Saint Lucia No. 82. Saturday, April 9, 2005 A publication of the Department of Information Services Prime Minister Anthony presents Budget - April 19 - page 1 cord high, this time topping US$58 dollars per barrel, with projections that it could reach as high as US $105 per barrel. The rise in fuel prices on the world market continues to be a matter of serious concern to the Government, which has frequently warned over the past 12 months about the conse- quences and implications for small, non-oil producing economies like Sir Allan Louisy Knight Commander of the St. Lucia. Order of St. Michael and St. George - page 2 The preparations for this year’s budget, which are entering the final phase, are also taking place against the background of the St. Lucia economy having grown by 3.5% in 2004, following equally strong growth in 2003. On April 19, the presentation of Prime Minister Dr. Kenny D. Anthony the Budget by the Finance Minister will be preceded by the presentation gears up his Budget Speech of the traditional Throne Speech by Her Excellency the Governor Gen- n exactly two weeks time, St. Prime Minister Dr Kenny D. Antho- eral, Dame Pearlette Louisy. Lucians will know exactly ny and top officials of the Ministry of Following the presentation of the how the economy fared in the Finance have for the past several weeks annual estimates of revenue and ex- Million dollar grant for Cimate past year and what the Gov- been meeting with Cabinet Ministers, penditure by the Minister of Finance, Change Project - page 3 Iernment’s revenue and expenditure as well as with finance and account- there will be the traditional one-day projections are for the next financial ing officials from various ministries, break to allow parliamentarians time year. to discuss budgetary projections and to prepare for the ensuing Budget Tuesday, April 19 has been set as allocations. Debate. Budget Day – the day when the Prime The discussions have been taking The presentation of the Budget Minister and Minister of Finance pres- place against the background of con- and the Throne Speech and the sub- ents the Government’s Annual Esti- tinuous record increases in the world sequent parliamentary debate will mates of Revenue and Expenditure for market price for oil over the past year. all be broadcast live on the National the financial year 2005 to 2006. On Monday, oil prices hit another re- Television Network (NTN). Environmental Levy - for better services - pages 4 & 5 rime Minister Hon. Dr. no longer relevant to our times; that we Kenny D. Anthony has chal- need to move on, as it were. Sometimes lenged Saint Lucians not to I wonder whether we are so preoccupied forget the history which cre- with the challenges that face us on a dai- Pated us and the people who helped ly basis, it is not worth going to the past. shape that history. Speaking at the Sometimes too I wonder whether there investiture ceremony for Sir Allan are those among us who are anxious to Louisy, Dr Anthony said he won- disown the history that created us to, as it dered why it was so easy to forget were, engage in amnesia, and forget the “the accomplishments of our distin- past. Sometimes too I wonder whether it guished men and women” is because in delving into the past we do Dr. Anthony said, “Sometimes I not find enough to glorify, to praise and Sir Allan Louisy flanked by Governor NCF Telethon wonder whether we think that the to give honour to.” General, Dame Pearlette Louisy (L) and - page 8 achievements of these individuals are Continued on page 2 Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony (R) “Take 2 ” - A fifteen minute news review of the week. Government Notebook A fresh news package daily Every Friday at 6.15 p.m. on NTN, Cablevision Channel 2. on all local radio stations 2 Saint Lucia Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saint Lucia 3 Sir Allan Louisy Million Dollar Grant for Climate “did the right thing for this country” Continued from page 1 ated for this country. This simple man The Prime Minister added “Sir Alan was at home with kings and equally at Change Projects Louisy in his own life confirms that home with the ordinary people of his there is every reason why we have to village and of his country.” rime Minister Honourable celebrate the men and women among “I recall there was a time some Dr. Kenny Anthony on April us who have helped to shape this coun- among us ridiculed him because he 5th, 2005 signed agreements Pfor two Global Environmental Fund try. Look at Sir Allan, a trade unionist, loved his game of dominos, and that he a founding member of the seamen and sought refuse, pleasure and