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12-16-1913 Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-16-1913 New Mexican Printing company

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t i t n and su were considered by Villa of the national conventions, party, jas active enemies of the revolution. and. Itaoul Aladcro. a young brother of. ALL OF GOV it that the REPUBLSCANS "Up further resolved, uu m.i illie may be to a call irilUUIlLailliLu JUiLmui7iUi.y ..y late president, appointed! committee Itself issue il ad-- pledge chief of (lie staff to Villa and as an for the convention to lie eonveneu in in , jviser to assist the rebel commander KM 6 candidates In accord-- to nominate OF LI NO S COLORADO ARK VE A jsome of the civic and diplomatic fiinc-- j MONS Nl TWO ance with such basis of representation FACE Hons of government. j as shall now be determined on by this The five hundred or more committee." Spaniards; who were Tloth resolutions recog summarily expelled from; provided were TALKED OF nition of the primary laws of various Chihuahua, and who joined by I ; - nwu some of the and American' and a Breed that certificates of! If ILL Mini- German states ' ac-- i merchants were, however, not less . election from proper state authorities isbould NOW PRACTICALLY of union he sufficient grounds for THEY CONFER REGARDING PLANS EXPLOSION IN VULCAN MINE OF THE CHIHUAHUA IS j",."::?!' p"":si" hundreds delegate CF THE STAND- - the name of a on the tem- - .r't jillB delegate as of MEET AT DENVER TO CONSIDER PARTY MOUNTAIN FUEL COM DESERTED BY ITS FOREIGN to the taking their property audi ACCOMPLISHED! FOR THE FUTURE CF THE ROCKY to PATTERS MAY BE - as to their being required leave' recog- STATE-WID- Tlo CAUSES POPULATION. CONSUL LETCHES the were violated in a ser-- ' THE CALLING OF A E MET-- IN THE SI ATE, ANO ESPECIALLY! PANY, FROM UNKNOWN country, BY EITHER ONE OF MO 1 Ions manner. DEATH SENDS HIS FAMILY 10 BORDER AND GENERAL SYMPATHETIC WITH REGARD TO NEXT YEAR'S MAY RESULT IN BIS declared HODS BUT CHOICE HAS NOT (gates are elected at large and only de The Spanish merchants named SAFETY. that Villa had sought to evade lhe STRIKE. VCT clares that the total number ELECTIONS. LIST. FOR BEEN MAUt I . in the call must he chosen by any charge of confiscating foreign prop-- ; state which has such a law. ortv liv in.r t ho mnn-K- wfi'i! or as a ' were to admit taking cnarge it. wnere, mat MANY RADICAL Resolutions adopted PLAN TO RESCUERS AT WORK CONFISCATE ALL km ALSO SELECT ; ter of fact, the Spaniards said, SOME WAN! M-- j Senator f'ummins and Representative the, W taking of property by the rebels was1 MC QliprQ pDfPfCCn SENATORIAL CANDIDATE TO RESCUE MINERS FOREIGNERS' PROPERTY more than confiscation, since; ItlLHoUllLiJ rflUrUuLU CONVENTION CALD'congr,'ssional wnni,,ee-- ti,e con'j nothing the property was devoted to the per-- i ference. . com-- , r jsonal use of the rebels and the Chairman Warren, of the law htm-,pr- s Dec. 10. 16. 1 Dec. 16. Kl Paso. Texas. Dec. It!. Two Denver. Colo., Between moved Dec. Representa-- Newcastle. Colo., Thirty-- ' m) r,,t,,,jplt, or R,..,rante of mlttee, then the adoption of dred more BO 10(1 and 500 delegates from approxi-- j 1 - of the men entombed with foreigners, including D. Dec. 6. a na- j tive members Progressive party eight practically jn(jf,lnn;tv.' 2."i0 Washington, ('., the first resolution, proposing 'Americans arrived here on a spe-- niately local unions throughout he-- from county in Illinois o of lindug any alive, was the today A for convention and the debate j nearly every hope i met to resolution providing theXitional 2 train from Chihuahua City, Alex-- Colorado here today consider convention gathered here today to confer on the statement, or officials at o'clock this'eial X calling of a special !gan. io- Among them were French, Ger- - primarily the calling of a state wide - for the with par-- j afternoon as to the probable results CUINUtrJlN tU IU UlC of the Republican party was vot- Senator Cummins appealed for the: party's plans future, who strike in sympathy with the United to the elections next! of the in the Vulcan mine man. Italian and Spanish people ed down 35 to 14, late today by Icalling of a national convention. While ticular reference explosion MURDERER IS Aline Workers of America, now on j i : me national commit- - Vhe did net the alternative! vear 'at mis morning, umtmia strike in the Colorado coal fields. The the Republican discourage ex-ji- - reiterated the told BY Before the adjourns, it to also expressed the view that the They HUNG MOB tee. propositions of referring a meeting that General Iran-Cnte- convention nssembled in response to to select a candidate for the was caused by dust. Several; zation to the slates, he believed planned plosion ' a the recent call of the Colorado State plan bodies were found the X. Dec. 16.- - that such a plan would not impress States senate and to perfect by rescuing Willistnn, Dak., Federation of Labor and was called headed "---! Cleve con- - D. C, Dec. 1G. Two the public generally as strongly as P,ans for complete tickets In 'veryj parly by Superintendent Culhertson, recently to order by John AIcLeniion, president Washington, and IS. Meerdink. victed of members of for of the would a convention. county and in every senatorial to said since murdering of that organization, It was explain- proposals leave the country. They V Dillon at X. D fix- j to the surface the family, Ray, Republican party and methods of "I realize," said Senator Cummins, congressional district. Threp brought 'the Spaniards left the property taken ed early today by union leaders that ele- flashes of , A a was taken from the Williams it a ing a basis upon which discordant "that in a national convention we may There were occasional Wallace llaxter. I' tlw.irt Iomo lm. Iuii lint Iniiirl was not certain that state wide Re- to j Starbuck. C0I,ntv jail by a mob today ami would be called ments can uuite, confronted the encounter danger. We ought to meet humor in the address Progressives and the proceeds placed in the rebel 7 strike at this time be national committee today. face like men. If we are made H. J. Alien, Filson, an Italian. cause they declared the leaders of the publican it face to ty piiunouei treasury X ; .. , and Aline Work- Foremost was a proposal for a spe- brave enough to stand for the princi Wichita (Kansas) Beacon. Superintendent Aleerdink, who came Th . . uis ferrazas who Is Federation the United to us that - ers "do not want to undue cial national convention readjust of the we ought "Our Republican friends tell of UlB W01.Uings early this after- to be tin-- impose ples Republican party, ;, was reported W11K ,..,.,,,, hem ; ,...,. the of the tiio nvatem of deleeate representation. i, i,,,r,,,oi, tn atjiurt face we should come back and help sai(1 that hl8 party had penetra-- know'n. Thp reruK,)8 corroborated foV'Xik hardships upon people be u state other was that no convention ,.,, and discuss the n-- i vi iciv-i- wwv... unless it becomes absolutely The t0 Sacp wjtn tJa(.n other nun. liic me .moi. ,ne Biiteini?iii mat j. tirraxas nau national commit- - ujtu which consisted of a large number of called, but that the nnd what principles we, "To hear these leadersi.. talk, ''l,heen found, nnd conditions were such to sign checks in small de- - necessary." prIlciPB - compelled Unasked men, battered down the in) rs tee fix a of reapportionment for more. I am not saying would think the Demo- that he had no of any Prior to the of the con- plan fr;may niu,0 that licking hope recovering nominations aim u.iu mmo with a drai.i convening suue should be a chief aim of tree '!of the jail heavy pipe, vention at 10 o'clock it seemed prob- ratification by Kepuuiican that there general cratic party was the alive, were being used as currency. - - the warnings of Sheriff tor- ventions. adopted at this spe- six - able that the first day's session would political platform government. of the men entombed all but The family ol Marion Letcher, Unit-- ; ickson. the mob rushed into lh- jail, a conven - but I do believe that been per-jo-r be devoted to the and con- A resolution for special cial convention, And yet that task has e)ght ar0 Americans. A number of states consul at Chihuahua, was,0'ro tlie door off cell occupied" presentation com - issue in the by of From all in- tion was a j the convention should meet and than other which sideration resolution. prepared by special formed more often any men WP1.e jn thn pper levels, anion the arrivals on today's refugee the prisoner, and dragged lihn nut of also tramea anouier res an address to the American people It ha8 dications these promised to cover a mittee, winch American political history. are readied by h Ioiik Incline from the train. the building. He was taken to in" olution accordance with a compro- that, will an effect and bring as a difficult wide range, the chief questions being in produce never been regarded t(ppie at the. time of the explosion, Banks in Trouble. middle muddy river, a mile and n half mise by Chas. B. Warren or support, to the Republican cause tnai followed and - as follows. suggestion task. It has naturally These hastened to the main tunnel and 111. from town, where he was bam'ei"; from of the law com- cannot be in any other way. Mexico fit v. Dec Thousands of the of Govern- Michigan, chairman brought in the pathway of infrequent ar(J said t0 ilav0 keen met by a the Resolution for recall na- this variably formed lines at the wagon bridge spanning stream, that after the "If you don't go through open 1 persons today or Amnions. mittee, proposing victory and its regular 0Ui ejiIiosioD. At :2,r. this afternoon jle short-wa- s basis of dele- of that is now pre- doors of the Office Banco Central. It When the body was cut down action of tional committee fixes a door opportunity has traveled as swift on the :two U0ljiea had been recovered, Resolution condemning the rati- not coming in the that, had l.V afterward, it was found to have gate reapportionment ,the plan be sented, that door may open again." as the constitu-- , the only bank city the militia in the strike zone and de- heels of opportunity x,,w(,astle was Ulfi Bcell of the first to bank been riddled with bullets, fied by two-third- s of the states which Governor Hatfield of West Virginia, not refused redeem state manding the removal of General John to be called tion would allow. big mine disaster in Colorado in 1SSfl, notes. bill in the while taken from cast Republican pluralities for presi- urged a special convention e- - - Practically every Culhertson, being Chase. Democratic has been T- and that it "The party wllen mf.n wel.e M)U.d in the Santa issued by an outside bank was 'the for mercy, but was the dent, in 1908. immediately suggested as a rod city jail, pleaded Resolution denouncing attitude so "that garded in America chastening Ffj m,ue to the centra 1. bank for re-- met with the "You tliiln t On the special committee drafting meet on Lincoln's birthday brought reply showof ,tto,.m,y General Fan' on th be j periodically to be mvoKea ioi ua.iu,,n of of the in to the Dillons' and we the resolution were committeemen the Republican party might Vulcan mine penetrans one demption. Many people the, any mercy willstrike Borah of Idaho, to him." ,sins 01 ttepuoiicaii rtu.i. jthC richest coal belts in Colorado. The lines expressed the intention of none to you." Resolution for Ihe submission of Warren of Michigan, ' leaueis, mm who holds a vital before us," said "The Republicans . jwhole district, however, Is considered Ing their accounts because ol stories! The mob, which was thoroughly coiiBtitutlonal ainendnieut providing Hadley of Missouri, also "The question control, torSt Smoot of Utah Wm. or , "is the by long 'dangerous, as many of the mines are; in circulation as to the soundness ofgarijZed, is believed by the sheriff to stale operation of coal mines, proxy Louisiana; Barnes, Jr., nower , ., of a senate and source of lasi June a"u w,.,. ,..,,. the Central Bank itself, although tlif have come from the of Ray, Resolution the to and Howell of Nebraska pWtlmi Republican in tl,t vicinity pledging support 1 most objects political ,n t))(f denial of 1). , i.. nf renresentatives ill 1914. the solitary is (omj(l go)w (), hankers issued a vehement where Mr. and Airs. T. Dillon and persons imprisoned or cruelly treated mev Weill lliuu oroDtuu ,.j;im Leaders without anybody - - j a convention for life minpa m th() vk.iuitv the rumors. were murdered on the the commission. to later to the entire commit- favor holding national their daughter by military report follow them. or-- 18. I the purpose of showing through such jto ln 18,,0 all exl)i0Hj(m of gas and dust. The Central Dank is the private night of October There was no Resolution condemning the pro than deliver the con- a why the Republican party "Rather Republican workngH . wUat is now of a chain composed, of; known cause for the killing of the posed Denver bond issue for the gathering - ganizafion - . AleHarg, who represented '0,ce8- n for- Duusby. meets the needs of the people. The party over to the Progressive thfl Vulcan mine killed forty-seve- m0st of the state hanks, but already Dillons. Culhertson received his struction of the James Peak railroad Roosevelt forces in the contests deliberate - the party has nothing to apolo- which held a majority, they f)f ou(si(1fi ,iank ,llal sentence yesterday and was to tunnel. the convention last Republican In its last nation- - !n preceding Chicago scuttled the party ex- - on account of luck been taken to the penitentiary Resolution recommending compul- in op- gize for." New(.astlPj Cfl,0 Qpc 1(i.An been refused addressed the committee jly ofjbave of year, al convention. i n,. VhImi, mine of the funds in the Central. today. sory arbitration labor disputes. position to a special convention. Spless Speaks. confession of of New Mexico, "They make public Mountain Fuol company, one It is assumed that the paper of committee has power to Charles A. Spiess Pro - iRocky TRIED TO "If the for this fact today by promising the jg haI't mUeH of at 0:2o others will be refused when their SCHMIDT has to pleaded for a convention next year p,u,t herp ,lis CinUT ARF DEAD call a convention, it power will never ao u ag.u.. L. have been exhausted. INSURE VICTIM'S LIFE If this com- the purpose of adopting a platform. gressives they morninPj entomtj,( Mine loreman posits change representation. will come U. S. Intercedes. IN FIRE AT should He said what, the party needed now if the Progressives just Cr.uvfo d Fjre ,!osa u Walters mittee has decided that abuses lick the Democrats. D. Dec. Hi. New York, Dec. 16. Hans Schmidt so an was a which would "not tell back and help d flt ,pasl (hil.v minel.B, This Washington, C, CINCINNATI. he corrected, it should manfully platform Mr. to General 0. sought to secure $.",,000 insurance on 10 what the Republican party has (tone of our New York leaders, 1 n i r t e was based on a hurried check Through representatives nounce. Such a course will restore Consul and the life of his victim, Anna Aumuller, of but will tell what the who uinueu me lll(J rolls. Some officials Villa by American Letcher very extent the confidence for the country, Prendergast, recently cf company'8 Dec. 10 as back as last to large is now doing to the of of New York, belief that the number thrnnch messaires conveved bv the Cincinnati, Ohio, Eight far April, according Mm neonle. who must become the ad Democratic party good job comptroller expressed the score suf- - an in- declares to American consul at llermosillo to Gen-- : persons are dead, and a are testimony of Harold M. Hayes, hereuts of the Republican party, if it people." by aid of Progressive votes, in the workings might be increased session - i mreu nas - surance examiner at loday's , nation- Interested. it is now time to go back. The 10 OnU- nbmit of the men in cral Carranza, the Mates it-- to be successful at the next Progressives that elcht trial for murder. The in the house adopted , i, finikH min.i,. ,...... , ,,!...i a interceded ill behalf of lire which destroyed the salvation of Schmidt's al election. The old adage, 'A wrong Progressives ' e. " istate was - that they ; .! "! r" n of ml Army home tor men here early today, contends that Schmidt plan- confessed is half redressed will have a resolution today declaring T "I. "l.,: mn6 . - "":'. the a g then to young view villi interest the "death uea r ed. stand- C. .as Seven,, (, injured a,;e serais m,n;der th. wholesome and practical application He";;' :;, dead were - lan. He killed on the of of leaders and since Z :; of by the constitutionalists. condition. Among the night ln at this critical juncture our party pentance" the Republican ing at Armageddon, the;me,s at once b(,gan Hn exploration occupiedM 31. 1; - of Ale., receiver na him a com- Ml n.lvices to Ihe. state department thus Sandell, Ilengor. August for the sins of the late Republican have given tne it was believed that - affairs." Progressives workings, clerk of the and T. S. Shod- The blank on which Schmidt wrote tional convention and their present to sit down, he declares in the west today say foreigners generally with nnd home, Speaking of the Chicago contests, fortablc place (lp explosion originated believed to work in this cily out the application for insurance was offer of reform represen of advantage of least 1500 feet the exception of the Spaniards, have dell, MeHarg said: hypocritical his intention taking wm.limgB at a point at not been identified. offered in evidence. It described the to do i and this government The other six have de- our conventions. all p0I-tti- main been respected "I knew that Roosevelt was tation at it; he advises Progressives fr()m the of the tunnel, in Aumuller woman as Airs. John "we attentioi. - or on the of the ambas- There were 150 beds the building of the mem- "But," it added, call likewise. With characteristic thought- hut it was caused by gas rerpiest Spanish - frauded and a majority wiieti,er 45 were, em- Schmidt and her occupation as house, of the national New York sador has undertaken to see that of which occupied by the " bers of that committee knew that he to the fact that reform lessness he forgets that his dnst lla(1 not jjeen determined. The date of her marriage funda- for are Included in the ployes of the Salvation Army, r.veiy keeper. was defrauded and I remained silent, convention does not touch th3 were so busy providing cor(jmg to mine officials, six men are Spanish subjects the which Schmidt says he Pro- - to other one of the employes except Sandell ceremony haunted with the statement mental differences between 'he. his comfort that they neglected to pro- i;nown to have been working in the protection given foreigners. as hots and frequently d that to performed, acting priest were instituted sole- and Republican parties ai vide seals for themselves. Since Mr. and believed to have been Inferences by appealing escaped was as 5, ,at proceedings gressive 'pgt entry, A of was placed 'bridegroom, given May can- on i j uie tiuuco charge incendiary for purpose of confusing and that in all probability presidential Prendergast stood the platiorm ai ' uenerai i.arraiiza tuuni KllL'. ly the constitutionalists a man who gave the name ol the committee, and what I didates hereafter will be nominated, Orchestra hail in this city and pro ,w1ut'liad recognized the against befogging Hasty examination led the Frank lie claimed to be a The application was rejected by the then against, is precisely not conventions but by direct vote fessed his never yielding loyalty to the m.onounced fa,8e by Secretary Meyers, Mr. said. protested by out .aid he in insurance company, Hayes that which you admit now." of the people. cause, nothing has hap- ::lTi:ZS Pom mt jMt rra Progressive .. .. :fZlTJZy- i ne loss is commit-tteeme- accurate tVl,1 iT'nited States had from time to timem.,Arizona, property "We with gratitude to the rather fu WANT Informal discussion among accept profound pened change sion and tins led to j ROOT DON'T of exPress'n""f dealt with the authorities in mated at $55,000. developed a somewhat gen- President Wilson's endorsement description Mr. Prendergast then gave military TO BE PRESIDENT. of direct pri- of the control of various sections. Reports eral opinion in favor of the proposal the Progressive principle of the arrogance and injustice there would be found alive. Washington, D. C Dec. 16. Sena- to him our sup- to the navy today said the battleship CABINET MEETING committee to the basis maries and pledge leaders as represented by - tor Root declared in the senate today for the change Republican The force of the explosion was sur at CALLED BY WILSON refer it to state the national committee. These same ohjo wold up dHtained ten days could not would not ac- of representation and port." ficlent to wreck the fan but rescuers that "he and next in more gea on accoun, of the two cases of nom- conventions which meet year. leaders are yet control, - the presidential that they nad gone several and the battle- Washington, D. C, Dec. 16. 