Geophysical Abstracts 189 April-June 1962

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Geophysical Abstracts 189 April-June 1962 Geophysical Abstracts 189 April-June 1962 By JAMES W. CLARKE, DOROTHY B. VITALIANO, VIRGINIA S. NEUSCHEL, and others GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1166-B Abstracts of current literature pertaining to the physics of the solid earth and to geophysical exploration UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price 40 cents (single copy). Subscription price: $1.75 a year; 50 cents additional for foreign mailing. Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (March 14, 1962). CONTENTS Page Introduction--------------------------------------------------- 153 Extent of coverage------------------------------------------- 153 List of journals---------------------------------------------- 153 Form of citation--------------------------------------------- 155 Abstracters------------------------------------------------- 155 Age determinations -------------------------------------------- 155 Cosmogony --------------------------------------------------- 162 Earthquakes and earthquake waves ----------------------------- 171 Elasticity----------------------------------------------------- 188 Electrical exploration------------------------------------------ 195 Electrical logging---------------------------------------------- 203 Exploration summaries and statistics---------------------------- 207 General ------------------------------------------------------ 208 Geodesy ------------------------------------------------------ 211 Geotectonics -------------------------------------------------- 212 Glaciers------------------------------------------------------ 216 Gravity------------------------------------------------------- 223 Heat and heat flow --------------------------------------------- 230 Internal constitution of the earth--------------------------------- 234 Isotope geology------------------------------------------------ 240 Magnetic field of the earth-------------------------------------- 243 Magnetic properties and paleomagnetism------------------------- 255 Magnetic surveys---------------------------------------------- 265 Microseisms -------------------------------------------------- 270 Radioactivity-------------------------------------------------- 271 Radioactivity surveying and logging------------------------------ 274 Seismic exploration-------------------------------------------- 285 Strength and plasticity ----------------------------------------- 295 Submarine geology--------------------------------------------- 301 Volcanology--------------------------------------------------- 302 Index--------------------------------------------------------- 307 III GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 189, APRIL-JUNE 1962 By James W. Clarke, Dorothy B. Vitaliano, Virginia S. Neuschel, and others INTRODUCTION Extent of Coverage Geophysical Abstracts includes abstracts of technical papers and books on the physics of the solid earth, the application of physical methods and tech­ niques to geologic problems, and geophysical exploration. The table of con­ tents, which is alphabetically arranged, shows the material covered. Abstracts are prepared only of material that is believed to be generally a­ vailable. Ordinarily abstracts are not published of material with limited cir­ culations (such as dissertations, open-file reports, or memorandums) or of other papers presented orally at meetings. Abstracts of papers in Japanese and Chinese are based on abstracts or summaries in a western language ac­ companying the paper. List of Journals Lists of journals published in Geophysical Abstracts 160 (January-March 1955, Bulletin 1033-A) and subsequent issues through 184 (January-March 1961, Bulletin 1146-A) have been compiled into a single list, which may be obtained by writing to the U.S. Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. Supplements to this master list have been published in each issue since Geophysical Abstracts 184. The following is an additional supplement that lists references cited in Geophysical Abstracts 189 that have not been listed previously. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Kom. Izucheniyu Chetvertich. Perioda Byull. -- Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Byulleten' Komissii po Izucheniyu Chetvertichnogo Perioda [Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Bulletinofthe Commission for Study of the Quaternary Period]. Moskva (Moscow) U.S .S .R. Am. Jour. Physics -- American Journal of Physics. American Institute of Physics, Inc. New York, New York. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Trans. -- Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. American Society of Civil Engineers. New York, New York. Anal. Chemistry-- Analytical Chemistry. American Chemical Society. Wash­ ington, D. C. Appl. Spectroscopy-- Applied Spectroscopy. BulletinoftheSocietyof Applied Spectroscopy [New York?]