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Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper Newspapers


The Grizzly, September 28, 1999

Erny Hoke Ursinus College

Stephanie Restine Ursinus College

Nipun Suri Ursinus College

Heather W. Gurk Ursinus College

Ann Van Buren Ursinus College

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Recommended Citation Hoke, Erny; Restine, Stephanie; Suri, Nipun; Gurk, Heather W.; Buren, Ann Van; Reimold, Dan; Ramsey, Michael; Walker, Dave; Miller, Paige; Hansen, Mandy; Patton, Susan; Tessena, Kelly; Braiterman, Cory; Hampton, Aaron; Maynard, Andy; and Shaughnessy, Fran, "The Grizzly, September 28, 1999" (1999). Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper. 446. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/446

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Erny Hoke, Stephanie Restine, Nipun Suri, Heather W. Gurk, Ann Van Buren, Dan Reimold, Michael Ramsey, Dave Walker, Paige Miller, Mandy Hansen, Susan Patton, Kelly Tessena, Cory Braiterman, Aaron Hampton, Andy Maynard, and Fran Shaughnessy

This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/446 We know what we are, but know not what we maq be. THE GRIZZLY -William S hakespeare

Volume XXIII Number III The Student Newspaper of Ursinus College September 28th, 1999 Cheer on UC at Farrrily Day! Attend Various Athletic Events and NUlTIerous other Activities

Vc this Saturday, October 2nd. Uc ~OCCER SOCCER Seniors Mandy Fishwick and Lisa Newmaster enjoying a women's soccer game. I MOM II MOM . Il Staff Photo by Erny Hoke Taking to the Ballots Change in Ursinus Security --Good or Bad? Stephanie Restine decorated the campus buildings; Editor-In-Chief one candidate went so far as to NipunSuri hand out sweets to Wismer security" with the security desk security desk in the Quad Staff Writer patrons. in the Quad. Instead, they would explaining that even when the On Wednesday, September Commenting on the spirited This year 'Ursinus Security' prefer students to call the central security desk was in the Quad, 15 , the Class of2003 entered the lobbying for votes, candidate has officially become 'Ursinus security office in Reimert. Dean back doors were always realm of politics on the Ursinus Megan Restine stated, "Elections Security and Safety.' Along Nolan also stated that the security propped open, and people campus. During the lunch and were really exciting, because so with this new name, they have desk in the Quad was removed could get inside the Quad dinner hours, freshman elections made Reimert Hall central many worthy candidates decided without having to pass the were held in the lobby ofWismer. security headquarters and have to run. It's good to see so many security desk through a This election was marked by taken away the security desk enthusiastic people willing to get propped back door. an unprecedented amount of that, in past years, has existed involved." Other Ursinus students campaigning and enthusiasm. in the entrance to the Paisley, (Continued on Page 2) disagree with the removal of Creative flyers and posters Stauffer, and Beardwood, or the security desk in the Quad. known to students as the Quad. Carmelle Jean-Paul, junior Debbie Nolan, Dean of History major and a resident Students, says that several ofthe Quad, strongly feels that years' back, the Quad was an since the Quad is one of the all girls' residence hall and, busiest residence halls on therefore, Residence Life felt campus, it definitely needs a a need for a security desk. security desk to regulate However, she says, since the because Residence Life wanted student flow. She states, " Quad has become coed, the to create more of a "family" there's no way to keep track of security desk did not seem as environment; something which who comes and goes through useful, so Residence Life small schools like Ursinus has the Quad." Jean-Paul feels that, removed the desk. Residence the ability to maintain. in the past, the front desk did Life did not want students to Amanda Hansen, sophmore, provide a sense of security for develop a "false sense of approves with the removal ofthe her. Some freshman students take it to the ballot. Staff Photo by Sue Fialkowski


Voice Mail Roving Censorship Music NFL Problems Reporter or Not ??? Reviews Picks

Page 2 Page 4 Page 7 Page 8 Page 10 Page 2 The Grizzly NEWS September 28, 1999 News Summaries THE Franceen Shaughnessy News Editor showing ads that are targeted towards the southern Japan Friday, September 24 swing votes, crossing racial and party killing, at least, 26 people and injuring Weird News: lines. Katz's ads promoted his more than 430. Huge waves destroyed GRIZZLY GREENVILLE, South Carolina­ endorsement from an African American homes and hundreds ofthousands were Originally, the l-800-GIVE-CARE Democrat, John White Jr., who came in left without power. 80-mph winds number, otherwise known as Nurses on third in the spring primary behind Street. hammered Japan's southwestern island ERNYHOKE Call, provided callers with a quick way of The Street campaign delivers an ad that of Kyushu. In Shiranui more than 30 and obtaining medical information but the calls the African American Street a police officers were sent where homes number became something very different. "coalition-builder." were flooded close to their rooftops. STEPHANIE RESTINE Instead of a helpful nurse, callers hear Editors-in-Chief music and a woman's sultry voice referring National News: College News: them to adult entertainment numbers. NEW YORK-Forbes magazine has just BERKELEY, California-Dressed in a DR. LYNNE Greenville Hospital Systems created the listed the 400 richest American's. For the Nazi uniform and exhibiting a haircut Nurses on Call service in 1987 but EDWARDS first time, the American's on this list are and moustache that resembled Adolf disconnected it about a year ago. The collectively worth more than $1 trillion. Hitler, John Griffm, a student, spoke out Faculty Advisor number went back into the pool ofavailable Chairman of Microsoft, Bill Gates, led in favor ofracial unity and environmental numbers and reassigned. . the list with a net worth of$85 billion, up protection. Many other students were F:RANCEEN from last year's $59 billion. deeply offended by the attire and Griffm Local News: said that he knew his actions would SHAUGHNESSY Philadelphia-The two major candidates World News: make others angry. He stated, "Only News Editor for the mayor's race, Republican Sam TOKYO-Typhoon Bart ripped through through a provocative way do you have Katz and Democrat John F. Street, are a voice." DANREIMOLD Features Editor Campus Unable to Check Messages on Voice Mail

