The Story of the Barony of Gorbals
DA flTO.CS 07 1 a31 1880072327^436 |Uj UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH [y The Library uA dS/0 G5 1^7 Ur<U» JOHN, 1861-192b» THE 5T0RY UP THE bAkONY OF viGRdALS* Date due ^. ^. k ^'^ ^ r^: b ••' * • ^y/i'^ THE STORY OF THE BARONY OF GORBALS Arms of Viscount Belhaven, carved on the wall of Gorbals Chapel, and erroneously called the Arms of Gorbals. Frontispiece. (See page 21) THE STORY OP"' THE BARONY OF GORBALS BY JOHN ORD illustrations PAISLEY: ALEXANDER GARDNER ^ttbliBhtt bB S^vvointmmt to tht IttU Qnun Victoria 1919 LONDON SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT & CO., LMD. PRINTED BY ALEXANDER GARDNER, PAISLEY. THr LflJRARY PREFACE. Few words are required to introduce this little work to the public of Glasgow. Suffice it to say that on several occasions during the past four years I was invited and did deliver lectures on "Old Gorbals"" to a number of public bodies, among others being the Gorbals Ward Committee, the Old Glasgow Club, and Educational Guilds in connection with the Kinningpark Co-operative Society. The princi- pal matter contained in these lectures I have arranged, edited, and now issue in book form. While engaged collecting materials for the lectures, I discovered that a number of errors had crept into previous publications relating to Old Gorbals. For example, some writers seemed to have entertained the idea that there was only one George Elphinston rented or possessed the lands of Gorbals, whereas there were three of the name, all in direct succession. M'Ure and other historians, failing to distinguish the difference between a Barony and a Burgh of Barony, state that Gorbals was erected into a Burgh of Barony in 1595.
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