THENew MOST RELIABLE NEWSPAPER LightAROUND YOU of Volume XX, Number 341 1st Waning of Tabaung 1374 ME Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 President U Thein Sein offers religious titles to recipient Sayadaws, offers rice and alms to members of the Sangha

President U Thein Sein, Vice-Presidents Dr Sai Mauk Kham and U Nyan Tun and party attend religious titles presentation ceremony.—mna

N a y P y i T a w , 26 Hmon, Vice-President U Commander-in-Chief of Ward of Mahaaungmye Vice-Senior General Soe thavaçaka Pandita, Kam- March—President U Thein Nyan Tun and wife Daw Defence Services Com- Township and Sayadaw Win, U Nanda Kyaw mathanaçaria, Saddhama Sein presented religious Khin Aye Myint, Chief mander-in-Chief (Army) Bhaddanta Kesara of Maha Swa, General Hla Htay Jotikadhaja Ganthavaçaka titles to recipient Sayad- Justice of the Union U Tun Vice-Senior General Soe Aungmye Yeiktha Monas- Win, Union ministers, the Pandita, Kammathanaçari- aws and offered rice to Tun Oo, Daw Kyu Kyu Win and wife Daw Than tery in Hlinethaya Town- Auditor-General of the ya, Saddhamma Jotikad- members of the Sangha Hla, wife of Commander- Than Nwe, Deputy Speaker ship. Union, the commander of haja titles to recipient at Sasana Maha Beikman in-Chief of Defence Ser- of Pyithu Hluttaw U Nanda Vice-President U Nay Pyi Taw Command Sayadaws. in the precinct of Nay Pyi vices Senior General Min Kyaw Swa and wife, Chief Nyan Tun also offered and deputy ministers pre- Likewise, Daw Nan Taw Uppatasanti Aung Hlaing, Chairman of the General Staff (Army, Abhidhaja Agga Maha sented Abhidhaja Agga Shwe Hmon and Daw this noon. of Constitutional Tribu- Navy and Air) General Hla Saddhammajotika titles Maha Saddhammajotika, Khin Aye Myint presented Also present on the nal of the Union U Mya Htay Win and wife, Union to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Agga Maha Pandita, Agga religious titles to title occasions were Vice-Pres- Thein, Chairman of the ministers, the Auditor- Ñana of Sitha Monastery in Maha Saddhamma Jo- recipient nuns within and ident Dr Sai Mauk Kham Union Election Commis- General of the Union, the Aungmyethazan Township tikadhaja, Agga Maha abroad. Daw Kyu Kyu Hla and wife Daw Nan Shwe sion U Tin Aye, Deputy commander of Nay Pyi and Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kamma-thanaçariya, Agga also offered religious titles Taw Command, deputy ministers, departmental heads and guests. Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Re- gion Bhamo Monastery Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddham- majotika Dr Bhaddanta Kumarabhivamsa admin- istered the Five Precepts. President U Thein Sein presented Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru titles to Say- adaw Bhaddanta Adiçça of Mahayin Pariyatti Monas- tery of Kadoe Village in Mawlamyine Township and Sayadaw Bhaddanta Çandavamsa of Zeyawady Monastery in Peinnedaw President U Thein Sein presents Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru title to a Ward in Dawei. Sayadaw.—mna Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham offered Ab- Arindama of Zeyawady Maha Ganthavaçaka Pan- to nuns. hidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Monastery in Dawei Town- dita, Maha Saddhamma President U Thein Sein, President U Thein Sein presents religious title titles to Sayadaw Bhad- ship. Jotikadhaja, Maha Gan- Vice-Presidents Dr Sai to Mr. Tongarrildgo Ang Kasa from Medam in danta Sujatasara of Dahat- Chief Justice of the thavaçaka Pandita, Maha Mauk Kham and U Nyan Tun Indonesia.— mna taw Monastery in Kungyan Union U Tun Tun Oo, Kammathanaçariya, Gan- (See page 8) Honouring 68th Anniversary Armed Forces Day 2 Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar local news Mobile team makes field Head-on collision between Fire negligence reduces trip in Myeik car, motorbike on houses to ashes in Gangaw Kyondoe-Kawkareik road Township

Kyondoe, 26 March near the village at about Gangaw, 26 March — A two fire engines of Gangaw — A head-on collision 8 pm. fire destroyed 33 houses and Township F i r e between a saloon and a The motorcyclist had left 157 people homeless at Service Department and seven motorbike took place at the got injury to his head and Pyitma village in Gangaw water bowsers rushed there entrance to Inn-gyi village collapsed unconscious in Township at about 11.55 pm and struggled to control the of Kyondoe in Kawkareik the street. The neck of the on 22 March. fire, the fire died down at about Township on 18 March. women victim had also got The flames caused by 1 am the following day. The vehicle driven by swollen from the crash. fireplace embers licked the Fire victims were U Thein Win , 47, of Ward-4 Investigation is ongoing. bamboo wall and swept through temporarily given shelters at in Myawady collided head- Kyemon the whole house of U Ba Gyan. the houses of their relatives on with the motorcycle As fire crews accompanied by and school. — Kyemon driven by U Saw Thein Pilot census M y e i k , 26 March 18 March. Yi, 45, school head of Inn- taking in 20 — With the aim of The team found 405 gyi BEPPS, together with strengthening rights tons of diesel carrying Daw Mu Naw Naw, 45, at townships of consumer and strict onboard the tanker under mile post No (42/43) on enforcement of regulations the licence. —Kyemon Kyondoe-Kawkareik road in on import and export of goods at Border Trade Seizure of illegal teak, Region Department under the Yangon, 26 March — Ministry of Commerce hardwood in An educative talks on a in Myeik, boosting trade pilot taking of population and fighting against illegal Township census was given to trade, a mobile team made Sagaing, 26 March — A They seized 7.4702 dwellers of five wards an inspection tour of MT- combined force comprising tons of illegal teak and in Lanmadaw Township, PNG Express oil tanker forest staff and police hardwood. Sagaing police which is included in the Man dies in Hlegu Township anchored seven miles off members discovered illegal station opened a case over list of townships where a Seiknge jetty of Myeik on sawn wood while conducting seizure of illegal teak and pilot census taking will be from mistakenly drinking a search of a stationary hardwood and the seized teak carried out, on the first floor pesticide for alcohol Smuggled vehicle with no driver near and vehicle are being held of Lanmadaw BEHS No (2) Yangon, 26 March for drink of alcohol in his Hsinmyarshin Pagoda on in the compound of Podan on 17 March. herd of cattle — A man died after bedroom at about 5.35 am Sagaing- motorway forest office. Officials concerned mistakenly drinking on 19 March. He was taken on 22 March. Kyemon clarified the procedure confiscated pesticide for alcohol drink to Insein Hospital to receive that, a population census Mawlu, 26 March — A at Ngahsutaung village- medical treatment, but he would be taken in 2014 combined force led by Police tract in Hlegu Township of died at about 1.15 pm in around 30 years after taking Inspector Myo Khaing of . the hospital. of nationwide population Katha District Police Force A fatal accident Ngahsutaung police census in 1973 and 1983, arrested a group of smugglers happened to Maung Li Shin station filed a case and calling on those present to and seized a herd of cattle Phu, 29, when he mistakenly investigating is ongoing. provide accurate data in near Nantyon village in drunk TD Win pesticide Kyemon answering population and Inndaw Township of Sagaing housing questions of census Region on 17 March. New bridge put into service for taking procedure. Police members It is learnt that such caught nine smugglers rural development kinds of educative talks including Zaw Oo of Pyin Thanlyin, 26 March of Thanlyin Township on will be organized in all 20 Htaungkon village of Indaw — The opening of a RC 22 March. townships where a pilot Township together with bridge took place on the Pyithu Hluttaw census taking 2013 will be 42 head of cattle that are road that links Win Khanni Representative U Kyaw taking place. — Kyemon going to be smuggled to village and Pharku village Min, Executive Officer a neighbouring country village according to a tip- Progress of construction of recreation centre, U Kyaw Lin Than of via Mohnyin Township of off. Actions are being taken Thanlyin Township while they against the smugglers. training facility inspected Development Committee were on patrol near Nantyon Kyemon and the Presiding Sayadaw Nay Pyi Taw, 26 March for outstanding students in hotel and progress of hostels of Win Khanni village Child run over by trailer — Ayeyawady Region Chief front of Pale Ngwehsaung for the students on 22 March. monastery formally Minister U Thein Aung hotel, preparations for the Next, the chief minister opened the bridge. in Dagon Myothit (North) inspected construction of opening ceremony of the visited a training facility The new bridge will Township archway of recreation centre centre in the compound of the of Myanmar Yachting be of great benefit to villagers in transporting Yangon, 26 March — Thukha Pyae Sone, 3, in their local products to A child was run over by her arms and ran over the downtown Thanlyin. a trailer and killed while child who had fallen off the Kyemon a woman who held him woman with its front wheel had been knocked to the when the woman collapsed Federation where he ground near a bus-stop on in the road. cordially greeted the deputy Pyidaungsu road in Dagon Ma Yin Moe Aye minister for sports, the Myothit (North) Township suffered injuries to her right president of the federation at about 3.45 pm on 21 arm and she was admitted and responsible persons and March. at North Okkalapa Hospital. athletes. The trailer driven by The child died of severe He then observed Zaw Lin Tun, 22, of Dagon head injury. Dagon Myothit training being given to the Myothit (North) Township (North) police station filed a athletes and progress of hit Ma Yin Moe Aye, 36, lawsuit against the driver of construction work. who was holding Maung the trailer. —Kyemon MNA New Light of Myanmar Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 3 WORLD US, Russia aim to reconvene stalled missile Rebel mortar fire hits Damascus, army defence talks gunners retaliate of Shoigu, was quoted as Beirut, 26 March— The conflict in Syria especially in the north saying by Russian news Syrian rebels lobbed has killed 70,000 people and east. Colonel Riad al- agency RIA. mortar rounds into central and forced a million to flee Asaad, founder of the rebel The news came after Damascus on Monday, the country, the United Free Syrian Army (FSA), a 16 March announcement killing at least two people Nations says. Sustained lost a leg in an overnight that the United States and drawing a fierce army fighting in Damascus blast caused by a bomb would station 14 new anti- response as bombardments could send thousands more placed beneath his car in missile interceptors in shook the heart of the into neighbouring states, the opposition-held eastern Alaska in response to North capital. especially Lebanon, which town of al-Mayadin, his Korean provocations, but The state news agency already hosts 370,000 deputy said. A Turkish at the same time forgo a said mortar bombs fired by of them. There were no official said Asaad was now new type of interceptor that “terrorists” had killed two immediate reports that the being treated in Turkey would have been deployed people and wounded others rebels, who have pushed and that his life was not in in Europe. near the Opera House on into the Kfar Souseh danger. Cold War-era foes Ummayad Square, where District, a few hundred Asaad, who formed Russia’s Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu speaks in front Moscow and Washington Baath Party headquarters, metres (yards) from the FSA in 2011 as a of the Russian flag while attending a news conference have long been at Air Force Intelligence Ummayad Square, were popular uprising against and state television are trying to advance further. Assad turned into an armed after a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart Phung loggerheads over the shield also located. The military Assad’s forces have rebellion, was one of the Quang Thanh (not pictured) in Hanoi in Europe. President Barack retaliated with artillery retained control of central first senior officers to defect on 5 March, 2013.—Reuters Obama’s move in 2009 to fire from Mount Qasioun, Damascus and most other from the Syrian military, scale down earlier, Bush- Moscow/Washington, said. The Pentagon said overlooking the city. “I’ve Syrian cities, while losing but was sidelined last year 26 March—Russian and Russian Defence Minister administration plans only heard dozens of regime swathes of territory to from a new Western-backed US defence chiefs signaled Sergei Shoigu expressed offered a short-lived respite. shells so far, pounding insurgents elsewhere, FSA command.—Reuters on Monday their intention a desire to reconvene the Russia’s main concern is rebels,” one resident said. to reconvene long-stalled talks, and that Defence that the European shield Photos posted by missile defence talks, the Secretary Chuck Hagel would weaken its nuclear opposition activists showed Pentagon said, following assured him they would deterrent. Russia’s point black smoke rising from a change in US missile continue and would be man for US relations, the square during what defence plans for Europe carried forward by the Deputy Foreign Minister residents said was one of that has been met cautiously Pentagon’s policy chief, Sergei Ryabkov, said on the heaviest bombardments by Moscow. Jim Miller. 21 March that the Obama in central Damascus since There have been no “We are very interested administration’s planned a revolt against President meetings at the deputy in further developments changes brought a new Bashar al-Assad erupted minister-level since 2011, on the European missile element to the issue. He two years ago. when six were held, a defence and our minister called for further dialogue, “The city is under US defence official told offered to restart regular noting Moscow still had attack,” said one bewildered Reuters. Talks set for 2012 consultations on that concern that US missile resident, adding that the Free Syrian Army fighters carry weapons while walking were canceled because of between deputy ministers,” defences could threaten its explosions had begun at down a debris-filled street in Aleppo on 19 March, 2013. scheduling conflicts, he Anatoly Antonov, a deputy security.— Reuters 6:30 am (12.30 am EDT). Picture taken on 19 March, 2013.— Reuters Cambodian PM to visit China to advance bilateral ties Australia to withdraw most

