Saint Lucia No. 82. Saturday, April 9, 2005

A publication of the Department of Information Services

Prime Minister Anthony presents Budget - April 19 - page 1

cord high, this time topping US$58 dollars per barrel, with projections that it could reach as high as US $105 per barrel. The rise in fuel prices on the world market continues to be a matter of serious concern to the Government, which has frequently warned over the past 12 months about the conse- quences and implications for small, non-oil producing economies like Sir Knight Commander of the St. Lucia. Order of St. Michael and St. George - page 2 The preparations for this year’s budget, which are entering the final phase, are also taking place against the background of the St. Lucia economy having grown by 3.5% in 2004, following equally strong growth in 2003. On April 19, the presentation of Prime Minister Dr. Kenny D. Anthony the Budget by the Finance Minister will be preceded by the presentation gears up his Budget Speech of the traditional Throne Speech by Her Excellency the Governor Gen- n exactly two weeks time, St. Prime Minister Dr Kenny D. Antho- eral, Dame . Lucians will know exactly ny and top officials of the Ministry of Following the presentation of the how the economy fared in the Finance have for the past several weeks annual estimates of revenue and ex- Million dollar grant for Cimate past year and what the Gov- been meeting with Cabinet Ministers, penditure by the Minister of Finance, Change Project - page 3 Iernment’s revenue and expenditure as well as with finance and account- there will be the traditional one-day projections are for the next financial ing officials from various ministries, break to allow parliamentarians time year. to discuss budgetary projections and to prepare for the ensuing Budget Tuesday, April 19 has been set as allocations. Debate. Budget Day – the day when the Prime The discussions have been taking The presentation of the Budget Minister and Minister of Finance pres- place against the background of con- and the Throne Speech and the sub- ents the Government’s Annual Esti- tinuous record increases in the world sequent parliamentary debate will mates of Revenue and Expenditure for market price for oil over the past year. all be broadcast live on the National the financial year 2005 to 2006. On Monday, oil prices hit another re- Television Network (NTN).

Environmental Levy - for better services - pages 4 & 5

rime Minister Hon. Dr. no longer relevant to our times; that we Kenny D. Anthony has chal- need to move on, as it were. Sometimes lenged Saint Lucians not to I wonder whether we are so preoccupied forget the history which cre- with the challenges that face us on a dai- Pated us and the people who helped ly basis, it is not worth going to the past. shape that history. Speaking at the Sometimes too I wonder whether there investiture ceremony for Sir Allan are those among us who are anxious to Louisy, Dr Anthony said he won- disown the history that created us to, as it dered why it was so easy to forget were, engage in amnesia, and forget the “the accomplishments of our distin- past. Sometimes too I wonder whether it guished men and women” is because in delving into the past we do Dr. Anthony said, “Sometimes I not find enough to glorify, to praise and Sir Allan Louisy flanked by Governor NCF Telethon wonder whether we think that the to give honour to.” General, Dame Pearlette Louisy (L) and - page 8 achievements of these individuals are Continued on page 2 Prime Minister Dr. (R)

“Take 2 ” - A fifteen minute news review of the week. Government Notebook A fresh news package daily Every Friday at 6.15 p.m. on NTN, Cablevision Channel 2. on all local radio stations 2 Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saint Lucia 3 Sir Allan Louisy Million Dollar Grant for Climate “did the right thing for this country” Continued from page 1 ated for this country. This simple man The Prime Minister added “Sir Alan was at home with kings and equally at Change Projects Louisy in his own life confirms that home with the ordinary people of his there is every reason why we have to village and of his country.” rime Minister Honourable celebrate the men and women among “I recall there was a time some Dr. Kenny Anthony on April us who have helped to shape this coun- among us ridiculed him because he 5th, 2005 signed agreements Pfor two Global Environmental Fund try. Look at Sir Allan, a trade unionist, loved his game of dominos, and that he a founding member of the seamen and sought refuse, pleasure and joy by en- (GEF) projects designed to address gaging, while he was prime minister, in the impact of climate change in Saint waterfront workers union, a president Lucia, and St. Vincent and of the Civil Service Association, a law- the occasional game of dominos with the Grenadines. yer a registrar, a magistrate, an acting the citizens of his community. But yet A grant has been allocated for the administrator, a high court judge, an that simple act, that simple fact of Al- first project which involves the prepa- acting court of appeal judge, and then a lan demonstrated how he loved Labo- ration of Pilot Adaptation Measures in prime minister of St. Lucia.” rie that created and produced him, but Coastal Areas of the three Windward Addressing a gathering of family, more important than that the pleasures Islands. close friends and a few legal lumi- he could obtain from the simple people Prime Minister Kenny Anthony speaking at the ceremony An additional Japanese grant of naries at Government House, Dr. An- around him and his community. I think, tory, and who some day would want to the years. US$349,000 has been allocated to- thony