Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-5-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1963). Winona Daily News. 391. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/391 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Light Rain or Freezing Rain Tonight "Warmer McNam^ Humphrey Asks In Cuba Can ftAenace Congressional Ask Aid lor into that; question. He said he ate-rangeU.S^ ballistics , " •' ' ' .- By HARRY KELLY i record in an exclusive interview , missiles . .<a Hearing would rather not comment on the on Cuba WASHINGTON' ' i I with The Associated Press as a; type the United States considers AP)—Secretary presence of Soviet troops or re- offensive) on the one: hand '¦" '•with' WASHINGTO N <AP> •„ - Sen. of Defense j congressional hue and cry rosej . Robert S. McNamara ' strength- on ports they seem to be digging in the other t ypes of. "missiles Which Hubert H: Humphrey, D-Minn.,.' : says ' 'there are undoubtedly mis- over Soviet military j :the island SO miles from; the ! to 'stay, undoubtedly are stocked in Cuba ," called today for public congres- siles.in ' .Cuba'.'- but not of the type ' I American coast . j But he declared 't.hat . ' orie rea-: he; said: . sional hearings on the controver- thai would menace the United v . - ' . : ; . : son for the; maze of persistent re- Mentally Of this latter category, : McNa- III States7 ; sy over whether offensive - Soviet- One issue of . the controversy is ports on ballistics missiles in Cuba mara ticked off five kinds: "'Based on the information . avail-: | just how many Soviet troops- are may be confusion over the vari- missiles and bases remain in "1. Air d efense missiles. ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦' able to me," he said, . "I believe in Cuba . President Kennedy ! hae ous lands of missiles that are Cuba. .;. " . - ¦ ' . ."2. Air-to-air missiles by : that there are no surface rriissiies ! estimated 17.000. Some legislators there. ' - . ' used Humphrey.; , t Jie deputy Senate First-Year in! Cuba threatening this country have expressed belief there are fighters to attack other fighters. leader, told a news conference he today. " , ' ,7 ¦/ ; ' V I many more^ . .. "This reports perhaps! coti-! "3. Surface-to-sea missiles used ; fuse ground-to-ground , intermedi- belie-ves public hearings should be McNamara put his views on the i McNamara would not be drawn for coastal defense purposes. ^ "4. Missiles for coastal defense held since 'there have been Cost Around purposes fired from patrol-type charges that the Russian military boats. ¦¦ -. - . ' . buildup on the island is more 7 " 3. - .' Ground-to-ground , missiles menacing than the Kennedy ad- for short range use against troops ministration admits. 7 S3f Million in the-field." -7 "Candor is required in this situ- By JOHN BARBOUR ation ," Humphrey-- , said. "We AP Science Writer Said , McNamara : "It is entirely should have open sessions on probable , that missiles of these these matters. There isn't any in- . WASHINGTON (AP)—President , classes exist. , in Cuba, and it formation that it,is going to be Kennedy urged today hold new programs he said, would eventual- ¦seems probable that the reports kept secret anyway." . ' ' ".' •'. are based on that probabili : ly free hundreds of thousands of ¦ ¦ ty." , ' ,;. ' - - ' mental patients from hospital beds and lighten the tragic toll The missile ¦ issue was brought of mental retardation . tip again Monday by Rep. Donald The cost for the first C. Bruce. R-Ind. - . ' - ¦¦ "'. Tide Votes year would . of be $31.35 million, but it might . He told the . House he has in- cost many millions niore when the formation* from friendly diplomats program accelerates. ¦ indicating; that -40 or more So- Runs Against His. proposals- were in a special viet intermediate-range missiles— message to Congress on mental of striking American cit- capable health — the first such message". - .. ies—are still in Cuba, These, he sent to Capitol Hill by an Ameri- said , are iti addition to the 42, the Diefenbaker can president ' , Soviet said it put in Cuba arid re- Kennedy asked for an across- moved after the threatening days OTTAWA !AP)-A group of the-board l egislative program for : of the crisis: ; ' :; : Cabinet ministers was , ' reported pressing Prime Minister John G. New comm unity mental health Tlie Defense Department swiftly Diefenbaker today to resign , centers, the centerpiece: for bring- disputed Bruce'-s contention, de- in an effort to save Canada's Conserva- ing the mentally ill back to a use- TUMBLE WEED JUNGLE ; . A fence ol tirne were stacked about 20 ,feet high. Winds whip claring: "No friendly government government from being ful life, and preventing new cases ' ' " tive top- tumbleweeds almost surrounds the farm home, . ' the . dry .weeds'. across' farmlands and Mrs. -Shritnp- has so informed the•'¦IJnited.States'; ^ earlier.' ' . ' There remains no pled by a no-confidence, vote stem- . of the Eldon Shrimplin family about five miles lir said this is the largest amount tb blow into credible evi- . More pre-natal Care for moth- . dence to support " his statement." ming from the nuclear warhead north of Sublette in western Kansas.: Mrs. Shrimp- their yard in the four years they have lived crisis.1 , . ers-to-be to: help insure their in- lin and . her son survey the weeds which at one there. 