Kandal, (Cambodia), in south China’s Hainan a groundbreaking for the that the two countries’ ties troops from Afghanistan by 26 March — Cambodian Province, on 7 April before construction of the 7th were established in 1958 Prime Minister Hun Sen heading to Beijing on 8 Cambodia-China Friend- by Cambodia’s late former year-end said on Monday that he April to hold an official ship Bridge in southern King Norodom Sihanouk will pay an official visit talk with Chinese Premier Kandal Province. and former Chinese Canberra, 26 March the majority of Australian to China early next month Li Keqiang. “I am very pleased that President Mao Zedong as — Australia will withdraw defence force personnel to meet with new Chinese “I hope that new Chi- Cambodia-China relation well as former Premier most troops from Afghani- will return.” Australia has leaders for talks on further nese President Xi Jinping has reached the level of the Zhou Enlai. stan’s south at the end of around 1,650 troops in Af- enhancing bilateral and Premier Li Keqiang Comprehensive Strategic “Now, it is in the this year and shut down a ghanistan, including spe- relations. will continue to support Partnership of Cooperation period of King Norodom major base for NATO-led cial forces, based mainly The premier said that Cambodia in the devel- since 2010 and hope that the Sihamoni and I will forces, handing security to in volatile Uruzgan, and he is scheduled to meet opment of infrastructure relation will be as solid as continue to foster the ties Afghan soldiers and police, was an original member with President Xi Jinping including roads and bridg- bridges across the rivers,” with Chinese leaders,” he Defence Minister Stephen of the US-led coalition in Boao, a coastal town es,” Hun Sen said during the premier said, recalling said.—Xinhua Smith said on Tuesday. that helped oust the former Western and Afghan Taleban government in late Japan’s CRF headquarter commanders, Smith said, 2001. had agreed that the ma- It has lost 39 troops in to move to US base in Japan jor multinational coalition the war, with 242 wound- base at Tarin Kowt and its ed. Tokyo, 26 March— the JGSDF Eiji Kimizuka NATO airbase in Uruzgan The United States and Japan and the United agreed to move the Province would close at NATO allies are racing States agreed on Monday headquarter to the US Camp the end of 2013. against the clock to train that headquarter of Central Zama located in Japan’s Most foreign combat a 350,000-strong force of Readiness Force (CRF) Kanagawa Prefecture. troops are due to leave Afghan soldiers to meet the belonged to Japan’s Eiji said the decision Afghanistan by the end of 2014 deadline, although Ground Self-Defence Force will improve defence 2014 under a planned secu- there is widespread skepti- (JGSDF) will be moved to cooperation between the rity transition from foreign cism that target can be met. a US military base in Japan JGSDF and the United US Major General Michael Harrison (L), commander of forces to Afghans. “A lot of people are wor- on Tuesday in an effort to States Army Japan and United States Army Japan and I Corps, shakes hands with “It is a necessary and ried about the military side promote Japan- US alliance. will deepen the Japan-US Chief of Staff of the Japan’s Ground Self-Defence Force logical and natural conse- and how are we going to At a joint statement alliance. (JGSDF) Eiji Kimizuka during a joint statement signing quence of transition being get to 2014,” Washington- signing ceremony held For his part, Harrison ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, on 25 March, 2013. effective,” Smith said. based Australian counter- in Tokyo, US Major said that the move marks Xinhua “The effect of that insurgency expert David General Michael Harrison, US-Japan security system comprises about 4,500 in Tokyo and area near closure will be that Aus- Kilcullen told Australian commander of United stepped into a new phase personnel, was established the capital city and SDF’s tralia will no longer have Broadcasting Corporation States Army Japan and I that will help secure Japan’s in March 2007 to take overseas operation. a permanent presence in (ABC) television. Corps, and Chief of Staff of security. The CRF, which charge of special operations Xinhua Uruzgan Province, and Reuters 4 Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar Science & Technology Chinese scientists unlock key genetic code of wheat Beijing, 26 March— around 38,000 wheat genes consumed food crops in Scientists from China and the is expected to help provide the world. It feeds about United States have mapped a valuable resource for 40 percent of the world’s a key genetic code for accelerating deeper genomic population and provides 20 bread wheat, a discovery breeding studies and offer percent of a human’s daily that will help improve the a new foundation for the recommended amounts of crop’s productivity and study of wheat evolution, calories and protein. ability to withstand extreme domestication and genetic Major efforts are conditions. improvement. underway around the world The sequencing and The research, launched to increase the crop’s yield drafting of the A genome, one by a team from the Institute of and quality by boosting of the three basic genomes of Genetics and Development genetic diversity and wheat, was published on the Biology under the Chinese resistance to cold, drought website of the journal Nature Academy of Sciences (CAS), and disease. on Monday. was conducted by Shenzhen- However, the extreme- Researchers present the based BGI, a leading ly large size and polyploid generation, assembly and genomics organization, and complexity of the wheat analysis of a whole-genome the University of California, genome have so far posed High school student Zhu Jie from the High School Affiliated to Beijing Institute shotgun draft sequence of the Davis. substantial barriers for of Technology volunteers to introduce a space observation system to visitors on the genome of wheat T urartu, Bread wheat (Triticum researchers to gain insight open day at China Meteorological Administration in Beijing, capital of China, the donor of the A genome. aestivum) is one of the into its biology and evolu- on 23 March, 2013, the World Meteorological Day.—Xinhua The identification of most widely cultivated and tion.—Xinhua Jiaolong sub starts Apple buys Silicon Valley startup WiFiSlam New York, 26 March— do not discuss our purpose or scientific missions in June Apple has acquired a Silicon plans,” an Apple spokesman Shanghai, 26 March— contracts to be approved Valley startup, WiFiSlam, told Reuters. Chinese manned submersible by international seabed which makes mapping WiFiSlam develops Jiaolong will officially authorities. applications for smart technology that provides start conducting scientific The CHIC, which built phones. indoor tracking and similar missions in June, its chief the sub, will continue to Apple confirmed the services. designer said on Monday. solicit and train oceanauts acquisition, but declined to Big tech companies Xi Jinan, also a and push forward research give details. The news was such as Apple and Google researcher with the China on support facilities such earlier reported by The Wall have been racing to Shipbuilding Industry Corp as building on-sea support Street Journal, which quoted provide more and better (CHIC), said at a speech in bases and developing more a person familiar with the map applications for users. Shanghai that the sub will domestically made spare matter as saying that Apple Google’s application, Google spend nearly five months parts. paid around $20 million for Maps, is widely accessed on conducting research each Jiaolong completed a the company. Google’s Android platform year for the following five record dive of 7,062 metres “Apple acquires smaller and rival Apple’s rival iOS years. in the Marian Trench in the technology companies from Customers gather outside an Apple store before the release platform. In 2013, it will carry Pacific Ocean in June 2012, time to time, and we generally of iPhone 5 in Munich on early 21 Sept, 2012.—Reuters Reuters out scientific investigations which enabled China to join of poly nodules at depths of the ranks of deep-seafaring Global telecoms giant ZTE sees gold in Chinese roots 5,300 metres in the northeast countries. The United States, H o n g K o n g , 26 at least $7.5 billion of 4G China’s three mobile 100 cities. The Chinese Pacific Ocean, and gather Japan, France and Russia March—China’s ZTE Corp, network projects and elevate operators plan to spend a government is expected to information from sulfide currently lead the world in which helped bring the its sagging fortunes. combined 345 billion yuan issue 4G licenses later this mine sites in the southwest the development of deep- telephone to millions of Shenzhen-listed ZTE, ($56 billion) this year on year. Smaller rival China Indian Ocean. sea exploration technology, homes during the Deng founded in the mid-1980s, network expansion. That Unicom said on 21 March It will also penetrate each possessing their own Xiaoping era, is counting on a clinched its first major overseas includes investment in 4G, it planned to spend 5 billion unexplored areas to provide submersibles and support new generation of tech-savvy contract in Bangladesh in the which promises rapid data to 10 billion yuan annually technical materials for bases.—Xinhua smartphone users to drive mid-1990s. Since then, it has downloads for millions of on 4G once it gets a license. been aggressively expanding mobile users holding Apple China Telecom has yet to Yahoo acquires mobile news start-up Summly overseas and challenging Inc’s iPhones or Samsung announce its 4G investment. telecoms equipment Electronics’ Galaxy phones. ZTE, which has flagged The head- manufacturers such as Hong Kong-listed China three profit warnings in the quarters of Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent Mobile, the world’s top past year and is poised to post Yahoo Inc is in emerging markets from carrier with 715 million its first-ever annual loss for pictured in Asia to Africa. subscribers, is forking out 2012, is likely to grab the Sunnyvale, But years of rapid 41.7 billion yuan from its bulk of contracts along with California. overseas investment and total spending of 190.2 its cross-town rival Huawei Yahoo Inc has chasing global market share billion yuan for this year Technologies Co Ltd due snapped up at the expense of profitability to build 200,000 4G base to its state-backed status, mobile news are finally taking their toll on stations covering more than analysts said.—Reuters aggregator the world’s No 5 producer Summly, the of telecoms gear. ZTE is companies said now returning to its Chinese on their web- roots, eyeing 4G network sites on Mon- contracts from domestic day.—Reuters mobile operators China San Francisco, 26 start-up works closely with be integrated into Yahoo’s Mobile Ltd, China Unicom March—Yahoo Inc has News Corp and is backed mobile initiatives. Ltd and China Telecom snapped up mobile news by Chinese investor Li Ka- Terms of the deal were Corp Ltd. aggregator Summly, the Shing and angel investors not disclosed. Yahoo has “The China market is companies said on their including the actor Ashton acquired several small mobile like a gold mine as telecom websites on Monday. Kutcher and the artist and and web start-up companies operators are cash-rich,” Summly, founded by designer Yoko Ono. since former Google executive David Dai Shu, a spokesman 17-year-old Nick D’Aloisio, The Summly app Marissa Mayer became chief for ZTE, told Reuters. “It ZTE company logos are seen at an international sorts news by topics in quick will be removed from the executive last year. is a top priority for us by software and information services exhibition in bites for smartphones. The Apple Inc store and will Reuters country.” Nanjing, Jiangsu province on 6 Sept, 2012.—Reuters New Light of Myanmar Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 5 BUSINESS & HEALTH Signage is pictured on the Overseas investors eye Chinese property company headquarters of Beijing, 26 March— remain buoyant, according China’s slowing economic A office building called GlaxoSmithKline in west China may see an increase to Regina Yang, director of growth, retailers’ confidence j-Tower in Shanghai for London on 21 July, 2008. in property transactions research for Knight Frank in the market is intact and 263.5 million yuan ($41.8 Reuters involving international Shanghai. Average Grade they continue to open new million). investors in 2013, fueled by A office rents in Shanghai stores in Shanghai. The deal was concluded the economic recovery and have dropped 1.5 percent Ground-floor rents in by MGPA Asia Fund III the rosy outlook of China’s quarter-on-quarter by 9.1 core retail areas have reached which focuses on real estate commercial properties, yuan ($1.46) per square metre 54.7 yuan per sq m per day, investments throughout the industry experts said. per day, decreasing for the an increase of 1.7 percent Asia-Pacific region and “On one hand, a number first time since the third quarter-on-quarter and 11.6 features equity commitments of deals are in the pipeline quarter of 2009. percent year-on-year. of $3.9 billion. Its portfolio in after lots of negotiations However, owing to MGPA, a private equity China includes a 50 percent were conducted last year. limited new supply, the real estate investment interest in Galleria Chengdu, FDA delays approval of GSK On the other hand, the top average vacancy rate of advisory company managing a high quality retail mall in management of international Chengdu. “This is a good bird flu vaccine real estate funds are also under opportunity to buy a quality London, 26 March— to whether the FDA should pressure because few deals commercial property in Regulators have delayed approve the similar H5N1 were concluded last year,” Shanghai. We anticipate approval of an H5N1 bird product. said Andy Zhang, managing strong leasing interest from flu vaccine from Glaxo- Both vaccines contain director of Cushman & both domestic and foreign SmithKline, designed to be AS03, a new adjuvant, or Wakefield China. Shanghai’s firms looking for quality used in a pandemic. booster, that turbo-charges office and retail property and convenience,” said John A spokesman for the body’s immune response sectors will see significant Saunders, chief executive Britain’s biggest drugmaker to a vaccine. increases in large-scale officer of Asia, MGPA. said the delay was not related A 14-member panel of deals this year, supported j-Tower marks the to recent controversy over advisers to the FDA voted by investors’ strong interest second deal in China for links between a similar unanimously in November in commercial real estate, MGPA Asia Fund III flu vaccine made by the to recommend the H5N1 according to a research report following the acquisition company and narcolepsy. vaccine to protect against from international property Shanghai’s office and retail property sectors will see of a retail mall in Chengdu Rather, the US Food and bird flu. The panel considered consultant Knight Frank. significant increases in large-scale deals this year, in 2011. “China continues Drug Administration (FDA) early studies from Europe China, and Shanghai in supported by investors’ strong interest in commercial real to be an important focus decided it needed more time showing an increase in particular, are still a focus estate, according to a research report from international for MGPA and we look to assess the product “due to the number of narcolepsy for multinational companies property consultant Knight Frank.