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soucrrE D . M ES. B E E N i3Y. I ^ 1 IDRORS DEALER, tiORCDON VILtA. R .l lOAD. ST. LEONARDS. i 1 kiodb oz Iiiuliei', Gent'em *iT«hSt IE F N^'EARIiVG APPAREL. ot ereij ' • i’VE ONLY ONE AD BRiSSa V No. 3 0 9 4 ; B eek tm d , i tfce Orntnil Poai NOTE.—AH oanAiunicat. 6m ilionld i^. ■. OOee M • Nmeeper. TKLHPHOmi ... i i.. ... Pto' Gordon ViUa, ;oid, SATURpATl ]?EBRUARY 3, 1917 I Po*t in* par qttartar. Iby pc«i proinptlji attendee : object. *»• ^ will reqiui; .MRS. FRED. S & IIT lL e your Woollen Garments O HELEN’S WARDROBE DEA:: j ;r . 159. QUEE.N'-S ROAD. HjASTINGS. lY CASH — Goc4 X*xioe|: lor - c a r e f u l ly land Ch;Ldien’« caar-cfl CiLOTinNO.°"cSgi. Washed, therefore send to the a \, lASTlNGS, Lineo. Paiwelb valued ind moner rrtn ^ |7. Will Cal’, on receipt of POB^Mld. Public Notices. Public Notices. Public Notices. A H I N T . G a i e t y T h e a t r e , H a s t i n O s . PALACE PIER. F.< & E. LOCiOtJK. :,"■ M as(|nic H all. l ^td iOl.'Q;UEE.V3 K] of «^tk?tcr, ttr Mnekw iith and Lady Young, Tho Very B*>v. - ^wteo upoii. Dwpoeoib or ufth^r.______caim^S DSSELL’S Company, includinf; Reserred Seate. 4s, 3d„ 3a. 3d., &. 5. tdll will repeat their I kTns wanted. anyly qu'quujatity; SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10th. DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT on |d_. : _ good'sk^ue,____ >,a. 4e. (id “ A R o y a l D i v o r c e ”J Prooeeds wiH he divided between the Local Division of WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 7th FEBRUARY, at Foi* 3 lu in e a s i ‘Hill. 42. 31 iddle‘«»t-. Hat tiugs. B , W. G. Will*. tho British Rea Cross Soefoly und St. John, of Jerusalem. 2 p.m.. prompt. I GODOARD ^vee bi.vo Uiw’btit pricii^orT^i;;^ N \POIRONHMR. PRA.NK -UNDO. , ^ '■! ■frr kmd...... Cbildrou’s.rou’s Lef.Left-offi V eamiff A ppafel^Ai^ ■06EPHINE-MIS3 MARION WAKEFORD. : TicteU Ircirn pnril*. 3e., 1*. 6d., Is. and a few 6d. (tax LiiicijLin* —Un.Tip-Un.Tipiod-fit., iod-fit., .Vaiiford, Kent. * ^ P rogramme extra). No Pier toll _-,;EOHURSt. buys Laui‘8’. Genta’ and k m op«n 6-15- Commenre 7.15. Price* 4s. to 6d. :Ajter two and a half yean oj War, ■oUuuj;. Boi»ta. ,'etc.; Ijigb^t prieets gXTea- wffi Telcpljon* 517. ] OP LECTURES, CONCERTS, ENTERTAINMENTS, ou soodg (Sflut in: re urned imme^at^v* Etc., lor tho Week. it'.sfuctory; r^rbiglit deali !«>•—SS. LongportTctS CotONIAL AND CONTINENTAL when all wooW^n materials have Tho Exhibition will consist nl sevofal Stan^ of Exhibits wantJi . dealinc^ with tho War Work and Food Produotion. C hurch S ociety. Jeverier,. 14, Loudon.X H a s t i n g s P i e r P a v i l i o k . Diaabled $oldiere .and ,S:u<;orH will make T oys ^tc. (Lord aai^qnced in price 50 cent, one I Kobeits' Mehioiial Scheme. lOLD %'auted. 6f every n — r--r— _ e a r Oeneral Ifonaser: MR>. CH ART tEB HA^FKEBi. I e^oription.—W. RAffi. National ^ood Eiiohomy. National Poultry Soelety. A M eeting Ueuellerg, ;>9. abd 6L Mv’Ivuilt Pleasant-rd,, tw* ca realize whqt) h m an ■el4», give the | higheiit ^ >. National Umb Growers* Aaeoolatiou. Utility Rabbit and Of the' IjocoI ; Branch ot the above Soeiet? eiccepUonql i>ric© for uU kind»^ UoRit B re^ iu^ Infaut Welfare.' Natdosal and Phystuiit pelery. Watches, Chaiqe•^1 ., Cigarette Cases 2 *AIIiY et.S ewl ' c ' | | ie eoiitiiiu-m: gUd, whai2iit( rov^ient^: Etc. . -rr oppo^^tutiity ihts^ is 1 puels tve eeuil ; oiler by romrn. DiamoudB a5. [uNtCIPAL OkbttESWA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1917, at 3 r.m., in tho your order and Single Pairs Grouped * n ted.______. . LIVING BABIE6 IN INCUBATORS! Oondoctor: H R . HIRAM EENTON. MASONIC HALL ST. LEONARDS. MONEY,.given for 0..Id Gold. Je^^iiiiiJTT: BLtnS BOYS AT WORK. Come and see them moldnc n o b ik 'D ria ig e or sn^nH quap Jigsaw Puanles, Baskets, Mats, etc., etc. before the sj^ring prices come in. together under Foiit (iitltieti; alao lor Dearth iSttigder »od Sundar)— ' ^ peakers: — J and. oiher i.reci<-ua dbtL«ue, b B l Prien aa Usual. * OPENING DAY. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5tb. From Canada and:|Klondyke. i i een' and Webber. 3, ST. LKONARDS. ^ftornooo Teas and Refreehmesto at Popular Prices. 3.0 j p.m. Formal Oi»ouing Ceremony by LADY ISHAM Chairman: REV. CHARLES ASKWITH, M.A. HALL, ^ b . second-hand "’BATH supiK^ried by Uio MAYOR and MAYORESS of 1 9 / - , 7 / 1 1 , Db-erTcr'' Office. Hnstin; Box Ball AUcya. Rifio Saloons. Supported by Rov.^J. Woi«tcr, Rev. R. Talbot, Rev. ------—______IHa s TINGS MRS. KBDEN iVice-Piiwideni of tbo fOBES BOUGHT, Li i*n44"g every Evening in tbe Shore Pavilion at 7.36. , Hastiuga D ivIrioh of the Kritiidi Rod Ctcaa Society}, Awdry Jamieeon, Rev. W. -Bridget, Col. Bnrton-Brownc, |re‘cei.>t of pajce’.s: ba latere L releroncA—Hnt amt DR. LOCKE (of St. John of Jerutkaleui Hospibil/. fSuition-rd. West, Oaateipi Whet Drives erery Tueeday.and Friday at 7.36. i 3.3< p.m. Afternoon Cum^ert, arranged, liy MISS Col. W. Ward, fete. ^ • ____ TP-H FLORENCE AYLWARD. y t , SCRAP IRON~and' 4.0 No Chorg' foi Admieslon. A d . luvitcd. aged: cot.*tmift::6D v> at j ih • s•A.^A^d^party eecuSI pjii. Afteruoou Tea at Popular Prices. LADY Uiinsaetion.—G. R. Ja ikeon. Ltd ISHAM. THE MAYORESS, and MRS. EBDEN wiH ■ Iron ^ 1< reside ae Hostosees. PRINCIPALLY LADIES SHOES i-hnu«< Catiterbury. le lje e. 1». \ 4.0 p.m. lu tile Lecture Hall. Lecturc-Demonstratina. Ijbnto’ purobage tor fai^h oreH^SngKToiSiKSr C inema H e L uxe, I on “Econoiuionl Cookery aiM M eit Substitutes,” by NORMAN ROAD jukets, braoelete, wat»il ca i^ etc We MRS.iHABGOOD PHiLC'OX, L.G.D. itionally good rricee ju?t notv.‘ Send alon? HASTliiGS. j 13^ p.m- 1 MR. VAL MARRIO’rT’S-ORCHESTRA, esleyan ethodist - wc wi:i enbmit offer Uy retiim.—Harris »iu p.nu ILeoture on “Infant Welfuae,” by NURSE W' M OR JpveHers. The yBrids?©. Qiifle. Lewes dStJe fD-»AY (SATURDAY) Last Day of ^ a p t« 11 ]•! STONE (Ha*ftinge Diatriet Nursim: Ausoeiation). « THE RED CIRCLE.’’ | 5.3) , 7.0 ; and 8.30 'p.ui. Grand CoiJucrUj, arranged by C hurch, £L£:f7/?7C>lL AND eCHANICAL ENGINEERS, MISS IFLOP.ENCE AYLWARD. ST. LEONARDS. MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6.4) p.ni. ILeotnre on "Hay Box Cookery,’’ and “Cakes Have puifchased a scleclion the plant lately operated by the without Eesa ” Diahe*—Soda G ak^ Soone*. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4^h. 1917— BARGAINS FOR i6h. 6th and 7 th - < | 7.4) p.m. M B. VAL MARRIOTT’S OBCHKSTRA. & W B E N N E T T ▲ Great' Drams of a Sistoi’e Saoiiflcs. | 8.0 p.m. Address on “ War Sariui!*.” bv COUNCILLOR CLEMENT HILL,- Hon. See. Looul War Savinss K ey. H - B ateson Couumttce. i (Secretary to Army and Navy Board, late Secretaiy to SGiiltei'n Counties’ Vecuom IllEun^ > Co., 9.^ p-m. [God Sate tho Kin?. 1 ' “ N o t m y S i s t e r ’* Royal Anny Temperance Association, Indio], of Hastings, and arc open ,,to 3ook dates and undertake general SECOND DAY, TUESDAY, FE^ftUARY OUj. I s Four Part*. SERVICES at 11.0 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. cleaijing by this highly successful labOVT Saving SyStCm. I 1130 a.m. ^Lecture-Deiaousrration ol Eeonomlr'al Cookery 2.45 p.m., SPECIAL ADDRESS- * K t Wlfa’a Mistake” (two-ratt^ Keystone], ^‘The Lktesfc and talk ou “Economy of Tim4 and Labour and only |ADDR$£fi— ^ to Vampires” (eomedy^ The Journal and I Systcui of ly'ork, by Mrs. H. liABGOOD PUILCOK, /•A Vi»it to the Grand Fl'oot and the Fighting Line ■PHONE S«2. 33, NORMAN RD., sf. l.EONARDS. L.C.D.' iu Frant'C.’’ ' 1 3.0 p.m. Formal Opentns t)y The Hon. MRS. CURRIE, errpported by DEAN CURRIE, ID.D. CoUeotione for Homo Missions ‘ and Special Work € E 0 .H .H A L L H o w ^VV^ounded C anadians 3.. .5 p.ijL Lecture on “FircleBS Coolileiy.” among Saidiers and Sailors. 3.^0 and 5J30 pan. Afwriuon Conwnis, arranged bv The ^ NURSES FROfM THh^ ST. JOHN HOSPITALS. ARE C ared for. ' jsI ' ' 4.0 p.m. Afternoon Tea at Popular iPriOeL The HON. MRS. CURRIE hii*} kmaly c<>naeut^l to act ^ 28, j^OBERTSON STREET, HASTINGS 4.30 and h.30 ik.m. Dnumiiie Skctc-hk.'H by WOUNDED THE NATIONAL MISSION 'i>i fHOMDAY—Chapter 13—“THE BED CIRCLE.” | SOLDIERS from the St. J<»hu of Jerusalem Hos- ji in mUiticn to _^.pitals. i ArraJig^-d by Sergt. Is'orthey. V Ooalliaaona 2.30 to. 10.30. Seate Bookad. No Fisa. 4.15 p.ur. SOCIAL PROBLEMS, ' ’Phomo 303. I I^'ctujo on “JBoe-Kcei)jj[ig,” by ALFRED WOLFE. E$q. The Right Rev. the Lord 8.f5 p.iu. [Lecture on “Poultry Koeping.” by THOMAS Ar s o n s : NEWMAN. Esq. iHon. See. and Treasurer of the Scientific Poultry Broeder*’ Atsotiiolion). B i s h o p o f L i c h f i e l d RIDE? 7.Q and 18.30 pau. Ent*?rraininent, 1 amingod by the Will speak at a Public Meeting in the o v a r C entury* NURS^ from tbo ST. JOHN liOSPITAIkS. ** ! C entral P icture T heatre. I p.m. Addro^ on “Silver Bullotfl,” !by COUNCILLOR COUNCIL CHAMBER,'TOWN HALL. HASTINGS, PU Fidfucation&l. CLEMIKNT HILL. ideational. fT te HOUSE OF QUALITY). NEW N’EEDS. NEW OPPORTUNITIES, \ ) / E offer any who would Uke to learn to ride Sculptors h M asons HASTINGS., AND A .NEW WILL. THIRD DAY, WEDNESDxVY, FEBRUARY 7th. On THURSDAY. FEBRUARY S'th, at 7.30 p.m. and jump an eppceptional oppoitunity to adies stablishments of the South Coast. IIOKDAY, 5th Sth FEBRUARYiFEBRUARY^ foe Three Day#:— 30 a.m.' Lecture on “Hay Box Ccokery.' L ’ E . L adi» | ’ B stablisuxbnss. I pau^ Ponuul Opening by Thb VISCOUNTESS Tlw Oiair will be- t^ken by the REV’. T. W. COOK, do so now. W e haye a stud of we -tramed I.OGA1. OFFIOX- “ H eart S trings ” ! WOLESLEY (Vico-PndteideirS and Hon.— ...... Sw. otv.. Uie,^,v, Rural Deou ot liosringd. ; Su#Bex_ W^ouien'd Agricultural Society/, tvlm will speak R 0 B E R T 8 0 N horses and a staff of| competent ind reliable Tho Bootings and i St. Leonards STREET. 'A ktotoiiftil three^aot Imp productiGtn, featuring Jane Gail. . on “Women on tho l.and.” KICHAXL^S PSEPlSA T tn KPISODE 10 of “PEG O^ THE RING.” T 3.15 p.ni. I Lecturo-Dcanonfitrat;on of CjcxAcrr and talk on ' Laaies College, HASTIN MARY PIGKFORD and Full Programme. I “Keeping Ac'counte,'’ “PentOnaJ Marketing,”, and Riding Masters; also bur own gropnd!, where, seneoL. Urting up cejups of bread, edte.*®, fat, bonea, etc., by B ishermen’s C hurch. j DANE ROAD Ann CUMBERLAND GARDENS, ST. ORE. BEX U© BBIGHTOR. Look out tor our great New Seriall 1 | m privacy, the begirii^er quickly Acquires coii- |UeONABD3-ON-SEA. CHARLES ROAD, MRS.l H. HABGOOD PHILCOX, L.C.D. ' SERVICES FOR SUNDAY. FEBR U AR Y 4th. | . , I ______.4^11 TTOBRIDQE WjEliliS, ab4 CSCX* 3,30 and 4.30 p.in^ Atternoon Coooertii, arranged by MRS. UPPER ST. .LEONARDS-ON-SRA, OMttattoQs Ferloimance. | CHARLES . STRICKLAND -il a.m., Maiim*. with Address on “In the Becinnlng.” j hdence and skill. We otfer special terms for a Ration: THE I.ORD BISHOP OF CHICHESTER. Principal: 3088. AMY TAYLOR. jChainnau o4 Council: __ ! Populm Price#. 16 p.m. Alternobn Tea at Popular Price*. VISCOUN- 3.15 p.iu. Si>w.-jul War Intercewiionij., Mbferuu Hymnal BOYS tnd G I R ^ thoroojddy grounded fh ail B n a f : TESSr WOLESLEY haa kindly oonsentfed to act aa with Addieub cvi ' course7|ll of 'lessons. Terms to Schools SIR W MACKWORTH YOUNG-, K.C.S.I., M.A.. J.P. PRINCi A l : MJHS O. E. BATTYE (F ^ HonjF. of a good eduoatipn and ppepayed' for other EimCATES IHS& ! '•Hostess. “ THE GREAT EXPLOSION AND ITS LESSONS.’ pnVjWhist Driv#. Arranged by MR. and MRS. W. andl floltool of Natural Stiencs, Oxford; Late Please noto Gurnee of atldrea#. Mias Taylot : I GETHIN. W h^t Tickers, Is. tre#a of -the C la j^ m Hlgli School for Girle, Lqndo&; removed to lar^’CTj premiaea at 20, Cbar^ea-rond. - T he P ublic H all C inem^, 6.45 p.m.! Lecture on “Rabbit Breeding and Fcedirrg.” The Church i# now nicely warmed and all are welcometli Xitte ■ L«turcr USiivereiitr of Ixmdon. • 'The ’SprixiK Terto eoumescod on JTa^rivy:'H{ih. valM QB aS aziy Olid 8i30 p.m. Popular Coju-ert by MRS. CHARLES TU«rnft^6Ulcx staff laeludej:— 1 MISS FI.J3MIN,G^ B.A., ILondon iwitfi London Teacnerr KEMOBIAX), HASTINGS. STRICKLAND'S CONCERT PAfeTV. For farthtr pkrtieulars apply— p.tn., Lecture 'on “Herb • Growing a# a Paying In- duetry.,”-. by A WOLFE, lEsq., S6cr^ary of tta MI^*^ a*##ical Tripoa, Girton OollH«» TMsShete: BnetibC*) 832. National Herb* Growem’ Ateo^ation. Camb.. Cambridge Teaefiers*^, Diplcma. *■ wiKcai fsa ROUSE scasoL. X rinity C ollege of M usk . MISS W ILtdS, Modem ^ nguage Tnj>o«, Gxrtca Collefe, 8.6 p.in. f Arldfere'on ' Guns and Big Shells,*' by COU^CILLpR CLEMENTlHIUf.- HIGHLANDS , kNE ST. ItEONABDBGN-SKi M arrla«M, and Deaths. WOiVAT, rEBRUABY Sthi:.--. | . LOCAL EXAMIN;^IG5i8. I 1 TOCB’m - DAT, THU^aDAT., rjlSBRUARY Jth. I lU.BaiAG8B, H r h s m o c i a S' 30 a.m; Leetpre oh ' ..i .withicut Sugar.” Cbainnoh uf Board; Sir Frederick Bric»ii C’cntu^i iu 11 I United K>ngdcau. lu I and Wedding Cards ean bs as HoAteaa. ; ' : Local Secretary: C. ELVF.Y COPE, A.R.C.O., Swedish! G ym ^etics, Mondays, #t 2.30, beg^mnin? iwrtic'ilaxi from tlie Principal ^ A la—inoting Drama in five x^arts, adapted from the 4.150 p.m. Lectui(e on “Goat K eepii^ /’iby Rcr. ALFRED 17. WelliuptoD Suuare, Ha:4tingB. led at F. J. P.kraoBs' Ltd., Id, play by Samuel and Mary Lewis. • C. ATKINS,! Hon. See. of tnc National Utility Goat Dom whom the Cun>utt Syl:al>ue and ail infonuatijoTi JanuarT 22nd. ^ ^ ^ PAUL'S’ HOUSE. may bo obtained. PupK# can dine a t.th e Coljcge dally #t ,• xncderate Clfo'imont, . iastinga. • Club. ' UPPER MAZE HILL. Aad FULL PROGRAMME. а. |(5 p.m. Lectuke on “Fu4i Oixikery,^' by an Erpeot. ^^Th^ Council’s IBoardirnr H ew f—Dane Lodpe {adjoining and 8.30 p.ih. C-oncert*. axranged by MISS JOAN the Coliecei. -jnder the snpervtfion o f ' Mies Tnotol, ST. LEONARIML YOUNG and the NURSES of the RED CROSS ’Phone 387. Hou#s« Mvt-ress. [for 14 years of th^ Dr. Williema' (Girls’) D E A lllS . ^ , ^SOCIETY.^^ URSU.'VNT to an Order of the School at Dolcekly. ^ r .—On JpDuarT: 21s 1917, i t Boum em oo^ tlM i: 3 Gorerzimeiit Ticket Tax will be charged in addlti FIFTH DAY. FRIDA y I FE B R U A R Y Sth. I ' I to the War, to return to their Sehoo’.g on the Continent. 1L30 a.m. iL&^tnre r«u “Hay B or Cookery ” of WlLUAJl ' HEInRY PRES'I'iaN, de­ FOR GIRLS Alfc KINDERGARTEN. ^ Piepan6«V ^4—On tbe’19th iinst. at 22, Gro«fTcnoir-cre6ce The CollesM Ire-opened on Thursday; 18th January, I for Buys. • ’ ' Is, Jaiio, Widow oi the !are Tlromaa StratioR 3.0 ••t.nL Formal Openinc by KIRS. YOUNG.' ceased, and in an action Prestoi| Uijainst EXMOUTH PLACE, HASTINC 3.15 p.m. L'=eture-DemcTiptrjtibn c u . fecohomioaf, Cookery Clive A'll' partlcnlarij can* be obtained from:— Birminghaiii. ugsd '78 yeaia THE KINEMA PALACE, Pre.st<>n, the Creditors of WILLIAM HEN k Y Sound General Etiucatiou at moderate fe«5. CouiM a. Januiiry 22nrJ,. 1917. at ‘^ interstow ,” aud Talk on “Th^ Saving of Soap ind Soda,” “Home* Instruction coinprrje.^ Engliah Subject*. Frfenchf^ (cont#p» jutkIo Cl-oauius* Mat«TiaIs,” and “Baidly prepared Meat PRiaSTOlN, late of -Schenectady,- Kt. HENRY G. ExULY’, Secretary, ^ ~ . near Hastiue^, Prmk-Foefer, until leceatly HORMAN ROAD. 8T. LEONARDS. Helen’s Park-road, Hustings, in tho county satioua!). Phy«:ical Prill, Cia^^inging, Drawmg, PaLatiaiL' pann, Pert, i'd io^ 83rd year. Interment to Substitutfivi. DisbtfV—Leritil Soiip, Chirrled Egg#, , j 23, Havelock Road, Raetingi. etc. Prpparationk for Oxford and Gambn^e Locals '©■♦at F;^irli:rht irday, 2mo. three ivsphalt tennis courts hockey, backet bull, New Term be?inb Thurs^y, 18th January, IfM. bid, Hai"r.liam, after fire dayn Hincffc L-'^turcK. London, on the 13th day of Alarch. 1917 batointon, etc. ■ Hot hmeh at a amall charge. Staff all I fourth hon ! o f, tEe late Edinimd Strickland* 11.26 i.m. Cooke 1 PIPES EXAAIINED. 'rrJKlua^es holding: Toeohing Diplomau. ; Sjwteraatio ‘ ra. ’ . 3.0 p.m. Ftlmiial [Oper, iiiiz by COU MATTHEWS, O.G. Twelve o'clock noon, being the Ciinndiah Tro^i^j. ib HivdingB. Now Systems Installed for High or | Preparation for Lojidon Matriculation, UniTursity. Loral — On January 2(th. 1917, at 62, Milward ' 3.1? p.m. Lcf'tnj© on ‘Cookery for the Army.” appointed for adjudication on the clnin] and ' Entrance ' Seholarohip ExaminatiozL , Excellent J Hasiincs, Emily Mnti'do Tindall. elde?f HOTEL METROPOLE, HASTINGS, w p r e ss u r e hot w.ater or Steam Heatiniz 3.3t to 5J.30] p.m. Aft ■rnrK.m Tfja afc Pripnl&r Price#. A Dated this 29th doy of -lamiary. 1917. WELLINGTON COLLEGE |o f tl'.e V e J^'lin and . ...Mat-ilfia Tindall, d ProTn:n<^nt Canodiaji Lady lias kindl.i promieed tp act ^Kirts or eet maUs for Periodical cloAning ^ ¥ ro ep « W , etc., from thf;- Head Mistrese. or the Clerk away.—ykt Rest. S elect £ ) ance as Hostef« ou ;t.hl« tlio last day of the Exhibition. RAMSDEN A.\D CO., to tb#-Gbrernort.-!l8. Wellington Square, HOfitinga. DAY SCHOOL FOR GlRI)S and R lN D E R G A R T n 3 atd 4. WELLINGTON SQUARE. IN ,MEM( iRIAM. Crf^nd ComertP by AN^DARIffETTES FROM 8o, Gracechurch-stroet, Londpn, E.cl, ever lorip EASTBOURNE.” atJ.30, 4.30, 7.0 Head MirtreBsi— MISS HELEN BATHGA'TBI " port of Gunner "W. BL,. i^haolher Enjoyable Danco will be h^Id at the Motrop|5 !e I and 8.0 p.m. Plaintiff’s Solicitors. hn?."8t pon of Mrs Bettfi,. 40, The Tacklewaji •■ THURSDAY NEXT, Sth of FEBRUARY, House Mistra*—MISS EMILY L. BATHGATE, |w bo poHKEd awny it Sefem^kB7 25th ”jan'uaS Extra Iveo.turee will he ilnven. in the Larce Ha'll, on ' receives a few Retddent Pupils. 21, 3oars ard Jl nKiitl**. at 7.30 to 11.30. Ivoriotiri ,intcrci=tins Snbjci-TM throughbut the week. SOMERVILLE HOUSE, Dfuing Irooui for Day Boarder#. ' I ram, we cvirrot now recall fhem,- 1 ' Cf.if Seven Fully Qualified [P. the hrnte where wc. so d«'arly loved thto* artbway. The ManbJrement: reserve thei riijht to alter thie Pro- Re Robert W illiam Abel, deceased. ^r.afeme as imay h'' V»wing to the various dlffl- ! UPPER ST. LEONARDS-GN-SEA. y isitin g , Staff:—*. JU3D« Oi-ain can. srer flU tby pJace.' I ' j c-ulr'eft hroTi"ht into beinv' by the war.. Pursuant to the Law of Pi*opei*ty Established 1821. GYMASTICS-.Siaff-Sergeont_ Moe#^ PRINCIPAL:; MIS.S JOHNSTONE, Successor to ART—Mu«s Newman, A.R.D.S. iB. of E .. Cert.! AmendmoTit Act, ISSn. j MiGtrtfi*). - 1. X h e A s s o c i a t e d B o a r d , Y L IN E . MISS CUPPER. PIANOFORTE AND CLASS SINGING — Mis# AUiD r g u a r d i a n T ^ n Screw Mail Steamers. HIGH CLASS BOAKDfNG AND DAY SCHOOL FOE Nortcoi, A.R.C.M., L.R.A.M. Nsw DssiLas in Patriotia r .a . m , a n d r . c . m . ' H a s t i n g s S y m p a t h e t i c OTICE i s HEREBY GIVEN that .nil SOLO HINGING AND PIANOFORTE — Mra. Walsi% orial Cards, j P. J, Pprsens, Creditors and other persons having Fortri?htly Service, GIRLS. of Kullak’a Aciripnjy. For Local Examinations in Miuyo. j K MARSEILLES, EGY:»T. CEYLON, BURMAH, ,1 ______ELOCUTION — ‘‘Mica Dorothy SteveuBOn, L.R.A.1L« , 14, CIsrei Patron: Hin Majeety tlic Kin?. [ E l e v e n . anv Claims or Demands against tho I'lstato ASSURjtNCE COMPANY find 'Gold M edallintr ' T •Jont, Haatiags. I Boftcrarv Local R<>prcrrnta»ivo fur HaRtings:— ; of "ROBERT WILLIAAI ABEL, late of Tho I30UTHERN INDIA THOROUGH EDfccATIO.’’! on Modern Linm. Pro SHORTHAND—ilifes K. Reeves. P,,Mc.S.T., etc. HENRY G. BAILY, Egn., 2.3, Hayfork-road- ' Founded August 12t.bJ 1914. Registered War CliarRic# Warren. Church-road, St. Leonards-on-Sca, i l i m i t e d . LOCAL CFINTRE EXAMINATIONS.-Syllabus ■ A. Act. October Ctli. 1916. Apply to BIBBY B ?03. and CO., 26, Chapel Streat, psration tor Fxruninatiomi when deeired. Large and Bound General Educatioi^ tested by Public rin n ilid Maroh-AprM arid Noveicbor-Du^cmber. 1 in the County of Sussex. Gentliman, Liverpool; or 10 apd ! 1. Mincing lane, London, E.O. highly flUalifled|! Resid-?it and jvisiting Staff at Teacher, tion, wit-h special preparation for Artistic. CommerciaL ' I.- ■ JINTRTES dote Febroary 7th (or, with extra iee Decea.sed (who died on the 19th day of Paid up Capital £1,0|90,000 Literary, and Seerqtaxia. Career*. 1914: 114'Candidates 110 pae3 honours. 1915—113 caudidates, 100 paeeek February 15th'. • ' A W h i s t D r i v e November. 1916, and who.se WilL wn.s droved - ii I .11. — .SCH007- EXAMlN-^TIONS.-Syllabus B. I Total Assets |(ovei’) £7,267,000 42 in honour# In! the folicwing* ExamlnarionB: C ii^ Marfb-ApriU Jrine-.Tnly. nhd October-November. in the Lewes D istrict Registry of the IProbate bridge liocals; Royhl Drawing Society. Collet?# of Pr#k In aid 0? tho Funda of the above will be held at the THE TOWERS, BATTLE. reptors, Afsoc, Boabi, R.A.M. and R.O.M., and Londes CREMj ENTRIES January 31st (or, with extra foe Division of His Alajesty’s High Court of T h e ’ C O A IP a In Y transacts all tho| princi­ ITION. febniary 8th'. IQUEEN’S HOTEL,'HASTINGS. Principal—MBS. JUTSON. In.»titute for Nee^work. -gritr List. Term# ..(itiducel .lustice on tbe 4Hi da.v of January, |917, by pal Classes of Ipsurunce Betels, &c. for families and SObolarebip hoiders}, on application SyllKbinw A. and B. ran be obtained post freo from On iVe DNESDAY. FEBRUARY 7th. 1917. Leslie Charles Glynn Lowing, of 39, (rbread- tbe Colleffy ‘ I i w b o D CEMETERY. Rke Hon. T,op',l Rerrewontat^e, above, or from Full informs tion may be obtained uponi THE SECRETARY. 15,. Bedford Square, London, W.C. ■ cominea'ir.jr at 6.30 sharp. neeclle-street, E.C., the duly appointed Easter Term, lOU, begins Thurfday, January 18th. Modem Pf^ceaa »t Modeiata Rttea. application t6 the Branch Office:— j BOARDING SCHOOL FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF Entrance Examination Tuesday, January JCtli, lW 2a.lfc Syndic of the Capital and Counties Bank, ' GENTLEMEN. leul^A and rvec?vagary forma apply to TH f TIpKETS; 1#. Ltd., the dlxecutor therein named , are 82, EAST STRpET. BRIGHTON. LONDON. lETROPOLITA N CEMETeijlY CO,. M hereby required to send the particulars, in uebere, London Hjon. Sec, jflRS. KATE BURTON, E.c, (T«:. City 737SI. ussex oldiers igarei te writing, of their Claims or Demands to us, PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION. S S ’ C | 23, Norman Road, Sfc. liconards. tho undersigned, the Solicitors for tile said WIL^’ON pO TEL, MOUNTSIBE—HIGH SCHOOL Opposite Statioit, storia, and one minute from ^ 11. LAT3N ROAD, HASTINGS.' a n d C omfoi^ts E und. I (Capital aud C-onntics Bank. Ltd., on or before the 1st day of Alarch, 1917, after which T he p |rinr, Mr. Tom Comteen#, assets of (he said dceeaserr, or any part the Proprieipr’# Fa a School roK)pcni l|hursday, JanuaiX448th. Tele. N o. 73* Siipp«»r W'. H Sni'w. Corporal Roec will eint?, Miae in DoFBet#hirc, and the Vacunni iI Dancing Clas# open to outeide pupil# Friday after­ thereof, so distributed to any per.son or per­ Dam* Piaridant: MRS. EBDEN, B»:d*low Co’« Machinery____„ .. Is ii ailed on the premise#, by which I o NE M illion & T hree | i " Flr.ifri'.o .Aylwjwl wffl n^eompany at a •all dust irt rerabvW dailv from the room*. Telephone 391 ] noon*. CAFp CHANTANT on WEDNESDAY. FEBRpARY 7th sons whoso Claims or Demands he shall not Chairman of Vardehs: E. O. FRASER V'ictorio. En Pension Term# for long stay.. Tariff ofi Q uarters’ then have had notice. Joint Hon , MISS I :U..MAN, 1, CombeAnere Road. application'. T^egrama: Tuffato. London. [A N T I 'TSecretarics; ibiRS. Ip: KENT. 74. St. H«ti#n’6 Roadj LJTO!^ HOUSE SCHOOL. & S O N S ALBEAOY SENT. Adjraiw'ori Free. A Collection will be made. Dated this 1st day' of February, It LATON ROAD, HASTINGS. ‘ - JUVENI|.E BRANCH. GLEN TIETf. 'UNDEJTAKEKS. itonationa, Cigaretoc^, and other Gifts for the Satoex GABY AND STAPYLTON SMI'P H. Dame Warden: MlSS PERRINS, 48, NeWoij Road 8o>d:«rs and Snilar# meet gTalcfuiiy receired by:k- —-i----- ^------■ SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND KINDERGARTEN, FOB YOUNG LiUJIES. 1, Cambridge-road. Hastin; HOTELS TfrNDFlR THE DIRECTION OF PRINCIPALS; kiSSES KIMM u)d DEW. HIAa* 18188 GERTRUDE ADAMS. Hoa. Sec.. I MOUNT ROAD. Teetimonial# and Relerenoea * • QUEE»!>8 ROAD, and MISS n /H D V , Hon. Trea#., D i c k e n s ’ F e l l o w s h i p . Solicitors for the said Exet2ut'or. ,Tnin tliR Habitation and hulp tn maintain Elcligion, the S m HENRY LUNN (Chairraar.) and CouflriluUan, and lity of cur Empirel- Apply to 1 Rsmoved froui Edmund Road to larger premiMo. Superior Ediicatkn on Modern Piindpl##, 15, EVERSFIELD PLACE, ST.. LEON’AJI^DS, I i| A CONCERT cjf tho Hon. Socrctaxiea. i MR. W. HOLD^lWOfi'TH -LUNN (Managing Dircetori. THOROUGHLY SOUND EDUCATION, with Pre­ lUi^b OAD, CLIVE VALE Pupils prei^red io: Public Examinationa paration for Cambrii^c LocaJu, CoMege of Preceptor#, •T>n A T>rm:'NJ - CTE'-D a t » a n r» ^ T e le . I l l y Lill he •held nrder tbe aiii*p cca of tic aborc on KINDERGARTEN SEPARATE 'DEPARTMRlito U AiTIN U S. TTIUT’SDAY. FEBRUARY 8thJ at tbo ^ y a l Drawing [ Soaiety, London InititntQ for Neodlo- for OUKEN’S nOTEU, ro4nim’'^n<’irn:i at 7.30. The Rural District Council of HASTINGS ST. LEONARDS, work, and Aeoociated, Bboard Examination#. BOYS-Swedi#h DrCl. The Arti’^tft* liare Irihdlv pronlifud to a«sist: — H a s t in g s Tb# icaglieh Biarrita. P ^ peotn * on application. Owinw to Increaae ot Pn^la, a Iar,ra Sdnx^noar Principal: MISS E. WALM8LEY. meeiins the tequiriimeBte ot the Educational B n -E S f L a u n d r i e s a n d t h e w ARj R’lliy WiliiainR, Mi-w Vi(’’’rt'Bo).in«.hrokf. r b I f e Most Pei feet er& of the Laundry Association for this Hii Worship the May^ (Aid. Hnt^hinpsl will preside. hull'-yeai- ended the 30th day of Septeinber, CARDENS LAIli) OU'T and PLANTED.; Importer, Rajnfa'I limmlarr miTC'H T5UI;BS and otl.sr in.-iwori!-.- n-noi. itainra.i______. low. Ground drie* quickly. »LSTERE J BLINDMAKER. « • (Hrtriot t-^) anuounre that the Cost of clniue Adjuiiv.'io'i' Fr*^. Silver Ccllcetiou in aid of tlic 1910. -has been completed; and tRat the Other Flowenag Rioole. Siuiihipe re “Ord# aboonnaily high. HOME SCHOOL. Laundry Work contimme to in^tent PrisouerB ot War in Germany. audited Accounts' and Statutory Einancial b l o o m in g p i[ ANTS at all #eat()nB. : 5, CHURCH ROAD, that a Further Revision of' Prices jh necfe->ai"y. [ Statement will be t,p;)n for Yispecti.|n, with­ Superb Climate, Seen iry and Hisf&ricol Aasociationa SKINNERS- UNDE RTAKER Thie is* du" 10 tho inercaFed and increasinj? coet ’ Tram# f r o m .Memo^*al et)p at the Nurecryl Inopection s i ’. LEONARD3-ON-SEA. out payment, by any I’arochial Elector of a injrited Teie. 16]y^ Material, Waye.s, Ci'il-erti'm and l>.'livery,^ Shorts?? i-f 1 i l B A H T ETOIEL. from 9s. p«r day. Principal ' ,, -• •• MISS HUDSON. Worker* and otln-r (I ffioulti^, whi(')h rendi?r it impossible HOTEL MFTROPOLE, ROBERTSON TERRACE, Parish in the Tlural Di.strict. at oh reason­ JQBMASTERS. Id work us eronouikaliy ae beforr?. high class bo a r din g school for a * snaU lu t 71«asa4i't rtaau, H astlaE* HASTINGS. able times within a perioel of 14 clcys from CBOMWELL! Bf TEL. from 8«. per doy. A further 10 per cent., making 20 p^r cent., will fn' the 3rd day of February, 1917. (oni and danclitaTi of (cntlerncn. I r k s —'EMMANUEL ROAD ylded to aJ laundry' bills, on and after FEBRUARY ■ O N E N o . G17. 1th next. A S e l e c t £ > a n c e s . b u m s t e Ad , Has^ngs Pelmanent Bulidine Society ATHOI.L PALAGE H 3TEL, PITLOCHRY, the Finest Proapectu, ob applicaGon. Rates, from tt. per day; Summer, OESES a|nd CAEEIAGES of I, _ THI3 i).a r g : ^.ST IN Su s s e x ] Hotel in Scotland ^ I Will be he'd at tho above on Clerk to the C omicil. frciii 12i. per day. H description, i ^ r e s e r v e f u n d ...... j£U,000 a,\T0BDAY, PEBIlUARY 19th. 7.30 to 11.30. 11, Wellinglon-squarc, Hastings. u n d i s t r i b t ) t e d SURPLUS .. : £22,660 ALLAN W-tTEIl HOTEL. BRIDGE-OF-ALtAN, th, C0BSW1LL18 HIGH SCHOOL, Privat* Motor and Tjasi-CalM C a s t l e ' H o t e l , l U ^ l O N r n r n i a h i n g Ticljct# li, i Entrance undor Archway. Sccttiali Rirjeta. from 8*. per dcf. FOR GIRLS AND KINDERGARTBlN, FOR HIRE. U n d e r t a k e r ■ L L, I N C T 14 N SQUARE, HASTINGS. Unusual Opportunity for investors CORNWALLIS GARDENS, HASTINGS. Comm»i:c« the Sew 3’oar hy takins pne or mof# .jHyr SANDRIN^HA^p HOTEL, TORQUAYi' from 6a Offices:— M e SDAMES GrREENAijvAY. loTMting Shatw in] the abo.o Society a* .follow,: Principale: MISS LE COCQ and MISS BAT**. L.LA. BOYAL field Road, Queen's Bond, f a m i l y a n d c o m m e r c ia l . pox day. Hon. St. Ahdrew'g Wooicn’a Hiffher Cimbridca 'MEWS. CO fFEE ROOMS. WRITING ROOMS, S t u d i o f o r L a d i e s . COESETIEKE8, Tan . SkilllntB per B o n a inveatod for 13 , r Corfiltcato,, ata. | y^OTA amount to 78 6 0 <^AMBBn>SB BblD, ^ fiorie niV9 Hastlnjjs. BILLIARD AND SMOKING ROOMS, 40, ROBERTSON STREET PAI'aACE HOi'EL. XONTANA-SUR-SIKRR^. Now Rliddest and V iaitisc Staff. KXCFIiliENT STABLING AND GARAGE, . ^ MISS LETTICE MACMUNN (fennerlj- ot Wellinfftoa P4w). Interest at 4 per eimt. 22 0 6 Open fer Fro’seh lliUtary Cnn niodel*. CLOTHING. Danainc taniht by Miia V. V. Botincknka (papO of i Stadent* ; are preparsd for the teeclier c*rt;fl«itc of WiaJama Ottviatl}. ttie Bojal iDrawine Soeiedy. Vast Tara amjasatm XkaaOr. 9«mi|l'l|ikt E T 3. T H ^

WOlUNEED IN _ ' W e regret to annoui.-.^ lDISCUSSED a t HASTINGS JffonnaB 'Winter; Royal Su EDUCATIONAL CONFEKENCB. inched Nigerian Eegiasent ^ d Mts. Winter, of 16, Fale, has been severely (•rvice in East, Africa. j|lCTUBB PALACE PI rigU through the Capiei The Educational Conference at the Town lit. its conclusion rtturned; t o East Afpica,'! H all, wfhkjh opened on Friday, was con' dnued the OouncU to krrive there on the llth'l on Sat|urd4.y^ morning, when Office telegram, received'! Chamb ^ain well fillel. ■ A he was wpunded Ca Mr. Maan, t<^etber vim the Military Be. The Best Aldepmanl R. VV. Mitchell, J.P. (Chairman • /W , _ I of theJHas:ings Education Committed) yre-- the! gallant officer’ the Hastings Ed;ucation Coni- Wifiterj while on the vol to find hubstitutes. 1 ' PELHAM ARCADE, £AS |;NGS. mittee), Mr C. W. Urbeker, khe fine; time-they liad ! Mr. (^rless said he liM written to the 1 The Chairman, in hia.openinij! remarks, .Ihey stayed for a white, aJ County Courts ;Gazettd Office, -where a regis­ .plained tha ; the Conference ylas the resnlt- DEIICIIUSI R U l everything, they could for? ter was kept.'^ 'He had received |a reply say­ o t a siggestion by Mrs. Strickland. [ He ■njoyment- He speaks o ing thw there were now no namM of w in ty NEVe I & CO., WELLINGTON PLACE. noticed tha: recently Sir Edward Clarke, r gplendid,” and doing' Court Clerks on the register willing to take • I -______^------K.C., recommended people wl^o.wanted to jjood. t>y I the nice , sea br^ a position for the penod of the war. If the hear nolnsense to attend a conference, names did exist there were m iny ^»ises ta ting hoped the iireaent conference [would jjro to . IpEARED^- LOSS 1 priority to Mr. Carless’ application, l^ any eon went he would have to cell oiit. had prove that Sir Edwlard was not alway^ cor­ ■ On Tue.sday, Mra.> Griff clerks______in ___ other_____ parts__ of the country.had. seen one aubstitute but h« was hn iiwalid. rect. He hi.d since noticed in the papers Jens, received an intimat beenoeen grantedgr>antea exemption.exempuon. Iti t . was He told the Military Bepreeentative that be that Sit! Edirard Clarke had had Jiis vratch Autborlties that her husl source oflapplication he had,,as County Court notiget a nuui to teke his son’s place.- and chain slolen-—(laughter)—aind they were b v t t I i RN.R-1 had been missingl triiinmg, , dThe Mayor said the Tribunal wad of opinion there thiat morning to talk about),crime. On been in collision at sea;! Condif;ional exemption w^a granted in 4ach tjjat tfanldairy interests bad. euffered'quite the previous day something was said about that he ’was drowned. I case wi^i ,the stipulation that ^ey should enough already, and they wouldl grant ex­ the breajking of educational' by-mws. In the join the -special oonstabnliiry; !was a .lettei of sympaiS em ption -vtrithout tim e lim it. only two cas of alleged breaki|ig of the by­ King andF3®een; J CORPORATION CASKS. Frank Henry Hickmott, 30, covraan and laws the: Has tings Education Committee T ! The imissing [man waff Mr. Idle daid that as a n ember of the milk driver, was claimed by Mr. Elohinond, taken abtionj Members of th[e Education noitooration until about fi bunal \<[as ill and the members of the farmer-—|t was stated that men could not Committee cm ld not be all over the lo'wn 3reaches of their by-laws, ho joined the Navy, a lt poration did not wish to sit , and &ere wi be got aim women could not do the work fM . In his earlier li| thus not be ,a quorum-left, he suggest^ t| because ol the long hours..ei-The inan had a they woWd ilways agt where cases tsherman, and w^ a dr the caseis should be adjoutaed for a iveiveeS claim on domestic grounds.—Conditional ex­ brought to tlieir notice. j I This was agreed to. emption for six months. Miss Penroje Philip expressed pleasure in vwtion Army, with whor Arthur IWilliam Bailey. 37, -Whitefriars- speaking to ieaehers. Teaching [did not [end neoted for nearly thirt CHEMISTS’. ASSISTANTS. rqad, tooljgrinder and cutler, asked. f?t f?t- in the Schoolroom. Bhe did not speak to .^TTtn on Chna . The names of Messrs. W illiam J.- Bull, |37, tber exemption and was represented by Mr. them as an jutsider, because she had had nearly a month, < George W. Barden, 25, Stanley G, Court, 27, Harola Glenister.—Three months’ condi­ experienpe as a head teacher. Her subject • 008; indeed, he was ex_ Alfred I^illips,-24, John Ihomas Twigg; 38, tional. 1 _ , , was "Juvenile Crime,’’ and appliM to itlshe b a r g e d on account o f iill John L. Tisoornia, 29, Horace Percy Weavt rs, Percy Gurr, 37. Cl, 26, Bourne-street, did. not like t ie word " crime.’’ $.he did not ■festive^.decorations have .1 EFFICIENCY DEPENDS ON HEALTH, 37, and John S. Irwin, employed by various m aster hreiad baker and maker.—Six m onths’ think such a :hing existed, but rather looked kome in readiness for his 1 chemistsi came up for further consideration conditional. at it as {"juvenile delinquencies]’’ These i A sen » about to jd on claime for further exemption. Oscar Jepner, 32, 17, Grand-parade, mana­ offences had some to the snita^e luring the fe one younger boy at ho" Mr. P.i W. Morgan repredepted the parties, ger boot atoree,-employed by his father.— last two]year3, and‘‘a factor in tiis matter Citurafiy feels the 1m s ve as lads to a high and the iclaims were supported by the Secre­ Applicant said he was'managing the business had been the (ixtreme strain and stress of tpe a faint hope that^ her^^ hj tary to the local Insurance Oommittee. as nis father wao ill, and if he weart it would times. Bjad homes were tlje canse , o'f Guarante|ed state of I physical f itness, The clhims were not opined. havb to be [closed. The business was founded juvenile naughtiness. -Proper recreatipn In reply to Mr. Mann it was stated that by the late! Alderman Jenner in 1864.—Three grounds yrere. a necessity to pre'vei t children ' - ! ' . Ca n a d i a n ! all the men were married with two excep­ moUth^s’. conditional. from playing in the streets. The existing British Tars cheerfully endure the tions. At this point Mr. Skyrme taid it was Will(iam Crowhuret, general service, 3L wrong cPnditons were respon^ib e for *tpe ■ftidter of the .0.0.. impossible to get substitutes for: these tvto tailors’ cutter to Messrs. Lewis Hyland and creation bf many of the juvepile offenders, 4bsoIutely Pure. ra will , next Tue, incessant strain and fatigue con­ men. The Labour Exchange had not beep Co., was claimed by the firm, and fir. Crow- who too [frequently afterwards! d:-ifted iilto ■with the V.C,, Tno disj able to find anyone, and aflarge number of hnrst made a pergonal claim and. produced the crimiiiai tanks. She stronglV leprecaued M 1014BS, P rivate-John veyed in the or^er “Carry on.” chemists 'had gone into the Army. There wap medical cortificatee to show that he^ had the condition of affairs which njiac e it neces- ,& e Canadian Tnfantr}'. a dearth ibefore the War, bpt now there were long'suffered from disease of the heart* He ther to go out to jwcffk instead 'beeaf made for most i none to po had. jThe work was carried on at was under exa^mination ,at' Erastbbum* for of doing her proper duty in thb home. Chil­ a high pitch frote. morning nil late at night. During a bcanbing atta< Tte maxim of i|;he Navy is to do every­ two minutes and he ■was astonished when he dren always itnitated their elders, and with heyoMt man, and knowt The Tribunal gave the married inen condil was passed for general service.—Referred to examples I of looting, storming ti’enchps, Q. tional exemption without [time limit, and T oL Ol lLl\C.d oi\i rronv I running qhort, he ral thing as ivell as I it ca!n be done, and Jack, thoi Centrall Medical Board in v^w of the bombing, | etc. it was not sutprising that 1 wnder heavy, fire until M the single men conditional exemption for contTadictoirv nature of the medical evidence they—„ tried—-™ to™ Imitate some of (hjse thinks. three months, the omployelrs being advised tact vrith the enemy, when washing, Sljiowls his apipreciatidn of before the Tribunal. - l j i . j Referring to the outbreak of indignation in eri them at point-blank to make every effort to hnd substitutes for Brown, 32, labour abroW, tfie Press! as to juvenile crime, uhe said it ioavy loss. Thq enemy. the rale by usiijg Lifebuoy Soap. He each of the mefl. ; House Hotel, Wsst Hill.-Applicant ^id he was the "silliest of things.’’ jib e writers ■-worrounded. su rrenderu The Mayor—How about {some public ser4 was in ver3’ inferior health and g^ye details. did not think c it was one of t(ie difficulties prisoners were taken and I hasn’t too muchi Itime to spare but health vice? , , j 1 1 —Adjourned for a week for medical certifi­ of the age to lOake people think. The Press Ir^ h captured. R efill ^nd cl^nliness ^ust be maintained, so Mr. H. C. Edwards—Wo pave to work all cates to bd produced. ■ in advocating more birching offered tha •ery plucky apt one Of Pf* day on Sundays as well as week-days. wrong' medicine for dealing with the out­ had been blown off bv a,; iLifebuoy Soap l i suits him e:|cadtly — it The Mayor—I have heard it skid that a' break of jfivenile offences. She de|clared t(iat two other men .he psoot^ chem isPs life is a dog’s life, and! we don’t MAGNESIA CURES STOMACH incorrigibility did not exist inf a child (or einder ’fire and Ihen retuj cleanses quickly—i|: promotes health. propose to, enforce any service in ttese cases. TROUBLES DUE TO ACIDITY. even in al gro’ vn up) if he were [only gitren LOCAL BRANCHES, aelf for duty before THEi TRAMWAYS SERVICES. a chance.! Iiuorrigibility was pot a conjdi- dreesed. Private Kerr h . Mr. Lloj^d said; that these cases were tion : it v(as only a label, and Could be got 5Ia, GEORGE ST, 48, QUEEN’S Cumberland. N.S. Fh^ Whilat those €ct\^ome can never tfuite groMp brought before the Tribunal because recent READER’S REMARKABLE TESTIMONY. rid of. Repression and brutality pever fot i neared in “ Canada" oii-J f | . the full mfi«atinjg\of the words “ Carry on," instructions cancelled all the I'ocruiting moment tjurnpl a bad boy into a! good one. STINGS. I^ASTINQS. Hie notification of the a’l officer’s certificates of exeipption.i These So-called [stomach troubles, such as indiges­ Punishment alone was quite upeless. S(io “ London Gazette” ! one and all can cany on the good work had theroiore been W'lthUrawu, and it tion, wind] stomach-ache, and inability to objected to birching altogether, and Btronglj 42, 1 LONDON i ROAD, LEONARDS. ' I ' of promoting Health \and cleanliness with was •necessary that all tlie men en­ retain food!, instead of indicating ifhat the protested 'agaiist the proposal toj raise tn» V X PEOh gaged in these services would have to re- stomach is put of order, are in nine ease^ out age at wfiloh xiys could be birched. Wnai Friends of Mr. and Mr Idfebaay Soap. Wash face and hantla with .ceive’the certificate of the 'tribunal. To go of ten simUly evidence that fermentation is they wanted to aim at was keiformatibn. S t “ Cranford,” Sti Pel it—^bathe w ith if—shampqo with it. into each ipdividual case wtiiild toxe an,im­ taking place in the food contents of the Dealing ; with ^ methods, outsictel birchiig, pleased to hoar that.- the mense amopnt of time, and with d view to stomach, c4using the formation of gas la adopted fbr dialing with juvenile offenders of ‘ war was in *■ saving that; he had conferrtd with |4lr. Pal­ acids. Wind distends the stomach ;i she sai^ that the infliction o f hi fine ofifen m o k e - t h a n So a p , y e t c o s t s mer, the . Borough Surveyor, Mr.l Butter causes that [full, oppressive feeling sometimes pun.ished the parent and hpimperbd th eh oip e, worth. Borough Accountani:, Mr. Edwards, known a.s’heartburn, while the acid irritates the conditions of which frequently led j to N O IMORE. of the Tramways Company, and Mii. Fergus- and. inflames the delicate lining of the the conduct of a child. The binding over of jLiTTLR D ora's Sp c iu n g B o o k . son, of the Borough Electr eal Department, stomach. The stomach, however, is not at a parent for tie good behaviour of the chlild Do ybu want to LEVER b r o t h e r s ; LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT. with a view to ^fcing whrt men icould be fault. The] trouble lies* entirely in the i. fer­ might be useful in some cases [where tin li 150—» spared at the present time. He had gone into menting food. Such fermeiitation is un­ parent could h 5 trusted to see to! (he welfare the occupations of tlie eligible men in detail, natural, ami acid formation is not only un-. of the child. .Is to industrial and reforma- Jloth-er de-clares Do you want to and the result was before tpe Tribunal that natural, but may involve the most serious •tory schools, sl.e did not think tpey were the h day in the form of assent to certain claims conse'quencSs if- not prevented. To prevent highest or! best mode of treatmeii(; Inmates evei'y-one should and withdrawal of others. He had assented or stop.ferineutation of the food contents of were often di (charged on licenlpe with [no HASTIN0S& to conditional exemption in ■ the majority of the.stomacll and to neutralise the acid half moral backbon and soon ■went vtiong again. know Bird’s Egg BENEF the cases, which the Tribunil would be asked a teaspoonftii of bisurated- magnesia should What the offending children ■wjantecl vras to hear, and they wduld coir e beforel them at be taken in a quarter of a glass of hot or cold proper home ,t(eatment.' lx>ng terins of de- Subj-sti-tutc. It is * ? a later sitting. They had lost a lo|; of men water immeldiately after eating, or whenPver tention jn industrial schools always gave her already, but in some cases they werp willin,, wind or acidity is fe lt.» T his stops thCj fer­ the heart ache, because she kiiewl the conidi- such; a mon-ey ^sav-er. ILDING Most Comfortable, to release some moro.' There were some cases mentation- ind nentralises the acidity in a tions which destroyed that adventurous _ few moments. It also soothes and heals the ! t .' to bo heard where an arraniement cpuld not inquisitive spirit frhich rfere natural char One tjea-^spoon^iul of WILL HELP YOU WIt I EcioDomical and Be^t-Fitting bo come to, as they jdid not see eye to eye. inflanied stqmacli, and thus quickly effects a teristics of the .young. Probation, had He had impressed uppn the gentiemdn whom thorough cure of'even severe and long stand­ useful, but waa still in its infancy. Pro' Corsets ever prcjduced. he hiul seen the importance of trying to find ing pases of{'’igestive and stomach troubles. tion properly cirried out would be valu^h)e, this |fold-en pow-der . the highest r j substitutes for some {of the young men. He Bead the remarkable testimony of Firs- but the system needed improveit ent. did not see how they were yoing to come to Stacvi who ilives at 21, 'Warple Way, Hioh- wanted niore ■probation officer? and tlley im-pkrts the ricji-iness, ' cpasistent with I ^‘MASCOT." the end of the war. without the yoiing men ■mond;— .j. I was in hospital for a month wanted these ifficers properly i lid. Sjhe especially up to 20 years of age, andlthere is suffering froim g the case of youn^ men. ' ' of the first] four girls sent there fth'eythey wi were SeM_^>tp y 0 ttr grace*' ^ HASTING >‘Fi|XICURVI 8/n ^ 29/9 In reply {to Alderman Hocking, { it war ak pain after eating, heartburn, flatulence, considered ibeyend reform, but I'hspeet i apd we could rnake just stated that it was impossible to release any o: wKtetbrash; I wind. etc-, but bisnrated mag­ kind treatment did its -work. (.< pplause. to-day for ^ ird s Egg **FLEXISP0R' the men now mentioned, but something ough ; nesia, rembvH th"' cause of the trouble, stops Mrs.- Stirickland asked .th e i lectureJris • what we pleased. ; 5/1 the paiu inStantly, nud soon effects a eUre. opinion as' to the influence of t (e Cinenia. Substitute, in tins 6d. & to be done to relea.^ some of the young mei. Try it to-day. Get a bottle of bisnrnted mag­ ‘ i j All fitted with . in a few months’ time. ~ Did site I thii k some of the! pictures So we mixed and nesia from yonr chemist, and take half a encouraged! the delinquencies? i i-^d. and id. packets.^ Mr. Edwards said that the majority of the tea-snoonfuir in a little water after meals. young men Mr. I.loyd had eferred to wero Miss Phijlip tiought that to a icertain baked a love-ly York­ ^ tlVEJUNI^EAKABLE STEEL But be surd yon do got hi>nrnir.d magnesia. tent cinemas had done -harm. !She n engaged at the power house and the suli-sta ni\d not a tfommon bismuth mixture. Real ly/hi^h rnbves with the body in all directions _ tions. In the ist of cei'tified occulpation nised their !edncati6nal valne, and said influ­ shire pud-ding with bisurated mjagnpsia eo.sts 3s. per bottle, hut. ence should ht ve been hTOUghtl upon the " EMPIRELLA.' ^improves the yitality through the uncon- there was no a e lim it foif meu iri pbwe^ as a ’bottle (xintains suflicient for six weeks’ 4 Adjustable , i straint of all movements of the figure. houses and su ler men; shows earlier. She .strongly objef:te5 to the . Tai-sins in it for eatring ."Woven. Lock" it practically i trentmentj i( is by no means expensive; more­ nonsense of sone of the pictnres. Why rot possible' to .grasp electrical over, every package of geniiine bisurated mag- Suspenders. matter-. They ere doing t leir best'to iiro- give representat ons of their most jinterestipg WASHABLE IN T h Ie H O M E nesva contpips a binding guarantee of siitis- books? ,Sh^ hac seen such -pictures as " IjiCS after meat. It was so C /| | Best Value vide substitutes or the electrical m Hom e Office. 1 ,al-ways does. ALL MADAMS CLARA I train old .men fijr the work if not ira]uissiblc Mr. AVhite asrced whether a lessening [of STOCK. ^ iIeonArds In repl.v to Alderman Hocking, Sfi, 0PEN1|SG BY THE MAYOK. ’ parental re.^ponsibility during war time had Edwards said the meu were niployed maiiil not Imd its jeffeet ? in the power house and in co-ilnection wit.ji On Monday evening the twenlv-necond hall Miss Philip agreed that.want of parental the electj’ic pet‘ol service which.was th placed at th|e disposal of oui- soldier guests responsibity, had had its iuflueiice. but this Insurance onlv one of its sort in the ?ounti-y. TheV tor rntertailiinent and rcfreshnienf was commenced-befo e the 'War. I-egis,lntion h id were rei)|acing (hem as far IS tlu-y possibl. opened by ' tbe Mayor" (.Vltleriuiin G. had the effect oi lessening the link between could. Hutc.hing.s’ Jj.P.). at Grove-rnad, Ore. child and pirent. I-iistcad of tr.vihg to back B.y; tlK^^Mayoi—There was only one mat The Missiojn Hall has Iteen converted into up the building 'if Hie home they had rather conductor, and he was unfit, Thoi’o were n. a m.-^ist corafortiible ajiartment, where the ilivoiced chjlclre i from their parents. Tie male inspector!, women id that'- woik men can wriljo and pl.ay games, as well a.s ob­ conditions off lif,i should Im such Hiat there I'hoy were now running less than tilt mini tain creature, comlorts from tlie Wet anil dry should lie nq nec issit.v for children |fo be pro­ nonpicB If] GRIFFITHS RIGHAROS, Ltd mpm service of winter cars, find they Ihiul n.) eantesm. , -\j deliglUful ieoHiig of grateful vided ■with fr,ee meals, which under procer men to deal 'ivitfi the increa[scd service that ■warmth permeates the whole tjjiiildiqg, the conditions should be found at home. S&a, HIGH S Replying to a luestion by a l.adV, \REEi:, HI^STBMGSp will commence in two inontl s’ time. , Thp-r walls are gaily ileekcd with i*ictnres. and Unleiir (ESTABUSH^. i O V E R 4 S YEARSI. ’ • ought to havo.lfl motor m et in ;i'/!i( bu’; flags are arranged , in festoons—in a word it Jliss Philip sai 1 it was difficult tq say wh[at Ihe.v only had 41). is one of th© most at home halls wo have slionld be clOno irith a child who stole from . Conditional e;:emption was gran tel ■witli seen. J other children. It opened up a big problem the proviso tha : every-thing pns.sihlp . fihon h 1 The proceeilings commenccil with, a con­ to discuss whether a child could be born (a Sui'gical Snstrumspts and Appliances. be done with a view to sul: cert, and shortly after the Itev, M'. Smith orimin preferred lo start , with' the jstitution.—Tim­ idea that .a <-hild could not be born as such. Ma.vor: .'\re UuiT 'of them d< ing ])ub|ic ser- (chairman), accompanierl by the )llayor and yice? lilajor IVainer and Lieutenant Jenkins', as­ .She. bowevp', dil not think it right thatla Makeh by to Royal child who stole i t every opportunjtv should Mr. Edwards--Tramr(.iy v ork is a .sever cended the platform. c y o j G j s T'Y ^gical Aid Society. day bnsines.s, eai.v and, late, The rev. gentienian explained tlmt a formal bo suffered to be at scliool with other chib and I do n ’t SO' dilen..^; ’ ■ , liow tlity eai). am a specif,I const.aido and j opening had ja'cn arranged so t)iat those wlio one or two othe -s. had done so jnuoh ivork for the cause could Mr. UnderdoT'n exviressed himself as largel.y in agrO(‘meiit with Mis] Philip’s dBHtHALMIC CPTIClkNS, If you ■♦.an SC! your wa.v lo release then see the re-ulti of tlicir labours, and he exten- enjoy -an enorm ous do so. I deil a verv ©olrdial welcome to the Mayor and views. Tn rafere ice to individual jtreatment of children, he u oukl like to knowi how this TRU^S uLT SPECIALISTS, -Mr. Eli wards—T will with p!easure. thanked him for his attendance. idpularity and tljiis Major Warner (Senior Chaplain) simke in, could be accfiinplished in a class of t-0. I of every detcripBon made find fitted. WEIciHTS: AND ME.hSURES. the highest t urns of the benefit lliese halls| Miss Philiq said that she spoke of indi- WiilinTu ^lurwQv, ■weiig’ht^ «.nd inciav^iroF didnal treatment ontsiile the school. She leans that they" Can inspector. empld'(ed by the East conferred U[Kjn the Canadian trooiis, and how ABDOMINAL Misse.i iuucl.1 they were ap])reciated by tlifi men., ,alwa.vs marvellec at the woiulerfiil results >e produced in huge County Council [iln the eastern part Of tff(' [obtained by - teachers in the elementary franipt uid Libei BELTS county and hav Tho.v were a ver.v practical illiistifation of ng hi« office and Iirlenci cbui'cb activily, and proiinced a ma|’keous)ble for this beautiful J. H- Bohr every hail, that although dur fellow.s were not iMi ■ss .Philip la s pnterestina: and del'lightfulL manufacture of- each camera Were made by Addison and Hufllett (TTe admired her sympathetic feeling towards . . Ginaeiii giVeiiarto great exuberation they felt very] Street. i , regairement. OTHER GASES. deeply the kindness of tho civilians in mak­ tho children. H,' asked fNliss Philip’s view Pericles Tyre to be Benjamin Collins, general service, 36 as to the giving if what he eallmil,religious ■r. IJBONARtlis—liBONARl ing them so 1 comfortable, and they -would " Dyer, and grooei’e manager, employed by Messrs. Qeorgt never foi'got tfee kindness shown thorn in Has­ find moral instru 'tion, lyhieh .sometimes took reduced to the minimtim Cfiennella, MeiK‘6 b m ith.—Mrl Harold C lenister I’cprc- half an hour of 'he teaoher’s time. Modern IRoad. tings. 1 Fi Tanton. 26. Kenilwd ALL KINDS OF 1^L.^STIC HOSIERY j sented the parties an<] it was mentioned Lieutenant Jenkins (who has been appoin­ ideas as to the laUie of this te.aching were t hat 23 men. ha-Jt been i lost :Tom the local ted Suiiervisor of Rooms for Soldiers) ad­ different to "what thev were some yeiirs ago. B A T T L E -^ r branches. It was stated! that ad'yertisf^ent" dressed his remarks particularly to th© i Miss' Philip gain it as her strong' personal James Woodhams and ARTSFICI^ l A L . LIMBS, in (0 HELP THB QAJJADIANS Mr. Fqxon_ asked what treatm ent ithould he Covers, w.o. 5 / 3 ' B Y B - I Two months’ conditional, thle firm jbeing administered to a bad-tempered ohild whose W. T. Smith and Son! advised to try and find a manager over ago. that the work! was undertaken, and'not for mother was in a lunatic as.vlum? SPECTACLES, •INCE»NEZ, &c. K^inalU Harry Vidler> employed !in a the purpose of making money. Those j^ - Miss P hilip ad ocated patience in ended B.E. - 5 / p IN GREA' VARIETY. certified-occupation by M essrs.|F. J. Pa-r.sons, pje who were'gaining profit from the soldiers vouring to alter tie child. Above all thinks Ltd.—Conditional exemption for six mpnths. might very reasonably be expected to help let them bei,„ the friend of the ill-tempered Tubes - 2 / 9 Ocuilsis’ Prescripttoijs accurately worked. Albert Eldridjp,. 32, generall service. Corn­ the organisers !of these halls, and he hoperonata; ni invitan fiinjn geanglojn [elleftii Established over 75 years. Telephone 197 Hastioiga. Loss of RrofitsfoHowingj his widowed mother and a ohild.—Refused Compensation, Fidelity 1 not be called fir a fortnigh Kaperontou. Heed Oiffioe:—Chapel Streert, BRIGHTON, *l|he jproprietor. B. W* LA ZA llU S. hopes his many friends will Jamesto I^ee, boot repairer, etc., Kenilworth- gl ary. Trustee and E| Translation. road, was an application by th© military for ♦ . -~ nUe this and continue to favoiir him with their valiicd Pktronagfh I'cview on the groi nd that th© reason for ex- W E CANNOT, ' W AIT AND' -SBlk.” It is conceivable^ that. in. the coitrse,co\(rsc,' of emjition hnd chanj ed.—Mr. Leo toia that th< lOANS are granted m only alteration Tias that his mother had DoiftG)ugh-iise| ^he ages, tite wridom of mankind might in- Intereets, and on J! rot d;i^- Ho,had been her only s6n. Ho still ■yont some langum» more ideally perfect Best Laundry in the Dirtrictj i 'than Bspera-nto, b it v r e cannot afford to carried on his -work, which he regarded as PEC^^CT^^®® Ft B. W. LAZARUS, of national impoinnee. He also haid a ikrait. 'We want a k?y language and -we "wamt BRADFORDS -imnv be obtained on api "perforated throat.’’—Referred for Army it now. And as by general aeroement of all Best W tfk At moderate EVic^ the most competen) authorities, Fteperanto ^ m ^ C H O F M ^ medical ex.imineti in. XD0Qidv2ied , er to the .HEAD OFFK Ladies’ & GeDdemen’s Practjcal; Tailor, Breeches Sjieqafist, James Whitema i, 39. general eervice. 83, IB the best key laig u a g e .vet invented, as Family & Sdioo! Worii a Middle-road. Ore, i -aarv manager and rounds­ there is no question Chat it is by far the LAUNDRY, Opposite Hastings m ost wiidely sprea i t U l


te--■^ ■ -'-.it: ■gl/__ ?.5


WOUNIJED m EAST AFRICA. 4th HASTINGS BATTALION. We regret to anaouncO that Lieuteualnt Norman Winter, Royal Sus.sex Regiment, itJ T ' “ * ■ • I ^ !• The annoukoement made last Tuesday that Uched Nigerian Regiment, oldest son of ^ His Majesty the Kin^ had appointed Field *nd Mrs. Winter, of 'Wi, Moiiut-road. Clf Marshall hi‘i Royal HightieM the Duke \of Vale, has been severely wounded while (BROKEN or UNBROKEN). ^nuahgJit i o be Colonel in Chief of lervice in Easjt Africa. Mr. Winter we Voninteer Force is certain to be welcomed right through jthe Cameroon Campaign, a , by all ranks with the greatest enthusiasm. l,t its conclnston came hofue on leave, hut Those who suffeij- from Chilblains—Cracked Hands A letter df.ted the 27th ult. from Buckingt returned to E ^ t Af rica, and Was expect en, " the boys,” old and young, had an tnjorment. lie sphaks of the trip as hei ig hour’s practice, lohgjpointing, short-pointing rHONE’ ami jabbing at each I other just to see what e splendid,” akd doing them ” a world { of 12, W ellington Place, H astings. Ac. ax. | 0od by the rice sea breezes.” it was like ;o get used to it a bit. Nobody The Better the was killed. f e a r e h l o s s a t s e a . On AVodnesday two team s from B exhill On Tuestlay tMns.i Griffin, of 4, York-gelri (" B ” Cbmjiany) invaded 'Tower-mad Drill Jens, received in intim ation from t.ho‘i\a|i'nl Hall, but the home Company snccessfully Dawson and Harden, has this week l-cen were watched by a large number of civilians, withstoorl thje double onslaught. An exciting Quality the less Authorities that lieV husband. John Griffin, gazetted Captain. as well as many of the military, among the B.N.R.. had been missing after his ship hid contest resulted as follows:— Captain Powell joined the Ro\al Fusiliers -.latter being Colonel Matthews. O.C. at H .\ Company !A 'Team. B Company .A Team bwn in eollisim at sea, and it was fear ;d (Public Schools Brigade) in September.-1914, tin p . that he was drowned; Accompanying this Sevgt. Gxlejq...... 67 Lieut. Bryan ... 67 nnd yi still iu a Iteyal Fusilier Battaliou I ho programme consisted of. three parts. CoCorporalrporal Joiner Jeiner...... 67 C’prporal Woods 66 was a lettei of sympathy from H.M. tlio Thoiigh he has lieoii in sbme jof the hottest I lie hrst to appear w as a stjuad of iken you u se .: King and Que jn. Private Filbee ...... 66 Private Bryden... 65 ’ \ fighting of the last twelve luonths. bo has lii.st. pas.sed on lor llie finishing np toucltes Private Daiyson...... 65 .Sea-gt. Wiffinj..... 64 The missing man was working for the only once been slightly woundbd. That his Corporation nr til about two years ago, w liih to he administered before rejoining their Sergt. Stoakjes...... 64 Corporal Hughes 64 good fortune may continue will be the sin­ units. The second party wero 1 composed of Private Stubbs...... 64 Sergeant Isles ... 62 he joined the \ Navy, although .54 years of cere wish of all wlio know him. raen who had reached the m ege. In his earlier life he had been a ssarj perfoc- Privalo Jeniier ...... 59 Sergt. Kortright .57 tion, ami wero about to Icalve, and t lo Captain Elphick ... 5S Private Pryor ... 55 (sherman, and was a drummer in the ^1- third - vutdon Army, frith whom he had been coi- BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY. . were ' casualties ” (like the other nected for nearly thirty years. He w is The following donations an<3I gifts are ac- hqnads), who had been trained* for Inetri;. Total ...... 510 Total — 500 knowledged iivith grated'ul thanks;—Lady tors. ■A Company B. 'ream. B Company B Team. home bn leav) at Christm as, and had :o Coi’iaoral Haijman 68 lb remain nearly a month,! on iiccount of sick- Mackworth Young. Ts. 6d.; I Collected in It was .an instance of gooil.l better, aid I.iout.'i McKinnell ... 69 Workroom. J32 7s. 3d.; IMrs. KiiigiiLigiitL for \Vest host, and the cvolntioiis performed b\- the Corporal Cutting ... 67 Serjri- Jesty ...... 67 Mss; indeed, he was expecting to be dii- Priv.atie Russell ...... 67 (torporal Denman 66 charged on aer Air. Platoons, Tower Ro;ad Drill Hall. 8 p.m.; No. 3 Platoon, (Tiii'e Vale Schools, 8 p.m .; No. Bert Sharp, Mr. Ijewis, Messrs. .Semadeni, a., a iu a ip b . * A soldier oi the C.C.A.C. a t present i| Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Frencli, Mrs. Galer, Nurse . I’latoon, Aiid-dle Street Drill Hall, 8 p.m. lire. The Defence of the Realm Act Regujatioas Enrolment at Drill Halls on Drill Nights. Hastings will j next Tuesday "be present W allis, Mrs. Dennis,- Airs. Bixijoke, Free prohibit the publishin.!]'of ,such complaints ‘I’ueedav—Sicnalliug Section, .Arts Club, with the '-’•Pf T ie distinguished warriolr Christian Church, Mr. Harvey, Alliss Quil- as that contained in the letter Tigncd is 1014fiS, Pri'tate John Ohipman Kerr, d lish, .£1 Is., i)er Aliss Bates, Jtij l-ls. 9d. Alumps.” I Stoaefield-roiid 8 p.m. AVtxliieedaj— Aliddle Hie C^inadian pinfantry. Tko coveted awan Owing to increiised numbers and expendi­ Street Drill H all. 3 to 4.30 ar.d 7 to 8-30 p.m. has bera made for most conspicuous brave: ture gifts of fruit, vegetables, and cigarettes Officers’ and N.C.O.s’ Classes. All are ex- During a bombing attack he was acting, are greatly needed. liccted to al{trn,;l one of these. Thursd.ay— bayonet man, land knowing thht the bombs CORRESPONDENCE. Recruit Drill. Tower Road Drill Hall, 8 p.m.: Recruit -Drill, Middle Street Drill Hall, H o m were running Aort, lie ran along the parados SUSSEX SOLDIERS’ CIGARET'l'E AND INTERNATIONAL STORES wnder heavy Are until he was in close con­ D.tn.; Signalling Section, Tower Road 'Drill . COMFORTS FUND. 'I'lIE MiUND OF THE EXP LOSTO.V. Hall, 8 p.m. ' Friday—Nos. 1 and 2 Platoon-s, tact with the enem y, w'hen he opened firs Donations have been conspicuous by their *’’(1’. If any of your roasters heai THE BIGGEST GROCERS IN THE WORLD an them at point-blank ra-nge and inflicte-1 d. Tower Road D rill H all, 8 p.iri. : No, 3 absence this ^’oek, but hy way of compensiiT noticed the ellects oi. the explosion i T’l;ttoon, Cli ,-e Vale Schools. 8 p.m.; No. 4 heavy loss. T ie enemy, tliinking the.y werj tion I have jreceived some lovely gilts I’latonii, Mi-Idle Stroet Drill Hall. 8 p.m. TEA :: COFFEE k: GROCERIES :: PROVISIONS warm comforts for our inen, for which I am gratelul il they could spai’e tim e (< itenti Siitin-dav -Nivs. 1 and 2 Ph-itooiis. Tower Road I.S. 90 prisoners were taken and 250 yards of enemy exceedingly grateiui. 'These gilts inohido:—3 me accounts, however brief, especially trench captursd. Before carr;ring out his on tin Drill Hall Shooting, from 7 p.tn. Simd.ay— pairs socks, Airs. Gray, St. Irf'onards; 1 pair points mentioned below. ! Band Pr.ictiie, Middle Street Drill Hall, 10 rery plijcky act one Of Private Kerr’s fingers socks, Mrs. Ivichanls.ju ; 3 mufflers, Air. Hed- hl.V ob,iect is chieflyi to trace ithe area ot" a.m. ______had been blow noff by a bomb. Later, with iey \\ illiams; ti pairs socks, Mrs; Ashburn- areas over which th*’ sound w.aa| hcari but two other men.ihe escorted'back the prisonei’ ham, and anothei- parcel of 12..pairs mittens far beyond the limits of .hcarink, the wnder fire ami '.li en returned to report him effect- BRANCHES! and 1 iiair steering gloves. Miss AVest; 3 headings 5 and 6 might Lie noti ced self for dutj; I before having his wound mufflers, 1 pair sAcks, ami 1 pair mittens. 1, Name of place; 2. Position |of observer I ANGLING JOTTINGS. ing Circus Serial, “Peg o’ flhe Ring,” and dressed. Privi tk Kerr hails from Fox River Anon; 1 pair mittens, ” .1. AI., Silvcrhill.” indoors or Outside; 8, 'Time; -1, iNature am; HASTiNGS AMUSEMENTS. ON SEA GUARD. 48, QUEEN’S FflV Cumberland, |stS. The.se particulars ap­ Mary Pickford will again be statred in a (Many thanks to l->oth). Collections: Ala.ster duration of sound, the mimbe Of sound!) S’!., LB(|)NARDS SEA ANGLERS. :o: one-reel draiha. "Tlie Feud of Kentucky peared in ” Cn i^ la ” on November 4th. and Jack Murrow, Kis. lidl; Corporation Em­ ob.sorved, and the intervals lietween tli Hills,” Other pictures will include HASTINGS. the Jiotificatio: of the award was made in em : ‘OUTqAST AT THE GAIETY WHAT SEAMEN DO FOE ENGLAND) 1 ployes, pci Mr. G i-^'on, 5s.; Nellie Ereeman A\ hether windows rattled ; 6, AA hethet phea I'HEATRE. “ Arthur’s Desperate Resolve ’1 (Victor th« “ London |[ (Bazette ” on October 26th. (Bexhill I'ollectorj, 12s. Collecterl at Oak sants or other birds in tho ne The I cdntiriuance of tho wintry weather comedy), “ Ropiaig' a Sweetheart” (Selig Le o n a r d s . hlioiiirlioot (XAIMS ADVOC-It ED AT ST. INNARDS. Lea, 7s. 6d. showed signs: of alarm. has effectually put a stop to all angling. Deeply eiigrosiing is the problem play, comedy), and “ Above Lake Lugano” (tx'avel). PROMOTTON. Collected cigarotles: Aliss Wi.-kl-om, 1.50; CHARLES DAVISON, Sc.D., F The few ang ers, and they are very few, who 'Phe engagement is pending of another big Triends of Tilr and Mrs. Norman Powel . G.S. “ Outcast,” joeing presented at the Hastinge A meeting in aid of the Missions, te Bit Mr.s. Spear.s, :M;. Air. Smith, Boxhlll, 41. 16, Alanor-road, Birmingham. have tried l|ieir lif?k from the Pier report Gaiety Theatre fhis w-eek. serial film, further details of which will be of “ C^nforil,” St. Peter’s-road, will be Letters receiv-Od: I.ieot.-Gols. Harris (11th nothing doirig, an hour or tw'o at the out­ announced iu due course. men was held at j;he Masonic St. Lets- pleased to hea r that the former, who at the side withoiiti a bite being quite sufficient, It has for its theme the oft told story that naids, on Wedncsdaiv afternoon, when tli* Sussex) and Samson (Tth isussext, Cjaptaiiis wort.hy (8th .“'ussex). dened.{ Even dabs have disappeared, doubt­ jilted by lii i swietheart (who makes a mar­ the hnyinj? ot oni* cold even for house where only the best can be seen, there- Do ye found growing wild in field or must be most gratifying to the Management. -one should G illett, Pioneer .T. R. Price, Artjificer AVil- yot to-day how many Ihiglishmeu arc tliero nearer to liietter climatic conditions, and until tho laiifac :, and then in an unexpected tn-nf frZ IQ stTcss. and inoidtots that ww-cons|M.iay lett. Rifleman Bailey. the warmer . weatlier, when it,- comes, will manner, everyote who witnesses the play The principal film for to-day (Saturday) is . THE HASTINGS & EAST SUSSEX who do not, as it would seem pr< fer “ A pJlge f»m Life” (drama)>Snd is the bow m e* , Bird’s Egg Parcels containing all kind? >f w-oollies cling to an unreasonable preiiwlic© ra^li be all the more appreciated. / and listens to tie smart lines cannot but be sbenbea. u*.’ BENEFIT (socks, mittens, mufflers, caps, etc. each with The Club jycar ci'ids.on the 28th irist., so glad that the oiding is as the author has story of an old couple who have a beautiful w w than do as the Frenchmen do, i and iWi. daughter, and is full of pathos labd interest. • **<9dikt^pUne, becAme tho mbai sti^tute. It is 5 packets of cigaiettes and | lettei enclosed), thcmselvesthomselv'e^s of t!this * food, which jean lie hid there is not fniiich more tim e for tho taking ’arranged. perfect disciplinariais, -H-ith the result hav-e lieen tsent to ].eading Seaman of siiecimen Ifish which will be eligible for Object Matrimony ” (bontedy), 1‘ Battle of for thetho picking.ninTrino-eking-, - T T Miriam is played by Muriel Johnston -with­ the Alps” (War topical),| " Fable of the many li-ve© were Tho-SEasion to Sdu> Goldsmith (as stated last week). A. (Siitsoll Abroad tiios© f tho curreint season’s prizes. At the same out any ovjerstr ainiug for effect, but with men needed more bdp, becaose tberolwjeba mon-ey sav-erj. BUILD|nG I SOCIETY nneri. are - eultivalted.___ ajt the intense oarm stness of which this talented Heir and Heiress” (comedy), and-the Gau- A.B. (H.M.S. ‘‘.Achille.s’’). I.eadiug Stoker F. m ost profilahle : indiistry is carifiec) time if is nat yet too late for a few good mont Graphic will also bo seen. { more men to look jafter. Tffie financial stutei' •T. ,1’ilcher, H.M.S. “Blonde,” Sfakcr S. J. this means. Here at home we might so easi*,. flounders to bo about, and hick may favour lady is so capalle. There is no(; a moment ment shewed that only .£306 had' berii' a-spoon-ful oT or a situatiem but which appears natural, so The Management have secured a; fine list WILL HELP YOUWITh ADVANTAdE Pilcher, H.AI.S. “{Iron Duke,’ Signaller do the same if only w'e could surmoiint tic some insiste it angler when least expected. for next Monday and the two following days, to Hastings, Calcntta, but he hoped loom : Field, H.M.S. “Iron* Duke," Smgeant.s I^ewis on© thing in the; way—our stiffhaiketllprej In any case nnyano who fishes during Ihe easily does she fill the difficult role. Nevillj money wonld soon be obtained; i’-,: Brbok is the man concerned, named Geoffrey,: which indues “ A Man from Nowhere,” a jold-en pow-derl an held up to nature, showing rebim from the Western Mines, James Heron at a .large naval 'base in Seotland,’; seM ik ts the rich-ness, Corporals Burgess, Funnell, and Uoismaison, catch of chilblains „ us the man as hably as , many imflSes ajs evler like him to be nometimes. .Still as men go finds that Antonio Ga-udio, a foreigner, has with perfect tecarity. Bombardier Paine, Gunners Eldriut ;io LANDING NET.. won his sister Betty’s affections. She elones landsman realise wtiait the N avy QteazA- ta |r and ap-pear- and Corke. Driver Balkhann Privates Cook, one cares to look. he is ratho: abive tho average, and as an with Antonio, and Jim follows in pursuit, tho country. I t Was a oomsoon o*y, " W * Burgess, Kinnis. Knowles, \\[ Breach, Saxby, actor, Mr. Brook-was most successful. To all love Jock,” but people did aat ttonk irtiat T. STBERNE-SIEVEKING- form tho irevitjiblo triangle there must be a^er vowingiif his sister has done wrong he If new. laid eggs fe eaYe—ta| life, -iteentoaily had been gradiMDy; g « a « afaeaijl^ jJlwsitr y wr grower ASTINGS. dier's success hy reason of bis having been m at .St. P aul’s Church. Pt. Leonarrii, on Moji- Benge and Guy Vyvian are a great success ypara ago tBBjr na« fiS jrtaftons. '-‘^fber'Xow tlay, 12tli inst. at 11.15 a.m. Arthur Hare make quite a study of the part meets Antoni j and exposes him. What hap­ B i r d s B g g my own service before he joined (tlie Army. Saturday, February'10th—Castle Inn, We.st- pens? “Cupid’s Bath" (comedy), "Laplanders had lU k ^ n d tbeaw were many oppertoaiaea Wo wish him still further distinotion.' Cor­ The collections in St. P au l’s (|'liur of Taylor, ja vt let, and Sadie. Smith, as for the spreading of the work if O mst bad Ihe first Sunday in Leritwill be in{Festtjii ham, at 11.15 a.m. NcUiel is all th^t can be desired. and their Deer” (interest), “An Observation ^»te, in tins poral -Sellens, R.F..V., another of our ‘‘Fag Tuesday, - Fo Boomerang ” (comedy), and ' Gaumont the means to do it. Throngh 'Eh^ -hmjp im' Fund"' frten-ds, has. I hear, been specially in the Government War lAiau. ami will ...... '|nuary 13lh—Jevinglori, at 11.15 There will bt two performancce to-day Haetin^a aaid St.' Lecoards and oiber ptaoea ' COLUMBIA, tlie nucleus of a fund for the m^iuLenance a.m. (Saturday-). { Graphic w ill also be sh«-wn. in d . \a mentioned in dispatches, arid may receive the Saturda.y, F For the latter half of the week first place the Society was aUe to minister to Che.needa packets. Mibtary Medal. I sincerely hojie he may. of the church fabric. The Rector sliy.s;— bruary ITth—Polegate, at| Il.li of these men who were sent to a icoqota ZONOPHONE, ‘Thus two objt^ts will be, we hopej, .achieved a.m. VORCB” NEXT 'WEEK. is taken by a fine drama, “ The Making of Orders this week: 9,000 cigarettes to the ‘ A ROYAL D MaiMalena.” part of Hifi United Kingdom. REGAL, 2nd and Stli B attalions Roj’al Sussex Regi. ■—the p;itriotic support,,of our Goverijiraeut Tuesday, Fi]bruary 20th—Rickney, at 11.15: The Rev. A. R. Sferper-Smith. Asai^l^t a.m After .an absence of seven years, the Other films are “ Fable of Discontented Siiperirrirntdent, gave a vepy stim ulatiBg ment respectively ; 2S0 to Sergeant Lewis and in this time of national crisis, and] proVisii Saturday. Ft Wives ” (oomedv), "Pool Sharks” (comedy), WINNER and Private Bartholomew’. for the future needs pf our churcli. If bruary 24th—The CnJwn Hotel famous historical drama, “ A Royal Divorce,” speech, and epobe of the hasunkme'Silfffic ot llailshani. at 11.15 a.m. will pay a rfturn visit to the Gaiety Theatre “ The Mark cf Fortune ” (draina), “Widow the trawlers’ section. There were 'vas^iei^ E. GERTRUDE ADAMS, Hon. Secretary, all <-ontribute as we ought on thiJ occasio Tuesday, Maline ” (comedy), and Ganmont Graphic. PATHE Record*. 15, Eversfield-plac-e, St. Leonards. ill paper money and not in small coins, February 27 th—Will'ingdon. at during the -tehole of. next week. ways in which everyone might-hklp' thin 11.1.5 a.i Mr. W. \V. K ellis outstanding military work among the traw’le.r se^ ion of.."tiha large sum sliouild be forthcom ing^ , Saturday.A Referring to (he finance.s at fjit. Raul’Is, tl rch 3rd—Wartling Hill, at 11.15 play deals with incidents that -wiill always THE MUNICIPAL ORCHESTRA. R.N.B. They ooold giv«;np some .of -ifiMiir 15,0P0 Selections WAR REFUGEES. Rector siiys.—“ It is coinforlirig td fwl th: have a fascination [-for a people whose name time to make woolies and oDier cldthtecfM S ir,—P lease acknowdedge i-eceipt of fol­ our church is now well out of debt, ar fe legion, for the ' Napoleon romance still Although tl lo wintry weather eomewhat the men. Then they could take a small bom lowing sum r for the H astings arid St. Leo- th.at the Churchwardens have Ijeeli able torUTs the beating heart of a very large affected the at tendam-e at the orchestral con. for thank offerings. Then they ooiOld.tjfeelM nar-ds War Refugees’ Siib-COinmittee Fund. pa,^ all accounts up promptly at the end •fnE EAjiT SUSSEX f o x h 6 u n d s election of the playgoi-ng public. This suc­ oerts during the week, there were splendid special gloves for them, and they cojuld wlsm IRni.se-to-house r'oltections :—St. Peter’s Will meet on :— cessful play is so well known to,local play- houses on &riurday aiid Sunday, land those give up a little time to intercessory-prajp** Co. each quarter, and still have a small cred goeirs that recommendation is alm ost un­ Ward (per Mrs. Travers), '25th I t-ollection, balance at ihe bank. .After paying i;10 Saturday, February 3rd—At Polegate. who braved tl e elements wore well rewarded for the men. .£14 16s. .3d.; St. Mary Alagdalen Ward (per Tuesday, Fe|bruary 6th—At Three Oaks. necessary. The play ie seething with human by excellent “ocal and instrumental music. The meeting-closed ■with a vote Alr.s. S. Wilson), 99th collection, £1 10s.; St. the Bishop’s Fund there will be balan interest and! never fails to please the most ALL'MADAMI CliARA BUTTS RECORDS IN of J125 14s. lOd. to carry forward to 191 Gne.stling. - ^ On Sunday instrumental solos were given to Miss Geldart, the Hon. Secretary, STOCK. Helen’s Ward (per Mrs. Harrison), 86th col­ Thursday, Feoruary Sth—At Boreham Street. ifice. In “ A Royal Divorce " bv Mr. Bertram Lewis and Mr. W; Saebach the speakers. I lection, 6s. 7d.; Lower St. ilary's Ward (ner- so in spite of the War -and ■ othei’ diffici W. G. Wials constructed on4 ot trio most i ties we start the New Year full of hope.’’ Saturday. Fe|bruary 10th—At Gejirge Hotel. and the enthusiasm with which these solos Miss M. L. Rogers was a t the piamiit Alr. r . W . Maggs). 109th collection, £-1 12.-::.; Hailsham pathetic and thrilling dramas ever placed The Clmn:hwardens of Christ Cllurch f on the Eniglish stage, and produced as it were received was quite evidteitly ■ a spon. ------!------Holly Trinity Ward (per Miss Storey), 103rd- taneous recog aitfion of the ability of these Insurance Notices 108th collection, 4)3 17s.; All Saints’ IVard Leonards, in presenting their animaliftal staie-sta has hten all over the English speaking world artistes. Handel’s “Largo” was a splendidly (per Miss Baldock). 24th collection, 4:5 5s. inent of accounts, are ,gl,ad to rebortebort tlth for upwards of a quarter of a century; it yet A SERIOUS FALE. they have escaped without a defii ST. MATTHEW’S MEN’S SERVICE-— to^ay fe as popiilair and possesses the same I executed violin solo by Mr. Le'wis, and '.ki.: St, Mary Magdalen Ward (per Mrs. S. efit. Th " Can We be quite rertain js the title of Humoresqm” (Dvorak) was given as an Wilson), KKIth collection, 4il J6:{i. 8d.; St. would indeed have Ijocn a siikstant amount of! attraction for all classes of an address t<. bo given to-morro’^ (Sunday) theatre-goers as it did on its production in encore, and ^!Ir. Sasbach gave a very fine Helen’s VTard (per Mrs. Harrison), 87th col- Ixilancp if the ahnormal cmuimstances of t afternoon by tiic Rev. Clvas. Askikith at the {interpretation of “ Concerto in A Mmor” CANADIAN SOLDIER’S W(DNDERFDL: lection, 6s. 7d.; Lower St. Mary’s Ward (per times had not necessitated (firstl.