h:- •T- w - i ■ ■ ' - 1 e 1 - ■___ ■___ ■ ___ • • .am ! ■1 ■ ! see Page li soucrrE D . M ES. B E E N i3Y. I ^ 1 IDRORS DEALER, tiORCDON VILtA. R .l lOAD. ST. LEONARDS. i 1 kiodb oz Iiiuliei', Gent'em *iT«hSt IE F N^'EARIiVG APPAREL. ot ereij ' • i’VE ONLY ONE AD BRiSSa V No. 3 0 9 4 ; B eek tm d , i tfce Orntnil Poai NOTE.—AH oanAiunicat. 6m ilionld i^. ■. OOee M • Nmeeper. TKLHPHOmi ... i i.. ... Pto' Gordon ViUa, ;oid, SATURpATl ]?EBRUARY 3, 1917 I Po*t in* par qttartar. Iby pc«i proinptlji attendee : object. *»• ^ will reqiui; .MRS. FRED. S & IIT lL e your Woollen Garments O HELEN’S WARDROBE DEA:: j ;r . 159. QUEE.N'-S ROAD. HjASTINGS. lY CASH — Goc4 X*xioe|: lor - c a r e f u l ly land Ch;Ldien’« caar-cfl CiLOTinNO.°"cSgi. Washed, therefore send to the a \, lASTlNGS, Lineo. Paiwelb valued ind moner rrtn ^ |7. Will Cal’, on receipt of POB^Mld. Public Notices. Public Notices. Public Notices. A H I N T . G a i e t y T h e a t r e , H a s t i n O s . PALACE PIER. F.< & E. LOCiOtJK. :,"■ M as(|nic H all. l ^td iOl.'Q;UEE.V3 K<?Ai», HASTINGS. i. F rederic W jlliam 'W ’ile I opeu to p^ciiate to Uuj,— amoimt for Itoager: MR. H W. ROWLAND. S t. L eonards. ^late “Daily STail” Correspondent at Berlia, A Ottut’iip , uu<i OUitdreu'o■ OEOTHINGv'^.v/uxim y llofiideni Manager: M R. C. E. SCUTT. Will LECTURE cn I w E iiyU. Booib, iDiaikcte, Curtain*, Under thd Patrffna^ and Proeenco of the Right Wor­ shipful ^ffe M,iycr of Hastingb, and tbe .MayorosB, ' ■d LmeuC‘Odicers’ L-juioni|ai,- , Old Goxi.Gr\’H s:iCT« D , FBBRD.ARY 3rd, 1917, «t i.30 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th. ■b/ pc*it v'iireiuiiy' Ta.ued; tOJ)AY ,'SATURDA viBcouptfia. Wole»K-»7 Lady Hytbe, Lady Isham, Lady B'ompt leiaittmS- 7.15, Luet Perf' irmaiioce>] of «^tk?tcr, ttr Mnekw iith and Lady Young, Tho Very B*>v. - ^wteo upoii. Dwpoeoib or ufth^r._______ _ caim^S DSSELL’S Company, includinf; Reserred Seate. 4s, 3d„ 3a. 3d., &. 5<i. ft.;liaule, old-ebiabliahed. AlsoMiao Serrant**Berraata T a t. Dean Cur no and the Hou. Mr»*. Curiio, Mrs. Eliaeu, RIEL JOHNSTON in Dr. Locko. Etc. fcns Bros. Management. The Enorm<lOUfdy Sucoeeeful Play— : , “ O u t c a s t “ , I mperial PALACE PIER PAVILION. L tA N E O U a a r t i c l e s —WANTEB^ From Wyndham’e Theatre, London- j ST. LEO'.EONARDS. May Still Be Secijred at xhibition ts: OF FURNITURE or tufpTite lota pnr;^Srst MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5th, Six Kighta at 7,15. l^coNOMY E T he H astincs S econdary AM Wool, « WULMELLA ” IFii e Coating I good DiKoa b'iveub 'iv ._ tor......... antique.. furniture. piaW? 