Lifting Vectorial Variational Problems: A Natural Formulation based on Geometric Measure Theory and Discrete Exterior Calculus

Thomas Möllenhoff and Daniel Cremers Technical University of Munich {thomas.moellenhoff,cremers}

Abstract works [30, 31, 29, 55, 39,9, 10, 14] we consider the way less explored continuous (infinite-dimensional) setting. Numerous tasks in imaging and vision can be formu- Our motivation partly stems from the fact that formula- lated as variational problems over vector-valued maps. We tions in function space are very general and admit a variety approach the relaxation and convexification of such vecto- of discretizations. Finite difference discretizations of con- rial variational problems via a lifting to the space of cur- tinuous relaxations often lead to models that are reminis- rents. To that end, we recall that functionals with poly- cent of MRFs [70], while piecewise-linear approximations convex Lagrangians can be reparametrized as convex one- are related to discrete-continuous MRFs [71], see [17, 40]. homogeneous functionals on the graph of the function. More recently, for the Kantorovich relaxation in optimal This leads to an equivalent shape optimization problem transport, approximations with deep neural networks were over oriented surfaces in the product space of domain and considered and achieved promising performance, for exam- codomain. A convex formulation is then obtained by relax- ple in generative modeling [2, 54]. ing the search space from oriented surfaces to more gen- We further argue that fractional (non-integer) solutions eral currents. We propose a discretization of the resulting to a careful discretization of the continuous model can infinite-dimensional optimization problem using Whitney implicitly approximate an “integer” continuous solution. forms, which also generalizes recent “sublabel-accurate” Therefore one can achieve accuracies that go substantially multilabeling approaches. beyond the mesh size. The resulting models would be difficult to interpret and derive from a finite-dimensional viewpoint such that the continuous considerations are re- 1. Introduction quired for the final implementation. Also, formulations arising from continuous relaxations allow one to introduce We consider functionals of C1-mappings f : X → Y isotropic smoothness potentials without reverting to higher- Z E(f) = c (x, f(x), ∇f(x)) dx, (1) order terms in the cost, and, as we show in this work, one X can impose general polyconvex regularizations using only where X ⊂ Rn, Y ⊂ RN are bounded and open. The cost local constraints. An example of a polyconvex function function c ≡ c(x, y, ξ) is assumed to be a nonnegative (pos- (which is in general nonconvex) is the surface area of the N×n graph, sometimes referred to as “Beltrami regularization” arXiv:1905.00851v1 [cs.CV] 2 May 2019 sibly nonconvex) continuous function on X × Y × R that is polyconvex (see Def.2) in the Jacobian ξ. in the image processing community, see e.g., [28]. This work is concerned with relaxation and global op- In contrast to the discrete multi-labeling setting, an im- timization of (1) when, both, and codimension portant question is whether variational problems involving are possibly larger than one (n > 1, N > 1). This is ex- the energy (1) admit a minimizer. A fruitful approach to pected to be difficult: In the discrete setting problems with address this question is to suitably relax the notion of solu- n = 1 or N = 1 typically correspond to polynomial-time tion, thereby enlarging the search space of admissible can- solvable shortest path (n = 1) or graph cut (N = 1) prob- didates (“lifting the problem to a larger space”). The ori- 1 lems [11, 60, 24, 53], whereas for n, N > 1, the arising gins of this idea can be traced back to the turn of the multilabel problems with unordered label spaces are known century, see Hilbert’s twentieth problem [21]. An exam- to be NP-hard - see [35]. Nevertheless, heuristic strategies ple of that principle is the celebrated Kantorovich relax- have been shown to yield excellent results in tasks such ation [26] of Monge’s transportation problem [42]. There, as optical flow [10] or shape matching [55,9]. In con- 1We refer the interested reader to the historical remarks in trast to such well-established Markov random field (MRF) L. C. Young’s book on the [69, pp. 122–123].

