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Alluvial fans: , sedimentology, dynamics - introduction. A review of alluvial-fan research


1Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK (e-mail: amharvey @liverpool, ac. uk. ) 2 School of Geography, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PIA 8AA, UK (e-mail: [email protected], uk.) 3 School of , Ocean and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK

This volume presents a series of papers on the geo- may range from small debris cones (<50 m in morphology, sedimentology and dynamics of alluvial length: e.g. Wells & Harvey 1987; Brazier et al. fans, selected from those presented at the 'Alluvial 1988; Harvey & Wells 2003) to fluvially dominated Fans' Conference held in Sorbas, SE Spain in June megafans (up to 60 km in length: Gohain & Parkash 2003. The conference was sponsored primarily by the 1990). Alluvial fans, although common in desert British Geomorphological Research Group and the mountain regions (Harvey 1997), may occur in any British Sedimentological Research Group, both climatic environment, in arctic (e.g. Boothroyd & organizations affiliated to the Geological Society of Nummendal 1978), alpine (e.g. Kostaschuk et al. London. 1986), humid temperate (e.g. Kochel 1990) and It is some time since an international conference even humid tropical environments (e.g. Kesel & has been held that was exclusively devoted to the geo- Spicer 1985). morphology and sedimentology of alluvial fans. The In all climatic environments alluvial fans may play previous such conference was that organized by Terry an important buffering role in mountain geomorphic Blair and John McPherson in 1995, and held in Death or systems (Harvey 1996, 1997, 2002b). Valley, a classic setting for alluvial fans (Denny 1965; They trap the bulk of the coarse sediment delivered Blair & McPherson 1994a). Although many of the from the mountain catchment, and therefore affect papers presented there have since been published, no the sediment dynamics downstream, either in rela- dedicated volume on alluvial fans as a whole resulted tion to distal fluvial systems or to sedimentary basin from that meeting, so even longer has elapsed since environments. In doing so, fans preserve a sensitive there has been a specific publication devoted wholly sedimentary record of environmental change within to a series of papers on the geomorphology and sedi- the mountain sediment-source area, rather than a mentology of alluvial fans (Rachocki & Church broad regional record as would, for example, pluvial 1990). lake (Harvey et al. 1999b). South-east Spain was chosen as the venue for this One of the aims of the 2003 conference was to conference, partly for logistic reasons and partly bring together current research on the geomorph- because it is a tectonically active dry region within ology, sedimentology and dynamics of alluvial fans, which there is a wide range of Quaternary alluvial ranging from studies of modern processes through fans. These fans exhibit differing relationships to studies of Quaternary fans and to those of ancient between tectonic, climatic and base-level controls fan sequences within the geological record. We (Harvey 1990, 2002a, 2003; Mather & Stokes 2003; sought papers relating to a range of scales and of Mather et al. 2003), core themes in consideration of climatic and tectonic contexts. Some of the papers the dynamics of alluvial fans. presented at the conference were 'in press' in other An emphasis within the previous alluvial fan liter- publications at the time (e.g. Harvey & Wells ature has been on fans within the deserts of the 2003) or are being published elsewhere (Garcia American South-west (Bull 1977), with a focus & Stokes in press; Saito & Oguchi 2005; Stokes especially on the alluvial fans of Death Valley et al. in press). In this volume we present a selection (Denny 1965; Blair & McPherson 1994a). However, of the papers presented at the Sorbas meeting that alluvial fans are not exclusive to drylands, nor to the spans a wide range of alluvial fan research. We particular combination of processes and morphol- group them into three main themes: those dealing ogy that characterize the Death Valley fans. with processes on fans; those dealing with the Depositional processes may range from debris flows dynamics and morphology of Quaternary alluvial to sheet and channelized fluvial processes. Scales fans; and those dealing with the interpretation of

From: HARVEY,A.M., MATHER,A.E. & STOKES,M. (eds) 2005. Alluvial Fans: Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Dynamics. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 251, 1-7. 0305-8719/05/$15 9 The Geological Societyof London 2005. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 28, 2021

2 A.M. HARVEY ETAL. alluvial fan sedimentary sequences from the ancient (by Arzani in Iran, and by Gabris & Nagy in record. Hungary).