|) an e 1891. I ESCAPE. St. Matthew-’- Men’s Service at 3 o’clock. Mr. Kelly’s poiierful company will include 1(Golterman), |^wwhich received a thoroughly Mr. F. W . Maggsi, 110th collection. ,£3 9s. pendihtre of £.39 13s. {ffil. for airer ift insii !deserved______re-call. 8d.; St. Marv Magdalen Ward (per Mrs. S-. I compliance with the light ng orders INCREASED PRICE OF BEER AND that poweijfhl a-ter, Mr. Frank Lrndo. in Private MoNaughton, of Princess Patriei*'i RoriOKl) J\xt __ _.* Ik . ... . ’ v». I.. 1. f. 1 /» t .. J 1 SPIRITS. — On Wednesday -afternoon the the part of Najioleon. Miss Violet Elliott in addition te the vocalist on Saturday Wilsonl, 101st collection.' Jll 15s 9(1. St. I (towards which .£16 Is. 4d. was eoipDibutod evening, Corjioxal A. B. Beach, Canadian Canadian Light Infantry, has had a vet); Helen’s IVard (per Mr.s. Il.anuson 68tli cnl- in tho box .at the we.st end of the cliurch) Hastings, Bexhill. and District Licensed PS Marie Loaiso, and the. ohayming actress. narrow escape from being killed. “ and (secondly) a large addition to Victuallers’ dissociation lield a meeting of Miss Alarioii Wakeford, as the' Empress C.A.C., gave a number of excellent recita­ On Tuesday morning he was found lyia Uvloti Insurance lection. £ \ 6s. Td.; Txiwer St. AIa.r.v’s Ward the CO Josephine. I 'Thi-re wiU bo a matinee on tions with much success, his elocution being (per Mr. F. W. Maggs), 111th collection. J13 of the Parish Magazine (fi-om £2^ in 1^1 deserving of the highest praise, at the back of the Cinema de Luxe, evident' to, £65 in 1916). owing to iucrea.s^ Saturday at ;2.30. seriously injured but.oonscious. He wias.ah_ I— OJL. 7s. 8d.; Silverhill and Hollington ,pcr AD’S. charg< Amongst 'the item s in 'Thursday’s SocHtp. Sawrey), 44th collection, Jlfi 8s. M .; Mi.ss for paper and printing. elafesical progmmme were: Trio, “ Novellet- to say -that on Monday night he -toolk a giH The Christ Cliurch, St. Loonar Qu€«>n’s Salo(jn, Hastings. The chair FINE TRIANGLE DRAMA AT THE oyer the West Hill, and that after leaving; Towers, £1 15s. W jir taken by Mr. O. Sewidl, and fliere a large ftan ” (G^e), by Mr. W H. Cass (violin), J. P. SLAGG, Savings As.sociation ' continue,s to do well GINIMA DB LUXE. Mr. J. Daley (viola), and Miss Hilda Bor her he thought to take a short out -te-hit' rvoMou iTwr* Up to .Tauuary 20(h a total of l i l okrti roiire-sentative gathering. The meeting was billet. In doing this h e fell'CvCr "the'<4eo^ Hon; TIt'casurer. calk'd to com.idor what action jshould lie Kpiano);" Valte de Concert” (op. 47) by cates had been purcha.sed, represent ii ‘ The Cirejus Dancer.” a fine specimen of A. Glazounow, which ■will be played for the cliff—quite 46 feet. The wonder is that bt; 4,U>4 sixpences, or .£16.3 17s, ta-ken in this district with rei'ereiice to the the Italian ne.hool of drama, and No.' 12 of was not instantaneously killed. »l Y.M.CA. HI T w e e k . i.ncroasp in prices, and after a long[di.sciission first time at these concerts. Sir ,—Y our readers will he interesfc'd and The Red Circle ” “ Like a Rat in a Tran.”; He was taken to the East Snsrex Hoerpdtel' and going thre ngh the whole price list, it was I The vocalist for this week-end fe Miss on tho police ambulance, and it -'was found- jileased to know that the results of this ap­ have proved much to the liking of the huge Qladys Haysaek. decided to make a rise in the pricesjall round, audiences at tlii; house. that he had a broken! arm and other iniuamC peal, to date, amount to the sum of JSH)4 10s. which will 1 a.ke effect on Alouday. I Id., and there are still two or thr^ proraisial THE. TRAMS. On Monday, '1 uesday, and Wednesday a from which ho is likely to reoo-ver...... ^ church collections, etc., to come in. This is FOR THF. RED CROSS.—Theire was a Triangle drs ma, entitled “Not my Sister,” BEAU BROCADE ” AT THE regarded in .all tho circumstances as a gener­ large attendance at an excellent cafe chan- the story o' a sister’s sacrifice, featuring KMEMA PALACE. ous and satisfactory response, an< I am t’ fal Lumber of itaawncwrt oorriM bv tbf* H Grand Restaurant yesterday (I-Tiqlay) after­ i There is a special attraction at the Kinema our numerous oilier friends and supiiorters tiij;;ii Tmmwiivs Compiwiv. tocoihor with -.tif' rprenifap- noon in aid of tlie Red Cross Soejety. The Chain,” proiinced lately at this honse, of Palace to-day (Saturday), in the form of a “ Observer” Office, Hastings. P rice 3a.' cnmpivml with the carfftiiiondin^* iicriod last vcui' a artistes wore all local favoiiiiles. 'Pho pro- which the lolloving is a b’’tof outline: the warm thanks of the National Council for appf‘nS— FORMER. BANDSMEN’S THANKS. PAIRLIGHT. (Florence A.vlaard). Corporal Rosje received sister, who livee with her, was beautiful, great success during this, their first public, ' Chennells Dyer, and GaUaway. 9, King’s T’rivate A. E. Clarke, Royal Defence torus. a well de.servod encore for hi.s fine rendering b’ho protested desperately when this younger performance. In addition to the concert, Road. Chatham, writes : “ t wi.sh to rioiivey my of “Friend o’{Aline,’’ and in resr>opse,i_‘‘(lod sister,accepted t i e artist’s offer to use her F . Tanteo. enil-worth Road. las a model, hut- o no avail. Determined to rihich is in aid of the Canadians’ Entertain­ best thanks to the many subscribers to the A DOt BLK UUNERAL.-Limt SatunH send .you bajek to me.” He also- gave ment Fund, the pictures will be shown. i l BATTLE— premier Cinque Port Band to edable them y- “ Wheri my ship^ come sailing home” with save lier sister f: om a terrible fate, she in­ the funeral of Mr. I rank Feister, aged Sl sisted on r-teomi allying her on crery visit Another attraction has also been secured James W' and Son. 27, High, St. to send a Christmas gift to himself and his and Mi«. 1-oster aged 80, took place at Faii-1 eonsidcrabln t{oeliug. Aliss Doris Edd.v was in the person jof Mr. Reginalcf Gasson, -who No E qual! W. C. Allw! k. 72. High Street. brother bandsmen serving abroad in H.M. heard to advantage in “ Rose of Foi-^iveness,” to the studio. '.The inevitable occurred. light t.hui-cli.. . . Ih e cortegetoge formedfoi-nierl an iiri-in, There is a tijagic endiii'g. now aefs as ptenist each evening. His music Foroe.s. I am sure they will appreciate it pmssivo .sight as i( we.ndeil its wav ^ for which shoireceived enthusiastici plaudits, C H ltA i- up till and "I tliink’i was no-less appreciated Bom- How Wounded Canadians are Cared has been much appreciated during ihe past B. Copwtnl, Barclay's Bank. in the way it is given.’’ hill from “ WitJterstowe,” the coflir ■! bell week, for he is indeed a fine pianist. The T conveyed to their last restin liardier Whitehead, an exceptionally accom­ For” will bi of special interest at the pre­ AREFUL feeding E. R. Will^t, Solicitor., I)]a«te I ill plished piaiiis], who akso acted as alveiy able sent time. ‘'The Latest in Vampires” principal film] ‘‘ Beau Brocade,’’ by Baron­ BAGATI'ILU; TABLES AT waggon drawn by the farm team bf' Mr. (comedy.)._ “ Thf Journal,” and two-part ess Qiczy, has been secured, and should not C BDEWASH— HIGHBURY HOUSE. ('has. Foster, a sou. The Rev accompanist, gave Raohmaninoft's “Prelude makes die big 15. W. in 0 sharp teinor” to perfection, liis fine 'Trinngie-KeT.ston!', “ His W ife’s M istake,” be missed at Any cost. The book has been T.'IL Harien and Co., Auettoneerfl, etc. Captain Walton writes:— 5. Cam bridge- E lliott officiated. Had ihe iteceased floiipte will eomplelo the bill. In the latter our rted by almost ever.vone with much delight, lived .a few more month.s tliev won execution gaining him aii inevitable recall p r o f i t s —use easUy A TE —- road. .Sir,— Man.v thanks for joiir kind­ Id 1 A w,T:ltz t)f Ijis own composition was also friend Fatty will be seen. ’ He makes a fine but th© film far surpa.sses tho story, and W, T. Smyth andness Son, in AuctioneerB, getting the etc. im'edod bagatelle board celebrati'd their diamond, wedding, Th4y janitor. But wh >n the charming -wife of a tlfe beauty of {the scenery i.s wonderful. Tho were well known amd miteli r.specteil given, and wia-s a charming pciformam-o digested I foods like for us at Highbury House. I am glad to in Pc worth.v of th{e highest prai.se, -dr. Fred busy man niistoik the janitor for an im- atithoress'paibts her picture very finely, but sa.v they have got one other, beside the one and Fairliight. where thew diad passi me ■portant Mr. Stout, Fatt.v decided to give up to actually see the highwaymen on the hills of their lives. Mr. Foster, in his jyoumter Vorreils was ))rcvented from singing through THORPES*-th e y mentioned by v'oii, and thus arc filled up lar.yngitis. janitoring. Her husband had told her not apuncillor H. Samson, The organisers had promieed that a good Captain and Aire. Gukset Aliss 'Shadwell been toVl she Iwas of opinion that ideceased " Victoria Fplls ’ (Rathe), and the Journal. J.p . (chairman), .Alderman C. H. B all (-vice- big return. “ I'have found ■ • Ixotal Fmids exceed £16,000,000 evening’s sport would be provided, and they Airs. AV. Lucas Shadwell. Rev. F. 1 (1. A cain^e out of his loedroom and fell doiivnstairs. chairman). Mfes Kenyon, Councillors J. N. b o n e s , f a t , —Kathleen Wood, a daughter of deceased, no foods to equal yours. ^ My {Claims Paid exceed £96,000]000 certaini.v put on a show which delighted A’oung (Pett). Afr. Dunlop, Mr. Deunetti CoUins, ,T.P.[ 'rildiesley,_esJ^, and H.__ ever.ybody. A good ring had been erected Air. .Griffin. Mr. Neale, etc. W reaths an GS ’ AT THE CENTRAL GroomGroome; e; ItessItessrs. H. Hunter, H. Blackman, hens laid all through the upon the stage, and the he{haviour of the | floral tributes were sent from the sojns and aclie and did not go to work. He had nothing PICTURE THEATRE. H.| Foord. G. H. Simmons, T. Harvey,-F. Cbairman-rRight Hon. Lord George to eat all dayi. and said that he went out Sltek, J. “ W.“ Hnfflett. H. Butler, H. Jury, rYRE^ HORSE Hamilton, P.C., G.C.S.I. troops present jn large numbers, strained as i daughters, LieuL _^aud^Atrs._ Noel Shpdwcll winter, fed on your foods, about 6 o’clockj in the evening, saying he was The Manaieme It nf tli.is piipular Theatre H. I Burden, J F. Kelly, together with the going to get a drink. Two soldier friends continue to fleligit huge audiences with an Clerk (Mr. SI ISumstead), the Assistant Clerk especially ' C(XK O’ THE went with hi;m. and later she tew him excellent variety of tli’* ,kave had enoughl Dad.” -waa-m, cosy, and iiught inside. tions were, jriyen in compliance with a re- customer’s ^perience of sented the prizes. After going upstairs s'he heard him dome out STREET, HASTINGS. On this occasion Mr. J. H. Thwaites, of For to - day (Saturday) a big Am- qntet from the Local Government Board, by “ THORPE” foodffi — Do FIRE. LIFE. MARINE, ACCIDENT, LECTURE BV WILLIAM FREMlUd of his bedroom and fall downstains.-l—A doc­ broeio masterps'ce. entitled “ By her which the pr'erence of tramps of m ilitary arfe |A8T> Ketak U General the National Sporting Club, was referee. tor was sept -fjor.—The landlord of (he Red will be reported to the Recruiting Office.—It and during an interval expla|inedi^ the object AVILE.—Messrs. King Bros. haveT iliadt Child Betrayed,’ , will be the, chief not experiment. I BURGLARY, Lion ,said that on Tuesday night deceasecl picture of a very interesting programme. It wai reported that Mr. J. Moloney, who has llSeijclianta. of the meeting, which was td assist in rais­ atrangements for Air. William Fte(leric iiad two “teur|s of mm.”—Dr. .Kuhne found bn© 197 EDafitkae^ Wile, the “Daily Alail” correspoiideiit at is O' powerful am! sensational photo-play in bee!n acting 'te temporary Master, left the OSS of ProfitsfollowingFire, Workmen’s ing the sum of £M.OOO for Ainbularice. Re- deceased dead.: and a post-mortem examina­ three acts, and the story shows how a House on the 29th inst. to take up the' duties ITON. ’ “ ^ tently 25 of these had be(>n sent to Verdun. Berlin, to Ifcturc in .8t. Leonard.s Piei^ Pavi­ tion showed that he had fractured his skull. You need a copy o f “ FEEDING Compensation, Fidelity Guarantee, Bur* lion on “ Germany’s Bluster,” on SaturiJay nation’s peril wan averted by the timely in­ of his new apjmrntment as Master of Chelsea He had been deputed by the Fteesident, Lord He agreed the staircase was very dangerous;— tervention oa a little child. . It will be eup- ■Workhouse.—A vote of thanks was accorded FOR SUCCESS ” and Sampha - glary, Triistee and Fxecutor, &c. February 17th. Reserved .seats at 4s.i 3d.’ The jury retujaied a verelict of " ' ' ‘ Lonsdale, to thank those present for their 3=. 3d., and .’’s. 2d.', should be bixiked oaily at “ .Achicdental porten a French warship ” (in­ ia the l^>i8tiict. Interests, and o i Freehold and Leasehold them was sold and resold until i)6 Is. had' terest) “The Fa th of Sonny Jim” (Vita- Propertiee. hem. ohl.ninerl Tw-i nipce-; of t)u- Zep)i. graph comedir d n m a ), “ Picturesque Cata- ' PROSPECTUSES knd PROPOSAL POEMS FBEEJOAU SVFFEBEllS Yen Can Rely 5d by these **o*‘*£5i£S£ ■War Film . ■teur. Is t A THORPE, th- e ------BRANCH- OFFICES or AGEN(3IBS, side lines.” * D £ LAJ3L£ a s s o r t m e n t A 'beautiftil tl iree-act Imp production. ib(J Wo di a Spectafiilf or to the HEAI OFFICES. CaAisXxmx. dtocolatt Jjmaf. “ Heart-Strings, will be Monday's chief TM« Mini d* iMt*. OMaamU dt Itdm, attraction. Featu riUB the popular Jane p h y s i c a l DRII.L DISPLAY. ■ c —«j e . ^ loot. C larice's facing the Sea. r GERALD iH. RYAN, General Manager. , A very interesting display) of physical TM Gail it has dfeiy prospect of scoring a big _ & SONS, _ Brighton Bramm: 22, Queen’s Road. drill was given on Wednesday afternoon at sneoees, and {it it bonind to appeal' to all B41 Pills At. J. D. LEONARD, Local Secretary, the shore crid of the Hastings Pier by mem­ classes. Another strong feature of this 6 , RYE, S u s s e x , [aad deliver da%. lelepltoale. National 5,039. bers of the Canadian Cautinsmnt. The events iiQ FFEideLllX E programme t« Epiaode 10 o t ths «scit- (nrm from

m ‘-P O' * ■1 ■ - ■ '1 . ■ ■ . -d ” ■■ ■ ' -m ' ■ t -.‘(V]

tackled and settled when the War end* .-rr—— n r ’ Meanwhile * e hope the Town Council wffi endeavour to do something during the eSga ing summer to ' satisfy the neasonablo yv E. Pi COXjETEB. F.B.C.O. que.st of St. Leonards ratepayexjs, and that il PERCY W will Took with fav'oeir on the proposal t« MR. Vi ALTER PARK! DAWSON & HiRDEN S CUve VaJ«i Oongregitional Churol, Hasting*, launch out On the bigger scheme for the Weal JAMES W nd RECEtVES PWPI«-8 tPi Organ, Piaii^ End as soon as possible. TTdTIOHSER. VALUER. SERVE UCTIONEERS, HOUSE AND ESb ______.ag. Voice P oduotionl H-armony, Counterpoint, LANB A.QENT. . (Of the late firm of Wooddams. AGENTS. VALUERS, & SURVEY AOffices:— etc. 1 . -j - Sobsiilribed Capital, i Parks). 4sL m a r in a , DtREOTORS: Preparation for Exate^tionaj Bl. HAYELDCK ROAD. HASTiNGS Established 186b. ST. LEQNARDS-ON-SEA. WILLIAM GA^FIT. Esq., Chalonan. Xocal IFlewe, CAPTAIN CHARLF-S BATHURST,______M.P ' I HERBERT J. W. JERVIS, Eaq. ^^^tfoEioN ,” 8T.’ RELEN’S PARK ROAD, : u c t io n e e r s , a n d VALUERS, ■ Telephone 19x. MAJOR EdlOT G. I’POMtEY-MARTlN, SIR HENRY KIMBER. Bart. ' . HASTINGS. POND |WOOD ALLOTMENTS, LAND AGEN'TS AND SURVEYORS. Established over 80 years. SIR LIONi:;L E. DAiiEI.L, Bart. GEORGE B iJTLER iLLOYD, Eeq., M«P Correspondence ,or other matter intended SIR EDWARD I A SIR RICH/ .RD G. GARTON- SA M U ELlt±J 8.n. IMUEL.i-lYl KJ Jiti-/, Eaqj.. M.P.. for insertion in this journal should be . JV IL L IA M G R A H 4 SILVEBHILL. ST. LEONARDS Offices:— glR JOHN T.^GOLDNEY. SIR GRIFF ;TH THOMAS. ‘mrrtf R IG cIT HON. LORD AIRED SALE TUESDAY NEXT; GEORGE AL, IlA R V E Y , Eeliskment, inclm' I Reeerrd Fund of Envlnud 11,194,836 18 0 ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER OF ALL SOULS* 1917, at One o’clock in, the Afternoon spre- 11 O’CLOCK SHIaRP, F » Amount due Current, and Money at CuU and Short Monday 5 24 Friday ital Paid no,-r.t-;— the contents ot 16 bedroom.s, bedsteads, j other Aocoun rp. iiiclndinp in '‘iittou for Noti(j© . 6,611,856 C£:UECn. CLIVE VALE, HASTINGS. Tuesday 5 25 to lOe. Od. .per- Share eisely. and clients are particularly requested to note tresses, five wardrobes, chests off .dtav baor, . 4915) 14,158,031 15 7 CARLISl.E PARADE, HASTIljil BATTLE CATTLE AUCTK!)N MARKET. d’hote tables, serving and side tables, din of lavcstmoatB 100.000 India Govemmout HR REOTNALH E. GFOVES. mfT* o h s e h o :LD FURNITURE and E^u and Country ar rn«^t, •ett iuuouuls 'ivritt<'*n oli for HB- W-j H. CASS, A.B.C.M., L.B A.H. n a v a l a n d Sale. AUCTION on T h u r s d a y . FBBRUAl)tY deprocuttioh 1,074,028 IJ MIDI ■ARV W AR’ PEN.i Miscellaneous Elfects, a,so GIVES LE-SSONS IN VIOLIN PLAYING (Elementary SIG N S.—.Mr. P ercy Id le (Tow n Ciei-k), wli^l i Catalogues may be obtained at the Place lotli, 1917, at 12.39 d’-clock, Note, •Tbi« fitfjtoment of luahilitSes doea p r o f i t AND nnt inelndc tl4 I»fOTE.v-lWith 1h(» #>Kc.eriticai of W ar or Advanood). i.s tlio lion. sec-i’L'tiu-y of Ot. '■ •f Sale, or a the Auctioneer’s OfficesJ; 20 PRIME FAT KENT 1 EGS from Mr. ' Biub’R Oii’inintco o-f 'h iir-^ ja'v'n a t co.^t, full he local tA>mmitte*- ' Also will! b^ pfi'ered at an early date![theto: jtiie Q. B. Collins, 20 one ami two-lamb OUSEHOLI FURNITURE, compifisii|ffi to tha Yotk-4iire IVuny Bank, LoiinB, whi ' ! . under tho Naval and iii it ary W ar Pensioni =fe= Lmiited. prnTi-’iond: t»''on nvuh* per r.ontm for I .1 ■ . Down Elves in lamb (run ling with Pedi- bedsteads, mahogany_any single a iil ) the TnvostuicnM below Act, 1915, inform s us tha.t; from 1s t Ju ly to.' attractive smajll'investments being the FREE­ H double wardrobe-lixnun.ster and Bruss'ls VTitimr dr. Tnlerim 'DiTldend . at tbo mbs HOLD COTTAGES, greo ram November Is ; to Diii'nihor fL,-. riiiot’s ulin^ Oil 31st D'.'Oeuibcr, F o r Tonne, Teaffmoni-vlo. etc., tddreai: 31;;t Jleccmbci; last. Hie. incom e from granti * • per »awnm for tio half carpets screens, overmantclsi walnut 'siiiles 1916. Nos. 34, 38 and 39.-ALMA VILLAS, 1 1 th). from Mr.‘ J. P. Noake-i '!,-'o " CLIPTONVILLE,” from Statutory Committee, and-advances i-e.' i, 3Mb Jtme. WIG. iPsa 1 i n tapestry__ , and velvet, Chett°’’l*'^;W sottoc, £.56,398.406 R .8 p.aid totalltnl JJ1,2-1G, and of thi.s sum grant* SILVERHILL. 8 years’ old C.ART couch, easy chairs, modern walnut sideboard, £56.398.406 IS 3 1, B REED S PLACE, ~I»'T^a«-finr»hl3 (m lit FobraaryJ Farther pailticulars will be announced in hands; also Cluifl: Cu weAe m ade t<3 loe|il folk amoiinl ing to £1,19) ■ ottilratool W-rcr cent. dining table, oldfrmahogany bureau. | talle HASTINGS. 8S. During rillflTlrf t-llQdie ccisame rvva:* t-*i v Vriranj-1 *’ ine course. i The Sale will commence at [Eleven o’clock plate, china, glass; house linen, gas opoki r, same six montiis the loci Auction Offi^s: ! sharp. and meter, arid other Effects. Soldi-crs’ and Sailor-s’ Famil:e.s’ and Depen. 51. HAVELOCK: ROAD. HASTTN^d- w, a ^T?FrT, a . A. TARVUY, Joint General ED. SMITH,, dents . Sub-Committee denlt with 672 cases, *" St»« *errins of -witb Hw 4? Maje*ty’a,| H E N R Y KIM IFR. Dirretors. E. D. V’AISEY. Ma xacerrt. Chief Apeonutant. MISS ALICE NORTON, Fixture Cards with scale of barges for the -Auction Offices;—48, Marina, St. Leonarcs- ] and made, giants totalling T;963 lls. joj an6 . iony." ?J New Year can be had on app ication. on-Sea. ■ ' ’ . . JOHN T, GOl'■DNEV, L.BA.M.. AKCM- • The Soldiers' and SailSrs’ Help qud Disabl* B»!ancoT(Mrn(A roncaid foment i f GLOVERS FARM SIDLEY. j r.OLDERS. Auction Offices:— The HOUSE to be LET UNPURNISttED AUDITORS* T TO THE SHARKi incut Sub-Ciommitteo dealt with 135 oases. ' About One Mile from Bexbill Station. We have oliiairej alt tlie iafi‘riuat''on and cxr'.unalioas «o liava r4qii:re,l. a.ial iniviiavnijr iratif^cld pursplvos c f Visits (uid ItTvives Pupil* for and expended Jill2 Is. 6(1. i , 27. HIGH STREET. BATTLE. the POrTCf-tne-'c of tlie Ca* h Baianoes, alMl «'vamim>l the S.'i’iiritioa licld asain-'t t 'M* .M moy iit Call and Shojjt POWERFUL UPSTANDING CART Nr tie". „r,r! thbf ri’nr'-P'T.t-iriu tliA invp:tni'’»u*s of tbo Rnrik. and p.xninimd Ui*; it-rcircinii? D ' ■tncc SIj. PI.ANOFORTE, SINGING, VOICF. PRODUCTION. DEATH OF MRS. E. VITLER.-Maa* HORSE^. all straight off regular road and Ppiflt and ©'■ A count- nnd t>oniP'.iD*d th'-m wit'll the ntK'kv at the Hl'vid Offii'D, and with th© cerMfcd iTc’tiiri^ H.VRMONY, Etc. residents will rc"i'et to hear of the death^ EDWARD B. HjDfiDEN, C.hair— BOHUN’S RUCTION OFFi'CES, from til© Tiran. wo aio of opinion that tbc BalinruIC4- 2Sheet ik prc'perly drawn up ao art to exii.bit a true an 1 W. G; I BRADSHAW, Depntr-Cbaij Irorir owing |to termination of contract ivith O LET UNFURNISHED. — Capital Cftr^c'-t view of tbr* str.v of th o ’B.U'k''* nifairB. nccoWiln&*to the b o t our information and the f^planationt Special Coachins for L.R.-.V.M.. A.R.C.M.. and A**o- Mrs. Emma Vitler, which occurred-on Jak. EEPO^IT OP THE AUDITORS J 1 0 Bexhill 'Town Council, which COUNTRY RESIDENCE, nine miles 11. HAVELOCKj ROAD. HASTINGS givisii to u.3,'ai .d as shown by the Book.'» of the Ba|nli|. niated Boards E.vain*. Invariahly Snocjoaslul. nary 26th, at ,2 8 a. St. Maiy’s-terrack at tl5' T TURQTJAND, YOUNGS & J9. m a o d AL e n t e r r a c e , age of 71 years, j Deco iSed was one of th* In aceriidance. -wttli' the provisii from Hastings, two miles from railway sta­ 1917. Auditors. MR WALTER PARKS j (Estjablished 1877). 15th January ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. oldest members of Moimt Pleasant'Uongr*. IS08. we repclti £w follo-s-.-c'T- tion, on high ground, live bedrooms, bath (h. Curronit Acer.;riTitrt nppiicd in London on terms n^al atnonir Ttt>ndon Unukcrrt, W(yliave oXatuiinxI tho abore Ba Hasibcen-instrucited by Mr. A.'J. Grepd to and q.), thtee reception rooms domestic offi­ Dei>osit R ' oe pts irtsued and Doxmrtit Accounts opened iu I..oiulon, In t rctit bein^t allowed tihereon i t rates a gutional Church. ' The funeral look place oa ■Retnine- trbm ;the Bran'-hej. We-1 Se l l b y .AU<1TI0N on the above premises ces, motor garage, electric light with petrol Mi Hi BOHUN, F.A I. ndve.rlifjpd from thne to limo. 'I’hursday at tho Borough'Cemetery, the Ear ■ Bilh erf E±cbanc(? and lutro raring in THURBDAi', FEBRUARY 15tll, 191TJ at aT Vbp*CountW' Deposit Aqcc^intrt opened. Depffpit Receipts and D.'-aft© Ibsu^ , and MISS MAUI) CHASEMOBE, T. H. Cbojrer officiating. Amongst tlioai lofifted tbe S*(qnririe-'.rcpn^ntinkl engine, also used for pumping, garden, plea PREWltEDI to und, ake SALES B .other■ ■ -- Bankini; VnV'iness on- tic-i-t ...... ij-iiial• ti|nl'rt. ti|nbrt. Divii’ Dividends ' an.(l| ' CoupoiiK .... -Investiner . ta . in. nndl Kpianationii -wo bare Teqn-lfC'l,' wel wo Oiclock in the afternoon, s Irtod for Cutvtomers fr(i(? of cho: se between PROFESSOR OF VOTOIV l^RODUCTION AND who attended andj sent floral tnbutes were:— sure grounds, pladdock and si>iiiney, 14 acres. I AUCTllON.of Freehold and Leasieho rtaloH of H.c*ine find FoTP’^n Scoiiritiort ofle-'t^jd- MOn^iya ro<:(.‘;vf^ and ad ' STNjOING .''Italian Method). arhibib a- tfiie anil (yrrect Tipw of 1. —Brown Cart Gelding, "Rebel,” aged.Rent JE60 per annum. all the above 'ffl'”’-'- „ , . ' L . , -Mr. Harry Vitler (Son, Portsmouth) Missto ■ad the exnjanaticnB -?iven .to ns , 2. —^Bi'own Co i-t Mare, "Blossom,” 7 years Properties, Stockl Shares, Furniture, I ar Tlip A xvtk'v Fnrevxn and Oonntrv Denks ir^ und''ttaken. RECEIVES PUPILS cu FRIDAYS, also other day* Olive and Emmie 'i’^itler (daughteit), Ifrg, prepared to undortnUe thf* duties renting P> Exeuntorshii^, Tnuiteefihiiv, eta. i by appoiiim ient ftt Id. Apply :—J.AMES "WOODHAKs AND SON, Stock-in-Trade, at a fi.xed scale of Commi- Tho Ranh Is W(K)d (sister, London). Mr. H. Towner, Mr, liondon, lltk Jannair. W17. sion. Rents ' Coljlected. Esiates Manage 1 T1‘0 OffleOTS ->f the P'ink are bound to sk'recy. ■ 30. ROBERTSON STR.KET. HASTINGS • 3. —Bro.yn-t Gelding, Ca "Turpin,:’’ agi:^d. 27, HIGH STREE']', BATTLE. FO R EIG N De P IP T l^ F N T .—TL.O lIiTik jirtiict; D i'ifls, C irculo^I.8rfi. H«nnit*{?e and Sona, Ltd.). 4. —Bay Cart rip f ;r Tecrbitratifvn: in.ak»rt arrans:' licllo Ci.^sie and Beatie. Owing to indkp(MiL other purposes. .Inventories Taken' ar Foroi^n Bilirt and CouMons p ivabio nbKiajI; ro''oiv4»s IV ieicn Bends nn( Breathing for Dolicaie Cluldreu a Speciality. ^ 5. —^Bay Cart Mare, "Bonnie,’’ aged. n,ent« ahroad ter roi .llimr ■riMv :i!‘ F'lr iqu Fxchnr.co Bivineps. tiou, the hutiband was unable to attend ih* 8.—^Bay Cart Gelding? "Sharper,” aged Checked. House and E.state Agency in a DISTRICT : I'litu'val. 'riie- funeral arrangements were' POlilCfi GIFT.-M iis ,FrJ 7. —BayMari'. Cart “Darling,” aged. I |0 LET UNFURNISHED ( lear Bcxhill). its branches. HASTINGS BflANCTT, ST. M'ONAnDS-ON-SEA! ER.\NCH. sifisiactorily carried oiiC by Mr. W.' E. Gporgtostrretk Hustings, annl —An Attractive RESIDENCE,.contain­ T. L. ASHBY. Manaeor of both Iiranchos. 8 . —BavGelcling. Cart ue "Dnke,” aged. Particulars of Freehold spill. Hinldey, ol' 52, Mount Tleasant-road, and Police Chiii'stmas and New I Also several Sets of COTT ER HARNESf!. ing six biHlrooius, four reception rooms, Ground Rents. Hohisonis< and Shop Property E.mmanuel-road, Htistings. - icrfption list will be closedJ The Horses caT. 4 ample domestic offices, gardeiisj and pleasure • EAST SUSSEX HOSPITAL who wish to Contribute sliguj n be seen during the wee of ground.s, orchard paddock, motor shed, etc. Businesses and, Boarding TTonses for- Salp, I’ORTY-t’IVE is still a figure Wt which.yon sale by appointment with Mr. Green, Glovers Company’s Water. Rent .£70 pier annum. wanted for iriiihediate investment. ! HASTINGS.^ cjin secure a good useful Twenl Suit, and on ae possible.:-, • ■ Farm, Sidley, Ilexhill. | ' ■ r ’rpnERMEN’s 'churc Mortgages eflected. .£10,000 available. FUNDS URGENTI.Y SEEDED. ‘luite favourable tenus at J. IMacdcugall’t, Lection Offices:—51. HAVELOCK-ROAT}.: Certified Bailiffi to Levy Distresses i 1, Devoushire-road, Hastings. Hoursffi to 8 tq-'Triofro'w (Sunda.v) w ill lie : HASTINGS. a t t l e , to l e t . Dquble-Fron ted England and Wales. G e n t l e m |e n ’s E s t a b l is h MENTi p.m. , ■ wifh : n addrc's ' in "In the ^ p l e a s e ! HELP WITT SUBSCRIPTIONS, 8.15 p.m . th ere wijl be a spel SHOP, two large vyarehoui es and stores, • Agent to the leading Fire, Life. Acciqen' 'DONATIONS, OR LEGACIES. ^ ARMY AND NAVY.—Services i^ill be coo- .sevenB bedrooms, three reception rooms, two .cession '•ferviee. with specialf BOROUGH OP HA.STINGS. Plate Glass, and Burglary Insurance Cpn . SECRETARY, E.AST SUSSES HOSPITAL. ducted at Norman Road AVesleyaniMctliodisI - address cni - ".The Groat. Ex* attics, good garden. Suitable for grocer's. panics. RYE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, | To any Amount Church''-to-morrow (Sunday), at 11 and 6.30, Rent d£60 per annum Lesson .=.’’'..|The chnrclr is nia : PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Of SHIPPIN(j A(5EKT AND PASSjAGE [SECONDARY ^CUOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRlA, by the Rev.. J. II. Bateson, of Ixiidon. Mr. Bateson wRl give a si>ecjal address art 2.45, MENDICITY SOCIETY.! AN IMPORTANT SALE OP BKOKER under Merchant Shipping 'Acts by in STRICl PRIVACY on NOTI - Secretary (Mr. R. M. ,F- Colei ^appointment to tie “Union Castle,”’ ‘^Nevr Foundejd 1638.. RccoiwtnirWd 1908. :j on A Visit to the Q^'and Flee: .and tlia a t t l e , to l e t . — &?mi-Detached o f K A N E only Vi ITKOUT S^retieU tute),l acknowlcUg'is (lie foil'* r e e h o l d BUSINESS AND Zealand."“ ...... “Orieni.. "Houlder,” "K.hl'S.P Fighting Line in France." Mr. Btte^nwai tiems!—Mrs. Sa rigor 'Davies,^ DENTIAL PROPERTIES:— B RESIDENCTE in three fleors, contain­ Co.,” "Nelson,” " Leyland,” "White ^ar,‘ A SOUND EDUCATIONDTJCATION AT A MODERATE COST. The HjiStings and St. Leonards Army Chaplain with the tturma Force, 1886. F ing five bedrooms, two reception rooms, bath- o r F ees 1-SS8. - He was Secretary to the Rcyal Army N. TyrwTiift, R.N.. Mr. IV. _ Inclji|ding the following' -American,” “W hite, Star - Dorhinjbn.’l’ Mr. dolin' Bi a.v. 5-f.' each : Ml room (h. and c.), town and wel; wator, good 'Allan,’ "Canadian : Pacific,” "Cunaitl. The School Biit'dingc cicctclcicctCMl 1908 »r« »«U T»ntil«(«d Tcmp-cranco Association, India, 1889-1909, garden. Rent JE35 per annum. Bud -B-armcd- Tlterc arc well ei)iiirp^, Ohmiical and It? then was appokoted Secre-taiy to the Ravdtti. Rfv- T. W. llawortlf PROMINENl HASTINGS SHOPS 'Royal, and othilr liRes. ' Physical Laboratln iea. a larga I’.ny I leld and indoor “OBSERVER” B elt, Councillor _F. "W. IMorg 1 Apply:—JAMES WOODHAM AND SON, .Army and Navy Board pf *the Wesleyan Miniatiue tiange | LEW IS P»!ELLIPS* Cllurch, which position he still hplds. 'Ihe . CHlttoPODY'hr. ciprua at The , Nos. 13. 14, 32 and S5, QUEEN’S R AD 27, HIGH STREET, BATTLE, Recent succoBsok, 2 Cb ift’s Hoep'.tal Scholarohipa fl3 ii HAS A CIECULATICK AMCUKTJEG Or^d PaTuCer ,Rt. Le^ iHirilrt-on-Sea- ILL By Order of Executors. all), 7 Lontton Marr.culatiorts . j 31, Goi work he represents has Ireen carried on in (with Nos, 45 and 17, RUSS. er Street, Lcr.cfcn, Vv .C. TRAIN ' ALTERATIONS.- STREET). 100, ST. HELEN’S ROAD, HASTINGS Convenient Trulins .from and to all itatione oi^ ^hn OVER the .Army and Navy for many years. Before iHutftingrt-Ashford [Branch R.L. and C.R. 9cbolar« *casoi the IVar it was costing .£3.700 yearly, after Boted th a t jcoTi;mencing FchTi| No. 2 . YORK Bu il d in g s . or SALE, OR TO BE LET UNTUIN MR. J. H. BOHUN. tickets at much roduc^-d mtcrt. Tuition Fee?e £ 2 2a. 6d State grants. Property in soldiers and sailors Jowin I altera Nos. 2 aiM 7. CASTLE STREET. FURNISHED.-A capital well-built l^nd £2“ ■ 7e«.“ ^1 ■* p;T t^roi, iiK'ludin? booku, eporta, etc. homes was of value of ^120.000. This has inlo (ip"rati.n FRESIDENCE,DEN within ten minutefe of Roberts- Will SELL BY AUCTION on the Premise^ cply:—J. MOLYNEUX JENKINS, 1 3 j p 0 0 0 to'Hastingis c N*. 1«. GEORGE STREET. as above on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16tffi a For Prospecturt NOTICE OF REMOVAL. b-een largely increased since tbe. War. I'liere bridge Station, containing six bedrooms, Head Macier .ire .about iSO Cofnriiissioned Chaplains serv. Cross and starts at 5.5 p.mj three rec^tion rooms, bath room (li. and c.); One p.m., the whole of the Stree'. The S.fl .n.m, Ha.sf THE PRIVATE RESIDENCES ! lounge, dressing room, and domie.stic office.-;. ing with the Forces, and nearly 700 ministers r ’.1 URNITURE A|ND EFFECTS for 4 bed The Beaufort Finance Co„ Ltd OPIES WEEKLY. acting ,as officiating clergypnon fr> the troops, h '• Stteel; will call at IVadhurst ; ! known as Coach House and Outbuildings. One acre of F rooms, 2 reception rooms, hall, ant HOI MWOOD SCHOOL. ■’at home and in (-(iin-.cc-tion with military CI(3.AREijTF:.S AND KETl Koe. 27, 41. 42. 43. 44. and 45, ST. HELEN'S grounds, tennis lawn. Company’s water. domestic offices. | . ; BEXHLLL-ON-PEA. ' Ha^ removed ita Office to hospitalf. Colleciicns wilj be Lakeu for —As the result of the sale o| Rent .£100 per annum. 1 Further particulars will appear. A. F. BRYAN. B.A., |Intcr. Lond.,i ROAD. I fibadmaster: MR. 6, TRINITY STREET, HASTINGS, Home Mission work, inc-lmling si>cc-ial worlr; ders, lUr-t. IE. Skippings, of Apply :-JAMES WOODHAMS [AND SON, Auctioneer’s Oflfees:—11, Uavcloqk-road 'As^ted b] a StroEB Sto« of Regisleied i TELEPHONES: .among our soldiers and sailors. has this week sent- 50-cigarcj No. '87. ST. HELEN’S ROAD (formerly 6 , Hastings. i .Qtitern. I St. Helen’s-terrace) let in two flats, j 27, HIGH STREET. BATTLE. And is under entirely New Management. HOLL'fNGTON' P.S.A.-*:Miv. ,)ohn Bus. ■ Hyland, 5th RoyaL Su'ssek PREPARATION for the UniTergitiprt, Profewion*,! 1 £ 1 , pt'vertfscirent Cept. enly. brid-gc was the siieekiu- at lIol'i;'gt(.n AVes- •rate C. Ai Burton, ofi.the samI Nos. 24; 25, Md 30. LOWER PARK ROAD. J>uKic Siihook, cih. Sp whole -of the T.'ade—public hdu-ses, Ch u r c h s o c ie t y :—A meJ » « . 7. K ail'd ll>> BjEtATBBSbki? u c t io n e e r ! and V.ALUER of Pro­ HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS bi-eweries, aiid ■ disf'llc: ii':— '.v;-.rc- pnia-based." •f-fliis Society is to be beld-<| I’EERAClB. JAMBS WOODHAMS AND SON, A perty for i\RBITR-ATION, PRO'BATli by th" Stale. It wqubl cost but . Hall, St.“ Leonards, -on Tue m o r t g a g e r e p o r t s , and TA^ and Apply in con:fidence to’Afannger. the money could bC: found with care, as they AND Alt ST. LEONARDS:— 27. HIGH STREET. BATTLE. fl''FB^ll.'p^EALSu1al^R .\TP. APPEALS lalso F^DENlTm^^^^Ft------MB. B- MTJRROVr. 18th inst., a t-3 o’clock. Th| 6 , TRINIT Y STREET, HASTINGIS. arc spending that amount on. the. IWar in • Askwith yrill preside, and^ti *»D*BWpNT, TOWER ROAD WESTJ Ijate of Hjg-iibtury Houf^ dubcol (Cburol) Roe4). SATURD)AY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1917. tine'? months. The Ford Controller had Incltme Rdv. E. - F. Pelletier 1 "Which R EC EIV ES a Lim ited Numl>er of PU PIL S, Boarders (1-, ci ital, to (ip away with 3{| per cent, of tiie tralian Bush),'and- the ReYj AUCTION ROGMS, J O H N B R A Y od Day Boys. drink, and that would mean a saving, to the (from Canada and- Kloqdyi MB. -srALTER PARKS 12, CLAREMONT, HASTINGS. LAND, EST-UTE, and HOUSE .UGilNT, Ipreparfitiona for the Unirer^itieo, Local, and othei nation of 36.000.000 tons of barley •md , ■ tier can justly be describe ? Exarainotiiiiis. • ST. LEONARDS AND' THE ^.000,000 lbs. of snga-;-. Bnf why wait until , Boa,’’ as he lias spenj; his ehl "been instratted by the Executors oftl^ REMOVED FROM PRIVATE 13, SOUTH COLONNADE, [Special Attention to Backward and Delicato Boya MONEY EENlT. B e s i d e n c e s . Apr-'l 1st? IVh.v not begin .n't once? career m the Bush district >■ .Mr J. Cf. Hickman to SELLiB”t^ "ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. IVY BANK, U SPUINOKIELD ROAD. ST. £10 tJ £5,000. , BAND ARRANGEMENTS. Eiigla'i'.d without the drink ivru’d be » AUCrridN at 1 THE' CASTLE HO'llEtt, ^ LEONARDS. f LA U N D R IES a n d ' MK- A lR R K l) G. GINNER SALES BY AUCTION OF REAL E.STATE. paradise to live in. the wovkhou-c ((tu!,V be readers’ attention is: dra-wn J HASTINGS, on TUESDAY. APRIL li7tli DVANCTIS made at a few hours notice aboli-'ned as qt the pi-rsent time! if w;i9 1317. at his FURNITURE, OR OTHER EFFECjTS. The fact that the si:mmor band arrange­ tiferiient in the Public.Notic upon S imple Promissory Notes to all largely filled by the publican. Without the ; paper, which states • that i Particnlare, w ien published, can be j of on TUES­ in iV E R S IT t SCHOOL. HASTINGS. responsible Applicants. ments were made b.v tho Hastings fi'dwii drink England,IjirrAl'UKl in m ' tr.ade . i’ af'"-- • ' the;tMt; A''a* .I'.ijk tained at the Place of Sale, of Messi DAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1917, a 1 2 Noon, EST.ATES OR SINGLE PROPERTIES Coluicil yesterday. With no mention ol the ould have a run cf ,uni arallelod prosperity', A-ssociaFioti .Are reluctantly _ Lansbam, fen. i nd Douglas, solicitors, 4m •Excellent FURNITURE AND E ^FECTS. CAREFULLY MANAGED, including COL­ P rin d B al: MB. ALEXANDER MILNE, H.A. claim of St. Leonards to a share in the Muni­ as money>noy spent , in other goods . gave miirh' increase the' qharges-by a ‘ ‘ B obertson-etreet Hastings, and at ;tn^ Entries can I>o received. LECTION of RENTS, SUPERVISION of -Aissted by STRICTEST PRIVACY ASSURED. cipal entertainments, may he regarded , hi' more omnloyment to a larger nnin'oer Pf cent., making 20 per ceiit. ' Auctioneer’s Office®, 51, Havelock-road, Ha Office, 23, Bul^Eii-tson-stTeet, Has tings. REP.AIRS, and'Surveys for Dilapidations. R ESID EN T UNIVERSITY GR.ADUATES, some people a.s a'sign that the agitation from people. To-morrow (Sunday) will Ixi the 11th laundry work .oil, and after j Inventories made and checKed. ■ NDiyiOUAL r [eparalion ior the UNIVERSITIES, No Fees Charged or Sureties Required- the West Ead has blown over, and tlie Cor­ .‘Vnuiversav.v of ttio P*.S..-V! The speak'.'r. will ■ m aty 5th. TlBs chiStge coffij ------^ ------ih i PHOFESHION: and COMMEUCI-;. A .peVial feature 1 "■ tastin g s -TV o. 313. poration ha: been able Iq get rid of it secretly be the Mayor iof Rye (Councillor George with that ilnAitutdd in fnt Telephone Hastings No. 313. in lth e School Con- o ia tbe Lemdun University Matricii- Apply in strict confidence to the old- without conceding any favour t> St. Leonards where.the inferease is 25 per ( (Telegrams: "Bray , St. Lconards-on-^a.’ ). t on Exauunatlon , Ninetv-thiee boys have pjiased tnia 1te^tablisn^ ^ 1 - firm „ of Ell-s, J.P.). ! ', ! '■ , j VIDLIER & GO., c.t frorn ihe S liol. Ghemir.nl La^rutory'. Museum. ratepayers. This is not tliql ca.-c. Tho gen­ MILITARY BOOKS of, SALE TCHURSDAY NEXT. i And at pt-nlier's...... ' Works!.. op. Oymnupiuiu. Open and Covered tlemen inte:'osted in the St.vLeonards agita-' ST. LFlONARjDS I FARMER’S DEATHi-r - AUCTIONEERS, I'l-;yi;rouud, etc., aii deputation apiminted ‘to wait producers, and a magnificent judge of pork, fruit of the National Missior W ai SELL BY [a u c t io n , on the abovfi 7 th ■FEBRUAEYl—Bye Cattle Market. Clerks, Assistants, Workmen, Wat and E l and he had a l^ carried on a large market •ocial.efforts . The subject « Premises, on THURSDAY.', FEBRUA-Ri A small stack of good Hay, si at Bombardment, and Pq'indstic Servanti. t IHOROUGH P£ ,EP A RATION EOR AT,L PU BLIC iW the Town Council has just held another EXfAMINaVnONS. Obl-eaU'ibhtvhrd. Very euccttiaf'ul. llV iO N E Y . meeting, at which a sub-committee was gaiden with success. He was ever, ready to l^ ew OppoTtnnities, and a N©| 8 th. 1917, at One b’clock. wAod Rising.” Rye,' will sold by AGENT FOR THE L.B. AND S.Ci R-^forenc?