Extensions of Remarks E1231 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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September 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1231 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS STOP SETTLEMENT SLUSH FUNDS Title, by David Dayen reports that across our have made America strong. She never ACT OF 2016 nation, homeowners who should have re- stopped exposing the absurdity of the liberal ceived assistance with a loan modification, or left and the appalling failures of the policies SPEECH OF allowed to cure a delinquency, instead were they advocate. HON. KEITH ELLISON hit with outrageous late fines, sold over-priced Often referred to as the ‘‘First Lady of the forced-placed insurance, punished with month- Conservative Movement,’’ Phyllis Schlafly’s OF MINNESOTA ly property inspection and other junk fees. leadership, candor and tenacity was a breath IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Using robo-signing, their eviction papers were of fresh air—and it will be greatly missed. Wednesday, September 7, 2016 signed by people who had no ownership of While we have lost a powerful voice and ad- The House in Committee of the Whole the loan. vocate for the American people, we can be House on the state of the Union had under Congress and the states demanded change. certain that Phyllis Schlafly’s tremendous pride consideration the bill (H.R. 5063) to limit do- Legal settlements pursued by the Department in America and passion for the conservative nations made pursuant to settlement agree- of Justice, the Department of Housing and movement will undoubtedly live on and con- ments to which the United States is a party, Urban Development, the banking regulators tinue to inspire future conservative leaders for and for other purposes: and the states made sure that people have a generations to come. Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Chair, I rise today in op- fighting chance against deep-pocketed multi- My thoughts and prayers are with the entire position to this bill. I offered an amendment to national corporations. Schlafly family during this very difficult time. rename it Another Wall Street Request to And yes, to correct this massive wrongdoing On behalf of the many Americans she in- Avoid Accountability for Fraud. But, my required that Bank of America, JPMorgan spired, we say thank you. amendment for a more accurate title was not Chase, Citigroup, Ally Financial and others f accepted. pay fines. Some of those fines supported non- INTRODUCING THE IRAQ AND Today, the majority wants to defund the or- profit agencies who knew how to get banks to SYRIA GENOCIDE RELIEF AND ganizations and attorneys that help people respond to homeowners and follow the law. ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2016 have a fighting chance against deep-pocketed The funds supported legal aid attorneys who multi-national corporations and banks. knew how to ensure the banking doing the Mr. Speaker, Congress returns after a eviction actually had a right to the property. HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH OF NEW JERSEY seven-week district work period. During that When lenders foreclose on the wrong people, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES time, I held many constituent meetings. Not or lie about their ownership of a mortgage, one person asked me to weaken regulations there should be consequences. Friday, September 9, 2016 on hedge fund managers or Wall Street bank- When we require banks to fund housing Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I ers. And yet, Wall Street requests are what counseling and legal aid agencies, we leveled rise today to introduce H.R. 5961, the Iraq and the majority prioritized for our first week back. the playing field. We realized it was unfair to Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act This bill would defund the network of hous- require each individual person to figure out the of 2016. Since ISIS’ blitzkrieg across the multi- ing counselors and legal aid attorneys who unresponsive, complicated and too often pred- ethnic and religiously diverse mosaic of east- help homeowners facing foreclosure. atory home mortgage market on their own. ern Syria and western Iraq in 2014, I have Homeowners who were tricked into buying a I oppose gutting initiatives to help home- chaired four hearings focused on the implica- home with teaser rates that exploded into owners, small business owners and families tions of this appalling advance for religious unaffordable payments. do battle with global corporations who have and ethnic minorities in those areas. Events in Homeowners who deserved a chance to defrauded them out of their home or business, the region and the expert testimony of wit- catch up after a missed payment or two but polluted their water or land or harmed their nesses quickly revealed that ISIS was not were unable to get a response from their lend- health. merely focused on territorial conquest—the er. Therefore I will oppose H.R. 5063. group was ideologically committed to extermi- And homeowners like Alan Schroit. Alan, a I urge my colleagues to do the same. nating ancient religious communities and retired cancer researcher, visited his rental f cleansing its self-proclaimed caliphate of any- house in Galveston, Texas. He found the thing but its vicious and fundamentalist inter- COMMEMORATING THE LIFE OF locks had been changed, the electricity shut pretation of Islam. Many of my colleagues and PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY off and a notice on the door said Bank of I were certain early on that ISIS was commit- America was foreclosing on his home. Alan ting genocide. We pressed the Administration SPEECH OF did not have a mortgage with Bank of Amer- to formally acknowledge that fact until the ica. Alan didn’t even have a mortgage. His HON. BRIAN BABIN Secretary of State did so in March of this year. home was paid off. It took him 30 days to get OF TEXAS But the most pressing question issue has al- someone at Bank of America to call him back. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ways been the lives of those religious minori- Homeowners like Nilly Mauck who lost all ties right now that face extinction under this Thursday, September 8, 2016 her possessions when a company mistakenly tyranny of terror. evicted her instead of her neighbor. Mr. BABIN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to The Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Ac- Or homeowners like Charlie and Maria honor the life and legacy of conservative icon countability Act of 2016 is an answer to the Cardoso who bought their retirement home and founder of the Eagle Forum Phyllis question of what the United States can do to with cash in 2005. While they continued living Schlafly. mitigate this suffering, save lives, and build a in their primary home, they rented their retire- Phyllis Schlafly was a courageous and de- more sustainable future for Syria and Iraq. ment home out. Their tenants came home one termined leader who spent her entire adult life The bill tackles this overwhelming challenge day to find the house cleared of all the pos- fighting for America and our traditional family on three fronts by directing the Administration sessions—again by Bank of America. values. She stood up and spoke up when oth- to take additional measures to improve the Nilly, Alan and Charlie and Maria’s fore- ers did not. lives of displaced genocide survivors, provide closures were some of thirteen million be- She was a fearless and outspoken defender some of them with an additional lifeline to es- tween 2006–2010. Far too many of them were of the unborn—and a leading voice in pro- cape their war torn lands, and support efforts fraudulent, people foreclosed on by firms who tecting America’s sovereignty and supporting that will help preserve the presence of reli- did not have clear title to the property. A sig- the U.S. military. gious minority communities in those areas for nificant number of these foreclosures could Until her final day on Earth, Phyllis Schlafly years to come. have been prevented if the lenders involved fought tirelessly for these commonsense prin- In a hearing this May that I chaired called had followed the law. The new book, Chain of ciples and the conservative foundations that ‘‘The ISIS Genocide Declaration: What Next?’’ ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:56 Sep 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09SE8.001 E09SEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 9, 2016 Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights and non-Americans present in the United CELEBRATING ‘‘EDDIE GAEDEL of Columbus—who has been a leader in draw- States, of crimes against humanity and war DAY’’ ing attention to the plight of Christians in this crimes. conflict—testified that ‘‘Repeatedly we hear Without accountability, without humanitarian HON. DENNY HECK from Church leaders in the region that Chris- assistance reaching these religious and ethnic OF WASHINGTON tians—and other genocide survivors—are last communities, we risk losing the invaluable, an- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in line for assistance from governments.’’ We cient presence of these communities in these Friday, September 9, 2016 can and must do better. To that end, H.R. countries altogether. This will feed violent ex- 5961 requires the Administration to assess tremism and dim the future of Iraq and Syria. Mr. HECK of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I and address the humanitarian vulnerabilities, I urge my House colleagues to support this rise to call the attention of my House col- needs, and triggers to flee, of religious and measure that will deliver immediate assistance leagues to one of the most unusual careers in ethnic communities that were targeted for to genocide survivors, help prosecute and our national pastime of baseball, one that genocide or otherwise severely persecuted.