'Presl- cept Republican The two resolutions finally were pre- strongly entrenched than ever." reported sm.llll)ox ai)oard that ination if it were offered to him." a TWO NEGROES hundred reet irom uie poruu ueioro shin AHchican would remain in Arex-ide- Wilson met the members of the sented. The first specified that sur-,1P- encountering any serious obstruction Ran waters until the Ohio relieved cabinet today although he Is still convention should be called LYNCHED AT BOX la- - MAY HAVE special RITCHIE AGREES TO in main tunnel. from his attack of of such action the fering slightly DAY. "for the purpose taking MURPHY JANUARY 23. Colorado & UNIVERSAL re- LA. Aliuers from the Fuel Chaotic Conditions. grippe. - as shall be deemed advisable in SHREUEPORT, San Francisco. Dec. 16. Willie Sacramento, Calif.. Dec. 16. Cali- ilron mine at Spring Gulch, Dec. 16. Rebel lead- basis of i company's Juarez, Alex., next spect to changing the present Ritchie and Harlem Tommy Murphy hel JOHNNY DUNDEE AND fornia will vote at the general Dec. 16. ne- 12 miles distant, equipped with ers in Juarez today were hopeful that and for the transaction Shreveport. La., Tto to for ' j on of establish representation were yesterday fight at once for Newcastle General JOHNNY GRIFFITH DRAW, election the question of proper- Earnest and Frank Williams, mets. started infnrmnttnn would come from all other business that may groes, the lightweight championship Friday, Dec. 16. Dun-ha- s ing a universal work day in tne a mob to aid in the rescue work. The mine Francisco Villa of his future attitude Canton, 0., Johnny ly come before the convention." were lynched by at Rlanchard, January 23, on the same terms as and Griffith state. Announcement was made today kil- been in about one year, in a less serious uee of New York, Johnny The second was, in part, as follows: La., today. They had confessed to to for the bout cancelled operation toward foreigners of Jordan suf- those agreed 400 tons from of Akron, lightweights, fought twelve by Secretary State that "Confident that the action of this com- Calvin Ballard, whose body was of and then Its output approximately aspect thau that which resulted ling December 10, because rain, rounus 10 a maw . uw, ficient signatures had been secured to as it the to in his store daily being used by railroads. The the expulsion of Spaniards and the iasi mgi.i. ..y mittee, representing does, found hacked pieces further postponed because of the a one, each an initiative to secure a place mine is of ihe variety. over of their by the j was hard fought fighter petition practical unanimous sentiment of the Saturday morning. abscess Ritchie had developed in his slope taking property on in 101 1. i The detonation broueht hundreds of rehel forces. landing Hard and oiten the ballot Republican electors of the country, The negroes lynched are telieved to nose while training. The weight is to from Newcastle to the mouth j General Bonavides, left Villa in - - will be ratified by the Republican elec- have been friends of three negroes be 135 pounds one hour before the persons by months of the mine, civilians giving what aid command at Juarez, considered that tors of the national convention of the Ballard killed several ago j fight. Ritchie gets the same guaran- could in the rescue work. Villa's acts were based on a .conviction party when convened in 1916, and by when they attempted to escape from tee $15,000, win. lose or draw. He they SGHJID T efl(!,10 K.KA.ZY oHJxL) 1 a cmmiu-- j state conventions of the party wher- the Louisiana penitentiary, where allows $200 to Murphy for the. batter's At o clock It was reported that that the Spanish merchants ot Bal-iar- aided federal had j LAWYERS SO oflRGUE ever held. Ballard was at that time a trusty. expenses for the bout missed ma had the troops, HIS training of Hu- - "Resolved, That it be the sense of was rewarded soon by his release fire. (Continued on Page Four.) taken a strong stand in favor this committee that the committee from the prison, where he had been in Schmidt into shall forthwith proceed to determine serving a ton-yea- r term for killing his New York, Dec. 16. Hans Schmidt show that 101 got on a basis of representation in future brother. sprang to his f et in the court room trouble in Germany for a foolish ami PROF. qHLFRED M. TOZZER NOW HEADS today and vehemently denied his conn - profitless forgery and only escaped iitement that he was insane punishment by his fathers promise to r s:":nZ ' SCHOOL, BACKED B MANY NATIONS killed Anna Auniiilki. j ut him ill an asylum. OFFICERS OF eARABAOS SOCIETY "It's a lie," he shouted, brandishing From this institution he defendaut SA Y THE Y DIDN T MEAN IT his fists. "I protest against that." escaped and came to America. Hein- - P ",0" " rich Schmidt, the was the first Professor Alfred Jlarston Tozzer.isia, Bavaria. Saxony, Sweden. Russia. Important Work. I, ", V"," w" father, - defense. He f nniversltv. called "Little Austria, and Mexico. It is also back- "Professor Toaster intends to make "'' """' witness for the appears ii.,vwl IK. ...,for the defense, outlined 65 old. Elliott, prosperous and is about years of recent de-- i ana wno ana ueeu w.ra .... ud- - Washington, D. Dec. 16. Officers the "lack sympathy for Tozzer reieneu j Inuaniiv in his aliening in- C, a in- - t Columbia and hopes are expressed that his work .the plea He described himself as a railroad of the order of Carabao sent assur- velopments and tendencies in the by certain wise ones as "mere ions: Harvard, University, to now the of and will result in valuable discoveries, dress the ju, spector. ances to administration officials today Philippine government." structor" or "an instructorette," diversity , ' " - of America. He and Mr. Hay have been in Mexico The father described how at the that entertained no or pur- Admiral Howard said neither he looms up as a BIG MAN in the scien- the Hispanio Society ls they spirit but on short visits. As fendant had been for many of exhib- officer state tific world Hay's Son With Him. .before, only " un- - early age eight the prisoner of hostility to President Wilson's nor any other knew such - will be pose con - of the Mexican archaeolog- now. and always mentally when their ments were out. Briga- . from Ml--! The disnatch in the Journal president ited marked religious peculiarities. Philippine policy they gave being given " .. , Hi,t,h .... . Pro-- i balanced. He was interrupted by Gen- .! tool arhnnt- he takeR the Dlace. of He erected an altar and kept the vest- dinner last week and gave travesties dier General Aleshire, Brigadier CO t'ny prinieu iu uie aiuuijuchiuc.iiiiucb. v. the outburst from the prisoner. Mr. Tozzer been appoint- - "Professor Tozzer is accompanied fessor Kngerrard, who has occupied ments of a in his room. and satires on members of the cabi- eral Mclntyre, and Admiral Howard Journal, has The defense will lay stress on the priest to- International Clarence S. a Harvard stud - the position for the past year. used to his mother's net and other public officials. conferred with Secretary Garrison ed president of the by Hay, of Schmidt's "He catch lo--, Tozzer is a Harvard evidence irrationality Admiral to furnish a report School of American Archaeology ent and son of the late John Hay, "Professor geese," said the father, "and cut off Rear Howard, honorary day and promised and has written several shown since his arrest and during the of the occurred at the cated in the City of Alexico, taking former American secretary of state, graduate their heads. These, he would put in president order, today repudi- of what banquet. are 'A Com- - trial and on the testimony regarding in- 1. iHe is also interested In ar- j works. Among them the ated the work of the press agent who President Wilson's order for an office December deeply condition by his pocket and then play with scien- - and will remain In Mexico oi tne ami his mental presented furnished advance stories about the vestigation of the affair has created a This school Is conducted by chaeology parative study majas and alienists. blood, imitating religious archaeol- for the candones and the Ruins of Tikal.' He members of his family was institutions devoted to several months purpose of ' dinner, which declared that what great commotion in army and naval tific . told the he would - written numerous Judge Olcott jury said and done was designed to show circles. ogy of the following countries: Prus- studying Mexican archaeolog-- has also pamphlets." DECEMBER PAGE TWO SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. TUESDAY, 16, 1913.

the proper keeping of the minutes of Mine nuts IT HAS WHITEWASHED committee proceedings; the intermin-- j My'"!t.ti3wf able tangle of technical procedure, re-- ; at the Ancient of Always Stop City's Pride, ITSELF fruiting from the slavish following j precedent frequently wrongly estab WE ARE PREPARED! the custom of con- lished; suffering MODERN AND ference committee to absolutely frus-ttat- e FAMOUS DISCUSSES THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JUST the plainly expressed and re- ALWAYS To of Xmas corded will of the house or senate, q take care all orders, BILL AND SLATHERED IT ON THE DIGNITY OF S CURRENCY wrr and the use of this power; on arbitrary LARGE LOBBY large or small, TELLS WHERE IT FAILS AND WHAT THE MEMBERS HAD TO BE PRESERVED the binding and gagging of the major of the members of the by AND VERANDAS CONGRESS CAN DO TO RESTORE NO RECOMMENDATIONS. portion body the system of partisan leadership, ren- - Candy, Fruits, Nuts, Turkeys, Chickens, them at the dering absolutely helpless I COMFORTABLE PORCH who ( By 011801 Gardner.) j will of the few really transacted SWINGS and ROCKERS Fancy Holly, Wreaths, Washington, D. C, Dec. The J the business, or refused to transact it Ducks,Oysters,Extia Sprecldf-s- , Pivs. First (By Rudolph house of representatives has white-- j these may be mentioned as the most Service and Cuisine National Bank of San Francisco.) Na- - of the Best in the OYER A TON OF XMAS CANDY AT THE RIGHT PRICE. washed itself. Alulhall and the striking conditions this kind." City AND Article III. Ample facilities forlartie tional .Association of Manufacturers Then Mr. MacDonuld to the auil small The present emergency currency gets banquets. a carload of evidence of all in the in-- j law, which dies automatically in June brought most vital point whole lobby kinds of crookedness and this the reason for its activities: 11)14, should be for a period lobby fiuiry was taken up by a house committee out un-- ! HOTEL DE VARGAS of three or four before any other "Here," he says, "stands years was do- is (although a senate committee of GROCERY GO. financial measures acted upon hjj urstakably a fact, which congress EUROPEAN PLAN. Meals a la Carte. a on the work) and i ex-- SPECIAL RATES INTER congress. ing very good job r J your committee is apparently I the house committee has lathered Room With $2.00 The people will then know that cur- rooted to remain in complete ignor-- I Bath, bp. BY THE WEEK of with Room rency sufficient to meet all ordinary the popular branch congress unoe, but which to the most casual Without Bath. $1.00 Up. a i PHOZSHE 40. financial requirements is available. It enough lime to make it look like n uder of the record must be plainly will serve as a safeguard against negro woodshed on a foggy night. annnrent. That is that this is only the panics. The majority report of ni ether of the desperate war head-- phase Last summer when financial trouble Alulhall investigating committee, taking plaee between the vested intere- threatened, with interest rates high ed by Finis .1. Garrett, of Tennessee, st-! of the country and organized AND RETAIL j WHOLESALE land money tisht, the secretary of the and signed in addition by Cyrus Cline, lcrnr. Indeed, the two contestants of Indiana; Joe Russell, of Missouri; ar- in no doubt as to this. Mr. Bird, of (Demo-icrals- Scott Ferris, Oklahoma, gent nil manager of the National Asso- CAPITAL COAL YARD and AVm. H. Stafford, of 'Wis ciation of Manufacturers, referred to consin, and Frank B. Willis, of Ohio, the American Federation of Labor as PHONE 85 MAIN. a Btudied to and (Republicans), is effort 'I he enemy.' And the whole course of Flour Hay, Grain, Potatoes Salt. save a few shreds of (he dignity and ,, legislative activities of these assO' For INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. house Sola AgtnU WOOCl reputation for members of the Hated forces was directed to the pre- ADRAIL to The re- entitled neither. liber-i- 60Sl properly vention of legislation that would i 4LFALFA, SEED. All kinds1 of & field seeds in bulk and 2 WOOD recommen- flowers, garden packag SWASTIKA LUMP FACTORY port makes absolutely no te in any degree the laboring forces CERRILLOS LUMP SAWED WOOD dations. Mr. Garrett stated on the or lessen the privilege of the interests floor was author- exclusive house in Santa Fe COAL CORD WOOD that tin committee for whom these officers assumed to the only grain STEAM ized to "investigate" but not. to net." ANTHRACITE ALL SIZES. j "recommend." and its failure to ' COAL, that The whitewashing job was neatly j n commend was due to its Montezuma Avenue, near A., T. & S. F. Railroad Depot. anything the house organization fhon Black Phone Black not to Tn completed by zeal overstep its authority. when on the floor Mr. MacDonald of- this is labeled as 45 LEO HERSCH 45 report plain graft, fered two privileged resolutions call- "indiscretion" and the real truth is ing on the house to punish for con-- , covered with a lot of crltt up insipid tempt Messrs. Bird, Kirby, Emery, cism of Alulhall and other officials of N. A. M. Only one member of the committee ond to proceed to determine whether The Denver & Rio Grande had the courage to approach the truth or not to expel Congressman McDer-- , as disclosed by the overwhelming mott, of Illinois. Although under th.e weight of testimony. This is Repre- rules entitled to an hour In his own RAILROAD COMPANY. sentative William J. MacDonald, o( right, and although he could not be in-- i Michigan, a new member who has not tf.rrupted except for a point of order PROMPTNESS Christmas and New Year Holiday Excursion Fares succeeded to the tradition that the questioning the privileged character house must protect its reputation at of the resolutions, nevertheless Speak-je- r (he expense of truth. MacDonald has Clark, assisted by Finis J. Garrett, IS ONE OF OUR STRONG POINTS, but don't wait & Rio Grande and Rio Grande j Gar-jiet- FROM all stations on the Denver brought In a minority report which is rolled out the steamroller, and t until the last minute and expect your photos for Southern Railroads in Colorado and New Mexico readable and as to wha" enlightening was permitted to make a motion to-d- ay Rio Grande Southern RUDOLPH 8PRECKELS. I Xmas. An order for a dozen Photos will tree TO all stations on the Denver & Rio Grande and is really back of this lobby activity. to refer these resolutions to the ju- Mexico. Railroads in Colorado and New - you from the of of twelve Xmas Gifts treasury announced that he would e "There has been- broadcast in tho diciary committee (the graveyard of worry thinking ALSO FROM all stations on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroaod to , emergency currency up to land for many years," says Mr. the house) ; the speaker entertained in COLORADO on lines: CHICAGO, :'"NO PROMISES AFTER SUNDAY."! all stations the following if necessary, under the Al- - "a of the condition the motion; it passed; and on a de- R. ROCK ISLAND & suspicion BURLINGTON & QUINCY R., CHICAGO, Idrieh-Vreelan- 23 of emergency currency i existing in congress which the revela-- i manded rollcall only members COLORADO & SOUTHERN RY., COLORADO MID- PACIFIC RY., law. tions of this will tend, and the house had the courage to rise and RY., MISSOURI-PACIFI- inquiry LAND RY., FLORENCE & CRIPPLE CREEK j THE GRAY STUDIOS An immediate change took place, have tended by their publication in defy the house, SAN LUIS SOUTHERN RY,, UNION PACIFIC R, R. RY., Interest rates fell to normal, and con- the public press, to absolutely con Santa Fe Albuquerque FARE9 fidence was restored ou that mere an-- firm. This suspicion has developed in nouncement. public estimation to a state thai One first-clas- s one-wa- fare for the round to all points on the trip j Almost any sudden and revolution-lar- amounts to a distrust of the Every Woman R. profound Denver & Rio Grande R. the entire Is and should change affecting money j whole system of the Interested To all on above Lines mentioned, the fare will be legislative know about the wonderful points Foreign jand credit system of the nation, is because of the influence that made use of one first class fare for the round to Pueblo branch, by the trip likely to precipitate serious trouble in have directed its activities as well as Marvel and one Pueblo or Denver to destination. I or Denver plus fare third, which every citizen must suffer. surrounded it. The belief has been uoucne is not a and Jan. 1914. Currency party question common the that the Dates of Sale, Dec. 23d, 24th,25th and Jlst.1913, 1st, like the tariff. among people large special interests of the country Ask your druggist for Return 1914. Partisan action should not be al- H. If ho eao.iot sup- Limit, January 5th, were so firmly entrenched in and sur- ply the MARVEL, lowed to rush and half-bake- rounding the legislative branch, that, accept no other, but legislation upon the country. I send stamp ror dook. FOR INFORMATION AS TO RATES, ETC., CALL ON by reason of the system built up under hold that the Glass-Owe- bill is de- MimlCa..44E.23dSI..N.f. their Influence, the enactment of signed with political aims as its main I WM. M. T. F. & P. A., basis. It is a Democratic caucus remedial laws, popularly demanded, SCOTT, 'has been either denied or only par-- i N.'M. measure which has not hud general 244 San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, debate. tially accorded and then reluctant- If government reserve banks are de- i LUMBER, LATH, CEMENT, sirable, and I believe they are, they "The record of this inquiry shows should be capitalized out of public Ithal, a system, was built up and means WINDOWS, DOORS I N THESE DAYS OF MODERN METH funds, not through compulsory sub- - offered thereby, and used, for the nt j (lightODS, a most impor-ta- pose of defeating and preventing AND MOULDING 1 Electricity plays - The issue and retirement, of enrren- j remedial legislation.'' part. The grandfather would cy should he made as automatic i - L. A. C. L, POLLARD, R, CRICHTON, nearly "The facilities offered by legisla- HUGHES, J. . be of mod- f as possible, n mwl legitimate trade latlve methods during the period cov- - amazed at the radiance the & Treasurer. President. Secretary. Manager requiremems onij. ered by these transactions for insid- 1. J. SAWYER ern home and why all this light? To Heserve funds now on deposit with secret and influence and ious, sinister make national banks in reserve or central are The secrecy of make the home more homelike to operation plain. 22 J San Francisco St. Phone 206 W reserve cities, should not be trans- committee and sessions; the ferred to reserve hearings the home the most pleasant spot on earth government banks, lack of and orderly dock- SANTA N.M. otherwise a of loans FE, general calling of the committee's business, or for father, mother and children. Good light national banks would and eting by follow, to be Lumber and Transfer Co. financial and business trouble could 1 that Is easy on the eyes is very much not be avoided. desired. Reserve funds left on with (INCORPORATED) deposit national banks, under proper restric tions, could be made just as available j lli as if actually ou deposit with federal liEiLTDQ.'U'-A.K'TER- S FOR reserve banks. This would obviate j Glass-Owe- (XMAS - XMAS the financial panic the bill LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. reserve conditions would precipitate, To preserve a sound financial stand- - ing, the form and tenor of notes must and Build- be prescribed by law and not left to POWER Shingles, Cement, Plaster, Roofing the discretion of a political board such Our line of Xmas Delicacies this year is the of as proposed in this bill. and ing Materials Every Description. Every national bank should be al-- most complete we have ever had, that IS QUITE SO CONVEN lowed to submit a fixed per cent of its j means the best in the We are listing a to the reserve bank city. IENT as to touch the button and paper government 44 : AGENTS FAMOUS DAWSON COAL at least every thirty days, and if such few of the Goodies " we are offering your stove is ready to cook your paper be sound, have it certified as N CANDIES-Christ- mas 12 to 20c lb. Huyler's Exquis- available for currency issue. candies, per Iron ready to use, your toasted AND STORAGE to box. Vassar and Nobility Choc- GENERAL TRANSFER BUSINESS This would eliminate the possibility ite Chocolates, 40c $5.0 per for the hurried vacu- i ready breakfast, your of discrimination in times of money olates, 35c to $2.50 per box. from 1c up. Xmas for the washer stringency. ) DECORATIONS Tree decorations, tinsel, etc., um cleaner ready fray, your 1c to 20c for e ones. cool heat- Business Solicited.' The independence of banks should j Bells, from t large to cleanse, fan ready to the gPYour ' of and and Immor- ready be encouraged by making financial GREENS We will have a full Ine Holly Holly ed rooms. Electricity will do every thing - j d in bulk, Roping Mistletoe, and political discrimination iinpossi- telles Wreaths, Holly We furnish It at reasonable Phone 100 and 35 W. :: Foot of Montezuma Ave. ble. etc- - for you. rates, To further insure protection to indi- - ORANGES New Navels, 30c, 35e, 40c, 45c, 50c and 60c per doz. Per day and night' Estimates and full Infor- viduals and legitimate business inter- case, $4.75. mation cheeerfully given. ests against unfair discrimination by FLORIDA GRAPE-FRUI- 3 for 25c, 10c and 20c. ' banks, some method of appeal to gov- - IMPORTED MALAGA AND CA .IFORNIA RED GRAPES. eminent banks should be established, GERMAN CHRISTMAS CAKE. These suggestions, briefly stated, LEBKUCHEN - PFEFFEHNUSSE German Nut Cakes. SANTA FE WATER & LIGHT CO. are designed to encourage public dis MRS. WARNER'S FRUIT CAKE. cussion of the many serious questions HEINZ AND BLUE LABEL PLUM PUDDING. involved in the establishment of a new CIGARS IN XMAS BOXES Osmundos, Tom Moore, Tiberius, Little TICKETS-SHIPY- ASK FOR OUR FREIGHT national financial plan. They indicate Tom, Sierra Cruz and mary others. some vital safeguards which the FANCY TOBACCOS IN GLASS HUMIDORS. Glass-Owe- to bill fails provide. EXTRA FANCY APPLES Wlnesaps, Grimes' Golden, The should Jonathans, FE people urge upon their Black Ben and $1.75 box. FROM SANTA a full on others, per LIVERY BARN representatives public debate Black Walnuts, Hickory CORRICK bill NUTS Walnuts, Almonds, Filbers, Pecans, the and the elimination of partisan - To El and all in Nuts, Chestnuts, Peanuts, Etc. Paso, Bisbee, Douglass points questions before final adoption. NOBBIEST OUTFITS IN THE CITY New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico and to the Pacific IMPORTED CLUSTER RAISINS, Smyrna Figs in baskets, Stuffed NEW MEXICO CENTRAL to Torrance thence. How'i This? Figs and Dates in Glass. Coast, via AND VEGETABLES We will have ob- NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, FRESH FRUIT everything and Saddlers a Specialty. in Fruit and line at this period of the Buggies Toledo, O. tainable the Vegetable Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter- year. Attention and the Best and Hens. Hacks and Baggage Transfer. Prompt nally, acting directly upon the blood POULTRY Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Springs The East and mucous surfaces of the FRESH MEATS Beef, Pork, M tton, Lamb, Veal, Spare Ribe, Brains, of Satisfaction Guaranteed. system. Kosher Meats. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 Wieners, Pigs Feet; also full line of cents per bottle. Sold by all Drug- FISH OF ALL KINDS. 9 W OYSTERS, SEALSHIPT AND . THE SHELL. 104 DON QA5PER ST. Telephone gists. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Best or We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- CHEESE AND DELICATESSA GOODS ward for any case of Catarrh that con-no- t on be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. We Guarantee Quality and Price Everything West F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Leaves Our Store ! Route We. the undersigned, have known F That T rhonav frtv Ilia loaf 1 voara Dnfl MULLIGAN & GET HABIT ! - GET THE HABIT ! RISING, believe him perfectly honorable in all THE ,For Rates and Full Information, Address business transactions and financially FUNERAL DIRECTORS able to carry out any obligations made THE GROCBtV 7. or Nirht Phone, 130 Mail. EUGENE FOX, G. F. & P. Aft, El Paso, Texas. by his firm. HODBtri license Nanbers, Day Take Hall's Tamlly Pills for consti- - CM. Next Door to Postoff Ice. JMrtifi. PAGE THREE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN.

