'Ilenntr'd s.l|rrrd '06I "rlluog snJdgorng:adKJ (1.98I) 602 :EsrsuerTpJlsnv rJold sauourolsoJalaHseues snld.{lsJng


'(aDuoSoc{lD) res ? IEruroJur(I/61) s,uosur{ot? 10,416o1 luep,rrnba) 'qtuog sauowa$oQp H seuessndtf)Jn4 urr ,tr sercadsoql qsrn8uqsp qcrq,,vrslrn{ ftln8uuJpenber{l 'ouoSoJKloJ ol SuuaJal ,,sluo8eJlet€lndni,, uondlJcsepaql ur Surpnlcut g se pezuSoce: fpuaunc sr leq,rr seqsqqelsefpurJ osle en3o1o1o:ds..routuezcJnl ouoSoc(loc .dsqnssu pezuSoce: urareq 'strnq pue spnq peqqu-.{13uo4slou pua lluus ^Ja^nularq}r,r ttuoSoct1oc? Jo lruoJ o.lleru pe{r€q -qloous 'uo$trug) eql ol puodsaJJoced,(t eqt Jo,(8o1oqtuoruerl pue ,{llpcol aql qlog (696I sle^El plorJuldou{ s,Jotcalloceql Jo lunocJe uo sercadsor{l Jo uonnqlJlslpeql Jo ued uJe}se^\-qlnosJuJ oql 'u/rou{un ,puolxlunjC .I ur eq plno,r qJrq,r tnq sr qcq,r Jo .&ll?col eslre.rdoql fq urletsnv uJelsel[ ur pelrellor l€rJeluu uo.rJ (ZggI) ,rouruezrrnl fq pequcsep1str1 se,Y' ouoSoc([tr snd&orn4


'€xul peqursop ,{1.,'reueql :o; papra.oJdeJu suorlBJtsnlJr e^rl€luasaJdoJ pue sd€uruounqqsr( .s11n:;e1u3uo1a ,.re8re1 ,erprlsnv pue trqcq lafleu slr ur ouoSorKlDc? ruo.rJSuueJJrp uJelsel[Jo uor8arspyer;ploE u:aqlnos eqt ol cruepue sr ellocr51arta;d 3 selceds,rreu eq1 se1u16qynog ,,ne1r1 olur Eurpualxalsnf,Euolrr1 uJelse.{\pue elleJ]snv qlnos urelseaur pserdsepl,r 'eIpJrN slspq(u)o4 .dsqnspus :ErT€Jlsnvqlnos 'ellocrN 'dsqns:ere uI ElnsuluadeJ,{A ol pelcFlsar ltptogqds pequcsepaaoSorfirJ !'Jo senadsqns .,t,teNplnsurued er,4g uo ,{1ureu '€llpr1snv qlnos uJ (llounfsrp pue eTTEISnVulelseld ureqlnos .paqucsap Jo €eJ€lleqleeq^\ aql ur sJnccoouoSoctlDo dsqts DuoSootlol ? aJEserceds,,rrau u pue sertodsqns^\eu o^! pueuonducsu.rncJn peinpal e Jepunpequcsep sr .zcJnJ rzoS octloc ,g peau1ocat ,trou sarcedsue^es eql rog papl,ro:d st ,{e1 z pue pequcsepsr (eEec€u^I,{).tllue'{ sauowatsoapH '(OOOZ) sepas1u911,1sz;dflDrng ;IE-EO€ i(Z) otsl(.nN.elleqsny ueqtnos ruo{ Dxgl^\eu eallt Jo .C te [otducsap eql SurynlJur(epec€u,{trAtr) dnot? ouoSocKlocsnldKpJng eqtJo ^\er ar V ocrN


yoS 'ertE4snv .slrual]s l00g opr?lepv 00tZ OdC qtnos to ,{llsr5^ru1lsrepurrd eql lprl3olorglo looq.S


BIIBrlsny uraqlnos uro{ Bxul areuaarqlJo uolfdlr)sap aql Su.rpnlrur(aBeJutJ,{I I) dnora ouoSott\oc snlilt\ocng aq11oxlelt at y

(0002)9t€-€0€:(z)€ I ,rr,.(rN 304 Naltria Vol. 13, No. 2 (2000)

A small seriesofseven species from southemAustralia,distinguishedby its combinationofbisected cotyledons; stem pith glands absent; small tlee (mallet) or habitl axillary, unbranched inflorescences;inflexed staminalfilaments, the outerfilaments twisted, p articularlymanifest in flowers (cf. within buds), without anthersand longer than the fertile filaments; ovules in four verlical rows; the outer operculumdehiscing during bud development;and the somewhatovoid seedwith an almost smooth to quite smooth reticulum.

Key to the speciesof Eucalyptus seriesHeleroslemones

1. Buds and fruit squarein transve$e section,at least on lower part of hypanthium 2. Fruit oblong to urceolatein outline 3. Mallet, fruit length:widthratio 2.5:1-4:1 E. prolixa 3. Mallee,fruit length:widthmtio 1.5:l-2.5:l ...... E. calycogona 2. Fruit obconicalto cupularin out1ine...... E.quadrans 1. Buds and fruit round in tansveme section 4. Pedicelsequal to or longerthan bud length...... E.yilgarnensis 4. Pedicelsshorter than bud length 5, Fruit urceolate,much longerthan broad ,,,,,,...... E. celastroides 5. Fruit obconical to cupular to banel-shaped 6. Pedunclesto 5 mm long ...... E. breYipes 6. Peduncles> 5 mm long ...... E. gracilis

l. Eucalyptus calycogona'ftrrcz.,Bttll. Cl. Phys.-Math.Acad. Sci. Saint-Petersburg10: 388 (1852). Typer Swan River Colony, Westem ,1849,J. Drummond 5: 184 (holo: KW;iso; BM, FI, K, MEL, PERTH,W).

