by. Dr. Gabriel Oon Chong Jin, MD Cantab., FRCP London, FAMS, DCH London,

Knight of Magistral Grace, Order of Malta, Association

When I look back at the pages of my Life book, God has taken me on many very thrilling and exciting adventures , from a war child escaping from the Japanese submarines and bombers through the Straits of Malacca in the darkness of night to Bandra/Bombay , India in 1942, to survive the war, then see the ravages and the horror stories of war on return ;

...... to finding that my maternal grandmother Wong Bee Ho,had died from Japanese torture . She was the daughter of the legendary Datuk Wong Ah Fook , a poor carpenter from Guangzhou, who was liked by the Sultan Makhota of and built the Sultan's Palace in in 1858 and another palace inside the Singapore Botanical Gardens at Tyresall Road for his favorite wife Fatimah. She had helped in the education in the country and other philanthropic works.

,,, to see next ...the growth of two nations .. and Singapore ; the beginning of a Badminton career from the age of 7 yrs following in the footsteps of my legendary uncle ,( the Undisputed Singapore and the World Badminton champion Sportsman of the last century by the Straits Times polls). He used to play and teased us calling us " champs" ;

... to later at the age of 22yrs, to become the World No:2 in Men's Doubles and one of the top 12 in Singles in the early 1960;

... followed next by an academic career at Cambridge to do Medicine , and to rub shoulders with the great Noble Prize winners , like Sanger ( for Insulin) Crick and Wilson ( DNA) : to academic research and meet great researchers.

... Little did I know that these greatness would inspire me to follow suit and also be just like them " Ze best"

Finally called back to be in the Far East , by the Professors of Medicine in Hong Kong and Singapore & Doyens of Medicines and the Chinese Ambassador to UK ..." Go back home ..and help your people back there" .

-1- ...Sparse, with no funds , I was then then instrumental in initiating Liver Cancer Research (1975-2005) , which led me to be so involved with the WHO and the International Agency for Research in Cancer /WHO as to pioneer and lead in the safe implementation of the global vaccination program against Hepatitis B and its related Liver Cancer.

Using the new vaccine the demonstration project was carried out in under my supervision Singapore. Being a WHO project it allowed us to acquire safe and effective , but an expensive vaccine, but now at low cost to us for use in the WHO project.

.As a result, one of Singapore's greatest contributions to Public Health is the almost elimination of HBV and liver Cancer as used safely it has saved the lives of millions in Singapore and worldwide.

In the process of our research ,we produced the five first biomedical patents in Singapore in 1995 and led to the formation of Cancer Research in Singapore through the formation of the first Singapore Oncology Society and the setting up of Cancer Centers for research and treatments..

...... In the medical field of emergency, I was involved in saving the lives of burnt victims suffering from inhalation burns from the Spyros tank explosion ( October 1978) , and in 1986 ; to the live of a 18 yr old girl trapped in a collapsed building for four days in the Hotel New World Disaster.

Two years earlier , I had treated her for lightning injury which had hit her chest, vaporizing her necklace and leaving a singe mark on her chest and a galloping heart rhythm. She , wet after a swim at the East Coast Park, was sheltering at the edge of a Casuarina tree . Her four other friends standing under the trunk were all killed.

...., met ,welcome and dined with Nobel Prize Laureate Professor Baruch Blumberg (1972), discoverer of the Hepatitis B Virus on his 1998 visit to Singapore when he visited our Ransome Research Labs , and learnt about our researches on mutant viruses of HBV for which patents were taken out

...... The next Nobel Laureate who visited me in my Labs was Sir Sydney Brenner(2002) on messenger RNA from the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology at Cambridge who was awarded the Nobel Prize .

...... Coming to the last chapters of my book; I was the Archdiocese Scientific Expert on Bioethics and defended the Magisterium of the Vatican against Singapore Government's desire to embark into human therapeutic cloning.

-2- Based on scientific knowledge at that time ... no scientist in anywhere in the world has ever been able to produce a product without the risk of cancer or rejection of the product.

The myth that a 12 day human embryo could not be rejected and would be a useful malleable material for tissue engineering was shown to be false, with the discovery that even 3 to 5day old human embryos had transplant antigens, making them rejectable.

Safety and efficacy were the WHO requirements for any pharmaceutical product to be used in humans.