characterised Sir Allan’s life as in that there is a powerful legacy; that express their views about that history The Louisy family has been an ex- wards the second project involving the unknown but “extraordinary” by any no matter what we achieve in our own and the role that Sir Allan Louisy. I traordinary family and has helped actual “Implementation of Adaptation means or methods you choose to mea- lives, let us never ever forget the com- certainly will leave the rest to history to shape this country too in so many Measures to Climate Change.” sure his accomplishments. He noted munity that created us, the people that but say this; that whatever action Sir ways. Director of the Caribbean Communi- “Perhaps Sir Allan must bear some helped to shape out lives, and the peo- Allan took in those days, given what Sir Allan we thank you for your ser- ty Climate Change Centre Dr. Kenrick of the blame. Not deliberately in any ple who give meaning to who we are we know about the integrity of men to- vice, we thank you for what you have Leslie, who signed on behalf of CARI- way; but perhaps the very character of and what we are.” day, albeit with the assistance of hind- done for the people of St. Lucia, and COM, explained that the projects will help the three Eastern Caribbean States the man himself prevents him from ad- Commenting on Sir Allan short ten- sight, Sir Alan did the right thing for we thank you for being simply Sir Al- implement specific pilot adaptation vertising his extraordinary accomplish- this country.” lan Louisy but to all of us affectionate- ure as prime Minister of Saint Lucia measures to address the impact of cli- ments. Allan Louisy is a simple man, ly as simply Allan.” Dr. Anthony said “Unfortunately for In congratulating the former Prime mate change on biodiversity and land self effacing, extraordinary humble. Sir Allan many people remember him Minister Dr. Anthony further noted The investiture ceremony took place degradation along coastal areas. Both And humility does not allow you to ad- for the turbulent years when he was said “let us look to the future, let us at Government House on Thursday projects are expected to be completed vertise yourself or accomplishments.” prime minister of this country and who continue to wish Sir Allan a good and March 31st 2005, with Her Excellency within a year. The Prime Minister said “In all my known history will redeem him and be joyous life, let us continue to wish him Dame Pearlette Louisy, Governor Gen- In some brief remarks at the signing conversations with Sir Allan Louisy, kind to him, because there are some good health, let us also join together in eral of Saint Lucia investing Sir Allan Dr. Leslie said “CARICOM has always never once have I heard him go back to of us here today who are familiar with congratulating him and his family with with the order and presenting him with been blamed for being reactive, but in his past on what he has achieved or cre- that history and understand that his- who he has stood by very close over his medals. the case of climate change it is on the cutting edge of developments in this increasingly important field” The Caribbean Community Climate Another St. Lucian has KNIGHTS Centre which coordinates the regional response to climate change is the key OF agency for information on climate been Knighted by Her change issues and the Caribbean’s ef- fort to manage and adapt to climate SAINT LUCIA change. The establishment of the Cen- Majesty the Queen tre was endorsed by the Caircom Heads of Government in July 2002. Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony welcomes Hon. Ambrose George (Dominica) to the signing ceremony in Castries he Right Honourable Allan moment said the former prime minister Fitzgerald Laurent Louisy in his own life confirms that there is ev- he St. Lucia Air and Sea Ports here even with duty paid are no differ- has been conferred with the ery reason why St. Lucians should cel- Authority (SLASPA) has dis- ent from any other shop anywhere in T ebrate the men and women who have Award of the Knight Commander closed plans for the staging of St. Lucia. It’s a good place to buy, it’s of the Order of St. Michael and St. helped to shape this country. T St. Lucia Jazz - one of the main components of St. air conditioned and far more comfort- George. He was knighted by Her Sir Allan, who will turn 89 on Sep- Lucia Jazz – Tea Time Jazz - at La able than many other places,” said an Majesty the Queen earlier this year tember 5th, was born in the village of Place Carenage in the heart of the energetic Herman who manages Ba- but was formally presented with the Laborie and has earned a reputation as pointed Acting Judge of the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal, a position city. Tea Time Line Up nana Beach. award by Governor General Her one of the region’s legal luminaries. Excellency Dame Pearlette Louisy His early schooling was done at the which held until his retirement from Tea Time Jazz, into its 8th year is Main organizer of St. Lucia Jazz - acting on behalf of Her Majesty the Laborie Infant School, which was fol- public judicial service in 1973. said to be unduplicated, remaining a the St. Lucia Tourist Board - continues Queen, on Thursday March 31st, lowed by his secondary school educa- Besides his dynamic public life Sir Sir William Sir George F.L. “one-of-a-kind” experience that com- to endorse Tea Time Jazz, viewing it as 2005. tion at the St. Mary’s college. Sir Allan Allan served in various capacities as Arthur Lewis Charles bines fine duty-free shopping, dining one of the many vehicles allowing gov- then moved on to gain higher learning Chairman, Director and President on and leisure