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Special “News You Can Use” Insert 4 GRIM LESSONS ON GENOCIDE 5 HOW DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CHANGES FILM INDUSTRY 6 BE A GLOBAL HEALTH FIELD SCHOLAR Emory December 3, 2007 / volume 60, number 13 _RE PORT SCHOLARSHIP&RESEARCH Holiday spirit shines at lighting celebrations Bloch meets Hendrix in alternative universe Bryan Meltz Bryan Angelika Bammer leads her "Good Worlds, Bad Worlds" class in discussing music that expresses utopian and dystopian visions. BY CAROL CLARK Despite her 1960s ideal- ism, Bammer saw their point: Ann Borden Should utopian visions be Stilt-walking jugglers Rob Dinwiddie (left) and Todd Key get into the act of celebrating the “ ello, darkness, my old dismissed because they don't holidays as Emory University Hospital lights up the night. Emory Healthcare's annual fes- friend, I've come to talk mesh with practical, on- tivities included thousands of lights and decorations at Wesley Woods and the University with you again." the-ground difficulties? She hospitals, highlighted by holiday music from the DeKalb Choral Guild and a visit from H decided to develop a class to "The Sound of Silence" fills Santa. Angelika Bammer's freshman explore modern expressions of seminar, "Good Worlds, Bad alternative worlds by philoso- Worlds: Utopian and Dystopian phers and artists, and compare Visions." The soulful harmonies those imaginary blueprints to GRADYUPDATE of the classic Simon and Gar- the real worlds envisioned by funkel anthem bring half smiles political treaties and constitu- tions. to the students' faces, although The extensive reading list the message of the lyrics is includes Karl Marx, Frederick Vote on hospital governance gets grim. Engels, Adam Smith, Philip Davis Burgess chose the Roth, Plato, Jurgen Habermas, song for an assignment to find mixed reaction from stakeholders Margaret Atwood, George examples of utopian or dys- Orwell and Ayn Rand. To topian music. But where does BY RON SAUDER board by Dec. 31. Bammer's surprise, the stu- the state could not be “manipu- "The Sound of Silence" fit? dents embraced the ideology • A written pledge by the busi- lated or coerced” by the hos- For Burgess, it belongs in the of Rand's novel "Anthem" — ness and philanthropic com- pital authority. Both officials "Bad World" category, while to strive to become powerful he leaders of Emory and munities to raise an additional did hold out hope of provid- Bammer, who came of age in while not worrying about the Morehouse have reacted $100 million in private support ing more funding for Grady the 1960s, classifies the song as fate of others. cautiously to a six-page over the next three years. through state support of trauma "Good World." T care next year. "That was a vision they "It's so beautiful," says resolution passed Monday, • A written commitment by the didn't find shocking, but in- In a joint statement, Bammer, associate professor Nov. 26, by the Fulton-DeKalb governor, the lieutenant gov- spiring," Bammer says. "I sud- Hospital Authority, in which President Jim Wagner and in the Institute of Liberal Arts. ernor and the speaker of the Morehouse President John denly realized just how much the governing board of Grady "And for my generation, this Georgia House to generate $30 Maupin said: we were at odds. I come from Memorial Hospital sets forth its was one of the songs that we million a year in new state sup- “We commend the Fulton- a generation where we be- terms for adopting the gover- loved. It connected us and gave port for Grady. DeKalb Hospital Authority for lieved in socialism and libera- nance changes that many have us a sense of community about taking a critical first step on tion movements. The students advocated as the first step to a • A commitment by the Fulton the things we were working to the road to Grady's recovery. were born after the Reagan financial turnaround. and DeKalb County commis- change. For me, it embodies the We stand ready to work with era, when trade unions were A recommendation that sions to back the issuance of impulse of getting out and do- the new board to achieve our pretty much gutted. Collective the Authority, appointed by $200 million in new bonds for ing something, rather than just shared goal of a thriving Grady action is a strange term for elected officials, follow the lead Grady. saying, 'Yeah, whatever.'" Hospital that serves the health them. So the vision of this guy of other public hospitals in the • A commitment by the Emory Burgess concedes that the in ‘Anthem’ who strikes out on needs of Georgia, including song holds a note of hope. "It's state by establishing an inde- and Morehouse schools of training a quarter of the state's his own kind of fits their world pendent 501 (c) (3) corporation medicine, which supply virtu- a timeless idea," he