JOE POPE Franceen Shaughnessy with STC. "Your VM box is no more faculty worrying about future problems A&EEditor News Editor than space on that hard drive. The actual or the Y2K scare occurring with the Last week, the Ursinus campus hard drive on the VM system crashed voice mail service, Mickelsen feels it is CHRIS COCCA experienced a major problem with its temporarily." The reasons for this crash unnecessary because both of the VM voice mail. The voice mail service is a are still unknown but the system does system and the voice mail system are Opinion Editor part of Strategic Telecommunications have backup tapes for the VM so that "Year 2000 complaint. We know this Consulting Services (STC services), a students, administration, and faculty will because we have other clients with the CORYBRAITERMAN telephone serv~ce, which is connected to loose any messages or any information. same system as yours with the same Sports Editor the entire Ursinus campus. These backup tapes did not seem to be version of software. Every client we None of the students, faculty, or useful for Rita McDonald, senior Biology deal with at this point is Year 2000 administration was able to check their major, who stated, "Ilostalotofmessages compliant so there are no worries there." SUE FIALKOWSKI phone mail from Tuesday, September 21 in the process and when I went to check Students, administration, and Photo Editor until Wednesday, September 22 as a result them they weren't there." Nilande faculty are informed by STC services, from a hardware drive failure. "The voice Coblentz, senior Biology major, shared though, that if another problem does mail system is very similar to aP.c. tower the same sentiments as McDonald. "I arise with your phone service, in HEATHERGURK as far as components like a floppy disk could have missed important phone calls general, then the number to call is Advertising Manager and a hard drive, "explained Lars like a family emergency," said Coblentz. #61022. Mickelsen, a Telecommunications Analyst As for students, administration, and Editorial Policy All letters and articles submitted to Elections ... : The Grizzly must be signed by the Upperclass Election Results CLASS OF 2001 author. In the interest of content (Continued from Front Page) Social Chair: Lori Kruk integrity, anonymous articles will not be published. Opinions that Due to several unfilled positions in the Fundraising Chairperson: appear in articles are those of those The following students won their upperclass governing bodies, ballots were Suzanne Schramm authors, and not necessarily those of respective races: re-cast on Wednesday, September 22 to USGA Delegate: Mark Wolfrey the student body or administration. fill the voids. Listed below are the winners The Grizzly reserves the right to edit CLASS OF 2003 ofthe elections for each class. any submission for grammatical, CLASS OF 2000 legal, and/or spatial purposes. President: Edwin Chacko Vice President: Amanda Fishwick Vice President: Liza Woltjen Secretary/Treasurer: Erny Hoke Secretary/Treasurer: Jessie Bryan CLASS OF 2002 Social Chair: Submissions to The Grizzly can be Erica Dietrich Social Chair: Nicole Hampton USGA Delegate: Joe Pope Fundraising Chairperson: dropped offin the submission box on Historian: Sarah Ewald the second floor stairwell of Historian: Megan Restine Jen Alessandrini Bomberger. Deadlines are Thurs­ Historian: Hadley Schmoyer days at 5pm. September 28, 1999 FEATURES The Grizzly Page 3 Living Off Campus Just Like Home do not have. While other members of my Heather W. Gurk family are watching TV, I can retreat to Family Day Has Arrived Advertising Manager the privacy and comfort of my room to A number of factors influenced my read, work on homework and complete Franceen Shaughnessy choice to attend Ursinus College, and other things that require peace and quiet. Families can participate in carnival one ofthe main components in my deci­ I have a couple friends who live in the News Editor activities, music, and a picnic lunch. sion was the location ofthe school. I did donns, and in the past, they have com­ Katie Breidenbach, senior not want to go to a college in another plained to me about noisy, inconsiderate Another school year has begun and Sociology major, looks forward to the state, nor did I want to go to one that was roommates, and the fact that they cannot another Family Day for the Ursinus community approaches. Family Day event. "I love Family Day. It'sagreat hours away from my home, my family find a place or a time to study in a quiet way to meet our friends' family and and my high school buddies. I live in environment. The library is often their will be held Saturday, October 2 excited thatthey are going to have East Greenville, Pa, which is only a only retreat during studying hours. An­ beginning at 9:00 a.m. with registration I'm a carnival this year." twenty-minute drive from Ursinus. I other advantage that I have deals with and a continental breakfast and ending Each year a student committee is in decided to commute to school, which food. I eat lunch on campus, but at night, at 5 :00 p.m1 with a buffet candlelight saves money and suits my lifestyle the I can enjoy a home-cooked meal courtesy dinner. charge of organizing Family Day and best. Even though I do not live on of my mom. When my resident friends Some other activities include creating new activities. Dean Nolan campus, I have always made the effort grow tired of eating at Wismer or at student presentations, Ursinus athletic commented, "We've run a successful to include myself in college life. I have Zach's, they usually go offcampus to dine events, and a student art show. Deborah program for the last four years and friends who live on campus, and when I at a restaurant, which means extra money Olsen Nolan, Dean of Students and just keep fine tuning it." am bored, I visit them in their houses and out oftheir pockets. Furthennore, restau­ advisor for the Family Day Committee their donn rooms. Sometimes, I am rant food, especially at places like Pizza explained that the activities are intended Ifyour parents have not yet received jealous ofthe freedoms they experience. Hut and Wendy's, does not compare nutri­ for a wide variety of age groups. "The the Family Day brochure in the mail They can return to their rooms at all tionally or otherwise to a meal at home. children's activities in Wismer Lower or you have any questions, please hours of the night, and do not have to Someday, I may regret my decision to live Lounge from 1:00-4:00p.m. are geared contact the committee chairs, Erny worry about some of the chores that I at home, and may wish that I had given for younger kids, but the Country Fair Hoke (x3184) or Jamie DiBlassio have to deal with at home-feeding the residence life a chance. For now, I am has activities for all ages." (3176) . cat, walking the dog and taking out the satisfied with my living situation, and am The Country Fair will be held from trash. In general, though, I am pleased glad that I don't have to deal with room­ 11 :30 a.m.-l :OOp.m. on Paisley Beach. with my decision, for I feel I have some mates! advantages that residents ofthe college