with the best of local musi- ernment to realize its mandate of taking at the Inns of Court, Middle Temple, in several boards and organizations. He • Sir Garnet Gordon -QC cal talent. SLASPA’s General Manager jazz to the people. Public and Visitor the . Sir Allan’s profi- was also an avid cricketer, football • Sir Frederick Clarke Mr. Vincent Hippolyte says the unique Relations Manager – St. Lucia Tourist ciency as a legal practitioner was well player and athlete. concept has not compromised St. Lucia Board Kirby Allain says “a few years known throughout the region serving The Government and people of St. • Sir Allen Lewis -QC Jazz, as it continues to hold it own, ever ago we re-branded what was called St. as Crown Attorney in St. Lucia, Mont- Lucia recognize the eminent contri- • Sir Ira Simmons -ISOMBE evolving and attracting record crowds. Lucia Jazz Festival to simply St. Lucia serrat, Antigua, Dominica, as Senior bution of Sir Allan awarding him the According to Mr. Hippolyte, “SLAS- Jazz. We felt that we had made suffi- Magistrate in Antigua and Resident highest national award- The St. Lucia • Sir Keith Gordon PA remains very proud of having Tea cient strides around the world with the Magistrate and Registrar of the Su- Cross in 1998. Time Jazz every year. It is something event to call it own, something unique- preme Court and Court of Appeal in • Sir Joseph Quentin Charles Sir Allan now enjoys a semi-retired that we look forward to as we believe ly St. Lucian that we can mark made Jamaica. but still fairly active life, as he describes • Sir Vincent Floissac Tea time jazz that it adds value and diversity to jazz performers - 2004 and from St. Lucia.” However the legal luminary reached it, resorting now to gardening, fishing, • Sir Fitzroy Augier in St. Lucia and we will continue to en- the apex of his career when he was ap- reading, and playing dominoes. Tea Time Jazz has also made that sure that Tea Time Jazz remains a fea- bold statement Allain says, “but they • Sir Vendors at La ture of St. Lucia Jazz every year.” did so from the very outset, allowing • Sir Place Carenage Sir Allan Louisy poses with As the main sponsor of Tea Time St. Lucian musicians a unique oppor- students from Laborie • Sir Arthur Lewis Jazz and owner of La Place Carenage tunity to perform on a small local stage duty free- shopping complex, SLASPA but with regional and international au- The investiture ceremony took • Sir Stanislaus James diences watching and truly enjoying place at Government House and was has formed, what it says is, an exciting what we as St. Lucians have to offer.” witnessed by Sir Allan’s family and • Sir working relationship with the many friends and representatives of govern- • Sir Allan Louisy clients occupying the space within the For this year’s line up, gospel record- ment and people of St.Lucia. A former complex. That relationship in the words ing artist Shirley Ann Cyril-Mayers Prime Minister of St.Lucia, The Right • Dame Pearlette Louisy of store owner Al Herman has brought will launch a new album as she shares Honourable Allan Fitgerald Laurent • Dame Marie Celepha gains to both parties, and is especially the stage with Busta Emerald Steel, Louisy should now be referred to as Sir noticeable during Tea Time Jazz. “St. Barbara Ann Cadet and the group Nex- Allan Fitgerald Laurent Louisy. ‘Sesene’ Descartes Lucians probably think all too often us with well know musical diva Nicole Prime Minister Honourable Dr. Ken- that this is just for other people and not David as hostess. Tea Time Jazz runs • Dame Edna Lewis Mr. Vincent Hippolyte - SLASPA ny Anthony who shared in the jubilant Members from the legal fraternity at the ceremony for themselves. The fact is that prices from May 2nd – 5th, 2005. 4 Saint Lucia Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saint Lucia 5

ver the past few weeks, Consider for a moment the implica- Adjustments in Customs Duties and like China where labour is exceedingly the Inland Revenue De- tions of this approach. What would Consumption Taxes Customs Department - one tax cheap, and fierce competition within partment has been busy happen to garbage collection if a house the region, particularly from Trinidad Consumers have also experienced ad- collection agency on NTN explaining to owner did not pay the utility bill? justments, and in some cases, increases and Tobago. Omembers of the public how to fill Surely, it is not only households that in Customs Duties and Consumption Secondly, in a bid to assist manufac- in their Annual Tax Returns. Actu- generate waste. All consumers gener- Taxes on imported goods. As usual, turers to be competitive the Govern- ally, they are doing a good job of it. ate waste including those who travel politicians and commentators prefer to ment exempted the importation of raw This is one Government Department on minibuses. What about households focus on the increases rather than the which is trying to reach out to mem- without electricity or water? Does that materials from the payment of Service reasons for the increases. Again this is Charge and introduced a Consumption bers of the public, albeit, a special mean that they should not contribute to unfortunate but understandable since group, the taxpayers. I like what I garbage disposal? Tax Allowance on exports by manu- the increases are more politically inju- factures. So, is this a sector which has see! It’s good stuff! This Government decided that to rious to the decision makers. been taxed to death? Again, your call, But understandably, it will be the avoid these problems and to guarantee Why the adjustments? Most of the ask the Manufacturers. season of irritation, the season of ren- funds to finance