Notes.Recognized wrthin E. seriesHeterostemones by lhe malleehabit; the relatively large buds and fruits that are longer than wide, squarein transversesection and have four longitudinal ribs or wings extendingfrom the -hypanthiumjointo the top of thehypanthium. Staminalcolourvaries from white to dark pink. Three subspeciesare herein recognized.

Intergrades between E calycogona and the closely related ,. Sracilis F. Muell. have been "insensible postulated(Brooker & Kleinig 1996), and Maiden (1903) refers to gradations"between E. gracilis arrdE. calycogona, without citing localities or specimens.These repo s have not been substantiatedin thefield by theauthor. The two taxaare distinguishable by bud andfruit characteristics, E. gracilis having much smallerbuds and fruits that areterete in transversesection and barrel-shaped rather than urceolatefruits. E quadransBrooker & Hopper is also closely relatedto,E calycogona showing some moryhological approachto it in its angular hypanthium. E quadrans differs in its obconical,angular rather than dbbed, shorterbuds and fruits. Intermediatesbetweefi E. quadrans and E. calycogona(subsp. calycogona)have been recorded (M. French pers.comm.).

Key to the subspeciesof Eucalyptuscalrcogona

1. Mostadult leaves 1,+-24 mm wide,firm; fruit 6-9 mm wide, ribsvery prominent ...... subsp'spaffordii 1. Mostadult leaves 6-15 mm wide;fruit 3-7 mrnwide, ribs lessprominent 'erle4snYqlnos 'qnsulued 'op8u?t1l 'dsqns or{g pue lsed o) eC uao \loq urog \qetl ouoSozqor ouoSorqor sudqonq I er..8rl

rrjaqtnos-,{elre^uo ecuadJoordlrqqeuJo guq6'z:(Hldlld'SNYJ'cv) e66tr !oo1&'H'IN'9L61 13o €'uaoquerPNsprs,t\ol uep.{HJo tdNN UDIt I I :(HJulId'sNVf,'ov) 6I98npo.tg'H'I w'1861 'EnV 'eczrC 'pautLuoxa 8 eryIJo NUDIS I :(lwaollse,!\) VI'IVUISOV NUSISAA suawpadsparraps

'u,trorq-etuero'.{ssolE (I arnErd) JpqJ :urnlncrtelr.lloours ol pe ld.{leulJ ',(ssol3 '3uol ,{:a,re puesa,roor8 lzurpnllSuol ,4doll€rls qly['u^\olq-uzl tur{,it\euos ruur8'l-8'0'pro^o 'lrn{ 'SurpueJsap -mln?uespaas urpesolJuefldeep't se^p^ rsrp:apr,rluru8 0 ol'SupuecsEol Ia^el ',$ou?u 'Euol 'squ ,&eAJEcs urnlncJedo : luup urur9|--' uJr!0I-8 pcua^ Irullslplnq )pa^\rnoJ qll.r 'aleloa 'alellarrpad n sltrf s.rorlu3rt Je^I u saln^O slrlspuu serod fq Suruedo'proqol3ot proqnc 'elp?sJa.{'slueul?llJ Jeuoqs uo sJaqtu?alrueJ :sJaqlu? lnoqlr,it\ sueusls Jalno 'paxeuur ,e?allr.ts '{urd 'lurluoc'qloorxs 'unlqluud,{q {r€p ol elry^\ful€en sratoll el€lncld? ol qtpl,r u pnbe unlncredo "lrlerp '8uol 'uuoJlsnJ 'Suol :sqlJ[Eclue^ JnoJ qlr^\ urnrqluud^q uru g-€ urur0l-8 spng urtJur-Z 'peqcu€Jqun'd-I?IIrxu sloJrpad:3uol unu 6-i'J?[nBuBol eleJelselcunped :peJe,rou-, sacuacsatoi[u1 'qlJp{(u (uo4.S'-0€ lu sure^IeJetEI'spuEy8 Io pueysr sno:eunu qlLr'elEJepouJ ol esredsuorleyncrler ',(ssolt'snoJolocuoc 'epr,tr '3uol 'etEloecusl :ueeJtIJep ot ueeJt ururgy-1 uIuI00I-Sg ol eleloacuEl -,r\ou?u'elElorled'el?:J.J:e\esa^oaltUpV 'ueaj8'llnp'snojolo.srp FnqSlts ol snojoloJuoc+'epr,{1urur g 'Jlldqle-,&oJJEu 'el€lorled 'el?uJotle pu€SuoI uru 0Z ol dn uerDeleloeJuEf,t\orJEu fluoqs ueqlsJled 'uruerc L-S JoJelrsoddo sa^Dal Suqpaas suoqqupoqs ur 3uu?JnroJop ot,(er81q311re,ro,{er8 1q311 'sJeqnlou8rT 'lFl 'poururels-uaJe ol f,eJElnoqEnoJqt qtoous Zrr€, SuruuoJ ru S-€ Alle($n'aaol,4tr

euo8oJ[leJ dsqns'zcrnl euoSoJ,{pJ snld,(luJng'BI

'dsqns ' '''''''''' s!seq.{qre4 ur s z-9 0 JoJpslEuessal'qtsnor {l?g'z 'dsqns '''''' BuoSoJflBJ assq,fia^ l? ,{Iuoq8nor ro qloourslreg 7