joy by en- (GEF) projects designed to address gaging, while he was prime minister, in the impact of climate change in Saint waterfront workers union, a president Lucia, Dominica and St. Vincent and of the Civil Service Association, a law- the occasional game of dominos with the Grenadines. yer a registrar, a magistrate, an acting the citizens of his community. But yet A grant has been allocated for the administrator, a high court judge, an that simple act, that simple fact of Al- first project which involves the prepa- acting court of appeal judge, and then a lan demonstrated how he loved Labo- ration of Pilot Adaptation Measures in prime minister of St. Lucia.” rie that created and produced him, but Coastal Areas of the three Windward Addressing a gathering of family, more important than that the pleasures Islands. close friends and a few legal lumi- he could obtain from the simple people Prime Minister Kenny Anthony speaking at the ceremony An additional Japanese grant of naries at Government House, Dr. An- around him and his community. I think, tory, and who some day would want to the years. US$349,000 has been allocated to- thony characterised Sir Allan’s life as in that there is a powerful legacy; that express their views about that history The Louisy family has been an ex- wards the second project involving the unknown but “extraordinary” by any no matter what we achieve in our own and the role that Sir Allan Louisy. I traordinary family and has helped actual “Implementation of Adaptation means or methods you choose to mea- lives, let us never ever forget the com- certainly will leave the rest to history to shape this country too in so many Measures to Climate Change.” sure his accomplishments. He noted munity that created us, the people that but say this; that whatever action Sir ways. Director of the Caribbean Communi- “Perhaps Sir Allan must bear some helped to shape out lives, and the peo- Allan took in those days, given what Sir Allan we thank you for your ser- ty Climate Change Centre Dr. Kenrick of the blame. Not deliberately in any ple who give meaning to who we are we know about the integrity of men to- vice, we thank you for what you have Leslie, who signed on behalf of CARI- way; but perhaps the very character of and what we are.” day, albeit with the assistance of hind- done for the people of St. Lucia, and COM, explained that the projects will help the three Eastern Caribbean States the man himself prevents him from ad- Commenting on Sir Allan short ten- sight, Sir Alan did the right thing for we thank you for being simply Sir Al- implement specific pilot adaptation vertising his extraordinary accomplish- this country.” lan Louisy but to all of us affectionate- ure as prime Minister of Saint Lucia measures to address the impact of cli- ments. Allan Louisy is a simple man, ly as simply Allan.” Dr. Anthony said “Unfortunately for In congratulating the former Prime mate change on biodiversity and land self effacing, extraordinary humble. Sir Allan many people remember him Minister Dr. Anthony further noted The investiture ceremony took place degradation along coastal areas. Both And humility does not allow you to ad- for the turbulent years when he was said “let us look to the future, let us at Government House on Thursday projects are expected to be completed vertise yourself or accomplishments.” prime minister of this country and who continue to wish Sir Allan a good and March 31st 2005, with Her Excellency within a year. The Prime Minister said “In all my known history will redeem him and be joyous life, let us continue to wish him Dame Pearlette Louisy, Governor Gen- In some brief remarks at the signing conversations with Sir Allan Louisy, kind to him, because there are some good health, let us also join together in eral of Saint Lucia investing Sir Allan Dr. Leslie said “CARICOM has always never once have I heard him go back to of us here today who are familiar with congratulating him and his family with with the order and presenting him with been blamed for being reactive, but in his past on what he has achieved or cre- that history and understand that his- who he has stood by very close over his medals. the case of climate change it is on the cutting edge of developments in this increasingly important field” The Caribbean Community Climate Another St. Lucian has KNIGHTS Centre which coordinates the regional response to climate change is the key OF agency for information on climate been Knighted by Her change issues and the Caribbean’s ef- fort to manage and adapt to climate SAINT LUCIA change.
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