THU ftiBKUAKt t>, THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. KBI*ax, 1913. 7 MANDOT ILL, CALLS OFF HIS BATTLE WITH MURPHY IMPORTANT BOUT UNDER THE HEAD OF PLEASURE Goldberg DELHI THIS HE MAY BE STAGED IS ENTITLED TO AT LATER OATE RAISE IN WAGES In the Meantime Gilligan Coffroth to Jim Endeavoring Asks Cal Ewing for a Land Some Other Live Job on the San Fran- Scrapper for the cisco Team Harlemite Pitcher "Flame" Delhi is the latest WILLIAMJ. SLATTERY Seal to be heard from. His gentle little The fight fans will learn with regret message came through the mail to Cal that the proposed -0 round battle be- Ewing yesterday afternoon, and the tween Harlem Tommy Murphy and Joe big fellow softly hints that his contract Mandot, scheduled for Washington's has. , been duly received, but that it is birthday, has been called off. This not exactly satisfactory. In other startling news was flashed over the words. Delhi would appreciate a little wires from New Orleans last evening more money this season. He's not ex- when Harry Coleman, manager of actly a holdout, but the chances are Mandot. notified Promoter Jim Coffroth that he will become a member of that that his boy is seriously ill with la famous club unless the additional ~rippe and will not be able to fight for money is forthcoming. \u25bc many weeks. The bis fellow is down in Los An- Coffroth Is naturally very much dis- geles. Like the rest of them, he writes turbed over the affair. He does not Ewing that he is in splendid condition know whether to call the date off or and hopes to be a regular star this time. try to dig up another opponent for the He was one of the champion bloomers Harlem lad. High class lightweights of the Coast league last e«a3on when Ewing brought back Chicagn. are him from very scarce right now and the He was absolutely of no uso to the \u25a0 hnnces are that the promoter will be team, yet they carried him along:. But forced to drop his date and postpone he wants his raise all the same. He says in his letter he will report the match such as that till time the New- at the rVaining camp and talk the mat- Orleans lad recovers from his illness. ter over with Ewing. Murphy left New yesterday "It's the same old tale," sighed Cal York after afternoon, wiring manager, Jim he had finished reading the little hfs missive. 'They all admit that they di