'elorlN VS urorJ exel ^\au aerqt Jo suopdpsap Sulpnlrul ouoSox{ln tfiiqo g Jo ^\el^ar V ( 306 Nll)r.ridVol. 13, No. 2 (2000)

Crossroad,I Sep. 1988,K IIl3048 (CANB,NSW,PERTH);98.5kmEofHydenonHyden-Norseman road(i.e. I1.7 kmEof crossroads),17 May 1988,L.A.S. Johnson9l01 & M. Johnson(NSW, PERTH); Frank Hann National Park, E of Lake King towardsNinety Mile Tank, 33'04'21"S, 120'13'01"8, 22 Nov.1994,D. Nicolle 1112(PERTH). (west to east):Eyre Highway betweenKimba and Kyancutta,Eyre Peninsula, 33'12'20"S,136"1 1'36"E, 23 July 1995,D. Nicolle1407 (AD); c. 3 km NE of theKallimba entrance on the Darke Peak-Curtinyeroad, c. l6 km SSEof Kimba,29 Aug.1983,J.D. Ariggs 1098(AD, CANB)1 betweenDarke Peake and Mangalo, Eyre Peninsula, 33"29'19'S, 136'26'15'E, l6 Feb.1996,D.Nicolle 1688(AD, CANB);roadbetween canoetree and Tonkin's Cunency CreekWinery, FleurieuPeninsula, 35"21'37"S,138'49'1 1"E, 28 May 1995,D. Nicolle1362 (AD); roadbetween canoe tree and Tonkin's Currency Creek Winery, Fleurieu Peninsula,11 Apr. 1993,D. Nicolle 383 (CANB).

Distribution and habitat. Subsp.calycogonc occurs in malleeand low woodland vegetationand, like the other subspeciesof Eucalyptus calycogona, it generally occurs on locally heavier soils. It is restdctedto three disjunct regions (Figure 2):

I . Centraland southemwheatbelt areas of WesternAustralia, from north-eastofEsperanca west to the Lake Gracearea, where it may be associatedwithE.flocktoniae (Maiden) Mdden (slbsp.flocktoniae), E. pileatuBlakely, E. depauperataL. Iohnson & K. Hill, E densaBrooker & Hopper (subsp.dcnsa) andE. oleosaF.Muell.ex Miq. (subsp.corulrc L. Johnson& K. Hill).

2. Eyre PeninsulainSouth Australia, especially from Kyancuttato Cummins andeastwards to Spencer Gulf, where it may be associatedwith E. phenaxBrooker &Slee, E. incrassataLabill., E. leptophylla F. Muell. ex Miq., E. oleosa, E. cretata Brooker & P. Lang, E porosa F. Muell. ex Miq. and E. peninsularis Nicolle.

3. FleurieuPeninsula in SouthAustralia, from NewlandHead north-eastwards to nearStrathalbvn.

FLoweringperiod. July to November.

WestcrnAustralia SouthAuslfillia

New South Wales

Figure 2. Map of soulhernAustralia showingthe distributionof Eucaryptuscalycogona s:ubspp. calycoSono O, lrachJbasis L ^td spaffardii + altd Eucalyptusprolitu E . (t'g semSrd)'u,1^orq-e8uBro',{ssol8 'u,r\ojq-uDl JJeq, :unlncrteJ qloorxs ol pelld flaug ,&e,r e pue se,roo:3leurpnlr8uol ,{\ollErlsqll,r 'fsso13 '8uol 'pro,ro-mln8ue 't 'Surpueosep ,{pq31s urur 7-1 .rpaas trruJ ur pasolJua,(ld€p se^IE^ 'SurpueJsE '.^ ,3uoy csrp :epr,r Ixrx 8 0 ol ol [e^el oJJEu,{ro,r recs runync:edo: ul?rp ruu 11 ruru 'squ 'el€loe3Jn'atel]€xrped, € I-8 Teo,r!\rnoJ q]l.& slmtg s^loJl€rrua^ t ur sairap slqs pue se.roddq 'proqo13 'alrlESJaA Suruedo o1proqnJ sreqtw alrUal :storDrretnoqlr^r suerxElslalno ,paxouur.rraatpJs' 'Iuld al?d,(1uouruocssal ol allq,r,{ureoJasJa$ol4 .elulnrrdu,luJruoc,$oours ,unrqluedfq ol qlpr.,[ ' '3uol .ruoJrsnJ ut pnbe runyncrado:squ rno3 qlr/r\unrqluudfq ruurpurur S g-g E ruul ZI-01 spzg '3uo1u.rur ,paqruErqun,,fuellrxu g-g slecrpad:8uoluru 11-9'ruln8ue o1alerel selcunped iperemou-, 'spuu13 ,atEJeporu sa7uacsaroL[ulqt.Jprtu tuoq .SS-S€ls sure,rpre1el 1ropuelsr e8rel sno:eunu q]l,r ',(sso13'snoJolocuoc 'epr,4\ ,3uo1 o1 esredsuoqelncqer :ueal8 {J€p o1 ueu8 lulu g1-g ulur 06-gt 'elEloeru€l 'etelorlad 'alr-utellE 'llnp 'snoJolocsrp sa^Dalqzpy ueet8 fnq8qs ot snoJolocuoc+.aplr ruur g puu 3uo1ujurg€ ot dn 'crldJlJe-^\oJr€uueql el?loecuel-.roJJEu'etelorled ,elelualp ueql s.nedg:o 'suoqqrJ ,a1rq,,ir-,tro1e,{ Z JoJelrsoddo sa^D al ?ullpaas uoqs ur SuDecruocap epd ol uea:c-o,r11o.te,lo 'llnp 'e^oqE '[or8 'pe1e11esse1 ,peJnssU ,{ar8 qloolxs ueql IrEp:o.(er8 o1u,,rrorq ,{pueururordol ,{f{ee,r '{ou{l 'ur 'sreqntou8rT ,{laulJ g Z-S 0.roJq8nolZ.rrB. SuruuoJ'lletLug-Zaalpw Al33u4s.roSupzudg