'AP Photofax > In reply, Bruce suggested "they Without naming them, informed fants will not be doomed to men- quarters said six, members of the tal retardation. talk to the ; State Department. More, They better get their heads 2|-rnember Cabinet agreed to put child health care to detect to- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦- gether." the issue to Diefenbalcer after So- ~' *:r..t- ' - - - ::x: ^^ .^'.^w^CK?-.*-*** - ^y:^\-'*: '.^. .. - ,< and treat threatened cases ear- cial: Credit leader Robert Thomp- DAMAGED, ORE CARRIER .. The Norwegian ore carrier lier!" .7 " A week ago, Sen, Kenneth B. More trained personnel and fa- son promised to back the govern- Skaustrand is shown tied up - to a p-ier in Baltimore harbor ' after , Keating, R-N.Y. added more tind- ' cilities for training ' arid rehabilir er to the Cuban controversy when ment with his party s 30 votes if being in a collision with the American tanker Thirllc ; Monday the prime rmmster stepped down; tatipn,. -6f the mentally ill and . re- 2 he told the Seriate a Soviet ship night. 'Both . ' ships had their . bows eayed in during the collision - S£l2^ . tarded. had unloaded arms in Cuba and -The two ships were locked to~ Unless such a compromise could which, occurred in clear /weather. More research centers to get at ¦ implied it had slipped in undetect- be arranged, or Diefenbaker him- gether for more man an hour, before three tugboats arid five Coast the causes and, hopefully, th«- '. '• ' ed! •' - -; " "¦ ' ' , ,;, self dissolve-d Parliament, a , vote Guard vessels separated them. The Thirtle, the least damaged of .cures; . -/ - , .- Authorities said today they don 't of no-confidence seemed certain the two, is riding at anchor jh the harbor. (AF Photofa;x) For believe any vessels have slipped in a showdown tonight in the Specifically, the President Inr ' tends to.introduce four new bills, N,D (AP)—Two/^ young tral North Dakota town 65 miles later at a Minot pizia shop, also into Cuban ports without being House of Cornrhons. N1INOT , . ; spotted ! They said every sea lane This would mean a general elec- one of them not to he fully inn* men arrested here late Monday • east - of - Minot . is studiousJbbking. wears glasses plementcd until the fiscal year be- is strikingly thin. He is 6 feel into the island is watched 'by pa- tion in April. night admitted. Sheriff! Olaf Haa-:i Original reports "were that three ahd ginning July t . 19R4. " • - ' .' men had fled in a car from the i and weighs, 145 pounds. trol planes: According to the informants , land said , gunning down, a; police i . - ' : ¦ ' ;.'. - Tiia't bill would encourage state a** . _ _ Storrn . : Haaiand said loot from several Wihfer officer found - dead jh an alley i scene of the shooting. Haaiand Finance Minister George Nowlan or local governments or non-profit early Sunday at Rugby. N.D. said that ,; and because' their car burglaries was found in their had strong backing inside the Cab- 7¦ 1 ¦¦ '. groups to establish networks of : The sheriff identified tie two as did not quite match a description apartment. ;. • inet to become prime minister if community mental health centers. Lewis Mattern . 21, described as: of the fugitives' car, was why Mat- He- said they wer e "kept in Diefenbaker agreed to resign. ; It would provide part of the con* ' 't Lashes Atlantic . the son of a -. well-to-do-widow who • tern and Linha were ! allowed to mind" since a few hours after the Court Won struction costs and up to. 75 per owns an implement and autorrio- i drive through a road block officers shooting in Rugby. Two motions of no-confidence, ¦ each '¦ ,. - charging the government JACKSONVILLE, Fla. fAP)-A breakers onto:. valuable ocean-: cent of the staff costs f or the f irst bile agency at Rugby, and Edward j had set up Sunday west of Rugby. front property, battering' resorts 15 months ,, decreasing thereafter A witness to Peterson's death with indecision, were scheduled to slow-moving winter storm lashed , . Liiiha, 22, son of a prosperous ! Mattern was held in the Ward and swallowing yards of beach.: for the rest 'of the our-year pr-o- farmer north of Minot.
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