WINTER HILL SCRAPBOOK. Compiled by Dave Lane VOLUME 2 This publication may be printed out free of charge for your own personal use. Any use of the contents for financial gain is strictly prohibited.
[email protected] Issue 5. January 2004 Geological Walk. The River Douglas North of Horwich. By Rodney J Ireland. (This was, I believe just one of a number of walks around the area contained in a booklet published by the Wigan Geological Society. I have been unable to obtain a full copy of this booklet, merely a photocopy of this article) Introduction. The excursion, which follows the course of the RiverDouglas, commences at Rivington School, Lever Park Avenue, Horwich and terminates on Rivington Pike. Most of the journey is made along the river bed itself in order to see the best exposures. It is therefore recommended that, if possible, wellington boots are worn. Although the walking distance between the school and the Pike is only 1.5 miles (3 kilometres) the valley is steep and travelling over much rough ground. Accordingly, it is recommended that the better part of the day is set aside for the excursion. It is also recommended that the excursion should not be attempted immediately following heavy rainfall since high flows in the river can result in the route being dangerous and, furthermore, renders several exposures inaccessible. Despite the above cautionary notes, the excursion is both worthwhile and interesting. The valley affords numerous excellent exposures of the Lower Coal Measures (Westphalian) and Millstone Grit Series (Namurian). The geomorphology and faulting is also noteworthy and, in clear weather, a final reward is provided by the panoramic views from the Pike.