waste collection and explanation has to do with commit- dering to Caesar, the Tax Man, the disposal, a more efficient approach ments to the Caribbean Community. Miscellaneous Taxes was needed. So we enacted the Envi- things that are due to Caesar. The former U.W.P. Government, along There are, too, other miscellaneous ronmental Protection Levy Act, No.15 Last week, I explained the numer- with other Caricom Governments, tax increases by this Government. For of 1999. Under this Act an amount is ous initiatives of this Government to agreed to introduce similar rates of charged, levied and collected on cer- example, early in the life of the admin- reduce taxation whether to individuals duty for goods imported into the Ca- tain goods imported into the country. istration, we increased airport depar- or the commercial sector. Today, I am ribbean Community in order to better In this way, all citizens contribute, in- ture taxes as well as the tax on tickets going to look on the other side of the protect goods produced in Caricom. for external travel. We have increased balance sheet, the Tax Measures intro- directly, to garbage collection and dis- (Let me tell you at the outset that I fees for Drivers Licences, Route Bands duced by this Government and the rea- posal. Ask those who oppose the En- support the decision. It was, and still and introduced the Cell Phone Tax. sons for such measures. vironmental Levy how they propose to fund garbage collection and disposal. is, good policy.) To give effect to the Admittedly, these increases brought Overriding Philosophy What’s their alternative? Ask them! decision the Governments decided to their own displeasure, but this is un- Most Governments have an over- derstandable. riding philosophy on taxation. A Gov- No Development without Revenue ernment may not state the philosophy as had been done before by the UWP to Sir John Compton in a recent state- There is, however, a deeper truth directly, but its policies could be eval- Government to compensate for the loss ment: uated to identify the elements of its tax of revenue caused by the reductions in “How can the Government speak of that must be stated. More and more philosophy. I would say that this Gov- Prime Minister Custom Duties. economic growth when the manufac- citizens are demanding better services ernment has attempted to: (1) Simplify Dr. Kenny D. Anthony Treatment ponds at turing sector has all but disappeared, from the Government. The call is for the tax system by abolishing nuisance Killing Manufacturing Deglos Landfill taxed to death by high consumption better roads, improved water supply, taxes; (2) Improve the efficiency of tax In the ensuing debate you probably and other taxes?” better health care, more education, bet- lower the Tax Rate and the fairer the closed. New and modern disposal sites collection by reducing the administra- heard the voices of some manufactur- Nice, typical political language, but ter security etc. The choice is to con- Tax System, the greater will be compli- tive cost of collecting tax whenever exist at Deglos and Vieux Fort. Both ers. Some argued that the Govern- untrue. First, let us look at the contri- ance. Citizens are more inclined to pay tinue as we are with the same level of possible; (3) Ensure greater equity facilities were financed under the Solid ment should not require them to pay bution of the Manufacturing Sector to taxes if they feel that the tax system is services financed by the current levels Waste Management Project conceived Consumption Taxes as if they never the total value of goods and services fair and just. and financed by the World Bank and the of revenue or to increase, modernise, paid such taxes before. The fact is produced in St. Lucia. In 1992, manu- and improve the services which exist. I So much for philosophy. Let us OECS Governments. The World Bank that the Government of St. Lucia can- facturing contributed $76.05 million, in prefer the second choice: improve the turn our attention to the individual Tax extended loans to the Governments and not waive Consumption Taxes for our 1996 when Sir John abandoned office, quality of life of our people but do so Measures. quite naturally was concerned about fi- manufacturers and levy Consumption manufacturing contributed $69.97 mil- nancing the cost of waste collection within our means, with the resources The Environmental Protection Levy Taxes on exports to St. Lucia by Carib- lion and in 2003, it contributed $70.19 and disposal. bean Manufacturers. Caricom requires million. So, has manufacturing “all but available to us, and with revenue de- One of the more frequently criti- The then U.W.P Government agreed manufacturers across the region to be disappeared?” Your call. rived from a fair and just Tax System. cised Tax Measures of the Government that the collection and disposal of waste treated equally. The sector has held its own despite Can I persuade you to agree? is the Environmental Protection Levy. by the Solid Waste Management Au- Of course, this tax was made infamous But is it true that the Manufacturing the world recession, the relocation of Take care, be of good cheer and God thority would be financed by a House- by the Levy on Used Cars. Sector has been taxed to death? Listen some manufacturing plants to places Bless. hold Levy on either the water bills or Why an Environmental Levy? the electricity bills of consumers. Just Everyone, including our fiercest imagine how it would work. To get critics agree that the Government has garbage collected from your home, a done a good job in garbage collection levy would be imposed on one of your and disposal. Ciceron Dump has been utility bills, mind you, at a fixed rate.