'(r\\SN'SNVO ,V661,{lnf ,urlurlsnv ;osr:qy :oloq)196 a orlN O 0€ '!L,l 'S,,I qtnoS I,€ I"0tl E,8t.tg'lqueA puuou?purhtr uee,rlaq fe,rqSrg uotxol-puag rllalwl ;,rrd.{J

'pegp snqyofeu anbsnqrlrn4 sutwqcle 'snquouul retr^el 'erorsnJJa 'rssq 'olellessel 'olpcu.rocep-uou sDInpBsrrToJ nlrquq Jetr^el ecruor €crd,{}enedsqns V

',1ou .dsqrs,elJoJrNslsuq,{qJeJl dsqnseuoSorfler snldfprng.q1

'ec?r9 'puoSoJtloJ e{u'I Jo tse,t\se q.ns dsqnsouoSoc(loc ? Jo uoDnqlJlslpeql ,eJ€nbs ,eleJel JOtse/( eql ur u,rour'leJE Ex€t o.rr^l aql uea,trleqsepu:3:alu1 uolces es]a^su?Jtur lou 3J3 'Jellurus 'q8nol ,Je{oorg luql slrn{ peqqy-uou pu€ IJuq luelsrsJed slr ur sJeJJrpr{clt{/h alJalla dsqns 'zcJrl saptoltsDpJ g pe1u1e:,{yesoyc eqt qll/r cFludurfs Apmds1 ouoSocQoJ .dsqns DuoBoJ{loJ .g 'PrT€JlSnV UJaISO/duI SIUotuUITJpeJnoloc sutl ,(10rer,{1uo lJ eleq.4lasle:)Frd Jo sopuqs snou€^ peJnoloJslueuJe1rJ Ieurusls spq fluoulluot ttuoSoctloc dsqnsouoSoc{ptc g ulnsutue4e:,(g ug

'(Druo.td g) splerJplo8ureqtnos uprlsrtsnv uJelse/Aaqt uo:; slru; ele8uolefua,r '.(np.tollods qll^\ slellsru perlruerq-daetspue 'dsqns) fpqelg npt ollus m,r se ol peJla;er,(1snor,re:d 'se^Eel €lnsuluedeJ^g lBJ]uacur lrn{ puD spnq esJcoJl0r,{\ suotlelndod:(srspqtrqJrlt.dsqns) '€rIEJlsnV salEld qlnos ,$aN pu€ euolcr^ qlnos uJelseeJo sealFlu palreq-q8nor aq1 e:a,tr .slueuulu 1o7 suasouoSoc(1or A ur lr ql!\\ pepnlcur.tlsnor^e.rd leurruets:lurd lrep o1e1rq,t eqt puu squ luauruord flalelapou ol )Iee/t\qlr,{\ sllruJ puD spnq:slln.rJ pup spnq.sa^EelIIErus eql:{ruq qloous eql ,{q sartods eqt ulllr,r paqsrn8uqsrpsr DuoSutlo) .dsqns ouoSoct\oc .g .s?!tlu!$opuo saJoN

'IrEd uorl€^JssuoJ pceH puel,lneNJo lsue ,{Iet"peururr sJJrlceql uo u,\\oull sr ElnsuruednounelC uo Irro8orflrJ .dsqns .a^Jased Jo Jerllno uelsea aql Jo uorlelndod etus y eJnluN Etue8etr,{s)r-J pue {Jed leuonsN ,€rlu4snv uu?H {ueJC ur Jnrco ot u.,r\ou{sr ll uelserlN ul ?JuerrnJro peJollEcseJour Jo ,{puaredde elrqid ErI€IsnV qlnos urElnsuruedaJ,{Auo se^laseJuorte^Jesuoc urpaluesarde:1le^lpue uourxoo srlI 'lEerql Jepuneq ot peraprsuoclou sDloSocKlpJ'dsqns DuoSoctloc.g,pacnpat\luecgruSrs ueeqseq serJedsqnslsord,{lpequcsunclrJ,{I^\eusp;oe8uerpuoqnquspeqtqBnoWlV.sn|o$uottDArasuoJ

,ellorrN .C L0t vS nro{ sxel ^1auaerqt Jo suoDdursepSupnlcur oudorqDr snfi(IortT Jo ^\er^arV -

vol. 13, No. 2 (2000) 308 N,]}rsid

South Auslralia' Fi}ure 3. EucallPtus calycogona srtbsp,trachlbasis habit from south of Pinnaroo'