says, "that view." future physicians.” before you even think about to run Grady was one of the ally all of the doctors at Grady, However, they added, key findings of the blue-ribbon, to maintain their medical resi- how to make the world better, 'Dreaming forward' “There are many specific you have to listen to what's go- Greater Grady Task Force, dency programs at their cur- provisions in the Authority's The students also studied "The which was commissioned earlier rent levels; to restructure the ing on in the world." Principle of Hope," written this year by the Metro Atlanta approximately $63 million in by philosopher Ernst Bloch Chamber of Commerce at the debt that Grady owes them for Counter-culture clash in 1959. A German Jew who For a continually updat- Authority’s request. services already rendered; and The "Good Worlds, Bad fled the Nazis, Bloch washed ed list of Emory state- By a unanimous vote, the to renegotiate their contracts Worlds" class grew out of dishes in a New York res- ments and press releas- another freshman seminar that Authority approved the gov- with the hospital. taurant to support his fam- es, as well as links to Bammer taught called "Regard- ernance change to a nonprofit ily while writing the classic Immediate reaction from state major news coverage of ing War." The Universal Decla- model but linked it to a num- treatise on the history of hope. leaders was negative, with Gov. Grady and its funding ration of Human Rights, passed ber of pre-conditions, including: Bloch argued that while there Sonny Perdue declaring that crisis, see www.emory. by the United Nations in 1948, is no such thing as a perfect • A written pledge by the busi- he had no intention of signing edu/grady. Check back was part of the syllabus. "The world, people have utopian ness and philanthropic com- a document binding the state frequently for updates. students read it and their reac- impulses that are expressed munities to invest $200 million to make annual appropriations, tion was, 'This sounds good, through books, music and our in Grady, including $50 million and Speaker of the House but it's totally unrealistic.' They due when the lease to the hos- Glenn Richardson saying were inclined to dismiss it as pital is signed over to the new through a spokesperson that See GRADY on page 5 pie-in-the-sky," she says. See MUSIC on page 4 2 December 3, 2007 Emory Report AROUNDCAMPUS FIRSTPERSON L. BARRETT TYSON JR. AROUNDCAMPUS Celebrate faculty books ING Marathon discount with ‘A Feast of Words’ Meth epidemic growing fast in Atlanta offered for employees The Academic Exchange is An Emory team is now form- hosting a celebration of Emory ing for the 2008 ING Georgia faculty authors and editors Marathon, Half Marathon and of books published in 2007. Wheelchair Half Marathon, set The event will take place on for March 30, 2008, in Cen- Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 4:15 tennial Olympic Park. Emory p.m. at Druid Hills Bookstore Healthcare is again a sponsor of in Emory Village. Discounts on the second annual event. books will be available, as well Register online by visiting as a brochure listing all known www.georgiamarathon. Emory faculty books of 2007. com. Click the “Registration” For information, contact Shan- link at the top of the page, and nan Palma at 404-712-9497 or then click “Register Online GO!” Search for the team name “Emory” and register according McCall to give lecture at to the prompts. Margaret Mitchell House Emory employees who reg- Emory professor Nathan Mc- ister before Dec. 31 will receive Call will discuss his new book, discounted registration fees. “Them,” on Thursday, Dec. 6 Starting Jan. 1, 2008, Emory at the Margaret Mitchell House employees will receive a $15 & Museum Visitors Center. Set discount until the race closes. in Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward Meltz Bryan Contact Lindsye Mitchell neighborhood, the novel cap- Barrett Tyson (left), administrative manager for Emory's Office of Sponsored Programs, and at lindsye.mitchell@emory tures the dynamics of class and Jay Corcoran, director of the film "Rock Bottom," at the screening of the documentary, which to receive race in today's urban landscape. follows the lives of seven gay men struggling with an addiction to crystal meth, and their re- the discount code or for more Admission is free for resi- covery efforts against the backdrop of HIV infection. information. dents of Old Fourth Ward and wenty-plus years ago we boundaries in terms of race, ated with unprotected sex, Sweet Auburn neighborhoods. faced an epidemic which gender or sexual orientation. It increasing the risk of sexually Biochemistry department General admission is $10; $5 T no one knew how to is becoming a tremendous transmitted infections and announces '08 meetings for Emory students, faculty and handle.