Tax rebate for contribution to clubs among taxpayers by broadening the tax base. In other words, avoid putting Sin Taxes establish what is described as a Com- the burden of tax on one group of in- Then there are the sin taxes, the taxes mon External Tariff in four phases. dividuals and exempting others. The Simply put, the Common External Environmental Protection Levy is a imposed on cigarettes and alcohol. Tariff require that all Caricom Govern- good example of this approach. I’ll ex- Admittedly, not many persons com- ments charge the same rates of duty for plain later; (4) Move away from Direct plain about these taxes. But I do get Taxation to Indirect Taxation. Inci- occasional “barbs”. After the last in- all goods coming from outside Cari- dentally, Direct Taxation refers to taxes crease in the excise taxes on spirits and com. on salaries or other personal income, tobacco, a constituent of mine, known By 1997, the UWP Government had while indirect taxation refers to taxes for his support for the Opposition, introduced the first two phases of the on goods and services. The Customs shouted at me, “I en’t voting for you Common External Tariff. It was left Duties that we pay on imported items because it too expensive to get drunk”. to this Government to introduce the is a form of Indirect Taxation. By re- Jokes aside, we do need to send a last two phases. This we did in 2003, ducing personal income tax, the work- clear message that smoking is a health albeit with some unfortunate errors, er or tax payer will have greater control risk. What better way than to ensure hence the outcry from certain indi- over his or her income; (5) Avoid, as Manufacturing has reward many tax “breaks” that the price of cigarettes are prohibi- viduals. In some cases, Consumption far as possible, punitive taxation. The tive? Tax rates were adjusted upwards, just A truck used in the Solid Waste Managment System 6 Saint Lucia Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saint Lucia 7 Under-invoicing rocks used car maket - Prime Minister Kenny Anthony: Pope John Investigator uncovers similar practices as Paul II presented Peace and Social Justice employed in St. Lucia t is with a profound sense of loss ligious ecumenism which he advocated that we in Saint Lucia accept the then, and which he continued to live regional expert who helped weigh any benefits.” Ideath of His Holiness Pope John through his own relationship and inter- crack the used-car racket in The investigator’s report, quoted by Paul II. His papacy over the past action with the leaders and members of ASt. Lucia says the Barbados the Daily Nation newspaper, showed twenty-six years exemplified his own other faiths. Government is losing over 35 million that used car sales continued to out- vision of a civilization of love which We will remember Pope John Paul dollars annually as a result of under- strip those for new cars. But while the could help humanity achieve its goal II for his candour, for his tireless pro- invoicing by local importers operat- Government’s revenue collections for of an authentic and lasting peace. motion of peace and social justice, for ing in collusion with Japanese used new cars remained steady, revenue His was a love that spoke to inclu- his respect for human rights, for his car exporters. from the used car market continued to siveness, to reconciliation, to reach- courage and strength, for his openness, Elizabeth Andrew-Rose, a Carib- slide downward despite an increase in ing out and accommodating other for his humility, for the moral leader- bean expert who conducted a study of the number of used cars imported. peoples, other cultures, other faiths. ship he provided to Catholics and non- It is for this reason that his death is the used car market in St. Lucia and its The report pointed out that in 1997, Catholics alike, for his genuine love implications for the country’s revenue mourned not only by the Catholic for young people, for the way he bore 2,606 new cars were imported in Bar- community world-wide, which he collections, was also hired by the Bar- bados. The number increased in 1999 his suffering till the end. The world badian Government to conduct a simi- has led so selflessly and steadfastly, will miss his leadership and his unique John Paul II blessed all during his St. Lucia Visit in 1986 to 2,800, but declined to 1,238 in but by people from all walks of life, lar study. ability to communicate with people of 2003. On the other hand, used car sales in countries big and small, all over In her report to the Owen Arthur moved from 2,763 in 1997 to 4,212 in all ages, his ability to reach beyond his the world. Church to embrace the whole world. administration, Ms Andrew Rose in- 2001 and declined to 2,360 in 2003. We ourselves remember with great In spite of its great loss, the Catho- dicated that the Barbados government In the case of St. Lucia, similar prac- fondness his visit to Saint Lucia in lic community here in Saint Lucia has lost over 235 million Barbados dollars tices were uncovered by Ms Rose sev- 1986, and the message of love, of reason to celebrate the extraordinary – the equivalent of EC $317 million – eral years ago, with the island’s Cus- hope, and of encouragement which he life of its Spiritual Leader for the past between 1997 and 2003, as a result of toms & Excise Department recording brought to all of us: to the children at twenty-six years, as a unique figure in illegal practices by some of the island’s smaller unit customs values for the im- the George F.L. Charles Airport where world history. As we mourn his loss, used car importers. ported cars in what is described locally he landed; to the Catholic faithful at we should as a nation and as a Chris- The regional expert was asked to un- as “under-invoicing”. the Pope Site at Rodney Bay where tian community pledge to live by the dertake a study on the economic, social Following Ms Andrew-Rose’s he celebrated Mass; and to the sick same