* L ^ / e CoTered. GynirHtoium. Recro- el-ect-ed to dria.w up a statement to be presen­ give .a helping hand to everyone he tgime to-- '■urely app(?afls to all who kno Auction at Eleven o’clock by sample. H.A1LWAY. atki GrouaJ. file acj«=. SiKicsal aiteution to delicate FROM £10 (0 £1000. need is. Tli^ Rural Dean ELEAIADE SURPLUS FURNITURE Itjlikward boyis. E|itire Charge of Indian aud ted by the deputation when the latter is rc- contact with. j\t his express -wish his body Boudoir Grand Pianoforte. China Can be viewed at any time previous to 1 qeived by than« ean have >saine eloquent Bishop of Lichfield,! Pictures, and other ESects. Principaj!: HENUY KING, A.C.P. ■at fair ratij of interortt; also Bills of Sale arraUKCd. has com]>]eted its work, and the deputa­ on Monday, at the Church-in-the-Wbod HoL ; Cta View Day jl^revious and Morning ol Stock solicited. Sead M aster—MB-. W ALLACE H. K IN G , B.So. tion will meet again early next week to de­ lington, in the grave with his late wife.' Tho before comejtq Hastings. Sale. Catalogues when ready) of the Auc I Auction OfiBces, Market . road. Eye, Established 1873. Tela. 876. i London, l.C.P Apply Lender’s LociU Agents: — Rev. J. B. Holmes; officiated. The list oh MEETINGS FOR IVOMEI Aafiliatod by an bMciuiit Btaff of Resident and Visiting: MESSRS. COHI^N & COHEN, cide upon i :s plan of action. Probably it ttoneers, 7, Claremont. Hastings, am; -Sussek. ■ j COUSINS & DEBENHAM Masters. V ill apply to be received by tho 'I’own Coun­ mourner.s were:—Me. T. Morley (son), Mi» • •dvertised m last week’s 1 —FEBRUARY, -AUCTION ROOMS, RYE.— 23, W ESTERN R<^AD. B EX H ILL. cil at its next meeting, and it wiil then be .Moi-ley (daughtief),Mr8. Blackpool, Mrs.Boys, proved' successful in, spite' BniVash. u c t io n e e r b , VALUER.S. HOUSE Cad«i Corps atthchod to, the 2nd Horne Countiee Household Fqrnitiii-e and Effects. Bri«lulo, Rovnl FJ^^ld Artulory. rrepared to place betore the Council defi­ Mrs. Grist.- Mrs. Rymill, AIi-s. Pelling, Mrs. drawbacks 4- the absence of ] L AND ESTATE AGENTS, AND ihool re-opened (m the I8rh January. nite proposals and suggestions. The chief Bamford (douglitcr.s). Mr. Brackpool, Mr. Mrs. Ebden, through illness, § ACCOUN’l'ANT-S. < rawback tp, all past attempts to give band Boys, Mr, Rymill. Mr. Pelling, Mr. Bamford ■weather. These meetings, j-, CANTERBURY. Bailiffs under ths Law of Distrees. rerformances on the Front at St. I.eonards (sons-in-lau'), Mr', gnd, Mr?. Isted and Mr. chfferent centres in the SIX CARRIAGE ' HORSES. TWENT’Y CHEKHELLS DYER & GALDAWli AY Insurances of every Description. PEl|^ ATE TUITION. ROSE AND BATES, l;as lieen the nbs-.-nce of accommodation for G. Isted (step-brothers)’, Mr.- ,,T. C-artar ■ dressed by Mrs. Penrose, of ' CARRIAGES, SIXTEEN SETS OF HARi S. BEETli.'^M DYE.R, F.Al.:I. t le mnsicianis and tlio pnhiic, but wo undei’- (nephe^vl. Mr. Veness, Mr. Ruse, Miss Oliver, Miss Trenen, from' London, , NESS, the entire Stock of a Jobmasteit. A. W. GALLAWAY, F.A.I. R. H. E. WH|CKER, prepares PtTPILS for s land that the deputation is in a position to ■Mrs. VidleT,*etc., friends, who were present fnll exiKwienco and sympathyl Expert Valuers and Auctioneers to Univeivities, Matriunlntion. the Army ond P a w n b r o k e r s s tbmit to tho Town Council an oifer which, at , the church': - Those who sent floral tri. careful traimng and hoiiie MR. GEORGE SLATER (Agents to J;h^ . Official Rcceiyer in the Printing, Newspaper, Stationery and Oxford and Cmiibridife Loua’. and other Examiiia- butes were:—Tom and Kate (cross), .^lic* young fromj. earliest years, Bankruptcy.) A limited numbut of Ho»=idrnt PupUa received. 46, Itonaeu Bead, St. lieonardg. i acceptoil, will enable that authority to TTaa received instiuetions from Air. A. W.|l Booksollipg Trades. Over Ti^onty Years', Experjenco* wipe out of csistenco this obstacle to progress and Bill (wreath), Nell and Fred (yreatli), ' vital importance te all. ; Neij i ^ UCTIONEEES,|GFUCERAL anjd HOTEL at tile St. L^nnrd.s end of the town. VVhat Lil- and .the boys (cr6ss>, Em. and Fred but all mcjther-hearted won Anderson, who is relinquishing «ie .horse; 40 Years’ Practical i Experience as Tfado HAnUwIbOD, TOWKIl ROAD WEST. Vusiness. to SELI BY .UUC’l ION withqut VALUERS, ESTATE AGE NTS and. ST. ;LEONARDS-ON-SEA. attitude the Corporation will take in the mat­ (cross), Mary and Alf (wreath), Doll and their influence to bring np- J reserve, on the Premises m Rose-lalie, SURVEYORS. STOCK AND HARE Valuers and Auctioneers. ter is, of coarse, unknown. Probably the Harry (wreath). Jack. Bertie, Marjorie, .and girls with puye, high ideals of BROKERS. —^----- I ASH ADVANCES made on Diainond members of the Town Council themselves Marg.iret (chaplet), Mr. au(J Mrs. Bamfordl afternoon meetings, one a ttb f Canteriiury, bn SArURDAY, the 10th dayj of. A g e n t s f o b .t h e C u n a u d a n d o t h Ak and other Jewellery, TVatches and ■ FEBRUARY', the I € cjjuld not say now what will be done to this Loirisham (w reath), Mr. and Mrs. J. C- Mau­ presided over by Mrs. Dyno®| AUCTION SALES of every desiription. . STEAMspip L i n e s . | PR^VATE_ TUTOR. Chains, Antitnie and Modern Silver Plateddjeputntion. ‘jccing that they do'mot know ley, Harrew-on-the-Hill (wreatli^. Mr. and attonfiance of women, notwit n t i r e s t o c k . o f a j o b m a s t e r .i EXPERT 'VALUERS for all purposes. (jtoods. Curios], etc., on the folio-wing rates— Ml'S. Tomlin,, Ndtting Hill (wreath), Mr*. and .snow. ._ com pri.siugSix Carriag& Horses (but 24, HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS. MH. E. n. BLOjsfFlELU (rejristorcd under the_.Order What it intends to propose. But as the ob- E ESTATES MANAGED; Rents Collected. in Council, March 6th 1902), virtits or .roieivos Pupilt £3 lent for ^ne shilling per month. | jbet of the deputation is to further the in- FTarris and Lil.y (spray). Atissesjffanton and ■ CELT.UI.OlD SERVICE ^ regular work), twenty Carriages consist-! PROPERTY r e g is t e r and Map (gratis). to prepar© for thej Un'.versi.icrt, Londotr M.^tri'^ulation, ing -of 5 Landaus. 3 Broughams, 3 Victorias, Oxmd find Cambridge Loral, Anny, Navy. Medical and 1 .620 lent foi] five shillings per month] t|'rests of a verv important part of the .Attrill (wr-?atb), Polly and Charley (spray), fdr militaiy use can be on other Examinalion©. ClnK-cfi in n'hoola citlier borough, am as tlii^ coincides with the aim Mr. and Mrs. V ene'S (wreatli), Mr. J. Dennil 8 Waggonette Brakes- to carry 12 to 16 a r ­ INSURANCES ARRANGl^D. ■ XlOO lent for - £ 1 per month. ” Observer ’ Office, HastinI iemiwrarily or peiinp.ni'ntly. E?pvcifiHy aucceiirtfnl with trf the Town Council to secure prosperity for (wreath). Miss E. Oliver (spray). Tlie whol# ' raoh. sons, 3 Waggonette;, and Omnibus (for dne 38, HAVELOCK ROAD, HAS’IINGS REEVE & FINN baclroard and dt* irate pnpil.fi Itit:hc*tt referejiccrt.. all parts of the borough, there can be lit­ of the funeral arrangements were ably car- , liorse or a pair), te carry 8 inside and 3 ont- (Telephone 661), Boxl^ill and tieiphbpurim: 1own« vinitNi App^y: — tle doubt thrt the Council will consent to re- vied out by Mr. Arthur C. Toivner, of 2i CANADIAN SPORTS CLI •idq, a glass Funeral Washington Car (by HIGH STREET. IRYE. SUSSEX, 4nd UPPER PARK ROAD, ST. LEONARDS- . was held at the Qraid Resta| Bligh), Funeral Cur with glass sides. Child’s 6 6 , MOUNT ROAD, CLIVE VjALE. LYDD. KENT. ON-SEA. 1 E|VERY ARTICLE EN'TRUS'rED TO OUR (|eive the do:Jntation, and will give its pro­ .and 69, No'rman-road, St.Leonards. day cveninif of the organiser ESTABLt.SHED 1812. posals earef il, and w'e hope, sympathetic T H E M fhi^n BeaboTf io r A rtirtic H^ad Co»erin|% Funeral Car, 16 /sets of double and single ARE IS INSURED AGAINST AIR RAIDS onsideratior. This is not a matter calling Tile ijatei t Hairdrewinp Rooms on the Senfh Tournameift held last Thnrs ' Harness, also sundry Saddlery, Horse Cloth- k .UCTIONEERS. LAND, HOUSE AND or excited assertions, or threats or charges, 26. Gijand Paraie, St. Leonards-on-Seia. Batqrday evenings. It has tog, etc. i - -.r ' ' a g e n t s lASTINGS GRAMMAR SCHOOL. a n d ! BOMBARDMENT. j present to-the Canadian troop L ESTATE . TENANT R:GHT 'he simpk truth i.s that the people>most in- ST). LEONARDS CONGREGATIONAL . of boxing glove? and >629 lOs.H - On View one day previous and on the Jlorn- STANLEY T. WEST^ON i SON AND TIMBER VALUERS. erested in the -n'clfare of St. Ix'cnards are SOLDIERS' CLUfi.-r-Tho great popularit.y ol tog of Sale. [ . : ' 3, H.AVELOCK ROAD.T |H©»dmarttPT: P. P. TIARLOW, M .A., B.Sii. ful competito-rs to' purchase! Catalogues maw be had on the premisfes, Estates and Propeilty Managed and Rents uptaiD 5th Battalion, Royal Sut'o^x R«eriiuent). issatisfied v ith tho exceedingly small share this Club, which eoihe enthusiastic frequenc necessities. The outcome of « Cqllected. uf Municipal entertainments grudgingly tei's stylo the " premier ” club of the town, has been H e formation of- V*Hd of M'’- OvdiS® Slater, I\’atling-str6btj, UCTIONEERS, HOUSE AGEtt'TS, Etc., SH I PM AIM’S meted put to them in the pa.st; they feel that has i i-ccently been helped by t-wo most suo. ■^Canterbury. Etc., Valuations for :iall purposes carifully AftiHa: H©admR<«t<*T j REV . T. J . THOR.BURN, D.D., Club for previding boxing A made. Regi.siter of Estates. Farms, l-buses LL.D., CnriBt’a Collesrp,.Cambriiipe. BAY RHUm AND QUiNir^E something more can bo done for their part of cessful concerts,, at which the large hall wat ■ports for the troops strftiohJ Rents Collected. Valuationi for (Unfurnished and Furnished) kept. the town yio.hont damaging the interests of filled by audiences of Canadians. The first,, a. and St. T/ionards. Colonel Ml Probate, Etc. ■THonouc:^ m o d f .p n e d u c a t i o n . i^AIR LOTIpN. I any other pai t; and they a.sk the Town Coun­ on AFcdnesday: evening. January 24thj wa» ■ oepted the Presidency. The b^ Shares in Local Companies Bought, Sold, and cil to consider, with them, what they think given by the talented Keeks fam'ily, assisted , MESSES. HOWSE & CO. Nmneroufl unsiio|iftit-fyl tcrttinijoninls rooeived by the are the host means for reaching the goal at ments weri placei-rs is lOticlndeil,-and tHo| N. OLDHAM by Clasa 2.30. OybT Pupl.H 3.39. Private Led^na .A health and {i'^’asure resort is by engaging •tones to mit both IqvoTs of.-f DECORATORS, WRITERS, Etc. at on> t-iiup. ■ . for her cajiital rteitaltion on the proces-s of ^gjijoessoT: to Messrs. Breeds and Son. | ALPANDALE. (jlOOMBE ROAD, CROYDON. a first-clas.s musical director, ' disregard­ tidying up in a hd.spitfvl. and the'Rey. Henry and the: d -amati’c. Finally^,., H E S S E S . W. T. SMITH A SON PRIORY STREET, HASTINGS: ing tho absurd limitation of salary Vai'lev ffave a 'humorous reading on “ The •Hcle by Rl F. F''la rets- It descrilw.;^ (W. T. SMITH. F;A.I.). 1 H iss CLARICE HABBADIK^ which, has jnevionsly been observed French Horn,” an-d told a sMection of hunioiv UGTIONBEB, VALUER, SUKVEYOE, Ttiacher of in Hastings, and giving‘him powet to build ous stories thatjaipiised great laughter.' Mr, provement -upon AuCtioni_ knfl J HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. Member Sussex Valuers’ Associaltion. DANCING And grace culture. ILLS up a fir.st-clasa permanent orchestral band Varley presided! ati both concerts, -welcoming Bridge,” w aichl. in the opinio 5 t BL a n d PUBLIC HOUSE BROKER, ELDRIDGE AND SON, Claulcil* Op«ratio, Fancy ond National Dances. large enough to meet all requirements. With the audience, afidl inviting recent comers to bids fair b» sutmlairit Anctionl A UCTIONUERS,, SURVEYORS. A'* the Lat'O^t BaU^rooioi Dances •e that gaine did Bridge, , orj VALUATIONS IFOR PROBA*rE AND Solioo)« Visited. Prifate Lessons arransgefl at any time. Such a man and such a band, free from the the town to. make as much iise of the'^Cluh • Z^CCSSSION DhTlBS. CERTIFICATED ■\l v a l u e r s , h o u s e - a n d ! l a n d CONTRAOTORS. SANITARY PLUMBERS, AND CailX BATJ2S, Bart.. Liver^ol. , AFSBRIt t- EEKN, F.r^n., jaiiinlnpham. T he ’ ■ ■ |With being a lanatic.-t-Frisoner was seen in Itc., to th e iPublisher. " ’hm-IA-M ITASH, E bq., Binniiigliais. KTICHEN OR r ^ R T . ^ .A Z L E Y , E bo.. Liverpool. , PIftIUE, K.P.„1.6ndun. m an the cell by the Magistrates.—According to OFFERS A T I tEe for the week yfe RIGHT n g s LbRD CARN'OCK, G.C.B., London. F.3q.„ laverpiol. Miss ______W o r k s h o p — Dr). Field, the woman was suffering from TCmmenciBj DAVID" ”T' TA.w^TrD.\Villi sj M.P., LlandinaitL IN A$Y KINO lay, Febrhary 3rd, KnANK DUDIJ ^ , C.B,,, Birmingham. 'VE^STON-STEVENS, Bristcl Samson, J.P., and others^ tepsions that she was being followed by the ¥vn\ r. FOX. Liverpool. FLEETW OOD o p GRATE. King, and that people iwere trying to poison 8 57 9 SllWedneedi re^ERICK t'^DNl K.C.M.GI, V..C.I.E., louden. The Mayor congratulated the I Committee y 11 47 12 « H SUMh^iOV r E|F -rt LeioMer. of the Central Aid Council for once more He was ■ prepa|ed to certify.—The 9-59 10 2'!' Thursday 12 10 12 iJ JOHN G1*ASB1|iOOK I e ?q., . Sivanaea. w i l l i a m FITZTHOMA3 WYREY, E sq., iJoTentry. organising sdch a fine' series of lectutes. Magistrates made an order for prisoner to be 110 41 11 X Friday 12 40 12 4] 11 !H 11 .‘17! iHEAD OFFICE, 5, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON, . they wer© Jo deal with problems of great 'seat to an Asjlum. E.C. importance at the present'junctifre. | pp T imes f i r Cyclists an d o th e r. Joint G c^»l Manager.: J. M. ^:B. W R R ^. F. HYDE, E. W. WOOLf-EY, jEDNBSDAT.—Before Mr. J. J. Boutwood .(in (commencing February M'.ss Yates said that the call for women's LACKMAN’S 3i-d, 1917, laiour to-day proclaimed how far they had p e chair) "aiiid Alderman A. W. CShestBr- BLANKETS. CURTAINS!. LINENS. Dr. L IA B IL IT IE S AKD ASSENTS, 31at December, 191&. 5 20j Wednesc.a;y .. ' 5 21 Or. travelled during the last two .years and the rold. 5 22! Thursday change in public opinion. Looking hack to F U L L UP. . S2S e. d. 5 24 Friday • 5 Si e. d. August, 1914, the^ could hardi.v realise that R obert 'Win tor, a private in the Canadian SHEETS. QUILTS. L r u g s , etc. per By C:wh in hand (inWuJlni!: Gold Ooin ,ARG NUTS Contingent, pleaded guilty to being drunk Sliaxe on ^I.nofl.ooO} auii Cueti a t Bimk ol such a short epaee of time had elapsed a nd 1,512,317 Shfvrefi of £12 each 4.7S0.792 10 0 EnslanJ .. .. j 47, so many things had happened. At that tinio and incapable Inspector Taylor sai.] ho . Fuiijd .. 4.000.000 0 0 ,973,686 4 4 I P hases of th f M oo » on L t February, M.;m-V IT Call and al Short Nutdoo and many men of military age exchanged a qu«et I g iv e b e s t r e s u l t s teiind primner in the private bar of the iir'dond otevk Exch.mi” Loaj« .. _ 8,, 144,377 19 10 H astings -Arm.s the previous day, just after 30tli, 1.2 a.m .—F i k !' Qu a rts*, 1917 322,703 9 n ,, In.Vf..tmentf.; — eiyilian hie fOr that of a soldier, and the. (AND LAST LONGEST. SEE WHAT YOU SAVE! 7tii,11, 8 28 a.ni.—Fm . Balance of [and Lwb Aoeount, War Ltrn.:, at call for men went forth. The call for won^en 1 o'clock. Ho was being given soda water. alooN. '* 23 below * 1 ...... 243.538 5 10 15th, l.aS.la.in.—L.v$ £1.490,000 io lodsvd for Fullli.’ and came more slowly, arttl it was some time I BROWN ASH ! bu^ was too drunk to take it. Wben he was Sale Price. Quakte*. other Ae.'onnts! .and other I IlritW i 21st, 6.9 p.m.—N e V JIOON. 0,347.034 5 t>elore the."e w as a national appeal. The mijived outside th e house he collapsed.—Fined Cunent. P'TP»it and other Aeoounta 174,620,724 17 Oovemni..n.t SeenrlV.-s' 33,,199,534 13 6 .5.S I , Large size bro-wrt woollen Rugs, usually 6/i i 4/6 ea. -' 28tli. 4.44 p.m.—iin|s T Qu a s t i*. Steelia ynamnterd l.v (he BrVish women were, however, eager to! help, ahd | 43 King’g-road,j St. Leonards. 'Phone 127. • Acoent.'mcGs cn acfyvunt of Cueto- iGoternmen*. Itidi.v Stoeka,' Indi.in ' so the.v came voluntarily and formed tlieiu- COLD INSIDE. R eal Down Q uilts for double beds (6 by 5 ), 14 /g ^ . 12/6 ea. ny>-8 ' - - - 7,220.780 12 2 ;P;n'itey Gunivjvtee.'l Stocks .and se.ves into various j,societies. The.v joiUcil And Tran^ Junction, Silverhill. W illisam George Banfiol<| was charged with Lace Aurtains, 3yds. by sains., strougm ate, usually 6/ i i : 4 /H pr, ; Dobell hires 326.406 10 0 being d ru n k \jvhilo in charge of a motor J finest Scotdh and In sh Whiske*« ^itM i Tinilvrnv Di'heetnre '.and v.ie Red Cross Si'cfetyj and the "VVomeii’s , ■ 1 Dam: isk Supper Cloths, boins. .square, 4/6' 3 /6. ea. ■table p iirity and gi eat ag© Prnferenee St.vks, Br:tlea Gorporo- Emergency Corps, and gradually the call for i Id^ry.—P.C. Jarvis proved ecciiig the Art S erge, double width (52in.), usually 3/6 . . . |.. - » - 4 — 2/11 yd. analyst s Kepart) L. i. Gienister non Ptc^'.kB ?21.813 0 4 munition workei’s camC. At the beginning pnlsoner in Y ’ellington-squarp at 2.25 on W itn :y B lankets, full size for double beds, 35/6 j 29/6 pr. <^>.onial and IkTeigii Gorernment OB the war one heaid week after week of the Tiies'day. and as. he w'as d ru n k and not hant, 29, M hite Kock,. HastingsT Sto.-te ami n»ade Gotten Pillow Cases, nice qualite, usually 1 /4J . . I /-1 ea. 751.520 12 It HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS OF GTELS c"-^-I-’■T Jiibl© of taki ng charge of a laundrv lorry pbL LEAGUE.—A bridge and Sundry Inre-'inenfe " ■RFS.C21 0 10 Full s ize real Down Quilts, Paislby Chintz, ventUated .. I 6/61 ea. Biiits of Exulinn^i? ^ ' S3f.,R17 0 9 turned out of their jobs because of t'no lack tlA^TiNGS| POLICE -COURT. flfirh ho was ibout to drive away, he took was hold at the Quesu's Hotel ©b ot activity in industries, and so maiky him into custadidy.—Prisoner said le took C u ^ ons (34 to clear), tapestry with sjttiii back, 5 /11 . , ■! 3/1jl ea;, , 81sV insl., in aid-... if funds ’ loi ,45.177 2 6 ue drink tr arm his inside, and not Lace bed Spreads, size about 2l b y 3yds., usually 2 1/- 5/r! ea. Incens. Owin., _____ , Advances on Currrynt Aceountsi Luflu’* iris] were only irocuslomed to the one kijul .vriiHDAV.—Befoire Mr. F . R. Boneg (in the to th ; inclemency T iT’. '"’d A.'''Conn.ta m.856 17 4 of work on .Tvhirh they were employed a!iK( ng need to t.l-lvas overcome.— Pined 10s. Down Quiiis for single beds, assorted, 16/6 to 2 1/- now 14/11 ea. p h o n ih e aiU'r.dance Has,not ii up tfl , Ida'-r;+H'i5 cf ff,j. jAcoeiv ■SO conlfi not take on other work.' Then tlic ^'r)|. Ciipir.iil A. 11. A. Coivile, Dr. G. (JIIARGE O'P EMBEZZLEATENT. Woollen Sofa Blankets, heather mixturelbo by 8oin.) .. 10/6 ca. tiru'CA pa JVX7 .-..-jifn G ray, D,-. t.'j Chi islopherson, an d Coun-' Twenty ©t the wousioeu.1 tided soldierr soiuiera 220.780 12 2 iippeal c4i,me for nee nnic|i '/.'-nl ami age, was cliar, C(f n a warrant with em- Sheets lor small beds, good quali ty arid pure finish, . i 6./11 pr. lEe^inumt.-|U . PU r ON 'I'lIE RIGHT PATH. JE191.188.539 15 8 onthnsiasm , b n t th a t had been Miai' Out bhzzling .variii amounting to over Lace Curtains, very special, 3 teds, by boin., S /ii pr. .7/6 pr. AXD'-AaU.IT.UFY iVAR p e n . 1SP..539 15 8 of fhnir hands hy ‘women of \\v:i\iu a,in' Estelle ^ udd iv.is charged on remand with rt'i, received )> 111 on telialf of his em- |r. Percy Idle tTmvn tleri), who .leisure. It was thon that womeii v, ;.r tr,M irotaniig drink for a .soldier—The oas© had p|oyor. Air. K of thd Penshurst Farm secreiaiy of the loc PROFIT AND LOS3 AtXJOUNT. fpt' ttf ih u t a ll they could fhi v/ouKl i-. -^lay at, lesn adpjurned for a week to consider what Ur ir.v.—Joseph mi M ary ,Cook. 51, C,astlO I Comniitfce^ roiir oiiiliiii.* .3lpt Dor Mub-.r., 1916. sours© sShould bo adopted with th e g irl, who- iaviil aiui iliiiuiry V ar Pension* and wa^it for their nt('n ftdk lo I'Vtu n. liJiU-roiid', sai.,1 [W'isoner served h er -with wvro, however, m any nu'n h rd v.'on'jeu now expressed, her leadimjss lo enter a, njilk. Witness / geii-rrallygeuerally paidpa ' monthly. AXMlNSTEe HEARTH RUGS. Inform s us that from 1st July t© d £ U. Iber la.sL, the..A income : . j grant* Interim Ditiilemi at the rate ef 18 py Bnlnnce frcim hib-t Areu.unt ; . 113,597 15 realised th a t vv^'Uiirrii could <\h t -hv -vijj'k l|iomp.—-jMr. Cun liugttin '(Police C ourt M,te wl en the account was bfougiit to ”hcr. The It-.'.ry 1 Vimmittec and * »etmgl ___ 1^. annum fbr the half-year Net profit's fe r 'the Yf:ir •Mulinis* 31« (01 men, but the i'iiiea ''Vaj^-fhat t hev iryf said he. l ad teuihd a suitable iustitu. oiiut slibwu tier amdun'ting lo 4s. 6d'. was BestI quality tufted rugs, wear guaranteed; cleteanoe of present" ^ on iki FobrnATT, 19i7, B'ld ir.'.J D'm;>t*'iil D litaj l,6d6.?68 15 6 lor tire connlry wys only a cra:^i\ aiul ppoplt^ u.'lerr* jiis MIC care 4,XY»f{>r two n-A.SV.i-.years and.-.n..'! agreed.-1 A -loj “...] | it, prisoner . ___ rcceipUiig „ thei'bill.—__ , Eliza I'ree- .te. |to.. kCitl . folk amouu------>'S to A-1,19« DirVaeMl rsvit I'nig^ t.-ue sitmo .sr.x m or ths th e local ; at tla wte 01r‘ IS por ct^t. lY'T annum. spoke of the futility uf women’.**: work. After i h r .fa! towards the „c.xi)cnw.—Prisoner wa.S | niau. Of 11. AVelliiigfon-plaoe, sai-d'she paid f ! ' . - J ' SALE PB IC B . iMe Inoonti Tax: ...... 322.703 9 11 6iomo timev the <-'lO''oi'nmcnt' wore made !• and over in the sum of A'o'lo come up for | pti.soiivr three instillments on the bill he j pd .sailer.^’.Nil t Lm'- ' Fam T-’ »il i il’os 1-lyi-'* lA_j . Inrvrtmrnt 4 " ''".sr. 632,501 0 6 ■ ':c> ’ an d Dei>ea. ® __....+ nf jiariTP if roali*>e (hat the* were adaptable and Vila’ | luent if called upon ’ 'pught...... T’liost?., pa.vnietils were entered. - on . s Uoiiuiiii toe ik a lt . 6“2 cases, ’ of ‘TiTF'M to 7Jomher9 of the 7 Rugs, size about 5ft. by 27ins. 126 I giants totalling Sl.ifl 'iib .flit! Miije»«ty*s^'oriX*a uricuiphu’v'd ■^voiiipu miwt be tvaiiK'd to now * DRU XK AND ABSENT. bill by bin!),; ami iii[imiintod to Ifis. fid.— .u9pu lls . 10(J 8eJ Bomi« 1 r> O'^.hPTH . 207.606 13 2 occupntidTis and that action had to he hn- | CutldT(erL Xichbla F;irtcp when tlioy uudcrt.',i:k tim ottiployment I'ltono; .'laid it vaji not th© c(Ua,ntit.v hie had balance u,p. A s the act-ounts mentioned in |a t ,2Sa, St. Maiy's-terrace, at th* ' REPORT OP THF AUDITORS TO TUE SHmARKHokuruk OF TUE LONDON CrUY AND MIDLAND or women aga.iu^t public opinion-, buj; iJho hat nil do him drunk and ho hail -n-ritteii Ulo charge ap t eared not to have been p.aid 1 ! . BASANK,...... LtfUITED.. believed tliat it was a which would kSiig witness sent th 'M by. poet. PriHotier did not rears. l>ccoa:.ed w ai one o f the In a.'-’eTdngopi with t;'.9 PTOvisiens of Sub-kcotion 2 ot So-iiion K J of ILo Coin(j^n;ci iOoiu.olidntion) A ct-, for 'an. oxlension of leave.—Tlierol Iters of Mount Pleasant Congr*. 1908. we repiTt as f o l l o w .... ji ■ never be re5?retti(l. (Applause.) A bam hof ’veile 1 wo previous coMviolions against esjime io wor n the 17th and had not been lu rch : .Tlse fu n eral took place on We Ikivp ox uiliiiim tli-i o1k,to Bnlanoe Short in H.-...k-; .y ITo-oi .'ifi-'I irith tbo certified yducalred wiiiiien. came forward (o be traiT|e C,,U V,'.-' luivp a'.Go replied: ‘‘ A’es. aiitl whan lormally charged MAC ler ptficiating. Alnohgst those lerifiM tiio S^Turiric rrni.v,.nti::e the Inv.-Nmienls t-r fl ■■ Hiine, .and 'nfiNUKiUua and Ed and sent floral trib u te s H-ere-—. Kpla^atloiw v:b TPcii'i'-tl. wo are *>f Litiiiji'ii rh h i'Bil:- Iv eji '•f' ns to id: ■";Tiiut’fe C|iiitO| right."—Prisoner. ixbiNit- a pnd (yT ect vin'w of tb<* mi' vi't r 'i .v's .ifi’.ii: ;ti ] :i_- v, l'>vi. r i W'.r h'dormativ 11 ijU'iulp,! guilty►—Prospchtor said prisoner’s. iV itler (son, Portsmfjiith), Missjes tBd tbe esplaratf'-ns;' ■-’'Iven to ii-t ,'>i-d •b-'! .'t.- nn :-v -i]'-') ' AkA iri-i' CoF.-.p lar. 25, LONDON ROAD, ST LEONARDS-ON’SiA ■Emmie Yiiler tdauightei-s), Mrs. (lefaicatiOns anmuiittHl t'u nearly X8. In one WHIN.NLV. SMiTif \v !1 1 N’> ,C k a r te T * ? :! .\i'xiountaDtt!. jn'tn;icc ho re ■I'ivcd 28s. from a custom er. Tr, London), Mr. IlJ Towner, -Mr UmdoD,' 11th Jarnorr, 1917. A-rf^iterp. jlc had teen priavioiisly crfiployod at anotlio,r 1 -Wiggins, Mis.s .M tlie H in k le y 'i L --'I' branch, wli.’i-c ho liml b-nen loose in , his, I aiui ,Beatie. Owinfc to. i'ndisposil.' diMiti'd into these in-(!u.stvios in tIu* liCcouiits and, v as forgiven. H is -wages jwere' i.sbaiid was unable (to attend th# . out|iiitei's. It Ru'bertron-elrcet. ^anfl the Will- and Inul it not been for women a lars^o l|u|isinciss, • bolou; |£1 a week.—Prtsoncr'.s,; fath er did "not give |rhe funeral airafigcmonts wars POLICE CljET. I'.raticpS' Cuarlv, of part of tlic export tr-\de wmdd ihavo l>'!en ed lo ,'li's. Ivingdom. |tUo bnv a gcoc. ciiaractier, and said h e was ' carried out by I itr. UY. B. Sen i-go-strpi: au*)lie rai^] by t.hi.s tim e comiileteiv r iiholit tliivo niTinliis blit lie disthiirged the Ai-hi’y. .and had got into bad company. Boad, Hastings. 1 K’vipthn liji t ■ w' IT be . - SiI'd...... shortly... - Thosi'’^, - m on Decern L'f r 2ml ior reasons notl con- ohar'iiied and npitiion hc-tan to tind <*X])ress.ion ‘cted with (hi; H-e had t-wo /ofis serving and prisoner’s wh« wi>h to c o ntribute sliovilcl do so as soon ' 'i. A SOI XD ROSl-PlOX AIATXTAIXED. ill am.ic.iinent at what women could do. tine cliarge. The chofnid wa. iimther "ivas vkry ill.—'i’lm Chairrnan told |l v i is still a figure at which yon w.iliu>.ss-' possj -s.sroii on November! tth at good useful Twocl Suit, and on *6 possible. could w;d(]» the sl^^^v clum;iinc: of opinion 2 Iiri.'t>nor he ought to 150 ashamed of himself In ilio uiiaV(iidabl-a absoince of the Prosi- .3i) and “e.. put. it in tlie E li in the olKcc. for having belinvivl so disgracefully. The Ifahle terms at J- Alacdcngall's, n.AiiiKRME N'S ^ CnrHClT.—Th, until to-day tlu-.y i-aw notice after notk-e of bout 5,30 p.iin ;ie went to tea, having left Ire-road, Hastings. Hours 6 to 8 to-mi!i";'ow (Stumdayl, w ill ',,e m ‘-i,,- ..t n Tn ■liLiuf. 1-ir Vansii’art liowater, Aldevmiili I he succis.s of women .in trad er' in . '.v’uicU Bench were iio^, at all sum they ought not to ,in - a t U a.m .!l3 ,,_ y no.lriug. ooo-.im.'d the chair at le till open til .1 Ihe clieriue wilii two -i‘l ser.d'hi)"n to prpson, but they would put him s p o r t i Mg with an and refs On, ‘‘In i!ie l’i..‘ginuin;; iliey had billiorin beV.’n niuib'e to liarticiisil otes ,on a, [liee- of caixihoaril n'uured w.itli 8.15 ’.KTIl. th tre will bo a special Wav Tr.' :'i-J '.he annual moorii.g uf the' Uailisle Cousc'r- Contiiniiiig, Misis Alntc.s sni.l’ she did not on iiroteatioii t'o!.'’ two* years, antli he m ust X-AYY.—5ervicoi w ill be con- , vali|ive Club on Saturda.-y. rii'iix'H’. band. Oil li’is return Uil-cr in the repay the anim at'.of - Iiis defalcations hy cession .Sorv b-o\ witii S'P'.uiial-liymns ami iiu thiiik it m'cessarv to dwell on all the ivav evoiiingThe clief(' le and the notes tVem ,ni is=- ormaii Read iVesleyfn Methodist a d d re s s o n , i'ju'ue were aKu ptvsent: Mestirs. R. T. ir.d lisi nes in which ivomeii were i-mploycil, in ita h n e n ts of vs. fid. a m onth, noiirojv (Sunday), afi 1 1 and 6.30, "Tiho Groat r.xplo.siou and I Redman, 11. M. .lefiery, A. Kingston, E. ig. lie: s|>oko b .yxeliurst a'.-,out. it. and Lessen--.” licicTuirc is nicoiv v.'avr.u.'d. bill she wisiie.i to spvak ..e.snecially on tlie ‘^J. n. Bates-on. of (xindon. Mr, 1 H. Gionister, 1 . K. Jlanniniftou, llodlov Wil- alflci'wards .searcl ed him. 'out ioiind nothing, 'yo“k of women on the land and in fliio muiu- e ini;'st;.,tneil 1 THTtRsn-tT.—Before th e Afayor (A lderm an Jive .a siXMiinl adrlress at 2.45. . M E X D l CIT'Y f SOmiTV. — The :l!on. lianri. ,T. Emv. .I.-.I. Eirttli, i>. I:'. Dwvet, iion Ifi-c-tvries. Sli© reminded tiU'-n hoiv 'Jii e boy agii-'-u -I he nexi morn G. Trutehiiiflsl. Captain Coivile, Mr. C. St to tile G^-and ilj' ‘ Secretary ■Af:r.,p. l\ 1. E. ('..lo. Bras-ey fasi,-; .1,1. E. -DoIvnUam, ('. Denlev. .1. Yl. Vint, P. Ig but he deni f all k!H.-.vlc,igc tile miss h'et and the neces.s;u-y Cue former 'wa.s and oflw l.at had artich-.-. rij intimation t\a Coxeter, Cotincillor Dr. G. G,'. Gray. Air. Jne in Fra-nce." M Bateson, wag tute). ao'kn iwldirges! vlio ton,v.v.ii.j su'ycriiv: p. liu^v.oil. K. F. Croenhili, II. ^Y. Brjdgor, alfcaily ties n done. Sh© sai4 an in- -'von tl ,t. .1. Bonfwted. Omncillor .T. N. Collins,' d A R T R I O G tioU 'i— 'Mrs -S'-hmof yiavr'S. Cem maiui|or P. ji amlt T. E. (ioriug-'l'hcmson. la'tier.s of re- ,m iiolike as hi. ilmugM t' icc|0e. am (ain^avith -the-Bur: 1 Force, 1886. ci',-a,se of 1 he food s,iipj>l;r meant an inorcase otes mijg-'nt liavi liocn iiiis-kiid. (ihi Frida.v Cemjicillor it. T. Dichton, Councillor H. fis ?ecretarv to the! R oyal -Army N. Tyrwiiiti:, RjN.. ^Ir. . E- F. Cheesman, •'^:ret nt iir!:ii|ce. t'lreat diffi'-nUy liad bei'n expe.ri- orgeaii), Dible.v nil,] It; idofitilicil if as tin MIL TARY OITENCE. las appointed Peerstar.v: to th« E a v d , Rep. Tv W. Ua-.vorth. >Tr. .Antli.juy ]| Mr., A. Bl|ackman, .I.P., etc. i Miecd in bringing the women Kick to what Beit, Gum W. ATorgan. '2s. 6- eacr.. roiM'i'ly of h'B ■I'-ni pii>Ter.---nefc'.:ti vC-Ser- H enry Bad'n. ail, for being an absentee ^avy Board of (H le Wesleyan : Th e-redort of 1 he Coimuiltee sfateii .1h.it t:iey liad Iielp'.-.i wilii some time ago. . Tlie ant Dlblev said he went io Fi'm iuirv AfOrk frtim the Royal AVe.sfc Kijiit Regiment, 'n-as AT Ich pasitioir he still holds. TTi« CHIROPOn-'' xr-At.s at Til.-. Maieon Bentj.ow, 26. two meni'lieis had been leinovcd ‘iiy bad ip Iho IStji Cmitury ] ALIENS IN HASTINGS. other. Ho tokll hiin who he was ami toi.l H en rietta lie Moftih. a Dutch lady, pleaded |w as co.sting .UO.Tf’O yearly, after a o t ^ th a t cueing February 1st B i6 fol- hetion. Seven more memhers hud joined the which, h.ad left n. .tradition nmotii: the far- | him into custm lj. On t'ae way l-o ITa-jtir.g Property in soldiei-s and sailors lowing .alteii s mi tile S.K. and C.R. rame ColO'ars, and 18 nnines were-nmv inscr,ilnsl mers and they ohjet-tex;' to the eili ploy meat 1 lirisoner srte'd he never hi',1 ih',) imtisj ar.-il! guilty to boin : an unregistered alien. She of women labniir. It was her belief tliat | lof value of .9121,010. T his Ji.ng in^to op'-rat -Yo p.’a, Ph;ifi-m? Cros. i| Pi'o:n_^ 1 iieir Roll, of Honour. Numerically p «'k--d the clieqte ni) in the siioti). Thcl said she had !i red in England since she was pnereased sinco the UVar. Thena to Hastings ddo b? n‘train from Cl a r i n g j! ihe! Club wa.s stronger fluih at the,-last an- -ivomen w-i-rp,t.lie pioneers on tlie. land and j c'e.-)ne had Imof! Imnded to iviincs-v by two yectrs of a, ;e.’—Fined 10s. Gd. • QUEEN’S 0, Commis.sione-.l Cl .r.p’.ain.s sdrv. Cross, and,. ; .at .5.5 n.m. fr-'hi C;innon ' t I'ul meeting, and man.v Visiting members the inventors. It v.ms said tliat primitive l>r’soneH'(s mot.h-.tr.—Mat--. Tsalc Hakrr', .7, Nolle Grego ■aJiy a DaiiiBh tailor,, tvas W f L L E Y . 191] wnmeii trie.) ami tesicd. the various seesls I loi-ces. and nearly TOO ministers Street. Th, H-nsting,; fo 'Cin.no.ni; i'tid onjo.ved the use of the- premises during EiiKtern-rtrcet,. S|;. Leonard.-;, ;-ailanted. ^ Aliss ■oke t(i him ire doiiio.l a!'-k-io'.vicdce of "it. Ipinily .Randell, at wiiose house in Prioiw- ders, ATr.L ippings, of 3, Maan- lend rosj-icctive!v, had heriij very good, and A'atiir^ mid she jiertectly helievedj' this nun street Gregoiam residcil, was charged with oltliers and sail.|irs. ha.s t ’uis wfek nt- 50 cigarettes to P i AVedneedav s:ie -C'-a for Ihe piolice. t DEVOTION araeter .and saii-l he .rvas cornijDtvng his (in the cliai'i, Air. F. Strickland, and WHEN IS Ho u sew o r k liter if drinkijig w; IS prohibited C O LO N l'ilL AND CONTINE NT--\I. ij fjiupport. Air. Boothroyd -lyon the Niittall of the women, which was the .snine as tte tie'-IjiSotliet'..-^'.'he, Cfiiief Constaljc sirijd Alderman R.' AY. Alitchell. plo ot the '".atie— 1 ablie liou-ios, CHURCH SOCII 'I'A'.—A nieeting on behalf J Cap), and th e conipetition fpr th e O leiiister me,n were sho-rt-ing in th e trench-eb- "It wks “CASUAL?” ! |r.d dist’ll-: iit\— w, pui-cliased - impossible lo ta.v how- many woiiicn there there v.'ero oth-cr charges, wh'b-h might e H u c a t i o n a l . ®£ Ypis SecS fo be-ho'd at the AIisonic i (Inp ivas still in progress. D urin" Hio p ast gone into. -'riit pi'ic&ner In'id. .admitted Itose Pattendte, of Ore,'did not appear to WANTED. ,Tt .'-vouU-| :<-os;| ..'•5 lO,' n:>0t:i\ tint Hall, Pt.',.conai tls, ;on rui'sday afto •noon, ('.year b£76 liacl been spent n^lon (ho trien n ial were oil the laud -I's a large number had OOALPENS.ATilON CLAIM FROM lonld he fouiitl u i;h care.id t licy ; vt,-* f-rs I-: 4U_ _:__ __^-1 ___ i_ not registeml. but in Kent 8,000 had rpgip- la'ceny tit B attle and prediieed a mivse and 9 siummOn.s in 'espeotspec to fill a load attendance ■ 13th inst., ^.at^ 3 o'clhck. The Rev. Charles j painting of the oxferior, ah'd sim ilar -work, ndkoW'-lr'rf.—Tiji lire Bern-<-li pi'isniier ne- of her daugh r at school.—Tho case had HOLLINGTON. th a t on i;lie H 'ar in Askwit'a w ill UD p, and the speakcis will i, and but far this-tlie would show a (ered. and 'u Sussex 5,132. That was iudi'pd 1. The ' Uovn! Ci nlrollOr had a ted tliat h© p'ckr-d. the ch-heqne , n-p in tjie lieqn before tin Court previouBly and a fine incltide Re V. E T Pelletier (from th f .Alls-j qredit balance: T he 47th \ r »r of the Chib’s a record, in such a short time. In. connec­ ip an,; 'icuew notliing about ihe jiofesT-; ; An interesting point as to whether a |o away wiifi 30 ptf rent, of fiio Bowen ■ ' ■ ’ ■ - tion with the women oh the land there was bail Iteen inflm/ed- The father waa on AA'ar tralian Br h), aid- the Rev. R. J. existence had been a very .strenuous one, e Bi’hch order’d him t-a lie {-.'cnt to I a' sci-yice-.—Fiiuxl lOs. tyoraau'si occupation was casual employment Secondhand PianiDs. th a t -would mean a aviiig to tlio (from Car;ada a ad Klondyke). Air. Pe!!-.- but the Committee felt that they might con­ the "^AVomeu's National I.and Service 'orma.torv until h© was 19 rears of age ivitliin the AYorlkmen’s CompensaUon Act Isehno.onj),, thus of ba rley a nd V\£i.rl V- Cl ‘*"RlV. t'orps,” which was doing fine work, in getting tier can ju described as a ‘‘Bus|i Par gratulate the members utmn the successful BEtXJIAbS’ SHORT' VISIT.: (in tt-hich case the Act gives no compensa­ p. of .sugai'. i B iit wl y wait until' son ■ as hi? has fpenf his entire mini teria! r.i'cni'its an-d seeing In their training. At is-: 'Whv net Ing; working, and thanked thcni for their kind iJaftlut do Veiie and Aladeliiie .tlennau, tion unless it is in connection with trifde or 1 at sprieeP career in t le Bush, district -of Gippslar d co-bperation. A’ate.s then rend extracts from a large, nu.m- business) came tefore his Honour Judge Ithou! i.he Iriuk vfu’T '•(» •*• bir of letters, wliich illustratfed how the o yoilfng womui, d.osci;ibed. as Ilielgiians, THE ROSETTA STONE. Good Prices. Given. I live in. the wovKin: U-. LAUNDRIES AND THE AVAR, -j- Our In moving the ad-option o;F the report the land workers were enjo.ving tlieimsclves al­ re char'gc,!- with being in a proiii-bitled Alackaniess at Hastings County Court on readers' attention is drawn fo' 'an Ettlver- ^Chairman paid a tribute Ip the assistance ;a without identity Ixiok.s.—As tbe.-y’ er, iv|iic'u states - that the La;lindry Bowater, and regretted that he Wa.s not-with women Aliss .Yates .sjioke in glowing terrus pnetuT -tvoiiie no'jt'bsati'y.—Detective-Stergeant; Brett. The parties hail from Hollington. ntn cf unparall' l Assocrafio-h are jreluctantly compell ?d to them tliat evening. He spoke of the part of th e fine w ork aceomn-Iislicid b y , g.irls whk At lion said on i- r.iday morning -while in A\|el- A meeting of the Egyptian Research A?.=o- lAlr. F. AA'. Albrgan, solicitor, Hastings, pent in dtli-f'i- good.= increase l!ie chaTge.s by .a fu rth e r te n per th e Chi'r) had played in th e past, p articu ­ had never sjeenia machine 'befo.re in theijr litigten-plac© h© i'aw prisoners in company oiadion was held on 'rte-sday at 'Tli-e rterosented the ptemf'®" ^U's. Fcif; and Mr. lyment t.a a larger cent., malung 20! per cent, in all o|n all larly at election times, and hoped the next lives and how important it was that th-ey tv .th a'-j Ca.nadta-n] tolditir. ^ As t;hey were CujKjla"’ Belmiltiit, kindly lent by Air. A\’ea- Dale, barrister, instructed by Mr. r. J. LINDRIDGE & SON Ltd uorrpw tSintdayi will bd the llth laundiry work oq and a fte r Alon-day Feb- great event they ovould celebrate would 'lie should' have more workers. It was quickfy sijeak i^ an I-'ieteb .or l-'letnish he asKcd thefell. The President, Air. Thomas Par­ Berryman, solicitor, London, represented • -6f th e P-..8.A'. ‘ The sm'tikar will m ary 5th. This dha-rge compares favo .irably -the peace of th e world, jih ey -were very realised that 'th.'s was not only a war er of ye.ars farm-ed at S ilv erh iil (advertised- in another column), will prove was being practised at the moment. wo-k side by side. Great courage^ ha^ hten their version in reply. 'Ihey s.oid, they: did Major Cyril Dayenport said;—The Rosetta Brett’s daughter fetched Airs. Brett. Plain­ His Honour said.that in the case cited the |Slu!,t-r. lie iv'as one of th e finest one of deep interest to all 'who look for the ; Mr. P. O. Bpswel! suggested that the ex- t.ot know identity! Ixtoks were nceeR9a.ry,|and tiff had to go hoinei and, afterwards was an applicant went legulaiiy .on -certain day* shown in the face of danger, and hven aftte r n ly caihe tewri for a day from I/onjdon, Stene is a thick slab of black basalt measur- without being told. He also drew attenDon |nd a ‘miignifioent juclga of pork, fruit of the National Mission in the field of icellent work performer! by the Hon. Seore- th e great e.xplosi-on w'hich had stru ck te rro r -T -* aw uao ao ing 3ft. 9 inches] bv 2ft. 4J inohes. I t bcarts ah oiiLpatient at tlie 'Buchhiian Hospital for also, carried on a large market ■ocial effort. Thfe subject is “ New Neetl I tarv should be mentio,ned in the report. into the hearts of many, women had coma fccomitanying tin; soldier. 