1 the search over maps f : X → Y is relaxed to one over In contrast, we consider only one surface of codimension probability measures on the product space X × Y. Each N, we do not require an assumption on Y, our approach is map can be identified in that extended space with a mea- applicable to a larger class of functionals and we expect it sure concentrated on its graph. Existence of optimal trans- to yield a tighter relaxation. The lifting approaches [34, 20] portation plans follows directly due to good compactness also tackle vectorial problems by considering the full prod- properties of the larger space. Furthermore, the nonlinearly uct space, but are limited to total variation regularization constrained and nonconvex optimization problem is trans- (with the former allowing Y to be a ). The recent formed into one of linear programming, leading to rich du- work [67] is most related to the present one, however their ality theories and fast numerical [47]. relaxation considers a specific instance of (1). Moreover, One may ask whether the relaxed solution in the ex- the above works are based on finite difference discretiza- tended space has certain regularity properties, for example tions of the continuous model. In contrast, the proposed dis- whether it is the graph of a (sufficiently regular) map and cretization using discrete exterior calculus yields solutions thus can be considered a solution to the original (“unlifted”) beyond the mesh accuracy as in recent sublabel-accurate ap- problem. In the case of optimal transport, such regularity proaches. The latter are restricted to N = 1 [41, 40] or to- theory can be guaranteed under some assumptions [63, 52]. tal variation regularization [33]. Recent works also include Establishing existence and regularity for problems in which extensions to total generalized variation or Laplacian regu- the cost additionally depends on the Jacobian (for example larization [57, 64, 36]. minimal surface problems) has been a driving factor in the Recent approaches in shape analysis [56, 62, 61] also development of geometric measure theory, see [44] for an operate in the product space X × Y. However, these are introduction. In this work, we will use ideas from geomet- based on local minimizations of the Gromov-Wasserstein ric measure theory to pursue the above relaxation and lifting distance [37] and spectral variants thereof [38] which leads principle for the energy (1). The main idea is to reformu- to (nonconvex) quadratic assignment problems. While the late the original variational problem as a shape optimization goal to find a smooth (possibly bijective) map is similar, the problem over oriented representing the graph of formulations appear to be quite different. To alleviate the the map f : X → Y in the product space X × Y . To ob- increased cost of the product space formulation, computa- tain a convex formulation we enlarge the search space from tionally efficient representations of densities in X × Y have oriented manifolds to currents. been studied in the context of functional maps [46, 51]. 1.1. Related Work 2. Notation and Preliminaries A common strategy to solve problems involving (1) is to revert to local gradient descent minimization based on the Throughout this paper we will introduce notions from Euler-Lagrange equations. But for nonconvex problems so- geometric measure theory, as they are not commonly used lutions might depend on the initialization and the computed in the vision community. While the subject is rather techni- stationary points may be quite suboptimal. Therefore, we cal, our aim is to keep the presentation light and to focus on pursue the aforementioned lifting of the energy (1) to cur- the geometric intuition and aspects which are important for rents. This lifting has been previously considered in geo- a practical implementation. We invite the reader to consult metric measure theory to establish the aforementioned ex- chapter 4 in the book [44] and the chapter on exterior calcu- istence and regularity theory for vectorial variational prob- lus in [13], which both contain many illuminating illustra- lems in a very broad setting, see e.g., [15, 16,5]. In contrast tions. For a more technical treatment we refer to [15, 32]. d to such impressive theoretical achievements, this paper is In the following, we denote a in R as {e1, . . . , ed} d concerned with a discretization and implementation. with dual basis {dx1,..., dxd} where dxi : R → R is the There is also a variety of related applied works. The pa- linear functional that maps every x = (x1, . . . , xd) to the i- per [68] tackles the problem of bijective and smooth shape th component xi. Given an integer k ≤ d, I(d, k) are the matching using linear programming. Similar to the present multi-indices i = (i1, . . . , ik) with 1 ≤ i1 < . . . < ik ≤ d. work, the authors also look for graph surfaces in X × Y but As we will consider n-surfaces in X ×Y ⊂ Rn+N , most they consider the discrete setting and use a different notion of the time we set d = n+N and k = n. To further simplify of boundary operator. We study the continuous setting, but notation, we denote the basis vectors {en+1, . . . , en+N } also our discrete formulation is quite different. by {ε1, . . . , εN } and similarly refer to the dual basis as For N = 1, the proposed continuous formulation spe- {dx1,... dxn, dy1,..., dyN }. When it is clear from the n N cializes to [1, 48]. To tackle the setting of N > 1 in a context, we treat vectors ei ∈ R and εi ∈ R in the sense n+N n+N memory efficient manner, Strekalovskiy et al.[58, 19, 59] that ei ' (ei, 0N ) ∈ R , εi ' (0n, εi) ∈ R . As an keep a collection of N surfaces with codimension one un- example, for ∇f(x) ∈ RN×n we can define the expression n+N der the factorization assumption that Y = Y1 × ... × YN . ei + ∇f(x)ei and read it as (ei, ∇f(x)ei) ∈ R . 2.1. Convex Analysis Y ⊂ R T G The extended reals are denoted by R = R ∪ {+∞}. For z z f a finite-dimensional real vector space V and Ψ: V → R e1 + ξe1 e2 + ξe2 ∗ ∗ 3 we denote the convex conjugate as Ψ : V → R and the (e1 + ξe1) ∧ (e2 + ξe2) ∈ Λ2R biconjugate as Ψ∗∗ : V → R. Ψ∗∗ is the largest lower- semicontinuous convex function below Ψ. In our notation, for functions with several arguments, the conjugate is al- ways taken only in the last argument. As a general reference Gf ⊂ X × Y to convex analysis, we refer the reader to the books [23, 50].

