Fordham's First Boxing Team to Meet New York University March 3

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Fordham's First Boxing Team to Meet New York University March 3 Fordham Annual BOM. N. Y. U. One Act Play March 3 Contest March 4 VOL. 8 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1927 NO. 20 Council of Debate Given Decision Who Shall It B*? Fordham's First Boxing Team to Over Catholic University in Contest Meet New York University March 3 Fordham Upheld by Seery, One-Ad PU7I Show Date Set for Priie Coach Harlem Tommy Mur- Tarrant and Feehteler in phy Confident That Ma- Lively Match. Splendid Merits in Debate for Members roon Boxers Will Win. A SMALL ATTENDANCE Efinnition Tryoit Of Freshman ForumPOLLET VS. LASSMAN Judgment Is UnanfanKWa»> Wall Dramatixed Participants to Compete for Feature Bout E pected to Bit Marks Saeond Victory in aad Acting Gilt-Edge in Dean's Prises on Between Members of: . Intercollegiate Contests. Successful Five. March 25. Football T A small audience which, charity On Sunday afternoon, February 17. The date for the prise debate of the The Fordham _ boxing team will compete ua to admit, might have been the Mhnes and Munrmart conducted Freshman Forum has been set for the make Its debut Into Intercollegiate a* limited by the Inclement weather saw an elimination contest to determine evening of March 25. It will be held clety Thursday evening In the Ford- and heard the 'Vanity debating team tha play* to appear In the Vanity One- In the Auditorium building. Aa has ham gymnasium when the wearers of earn a unanlmou* decision over the Act-Ray Contest which will take place already been announced In the page* the Maroon trade punches with New orator* of Catholic Unlveralty on the In tha University Theatre on Friday of the RAM, Father Dean ha* offered York University's "leather-pushers." evening of Friday. February It. What- evening, March 4. Of the seven play* three gold medals u the awards for The bouts were announced for the ever the listener* lacked In number*, staged la tha trial* five were picked the team which will be returned the following night, March 4, but the however, they made up la enthusiasm. for production on tha night of the con- Rut to Hold College winner. This la expected to attract One-Act-Play Contest on the latter Rarely In our experience have the teat. A board of Judge* consisting of the best effort* of all in an endeavor date forced the authorities to advance •peeches of collage debater* been so Father Taate, 8. J., Father Devereu, to be one of the fortunate six to com- the meet a day earlier. appreciably received by aa audleace. 8. J., and Mr. Walsh, 8. J., reviewed PoptUrity Contest pete In the closing days of this month. Unatlnted applause greeted each the play* aad chose the flve, which, la Previously Mr. Walsh, S. J., the mod- In their first and last appearance speaker aa he rose aad frequent out- their Judgment, were moat worthy. Classes erator of the Forum, had Intended to of the season, Fordham's ring repre- bunt* of laughter aad acclamation In- The play* ware Jadgad on a bnila of •tage the debate at the end of thesentatives will engage In seven bout*, year, but ha« chosen the date men- terrupted the debater* la th* coarse pure merit. The elimination waa most ranging from the 115 pound class to tioned In the belief that there will be of their speeches. rigorous la that It permitted neither Ballots Will Bo the unlimited heavyweight division. costumes, settlags, nor lighting efecta more Interest and therefore more com- Printed in Following petition In the middle of the term With the Maroon's diminutive star, Thle victory mark* the second of with which to enhance th* value of Joe LataruB, In the former, and the the play*; so that they were seen ab- when the members are thoroughly the Intercollegiate debating aeasoa for aroused by the numerous debates. No stellar N. Y. U. performer, Al Lass- th* -Varsity. Incidentally both of the** aolutely devoid of any adornment or man, In the latter division, the lire atmosphere, which enabled the Judge* definite arrangements have as yet have been gained over southern col- been made tor the date of the elimina- works are sure to start early and keep lege* and the point* at Issue have been to more accurately ascertain the un- "He Mis afectlon'a eye." What a going continuously. garnished merit and barefaced worth tion trial*, but they must necessarily very similar oa both oecaaloa*. magnificent tribute to a man! And be held In the near future, aa leas than Fordham's exponents of the "Cauli- of each particular play. The representatives of Catholic