'fhey had no four nionths. One finger was quite stiff, and to tho case of a window cleaner in which- Ihooks, only regisi tation cards andand. had,bad nob success. He v. as e'"er read'y to .oNew QpixutunitieA and'a New Will,' liieb This opinion met with a readv response in forward from that area to volunteer to go ...... Ptolemy V., Ilpipha-nus, B.c. ISb. ■ 1 he in­ the wrist would not tend as it should. She the employment was held to. Re. casual, al­ ng h.ynd to everyone he carne iu^ surely: apifeals bo pll -who know h-o-w sijire the a^l parts of the room. Tfie Chairman said Iteen oat of Ixmdon tef°J'®- admitted hte worked for Mr. and Airs. Brett about though the wimloxv cleane.r went for foni e’ppwhere. and were now working' in the claying 'with t’ne soldier, to, whom she w’as scription is in three characters. Hieroglyphic, ..-\t hib expre.s.s -w;sh h is body need is. The Rural Dean of■ *Hastin; ' ' ' IS iv iil 'thq.v all knew th e m aterial assistance w-hicli danger zone again. (Loud hpplaute.) Demotic and 'Greek. The stone was found two y-ears tefore the accident. She had years, practically without a break; ther# from IVillsliire for;interment take the chair, apd the speaker will be tl Air. Redman had rendered the Club, Afiss Yates concluded her most interesting engaged, but not married yet.—Ordered, to bejen tltere every Saturda.v- The accident was no fnture arrangement in that case., ' ;tay if fige ^f 22s. fid- each. in 1798 by a French officer in a mined fort vAs on a Saturday. She'cleaned rooms iind Air. Alorgan subm itted tiia t Airs. Relf*! lat the Cliurch-in-the-lVood. IfoU dociuent Bi.shop of Lichfield, who baa never I liThe report waa qinanimously adopted. .and eti-rritig address bv an eambst apteal ne.ar R-osetta all the -w'estern.tei?® of the Nile ^e grave with'his Tat 3 w ife. Th« tefpre come to Hastings.' I I; In preaenting the balanem.she'et, Cuuneinbr for m.ore recruits for the land and for Jthe sttecs. and sometimes cleaned windtjxvs.'Slie employment was for nearly txvo years, with AIokdat;—Before lAlderma n B. H. W. Tree d-eitit. I t was rlcmoved to C airo, w here it a t­ weekbv bills. I Holmes' offifci.'ited. The fist oL ' AIEETINGS FG]R AVOMEN.—Tbe Services |Mannington remarked that receipts wore munition factories, and said that (hey Were tracted the attention bf Napoleon I., who occasionally did vashing and sowing. On (re;—Mr. T. Morley (son). Mis# ' tftecticaily up in a!! den.ei'tments,. apd tlieni not working for personal or even national (in the chair); Atessrs. C. Coxeter, C. Baton. ari average she had 4s. io 5,s. a. webk from H is lIoDoiir th o u g h t th a t the bills wer*- •dvertised in last week’s "Observer ’ have and E. H.' J-Tarten. -__ _ ' - cauised C-ireful copies'of the in.scriptions to be rather again.st Mr. Alorgan’s argument tha#L rhter),AIrs. Blackpool, Mfs.Boys^ - proved sAiocessful] in .spite of two serious had been a material dee,rea.se ifi exncudi- interests but for the 'honouT and safety of made and sent te most important learneil Airs. Brett fof th? housework, and about tL. Mrs. Ryniill, Mr.s. Telling, Mrs. tn re. TTad_it not been for th e necessary pny- a number of small nations. , " I AjAI .A LA D Y ." to: the -e-ashing, and Is. to Is. Gel.i for.the for it. Vt'eekly' bills were ratlier ip th* drawbacks — thejaljsence of the President, Elsre Smi.nders-J an elderly w om an, was societies in Europe, as Tvell as to all teist nature of what was, colloquially called hughter.ri, Mr. Brj(;kpodI, Mr. Mrs. Ebden, throiigh illness, and'thol severe rineat of d£76 on exterior work, their balance Co,unoillor Samson proposed a vote of- known Egyptian scholars of tho time) in orde.r tewing. Sho rent ered weekly bills |to Airs. I'm:II 'Mr. Belling. Air. Baraford lyouW have been a substantial one on the ii’ianks to Ari-=.s Yates which wa.4 accorded ’’nargi'd -with being drunk and incapable in Biett. The work was on one bill. Die wash­ casual employment. ^ . '----- ^ JWeathpr. These imfsitings, held at ( four rxtndonsroad.. Sf. | Leonards, at 1.49 I p.m. that their meaning.s might be understood. ing on another, j.nd the sowing on ja third. Summing, up, his Honour said that he.,wa* , ,, Mr. and illrs. 1st 3d and Mr.' different centres Jn| the borough, wtee ad credit side. He assured the members that b-- Mrs. Dvmoiid^ and un.animousty' ■ can: led. 'The Greek te-xt preseiited little,difficulty, and ttejvbTiothers), Air. .1. Carteir the Club was in a .sound financial position, The meeting tei'minated with a ota of Prisoner was teen leaning ngaanst the di.s- Ti e bills were Tliiid Together. Plaintiff had afraid, on tho evidcjice, it was impossibl* pressed by Mrs. 'enrose, of Petwor h , and lillery- and oh a|Hempti,ng to move, fell translations of it 'were readily made by wteked regularly for a Airs. Else got five for the Court to come to any other concln* , r. VeneSS, Air. R-use, Miss Oliver, ' Mfss Trench, fron London, who spol :e w ith aind tli4y might well congratulate themselves thank - to I'--' AT-ivnr. several antiquaries, and it was soon cqn- Ibn the year’s working.. He concluded by S'T.'iinst th e d-oorj W hen th© offioer! took ymrs for half-a crown a day and ,fotir .sion th a n th a t plaintiff was not employed OB ' [etc., friendij, who -v'ere present full exporiehce and Sympathy on the neetl of il____ iiarve of her eiie .n“k!)d him “ if it would sidercd that fb-e wording of the three inscrip­ reg u lar employfnetit but ns a ea.'^iial worker. Those w ho sen; floral tfi- oaroful training and home teaching of the moving tee adoption of the balance-sheet, tions was most probably th© same. A cei'fj'in meals. and th is rwas duly passed: a,, in the Bexhili impers." rem arking 1 Learning that the four meals were con­ In the case most [relied on . by. Mr. Morgan -Tomiand Kate (cross), Alic« young from earliestl years, on subjects of' COLLEGE OF PRECEPTOR:s . ;im a lady.’’—PrispU'er, who said she only had proper 'name occurs several times in the sidered equivalent to- Is. fid., his H onour Die employe came on certain days without leath), Xell aud Pnd (wrealli),' ▼ital iimportance to Jail. N ot only mother.sv jiThe President, Vice-Prteidents. and o.ffi- little drop to drink as sli© was BO cold. Greek text, and, the probable loeatious of this tevs were re-elected, and the retiring mem- said he would like to get lour meals for instriictioiis from! the employer. In thi# Ibdys (crosjj), Em. and' Fred but all .mother-hRafted women shot Id tise nam e in th e ot-hev two divisions w ere arrived citso ho was afraid, it tvas the duty of th#. w and .Vlf (wreath], Doll and their influence to]bring up both bov.s and tevs of the Committee, with thanks for fhoir LOCAL EXAMINATION RESULTS ,vae fined CASES. at, especially by a Swodisli Savant, Akerblasl. Is.l fid. biist services. The Hon. :Spereta:ry (Air. R. In cros.s-examiaation, plaintiff said the Court to hold thiv: plaintiff had not brought- Ih). Jack, Bertie, At irjorie, and , girls with pare, high ideals of life- The two John I/Pe plei’-dfid guilty to failing Bo res- In 1801 the stenfe became the property of Eng­ on/.v incapacit.v noxv xvas.jfrom the right herself within the Act. . ' ' Japlet), Air. and Atr=. Bamford, aftornrlon meeting.^ one-at the Alasoniic.HnlL_____ [T.; Redman) was re-electbd, aftef- a ver.v The certificate and l.ower Form.s exan illa­ ,iry not'ce .after beilng in land. and sten j afterwards was deposited iq etflogislic speech by Air. Birch, who =noke nt tions of tie- Colle.ge of Pix-ceptors were held -lond to lit? Inti it wrist. Sho was loing some housework at Verdict for Mr. and Airs. Brett. rea'th), Mr. and Airs J. C. Alan- pre.sided over by Mrs. D.vmVnd, had -a’ good ho Army rr-?rv? .—Finod -Wki. ;ii'.d lijixndcd (he British Atuseuin, where it now is; In - hofae. with th© iielp of her daughter; she Air. Dale intimated that they would nnt on-thp-Hill twreath). Air. and Rtt.mdiince of wonien, notwithstanding frost Mjm as a " thorough ” and " kindly man." .It 'Ha-'tings and other local centres in the ikver to fne mi...... lit.. -V .auUmrities. I IS19 an English orientalist, Thom as A^oung, Alibnv kind things v.'ere said, too, of Air. H . United Kingdom and the Colonies from the did it,p ra c tic a lly -ivith the left hand. enforce costs against Airs. Relf. ,anw. ' | j ; i Mwcilom Benev Hvas chnrgiHl with teing a Worked hard ai Dio idea of identifying tho Plaintiff was eios?-cxaminein'-,t;iiit<' Seh'-H.l ; WATCH STEALING. thd outer bone of tho forearm, and the hand shallow of do'iibt.. iR-c.-wI ;iF noa T-iiemA. sports for the troc RS stationed in Hastings Justice ALiurice Hill heard an tndefende Sclrcol ; . I STOOD TJIP TEST Of TIME, ^ ences of Cania,clians. T he first, and St. T.eonards. itioii hy Atrs. Constance, i'f! House Rclio nl. R.; K. if. Hiorpglyphic writing ■was lost about the fifth I Aliss Elsie Reeks (piano), was Tuke wont abroad in 1911, laving oh- nd asked, lo be hIio'vi-ii some wrist atches. some rlimitation in the wrist joint with re­ me to the ground, i For a long while I -had a of t'np men, th a t a ateher evening should be l'a|in;:'r. st. f.i'-aita rd.s Collegiate fSeliot.l oentitry a.d ., and it “was not recovered unti-'l gard to the fingers, and he- -w-as afraid there |_r three conceited pi.ices^^vhic'h set asid-' for a eon petition, a*ul ‘W ednesday ned an appointment with a Rijbbcr Com- liss Skinner uas! serving him, itndf witness the -Rosetta Stone got into tho hands pf lot of teouble bending arid str.iightoning my­ deserved ‘ great applause, (hrio-kel ted equal)-; S. G. T‘'ox, W. .1 . aA'lille, woiild alway.s be some disability in the arm. aind Th 'r-slay, th e 14th and 1.5th February, ))asiy. W hen he retu rn ed in 1115 he 'dii ('. I-:. L'tilKiJ-.-, A.- G. Goinlwin, anal G. II. .•as'slamling >'.V- p'riwner wanted te see the 'Youngiaml oDicjr experts, so th a t th is stone self at work in the bakehouse 'There waa a ; Polic-inan’s Hollday,''/'Bac.a- have he not go to see his -nife. Sh© wa| living at lam in au s fi.gHi'CS hii Dm dark, andj witnes-.s She coukt life things ryith her arm bnt' sediment in the kidney excretions. 11 fi.xed. , f'h e elmrge for admission Eldi i-dge, St. T/'onnrds Colle.eiiitc Schpol ; D. may properly he! considered i& th? key which could not do hard work. ; leaptivatiiig .I-’inaie," wRiie it and «es-< rved.scats if'ill be 2s. fid. O ther scats btj Leonard,s and bn went to 1: Y parent*!’ sliovvi'd Iiim 11)0 wjatch in the doorway. Pn- by its actual tete indirect "Soon after that, 1 rtarted with. Doah'll Tnie.l tlie' fiimin.af song, given lionsi- a t S utton A'alence, ne-a.r Alaidstone. G. Southerdcn, Sussex Hmiso Soliobl, Rye. sDiiOf tlieii asked tp'r a protector, ami witness By Air. Dale—Arthritis in the joint was baek.aclio kidney pills. They removed a lot Is. apd fid., w ith a few ring seals at ,5s., for infiuence has 'opened up for us what know­ a trouble, and witness considered there-.was |hbrook. “ If you were file only whicii apnlic.ation ,mpst be made I'aily to Mr.' IlJ.aring of th is, M rs. T uke arfii a lady G llU .S. got one. Prisoner then wanted tol look at ledge we now halve of the lore and history of of impurities from] the water, and my back '-'rli'iide. Rocks was heard to friend motonnl, over and -'ho d>i 1 h e r bc.-t .Junior—Pass Division.—AI. E. T, I Hayes, I 10 watch In the doorway to see lliteiigli the some permanent png, “ Until,” well sung byithe Magazipe. " T.P." is famous for his word- to do with il. -4 woman-can alwa.vs illy and D. .-V. I.. Sa^by, Dunmore,School, Sc, vlitness; assisted to take prisoner to tho Air. Morgan, as a member of the Corpora­ Doan’s backachf] jfcidney 'pills relifeve con* - riraitii of nic-n mid women of the day. withih oartonciiM indicated names rapidl.V tion] ap<>logised fo r the coldness of th e I second roncert was' arriinged : keep a m,an if she want.s to; you never Leonarde (brtekotted equal). . lice teation. The value of the ijvatth and found confirmation. - An obelisk was pre­ ge.stion and inflarrin:]ation of the kidne.vs, and gTi'lit never has he done anytliing better than - tried to with me but iust made life a - Preliminary—Pass Division.;—H. E Ti dy, prolcctor was 50s. lie haid nev-cr; seen itn - C ourt. ■ . promote a free flow from the bladder, so leline Phillips, Ij.T?..A.Af.. an^ rtiiis analysis of th ! character of the Prime sently found at Hhilae, which had a bi- His Honoui^I thought you wished us to that It Tuesday. AHss ITiiRips lieP- bell all the .time. T have no love for D nnm ore Scb-nol. St. Tsionards; .-\. B. Cox, BO tier Imforc.—'Iho ( lerk ; W as li^ sober?— lingiinl inscription npon it in Hieroglyphics the uric acid poison which causes rheumatism, M inirt To rjnot? th e cotK-Indi.ng .senton- you—a little ' faseinatirm, yes. It’s no Fanntleroy, St. T.eonardS; A'l. 1 .Peirce, W it ness ; .He bad been drinking.] but was traiii for tvork iu the trenches. (Laughter.) backache, gravel, Jujrinary disoreWs, arid ed t\yo violin eolos, plnyed with ce-s. M Llovd Gcteae " i-s the mo.st. uliant and jn Greek. The names of Ptolemy and On the resumption, Mr. Dale submifted so Ind e.xpresfiion, e.speciully f A I i- use: yon are not a sport—at least to 'rrin ity . lionse Sc-licol, B oxhill; G. K. s'cJter'enouKh lo .i|u“ Cleopatra occur in the Greek text, and car- many other complaints is flushed oqt of tho an,i ilicf most o te t nafe of mon ; ho can be m e." D avis, Sussex IToiiso School, Rye I. AI. S. Tile Clerk : Sober enough to know what he that it was a case of casual employment. System. ' , which was loudly encored. broad of vision, c id iLudar til© strong and doing?—AYRness : ' Quite!.—P riv ate touches contain ug signs are found in cor­ His Honour pointed out that apparently if 3plingbroke , received a hearty Tlie lettor (said counsel) was marked "Rri-, T. P. .\h'yn, F.iunHe;-oy. St. J.-Ponarrls responding posit ons in the Hieroglyphic^text. Of all dealers, oif 2s. 9d- a'b o x from Foster- tem-'jiiu^s will; ho can put his mind in v.ate and cn-nfidential—not for the public Tho follow in g candidata; pa;ssed tl e To w .-t 'i-il'itert Pilrfc, of the Canadians jgavo evi­ Mrs] Relf had .come- on some Saturday and Ir rendering of “ AIv Kentucky b-ir-kort'; he lia.s ts cit'd iiusight as of a nrn- The Ptolemy signs were more or less accu­ Kiid, “ 1 am come to -work," and Airs. Brett AtcClellan Co.. 8, AVells S t . O xford S t . T.on- geincral.” (T.aughipf.) d'ornis examination ;— dence that on th 4 previous nightl he was rately tabulated on the Rosetta Stone, and don, W. Don’t ask for,'backache or kidney Cornelius threw the rhefl phcl ; lie uev'er lor ks bick; he is confident Mrs. Tiikc and hen lady friend gave evt- coming tilbng Alajina when hci saw the ha3|; of ihe future. Su BOYS. somejof them outet to agree wiDi some in tho pills—ask rUtlincIht fo r Doan’s b.-vcliache kid" ll isi tile man iti; wlio-c den.ee and th e .Judge, granted- a decree of prisoiior iruniiinff, dud tlio witness was snout- couRl not have brought an action for breach ney pills, th e so m watch, which was in prisoner^ overcoat Air. Alorgan said- he understood that when J Marj-nde EUlridgertvas encoreil| • Tpres -is ectiicludell and thei'e ar-e m.any tihiis >.l i-s W. W .,( liadwick, .£3 3s.; Miss Sciuioi, J-la.st hO 'irne; 1 . Reay, and showed the growth of the, Egyptian al- IS the senior Congregational Minister in Sus­ (2i)al-\ SI Is ; Miss L.sK. Moore, .fil Us. fid.; School, St. Leonards; O. Al. Ward,' !?auntl({- pocket. Prisoner iliad been drini ing, but it is yet known. she aid not go on Saturdays she went on sex, -wa.s elected chairman,-and in his presi. laU reeifuti'on on the proce,s.s (of • 'storic; I to suit bo*^ 1 lovers oli the humorous Suesek knew what ho 'w.js about. Pntener bad phaliet as far ps some other day. la hospit.al, and the Rev. Hen'ry am! the dramati'c. Fin.alJy. there is an ar- L! J. Pankliurst. ,ei Aliss Brandrctli, XT roy, St. T.coiiards; D. L. Watson tential adtlrqss spoheronrthe subject of ^‘Th« H.s. Gd.; .Mrs, S.waii.slon, X'3 2;.; Gypsuni llonsw iSchcxil, Rv'C. .£18 3s. in his posstes'oi)-: no nad drawn Je3.o His Honour said that in the case cited h.y Church’s Campaign-j-the Transformation ot |a humorous reading oh ” T|i« tid e hi- R. F . For, er whh'h will delight all th a t day, land had banked .£15 a t Lloyds Mr. Alorgan the plaintiff went On a fixed and told .a seleclion of humOlfl*i bridge.! players- It describes -the latest im- Minos AVorkmen's Siek-Clnb, .£3 3.s.; G. D. The Afidsnmmer examination will Stop Chopping up Money. Peace, He heard that in the coming peace Fiepning, lO.s. fid.; HasHpgs and St. Leonards mcijce 'im Ihe 2.5th June. Kimk.-*-'Fm!mally cjliarged by the Clerk, pri­ day regularly. tte most - OTomrnent of all the manT wnontfa lat amused great lau,ghter. . A'r.j pro.v-r-roent upon Ajuction, known ns '-'Pirale soner said f‘ he lost his tearitig.” Three or SpLnd 1/2 on Shredded " ATORA ” Beef Mr. Morgan submitted that an invitation ^ at both conceite, welcoming Bridge," wh ich . in the opin ion of thb Hi'riter, Postal and Telegraph Staff. X8 Rs.; Miss M. their courage and failffi w»» Noakes. XIO 10s.; T)ient.-Col,| fl. Sntlicrland- foikr lots jo# whiskay tangled him ^p, and he SuotL and save 3d., aa well as tim e and to come each time did not settle whether Tffie Moretrous Drink Curse, the Mother ol! and inviting recent comers :o j bids fair to supplt^'t Auction as comiiletel.! •AATOMEN'S P.S..V.—Mrs. 'I'upptmntefprc.-i di'dn’t reiuCsmber a,lliything about the wateh. trouble. No shin, no wa.ste, no water in the employment was casual. ^ that game did Bridge, or Bridge-killed II.a;rris. .£2 2s.: Bn.rwash Church, ,.E4 +s. ; W o ^ . , H e oontikided the indkstnuBA%’ make a!s much use of the CT'ib! •8 MiksTi.-n AI. .. -J. Deas.- . • .Cl - ...... Is,; Rev, Canor^Deidd, -- ■ Sunday’s m eeting T it H« w as vei?T eorrj it occurred.—In reply to "ATOBA;” ther'fore it makes tbe test pud- His Honour said that the regularity ottebe I made of it who were the fiisk; VJhist. k l'ls ; Airs Pritchard, .£1 Is.; A. AY.^ Sar- sang a selection. An address on "Oai- the Clerk; prisoner said , he , had beer . r, wounded . . dingh and pies and the creamiest milk employment in the present case Was not I the town last November. Oa AIXLITARY BO''AKS "of all description.s tent C’ -'s.! -Vii.ss-J. Gr Chadwit'k-,- Al 1.-.; i Teaching about His j Seoond . Comjn' 1 at the Front, being shot through Ke| Hugh, puddings. AskJyour grocer for "ATORA," known, to either of the pwties, and it de- tbe men gave three ringing ' F. J.' Parsons, Ltd., %rs.’Bernard. £l Is-; Alps. AVbitlofak, £1 Is.; given by M ^ B. iS, Et^les. swjl —’fhe.t,, Behcl finedo—J prisoner £5, and compli- ' refuse aubsUtntea. 1 Ite boxea> Is. 2d., D eni^ on wheHtM Mte- Brett wanted Mrs. o's in token of their app];:e 1 fibiKiimei^ " Office, H astinge, Mtb. Airtenbrmg. la.; Cate, JSl la, - tSuadapS-ie Mws BrasakiU, uMiitod Pa on ^ larmteol. 7 iffi. ' ^ 1C lI^:R N f Iffid Ml «oiiM SalsiXi rvicea-of th e petf«|finierA,>t lia-mortow ,i

1 I HASTINGS AND ST. LEON4EI)S QBSERYEE, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY! 3, 1917- ' b. , 7 a n_ jo ^ else would be over-chaTged, ______if he onb ily part of their out-patient accommodation, for p u rchased. artidee in those shops' ops whore all a clinic for the purpose of the disease; the goods have a price, ticket on them, as this ouy ROu. oii hoInour Hospital Committeo had appointed Dr. A. S E A R C H T O _giwee - him the opportunity------„ of coin paring one ,, H. Headle.y 'Huckle as officer in charge and shopkneper’e prices with ai other’s. I-started rf to attend in-patients, and with Dr. H. M. in bueiness in Ha.stings in 18S2 anj from 1 Galt, pathologist, of the Ralli Memorial T H E R O O T S . the first adopted the prii<;ipde of marking ' Lalwri-atory, Brighton, for the making of PHILPOT’S all the goods at the lowest prices in plain tests for diagnosis and the control of the figures, and if Canadians and others ,onl> effect of the ti'eatment. If the Council make deal with shopkeepers wlio price all their use ofohia services he will then act in th© Rheamatisoi cmn only be cured byl capacity of pathologist under the regula- a rigid ^ulherence to a treatment' goods they will not be over-charged. Per­ WONDERFUL SALE OF sonally, however muclv i’ imght require an lidns for the whole of the county of Sussex. which aims at a complete elimina-l article which I saw in a dhop window, if it Also for the allocation of two beds at the tion of the "Uric and Lactic Acidj had no price ticket on it j I should not go Ea.st Sussex Hospital when , r^uired for d e p o sits. in to enquire the price. Then I know I patiehts sufferfog from the disease. . The CAPITAL SI 1 should not be overcharged All honour to Local -Government Board undertake to bear our brave Canadian and other over - sea 75 per cent, of the cost of the approved CAPITAL Pi IPCEL?" boys. L et us treat tli'cm well.—Shop scheme, aiid the estimated cost to the Coun­ FURS K eeper.’’ cil of the scheme outlined is £100 a year. | The local Government Board had approved > RESERVE ta k e n • re g u la rly a c c o rd in g to miy tho scheme.’ which the Committee recom­ instraetions will bring speedy relief t h e MEN AND WOMEN WANTED mended b© confinhed. DEPOSITS,! and a permanent cure.;; | , FOR WAR WORK. i.oiiiicilhir U bicker moved the ndoptlion of Automatically Reduced Whether Mr. Neville Cliiimberiaiii will be tho report. The matter was quite ©xperi- ^ le to overcome the difficulties which beset ADVANlal C. A : i*'j| . , 9 .0 on S 'ptem ber authorities for having gone out of their way SABLES, MARTENS, ERMINE, and seeing that this is the safest and swiftest iGth, i:- dir r d M . and Mrs. .). . .. Itiirkiji, 7, L’nu-a t Na'.oo, Hastings;' to meet the Council in every shape and S«n4l j6/4 ter a full month’s trial course to the goal we all \\»int to reach this form . cearse, wbich will bo lorwanled post 3’^ear—Peace on the Allies* ierras. Some pco- The report was adopted. I pie have a hazy ioj. ene- d ealt wi'ih qs a whole: or that Committbe tho Coiunjilteo wu.s empowered to make a held 1 vi'.'tonia.v * I'ri lay), afternoon. fresh apixiintinent. pul ht th e m an o r woman or Ithe NalioTi. 'Tho won hi he r liable, to d(!> its work pro!>erly. Munufaaturing Chemist, There were ]uostiit;—'JTio Mayor (.Mdt truth < tlip c\ the (Government, .act­ luaii G. H utchings, .1.1’.), Deputy-M ay TTio Financ Coinmitlee had not considered dEMETERY CHAPLAIN. in MufFs, Capes, Stoles and Tiles. ing through Air. Chamberlain, is to secure for {Councillor \V. t’errinsl, -'Jilorliien B. 11. ^7. th»c in atter 111*0 niggarlly way in the past,' Tlio Cetnetery Committeo reported that S, NORMAN RD„ ST. LEONARD^' actual war service the nunibei* of men and and he hop d that any future reijort would they had jreceivecl a communication from ON-SEA, Tree, .f.P., S. T. AVeston ■I.P., K. W . Mit- ; women neodtsi it. aiid oe done chcll. J.P., .1. Stfedwick, C. li. Ball, E. V. bo of a sym pathetic nature. There must .be the Rev. T. AV. Cook. Rural Dean, stating without dislocating the tra^e of the country (s>-o'perat ion all round tb enable tho work to that the ihcmnlmuts of tho borough bad ap­ m t i Hocking, J.P., Councillor* G. C.ox, II. if only the men and wom^n of leisure will 6on, J.I’.: n. N. (ollin.s H- Groouie, ,1 . N- bp dono projjerly. pointed the Rev. E. A. Penson to succeed The most Remarkable ofFer of Real forsake their lazy iways and get to work. Collims, J.P-.. C. Hall. /. Kenlp, Dr. G. A lderm an Stredwick stsionded. the Rev. A. H. Barrow' as a Chaplain at th© 'PJiese are the pe*^'-ple Mie Director General of Gray, J.P.. C. G. Ridgwiiy, fl|. T. Dighto i Councillor Cox coiisid riid th a t th e AVafob Boi'ough b’emeteryTiiP report was ac­ National Service wjints to got at, and nobody .I F , J. Felham, J.P., ti. llhoe.sfiiith. T. beifl. CommitU' ivas ju.-tilie.4 ill asking th e Hax-l;oT- cepted . Bargains in FURS I'loisam ar.& 3ei6am. will iHiuipuiiu (c.xvept tuo lucarrigibie iiv.- If. A 'rihlcsley, \V. Mciul A. i'...... Strick'anJl, poration to m' ake ' t.hi ' v(.itp ‘ sejiarately rately aand ERECTION OF SHELTERS, PARADE patriotoic man or woman who will not no4])i ,1 Whicker, A. G. Ginmr.. F,I ’. \V. Morgah a p a ft from any l>omis ami ho feltIt thatth a t for1 • ' EXTENSION. I if on finding the vo-Iuntarj* system a laihire one Committee to say fo anot.he.r that th(|j W A R BONUSES AND THE RATES. E. I'. Smith, 1. E. Mann Ingtoin. and IV. The Imfarovements Committee had con­ he resoyts to compulsion. th e' Town Clerlb shouhi not |increaso tiu Wage.ss of th e mqii sidered the desirability of erecting tho pro­ FO R CASH ONLY- ^though it Is very unlikely that anylJod^ MaUliows, togeiher with kinder thomi was hKikitlg rather far ahead- will object bo the additional^ pay to the poUcc (Mr. Percy Idle), and otlier qfficials posed shejters at the south end of tlie A LESSON FROM THE SNOW. There, was lo doubt (dat the Watch Conli- Paraile Ekteiision, and rpcommended t;iat and the war bonus' to 'all Corporation Something of whnt I have written in the BILLS AND PiYMltNTS. ■niitteo w ere under payipg th e ir men, and it em.ploy.es receiving a wage or salary of less the Borough Engineer be instructed to have precedingi note was probably in the‘mind of The Bills Committee roeomniondecl tie other applications camp becuuMj other Com­ the work foarried out hy employes of the th a n JA a week, granted at the meeting of thq writer of the to-llowing letter, which 1 mittees iiiidiirpahl their men, they would the Hastings 'Pown Council yesterday; it is passing of ac(x>ant.s to tallin g £fi,914, 15s. 4*1 Corporatiojn a t an e.sti mated cost of £480, Tcceivenmm y e a r .: VVhen th e Co\incil speaks of to clear steps—-men whose excuse wa.s that Councillor Perrins oi>[osod the .amendment, an additional 2s. a week to its employes it Special ^hool: Ijewis Ul> land ami C o., -t tion froiiii easterly and v/oi^rly breeezs, i.: they had not received any papers to fill in. 5s., white coats for use in connoclioii wit and .said that Councilor Manningtoii wiL- and would largely increase tlie re­ a<)es not sound much, but I believe l|am I inquired of one if ho beoTi refusenl for quite ready o agres- t-i letor the ma.tter of aln ri^ t in stsidug that at present Hastfugs dental work; expenses jof Mayor. Tow ceipts for th e hire of chaii^’s a t th e The more you munition w'ork. lie ga~spcs.; ii matter. Tti i AA-'atch Copimittee liad nothiijg t ^ amount is increasing and will increase branches of liqme work right under our is inopportune for (he carrying' out of the come tax . .2331 Ms. 6d.; postagjt' of dog,-etc to do with tJie war.Iwmiis, it was solely a mas­ w ork. I iwtil the war is over. dUlO.OOO is equivalent noses, and potfering about over little jobs ter for no.king q .small inerease at , a 37 & 38^ JH E COLONNADE, .to nearly 7s.— .Adopted. <1 L , .y^ girl, or even old l.ady, like flat rate, ami it was distinctly stafod Jore, when the estimates are next presented rfJA'ESTlilENT IN NI.W W.AJl LOAN. report. The proposition was a sound busi­ myself, can aid for. H e q u ite sym pathised tWTurB nund it necessar3’ to pay their men Committee recommended that the Treasui motion as-ifierely an adt r to increase their wages, long s go. thepi. ixud they should nofc ‘be throw n too present -war conditions, b u t iit th e by the Council be converted into the no haidly keepibody and shul'(ogclher. same timefhe was siuo it would be paid for near bushes where the wkiy can hide.—B ie d - Tlie Mayojr suijporied H A V E Y c > u S u b s c r i b e d t o t h e VVar Loan, that the amount now standing the motlen. He r< n six months. Lover.” to the credit of Loans and Sinking Fund gardod it asj a vei’y imp ortliint matter, which . . WAR LOAN? VTGTLANT. Alderman Tree -was satisfied that tlic PHILPOT’S I Than ■ question is asked in a special adver-' also invested in such loan, and that stn ■should be dealt w ilh a oince. He regarded revenue would be very largely increased if -.to b^m ent in this issue, and it is there stated further sum as would mkke the total it as most ilnfortunale that the force should th e work wa.s dono. T here was now an any information can be obtained of the ing of new loan by tho i.kirporatiori ,1:75.000 bo <1 (seenter,ted. jfo (h red the force a enormous tlnuigltt, which made the present Chairman of the local War Savings Com- EVILS a F[1EK INf I UENZA. be borrowed from the bank and invested :n thoroughly good mi< ivally and meii- shelters alfno.st tin usable, lie would not go jtoteo, Counjcillor Clement Hill. 17. Stojek- ,4.t the I csciii itiinc thousands of people arc th e Loan. . ' • tally.’ Tliej' had a (lior hiy eflicient force, so far as Councillor Cox, but be i-eckoned \0 & I fcikh-road, St. Leonards. My object in call- suffering aculcl,v i'rt>m the iserious troubles ( ounoillor M anilington inovctd th e adop­ and if they had pfliciem icy had to pa.v for thjht they jvoiild get £200 or £300 that invaria.M.v tlolluw an attack of influenza. tion ot the report. He lad been askci'l whj- it. The cost ■of living w higher than in tic- Annual Sale ^ attention; to the subject is to induce.ahy Councillcir AVliicker said it was the old ' arSai Cbsorvor ’’ reader who is thinking, or has Influenza jtliins the blood, land the ansemia the Ctorporation sliould be allowed to invt'iit Midhiind Co uitics. lie iclt that (hey would stor.v of loeiiiig a.sked to spend more money to been thinking, of subscribing to the or bloodlessness i which folliws influenza it money in hand in the War Loan, but le oply be (loin g ;ui act (jf eqijity in making the got a little more. It was like the donkey '. Loan, to. take action at once, as the v ery stulibdrn in resisting treatment. A.i jHiinted out that the .siiin, was licit eoiniios...1 small lincrea so. and the ejarrots. The further the doukey \'Mly % od ;:te suhsCTibing is nearly exhausted, long a-s the blooij remains thin there will he of rate .monies, but lof capita.! riind-;, Councillor Dr. Gray- thev had no ol>- w eut th e m ore likely he wa.s to g et them , DURING FEBRUARY. f- *®^h hM already been written on the the danger of a jjo.ssible relapse, and you will which tho Corporation iva-s hound lo keep jection to tie prejaisal so far ,as its mer t but ihey \vere always held in front of bi i ■ ■ %I■you !i* ' there cannot be many people vtho continue to sufi'er from great weakncss,^8evero ni hand. T'he investm e'nt ••voiild not afl'e 't yvenf’. but he asked if the 'W'iitch Committee nose b.v the gentleman on his back. Lot ^ M t kMvv rts object,, and by this time m elancholy, los.s |of energy, and sleople.ssnes the rale monies at all. ; The total debt of e^nikl take ; separate' step! without consulta­ the CninniTttoe make a suiplus. and txjme tb m ^ t people Ought to-know, its chief features. After iiifluenKa the nervous system th e t.'orporation at'M o rch'w ould lie ,£.;2!i.0t;), tion ivifli (lie Finance CemmitU'e wliy cou! tho Council for perm ission to u.se it for to y no harm can be done in stating that remains -debilitated, and the exiiausted made up of £49.5,000 Corpovarion Stock ami not any other Committee? If they t->llowr what they wanted. He understood that SPECIAL BARGAINS 1? M e IMP not only gives' every man nerves have little chance of regaining Atil.GlO in other loans.' .Against th;it thify that imfo the financi’s of the Ixirough would money wa.s to come rolling in, but they were and strength, bocausq the blood is too thin ti ■ ?. Ccimmitt Womto an opportunity of helping aitjhieir would have in hand inVc-- inye.stments on accoiijit be let into a condition of chaos. .'\t the inait always being asked to sjiend a little more. feed them . ()*■ sinking fniitl of ££123,000,,123,000, . Iliavingliiaviiii ii .ntn it would oniy delay the ipatter for a short ounfa^ P present critical period of th e Aldormaji Hocking Said the present did That no woman can aiFord to miss War, but it is an excellent and a Indra- The liest wav' to correct, the many a.fter- d e b t' of whilch w.as ;a debt e^- period, and that could be got over by datinjg not seem the right time to spend the money, thi]Bg fpT tove iBvestment. The terms offered are ' effects of influeh ;a is to build up and renew coptionallj" small for a liorougli of tb s the pa.vment back. Ho suiJiKirted the amemk- your ^impoverish but it appeared a sound business proposi­ it Bhonld not be forgotten 0(1 blood, and there is n- sort. Of that £KX),0t)0 wouljl be in War m ent. tion, especially when they were told that 25 in view of the great difficulty in l : ' W»s n the MBt time stieli terms will be aVall- better blood builder than Dr. Williams’ pink fuiid.s, £75.000 in the nkw Lian, and £25,0)0 Councillor Shoesmi Ith saidafo be bad eveijy per cent, of' the scats now in existence exmld ' *-I'..' pills. I ill Eyclus(uer Bonds It was an e.xcellc it sym pathy w th Alder man1 Bull's motion, bi)t ^ it Oh the authority of irfe- not be us^. Ue anticipated a good season f'l.'' ■' * '1' 1 nqnsiUe members of. the Government that As soon as th ■ revitalized .blood course inves’tinent, ami he Iwlieved ijt would bo he wiiif in a difficult, becijuse he was und this snmnipr because of the short distance obtaining All Wool Materials. ■; If the af^lieaaon for the present loan stbek through v-our system sy j-ou aye aware of its thought that the Corpilration bald done wh it the impression (hat _ the Finance.(’ommiti'om m itloe the.v werol from London, and there were ^,t>ot saSeient to meet the country’s needs, beneficial influenilenco in several ways. Gradu­ it covhl. Ho - urged the members of the had hung tJie mater up. On tliat basis I thousands lof, workers who -would want a , ■■ ' , ' . A, - other steps, probably by way of a comUul- ally the colour returns to jAur pale cheeks. C orjioration to do all fliej* could to get pci> was o shown aj little deference in liaving or the. mofiey; Several matters had been Nobody shoald thmk he has not got enough .you if you addrc-ss a postcard request to Book e.xample of tho Corpolintion in doing every­ opjiortunity to disou.ss tho matter. suspended ibecause of the tVar; but when quite up-to-date |in style for next money to subseribh to this Loan, for though Dept., '16. Holborn Viarluet. T.ondon. thing they possibly tould to' boo not bow Coirncillor Reed spoke oni similar lines. something wa.s i-equired at tho Bandstand, ^ smallest amonlnt of War Loan that ban little but bow much they could afford. He Councillor Mannington, in reply fo Coun­ which the.v were told was going to brin" in cillor Shoesijnifh, said tliiilt th e applicario|n I I be subscribed for is £5. costing £-t 15s. in knew of members of the Corporation who money, labpur and revenue were forthcom­ Sedson, . ^ Msh, any man- or woman can find a place WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE. laifelit have us much as £ 10 in gold i n trom tho Pblice haeace time, but the Council had no. right to The Mayor said tliat (lie matter had beep made to Councillor Hill for guidance. " A MEETING IN OPPOSITION. have a couple of so vereigns by them, but go into such antics at the pre.sent rime. If ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. when they took into eonsideration the sent from olio Committeo to another for tho ainoimt) asked were onl.y £ 2 1 more they some mouthji until the men had got into a Any Informatic THE FOOD GROWING RUESTl-ON: ' The annual meeting of the Hastings and population of the c^iuntry it could be real­ would have to get the permission ' of the ^ I recommend the writer Of the foilowing ised that their) odd jxmnds ih gold, ])iit very uncomfortable .state. It: must l>e re­ Ministry of Munition.';. He did not say that ■ATTAI* . jr . District Branch of the National Leaguo for others ^ k in g information; oq Opposing Women’s Suffrage was held at 6, together, would tilake a very large sum. I.e membered too that the mein had Ixk'u' forcelcl the report was not genuineCbut he felt sus­ NAVY & BLA^K in all Sizes. tna action ot the (forporation Committee . Warrior Square-terrace, St. Leonards, on Irelieved the local tcwnspeople, from what to bring th-d matter bi'fore His Majesty^s picious of the figures. He suggest^ to the chaopd with the duty of dealing with the Thursday. h:i had heard, could .sub.scrihe another rnsiieotor, and it wps some! rim e since lie wifs mover that in.siead of the Corporation doing ' Coul hero -S® report of dhe The toilowing lesolution was passed:— .HtO.OOO in gold. That would bo far more the work it should bo put up; for public important than parer, and he sugge.sted Alderman Ball said thit the men eonfo tender. lie could not reconcile jlio proposal ® j Town Council , “ That this' meeting sees'with regret the pro- not live on «ynipa ;hy. !l'he questioji hqd witb'patriotism. i e the account c^f | posal of the Electoral Reform Committee to that every bit of gold should be placed in ALL WOOL TWEED ^ Q AL 1 7 ,it< )c k b T* part df | grant votes to women, on certain qualifica- the hands of the, Goyernment, that tlie;r bren going c|n for months, and he resisted The Boro igh Engineer said that when the ? Iiove looked ih tions. It feels sure that the barriers guard- resources .should be utilised in tho narional the amendment witliwit all (i|e energy he could estimate was made a few monthk ago it was s^em e with regard . inp against the numerical superiority would interest. Ho hoped thoj- would all do the r ■The voting T\-as a-s follow s:— a genuine estimate. Potatoes at. Hastings. Why so be quickly broken down, and the governing best to assist in the AA'ar. (.Applause.) Ifor tho [ amendment ( 12): Aldermen Councillor Shoesmith—I did!not charge Country Suits, 59/6. m noh_^k and mining doing. .All partie's power of the country consequently placed in Alderman ■ Mitchell s(»ouded. M itchell a nq Strodwiok, Councillors SaPi- aii.vbody. ' may be sorry for this later on ; besides , thp , their hands. While fully recognising and In reply to Alderman Tree, Councillor son, Ginner.j Gray’’’ Gr(x>qi'e, ,T. N .'O olliris, Coupcilloij' Cox—You insinuated. ^ grow potatoes wants to : appreciating the admirable patriotism and Mannington said £5(,000 woul^ he in new Pelham, Shoqsmith Reed, Morgan, and Man Councillor Slioesmith—It lixiks suspicious. uington. i The Mayar—To a suspicious mind. These Costumes cannot possibly be • J get hia ground up at fte earliest possible I work of women in this rime of stress and money. opporranity, or he will be driven to digging i dangei-, it honours and is intensely grateful The Mayor said that so far as his ex­ .Against (1-t); The Mayor, Deputy-Mafor Councillor Samson said the proposal was when he o ^h t to 1» planting. Surely potq- the men who in their thousands and mil- perience went gold was very scairce. lie .Alilormeii Weston, jBall. and Tree, Council most inoppprtuiie. He would vote for it obtained after the Sale. better than CTas.s. and there Is lions have risked and lost life and limb had not seen a goldipi sovereign for inai y lors Cox, Hill, Ken p, RhlgiNay, H. N. Col gladly at the end of the tVar. i¥liiTE ROCK BOWl i laod close to Hastings which could [ jn defence of their country, and considers mouths. He did not know who the gentlv- 11 ns. fi'ildeeiey,* A cads, Mrickland, and Alderman Stredwick said he had sup- be let at, ray, As. per 10 rods per anhum, i that to place women in the position of gov- men were that Councillor Mannington liqd Mfiiicker. i porteil the fcheme throughout, and regarded T h is IS qiftte enough for any working-mah j eming the men would disgrace the men and 'Tlfo sulistakitive motion was carried by p4 it as a good investment, but he was opposed m entioned. the present proposal at this time. Many A N N U A L iMI to pay, and the Coirorarion couW let theih bring disaster to the country.’ The report was a Jopted. votes to ] i fo have road sweeping's free, if guaJanteed to nocessaiv works could not be carried out be­ STOCK FO R EXTINCTION, PI,ANsl FOR x'EW tBUILDTNGS. cause they had not got the monpy. The rate- shift within reasonable time. Only Igive . ANOTHER WOMAN’S VOICE. The ' Roads)' and Uiildings Committee fo- The annual-meeting of the men the chance to get the ground,!and Tho Finance Comm ttee reported tliat o|it pa.vers woujd think they had gone mad lo S i b ,—^Kindly allow me to say that I. E. of the amount wbich stood to the credit >f comm ended b a t thb follolwang plans be ap spend moncj- on Ithe preposal. Surely amuse­ - nt ■ W'ellington-plaoo, on Thur there would be no difficulty in finding ciiltj- Harriran writes without the sympathy of proved :—*Ad litionaf storeroom at No. 28 Councillor Georwe-Cox wnawot vators. I fail to see the goo. Mr. " I CIi:i.f Councillor Cox considered that Councillor A. Blackman, J.P.. Sven a man who is not veiT* strong can s H as wive.s and inothefs. have glieat influence FO RCE. ■ .Adopted. Copel.andv and Hr. F» B ^__ throng in a week orithout tiring himself W q don’t want the country to 'be dominated The Watch Committee had before thcml: Smith sliould have ,an opportunity of putting And at Tunbridge Wells. \ , T E M I ORARY' BFILDINGS. the position of affairs Ijefore tho Council. •tomised to become membert, re •nt.—Yours tml.y. D.G.G., late Head Gar- r b.y women because of- their - . numerical, ma­ (1) A petition from tlile acting sergeants and Tlie Road etc., (fommiltee recommended ST. LE0HARDS4)N-SEA. ntmoM to make the Club aDd| dener to.the late Ear] of Limerick, K.P.’’ constables of the Police Force for an in- Councillor E. C. Smith said that they had jo rity of 1,500,000 over m en. j that applica ions fijom various persons as lost from £15 to £20 a week loecause 250 Mrs. Harrison says “ We w-ant to cet to ereaso in their pay owing to the incrcasekl i-egai-eeu laid who opoospi: (lie m otion. Ho considered for tho year ended tho 31st December last, Accoroed: fo th© Chairman for other towns in their dealings with otir prove th a t th e local ;wjlice was one of the iind recommended that the reports be re­ J e u f t K s wor.st paid in the ooiu tr.v, and ceitjiinly the w here tliere iwas, ,sp niucb traffic. The ex that as the (stiinate was made some months A meeting of the Committee ’ Iboys.’ This iniquitous practice does ifot peri.ment could be tr ied. but he did not like ago he would like to know what the En­ ceived, and that the printing be postponed ail early date to elect a Oaptai] redormd to their credit, and it .says much for ■worst paid in th is pi rt of Kti'glanil. In a un til afte r th e term in atio n th e AVar. return embracing 80 t I WHS tlmiie w-ak not a fo do so) <)uts-|;-|de tlu Towri Hall. gineer'* estimate would bo for the present, ■ Captain, draw. up '’a fixture the fair-mindodness of local tradesmen fihiit C ouncillor Pelbaiii .siiggcslc'd (b a t when tim e. In moving the reception of the rei>orts. ith e r provisions for' th e F®**.j they have principles and consciences above place where tt»' )io.li •e were worse i>aid Councillor Dr. Gray referred to the gifts to .1' ]jositioi!i for a town the mlitter wn s ag:iin rnmiidered the question The Borough Eiigineoi' said that the esti­ RHEUMATISM nJ^ bowler wishing to join ■ tM jnerre money gralibing, and every Canadialn Tliat -lyas an iincin ia' tile Museum, and said that the number of like Hastings to h.ihl. In some of the places of rubber shehduld lie jliorne' in luind. mate was framed two months ago, and ho sommfinicate with Mr. A.' F» stationed in the towms of Ila.stings and St. b iy LY. TliOiBoreugh Engineer said deal would be (lid not thijil: (hat at (lie present time there visitors to the. lib raiy had been 9,867 com- Lertnards admires and respects them for the starting ■wage w as ( he , sani'e, but in others [mred with 9,733 in the previous yean 8*is« it was more Fpdcr all the ilifierent bead? quite quiet. ! had been an appreciable increase in; the 'playing fair s.nd square.’ Many of us aye materials that would he needed. If the not the ‘ John. Rockfollers ’ wo are thougl|t Estabd. half a Century, such a.s term eff' service and war Ixmus Has­ Tho f-pport yas adopted. GIFT FOR MUSEUM. to be, neither do we draw our full pa.y, but tings was at the bottom. On the question of FRO’vflRTON^. BOROUGH matter were jmt off for two or three months Tho Miiseum, etc.. Committee reported boot allowance the men had to put theii SANATORlllJM. he could notjsay that the amount would not only a port of it, so onr vveaHli is more ni|i- he more. [hat the Hastings and St. Leonards Museum ■]^re«t than real, and many of us are 'dead BUHN I hands in their pockets, f)n the question oi The I’nbliq Health Committee recom 1 Association had presented to the Corporation YOU REACH broke ’ soon after pay da.y, for wbieh t cost of living it was not iiocessury lo s.ay mended that the following tenders be ac Councillor I Cox. in reply, said the Com­ hn extensive .•series of interesting local Canadian propensity of spending freely is anything except that the small war bonus cepted, viz.; Groceries, Mr. J. C. Emerfon mittee felt eomnelled to bring the morion jirchieological objects from the collection did not anything like taeet tho case. It was no. Old Lonv the late Mr. Chas. Dawsoni i E . lowed to say that it is the universal opinirb thought best by (he Cimniittee to make ai H igh -street; ijireuil. fioiir. and confectionery I Councillor Dr. Gray produced sevelral 6f the amongst the thousands of Canadians billeted all round increase rati er than to anticipari' Mr". AY Oroyhurst,: 186, Queen’s-road '— Tho Mayor—Oh, no: .you'had the chance -these articles for the inspection of thejCoun- MARK” here that they have been better treated by tho positi-on after the war. It had been sail Adonted. I i ' before. Ql, including local water bailiff’s staff, old WHEN. YOU CEl the ladies and gentlemen—especially the th a t to increase the wages of the iKilicq woull KEEFER OF COlATAroN LODGING- The voting was as follows :— spears fouml in Hastihgs Castle, medals, etc. ladies. God bless them!—of-these two towns make it uecessar-y to increase the wages o HO'IISES., For the motion (9) ; -Aldermen Ball and I Tile Mayor sifoke of Dr. G ray’s deep) prac­ than an.ywhore else in this country. Thb Celebrated Double l^reened other Corporation employes. He entirely dis­ The Publici Healfli Committee recom Tree, Councillors Cox. Ginner, H. N. tical interest in the Museum, and a -vote of numerous Club Rooms so ably ‘ run ’ by agreed with that doclxine. A policeman mendeil that an application from Mr C pllins. Groomo, Tildesley, Mead.s', and E. C. Ijhanks was accorded the Committee. must l>e regard(Hl as an entirely differe-nl Sm ith. ■! 1 Jooal ladies, w'ho administer early and lajte Antonio Rea to be registered as the keeper CULTIVATION OF LAND. to our bomfort, bodily, physical, and mental, type-. .4 XKiliceman (jould not live where h of the common lodging houses. Nos. 13 and A gainst (17) ; Alderm en AVeston, Stred- liked, and ho could not, like other servanti 15, East Hill-passage Ihj acceded to. — wiek, and Mitchell, Councillors Matthews, The Special Committee appointed by th© Otir«cl aft*r y — r 'pertaiuly put them on 'n pedestal the rprnei Hill. Kemp. .Samson. Gray. Ridgway, ,T. N. afone.s of which are the hearts. gratitndA COALIS augment his income by outside employment Adopted. ' Council on the 8th Deoejnber last to arrange of sufrorinif.” The recommendation was quite a m^erate Collins, Dighton. Pelham. Shoesmitii, Reed, thanks, and apnreciation of every Canadito TltTBERcbuLOST^ DISPENSARY. f|or the cultivation for the growing of food- W mnh m jfsti*#, fm m n m , who has had the privilege of staying herp one, and while it did net go s-o far as some of Strickland. AVhioker. and Jforgan. Sjtuffs of such plots la n d as m ay be suitable the men would like, he fould assure the Cour The Public Healtl Coihmittee reported The motion was lost. find available for 'the purpose, re- I prmUmOf.mtrti m oUpenm End accepting’ of their hosnitaltty. IVe dp The BEST. The CHEAPEST. that they had received 8| letter from the not wear Pur hearts on onr sleeves, but oil that the men would be very thankfu SUMMER BAND. liorted: (1 ) That Mr. D. David Phillips suc- He had been ChairmaTj of the Watch Con local Government Board approving of the Tlie Entertainments and Visitors Com­ ysM s rhmmdHtmi / , nmy those ladies who .leave their homes in "this Direct from the Collieries at first cost use ot the Tuberculosis Dispensary nt tho jeedod in organisiiig a number of private piereinirly cold weather to bring ns cheer, ahfl mittee over a year, abdlduring that time.nc mittee had considered the matter ojf the [ardoners, and Mr. Harry J. Brodie, of Clive asf who h s i Wm tromthi for a single man had beenen hbmore " the ■’ Watch - • ■ Con-- East Sussex Hospital for a further period to Band arrangements for tho ensuing summer oOT^o-t could hear the remarks that are expfre on C'C 2'.5'’ TVcf'tnls'r next.—Adopted :x)dge T he Green; offered th e free use of ytmn.—Yoittp jJiJ. passed. T a>m sure they would feel iu-p?ir{t Sole Agenis for the mi ttee for any small offence. If the rejioi season, and in view of the probable diffi­ .bout two acres of the land rented by him was adopted he was eeltain that instead cf VENERFAL DISEASES. culty of obtaining a military band, recom­ rom the Eversfield Estate. Mr. Bijodie’s Bnu'n S«.vnM* wiS mb* ri’yardcd for all their labonrs. The Y.M.CiA. yan ]«st sn. Mifiy. t^-nrl tbe churches, one and all, have doncius loaving a dissatisfied force they would hav The Public) IleAltlf Committee reported mended the employment of an orchestral ffor was accepted with thanks, and the land BPlc-a ll'l sM'viee, which we shall never fpr- Kfl^e GFG6JL8 men wbfl, at any rate, for the duration o f th that by the “ Pub ic H ealth (Venereal band, to consist.of a musical director and- landed over fo Mr. Phillips for cnlti-^ation. ^ fiM h i M i h * l / l i , » M f i! r.e'.. W liat we shoitbl have done w ithofit and the Genuine Original war, wou'd he conteuteil. Diseases) Refulations 1916,’’ made by the conductor, and 30 instrumentalists, to -per­ 12) The Belgian refugees wore offered the free Inn t/H , nr fh-yir hefo during this eold snap, when flie Councilfor TildeslAv seconded. Local Governpient Bo, ircl, the Council is re­ form during the period of 26 -vveeksl com­ is© for a y ear of th e portion of th e 'VVhite THE SAME GOC Hrcrlaces in our own b'llct.s have been quite EUREKA g6 ai.S. Councillor Mannington moved an amenf quired (i), slibject tp the approval of the mencing on the 2nd April and ending pn the Rock Pleasure Grounds, which they accepted HMttNllNlK ment that the matter be referred to th Local G overnm ent Bo ard, to make arrange 30th September, at a cost, inclusive of the lind very soon got to work. (3) Mr.) J. J. ,]r>vrid cf fuel of any kind, to bring us soffie »—t V . q u a u x i E s haveJ jpg'-c.a of warmth, however snfall, I canhtit Fipa-nce Committee. It had been the custom ments for enabling any medicpl ’practi- salary of the musical director and eonduetor, 'ord and his staff ar© taking IJ acres, (pro- BEST GAS COKE. BLOCK FUEL, ing in the area of the Council snx.. It therfifore gives me the greatest pfoa- OAK LOOS. &c., &c. in th e p ast for .such m a ters to be d ealt with tioner practicing in t not to exceed £80 per week. '' The.y also ably more( at Shornden Farm from Mr. F. P U » A K |» B T THE. TEST OF BTire fo say to every helper on behalf of 'my by the ,Fintmce Committee, who at present to obtain, ^t the c )st of the Council. I'ccommendefl that tlie services of the Re­ lunn, and tlie remainder of 2J acresJ The CanaditHi comrades. ' Thank yon all for all/ knew nothing of the, cost involved. ■ scientific report on any material which the sent Musical Director and Conductor, Mr. Ably more) at Shornden Farm from Mr. F. YEARS. Agents for all the leading Collieries. may submit from !-A . j . Blavd. 1st C.E.F/' A lderm an Ball^—Tliis affects 75 menf anq medical practitioner Hiram Henton, be retained at the ' same mall plots and let to-other applicanth; 120 , ^ S' Offices:— the increase -vyiU be £40Q a year. p a tie n t ' suspected tc. be .suffering from, salary. They further recommended thatian ods have alread.v been applied far.I The Co-nneiU-or M atinin q said that the resnJ : enereal disease, and (ii) to prepare anc} arrangement for, the giving of concerts by [oliowing ground has been found avalilable J. BefI & Co., GOODS W ITH PRICE TICKHETS. 17, King’e^road, St. Leonards. ftulp'''Vtpg le tte r, toceived of this prop<»al w'o' be th a t they wortlc submit to tlfo Local Government Board ) the Band on Sunday evenings in the Hast­ or cultivation, viz.: —(1) Grammar School 2 2 have applications frfftn pther section of ser scheme for treatment and th e snv"->lv ol ings Pier Fayilion be entered’into wijh the Lllotjnents:-l-(a) Halton—6 allotment^ oon- Robortooii ‘•frool, 2 S, H »Y #l«il*' the subject reft 45, Robertson St., Hastings. ctors of the Pier Compay. In 6he proving Note : — " Da|r- vaints, they already had'a n application iToa medical pracflitioners for the tretmeant anc ain in g 68 rods; (b) Parker-road—31 ! allot- HASTIfjlOS. the past few months one |h^ thi' leacbers. They were already payin): prevention ofithe diseise. The Medical Offi­ Councillor E. C. Smith moved the adop- iients edntadning 313 rods. (2) Grou|nd at GSARLES L. ^GLENISITER. .c'to.cno f v"'"- in I'-.al" bonuses and w ar allow cer of Heialtp reported that satisfactory ar' •tion of the report, and said that the Band ally seen an artfcle or 'letter ! o|n ’ '-'c-ndiriirfi and bv-gr-chafsing. My object Phones 88 and 301. Gci'c rangem ents hlad been made wit^ the East would cost a little more than last yeir, but jai-— -V y.v - •• — V- -yXttiaitte© U| Suaaex' [Sossital Conuiittoe for tha tu* ot for that moaej they troulA get four e z tm LCsotiouad on P if, 14 V i s t » is m ; twA as CanMian p v ( 4" TOWN COdNCitli FIN ANCE AND THE WAR. SITUATIONS VACAMF-MALC. . - ihiLK-i-FORBMAN -vsiit«4 lor'Naxton V a h r - - ^ S t 99 LONDON CITY AND MIDLAND BANK a : Wopaiiw"*, CaWle^t., Parers . ■ ... a MANAaSR UatOokMti Viilssa Uioeccr bloiu; [Continued from Pag- 6.] R E V IE W . • y*fiTO^«.-»App*y toomiy, Alcrittoa. • lo t • MONDMENTAL MASON cnttifL-MSA?' (Bniittra*) T he 1 'eneral meeting of the shareholders of M n Crown Wortai, Boekliffd Bndge, Dorar, fJO the London Cityland [Midland Bank, Ltd.; MAN wAated to drire hi S8d Tan and * Vail belonging to Ufred ^ayej. Or EDWARDS’ PECTORAL:iT< BALSAM. was h‘THREE MEN wanted; linotype operar- - 3,600,000 allotments have been offered to the Corpora­ tions prevailed in Germany, and reviewing tcr, ‘ jobbing printer, maoliiniea; good wages to geo^ tio n a t d. a rod, and efforts are ^ing made jfht when you Cl take^this ^'sleep-giver’’? Contains no narcotics, equally good for men; pormanancy.—Grigg, f’SL George's Rrees,^’ Dorei ^ l e d u c e d DEPOSITS, &c. - 6 •ildfenand adu Is. ■ ' “ th e p ^ itio n , one w as inclined to a s k ; How; —£3 -iw*. - 151,815,945 to get aB much as iiossibW of tills land culti- In Bottles, 1/i dnd 2/6 each was this credit created, and where did the SAWYERS wanted for Cironlag FnuA;Datii>* v at^ by people living in the vieinity. Three; mone;f come from? They all knew .what and Cg, Timber Mercbante^ A^iford, KienL_____ fl7 ADVANCES, &c. - 55,856,841 applicants have been proHded with land on‘ credit was. He 5tent on to show in dets^I SAWYERS* Yard^boursn and Wood Cntteia waatMv* the new Hospital site. The St. John's-Nur. t at once.’ ■Frank Darts and Co., Gorenunttit Confcracioxi;*^ * 9 a.m. PfeEPARED OljJtY BY how lankers were great Manufacturers of Ashtord. m FRENCH AUXILIARY : LLOYDS feANK (FRANCE) i LIMITED. sery has noiwbeen let through Messi-s. Chen- credit, and explained how fiearly all the loan n^ls. Dyer and Qallowaw to ’;hree people, TO BAKERS.’-W^nt^, young MAN willing to asei^-i M.P. 8 .* transi ctions of banks created credit. i The in bskelLouse and serve smaid i baiTOw round .r gpod oppoT" mu land referred m is still available. Goveinnlent had borrowed between Augmsti’ tonlty to toaru txade.-’Apply HiU* London-Td-, 81 Leo» ^ The Committee have let Mr. Stevens have a HJ Q. EDWARDS. M.S.C.I •» 1914. ind Decembft- 31st, 1916, .£3,000i000,000. ards. ^ .\ : . —£3 final Prices, piece of ground in the Cwporafion yard ad- WANTED, TAXI DRIVER; go(>d wages~^ oonh Whenever a Government loan had been mibsion; also, good twchoeatar Car.—TertiU* SUreikiH, S I: jominjj Old Londoii-road, Ore,1 for a year pharmacist, brought out the custom had been for the Leonards. _____ I —£3 free bt i-ent, and'the Borough Engine^ has amount of the loan applied for to be taken WANTED, a WHEELER and £or gesnexHl Jobbing U I ': ' J arranged for the land at Es^nden-rdad to in instalments from the Joint Stock and wood department. -^,Appd3^ Campbell, Carriage Worka’”’. HApTiySS, ST. LEC^SARDSe AMD ORE, Haetings. ______^______—£3 f : ii' ERMINE, be cultivated by employees of the Cot|)ora- other banks and placed to the credit of the I ' tion. The Water Commit tee have been asked Government with the Bank of England, for WANTED, willing reepeotable Man aa Honee an^ to consideii -whether the land adjoining the General PORTER.—Be^ h ^ v e n BexbiU. —131 the Government to pay their indebtedness WANTED, MAN or Lad -to take Toond o l early *ZM>nr rCHILLA, •wells and' vtorks at Forewood can be put into out of snch credits to theic creditors and foit inc papers; can fl^iab by 9^0.—King Bros., 2, Qneen’a* cultivation for the gro'ving - ot foodstuffs, CAPITAL i^ND COUNTIES such creditors to place the amount received rd., Hastings. —13 without danger to’ the -water supply. The ECONOA^ EXHIBITION to thsir credit with their\ banks again. Pro­ w a n t e d ;^ BILLPOSTER (ineligible)with eoiad' Committee had the tena its of me Council’s BANK. ceeding, he compared thd- war currencies of experience or willing.to 4eam.-*Apply MMsger, BUD MINK, land at Brede and IVrewood interviewed by p^ting Co., QueenVar., Hsetingik^v______—£17 AVE you ^Ijped th^ 'big AT ST. LEONARDS NEXT WEEK. England and Germany, and showed how the VANMAN required tor laundry; npt eligible; to col­ the Town Clerk and Borrugh Engineer with note circulation hqd increased in both coun­ lect and dedifar and make bimeelf generadly nsefui'i'*'- a view to getting more cf such land broken RECORD T3TAL DEPOSITS. A small army of workmen took, possessiok tries. If they could continue to keep the state ago and wages.-Apply WiUeeley L au iu ^ , Croat * ■ GREBE, hP for the growing of ft odstuffr, but owing < £ the Masonic Hall at St. Leonards yester­ banks of this country liquid as they brook. £10 1 • to the shortage of labour in one .nstapee and Thi' annualj^oneial meeting of the Capital WANTED in auctioneer's and ertato,aQd bouse agenrt'^'* day (Fniday) morning, on behalf of the were at the present time, the.y would office an ASSISTANT past mititaxy age)!'wbo liM the apparent unsuitability of the land for anj Counties Ban]; (Liihited) was held at (fki^piitt-ee of the W ar Time Economy Exhi­ succeed in the future not only in experien « in office and optddor work ana inventories.-* ' BEAVER, ' push’ H ^jltas started immediate results to be ihown in the other, th e 1 end office^ 39, T hreadneedle-street, E.C. bition, which is to be opened next Monday sit re-esi ablisbing our home industries bu-t Apply to 13, South Colonnade, St. Leonards, or to neither of the tenants could see I lH way clear Mr W illi^ Gar: it, chairman of the bqnk, -3 o’clock by L ad y ; Ishain, who w ill be ■sup­ the.y hoped also in protecting and peTOTwhire’ptaoe, BexhlU. _ - i = j t -y- • ^ ” •Ti-flS presilled, and, in moving the adoption of the WORKING HEAD GARDENER r^uired for peHojl to adopt the suggestion. The Committee are ported by the Mayor, the Mayoress, and ^ develnping our foreign trade to- a greater of war: 3 acres o£ vegetable ground.—Apply, steting agt-v4 recommending the Finance Oorimittee_____ ™and „ A-epoit andi aot-oun;s, pointed out that the distinguished company of residents. | extent than hitherto. He estimated the -total wayei, capabilities and^perience to Lady Snpetrintendenft*- the Overseers not^o charge rates soBO long as Vjestion of ilnaintaiaipg the rate of exchange available resources of the,banks of this ooun- Metropoljtan Conraltecent Home, Little OemBnon. Be»*^* J The Exhibition will be>eld for the benefit bill. 1 . the houses remain empti in respect of gar­ ivith foi-eigh counnrics, owing to the pur- m ’the British Red Cross Society and the tiy w ere ^61,450,000,000, of w hich 600 to 70p by putting all tlie iboney )(ou chas{ of fpod, and raw jnatenals, had begn WANTED, Good SHOEING and GENERAfc' dens attached to unoccupied houses, the cul­ millions were necessary to carry on our Order of St. John df Jerusalem, and an infill SMITH to manage shop; ipenn^nei>at situatfpn and good . I and Ties, tivation of wMch may be -undertaken by vei-y difficuU, and was still receiving close en tial list of patrons, num bering amonspM manufacturing and merchanting businesses. money to enitable man; exemption; obtained' if of •‘•tenants of adjoining piopertie^i or others. aittei ition. Depreci ation of securities had. ethers: Viscountess I Wolseley, Lady Hythej, The leading figures, of the Bank’s balance- tary ago.—F CiHe. The Foigw, I^yddi, Kent. tH Sis applications have been received for seed for many j^ars been a great drain on profits, Body Isham, Ladjt 'Webste^ Sir M'ack™rth sheet and protfi and loss account showed tha): potatoes, and the Committee aie arranging and ;ho renioval of all minimum prices dur­ Bind Lady Young, the Very Rev. Dean Currie their net profit for the year ending 31st to _ supply th e sam e wh.,8 to be carried for- Leanaida. • , Oe of piartioular kinds are asked fir the Com-, ^peaditure |had b4en unusually heavyj and CARTEL wanted; used to young boreet; 23s. A we% the modest sum of 6d. j ■ward to the next a.ecorit. He-^aid a strik­ firing, cottuge and garden close to stable. — Apply A* NL y!: mittee are infoorming ajiplicants that they the large cost of salaries was due*to payments ' Every lady will wish' to dre the sturdy ing tribute to the staff, also praise to the W.iuter, Po»tt< Farm, Bnrwash, Soaeex. ' £3# can obtain the same thsmselvei throngh a to men on sprvicej both naval ami military, 'specimens of local babyhood in incubators. ■work of the lady clerks, who numbered 2,(500, CARTER wanted; with mate preen ed ;) good seedsman as cheaply as he Gor;»ration can tem]K>rary clerks, and a bonus to marriw On Monday afternoon • Nnrse Stone, of the and remarked that 180 members had given and cottage. — Apply Hyland, Stone Cioss, purchase them, and wh(re the seed ape re­ men The to ta l cost had been .£74,000. No thcirl liv^ for thsir country. j Sbortit^. fS,/ ■ H astings D istrict [Nursing Association, -will CARTER muted fox fonr-hoise team st Cicwtiiuat<- ‘ quired for ground which would lie cultivated fewer than: 1,120 men had joined the Forces, lecture at 5 o’clock oh “ Infant. 'Welfare” iin mvAt b« lusd 'to. timber drawin^:-:-Wite irikses' reqnirlM ' and i t was w ith ieep regret they haid to in the ordinary course the Committee feel connection with the exhibits sent down’ h[y I te M i . W. Parks, Estate O0oes, 61, HarebxK-id., Bas­ that they -would be undiily inteHering with reootid the death of eixty-eight, to whose ;re- the National League for Physical Develop- * THE COUNTY COURT, i s s . _ii9a FARM LABOURER wasted,- w e4 to jail kioda^ o f.. the biminess of the ordinary seedsmen :.n the lati-ies they offerw their sincere sympathy ment and Infant 'Welfare CJentres. ! 'to : to ^ if they agreed toj supply seed ab ’cost in tlieir loss, Owing to the absence of those f farm work:; otKclccr oud thatcher eseeutiM. — W. '■ i . I •. ; .A lthough th e E xhibition -will be opened i t OnJ Tuesda’^, at the Toivn Hall, before his Smith,______Gt.\>' T HexMU — price in such cases. Since tho Committee, on service, great ;iressure had been thrown 11.30 every morning (excepting Monday) fdr FARM CAbwJ i. t.Lfl wuntrti; t»«drto hotijiroTk; tooA* S, undertook their.duties 45 piersons havf been on the present stafi, who in all the ciroiim- Honour Judge Mackarness. . ' tottoge aod garden; aisu W»ggozie^« .■irsuvtoda‘>-«.- cookery lectures, there will be a sp^ial If not—buy War Loan to-day. supplied with land for chltivaticn either dir. stances of 'hard work had done their duty formal opening ceremony every day of the JU D G M E N T s u m m o n s e s . * Applf Rauc«i WUdiidii Wick* F«no,j Udiiuoi«..-'xur.JB|«w ectly by the Committee;op through agencies most loyalljj. Looking at the [figures as a wjeek. On Tuesday th e H on. M rs. C urrie, Gi b e rt v. 'TOallis ( £ 1 3s.) fresh order, pay- WANTED, MAN for. gm eraffai^w ^V tlifitdh The more with which the Committee hnvii negotiated, who le,'several features of in ter^t were dis- supported by Dean CTurrie, D .D ., -will.deelajre men: by two monthly instalments.— Elgar ctftok; irtouffii it wanted; good wag«a; c o tta r gardea.*-^ you lend—the Isooner the War will end; seven have been referred to diffeient agencies clcs'sU, all pointing to the increased stability th e E xhibition open. On 'VS^ednesday th e and Son v. Brading .(£3;T5's. 10d.,’part paid) Oaffin, Old Minings Lew^ . ~£3ft and have not intimated as to whether their of the bank, which should gratify share- WANTED Immediotely, MAN of«r xniUt^ ; ■Viscountess Wolselcy will open the Exhi'fei- com m itted 8 days, suspended on payment of »ge: must, be good pair-norie pjkoQgbmui; ootutege px*>: requirements have been met, aid only five hole ers greatly, and inspire public conff- tipn at 3 o’clock, and wiU speak on “Women 5s. m onth.----- J a ry v.j D am m (9s., M .) com­ applications have been receiveti which the dncc. No Better report had ever been issued, ^ ed .—Iiittle Worge, BrigbtliAg. ' f?e •n n Ad e , on the Land.” Oh the fourth day, Thurs­ m itted 8 days, suspended on payment by WANTED, two LM8. luideir eereiiteA tirt> m m CSimmitteo have up to ijhe prose: it been able and taking, into- aicount all the special: ex­ day,. Lady Webster will formally open the four monthly instalments.——IMwards and orer 42 to help with Stiook^ otc.|[ to lodgie-irith baUi&«« to deal with, for the reason thai it is not at; penditure which had bad to be met, he Exhibition. Oh Friday the Exhibition will ’Sons V. Lawrence (£4 13s. 9d.) committed 8 Apply Moore, Coteehali Fem u F ire. Aeheo -.£90 present possible to obta:in land i i a' conveni­ thouglit they 'would agree -with him that a •be opened by M rs. Y oung, o f th e local Bjri- days, suspended on payment of -7s. month. WANTED, reepeetable married moo m ,€A I1T E 8| ent position for these applicants The Com­ net profit of £215,310 for the haH-year niust tish Red Cross Society, and on Saturdiy, with boy as mate preferred'; choice of two ooitagee; goo« •S. !' mittee are in communication with the owner be lOBsider^ satisfactory. Comparing the HELPING A FAMILY. > wecee to AiUtable xnan.^. 8. Ford, Boship Faiiq, " Canada ” Day, Colonel .Matthews, the Pepper a-nd Pepper and others.—This was Uttf ly. tSe and tenant of the field behind Collier-road figures in th e re p o rt -with last .Tuly, th e ir Officer (3ommnndihg the Canadian' Troops iin with the view of getting a pKirtion set apart total deposits no-w were £52,295,000. That an application by the widow under the "VVork- . H astings, will open the day’s proceedings, at meii’s Compensation Act. — Applicant ssdd for allotments for the use of peoole living ini was a record flgur<, and marked an increase 3 o’clock. ’ I SITUATIONS VACANT—FE m a l e . the Old Town and on the West Bill. Three: in ibe six months of rather moire than she -was allowed £ 2 a month, but- it was not ;Of the lectures we can only say that they quile sufficient now. She hald to pay £ 1 2s. offers have been received to assist with cleri.l £4,(00,000. Their oash in hand was 21J per appear to cover almost every branch of the AGSNCY.^Mre. Bantett’s Serraeite Agwicy, eat. lf7iV cal or other than laborious work. The Com.; cent, of their Halplities, as against 181 per out every month out of the £ 2. She wanted m ay vaceocies.'-SoutU Gxore, Xoubiidge Weiie. <->117 * ' qjie.stion of food iprednction. The 'lectures —T he application -was granted. mittee have received a very generous offer cent, for Jifly, and their liquid assets were will deal with ecohomical cooking in a series £4. A GENERAL SERVANT muited fix Apply D4, *KlpiufiefU>ue-xils Haet-tegHi' ■■: vT" j ■ — from Messrs. F. Strickland anyl Son to pre-l 641 per cent, of their liabilities, as against of twelve lectures. There will bI eio be lec­ NOT WILFUL DAMAGE. ^ 5 ' sent to the Corporation two ton; of selected; 59j per cent: Their discounts and loans were B lackham v. K erry (15s. damsige to a lava­ A GIRL Cage 18) wanted tor o a d ;hopffrwfgkaT* tures and addresses by experts on the shb- Apply a l t e r o ’oloGk, OanL 35, CurubxidcO'Xd., potato seed value about d£30 provided com­ ratlier lowep for sijindfy reasons he had indi- jqcts of " Ediblef Fungi,” Herb GrowinW,” tory-.)—Plaintiff said he discovered that part petitions in potato Rowing are irganisej in cat(d. General charges were 69 per cent, “iCnltivatipn of Spare Ground,” Babbit i of . the j w lavatory . had been broken..------—•— He,under APPRENTICES to 0REUM AKIH6.-lfattixF&S a mannev likely to lead to an dnpL, SL Id h s a ^ ' -J TO WN COUNCIL AND DRINK. p^sent a series of books dealing -with cook­ for firstrat vlece;: wsc«« £ 12.—AdsIt Mn. Hurtar. C k M ^ ’; for you from £! ) upwards. Or! Groome and Strickland to organise coippcti-l ery and general economy, specially designed, roacl. P a rt of th e 7s. was a paym ent of 2s. Meuor,,r, I Battle.;______■■______; ' als . tions in consultation with the members of! ------1— ;0 :------' ' to X charwoman. The rest was for eooking 0,UNCILLOB IREED’S REJOINDHR. for the different Classes of society. B oot TRADE.—WoniadC yodne tedr ae AeeletahSt the Horticultural Society and they hoped ' A series' of concerts,' some 24 in ami making curtains.—Befendtot that oxpenenced sretferred.—Apply Jan. Jmsm mad Bon, lit go to your loc| il War Savings that ft wohhl be possible to complete the Plaintiff left without giving him nqtice: she Graud-we.s St^Leonn^ • .-~f3 We received thei following letter'on Tues- ]i|nra1>er, will 'be given during the week m [NS necessary arrangements at an esv'ly date. 1-v Mr. Val Marriott’s orchestra, Mies hfuld have given him a fortnight’s -notkie.— ~’BETWEEN-MAIBl}'om>Cl WBpted; wiB to tMB tttiasd Comimttee ^who will do every- There was a great deal of discussion on this day PIc intiff said that defendant moved into an- in all UoUes; prwioQs exneiieBO* tiBBsesMUy. — Mn.- Sitt,—If the ReV. D. Rees, when -ij-en- riorcKce Aylwa'rd, the nurses from the St. Moadr,f23. FsUom-rd., Soatli HisnpststA IjODWn.rK^V^. m otion. .lohn's Hospital, the wounded soldiers’from otl er houses also in Kenilworth-road, and >rd to iniss Alderman Mitchell moved the adoption of tilaliLng h is COnxplaint___ as to the course the re was no, fresh agreement, and she did CALKNDER hands -wastteirtApilr Mm Toiatis.~& thing for you* pursued by the Haistings*Town.IfiUt: imrs* Council, bad tlio St. John of Jerusalem Hospitals, ar- the report, and explained several points. ur; i anged by Sergt. Northey, by Mrs. Charles no'; know 'whether plaintiff would want her Cl»renc^rd., Boheinm, 6t. Laonaafiee - Councillor J. N. Collins seconded. Ho de­ ibutut liUp'layedI lUp'layOd niora of th e “ swejet reasonable- or not.—By defeiu^nt; Plaintiff did not say CONFECTJONERS.—Junior iVoi&ig XndT [fficiilty in nesw ” seen iiii your leading article la^ Satur- f: tric-klan’d. bv Mlifin Joan 'Yotmg and the she would strike defendant if he did not Feaist Co.i UHtmts. a precated some of the things said about the 1 nrses ofihe Ded Cross; exhibitions of fancy hPQMk .' ■ Committee, and regretted that the success day. what a lot of lour valuable space might ge': out of the way.—Plaintiff denied that she CLEAN ACTIVE CIRL WBiited to ...... have been^ved! ( ancing by cbildren. arranged by Miss haJ been paid for making the curtains; She work.—^L.B., 5, ContwalliB-gAiM., HgstiaigB' • . —12 had not been as great as was desirable. Olaiice Harraldinje; cttramatic eketebee by COew.OENERAL WTuited; o«« SN S: good teterSiSIC' Materials. Councillor Kemp argued in favour of elas­ M 1-. Reeii now says '.‘i t is n o secret ([bat had received money tor materials.—The oook- esseuti^; A21-A26: tw» m-laiiiilifk-eA«plT 86, DbTte4ai,,^-\ th e G anadfan offli ers in compiaiid of - the wounded soldiers and by [the “ Man'darin- ing was for a dog.—Plaintiff said she cooked ■~ ■ — ______flflh : • ticity of regulations in the m atter of keeping ctfes ” Concert Party from Eastbourne. pigs, fo-wls' and rabbits.' H e obj ictod to red trodpsi -wOiild welcome total local pfohibi- four joints.—His Honhur: Did yon oopk four COOK-GENERAL leoaitad F eb iw r ijpsiMBal.; t i o r . Pd:)sibl.r sd; but thia. ;of .coursej at Tickets may tx^ obtained from Messrs. joints' for.a dog? —: His Honour said .the reterenM; two othSn kiqttV neajr. show tape, and contended that the by-laws eliould King’s various Cstabli^-ments, and from small itoihr.—Sorth Down. HsithgeM; 3mm6l , ■ -f(8« be read broadly. Ho moved an addition to aiiyi rate at present. Is impraeticOiUle. ; If, charge^ for the cooking did not appear exces- as Mr. Kces seen s 'to suggest,. Ibe proper Messre. Plummer Roddia,' Limited, the Red siie.—Defendant said he hid hitherto paid COUNTR-irTCIRLuuuiiaHT uiKi. wantedwHateo tor :jtwo itwo ladis*uuue* Btw tioeualSexhill.-' the report making it plain that pig keeping Cross Depot, EvarSfield-plaice, Capital and afierwai^ Saadhiirst, Kent; must cook ■attd-.wSn veUe should be allo-wiible subject to tlio consent of tra-iniing alnd effic cr.cy of th© -troops are only for gas or fuel.—Judgment for plaintiff Write k.H-, '66 “ObeerTer*^ Offlee; HgottnBS," * -tS jeoi ardised, .so Ion g, a.s they are not debarred (Mnntinties Bank, GraniJ-parade. the Ixindon fo r 6s.... • bOpkoGENERAL and HOU$E.PARLBUBMAIffi. r M the Public Health Committee. Iircrarses where int^xi- alnd Soiitb S- Wpstek-n Bank, Warrior-square, k ip ts Councillor Cox and Councillor Reed each from frequenting w an t^ ( wages and £20; lo w in fMnUy; early 41 ^ c»nts a re Isold, th e simplest remedy would Messrs. Hermitagie’s Music and. Pianoforte ner.—Mrs. Parry. Hturstwood, St. H el«i.*a, Haatinea. •’~H L urged that it -was the duty of the Public to 'be for the military authorities to .Saloons, 51kssi-s; TPhilpotts, Afessrs. Jejison CELLULOID SERVICE PROTRACTORS COOK „ or COOK-HOUSEKEEPER; aocuatomed Health Committee to take care of the health Ltd., or at the "nail Box Offioe|. foi milifajy use can be obtained at th© I oaic' Jn; schr-'wAoof or “ hoM------; experienood;*------»- gxxid - leferenoaa}' req n re the soldiers to carefully abstain wages ‘ ID.—Box * 32 »StM»ex Eypreeg,” Laww. le for ,nqxt of ike borough. places; at the same tie£ “ Ohoerver” Office, Hastings. Prlc© 3s. The Mayor complained of criti jisms in the from1 V./^,1UI visiting *.IV7M.LT«J^ euich J—— I -I*” coo» (good) wiMitcd for boys» pieparatocy •cbooli^*' § • ' local Press, and thought that in view of the w a iT itirc tlio s? .wlijo- sftH a iit o x ic a n ts o f Uiio Apply ■ [rs. Roberte, Laugi^sL* Fltebam-zd., Bt.. consequences that yvill follow the serving of THE YICTORY l o a n . eras. difficulties which had confronted the Com- an-r soldieit* in iiuifoi’m with drink. ' Mr. COOl as^ PARLOURMAID only 2 g e v u S ‘ mitte© these oriticisms were enti-ely unjusti­ Recs seemk to tliiink that it would be-the men; iperior ^tuation; .£ ^ .~ A p p ly IL J fied. ' . Too L a t e f o r Oloooifloatibfi. Tmibry e,W ells-______‘ rev-u'se of patrol ic to ask the military LOCAL SUBSCRIPTIONS INVITED. CANi DA, Decneetio Guild of. — Wanted, rebruaT^- PRICES, The report was adoptee deprived of £ rcarenable and suSiciient £75,000. to th© AYar L o a n ,, and in -a-nother CAPABLE GENERAL, wanted:. ttnaAl n0fi-baBem« 641 years of age,who was blind ahd ill, recom! house'.near London; one in: family dudng war; nuiaE supply of wholeffouio liquor,, as tbie coulrt column of tills issue an invitation is extended one shild; £2$.