principles which inspired his life and environmental impact of the im- St. Lucia findings, the Government and elderly at the Cathedral of the Im- and his Ministry: “Love, in a word, is portation of used vehicles on the Bar- Used cars have swelled traffic lines cracked down on the used car dealers maculate Conception. During his visit the gift of self” bados economy. found that importers of used cars and exporters were quite willing to sell engaged in “under-invoicing”, result- he spoke of the growth of the Church The whole nation conveys its sincer- She said a combination of “double exporters in Japan conspire to evade each car at one price and provide a ing in several local dealers being given here, and we have been witnessing not est condolences to the Catholic faith- invoicing” in the used car market and an alternative of paying the unpaid mil- taxes by engaging in what the Barbadi- second invoice with any value the im- only a spiritual revival in the different ful here in Saint Lucia. His life’s work John Paul II reached out to young people government’s policies that directly en- ans call “double-invoicing.” porter wants, to “prove” to Customs it lions or facing the courts. faiths, but also an acceptance of the re- ended, may he rest in peace. courage the importation of used cars The investigator explained that cost a lesser amount. The St. Lucia Government also in- over new vehicles, combined to result countries like Barbados -- and St. Lu- The investigator said in her report troduced an amendment to the Environ- in the serious hemorrhaging of the cia before it – had become dumping to the Barbados Government that the mental Levy that made it more costly Government’s tax revenues. grounds for cars that no longer met the high volume of used cars have resulted to import used cars over five years old. Ambassador Hunte on Caricom Passports Ms Andrew-Rose, a Barbadian grad- environmental standards of the Japa- in “increased port costs, traffic con- The levy was challenged in court by at uate of the University of the West In- nese government. gestion, faster road deterioration and least one local used car dealer, but the dies (UWI) who grew up in St. Lucia, As a result, she added, the Japanese a host of other ills, which clearly out- courts threw out the case. Decolonization Mission coming soon which, if realized, could spell serious Bermuda and the implications of those economic difficulty for the territories. alternatives. The BIC is also responsi- he much discussed Caricom certain features in common. In other Governments study increased World Oil Prices ble for conducting a public information Passport concept for the words they will all look the same. So Having been forced to review their en- Caricom Community has if you are a citizen of St. Vincent and ergy policies and to allow for increases campaign to heighten the awareness of T US markets, OECS member-states ex- fuel prices, followed by St. Lucia and the successfully moved to the stage of the Grenadines or Guyana or St. Lu- il prices are again at record prices for fuel, several territories have the public of the options available to pressed deep concern and signalled they other OECS territories. becoming a reality, with the Re- cia your regular passport will be the highs, causing concern around been examining options for alternative them in the context of the exercise of may have to consider a review of energy public of Surinam being the first same colour and on the face of it, it the Caribbean and through- By the middle of 2004, over $5 mil- energy sources, some looking at solar, the right to self-determination. O prices. country to issue the new travel will have the same information;” ex- out the world about the implications lion had been lost in uncollected taxes geothermal, hydro-electric and wind al- However, the OECS Heads of Gov- The Special Mission also participat- document. plained Senator Compton. for non-oil producing countries like St. because the St. Lucia Government sub- ternatives. ernment, at their 39th Summit in Kings- ed in three evening public meetings at Lucia and most of its Caricom neigh- sidized prices at the pump, guaranteeing Minister for External Affairs Sen- He says the passports will all bear town, St. Vincent and the Grenadines last Just last week, the Cabinet of Minis- various sites around the country where bours. ator Petrus Compton says the islands a common appearance and also the May, also said they “recognized that any dealers their minimum profits to keep the ters in St. Lucia agreed to the allocation persons from the various communities World oil prices hit record highs on of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, insignia of the Caricom Community. increase in energy prices would pose se- cost of fuel affordable. of 70 acres of land for establishment of a presented their views on the self-deter- both sides of the Atlantic on Monday, mination process, and asked detailed and Guyana “There will be the Caricom logo, rious threats to the economic recovery of In June 2004, after a prolonged pe- wind farm by St. Lucia Electricity Ser- will issue the new passports by mid with Brent Crude futures at just over US the sub-region and that this would in turn riod of monitoring and an exhaustion of vices Ltd (LUCELEC), the island’s lone questions of the members of the Spe- there will be the words “Caribbean $57 per barrel and US crude at $58 per year – 2005. Community” and there will be there impact negatively on their capacity to available options, the Government of St. supplier electric energy. Ambassador cial Mission on the experiences and barrel -- and climbing. processes of their countries during the According to Minister Compton, will be the country of issue – for ex- compete effectively in the international Lucia was forced to review petroleum As Budget Day approaches in several Julian R. Hunte The latest rise in prices were based transition to independence. St. Lucia for its