2.2. e1 e2 e ∧ e ∈ Λ R3 2 The formalism of multi-vectors we introduce in this sec- 1 2 2 X ⊂ R tion is central to this work, as the idea of the relaxation is to represent the oriented graph of f by a k-vectorfield (more Figure 1: Illustration for the setting of n = 2, N = 1. precisely: a k-current) in the product space X × Y. Basi- 1 d The graph Gf of the C -map f : X → Y is a smooth ori- cally, one can multiply vi ∈ R to obtain an object ented manifold embedded in the product space X × Y. The v = v1 ∧ ... ∧ vk, (2) tangent space at z = (x, f(x)) is spanned by the simple n- n+N called a simple k-vector in Rd. The geometric intuition of vector (e1 + ξe1) ∧ ... ∧ (en + ξen) ∈ ΛnR , where N×n simple k-vectors is, that they describe the k-dimensional ξ = ∇f(x) ∈ R is the Jacobian. space spanned by the {vi}, together with an orientation and the area of the parallelotope given by the {vi}. Thus, sim- 3. Lifting to Graphs in the Product Space ple k-vectors can be thought of oriented parallelotopes as shown in orange in Fig.1. In general, k-vectors are defined With the necessary preliminaries in mind, our goal is to be formal sums now to reparametrize the original energy (1) to the graph X i X i Gf ⊂ X × Y. As shown in Fig.1, the graph is an oriented v = v · ei ∧ ... ∧ ei = v · ei, (3) 1 k n-dimensional manifold in the product space with global i∈I(d,k) i∈I(d,k) parametrization u(x) = (x, f(x)). i d for coefficients v ∈ R. They form the vector space ΛkR , d which has dimension d. Definition 1 (Orientation). If M ⊂ R is a k-dimensional k d The dual space ΛkRd of k-covectors is defined analo- smooth manifold in R (possibly with boundary), an orien- tation of M is a continuous map τ : M → Λ Rd such gously, with hdxi, eji = δij. We define for two k-vectors M k P P that τM(z) is a simple k-vector with unit norm that spans (and also for k-covectors) v = i viei, w = i wiei an P p the tangent space TzM at every point z ∈ M. inner product hv, wi = i viwi and norm |v| = hv, vi. d k-vectors (elements of ΛkR ) are called simple, if they From we know that the tangent −1 can be written as the wedge product of 1-vectors as in (2). space TzGf at z = (x, f(x)) is spanned by ∂iu(u (z)) = Unfortunately, for 1 < k < d − 1, not all k-vectors are ei + ∇f(x)ei. Therefore, an orientation of Gf is given by simple and the set of simple k-vectors is a nonconvex cone d in ΛkR , called the Grassmann cone [7]. This is one aspect M(∇f(π1z)) τGf (z) = , (6) why the setting of n > 1 and N > 1 is more challenging. |M(∇f(π1z))| Later on, we will consider a relaxation from the noncon- N×n n+N vex set of simple k-vectors to general k-vectors. Naturally, where the map M : R → ΛnR is given by for the relaxation to be good, we want the convex energy M(ξ) = (e + ξe ) ∧ ... ∧ (e + ξe ), (7) to be as large as possible on non-simple k-vectors. For the 1 1 n n

Euclidean norm, a good convex extension is the mass norm and π1 : X × Y → X is the canonical projection onto the ( ) first argument. In order to derive the reparametrization, we X X kvk = inf |ξi| : ξi are simple, v = ξi . (4) have to connect a simple n-vector (representing an oriented i i tangent plane of the graph) with the Jacobian of the original The dual norm is the comass norm given by: energy. For that, we need an inverse of the map given in (7). To derive such an inverse, we first introduce further help- kwk∗ = sup {hw, vi : v is simple , |v| ≤ 1} . (5) ful notations. For i ∈ I(m, l) we denote by ¯i ∈ I(m, m−l) The mass norm can be understood as the largest norm that the element which complements i in {1, 2, . . . , m} in in- agrees with the Euclidean norm on simple k-vectors. creasing order, denote 0¯ = {1, . . . , m} and 0 as the empty n+N n+N multi-index. Every v ∈ ΛnR can be written as Proposition 1. Let c¯ : X × Y × ΛnR → R be a poly- convex extension of the original cost c in the last argument. X i,j n+N v = v ei ∧ εj, (8) Define the function Ψ: X × Y × ΛnR → R, |i|+|j|=n ( v0¯,0c¯(π z, π z, v/v0¯,0), if v0¯,0 > 0, Ψ(z, v) = 1 2 (13) where i ∈ I(n, l), j ∈ I(N, l0), l + l0 = n. To give an +∞, otherwise, 5 5 example, the = 10 coefficients of a 2-vector v ∈ Λ2R 2 where π1 : X × Y → X and π2 : X × Y → Y are the according to the notation (8) are: canonical projections onto the first and second argument. Then we can reparametrize (1) as follows: v0¯,0 Z v1,1 v2,1 n (9) c(x, f(x), ∇f(x)) dL (x) v1,2 v2,2 v0,(1,2) X 1,3 2,3 0,(1,3) 0,(2,3) Z (14) v v v v , n = Ψ(z, τGf (z)) dH (z), Gf where we highlighted the N × n coefficients with |j| = 1. where the second integral is the standard Lebesgue inte- Now note that the vector v = M(ξ) is by construction a gral with respect to the n-dimensional Hausdorff measure 0¯,0 simple n-vector with first component v = 1. To any on Rn+N restricted to the graph G . n+N 0¯,0 N×n f v ∈ ΛnR with v = 1 we associate ξ(v) ∈ R given by Proof. We directly calculate: n−i ¯i,j Z [ξ(v)] = (−1) v . n j,i (10) c (x, f(x), ∇f(x)) dL (x) (15) X n+N If and only if v ∈ ΛnR is simple with first component Z n v0¯,0 = 1 then v = M(ξ(v)). A proof is given in [18, Vol. I, = Ψ(x, f(x),M(∇f(x))) dL (x) (16) X Ch. 2.1, Prop. 1]. Thus, on the set of simple n-vectors with Z 0¯,0 1 n first component v = 1, = Ψ(z, M(∇f(π1z))) dH (z) (17) Gf |M(∇f(π1z))| n+N N×n Z Σ1 = {v ∈ ΛnR : v = M(ξ) for ξ ∈ R }, (11)  n = Ψ z, τGf (z) dH (z). (18) Gf the inverse of the map (7) is given by (10). The step from (15) to (16) uses that c¯ is a polyconvex ex- Using the above notations, we can define a generalized tension (so that we can apply (12)) and the fact that for notion of convexity, which essentially states that there is a v = M(∇f(x)) we have v0¯,0 = 1. To arrive at (17), an convex reformulation on k-vectors. application of the area formula [32, Corollary 5.1.13] suf- Definition 2 (Polyconvexity). A map c : RN×n → R is fices and for (18) we used positive one-homogenity of Ψ n+N and the definition of τ in (6). polyconvex if there is a convex function c¯ : ΛnR → R Gf such that we have Interestingly, the function (13) is convex and one-

N×n homogeneous in the last argument, as it is the perspective c(ξ) =c ¯(M(ξ)) for all ξ ∈ R . (12) of a convex function. However, the search space of oriented graphs of C1 mappings is nonconvex. Therefore we relax Equivalently one has that c(ξ(v)) =c ¯(v) for all v ∈ Σ . 1 from oriented graphs to the larger set of currents, which we We also refer to the convex function c¯ as a polyconvex ex- will introduce in the following section. Since currents form tension. a vector space, we therefore obtain a convex functional over In general, the polyconvex extension is not unique. Any a convex domain. convex function has an obvious polyconvex extension by 4. From Oriented Graphs to Currents (10), but as discussed in the previous section we would like d the convex extension to be as large as possible for v∈ / Σ1. Throughout this section, let U ⊂ R be an open set, The largest polyconvex extension which agrees with the which will later be a neighbourhood of X × Y ⊂ Rn+N , original function on Σ1 can be formally defined using the where X = cl(X ), Y = cl(Y) are the closures of X , Y. convex biconjugate, but is often hard to explicitly compute. The main idea of our relaxation and the geometric intuitions The mass norm (4) corresponds to such a construction. of pushforward and boundary operator we introduce in this Nevertheless, given any polyconvex extension, we can section are summarized in the following Fig.2. Currents now reparametrize the original energy (1) on the oriented are defined in duality with differential forms, which we will graph Gf , as we show in the following central proposition. briefly introduce in the following section. π2]T = Y spt ∂T ⊂ (∂X) × Y J K ∂T

T = Gf J K π1]T = X J K (a) Graph of diffeomorphism f (b) Graph of function with jumps (c) “Stitched” graph (d) Current which is not a graph

Figure 2: The idea of our relaxation is to move from oriented graphs in the product space to the larger set of currents. These include oriented graphs as special cases, as shown in (a). For a diffeomorphism, the pushforwards π1]T , π2]T yield currents induced by domain and codomain, which will be a linear constraint in the relaxed problem. In (b) we show the current given by the graph of a discontinuous function. Since it has holes, the boundary operator ∂T has support inside the domain. We will constrain the support of the boundary to exclude such cases. (c) Stitching jumps yields a current with vertical parts at the jump points, which corresponds to the limiting case in the perspective function (13). To obtain an overall convex formulation, we will also allow currents (d) which don’t necessarily concentrate on the graph of a function.