'Matinee Saturday at 2.30, Grand and unusual. Attraction, A t above HaH, from ere. Send pcetoaid or call a t'S L o ^ S lj □L W. W. KELLY’S Powerful Company in the G r^t S chool COST ---------------- - P R E -W A R PRICES. ^ ?a, aud .60, u, liffi tiuge; of 76, ^ S d S I0L Fra»^Britleh Drama— MONDAYj, FEBRUARY 5th tp. UMES fast \yes, maue to order »<L, S l JLieouardt>. tdll will repeat their I kTns wanted. anyly quujatity;qu' SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10th. DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT on |d_. : _good'sk^ue,____ >,a. 4e. (id “ A R o y a l D i v o r c e ”J Prooeeds wiH he divided between the Local Division of WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 7th FEBRUARY, at Foi* 3 lu in e a s i ‘Hill. 42. 31 iddle‘«»t-. Hat tiugs. B , W. G. Will*. tho British Rea Cross Soefoly und St. John, of Jerusalem. 2 p.m.. prompt. I GODOARD ^veebi.vo Uiw’btit pricii^orT^i;;^ N \POIRONHMR. PRA.NK -UNDO. , ^ '■! ■frr kmd............. Cbildrou’s.rou’s Lef.Left-offi V eamiff A ppafel^Ai^ ■06EPHINE-MIS3 MARION WAKEFORD. : TicteU Ircirn pnril*. 3e., 1*. 6d., Is. and a few 6d. (tax LiiicijLin* —Un.Tip-Un.Tipiod-fit., iod-fit., .Vaiiford, Kent. * ^ P rogramme extra). No Pier toll _-,;EOHURSt. buys Laui‘8’. Genta’ and k m op«n 6-15- Commenre 7.15. Price* 4s. to 6d. :Ajter two and a half yean oj War, ■oUuuj;. Boi»ta. ,'etc.; Ijigb^t prieets gXTea- wffi Telcpljon* 517. ] OP LECTURES, CONCERTS, ENTERTAINMENTS, ou soodg (Sflut in: re urned imme^at^v* Etc., lor tho Week. it'.sfuctory; r^rbiglit deali !«>•—SS. LongportTctS CotONIAL AND CONTINENTAL when all wooW^n materials have Tho Exhibition will consist nl sevofal Stan^ of Exhibits wantJi . dealinc^ with tho War Work and Food Produotion. C hurch S ociety. Jeverier,. 14, Loudon.X H a s t i n g s P i e r P a v i l i o k . Diaabled $oldiere .and ,S:u<;orH will make T oys ^tc. (Lord aai^qnced in price 50 cent, one I Kobeits' Mehioiial Scheme. lOLD %'auted. 6f every n — r--r— _ e a r Oeneral Ifonaser: MR>. CH ART tEB HA^FKEBi. I e^oription.—W. RAffi. National ^ood Eiiohomy. National Poultry Soelety. A M eeting Ueuellerg, ;>9. abd 6L Mv’Ivuilt Pleasant-rd,, tw* ca realize whqt) h m an ■el4», give the | higheiit ^ >. National Umb Growers* Aaeoolatiou. Utility Rabbit and Of the' IjocoI ; Branch ot the above Soeiet? eiccepUonql i>ric© for uU kind»^ UoRit B re^ iu^ Infaut Welfare.' Natdosal and Phystuiit pelery. Watches, Chaiqe•^1 ., Cigarette Cases 2 *AIIiY et.S ewl ' c ' | | ie eoiitiiiu-m: gUd, whai2iit( <rrer its condition. jS ' ^ Lm£>rov^ient^: Etc. -rr oppo^^tutiity ihts^ is 1 puels tve eeuil ; oiler by romrn. DiamoudB a5. [uNtCIPAL OkbttESWA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1917, at 3 r.m., in tho your order and Single Pairs Grouped * n ted.________ . LIVING BABIE6 IN INCUBATORS! Oondoctor: H R . HIRAM EENTON. MASONIC HALL ST. LEONARDS. MONEY,.given for 0..Id Gold. Je^^iiiiiJTT: BLtnS BOYS AT WORK. Come and see them moldnc n o b ik 'D ria ig e or sn^nH quap Jigsaw Puanles, Baskets, Mats, etc., etc. before the sj^ring prices come in. together under Foiit (iitltieti; alao lor Dearth iSttigder »od Sundar)— ' ^ peakers: — J and. oiher i.reci<-ua dbt<ineB.