Processes on alluvial fans Dynamics of Quaternary alluvial fans

In recent years there has been growing recogni- Research on Quaternary alluvial fans tends to focus tion of the range of sedimentary signals of fan on the relationships between fan sediments and mor- depositional processes. The importance of sheet- phology, but has moved beyond earlier descriptive flood processes as opposed to channelized fluvial morphological studies (e.g. Denny 1965; Hooke processes has been recognized on desert alluvial 1967, 1968; Bull 1977) and basic morphometric fans (Blair & McPherson 1994a), and there is studies (Bull 1977; Harvey 1984, 1997). More atten- growing recognition of the distinctions within mass- tion has been paid to the morphological style of allu- flow processes between true debris-flow processes vial fans insofar as this reflects fan setting, including and those associated with hyperconcentrated flows the conventional tectonically active mountain-front (Wells & Harvey 1987; Blair & McPherson 1994a, setting and backfilled fans on tectonically stable 1998), aided by advances in the understanding of the mountain fronts (Bull 1978), or tributary-junction rheology of mass flows in the lahar literature settings (Harvey 1997). Fan setting, in turn, affects (e.g. Cronin et al. 1997; Lavigne & Suwa 2004) and the degree of confinement (Sorriso-Valvo et al. in hydraulic engineering (e.g. Engelund & Wan 1998; Harvey et al. 1999a) and accommodation 1984; Julian & Lan 1991; Rickenmann 1991; Wang space (Viseras et al. 2003). In addition, fan style et al. 1994). In this volume we include two papers on reflects the geomorphic regime of the fan, from fan processes, in --lllal --"- l~CUl -" ...... y ~Ull LL ,'1 ~ I.K~ld "~ ag~xaum~, u.uu~;n tu p~ug~au~n~; tc~cat, uplC fans and environments, by Mather & Itartley and by to fans undergoing dissection (Harvey 2002a). This Wilford et al. in hyper-arid and humid environ- is controlled fundamentally by the relationships ments, respectively. between sediment supply to the fan and by flood Building on previous work (e.g. Bull 1977; power, in other words by the threshold of critical Kostaschuk et al. 1986), it is realized that distinct fan stream power (Bull 1979). surface gradients result from different depositional Perhaps the main emphasis over recent years in processes, but the concept of a specific 'slope gap' research on Quaternary alluvial fans has been to (Blair & McPherson 1994b) between alluvial fan and consider how the gross factors controlling alluvial- river gradients has since been demonstrated to have fan environments (catchment controls, tectonics and been flawed (Kim 1995; McCarthy & Candle 1995; long-term geomorphic evolution, climatic controls, Harvey 2002c; Saito & Oguchi 2005). To some base level) interact to create fan morphological and extent Blair & McPherson's (1994a) classification of sedimentary styles, and how fans respond to changes alluvial-fan styles, based on process combinations, in the controlling factors. Studies of fan morphome- reinforces the traditional concept of 'wet fans and try have developed to focus on these interactions dry fans' (Schumm 1977); however, the application (Silva et al. 1992; Calvache et al. 1997; Harvey et al. of that concept to a climatic association with humid 1999a; Harvey 2002c; Viseras et al. 2003). and arid climates, respectively, is clearly oversim- It has long been realized that of the controlling plistic. On the contrary, arid environments tend to be factors, catchment characteristics (including drainage more fluvially dominant than do humid regions basin area, relief and ) control the supply of (Baker 1977), and many studies have demonstrated water and sediment to the fan, and therefore the an increase in fluvial activity on fans, resulting from process regime on the fan and the resulting fan mor- climatic aridification (e.g. Harvey & Wells 1994), phology. Although emphasized in the geological or an increase in hillslope sediment supply from literature (see below), tectonic controls may influence debris-flow activity following a climatic change sediment production in the source area, and, together towards greater humidity (e.g. Gerson 1982; Bull with gross topography, appear primarily to control 1991; A1-Farraj 1996). fan location, fan setting and gross fan geometry There is increasing recognition that alluvial fans (Harvey 2002a) rather than fan-sediment sequences. represent a continuum of depositional processes Tectonics appear to influence fan morphology and (Saito & Oguchi 2005) from small debris cones, sedimentary sequences primarily through an influ- characteristic of many mountain environments (e.g ence on accommodation space (Silva et al. 1992; Brazier et al. 1988), especially in paraglacial zones Viseras et al. 2003). (Ryder 1971), to large fluvially dominant fans, such For Quaternary alluvial fans in a wide variety of as the Kosi megafan in India (Gohain & Parkash environments, climatic factors appear to have an 1990). In this volume we include two papers on large overwhelming control on fan morphology and sedi- fluvially dominated fans in contrasted environments mentary styles. This is not to say that there are Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 28, 2021