4.1. Differential Forms differential forms. As shown in Fig. 2a, an oriented k- dimensional manifold M ⊂ U induces a current by A of order k (short: k-form) is a map k d Z ω : U → Λ R . The support of a differential form spt ω M (ω) = ω. (23) is defined as the closure of {z ∈ U : ω(z) 6= 0}. Integra- J K M tion of a k-form over an oriented k-dimensional manifold is However, since Dk(U) is a vector space, not all elements defined by look like k-dimensional manifolds, see Fig. 2d. The bound- Z Z ary of the k-current T ∈ Dk(U) is the (k − 1)-current k ω := hω(z), τM(z)i dH (z). (19) ∂T ∈ Dk−1(U) defined via the : M M ∂T (ω) = T (dω), for all ω ∈ Dk−1(U). (24) A notion of derivative for k-forms is the exterior derivative dω, which is a (k + 1)-form given by: Stokes’ theorem (21) ensures that for currents which are given by k-dimensional oriented manifolds, the boundary Z 1 of the current agrees with the usual notion, see Fig. 2b. hdω(z), v1 ∧ ... ∧ vk+1i = lim k+1 ω, (20) h→0 h ∂P The support of a current, denoted by spt T , is the com- plement of the biggest open set V such that where ∂P is the oriented boundary of the parallelotope spanned by the {hvi} at point z. T (ω) = 0 whenever spt(ω) ⊂ V. (25) To get an intuition, note that for k = 0 this re- d q Given a map π : R → R the pushforward π]T of the duces to the familiar directional derivative hdω(x), v1i = 1 k-current T ∈ Dk(U) is given by limh→0 (ω(x + hv1) − ω(x)). With (19) and (20) in h ] k q mind, one sees why Stokes’ theorem π]T (ω) = T (π ω), for all ω ∈ D (R ). (26) Z Z Intuitively, it transforms the current using the map π, as il- dω = ω. (21) lustrated in Fig. 2a. The mass of a current T ∈ Dk(U) is M ∂M  k ∗ M(T ) = sup T (ω): ω ∈ D (U), kω(z)k ≤ 1 , (27) should hold intuitively. Given a map π : Rd → Rq, the k pullback π]ω of the k-form ω is determined by and as expected M( M ) = H (M). We denote the space of k-currents withJ K finite mass and compact support ] hπ ω, v1 ∧ .. ∧ vki = hω ◦ π, Dv1 π ∧ .. ∧ Dvk πi, (22) by Mk(U). These are representable by integration, mean- d ing there is a measure kT k on U and a map T~ : U → ΛkR where D π = ∇π · v and ∇π ∈ Rq×d is the Jacobian. vi i such that kT~(z)k = 1 for kT k-almost all z such that 4.2. Currents Z T (ω) = hω(z), T~(z)i dkT k(z). (28) Denote the space of smooth k-forms with compact sup- port on U as Dk(U). Currents are elements of the dual The decomposition (28) is crucial, and we will use it to de- k 0 space Dk(U) = D (U) , i.e., linear functionals acting on fine the relaxation in the next section. 4.3. The Relaxed Energy where the additional pushforward constraint encourages bi- jectivity. Notice also the similarity of (32) together with We lift the original energy (1) to the space of finite mass (35) to the Kantorovich relaxation in optimal transport. currents T ∈ M (U) with spt T ⊂ X × Y as follows: n Existence of minimizing currents to a similar problem as Z (32) in a certain space of currents (real flat chains) is shown ∗∗  ~  E(T ) = Ψ π1z, π2z, T (z) dkT k(z). (29) in [16, §3.9]. For dimension n = 1 or codimension N = 1, the infimum is actually realized by a surface (integral flat ~ n ¬ Since for T = Gf we have T = τGf , kT k = H Gf the chain)[16, §5.10, §5.12]. An adaptation of such theoretical desirable propertyJ EK ( Gf ) = E(f) holds due to Prop.1. considerations to our setting and conditions under which the Note that in (29) weJ useK the lower-semicontinuous reg- relaxation is tight in the scenario n > 1, N > 1 is a major ularization Ψ∗∗ which extends (13) at v0¯,0 = 0 with the open challenge and left for future work. correct value. Interestingly, this point corresponds to the situation when the graph has vertical parts, which cannot 5. Discrete Formulation occur for C1 functions but can happen for general currents, In this section we present an implementation of the con- see Fig. 2c. In [43] it was shown that one can penalize such tinuous model (32) using discrete exterior calculus [22]. We jumps in a way depending on