Uni- how well It becomes him also who a month remains before the final con- flower Industry," made famous by W. versity who upheld th* aegatlve of Th* plan surviving the elimination pays It where and when it la due!teat. O. McOeehan, are out to prove to Ma- th* question: Resolved, That th* coateet are aa follows: "Voi Popall," Uhe Mercy, It la twice blessed—"it roon followers that they can be right- Bfcghteeath Amendment to the Consti- by Oeorge H. Leonard. '17; "The blesaeth him that gives, and him that The secretary of the Forum la still ly proud of this newest endeavor In tution of the United Mat** should be Broken Dram," by Don Ryan, 'II; tahea." Bear this In mind, then, ye negotiating with the Freshman debat- the line of sport. Coach "Harlem abolished, were Messrs. Joha J. Meng. "Trap*," by Joha J. O'Brien, 'II: "TheMen of Fordham, as you read the re ing societies of New York Unlveralty Tommy" Murphy, himself a famous James J. FltigeraM, 'tl, aad Joseph A. Pilgrimage," by Neal Splllane,'», and mainder of this column. and of Rutgera In an attempt to settle lightweight in years gone by, prom- Beetty, •». Msaar*. Jam** K. Ssery, "Pharieee.," by Richard 1. Nevla, '». The RAM ha* decided to conduct a tbe details of the scheduled contests ises Fordhamttes a first-class aggre- 'II; Eugene J. Tarraat, '17, and Joseph The Srat play to appear Sunday at- •tudeat popularity contest whereby it with these two institutions, but thus gation of lighters, and he says that he 8. Fechteler, '17, upheld the question tsraooa waa written and directed by hope* to bring to the fore the Idol of Far nothing of a dennlte nature haa will be more than surprised if the for Fordham. Chart** J. McOroddy. '», aad entitled he undergraduates. The contest will resulted. However, thk will not re- Maroon does not come out the winner "The Sad Happy Man," with John K. start with the next issue of the RAM tard the work of the Freshmen, for the tn the majority of the bouts. William J. O'Baea, IX. B, 'It, pre- Moderator has arranged tbe following sided aa chairman aad delivered aa Carroll, 'II, Chart** J. McOroddy, 'II. which printed ballots will appear. The feature of the evening's enter- Francis 8. Crania, 'It, aad William liat of debates for the coming month, tainment will be, of course, the bout address of welcome to judge*, vlsltlag The contest will be open only to stu which ought to occupy all the time of Whit*.'». The play Is a biblical play between Al "TNT" Lassman and our debaters and audience, la which he dents of St. John's College or such the members: stressed the Importaac* aad timelines* aad a tragedy of a rather gruesome other student* a* liv* here on the own Jack Pollct. Lassman's followers of the subject. He also laM down the tone. ipus. The winner will be decided Tuesday, March 1: Reaolved, That claim that he will win by a KO, as rules to be observed by both sides. The eecond play waa a delightful by a ballot vote of the student body the Volstead act be so amended aa to he has won most of bis tights, but The judge* were the Hon. Fraacls and refreshing comedy called "Voi The popular choice will be announced permit the sale of light wine* and Tommy Murphy feels that Pollet will Martin, Hon. John J. Duaalgaa aad Popull," by Oeorge H. Leonard, '17. the lasue of the RAM that comes beers. The affirmative will be repre- give Al a good run for his money. Alexander h. Rorke, LL. B. out on March 24, together with a pic Jack is nearly as big as Lassman, and The first speaker for the aaVmatlv* (Coatlaued oa 1, col. I) ture of the winner In the space Indi- (Continued on Page t, Col. 4) In the workouts to date has shown waa Mr, Seery. He began by clearly cated above. that he knows how to use his bands laylag down the question aad saaun- Ballots for the content will be print tor more than eating. An added at- clatlng the point at Issue. He tbsa sd la th* neit Issue of the RAM which traction to this bout is the fact that proceeded In a clear aad convincing of Ftrdktni will appear oa March 10. The voter Short Story Writers both men play the same position, manner to present argument* and sta- will make a first and second choice. tackle, on their respective football tlstlcs In favor of his point. "Prohibi- Mt*Uy H«U Fob. 21The ballots will be collected by the Snow Great Progress teams. tion I* not being enforced," aald he, RAM representative of each clans and Fordham'H star U entered in the "because the amendment la Illogical, to be valid must be received by him 115 pound tight In the person of Joe Inconsistent aad un-American." "Pkmla.
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