—Xinhua favourably on investment in an administrative matter that cases but concluded that mulling expansion and new retail/commercial properties Shanghai’s Grade A offices assets in Europe and Asia, has recently been rectified”, the potential benefit of the business opportunities so in tier one and tier two cities,” remained at 5.1 percent. announced that it has GSK said in a statement on vaccine outweighed the risk. demand for commercial said Saunders. Despite the overseas successfully acquired a Monday. “GSK and the FDA Since then, however, and residential property will Xinhua economic turmoil and newly completed Grade are actively working together new data, including study to complete the review in a results from Britain, suggest TNT Express cuts 6 percent of jobs to face future alone timely manner,” it added. the scale and strength of the Amsterdam, 26 March by 2015, and will result in a where economic conditions billion, or 63 percent, of There is growing narcolepsy link to Pandemrix —Dutch package delivery restructuring charge of 150 are tough and TNT Express 7.3 billion euros in 2012 evidence of a link between during the 2009-10 H1N1 firm TNT Express (TNTE. million euros, it said. generates the bulk of sales, revenue came from Europe, GSK’s earlier H1N1 flu swine flu pandemic could AS) said on Monday it will Roughly two-thirds of said interim chief executive the Middle East and Africa. If vaccine, Pandemrix, and be greater than first thought. cut 4,000 jobs and focus the job cuts will be in Europe, Bernard Bot. About 4.6 the restructuring is successful, an increase in narcolepsy Officials at the FDA were on Europe after a failed $7 TNT Express will have an cases among children who not immediately available to billion takeover by United adjusted operating income received it in Europe —a fact comment on the case. Parcel Service (UPS.N). margin of around 8 percent which has raised questions as Reuters TNT Express, facing and sales growth of roughly overcapacity and rapidly 2 percent by 2015, it said. BlackBerry shares slide on eroding prices in Europe, That forecast assumes a had focused on a strategy return to a normal economic Goldman downgrade in which UPS would help it climate in crisis-hit Europe, cope with difficult markets. Bot said, where markets A new It will now have to face the remain highly uncertain. Blackberry future alone. “The business we have is the Z10 The cuts, which equate business we have, in terms smartphone is of its geographic scope, and to 6 percent of its workforce, displayed at a The head office of TNT is seen in Hoofddorp, the that’s where we are going to are aimed at saving 220 store in New million euros ($286 million) Netherlands.—Reuters focus, improve, and try to get the best possible margins,” York, on 22 S Korea to launch credit recovery fund for debtors Bot told journalists. March, 2013. “But yes, we also Reuters Seoul, 26 March— Commission (FSC). the existing, state-run fund have to accept that we are South Korea planned to People with debts for debt restructuring. a cyclical stock and are to launch credit recovery overdue more than six The remaining 700 some extent dependent on fund for debtors this week months of less than 100 billion won, which will be the economic development.” Toronto, 26 March— said in a note to clients on amid concerns that massive million won (10,000 US used to transform high-rate Bot, who will soon be replaced BlackBerry stock fell nearly Monday. Jankowski also said household debts may cripple dollars) can apply to the loans to low-rate ones, can be by Tex Gunning and will 4 percent on Monday after advertising of the product consumer spending and fund for debt restructuring. offset by the reimbursement return to his job of chief Goldman Sachs cut its rating, launch was limited. “As a economic recovery, the Borrowers of high-rate loan of delinquent debts and financial officer, said TNT citing a disappointing US result, despite the product financial regulator said on from non-bank institutions the profits of guarantee Express’s management is launch for the smartphone itself being relatively well Monday. Kookmin Hangbok can transfer their loans to commission. The number of focused on moving ahead as maker’s new touchscreen received by sales associates Giguem, or national happy those of interest rate of around 210,000 with overdue an independent company after device that went on sale in and online reviews, sell- fund in English, worth 1.5 around 10 percent. debts, which account for 16 the unsuccessful bid by UPS. the United States on Friday. through at most locations was trillion won (1.35 billion The credit repair fund percent of the total delinquent UPS’s bid for TNT Express “Our retail checks at over less than 10 per day,” said US dollars) will be set up will buy debts in delinquency debtors, was estimated was blocked by the European 20 store locations since 22 Jankowski. The brokerage on Friday to help household with the seed money of to benefit from the credit Union Commission in January March, including at AT&T, firm cut its rating on shares of defaulters restore credit around 800 billion won recovery fund, the regulator due to concerns it would Best Buy, and RadioShack, BlackBerry to “neutral” from through debt restructuring that will be raised through said. The planned fund was have too dominant a market revealed a surprising lack “buy.” BlackBerry shares such as write-offs and borrowing and subordinated feared to entice debtors to position. TNT Express said of marketing support and were down 3.9 percent at the lengthening of debt bond issuance. About delay repayment with the it did not expect offers from poor positioning of the $14.33 in trading before the repayment, according to 500 billion won will be intention of benefiting from other rivals and is not a break- product,” Goldman Sachs morning bell in the United the Financial Services transferred to the fund from debt write-offs.—Xinhua up target.—Reuters analyst Simona Jankowski States.—Reuters 6 Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar WORLD Five killed, 13 injured in Iraqi EU suspends most Zimbabwe sanctions after referendum Ten people, including responsibility for ensuring violence Mugabe, and two compa- elections are free of violence Baghdad, 26 March— groups, including some nies, including state-run dia- and intimidation,” British Four people were killed and powerful anti-US Sunni mond mining company the Foreign Secretary William 13 others wounded in sepa- insurgent groups, who Zimbabwe Mining Develop- Hague said in a statement. rate attacks in Iraq on Mon- turned their rifles against ment Corporation (ZMDC), The European Union day, while an al-Qaeda mil- al-Qaeda after the latter ex- remain on the sanctions list, first imposed sanctions on itant leader was shot dead ercised indiscriminate kill- restricted by asset freezes Zimbabwe in 2002, in protest in a raid, the police said. ings against both Shiite and and travel bans, an EU against human rights abuses In Iraq’s eastern Prov- Sunni communities. source said. and violations of democracy ince of Diyala, two police- Also in the province, A number of “key deci- under Mugabe’s rule. men were killed when a an Iraqi army and police sion makers” would remain Rugare Gumbo, a roadside bomb struck a force shot dead Abu Ji- under EU sanctions until spokesman for Mugabe’s joint police-army patrol in had, a suspected al-Qaeda peaceful, transparent and ZANU-PF party, said it was the western part of the pro- leader, when they raided Zimbabwean election officials count ballot papers after credible elections had been “completely unacceptable” vincial capital city of Baqu- his safe house at the village the close of voting on a referendum in Harare, held, Ashton said. for the European Union to ba, some 65 km northeast of Makheisah, some 30 km on 16 March, 2013.—Reuters Zimbabwe is expected only partially lift sanctions. of Iraq’s capital Baghdad, northeast of Baquba, the Brussels, 26 March— African country. Zimbabwe to hold presidential and par- “We want them uncon- a provincial police source source said. The European Union sus- has been governed by an un- liamentary elections in the ditionally removed. There is told Xinhua on condition of Abu Jihad is believed pended most sanctions on easy coalition since President second half of the year in no reason why some should anonymity. to have been involved in Zimbabwe on Monday af- Robert Mugabe and Prime what will be seen as a show- be removed from the list Five policemen and many attacks against Iraqi ter the country’s voters ap- Minister Morgan Tsvangirai down between political ri- while some remain. There is three soldiers, including an military patrols in Diyala proved a new constitution were forced into a power- vals Mugabe and Tsvangirai. nothing we have done to de- officer, were wounded by Province, he added. limiting presidential powers sharing deal after a disputed Britain, the former colo- serve these illegal sanctions the blast, the source said. In addition, two soldiers and paving the way for an 2008 vote. nial power which has regu- anyway,” he said in Harare. In a separate incident, were wounded when gun- election. “The EU ... has today larly clashed with Mugabe, In a referendum on 16 a paramilitary member of men attacked their check- The move is the most agreed to immediately sus- said EU sanctions remained March, nearly 95 percent of local Awakening Council point in the same village, he far-reaching step so far in pend the application of meas- in place on a small core of voters approved a new con- group was killed and three said. In Salahudin Province, the European Union’s strat- ures against 81 individuals people around the president. stitution that limits presiden- others wounded when gun- a policeman was killed when egy of easing sanctions to and eight entities,” EU for- “That small group in- tial terms and strengthens the men, believed to be affiliated a sticky bomb attached to encourage political and eco- eign policy chief Catherine cludes those who we believe powers of the cabinet and to al-Qaeda network in Iraq, his car detonated while he nomic reform in the southern Ashton said in a statement. ultimately carry the most parliament.—Reuters attacked their checkpoint at a was driving in north of the US urges EU action to overcome Iran People walk past a village some 35 km northeast provincial capital city of branch of Iran’s Bank of Baquba, the source said. Tikrit, some 170 km north of sanctions court appeals Mellat in Istanbul The Awakening Council Baghdad, a provincial police on 18 Aug, 2010. group, also known as Sons source anonymously told Brussels, 26 March— nomic pressure designed to which the capitals say Reuters of Iraq, consists of armed Xinhua.—Xinhua The United States is con- force Teheran to scale back should not be provided to cerned Iranian appeals to the nuclear work, which they Jordan closes main border European courts could suspect has covert military loosen sanctions against goals. Iran denies it seeks a crossing with Syria Teheran, said a State De- nuclear weapons capability Amman, 26 March— ters. partment official on Mon- and says its work is for med- Jordan closed its main bor- The crossing is a thor- day who urged the EU to ical research and generating der crossing with Syria on oughfare for passengers and urgently find a way to allow electricity. The court argued Monday after two days of was transit route before the judges to examine secret in- the EU has failed to provide fighting there between Syr- Syria conflict for hundreds telligence evidence. sufficient evidence the banks ian troops and rebel fight- of trucks daily carrying Europe’s General are involved in financing the ers, Jordan’s information goods to Turkey from the Court told EU governments nuclear programme, poten- minister said. Gulf and vice versa. in January to lift asset tially eroding Europe’s sanc- Border traders said Situated near the Jor- freezes against Bank Mellat tions efforts. passengers were turned danian border, Syria’s and Bank Saderat, two of “We are well aware of judges because that could es to review information in a back at the Jordanian bor- southern Deraa Province more than a dozen Iranian this problem,” a US State compromise intelligence secure way. der crossing of Jaber and is a vital battleground. Re- banks which the European Department official told sources. The US official said “We hope that the Euro- prevented from entering bels in the last month have Union says are helping fi- Reuters during a trip to Brus- policymakers from Wash- pean Union is looking at its in the first such closure of stepped up fighting for con- nance Teheran’s nuclear sels. “We are looking at it ington had discussed the regulation to see if there are the crossing since the revolt trol of the border area and programme. Both the Euro- with some concern.” issue with European govern- any changes it can make to against President Bashar Deraa town after gaining pean Union and the United At the centre of the dis- ments and institutions, and make these (sanctions) regu- al-Assad’s rule started two territory in the country- States view sanctions against agreement between EU urged them to explore regu- lations more robust when years ago. side and capturing several the Iranian banking sector as governments and the court latory solutions that would challenged in court,” he said. “The border post is ef- army bases. They have also a crucial component of eco- is classified information allow, for example, for judg- Reuters fectively closed because overrun several towns near Israel restores tax transfers to UN urges better security, there have been clashes the Israeli-occupied Golan since yesterday and they Heights, fuelling tensions Palestinian Authority services to help displaced in are continuing,” minister in the sensitive military Samih Maaytah told Reu- zone.—Reuters Jerusalem, 26 March— at the United Nations. The Israel said on Monday it American and Israeli pledges Sudan’s Darfur would restart regular month- come on the heels of Obama’s Nyala, (Sudan), 26 Sudanese government and ly tax transfers to the Pales- three-day visit to the region March—A UN official on its partners to accelerate the tinian Authority, restoring last week when he called for a Monday called for im- return of the internally dis- vital funding days after Presi- resumption of peace talks that proved security and services placed to their homes. dent Barack Obama called have been stalled since 2010 to help speed up the volun- He acknowledged that for confidence-building steps and the creation of a viable tary return of internally there used to be a volun- towards peace. Palestinian state. displaced persons (IDPs) tary return, but said that the The decision followed Israel began withholding to their homes in Sudan’s worsening security forced the announcement by the the transfers — about $100 Darfur region. many to return to camps. United States on Friday that million in tax revenues it col- Mohammed Younis, Those present at the it would deliver $500 million lects each month on behalf of deputy chief of UN-African conference included Suda- in annual aid to the Palestini- the Authority — in November Union Mission in Darfur, nese government officials, ans, almost half of which had after President Mahmoud Ab- told a conference here on diplomats, representatives A Jordanian soldier stands guard in his tank at the been withheld by the Con- bas succeeded in gaining de IDPs and refugees that poor of donors and IDPs and Jordan-Syrian border near Mafraq, gress in response to the Pal- facto UN recognition of Pales- security and lack of servic- refugees. on 18 Feb, 2013.—Reuters estinians’ bid for statehood tinian statehood.—Reuters es hamper the efforts of the Xinhua New Light of Myanmar Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 7 NATIONAL Fifth Shwekyar robe-offering and in Nay Pyi Taw packed with consecration ceremony held in devotees on Fullmoon Day of Tabaung N a y P y i T a w , 26 religious associations from alms, flowers, water and light Nay Pyi Taw Uppatasanti Pagoda March—As today is the ministries offered alms, to the pagoda. Fullmoon day of Tabaung, fruits, flowers and water to Similarly, Datusaya the pagodas in Nay Pyi Taw the pagoda. (Datpaungsu) Pagoda and where Buddha Pujaniya are The 140th anniversary Maha Muni Image in Zabuthiri being held were packed with of Buddha Pujaniya of Township, Historic Paya devotees. Sutaungpyae Lawka- Koesu Pagoda, Kokhangyi The fifth golden robe marazein pagoda was held Pagoda and Hlaekhwintaung offering and Buddha at the pagoda in Pyinmana Pagoda in Pyinmana are also consecration ceremony took Township. Wellwishers packed with devotees and place at Uppatasanti Pagoda donated rice to Sayadaws pilgrims. this morning. In the evening, and nuns, and offered fruits, MNA Yangon religious edifices crowded with devotees

