Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 86/Friday, May 3, 2002/Notices
29276 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 86 / Friday, May 3, 2002 / Notices TO APPENDIX TO MEMORANDUM OF ‘‘We’ve been trying to get into the Microsoft’s ?? advantage—that it devel??ps AMICI CURIAE IN OPPOSITION TO networking capability of Microsoft’s products both the basic operating-system ??oftware PROPOSED FINAL JUDGMENT IN CIVIL and find there’s one con, non theme: that makes personal com??ters run, known as ACTION NO. 94–1564 NETBIOS,’’ Caro said. Microsoft does not yet MS-DOS. and ??pphactons software, like SIGNED BY GARY REBACK support native TCP/IP, but uses NETBIOS or word-pro??essing programs or spreadsheets, 2ND STORY of Level I printed in FULL NETBEUI encapsulated within TCP/IP, he ??nat perform spec?? ?? format. Copyright 1994 Network World, Inc. said. ‘‘Microsoft s whole empire is based in the Network World July 25, 1994 94–1564 ‘‘we’re totally uninterested in any interlocking nature of their ??perating-system FILED FEB 14 1995 approach like this; it can’t handle a network and application oftware.’’ said William Joy, SECTION: TOP NEWS; Pg. 4 of more than 50 users and is terrible over the a ??ounder of Sun Microsystems, and the LENGTH: 724 words wide area,’’ Caro said. ??uthor of one version of the Unix Perating HEADLINE: Microsoft free at last?; And Windows NT has proved unable to system. Ruling still lets firm incorporate apps in its handle the applications that Otis wants to ??Vol a Central Issue Microsoft officials OSes. take off its mainframe system, because said Saturday ??nal issues related to the Clerk, U.S.
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