the jump distance and direc- will base our discretization on cubes since they are easy to tion. We will not consider such additional regularization work with in high , but one could also use sim- due to space limitations, but remark that they could be in- plices. To define cubical meshes, we adopt some notations tegrated by adding further constraints to the following dual from computational homology [25]. representation, which is a consequence of [18, Vol. II, Sec. 1.3.1, Thm. 2]. Definition 3 (Elementary interval and cube). An elemen- tary interval is an interval I ⊂ R of the form I = [l, l + 1] Proposition 2. For T ∈ Mn(U) with spt T ⊂ X × Y , we or I = {l} for l ∈ Z. Intervals that consist of a single point have the dual representation are degenerate. An elementary cube is given by a product κ = I1 × ... × Id, where each Ii is an elementary interval. E(T ) = sup T (ω), (30) d d ω∈K The set of elementary cubes in R is denoted by K . where the constraint is the closed and convex set For κ ∈ Kd, denote by dim κ ∈ {1, . . . , d} the number of nondegenerate intervals. We denote i(κ) ∈ I(d, dim κ) n 0 n n+N K = ω ∈ Cc (U, Λ R ): as the multi-index referencing the nondegenerate intervals. (31) ∗ o Definition 4 (Cubical set). A set Q ⊂ Rd is a cubical set if Ψ (π1z, π2z, ω(z)) ≤ 0, ∀z ∈ X × Y . it can be written as a finite union of elementary cubes. The final relaxed optimization problem for (1) reads d d Let Kk (Q) = {κ ∈ K : κ ⊂ Q, dim κ = k} be the set of k-dimensional cubes contained in Q ⊂ Rd.A inf E(T ), s.t. spt T ⊂ X × Y,T ∈ C. (32) T ∈Mn(U) map φ : Q → X × Y will transform the cubical set to our domain. As we work with images, it will just be a mesh Depending on the kind of problem one wishes to solve, a spacing, i.e., we set φ(z) = (h1z1, . . . , hdzd). different convex constraint set C should be considered. For example, in the case of variational problems with Dirichlet Definition 5 (k-chains, k-cochains). We denote the space d boundary conditions, we set of finite formal sums of elements in Kk (Q) with real coeffi- cients as Ck(Q), called (real) k-chains. We denote the dual  ∗ k C = T : π1]T = X , ∂T = S , (33) as Ck(Q) = C (Q) and call the elements k-cochains. J K where S ∈ Mn−1(U) is a given boundary datum. In case of d Definition 6 (Boundary). For κ ∈ Kk (Q), denote the pri- Neumann boundary conditions, one constrains the support mary faces obtained by collapsing the j-th non-degenerate of the boundary to be zero inside the domain interval to the lower respectively upper boundary as κ−, κ+ ∈ Kd . The boundary of an elementary cube C = T : π T = X , spt ∂T ⊂ (∂X) × Y , (34) j j k−1 1] d J K κ ∈ Kk (Q) is the (k − 1)-chain, to exclude surfaces with holes, but allow the boundary to be k freely chosen on (∂X) × Y . In case n = N, one can also X j−1 + − ∂κ = (−1) (κj − κj ) ∈ Ck−1(Q). (36) consider the constraint set j=1  C = T : π1]T = X , π2]T = Y , The boundary operator is given by the extension to a linear J K J K (35) spt ∂T ⊂ ∂(X × Y ) , map ∂ : Ck(Q) → Ck−1(Q). Input Finite differences Discrete exterior calculus Y

X Finite differences Discrete exterior calculus Figure 3: Minimization of the Brachistochrone energy on a 25×14 cubical set (gray squares). The proposed discretiza- Figure 4: Total variation minimization. Top: The proposed tion yields a diffuse current (black vector field), whose cen- DEC discretization yields solutions with better isotropy and ter of mass (black, dashed) however is faithful to the analyt- sharper discontinuities. Bottom: In that stereo matching ical cycloid solution (orange) far beyond the mesh accuracy. example, we enforce the continuous constraints Wω ∈ K between the discretization points (here 8 labels), which P leads to more precise (sublabel-accurate) solutions com- A k-chain T = κ Tκκ ∈ Ck(Q) can be identified with 0 0 P pared to the naive finite-difference approach. a k-current T ∈ Dk(U) by T = κ Tκφ] κ . The above discrete notion of boundary is defined in analogyJ K to the con- tinuous definition (24). k-cochains we arrive at the following finite-dimensional In our discretization, we will use the dual representation convex-concave saddle-point problem on Q ⊂ Rn+N : of the lifted energy from Prop.2. To implement differential forms, we introduce an interpolation operator. min max hT, ωi + h∂T − S, ϕi , n φ φ T ∈Cn(Q) ω∈C (Q) Definition 7 (Whitney map). The Whitney map extends a ϕ∈Cn−1(Q) k-cochain ω to a k-form ( ω): X × Y → ΛkRd, (39) W subject to π1]T = 1, Wω ∈ K,