PET BULL GIUES GIRL WANTS TO BE "SON COME HOME TO CHRISTMAS DINNER" ANNIE RUSSELL'S WHO IS THE REAL AMERICAN, ANYWAY? SCIENTISTS ARE HEED TO MISTRESS AN EUGENIC MA 'BREAD SOUFFLE FATHER'S PLEA TO CALIFORNIA'S GOVERNOR NOW DECLARING THAT 10" IS NOT OF THIS Annie Russell. 16. Control over Canton. O. Dec. Miss Martina Milton, iJa., Dec. ' Kus-.'yel- l . . v in Hie Mail"? Woods Annie 21. I'p CONTINENT AT BUT HAILS FROM ASIA! a vicious uun enauitu ansa years old, Canton, Hits-'sel- ALL, young and .ii luts tier summer home. Miss l IS old, ot v utie wants to be tne moiuer Hoary-Heade- Father Who Has Been From Governor-So- for Rosie Yocum, years stenographer, Estranged and her husband, Oswald Yorke. to save the life of of (lie first official in Is Yule-tid- e Deer, near her, eugenic haby Years by Personal Animosity and Political Feud Softened by litre the serious "upliTters" of 50 old a this to anions James Werty, years farmer, country. Spirit and Wants Get Back to Relationship of Old Times. the drama. Next summer she will was to death. who nearly gored n,,r name j8 UOw being considered, star again under the managerial wing in the while with a number of others, by (Staff. Special Werty was barnyard, along Cat. Bee. lit. "Th of Charles Frohtnan. Those of Miss woman was in another the American Medical Heview of Sacrameuto, the young part is for re- Russell's friends who have been privi The 'views which will mato lamp still burning my hoy's cows. bull refused to of New York, turn." leged to visit her in her mountain Its and he It withia man and woman who meet the eu-- a on a summer leave stall, prodded drove L. Johnson, venerable l'athe home often have eaten, handle. It made a 'genie medical specifications, help pay made this pitchfork lunge, of Governor Hiram V. Johnson of Cal 'morning, her bread souffle, knocked him down and its the wedding bill, give the couple. $:.o:l plunged torn ia, possible Progressive presiden- way. horns into his face and to start with and $500 more when the 2 of stale bread body. tial candidate in iHlfi, sat huddled in Soak cupl'uls cherub Is born, 1 Hearing his cries, Miss Yocum eugenic crumbs in hot milk. Add cupful of: ranit a Hotel lobby ciiair, upatiioncait i out and called to the "It's not that I don't believe in grated cheese and beat thoroughly! "Billy, Hilly" " animal. The effect, of herjly love matches, but it's because I'm with an egg beater. Beat eggs until musical voice was wonderful. firm believer in the new science of light and add half a teaspoon of pap-- I Theja in a bull stopped and slowly walked over eugenics that I have offered to sa-- 1 rika. Fin a tablespoon of butter of mixture at a to her side, where it stood contented-- j orifice personal preference in mar- pan and cook half the as this makes two omelets. Cook ly allowing her to rub its nose, while, riage on the altar of eugenics," said time, J more than for omelet. the injured man crawled away. Mis Winthrope. slowly plain When it is set, it will he as light as He was rushed to the Williamsport "Couples shouldn't get married souffle. Fold over the edges and where ho is suffering with a! ply because they think they are. in serve immediately. broken jaw, terrible lacerations of the love. Physical fitness to marry Is too face and possible Internal injuries. often overlooked when a man and contract to Miss Yocum had petted and fed thejw"1n wed." bull ever since it was a calf, and it New Mexican Want Ads always THE FORUM will follow her anywhere. bring results. Try it Some of the Asiatic Tribes Who so iKdltor of the Bystander Column Closely Resemble Our American In- Being an occasional visitor to your dian that Dr. Hrdlicka Says they are ancient and interesting citv and the Ancestors of the Latter, that, i understand some of ho These are conditions which tend to keep this ing not far from th very regions historic, from place ich were known as "the Indies" Gov. Hiram W. Johnson, 1 place attaining t'e Salad Days Upper, it so well deserves. wish te offer during the life of Columbus. California, and his father. Grove is season following from "Rippling Rhvins" Dr. Ales Hrdlicka. of the lTnited This the for Johnson;, former political leader 0jit,te - :uasou: States national museum, has made things cool, crisp lettuce, lus- the state.- For years have been iy uait they "Don't sit on tilts remarkable and pub- cious red tomatoes and the like. bitter enemies. supinely your discovery, roost, but come along and help lished an account of it in a recent num- If you like these things dressed with olive us boost, for belter things of (Ily Kenneth Wilcox Payne.) ber of the Smithsonian Collections. oil, then you will appreciate the particular adamant. In private they passed each every kind, and leave your kick-- ! Those fast disappearing brothers of In the course of research work in of 1) other without a word. The home of' ing clothes behind. O, let us boost ours they of the scalp-loc- and Siberia and Mongolia, Dr. Hrdlicka goodness softer MOREYS each was closed against the other. for better streets, and beds, the. American redskins are they camo upon a large number of natives, g The climax was reached in, and longer sheets; for smoother after mixed with the races of when, aboriginally American, heterogeneous lawns and better and really the overthrow of the old standpat lights, all? that region, who were evidently the shorter-winde- blatherskites; for by Hiram Johnson, his aging i Una hriKn IC'.1 V eKtfllll iuheil direct descendants of another and regime finer and for It Solitaire, father went down to a hitter defeat homes, larger trees, more ancient race a stone-ag- e race. bats and boots and bumbles at last much to our surprise that for the stale assembly, where he had bees; These people resemble so closely for shorter hours and pay, are not! Instead of native Olive Oil so long been a shrewd leader. longer they being the American Indian that, in some the Yuletide preparations. and fewer thistles in our hay, watching He to to this continent, the warlike Indian, cases, if dressed in the costume of is olive hoary-heade- ascribed that defeat largely This the virgin press of famous The old man who for for better grub, and bigger pies. who so the the activities of "his boy" who felt it struggled long against the latter, even a skilled anthropolo- has been from for two more moons to (he - grovesof Southern Europe unsurpassed many years estranged light white invader, was himself an In- would take them for true Indiana. V his duty to further forget consanguin-it- WOLVES gist mellow his son, through personal animosity skies, AND LET THE for purity, quality and richness. in the vader! His ancestors were peaceful Moreover, their customs, and mental for a holi- larger public responsibilities. OP WAR RE LOOSED O.V EV- - and political feud, yearned stone age men living in Mon- characteristics are those with Solitaire Olive Oil represents the perfec- of old Subsequently the wound was deep- ERY MAN WHO DOESN'T faraway exactly day healing wounds. and of - were j golia Tibet! After the retreat which we are familiar among tne red- tion of the blendingart of French experts. 'Christmas is here," he said "and ened. There Important meetings ROOST! " of the bar association in which Grove the great glaciers of prehistoric times, skins. "Tfce Best tht Grocer Can Deliver" I want my boy hack." It is quite apparent in many ways a memoer r some of these people migrated north- "I am his father and taught him I,, jonnson is prominent aim t T,,0 ..,., nf .....i., fllirl And so, after careful study of these to Iho also an attor- 1,10 eastward through Siberia, and came to The Morey Mercantile Company and he has turn- which governor, placp tQ SIJpnd ,hph. people, Dr. Hrdlicka has come to the everything he knows - ,)(,ttpr h(). Colorado ney, was not invited. The father like- the American continent by way of that "there exist over Denver, ed against me. He sent out the word ;(av vacation ,., ln vom. Ancl,,nl opinion today wise remained from those func- , , Alaska, (iradually they broke up Into eastern and in that I must be defeated when 1 made away Cilv Th,H ofrpred (he ,)egt of large parts of Siberia, Hons where the son shone. the diverse tribes speaking different and other in my last fight to retain my seat in the R) nn(, witl) nr) othpr thought ,llall Mongolia. Tibet, regions languages which Columbus found, numerous re- but I him. Rut now the old man is getting to call attention to a "Little Devil" that part of tho world, assembly forgive when, from the opposite direc- "Christmas is here and he is my along in years. His hoy, too, at the which Is being harboured and fed in coming mains of an ancient population which is tion, he discovered the new world. was identical and in MILITARY INSTITUTE boy." close of his term as governor, grey- your midst. physically with, NEW MEXICO be- Columbus called them Ameri- - The son, Hiram, had just returned ing rapidly. The secret yearning A VISITOR. "Indians," all probability gave rise to the from the San Francisco conclave tween the two is waxing stronger. thinking that in this strange land he can Indian! ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. t had found a new route the fabled is not new of Progressives where the new party-cu- They want, to get hack to the re- ALL ABOUT SNAKES; REAL by This theory enlirley of Mood is D. Indies. Perhaps his name was more among anthropologists as a theory, 'The West Point of the Southwest. squarely adrift from the Republi- lationship the aforetime. ONES, NOT T. KIND. applicable to these redmen than we and But Dr. Hrdlicka is cans with whom the father had been proving thicker than partisanship. Snakes do not chew their food. They pure simple. so s of later centuries have believed! the first scientist actually to go over Ranked as brilliantly partisan. "The lamp is still burning for my swallow it whole and often the prey-i- "Distinguished a a man to Asia and to discover for himself " It. marked the culmination of that boy'S return." Is the overture of the larger than the snake's mouth. How For great anthropologist, Institution by the U S. of has the meat in it. The result of his ex- clash of politics for which the elder lonely old father. dc they do it? The jaws are connect- who studies the history races, of In- he War Department. and younger Johnson had respectively ed at the rear by an elastic ligament actually discovered some our pedition is, says, proof posltiva In fued own blood now dwell-- that the American Indian Is Asiatic! Loomed In the beautiful Peeoi battled and which their family HAWTHORNE'S PARTNER which permits the reptile, to tem- dians' brothers V alley. 3,700 feet above sea level, had been fanned. HAS BEEN PARDONED porarily unlock its jaws and to make sunshine every day. Ooeu air But now the fires of the old man's the mouth as large as a paper bag. the entire ses- seemed to have work throughout ardent partisanship A will to Rwallow a for Washington, D. C, Dec. Dr. Wil- snake appear 'THE UNKNOWN SOUTHWEST' sion. Conditions physlost been banked. Personal animosities small rabbit or some other animal and mental development are wane. liam J. Morton, who served a term were on the its mouth without even DISCUSSED IN MAGAZINES IDEA L such as cannot be round be so in Atlanta penitentiary with Julian larger than "I don't know why he should il- elsewhere in America. Four- for in its eyes. This is an optical bitter mourned the gov- Hawthorne, complicity mining hatting teen officer and Instructors, all against me," lusion for their are white-haire- stock selling frauds, has been par- eyes always shut, East- ernor's sire. "T want to graduates from standard doned by President Wilson to restore closed by a transparent, lixed ltd The second Instalment of John P. an excellent highway, etc. ern Ten bul'dlogt, forget bygones. The holidays are are of of tho colleges his civil rights as of December ID. This serves two Important purposes' Dod's article on interesting spots in There pictures Indians, modern in every respect. here." of jTo protect the eyes without mission San Domingo pueblo, typi- The estrangement grew up many New Mexico, reached by motorists, re- Regents : the sight and to facilitate the cal scenes in the Apache forest ago. Ii was by di- COUGHS THAT PREVENT SLEEP, appears in the Motor Age of Decemuer B. A. CAHOON, President. years emphasized of raiment i;i sited serves of the White .Mountains and views and ac- These are and If monthly change and is entitled "in the Land of J. E. t vergent political public coughs wearing It, the most attractive of all is RHEA, ding the skin. Pueblo Cliff the probably J. P. WHITE, Treasurer. tivity premised on those opposed they "hang on," can run one down and Dweller Ixinely a view of tho switchbacks on the fa- The snake listens almost allogeiuei Man." JOHN W. PO, Secretary. principles. The father in turn, con- physically and lower the vital resist- City of the Stone Age mous La Hajada Hill. A. and has ance to Mr. Bob with its tongue. The hateful little It is W. F1NLAY. gressman state assemblyman, disease. Ferguson, Mr. Dods, will he remembered, Mr. Dods was one of Cornell's son 319 forked tongue that is always dart- Au- cats-ogo- always been a Republican. The Pine St., Green Bay, Wise, writes: the western of the For particulars and Illustrated to representative famous oarsmen, but he now pushes and the new Pro- "I was troubled with a bad ing viciously is not sting Willi, but tomobile Book He address, espouses champions greatly Blue company. the pen with as much skill as he used cause that which made him cough that me awake lo hear with. and Santa Fe to gressive kept nights. visited Taos recently to pull the oar! He is much W. Two small bottles of doing COL. JAS. WILISON, Supt. governor. Foley's Honey get data for a series of four articles to the world about Tn set and cured New Mexican Want Ads. enlighten motoring the political arena they Tar Compound completely always on what he calls "The Unknown the of the Southwest. themselves versus son me." results. It. glories father like bring Try Southwest." Other Articles. In the article of December 11, Mr. There are other articles of inter- Dods discusses the cliff dwellings and est to Santa Feans. One is entitled other places of interest near Santa "The Cities That Were Forgotten," CROSSED WIRES OF INSANE UNTANGLED BY Fe. The illustrations are attractive which appeared in the November is- and are of the kiva at the Puye ruins; sue of the General Federation of Wo- he walls of the Pecos Mission, built men's Clubs Magazine. CHRISTMAS SCIENTIFIC APPLICATION OF "WATER CURE" in 11117; modern means of reaching Another article entitled "The Res- the second tier of the Puye cliff dwel- toration of the Palace of the Govern- ens the excavaled commu- In lings a ladder; ors Santa Fe," appears In the "EIGHTY-FIV- PER CENT OF INSA NITY CASES INDUCED BY OVERW ORK, STRAIN, GRIEF AND EX- nal house on top of the Puye cliff; Santa Fe Magazine for December. It CESSES CAN BE CURED BY TH E SCIENTIFIC APPLICATION OF W ATER AND HEAT." picturesque arch at old Pecos ruins; is well illustrated with views of the HOLIDAY RATES then the pictures show "Forty Miles exterior and interior of the Old Palace il- South of Albuquerque," a deep cut as well as some snap-shot- s of the De lustrative of road improvement be- Vargas Pageant in Santa Fe. Both tween Santa Fe and Albuquerque; articles are written by Paul A. F. Wal- ONE-THIR- proof that, a creek bed is sometimes ter of this ONE AND D FARE city. HIS TITHE PAYING MONKEY ADDICTED Round Between All TO COCAINE HABIT For the Trip HENS LAY THE MOST! Points on the Paris, Dec. 10. Dr. Marcel Briand Pa Dec. 1 Geensburg, ti Making showed an interesting case last night nts hens tithe or even the bibli-- j going at a of the clinical of cal admonition one better and having! meeting society IN NEW a - A. T.&S. F.R.R. MEX., them n.,v nf the nmrti.ft mental medicine monkey suffer- to the Lord, is the plan adopted by ing from a drug habit. The monkey John Rial, who runs a poultry farm was the pet of a woman cocaine-nea- r the Hvdro-Therap- at the California state for Insane Also to All Points on beina applied hospital Greensburg. jtaker, and the extraordinary feature Dr. Fred P. CI arke, who has cured Some time Kial's hens were at Stockton, Cal., and superintendent, ago noto( thfi case js lat 1je monkey ac. -- t-r l cases this Method. to the standard 185 per cent of the treated by producing just, up andquired the hallij sp0nU,POlmiv ond A. T. & S. F. R. R. IN COLORADO, 111 he decided to a now plan to in-- ' ..,' adopt not by the initiation of his rd.stress.y Is the terror ( "The action of water at varying "water cure" banishing more inclusive. and of the steam and duce them to work diligently. ,Tjle ailimal searches ceaselessly for Trinidad to Denver 'of the asylum. temperatures, The new rule was to the effect The of these has electric baths, equalized the circula- - thatjt)e druf? and snuffs jt up g no9e efficacy agencies of the Rial been known for some time In private tion by stimulation. The muscular Tuesday's output hennery: 25th each week was to he delivered Dates of Sale, December 23rd, 24th, and sanitariums, but they are only now strain about the capillaries is relieved, to the Salvation Army bar-- Coffee in the institu-ithe- y are relaxed and the blood flow is Ipromptly being applied people's racks in 191 Return Limit, tions. normalized. Greensburg. 31st, and Januaay 1st, L The result has been that the biddies intelligence coupled with "Nature is assisted in performing If we coultl send your Ordinary of the Rial farm have afforded no lit- 1914. a substitution of therapeutics for poli its functions and the patient is re- 5th, tle comfort and to ; eoflVe to morn- January tics in the of the insane stored to physical and mental health pleasure Captain you every handling and Mrs. C. K. by the elimination of the toxins. Powell and the many responsible. j wireless wayfarers whom have ing by express "Hydro-therap- is simple," says Dr. "The dull aenemlc patients are stim- they stopping RATES FOR STUDENTS TEACHERS with them from time to time. HOLIDAY Fred I'. Clarke, superintendent, who. ulated and the excited ones quieted. from the mill, it wouldn't In addition tn this Rial the oth-- backed by Governor Hiram Johnson "There is always a practical assur- says er six days of the week the hens lie any fie&lier than it is benefit of Students and teachers tickets will lie and the board of control, has cured ance of cure where the brain tissues For the not been are right up to the standard that they be- 85 per cent of maniac depressive cases have actually destroyed, or wlten the aroma-tigh- t of one and one-thir- d fare for the round you open sold at rate trip here. in cases of inherited mental defects. have adopted In their Tuesday's work. in Xew Coast lines west IVJ are tween all points Mexico, including induced by overwork, "And even such patients quieted tin. (By Jack Jungmeyer.) "Insanity - of on December 19th and 20th on condition strain, grief, excesses and alcoholism, and relieved by the treatments. YOUNG WOMEN: NUMBER SUR- Albuquerque, Staff Special. be- PRISING. certificates front teacher or princi- is caused by a collection in the system "Intelligent interest in human Don't hesitate with ifs that such present 16. e parties Stockton, Calif., Dec. Eighty-fiv- of which the nervous sys- has done it." The number of young women who of the attendance at said school. poisons put ings pal school, showing per cent of the insanity caused tem out of kilter," explained Dr. Tub baths, where the patients lie in suffer with weak back, dizzy and nerv- and buts, try it; if you return limit 5th, alcoholism 2 10 ous dull headache weari- Minimum selling rate, $5.00, January by overwork, shock, grief, Clarke. "The fine nerves on the outer tepid water from to hours per spells, and don't like it lose noth- 1914. or excesses is curable by hydrotherapy surfaces are the first to feel the blight, day; electric light and steam baths; ness is surprising. Kidney and blad you of water der ills cause the scientific application they fail to properly control the blood hot packs; water percussion secured these troubles, but if it's ntoneyback. Pills are taken as di- ing; For call on of the Santa Fe, and heat. capillaries, and the circulation system by playing a spray against the body, Foley Kidney particulars, any agent This startling fact has been posi- is demoralized, and the victim's brain and vibratory treatments are the rected relief follows promptly, and It's easy to buy and easy to demonstrated at the Btate becomes with too agencies utilized. the ills disappear. Contain no habit tively either congested buy. H. S LUTZ, AGENT. hospital here. much blood or aenemlc with too little. Music, recreation, sun baths in the forming drugs. The Capital Pharmacy. - is by- open courts, and a kindly guidance of - - Together with the The former state accompanied Is to to Santa Fe, New Mexico. de- re-- 1 New Mexican H easy buy and easy method of treating, also practiced raving and violence; the latter by the recovering minds complete the Want Ads. always here with remarkable results, the pression and acute melancholia. storation. bring results. Try it try. FE NEW MEXICAN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. PAGE FOUR SANTA