INTRODUCTION 3 fundamental differences between fans in different Pleistocene or Holocene sequences of alluvial-fan climatic environments; there are differences, of development in humid regions (Brazier et al. 1988; course, but the primary processes differ remarkably Chiverrell et al. in press), the precise dating of dry- little between humid and arid environments, or region alluvial fans over longer timescales has between arctic and subtropical environments. In always been a problem. Traditional methods have each case the fan morphology appears to be adjusted involved the mapping and correlation of fan sur- to the prevailing sediment supply and flood regime. faces on the basis of relative age, expressed through If a climatic change alters flood power and/or sedi- desert pavement or soil development especially of ment supply, the fan responds by a change in ero- calcreted surfaces (Lattman 1973; Harden 1982; sional or depositional regime, resulting in a change Machette 1985; McFadden et al. 1989; Amit et al. in the sedimentary environment. There are numer- 1993; Alonso-Zarza et al. 1998; AI-Farraj & Harvey ous examples of studies demonstrating where cli- 2000). In some cases fan sequences have been matic shifts have resulted in changes to fan systems correlated with dated lake or coastal sediments (e.g. Wells et al. 1987; Bull 1991; Harvey et al. (Harvey et al. 1999a, b). Three new dating tech- 1999b; Harvey & Wells 2003). Studies that have niques have potential in alluvial fan research. evaluated the relative roles of tectonism and climate Cosmogenic dating, applied to depositional surfaces for changes in sedimentary and geomorphic (Anderson et al. 1996) or to questions of sediment sequences on Quaternary fans, demonstrate that flux (Nichols et al. 2002), U/Th dating of pedogenic climate is overwhelmingly the primary control carbonates (Kelly et al. 2000; Candy et al. 2003, (Frostick & Reid 1989; Ritter et al. 1995; Harvey 2004), and applications of optically stimulated 2004). luminescence (OSL) dating to fluvial-terrace and Most fans toe out at stable base levels, therefore alluvial-fan sediments have opened up new opportu- base-level change is not a common cause of changes nities for alluvial-fan research. Two papers in this in fan behaviour on Quaternary fans. However, on volume focus on recent applications of lumines- fans that toe out to coasts or lakeshores and on fans cence dating to alluvial-fan sediments (Pope & subject to 'toe trimming' (Leeder & Mack 2001) by Wilkinson; Robinson et al. ). an axial fiver system, base-level change may be an effective mechanism for triggering incision into distal fan surfaces (Harvey 2004). However, base- Alluvial-fan sedimentary sequences level fall may not always trigger incision; this very much depends on the gradients involved. Indeed a The challenge facing research on alluvial-fan sedi- base-level rise may trigger distal incision on coastal mentary sequences is to develop interpretive models fans, if rising sea levels cause coastal and fan that are compatible with the findings of research on profile foreshortening and steepening (Harvey et al. contemporary processes and on extant Quaternary 1999a). Base-level change, such as a eustatic sea- alluvial fans. To some extent previous models may level change or a change in the level of a pluvial lake, be seen as simplistic. The assumptions about overall may be ultimately climatically controlled. The coarsening-up sequences within alluvial-fan sedi- effectiveness of base-level change will depend on ments (Steel 1974; Steel et al. 1977; Rust 1979) may how it relates temporally to changes in sediment be appropriate for distal-fan environments, when the supply that are also climatically led. In cases where proximal-fan sediments are being reworked by base-level change has been identified as an effective fanhead trenching, but are certainly not appropriate mechanism on Quaternary alluvial fans, the primary for proximal environments on aggrading fans signal is a climatically led sediment signal, modified (Harvey 1997). There we would expect an overall by the effects of base-level change (Bowman 1988; fining-up trend as the topography becomes progres- Harvey et al. 1999b; Harvey 2002d, 2004). sively buried and each location effectively becomes Within this volume we present several papers that more distal. deal with interacting controls on Quatemary alluvial Another concept that clearly needs revision is the fans in a range of mostly dry climate settings: in oversimplistic association of the wet/dry fans Andean mountain environments in Argentina dichotomy with wet/dry climates, respectively (see (Columbo), and in deserts in the Middle East above). This in part relates to the debate on the rela- (AI-Farraj & Harvey), Chile (Harfley et al.) and tive roles of climate, tectonism and base-level the American West (Harvey). change in ancient alluvial-fan sediment sequences. In the past, a full appreciation of the response of Studies of Quaternary fans (see above) recognize alluvial fans to environmental change or of their that tectonics may play a major role in controlling wider role within fluvial systems has been hampered the location and setting of alluvial fans, but fan by the lack of suitable dating methods, applicable sequences respond primarily to climatic controls. to alluvial-fan sediments. While it is true that radio- Within most of the previous geological literature carbon dating has been effectively applied to late tectonics are seen as the primary control of change Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 28, 2021