X −1 potentially π2]T = 1 in case n = N. (Wω)(x) = ωκWc(φ (x), κ), (37) d κ∈Kk (Q) S ∈ Cn−1(Q) is a given boundary datum, for free boundary conditions we replace the inner product hS, ϕi with an indi- where ωκ ∈ R are the coefficients of the k-cochain, cator function S : Cn−1 → R forcing ϕ to be zero on the Y boundary. The pushforwards π1], π2] are linear constraints Wc(x, κ) = dxi(κ) max{0, 1 − |xi − Ii(κ)|}, (38) on the coefficients of the k-chain T . i∈i(κ) and Ii(κ) ∈ Z is the element in the degenerate interval. 6. Numerical Implementation Interestingly, the Whitney map (for simplicial meshes) In practice we solve (39) with the first order primal-dual first appeared in [66, Eq. 27.12] but specializes to lowest- [8]. For the local constraints Wω ∈ K usu- order Raviart-Thomas [49](k = 2,d = 3) and Nédélec [45] ally no closed form projection exists. In some situations elements (for k = 1, d = 3), see [3,4]. Differential forms (N = 1) they can be implemented exactly, see [41, 40]. of type (37) are called Whitney forms. In the general setting, we resort to implementing them at We also define a weighted inner product h·, ·iφ between sampled points. To enforce the constraint Wω ∈ K at chains and cochains by plugging the Whitney form asso- samples Z = {z1, z2,...} ⊂ X × Y we add another pri- n+N ciated to the k-cochain into the current corresponding to mal variable λ : Z → ΛnR and the additional term P ∗∗ the k-chain. As both are constant on each k-cube, a quick z∈Z Ψ (z, λ(z)) − hλ(z), (Wω)(z)i to the saddle-point P k calculation shows: hT, ωiφ = κ TκωκH (φ(κ)), where formulation (39). Hk(φ(κ)) is simply the volume of the k-cube under the Finally, one requires the proximal operator of the per- mesh spacing φ. spective function Ψ∗∗. These can be implemented using Using the dual representation (30), and approximating epigraphical projections as in [48]. For an overview over the current by a k-chain and the differential forms with proximal operators of perspective functions we refer to [12]. X,Y ⊂ R2 with boundary. We use the cost c(x, y, ξ) = (ρ(x, y) + ε) pdet (I + ξ>ξ), which penalizes the surface area in the product space and favors local isometry. The parameter ε > 0 models the trade-off between data and smoothness. In the example considered in Fig.5 the data −1 XY id −f id −f is given by ρ(x, y) = kI1(x) − I2(y)k, where I1,I2 are the shown color images. A polyconvex extension of the above cost, which is large for non-simple vectors is given by the (weighted) mass norm (4). The 4-D cubical set Q is the product space between the two shapes X and Y , which are given as quads (pixels). We impose the constraints Wω ∈ K at the 16 vertices of each four dimensional hypercube. The left-to-right slice of kT k right-to-left slice of kT k proximal operator of the mass norm is computed as in [67]. Figure 5: Global registration of X and Y . Top: Our method Note that the required 4 × 4 real Schur decomposition can yields dense pointwise correspondences that are smooth in be reduced to a 2 × 2 SVD using a few Givens rotations, 0¯,0 0,0¯ both directions and correspond to the correct transforma- see [65]. We further impose T ≥ 0 and T ≥ 0, and tion. Bottom: 2-D slices through the 4-D density kT k at boundary conditions ensure that ∂X is matched to ∂Y . Bi- the single black pixel. We empirically verify (also at the jectivity of the matching is encouraged by the pushforward other points) that the current concentrated near a surface, constraints π1]T = 1, π2]T = 1. After solving (39) we ob- therefore