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Roving Diners say Skippack portabella mushroom and roquefort cream sauce." Eatery a Near Four Star The food was served about 20 minutes after ordering. The pre­ sentation oftheentrees was elabo- Dining Experience rate, including exotic violet flow- Erny Hoke : • • ·R· o·~:I··ng· ·n·l.n·e·r·s • • .: ershand greeln pedicThles that ~ar- ... • nis ed the patters. e portIOns Stephanie Restine Editors-in-Chief : Restaurant Review : were extremely generous; the • • pasta well exceeded the confines We happened upon this quaint l>lace: Back Porch Cafe: ofthe dish. little cafe while randomly • • Route 73 East The fettuccini was delicious, searching the Skippack area for : Skippack, PA : yet almost overwhelming. The an interesting eatery. Although • • the structure is not easily vis- • • scallions, peppers, and thyme I-======~ r ible from the street, the sign j)ate: September 23, 1999 : caused this dish to be fairly hot The Back Porch Cafe in Skippack. Staff Photo by Erny Hoke 'fime' 5 pm • and spicy. Manyglassesofhome- advertising the cafe caught our : . : made Back Porch iced tea were c======:J attention. • consumed in order to calm the ...... ---- -.... _- ~ating (out of 4): *** 112 Our waitress for the evening • .. -. • • tangy taste of the pasta. ••• Love life got you down? ••• gave us our choice ofthe eight ~. tables within the interior ofthe • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The filet was excellent, grilled .. The menus offered a great se- to a wellness of medium rare. ••• Unsure ofyour place in the world? ••• restaurant. Multi-colored lection of different tastes. From The mouth-watering roquefort mums surrounded the periph­ •• •• roasted pork to pasta to crab cream sauce and portabella mush­ ~ ery of the dining room which :. Concerned about a family member or friend? legs, almost any maj or main meal rooms were the perfect compli­ • was decorated in a country category was represented. We ment for the filet. Savory garlic . . theme. The cathedral ceiling, . . selected the provenade from age mashed potatoes and fresh mixed JUST ASK ANN! : light wood construction, and fettuccini, which consisted of vegetables accompanied the ten­ ~ floor -to-ceiling windows ema­ •• •• "mascarpone, risotta, fresh scal- derloin...... • To leave a questlOn or comment for Ann mall to~ • nated warmth; small antique lions,parsley, thyme,andpepper Albeit a little pricey, the Back Santa's and little knick-knacks • • ~'ANN" MSC # 920 or drop in the wooden box •• sauteed to perfection," and the Porch Cafe provided agood meal, • • on the 2nd floor of Bomberger. ••• of all sorts gave the cafe a cozy Back Porch filet, which was a a comfortable atmosphere, and ••• •• atmosphere. "filet tenderloin with slices of an enj oyable eating experience. .- ...... -.. Life in Collegeville state my candidacy. I got the ofmulti -colored posters, concoct­ flyer had been carefully placed the candidates and no speeches signatures of twenty fellow stu­ ing eye-catching campaign slo­ only one night before. Thename giving us the chance to let the dents, put down in three sentences gans and generating scores of ofthegamewaspolitics. Andmy class know what we stood for. Election my intentions to fulfill the duties flyers full of glitz and glitter. opponents were playing dirty. It was like campaigning class of the office to the best of my That Monday I posted, plastered, Strangely, instead of becoming officers had been reduced to a Dan Reimold abilities and even turned in the stuck, duct-taped and thumb­ discouraged, seeing my worthy name on a sign or a computer Features Editor completed form days before dead­ tacked my name all over Uc. opponent stoop to such low lev- graphic on a flyer. My politi­ I first entered politics just line. I was set. I was an official And then the wait began. I lived els somehow strengthened my cal opponent distributed lolli­ recently as a wide-eyed, wet­ candidate, ready to run for politi­ my life, went to class, ate, slept, resolve and made me that much pops the night before the elec­ behind-the-ears, fresh-faced cal office. There was only one worked and slept again, all the more determined to run an honest tions were held, engaging in a college frosh with lofty ambi­ problem. I had no idea whatto do while wondering what exactly I campaign. Days passed. Tons of grape-flavored, last-gasp effort tions and a naive outlook on the next. How was a campaign sup­ would have to do as Vice Presi­ flyers turned up missing. My to win students over with a workings ofthe political world. posed to run? Was there a dent of the Freshman Class ifby catchy campaign slogans were smile and some sweets. The The date was Sunday August candidate's night so fellow stu­ sheer chance I was elected? callously copied. Each morning next day ballots were cast at 29th. And I had decided to run dents could actually see and hear I had no idea, considering the without fail, I would stroll by lunch and dinner. That night for Vice President of the the people who wanted to repre­ powers-that-be had never both­ dozens ofmy carefully prepared the count came in. I had lost. Ursinus College Freshman sent them? Did we have to come ered to explain the responsibili­ campaign papers, tom to shreds But in defeat I learned a valu­ Class of2003 simply because I up with a platform? Did we have ties of each position to anyone. after being ripped down, rolling able lesson about life in poli­ had nothing better to do. I to stand for something, anything? But I put that recurring thought across campus like tumbleweed tics. Without being given the figured I had as good a chance The answers to my three ques­ out of mind and focused instead in the breeze. I refused to let my opportunity to learn more about as any, considering we are all tions I soon learned were no, no on winning the election. The n spirits sink. My ambitions were campaigning class officers, col­ just starting to get know one and no. I quickly made the dis­ came the rainy morning I still too great, my naivete still legiate constituents will not cast other. I felt I was qualified. I covery that this collegiate cam­ stumbled out ofbed, grabbed my much too strong. And so I re- their votes for the most quali­ had been honor society presi­ paign was really just a crapshoot books and straggled down doubled my efforts. Producing fied candidate, but instead to dent and cross country team chock full of fancy flyers, glossy Beardwood Hall on my way to more glittery posters, computer-the person who most appeals to captain in high school. I was political posters and sarcastic slo­ eight am Spanish. To my sur­ generated flyers and sarcastic slo- the eye and best satisfies the hardworking, humble, hilari­ gans, bursting with colorful atti­ prise, at the main entrance of gans than ever before. I was appetite. All the while, this ous, kind-hearted and, to the tude and pizzazz but void of any Paisley, a white mini-poster with disheartened that there were no wide-eyed, wet-behind-the-ears best of my knowledge, quite true meaning. And so Ijumped in bold, neon letters loudly pro­ forums to debate the issues, no political novice just wanted to handsome. And so I procured with eyes wide shut. I spent a claimed the name of my oppo­ meet-and-greet sessions for stu- be heard and was left watering the papers needed to officially long weekend creating a plethora nent in the exact spot my creative dent constituents to get to know for something more. The Grizzly Page 5 September 28, 1999 FEATURES

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Dear Ann, Dear Stressed, First, close your eyes, take a Coping with STD's and Collegiate Study-Stress deep breath, and count to ten. Ok ....relaxed? Good. Now let Ann Van Buren Dear Ann, me officially welcome you to the Special to the Grizzly semi-real world, filled with sleep­ Dear Scared, and explain the situation, they I'm going crazy with the less nights, cramming, stress, and will almost certainly be under­ headaches. College is nothing Dear Ann, amount of work I have to do!! In today's world you can never standing. Never in high school did I have like high school and anyone that be too careful. You should al­ As for your boyfriend, he has a tells you different is wrong. The Over the summer, before I this much. When I look back at ways use protection, no matter right to know and should be tested workload is more, but it's also met my current boyfriend, I my days in high school it seems what. also, for both your sakes. If he spread out. The key to staying on had a one-night hook up with like such ajoke. The most I had First, you need to see a doctor really cares about you, he'll stick top of things is to get them done a random guy. Now I think I to write were little two-page pa­ right away and get tested. This is by you. early. Instead of sitting there might have an STD. I heard pers. Now I'm being thrown 5 a serious situation and needs at­ To all my readers please al­ watching "Raw is War" on Mon­ rumors that the guy I was with pages from the start. I feel like tention. You can either check out ways use protection. All it takes day nights, pick up the history has one and we didn't use there's not enough time in the day the Wellness Center right here on is one time without and your life book that's been lying there col­ protection. I'm really scared to get everything done. I'm so campus for more information or, can be changed forever. lecting dust and finish reading and I don't know what I should stressed out!!!!! I constantly ifyou feel more comfortable, go And to scared at UC, I hope all done that' s due Wednesday. I've do. I'm afraid if I tell my have headaches. It was never like to your own doctor. turns out well for you. learned you can get away with boyfriend he won't wantto be this for me in high school. What Second, you need to bite the procrastination in high school but with me anymore. should I do? bullet and call a parent. Youmay ---ANN ---Stressed Out in college, consider it your worst be afraid and nervous at how they enemy. One final bit of advice: ---Scared at UC will react but if you talk calmly keep plenty of Tylenol on hand. Page 6 The Grizzly OPINIONS September 28, 1999 To Build or Not to Build... Question: If you could build or renovate one thing on campus, what would it be?

