Increased Cellular Immunity Against Host Cell Antigens Induced by Vacciniavirus (With 2 Figures) 122
Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung Begründet von R. Doerr Herausgegeben von S. Gard, Stockholm C. Hallauer, Bern A. Mayr, München W. P. Rowe, Bethesda, Md. J.Vilcek, New York, N.Y. Vol. 45, 1974 Springer-Verlag Wien New York Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung Editorial Advisory Board / Fachbeirat V. H. Bonifas, Lausanne F. Steck, Bern J. Casals, New Haven, Conn. J. H. Subak-Sharpe, Glasgow Η. Hanafusa, New York, N.Y. Η. M. Temin, Madison, Wis. W.K.Joklik, Durham, N.C. D. A. J. Tyrrell, Harrow M. Kitaoka, Tokyo J. D. Verlinde, Leiden K. Maramorosch, Yonkers, N.Y. A. P. Waterson, London M. Matumoto, Tokyo R. Weil, Geneve M. Mussgay, Tübingen Κ. E. Weiss, Onderstepoort E. Norrby, Stockholm H. A. Wenner, Kansas City, Mo. W.Plowright, London V. M. Zhdanov, Moscow Editorial Assistant / Redaktionssekretär: F. Heinz, Wien The exclusive copyright for all languages and countries, including the right for photo• mechanical and any other reproductions including microform is transferred to the publisher. Alle Rechte, einschließlich das der Übersetzung in fremde Sprachen und das der photo• mechanischen Wiedergabe oder einer sonstigen Vervielfältigung, auch in Mikroform, vor• behalten. © 1974 by Springer-Verlag / Wien Contents/Inhalt: Vol. 45 No. 1—2 Kalinina, Natalya O., Irina V. Scarlat, and V. I. Agol: The Synthesis of Virus-Specific Polypeptides on Polyribosomes Isolated from the Cells In• fected with Encephalomyocarditis Virus (With 3 Figures) 1 Ozaki, Υ., K. Kumagai, M. Kawanishi, and A. Seto: Studies on the Neutra lization of Japanese Encephalitis Virus. III. Analysis of the Neutralization Reaction by Anti-Rabbit-y-Globulin Serum (With 2 Figures) 7 Dmitrieva, Τ.
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