(2014). European Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transitional Industries: Châtelperronian

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(2014). European Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transitional Industries: Châtelperronian Soressi, M., & Roussel, M. (2014). European Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transitional Industries: Châtelperronian. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (pp. 2679-2693). Springer New York. European Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transitional Industries: Chaˆtelperronian 2679 E Session C28, Volume 40 (BAR International series Mediterranean France. Journal of Archaeological 1999): 3–20. Oxford: Archaeopress. Science 2008 (under corrected proof): 1–11. DJINDJIAN, F., J. KOZLOWSKI &M.OTTE. 1999. Le Pale´ SMITH, P.E.L. 1966. Le Solutre´enen France (Publications olithique supe´rieuren Europe. Paris: Armand Colin. de l’Institut du Quaternaire de l’Universite´ de FEBLOT-AUGUSTINS, J. 1997. La circulation des matie`res Bordeaux 5). Bordeaux: Delmas. premie`res au Pale´olithique (ERAUL 75). 2 vols. Lie`ge SMITH, F., E. TRINKAUS, P.B. PETTITT,I.KARAVANIC & Universite´ de Lie`ge. M. PAUNOVIC. 1999. 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A re-evaluation of the lithic material from the Rust excavation. Pale´orient 34: 47–65. SLIMAK, L. 2008. The Neronian and the historical structure About 45,000 years ago, anatomically modern of cultural shifts from Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in humans migrated into Europe, and a few E 2680 European Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transitional Industries: Chaˆtelperronian thousand years later Neanderthal populations had Because the Chaˆtelperronian is in a strati- completely vanished from Europe. This replace- graphic position at the crossroads of the Middle ment of the local populations by anatomically and Upper Paleolithic, because it is of Upper modern humans also happened in the rest of Paleolithic type, and because only Neanderthal Eurasia. It explains why today we are the only remains were discovered associated with it, the human species on the planet when Hominin Chaˆtelperronian is often called a “transitional groups flourished for several million years. industry.” Even if Mousterian “souvenirs” had The Chaˆtelperronian industry been actively searched within Chaˆtelperronian (Chaˆtelperronien or Castelperronien in French) industries, they are almost nonexistent (see is considered to be the very last behavioral testi- below). It is indeed clear that the Chaˆtelperronian mony of Neanderthals in France and northern is neither an intermediate between the Middle and Spain. For a few millennia, Neanderthals the Upper Paleolithic nor a mix of Middle and switched to systematic blade production, focused Upper Paleolithic behaviors. On the contrary, it is on stone knives that could also be used as projec- a unique set of behaviors that shares commonali- tile points, and in some instances produced ties with contemporaneous industries. domestic bone tools and used black and red It is interesting to note that the use of contem- pigments as well as personal ornaments. porary ideological construction is sometimes What appears to be a brief episode, compared pleaded for (e.g., Zilha˜o et al. 2008) to contest to other Late Pleistocene industries, is indeed interpretative models of the Middle to Upper often considered as a Neanderthal “swan song.” Paleolithic transition. This passion is also visible Chaˆtelperronian behaviors are actually part of in popular science movies and journals, and a more global industrial change and evolutionary certainly illustrates how much Paleolithic archae- trajectory. This global industrial change would ology can be a popular topic grounded on an have been driven by the search for stone-tipped ongoing debate. This entry aims to summarize weapons, and possibly correlated with new the current state of understanding on a highly organic and lithic material procurement strate- debated topic: the nature and significance of the gies as well as a new social network organization Chaˆtelperronian. (Bon 2010). The model of a clear-cut revolution with the arrival of modern Humans in Europe The Recognition and the History of the (Mellars & Stringer 1989) was put forward in Chaˆtelperronian the mid-1980s. At that time, it was grounded on The Chaˆtelperronian was originally defined by available data on Neanderthal behavior, which H. Breuil after the lithic industry found at the were a compilation of Neanderthal behavior cave of fairies (“la grotte des Fe´es”) in over the Middle and the Late Pleistocene. During Chaˆtelperron, a small village in central France. the last decade, new data on Neanderthal This industry contained a specific blade and point behavior during the last glacial cycle (including with a back shaped with abrupt retouches, the Neanderthals right before the peopling of Europe back of the point type being curved. Breuil by modern humans) nuanced this model. In fact, emphasized the similarities between the almost every behavior previously thought to be Chaˆtelperronian and the Abri Audi type industry, unique to anatomically modern humans was later attributed to the Mousterian of Acheulean shared, at least occasionally, by Neanderthals; Tradition (MTA), especially the high frequency image production on durable support is still one of backed blades and poorness of bone tools. For major difference (d’Errico 2003; Soressi 2005; Breuil, the Chaˆtelperronian as well as the Mous- Peresani et al. 2011). The Chaˆtelperronian no terian of Acheulean Tradition were the first stage longer appears as an “avatar of a dying middle of the Upper Paleolithic. At the time, the Paleolithic but [indeed] as the first machinery Upper Paleolithic was divided into “Lower of an Upper Paleolithic to become” Aurignacian” (MTA and Chaˆtelperronian), (Bon 2010: 139). “Middle Aurignacian” (the actual early European Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transitional Industries: Chaˆtelperronian 2681 E Aurignacian), and “Upper Aurignacian” (the by about 10,000 years (Mellars et al. 1987). The actual Gravettian); these
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