When my 'prophesy' was not heeded, by 2005... Singapore Government lost $250Million in published losses.

Since 1995, God has taken me and many of you on pilgrimages to many holy sites of Christendom and shown me the wonders of His creations , people, , languages , cultures and history of human civilization.

.....Called to join in forming the new Order of Malta in Singapore , I helped it to grow to show how exemplary Catholics can do a lot for humanity, and good works by hands on activity ...

Mission after Mission ,was led by God and only he could have cleared the path way which each had its intrinsic and enormous difficulties and challenges.e.g like getting Medicines through the war in Palestine and Israel in 2003 to our Order of Malta's Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, Palestine , which required permission given by Israel.Even the International Red Cross could not get through ; the Asia Tsunami and help to the earthquake damaged town and church at Lawdesky and repairing the damaged docks, fishing boats and villages in Pulau Aceh , which were on the path of the Tsunami ;

To witness God's amazing power to heal me from a severe life threatening bleeding.

God saved me with his invisible healing powers by His word , the promise by the vision of Jesus and Mother Mary and the Eucharist . I had bled severely from six undiagnosed and symptomless duodenal erosions while I was on an audit mission to Lawdesky, Aceh on the 25 March 2005 .

With no anti ulcer medicines but prayers and taking the Body and blood of Christ at the village Mass, the bleeding stopped. I had lost 5 pints of blood , dropped my blood pressure to catastrophic levels of 70/50 and had to be transfused with 3 units of blood 48hrs after making a safe journey back to Singapore.

-3- the bringing of the spirit of Lourdes to Singapore and residents in this region, who did not know what Lourdes meant and about our Catholic faith.... and what sacrifices and what God's mighty hand can do for success of such difficult and seemingly dangerous missions.

God revealed to me his powers to evict demonic possession in a woman who collapsed at our Lourdes 2009 event, and showed me the power of the prayers of the blood of Christ ,the Rosary and the sign of the cross made on the body of the woman by a Catholic priest, who was an recognized exorcist.

Finally, as I get closer to the last chapters of my book, God takes me away from the evil which has permeated Orders and placed me elsewhere to build his churches and bring the Good News to as many around the world , such as , with our new Singapore Chapel in the Holy Land...which is to bring more pilgrims back to the Holy Land to learn about the birth of their Faith .... and now our new Church of the Transfiguration in a roller coaster ride...

....My only damage ...physically ....two lumbar spinal operations for compressed nerves in 2012& 2013 and torn ligaments and cartilages . He has now replaced them with a Cobalt Cadmium "bionic "knee which will last another 20 years...and my companion and wife ,Susie who this year we celebrate our 40thanniversary has been with me in some of these roller coaster journeys and two wonderful sons who know what it is all about .... Sheng Lung and Sheng Fei, Ginny and Sinead, my daughters- in- law, and grandchildren Chloe and Christian .Who knows what God would want them to do?

Extracted from my Face Book. [email protected]

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 Andrew Ee, Sinéad Oon, Brayan Lai and 5 others like this.  1 share

 Andrew Ee truly, you are a man who has weathered many storms, Gabriel. I pray your descendants will be as tenacious as you. February 13 at 11:03pm · Like

  Patrik Van Havere All my respect and my best friendly thoughts to You! February 14 at 2:37am · Like

-4-   Sheng Oon Beaten sails and weathered decks are the signs of worth. What a rich and rewarding life you have. Some would say with all that have benefited from your work, that a life like that yours is a life worth living for; worth dying for. Easily said, but certainly not easily done. Congratulations to you and Mum for your lives's work. February 14 at 7:55am · Like · 1

 Peter Ee Great Holy Man very inspiring! February 14 at 11:34am · Like

  Janet Parry Honored to know an outstanding Knight and Catholic gentleman. Inspiring how you acknowledge it all came from God. February 14 at 12:48pm · Like

  Koh Ah Soon Martin You have lived your life very much in step with the prayer of St Ignatius of Loyola:-

Lord ...See More February 14 at 10:59pm · Like · 1

  Gabriel Oon When we do God's work on mission for Him.He smiles with JOY .No matter how arduous, difficult, dangerous or even painful that journey may be ..He makes that mission beautiful by letting us enjoy that mission en route .... Glory to God in the highest....and Peace on Earth ..Peace to His people of goodwill...... February 15 at 11:21pm · Edited · Like

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