4 A.M. HARVEYETAL. in alluvial-fan sequences. We need to ask why there The influence of headwater river capture on down- is this discrepancy. Are most of the stream fluvial system developmentis itself an under- working on ancient sequences wrong? Is the cli- researched topic (Mather 2000). matic signal difficult to identify from the sediments Increasingly, there is more integration between alone, especially if some of the simplest climatic studies of ancient fan sequences and studies of relationships are, in fact, oversimplifications? modern processes and of Quaternary fans. In each Perhaps this has something to do with scale. Most case the central theme of explanation lies in under- Quaternary fans are small in comparison with the standing the interactions between the tectonic, cli- scale of ancient systems described in the literature, matic and base-level controls. The final three papers therefore there is a question of preservation poten- in this volume illustrate this theme, addressing tial. Only the larger systems, especially those on the ancient fan sequences in different tectonic settings: margins of sedimentary basins, and those developed Nichols on Tertiary fans of the Ebro Basin, over longer timescales are likely to be preserved in Wagreich & Strauss on Tertiary fans in Austria and the geological record. It is known that responses to Leleu et al. on Cretaceous fans in Provence. climatic change and to tectonic activity operate over different timescales (Harvey 2002b). Quaternary alluvial fans respond to climatic change over The future timescales of 102-104 years, whereas tectonic change operates over timescales well in excess Almost all the papers in this volume, whether dealing of 10 4 years. Furthermore, during the global with ancient sequences, Quaternary fans or modern glacial-interglacial cycles of the Quaternary there processes, address two fundamental questions. How were major changes in sediment input to fan envir- do fans respond to the combinations of the control- onnlents in ia.... wxuc:a ...... langc uic ~lilltaut.-".... "- settings. llllg lat, tOl ~, allU llUW 13 tllat rcsponsc cxprcssed in the Climatic changes during, say, the or the morphology and the sediments? Challenges for the Cretaceous or the Neogene may have had less influ- future lie partly in applied studies, for example ence on geomorphic thresholds and therefore may hazards on alluvial fans, alluvial-fan sediments as have had a less overwhelming impact on sediment reservoir rocks for water resources or in the ancient supply. record, for oil. The major challenges, however, relate A second area of challenge in the understanding to the science itself. For Quaternary science: how far of ancient alluvial-fan sedimentary sequences lies in will more precise and more comprehensive dating the development of an understanding of the three- allow integration of alluvial-fan research within dimensional (3D) geometry of alluvial-fan sedimen- wider basin-wide geomorphological and sedimento- tary bodies, and the interpretation of the 3D logical models? For the study of ancient sequences: geometry in the context of models of sedimentary how far can the concepts derived from understanding sequences in sedimentary basins. Of interest would modern fans be integrated more fully