the recovered solution is near the global minimum tain the final pointwise correspondences f : X → Y from of the original nonconvex problem. the 2-chain T ∈ C2(Q) by taking its center of mass. P In Fig.5 we visualize f(x) = y y |(WT )(x, y)|, −1 P f (y) = x x |(WT )(x, y)|. As one can see, the maps 6.1. Properties of the Discretization f and f −1 are smooth and inverse to each other. Despite n > 1, N > 1, the current apparently concentrated near As a first example we solve the Brachistochrone [6], ar- a surface and the computed solutions are therefore near the guably the first variational approach. The cost is given by global optimum of the original nonconvex problem. q 1+ξ2 c(x, y, ξ) = 2gy where g > 0 is the gravitational con- stant. Dirichlet boundary conditions are enforced using the 7. Discussion and Limitations boundary operator. In Fig.3 we show the resulting current, which concentrates on the graph of the closed-form solution In this work, we introduced a novel approach to vectorial to the problem, which is a cycloid. The unlifted result is ob- variational problems based on geometric measure theory, tained by taking the center of mass of the first component along with a natural discretization using concepts from dis- T 0¯,0 of the current by summing over the horizontal edges crete exterior calculus. Though observed in practice, we do in the 1-chain. The obtained result nearly coincides with not have theoretical guarantees that the minimizing current the exact cycloid. Instead, solutions from MRF approaches will concentrate on a surface. In case of multiple global so- would invariably be confined to the vertices or edges of the lutions, one might get a convex combination of minimizers. rather coarse grid. Some mechanism to select an extreme point of the convex In Fig.4 we solve total variation regularized problems solution set would therefore be desirable. The main draw- which corresponds to setting c(x, y, ξ) = ρ(x, y) + |ξ| for back over MRFs, for which very efficient solvers exist [27], some data ρ. The data is either a quadratic or a stereo match- is that we had to resort to the generic algorithm [8] with ing cost in that example. The proposed approach based on O(1/ε) convergence. Yet, solutions with high numerical discrete exterior calculus has better isotropy and leads to accuracy are typically not required in practice and the algo- sharper discontinuities than the common forward difference rithm parallelizes well on GPUs. To conclude, we believe approach used in literature. Furthermore, by enforcing the that the present work is a step towards making continuous constraints Wω ∈ K also between the discretization points approaches an attractive alternative to MRFs, especially in one can achieve “sublabel-accurate” results as demonstrated scenarios where faithfulness to certain geometric properties in the stereo matching example. of the underlying continuous model is desirable.

6.2. Global Registration Acknowledgements. The work was partially supported As an example of n > 1, N > 1 with polycon- by the German Research Foundation (DFG); project vex regularization, we tackle the problem of orientation 394737018 “Functional Lifting 2.0 – Efficient Convexifica- preserving diffeomorphic registration between two shapes tions for Imaging and Vision”. References [20] T. Goldstein, X. Bresson, and S. Osher. Global minimization of Markov random fields with applications to optical flow. [1] G. Alberti, G. Bouchitté, and G. Dal Maso. The cali- Inverse Problems & Imaging, 6(4):623–644, 2012.2 bration method for the Mumford-Shah functional and free- [21] D. Hilbert. Mathematische Probleme. Nachrichten von der discontinuity problems. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equa- Königl. Gesellschaft der Wiss. zu Göttingen, pages 253–297, tions, 16(3):299–333, 2003.2 1900.1 [2] M. Arjovsky, S. Chintala, and L. Bottou. Wasserstein gen- [22] A. N. Hirani. Discrete exterior calculus. 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