Daxer & Marschall 2012 & Daxer Kunsthandel Barer Strasse 44 - D-80799 Munich - Germany Tel. +49 89 28 06 40 - Fax +49 89 28 17 57 - Mobile +49 172 890 86 40
[email protected] - www.daxermarschall.com Daxer&Marshall_cover+20omslag_new.indd 1 17/02/12 17:56 Oil Sketches and Paintings 1760 – 1910 Oil Sketches and Paintings 1760 – 1910 Recent Acquisitions 2012 Kunsthandel Barer Strasse 44 - D-80799 Munich - Germany Tel. +49 89 28 06 40 - Fax +49 89 28 17 57 - Mobile +49 172 890 86 40
[email protected] - www.daxermarschall.com My special thanks go to Sabine Ratzenberger, Simone Brenner and Jesco von Puttkamer, for their work on the text. I am also grateful to them for so expertly supervising the production of the catalogue. We are much indebted to all those whose scholarship and expertise have helped in the preparation of this catalogue. In particular, our thanks go to: Paolo Antonacci, Sonja von Baranow, Gerd Bartoschek, Helmut Börsch-Supan, Sue Cubitt, Florian Eitle, Birte Frenssen, Matthias Fischer, Sabine Grabner, Ulrike von Hase-Schmundt, Kilian Heck, Jean-François Heim, Daniel Katz, Gerhard Kehlenbeck, Wolfram Kittel, Jutta Kleinknecht, Karoline von Kügelgen, Marit Lange, Thomas le Claire, Angelika and Bruce Livie, Peter Märker, Verena Marschall, Patrick Matthiesen, Günter Meyer, Michael Mohr, Wolfram Morath-Vogel, Paul Müller, Claudia Nordhoff, Max Pinnau, Peter Pinnau, Erika Rödiger-Diruf, Herbert Rott, John Schlichte Bergen, Anna Katharina Schmid, Carlo Schmid, Ulrike Schön, Gerd Spitzer, Andreas Stolzenburg, Birgit Verwiebe, Wolf Zech axer & Marschall moved into new or einem Jahr bezogen wir unsere neuen Galerieräume in Münchens Dspace in the heart of Munich’s museum VMuseumsquartier.