^Ro6e M d Bring your pictures to bo n.nde into Jissaw Puaslte— THE REV. E. F. PELLETIER^, In-fd.. .St. Leonanle. ---------------------je ls' while you wait. , Old Jetren«‘ry, Curic^' Jlliss G ladys TTaysack From the Anstralmn Bush. Prices sitioe. Md WaSdiiSi! ADMISiSlON: Id.. Each Day. reliable pncea; '-aiue .=©nr P.O. by rpti^ TI E REV. R. J- BOWEN- tyk.. 2li0 nnd 201. Qa '■n-8-rd.. 33,35,37, ONDON RD., I d to j)u;>L«ue, b B l Prien aa Usual. * OPENING DAY. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5tb. From Canada and:|Klondyke. i i een' and Webber. 3, ST. LKONARDS. ^ftornooo Teas and Refreehmesto at Popular Prices. 3.0 j p.m. Formal Oi»ouing Ceremony by LADY ISHAM Chairman: REV. CHARLES ASKWITH, M.A. HALL, ^ b . second-hand "’BATH supiK^ried by Uio MAYOR and MAYORESS of 1 9 / - , 7 / 1 1 , Db-erTcr'' Office. Hnstin; Box Ball AUcya. Rifio Saloons. Supported by Rov.^J. Woi«tcr, Rev. R. Talbot, Rev. --------—__________ IHa s TINGS MRS. KBDEN iVice-Piiwideni of tbo fOBES BOUGHT, Li i<len. Boots. «tc.;~S3 |>*n44"g every Evening in tbe Shore Pavilion at 7.36. , Hastiuga D ivIrioh of the Kritiidi Rod Ctcaa Society}, Awdry Jamieeon, Rev. W. -Bridget, Col. Bnrton-Brownc, |re‘cei.>t of pajce’.s: ba latereL releroncA—Hnt amt DR. LOCKE (of St. John of Jerutkaleui Hospibil/. fSuition-rd. West, Oaateipi Whet Drives erery Tueeday.and Friday at 7.36. i 3.3< p.m. Afternoon Cum^ert, arranged, liy MISS Col. W. Ward, fete. ^ • ____ TP-H FLORENCE AYLWARD. y t , SCRAP IRON~and' 4.0 No Chorg' foi Admieslon. A d . luvitcd. aged: cot.*tmift::6D v> at j ih• s•A.^A^d^party eecuSI pjii. Afteruoou Tea at Popular Prices. LADY Uiinsaetion.—G. R. Ja ikeon. Ltd ISHAM. THE MAYORESS, and MRS. EBDEN wiH ■ Iron ^ 1< reside ae Hostosees. PRINCIPALLY LADIES SHOES i-hnu«< Catiterbury. le lje e. 1». \ 4.0 p.m. lu tile Lecture Hall. Lecturc-Demonstratina. Ijbnto’ purobage tor fai^h oreH^SngKToiSiKSr C inema H e L uxe, I on “Econoiuionl Cookery aiM M eit Substitutes,” by NORMAN ROAD jukets, braoelete, wat»il ca i^ etc We MRS.iHABGOOD PHiLC'OX, L.G.D. itionally good rricee ju?t notv.‘ Send alon? HASTliiGS. j 13^ p.m- 1 MR. VAL MARRIO’rT’S-ORCHESTRA, esleyan ethodist - wc wi:i enbmit offer Uy retiim.—Harris »iu p.nu ILeoture on “Infant Welfuae,” by NURSE W' M OR JpveHers. The yBrids?©. Qiifle. Lewes dStJe fD-»AY (SATURDAY) Last Day of ^ a p t« 11 ]•! STONE (Ha*ftinge Diatriet Nursim: Ausoeiation). « THE RED CIRCLE.’’ | 5.3) , 7.0 ; and 8.30 'p.ui. Grand CoiJucrUj, arranged by C hurch, £L£:f7/?7C>lL AND eCHANICAL ENGINEERS, MISS IFLOP.ENCE AYLWARD. ST. LEONARDS. MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6.4) p.ni. ILeotnre on "Hay Box Cookery,’’ and “Cakes Have puifchased a scleclion the plant lately operated by the without Eesa ” Diahe*—Soda G ak^ Soone*. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4^h. 1917— BARGAINS FOR i6h. 6th and 7 th - < | 7.4) p.m. M B.
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