaling, Th« f«o say '' kllttiiMi , arm-mii*. rlnsei siiix ,- , i' rnr I''I'd ni iilii hinder , '.'¦ heavy duty hay li.-ilc pliitl oriu r;icks on *.j llll plus 1,1 K WINONA rVt'EWRIint (jiu ( fnwi*ini-nl -M--.I Ini .iliiin , fl 'ill'- I) SI.HVIC17 til l I-, .lril. Trl JJOO . SI2.V 0D It. lubber tired wacon , ruhlxi r tired wayon nntt r;iek , ,1.13. 5 .1 . - -; Wasliing, Ironing Miachinoi 79 •r.! fl elevator '.villi lioppei ; Oii'dinnl Ki' iiin elc\ ;iliii Willi DAr .S '| Rr.MDI.NCi: PHOIII-S Hii.s engine; Sinallv I'.rain iilowor; C.eiil Hi" lianihierinlll , Vj MAYTAO AND FRIGIDAIRR - Fast, ex- I J. Miwtml , . . W'l perl service . Complete stock ol parli, Mary * nuer . . . **>! * MIIJ

' DICK TRACY -/ . . By Chester Gould

BEETLE BAILEY Walker : /¦ ' - . . ' ' ' . " By Mart ¦ ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • " ' ' ¦ ' - * ^ ' ' . . ¦ - ' • ¦ '' — " / . ¦ . . : - . . . - . ; . ; - . . ;. - . . . . ¦ . - , . : . .

' • ' " " • ¦ '' ¦ ¦ " ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' " ¦ ' ' ' — '¦¦ ¦¦ ' ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ - ' - • - • - • ' ¦ - ¦ . "— ; _ _ . _. ! _ _ - __: - _^ :__ _ ~

THE FLINTSTONES By Hanna-Barbera - ' • '

RIP KIRBY By John Pre-ririce and Fred Dickanso-n / ¦ " " ¦ ' ' . BLONDIE ¦ ' : By Chrc Young ' . j

¦ ¦ ' ' -¦: ' " ¦:¦' :. y-;7 . 7 . " V STEVE CANYON - .;. ,. , - ' By Milto r Canniff; ' | LI L ABNER By Al Co pp

IRST TIME ¦ 1 ' ¦ ' ¦' -¦ ¦ F EVER! . h*^1 CHOICE" I . The Bulk Sale! > : 1 ^ ¦ ¦ IT'S HERE AGAIN! r . " W?* *K EXTRA LENGTH H " ' . ' J

;Ifar>3r n E, BunoN TUFTED ¦ 1 / "SLEEPERSKing Koil wallCHOICE" ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ I ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • . , A" . - - . - ... - , Spring Haddad. .;.s Great . Annual; Mid-Winter 0> I^^J Mattress Dry Cleaning and Finishing Event ! "%LESS ^ ! ANY CLEANING ORDER 1 1 i '! ft* than you d expect to pay I^^ ; § With Comparable Quality m 3) .70 Sl. jB | i Valued Length __\\__\\\\m^ W \ ' ^^ ^ ^ ^ at $69.50 ^ ^^^^^^^ gHH ^£ Quilted WT M < Regular Button-Tufted Your of or — ( 1; uAnnAn^c > . ' ¦^^^ wsd ^^SSflfflHR $ rlMUUMli 3 v l^^^^^^^^..ra.- r^s^^^ m^^^^ ^^^^^^^r ?Vh9|| ^^ ^^^ pMH || ^^ or Extra at the Same Low Price

• Here l y°ur opportunity for BIG SAVINGS on Haddad't finest ] 1 A-POI NX { mt len-jth genuine King Kail Springwall mattress either li'^.M ' HJT 1/J? ' ^^^ j ^^___\\\\w^^ S m\_wKf ^^^ ^ 4f' i' quality deeming. Any $4.00 cltjaninu order for only $2.98. ff • ¦* -< V!* | j ^Huk ^ ¦ J4 patented sldcwall supports in the mattress and box ^// Ml 11 I (. Y Dorinji this slack season you get volume discount on la rrj» ' ¦^^mmmmmmW^^ ' t^ ^\ jy^ 5i7 orcluri. So chock your closets now for garments yo u know "will I ^ ^^ SLV ^tVy/y ^ ' mnnii , WOP9et ' > moreWME usable space andNOW years of extra mattress Ille. a t n I ' YOUR THIS ^^ V: 1. Buttons Rep laced \T^ IN .. SELECTION .. DURING LIMITED OFFER * " have- to be cleaned anyway oncl tako advantage of tilt* BIG i \V^ mil* VflUni J. Open St arm Rcsown . - g ;. , BULlc SA , E %civinfli ,ot(ti y | ?$. :-. 3. Linings Repaired ~ i: ' :> 4. Pants Cults Opened , Brushed and FrffREE ttwfs^ \MM: R°",c,/%M/SAinM -tccniM UNST fry > ., .. OR um irxcrH* !))!.;: 7, Hooks and Eyes Replaced _ •. All Crnr-nf. N..»ly B-.,.d I I FABRIC CARE CENTER , ¦ 9. Stfl*N(/ Finish on All Garments _ , . . . _ _. * ' . ***** •I?.;>;): lft10. PPrompt ,, rCourteous , , PtnEfficient . , tService . 164 Mam St. Phone 230i 1 &¦ ALU THIS AT NO EXTRA CHARGE . , WINONA FURNITURE CO. pw ¦ . ' FREE PARKING AT REAR OF PLANT !| 106 Main (Across From Post Office) Phone 3145 /¦ . ' - ' ¦; • , ¦ ,/ ¦ ' -y. . . .. - . ; m7t r7 . 7 , . . . :, / , „ * ,: , • -7 7 ,.: . ^ . . .