. Asoc. Geol. Argentina Rev. -- Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. Asociacion Geologica Argentina [Review of the Argentina Geological Asso­ ciation. Argentina Geological Association]. Buenos Aires, Republic of Ar­ gentina. B"lgarska Akad. Nauk Inst. Geofiz. Izv. -- B"lgarska Akademiya na Naukite. Izvestiya na Geofizichniya Institut Sofiya [Bulgarian Academy ofSciences. Bulletin of the Geophysical Institute of Sofia]. Sofiya (Sofia), Bulgaria. Canadian Geophys. Bull. -- Canadian Geophysical Bulletin. The Associate Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics of the National Research Council of Canada. Ottawa, Canada. Ceylon Geol. Survey Mem. --Geological Survey ofCeylon Memoirs. Depart­ ment of Mineralogy. Colombo, Ceylon. Coimbra Univ. Mus. Mineralog. Geol. Mem. e Noticias -- Mem6rias e Noticias, Public:;ar>s do Museu e Laborat6rio Mineral6gico eGeol6gico. Universidade de Coimbra [Memoirs and Notices, Publication of the Museum and Labo- 153 154 GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 189, APRIL-JUNE 1962 ratory of Mineralogy and Geology. UniversityofCoimbra]. Coimbra, Por­ tugal. Engenharia, Minerac:;ao e Metalurgia -- Engenharia, Minerat;ao e Metalurgia [Engineering, Mineralogy, and Metallurgy]. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Geophysik u. Geologie -- Geophysik und Geologie. Beitr~ge zur Syntheses zweier Wissenschaften [Geophysics and Geology. Contributions to Syn­ thesis of the Two Sciences]. B. G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft. Leipzig, German Democratic Republic. Georgia Mineral Newsletter --Georgia MineralNewsletter. GeorgiaGeolog­ ical Survey. Atlanta, Georgia. Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc. -- Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science. State of Iowa. Des Moines, Iowa. Jassy Univ. Analele ~tiint. -- Analele:;ltiin}ifice ale Universitatii "AI. L Cuza" din Iasi (serie moua). Sectiunea II (Stiinte Naturale) [Scientific Annals of ''ALL Cuza"UniversityinJassy(newseries)Section II (Natural Sciences)]. Jassy, Rumania. Jour. Sed. Petrology-- Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, a Division of The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik, Ser. Geol. i Geog. -- Vestnik Leningradskogo Uni­ versiteta, Seriya Geologiya i Geografii [Notes of Leningrad University, Se­ ries of Geology and Geography]. Leningrad, U.S.S.R. Lietuvos TSR Moksly Akad. Darbai -- Lietuvos TSR Moksl1f Akademiya Darbai ·[Lithuanian S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Transactions]. Vilnius, Lithuania. Materials Research and Standards -- Materials Research and Standards, A­ merican Society of Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Norges Geotek. Inst. Pub. -- Norges Geotekniske Institutt Publikasjon [Nor­ way Geotechnical Institute Publication]. Oslo, Norway. Okeanologiya -- Okeanologiya. AkademiyaNaukSSSR [Oceanology. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.]. Moskva (Moscow), U.S.S.R. Ontario Dept. Mines, Geol. Rept. -- Ontario Department of Mines, Geological Reports. Toronto, Canada. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki -- Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki. Arkticheskiy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut [Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic. Arctic Scientific Research Institute]. Leningrad, U.S.S.R. Royal Astron. Soc. Quart. Jour. -- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronom­ ical Society. London, England. Royal Soc. Western Australia Jour. --Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia Incorporated, Western Australian Museum. Perth, Australia. Saturday Rev. -- Saturday Review. Saturday Review, Inc. New York, New York. Soc. Mining Engineers Trans. -- Transactions of the Society of Mining Engi­ neers. Society of Mining Engineers. New York, New York. Sovetskaya Antarkt. Expect. Inf. Byull. -- InformatsionnyyByulleten' Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii. Arkticheskiy i Antarkticheskiy Nauchno-Is­ sledovantel'skiy Institut [Information Bulletin of the Soviet Antarctic Ex­ pedition. Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute]. Leningrad, U.S.S.R. U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Eng. Lab. Research Rept. -- United States Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Research Report. Corps of Engineers. Hanover, New Hampshire. U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Civil Effects Study-- U.S. Atomic Energy Com­ mission Civil Effects Study. U.S. Atomic EnergyCommissionCivilEffects Test Operations, Civil Effects Study. Washington, D. C. Vses. Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Metod. i Tekhn. Razvedki Trudy -- Trudy Vses­ oyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel' skogo Instituta Metodiki i Tekhniki Razvedki (VITR) [Transactions of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Methods and Techniques of Exploration]. Moskva (Moscow), U.S.S.R.
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