into basin sedi- be the application of sequence concepts ment sequence models? to terrestrial environments, including alluvial fans, within which the salient events were not sea-level In addition to sponsorship from the British Geomorpho- change, but climatic events. In such models (e.g. logical Research Group and the British Sedimentological Weissmann et al. 2002) soil-covered fan surfaces Research Group, sponsorship for the conference was also received from the following organizations: Cortijo could be seen as the sequence bounding surfaces. In Urra Field Centre, Sorbas; Cuevas de Sorbas; Sorbas this volume Weissmann et al. apply sequence Municipality; and the Schools of Geography and of Earth, stratigraphy concepts to the interpretation of the 3D Ocean and Environmental Sciences, University of geometry of Quaternary fans in the Central Valley of Plymouth. We would like to thank the staff of the publica- California. Although dealing with Quaternary fans, tions section of the GeologicalSociety for makingthis pub- the methodology would be applicable to ancient fan lication possible. We also thank the following who kindly sequences. acted as reviewers for the submitted papers: D. Bowman, A final challenge for the application of concepts P. Carling, M. Church, T. Elliott, P. Friend, A. Hartley, derived from modern fans to the interpretation of S. Jones, A. Lang, B. Luckman, M. Macklin, L. Mayer, G. Nichols, R. Robinson, P. Silva, C. Viseras and ancient sequences is to infer source-area characteris- G. Weissmann. tics from alluvial-fan sediments. A start has been made here by Mather et al. (2000) in applying mor- phometric relations derived from Quaternary fans to References the assessment of drainage basin properties during the Pliocene in SE Spain. Pliocene fan geometry AL-FARRAJ, A. 1996. Late Pleistocene geomorphology in suggests that since emplacement of these sediments Wadi A1-Bih, northern U.A.E. and Oman: with special there have been major drainage reorganizations emphasis on wadi terraces and alluvial fans. PhD within the feeder catchments through river capture. Thesis, University of Liverpool. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 28, 2021


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fluvial systems. In: BULL, L.J. & KIRKBY, M.J. (eds), KOSTASCHUK, R.A., MACDONALD, G.M. & PUTNAM, P.E. Dryland Rivers: and Geomorphology of 1986. Depositional processes and alluvial fan~lrainage Semi-arid Channels. Wiley, Chichester, 205-226. basin morphometric relationships near Banff, Alberta, HARVEY, A.M. 2002d. The role of base-level change in the Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 11, dissection of alluvial fans: case studies from southeast 471-484. Spain and Nevada. Geomorphology, 45, 67-87. LATrMAN, L.H. 1973. cementation of HARVEY, A.M. 2003. Uplift, dissection and landform evolu- alluvial fans in southern Nevada. Bulletin of the tion: The Quaternary. In: MATHER,A.E., MARTIN,J.M., Geological Society of America, 84, 3013-3028. HARVEY, A.M. & BRAGA, J.C. 2003. A Field Guide to LAVIGNE, E & SUWA, H. 2004. Contrasts between debris the Neogene Sedimentary Basins of the Almeria flows, hyperconcentrated flows and stream flows at a Province, South-east Spain. 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