part will begin circu- ample St. Lucia as that of St. Lucia. territories, their Economic Affairs Units lating the new Caricom passports to The passport will continue to be is- on concern about US refining capacity, Bulk oil storage in Castries are keeping their eyes on the world mar- mbassador H.E. Hon. Dr. Ju- The second phase of the Special a shortfall of supplies to the US market lian R. Hunte, Saint Lucia’s Mission is scheduled for the end of nationals by November 2005. sued by your local government; and ket prices and constantly studying the it will be the property of the govern- from Venezuela and earlier predictions implications for the local economies. Permanent Representative to May when additional sessions will be “Our cabinet has discussed the is- that the price could enter “a super-spike” A sue and we have agreed that the new ment and so on.” the United Nations (UN) and Chair- held with members of the Bermuda In- Economic and financial analysts are and eventually exceed US $100. man of the UN Special Committee dependence Commission, followed by Saint Lucian Passport will also re- The Minister says the new pass- already predicting that if the prices con- on Decolonization is presiding over a a second round of public meetings as flect the Caricom Passport when it is ports will bear an important feature A Goldman Sachs report on Thursday tinue to rise at such record highs, the said prices could rise to US $105 per bar- consultation process on decoloniza- well as sessions with targeted groups. issued. Now what does the Caricom in that they will be machine readable. Governments could be forced to again tion in Bermuda. passport mean? It is not a passport Caricom Passports will consist of data rel and by Monday morning, OPEC oil allow for increased fuel prices at the gas The Special Mission also was com- ministers were discussing the possibility The United Nations Special Mission prised of Chairman Hunte, Permanent issued by the Caricom Secretariat, it that will be automatically scanned at pumps, with all the attendant wider im- is still a national passport issued by a points of entry and departure around of having to raise production by 500,000 plications for prices. to Bermuda completed the first phase Representative of Timor Leste Jose barrels per day. of its work in March 2005, by meet- Luis Guterres, Permanent Represen- national government but it will have the world. Powerlessness Vulnerable ing with government leaders, opposi- tative of Bolivia Edwin Ortiz Ganda- Government officials across the region tion members, and a cross-section of But while oil-producing Trinidad & rillas, Permanent Representative of marketplace.” T prices upwards. are once again highlighting the power- the Bermudian community during four Tobago may be gearing-up to count prof- Dominica Crispin Gregoire, Deputy he OECS Heads of Government estab- But in the past nine months, there lessness of the non-oil producing coun- days of sessions in the British territory. its, St. Lucia and other non-oil produc- Permanent Representative of the Con- lished a Task force on Energy Policy has been no let-up in the increases of tries – and especially the small island The Special Mission was led by Am- ing Caricom territories are preparing to go Luc Okio, and Deputy Permanent to advise them on, among other things, the world market price for oil, forcing nations of the region – in the face of the bassador Julian R. Hunte. count the costs to their economies if the Representative of Papua New Guinea effective energy conservation manage- non-oil producing countries to appeal to increasing prices on the world market. Jimmy Ovia. Advisers to the mission current trend continues. the OPEC ministers to be more mindful The Special Mission held meetings ment, alternative energy sources and re- The energy officials are also underlin- were Deputy Resident Representative about the effects of spiralling increases with the Premier of Bermuda Alex Particularly vulnerable are the small form of the sector. ing the added importance of continuing of the United Nations Development on their small economies. Scott, with the Leader of the Opposi- OECS member-states, which have over Increased Prices and accelerating the pace of the search tion Grant Gibbons, and with the Gov- Programme (UNDP) Office in Jamaica the past year had to adjust to the costs In the past year, most Caricom mem- Examining Options for alternative energy sources. ernor of the territory John Vereker. It Ann-Marie Ali, and Independent Ex- of increased oil prices and the resultant ber-states have had to increase the price With the Governments of St. Lucia and But until such sources can be identi- also conducted a series of sessions with pert on Governance Carlyle Corbin. increases in energy costs, particularly for of fuel at the petrol stations as a result other OECS territories preparing their fied, tapped and distributed, St. Lucia the Bermuda Independence Committee The Bermuda Independence Com- fuel. of the spiralling increases in world mar- annual Estimates of Revenue and Ex- and the rest of the Caribbean remain at (BIC), a government-appointed body mission is scheduled to present its re- Last April, following 30-year record ket prices. Barbados, Dominica, Guyana penditure, most are keeping their eyes on the whims and fancies of OPEC and the with the mandate to collect informa- port to the Government at the begin- Caricom nationals at George F.L. Charles increases in oil prices on the British and and Jamaica were among the first to raise the record increases and the projections companies that supply oil to the region. tion on the political options available to ning of July. 8 Saint Lucia Saturday, April 9, 2005 Bridge Street closed for upgrading xcavation works to clear the drain inlet along Bridge EStreet began Monday April 4th 2005. The drain which is located at the centre of the north and south lanes of the street has over the years become affected by the