Appendix 2: Site Assessment Sheets
APPENDIX 2: SITE ASSESSMENT SHEETS 1 SITE ASSESSMENT SHEETS: MINERAL SITES 2 1. SHARP SAND AND GRAVEL Sharp sand and gravel sites M/CH/1 GROUP M/CH/2 GROUP M/CH3 M/CH/4 GROUP M/CH/6 Key features of sharp sand and gravel extraction Removal of existing landscape features; Location within flatter low lying areas of river valleys or flood plains; Pumping of water to dry pits when below water table; Excavation, machinery and lighting, resulting in visual intrusion; Noise and visual intrusion of on-site processing; Dust apparent within the vicinity of sand and gravel pits; Frequent heavy vehicle movements on local roads; Mitigation measures such as perimeter mounding (using topsoil and overburden) and planting of native trees and shrubs; Replacement with restored landscape, potentially including open water (which may have a nature conservation or recreational value), or returning land to fields, in the long term. 3 GROUP M/CH/1 Figure A1.1: Location map of the M/CH/1 group 4 LANDSCAPE CHARACTER CONTEXT • Wealth of historic landscape features including historic parklands, many ancient woodlands and earthworks. National character area: South Coast Plain (126)1 • Area is well settled with scattered pattern of rural villages and „Major urban developments including Portsmouth, Worthing and Brighton farmsteads. linked by the A27/M27 corridor dominate much of the open, intensively • Suburban fringes. farmed, flat, coastal plain. Coastal inlets and „harbours‟ contain a diverse • Winding hedged or wooded lanes. landscape of narrow tidal creeks, mudflats, shingle beaches, dunes, grazing • Large scale gravel workings‟. marshes and paddocks. From the Downs and coastal plain edge there are long views towards the sea and the Isle of Wight beyond.
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