I The mine has one main entrance, of EVERYONE SEE THE neias is sixty per cent or the normal the slope variety, not being entered output, according to figures given out through a shaft. In addition, there WONDERFUL REELS today by local operators. The Colo- i are a number of airshafts. The main rado Fuel and Iron the ' company, larg- slope was completely blocked by the est company operating in the district. news rnnoiiiiced a yesterday ot production to ."...iOO consider it possible, however, j tons, as compared with a daily ellter tlie mine through the airshafts. 'average of ln.ono ions prior to Septem- A reseat: crew from the Colorado Fuel ber 2:;,when the present strike was SCRAPPY JIMMY BURKE WILL BE ASSISTANT TO TRAINER and during the game with the Detroits & Iriu company's mine at Spring j called. Nine hundred diggers are now Ifor baseball's highest honors he hit Gulch, 12 miles from Newcastle, start- j s'lid to be at work In the mines of thi3 'just .164. ed for the scene of the disaster lmme company. The smaller companies j Efforts were made at once to claim to be JENNINGS OF THE TIGERS. Honus Wagner batted .355 during diately. producing seventy percent j of In- the chamnionshiD season of 1003 and secure the services of the government their normal capacity, 100 men, - j 3S out- in the world's series with the Red mine rescue car, which Is now in Wyo- cluding brought in from the side, began work and tbi3 The assistant to the manager idea, , Sex his average was shaved down to ming. yesterday President Brown stated that the morning in local mines. is . Baker has lived up to his regu- by Charley Comiskey, V originated ti Iran mine was enuipped with every habit. ' lar standard in the world's series. becoming an American league modem safety dc ire. lie- - TIG-ERS- PITCHED BATTLE Frank Navin, president of the i N'ews of the mine at Xew-- t as explosion which will be recalled ; MAV troit team, Jl HERES YOUR THE SHEPHERD OF astle was received by telephone at FOLLOW the Tigers of the organization before yW t!ie United States bureau of mines of- - RENEWAL kit- - N& THE HILLS HAS A ' OF FEUD it acquired a disposition like a pet ASSISTANT "ee here. J. C. Roberts, in charge of to - ten, has signed Jimmy Burke assist TRAINER. TRUE SENTIMENT : "'ne rescue work in the Rocky moun- - Springfield, Mo., Dec. IB. Members , Hugh Jennings. j i,uu region is at Cripple Creek, super- ' fjf-- 5M W I of the Collins of .Old Horton Xavin believes Jennings would have some Btrikes a.: intending the. work in connection with family i Occasionally play in Howell whose were obtained better results from the raft onuc county, homes t int r Ufa nut (' Mr allfl true in ictcui lutiv m me tiutucit I him this ntu raided Saturday by feud enemies of of material provided for yearj of the and im- - ':'cle mine. A telegram was at once as did f itlie midst commonplace !and their houses in prepa- had he some one to aid him, : it to him him to barricading presses its auditor with the thought instructing proceed a ac- Sox and Mack j ration for "battle to the death," Callahan of the White it was not written for not to .Newcastle at once, Some ane to the that gain, cording to reports brought here today. of the Athletics. give but because some man 'i he mine bureau also sent orders to instead 'for pastime, Paralee Collins, the young woman youngsters a real trpotit, of; to to other men uen one or us mine rescue crews ! had something say Qf sliown who was lashed and or- satisfied with a "once-- fn.-- Thp eJ m with switches being personal Uind lie took this means of Wyoming. over." expression on th(j mov,e gcreeM at the Elks t0. dered to leave the state, on pain of The ot tne runs, narom i be-- ! Shepherd night and tomorrow night should be death, appeared in West Plains last "The time has come," as others of his Bell Wright's dramatization AMCMnMeMTC Heeu bv everv resident of the citv. night accompanied by Mary Dick Col- sides the Walrus have noted, when iw . novel of the same name, is this kind ti are most. in ... con- lins, another woman who was coachers for major league teams are rney Driiiiant tneir young !of play. .Mr. Wright had felt within TO CURRENCY of the won- - ordered out of the as as scouts. And just as ception and the portrayal county. After sup- necessary soul the peace and beauty of the ot in a themselves with revolv- clubs which first employed good Jiis 122 BILL ALL FAIL dertul story Bulwer is given plying army the hills and he wished to set down their manner will never he ers and the women scouts in the best minor that forgotten ammunition depart- gathered before him. He made a play who re-- to to so have the teams meaning by those witness these truly ed, saying they intended return league players, !that in plot is compelling, one that Washington, D. C, Dee. 16. Guar-- i markable reels. Old Horton and it out.'' which first coaches, getting "fight employed never fails in sincerity. The people antee of national bank deposits as to here ex- best ' The action of those who portray According reports great the results. who move in it are so human that the pan or me new currency sysiem, was vil- j the characters is realistic and the citement prevails in the isolated In proof of this, the Athletics and out for like reached in the senate debate. auditor will pick them today of the drama is beautiful in-- ! lage, and a second visit of the raiders with Davis and Robinson, won led on it. scenery Giants, and dislike as if he really knows benator Brislow the attack the first. would mean a battle. It is ; deed. From the time that pitched pennants this year, and for the White ; Senator Hitchcock presented his ti,onl scene is given in the ancient and bis-- ! said the hand of raiders was made up Sox "Kid" Gleason discovered "Lofty" ! amendment to increase the federal There is the shepherd, the man who toric city all through the fascinating of citizens of the community. Russell and made "Ruck" Weaver a; re- board from seven to nine members, ' came to the hills to learn, and movement of the tragic events, down hall cher-'ishe- one of whom would be the secretary real player. mained to teach; Old Matt, who to the last when the destruction Last season Jim Burke managed of the treasury, but the Democratic day For results, the memory of a wrong that A is there is not a moment quick Fort club of the Central linn tin t.uliEi.H tltu n vn 1, to trn inn Mil depicted, the Wayne could never be righted; Young Matt little to which several kittens held firm and the amendment went " Z "WANT." league, Tiger a Hercules of the hills country, whose tol"""1,1'Ive,edT the those men claim the table by a vote of 35 to 32. cm. were farmed. These they of heart and soul equalled ot ttw in a month strength The senate laid aside the learned more real baseball of his guarantee the will be a VV"1110'1 the strength body; Sammy without a vote, with an . picture under Burke than in their baseball and with the question who have it comes back with to Fort Bane, bright buoyant to take it up again at the to.those lives tip to being sentenced the hill and th" interest and with a pecu- - ivouth of country, night session. ia FAYWOOD" Wayne. characters that enliven liarr'"pedfolce- "THE was other quaint, Senator Walsh defended the bill ) Burke as n major league player ... the with humor. - H will be of ca HIS NEW ASSISTANT TRAINER play against attacks on the constitutional- j long before pictures unfortunate enough to close his HUGH JENNINGS AND JIMMY BUR KE, scene of the Is in the hlpli The play ity of the provision that banks be the character of those offered tonight Yes, I've just returned reer in St. Louis. He has managed hills of the Ozark mountains. The But when it comes to base-- tioiT as Jennings gives to the regulars, compelled to join the new system or and tomorrow night, will be seen again from Faywood Hot Springs several minor league teams and has knowing of the the of ths , mists valleys, glories in Santa Fe. For realism and gripping been for Detroit. ball inside-out- no one has a thing on and when the club divides for the trip give up their charters. and never felt better In scouting every year K iYlP the vistas mm . battle-blu- e 1,n t..M1 lmvi nlititton sunsets, magnificent interest they cannot be surprassed. With his Burke should Jimmy of the red cheeks and ft life. 'Tis and experience summit, have been brought i will be my great, Yannigans. For the balance of the!" HOLD UP MAN IS Two entertainments given prove valuable. He lacks the temper- eyes. wonderful of the at 7:15 and the in the state When to next season he will Jennings on the by the ingenuity SHOT BY POLICE each evening, the first everyone ament of a first class manager, being Detroit goes Gulfport help err ft. ' - out scenic artist and electrician's second at 9. No one will regret see- ought to go there. The to without do- Burke will have of the coaching line and work the young- M- -. inclined explode excuse, spring charge It is the of the land that it them as much atten- - sters at spirit Brook field, 111., Dec. 16. A bandit uieae uiy ttwniifiim leeio. treatment you get will do ing his team more harm than good. recruits, giving daily practice. has caught that makes the Wright w ho held up an automobile near here and the train play one that is unique and one that anyone good, this afternoon was shot by the chief round-tri- p will stand in a field of its own. COAL OUTPUT service and the lion of El Paso and Juarez fight fo- of police of and a a of the Hills" will he LaGrange deputy rate are both attrac- AND HE llowers. "The Shepherd few minutes after the rob- 60 PERCENT OF HICKS CAN'T BOX CAN'T PUNCH, BUT "Fighting" Thorpe of Kansas attraction at the Elks Theater tn attempted over the bery. In an exchange of shots be- tive. City was awarded the decision December 2". The enormous THE NORMAL in the Ruesday, tween the robber and the officers, a Tommy O'Rourke, of Memphis, of the Harold Bell Wright HE MAKES MORE MONEY FIGHTING THAN fifteenth round of a scheduled popularity section hand on the Chicago, Burling-- the engagement 1fi.-C- uU Hot Go. novels indicates that ton and Quincy railroad was seriously Trinidad, Colo., Dec. pro Faywood Springs of this his first will prove a great t'oal on a foul. Tremendous play injured. duction in the southern Colorado MANY NEAR CHAMPIONS. Sunday night popular success. ly unpopular with the crowd, the de cision handed down Ed Stewart, is by 38 ENTOMBED N Without cleverness, without a considered one of the most unjust ver- COLORADO MINE ENGLISH FIGHTER PANS AUSTRALIANS--"THE- Y 'RE punch, without manager, without dicts given at Juarez since the game press agent without anything but wil- was inaugurated in the border town. was half (Continued From Page One.) lingness to "take a beating," Freddy When the fifteenth round CHEAP SAYS MORAN. Detroit is over, Stewart rushed between the prin- SPORTS," What Are Hicks, the middleweight, of bodies had been located by j and O'Rourke towards a number making more money in the prize ring cipals flung the helmet men.' the closest ap- corner, and raised Thorpe's right than George Chip, No trace of tire inside the mine has j OU Worth to a the middle divis- hand in token of victory, claiming that proach champion llniB one of the most j 'a foul had been struck. The decision been found, and ion boasts of. to the entombed men is very nearly precipitated a riot. Ring deadly perils From Hicks is demonstrating there and the rescuers is eliminated. the cash for who will (side speculation varies slightly plenty of boys whether O'Rourke struck The Vulcan mine had been running enter the and take pun- actually ring more than one foul blow. One was to full capacity for several weeks, even if cannot ad- was ishment, they perceptible, but apparently notwithstanding the strike which minister it. The fact that Thorpe declared in the Colorado coal fields himself is, "Well, Vul- All Hicks says of 'jumped two inches into the air in or- - this fall. The strike affected the I them out don't if can't knock you tier that it would hit him in the groin, can mine, with all the other properties me out, do see anyone knocking you?" lis declared by many. of the Rocky Mountain Fuel company, And they never have. No fighter but some of the strikers later went ever made take the canvas Freddy McFARLAND SUSPENDED hack to work, and the places of those up? count; nor has he ever knocked out ' em- - FOR FAKE FIGHT. still on strike were filled by the It is estimated that any fighter with a real reputation. ployment ofv new men. the average man is With to fights for Mm of worth $2 a day from nothing gain Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 16. Packey James Dalrymple, state inspector the neck drnvn what but Ilia willingiies to take a chance, coal to start for New-th- e is he worth from the MeFarland was today suspended by mines, expected neck up Hicks to his bank account : adds by Wisconsin commission for castle at C o'clock this evening, with That en- while boxing depends entering the ring and fighting, in box-- 1 tirely upon training. 71 one year from taking part any three deputies, If are so and ne-- j you trained others are hunting publicity ins contest in this state because of his Rescue Force Leaves, that you plan and direct work you are gotiating. failure to give a satisfactory "per-- Trinidad, Colo., In c. 16. Oeorge T. worth ten times as He doesn't big bouts, but Brit- - the man get any formance" in the bout with Jack i e.ll ti superintendent of the much as those he does him a few hun- ' general who can work only get bring ton in Milwaukee on Dec. 8. Pcckv Mountain Fuel company, and under orders. dreds and he lights as often as he can of The Intarnatlona I On that occasion the largest crowd William superintendent Co rr 3 ptmde net Schools secure This winter he has Morgan, bookings. that ever attended a local boxing tour--; the Piedmont mine of the same com-- 1 l co to the man who is knock-- ! on met Tommy Teagtie, who was disap-- ! strugKliner along nament turned out and voiced puny, left here for Newcastle with ; sniarl pay and say to ed out, November 4; Young Leonard, him, ' Wo will train proval of McFarland's work by jeers of the ; jjf apparatus upon receipt who defeated him at AVilkesbarre, res(.ue you for promotion and cat calls. news cf the explosion. j right where you are, Jim Borrell defeated FREDDY HICKS. we November 14; Not more than twenty men were in or will qualify him December 1, and ? you to take up a at , is belief of the Rocky more congenial lino Dris-col- with Driscoll and IC AMf U MAM the mine the on December fi he defeated Jack l Between his fight DAICD of work at a much is to meet .Vr.Vi ' L Mountain Fuel company officials here. in York. Four in January 1, Hicks booked " !... I higher salary." New fights fan is said to have Every month sev- , Ashe, Buck Crouse and Frank VVnU LUULU UU ,!II jThe ventilating about one month, while the press-agented- George " eral hundred stu- nuts. His been completely wrecked by the dents fighter, boxes about Klaus, all tough earnings voluntarily managed December will total been discovered plosion. report advancement as often in a year. lor November and honors have as the direct result is a dub who Can j cause Not Known, of I. C.S. training. Hicks a need about $2000, yet Hicks whose for j. Franklin Baker, proves defeated fighter - 10 re You need not leave lies In his to made himself so extremely ob io- j Denver, Colo., Dec. Reports work, not quit. In the face of defeats he ability chiefly ability your present lions to pitchers since ceived from Newcastle np to noon by or vour own home. goes along booking bouts. take punishment. major league Mark this coupon at right moved from Reading, Pa., to President D. W. Brown, of the Rocky once and mail it. ,he - Philadelphia, early in September, Mountain Fuel company, gave no in- Franklin timation as to the cause of the ex- - ll ri AJ TUflDDC urtM AC gong to gong in every round until the '1908. It. develops that J. interiatloHl ContsMKcBce Scfcwls a foul wno nas ueen m v uiuui-i- THE TIMES MAN SAW IT iopening of the fifteenth, when is the only athlete piosion uie uicau mine, b Box 888, Scranton, Pa. T seasons a member of the of the company believed that the Please explain, wlthont further oblfffttfan on my claimed by and allowed by for three 1 -- ;vas Thorpe 9 pari, how can qualify lor tba position, tadc, or Series Society of Three sibility of dust explosion was slight, - proleasion before which 1 have marked X. . follow-- Referee Stewart. The El Paso Times gives the who on the that Automobile Electrical men were In excellent condi Hundred Hitters." The man and were working theory Running Wlremao e Both Poultry Fermiog Electrical Engineer account of the O'Rourke-Thorp- on baseball the disaster was caused a Mechanical Draftsman ing tion and showed no signs of fatigue al put Trappe, Md., the by pocket Bookkeeper in w ho Stenographer Mechanical Engineer fight Juarez Sunday: did slow up map also Is the only player of gas. Advcrtiaing Men Telephone Expert lanv time, nor the fight Sbw-Car- d in the base-- 1 been in opera-bal- l Writing Stationary Engineer After fifteen rounds of the fittest at nnv staee. Both men went the has annually hit harder The Vulcan mine has Window Trimming Textile Manufacturing ever in Jimrei! classic than he has in the regular! Hon about a Its re-- Commercial Illuatrst. Civil Engineer fighting witnessed the flttct,n rounds faster than most four year. highest Owen Moran and his wife. Induatriel Deaigning Building Contractor Kan-!rou- 400 most- Architectural Drafts. Architect of pre-sa- s season. corded output is tons a day, arena, Fighting Harry Thorpe Bcra,)per8 g0 through their Chcmiat f Spaoiah Concrete Contlruct'n City, was given the decision over were "Chief" Myers of the Giants had ly railroad coal supplied to the Den- Special") Language J French Plumbing, Steam Fitff jjmjnaries. The fighters both (Staff Banking 1 German Mine Foreman foul to secure the same honor ver & Rio the Colorado Dec. 16. Owen Moran, the arrived lla"an Mine Tommy O'Rourke of Denver on a jn bitterly and seemed to be a chance Grande and San Francisco, Cal., English boxer, Civil Superintendent ;waaing of a .300 to Mr. a of Australia with the finest little last night. From the initial gong to end the bout by the knock-ti- i as Baker possesses, being Midland companies. According recently in San Francisco after tour - . Name the seventh, Thorpe clearly out-!o- route. hitter in three world's series, until Brown, the highest number of men roast ever handed the Australian fight world. He declares that they failed fought the aggressive O Rourke, never his hand was damaged prior to the employed at one time is "3. Mr. to keep their contract with him and that they are cheap sports, anyway, Many Challenges Announced. ' for a moment letting up with telling Btnrt nf the second same for the Brown did not know the number at and that Australia is vastly overrated as a fight center. He warns Ameri- before the of the main! lefts and rights to the head, which Just opening chamuionsl,,D of the world last work at the time of the explosion. can boxers to keep away from Kangaroo land. a convention of brought the blood In gushej fro.ninSh'- prize fighters moll1h McGraw's Indian batted O'Rourke's mouth. innd managers assembled in and about 300 jn tne con(ost with the Ath- - ine every m . . From the beginning of the seventh ring. ieany ,,, d alm,a known to local sports, and many n tide of battle In not!wjth ,ne R(?d gox jn m2. His period the changed to local followers, TO-MORRO- W favor of O'Rourke. In the challenged centage ln the one game he played i opening Thorpe-0'Rourke!tl- the winner of the was charmed minute of the seventh round Thorpe year nderneath the TO-NIGH- go. Among the challengers was!flnrf T MATINEE AND NIGHT Other who have batted THEATRE head which nearly floored the stranser , , c.m .... ,h players and had him on a moment. .300 or better in two world's series hanging for ;by tne nBomcer.t,a, Minor of Photo seemed unable to finish Battling are, besides Meyers, Frank Chance, Geo. Kline's Marvelous Motion Spectacle, Thorpe Tenn., was at the ring side O'Rourke, who Memphis, Frank Schulte, Johnny Evers, Artie quickly recuperated and asked for a match with the win- - - and unloaded a swift left into Hofman, Danny Murphy, .Tack Bar- Thorpe's n of I It hoi nrtta Itloa I VI n lan an.i . .. .m j middle, which caused the Dutchman to "Z Ti ana aale H"a han on to O'Rourke ririn. .hp rP.inoUnCed: Brmtar Baker are only two men who; "THE LAST DAYS OF ana nacnea Ir ian ovation nis 400 POMPEII" muftilnC Tinrt nf thft rnnnri cnaiienge i,avp hit over twice. The Co Romantic-Classi- c with a S1000 Bide bet which was offer lumbia has a A Most Sumptuous Dramatization of Lord Bulwer times the graduate percentage Lytton's Many during succeeding ed by his manager. Jack Ross. A of .429 in 1910 and of .421 this in six reels three O'Rourke was cautioned year. and parts. byjfeit waa placed in the hands of the Baker's 1910 were .409 and for low. figures Referetj Ed Stewart hittin? promoters by Ross. his stick this was .450. made no mention to output year Stewart, however, The Herald's Story. Star batsmen have a habit of VESUVIUS IN ERUPTION THE FALL OF POMPEII Thorpe of his rough tactics in butting The El Paso Herald does not mince down when for the and his around falling games shouldering opponent jmatters but e&yB. world's title are played. "Tip" xne 7.00 9.00 P. M. ring. characterized by fierce, consistent O'Xeill, of the St. Louis Browns ofi NIGHTS, and on was through-outfoug- To-morro- From the seventh Thorpa boxing and continual butting 1SS7, ran up an average of almost 15 25c. w, 3.00 P. M. - M and MATINEE, and outgeneraled by out, and aided and abetted by the ref- .500 during the regular championship Prices, O'Rburke. He kept after his man fromjeree, according to concensus of ppiu-- J season of the American association TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. PACE FIVE