application of several layers of bitumen. Minister for Communications, Works, Transport and Public Utili- ties Honourable Felix Finisterre said the purpose of the work is to free the drain’s water inlets from the old bitu- men surfaces, beginning with the south lane, which is the lane running along- side the old Bata building and AT&T. According to Minister Finisterre “We will from the junction of the Morne Road down to the customs resurface Bridge Street, Castries, dug up for new road surface this entire carriageway whilst the other one shall become a dual carriageway. So with all of this being done it is very EC$10,000.00 Appeal for Information important that we regulate and control parking within the city, because those he Government of Saint Lu- who also resided in Cantonement. The streets while being done will become cia has reassured the Saint homicides occurred between March no-parking areas.” Lucia public that every effort 10th and April 02nd 2005. The works will further enhance gov- T is being made to solve three recent The Minister said that these incidents ernment’s plan to solve the problem homicides in a southern community were “senseless” and “disturbing” and of flooding within the city of Castries. of the island. Minister of Home Af- announced that the Commissioner of Minister Finisterre said the project will fairs and Internal Security, Senator Police Mr. Ausbert Regis was directed be stopped at the completion of works Hon. Calixte George has appealed to establish a special task force to in- on the south lane in time for St. Lucia for the public to cooperate with the vestigate these cases. Jazz 2005 and resume following the police by providing whatever infor- festival on May 9th. mation that they may have on these Government has offered a reward of The Minister made these announce- incidents. EC$10,000.00 for information leading ments at a sitting of Parliament last This included the homicide of two to the solution of any of these homi- month while presenting a bill to the your persons, twenty year old Andre cides. House of Assembly which amends the Joseph and sixteen year old Hannah Persons with information should fine for dangerous parking from $2000 Leon, both of Cantonement, Vieux- contact the office of the Commissioner to a maximum of $400 or an imprison- Fort. The third homicide was Julian of Police at telephone number 452- ment of not more than 21 days. Hon. Calixte George Sony, approximately sixty years old, 22851 or the nearest police station.

Thousands pledge their support as the THIS WEEK ON NTN

Sat. April 9th - Fri. April 15th, 2005 NCF continues to assist Saint Lucians The GIS discusses HIV/AIDS and he thousands of persons who which persons are sensitized about the fer my services, I will take your artiste Domestic Violence - Saturday 9th April, turned out on at the Pigeon work of the NCF is truly underscored anywhere they want to go and he did 8:00 p.m. Island Side Lawn over the by ordinary citizens who came forward that.” · The National Insurance Corporation T – 16 years later - Sat. April 9th, 7:30 p.m. weekend to support the National to volunteer in any way possible. So far the NCF has not met its target Community Foundation’s NCF third “I must thank St. Lucians for that ·The GIS speaks with president of the amount of $250,000.00 but Ms. Lee Canaries community club about long telethon is reflective of the strong show of support. I think right now NCF says the Board remains optimistic that term plans for the development of Canar- bond and sense of belonging that the is now a household name in St. Lucia. the goal will be met because donors are ies - Sun. April 10th, 7:30 p.m. Foundation has natured with the We had one month of publicity and I using other channels such as employee ·Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) A new public over the past three years. think every single person in St. Lucia method for catching fish – Mon. April deduction forms to make contributions. That’s the view expressed by the Ex- got to know about the NCF. You 11th, 6:15 p.m. An audited report of the proceeds from ecutive Director of the National Com- had just ordinary persons calling you ·CSME Spotlight - Tues. April 12th, 8:00 munity Foundation Ms. Jacintha An- and saying I want to support the NCF the telethon will be made available in p.m. nius Lee. what could I do. And I can give you an the near future. The operating expenses ·FEEDBACK “Universal Health Care” example of a taxi driver John Clement of the NCF for l2004, was almost four - Wed. April 13th, 8:00 p.m. The event which was held on April who called and said look I want to of- hundred thousand dollars. ·Government’s commitment to the 03rd attracted a huge crowd which manufacturing sector – Thurs. April 14th, contributed approximately $93,000.00 8:00 p.m. through direct pledges during the ·BANANA BITS – Eurep Gap is placed course of the show, which featured nu- under the microscope - Fri. April 15th, merous pro bono acts by local perform- 8:00 p.m. ers. According to Ms. Lee the level to Remember to tune in for: · GIS News Breaks and Kweyol News daily from 6:30 p.m. ·Issues & Answers/Mondays at 8:00pm: ·Interview/Tuesdays at 6:15pm : ·Konsit Kweyol/Tuesdays at 8:00pm (Kweyol Discussion): Many young persons volunteered at the event ·Your Right to Know/Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. (Min. of Ed. Prog). Take 2/Fridays at 6:15pm (Week in Review) ·Weflechi/Fridays at 6:40pm - (Week in Review—Kweyol)

For the complete programme guide, log on to our website at www.stlucia. and then click on the NTN icon. Guest Artiste Mighty Gabby A section of the crowd at Pigeon Island www.stlucia Saint Lucia NATIONWIDE is published every week by the Department of Information Services. Contact us at: The Department of Information Services, Greaham Louisy Administrative Building, The Waterfront, Castries, St. Lucia, West Indies Tel: (758) 468 2116; Fax (758) 453 1614; E-mail: [email protected];