Rd' Selectedspecimens examined. SOUTH AUSTRALIA (westto eas:):Bute to Port Broughton 33'44'08'S,137'58'47"E,l3Sep1995,D.Nicotte1486(AD'CANB,NSW):cl5kmfromButeon porr BroughtonRd, 2 July 1967, B. Copley1356 (AD); 13.l km N of Mallalatowards Balaklava, (34.20'5,138.29.E), l9 July 1975,G. Chippendate1350 & M.J.Brennan (AD); TailemBend_Loxton (AD, i{ighwayjustNof Mindarie, 34'48,53"S, 140'13'01',E, 30July 1994, D. Nicole 985 CANB)tjust (AD); W"ofL#e.oo on ttighway,35"19'28"S,140" 29'58"E,27 Dec 1993,D'Nicolle 732 nearKeith' 21 Arg.l95O,J.W. dt e'l te8 (A.O);l0 km N of Pinnarootowards Paruna (35'08'5' 140'56'E)' 3 Aug' 19'76, J.D. Turne r 19& H. Vos(AD) VICTORIA(westtoeast):l3.2kmWofMurrayvilletowardsPinnaroo,(35.15.S,|41.02'E)'23Jtl|y 1.915,G.Chippendate1383&M.JBrennan(AD);20kmNofRainbowtoHopetoun'(35"49'5' 142'08'E),15Sep.1977,J.D'Tumerl18(AD,PERTH,MEL,NSW);WyperfeldNationalPark'Ginap 28875(AD' NPA); Track,2 miles[i km] W of EagleTrack Junction, 3 Oct. 1968,A C Beauglehole 12km E of Ouyento Manangatang,16 Sep-1971 , t D Turner122 (AD'PERTH, MEL' NSW)' NEWSOUTHWALES: 14.5 kmfromTooleybuc towards Koraleigh,35"07'33"S' 143"24'I4"E'l3Dec' 1999.D. Nicolle2896 (AD. CANB).

of Distributionand habil4t widespreadbut scatteredin theMid North andMurray Mallee regions Koraleigh souttrAustralia, extending into adj acent areas ofVictoria andjustinto near (Figure2). It occursin malleeshrubland in red-brownloams, occasionally as the dominant (subsp. iss'ociatedspecies includeE sociallsF. Muell. exMiq., E danosaA. Cunn.exOxley, E oleosa oleosa)and E. phenax(subsp. phenax). Brooker (1986) considered it surpdsingthat E' calycogona (subsp.trachyZ,asis) was abs;nafrom mostofNew SouthWales thatis inhabitedby sevelalother mallee Australia speciescommon with thattaxon in victoria. Thesame could be said of E gracilisin westem both ir.,;,E. brevipesBtooker(avery restricted mallee of thenorthem wheatbelt of WestemAustralia), similar alsoof A ser,Heterostemones and both surprisinglydo not extendfurther into apparently habitatsin WestemAustralia. ' ltp.to.{lpds prm ouo 3 oc tlot 'ddsqns;o 'serJedsqns IJEq r11ooruseql q1r,trSuqse4uoc srrp Jo suals ra,trol oql uo 1r€q q8noJ luetslsredeql ol SurrleJo.r'as?q- sisrq puu q8nor - sftlearl lau0 uo{ po^IJapsr leql de eqJ-'KBolowttq

'Euolrr^ ur {r?d IsuorluN plaIad,4i[ puu ulp.Ilsnv qtnos ur $F?d uone^rasuoJsSuuds uorfuocs pu? le{JuBNse qcns sa^JeseJ ur luepunqy {sF1e oq olpereprsuocloupuepeerdsepr ll\'sntpls uoliDltasuo )

'laqolso ol [1n1 'Pouad Swauo\g

'srsoq&qcott dsqnsruor; ecuangurcqeue8 tsed euros,(lqrssod rllrNtouoSoJtqocdsqns aJe lnq sap€.r8Jaluraq ol poJaprsuojlou aJsslwld oseqJ IeAoIpunoJ8 punoJ€ IJ€qlualsrsrederuos Sur,raq slueldpuorsacco qlr,rr slsrzg(r7ozl dsqns spre.rot ,(Juepuel euos,^dor{s op elnsuua4 er.{g urelseo-quouuo l2?o8or(lrJ dsqnsJo slu€ld qBnoWIsJr.rledoll? em ouoSocKlDJpue stsoqtqcott ddsqnsouoSoctloc g'suotponb gpuusaplo4solac g 'sad1tatq'g 'sqtcotS gpalepteq] 1eq1slros (,(e,4u1caroru) rar,rueq,{lpraua8 uo SurrnJJo ,r1o.td g puu ouoSoc,{Joag qlr,trequrlsny uJelsai[ ur s]ncco uownlrs J€lrurrsY sercedso,{l eseqluee,rleq sprJq,{qJo lcel aql JoJuorl€u?ldxe elqrssodeSureq uorleredes pqzds eq1'sr11co.t3g peluptet4 uuql slos Jerleaquo punogsr (slsoq(4rzll 'dsqns) 'a8uBl ouoSorKlDr ? slr Jo uud uletsse aql ur lpql punoJ (8961) ue.rod ? suosr?d

1t86 alpclN o) slsoq<D.ltdsgt\s ouoSor(|oc sntd&otnz Jo od,{roloH t crn8ld

'allocrN VS ruo-gex€l ,reu eerqlJo suorldursepBurpnlrur Duo8ox{tor sntdqDrng Jo .rer^ar V ( 310 Nr)rri, vol. 13, No. 2 (2000)

Notesand ffinities. E. calycogona subsp.trachybasis differsfrom subsp.calycogot?a in thepersistent, rough bark on thelower stems,themorc spreading,stragglyhabit, the slightly broaderadult leavesand the larger buds and fruits.