-- M4t-t4t 11 II M ! lilllHIIIH Sure Indications county coiiiinissioners association, ar- AMERICAN NAVY GETS rived yesterday from Dawson lo at j BEEF FROM ARGENTINA iARTS AND CRAFTS! FOR RENT House, Bath flange and Electric Lights of Lung Trouble lend conferences cm tlie (ax assess- Washington, Dec. Id. The recent House. ment situation. .Mr. Shields is at tlie 'action of tlie navy in huy-jin- ARTISTIC XMAS GIFTS Opposite Elks' Opera. Price, per month $40.00 Amonji t lie liulicaiioiis of threatened department House, Bath, Range and Electric Lights. Luiitf TrouliU itnr a loiitinut'ii rouh, DeVarnas. held' from Argentina lias forced fever nml nicht sweats, A fhanue of down Hammered Brass Electric Reading f James A. stale left the price of American Chapelle Street. Price, per month 22.00 iit't en (m'I)k, but It seeing Unit French, engineer packers. Silver Pen- Is nwiloil to is Lamps, Hand Wrought 6- - Room House, Bath, Range and Electric ntMe stop tin npiiKli this afternoon for Ihe I'ecos valley, This shown, the navy department Lights. ftvi-;!i- timl iiri'i'sl tlie of dants. Desk Sets In Hammered Brass mill l ie will McDonald announced bids Washington Avenue. Price, per month 35.00 Mflamin'fj Alterative, nfver many join Governor and today, by just opened Cut- - and Copper, Letter Racks, 7- uf um Is kinnvii tn he most hcne. at 'at various offices from Paper Room, Nicely Furnished House. Palace Avenue years Adjutant General Herring l'ortales Like Scalds or Skin Burns. Ap- competitors Cal- lldnl in brhiuiiijx jilniiit relief, la many Carls-ha- ters, Rocker Blotters, Hammered Three Months, 50.00 vustm recoveries. anil visit Itoswell, Artesia and for domestic contracts for Ihe months (No Children). Price, per month.. t eoniplete Investijialu parently Itching and Burning. endars, Tie Racks, Wisk Broom Hold- Good tliis ese: Sehell rhy, M. with them. This is Air. French's of January, February and March. At House, Furnished, Location, Bath, "HmjiI li'ineii: I hiiil a terrible eoutfli, Cuticura ers. Etched Match Holders, Hammered k biiiL's. first to Kddy Soap and Ointment Norfolk and Electric Lights, Etc. Price, per month 45.00 T nitit sweat and pleurisy in my trip county. .every port, excepting and Brass Bowls and A nmu- - wlui iiearil me eniiUlui; a tl vised Cured Hampton Roads, prices for American ;Copper Trays. me to tnki your Alterative. I paid no Completely. Belt Pins, Bar Pins, Hat Pins, Candle attention lo lilm then. I not ho mil beef were based on ((Pota- LAUGHLIN-MARSHAL- L Argentina made on short Hie tloetor kiiM 1 slmuld to , Sticks. Special orders go Wyoming. It. I). IM..,. 1'iu-t- Oivluml, . - tions resulting in a of several I did. and wlieti 1 mt lln-i- I steadily saving notice. O. C. & CO. ;rev worst. Then I reuieinbereil what WEDDING JAN. 1ST "When my bahy was ahoul the days old thousand dollars. Awards will be WATSON told rovi-nv- t bad been ine about your uiediehit. his ulideuicu lieciiino entirely villi placed for American beef at all ports (C. A. I bean taking it. with no faith what- varyliiu si.c,i blisters which MRS.W. LINDH ARDT BISHOP. PROP.) ever, tint before I had tnkiii three except the two mentioned, those I Invitations have heen issued to wore very bottles, eould eat anyihinir. Fever and painful, causing awards going lo Argentina. 125 Palace Avenue. INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS, SURETY BONDS. s stopfied and for over n ye;w friends of tlie, brido-fo-lie- , announcing very nm:-- distress and 1 have been well and In better health "I'nder tlie old high tariff law," than ever was.' ilit; coining wedding of .Miss Helen rJ'liey appeared very nnu-l- like senilis or skin burns said Secretary Daniels, "this sa vine THE MAN WHO NEGLECTS HIM- tAllidavitl. W. K. itOMAR. Laiifrhlin and li. M. Marshal! on Tlinrs-- j Phone, 189 J. A hove inure on request.) apparently and burn- not be al'fecled. but the recent SELF. Krkinan'H ive hat been iclay, 1st, 1 !1 4, at. 6:110 p. in. jcould Altera! proven hy January ing. The t);ui(lH tho bill im- to test t be moat (' lieneious (democratic tariff allows tlie When his condition points kidney 1 many years' tit the church of the Holy Faith in. 1 9 San : Santa Fe. New Mexico- - Throat rnd A f!Mt A blitTs, causin,' srwes. ion of fon-tg- .;.--. Back Francisco St., for severe hinis i'int ' portal m", fro of trniih!' takes an unwise risk. litis A to the I a ne,,(l.,i-ani- l .ifter-- Itronehitls Jiroinliiiil Asthma. Stubbnrn city. reception happy, tried duty," ache, pain and soreness over the kid- Colds and in mihiiUiliinr the system. will he held after wards ettier remedies but ti,n sores t Contains no nareotii-s- poisons or couple immediately nervous or dizzy I t I i ! I worse. lasted abeut six works beforo neys, spells, poor H t dni?s. Ask for booklet telling 'the ceremony at the home of the They dis- to 1 used It will not pay you to waste sleep, are all symptoms that, will of recoveries, nml write Krkman ;1, ride's while still Cutieui'a ointment. After washing yout rhiladelphla, Vi,, for evi- parents, (he further time with use of Tahoralory, - the irritated well with Culieura Suap wrting out forme appear the regular Foley dence. Tor sale by all U'mliui; druKgista announcement is made that the new- parts legal and unplviini the Cutioura ttintment ho re- v. hen can Pills. Hit the will he at home after Fehfttar.v you get them already prfnl Kidney They kidneys ind by Zook'R Pharmacy in Santa iyweds ceived almost, si ant, relief, and euro was at the New and bladder in a and at Nevada. Tlie bride-- jet! Mexican Printing corn-- clean, strong lst Yerliiftton, complete in srven or eight days." (Signed) Sold to-b- pauy. healthy condition. by The Capi- is the eliarniiut; daughter Mrs. J. li. Kolloy. Dee. I, lit J at Phnrmacy. i.ludiie and Mrs. NT. B. LaiiKhliii of this; PERSONALS city, is a Santa Fe girl, and recently, TO REMOVE DANDRUFF completed her education at Smith col Prevent: fallinit hair, remove crusts and IN SOCIAL CALENDAR. lege. .Mr, Marshall is a young - scales, and allay itehing and irritation of sBEAR MINDs December. neer of promise, whom a number of the scalp, frequent, shampoos with Cmu-ur- DOLF GOODS GO,1 Heap, assisted occasional with SELIGIN Tuesday Dec. 16, Wednesday, Dec. Santa Feans had the pleasure of meet- by dressings Cuticura Ointment, alTonl the speediest, and H 17 on the occasion of a visit here Last Days of Pompeii (moving ing most, economical treatment. assist In THAT WE HAVE A GREAT MANY some time ' They pictures) lit Ells theater. ago. pi'omutliu! the growth ami beauty of tho FOR Thursday, Dec. 18. Dance at the hair by rcniuvittK those conditions wldelj ARTICLES SUITABLE Elks club. ROOSEVELT STARTS FOR tend to make It dry. thin, and lifeless, often THI to WEEKS SPECIALS Tuesday, Dec. 23 "Tlie Shep- HUNT IN JUNGLE. leailing premature grayness and loss of hair. Cuticura Huap and Ointment sold herd of the Hills," drama, at Klka Kio Dec. T6. Theodore Janeiro, everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed READY-TO-WEA- - MEN'S AND BOYS' R Roosevelt on his arrival at Porto Amr- free, with Skin Hook. Address nost- - Christmas Presents! Tuesday, Dec. 30. .Miss Claude near the Paraguayan boundary card "Cuticura, Dipt. T, .' bright, mezzo soprano, and nor com- - 'aboard a Paraguayan gunboat, was Men who shave and shampoo wit li Cu BURS AND OVERCOATS ticura Soap will (hid it,be-- seuln. ARTICLES OF MERIT THAT WILL will give concert at Scottish ceived by a P.razilian commission, ac- - l forslannnd All Wool Blue for Men, worth $18. Kite Cathedral, (S: ISO p. m.) icording lo a dispatch from that place j" Serge $U.95 MAKE A GOOD, SENSIBLE GIFT! Wednesday, Dec. 31. New Year's 'and the entire party proceeded to Co- - WATCH OUR WINDOWS, jlCve Dance at De Vargas hotel, the- - Irumbia. From there the Koosevelt WALL STREET. gins lli.'io p. m.) party will make an early start on a 2J0 5AN FRANCISCO ST., MHONE 180. hunting expedition. .New York, Dec Hi. liesislance iSMl Mrs. n. J Palen will not be at home) UiU'r lnn expedition will divide into the market to the outbreak of li.- - - tomorrow. .two sections and penetrate tin; title- ictat ton in new quarters pointed to a not it is mat mo ,.,.,,,. t,. . tool ('. B. Stubblefietd. the oil salesman panics in, iit;,in ,i i.h ;rWiBffrBgigiH ggMiii" 'i mil Hill remain in ine lor a uroiiiu to a mji of Las Vegas, is at the .Montezuma. jungle .eventually gradual advance. The 1 INSL'kE WITH IIAVWARD AND RDST CONTENT. ""l'"-'"- i in . . decline Illinois Central ami V. V the wen' know,, Hon. ",B.."" early Kht. 'iino l lie otner, unaer me direction ot Ot hi rr ve.r closely held stocks illMlleneed salesman, is uere on ousiness. icolonel Hnosevell will descend one Of 1,1,,. , , , . & Co. Oeoriie V. , ,. h ano 01 Fe Ciilesnie. " prices Hardware asRessor of!.,I, IH Ml IH I I Pt J U Santa Supply ' IT vr Iliil tvilll f. il it many issues mounted a or more Colfax county ia in Santa Ke lor the as far as the Madeira. There the point jiii short orders. Reports of a belier INSURANCE j day. parties will meet and proceed togeth- in - Everything In Hardware. P. N. Sanchez, assessor of jtone Ihe steel market and the de- Unless own 1 deputy er to Manaos. crease in you property that cannot burn j Mora county, arrived in lite Inst Kuropcau popper supplies city furnished a or blow see LUUWIU VM. ILFELD,' H. WiCKHAM evening. basis for bullish opera-- ' away, but on Airs.' J. W. Collier, of Agua Kria jlpins, trading the long side was B. street, entertains the V. C. T. U. this THEWEATHER jnol active. New Haven rose and JOSEPH HAYWARD, MANAOISR. afternoon. American Telephone 2 not Uonds were firm. NOW, and AFTER the disaster. Hoy Waller, assessor of Kddy coun- A flurry of snow visited Santa Fe at is in tlie for the of 8:55 o'clock last and lasted for I Prices reacted all around later. New ty, city meeting night Rooms 8 and 9, Capital Bank Santa Fe, N M. the assessors. an hour and five minutes, the total 'Haven lost its gain and lie Hill shares City Building AI. 'turned heavy. .Mrs. McMina and Miss McMina, snow fall amounting lo 0.01 of an IF IT'S EALlSTAf E.;TlA W ARQ fUS IT. - Weakness oT saHENRY KRICK&- of St. Louis, are sightseers registered Inch. Last night was cloudy with dif- Canadian Pacific held the market in chock it DISTRIBUTOR OF at the JJeVargas. fused moonlight through stratus of when showed some inclination to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee returned to clouds. harden. Tho market closed LEMP'S KEG and BOTTLE BEER tlie city last evening after a The range of temperature yester- firm. After' spending had in few days in day was from 21 at at 5:20 a. in. In prices a hesitating! BUDWEISER IN BOTTLES Albuquerque. the Gits Mulholland of Gallup, assessor 45 at 1.25 p. in., average relative hum- fashion, market turned dj'tlnifely Manufacturer of all kinds of Soda Waters made from Pure Distilled Absence of (lis-- ! of Gallup, assessor of MeKinley coun- idity, 54 per cent. upward. the recent water. for Manilou Spring Mineral Water. is ill the The temperature at 8 a. in. today quieting liquidation fncilital 'd the Agent ty, city. rise. TELEPHONE 35 J Santa Fe, New Mex. Guy Herbert, the Chaves county as- was 27 in Santa Fe. in other cities sessor, is in the city today for the II was as follows: meeting of the assessors. Amarillo, 30: Bismarck, 22; lioise, j SUFFRAGETTES SET Eugene Kempeiiich, chairman of tlie 28; Cheyenne, 10; Dodge City, 30; Uu- FIRE TO CHURCH. board of county commissioners of tango. ii"; rlagstan, is; Grand Junc- Liverpool, Dec. 10. The suffragette Valencia county, is in the city today. tion, 28; Kansas City, "8; Lander, 12; arson squad today did extensive dam-- .Max Keliler, assessor, and Frank Los Angeles, 48; Modena, 18; Oklaho- age to St. Anne's church here. The; Lojorquez, one of the county commis- ma. 40; Phoenix, 48: Portland, 32; stalls on the south side of the church THE sioners of are in Pueblo, 18; 24; were destroyed by a organ-'4- . STAR BARN Siena county the Rapid City Roseburg, splendidly W. A. WILLIAMS, - - PROPRIETOR. city. 34; Roswell, 32; Salt Lake, 32; Sim 'l crew. J Colonel E. W, Dobson, well known Francisco, 44; Tonopah, 28; Williston, Knlrance was gained through a GENERAL LIVERY attorney, is here on legal business. 20: Winnenmcca. 18. stained glass window which tlie Incen-- ' He came up from Albuquerque last Local Data. diaries smashed. '''he Lines. Re- night. Highest temperature this date last usual suffrage literature was Hack and Baggage Entire Stable - 3(1; 23. this scattered about the lo indicate J. A. Stump, assessor, and C. L. IJub- year, lowest, Extremis place -- 1 41 in that Ihe Are was intended as a pro-jtes- t ffk'h stocked. Best Rigs you can get. bard, member of the county commis-- ! liltp, years record, highest, ;t .wTTffliirr 1 I sioners of Luna county are in the i 171 ; lowest, 7 in 1878. against, the government's treat- rwiri SADDLE POMES. TWO AND FOUR tiORSE OUTFITS. PROMPT SERVICE. 'city. Forecast. ment of Mrs. Pankhurst. For Fe Snow Phone 139. 3 1 0 San Francisco St. Fred Lambert, former mounted po- Santa and vicinity: liceman, and now in the Itidian'serv-ice- , ind colder tonight; Wednesday gen (' departed for a visit to tho north- orally fair, U'p i iliin yon o find ern pueblos today. For New .Mexico: Tonight and Fred B. Heyn, assessor, and M. H. eunesoay cloudy, probably rain of t letter etii'i Hum Sell i &E50LVED Springer, one of the commissioners of "now. Conditions. J t You With Bernalillo county, is in the city for iny's lit ; or ns fit That if deal. the county officials meeting. Tup ttorm area is central this morn-- , uaro-- OUR LIBERAL A. P.. who has been in j mS over nortnern Arizona, ine the MOHCE Renelian, price. 1 'r 1 Kansas City for the past few days metric pressure increasing rapidly METHODS WILL HOLD is M OtK'X'l it-- looking after legal matters, is expect- - j north and east. Much cloudiness . at your led to return on the evening train. reported from-th- plains region, the NO is Yourtkade. Colonel W. S. Hopewell, slockgrow southern Rockies and southwest, and grocer's, our elinlleilS'p. -- Caw a er and vice president, and general man- precipitation has occurred in north-ler- Body hold In I Hi, Sib and i ager of the New Mexico Fuel and Iron Texas, New Mexico, western Colo 21Ib Iier-- To IN Utah. Your Gift To 0r Him CAUDLE VS company, is here fronie Albuquerque. rado and eastern Temperatures leans; cleanly granulated. t over eastern of OUR LINE The many friends of "Mike" Stan- are higher the slope t the Rockies and the but ton will be glad to learn that he has southwest, Von r little eiil or buy has a miltirnl I'm- music. Are von in the Salt Lake ijij'l till inclined downward '.' been improving and has been up and it we've and over Pacific. Con- H. S, KAUNE CO. sptiiiiitti (Sot troops about his room during the past week. basin the North 8 Dr. James A. Massie who has been ditions favor a continuation of snow When slic latins or sins ai piny, is merely expressing this and colder weather tonight; Wednes- All in attendance on the railway surgeons Where Quality Governs Ihe Price natural jjift her talent. children have this pit'l for music. convention at El the day generally fair and continued cold. Paso, Texas, for Soinel imes pin-cut- develop it. Often tliev starve it. past week, returned to the city and Price the Quality Oftener it it with a a HOTEL ARRIVALS. still, they spuil spoil pour piano John J. Herring,- - assistant district piano "fj'oorl win ugh to practice on." attorney in the first district, returned The uitlma lmn;s of n the car. The delicate to Santa Fe last night after an ab- De Vargas. cheap piano spoil sence of several weeks in San Juan W. A. Ueuer, Denver. Tnanksgivjng Day brain cells which register sound, pick up the habit of untrue sound county, his former home. J. B. Hickey, Albuquerque. j a habit, which they caiiimt unlearn. You know how a singer SI. McMina and St. l.otiis j Harvey M. Shields, president of the daughter, with a "poor car'' sings oil' the key and never faiuu-- it. .). W. Roberts, Albuquerque. P. S. Berryniau, San Pedro. Manners Yet from a ynod piano the ear will just as readily pick up true A LITTLE HOME Mike Gonzales . sound habits habits which mean rrfniv.mcnt and luste. - John J. Hearing. Aztec. X3 ,.,V a, iF- FOR YOUR FAIRY Develop your child's natural ;he her a chance for a . M., Farmington. Thanksgiving Days are gilt. true musical education on a It will mean S. Hopewell, Albuquerque. days of good cheer--o- f ex- good piano. happiness K. in after life a career. Will it all be "JIM CHACKS" W, Dobson, Albuquerque. tra good Yes, and popularity perhaps YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY, SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS WE .1. A. Trinidad. living. Christmas morning or will it be some- Smith. CAN SELL YOU UNTIL YOU VISIT OUR STORE. BRING IN THE WHOLE H. M. Dawsou. right here you'll now find thing to make the whole family Shields, Learnard-Lindeman- n FAMILY. WE HAVE SOMETHING THAT WILL PLEASE EVERYONE OF G. M. Gillespie, Raton. extra good to The Co. THEM. happy? things eat, Will In the New Year with . B. Ruby, Alamosa. in extra real YOUR FRIENDS WILL APPRECIATE SOME SENSIBLE you start variety at Is the place to buy a time honored instrument. What better USEFUL, a determination to eliminate the C A. Carruth, Antouito PRESENT, SUCH AS WE CAN SELL YOU, MORE THAN A FANCY TRIFLE E. C. thankful prices, Christmas to of rich beau- "COST OF HIGH LIVING" and Ve,lten, Chicago. gift your boy or girl than one our toned THAT WILL SOON BE WORTHLESS. put .1. H. in a little home of Flick, Chicago. tiful We have a which can afford to your savings your H. G. Come first pianos. plan by you give your home? Green, Chicago. WOOD -- DAVIS G. 15. child just such a this Christinas to give him or her a good - Winston, Chicago. gift HARDWARE COMPANY. In a- few you will have Turkeys of course years spent R. AV. i for rent and liv Spiegel, Chicago. musical education now, instead of waiting until yon have saved PHONE 14. "IF IT'S HARDWARE WE HAVE IT." PHONE 14 enough "superfluous" B. Peralta. up to have for a little villa all Kenyemie, CRANBERRIES, ing paid t P. Kaiiut, Denver. for it. No matter where yu live a small payment down will put your own. Quit kicking about hard Montezuma. . FRESH a and do a OYSTERS, new piano in your home. times and high living tittle C. E. Lewis. Las for Vegas. reasoning yourself. Roy S. Waller, Carlsbad. FANCY HOME GROWN CELERY, out if are not Figure you largely C. L. Hubbard. Deming. to blame for the same com- CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE, COUPON. STATES BANK things you .1. A. Stump, Deming. JJNITED 8 TRUST CO.; plain about. F. C. Shellhart, Albuquerque. SWEET POTATOES, A man told me the other 1? X I 1 K M A day that Mr. Sullivan, Hagan.