Michael Ramsey Staff Writer "I'd rather tear everything "The sports facilities suck, so down." it's a good thing they are "The parking lot, the spots Ed Kloss, Senior building a fieldhouse although are too small and there are I'll never get to see it." too many potholes." "I would renovate the LOVE Kyle Goldwater, Senior Brian Goldwater, Senior statue in front ofZack's because it is becoming "A food court because we are "A bar on campus, and the emblematic ofthe disheveled only limited to Zack's and -(~ Buy a proceeds should go to state ofReimert romance." Wismer." ~~ Cliffs NoteS'! Tom Howard, Senior Luigi Baretto, Junior lowering tuition." ~.- ¥ Dan Schott, Senior ~. ~ "I'd like to build a new "Get rid of some of the lousy, "They should build an art administration, fully equipped useless modern art." Get an inflatable chair muesuem ... oh wait we with a new administrative Mark Toto, Junior for only $9.95 ~"9l already have one." staff." with the purchase of a (lifTS Notes book Dave Owens, Senior John Castorino, Senior To or., dUllr.

--Check out the Saturday ,Club's "Mainline Classics" Cookbook from 11-3. Free samples to taste! (While they last!)

--Celebrate Banned Book week! Come see what's been banned where and why--you may be surprised! Free "Decide for Yourself' pins for the first 25 customers! Open IOam-5pm Oct. 2nd September 28, 1999 OPINIONS The Grizzly Page 7 Letter To the Editor: Edi tors' Response to Censorship in The Grizzly Censorship Allegations The following is a letter to the editor Chief of the publication. Neither the As Editors-in-Chief of The Grizzly, We have also realized a flaw in from members of the Grizzly Staff and Opinions Editornorthe author was notified it is our responsibility to carefully read our policy which does not require the the campus community prior to publication that the article would and edi t any and all articles submi tted to Editors-in-Chiefto notify the authors not be included. It is also important to the paper. Thus, when articles containing that his or her article will not be note that the author of the article was questionable content are presented, we included in the upcomingpublication. We, as members of the Ursinus never given an opportunity to revise the are forced to make the decision ofprinting Due to spatial constraints, timeliness, community, are gravely concerned that article in order to make it acceptable to the the article or pulling it before publication. and questionable content, we are the intellectual life of the Ursinus Editors-in-chief. Last week, we received an article sometimes unable to run articles College campus is being stifled by the The reasons for censoring the article authored by Neil Shah that was slated as submitted to the paper. However, editorial policies of this publication, that were offered by Erny Hoke, one ofthe the lead article in the Opinions section. after pulling any article, this decision the Grizzly. Student expression is of Editors-in-Chief, varied from space The Opinions section of The Grizzly is should be discussed with the author. great value, not only because it is vital constraints to the statement that it was not meant to be a forum in which the Ursinus In this way, the writer will gain a to any true liberal arts education, but a valid opinion piece. The issue of space community can express their views. A better understanding of what is also because it is one of the key constraints is questionable, because the valid opinion piece is based on a factual expected of a journalist and how to components to the growth of students Opinions Editor included the article in the event, and the author of an opinion rectify the situation in the future. maturing into responsible citizens. The layout for his section of the paper. In article builds his or her arguments around Consequently, we aspire to keep both writing and expression of individual addition, if spatial constraints were to the structure of the facts at hand. staff members and editors better opinion cultivates clearer thinking, blame, then this problem could be rectified Mr. Shah's article, however, could informed of all modifications to the higher aspirations, and a rich sense of by simply running the piece in the next not be considered an opinion piece. The layout before publication. community. edition. When questioned further, Hoke arguments presented in the article were The claim that the writers of the However, when the freedom to replied that the article "was a lie." It is built around fictional occurrences. We "Letter to the Editor: Censorship in express controversial issues is denied, unethical for an editor to only publish questioned the possibility ofpublishing The Grizzly" have made is a serious the message that is given is: unless an articles that reflect the personal views of an article, which without proper labeling, one. Accusing the Editors-in-Chief opinion follows the beliefs ofthose in the editorial staff. We believe that the may have brought charges of libel and of censoring articles questions the charge, it is not valid. The policy of Editors-in-Chiefare censoring articles not slander against the newspaper. We were integrity of the staff members only printing opinions that are in because oflegitimate concerns that articles unsure how this article fit into the scheme themselves. In this case, however, it agreement with editorial beliefs smacks contain libel, slander or gross grammatical of The Grizzly, and decided to pull the was not censorship that occurred. in the face offreedom of the press, the mistakes, but rather are censoring articles piece until a later publishing date. Inexperience with satirical first amendment. We ask, what good is that challenge the beliefs of the editors The writers of the editorial claim that journalism has been mistaken for a liberal arts education if students or themselves. This is a gross violation of Mr. Shah's article is satirical in nature, "stifling ... a student's freedom of individuals are not allowed to express responsibility, power, and position. We thereby evading any claims oflibel and expression." We apologize for the views that may be contrary to the beliefs feel that this policy is contradictory to the slander. At this time, The Grizzly does confusion that has occurred and hope ofthe editorial staff, the administration, Ursinus College Mission statement, which not have a section which is suitable for to publish articles of this nature in the faculty, or anyone else? aims "to enable students to become satirical articles. When this article was the future. The editors ofThe Grizzly have now independent, responsible, and thoughtful submitted, we were unprepared to present censored four articles in the past year individuals through a program of liberal a commentary of this nature in a for very controversial reasons. The education." The censorship performed by professional fashion. Since this editorial policy ofThe Grizzly is clearly The Grizzly represses the ideals of a free confrontation, we have ascertained the Stephanie Restine stated on Page 2 in every issue of the press and is viciously stifling to a student's correct means of publishing satirical ErnyHoke paper. It states that, "Opinions that freedom of expression. We call for the pieces and will be including a satirical Editors-in-Chief, The Grizzly appear in articles are those of the immediate publication of Mr. Shah's column in the Features/Opinions section authors, and not necessarily those of article and we strongly recommend that when articles such as Mr. Shah's are the student body or administration. the Editors-in-Chief reevaluate their policy submitted. The Grizzly reserves the right to edit ofcensorship. any submission for grammatical, legal, and/or spatial purposes." The articles thathave been censored, however, were not censored for grammatical, legal, or Neil Shah, Staff Writer spatial concerns. The most recent Aaron Ranck, Staff Writer Offended? article that did not go to print was a Dave Walker, Staff Writer satirical article written by Neil Shah. Steven Sheaffer, Editor-in-Chief of Want your voice heard? The article was submitted on time, and "The Collegevillian" granted the approval for publication E-mail letters to the editor to chcocca or by the Opinions Editor of the drop off an editorial of your own on the newspaper, Chris Cocca. The decision to remove the article from the paper second floor of Bomberger by was made solely by the Editors-in- Thursday at 5 P.M. Page 8 The Grizzly ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT September 28, 1999 's Second Release, Chamber Music, Follows Up Debut Nicely anger and sorrow. there, and Coal Chamber's music Despite the modifications, Dave Walker group's debut album. came off feeling restrained in Coal Chamber never loses Staff Writer Coal Chamber's earlier years Chamber Music shows that were often rough, and the band's the band has evolved. It is still some areas. the edge, sound, or emotion Coal Chamber is one of resulting angst is apparent on its Coal Chamber, complete with This time around, Coal that first established their spot those bands that are new first album. Coal Chamber both a heavy sound and an Chamber has added a few new in the heavy metal world. enough to remain unknown to vocalist and front-man Dez unmistakable image. This album elements to its sound. Altogether, Chamber the general public, yet good Fafara had even left the band for extends farther than their Several son g s Music is a well-balanced enough to be known by a short period to spend time with previous effort, however, and it contain album. It probably won 't lose virtually everyone in the hard his wife, who had threatened to ultimately pays mystical­ the band many fans, and it rock scene. Coal Chamber leave him if he continued to off. While SOlIDding could potentially win Coal became a major player in the devote so much time to his band. the ~ Chamber a number of new scene when the arrival of its Not long after, and two ones. True, it is doubtful that self-titled debut album and its however, Dez the average pop culture child stint in '97 attracted realized orchestras. will go running to the stores the attention ofcritics and fans how screaming is often balanced with looking for Coal Chamber alike. Since then, the deeply much was an emotional and softer singing, which he uses to paraphernalia; it's still a spiritual, piercing/tattoo­ Co a I' involved effort, it could become convey a broader range of heavy album dealing with the crazed quartet has been labeled Cham- e r tedious at times due to the emotions, from hate to love. Dez darker side oflife. Chamber "Most Likely to Succeed" by meantto him, and he got constant focus on guitarist has apparently worked through Music is simply a step up a number ofmusic magazines. back in touch with the band. He Meegs' dizzying sound, Dez's his feelings of abandonment, as from Coal Chamber's debut Coal Chamber's sophomore began rec0rding the vocals for screaming vocals, and the the lyrical themes have also been album, and worth the money, album, Chamber Music, is Coal Chamber's debut album the group's evident angst in general. extended to include topics such if you're into music that's fresh on the shelves, and it same day that his wife left him. Many critics condemned Coal as love and spirituality. Even both emotional and heavy. I could very well cement the Themes of abandonment and Chamber's sound as a mere rip­ makes a guest know I have no regrets group's position in the hard identity crisis are sprinkled off of 's style. While this appearance in the group's regarding this excellent and rock world. To put it simply, it across the album, and the result may be an unfair assumption, "glammish" remake of Peter extremely worthwhile is an improvement over the is a debut that drips with bitter the similarities were undoubtedly Gabriel's "". purchase.