E. calycogona stbsp. trachybasisis the eastemvariant of E calycogona and is geographically separatefrom the othertwo subspecies. ofsubsp. /rachyba.rissometimes attain the sameheight as typical plants of subspp.calycogona ar'dspaffordii,buthey are usually spreadingand have more crooked,spreading stems unlike the erect,staight stemsof the other two subspecies.The rough bark characterreadily distinguishessubsp. ,racftyDcsis from the other subspeciesof E calycogona. ltalso has somewhatlarger buds and fruits thar' srbsp,calycogona and marginally larger leaves. Therough bark ofthis subspeciesis usually somewhattessellated, like thatofotherrough-barkedtaxa in the serios, viz. E. gracilis, E. celastroidesand E. yilgarnensis (MalLden)Brooker. lc. Eucalyptus calycogona Turcz. subsp.spaffordii Nicolle, subsp.nov

Eucalyptuscalycogona Turcz. var. stafrordii Blakely, Key Eucalypts265 (1934).Type: YeeIanna, SouthAustralia, June 1917 , W.J.Spaford s.r. (syn;NSW).

A subspecietypica foliis juvenilibus latioribus, foliis adultis crassioribuslatiodbus, alabastris fructibusquemajoribus et valde costatisdiffert.

T)pas:between Cummins and Yeelanna, Eyre Peninsula, 34'l l'53"S, 135"43'41"E,South Australia, 16 February 1996,D. NicoLle1682 (hoLo: AD, iso; CANB, PERTH).

Erect-stemmedrullee 24 mtall,forming lignotubers.Barf smooththroughout, light grey to grey overcream,decorticating in bbons. Seedltngleaves opposite formany pairs,shortly petiolate,broad- lanceolate,16-22 mm wide,,1-7 mm long, t concolorousto slightly discolorous,dnll, green.Adult Ieaves alternate,petiolate, lanceolate,T5-105 mm long, 13-24 mm wide, firm (to I mm thick), concolorous,glossy, dark green;reticulation moderate, oil glandsnumerous, irregular, mostly island, lateral veins at 25-35" from midrib. Inflorescencesaxillary, unbranched,7-flowcred; peduncles angular, l0 17 mm long; pedicelstapering to fruit,5-9 mm long. Bads fusiform, 12-15 mm tong x 4-7 mm diam., hypanthiumwith four sharpribs or wings; operculumequal in width to hypanthium, smooth,conical, aprculate. Flowers white. Stazers inflexed, outer stamenswithout anthersifertile anthersversatile, cuboid to globoid, opening by pores and slits. Ovrles in 4 vertical rows Fraih pedicellate,ovoid to urceolate(not including ribs), with four wings extendingto pedicel, 11-13 mm long, 6 9 mm diam.;operculum scal very narrow, level to ascending,to 0.8 rnm wide; disc level to descending,.valves 4, deeply enclosedin fruit. Seeds compressed-ovoid,to 2 mm long, glossy, tan- brown, with a finely pitted reticulum; chaff orange-brown.(Figures 5, 6)

Selectedspecimensex.anlned SOUTH AUSTRALIA:Yeelanna, Eyre Peninsula,(34'09'5, 135'45'E), 5lune1967,C. Boomsrras.n. (AD);6 kmN ofCum-rninson Yeelannaroad,EyrePeninsula,9 Aug 1992, D. Nicolle 86 (CANB);N ofYeelannatowardsLock, Eyre Peninsula,34"l0'39"S,135"43'42"E,17 htly 1994, D. Nicolle 949 (AD, CANB)I Mt Pillowerta, Eyre Peninsula,near Todd Valley, (34"09'5, 135'57'E),11 Nov. 1952,J.D. Purdy s.n. (AD).

Distribution and habila/. Restrictedto centralEyre Peninsula,mainly in the Yeelanna-Cumminsarea, occurring in mallee communities (Figure 2). It has also been recordedin the nearby Koppio Hills. Recordedassociated species include E peninsularis,E. pileata, a\d E. diversfolia Bonpl. (subsp.

L 'proJJEdS Suropur pue t ,11,{ItJa.rroJ Jo p€alsurproJJuls l'16 ,{qpe1ce11oc se:oJe ur ueurcedseddl eql pelrc ,{1a>p1g,41a1eunuoJun (?€61) ,{la{ulg fq pazruSorerlsrrJ se,{\ uox?t srql salrullo puo sarcN

'(^\olaq 'ed.(l salou eas)proJFdS f A\ eWJo Jolcelloceqt reqn peun1tr t3o1ow(ry

'(9661) qBra.Id, s33ug Jo euetuJ SursnpepuoulrJocoJ sr dZ snl€lsuoDelJesuoo eqJ sel-reseruorlr,uasuoc ,{uu ur rnaJo ot ulloul ]ou sI uoxq erppu? selJesal fu,rlrur pu? seprspeo:8uop uoDele8e,tlueurrle.r ul rncco suoqelndod tsohl'srrrt.t uolioMasuo)

',{1n1ut pep:oce:srall'oyg pouad Suuauolg

luer cr;rcedszr;ur uEtE peurElurEu eraq sr 1r 'fSoloqdroru trruJ pu€ pnq 'leal u uptoJ{odsdsqns qcrorddu ereq.rasle srsDq(qJo4pue ouo30c(/re ddsqns10 slrnJJ pu€ spnq'se^uel esjuoc qll,r slenpr^rpulpuD e^rtstrlurnb a:e sarcedsqnso,\\l esaq]uee,rleq seJueJeJJrp gql Suueprsuoc'Je^e,roq 'u/r\ou{ arv sepur8relur ,reJpuE ruled(rl,{s ,{letelduroc ere ltplogods pue ouoSo?,lloJ 'ddsqns ouoSocK|oc 'A (puollva9p