- LEA AI? X X X COM PA X Y , could never i he get ahead, that he had Frank J. Tipperary, Ireland GRAPE FRUIT, a to Ivan, I Does a General Business. big family support. Albert H. Clancy, Tesuque. Albiiqnerijtie. Xew Mexico. Banking man is hun- This making about two (. B. Armstrong, Roswell. ORANGES, GRAPES, jlMtllMIIHIllllllllltllfltitiltllltllMltltlltlllllllllllHllltMIIIIIIIMIIItllHlltlllllllllltlHIIIitMllfc dred dollars a month and his large Dr. Alamosa. Send ine full information about Herriman, TABLE RAISINS. your easy Inning piano flock of children spend more each Miss Alamosa. Young, plan. Your year for candy, gum and other JIM Mrs. Alamosa. z Patronage Solicited Thatcher, CRACKS than it would take to meet F. M. Bojorquez, Sierra ' ""'"MIIMHlHMllMlMMnilllH IIIIMIIIIII1 OIIIMIIiniKII lllllir County. the payment on his home. MEN and iDr. Tannus, City. WOMEN; it's to KAUNE N. B. LAIGHI.IN, President. . JW. E. GRIFFIN, Cashier. up you. N. M. Farrah, City. H. S. 8 GO. Addvess See Phillip M. Sanchei, Mora. J. B. LAMY, t. "TOWNSEND," C. B. Stubblefield. Las Vegas. Where Prices ar The Real Estate Man. E. H. Little, El Paso. Bst Xmas window , display. Guy H. Herbert, Roswell. ;.' l or 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sf Oualitv II4MHHMIH I tHHIIHI 1 1 1 IM IM 1 H-- PAGE SIX SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA. New Mexican Santa Fe RANCH, IV. 1VI. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Santa Fe Postofflce The Santa Fe New Mexican Published Dally The New Mexican Review English Weekly El Nuevo Mexlcano Spanish Weekly The New Mexican Printing Co., Publishers HI 15 me ur mil caarjuiALa ur ig Branson M. Cutting President ytf Charles M. Stauffer General Manager 'iiL,iJl'xl Modern Banking J. Wight Glddlngs ?ditor 0 The This bank has given time and money without stint to make the greatest The most beautiful time of the entire year on the Upper Pecos, provision for the convenience of Its patrons, so that they may transact their in all with the maximum of SUBSCRIPTION RATES conditions are ideal for Horseback Tennis banking business its branches facility and the Riding, Hunting;, minimum of trouble or annoyance. mall 15.00 Dally, per quarter, mall 11.25 Dally, per year, by iy out-do- or oarrler 1.B0 all Its large, banking room, easy of access, its Dally, sis. months, by mall 12.51 Oally, per quarter, by Playing and sports. monthe .80 safety-deposi- t Its and its for the work Weekly, per year C1.00 Weekly, six I vault, storage spaces arrangement of the employes admirably fit us for the prompt and efficient despatch ot --N Booklet Free on Request all business entrusted to us. In addition to conducting its business in accordance with approved THE VALLEY. RANCH, VALLEY RANCH, NEW MEXICO. banking principles, it has been tested by more than forty-thre- e years of ex " All of News " perience, si lira - i : Today's Today thou-centr- SHE HAD HIM, ALL RIGHT. certain papers which a man in the one to whom they have paid part of the state possessed, sands of dollars, and had done busi-The- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SANTA EF had to be in Chicago at a certain Iness with from childhood. Last Sat-hou- r Ward and the present recipient of the'tirday Montgomery died, aged CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS. was S245.000.00. Wilson photo was the one to get them 'seventy years. Mr. Ward the He or-a- n PHONES: to the point of deliverv. He started in original mail order merchant. auto and the thing gave out on him ganized the firm of Montgomery Varl OFFICE 286 EDITORIAL ROOMS 31 as an of BUSINESS as they have been known to do. He; Co., adjunct Grangers, Wl tn walk to the next town, and did. icn was a secrei socieiy composing 'farmers in He could not get a rig to drive him the northern and western in was THE REASON WHY.1 on from there and so walked to thejstafes, whose whole object life is the fact that the to put the middleman out of exist Oiip thins that is becoming more and more manifest next. That was rigless too, and so he common peou.e, reach- ence. The Grangers waned, but the people i.i iVMMl States, that is, the everyday continued his walk. At last he as in the: firm of Montgomery Ward & Co. pros- thinking less every day of the parly proposition being necessary ed the railroad and eventually he got a pered. It had discovered something of the government and are thinking more that there is mgucx to Chicago, almost dead from the running new in merchandising and something fatigue of the winter walk, wearing a The Montezuma took with the and it Hotel to attention of the eiti.ens of this state with great and with Insufficient cloth- that people, grew This is brought the plug hat Into an immense establishment under SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. when we are face to face with the conditions that a all the force at the present time ing and carrying handbag his watchful and will commonwealth. It was an but care, probably the confronting this way. quite experience, continue to be one of the mer of the salaries of the officials and the question ot taxa worse than a lot of us have had in great THE TRAVELING MAN'S HOME This is the matter no establishments of the of discussion at the present time in the state it was a chandising lion which is the main topic our lives, though plenty. world. His scheme was not heard of the loy- patented, Cuislnt and Table Service Unexcelled. Rooms en suit with of New Mexico. Well, Wilson just and other firms followed him in fact at the present time that the cause a and many It has become a well recognized alty of the man through friend, the line of and private baths. Electric light, Steam Heat, is the failure of the legislature o act I know particular business, of the condition which we are facing so sent his photograph. don't discovered Central Location. when the officials were doing all they hut I would marketing by mail, by ut the time it should have done so, and how the recipient felt, Ward will be a to some that, would a box of or some Montgomery always could to get the members of that body give legislation "I'm sorry to tell you, m'm that I'll rather have cigars fnrna fn printond wltli In flia mnp. Large Sample Rooms. THOS. DORAN, , would not Prorpietor. be of benefit to the state. be leaving you next week. I'm going thing of that kind photo !chanmsing trade.-Lords- burg at the dictation of Liberal. When the salary bills were up lor action the members, to get married.'' appeal to me. In of amount Governor Made Friends. the bosses refused to regard any compromise the matter the "is that so, Anna? Who Is the The Gossiper. i re- The W. C. fc- of salaries and stood pat on the one bill, or practically the one bill, utterly man?" It was a pitiful story that came speech of Governor lucky Dom- to consider else. "He's a from Chicago the other day when a Donald at the banquet of the fusing anything was policeman.'' That record is so well understood that it is useless to recall it. It And what is his name? girl committed suicide because the gos ing Chamber of Commerce Tuesday be considered him a convert to the the talk of the slate at the time. The only question to "I but I've his sip had been too keen and the poor evening proves Cafe INSURANCE The don't know yet, got Wilson idea of The Majestic was the one of politics and the effect of certain action on the party. girl had been talked about by those publicity. people to number." can and must be salaries must be such as the office holders wanted and the bosses must see probably no better, if as good, as' she. trusted with the did not of It that these wishes were regarded and the puppets in the legislature This is the word she left: knowledge governmental activities, THE SANITARY I and not? FIRE, LIFE, dare to to orders. "I am a coward, but a person not why They pay the bills, go contrary THE BYSTANDER and it is but That was the situation and that is the reason we are, at the present time, even worthy of the name of coward, right that the employer SHORTOBDER RESTflURHNT I PLATE GLASS is reason AS SEES should demand an account of the em !n the embarrassing position of being practically bankrupt. That the IT. is the cause of this." we a tax law that one is a ployed. Governor McDonald madt REGULAR MEALS. The Best be f why the officials are shy on pay. That is the reason have In state, Wisconsin, there That Can Bought ciraiMut d'ABKinhifr find law hn3 more friends in in seven min- is a farce and thai no one can understand. That is the reason that we are the Deming AT ANY PRICE al- - utes a few words than he ever Open Day and Night. g N'o after homes want to come to a state where been enforced in two instances by losing in population. seekers More Blessed, in is we have been ridden once a woman, which 'could have made a thousand years Best Equipped, Most Modern. Take no on the conditions are as they are here. It because party One of the which is charac- ready, against chances either we not recover until we throw things was, of course, to be accord of sharp political scheming. He came when that we are in the present condition and will old of Santa Ke is expected, a small amount will give of teristic of the city to the of the world, right out from the shoulder with the Special Dinner Parties. off the collar and vole our own interests regardless those ing gossippers you the that political parly the annual contribution to the ones of a as conditions which confronts an honest protection you of few. since we knew such thing and when do in- the who are tn need and who have noth- time administration of the finances of New need, you use n gossipping, and that was in the ROMULO LOPEZ, PROP. ing to loolt forward to at this season time Mexico, and told why he had made an I surance get the best, as it is of Eve, I imagine, and the other - - - in raj SANTA FK, NEW MEXICO. the and FROM VIEW. when the many are engaged the the offense was committed by a man, uncompromising stand against the old cheapest, PASSED a time. order of mint bed at the white house which was brought into prominence preparations for happy who has been considered too busy to things. Deming people like ALWAYS SEE That that are not at the trial of the Roosevelt libel suit at Marquette, Aiicuigan, a iew mumi.o There is always the thought of gossip or not: to care for such frivol system. Deming people hide-boun- and is to and which has been one of the adjuncts of the home of the president something to help and to bring com- ities. partisans, it safe iimHiiania awoBiin ago. say that each local state official will cms FRANK M. for and from the time of Jackson, who is said to have planted fort. This is true of other cities, too, This gossip is the most insiduous JONES, years years, lend his support to the administration I it himself, has irone into innocuous dessuetude. and is not alone confined to this place, thing in all the world and the victim Office United States Bank Buildinr in its fight against and In- I Salle Hotel It has been buried from sight and Is no longer one of the delights of the but it is a pleasure to note, as each of it is absolutely without defense as corruption La (FIRST FLOOR) efficiency in office. Deming Graphic. white house grounds and no longer from the garden will come to the nostrils year rol'3 around, and the Christmas he does not know when the gossipper i who has the Insur- the the odor of those what he is There 1 purchased of the inhabitants of the mansion and visitors therein, fragrant season comes, this thought is abroad and saying. 5t!5' ance Business of the L. A. which recalls one of ihe most delicious beverages that has ever been concoc- who are needy and to whom the day is such a thing as the natural chat that not at cor- CHARLEY GANN, Harvey Agency. Strong lines, ted by mortal man. would be nothing if it were lor goes on every day and every CAMPAIGN TO LIMIT I Prop'r is not good companies, good We are becoming a nation of iconoclasts, and the things that have so the thought of others. Each season ner and club and society. It protection of considera- in long been sacred are no longer regarded as being worthy any the Elks, true to their name of the alone the sewing society, either, European Plan. as a it is tion. We shatter the Idols and the beliefs of the past with a reckless abandon society of benevolence, take care of you understand, and rule CLOTHESFUND Meals At All Hours. and care not whose hands have builded or set out those possessions that those whom they may know of, and not of the kind that goes to the very Elegant Rooms in Connec- - with the poison that the real i have been, in the past, deemed almost holy. bring into the home of many a cheer (heart tion. Steam Heat, ) venom e WOODY S STAGE LIN E We have regarded the mint bed at the white house as a harmless which would be otherwise missing. gossip puts into the that ' Electric and always MONEY ROOT OF Lights Baths, g and j him. IS THE ALL DIVOR thing and one that added to the pleasures of life in the national mansion, same action has, for years been capes was for the of a mint and that it woman's of The girl in Chicago had been the RATES: 75c and $1.00 PER DA V. From we did not think that it alone mixing julep taken by the board trade, NOT ESTABLISH A g 1 to as a menace to the of the true gossip who had CESWHY would be one day regarded as a thing be despised and an organization builded on the idea subject MUSIC for DINNER and SUPPER 1 BARRANCA TO TAOS head of national affairs. and ever gone so far that the object of it could sobriety of the officials who are at the of progress and advancement MINIMUM WAGE FOR WIVES 241 San Francisco Street. R be used in a innocent 1 see no out 10 conuovBit ie Meet Both North Soutk We thought the mint might now and then perfectly on the alert to add to the attractive-- way e.. Near S. W. Corner Plaza, home-mad- e to name and the result was THEY j and harmless way in the flavoring of apple jelly or candy, and ness and the advantage of the Ancient jdone her HAVE NO FIXEO VALUE IN Bound Trains. one comes to many a one who j m other that do not come under the head of dangers to the health and the City. the that 'mmmmmmmm mmmmtl Leaves Barranca on the el tilings met with and ECONOMICS. arrival decorum of the high officials of the nation. are the that has seeming disgrace These things ones tell, cannot the of it. There the north bound train ana arrives ei It have been left as a reminder of the men who have gone and who to face misery might and which are make the day which in Taoa at 7 m. of the and out as one ot the is enough of trouble the world, p. enjoyed the delights decoying mint, pointed we all recognize as the great one of (By Nixola Greeley-Smith.- ) for the anyway, without these bitter attempts Ten miles shorter than other relics of the Andrew Jackson period, and never used as a product the whole one to be remember- 1913, the What's the any year, at: injury of the character of another. (Copyrighted by Newspaper Good covered hacKi table and (he flavoring for an intoxicant. ed those who are in want as well as Knterprise Association.) way. and oe by There is one way to escape the gossip, teams. Fare $5.00 round Teemi It have been left as just a bit of perfumery which the breezes the ones who have plenty, and to be A campaign is now being conducted World trip. might though, and that is to keep away from DoinK? furnished commercial men to take in of summer would waft into the open windows of the white house, but it may rendered a of blessing and cheer. in Italy to limit by law the amount day the very appearance of evil, or cause the towns. Emhuui would as a and for this reason should be All of that are in of which women on their surrounding Wire be that this be considered temptation the organizations for gossip. money spend As you glance through your of clothes! itatlon. removed. existence for the purpose making favorite daily newspaper you mixed should be to as At all events the white house mint bed is a goner and mint juleps, Christmas what it In support, of the movement, an Ital- get a pretty fair glimpse of the as it is to AMONG THE EDITORS. from its fragrant product have faded into the past. many families possible ian writer, Beatrice Matneri, has un- day's tragedies and comedies. from now on till o reach, will be busy earthed the fact that In 1700 the The newspaper brings the of the dawn Christmas Barn the hour of Sabe, Bud? Cenovese republic prohibited the whole world' to your door and Espanola Livery THE DIFFERENCE.1 morning. The Goodfellows will be The world owe you a living. of dresses made of colored of may wearing holds it up like a great framed as to the probably early approach the in the work are or em- - LEESE & LOFTUS, PROPS. Although reported apathetic happy they doing; Bud, but, take it from us, you will have silk, lace, of gold and silver picture. rebel forces and the overturn of Huerta, 23,00 inhabitants of the the Red will be prospective Stocking brigade busy to do some tall hustling to collect the But do you give the advertis- of Mexico the other filled to overflowing the ampitheater in which in what it la to ac- City day and Joyous going debt. Portales Herald. columns-thei- r value Good Teams, Kicrs and and Ganona, the idealized Mexican who is a ing proper rselmonte, the famous Spanish matador, complish; the quiet worker, Look What Happened. as a news factor? an exhibition of their skill in sticking a dumb beast. will be mus- Drivers at all times at bullfighter, gave veritable Santa Claus, having An eastern man shaved oft his Do realize these are seat was the aisles were crowded and hundreds stood upon the societies you that Every taken, the time of his life, and tache and was bitten by his pet dog. the modern ambassadors of live and let live roofs. are time and and Look to Samson. prices. that giving thought what happened commerce, to the The at the effort of bringing you Closest Route to Cliff What nn interesting study in psychology this. government labor to the making others Springer Stockman. news of and achieve- Dwellings. or a in much progress imminent peril of its very life not being their government, thing glad, will be getting as enjoy- As It Should Be. ment? are the folks are content to let it take its chance ment as the of the favors. We announce with much pleasure SATISFACTION GUARANTEED which they interested, recipients The advertising tells you of do We are out, in this as in so that the pussy cat which lo "let George it." finding Washington the rug woven in the Orient, the enter- other that the teachings was decorated by its owner with a Phone Livery. : : : Espanola, N. The bullfight, however, is their affair in that it affords thrill and many things, shoes made at your door, the of Book are that it is, thousand-dolla- r collar has run away tainment; so to the bullfight they go with the liveliest anticipation. The true, and in the more blessed than to and taken the collar This is gowns designed Paris, We, too, like thrills and entertainment: and expend on them a great deal indeed, to give along. in as it should be. Raton furs caught Alaska. more and a great deal more money than we do upon government, receive. exactly Range. interest True And speaking of good news, Superb which ordinarily runs along as our agents, our Georges, determine. No, Thank You. Hospitality. are the Christmas no Albuquerque formally extends the you watching Rut let peril threaten, visible, spectacular, concrete peril, and bullfight There was a time when the greatest j advertisements in The SANTA Chocolates s glad hand to all Mexican refugees could hold us every mothers son and every mother daughter would be could be a person wa3 MEXICAN. Not thing that given who have the pesos to reach that far. FE NEW many on the ir't of defense. If a wanted to AH other chocolates seem a photograph. friend Incidentally it may be reasoned that days left for holiday shopping! our And that makes all the difference do he knew how and For, U'ideriieath, it is government. the best thing if they have that much they have some once to an extra show just ordinary after you in the world. wanted make good more. Some system to such hospi --0 he would send or a ing bring picture tality as that. Roswell News. try . They are just us one the of himself. Put I thoueht this kind ol effgr Pecos Valley newspapers inform that Whit Wright, of county Give Him Cash. of Is a candidate for the position of receiver of thing had gone out and that it was no as and wholesome as they commissioners Eddy county, Don't shun a business man and re- PRIVATE pure the Koswell land office. We think it only fair to Mr. Wright to remind him longer considered of so great value to fuse to trade with him when you are delicious. We secured the that should he land the place, he need not expect to have his residence tele- possess a photo of a person even AMBULANCE SERVICE was one of distinc- have cash simply because you owe for the government. though the person ' V line phone paid by him for past accommodations. The '. 'V agency for the Huyler tion. The photograph of individuals A new and Up-to-d- to even with him - for his declared she will never marry any man is not looked upon as a real way get Ambulance for there is finer, A girl in Kansas City has that longer kindness is to him when the knowing nothing for It is to see the future Christmas and we all feel that if patronize who cannot give her $100 a month pin money. easy gift have and for what Transfer of Invalids bachelor. She did not care to ih hpst thini? n rhnn has to hand VOU you money pay and because we know too that of that girl. She's going to be a evidently 'ou want Day or Night at Rea- ft of wou4 Chieftain, marry, anyway. it counterfeit himself, you Prices. will - Dad sonable people unconsciously . o just as soon he would spare the tron- When Was Through. till is the that is confront- ble of remembrance at all. Social reform is the lead in "Not to be opened Christmas," teasing phrase any taking NIXOLA GREELEY-SMIT- C. A. RISING, judge the value of our, stock at the present time and testing the courage of the feminine char A man in Chicaeo has just received most cities. It used to take the lead ing many - - Phone 130 Main. we acter. As a rule the man of the house does not get enough of these packages a picture of President Wilson and Sec- jat home with a number ten slipper, broidery, find later forbade the dis- by the individual lines and with from abroad to test his nerve or his curiosity. retary Tumulty and he says he thinks the tug from a harness. This play of gold and silver watches. Ex- We will be to o it great stuff, hut if I were the one didn't require millions of dollars to ception was made in the case of carry. glad The of the National League is a bigger man than the governor who got it I would not care a snap of bring about the necessary reform, a brides, who were permitted to sport It will not pay yoa to waste your have this confec- president it is you judge f the state of Pennsylvania. At leasi ne geis a oeuer salary ana is eieciea my finger and would not know what to though conceded that it brought the finery of which, the law deprived time writing out yonr legal forms one-hal- f about restless when dad f o innror torm and does not have the worries. It looks as if do with it when I got it It seems many nights their elders. when you can get thorn already print- tionery as soon as convenient Tener had been promoted. back in the year 1912 when the presi- got through with his remedy. Cimar- From denunciations which reach ed at the New Ifezican Printlni Governor ron News. from , n - dent was making his preliminary cam- us every little while of the extrav- Company. In packages ioc. up. of Goethe's hair has been sold at auction in St. Petersburg for paign for the position which he now Great Friend Gone. agance and bad taste in dress of A lock Ads. If the barber vho used to cut his hair had only realized the value of holds, he was in Illinois and the man Many people in Lordsburg are New Mexican Want Ads. always New Mexican Want always $6,000. results. It. results. It.. it,' the sale of the cuttings would make his descendants rich. agers of his campaign had to have mourning the death of an old friend. (Continued On Page Seven.) rlng Try bring Try TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. PAGE SEVbn