Union Minister at President Office U Thein Nyunt offer Shwekyar robe to Maha Manimaya Jade Buddha Image.—mna

N a y P y i T a w , 26 Maha Suddhamajotika Image. March— The fifth Dr Bhaddanta Kum- Next, the ceremony Shwekyar robe-offering arabhivamsa, Union to consecrate the Buddha and consecration ceremony Minister at the President images followed. The crowded with devotees on the Fullmoon Day of of four Maha Manimaya Office Chairman of Nay Then the congregation Tabaung.—mna Jade Buddha Images which Pyi Taw Council Nay received the Nine Precepts Yangon, 26 March— merit gained. Wizaya Pagoda, Kohtutgyi, are kept in the cave and Pyi Taw Mayor U Thein administered by the The pagodas, stupas and The 56th Anniversary Chaukhtutgyi, Ngahtutgyi Sutaungpyae Buddha Image Nyunt, Union Minister for Sayadaw and members of monasteries in Yangon were of Buddha Pujaniya and Pagodas, Kyaikkasan kept at the building of Religious Affairs U Hsan the Sangha recited parittas. crowded with devotees and rice offering ceremony of Pagoda, Lawka Chantha the north-east corner of Hsint, the Commander of Union ministers and pilgrims today. Shwephonepwint Pagoda Abayalabamuni Image, Uppatasanti Pagoda was Nay Pyi Taw Command, party presented provisions The 2601 Anniversary took place at the pagoda South Okkalapa Pagoda, held at the cave of the Deputy Ministers, Deputy to members of the Sangha. of Buddha Pujaniya of this morning. The pagoda Maelamu Pagoda, Kyaikkalo, pagoda, here, this morning. Attorney-General and Afterwards, SSMNC the Shwedagon Pagoda board of trustees donated Kyaikkale, Thanlyin The ceremony was departmental heads, Secretary Sayadaw of sswas held on a grand scale alms, fruits and snacks to Kyaikkhauk Pagoda, Padagyi attended by members of members of religious Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda starting from 6th waxing to the pagoda and offered and pagodas and stupas in the Sangha led by State associations and guests. Monastery Agga Maha Fullmoon day of Tabaung rice to the Sayadaws and Yangon Region were also Sangha Maha Nayaka First, Union ministers Pandita Agga Maha for 10 days. Wellwishers nuns. Similar ceremony was packed with devotees today. Committee Chairman and officials offered Saddhammajotikadhaja offered alms, flowers, water, organized by the pagoda As Buddha Pujaniya, Sand Sayadaw of Mandalay Shwekyar robes, alms, Bhaddanta Khemindasami light and dawn alms to the board of trustees at historic Pagodas and Myat Buddha Bhamo Monastery fruits and water to four delivered a sermon and pagoda in the morning. The Aparazita Santawshin Tawwin Ahkartaw days were Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Jade Buddha Images and those present shared the pagoda board of trustees and Kyaikwine Pagoda. being celebrated across the Guru Abhidhaja Agga Sutaungpyae Buddha merits gained.— MNA wellwishers then sahred the Botahtaung Pagoda, nation today, the pagodas, , Swetawmyat monastries and stupas were Lt-Gen Myint Soe visits relief camps in Meiktila Pagoda, Thiri Mingala packed with devotees and , Maha pilgrims.—MNA N a y P y i T a w , 26 March—Lt-Gen Myint Soe from the Office of the Myanmar youth golf team Commader-in-Chief (Army) leaves for Thailand this morning visited relief camps in Meiktila. Yangon, 26 March—A their relatives. Myanmar golf Lt-Gen Myint Soe Myanmar youth golf team team has always participated together with Deputy Minister comprising 18 golfers in the international golf for Health Dr Win Myint led by Vice-President U tournament which is held observed health care services Min Thein of Myanmar annually. Ye Htet Aung being given by Tatmadaw Golf Federation and Joint stood first in the individual mobile medical team and General Secretary U Myo event and Myanmar is ranked medical team of the Ministry Tun left here on 24 March third in the team event of of Health at No 3 BEHS for Thailand to take part the previous year’s golf relief camp in Meiktila and in the 12th True Visions tournament. comforted the victims. International Junior Golf With the aim of They also donated Championship 2013 to be achieving success in offertories to Sasana held in Bangkok from 26 golf sports in upcoming Waiponla Monastery to 29 March. XXVII SEA Games that Sayadaw and provided relief Tatmadaw mobile medical They were seen off Myanmar will host in Lt-Gen Myint Soe comforts victims at relief camp aid to the victims. Lt-Gen team to the victims at relief at Yangon International 2013, Myanmar golfers are Myint Soe viewed the health camp in the monastery. Airport by responsible taking part in international in Meiktila.—mna care services being given by MNA persons of the federation and events.— NLM 8 Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar National President U Thein Sein offers religious titles to recipient ...

Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 Foster equal rights for each and every citizen The government is striving for the flourishing of democratic practices that recognize human rights, empower citizens through participatory processes, strengthening the rule of law and improving access to justice and information, creating an environment for civil society to contribute to policy formulation, budgetary processes and delivery of services at the grassroots level. While taking reform measures, all issues must be based on people-centered development approach. In making plans, it is required to collect information in accordance with the objective conditions and plans are to be implemented with perfect coordination. As the government knows well that political reforms are essential to put economic reforms in place, its efforts are evident ensuring participation of all the citizens in political process. Meanwhile, it President U Thein Sein and wife Daw Khin Khin Win donate offertories to a Sayadaw.—mna is exerting continued efforts to foster equal rights (from page 1) Jotikadhaja and Saddhamma Myint Htay offered religious After that, President for each and every citizen to work as well as job presented Agga Maha Thiri Jotikadhaja titles to the titles to the title recipient U Thein Sein and wife opportunities, instituting economic reforms. Thudhamma Manijotadhara recipient persons. laypersons. Daw Khin Khin Win, Vice- It places special emphasis on rural development title, Thiha Thudhamma Daw Nan Shwe Hmon, Union Minister President Dr Sai Mauk Kham and poverty reduction for socio-economic Manijotadhara title, Daw Khin Aye Myint, Daw for Religious Affairs U and wife Daw Nan Shwe development of rural people, the majority of Thudhamma Manijota- Kyu Kyu Hla, Daw Than Hsan Hsint supplicated on Hmon, Vice-President U population. With regard to production, employment dhara, Maha Saddhamma Than Nwe and Dr Daw religious affairs. Nyan Tun and wife Daw and increasing income, focus is to be placed on Khin Aye Myint, Chief Justice of the Union U Tun improvement of public health care service delivery Tun Oo, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, directly beneficial to people, social security, access wife of Senior General Min to electricity, and better communication service. Aung Hlaing, Chairman of In building up the nation into a developed one, Constitutional Tribunal of success could not be achieved by the government the Union U Mya Thein, alone. Mass participation is needed. As the UEC Chairman U Tin Aye government is committed to the flourishing of and wife Daw Kyi Kyi Ohn, democracy and overcoming challenges ahead in Union ministers, deputy the march towards its goal, all the citizens are to minister and their wives, step up support to it solidifying their position as departmental heads and local people offered rice reliable ones. and alms to members of the Sangha.—MNA MMA (Buddhist Association) Vice-President holds AGM U Nyan Tun Yangon, 26 March— on 17 March. presents Abhidhaja The Buddhist Association Vice-Chairperson Prof of Myanmar Medical Daw Ohn Kyi made a speech. Agga Maha Association (Yangon General Secretary Dr Khin financial statement. Those Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham presents Saddhammajotika Region) held the annual Oo Myint read the annual present participated in the Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru title to a title to a Sayadaw. general meeting for 2012- report. Joint Treasurer Dr discussions. Sayadaw.—mna mna 2013 at the B hall of MMA Daw Kyi May Thein read the Myanma Alinn

Yes, my boy is also a My son is in the serviceman! Yes, ours is the People’s Armed Armed Forces! Oh my son too! Forces or in other words the Union Armed Forces!

Honouring the 68th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Cartoon Tha Byay New Light of Myanmar Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 9 NATIONAL

Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham and wife Daw Nan Shwe Hmon offer Vice-President U Nyan Tun and wife Daw Khin Aye Myint offer alms to a provisions to a Sayadaw. Sayadaw. mna mna

Religious titles offered to members of the Sangha, laypersons for contributing to flourishing

Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham presents title to Vice-President U Nyan Tun presents title to Col U Chit Sein of Daingwunkwin in Mawlamyine. Tin Hlaing (Retd) of Ward-1 in Mayangon Town- of Sasana mna ship.—mna

Daw Nan Shwe Hmon, wife of Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham, presents Daw Khin Aye Myint, wife of Vice-President U Nyan Tun, presents title to a title to a nun.—mna nun.—mna 10 Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar National Union Transport Minister holds talks Cultural cooperation between with Minister-President of Government Myanmar-US discussed of Flanders of Belgium and party

N a y P y i T a w , 26 held discussions on out by feasibility study March—Minister-President implementation of group starting from 1 March Mr. Kris Peeters of the comprehensive water after MoU was signed Government of Flanders management project for to generate hydropower, of Belgium and party paid Ayeyawady River in implementation of wind a call on Union Minister cooperation with SBE power as Myanmar has for Transport U Nyan Tun Co from Belgium, water abundant vacant lands Aung at the ministry, here, conservation by building along its coast, field study yesterday morning. low dams along Ayeyawady for environmental impact At the call, they River, works being carried to be made by Belgian and Myanmar experts, MEP arranges to supply construction of low dams that will be beneficial for power mainly to people generating hydropower Union Minister for Culture U Aye Myint Kyu meets with Mr. John Guy, and conservation of Florence and Herbert Living Curator (South and Southeast Asian) of the Arts Myanmar’s weather Nay Pyi Taw, 26 March Ministry of Electric of Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.—mna — Ministry of Electric Power’s hydro power plants pattern, water course, N a y P y i T a w , 26 (South and Southeast Asian) Buddological objects Power and Ministry of which have efficiently fisheries and agrobusiness March— Union Minister of the Arts of Metropolitan emerged from 1st to 9th Energy worked together to produced power since the and improvement in water for Culture U Aye Myint Museum of Art in New centuries in Myanmar at supply power sufficiently end of rainy season and the resources and transport Kyu held a cordial discussion York, at the ministry, here, the expo of Metropolitan to the people during the ministry is also working sector in Ayeyawady with Mr. John Guy, Florence yesterday afternoon. Museum to be held in 2014, matriculation examination to run the newly-imported River.—MNA and Herbert Living Curator The meeting focused as well as potentials for period from March 1 to 22. natural gas-fired generators on bilateral cooperation in cultural cooperation to be To produce more power in Yangon to be able to Five suspects detained culture between Myanmar implemented in the near during the period, Ministry of supply power to the people and the US, display of future.—MNA Electric Power also ran two from 5 pm to 5 am daily. in connection with Okpo turbines from Kyunchaung The ministry will work plant, each turbine from together with the Ministry of violence Meiktila under tight Shwetaung, Myanaung and Energy to run turbines from Nay Pyi Taw, 26 shops and houses with the Mawlamyine plants and Kyunchaung, Shwetaung, March— Myanmar Police use of catapults. The five security by suspending supply to Myanaung and Mawlamyine Force detained five suspects suspects were taken into N a y P y i T a w , 26 Tatmadawmen totaling industries while running plants in May to supply power who got involved in the custody at Minhla police March—As a drive to relieve 300 conducted patrols in regular power plants. mainly to the people.—MNA violence in Othekon village station yesterday afternoon. the anxiety of local people Meiktila, dividing the town in Okpo Township of Bago Security measures are being triggered by violence and into two, eastern part and Gyobingauk, Okpo, Region. taken in order to prevent unrests occurred a few days western part. At night of 24 March the spread of violence in ago in Meiktila, security Although situations in Minhla townships placed in Othekon Village-tract of other places including members and Tatmadawmen the town of Meiktila have Okpo Township, officials Okpo Township and Minhla in cooperation with duty- returned to normal, a State of under curfew concerned cracked down Township. Actions will be conscious local people were Emergency is still imposed in the violence caused by a taken against the detainees on patrol at night from 8 pm order to avoid the recurrence Nay Pyi Taw, 26 in Okpo Township have group of persons who threw for the sake of the Rule of to 4 am yesterday. of unrest and violence. March—Gyobingauk been placed under curfew stones at religious buildings, Law.—MNA Security members and MNA township and municipal after mobs destroyed houses, area of Gyobingauk in shops and religious buildings Wellwishers donate cash and kind to victims in have been around 9.45 pm on 24 March. placed under curfew as mobs Latpanyaykyaw Village- Meiktila, carry out sanitation task destroyed houses, shops and tract, Tartway and Sitkwin religious buildings around Villages in Minhla Township N a y P y i T a w , 26 High School No. 1 and those water, three bags of rice, 200 kits of medicines, Save 11.30 pm yesterday harming have also been placed under March—Thanks to security at Wandawpyae Monastery 11 bales of clothes, 357 the Children 9060 packets the rule of law. curfew and it was declared at personnel, Tatmadawmen after providing relief items. cups and 240 soap boxes, of instant noodle and 5568 To prevent the 4 pm today. and people who discharge USDP members U Min Aung (Thiri Mingala bottles of drinking water to conflicts and riots, the local The Information security duty day and night, carried out sanitation Ward of Meiktila) 1032 the donation centre opened authority declared a dusk- Team of the Government the local people in Meiktila tasks at the relief camp bottles of drinking water, at Communication Staff to-dawn curfew at 3 pm has urged the people to can do their regular works opened at Meiktila District 486 bottles of soft drink and Quarter in Meiktila. today, banning gathering, avoid acts of violence and without any anxiety. Gymnasium. one bale of clothes, Hluttaw On 23 and 24 public speaking, marching, religious extremism that The authorities manage From yesterday representatives, wellwishers March, Region Hluttaw instigating, protesting and could disrupt the reform convenience of shelters and afternoon to this afternoon, and members of the Sangha representative U Tin Oo of rioting in the municipal area process and development foods for over 7000 victims Peace Myanmar Group of Taungtha Township K Pyawbwe Township donated of the town. tasks being carried out by accommodated at five relief and Grand Wynn Co. Ltd 1,110,000, 180 packets of K 1 million, Thaw Tar Win Similarly, six wards in the government with added camps in Meiktila and over donated 3000 packets of instant noodle, six bags of Construction Co K 200,000, Okpo and 54 village-tracts momentum.— MNA 3000 at 16 monasteries. instant noodle, 2000 bottles rice, 20 viss of edible oil and Daw Nilar Win of Aung San Wellwishers, personnel of drinking water, 816 50 viss of jaggery, Ministry Ward of Meiktila K 100,000 of companies, organizations packets of snacks, 16 bales of Industry 1800 bottles of and Kyinlon Myanmar Co Cash donated to free clinic and political parties donated of clothes, Paunglaung (2) drinking water and three Ltd K 4,050,000. cash and kind for the victims Myitta Phyu Association bales of clothes, U Shwe The donations of , 26 March— on 16 March. and carried out sanitation 2340 packets of instant Kyi, U Aung Htwe families wellwishers from 23 March Directors U Myint Aung, In-charge of the clinic tasks at the relief camps. noodle, 648 packets of 500 kits of medicines, morning to date amounted to Captain Myint Oo (Rtd) U Khin Shwe accepted the Vice-Chairman drinking water, 15 bags of the assistant director of K 11,289,000. and U Aung Kyaw Lin of cash donation. of Union Solidarity and rice, 30 viss of edible oil Irrigation Department K Wellwishers donate Pyay Shwebo All-round The clinic was opened Development Party Pyithu and nine bales of clothes, 699,000, eight bales of cash and kind to the donation Development Public Co in 2011 for needy persons. Hluttaw representative U Kanbalu Social Association clothes, 500 spoons and 750 centre as well as provide Ltd donated K 1 million to So far, it has provided health Htay Oo and party comforted of 690 plates, USDP 20000 packets relief items to victims at the Parahita Myitta Kyeisin Free care services to over 2600 the victims at the relief camp packets of instant noodle, of snacks, 800 bags of rice, relief camps in person. Clinic in Ward 1 of Shwebo patients.—Myanma Alinn of Meiktila Basic Education 1110 bottles of drinking 2200 viss of edible oil and MNA New Light of Myanmar Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 11 Regional New Zealand government hopes for police action on quake building collapse