'9 12891d r,tN O) !!p.!o!!rds dsqnsouo8oz{ltx sad{loong Jo ed,{ro1og s:n8rg

'.' ,.,,1..,..-.a.'.':)..': ,,.,,;

VS ruo{ exet mJU.rrqr Jo


Figure6. EucalyptuscalycoSona sDbsp, spafordii habit from betweenCummins and Yeelanna,Eyre Peninsula,Soulh Australia.

so, named the variety staffordii Blakely. As the taxon is here recognized as a subspecies,the opportunity is taken to corect the name to subsp.spaffordii'

E. calycogona stbsp.spaffordii diffe$from subsp.c4lycogond in the broaderjuvenile leaves,the broaderand thicker adultleaves, and the muchlargel andmore prominentlyribbed budsand ffuit; from srbsp.trachybasisin the smoothbark, mole erecthabit,broaderjuvenileleaves, thebloaderand thickel adult leaves,and the larger and more prominently ribbed buds and fruit; and from E prolixahhe mallee habit, the coarserleaves and the wider, more prominently ribbed buds and fruits.

2. Eucalyptus prolixa Nicolle, sp. nov.

Affrnis E calycogonae sed characteribussequentibus distinguitur: habitu arborescenti(forma "mallet"); alabastrisfructibusque elongatioribus differt.

Typrs; Daniell Railway Siding,Esperance road, Westem Australia,31 March 1968,S'G M' Caft 615 & D.J. Carr(holo:PERTH 04918576;isor CANB, NSW)

Erect-stemmedrnallet 6-10 m talt, with a steepbranching habit, not known to folm lignotubels. Bar& smooth throughout, grey over coppery-red,decorticating in short ribbons. seedling leaves opposite for 4_6 pairs then altemate, shortly petiolate, nanow-lanceolateto narrow-elliptic, up to 27 mm long and 9 rnm wide, slightly discolorous, dull, green. Adult leaves altemate, petiolate, lanceolate,65-92 mm long, 8-16 mm wide, concolorous,glossy, greeni reticulation moderatewiti many large, mostly island oil glands, lateral veins at 30-50'from midrib. Inflorescencesaxillary, unbranched,T-flowered;peduncles angular,5-14 mm long;pedicels2.5-10 mm long. Bzds fusiform, (LD) to T SI9rrD) ND9oxtl d sntdqorll| Jo odtrloloH I em8rd

'976y'deg 'N'L66I '!L,€t,09.02I 7'erpreSlooJJoSuq00I J'eulrpoo/d:(HJUSd) 6tzqruatC 3nY 9I '9,,96,19"19',(e,trq8rq 'y 'JJournl uo arprtBIooJJolA:(Hldgd) rardrr^vl p g71.to1to1'y'796l ^oNZI '{cErt ,(eq111gogru191 uEuesroN-uap^H:(HIUgd) ISZZa ortN O'866I rdv lZ'S,,Zq]E.\Z\ 'S,,9t,SI"Zg'Ir€.ll eBu€Ureu.Ierg:(HIUgd'SNVC'CY) I I I 2lopuatldg2'g' 1961:e111'3u11nqe11ng Jo i\d luq Z] seIIIrr t'I :(lsee ol lse,,'\)VI'IVUISnV NUSISAi. pautaDxa suawDadspaDalas

', (8 sern8ld) u,torq e8ueroJ;vqo :runlnrller 'u.toJq-ue1'fssolS,ipq8qs '3uol 'pro^o-passaldlxoc qloourso1pe11rd,{yaurJ € rllr,t ururg I-0 I ol plo^o 'y 'Sulpuecsep 'SulpuecsE '/$or?u spars lrn4 ur pesolcue,{ldeep sa,r.p^ cslp :epl,!\lutu 8 0 ol ol Is^al 'Euo1uruj 'sqF 'el"IoaJJn'alell$Iped Aa,t :ecs urnlncredo: urerpIuru 9-g'€ l1-31 lcunslp JnoJIIr,$ sJir?rc's,tloJl€rruaLvursau/lo slrlspug seJodfq Suruedo'ploqolSol proqnt'alwsre^ sJaqluEe[lJeJ 'pexauul 'eltq,t 'e]?IncldE'lEcluoc 'qloorus :sjaqlu?tnoqlr,!\ suauretsJolno suazrl5 ,{umorxsottroll 'urnrqlued,(q ' '8uol o1qlpq,ur ur pnba unync:edo :squ rnoJ qlltr tun1qlu€dfl{ rue1purur t-€ urur tI-ZI

'alloclN VS ruo.{ sx€l ^r\ou oerqt Jo suoqdursap Supnlcur tuoSozKlDr sndqDrnl Jo ^\el^t V C Nrysia Vol. 13. No. 2 (2000)

Fig\rc 8. Eucalyptusprolixa habit from north of the BremerRange, .

J.B.Clelands.n. (AD);24.5 and 35.1 km W ofCaveHill ontrack to VictoriaRock road,30 Mar. 1997, M. Frenchl74(PERTH);Norseman-Hydenroad,5.l km W ofCoolgardie-Norsemanroad, 32"01'04"S, 12l'36'45"E,18Apr. 1991,R.Davis 3048 (PERTH);4.5 miles [7 km] W along(L) turnoff.6.4 miles ll0 kml N of Norseman,I I Nov. 1970,J. Baker50 (AD, CANB, PERTH)124.2 miles 139 kml S of Norseman,13 Nov. 1970,"/. Bal

Distributionand hqbitat.Endemic to WestemAusffalia, restricted to the goldfields,from eastof Norsemanwestwards to Bullabutling,especialty abundant in tlle areabounded by Mt Day, southof Norsemanand Coolgardie (Figure 2). Its easternand western distributional limits arepoorly known. Itgrowsin clayloamsusually in broadlyundulating landscapes. Recorded associated eucalypt species irrcludeE. cylindrocarpaBlakely,E. dundasiiMaiden,E. tenuisBrooker &Hopper, E &rn4Nicolle, E salaDnsF.Muell.,E. salmonophloiaF.MueIL., E.pterocarpaP. Lang ex C. Gardnerand E. protensa L. Johnson& K. Hill.

