Golden Patents, Empty Pockets
Golden Patents, Empty Pockets A 19th Century Law Gives Miners Billions, the Public Pennies. by Thomas J. Hillial'd with James S. Lyon Beverly A. Reece MINERAL POLICY CENTER • \VASHINGTON, DC • JUNE,1994 • COVER PHOTOGRAPH, America n Ibrrick Corpo r;I Lio n's Golclstrike ,\ line Ileal" Elko. i'<ev;\cb . In Ma y 199-1. lI "ing lllc pa tenting process, Barrick gained fec ti tle 10 [he publi c b nel on which the mine is located. That bnd c0 l11:1in s o\'er S10 billion in recovera ble gold ore reSe[T es for \\~ hi c h llarrick paid a ni), $5, 190 in sale price. Golden Patents, Empty Pocl{ets COPl'right (e) 1994 by Mineral Policy Cente r, Was hington, D.C. All rights reserved. Except in the case or brief ci t;:ltions used in rcvie\vs, permi ss ion to reprod uce any portion of this public ltion by an y mea ns Illust be obta ined fro l11 Mineral Policy Center, 16 12 K Street NW, Suite 808, Was hington DC 20006. Print ed in th e Unit ed St:ltes of Am eri ca on recycled p:lpcr using soy-based inks. No paper manufa ct ured by Noranda Inc. lIsed in the prod uction of this report. Contents PAGE ~J[~<=llti,,~ ~1l11OU[[l~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JL o The Public Stake In Patenting ...................... ........ ....... 9 ~ JE[()~ l?Clt~tlting ~()1r~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15) ~ Th~ (jjlL~Clt ~~~ClIJ~ ........................................................ ~~ o BIM, KeeIJer of Secrets ............................................... 35 o Patenting: A Brief Histo~ ................... ....................... 43 o Patenting And ~nvironmental Destruction .............. 49 8 Patenting For Real ~state: Miners Need Not AIJIJly .....................................
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