Wellington, 26 March you had 115 people die in pleted around 1988, had a —A New Zealand govern- a medical misadventure in “design that was deficient ment minister said on Tues- a hospital the public would in a number of important day that he hopes the police be clamoring for somebody respects” and should never will take action against en- to be brought to answer,” have been issued with a gineers responsible for the Williamson told Radio New construction permit because collapsed building that killed Zealand. The only option it failed to comply with most of the victims of the remaining was a police pros- Christchurch City Council 2011 earthquake in Christch- ecution, as he did not have regulations. urch. powers under any legislation The commission also Building and Construc- to pursue the matter, he said. found the building was never tion Minister Maurice Wil- Earlier this month, Po- properly structurally assessed liamson told Radio New lice National Headquarters after being damaged in strong Zealand that the country’s had said it was still engaged earthquakes on 4 September two top engineering bodies in complex technical assess- and 26 December, 2010, de- Chinese President Xi Jinping (front, L) and his wife Peng Liyuan (back, L) are wel- had said they were power- ments of documents from spite being inspected by three comed by South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Maite less to act against engineers the Canterbury Earthquakes building officials. Nkoana-Mashabane (back, R) and Minister of Public Enterprises Malusi Gigaba responsible for design and Royal Commission of In- Seventeen students from (front, R) at the Tambo International Airport of Johannesburg, South Africa, on construction deficiencies in quiry and the Ministry of the Chinese mainland, 28 from 25 March, 2013. Xi arrived in South Africa on Monday for a state visit to promote the Canterbury Television Business Innovation and Japan, two from South Korea, bilateral ties and for a summit of the BRICS countries.—Xinhua (CTV) building. Employment, said the report. 10 from the Philippines, one The six-storey building Williamson said legisla- from Taipei and six from Thai- Six killed in factory fire in southern India collapsed and caught fire in tion might be needed to ena- land were among those incin- the 22 February quake, kill- ble sanctions in future cases. erated or crushed in the build- New Delhi, 26 March spread to the car seat pro- control. A probe has been ing 115 people, including 64 The commission’s re- ing, an inquest heard in August —At least six people were duction factory early this ordered to ascertain the Asian students studying at an port released in December last year. The 6.3-magnitude charred to death in a deadly morning when some of the cause of the fire, the official English language school. last year detailed how the quake on 22 Feb, 2011, killed fire which broke out at a workers were sleeping and added. “If you had 115 peo- CTV building, which was 185 people in total. factory on the outskirts of thus trapped inside. We Fires in Indian facto- ple die in an aircraft ... or designed in 1986 and com- Xinhua the southern Indian state of have recovered six charred ries are common because of Karnataka’s capital Ben- bodies,” he said, on condi- lack of enforcement of safety Combodian Prime Min- galuru on Monday, a senior tion of anonymity. regulations. Last year, major ister Hun Sen (R, front) police official said. Local TV channels fire at a fireworks factory in shakes hands with Chinese “The fire initially broke reported that some 10 fire neighbouring state of Tamil Ambassador to Cambodia out at a neighbouring tim- tenders took several hours Nadu claimed the lives of 38 Pan Guangxue during the ber yard and subsequently to bring the blaze under workers.—Xinhua ground-breaking ceremo- ny of the Cambodia-China Singapore’s building authority to introduce Friendship Bridge in Koh Thom district of Kandal Eurocodes Province, Cambodia, on Singapore, 26 March— a building using either the ing works. The new codes is 25 March, 2013. Cam- Singapore’s Building and Eurocodes or the British part of the efforts to raise the bodia on Monday broke Construction Authority standards over the first two standards of the local indus- ground for the construc- is going to introduce the years from 1 April, so that try and the standards of struc- tion of the 7th Cambodia- Eurocodes as city state’s the industry can move to the tural building design, the au- China Friendship Bridge building codes starting new codes smoothly. thority said. across Tonle Bassac River from 1 April, the authority The Eurocodes are a set The current codes, in Koh Thom district in or- said on Monday. of standards primarily used which are based on the Brit- der to ease traffic jams and The authority will al- by building professionals ish standards, will be with- to accelerate the country’s low building professionals for the structural design of drawn from use on 1 April, economic development. to submit structural plans of buildings and civil engineer- 2015.—Xinhua Xinhua Indonesian army ready to assist police in investigating prison Militants storm Afghan police attack facility in E Province, nine Jakarta, 26 March— Wibowo made the state- provide (the personal) with gunmen attacked Cebongan Indonesian Army Chief ment following rumours any number requested,” he prison in Sleman of Yogya- killed of Staff General Pramono that the perpetrators of the said at the State Palace. karta on Saturday, killing Jalalabad, (Afghani- militants, he said, adding Edhie Wibowo said on attack are well-trained per- Local army chief in four prisoners and injuring stan), 26 March—At least six civilians and two po- Monday that the army was sons, which hints a specu- Yogyakarta has checked eight prison officers. nine people including three licemen were wounded in ready to help police in in- lation that they might be over possible implication The attackers fired their policemen were killed and the early morning attack in vestigating the attacks on militants or those from of his personal and claimed guns to the air when they eight were wounded on the province 160 km east Sunday in prison in Yogya- military. that there was no evidence entered the prisons at 1:30 Tuesday morning in explo- of Kabul. The attack took karta that killed four pris- “We are ready to help. showing his personals’ in- am local time, according to sions and ensuing firing in a place while the US Secre- oners. Should the police ask for volvement in the attack. local Metro television. police facility in Jalalabad, tary of State John Kerry is Pramono Edhie (personal) to help, we must Seventeen unidentified Xinhua the capital city of eastern visiting the country. Afghan province of Nan- Afghan security forces S Korea’s candidate for WTO garhar, police said. sealed off the scene shortly “Based on initial infor- after the attack. The blasts head named honourary mation, up to six militants caused a plume of grey armed with suicide vests smoke to rise above the ambassador and weapons launch an at- scene. Police and the res- Seoul, 26 March— The former South Ko- tack against Fast-Reaction cue team reached the site Bark Tae-ho, South Ko- rean trade minister over the Police Force compound following the attack was rea’s candidate to succeed past 14 months was named in Jalalabad city at around reported and all the injured Pascal Lamy as head of the as the honourary ambassa- 4:30 am local time and people were rushed to near- World Trade Organization dor with a one-year tenure the firing is ended as we by hospital, the source said. Local residents gather at the site of a bus accident at (WTO), was appointed as to support his campaign ac- spoke,” a police source in No group claimed re- Idukki District of India’s southern state Kerala, on honourary ambassador for tivities for the director-gen- the city told Xinhua anony- sponsibility for the attacks, 25 March, 2013. A school bus carrying students from economic and trade affairs, eral of the WTO, according mously. but Taleban suspects rou- Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology fell into a the Foreign Ministry said to the Ministry of Foreign The killed included tinely claim responsibility deep ditch on Monday.—Xinhua on Monday. Affairs.—Xinhua three policemen and six for such attacks.—Xinhua 12 Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar ADVERTISEMENT & GENERAL Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Information News and Periodicals Enterprise Invitation for Expression of Interest for Production of The New Light of Myanmar Daily 1.T he Request for Expression of Interest is invited to create joint venture with local and foreign entrepreneurs in order that The New Light of Myanmar Daily published in English version by the News and Peri- odicals Enterprise be transformed into a standard newspaper. 2. In submitting the Expression of Interest: a. the following facts are to be included in the submission of local entrepreneurs: i. Name of entrepreneur/company, and number of Na- Visitors look at liquor products displayed during a liquor expo of the 14th Western China International Fair (WCIF) in Luzhou, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, tional Scrutiny Card on 25 March, 2013. More than 300 liquor producers attended the event, which was ii. Curriculum Vitae of entrepreneur and brief back- inaugurated on Monday in Luzhou.—Xinhua ground history of company iii. Documents of the company and financial statement International agribusiness fair begins in Cuba iv. Bank Statement for the past two years approved by Certified Public Accountant Havana, 26 March— cializes in pesticides, fungi- lars a year. v. List of members of current Board of Directors China was among 10 cides, herbicides and other Yadira Ramirez, countries in attendance on products. event director for the Ag- vi. Volume of maximum investment Monday as the 16th In- Other firms included ricultural Trade Company vii. Volume of desired profit ternational Agroindustrial Mexico’s VETMEX, Pana- of the Ministry of Agricul- viii. Documents to be submitted exclusively Food Fair started on Mon- ma’s Empacadora de Pias, ture, said that for the first b. the following facts are to be included in the submission of day in Havana. Germany’s Bayer and Luib- time, the Chamber of Com- foreign entrepreneurs: The seven-day Fiagrop ing, Spain’s SL Gonio/On- merce of Cuba was promot- i. Name of entrepreneur/company, and Passport No. 2013 features growers, duladze and Grupo UGAO, ing business rounds among breeders, entrepreneurs, and Cuban companies Ta- participants. ii. Curriculum Vitae of entrepreneur and brief back- suppliers, veterinarians and baCuba and Tecnoazucar. Monday’s fair agenda ground history of company other industry representa- The fair aims to help included conferences on bi- iii. Documents relating to the foreign company tives from China, Germany, Cuba boost its food output osecurity and new diseases iv. Financial Statement Canada, Spain, Venezuela and reduce its reliance on threatening poultry. v. List of members of the current Board of Directors and other nations. imports, organizer Adolfo Some 50 Cuban and vi. Volume of maximum investment Among the exhibi- Aroche said. foreign companies are on tors is Jiang Su Hongze, a Cuba imports about 80 hand in four pavilions to vii. Volume of desired profit company founded in 1999 percent of its food at a cost showcase their equipment viii. Documents to be submitted exclusively in Nanjing, China, that spe- of about 2 billion US dol- and technology.—Xinhua 3. Local and foreign entrepreneurs who will submit the Expression of Inter- est are to send their submissions to Building No. 7, News and Periodi- Former electricity regulator leads nat’l cals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Nay Pyi Taw not later than (25-4-2013). For further information, please contact phone numbers: energy watchdog 01-201192, 067-412123 and 067-412128. Beijing, 26 March— 1949, Wu served as gov- the NEA to streamline the Wu Xinxiong, former ernor of Jiangxi, also an administrative and regula- chairman of China’s State eastern province, for over tory systems of the energy Claims Day Notice Saudi Arabia Electricity Regulatory four years before assuming sector, according to a cabi- M V kota tabah voy No (543) arrests 1,949 Commission (SERC), has his post as SERC chairman net reshuffle plan adopted Consignees of cargo carried on MV kota tabah taken the reins of the Na- in June 2011, the resume by the Chinese parliament VOY NO (543) are hereby notified that the vessel will tional Energy Administra- shows. earlier this month. infiltrators in tion (NEA), according to The website did not The new NEA will in- be arriving on 27.3.2013 and cargo will be discharged the NEA. mention whether Wu’s pre- corporate the functions of into the premises of a.w.p.t where it will lie at the last 48 hours Wu was also named a decessor Liu Tienan has been the SERC, which is to be dis- consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byel- Riyadh, 26 March— deputy director of the Na- assigned to any new posts. solved, and remain under the aws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. A total of 1,949 infiltrators tional Development and Re- Born in October 1954, Liu jurisdiction of the NDRC. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am were arrested in Saudi Ara- form Commission (NDRC), has served as a deputy direc- Its main responsibilities will to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now bia’s border city of Asir in the country’s top economic tor of the NDRC since 2008 include drafting and imple- the past 48 hours, the Saudi declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo planner, according to a re- and, according to the NDRC menting energy development Press Agency reported on sume posted on the NEA website, he remains on the strategies, plans and policies, from the Vessel. Monday. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after website late Monday night. commission’s list of deputy advising on energy system The arrest is part of a Born in eastern Ji- directors. reform and regulating the the Claims Day. round-the-clock campaign angsu Province in October China will restructure sector.—Xinhua to track the movements of Shipping Agency Department infiltrators. The Saudi bor- Liu Peiwen (R) from Myanma Port Authority der guards announced early Beijing Foreign Studies Agent for: M/s advance container this month that 338,637 University competes in lines infiltrators were arrested in the final competition Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 the last year.—Xinhua of the 4th Cross-Strait Three injured Sydney, 26 March— fishing boat carrying 95 Interpreting Contest Three injured asylum seek- people capsized off Aus- in Taipei, southeast asylum ers have been flown to tralia’s Christmas Island China’s Taiwan, on Western Australia’s capital on Monday morning. The 25 March, 2013. The seekers flown Perth for treatment, local Royal Flying Doctor Ser- final competition of the media reported on Tues- vice retrieved the patients interpreting contest was to Australia’s day. late on Monday and arrived held here on Monday, The three including in Perth on Tuesday morn- with the participation capital for a young boy, a pregnant ing, according to the Aus- of 18 competitors from woman and a 36-year- old tralian Associated Press both China Mainland treatment man were injured when the (AAP). —Xinhua and Taipei.—Xinhua New Light of Myanmar Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 13 ENTERTAINMENT

Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, Pitbull: IPL’s opening acts New Delhi, 26 March—Superstar 2013.(Read: Katrina is unfazed about Shah Rukh Khan and international rap- competition with SRK) per Pitbull are all set to give a power Shah Rukh Khan owns the Kolkata packed performance at the Indian Pre- Knight Riders team in partnership with mier League (IPL) opening ceremony actress Juhi Chawla. The team won the on 2 April, 2013 in Kolkata. last edition of the IPL. He is thrilled to Actress Katrina Kaif will also give perform at the ceremony. (Read: Farah a sizzling performance at the ceremo- Khan hopes SRK does her IPL signa- ny marking the beginning of the sixth ture moves ) “SRK loves the city of joy season of the IPL series, and he is already very which opens on excited to per- 3 April, form there. PTI

SRK, whose team Kolkata Knight Riders won the IPL series last year is apparently thrilled to perform at the opening ceremony. Katrina too is also set to give a sizzling performance. Actress Kristen StewartReuters arrives at PTI the 2013 Kids Choice Awards in Los Angeles, California on 23 March, 2013.

Kristen Stewart, One Direction win twice at Kids Choice Awards Actor Los Angeles, 26 March—Green slime spewed furiously at the Kids and Ross Lynch, 17, who was named favourite TV actor for Choice Awards on Saturday, where “Twilight Saga” star Kristen Stewart Disney Channel’s pop star series “Austin & Ally.” Heath and British boy band One Direction won two awards apiece. Sandra Bullock, Neil Patrick Harris, Duhamel, Pitbull, Ledger Stewart, 22, escaped the slime but plunged her hands into the green Nick Cannon, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and dozens of arrives at goo, saying she “felt like I have finally found my kindergartner self,” as she audience members got covered in slime gushing out from accepted trophies for movie actress and favourite female butt kicker. water cannons, presenter’s podiums, ceilings, and even the premiere Organizers said more than 350 million votes were cast online in more the tail of a fake gymnastic horse. of the film than 20 categories, spanning film, television, books, music and sport for the Other awards went to Nickelodeon’s “Victori- ‘’Candy’’ in New stunt-filled annual award show on youth channel Nickelodeon. ous” for top TV show, “The Hunger Games” York November Hosted by “Transformers” actor Josh Duhamel, who is married to singer for favourite movie, “Wreck-It Ralph” for top Fergie, the show in Los Angeles featured performances by Pitbull and Christina animated movie, and race car driver Dani- 6, 2006. Aguilera, as well as Ke$ha. ca Patrick and basketball player LeBron Johnny Depp and Katy Perry accepted orange blimp-shaped trophies for James for top athletes. favourite female singer and movie actor respectively and both stars had words The Kids Choice Awards will of wisdom for the audience of kids and young teens. be broadcast around the world “This is such a cool award ... stay safe, stay in school, don’t do drugs,” in more than 25 languages, Perry told them. Depp said he was “truly honoured and humbled. Thank you for Nickelodeon said. what you are, which is the future.” Reuters Selena Gomez, 20, the ex-girlfriend of pop star Justin Bieber, took the female TV actress award for her Disney Channel series “Wizards of Waverly Place,” even though the show came to an end more than a year ago. Ledger Bieber, who is on tour in Europe, was voted favourite male singer and died at the age of was among several stars who did not make it to accept their award in person. 28 from an acciden- No-shows included One Direction, who are also on tour and who tal overdose in January, won for favourite music group and song for “What Makes 2008. He was subsequently You Beautiful,” “X Factor” judge Simon awarded a posthumous Oscar for Cowell (favourite villain), his portrayal of the Joker in the Bat- man blockbuster “The Dark Knight”. The t-shirt features a photograph of a S y dn e y , faintly smiling Ledger posing with a skate- 26 March — Five years board by the Los Angeles River. It was after the death of renowned Australian ac- taken in 2004, the year he was filming the tor Heath Ledger, friends and family have hit “Brokeback Mountain.” “Heath loved joined to pay tribute to the man known to skateboarding and wanted to do a shoot he the world as the evil Joker with a t-shirt hon- enjoyed”, said Ben Watts, the older brother ouring him as a laidback skateboarder with of actress Naomi Watts and a New York- a touch of the daredevil. based photographer.—Reuters 14 Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar SPORTS ended with Fayzulin firing the 2010 World Cup, did Fred rescues draw for Brazil against Russia into the side netting after a his chances no harm with London, 26 March— third game running. respond with Kaka and Os- did not particularly trouble quick breakaway. an encouraging perfor- Fred scored a last-minute Five-times world car, playing at his club’s goalkeeper Vladimir Gabu- Kaka, seeking to estab- mance that included one equaliser to give World champions Brazil have yet home ground, at the heart lov and Russia came clos- lish a permanent place in superb passing exchange Cup hosts Brazil a 1-1 to win since Scolari was of some promising counter- est to breaking the deadlock the side after an absence of with Oscar and Neymar draw against Russia in a re-appointed, losing to attacks. However, Brazil when a swift counter-attack nearly two years following early in the second half. football friendly on Mon- England last month before Fayzulin put Russia ahead day as the South Ameri- drawing 2-2 with Italy last in the 73rd minute after cans remained winless Thursday. Thiago Silva and Julio Ce- since the return of coach Russia, frustrated by sar had blocked shots on Luiz Felipe Scolari. the postponement of their the line. Victor Fayzulin put World Cup qualifier against Brazil appeared to be Russia ahead in the 73rd Northern Ireland because of heading for a demoralising minute at London’s Stam- heavy snow in Belfast on defeat until Hulk released ford Bridge, netting at Friday, started brightly. Marcelo and his cross was the third attempt after the Fabio Capello’s team, fired in from closed range Brazil defence had cleared unbeaten in their previous by Fred. three shots off the line. seven games, had the better Reuters Brazil, who struggled of the opening exchanges Fred of Brazil (R) and to create chances despite when only good goalkeeper Roman Shirokov of Russia enjoying plenty of posses- by Julio Cesar and a timely fight for the ball during sion, levelled when Mar- interception from Her- their friendly international celo got free on the left and nandes stopped them from soccer match at Stamford his low cross was tapped in going ahead. Bridge in London, on 25 by Fred who scored for the Brazil were quick to March, 2013. —Reuters England not in soggy Montenegro for a draw WBC covers salary for players sidelined 30 says Hodgson days or more

Podgorica, 26 March fears over the state of the and we haven’t played for Sarasota, (Florida), weeks with a partially torn final against Puerto Rico. —England have not trav- pitch following a down- any draws yet,” Hodgson 26 March—Major League tendon in his right wrist in- The Toronto Blue Jays elled to Montenegro to play pour and the possibility of told a news conference on Baseball (MLB) teams that curred while taking batting on Monday announced for a draw in their World being five points behind Monday. lose players for a significant practice for the US team. that third baseman Brett Cup qualifier on Tuesday, the tiny Adriatic nation and “We certainly won’t be time due to injuries at the Los Angeles Dodgers Lawrie would begin the said manager Roy Hodg- staring second playing for a draw tomor- World Baseball Classic will shortstop Hanley Ramirez, season on the disabled list son. place in the row and we have enough be compensated by Baseballs and a The former World face. “We attacking qualities in the the tournament, an catcher’s mitt lie on Cup winners are two don’t play team and we’ll be trying to MLB spokesman the grass before a points behind Montene- for draws use those qualities. said on Monday. MLB spring train- gro in Group H having “We’re here to play The WBC has ing baseball game played half of the fixtures and I’m convinced we’ll insurance cover- between the Boston with Ukraine and Poland play well.” ing the salaries of Red Sox and Bal- a further six points adrift Hodgson, who took MLB players who timore Orioles in with a game in hand. over in May last year, subsequently miss Sarasota, Florida, Hodgson said his just ahead of Euro 2012, at least 30 days of on 25 March, side would not set up laughed off Montenegro the regular season, 2013.—Reuters defensively against coach Branko Brnovic’s the spokesman said. owed $15.5 million in 2013, due after a rib injury play- Montenegro despite comments earlier on Mon- New York Yankees was expected to miss about ing for Canada. Any injured England manager Roy Hodgson attends their 2014 day that England were al- first baseman Mark Teixei- eight weeks with a torn players who are taken off the World Cup qualifying soccer match against San Ma- ready making excuses for a ra, due to earn $22.5 million ligament in his right thumb disabled list within 30 days rino at the Serravalle Stadium in San Marino possible defeat. this season, was expected to he suffered playing for Do- would not be compensated. on 22 March, 2013. —Reuters Reuters miss between eight and 10 minican Republic in the Reuters McLaren see glimmerings of hope Barca coach Vilanova to