The Dixie Chicks Newest, Fly, is Good for Country Music Fans, Possibly Bad for Others Paige Miller discourageme;lt is in order for Wide Open Spaces has become stay high on the charts and liked listened to one of the few Mandy Hansen you. the biggest selling album ever by by many they are incorporating stations that featured it. Special to the Grizzly Natalie Maines, Martie Seidel a country duo or group - racking a little more pop into their music. When asked, "Why, Fly?" Hey y'all! This is for those and Emily Robison comprise the up some six million sales by the The new CD, Fly, consists of 14 the girls replied with, "We're of you who are country music girl trio. These three have taken time their second album, Fly, new songs. The first, "Ready to chicks, chicks have wings, fans. Or, perhaps, is it maybe chicks learn to fly ... " The for those ofyou who are not so songs on the new CD include much of country fans at all? genre from love songs to The Dixie Chicks have just friendship songs and all released their third CD, Fly. contain at least some of that This is the second album with country '''twang.'' In general, the newest member. the CD mayor may not be a Overall, it's not the most tradition country sounds of a was completed. Run," is from the new movie worthwhile purchase if you painful country music ever fiddle, banjo, dobro and crystal­ The Dixie Chicks are Run Away Bride and may be the don't necessarily enjoy listened to, but if you're not a clear vocal harmonies into whole remaining adamant about staying only one any of you have ever country. However, chances adamant country music buff, new realm. The Dixie Chicks' country and not going pop, as heard, and even then you would are that there might be a few then perhaps some first Monument labeled album many people would like. But to have only heard it if you have songs that you would enjoy.

Faculty Lecture Series sentence for murdering his Jazz -Trumpeter wife. Tom Harrell The William Wilson Baden cQE CAMPUS N~ Released on parole, his Faculty Lecture Series for Fall only companion is the pet eel Trumpeter-composer Tom 1999 will open on Thursday, International Film Festival Continues: he acquired in prison. His Harrell will perform on Sept. 30, with a presentation lonely life takes a new turn Thursday, Sept. 30, at 8 p.m. in by David Mill, Myrin Library. The Japenese film, "The 29th. when he saves a young woman Bomberger Auditorium. Mill will discuss "The Myrin Eel," which is the second The winner of a Cannes from committing suicide. The Originally scheduled for Sept. Library Web Site - Inside and installment of the Festival, Festival's Palme d'Or, this the leading roles are played by Ko ji 16, the performance was Out." The program will be held will be shown in Olin poignant story of the Yakusho, who appeared in postponed because of the in Olin 108 beginning at 4:15 Auditorium, at 7 :30 p.m. on redemption of a man who has "Shall We Dance," and Misa inclement weather spawned by p.m., and refreshments will be Wednesday, September served an eight-year prison Shimizu, of "Okoge." Hurricane Floyd. served at3:45 p.m. in Olin 104. September 28, 1999 CALENDAR The Grizzly Page 9

CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 28-0CTOBER 4 TUESDAY SATURDAY New Faculty and Staff Photographs Field Hockey at Bucknell Family Day Reception for African American and (until 2 p.m.) 4:30 p.m. Lewisburg, PA Family Day registration and Continen­ Latino Families 10:00 a.m. WPL Spanish Table tal Breakfast 4:00 p.m. Unity House Women's Soccer at Haverford 5:30 p.m. Faculty and Staff Dining Rm 9:00 a.m. Wismer Upper Level Buffet Candlelight Dinner 4:00 p.m. Haverford, P A Japanese Table Student Presentations 5:00p.m. Wismer Dining Room Careers: "Power Interviewing" 5:30 p.m. Faculty and Staff Dining Rm 10:00 a.m. Information at Registration Protestant Worship Service 4:00 p.m. Olin 102 Study Abroad XCountry at Susquehanna Invitational 5:00 p.m. Bomberger Auditorium College Choir 5 :30 p.m. Wismer Lobby A 10:45 a.m. Selinsgrove, PA S.U.N. 7:30 p.m. Bomberger Auditorium U.c. Blue Skies Josten's Rings 8:00 p.m. WLL USGA 7:00 p.m. WPL 11 :00 a.m. Wismer Lobby A 7:30 p.m. WLL Volleyball at Franklin & Marshall Men's Soccer vs. Washington Leadership Program 7:00 p.m. Lancaster, PA 11 :00 a.m. Ursinus Soccer Field SUNDAY 8:30 p.m. WPL International Film Festival: "The Volleyball vs. Kean and Cabrini at Ecumenical Service Eel" Ursinus Tournament 11 :00 a.m. Bomberger Auditorium 7:30 p.m. Olin Auditorium 11 :00 a.m. Helfferich Hall Best Buddies WEDNESDAY Ursinus Christian Fellowship Country Fair 2:30 p.m. WPL New Faculty and Staff Photographs 8:30 p.m. WPL 11 :30 a.m. Paisley Beach (until 2 p.m.) "Regions of Light: Paintings, Prints, 10:00 a.m. WLL and Drawings by Peter Sculthorpe" MONDAY Menzil Silver Products THURSDAY (until 4 p.m.) Josten's Rings 10:30 a.m. Olin Plaza Faculty Lecture: David Mill "The 12:00 p.m. Berman Museum of Art 11 :00 am Wismer Lobby A Leadership Luncheon Myrin Library Web Site-Inside and Student Art Show (until 4 p.m.) Women's Soccer at A1vernia 11 :30 a.m. WPL Out" 12:00 p.m. Olin 104 4:00 p.m. Reading, PA Psychology Workshop: "Local 4:15 p.m. Olin 108 Children's Activities (until 4 p.m.) UCF Masters' Degree Programs" International Relations Club 12:00 p.m. WLL 5:30 p.m. WPL 12:00 p.m. Thomas 323 7:30 p.m. WPL Football vs. Swarthmore Red and Gold Host Training Men's Soccer at Swarthmore Arts: Tom Harrell Jazz Quartet 1:00 p.m. Patterson Field 5:30 p.m. WLL 4:00 p.m. Swarthmore, P A 8:00 p.m. Bomberger Auditorium Women's Soccer vs. W. Maryland Volleyball vs. Albright Women's Soccer at Eastern 1:30 p.m. Ursinus Soccer Field 7:00 p.m. Helfferich Hall 4:00 p.m. St. David's, PA Mass Kappa Delta Kappa FRIDAY 4:00 p.m. Bomberger Auditorium 9:30 p.m. Bomberger 106 The Grizzly Pa e 10 SPORTS September 28, 1999 Our NFL Picks for Week 4: Racking up the Winning Picks Cory Braiterman the world to be at 3-0, St. Louis! up Falcons, who have to play the Rams at Bengals - Ex-Arena Maybe this will be the week Aaron Hampton It feels like Armageddon here. rest of the year without their leagueQB,KurtWamerhasbeen against the only other team in Sports Editor This week puts some good number-l Dirty Bird, Jamal the main reason for the Rams' the league that is more of a SpecillJ to tlle GriuJy games on the menu with Anderson, out for the year with a surprising 3-0 start. He should dissapointment than Gang As the strange third week of Jacksonville at Pittsburgh, torn achilles tendon. be able to put up more big Green. the NFL wound down, I Tennessee at San Francisco and Jaguars at Steelers - I'm numbers against one ofthe worst Titans at 49'ers - If a change thought I was once again doing Buffalo at Miami on MNF. banking on the fact th~t the Jags teams in the NFL. of name and unifonn can do horrible in my picks. Then I have never won in Steel-town. Bucaneers at Vikings - There this for every team, the Niners started looking at my column Week 4 Picks Otherwise, the Steelers would be are two reasons I look at this should seriously considering and saw, wow, I wasn't doing large underdogs after a poor game and see a Viking win: A) doing it next week. They still too badly. Carolina, Arizona at Dallas showing in Bal timore on the 19th it's at the Metrodome and B) hadn't played their Monday Indianapolis, Oakland, Green Baltimore at Atlanta and a decisive lost to Seattle this Trent Dilfer. This poor millstone Night game against the Cards Bay, Baltimore, Buffalo, and Jacksonville at Pittsburgh past week. around the neck of the Bucs can't yet, but I'm guessing that Steve Washington, all won while I New England at Cleveland Patriots at Browns - Maybe seem to get anything right. Randy Young takes another pounding only lost against St. Louis, New Orleans at Chicago this is the year Bledsoe finally Moss, Chris Carter and Randall and their sub-par defense falls Tampa Bay, Kansas City, Phial adelphia at NY Giants becomes a winner. They can Cunningham will make one or to Jake the Snake and the rest Seattle, Tennessee and New St. Louis at Cinncinnati probably rack up another in the two big plays and that will be all of Arizona . England. 7-6 at press time with Tampa Bay at Minnesota W column against the bite-less she wrote. Raiders at Seahawks - the Monday Night game still Carolina at Washington Dog Pound. Panthers at Redskins - Is RB Oakland would be undefeated on the docket. Kansas City at San Diego Saints at Bears - Something Stephen Davis this good or is if not for last-second heroics Another self-congratulatory NY Jets at Denver inside me wants to root for Mike kanna on his side? Whatever the by Favre in Week 1. The note, ofthe games lost, three of Tennessee at San Fransisco Ditka to win with this team, but case, 8 TD's in 3 weeks mean underachieving Hawks will them (Bucaneers, Titans, Oakland at Seattle unfortunately, I think its his old he's the most productive back in most likely not get too many Patriots) were within 3 points Buffalo at Miami team, led by surprise QB, Shane theNFLrightnow. The Panthers wins without WR Galloway of going the other way. Matthews who should get a win did fine against the weak-sister still in a contract dispute. How crazy is this NFL this week. Bengals last week; let's see how Bills at Dolphins -This looks season? Last year's NFC and Cardinals vs Cowboys - the Eagles at Giants - While I they do against the high-octane to be a terrific game featuring AFC championship Cards have historically done don't think that Big Blue is that charged Skins. two of the top teams in the contenders, the Jets, Vikings, poorly in big D. The 'Boys look great this year, the Birds truly Chiefs at Chargers - I simply strong AFC East. Flutie still Broncos, and Falcons, are a legit after big offensive and are for the birds, getting shut out think that the Chargers will get looks like a Chimera, a mystic combined 1-11, with defensive perfonnances against by the Bills this past week. Don't lucky this week and be able to beast that could change fonn Minnesota getting the lone win the 'Skins and Falcons look for the anemic Philly rushing sting El vis and the K. C. faithful. to defeat you in many different between any ofthem. The only respectively. attack (22 net yards vs Buffalo Jets at Broncos - Each week, ways. However, Marino, Zack undefeated teams are New Ravens at Falcons- Stoney last week) to do a thing against I hope that the Jets can win and Thomas Tony Martin and Cecil England, Miami, Tennessee, Case and Co. look to continue one of the better defenses in the each week, they dissapoint. Collins and the other stars from Dallas and of all the teams in their upswing against the beat- NFL. Miami should be able to get the upper hand on the Bills and The Close of Another Baseball Season Brings Suspense remain undefeated. Cory Braiterman Sports Editor a collapse kept them out of the game winning streak, including Think-We're-the-Biggest-State As the 1999 baseball season playoffs and this year's version a three-game sweep over the Series? winds down, we have many might do the same thing. aforementioned Mets. It just doesn't have the things to look forward to this Mets manager Bobby Assuming nothing changes poeticism that the Subway Series past week. Who will win the Valentine has stated he should right now, and the teams retain ofold New York brings to mind. Cory Braiterman's Rootin' HR-.slugging contestthis year? be fired if they don't make the their current standings in the Willie Mays vs. Micky Mantle. Tootin' Carnival ofa pick: Mark McGwire tied Sammy playoffs this year, and while this playoffraces, the Yankees would The Brooklyn Dodgers facing Go for the St. Louis Rams Sosa