New Zealand Declares Massacre “Objectionable” and Arrests People Who Share It

su_note note_color=”#efe1a7″ text_color=”#00000″ radius=”5”]Several of the largest ISPs in New Zealand and Australia are using the mosque shooting as a pretext to block access to , , LiveLeak, , BitChute, Zero Hedge, Dissenter and a number of other sites. A 44-year old owner of an insulation company has been arrested and charged with two counts of distributing objectionable materials for sharing the video, and he is facing 28 years in prison. An 18-year old is also facing charges for sharing the video. Other Kiwis have reportedly lost their jobs for sharing the video with coworkers or viewing it at wor. A woman was reportedly arrested on suspicion of inciting racial disharmony after a hateful message was posted to her page.[/su_note]

The governments of New Zealand, Australia the United Kingdom have unveiled a host of authoritarian censorship measures to punish citizens and prevent them from sharing video of the mass shooting in New Zealand.

Multiple people have been tracked down and placed under arrest for either sharing video of the shooting or speaking positively of the shooting.

Several of the largest ISPs in New Zealand and Australia are using the New Zealand shooting as a pretext to block access to 4Chan, 8Chan, LiveLeak, Voat, BitChute, Zero Hedge, Dissenter and a bunch of other sites.

Telstra, Australia’s largest telecom company, announced their censorship effort on Monday, writing: “We’ve started temporarily blocking a number of sites that are hosting footage of Friday’s terrorist attack in Christchurch. We understand this may inconvenience some legitimate users of these sites, but these are extreme circumstances and we feel this is the right thing to do.”

Read full article here…

Additional source: uld-get-14-years-for-sharing-massacre-video/