—Mib. Brandt, 34. Conrhlaae, DulwiolL mending that in lieu of retaining him on the be easily provided rvitb. and £)S a necessary to erefj'body in tho borough to become a -T . £3a list of partially incapacitated-omployees (on IDEAL part of. their dailjv nations. ' ! _ subscriber for as much' as he of eh© can get Notice to Advertisers. COOK-GENERAL, eupeiior, iSquiiad fc« one. lady! 17, Stockleigh Road^ St Leonards -which he had been placed on tlj C 27th Octo­ I'aragraphs thne and four ,of Mr. Rees together or borrow; for the!purpose ' to:—----- good refer^^nces eaeential^—'Apply: peteonstiy, any tiuiii; ber, 1918) and allowing him 9s. lor weeJS; be after 2] o’clock, - Miee SaundersoiD, Broc^nrat^ Glan-r4.4/> should be grafted a gratuily cf £.52, the letter ap)[K'ar to be mainly i dn-ected Full informati<'h will be given by Coun­ kRBPAID APYEI^SBM£NT% such «s “ WAN Huillngtou, SL LeoaardaJ - - _*^f3 5 9 /6 , ma tters with which only Parlm m ent is'cotn- cillor Clement Hill, CliPiifnan of the War TED,” “TO LBT. aad FOR SALE,” *te.. art "eooiUfitNERAL 535 HOUSE-PARLOUriMAlri. amount to be payable by such instalments nel ent to de.al, a,ng wilucb are t " Savings Committee, 17, Stockleigh-rond, St. at hi the (eBo«io« FIRST CLASS WEEKLY wanted r country vleaara«; girte'with sLfkbt t^ n i^ ; spread over .a period not to exceed three side tlvo Council’s! iiiTifid.iction|. loonards, or it can be obtained at any SKVPERS for ONE CHARGE ONLY — . might suit; wages acQ>roing to exiierienee. — Croabja- ye^s a.s circumstances miglit require, at (’oniinginow to what h® dci Money Order Poet Office or Bank, s r tS T lS G S A ST. ikoNAXBS OBSERVER Q^tes, pjattinyley Vicarage, Winchfleld, Haute. • fto )Ossibly be the discretion of the Wages Committee. The fn V e”T>'c?4ona.l maftter,” one rtgrete . t o find ' SOUTH EASJSRH ADVERTISER. "COOK-GENERAL and [h OUSEMAIO'srtmted; two i» Committee adopted the reitort:. and pay­ The Itoan is to raise tho money for the f'liaUy [(private); ebrly Ifitnisef* Plain cookinr—Apply# lai vt K r. d istead o f ^ q r A^ar and to hast< n the coming of Peace. It BEXHIKL-OH-SEA OBSERVER etatincjfull partiffillers, Seeburg, Woodland^ V^e-id., 9 L “ ments on account of flic gratuity were made. hU'ing in his previous letter! quite gtotui; is'i for men, women, and child.ren. Every S U S S E X e x p r e s s : Leonardfe;______A ■ .lil —fS"*' Sale. Chapman, however, dictl on (lie jlSth Decem­ to'islv introdiK-cd emch “ personal mat[ier. little helps, and though th© smallest amount 'COOk-GENERAL HOUSE.PARLOURMAIV ber, previous to the report being submitted -H-eeds to a"grav;!te his former offence bv 24- WORDS a iMertioa) .. 1/- wanted)______one______lady;_ . good reiferenoee neoe«aiy«-*WtiteL WHITE ROCK BOWLS CLUB. ' HASTINGS DISPENSARY. of stock that cap 'be purchased at £4 l.as, fctatiu^lnartionlaiB or cal^ between 10 wad 12, and 2 enO- to the Council for confirmation, and on tiio ^erm k n:t ji stification, ,an,j iu terins in cash, people Who have not got £4 1.5s. 2 ^' WORDS (3 iniBitiom) i2/8 4. 4. Tpe Mount, St. Leonarde. —fS rep o rt of tbo AVages Com m ittee iho Com m it, cq lally upipardondblc. Witliont quoting bis can be in th& .mcvcm ont by p u ttin g 15s. 6d. TtireepeBoe per inHrtie.^ (or every additisnel six DAllJV GIRL wanted, ^ n t 16; luiotber kepL^tratk* 'VALIJABLE WORK AND INTERESTING tee now Tee.omme.iided th a t th e g ratiiity be language in exteii|o, I could not adequately in a AVar Savings Certificate, and by going or port tktar«o{. Bvucy ud4itio«i«i 24 wonts 2s. fieldeayrt Albert-rd., Beiriilil. -f l7 b ANNUAL -MEETING. i FIGURES. continued to Mrs. Chapman.—A|p-e©d to. tber the hateful or the ansijlent 6d.l ter thres ioscrUotts. torau far tenser ORE^SMAKING.—An AfPRENTICEfewautsd-^pplE:; e.-r lib it o' on doing it un|til the sum required is ., OilTerMU. : . ■ - - . 1^ ,.. - cb iracler of those terms. Nob am 1 tom - iods. Rgtc Card 6& mppUcauoQ to tbt PubksbiQ? Va£ i-rd., SilverhiU. i ...... — f l ADDITIONAL BAND CONCER'rS. ’ ' ’ ’ atefulneas or reached. O fi^ : -| OREi iSHAKERS.lAKERS. — Ladies? rtadlote»wa* Improvit i The annual meeting of the Hastings Dis pe rent to dccide (So whether b There tire two rates of interest, the yield to anonBtoseQt by post of oadsr 2k 6d. »ro ad- Copeland; and Mr. F. Burton, ail of whom, qnd F. Jlllis (secretary). i TO tNha\I5ITA A n AdverttMSBMnts um*^ be iWRITTBK PLAINLY on floor. iMaopnie. Roberteon-ec.,. Hastings. • at Tunbridge Wells. arranged with the Directors of tbo Pier Com­ PRINC■ncjpal &v' t h e HbusiiwiFE. ..•Army, whilst all rt home are free to carry on ooe] side of the peper onlyi or otherwis* no rfiiponsi- DRE SSMAKING APPRENTICE— — .-aoted; \firSt-rtJiate promised to become members, and to do their I The report of the Committee ntated that pany that the Company should engage the ■cot rtbuliiiMl anti ncce^ity of srierino bili^ *rtll ^ taken ter their rorrect insertion'. > -ntmosl to make I the Club and greens a suc- Ovinir,ns to. t)ie .1 . 0.1..J ....4-i^vft'a l that ‘fluxtke hojvas, theif live.s without risk or danger. The very workj trade thoroughly taught.-tAppIy .Dayies,. X7,, owing to two legacies the ffinds of the Dis­ Band for as long a period as might lie it ik “rio<’;t'icTan*ri:o tiH iwtjou'a )r Gieaee o l any least these canl fo i.s to sacrifice Case and ijne I^olUe of Advertteera is drawn to the lc41owia? Petel*s-lrd., S t LeouMds^, -f3 088*. pensary Were in a sound condition. Thanks deemed necessary at .a cost of £S0 per week, wit<. Bliould J)ot Wiisto ttj purUoa of Fat Posjt O^ttoe Regntettens Itetters' or parcels kddressed DRAPERY.—Y c _ , Lady------APPRENTICE ^ ^ ^ roiDkred; comfort in order to find the money necessary to mittelR er*fietitioas names, or to a Christian nsms The accojmts for the past year were ■Were ’tendered to those who had rendered to include the provision of voialists, and »hoso ere ihi« skonW meet onlr take to live’out; one jurt 5eaTin2;< *cbocd‘ proferred: pocksl to enable th e Army and N avy to secure 'vic- without a srnneme, are not to be taken rte at Po^te money srven, -Apply J. T. Brown, 7,- vCastie^Lf Hate read and pa^ed, the balance owing to the financial aid to this very deserving institu­ that the expenses should be borne and the TPfPlTod litrpof, torv' in tlio quickest possible time. Rftsita&te, but are at once sent to the Retamed Letter tings- ______—fl7 Treasurer wing 34 3d. Several al-terations tion, which had felt the pin<^h of the present net receipts shared equally between the iii,£' will he I'lssist.inv the inteieep an- benefit i"of fbe It i.s a truism tl\at the greater th© success Office for dispoaal. ^ e x p e r i e n c e d Ited3| 8HDR.THAN.D*.TYPIST,11x7x55 were made tp’ the rules.. Members need not tim e, b u t, fortunatel.v, had n o t siifleiXxi Company and the Corporation. | 'The Com­ nat ra in a wkv by pro’yif ns an artwjee f^r th e jrt^ tio n Voocher copies post ifree 6onardA| Bcybil! for any nnant.i’|y" froiii seren Tliursdnv and Saturday evenings in next Agency Office. Levei^______■ :l. . . ■ ' ’ nlS*-;: always a good programme, and' TT ’n w»>|tirW iip nnr nT7ioiin-t. \ monsly elected for the ensuing year:—Presi­ M m of £'200, which ’ had been invested in BOldUS. '[ nfijn'-Ti'’ OH Wn-«fl.)nn4i upward. week. Dancing will be in progress from 7.30 pjibUabili* OIBce; 14, CLAREMONT. HASTINGS EXCELLENT VACANCIES ot aU?kin4a.alvayi oitS,' xover th e age of 16 are ’w el' W a r Loan, and a balance oL-i846 19s. 3d. till 11.30. Tickets are Is. d. for Thursday in gool Private FamiiieB, School^ In stiiT itl^ andr fln S.- dent, The Mayor of Hastings (Alderman The Council-in Committee had h#'fore then^ 6 I Nr '13a Hrskngs. George Hutefiings, J.P. Delegate to the Sus- nfained in hand. I ' _ and Is. for Saturday. The entrance to tb© dam Uotda ; Bnektoa, Sretb Oamt aad coTintiT.-r-SiMM*: [The Dispenser’s report s.tated that there the following:—The Finance Committee lej and Siuthem Couatiea’ Buiftnfci-Head OflIoe, -1,.* P m s .'. **x County Association, Councillor G. Cox; port that they coheidered tlie petiti|ons fro: Metropole is undar the archjway in Bobert- ■VaCevr East Street Cora^, Biishton. (Nq coaai*rtl«s,., Hon. Secretary and T reasu rer, Mr." A. F. ■wiere on the books at December,' 1915, '73 WOMEN POLICE. Bon-street. ; ■Sritli No. 7). <-E8td. 120». ^ ' A g en tiM ^ ^ (a)-The Inspectors and Sub-Insp^tor-s i 8ITUM I0NS VACANT—LAOS, Pacthiiii, 193, Hjglrtt., Mra Vine, 10; (Aad.-r-- Wood, 13, Wellingtbn-place; Committee, patients; during the year -*58 had been ad­ t h e SYMP'ATHETrc ELEVEN.--A whist mitted, 457 discharged, and 74 remained|, at the Police Force for an increase lin thei rd.. y o k i n g : ' j y . r.' , . Ml-. Alfred ' Blackman,- J.P., Councillor respective scales of pay, of alternately fo a r e t h e y NEEDED IN IHASTIN,GS? drive in aid of the,funds of the Sympathetic BOY wanted; e tx n i 15; for light milk rouzid.~“Appry wanted aa- -W ^TRESSii jOTe 6ox, ilvM # .. Arthur Blackfiian, Me.jsrs. P. T. Brigdeu, A. Decemher. 4916. The analysis showed that 'uig^«Battte» —------— - - - . Susagg.------' _ -fl - i^’ . 1 ^ , and J. Lester. . The Captaincy is still the Force for a war bonus of 2s. psr week, i ds y:"" T . ... sharp. Tickets, Is. each, can be obtained A piiy Kinff and Son, la, CioiM-st.,_St_Leonarde.____~ f3 's Solvene under consideration. A. vote of thanks -was 2; for neglect, 14 noib eligihle, 2 by request,, diB,—There is a great movememt at pre­ ''GENTe r AL s e r v a n t wanted; plaifi eortdiiB.^Fraiffi' and in connection l^ad considered i he posh I f-o-i Mrs. Kate Hurton, Hon. Secretary, 23. BOOT REPAIRING TRADE.>-A good opportonitr cie. maper, Heathfleld, SuaaeX.' j. - : ~ . CURM iccorded to th« Chairman- for presiding. and 9 died. Dr. Locke had treated 114, Dr. sent going forward in the town towards es- Norman-road, St, Leonards. It should be ocoUTB for intelliiteut Lad about 14 to learn the aboss Colboiirne 136, and Dr. Field 211. The num­ tion of the whole of the employees of th^ t r a ^ —Goodsell’a Boo4 Repairing Depot, 133, Queen’e-rd., GEnIe RAL, one able to dp idaMTooolrtDEj A meeting of-the Committee will be ^eld at Corporation who had not up to the present tiibli.shing a bettor focus in moral ques- pointed out that players will 1>« acoomnm- home; good oatiuga: othef oafi after 4 u'cloaffi. an early date!to elect a Cap-tain and a 'Vice- ber of[ patients prescribed jfor and supplied tipns. I I . in tho one big room, and will not bo Hagtinge. ______- . 13 —Mrs. Croyte, 3, Normaip-id., St. Leonards. . te>flT w ith m edicine w e re : D r. Locke 1.181, - Dr. been in receipt of a war bonus, ami recom^ LAO wanted; strone; lire iin; ae Mate for two horsee^ Captain, dra-wj up a fixture list .and make mended tbo Council in Committee to move Many societies, Iin oonseqnenco of this, divided as on sone previous occasions. Wo —Apply 8. Beeney Qnppe Faim. Dad-teaytoii, 8iiw*ex. ilGo COdi i GENERAL iwq-niTMsr^ (ebftMrea; inStolw lad|F|'- ■ther provisions for the season. Meanwhile Gjolbourne 1,295, and D r. F ield 1..569. F o u r hkve comb into being, and arb endeavoui-iug good h)tne.—State age, erpanepQa, wages, Mrs. BarMit - the Council to vary tho scheme adopted on hope lovers of wl 1 st will assemble; in strong LAO wante the funds, whith are for nT]e.->Co-operatlve Sooiety, Ltd., - 155, Queen*e-rd., H m - plied, and, 174 teerth’ extracted. Ratibnts 4th August as to admit of the war jin n us of GENERAL wanted; pteiu ooofcisg: good n e a r ; __ _ OOmmunicate with Mr. A. F. Wood. 2s. a week lieing paid to every employee ot view as regards the intereOnr.se between the the purpose of se iding useful articles to our tings. ______^______' ______~ f3 accordi sp to expedenoe; good'odtisgt;. eoafoxtebto-baaffi - ■niere from the following parishes: All Saints, soldiers and those iwitb whom he spends his RfiiPfeCTABLB LAD. al>ous 14, wanted ae Appien* »Mia. MaeShe^, Vk'"Etiawood-sdob., Acteo HUi, Laip 186: St. Clement’s, 189; St, Helen’s. 42; St. the Corporation (wilh the exceptions [referred soldiers a t th© Fi oiH. ccs/-.Tvin,-«r. Maueger. “Oheerrer ** Office. Haetiuee. to d o n .______^______flfid ^ # 0, »Uff J tm ti .' 1( isure'hours in the evening. It has been HASTINGS k -ADRIGAL | SOCICTY'. — hjary’s, 38; St. Leonards, 1; and (jffiestling, to in that scheme) receiving a wage or salary STRING LAO wanted tor general woik:<-;App]7 Oaetle GIr L, age 14 to 16, wanted as GENERAL or Mothertt B hlita of itss than £4 a \ve^%;. but so that tjb© total th o u g h t th a t women p atro ls "would be a Those who brave, 1 the elements on Wednes­ Hotel, HartingR '• ,"“f3 Help; comfortable good 3ioiBe; w il pay faie.'-Asbtow# So-y Xhroct, & I 2, the latter- npt being eligible. ' s ieciaUhdlp in triing to get into conversa- day evening on the occasion of the musical SMART respeotable BOY wanted.—Apply F. A. Bato­ The report apd accounts were adopted. amount including war bonus payablis to any 39, Ore#by-rd.. West Briffirtord, Notaingham. ^t2e ii r OQBB employee ontitled to receive the bonus shall t on with tlie girls and women whom they recital given hj the 'Hastings Madrigal man. L-td.. Optioiane. 38, Roberteen~«tt.. Hayings. —f3 GENERAL required^ for laM»do«T^ sniteiir bOBse:v'3.TlK It was proposed by CJoPncillor Whicker v A n boV wanted; also atrong lad; one able to drive not exceed £4 per week. Tho Committee m eet a fte r d ark ih the streets, and :by so Soototy at the Calvert Memorial Church m family: good wages to euperknr girl; good rsfersMteT ’ that another £100 should be invested in War doing putting fresh and wholesome ideas as -"Apply Bexhill Laundiy. f —f3b essentia^.—Apply Mrs. Logot, 43,; CutoeideiMd., Balbisffi*" to asd 1 YOU iiEACH j adopted the report; ajnd decided that the aid'of the St. Dilnstan’s Hostel for Soldiers WANTED, fdrow re^poertabie LAO for fruit and joint* qnloUy Loaji, but the feeling,generally was that this t.) higher principles of their life’s conduct. and; Sailors Blinded in thte War, were well -would! deplete th e finances too m uch, j and same should oper.ate as frorn the late of ^rreengiP^ry^—Penget^, Nonnanrrd., 9t. Leonards. —f3 GENERAL SUVANT waste#; acme sinia veekiBE, - I tb« ] pnjjn, lonMU “ HIGI [ w a ter their meeting (5th Jhnuary), and recom- 'J here is tbuch to bb said for this scheme; but rewarded. ■ Seldori has this choir..he©n heairt VACANCY tor wk^ edn lullaby, with jus'; that depth of feeling and blU;______.. f3b Bfthitk ______I _ . ■ ■■ — sf in t|-.ikos place at the Queen’s" H-itel next vice-chairman; the Mu.seum and Library Stephen’s, Westminster (now offi ially recog- WANTED, HOUSEBOY. (living in BexhiH.'^e~abIr. Heppell was'equally ^Mccessfnl liams. I^nk 'House, Bexhill. —13b ine: help given; early diamet.—Write Miaa Doyle, 8S |r»cl ai.ft«r ymmr be frhe, but tjiere will be a silver collection Relt. ; oils), wild should pe sent down to work in in a rendering o' “For all Eter^ty, -with WANTED, a rtroDg LAD to do a milk round: MlcbacC’e, Lewea. Foe- paiticnlaia. Mfaa D nitell, 3X C ari, ' • u W e r t n g . " w i | GHT & iin aid of the [prisoners of war in Germany. ‘ The Mayor, Alderman Tree and Councillor our mid^t. There ;is no need here to Sjrfnak violin obligato by Miss Gertrude about 16 or 17; good wages.-i-Apply Kenward, Dairyman, brooke-rd., St. Deonarda. ' The Mayor -WfiU ,preside, and several well- Fellows were re-elected members of '.he Sus-; of the great success their work in London alsci contributed two sols,!“Cavatina (Ran) 23, Courthouee^, Hwtinge. ^______~fi~6U8E . PARLOURMAIO wanted iritb good rifS Htm—, “ ------WANTED.! ERRAND LADr aiku> to atsist in front moee.-tApply Mra Hiolnida, W^Uagto£eq.,: HM ' kiiowh artistes will give their services sex Sea Fisheries Committee. .i[ i ntreets and those.[of pro-vRicial towns; has and “Legende” 4Wieniawski). -kuss Gladys shop.—Apply lAdaniii and Jarrett, Ltd., Noonmn-rd.. St. tinge.______I ______V ■ - ~ —a ■Or ekni m old pmmm DEATH OF OLD FISHING BOAT Alderman Afajor Weston was appo nted to i had.___ To those who read their daily pa-per. Watson .was in fi^ voire, and -^aye a spintre Leonards, j ______—13 HOUSE>PARLlilJRMAID in qniet coantortabZe bomei W tmtOm OWNER.—We regret to have to report the fill the' vacancy on the Sussex Tefritorial 'h is fact stares them full in the face, so that account of the dr»ainatio recitative and WANTBDi a rehebte BOY of about 14; bOum 9 till fonr in feanilv; work lecalor; I good '.-“G-’MrCi KSOWS death' of Mr. [(3eorge Pomphrey Sargent, at As, sociation caused__ 1 u«-by the ___ resigna; ___ ltidn:--. of even if is new to them, it bdoomes a truth from Handel’s little known Oratono. Bel­ S ;' wMree 6s. per w e^.—Apply 178, Mount Pleasast-rd.. Caeticbag-rd.. Ealing. f- Oa d rhm k tt i t mx I JAC Haatings. 13 HOUSEMAID wawted where Hoaee*Parlmmnaid kevir la d tMM itm IM f a the a ^ of 85 years and 5 months, on Wednes­ Councillor Harding. of convincing forc^. shazzar.” T he 1-mg coloP^tura passages in day fast, January 31st. Mr, Sargent was Now, two members of the Women’s Police "Dry those unaVailing Tears’’ were an ex­ S ust have good referen^ea. — Mr*- B ogv. 20 tJnne. -youn truly, JMJ. aae Hill. Leonaids.i —’ bom aA Hastings of in old fishing family, 1 Service can be sent down here for the pa.y- ample of clear vocalisation, and showed Han­ SITUATIONS VACANT—MALE. HOUtEMAID and BETWEENMATb'wanMi; L*« S u v r m n i w ill earn and had been a fisherman all bis life, for ing of a moderaW sum. AU information re- del lin one of his jest melodic eicamples. Mr. xiaeji ftn m and w i» ^ : g ^ refftenoea—Apply 1 hnt M Maily. C O A l - S many years master of his own boat. He was ' carding th e ir wocki could be had on referdneer R anald E. Groves, A.R.C.M., A.R.C.O., BAKERS.—Wanted, BREAD BAKER; night work;^ Wrkebam-rd.. Biaybmoke-Td., Baatinca f* asj useful table hand; good :Wases.—Apply J. Aiecoit, 45, known ofi the beach as '‘'Uncle George.” Mr. ^0 their['Westrninster headquarters., L.RA.M., accoitapanied throughout, and HOUtCMAIR wanted «t owe for n Birle' artioOIr . IhiM flw I/lK pw f. flti. I^nards-rd., BexMll. I —13b nomfertahle aitnstloB. — Apply Henack. ler, SomerriEn ■ Pomhhrey Sargent died at his daughter’s Don't [let tjs delay. There was never so alto ccntiBbuted th ree organ .solos, w hich dis- Go A c H PAlrt^ER want^;~ good all-roniKl man; p ^ Hon.a*. OnmbarlandHCia. t. Deenarda. »/H. er ; ttm :©s of the'instrument to the 8 ■ te l residence. 23, St. Andrew’s-square. He leaves tr e a t a need for the help of a practical, played the resonr joanent.—Welsh Bros., Carrtege BuildaFs, Canterbnry. HOUSE-PARLOURMAID winted lal M ar^ - age' n S HdNi ffia liN V*. two daughter^ and one son. train ed , experienced womajheto the un-con- .,full.j11, "Fantasia - - „ (Rink). "Meditation" [• • ______I ■ • • -1 3 into M; two 'ladift! v«y ccanfortablo'bom*: THE Sl^ME GOOD : AN OLD TOWN BEREAVEMENT.—The trolled, [nguided Women of our Hastings (l^yowski). "Alle gro'' (Driffil). DRiVER for Steam Waggon w«u»ted.—Apply dusk- BffTcnoA oe»ntial—CranweBa, D uton-id., BaiUngaiBoaUnge.l nc,n ? funeral took: place on Friday of Mrs. Har­ streets a ^ tth ere is to-day. F or heaven’s salco land ■ Paper Mill, Dorer. i f 1(|, ■ , £i3 QUALrIIES HAV^ STOOD FRUITERERS, ETC. —i MAN wanted (ineligible for h o u s e -parlourmaid regnirto (Lenwai- riett jSutton,[ wife of Williajm Coley Sutton, lit the tvvio words which inspire us be "Carpe HOW SAVE INdlOME TAX. Army); or etrong Lad—Apply W,, H. Croueber aad^Oo., experienced;-age 26-3*: wagea £IS.£2S; rood nbaiTT^ pu»AKes|Bir; PINOCENE 'E3T ' IN THE THE. 1fEST OF MANX yrho [(died on Suiiday, 21st Ja n u a ry , afte r Asdieanttspetxiyrtmetfyfor DsTtmi^bterd., ISexhill i ______—llTb ^m ttelr.tw o in famlly.-AM*r inan.t years of intense suffer,ing. Beautiful Throat'andNiSUAf^tioM by SIMPLE j^sstingB Cij)tUge Im proTam*itt , QAlh:6lErtER wanted one: or two days weekly.—Steed, Oe YEARS• , ■ " ■ fiorai tributes were sent from relatives and CAFE CHANTANT.—Next Wednesday Court Lodpe. Bgrwaah ______a Oe ^ 4- fiieiiMS. TJie chief inoumers included:— JNHALATfOK FROM A HANOKERCHrEF. t ftornboh, from feur to five o’clock, a cafe G ^SCBRV tend Py^rlrtOBs;—Wanted, ASfil$l|ANT7 Mr. Sutton (husband), Mrs. Bannister Han. Tbe A ,^ !e|l & Cc».. BSTBD. ISft. FBI AKOS. APuly W.» .^’ObserTer’’ Offioe. Bexhilt —13b ' " (daughter)i iCorporal H. Sutton (son). Miss Cafe, W hite Book,! in aid of the Sussex (No. ,Iail,i«*t ^ I per oei d k s tgw v w«s""’aia" HOUSE. ~ Iob»rfbn Baninister, Mrs. Upton, Mrs. Masters, and „ PKXPABBD OITLY BY 14) Red Cioss Hosptal. Miss Florence Aylward FBfifi OF INC Wntto. * Dood *B remedtooBd HiHAND. AbsIt boom: every co n v w ieio ^ ne bBaament- grea w S B y -, 1 26, Havelock Hoad, I (Mrs.! Oregofy (sisters). Private W. Brook ’vill be at the pi^no, and the artistoe will AbMlvt* awBrlty. . No beprecteiioxL 89m . . . BctMU,______I______H. C. EDWARDS, M.P.S.. M S C.I, inoludeii.The Magpies, Miss Gladys Watson, No Xjoss of CapitaL LARGE ASSUHliltllE' CBMPAHY tvsnin. kbPER. l A S T I N O S . :.y,. . 'PHONE m ..| kbroljher), Mrs. King. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sut­ BBlxreble in part or who.« as required. INTENDENT in Batola*. to. introdiKe asmi* oad kail, ton, Mrs. T. Sutton. Mrs. Nye. and Mr. and Mies Ernie Taylor. Mr. Tom Conssens, Writ* HENBY CiptTSINS, . Secretary, Jl, ECaTelock n to ' opvninc for «n«e*«t(d w elter Bhanl t«nu. 1 Chemist. All branches. *

r .\

8 5S t?» MM ■■ '-^v- fe-H- \ 'f.' - ' ' 'y.'- ■ '• payment inoiudes 4 Papers V' - ■. RESULTS. For Kates see Fage 7.^

BEST PRICES MOTOR CARS, BICYCLE?, £TU. ME SSRS. CHl’NNEl LS. DYER AND * AND SHARE LIS1. for LADI£3*. CHILDREN’S aod dENT’ft g a l l a w a y ’s s t o c k BOOTS and CLOTHING^ of all kinds- Ladies wsttig M0 0 wmuUATOKS CHARGED carefully upon on receipt of por-ti-ard. llo.i lES AND CO., •' ...... T'vif haVe for Sale a t the,; m om ent; £5U0 H&atings P06t. Please note change of oddreao— ^ I C A ^ s w a TiY e d .- If you wmh to aeil' your car com cent. Couvertod Sto^.-k, at j; £5U0 3i . ^ONAHU:> .HUMU, muni|:ate at once wiUi us. If wo th |u k we con plane it, ditito; 5U Hastings Gaiety Tb eetfe hi 2i pej^ cent; MBS. ’DENMS. bbXHILL-ON-SEA we— wil; garage------eoiue shorge, the CAT being fully Cinema do Imxe PreJ, bids wanted. Have 1 .. and guarantee to i&ell same iu a Queen's-Hotel and Pier Shor^« Offices: 38, 52, SEDLESCOMBE ROAD NORTH, ______ior all aval able Furiuidied and Unfuniubeo covert aga.ust tire COUNTRY APARTMENTS TO LET. fqyt-night. Light caXe of ail deBcijiptions bought fox rc»ad, Hoetinga. SILyERHILL, ! fiu O S E S td be i » t o: c>oidi speciud iu>M; m ad uuo cash.. Only modern icars required. iilast Kent Motor "MiMFORTABurAPAnTMENTS “orBoard-Uaiidotel) g iio« giaus. Telegrtti4i: ‘•FxoiKsrty. .-BeimU.’' [U.’eie Comiiany, Cau'iex^ury 'Phone 285. —f3 ST., EEONARDS-ON-SEA. near staU oa; uuit ‘eoldi^r! uaioa^>Ueei» JiulLon; relit 4o. Georgje’e Oatc,_Caute!it>ury.______, r f3 to 1U9, Friory-r—Apply !• rank Shoe tmiih, Manager 17, Have- ______g.iu tc59 WARDROBE DEALER, GORDON VILLA, BA9l SU S ^ X .—<.^mfoftttOl6 «4Uivt APARTM ENTS; bouitd It.'XiUll._____ or commercial.—W.riw H., 76 “ Olftien'er" Office. Has­ iock-rd,, HaatiiigH. T h K ROAD,. ST. LEONARDS, will give bwt prioS *’ aapect-; indoor aiuiitatiOA; uyo $ituug, ttixee bed or Y W O ' iTFf^iC ES, Havelock-road, furnishod or u.iiur tings.*_ [ ______I ______'£ 3 L e n t tor .Lt. per oioath on all kinds^ Jeweiiery, for aii^ kinde of Ladies’, Geiit.^oisn’a, and. Childish «uuug. tuar t>edrooai».~Mrb. Watere, UeatW rilie, Bro^ nilaiuxi, 'laige.&Uo lOiulai______low renl4xl; In^ex pufidtwju in S lJ f iTP.“ M ATC'W L'ESS^ Sidefear, £'^0.—L .‘Jones. VVatchevi, Silver and Flatwl Gojds, and every deiHjriptiou LEFT-OFF WEARING APPAREL of svexy d^ciiptiiL Oak. neaUiUuld. Blifioex. 19^ town.—iNOruB and ifurcombe, Huvt*lock-indoii-rd., St. Leonards. PLEASE NOl'E.—All eou^unications should be e ^ iPublic N ot^ ro BE l e t lum i^ieit prcfeiably’for a year or liore, direct to Gordon Villa, Battle-road, SL Leonar*/^ APARTMENTS TO LET. detachable wheeJd, in perfect conditiion, inoludee Botaz n-e.l fuiniehed HOUSIe ; 3 rr.'cepLaon; butli, b bedromus; lighting set, horn, Jpee moderate; per- ~rO LET, St. George’fl-road, Haatiugs, a six-roomed W^liNTEb. .a gCHxt second-hand FORD " CHASSIS.- e t c ;, f o r s a l e | \ n d w a n t e d . G aiety, T heatre,!! | maaeucy or ouierwige.^d&eeU 8, Devoudiure'ter., ila HOUSE with scullery; [uuutfdiato posieetdon.; 8a. 6il{i>er Campbell, Mo+or Wqrk^, HaidJiigrt. j______4 ; roomy; good coudi- F.S.M .C., F.I.Pp tio g a.______wtek or half a house oi tJixce loouu, with use of Hcui- WORDLEY’S,'St. iLconaids, aveetit'for'Sale on Com­ "COV'ERNESS~'GARTT~,ii^d Lejy, 5s. p«g- week.—Apply Mesbrs Bcagley’ti, 27, Grtjidf tion; coloiirwi brown; now iio 1 tyre«; owner just died; FRED S H l T H , Manaser:JMR. H. W. ROWliAij APA RTM EN TS to I^e*; coQaio|rtable furulelied bedrocni pt]p^,_l^. Leanaids. 1______mission, MOTOR CYIc LES and L |6 h T CARS. Storivge Snavgaie, Dbver.___ 117 y ( L < ^ n d .) and sitting-ivoui or bed-e>ittuig-r ooia; airangmueiit tdr £4.—Bailey, Uevonsluie Dairy. WARDROBE flEAISB, Resident Maneger; Chair, 3 w^els, qkI wood. eookiug; uppoeite Atevoudxi P “ ark ’ ; beautiiul view.—lif IG LiET. SHOP i i n d ^ o Room, 4, Orosai-st.; h a a ^ e ^ RENAULT CH.AS6r$. 20-30 h p-; make good fast »n)l FOR SALE. luTulid’K Indjoi 1S9. Q U EE N 'S ROAD, HA>ST1NG8. Lo»ur Park-rd, Uasunga. ______—f31 carxKMi on eiir^xissiuliy s& iniirdreiwor about 7 years; lent cooiiomical vnn; privately owned ond carefully driven; perteot condiuon, 30s.; new hr d-Uiule-iecuiii < lu V.— Mr, Grocbt', l*^oaO'taiu-pJ^,_SVest St._Leouarda._ 2|;t3b Be.xlL.ll READY CASH — Gdod I’iic«a given lor TO-DAY fSATtriiDAY), FEBRUi (Successor to A. G. FOORD)i APARTMENTS.—Large Sitting-Room and Bedroom (Splendid orA»r.—\Vot<11ovV, St. ficohards. Addro«» Mart:u,_50, Manor-id. W OLELSEV SinD E L E Y , 18-22;! lorry or rtiooHnt CE HARNESS, ijood Gent’s, and Children’s cast-off ,CLOTHING, Cnrtsiaa . T.15, last Pcrirjimano^w .of •; Let sear Christ Church; good uo(.>kiug and atceudaucul; irO LET, Itirgo rix-rooiiied COTTAGE, 46. Caves-rohd; FOR SALE, Rel large TR^ MR. ^V. W. KELLY’S -C, b a rg a in .- and House Linen. Paioeis r^aed moDSy lefienS- t Lt'ouardti. —fl7 ^ Minoroil W ater Maaiufqcto(ry, Cavea^rood, St.* lx>onnrds for the roaiL—Wi rdley'.'i, St. Lc.oitftrds. , G ainer, 30. U.gh-Mv, Dover. H7 --jne day. ^ Vaormouc'ly Successful. F i a c o r ^ f q {u e : e ; n ’ s R d A D , H a s t i n g s . NUMBER MOTOR CYCLE cembination; all In Cue APAHTM ENTS.—Boaid-Ueudeacie or Bedn>om otferL flu “s e v e r a l ' PAIR'-' ' h o r s £ VANS, suitable Will CsII CO receipt c£ Poeteud. ' ’ lady on modetate terfas lu quiet pleasant nefghboujhuod rOBACCO, CONF'ECITONERY, n e w s ,—P tomineut oirdcr: 1911 mwleh—^Wordlt^y’s, St. Leouarda trodcHTH; clieap.-r-Peixce and. M 18BOU, D over._____ ■ ‘ - A I R o y a l P9s itio u ; neajr truiim auu tram s and im portant munit^oi; ROVER 6ih-p.; filce order; 1908 Show Model; owner All the Newest and Best R im less Eyeglasses. within penny tram faro; or U ouko (six rooms, nice ga! driven; all on, £30 1 for quick sol^ — Wordley’e, St WANTED, pair, heavy CAR T WHEELS and Wheel- N'APpLEOX-Mfe. FBANJ, den) wonJrt be lot turnialied.—Apply Ify ieitei, Z., ' works;oike ; takm^'3lakinga ‘average average jjXJU £30 weweok;eok; trinJ.—Applytnnj.—Apply Grd l>arrti\v W heel.--Pj‘ii:cH to S te d.' Iliiiwuslu i 2e ai^ay, , Eleulnor' Cross-mt, ■ " Wulthum___ ■_ Cross, Herts.___ _J3_ {.ieoiiards. ] . JOSLFHtNE-^illSS MAaiGIW To^ic Lenses, &c„ at Reasonable Charges. Mount Pleaeaait-crea.,_Hastid tyrea; nomid mochanisal ifCOTCH SEED PO TATffi S.—O u r’st<)sk«“'ate again Great Vaudeville Theatre * let nufurai.^bcd, with atteiidunce; oveiiookmv park aint TOP PA R T of 126X"Mil'S'ard-road to Lot; ontn;|"ly order.—WordleyV, Stl LeoBards. A R E oi>6D. to purchase to any amount lor f-cuQtaining: 3 bedioums, 2 sittang-rooms, bath (h. liiid DOUGLAS MOTOR CYCLE, 1914 model* 2-speed: free good and eurijr qiders are requetsted;■ ’ early yellow Cash, sea.—M .R., 389 “Observer” i'Offloe,- BcxliiLl. ' t24b ' varieties are 14s.; early whitee 12k ; iiecond, earlier afid Ladwaci', Uent’e, and Children's CLCrHlNGi ’’ “T h e N e w gue cooker, kiiuhouiiuud rtcullcry combined; koy 1 a t engipe; kick starter] original front; tyro; new tyre on UNDBRWLAR. Fure, Boots, Blankets, Oortaios, _ COMFORTABLE FRONT SITTING-ROOM, with oii^ bnokl: total mileage 2,560; many arH’eiwories; prioe £40.-- maiuoropis 9e.; all pc2 biiahe'. list tree. — Griuif-diuk a» aa« or moro . bednonie; good cooking ami atteudanoe.—Mibti In ttom iat.-[-J. Felton,; 11, Claromoiat, UoisU-ngB. H^nt •ud Sou, Haywardc Heath. , jl2r.ee HLousenoId Ijiuen, Oriioeie’ Uniiomis, Old Go.d, Bilvet. m . JO H N Be a u c h a m p ; this Furlcy, 21 l«imlea-rd., Bcichdil. tob ' I £:;2 inclusive.______j ______—fir Wor^llcv’s, St, LeoniirdB. ' ,1’arce.s by post liareiuily TS'vuetl; prompt remittanoe* W A VERLEY l i g h t CAR; 4-cyl.iengine; 1913 model; I’D BE L'l^T or SoldTtst. Leonards, close to sea-frolnt, Ladies waited upon. DifpotFeru or purchasers cannot da BUI. LYTTON G & Y as '^AECE____ SITUATIONS VACANT—FEMALE. SITUATIONS VACANT—FEMALE. ^ C O M F pR T A B L E 'S IT T iriG .R O dl^rand Two Bedroom* dcubie-fronti^l detached HOUSE, with hmnge hall, three' goodl order raechnnicjilly; )tvres as new; 'now being re to Lot; bath tit. and c,|: also small fjont Sitting- painted and hood rerovei'ed; ready shortly at bargain better. Holisble, old-establiahsd. Also Servants’ B«c» Ddoib open' 6.45. Commonco 7.15L •""cptioa, bath, and six bedrooms; all luodorn oonve- LOST AND FOUND. try Office. -, ; Teiephoao. 5171 [Continued from Page 7.] I jWAHTED, COOK-GENERAL, under 35. for ooie lady; room'aud BedrL>om uvux; suit one lady or geutleiuah'.' mscri: rent £80.—Bohun, 11, llavelock-rd., Haucinhs. prire.—W^ivdlev’s. RfJ Ty*Te#»; fast and rcl/ahlft; makmake 30 cwt UNFURNtSHED H ^S E . Buitatlo fm ietting; 'iw'rado r.eonarolclng; bath (h. and c.); >'ILLAGE''i STORES. !g(>o« near London.— FO R N i^HE3 APA RTM ENtSTwith attendan^I 'bath XVKRY AI“^ l i [ 0 6 w’ ,-g. S lov rental; rolurns exePod £6,(WO; total ingoing abom b A y g e l d i n g , handri, q u id in single and rioublo ~h € u » ^ o f FURNITURE or etirplua lot« purch^ • WEONRSDJ,^and SATOtoA - KlTOli'EMlilAIO waaW : would be uim^ a good uook; Apply Uoubekeeper. Campbeid Houae, Wyoomba Abbey, r w m ; high ground: near tram routes and Alexandra .-Cl,400.—Wickeuden and ISous, Ttade Valuers, Tunbridge harnewe ; cJieup.—Smith, J ohum<ly Robmsou, Tli© Ruwanib, Ooi‘ i s p f r ' 5ENT. RETURN . — Sube^tautially weetod go. iu tlio Army. Lip’.y E. Kiddle, West Maiinu, ~St. lo him.—AddrpRS 21. Linden-rAl Bexiiiil. teb dance; every comfort, moderate terms.—6. Springfleld- double - dwell h o u s e ilet?’ cast-off clothinu*. lioots, etc., and. pays carriags» I Afternoon and Refreshmss {pod Daily \Voxket; Iw . weekly.—d.?J.., ••ou-urTex” OQi^c, j Buxurn. _ fye rd., t,,eonnrdR.______—f3 wpliRng for pale in Folkestone; rent Leonardo. •' • —f3 JOHN B. FCRSTEIl, Uto uiiiector and u«se»Bor, ■eathiik______j _ T3b .-£11H; pri.• e i^379. of which £250 ran remain if desired; of rates and tux the absolutely straightforward dealing^______fD • 0anciof in the Slmrej^avilion Nift w a n t e d . CbdiC'.'GENERAL at au>«; country.— FOR SALE' pcod BAY COB; owDOcr joined up.— andertakes appeule.for reducti>n LAOY HELP iiumedi^teily; active. ■ tidy*, scwei; 'two HASTINCS.-“Furnished front Sirliug-Rooni Uiianoj nnd loiig leiu^o; irt.undi rent! £3 lOs.—H, Cowan, A«h(onl. exbxuDtiou of abatem ent of ii come tux. — Office; 4, MR^. CAVE, W.ardrobo Df'iilcr, 30, Snargate-i»t.,. DoviS^ lAdiaiasion 6d*-'Rifle ^oona. Apply liicst by letter, giving all parlicaldrt. and wages Bedroom (adjoining); with cooking and attendance; Tie. ^ ^ fl7 Apply F. W. Hard^-ich, e sold beiiaratcly.— MRS. MEDHURST onys Ididies’, Gents* and - MILLINERY.ASSIST^TS 'vant«d at OMW for lail- uiiil Daughter or friended; lintirs work for lady and one H OUSES AND BUSINESSES WANTED Apply Fowler, Lronuxoacc'r, tix (>» V e iu>r-rtory; sti light deaU ig.-25J Longpoit, C inema J ^ e iM lfe r b eet: comfortable liojut*.—Mia. A. C, Wicliene, WANTED, .h stio'ng“ and wUUng (H'RiI to in LADY, living” aion? in Bexliiin., offers comfortable Marwfteld oT UrVficM jdiRtTvi-t.—State term s, Box U.. fikiniw^Tv. Ww t^rn-rd. St. I.y»on:»rdR. tc2l “'APRONS, .Overall, Vo.sta, hdies H^«e, all la. Oid. terbury, - (j; . ndley, near Bexliill. I —fab fi|neeox E xirese” Office, _lTt'kfield.______—flPe AUuuia curfrk gY-uv^rAiy: whwo aaotiier is kept); age about ROOM and use of kitchen, to respocrabH? woniaji, ^willing 'KefBRy cd'w, si ritigiiig tu ca'lve, for s-ile; grand ueeii b-iU., Ha^'-iugb. _tU OLD COLO, SILVER, FALSE TEETH, Etc., wan^ MIIXTNBRY.—iuN IB ft. ASSISTANT for workiooiu; 151; eoiufortatle I home.—Apply to Mrs. l;*tueL>u«, 67, Lon- Lr sleep in; persona'l reference uw'essajy. — Peterkin, 'a l l fntrreli'ed "HOUSE in or near HnKri‘n;5» milker.—North, Lime Kiln. F.arm, .Tarvis Brook. f2o speuiujty. —'i'iie r>.oui»e auup, bo. for ro-uuumfaotiue.—H^nuey, Jeweller, 14, Losdon-iA^ Sfeo showTooin and appre^iices.—Apply Phoebe Mclxiiotn, d(^-rd., St._^’oWird*i.______^______I ) —flO “Obs«;rvor” Offif-e. Bcxhill. —f3b ated by offlo-er’s wife jMarch 20th; must, bp near little AY ‘hOLUOWAYS CORN E R .” 203, Ljueeu’b-road* D o v e r . ______.______^______m3| ~ I Ifadu-mans.. St._ Loonar^,^ ^ ^ __ “ *^2^ PIG KEEPERS who wish their Pigs to pay should TO-DAY: (SAxljHljiAY). Zaeb D arji I WANTED, COOK-GENERAL oSd Th OUSE- NELSON-RO -I-Wul. riaWo Jumishod APARTMENTS school; rent- 30.«. tic* £2 2s. weekly for six months 0£e is s sondim ent Thorlsy’s F(»d for Out.tlo: keopH ! heoowl-u.u«l: l'iret« ..a Clic»l«fieia au«l raay OLD COLO wahted ot'evoiy description.—W. Ruff^ PARLOURMAlb; ^all home: hve patients on fruit- to lie L et: every home com fort; gcud and quiet neigh- . loiurer.—Addrc^ Mni. I.ewie, 38. Kemdugton-mnnfi., chair, upuolnter-:a lu lapcotry tfpiuig edge aud Btullud M ANTLE and OcKtumel Alteration Workroom.—Wanted pigs th rifty .—Sold ic caaes containing 5fi packets, flva Uiuy slock, oiider giued and Son JcweHors, 39 aind 61. Mount Pleoeant-rd.. j“ T H E HED S gexd JUNIOR (ontdodr);—Apply to Ma.-diu Broa., 7,. hri|anj| diet; washing out; every cointor^; referencer^; ^bourbood; combined room or bed and sitt'ng-rooiD; i _____j______^fl7 1 flhilUpgti. by agonte ii all parts. nl7ti»« lu hull, duly £5 li's. b PIGS are often t roubled with W ORM S; 'rhorloyNi bccond-hand; Carved Gold. Jewellery, Watchee, Chains, Cigarette Ca^es cf jAl|l*ly Matron, l^Faiiiax-rA, CoftageJ J^ndon. fl6o temiB iuoderutc.—Apply Mrs. Reed. 10, Nelson-rd„ Hus- .OUSE; about 8 srood r^oms: non-basement; open snnny^, Worm Powdere will clear name. Sold In cartons <-on- m F l“ HUl.UOWA V’S OURNE any article soutaining gold, whatev^ its condition, Pci VBBBUABY; 12 th,'-13th ana MILLINERY ‘^ORKHOOM. - Young LA§¥I ringw. _ , ^ io:ition.—Full partiiuilafs to D.. 91 “ Observer” Office. walnut ovcimautei, fitieri lb Kha ped und Ueveiltd uiiriorb, APPRENTIOI^ waxttod.-fApply to. M a^n Bros., Breeds j W ANTEO, a - thorough pood WOMAN for kitchen, taiuing 6 powden 5d. by Agents in all parts; or by poitt 2-|ii. oak bui'tjau. 24t». d .t iniioid uiuato po^ed parrele we send offer by return. Diamonds oai . A t t a i t SenaatiOBal ’ U a ^ n |L, and CasGe-sL, Babclnsa. tc69 wort ; cme tued to catering and iep^tubh cooking pie- ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM to let: ground floor:" Jistingr^, j 1 / ______~~fl7 12 prtiwderB Is. Id 96 powdem. 6s. fid., on rpcoipt of bai^aiii. £ 2 6 I’earle.alHO wanted. —il7 MtLLlNERY..~G^ i^SStStA'iit'. practical; junior ferre o rom retent wnmuii; iCtuTiB bHnds fitted und g;is.—A fply 15, Si’.vorlands-rd-, Silver- VUILL-Fu Ir NISKED ^HOUSE wanted frcmi May to remitltance. by Joseph Thoiley, Ltd., King's Cross, Lon- i “^^ti^QOwAY'S CdRNER’■ Second-hand: "READY MONEY ^ g i^ for Old Gold. Jewellery, “B iSEistant and. upp rent ice Ranted; wuges to c^tarc with.— entertttitnj*!: fare x'-t‘d if engaged.—App y Swan hul. ■ ______>nH of Scpt.»unbcr; 3 reijorrion rooms. 6 bedrooms; gitm auiy Sue.; 4ft. bin. eoiad any condition: large or siraU qoaotitiee; aiep for peait%^ ‘‘A v a l a n c h e OI Mi^tre, Bromley, Kent. d in wivflcni po-rt Partisulars to O. E ------— i W right’s “ I'-luiuka” two-nart Triangle^ near' E.>ino 4ii. (bin. iinaid iL*«vewuOd cabinet, > S ««HBART3’’AHDi8PA lighr ilnticr*.— Shi’c ac»>, cxpcrii'nco'*aiul salary. Mt6. f3 Mm children, 8 yeare, 14 luonrhs.—W'rite, btat.ag w*agcs. TWO. OR THnEE"u'NFUflNySHED ROOMS; juu^y LIVE STOCK. CATTLE, ETC., WANTED 4i'r. 6LU. wide, iu. high, ed withEchina cupboard, WARDROBES BOUGHT, Lmcn. Bouts, etc.; "SS jjira. W anriek, 38^ Framficld-rd.. Highbury. l»cdcm. i9o It’jckbuTu, D»'vc^ifhiro Hotel. Bexlull- _ ___ [—f3b decr>rat«d; pl'Wi-antly pitnat»’d: reu*' very moderate to ahelvekx. etc., and large mirror b ick, a beautiful piece of sent on receipt of parcels; bankers’ reference—Mrs. NURSEMAID (a^ noc iunder IW xequixed at once ff^r' YOUNG PERSON rc*iuired imuiedlately ir> look after suitable tenant.—57. Sf. Ilcjerrs-rd.,_Hoi^ting»«. __ flO _ nijiiiture, only £ 9 hvv.; a.tio pretty inlaid loeowood Lane. 38, fltation-rd. West, Canterbury. ts3t • W |l J^SDAY—The Eienhjof' the two children: nlso in houso; o^-uuioiKahlc. hom*’.— FLAT^ TO LET. FERRETS wanted ;! any miuiber. -Write for pr;co. Miitc coinprUiuK settee. wo arm. cnurrct and fqui WANTED. SCRAP IRON and m 'e t a l S; Any It. Leouards-cn-Sea*: two children: ages 2i yean> and 17 THREE unfnrnislwvl ROOMS to T^et. inolndimr one Wagliirune. F erret_I'^aniu_Atshlord, K ent _ Months; nurse kept.—M ri;M artin Constant, Angley Apply. I.'tO. M artha. St. Leonard*.. —1‘3 very lenre front room: term s Tiioder;ite.—App.y F.llic*tt, f9»^_ i small chau's, covered in suk tap;ssry, only £8 15a. ' f3 tity p u rc h a s e ; coimnimioo to any th ird party Becuriaf CXEPbrook,. K ent. ______f3 V^UNG LADY> requirM jwith previous ?xpcTienc<»} iu». 88. Stntion-rd.. I^xhiK. —f3b NICE FLAT to l.et. 28. Manor-road; four lircc HORSES .and CO^VS v/.iiitnd; live or dead; gr«''ji AT SHOESMITH BROS.. 39. 79 and 80, Hagh-^troet, to ns the transastion.—G. ’ R. Jackson, Ltd., Iron sai ( j u A R L i E C h prUe, given.