Monday afternoon with reporter disagrees, who can really face the Texas Rangers and the their hated rivals from the Bronx, over the poor Cinncinnati his 61 st dinger. Can someone disagree on where he's coming Indians would face the Boston the Yankees. But I digress. Bungles, er.... Bengals. dethrone the N.Y. Yankees as from? A coach has to prevent Red Sox. Over in the senior Once again, assuming the Prediction: 31-14 reigning paseball champions? everyone from choking in crucial circuit, the Mighty Braves would playoffs started now and Will Cleveland's fearsome situations, and the Mets, full of take on the Cinderella team, the positions don't change, I predict lineup carry them through the veteran talent, should be able to Cinncinnati Reds while the the Braves over the Reds, the Aaron Hampton's Sky is playoffs, or will their jinx win. Instead they are in a six­ Houston Astros would face the D'Backs over the Astros with the Blue, Grass is Green, and against the Yanks continue? game losing slump and have Arizona D'backs out west. Braves going to the big dance. Doomed if I'm Wrong pick Will the Diamondbacks, taken a four-game lead over the How good must it be to be in For the junior league, the Yanks oftheweek: featuring Randy Johnson and Reds for the wild card slot into a Texas right now? Both the should beat the Rangers while Tampa Bay Bucaneers over others become the second one-game deficit. Rangers and the Astros are in the the Bo-Sox will upsetthe Indians. the Minnesota Vikings. expansion team to win a World If the playoffs were to start playoffs. You've heard of a The Bronx Bombers would then Prediction: 24-21 Series this decade? Will the right now, the overwhelming Subway Series? How about the beat the Beantown bunch to set slumping Mets shoot favorite would most likely be the Cattle Trail Series? The Stretch­ up a battle between the two themselves in the foot for a Atlanta Braves. They are in the Cadillac-With-Horns-as-Hood­ premiere teams of the nineties. second straight year? Last year midst of an enounnous seven- Ornament Series? The We-Still- Look for the Braves to win that one in seven games. September 28, 1999 SPORTS The Grizzly Page 11 Volleyball Continues its A Weekend of Success Current Winning Ways in V.C. Field Hockey Standings Sue Patton Cone Overall Monatesi and despite the Bears done in the previous game, they Staff Writer Women's Soccer Kelly Tessena couldn't hang on to it. At one undying efforts to answer back, Western Maryland .. 2-0 4-2 Staff Writer point, the Bears had a The Ursinus field hockey team the game onl y sa w that one goal. Johns Hopkins ...... 2-0 7-2 commanding 7-2 leadm but spent most of last week going Although the Bears suffered a Gettysburg ...... 2-0 3-S The Ursinus volleyball team faltered and ended up losing lO­ through some pretty tough loss in the books, they were not Muhlenberg ...... 2-1 6-4 practices preparing for two won its first home game on IS. unsatisfied with their Washington ...... 2-1 2-3 consecutive games that took Tuesday, defeating a very Ursinus came back to win the performace. They played with Ursinus ...... 1-1 4-3 place this past weekend. After a strong Widener team. In the next two games IS-12and IS-7 the strength that Coach Mo liken Dickinson ...... 1-2 S-4 full week ofpracticing, the Bears first game, Widener took an for the match win. Nicole knew they had in them since pre­ Haverford ...... 1-2 3-S were dying to unleash the early 4-0 lead, but Ursinus came DiMascio had 10 kills and 29 season. Swarthmore ...... 0-2 3-4 aggression that had been building back, tying the score at 4 points digs for a strong double-double. Sunday was a new day against Bryn Mawr...... 0-2 3-6 up after each successful session. each. The lead went back and Katie Shearer had 10 kills and 3 a new team. The Georgetown Franklin & Marshall.0-2 2-S forth throughout most of the blocks and Jodie Smith had 23 On Saturday, the Bears Hoyas traveled to meet with the traveled to West Chester for the game, with neither team able to assists. Bears. In the first half, Men's Soccer annual Eleanor Snell Cup game. get ahead by more than a point The overall record for Ursinus Georgetown managed to sneek Johns Hopkins ...... 2-0 7-0 Elenaor Snell was an Ursinus or two. is an impressive 9-4. [Editor's the ball through Ursinus' defense WesternMaryland .... l-0 4-1 graduate, and coached many Finally, Ursinus triumphed, note: weekend article for the and into the cage. The Bears Gettysburg ...... l-0 S-1 years at West Chester. In her 16-14. In the next game, it was Allentown Invitational where the refused to be shut out and in less Haverford ...... 1-1 S-3 time, she produced more All­ Ursinus that got off to an early Bears went 2-2 will be posted than ten minutes, answered right Franklin & Marshall .. 1-1 3-4 American players than any other start,but, just as Widener had next week] back with a strong goal scored Dickinson ...... 1-1 2-6 coach in the NCAA. Every year, by sophmore Julie Lowell. At Muhlenberg ...... 0-1 4-2 the half, the game was deadlocked Washington ...... 1-1 4-4 in a tie. Ursinus ...... 0-2 3-6 Nearly halfway though the Swarthmore ...... 0-1 2-6 second half, sopnmore Alison Vasta took a free hit into the Volleyball Bears' scoring zone. The ball F&M ...... 3-011-1 found its way, with powerful Western Maryland .. 5-0 10-4 force, behind the Hoyas' defense Gettysburg ...... 2-0 11-S and again to Lowell's possession. Ursinus ...... 1-0 9-4 After a quick move around her Muhlenberg ...... 1-2 8-9 defender, she whiped the ball Johns Hopkins ...... 1-1 12-7 behind the Goalie. Bryn Mawr ...... 2-3 3-6 Even with that success, the Dickinson ...... 1-3 2-11 Bears were not done yet. With Swarthmore ...... 1-3 1-8 only seconds to go on the clock, Haverford ...... 0-2 12-6 a penalty corner was called. Washington ...... 0-3 2-11 Sports Op-Ed Junior Katy Briner drives past Georgetown defenders in Junior, Susie Russo, sent the ball down low where Lowell, again, A short take on life in sports the 3-1 win on Sunday. Staff Photo by Erny Hoke Football found the open net. Cory Braiterman Western Maryland ... 2-0 4-0 Sports Editor Remembering the 3-1 loss Muhlenberg ...... 2-0 3-0 The umpires that resigned against Georgetown last year, Johns Hopkins ...... 1-0 2-1 the Bears must have found it from MLB earlier this year got Oh Say Can You Sing? the matchup between Ursinus and Ursinus ...... l-1 2-1 fitting to score another goal to exactly what they deserved. Are you musically inclined? WCU is played to honor all her Gettysburg ...... 1-1 1-3 completely turn the tables. The There is an old saying in poker: Do you want to participate in the achievements. Last year, the Dickinson ...... 0-1 1-2 successful weekend came to a Don't bluffifyou're not willing athletic side of Ursin us but you Cup came home to Ursinus after Swarthmore ...... 0-2 1-2 perfect close when the ladies took to live with the outcome if its couldn't catch a pass or kick a a huge win. This year, the ladies F & M ...... 0-2 0-3 their victory lap and passed by called. You said, "I resign". if ball to save your life? The were hoping to keep the Cup the very enthusiastic crowd that you quit, there is no rule that Athletics Department is looking where it belongs. Field Hockey had been supporting them all says they have to take you back. for students to sing the National At the start of the game, the (Patriot League) weekend. Whining after they accept Anthem, "The Star Spangled tensions were high but neither Lafayette ...... 2-0 8-0 The Bears will travel to your resignations is pointless, u Banner" at campus athletic team could manage to get the Bucknell ...... 2-1 S-3 Bucknell on Wednesday, bet the farm on a losing hand. events. ball in the cage. However, the Fairfield ...... 2-0 4-4 September 29th in hopes of Go fmdarealjob, instead ofthe If you are interested, please Bears were setting the tone well, Colgate ...... 1-2 3-S continuing their recent streak of one that let you see the country, contact Bill Akin, athletic letting WCU know that they came Ursinus ...... 1-1 2-6 success. gave you plenty offresh air and director, at campus ext. 2373 to play. Holy Cross ..... 1-2 2-6 exercise (not that you could tell Sing the National Anthem Unfortunately, WCU managed by the physique ofsome ofthem) to sneak the ball by goalie Nicole and gave you the best seat in the for Ursinus! Call Ext. 2373 house. for details ! Page 12 The Grizzly SPORTS September 28, 1999 Bears Football Suffers 1st Loss of Season to #1 W. Maryland