Floweringperiod- Poorly known. '9't-tZt :01 tunoqeat?d'tul1sdp saru)trs\dp alDu)dal 'aelnqllsp a1u?pDrvl ap anbuott?qtoq-orls(.qdzssolC q ap ulqntlg eeldlrrsep15 ael?ululrrlep elulnb snfa 'ee.ldl?torex auolcello. ul enbu eld ta e4ce1puotuurruq lt V PlpuelloH?^oN ul eBec€u,{!{ (Zg8l) N'^'\ouluuzclnl 'uosuqolry -totud ( ?JlaqueJ:,trrsra^tun FuoppN usll?Dsnv).. sldtrpcnAaqt Jo uol?cglss?lJV,, (Il.6l) SV'f 61 '9ll-601 :9t {uD1og{o lDu.thofltollortsnv eller$nv uels?o qlnosul sld,(p3neaalFur eqt Jo ourosJo uol8tlqPqorpue a8uxJrlqdepg (896I) NI'u?^\od 4' Cu'suosJ?d 'lo! ( {eup,{S!6tuud lueuus^oD) | ,, sntdqDxngsnuoD aql Jo uolsl^ed It3!1!J V" 1t061) HI uepnhl ( quad :pt1 ,{14uos:a1e4 qtuv.I) .. uapuroql^'wHJo spuoruunr( eql' (696I) U uoqcug tsuol.l^:$loog peau),. uolle.Ulluepl ol epln9 pol?4snl[Uv'st1ld|lDrttg,, 19661) ('SIuIel) ? I'raloorg 'tLE-Lgt tg rr.el(rN (e?ecnF,{I^l- Ap4e1g aoprty selras stltdqotng) uosuqolT roftd ,,aouo3or(loJsstras sktdqorn4,, I?uuoJul eql Jo selcedsqnspue selrods^{eN 1996I) HIII'leIooIE 'q8le.l ( ?{e{snv :OUISJ) .. slusld uvlFrsdv poue&erqlro aIsU,,1966I) Hf d, Ct's33ug (,{eup,{S:saelsnrlsrrlJolA) ,, sldllerna eqr ol ,{et V,, 1t€6I) CnA',{lot?lg


'€llPjlsnv ulelsola ul esuPlslss€ plag pus ,tllplrdsor{ oruosla,r slq roJ l{uad Jo qcueld lulosluhtrpuE slueunuoJ 1n3d1:qrol (que4 '6a153) 'hl'IVJ) ellqA raled 'sesouSslpuF?'I oql 3u!tauo, pue suolssnrslpfueu:o; (u:reque3 raloorq u€I ot osls $lu€r{I eul ol3lq3[rc^3 su€ol ueulceds Suppur ,{lpcpselsnqluepuD dlluelclJJe JoJ runrr?qraH u€llsrlsnY uJelsei[ eql ]? JJslspu? luEqJr€N aJII^eN pu€ unlJ?qreq eql ol ssercE Surnunuocpue goddns ro3 elpnsny qlnos Jo unlr€qJeH elEls aql l! JFls luEql ol e{I plno^\ I


'u^\oul eJ€ selJeds o^\) eql ueJ,41laq spuq{q Jo sepsr8retuloN DuoSo)tqor ? uuql sllos rat^eaqleq,teuos ,{1pco1uo 3uu:ncco flpnsn 'le^el pnlord 'A'&t\qlqpeJra;ard ur secuere;;ptqBIIs ol enp,(lqzqord PcoI erours le clrledur€d.{lpnsn q8noqll€'Jrrl€dur,(s ere(DuoSoJtlpJ dsqns)ouoSnf,PJ'Apueoxuotd'g'e?tmrs1rlouEd uJeqlnosaql u1 sercedsqns1eq1;o stlruJ pu€ spnquo (pe8ul\\ lou o I) Sulqqu lueuruoJd el{l SuplJulpu? esr€ot s€ 'slln4 pulnq'npto.{!ods dsqnsouoSoct[tc ? ur uEql uo^a JaEuol Jepuelslnq el€8uolefte^ oql pu? tlq€qle ?urpeqJuulq-deelseql,{qruoSoctloc'gttto4peqslnSunslpsrpl-llord!'sav1urllttpuosarop

'ouoSoxKlDJ'E ol peJEdruocstruJ elB8uoleerou eqt ol SuMJeJ flpuoces puEselJeds sltllJo llqEr{lelPu Jepuelsoql ol '3uo1lno ,{psJrJBuuJoJaJ :s8uru€errr pepualu o,t,rlqtt,t peqoals- smlloldugelepuJoq KSolow&A

'l€eJqlulJel-uoqs .{u€ Jepun eq ol peJeprsuoJlou pu€ uEulasloN pu? uepfH uea,|ltlequowla8e^ paJeelcunerp ur luupunqu,{FpJ pue peudssptl6 sntolsuoqDuasuoJ

'ellorlN VS ruo{ sxsl ^\6u eerqt Jo suogdr:csep3upn1cu1 ouoSortln sntdqornz Jo ^tol^er v O