—Farloy. The Kennels, Ticehur^t. or Now rijifr'tinga A wel*-m-.ido 31t. 1. fvuived oak bedro<.>iii M et^ Merrhantx. Canterbury, lele. 114. te d - ) - NURSE • COM?ANWH7^nHy or puTtially traju^.i; .Tnuiof Ajttdstant for eour’tf r tm-de ;»ud fo icitfng.—Fnn- UNFURNISHED DRAWING ROOM, Diniug-roo^ mts. I'CullHry. trarden re-dfcoral^*: fis- 6d. weekly: St M> Com^--“CHASLIEi i!‘|r s ^rfrov'ei-T i'l Higli-ft.. Hiif-tini —f3 laSes.—Landlord. Caiitfll, r23a.'Milward-rd.. Ha«tini» tlfuiHln. Bcvli.am. ______flh> Kuiie,.1, [««HnDriidng ...... 3it. bin. haugiilg wardrobe, with m:rror 1 'WANTED, CARPENTER’S BENCH; ^wnd-handi'l M cied for elderly lady at &t. Leonards.—Writ*', etating and three or four Bt^lromrv*, bntbroom. etc.; vacant p-iuel Ulor>i.' duchctoie die(:siug icfct of 3 long drawers, ^ ex^fen^ salary required.—H., 61 •‘Obtervet” LADY w.Tuted tor counter m t» t hnvo in January; pood cooking and attendanse included; no ' w ANTEDT go»vl Kti)Bg VAN H ORSE; able to m»” a to 6ft. loTvg; with vit»; must be in |?of»d condition.—Mnk 1 ton auj-where.—‘Apply Thresnigold. Irouinouger, Calvor- tviih mi.*Tor over, luaiblo top, tiC >Ki back waehstand, with Ferguson, Boxholme, B u x W , Surwex; ______f2^ WBce, D.asGn;». __ ! ______13 experipni o ^ F ro w d , Kii^gWrA, St. I.«onajt ' O aotihaenu. 1 3 ( to U .30.. Beirts 39. KenTwortb-rd . St TifV'T’^rde. d. 4 looiui’v ecuv;r-ry, p-.udnn. tvun-ty hc par WANTED, Grsin/kfathcr or any oJd English CLOCiC MORSE for ■ child two; ]yeaT»: £24-£^: po^d '-'y o u n g GIRL wanted for flat; 2 in f;im ily ; lil>er.il lyer. 41. Mount Pleaisuut-iojul. 3ir. 6iiis. \v de, duchest^ i 'r ’Phtm e 903. bnices; neectleworaan; espOTenced under-nuree e/m applv. outia'.,'S. —Mrf. Frlby. CornwaSis-puns.. HotftMnSf'. r:i ~ W E L L.F'u R N i S"HE‘d " R 0 0 MS" iu St. I.eoniLTds to L/'t iiilar, 7fv 6d.—AppLy chest, i fitted with 3 it-ng* diuwt* i. 2 jew'c4 (Erawera and —61. Victoria-rd., Tunhridge 'WVMa. , —0 . •iet-inga. [ ______- f l 7 isterriew London.—Write; 47 “ Sussex YOUNG G IR L wanted’ *o h'arn t};e wli^losaJeQ tolltrvlKn»M> at yeiy iiuylcratc terms; in private house; ladies onlv.- large ^uiirijr over, with uiarble ■ back waBhetand WANTED to purchase for ensb or exchange, old go|£ I< cw ^______;______: ■ * ______j _____ 1*^ W rite K B., fifi •‘Ohserrer” Office. Hastings. fl7 ijvSSOE^MENT F'itAll HOUSES •Si\-roo?n‘*d hoiiKe D e a d sTOCjK, e t c ., f o r s a l e . and Hiiwel rail, only £5 15a. the pdir. ______f3 lockets, trinkets, braoelete, wat(ih pa#*e«. etc. We cm bueiiuep; w.\c:e; t*ot week to I’canuyuico witij.—Fei-tou, four-r.‘ bid., < 1 iced from' ^ 6Jd .; oleo Mte Hotel; good refeiencos required.—Apply 31, Wan'tT- rrv-TOad, rtcar F.tumn elieu]) yilk. poitliu and black hIoU:>'*a: put «dzckr stocked.- parcel and we wiJl enhznit offer by retorn.—Harris aai = 1 BOAHO AND RFSiinENCE. Alkply Stephen Fryer, 28. Elpbiustono-rd.. Hasting* “ f o r SALE, three necoud-hand CORN DRILLS, one Iteowarrt. .Tewellere. The Bridge, Cllffe, Lewee. d3tet St. Leonw*. !______T " ^ _ - f in Mojiure DiMbributor and f^'onil-hand W ater Call..—Apply The .Shop, 88. Qmxm’d-rd. Hagting*. —tl7 C £ n t r a l | ' P i c t u r e notber 5^. |W1 .7— Kuriiet and St'Him.in, (/litre, Lc.wes. ^SUPERIOR GIRL willing to wa:t e,t table; no wa^h- SCHOLASTIC. PROFESSION/! L . E T C . A PRIVATE NURSING HOME, Modicnl, Rurgic^ 'f-TT end of Df'cnnishire-roafl).— BEER ENGINE. Gu^koll and Choinbor’B, beet mnke. or cookinq; daily.^471 W4ckhav-av., Boxhill. —f3l> and Maternity patients received: trained nurses: tonhe IlF X H IL L p t quite hew. malrc-gaiiy ca^e, powt ?r sink, six p u lls; coet (THE HOUSE OF Q li Tie!.’ front M'lrrli % Ml. n Bi'lf-roptancd FLA T of £23 IOk., price £ 12.—.Tcmiy Lind, High-et., Hastings._■~f3 HASTINGS, j RES'PECTAD l E VFOMAn for daily work or three ch.iye A I^ROFESSfln OF FRENCH;-Mis M* _ A:- Purten. morlernte: traiped nurse? supplied for privat-e rases—fi.'i- nee hn’l, four ron«i;.<:. k'tcJwn nud bathroom; on one Weekly.—47, Wlckbam-av., I BexhilL —f3b. CiE.TfD., T^cheip* .DiidoniA, Certifioated* Priv.ate lais- Hich-st., Hn-'Hmsp tclR flr: with tYo extra r< ^Mi5» if dtvirerl on upper floor: H A R M P R O D U CE. POULTRY. EGGS. 6 LONG CLOTHES; .t< piece. 21s.: burpa^ingly B.&W BENNETT MOMDAY NEXT, 12th FESHtTABlS v l RELIAD l E PERSON ^nted COOK; one u.se^I to* Hohr, Iti,: OUkiji. 6d. i'S.h;vX>’B vudUd. : HxaminatioDs. BO A R D ^ E S ! DENC'E' or .Apartments nc.ar sea: home .^60, per ]v»'nr. in**ln ivo of all taxes-—App!r to ATt beautiful; peiff^it work; Kump I'.msly f u ll: marvellous ' London's, jb^e^ and.^catesh|r bddp^n^-house or ‘ re s to n r^ t preferred-—Crowhurst,* 136. Tiiiiiftiution^—13,_Cumbxi EN 4^0EMENT for ents. I “ T h e A I i s L e a d h l i REOUIRCD, capable WoMAN for work of pTuari •arc of Mootal, Chrchio, Nerve, or PaniilysiH Cat^Otv; AC UAL TEST .irovofl that Kursu'ood Ilarmlees ^OUSBRIDGE’S, 289, Loiidon-rrod. St. Xieonerde. Mag- LflCdoo V icarage; two in fam ily; good prr^reasiTo wnsot^. nicht or day; tymp^rnry or permanent; m rxierafe fefv.— Spice iuldcd iL> heu itK-d. pi'odu«.oii double tha niflhent china cabinet ‘ marqueter e, inlaid bupfrior side­ A dapted for Ih© screen in ' five lA ' b-F., '47. RegAna.^rd., DepsfOrd, London, S.E. __ fl9e Ao^oi|s letters to Nurse. 8, Mount PleaeOj; Hai*- jUM same tooil w uaout Kuicivcm.ki. I'ackets 2<1. ImL. board, ohoval glass, ovL'nuuut<*.ii superior holding, lino- ' ’ • Cinema i world’s ffreatcbt- tiuga. l_ to hs. 'Jt'iy n.—Baauibteri Giottii, Nutiey, —f2e loum, fl(>oiolotu, ruga, mats,, tirulnks, su it 'uusee, attache HENRY B. WALTHAIaL andl RE B^ECTABiE CIRLj waaited to look after 2 ehil- and music c.aues, c^irpotr. ireri and do Tight housework; five in or oTtts-47, DevnQ- La d y recoTmuends young CELGIAN LADY for BOAIIO OF AGRICULTURES Lgg Station White tcl 9an’t mks ' thia masterpiece of. | ibire^Ti^ -Bexhin. I ~ __ —fJb eiVing French lesson.^ or with one or twx» children VVya^doites Sittings I tioiu luy epecioily sel, BROWN PA PE R IS DEAR We have fpr sale a (^os- supppalafd by fullr “Sfar’^'$.*■ -• 1 1 , oij M*win:r.—M.W;. 29R ‘•OhneiT*?” Office, I evTtry bird trap 6a. por doxLu; oa*ah refunded aignment of Thin Brown l\iclk^hc Paper on reels, 13 Bidding Episode U of ** PEG |<1 RE LI/IB l E tnffit«orf}i)r OBBKTBEtlERAL Hexliill. fJb WESSONS in Peupaintinff,_ Stencilling, i . 1 jiuiertilcB: Uie-uL, Ayutord-id.,_^ e n t^ al4 ‘ BRy.ANT AND "SONSTT^' well-known New and WrURSDAY ITEXT, fo^ Tina© 0^y| ' s HVANTS. all ktudfi. reqnirUg SITUATIONS shbifd LADY, odmotid, clear handwriting eecretarial The IroTiTnrmirerT' Steres. Second-hand Complete House and ftoaucial work wants post: lawycTfl or company omtjes Fu.n SALE, pci^'of pure-bred White Wyantiotte romiehens, 44-45, 86-87, write or call, Mrs. Reeder’e Ezaployioeiit Bureau. B.K.. 55, Hl^qth Strpeh ' Vut*ei^'8-r< ad. Uuwt ngs. We arc sriU______busy. ___ and shall___ _ h e a r r i a g e M otten ‘ R ow ,' l/^ives. a6e or; b-mk: salary required.—A.L.P., 133 “ O b^rver” Office, PULLETS; layiug.—Mia. SumnoUds, Wychuour, Buttle- “T M H fls tin c a .______| —f:i 5 6 ,infl 7. BaTik BiiiiMinRS. ______f3_ for tbo next three weeks >|ith kniwea. bOoie: oomfortebld home,—St.at® LAOY wishes to lie-.vr ot httlo girl 11-14. to Join anotli^ . I JanuM'y 27th, ^917. FISH 1/ANURE good reaulte tor all crop.i ht a corneifa. Thie mean« useful h ^ e ^ to ld goods of »li kipdH |ji^ and wuvn* *f% Tlev. E. I/eo, Steruing. Su«*ex. fl(^ ^iiii i DAIVY- LESSONS: under exeTienced gfovercess: St. mwlerate ouuiay.—Apply D. ManiiTU;;tgu, Uipe, Suatiex, at wonderful baiwin pnc«». at. once. -f3 I..eonardti^“E.lucatioa.” 873 ** Obsarvef ” 1 Office, Hiii- Dear Sir or MadaTii.— i I Ageuf. ______ni2e _ ‘trustworthy homely PIlRsdli: do tbn'^k'of BRYANT A SONS.—.Tnat d iec.orer^ three ex tra stron*? I,Toom)»: fwo ii> family; 'one an invalidi; littlo phin titWP. ______! —f3 I bee to inform you that I have made stoerial FINE White Leghdu COCKERELS Biinuu Hunter’s ; sinj^e siae iron bedht-eade, fitterl with epiondid soppered iooktug: r?le<*p in or out.-i-.^pply after % Pritchard. St, • i iMAVAME ELTON, Rf'ipntifir, Pnlmipte and Clnirv'''v- arranRoments with mv Aslfnls in Loiido'n, B'rm- d iro ct; from 12e. 6d oj wou,d. exchung-e tor Light stw l rire mattrecM, complete cm: ISe. each; quite new; .SCHUTORSaM flSONS: x h ^ pijiLic ixAji 24, Loudou-ri, fit. Leonards. UK«»<1. Cali and see tliom. School Horoe. Haetii^ ! —f3 Ante, B astings P ie r;.h o u rs 11-1, 2.30-6; or by appoint- inRliam. and Sheffield to buy a<: “• SPOT CASH 6usi«CX —f3 W n t. i ^ i______]______f3 EOROI SALE, Rhcxii! leJond Bed Cwkeres.—For rar-' SONS. W« hi ve a Bpleniii.l iwloction PKICES " special Consist mdnts of Hard'.vare. Tools, •r •« _ .• .A. 1 rtfof ^liiilna'cl Ids’ ■wrvrwTwood Tmmrtframe rrAacots with an Ijuetablo _•eides i C n^,Aaud wire Smtmbiimhmt/^trmr a Cbntury* TH E COMPl[ON REGISTRY. ,< T y p e w r i t i n g neotiy done: Enepwh or French; ticiiisrs and to bu eoou. cippiy J . Hummund, Church Green and FnrnishinK IronmonRor^ which at the present Fami, Bexiull.______~fl7 spriu- boltpms oorapleta from 19a •Gd.; strong camp bede SEBVANTS* BBiBISTBT OFFICE. mbdente chargee.—Edward SoMan, W, Mount Pleaearit- With i^pring niattrcKB, complete oiily 13p. 6»l. • thick wool rdi. Hasrlngu. fj? time are so difficult to obt a in . FOjSYER M OTHER:S, Incubatom, Poultry APP^f^i^^'us 4, STATION PARADE, EASTBOURNE. mattresaca. all sixes, from 7h. lid. Call tuid e«e them. The Sculptors & Masons SHORTHAND and TOUrH.TYP^WRITlNQ. prac- I shall, therefore, be nrepa)- [mI td offer them alt very for fialow cheap. — H llingvou Poultry Farm, (iien-id.. ^ __ I______]______—f3 MRS. LU C is, PropTietreBS. tiqak knowledge of al>ove mibjocte miarante^ iu ehoVt^fit soliioit your esteemed .Hcllintdon. Suft^ex. . South Nor- PS. J ust AERjqvEu j in perteef. working order; a bajsaau.—Apply 6, Blom- 1 fTQOd. altoe flcld-rfl.. St._T/o<'»mtrdK.‘' —-f3 H A S T I N Q 8 , ' A Splendid ConsiRnment of American Epamel -Jut Sutrlet^ nto CenWtF'fllm W A N T b y , a good, atrouig U iK L for houi»eROik; fc-ctxi ELVEY CTTPi;; A .ft.C .6 .. Local S^prosentative. NO' More Broken Eggs.—BOXES to hold i-dos.. 1 dos., ^ORiSALE, Gent’s goo5~9vcTcoat. Uudershirte, Trousers, T.C.Ij., piano, orgwn, einglng, theory from 10». 6d. term ; ^ 2 doa. 099*1 no pa^taug required; breaka^ abeoluteiy -I, fMeeckfi-pi.i Luisiuigtt. 13 W are, all sizes, in K ettles. Saj'iticepans. Bowls, et(j- t%Nk^y^ OOUK and HOwsu-FARLOURMAIO.— ** -jihri' viffitod.—17, Wellinzton-r'q., Hastings. tc22 Suitable for Canteens. Hospi «ble Of F. J. Farso'.s LtrL, 14. Claremont, llagtingB. t« CHKSTB& 4M,‘ vVumoi-sq., LeoaaKit&. orcep in. .. —jg Fort SALE, ANTHRACITE STOVE and'Fittinw; PJ>.£),—iiow closimr at [Dinner | Time 1.^5 to NO'DEAD CHICKS.-^To tnako your poultry pay, you '^W A N TfeU , ymiBg aL riE etM L ; bUOllg uuu also rieyser, fittingB and p ip in g ; flrst-rato o rd er—Offers 2.30 p.m . ^ust rear every chick and tbe only euro way to do thit. P.. 1<^ “ 01»-erver” . Office. Hojatings. --f3 nBTBSDXV, FEBBUABY 15th:.i-i wasiiUig or evening.—.f^ppi^' any auezueoa. B8TIMATBS FBSB. WANTED. i0 to feed them for t. 10 fir«?t three weeks exclusively on FOR SALE, pair ParsrmV non-Fkid' CHA M rs. iN ew n ^, weiAovei, ib, .t^ioerwo., B txm u. xiun age’s No. 1 Oririnal Dry Chick F cknI, and toUnw AI NS. 815 X 105; grip anything anywhere; hardly 2(b». WANTED, a young GIRL aoaut 16 lor groct-ty Uiaue; iVIe'R T I^ eTI ^ould'be gifid of any kind of NE'e S^LE' v'ith AnuitaiKe'B 2 (Irow-Oii Cliii'ken M ixture, Ci^tlo HiH-rd.,_ IJnstingw. 'Who E iian u Boy.—.^ippiy JaanogeiiW W orm s moioa, Oi. W 0R K , ci:her RepaUihg or Making-, u t hi- |mo or iaoiCH' a^d ArinitageV No. fiiuali Cliicken Car;i. Manmac- waited on a t any tlwia h r appoint* "T atTERLB ■'ILsuuaida. “______13 .. owin'_ _rwliaoiice.—K.F.S..'••O __ bserver; Office, IiMStings. 1 teb tuied by Armitage Br ithors, Ltd., Poultry Foorl fipecial- FOf^ SALE 4 h.p. Blart?tone’s OIL ENGINE; 8MAL w a n t e d , good pioia COOK for small quiet family.— ists. Nottingimm. Sotd by Skinnera. Queen’t-ro,id: F, Fockl condition.—Pajiiculara of Nevo Brba. Heathfle’d A HAND 'LAUNl^RYT^Ono »»eie«t amily’s work _____ r______y a r n aaroiou of the weU-ksown t AM i'ttfa Mjm dnutti. AlimutiL.ni, Withue<.m, Brxbnioa. required: well finished and washed.—Mre. Hill, Laun- Itrickland, (Je<»rge-rtn ct: J . VVesion, l.>2, OM London- .' ___ iUtt d r ^ , Su_Jo»>riV Villa,lHoiIingtou,_St. Leoiarda. —f3 llaetin g s;; P. H.l Ellw,B 29, Bcxhiil-road, and Battle- FU ^S. handsome, £10 10s.; sot latcrrt; faehioiiable ■H6llingtbig te n : .t. Hodsen, Roller Flour Mill muff ^ind t;«rgc collar: new this rear; acesirt £2 10^ • A nd FULL ^ . F ^ O O f c i “W ANTED at once, itrong les’pettable Gjxi aa HAND LAU N O RY .V ’'H otu^ of SaeVed' CouipaeaiOQ,’* * tolio^sbridge; Stevenson and Sons, Saa*side-road. A.^ J . \ approwl willingly. — 3, Aubert Pajk. Highbury Pnrt, KlTiiHENMAlU; age l7.—Apply Laoy c^upeiinienduit, Priory-road; tareiucareful work and returns; terxkifi moderate; BOARD AND RESIDENCE. FLATIS TO LET iv. 19. Junotitin-joad. Enetl)Ourne: Raymond Hoi- Londob, N. _ ____ ^______fl6e Oauartne iionee, 57. Cnurch-iu., 9t. i..eonura6. 33 well recommended. . ■ —110 288, Old liODdofl-ioad, Ore: E. W arbnrton, Bolls ! FiRjE and Thilef Resifting SAFES, manufactured f r ^ BlrtlM, Marriages, and Peathe. . WANTEO, a GENERAL; Buong active ^ui with semu UFHOLSTRESS' will take ciders for* Looee Covers, Bexhill: and Jamea_Hoad, Boxhill-on-fiw. to3 •olid rtenl. aplendid (w»fes a t miwlerato coi^t; 250 of these Pifaaa: 3d., fid.^ and la. : Haif-s ■Kpenence; neiy oLVuu—Appxy Mic^ oadUier, 2u, Fm uy- Cunaiur:, Carpets, et«. Work at home or |st cnetimers' CERTIFICATED Maternity NURSE recpiTes j CONVENIENT soll-coiktutuedoli-coAtutued Upp(>r FLAT' in Com­ Id her own house, situate in a qmet and ptoeant ber, liere-road; eix iooiUt>, naiJi ih.'.ua^ c.i, 2 entrances, ULTRY. — Several petie of pri*o-btcd Poultry; «afes have been sold, in lljmTiugw and District by Henry ■V., lilk»taiS6. • _ - __ 13 oiru Injouse; good ■ reference.—Mrs. Smith, Maoor CoV shciip: owner not* nl|el to look after them. — Apply Cousins. S.afo Dc.aler. 8. Claroiiioiit, Hjistings. A?»k for B1BTH8. JtlAnBIAGES. DEATHS, IN ICEMOBIA* Cha Govenunent Ticket* Tax will b^4 take. Ilastings-rd., Bexh'.ll. teb locality; medical rclcrenco r. deeired.—App.y Nnr.e, 8, juiden, near trams; eunuy uc-i>ect; rent £36.—DeuDifM.>a, “ WANTEO. capable HOUSE.PARLOURMAtO; good Mount Pleawint-cree., HantineB. .. . __ Clo|i|jo&ley-rd., fit. Linjiuirda. flO Ravowmere, St.ation-rd., BexhilL —flOb ^nnstratad price list and tastlmoniahi. Sample sufee on N O TICES at© obarxsd 2a. td. f o r f o u r Unas oc hm$ OTUiiLob; wi:te or apply ai y uny t>etwefeu*i> aud V p.m.— COMFORTABLE permanent^HOME oiter^ homely NBRIDGE W ELLSir-Cunveuicnt furnishe(i” FLAT~; ‘; PULLETS.V-UWblai,2. aioJwtMarehThat'ch. I laying; 3k. Gd. each, 40s. risw. - 1 ts and id. fo r' eaca adrksttoTial Una.- ' ' i ^ 6. i.cm’eii Webb, veroiutu, iiexniii.___ lady pacins 12e. ftd. weeh and ja u a s el'sht domeatic bcdioOiUft, one BJiaiig-room. balh, etc.; find ojVD doxeb: six and cock. | 24s.: list free. — HummoH. Stnit- GUN {Tmixale-U^rtding) for Sale. 13a. 6d.; strong.—Battv, Ail Ineerriens under this .bsoding nrairt ha repaid, if WANTED, GENER m L, e4roub’, 2or laimnouse or use­ SITUATIONS WANTED—M ALE. M p to eldeil.v lady.—M., 88a, Victona-av.. H aeti^a^ and one guinea per week.—16, Grovs Rill- thrd. Eesex. ______f l j St. ■ George’s Gate. Canterbury. " f3 bookina fee al LI be sharrad., THE LKINEMA PA% All Anaouneecssats nnd©r this headinr rawsi he snSeaMS fu l he>P; used to cmuir m. — hUo. Xayiur, Luga^'ii, ______L______I______- —« I POU)U LLT T R Y - .—Good 1bnce ■ citen for large . young. 'rable &ENUINE BARGAINS.—Tons of expensive Gsnt.'i ITORMA^ ROAD.', ItobejtbDndge.- ■______| GENTLEMAN (ineligible) requires CLERICAL WORK DOCTOR'S bAUOHTElt receive#* one or two ladaet* in i.ned FLA T. Norwood Houcie. ^ow’.e: alio Game. Rabbits.—Serld postenrd,,an___ d .«>ur and Ladies Oloth.ng, Linen. Blankets, ate., at Locock's w f^ Um naaa© aad addxa«s of AdrsThtoar WANTED, a reliable G >RL to asdisi, in the. ^out ia. ini‘office: 8 years Cird Service experien*. — Write her exceptionary cheerful well-appoiffied ciguare; cloeo so sea; oop otor van will fetch tbam and pay cash.—Thomas Wnllis to selsck from: half the prico of oouunou new; art in FOR ALL TeLaT IS BEST VOik ox the hoaae; no couiing; good outiugis—App.y fr C.M.^., 45 “Observer’.* Office, Haeimgs. [______f3 St. Leonani*.—A., 15 “Obeervor ’_Offlce. Hastings.^ to43 . bathr(x>m and kitchen.— Co.. Bpxhill. ■ ______teb ♦‘'f' buying, qnnlity, workraan»hip, durability, every reqtiira ment kept.—Only addres.B: 200 and 201, Q ^ n 's -ro a d . Itorkwick'ter., Bu LoouaKb. ^______^______rli iOARDENER (head working;, overffiiatair age, requires “ p a y i n g GUEST rwefvcd in the hoT^e of a quiet particulars to Mr. Tree, 15. ULLETS for sa>.| early 1916 hfttc.hrd, laying. White 1 Wa n t e d ? HOUSEM A i O; 3 in lamily'; 4 rcjraiite Engagement; thorough knowledge of glaee, vmee. fruit, dargafeT's-ri. Haetin^s. to48 ynndoftc. Light Suflpex and Buff Orpineton. Ids. fid. Hastings.-‘PorlJunn,$eau, Bags and Trunks, a speciaiite; tfiBageraent i i and Mra^ttl tamllv In p’e«!»ant neichbonrhood nt xnodemte ffirmfl. boots,: shoes, leggings, etc. Satisfactory post deals. to7 ThelMtwat dsaigna in B irth Annotinom- *lKpi-; titate xiarvicoktiis. — Apply’ -ildrc»- Byre, Wucd«>iae^ vegotublci!, fioweiB; wuTfld take emaiicr p .a o if suitable; A d rw Guest. c.o. 8. M ount PIeai»ant-CTee.. Hastffipe. to LET i4 ro'ejms).—.\ppiy 36, Bmybrookc-rd., each;, broody hens, 7s- Gd.—Manager. Buxted Pon’try Csowtx>rongiL roe good reierenccs.-H. Milsttd. 231, Battle-rd , Uoiiingtun. HaslJiinge.______] _ ^ ______^ 8rmt_Buxte<1, Sussex- ______flfie ORAVEI^ - Oroyiion and other kinda; fine for patha moniw mnd Wadding Cards son ba . BIG THINGS AT TH® W ANTEO, da:7,7 .8.30^to ll, a strong young PERSON —tlO ATS TbrLET.-Beacpinsfieid-rcuid at 8e.; Priory-roud i POULTK y flhonld write to Joseph ITiorleyT and ^ v w ; Stone or Flints, Gas Houeo Clinkers, Aehtt» professional m a n ick. Evwiln* Accountancy lltd..' King’i____p Cntss. Lmdon, who are manufact.uTora and Clinkers mixed. Course and fin© granite for road obtained at F . J, Parsons, Ltd., 14, |n r Homsew'ork and lOiiy w'neei Ugi.t wmkLZ cnair. 6d .: Eiumuiinel-rtvui at os. 6d.—J. H. Towner, 29. and. path-m aking; Pea, Bean, Coarse, and Concrete OF PICTURES 'itas. A47, Liotcn-cJes., Haeting l ______^___ —13‘ w(irk; good commercial expenence.—Apply T.C., Box, BOARD AND RESIDENCE WANTED. ary’s-rd.. Hustings. ; _ —fl7 Ovnm. TliorleyV Ppultry Spice, for Thorley’s HonUry “ Ol«.-*rvMr” Offli o ^ BcshJlI. ______teb eephrs’ Account Boo j also book giving neefW hints to Beach! fin© and cdaiM© (X-mpo Sea Snnd, Straw (stab’e). Cl&rsmont, H astings. ■iKW DAY, TUT::3DAY, an4 IVEDI WANTED, expcricjLLod W AITRESS a t once for FLA T, furni»died, 2 suinny roome, kitchen: suit two Peat, |M oi^ and Cow M.'vmire, Spent Gas Lime, Garden ■ WANTED, siliratiOD^^ GARDENER vhere one A NICfeTlOME wantcd”by”Bentleman ns Oiieet: will ■niltrv Vespers. Botl sent fri'e. nl7tc(^ A ' fnpcrb Metro rt^ay, featuring . App:y oy reuei iq ±i, J.^.Aing,. 38, Lonxlon-Tii.. „ . , pay 35 sub. a w iekt country or seaMdo; haa re-tired. flora ladies or married ccupiai piivato houao.—Write WeMs. Peat and Loam; all kinds of Houae, Steam, tinker’s and M Leonartw. _ —13 mdro i*» kept; 13 years In rre»ent «itua io n ; Icav.r- •- 9i»8 |*‘Obiier\ci|' Office, Uatstiags. -___ —flU B E C ITSTb L E “ EO G S FOR HATCHING.—White'Wyian- Anthr^iite' Smokeless Coal, Gas Cok© and Coke Breese, throui-lf deuIa:-(.;rownB.rHi:a aoiie. Crow4mBf, Su^ex. [l^^b'^r^acfe'tar™ pli^adllly^ ^ Plccl!dniy?‘Lon- dPtrcib White or 'Blnc-lr Leghonis: every bird umted is a . M A R R IA G E. W ANTED, rcepec-tablo V^OMAN for two houre house- fFLATSLa TS TTd LET on toa-front; reut« from~£20 to £40 t^picrjl speoinieu ond » tc«‘o ______” - iff Orpington and T3,_(.^iijliTOOke-rkl-r«i., l l »mt ______~______—tc4 nncif fail to proiluce a large percantngo of winners; IVl^riams:: “Att-ention. Croydon ______tc© WANTi^O*; a E H e U A L ; BiiLad huQsb VVt-tvineid; DENCE in pr.vat© hoii^; quiet, nnd — fiid.. ^{.4 15p.SM fidC .4 . and«■ — OI...21k per,^r, ^ dnznn.A ^...,1, A t'B tud. petligTeo.1 ■. ..M Kmg, George Russell, sectmid ton of Mr«>. Head, oi w a n t e d HANDS, buuiiy two ladies.—Wnlel giving rc-iejences, to Mrs, SITUATIONS —FARM lOEHonablo; term ^—Bois, 135 “ Obt«rver Office, t.upenor, lunusli+d; five roomj«. kitoheu, burn: cl-.i! n Hniire. TTinoe’s blfKMl.—llilI. Tanglewood, Colli HOrtSESHOES and lioi>© ftaiis,. lOu tons^esoried in St Jo h n ’ei-road. W 'iitlc, Chciinelord, Essex, lo VBDRSDAY, FRi^AV afld SA’iu i DunmnghaiD, o7. Frognati,! Hanix^tead, ^.W. flO : iE T C . overlooking s^a,; olose lo f^ier, church, trams, golf; mwl- n-!njno. Bexhill. I •to*k-l—Fowler. -Iron M ondisiit. TrinbridKe Wells. —fl7 May, (^-oikd duughier of-.Mri Mrs. Hatto, ef I : ______—n2b SaliKbury-rcttd, Si. L o o u a ^ .: WANTIED,' HOUSE-PAiiLOUBMAIDi e*-xiiu.i. —i.'lb ;machinery: erms; uived horses, cows; swte wageti.— 387 “Obsorvor” Ofllc-e, Bexhill. ‘____ f*”’ M .; 14. Prosppct-plaoe, l9n.; titiibla. 3s.; iusiimive week- ton ay»d fis. fid. per buihrl —Pyke. B ’oeVfTiarB. Battle. f3 FURMINGER—ADAMS—On February 2nd, 18«, lA “ M j ^s . : JEfLull’s Foil. ,GIoveTB Lanci' Sid|l«y; B e x h ill.______I3b_^ lios I w'oika, jgarage, ihc^iArato.—Eldridge. Prospect-place. I £3 3s.i; buk kuijehole writing table* with 9 drawers, price for one lady, HOUbE-PAfiLVORMAiU; Hasjl.ingft. | ^ ______|______fjo STrtONC. HBALT h |v ^annger, Bnxted Ponlpy Farm, Btixtod. Sh«®ox. ri27o Featurlnff;^ Trio Cfem^U.'vy.—'T., 21 rveir’' Oltice, Jiaa11ngy-. —13_ AMOS.—On Jftimaxy. 30lh, 1917, KuddcailT, at 10. StOBP ] WANTEO, respectable GIRL l<.r light iiouf»ew».irk; ASSORTMENT 'HOUSES, , FLATS. — Shc-roomed e L e GANTILY d o co rat^ Ground Floor FLATT; entirely UP-TO-DATE POTATOES, eno ye«r from Scot’ond. HASTINGS SECOND-HAND FURNISHING CO?,%6 resxl W^ite,' Creishton*^’ H ale’^ai ' SITUATIONS WANTEO—FE MALE. Huuee, li)o.. inelusiTe; beuullfnl Im tii lour-roomed Hut, self-lcontaiued: bebt leMdential position; south aspect. . M. per bnrfiol; orlpy ton.—W H. Cooper. Shortwood. aud 87, Queen’s-rtwul A largo vai.oty of chests of iifti*i-road, iiastui^ji, A lbert Edwaid, tho deariy-beiovei from 11 to 1; 6d. *ia hour; 3 tiruc^i weekly.—j, itorn it- 3 bMTCorrus bath, large Irecepiiou room, kitchen, etc., huAband ot Mary agod 39 ye>ar».—RetpOL-ied h3 ®. ^Who figured sO;Bucce*?^i Uastingii. 2nd flo o r.______^ 117 Fridiy-road, lusar Kuimuiiuel Church, Hastings, _7*. S \ tuiii. 6^—Apply Stepheu Fryer, 29, K^hiiuiioiia-rd., U act.n^ electric lisijht and gas; 'uoininnl rant — Apply Mr many |iip aud splash baths, all sixes, from Ce. to Kte. 6d **THE EX PLO IT^ OF W a n t e d , N u r s e s ,.P arlounntude. Ccolv. General AS HOUSEKEEPER to widower, ’i^lesmaa, oi Holl^an, KjpgVrd., St _Leomir/le.______f3 WANTED. fSnl’nw PEN CE PO LES: BoVfonnfl CHAPM AN.—On th© 2*4th January, 1917, a t 264, Priblf* mucjiaiut, wuji cumioruiu.ei humu^ guoo exp::iiunce; witn Another ^s 6d. • fl9 iTT'I'en ! ash op^ chestnut, green —Sm ith, (riolw' Works. —« road,'Haltou, Georg^ Chaiuuan, aged 79 yeare, afttf |Utoh«.timaids. Betweenmatqs, Men and Boyt$; good wages.' ^ ^ |-A T T O 'C e T, 4 GroVt-rOiid, Hastings^ sitting-room. : Bprboi’i* Reglrttry, Canterb|iry. o21 lex —A.J., ifl, l|‘uwtsr iitUii-icie-ui. Uuvei. tiU A ploasantly- eituated well-built HOUSE to Let at f7ero+imoTio<»n,x. I T»2Rtee LADY’S RING, important half hoop, flue diaiuoudfi: years of eufferiug paTieatiy borne- Y e n cannot get .^^etter” • Ahaa 3 h|odroo^,_kitclien off-; 10s. 9d. s'eek inclusive.-t larfse cdrcular etoues; IS^carat gold; good oh hew; 50 W ANTEOr-MotHER'sl HEEP for 3 oluWfen: m iiV^ FOSTER.-On Jauuaiy ’J6iJi very suddenly, at Iuk offiOA ooum'-ul: atKmt;uM know Vnowi I that OVUM, OVUM. ThArlcv’t? ThArh PmiPfv LA D IES’ HATS, e'titche-d silk, stitched poplin, silk Coiigrccatioual Church. • . WANTED, a GIRL fori mornings in private bot»c.-^ A NICE HOUSE, 86, St Gcorge’s-road. Hasting; 6 fif*. Jkl, weekly inclysive —Holman. 'Kiiig’s-xd.. St soilnraJ eilk and Hatin c.ip^; aK new; wonderful bargain- HARRIS.—On January 30t^, 1917, a t 15, St: Jolin’e-rooiL . Apply from 1 till 4, oi 4xter a.-}. Bt. ftiargaret’e-ter., Apaniaeat or liuiXULDg Uous« or (./ookrkluusekeopcr; J^nire.lire.' i« i1iff**rcut to |nnv otbAf pou’tyy spicn and <*on- dolGI* ^----- '-----' . . . — . J. ------^ I ouiii..ai<es, valued at 30s.) - ha’f S». Leonardrt-dn-Sca Sarah Lucy, ‘the dearly-loved and V ' ______J ______—12 -‘ vexi’ UiJicu, liacuii'rt'K. -f3 Apply George Fryer. 43 E.phinrtone-rd., UaRtiugs. —f3 LEONARDS.-Fufnishtd seven-rdomevj FLAT RTi'i TWndurin? ftbmidnT>#'i» of ©ewn. Sold in contain- dozen,] 5a. 9d.—Godwajd, Monaooi-rd,, Tunbridge Welle. devoted w;r«^o of P; ge Harris aged 64 years. Inienuen* ^ W a n t e d ', clean roilablq y^ag 6 e WERAL; no floor); end Febmiuly or M nn-h; at borough Ceruet'^ry, on Monday next, a t 2.30 y.in. |A Lm u r .{>y utilli and educatiun) vuniring Himting*, “BLADSLOW ROAD—War Bargain.-^^Jerni-detachod „ , , . - - , - - ...... r«'h; for six raoBths: irie 72 rmokpfs. ♦'ix <»b!l1inL-a, Onrt'^na 'two sizes) t«. 1<1. —fl7 g g ,—Mrs. Dunk^ey, •Brailwcll,” Do La Warr-rnrt«. nlTfop “MANGLESr-^We'WTQ''jue1 LAW.—On JT ’umary lith , 1917, a t Crystal • P^ao© sick. A G rand Ca>e Jj —f3b Hiailice oci ijpuiiuu lor two houns aiieiac^n^; preiuis to juet received a consignment of buy, Able-Sei; alITED a t once, ifean respc-'-tahle person afrei two bourn i llneiv. G reatly respected by cffio«0 - Will bc' telT ’!? ilu s u p g ft.______j _ 110 Havolcxk-rd., Hastirkgs. ______—-n o tiODil; two reception, fh ret bo*lrooins. bath, kitchen, box mothcT: complete, price 20s.—.35. SockvilJo-rd.. Bey’*'ll. gvvxl (iuaJity lollers.—A t Sh^Shoet-mitli Bros., 39,. H;gh-i«t., and men. Ape —f3 GRAND RESmimANT; jl tk.-irijil JB<>. 1, Everslej'-rd., BexhflX ______—f3‘» A LAOY wcaid. like Mdrning Engagemca t : would do garrty. Fllqnslon-rd.. Rt. l>eot;ntdB. r f3 PARKS.—On January 30tu, 1917, nt 145, Bohqmia-roi4 wr.trug./ .sboping. or rca borne, aged 60 yoare Interment at Battle tb-diy '' g a r wash,. Snssoi;______)’ o Apply to the Principal Age&ti:~ ntchins(>n. 61, Llmr»!i-rd., St. Ijeonarrls.' f3 hnhuisk P.-ittent Free. OleaU*. Hata. Aprbna, Caps, 2 COMPANION .H ELP'br Av^eiatant M atron requires jL A N D T O 1 ET, COR SALE AND J j | l ------...... 'Sntxirda.v/, 3 n.m.—•‘Peace, i^rfoct''Pc.ace.” . . . ' flefera) weU-bnown Artistes liaxe volv'*^ WANt ¥ d " d ailr. a youni, ,, ■fflRL for honnework; must STEVENS AND SON, . nOAD.-uA sump FLAT' Miitabla foi. Belts, I Sleevpi, Cuffs, Collars, ete.' “ We specialise 'in SA RG EN T.—On January* 31st. 1917. a t St. Andrenr'g* post; odnnirx not 'jbj«<.jtcd u>; go.id woilier F .'l., 53 WANTED. Outfits.”—Hunter Bros., 8-Ifl, Trinity-el, H m - MR. FRED VEiRREUliS, . ' . W 'clean aiwi i^pe^aUld.—Cfilugion, Charles-rd., St. •Observer” Office, Ilafttings. _ f3 BEA ROAD. on«moy will shortly b© avnilnhie; ali«o the roomy npiist! square, : Hastin.^x, Gcorfu P(unphrey Sargent, rnembif teonards.^______H LUt. Map and Guide Free. Tele. 400. pari ca«h itPjf-mntniDPdj /siits und £50 InolnuiT.; of an old Hastinga fi^^h^Tlg family. Age 85 years. r-*" BOMBARDIER WHITEHEADJ COo|<-GENERAL, 2l| 3 years' Tcf0re|nce, Houw- elec, p light and carefikeT.—Apply 1. Oambridci^rd.. SMAIl l -SIZE b i l l i a r d t a b l e and Acc^soriep for SAUNDERS^Nellic,'un W’ednewlny morning, 31st ulW .CORI'OR.AD HOSE, "W ANTED, o HOUSE.P ARLOUlfMAfD.—Apply Mm, Parlourmnvl, 21; lO'iiotlM.-jr or otmrrwiAe; tu 1 iiarticuiars tcl» A PIECE OF LANi > on W’iiiclio>ea-road, Rye, to Let Bror\‘, CoMin.gion-av., liexliill. H br Inga. ______J ______ta'i on luaj^v—Apply Rcev P) and Filin, Ityp. • —f3r leabT -(x -Cid..Tv—'noir^pnoa pooS ax ’opjg of Coa/--t‘.nifl*d S:otio-n. Eafu Cow s. Isle of W ight, Int^ „ MISS.JULIA HICKS, , ,W. H B urt. Cailingfisu Hiamp.—NuoVj r Scrvuiitu jsupply, UuKhiiiieire, Ipswich, rio /j0YTAGE -Start the New Year with a OolLtage wi^ *JFandT|r.t‘k.” ft*. lTol»'ii[n Park, H.-iMin^^, '—f3 nf Rt. -I-rfy-htmle. e?eential.—|Mies Cooper, 43, Pevensey-rd., seivauis; 4 Qfilat4>.■[-Apply 1. C»vu bridvo-rd., Hantin^ to34 a few bairn.—R ohc ond Bates, Pawnbrokers 46, London- yeaXh' rf-forviii.t'; £28-£2fe.—Brook’s Agonuy, II, VaCe-r^L, CONF'ECTIONERY, locB, M inerals Business {liigh- rd.. ftt[^ Leonards. *' ' —f3 in his 89th year. ^ ’ ■t,; Lronardfi. ______— f : i _ Tiinbridgo VVt’l5^. i for Dinttosal. Sm art preffUisea; main biteiueee FL’ATBi WANTEO. “ w a n t e d TO " r 'E NT, ou© OiT two FIELDS near YOUNO.-pn WMni^ay. Jannapr 31rt, Matilda, n-idow —f3 jo s w a n t e d for• mnaii lirnliy and amaii Loust;, mug<«: 20 sacks, 33s.; ; 10 sacks. IN MEMOJUAM. Offioi?, Hastings. i f3 M arth.—Write E G., 752_tfObservpr”_Offli^e, Hastings, f? 17k,; 5 isacks, fid,'; one sank. Is. lOd *G. Hobdeiv and RIDOLE.-In loriu - . ; d a n c in g : - j Bouth _Cruyrjoin______• j ______f2o D A I^Y BUSINESS. gcimiDc, for Sale; bargain.—Box Co., DcyojiKhirc-rd.,__BcxliilI. loTins rarnioTT of .onr dear nioth(.T. EnU) DISENGAGED SERVANTS, Ilelpa, Boyw.—Apply m3 w Ia'NTEO. sclf-eimtii:n^ lurfurnish^ |FLAT or would -f l7 b Riddle, who pateed away itOi Fcbnmry, 1916.-Cbno. b!. WANTiEp^ Superior Peij&OD tin CDGK-G^NERAL for Mxt«. Lugland, 31, S^tiJ^n-rd.,...... Ashford. St^mp. ____ f3 10.000 “ Observer*’ Offlcp, HastincH. sliarb honso with quiet uoi'pie; four roduitf*, one os kit- SALE I SA LE! SA LE.—Hunter "Brothersi general not forgotten. ■ A-NOTKHR JlRlriLIANl n ie lady." ih 'honfle; |gix)d wages to capable person. _____ I a r SAIN, Frocbold for Sale, with large eberib M.arcJ» quarter.-M., Camden Library,' Tunbridge L A Q Y tvij’iiic s c o m p a n i o n few houm tkcififisur F fA R M S F O R SALE, TO LET AND drapera, beg to announce theix annual winter sale, coin- .-.Write 'D., York Cottage- Woodboume-av., atrea-fham, garden, inhlndi^ plot of land for hu Iding; no reaeoimble W ell;. i - t n iDcneing to-day. ^ tu rd a r. January 20th, 1917. and con- W Ll l*e held a t fhe Mcttcrwle, Roi Ifo n ^ n . ______daily to invalid lady jor. gentleman.-i-M. 81 “ Obaerver” offer rftfnfccl.—Tyl<»r. 4la. Robertaon>^t.. IliMtingn.__ --f3 V A N T E D . O ffluo, H ostingrt. |______' ' j f3 I tinxjing until further notice; overN-thing a t tho lowest TH L R $D A Y NEXT, the 15th of '“WANT^l), COOK.GBNjERAL and NO'RjE-H'OUSB. ^ R ~ M H 6 TJS8 fo Lot; garduu, U acre orcliard; no I prices — Hunter Bros., 9-10, Trinity-Kt., Robortson-et., 7.30 to 11 :30.. MAID; mother and dmighser or two fneiidii would Fuit; - lIa UY requites r&Sfii^ament .M7k^G~lfRES8 In ea with oomfortablo hoiusp, wauled IIa*arde leaiirih and 13 • ’VaJ.-^' for coinperition; wi^The dsnci 2L,| “Observer” _ Office, ,;Boxhill. teb 'F REEHOLD BUSINESS PREMTSES. sell £400; shop, pl?^fi© to Sm ith aud V n. Land Apentfi, Rye. f3r inches i width.—W rite A,W .. 2 “ Obtserver” Office, Hqe- H em oritJ Cmrd*. F. J. Paraaua, CWA ? H*; LADY, active, competent, redutiod khrough war. t^ks 7 rooms and gmden: indoor and outdoor sanitutiou; go<^ FARM'FOR SALE , eontainiiip 32 acrep * L'ood hmd, 3 to ‘br had at th^ Entrance, which is-; able hornet plain cookieg;! wages £18-£20: good outings. U>nont: £30 year and tax ea-4, Hughcnden-pl., lloidiugs. f JLLY- l i c e n s ED illOL'SC to I^ot in Foikeetoue: witih Houfie aud Farm Buildings; prine £1,000; part can TO j IN V A LID S'—TlkloV COUCH for oalo^ walmit L t i i . . . N s w t i u f f e . Burton, VKarmer,’* Ox?ed , Surj^ey . _____f2 e. positirm as Manat,'ere«», ■ Housekeeper, H otel; Boarding- flO_ - XXI buaineee; in Lissen-I tca.aut’0 hand^ many years.— roTriain if do.«»;.T^d.—H. Cowan. Aehfnril. f3 Hoti.sp, not objec.'d to l fXfXKl Kilary.—Address ‘‘Trnat- Appft? Aaii and Co., Bnpvcr’M Canterbury. fio fnnnoj nint-tresK a-ml ennhion: nil in good condition; seen ^%VANT^B, trUStwsrthy sWvant as £ o 6 K-GENERAL; ^ r i h y , ” 396 “0^*rver'V Office, Ih.xhiU. i ‘ —f3b f u r n i s h e d uue-floor BUNGALOW to Ler at Bt-x- 26-ACRE MIXED FA R M ; goi price £180, uh af.—Apply ChfeuboUe, Dyer aud CnlveijVreripti6ne; bridges, finger SOUTH METROPOLITAN CEM™ERY CO. R tBcee; comfortable home. — Mra. Baston, Chalons,’ n i c e c o t t a g e _ _ and' pegs fitted: ill repair© to Istrioaed instro- S T A B L I N G . W o r k s h o p s . W a r e ­ rd., |St. Eeonarw. j 4^,45 Temple Chambers. London, E.C. (Tel. City T375). p m v , largo garden, Si'lverdalA Holling- Nefcley. Sf>u^ompton. ______^ ______f2o KEEPER-COMPANION..to M< 1. |:'ontlenan or ludy; tf,J, — Appiv Bonngnv, Cnwfold, ifinrocx. ______~f2e aieu^;*old violius bought.-M. Bluscr, ‘20, Bournemouth- lefdroncoR —Box 18 “fiimscx E xprii^’* Offi- liOWcfi. f2o h o u s e s , ETO.. TO LET AND WANTED "W a n t e d ,..young g i r l for ^ocery ond provieionsj ^lljrOOE*RN detachp'd non-hose^ent RESIDENCE; two rd., Ifulkeetdne.ulkestoue._____ ' j ______^______ts O n e M i l l i o n ^ with previous expericooo or deairona of learning the Ri£.ENGAGEMENT ri$i USEFUL COMPANION reception rooms, bath (h. andl c.), 3 bedroom®, good f 6 « s a l e , • GRAM OPHONE nwl; 30 doable-Eirwarded. f i So'dieia and Sailor* mwt {lateliiSr KeivUwot^fi-rd.,; At Leeruuds.______f j _ f3 eaoi Blue |Abt*rolfi Is. 6rd., Boxhill, before Office. Ha«- WAR all the oest Available Furuiehed and Unfm- PIAN Oft, a)l1] recently taken in exchange at very low ' ^15. F.yERSFIELD.PH^CE.; -f3 b titles _ f3 - S . ifeennitagfc and; Sons. 30. Hol>erteon-st., Ha#^ 43, High-fit., the oldcfit-eetabiished firm or© in the posi­ rivate M ortuary. T e le . N o . 7 3. IX or after 5. ______l______nl^ed HOUSES. Telegrams: iMomnt. Bexhill . Tele pri' OOIMESTIC PE TS AND CAGE BIRDS. tion, to give the best prises iu tho dir*trict. Cal£ or writs C ssful' WANTED. Mcrnintf ,ot Caily WORK r-M.'s Rtel>- 338. Local R':P«esentativw._ H neflnrlers. tsb tjn gts, and 26. and 28, Bui Lec-nardfv-rd.. jBexhiH. te3^ ““WAMTBD a t ooce. superier' GENERAL bihgs, 94. Falrl’i^ht-rd., jO re.___ R eev^ and Son, 43, Higfa-et., Uast-iiiga. to29 «RBS wwrk wiffe bouse-pariourjoaid: under'35; salary f.'! "ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. Sea-front, in exceJent PJA NOS.—For Bargain^in Second-hand PIANOS 5y FOn^ SALE.^^II Pokineeo Bitch; i months old; G.. 91. B««nley-rd.. Slmrtlao^. ’"WANTf^O by »>oldier’t4i w^rA. DAIL-Y~W O'l^‘'lF'Bla(>k- big], a«K*xtzinkers %t low] prices. The ^rg est Mleotior BOPKS and PRINTS, in any qrrantity; nowhere too J i - position near P ier; the entti-ei fuiuishinw of one of A M .?! U LT A ^ a AiA .. w. .1 Q^kw. n OR make ^plendid pet; ch .>ap—Apply Perkins, 43, Havelock* '^far, >thinp t(X) Bumll,dh iiothiag. . _____ too___ laxge;4*a/i«ijvB whole Ubrarioe lan^j? d litrict dr m vir;! houra 8 to ^3 .—Abply A.. 24. th©v> tm por’ant houses to be Sold at a very .ow pne© on ■h. Sonth of Euglendl—ft. Hermitogis and' Sons, 30. rd., H(irt;ng8. ______“ *3 Hngliehden-rd,. JlfiRtings. ' [ _ f 3 Ro ' leon-Bt., Hastings, ahd 26 and 28,. t. Leonards-rd.- pure! S eitdn, Boo)i- B R Y A N T S t S O N S , C^TLE iflol ^W ANTbO. COAK. D«at tl'otraj:: ,l*t vwk FebniarT; an ov^ig’-imcnt behtf taken at £ll0 per annum for remain­ 8 ROV~?'AL VICTORI A OOG (ind Bird Bureau, •ellV'Tj Bt. trfonarde-rd., Bexiiilli *- __iA , .....AonAr.> orMi wage*.—Write nm- WAN TE 'b. SI tli A tl ON wait on invind B e x h»k ilL ______^ tc35 -mm7 fadyi two maidfl. g a rd ® ^ ; 7 der of tenancy of over two yeare.-hor parriculars apply Leonajdfi.—Wanted, Dries ond Puppies; any breed; also ENjBLISH TIMBER of eveiy deecriptioo wanted, UNDiaTAKEBS. " r J , a L L 1 N C • S S lm S Mra. F ., _ K ip re ss,'l Lewes,Lewes. ______1 gentleman: ohargv bouse linen; willing, light duties; B'pflirlcv.^. 27. GTond-pde..- Si. | -flO ' PIANO PLAYERiS, sevirar recently taken In exchange Canaries. Goldfinches and Parrots for cash or exchange. (ran £15 to clear.—S. Hermitage and Bone, 30, Robert- eithet afandiny or fe lle d o a k , ash, laroh, beeah, dm. - “wANflO gooOlOUSE.PAIILOURMAipfIMAID min gentle-ge: HTnall rennm'’rn tio n ; ^ «oinfortnhlpable; plain loook.—a., 4. Ohennelle, Dyer and Callaway, 38, Havelock-rd.. Hastings Orgwni—E King, 48. Groevenerr'rA. Tunbridge Wells EDMUND "OAD, CLIVE VALf i la C E IX E N T S T A B L I ^ AHi —tc4 ’Phbu< 414. *1^ WheeibatrowTTtiOT,, Gr^ngord.. Lewea. -f2 e - f 3 amoll.-ate«d,‘OouH Lodte, Barwaeh, ' fj, - SUSTlKdk T«la i m . MBRIAGBS , , OMJlIBU NTEp, PIANO £15 to £25.-State and , i ■ . TBAIM8. . NIG YAtjNC PERSON seeki* lost as MA|O-C|0MPANI0N ST HELEN’S PARIV^reltyj semi-deta^ed VILLAS GOLF BALLS iranteA.—6s. doaen xirnn fer Old Bilrei or Nursery Govemeee; gfy»d 3#»cdlpwr(man: Thnsical; good to let or told; 2 reception, 31 bedrooms, bath Th. and Pox ii. ‘•OJ>>rver’f Office. Haefiiiw*. ___ tslfi P|ERSONAL. P ... Hleti-- *— K iu n ; as. docen Oolonela; le. 6d. doaea other h . kolla ■ 1 OAfXLS BOTKL ASSElIBLil TWeroces.—X Y.Z.,_ 57 _“0 1 ^ c.), offices, long gardens; rmils £30 per annum inolnsivs jPRIG H T GRAND Pley^ in caitved ebony osc.e. aay quantity boupht and in any oaaditios; eaeh imate- 3 tatowliy Moraia, i|, ► y f ^ ,, ■•v.<‘d refer**acM essential; wages £24.- J n YOUNG LADY requifoe CLERK! in Hastings or £22, exclusive; prices £290 freeheffi.—Key and^ par­ onxiolt mounts, £ 28; gc^d cottage piano, £9 10s. and WILL JAMES OO'uiaHllatery nt Ht. C ^'ena Square), '»*“ * tltw , liaL—AddrtM Harry »; i , ■■■ ■ ■— r ■ ■■ K ticulars from Ctbennells, Dyer and Gallawiy, E state £13 IN .; ihKtalmeivts if! desired. — B . Phillips, U. rr ite ^ o A.WV. 8.B. Gsifws7>roe------* Baysw»tcr, W. CbnnoaL la tha FadA . n S U r IFHOXS BaC>T,i p J tK iB to . Mi a Oop -«. or' , St. Leofwvrd«; fr*od • r«f'’renc©^; fige 261 Reengaged SI, piiftra-nd., LittMaraptcak Bnawx. iBaskeTs: 1 now.'— 31 ^'Obod^ar**: Office, Hastiafffr ^ AgsuU, 38, BsvelOQk-rd.f Bafitiasa. i-rd. lOUrw Vale, Hast!ay -fX I Kstv* I lai'vd Um lAd OeaftttMi ia « w Ocmab « B M I b l> ' I