Andy Maynard Staff Writer The Ursinus Bears Football UC Football Team suffered their first loss reserve players of the season on Saturday, dropping the game to the view the action in Western Maryland Green their home Terror 36-15. Currently the opening win last Bears are 2-1 overall, and are Saturday. 1-1 in Centennial Conference play. WMC is currently on StaffPhoto by Erny top of the division at 4-0,2-0. Hoke For the game,junior QB Frank Vecchio went 20 of36 for 197 yards, 1 TD, 9 sacks and 3 INT (2 by SR WMC CBMarvin Deal, who won Vecchio, the score was then 23- Defensive Player ofthe Week 15 , but on the next drive, an for the Centennial Conference). interception on the I-yard line On the ground, freshman ended Ursin us , comeback effort. This Week In Soccer Brian DeGiosio and Defensively, sophomore DB sophomore Shearrod Duncan Eric Cowie led the Bears with 6 both ran for 3 6 yards apiece on tackles. Joe Conte also had 5 9 attempts apiece. DeGiosio tackles and the lone Bears sack In recent soccer matches, on ran for a touchdown as well. on WMC QB Ron Sermarini. the Men's side, they lost on Senior receiver Kory Stauffer Sermarini ran for 3 TD' s on the Saturday, the 18th to Franklin caught seven passes for 75 day and threw for a 4th. He had & Marshall, 6-0 and also lost yards. 308 total yards ofoffense for the 7-0 to Johns Hopkins on The Bears were down 23-7 Green Terror. Saturday, the 25th. late in the third quarter when The next opponent for the The Women's team lost to Vecchio led the team on a 77 Bears are the Garnet Tide of Washington College, 1-0 on yard drive, culminating in an Swarthmore, Saturday on Family Sat. the 18th, beat Immaculata II-yard touchdown pass to Day. TheTidearecurrently 1-2, convincingly, 10-0 on sophomore receiver Steve and 0-2 in Centennial Conference Tuesday, the 20th but lost to Sharkey (5 receptions for 81 action. Bring your parents out to Franklin & Marshall, 5-2 this yds). With the two-point the game and show some support past Saturday, the 25th. conversion on a scramble by for our Bears! • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • Interested in a subscription to The Grizzly?? • • • • • Name: • ------• • • • Address: • • • • • • • • • • Phone Number: • • • • • Detach this form and mail to the • The Grizzly • • address to the right along with $20 for • Ursinus College • • • a year's subscription to The Grizzly. PO Box 8000 • • • Checks can be made payable to: The Grizzly. Collegeville, P A 19426-8000 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••