London, 26 March— the lead—in a motor racing However his Mexican China.” return to Spain this week A joke in Formula One a sense—in Sunday’s Malay- team mate Sergio Perez Button was ninth in the Barcelona, 26 March a statement on their website week ago was that Lewis sian Grand Prix. took his first points for the Australian season-opener —Barcelona coach Tito ( The Hamilton had acquired a On paper, little may team in ninth place and when McLaren were shown Vilanova will return to club did not say whether he dog while Jenson Button appear to have changed: the car’s performance was to be struggling with a car Spain this week after two would be well enough to re- was driving one. Hamilton finished third for enough to give Button that marked a departure months of cancer treatment turn to work. If Button’s McLaren is his first podium as a Mer- cause for hope. from last year’s race winner in New York, the La Liga The 44-year-old for- still a long way from being cedes driver while former “It’s easy to say I rather than being a simple club said on Monday. mer Barca player needed the fastest car on the track, team mate Button retired could have been on the evolution. “Tito Vilanova will this a second round of surgery the 2009 world champion after a calamitous pitstop podium...I’m sure a lot There was more embar- week leave the city of sky- in December following an put an end to some of the that robbed him of the of people would disagree rassment when it emerged scrapers to return to the Cat- initial operation to remove snickering when he took chance of solid points. with me but I think we had that an impressive lap time alan capital,” Barca said in a tumour from his saliva a chance to fight with the set in the opening pre-sea- glands in November Mercedes,” he told report- son test at Jerez might have 2011. His assistant Jor- ers afterwards. been due to a suspension di Roura took charge “I think at worst it part being fitted the wrong while he relocated to would have been fifth and way round, lowering the New York for a course we could have pushed the ride height to a level unsus- of chemotherapy and Mercedes. It’s a good im- tainable in race conditions. radiotherapy. provement from the last The evidence from the Barca stuttered in race. Only a week ago we Malaysian weekend was Vilanova’s absence and never would have thought that a corner might have they were eliminated we’d be fighting for fifth, been turned. from the King’s Cup let alone a little bit better,” “As a team we haven’t and beaten in La Liga by he added. had to (turn a corner) but arch-rivals Real Madrid. McLaren Formula One driver Jenson Button of Britain “The positives are the car has had to and I Reuters drives during the Malaysian F1 Grand Prix at Sepang that we are improving and think we’ve made some Barcelona’s coach Tito Vilanova listens to a question International Circuit outside Kuala Lumpur, I can see that we will be good improvements,” said during a news conference at Joan Gamper training on 24 March, 2013.—Reuters even more competitive in Button.—Reuters camp, near Barcelona, on 4 Dec, 2012.—Reuters New Light of Myanmar Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 15 GENERAL Woods heads to Masters basking in renewed MYANMAR INTERNATIONAL Myanmar TV success (27-3-13 09:30 am ~ (27-3-2013, Wednesday) Orlando, 26 March 28-3-13 09:30 am) MST — Tiger Woods’s re- * News 6:00 am 4:50 pm newed success has him * The Backbone of 1. Live Broadcast of 8. ASEAN Programmes Construction Industry th back on top of the world * News 68 Tatmadaw Day 5:15 pm rankings but questions * Music Parade 9. Sing & Enjoy thrown at him after Mon- * 68th Anniversary Armed day’s triumph at Bay Hill Froces Day 8:45 am 6:00 pm were about something he * News 2. Songs in honour 10. Evening News has not done for a long * Have Internet Cafes Dwindled Away? th 6:15 pm time, win the Masters. of (68 ) Anniversary * The Advertisements that 11. Weather Report While all signs point make City ugly Armed Forces Day to Woods being close * Mythun (Counterpart of 4:05 pm 7:00 pm to his best after years of Cattle) 12. News struggling with injuries, * News 3 Songs For * Myanmar Pet Show 2013 7:10 pm personal strife and a tedi- Upholding National Tiger Woods of the US reacts after just missing a long * News 13. Kyae Pwint Myaye ous swing overhaul, his * Myanmar Preparation Spirit comeback will not be putt on the 18th green as he won the Arnold Palmer for ASEAN Chair 2014 Yin Khone Than Invitational PGA golf tournament in Orlando, Florida 4:10 pm complete in many minds, Orientation Workshop 7:30 pm including his own, until he on 25 March, 2013.—Reuters * Myanmar Hospitality and 4. Cultural Dances Tourism Conference 2013 14. Alinka Wut Yi snaps a drought in the ma- is complete at next month’s the clear favourite going * News 4:20 pm jors that dates back to the Music Troupe Masters at Augusta Nation- into the Masters. * Uppatasanti Pagoda 5. University Of 2008 US Open. Woods’s al, where he has four wins But success in his fi- Festival 8:00 pm * A Day in the life of the Distance Education 77th PGA Tour victory but none since 2005.Asked nal Masters tune-up has 15. News moved him within five of what Monday’s Arnold never translated into victo- Pa-O Family (TV Lectures) Sam Snead’s career record * Myanmar Agro-Tech Expo 16. People Talks Palmer Invitational victory ry at the year’s first major. 2013 -Third Year but it is another mark, Jack at Bay Hill, his final com- Three-times Woods has * News 17. International News Nicklaus’s 18 majors, that petitive tune-up before Au- won his final event before * Have Internet Cafes (Oriental) 18. Weather Report has been the 37-year-old gusta, meant to him Woods the Masters (2000, 2003, Dwindled Away? 4:35 pm American’s ‘Holy Grail’ had a brief answer: “more 2008) and each time failed * The Advertisements that 19. Road to SEA since he burst onto the make City ugly 6. Classical Song Games (Yachting-2) media interviews.” to reach the Augusta win- * When you become a professional golf scene. Woods has collected ner’s circle. human being 4:40 pm 20. TV Drama Series With 14 major titles on his three wins in five starts this Still, few will be bet- * News 7. Songs in honour resume, Woods will get a * Paintings decorated with 10:00 pm season, the earliest he has ting against Woods slip- of (68th) Anniversary chance to add to his total captured three titles in a sea- ping into a fifth green jack- Pencil’s waste materials 21. News and confirm his comeback * Myanmar Movies “Dancer Armed Forces Day son since 2008, making him et next month.—Reuters and Drummer” 22. Myanmar Movie Japan seeks trading talks worldwide to relieve economic woes Tokyo, 26 March— Ja- free trade talks as early as for the swift conclusion of pan and the European Union April with targets of reduc- the Japan-EU FTA talks. on Monday agreed to launch ing tariffs and liberalizing “We yearn for the con- Free Trade Agreement trade and investment. clusion of an economic part- (FTA) talks, the third major Japan will mainly focus nership agreement between trading talks that the world’s on tariffs that the 27-country Japan and the European Un- third economy engaged in, to bloc imposes on the coun- ion as soon as possible, “ Hi- stimulate its exports so as to try’s automobiles and elec- romasa Yonekura, chairman revitalize the country’s slug- tronic productions, while the of the Japan Business Fed- gish economy. EU will ask Japan to lift non- eration, or Keidanren, was The decision was made tariff barriers on food and quoted by Japan’s Kyodo during telephone talks medicine and in the field of News as saying at a luncheon between Japanese Prime public-sector procurement of meeting with leaders of Eu- Minister Shinzo Abe and goods and services. ropean companies. Abe, also European Council President Visiting European the leader of Japan’s ruling Herman Van Rompuy, who Trade Commissioner Ka- Liberal Democratic Party, postponed his visit to Japan rel De Gucht estimated that vowed to win upper house due to the financial crisis in it would take three to four election to be held in summer Cyprus. In an effort to cre- years for the two sides to and the victory is believed to A visitor views flowers and plants during the Macy’s Flower Show 2013 at Macy’s ate a trading bloc that covers conclude the FTA talks, lo- hinge on the performances Herald Square Broadway Plaza in New York City, on 25 March, 2013. Drenched about one third of world’s cal media reported. of “Abenomics” that aims in spectacular palette of colours, this year’s show evokes the inspiring architecture gross domestic product, the Japanese business lead- to revitalize Japan’s export- and vibrant spirit of south Asia. “The Painted Garden” show will last until 7 April. two sides agreed to start the ers on Monday also called reliant economy.—Xinhua Xinhua British banks’ profits wiped out on past mistakes

London, 26 March— (about 48 billion US dol- results. Bill Michael, EMA and ethical perceptions and Britain’s major banks’ in- lars), but the increase was Head of Financial Services issues. Restoring customer creased profits last year wiped out by a mixture of at KPMG, said: “Banks had trust is critical,” he said. were wiped out by a mixture regulatory fines, customer a better performance year He said British banks of regulatory fines and cus- redress provisions and the in 2012 but their improved had strengthened their bal- tomer redress provisions, accounting consequences of core profits were eaten up by ance sheets and made strides said a report by KPMG re- improved creditworthiness. fines and other exceptional to bolster their capital, add- leased on Monday. KPMG listed two main items, leaving them down ing that “they are becoming KPMG said Britain’s factors for the improve- on 2011.” better able to carry out their major banks recorded a ment in core performance “In terms of their repu- essential function of provid- Tourists visit Ap Chau Island for a weekend vacation 45-percent rise in core prof- from the banks, namely bet- tations, 2012 was a dire year. ing support to businesses in south China’s Hong Kong, on 24 March, 2013. its in 2012 to a combined ter credit performance and This is why it is so important and promoting economic Xinhua sum of 31.5 billion pounds stronger investment banking for them to address cultural growth.”—Xinhua R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information. 1st Waning of Tabaung 1374 ME New Light of Myanmar Wednesday, 27 March, 2013 Vice-President U Nyan Tun attends prize awarding of Nay Pyi Taw Invitational Pencak Silat Event

N a y P y i T a w , 26 MMAF presented gifts to March—Patron of Leading Vice-President U Nyan Tun Committee for Holding 27th and Union Minister U Tint SEA Games Vice-President Hsan. Union Minister U U Nyan Tun attended the Tint Hsan, Union ministers final match of 2013 Nay Pyi and the MMAF president Taw Invitational Pencak awarded the prize winners Silat and prize awarding and Vice-President U Nyan ceremony at Training Camp Tun cordially greeted No 1, here, this morning. athletes. It was also attended The athletes from by Chairman of Leading Myanmar (a), Myanmar Committee for Hosting (b), Malaysia, Thailand XXVII SEA Games Union and Indonesia participated Minister for Sports U Tint in the invitational event. Hsan, Union ministers, Myanmar (a) stood second deputy ministers, President with six gold, seven of Myanmar Martial Arts silver, six bronze medals Federation U Aung Zaw followed by Myanmar (b) Naing, athletes, guests and that secured four gold, one enthusiasts. silver, three bronze medals The president of in the event.—MNA Vice-President U Nyan Tun greets athletes at 2013

Nay Pyi Taw Invitational Pencak

Silat Event.—mna Cash and relief items donated to Myanmar, Belgium to cooperate in victims of Meiktila livestock breeding sector N a y P y i T a w , 26 visited Myaseinyaung small-scale milk March—Union Minister Milk Processing Plant processing plant and for Livestock and at 500-acre integrated milch cow farm in the Fisheries U Ohn Myint farming in Pobbathiri integrated farming. The and Minister-President Township yesterday noon. Union Minister pledged Mr. Kris Peeters of the They observed milk frozen to purchase 100 Belgium- Government of Flanders storage manufactured by made small-scale milk of Belgium and party PACKO Co of Belgium, processing plants.—MNA Victims of violence provided with medical care in Meiktila N a y P y i T a w , 26 systematic waste cleaning. violence at No.1 Basic March— Medical care is Together with Medical Education High School, still provided to victims at Superintendent Dr Maung No. 3 BEHS, Meiktila the relief camps in Meiktila. Win of Mandalay General District Gymnasium, Medical staff are treating Hospital and officials Sasana Weponla Monastery, the victims of violence with concerned of the Health Pahtamakyaw Dhamma hygienic food and carrying out Department, Deputy Cariya Taikthit and environmental conservation Minister for Health Dr Thamankon Monastery of against infectious diseases, Win Myint this morning Meiktila. The donation of cash and relief items for victims in Meiktila in progress. sanitation work and comforted the victims of MNA mna N a y P y i T a w , 26 K 4.14 million donated by (Army) accepted K 3 million March—A ceremony to USDP and wellwishers and for Tatmadawmen donated donate cash and relief items K 1.1 million and green tea by members of USDP and to victims at relief camps in and packets of bean worth wellwishers. Meiktila of K 5 million by disciples Then, Deputy Minister was held at the meeting hall of Sayadaw Bhaddanta for Social Welfare, Relief of communication staff Paññateja of Natsintaya and Resettlement U Phone quarter in Meiktila this Monastery of Thanlyin. Swe accepted K 1.1 million morning. The Chief Minister and six bags of rice, five Pyithu Hluttaw accepted 300 pieces of male boxes of jaggery and 20 viss Representative U Htay Oo sarongs, 300 pieces of female of eligible oil donated by explained purpose of the sarongs, 300 Sport shirts Taungtha Township Sangha donation. and 1800 bottles of purified Nayaka Committee, Hluttaw Chief Minister of drinking water worth K 1.8 Representatives, members of Mandalay Region U Ye million donated by Ministry USDP and townselders. Myint accepted 800 bags of Industry. The Mandalay Region of rice, 220 bags of gram, After that, Lt-Gen Chief Minister spoke words 200 viss of eligible oil and Myint Soe from Office of thanks. Photo shows Tatmadawmen giving health care service to a victim in 20000 packets of snack worth of Commander-in-Chief MNA Meiktila.—mna