i lo side. severe bruises his left The situation wliicli exists today, under mm Ifoot ladder on which he was standing! which a woman lias a perpetual lien slid away from the building, precipi-- j on the s baling him to the ground.--Roswe- ll earning capacity of a man for Lamps whom WANTS Jteyb Record. she performs no services what- The of the is ever. I do light Rayo Lamp best for your eyes TP he Cheerful Life no! mean that ..very legal FOR UK XT 10 room house oppo and its makes it an Old Landmark Burned. snouiu not Ue lo com- appearance ornament in a 8 e power exercised room. It is the right of evorj-on- to nn.i site sun-u- live enjov the cheerful Elks opera house. Bath electric Soon after last Holiday niorn-- j It to ourselves and tlioBo ?,vre pel a man to his Lighted without or who live ua to livo th,. 'Jrii'r, support children, but 'lights and range. (). ('. Watson & Co. removing chimney shade. iiiK the town was alarmed by the cannot do so if ill health takes hold of us! cry!' a to clean and rewick. The why should childless, Easy of "fire." Upon investigation it was wife, mother and daughter suffering from hot fin, h headache, backache, dnuwiniwlown feeling ,,'nv nervo,ness, j intelligent woman who has ceased to At all dealers. found that the country residence of irreKulanti. of tho FOR HUNT Three or six room to her female ojbJns is nut e?knc'",ra be a wife H. A. llendrix, one-hal- f mile from1 but loved ones. to herself. man's l.tku money from him? house, furnished or unfurnished. Ap- THE CONTINENTAL There i. a OIL COMPANY town and at the time by Har- - remedy. Forty yea experience has provoa Surely it would he better for the law ply D. 3. I.owitzki, 22fi San Francisco. (Incorporated in Colorado) occupied unmistakably ttat Makemson and was 5 Denvar Pueu ah.. ry family, ablaze lo pay wives who work-wi- ves who -- Butt in the roof. The alarm DR. najrnn n., Salt Lake City quickly spread PIERCE'S on ihe ,oli rather than those who GKORGF.TOWX. TKXAS: S. A. land soon a long of men and jaie string tor Klmbro. pa s "For several years past boys, some horseback and some afoot, jhave (piil, perhaps, the best possl Favorite ble reasons, but for no Foley's Honey anil Tar Compound has were rushing to the scene. The sec- prescription reason which win restore ncairn to weakened wom.mMr.d. been my household for all tion F r it hart survived j should require supper: for them ex remedy boys reached the fire first and the fOyaara ; coughs, colds, and troubles. If j urci: b ravorm? PiVKrripf if.1? teept in case of children or lung crowd, ably assisted by two plucky wwwtT', invalidism. Mi..,, ,.,i:..f women, JJUiLttlU, Pi, Anyway, 11 the Italian Hurry being absent, soon had I. plan of limit ;,.,. of (.ils,.s of coughs and much Dr. our dress e ,stij,to practically everything of value Pierce's Pleasant Pe!leti . ling allowait should find colds" Contains no opiates. Refuse safely removed from the building , 6iomach, Hvr aitd bowels, !lim,r. lfl ''Tti'iii still rtirtlKT-sulmtitutes- Sold liv The lei. Capital was five-roo- i, ,und tli,. Iffciciaton The house a frame bucc' establish at I'harmacy. building and one of the best country jthe same time a minimum wage for! . residences in this vicinity. The fire DOC CAMPAIGN TO LIMIT l'Ve8' Work for the New Mexican, it : from a flue SAVES WOMAN originated defective and CLOTHES FUND. working for you, for Janta Ke and the building was without any msur- - IN BURNING HOME GUARDING AGAINST CROUP. tho new state, janct. (Continued from The best safeguard against croui is - page six.) j Tin's i I oi residence bad become an old lips arbor, X J., Dec. id. . pet uoiue roieys Honey and Tar it Mackardt-Muel- it. ,IP ll0,'S1'- II. landmark, having been, erected dog saved Mrs. H. -' American women, is probable that Co,n.lK"""1 "inn, when the "rush" was on by one J. C. ler, renowned in this country and ' reactionary crusade uinv find a! ",ull(,,"' writes: "My children k m Light in about lftOfi and was consid-labroa- d as an artist, from death hv tew adherents in the I'nited States. ,e'5 "'"'''Pi'ble to croup, easily I 1 catch cold. ered a valuable piece of property. jfire In her home. She was awakened And know a great many women who give iheni Foley's lion- I ey and WEBSTER'S NEWS IJl Lande Enterprise. her slumbers after :i would he lar Compound and in every OF THE STATE jlrom shortly very glad, indeed, lo have instance o'clock by the of Ihe j the law fix the they get prompt, relief anil NEW barking dog, amount, they should soon ia Great which for tare cured. We keep if at home DEVELOPMENTS Dane, had made its' upend clothes. In effect, such a 'and INTERNATIONAL way and had .'law would a prevent croup." Sold by The Cap. Chapter of Accidents. after a of upstairs jumped upon constitute sort, of mini ' nesday complete suspension ital Pharmacy. DICTIONARY .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. lluckner who operation since last Friday morning. OF DAIRY RANCHES iher bed. She found herself surround-- - mum wage for wives and the eon ed ' started tor Albuquerque last Wednes- - Raton Range, AND OTHER ITEMS by flames, but managed to make jngal peace would be no longer sub THE MERRIAM WEBSTER day witn a Heavily loaded wagon of iher way from the burning buildinc jeet. to ueriodie nnbenvalM cimr.,,,.. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES Tho Only New unabridged dic- furniture met with bad luck in sever- land her cries attracted the the root in Where You Find It. neighbors money of all divorces. tionary many years. al ways. First finding much snow and Deming, X. M., Dec. 1(1. The de- - jthe nearest of whom was over a t And why not a minimum wage for Contains the pith and essence The wise men and - MASONIC mud making the roads almost impos- the geologists of the Dairy Ranches com- iter of a mile away, wives? of an authoritative library. sible for one team and to hire have long claimed that in the Shakes- just, south of the! Montezuma Covers field of knowl- having papy immediately liy the time help arrived the entire; We have motherhood In 2H Lodge every peare camp the carbonates and oxides pensions No. A. .M. Mexicans to pull them up several city is going on at a very rapid pace. house was ablaze and not a 1, F. A. edge. An in a were confined to the at piece of states, though a few years ago the Encyclopedia hills; their cow got. away from them surface; that They have just finished the installa- all which was Regular Communi- single booif . - furniture, of costly, was idea of such would In the and were the permanent water level the sul- tion of paying pensions cation first. night they delayed the first live irrigation plants saved. The local firemen dragged a have, been as .Monday The Only Dictionary with tlie half a in that! phides are encountered, and they for rejected dangerous and of each month at day hunting her, failing units, and have already line of hose more that, a mile long mi American. When a New Divided Pusr. - continue below. This week in husband and they started on hoping she would re- pvould constructed SO miles of tine highways. from the limits in an effort to Masonic Hall at 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. s5 mine, 750 feet below the surface city wife are at war, the law steps in and turn to the valley; thev upset the Governor McDonald Engi-jsav- e 7: "il 6000 Cost , . . . . and State the hut their effort. Illustrations. nearly .... tl,.,CA l.nJ.. 0 building, decides what proportions of the man's a uuesj iur, eiB umuiig ureaKing out " .' """ ' French viewed the dur were useless. I'.', fl. W. M. half million doilnrs. ue me ncnesc property income shall be paid to Ihe woman. P.U'L, tongue and they were only making ,ug lholr vjsit ,)cre Hl,g WGflk flnd CI IAS. K. I.IX.VEV, Let us tell you about thi j most Paintings valued at thotiSiinds of! Hut when they are at peace, the Secrearv. five miles per day. Estancia News- "'"inounced it as fine rornarkiible single volume. I t , as they had ever which no Herald, htV Opt tllttVU? IU t 111 Hint dollars, had been on exhibiton nit'o has fixed economic value! To '8 H Fe te for lis imtherme- the f .ho "'i,Ct P1'"' with Paris, Budapest, Rome, liolnuim. find out whal her service is worth to Santa Chapter Xo. sample . wt.t f6'ri f (I Otltlnil niHIlVirt Ccs, full par- nl,nl.nta V.tnt,"- - husband convocation..,.second It does not bother Messrs. . Prague and London and in the large her she has to quarrel with Christmas geologists. 1 ticulars, etc. Display Fired. reservmr, a Rumley cities of do-- In Monday of each mouth jRitter and .lackson, who Have charge engine the l.'uited Slates, were him! other words, today wives Name this .1 Mackardt-Muller- , at Masonic Biimii uiuic nuicil " " Mrs. j to be Hall at llllgui. easily nf thB mine With them good ore is f"' stroyed. who have paid when on strike, but pnper end have done but for the 1,lces i)v fcrtllLHIB Ul is p. in. ; great damage good ore, wher(,vel. it is follnd.-Lor- ds-1 ranii pel llillillte, all years of age, was alone when not when on the job! tl will fact that was fl"': cost of it gotten under control bure liberal 'a only 9c per hour. The mo lire occurred, Her husband being There are homes in which the sub .f. A. MASSIK. send free t in its infancy, ruined the display in the live tracts mentioned have been plow iu a Xew fork hospital, and she be- - ject of Ihe wife's allowance for KT1IUR SKI.II1MAX Tl. P. a set cf aouth shop window of the John Becker ed and in condition to seed. came Pocket Good Roads Boost. placed hysterical as she watched the clothes and other personal expenses Secretary company store, Monday evening. The The rabbit proof fences are tho best flames eating up her valued works is a source of continual Hajx window The good roads movement took a disagreement. t was dressed with holiday ever constructed in the valley, the and had to be removed to the home of If the amount to he allowed her for BflJi Santa Fe Cummaudery jump this week on the Watrous-La- s goods, representing a Christmas scene posts being of reinforced concrete, a neighbor. She had just been mak-Th- e services to the matrimonial firm were ,Ni. 1. K. T. Hegulari it Is Vegas road when Rohrer, one ' - and presumed that the clerk in Ralph pumping plants are taken care of ing preparations for the erection of fixed law on a scale to conclave loiirlh Mon- of the contractors, off an indi- by graded the lighting the gas jet, must, have drop- pulled without cost to the farmers for a a home for K5.Tr;-.-!a- r . day in each month at vidual stunt and large aged and disabled husband's income, this domestic dis- 40. ped a match, which set fire to the cot- that surprised pleas period of three that is all re but it Is H""" Hal! ai 7 .:.(, ed the commission. years, artists, thought that this cord would be stilled forever. Also, mmi ton batting used to the highway Rohrer are and will SW p. m. represent the snow pairs made the plants are kept plan never be realized. If a woman knew that she had to dress snow. As soon as discovered the clerks following storm, dragged the in WESLEY O. COXXOll. E. C. to perfect running order. on a certain amount and could not, Jr., rushed in with the fire road from Onava Azul, thus clear NOT BEYOND HELP AT 87. W. E. patent exting- is se- - GRIFF X, Recorder. of J It possible that Deming will either by or get uishers and soon had the fire out, but ing the highway snow. He reports bladder weakness. cajolery bullying, any cure a tuberculosis sanitorium - more, she would soon not until the was ruined uie roaa in excellent snape as a re large stiffness in joiuts, weak, inactive kid- acquire system Santa re Lodge ot Per- PROFESSIONAL CARDS display and Dr. W. sult. This was as of Chi i and iu her 1 the varnish of the woodwork as well. work done free bv George Montgomery, ney action and rheumatic pains, are responsibility expenditures fection Xo., 1, lib Mr. Rohrer. cago has beeu condl- - What is to be the s The will amount to about People who have made investigating all evidence of kidney trouble. Mrs. urged againBt Ancient and Ac- damage - j ATTORNEYSATLAW. over the Watrous and new Mora here on behalf or John 1). Rocke- j A. 47 E. Taun- - night for wives? fifty dollars, covered by insurance. trips Mary Dean, Walnut St., nrday pay envelope cepted Scottish Rite of roads feller and Mrs. J. s far as I can facl Helen Xews. say that the gravel that has Plerpont Morgan, ton, Mass., writes: "I have passed my see, only the that, Free Masonry meets on been on Dr. been ; be-- would EDWARD P. placed them makes conditions Montgomery has looking at 87th birthday, and thought I was under the present laws, she the third Monday of each month at DAVIES 100 per cent better. They state that various points throughout the south- yond the reach of medicine, but to be whether or not she City The Snow. Foley jhave paid o'clock in the evening in the Xew Attorney. Bucking the roads are comparatively boule- - west, and Is very much impressed muuey nave proven most Dene- - earneu me money. r,ui uns, ai icasi, Cathedral. Ca'pital city Hank lluilding Russell-Win- Visiting Scottish Rite A elevator snow plow, j At times were with De Rooms yards. they impassable the Deming country. He finds ncial iu my case." would no worse than the alimony iMasons are cordially invited to attend. which Is of a in conditions- - Las something curiosity under former Vegas several places in New Mexico and i K. C. Santa Fe Xew Mexico. of was . AIIROTT, :!2, this part the country, pressed Optic. Arizona that are all right climatically, Venerable Alasier. into service on this side of the moun- but in no place has he found such CHAS. A. WHKELOX, F. Easley, Chas R. tain this week the Santa Fe to EXPLORER Sec'y. jCha Easley by Badly Injured. pure water as we have In the Deming STEFANSSON IS M--H' EASLEY & EASLEY clear the double track over Raton P- Mr. Day who resides on a farm country. The doctor expects to make B - O. E. Attorneys-at-La- and the Rock Mountain lines out pass northwest of the city suffered a frac- - "is report soon alter the holidays an'J Santa Fe Lodge Xo. Practice in the Courts and before solid drifts MAROONED IN FROZEN NORTH of Raton. After bucking ture of the bones in his right wrist work will be started sometime in the L lift, I!. P. O. B. Land Department, 20 on in depth from a few feet to feet and a dislocation of his left wrist, just spring, it is the doctor's idea to cul- - holds its regular Land Grants and Titles examined, to an effort was - the line Ute Park, before noon Saturday, when he fell tivate a large, garden tract adjoining session on the sec- Santa Fe, X. AI., branch office, Kstan- - snow-fille- cuts made to break the onifrom the side of a building, which he the hospital grounds which will be Discoverer of Blond Eskimo Separated From His Ship by Blizzard While ond and fourth cia, X. M. the the Des Moines line, but attempt was painting. The accident occurred worked by the patients in order to Hunting on Mainland With Eskimo Companions. Wednesday of each was given up Wednesday afternoon on the property Mr. Day recently se- have them take as much open air exer- month. V i s i 1 ng GEO. W. PRICHARD after some to the plow. of As he invit-- damage big cured east the city. struck cise as possible. The idea seems to be brothers are Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law- . A the Denver was rotary from district the ground he fainted but his little a very sensible one, and will prove a ed and welcome. Practices in all the District Courts brought over the hill Thursday morn- son with the assistance of a native very good thing for those afflicted EDWARD P. DAVIES, jand east gives special attention to casses ing and put to work clearing the who came along got him Into a buggy with the white plague. Exalted Ruler, 'before fhe State Sunreme Court was to the office of Dr. line, which found be under and brought him to the M. an- b. I., til Office: W. McCtirdy has just placed rtJK,.... Lauglilin BIdg., Santa Fe, N. M. worst snow blockade in its H. H. here. After the fractures - history. Keith other order for fruit trees which will riai.T. The Mountain service to Cimar- had been reduced Mr. was remov Rocky Day give him an orchard of 2000 trees, DR. W. HUME BR0WIM"" ron and Ute Park was resumed Wed- - ed to his home. Mr. Day also suffered Santa Fe Camp; Another an 10,- - farmer gave order for Kini-I- M. W. A.i Dentist. ; 000 and still another for 1500 trees, meets first .Monday Over Spiiz Jewlery Store. apple trees. All told, there has been Rooms 2. ' of each month, Odd 1, and 3. received in fall WHERE WOMEN BREAK STONE ON THE ROAD. Deming this several Fellow's Hall. Vis- Phone Red 6. car loads and most of them will be set Office X a. m. ' iting neighbors Hours: to 5. p. in. out before the Xew Year. Some have And by QUAINT CUSTOMS OF THE WORLD'S QUEER PEOPLE. Appointment. j heeled the trees in the ground and A. (J. WHITTIKH, Consul. will hold them until March, but it is K. P. ROBIXSOX, Clerk. T. F. TANNUS, M. D. . the experience of most farmers that Specialist in fall tho ' F. ; planting where the bodies of W. FARMER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. trees bet- ; No. are covered up with drit is Homestead Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.. 2 ta 4 n m ter than to have them heeled In all 2879, BrotheriOffice: Capital City Bank Building. j hood of iu-.i- . winter. none Santa Fe. X Hf Miss Fannie Purvis, of Estancia, has lean Yoemen. completed arrangements for the con' M e e t s second struction of a white brick , and fourth Mon-- d a j bungalow on Platinum avenue. J ys of each month at j Mrs. who came the McN'amara, recently Firemen's Hall. j here from Fierro, has j just completed II. Foreman, R. L. Baca, a u- room Bungalow racing the new Cor. Sec. David Gonzales. school and jhlgh building, the new TTTTTTI ITTTT j white brick bungalow on Zinc avenue Santa Fe Lodge is - rapidly nearing completion. Dem- Xo. 2, Knights of jlng has adopted as a permanent motto P y t h I a s meets Xothing but beautiful homes" and every Second and A. T & S. F. j Is . R'Y living up to the motto very zealous-iy- Fourth Friday of the month at S As a sample of what interest the o'clock r- TIME TABLE (country is taking in general in Dem- in K. of To Be ing and the Mimbres valley, it is in-- P. Hall over Effective.December 7, lfl t. j teresting to note that the chamber of Si ill Kaune's store. - Leave Santa Fe 8:10 a. m. to con- j commerce's register today showed j All I ?2- ir, visiting; nect with No. 3 westbound and i people from are most Boston, Mass., Denver, Knights No. 10 eastbound Colo., and j invited. Atlanta, Ga., San Jose, cordially arrive is C. C. Returning, Santa Fe 11:45 a. Calif., and it the intention of all the H. F. STEPHEXS, m. visitors to remain here. ! A. RELYGARDT, K. of R. and S. No. 3 carries passengers to Albu- Work of securing a national i guard FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA. querque, locally, and to Pacific for Deming is going on and it is safe Coast Points. Lodge Xo. 23S, holds it regular to say that the will be - guard organlz- jmeeting on the first Thursday of each: Leave Santa Fe 3:20 p. m. to con- ied soon after the 1 holidays. imonth at Firemen's hall at 7:30 p. m. nect with No. westbound, and Visiting brothers are invited and wel- - No. 2, eastbound, connecting at Coffee come. Albuquerque with "Cut-off- " BEXITO ALAR1D, President. train or Clovis and Pecos Va'-le- y Oood coffee t h e r e' s DAVID GONZALES, Secretary. points. Returning, arrive Santa Fe 5:55 p. not-liin- like it under the ODD FELLOWS, m. Xo. 2. I. O. O. F. no drink that can Leave Santa Fe 6:20 p. m. to con- sun; Santa Fe Lodge nect meets with No. 7 westbound car- European roads are much better a year and the township authorities as much regularly El give exquisite yet S rying Paso sleper; also No. than American - would nire mea to do the VOT Tery Thursday evening at o'clock highways, and our tour- No. 4 eastbound. . . No. 4 send the chain gang from the nearest harmless ami wholesome Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting broth- takes pas- ists. rnlllnir over tho .k i, sengers for and Kansas jail to do her share. 's always welcome. Chicago lasted thoroughfares in their automo pleasure. Stefantson, Arctic and the Mary City Daily and for Denver Wed- But she can't afford to pay the road Vilhjamur Intrepid explorer, of his boats that was in an ice and smashed. iiiiiMiiiiii K. OF mittC. nesdays and Saturdays. biles, frequently comment on the su- tax, and so she must work it out, tak- supply caught jam periority of the German pikes. The her children with her she Don't miss and don't Santa Fe Council Returning, arrive Santa Fe 8:35 p. ing that it; (Special Correspondence) hunting party of five stranded on the m. accompanying photograph portrays may watch them while she is doing it. San Cal., Dec. 16. Villi-- 1 mainland. This was . A No. 1707, Knights of take chances. Ask for Francisco, September Leave con- one reason German roads are bet- 1 Santa Fe.8:50 p. m. to why One of her offspring is so young that jamur Stefansson, Arctic message from Stefansson dated Oct. Columbus. Reg u a r In jexplorer, nect with No. 8 and ter than those the United States. it must be transported in a perambu- who discovered the blond which civiliza- Lfri the second eastbound, Schilling's Best and don't Eskimos, is 30, has just reached meeting No. 9. The poor woman shown is breaking lator, while the other is by and fourth westbound. playing side-tracke- marooned in the frozen north without tion, stated that he hasn't seen the Mondays stone, doing her share toward main- its mother. The woman is not a he d. of the Returning, arrive Santa Fe 12:30 a. a ship. The Karluck, the vessel in vessel since, though they "mushed" each month at m. taining the great boulevards that widow, but her husband cannot leave which Stefansson sailed 147 K of C. Hall. ever-fres- into the Arc- westward from longitude to Point criss-cros- s the Of course, she the Preserved in its aroma empire. work at which he tolls for a mis tic, broke away during a terrific bliz- Barrow. Stefansson is not worried EDWARD P. DAVIES, doesn't have to break stone. No; she erable l ib b and 2 b cans PASSENGER pittance, or the family would zard and drifted westward with the about the fate of the Karluck because Grand Knight. DEPOT PHONE 42 W. could pay ber road tax of a few marks starve. moneybock. ice pack and left, the explorer and a she has 25 men aboard. JOHN J. KENNY, Financial Sec'y. NEW MEXICAN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. PA5E EIGHT SANTA FE OFFICIAL. LOCAL ITEMS. SHIELDS SA YS BURRO IS RARE BIRD IN 601. FAX (SOUNTA o flSSESSORSWND ATSGift ! oA Fine Christmas ANDREWS COMMISSIONERS The burro, 'Rocky Mountain to the terrible storm of recent date. F. VEILS. is a "rara avis" up "Santa Feans cannot imagine the BEAUTIFUL SCARF TO-Dfl- V canary," becoming Market. MEET to rors of that shielded as they NOVELTV RIBBON PIECES, Grocery, Bakery and in Colfax county according County storm, Commissioner Harvey M. Shields who are here in their city enjoying the Hour i Hour I Auto Deliver Every afli-- o'clock tins ut'ter--I chaneronaee of the mountain tops. It Handsome Plumes, pnnc;r Auto Delivery Every Shortly is here from Dawson, ' or-- : . llmi mm olionttnion liAOt noon, two were called to down if 1'i IS esuillilieu mai. unc c.v... , meetings Sir atfKgk When joked about ine return of rn -- der in the senate cIki mlx r. Ill one (iuuu in the storm. It played j gstricn, wnicn win burros on the assessment roll, Mr. sheep -' sided with man and beast. I do not ; also many other arti- JUST RECEIVED 'meeting Guy Herbert pn with, Shields replied: havoc jOant gift smilingly 1 to death I Xmas Fred Ileyn as secretary over a session know when came so near by cles carry will make gifts ANOTHER CAR OF "I linve not seen a burro in the six We of 1:1 out of the 2 assessors of the freezing as during that storm. 1 have lived at Dawson. The stale and at the oilier Itov. Harvey M. years drove in a surry eleven miles when little animal, so in Santa W MISSA.MIGLER , picturesque out. e were j Shields of Ccliax presided our horses gave trying Flour county, is known up in our coun- - Famous over a in which were nine of; Fe, scarcely to reach the station at Maxwell to Empress meeting Do we need the burro for wood- SOUTHEAST CORNER PLAZA. ?S of the ty. take train No. S. We fresh the county commissioners No sir. We do procured state. carrying purposes? horses hut could not get any saddles. (not burn wood, but coal." or At the lime the New Mexican went' We rode bareback through three ILLINOIS GOVERNOR "But you need burros to amuse the feet of when we reach- be j more snow and PARDONS. to press but little had developed re- - ISSUES TWO PhoueNoJ ANDREWS tourists! don't you?" asked the ed Maxwell we were frozen, mM a decision to meet in joint ses ; almost, III., Dec. IS. Maurice yond able to move hand or foot." Springfield, ILw-sMMKa- no porter. hardly to life imprison- w tomorrow. There are specta Enright, sentenced " is interested in Mr. Shields the snow was tors, and ihe presence of those not ';Colfax county Bays ment in the Joliet penitentiary for the than catering to the up several feet high in various in and belonging to one class or the other of greater projects piled Vincent Altman murder Chicago tastes of the ne towns in the storm swept zone, which the county oflieials did not seem lo he picturesque traveler, Joshua Tedford, the former Chicago to show how well protected wiin escaued a encouraged. replied laughing. goes um., serving ani- Fe is in with a cler- ' Mr. Shields then told of other Santa really comparison sentence through One question suggested.' by a lax-- ' penitentiary mals out in his owing other cities of the southwest. ical were pardoned today by payor this afternoon, was as to the ex dying comity error, HAND-PAINTE- D at ,e per Governor Dunne. CHINA j penses of this trip of the assessors The best cooking eggs at Co. arc now at 'and the commissioners. "Is it to be doz. Winter Grocery Work New dsoratiois to delight the eye displayed ON for tne Mexlcnn. Showing ns, to the was the ques- EXTRA SPECIAL OUR DAY IN CONGRESS a to to everyone-Stei- charged county," - THE Santa Fe mot ck results, my store. There are articles appeal READY-TO-WEA- REPART- working for you, for ror qui Cuses. Vases, etc. The tion asked.' He did not seem to see in LADIES' Card MENT SUITS AND COATS, AT THE tbe new state. little "WANT." see China Articles this meeting any legitimate expense Senate. nrices are reasonable. Please call to the BIG STOR,E. N. SALMON. that could legally be paid for out of Met 10 a. m. have been sold. Hand Painted Christmas Cards at before the best pieces the tax payers money. Debate resumed on currency will In of the today! lieauties, too at. book's Pharmacy. an at SAN FRANCISCO STREET. speaking meeting iwith Senator Bristow leading C. JEWELER, one of the assessors said: "I don't The Rexall Store. teature. H. YONTZ, SHOPPING' tack on the deposit guarantee Jknow what the meeting was call-ie- DO YOUR CHRISTMAS House. just HOUSE. for, but I have talked with others AT THE WHITE Met. at noon. II. C. W. MAYES, Evenings. JOHN I them that we were in Will Keep Open of the American and agree with will President Compels could result in a Yontz, the reliable jeweler keep Federation of Labor testified before! hopes this meeting until Christ- of the open evenings from now committee. INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, sort of a session ; the house judiciary mas. A full line of excellent Christ-- re-- ; assessors, county commissioners and War department submitted final mas on BONDS. members of the state board of gifts display. port on raising of the battleship SURETY the & Ervien for a stand to We could talk the taxa- Gnagey Maine in Havana harbor. I Loan equalization. convert your electric iron into a buy and sell Mortgages, Stocks and Bonds of all kinds, tion and assessment matter over and Resolution adopted authorizing cooking device. commit-- , on real estate and other securities. If you have money to I have no doubt we could get a better assistance for judiciary Money BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS AND AT- a or a idea of our duties and work in har- tee for anti trust work. loan list it with me. If you want to buy good first mortgage TRACTIVE DESIGNS IN WAISTS, national mony in tlio future. Hut it seems like President Atkins of the class call on me. WE CARRY A FULL LINE, AT THE - high security the state board of equalization Is un- grangers, told rural credits commit- BIG STORE. to able to a quorum." tee farmers were opposed 24 get Have why you have 194 W. Room Laughlin Bltlj?. Of the members of the state board you figured tive agricultural credit. Telephone the other fellow 40c for butter o? Howell Earnest, the paid Labor committee reported In favor Fe, New Mexico. equalization, we sell for 3,"ic? Winter Grocery Santa of tho is in Estancia that of a federal bureau on safety. secretary board, Co. on court P. W. Clancy, at- business; Meets The Santa Fe County and chairman of the Friday IN torney general, Commissioners will meet at Ihe county REBELS WIN THE beard is in KI I'aso the ses- ECUADOR REVOLUTION attending court house Friday morning. of Texas-Ne- Mexico bound- sions the DON'T FORGET YOU ARE SAVING and the left yester- ary suit, governor TO COME AND BUY, THE BEST Guayaquil, Ecuador, Dec. in the Tecos on an inspec- - gov-- ; The Best the day lor valley LINE OF CLOTHING, HART SCHAF- els have defeated the Ecuadorian jt City tour of the militia in that section, tion FNER & MARX, AT THE HUB. N. eriiiiieui. uuupa tinu In connection with General wj,cu Adjutant SALMON. of Esmeraldas. Foreign residents and TOLLY The Best to Be Had T. The members of to- H, Herring. only Guitars, Mandolins and Vio- many native families took refuse in State Auditor Banjo, the board the city are lins at much reduced prices,' Zook's day on board the cruiser Cotopaxi. W. G. and of State Sargent Secretary Pharmacy, The Rexall Store. The battle between the robe!? and The Clarendon Garden, Antonio Lucero. SILK KIMONAS AND BATH the government troops begai yester- ft "YOUR RELIABLE HARD- assessors in the to 12 SANTA FE, N. M. Santa Claua made no mistake, calling at Among the city ROBES AT 20 REDUCTION. THE day and lasted eight hours. The cas- PHONE is a shrewd you will make no attend this are Fred B. WARE STORE." Santa Claus buyer; meeting Heyn, WHITE HOUSE. , ualty list was large on both sides. his are headquarters for the fol- of Bernalillo county; Guy H. Herbert, mistake by following example. They Dr. Clifford S. Losey, the Eye, Ear, of Chaves George W. lowing: county; Nose and Throat specialist from Las of Colfax Roy Waller, AND TRAS. PERCOLATORS, COMMUNITY county; will be at the DeVargas hotel CHAFING DISHES icf Pedro Romero, of Vegas, KNIVES AND FOtKS, TEA SPOONS AND TABLE Kddy county; VUh and 2oth. Hours SILVER WARE, A. of December ISth, BOY'S BICYCLES COASTER BRAKE Guadalupe county: J. Stump, SPOONS, CARVING SETS, - 2 to p. m. BOY'S Luna, Gus Mulholland, of Mc- i GUARANTEED EQUIPMENT, BOY'S WAGONS AND SLEDS, comity; License A marriage DAISY AIR Ira .1. Briscoe, of Quay Marriage RIFLES AND SHOT GUNS. ROLLER AND ICE SKATES, Kinley county: license was issued by the county i Telesforo of Santa Fe RIFLES. - county; Rivera, clerk to Juan Sandoval, of Chiinayo, Max 1. of Sierra coun- - for Christ- county; Kahlor, and Marina Martinez of Cordova. And many other things in the Hardware line appropriate P. N. assessor PARCEL PCS" ty, and Sanchez, deputy WE HAVE ABOUT 50 PIECES OF mas presents. of Mora county. BLEACHED MUSLIN, REGULAR Among the county commissioners 12i2c VALUE,. TO GO AT 8'24 AT is'' were noted the following: M. R. The Reliable Hardware Store. (here THE BIG STORE. N. SALMON. Har- - Springer, of Bernalillo county; Music Lessons Prof. I. b. Tllo, or vey M. Shields, coirax county; i;. who has studied in Berlin, w'il be V. of L, Beeman, Eddy county; C to give lessons in vio'.in, of Luna pleased Hubbard, county; Esquipula and piano. Terms or applica- of Fe Frank M iGiron, Santa county; tion. Phone 255 AV., residence of of and Bojorquez, Sierra county, Frank Plomteaux, 114 Ceriillos street, Eugene Kempenieh of Valencia Santa Fe. Postmaster I Parcel Post Window (Give box a the post it has "parcel Tax Rolls In. Pflueger opened by window" at the post office and It The Quay and Roosevelt county lax will be every week day from 8 rolls were received by the traveling open a. m. to 12, and 1 to G p. ni. auditor's office, making five of the 2(i ChristBtms! ihiiiiiwiw counties who have so far sent In the FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF corrected tax rolls. OUR MANY CUSTOMERS WHO ARE fr U NOT ABLE TO DO THEIR SHOP- PnnnrnTiniun IN DAY TIME OUR STORE New Incorporation. PING OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. The Investment and De-- ! WILL BE dealer Security EVENING. THE WHITE Nearly every velopment company was incorporated afternoon. James W. Nor- - HOUSE. can now sell a yesterday The Fe you ment, of Santa Fe, is the agent for the Meejs Tonight f'anta Chamber of Commerce will hold its OCEANS OF THEM ON SALE AT concern. The capital stock Is $2ril),-- box at 7 30 o'clock tonight twenty package ooo, divided into $10 shares, and 23t)tl regular meeting at the Old Barracks. A matter of shares are subscribed at the outset interest up for discus- of healthful ! the James V. Nor- - great coming clean, pure, CAUTION 'held by following: sion will be the of S K. one proposed purchase & ment, shares; Norment, old TKe great popularity of the McClintock .1. the famous adobe building opposite Wright J. II. Christ, 1 share; H. healthful (share; the cathedral. clean, pure, 1 Leo Hersch, 1 Vaughn, share; How about these for gifts? Hoys WRIGLEYSk The directors are James W. JVVWAMiAMVWWW share. coaster brake bicycles, guaranteed WHIG LEYS few S. K. Norment and J. H. Norment, equipment. Low price. They will Crist. Trunks, Xmas Boxes, please. Beacham-Mignardo- t Hard- ware Co. Notaries Named. THE MOST USEFUL CHRIST- Is causing unscrupulous per- Collar Bags, sons rank imitations Suitcases, Notaries were named as fol- MAS PRESENT FOR A LADY IS A to wrap today that are not even real chew- lows: Elmer G. Minton, Roswell, X. FUR SET. OUR FURS ARE ALL Cuff Links, NEW AND ing gum so they resemble Traveling Sets, M.; Howard A. Wolford, Hillsboro. THIS YEARS MAKE, The WEAR cents genuine WRIGLEVS. GUARANTEED TO for 85 FRESH. class of stores will TO DISPOSE OF THEM WE better Scarf Pins, Wanted. AND not to fool with these Traveling Bags, Teacher MARKED THEM AT A try you HAVE imitations. will be According to the state educational PER REDUCTION. They TWENTY CENT offered to by Neckties, a Spanish-America- n teach- you principally Military Brush Sets, Imported department, THE WHITE HOUSE. You can send this sure street and er is wanted at Garfield, N. M. The a fakirs, peddlers Eastern Star There will be reg- the candy departments of Two-ton- e is $73 a and the to-be-welco- Silk Hose, salary offered month, ular meeting of the Eastern Star on me some 5 and 10 cent stores. Neckwear Sets, months. to school will run for eight Thursday evening at 7:30 at Masonic delicacy These rank imitations cost Silk Underwear, Hall. Initiation, installation and re- dealers one cent a package Visit- "remember." Hosiery Sets, AMBITIOUS AIMS OF freshments are on the program. all you want to or even less and are sold to Silk ing members are invited. careless people for almost Initial Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, PECOS ASSOCIATION YOU CERTAINLY SHOULD NOT It's a in any price. If you want NEGLECT THIS OPPORTUNITY TO big gift long enjo- Wrigiey't Iook before you A WITH buy. Get what you pay for. Suspenders, Silk Pajamas, Fecos, X. M Dec. 10. At a meet- BUY YOUR BOY $5.00 SUIT little in cost to A AT THE HUB. N. ing of the recently formed Settlers FREE HAT, ymentit's Auto and Forest I'sers association of the SALMON. Arm Bands, Gauntlets, In Get Garters, Pecos national forest at Pecos, X. M., Cigars Boxes, suitable for a gift, you. it for at The yourself! Ion December 14th, 1913, the following all sizes and prices Zook's, Dents' Gloves, - Bath Robes, were elected officers for the- ensuing Rexall Store. GENTLEMEN SPEC- 'year: Walter M. Taber, of Glorieta, AMERICAN IAL, COME AND TAKE A LOOK AT Mackanaws, Shoes, president; Anesito Bustamente, of Bb SURE ' OUR FULL OF AT it's LINE SHOES, Pecos, first : James F. second vice-- ' THE HUB. N. SALMON. Serge Suits, Knox & Stetson Hats, Miller, of Valley Ranch, president ; Xecemio Rivera, of Pecos, and treasurer. GOMPERS TESTIFIES Sweaters, secretary BEFORE HOUSE COMMITTEE Overcoats, Jersey The object and purposes of this the agricul-- ' are to promote Dec. IB. President Sweater Coats, and Washington, Raincoats, tural, grazing, educational, social Samuel of the American Fed- all and Gompers, business interests of settlers eration of Labor, told the house judi national to j Overshoes, White Dress Vests, users of the Pecos forest; ciary committee today that while the and to in-- j secure good roads bridges; number of ineu out of employment in fish and Umbrellas, Ed. V. Price Clothes, crease the game and supply the United Stales might possibly be a j the placing of a state fish hatchery on trifle above normal, he believed thai to Increased Wears the Pecos river; bring it was "due to the transition we are Insert in the of values to lands, increase prices in, rather than to any real depres- hove caution solely to and to protect our customers, who crops and facilitate the sale sion." r rontmuallv writ in a us that they which Store Open Every Night handling of the same; to advertise the Mr. Gompers made his statement ttaus Wn rifWoivMl hw imi rations thinking they were WRWLEY'S. unrivaled beauties of the Pecos river during the course of au argument for they purchased region as a tourist resort ana t0!the Bartlett bill. He pointed to the bring here a good class of home seek--1 recent indictment of labor leaders in MCCLINTOCK & WRIGHT ers; to creat a spirit of harmony and Colorado for violation of the Sherman Chew it after every meal between the forest users jaw, to emphasize his contention that to e teeth, and the forest service; to secure from they should be exempt from prosecu-th- Give regular help HOLIDAY GIFTS liberal and Hon to and digestion HEADQUARTERS FOR railrods more freight j for combining urge better breath, appetite s tourist rates into New Mexico. and conditions. r' .'"X".