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Jack Cartwright Cartwright Arc Com 2018 Grades Dakota 4 Intaglio 5 Allegra 5 Dakota 2 4 Intaglio 2 5 Alpha 5 Daytona 8 Intersect 5 Analog 8 Dazzle 8 Isabella 4 Apex 7 Delphi 4 Itajime 7 Arashi 8 Delta 4 Jardin 8 Astral 7 Durango 3 Jing 5 Atomic 8 Dynasty 5 Jive 6 Aurora 6 Echo 7 Juliet 9 Axis 6 Eclipse 6 Katano 6 Bali 9 Elementary 8 Key 6 Beat Box 7 Elevado 5 Kimono 5 Block Party 8 Empress 3 Kinetic 7 Block Petal 8 Etch 4 Kirigami 6 Blossom 8 Facet 10 Kumo 7 Boardwalk 5 Fiji 4 Laurel 8 Bounce 8 Fiore 8 Legacy 5 Brayer Flower 10 Fireflies 5 Legend 5 Bronco 5 Francesca Wool 7 Leonardo 7 Bubbly 7 Francesca Wool II 7 Linea 5 Campus Stripe 7 Frontier 3 Loara 7 Candy Land 7 Galaxy 7 Lore 6 Carnival 5 Gamma 4 Lotus 5 Casablanca 7 Gardenia 6 Lunette 10 Cascade 6 Gatsby 4 Luxe 5 Cassio 5 Gem 4 Lyre 5 Centring Stripe 7 Geostitch 8 Lyric 8 Channel 5 Gianni 7 Majorca 7 Chit-Chat 5 Glam 4 Marathon 5 Chroma 4 Glimmer 5 Marquee 8 Cirque 7 Glo 5 Mason 8 Clarion 6 Great Wall 7 Mason Stripe 7 Coastline 4 Grid 7 Meadow 8 Column 5 Hanji 9 Meridian 3 Compass 9 Harlequin 8 Mesa 4 Constantine 9 Highlands 6 Metro 9 Contour 6 Hopscotch 7 Mirror Mirror 7 Cosmos 6 Hush 4 Moon Beam 6 Crossroads 5 Illusion 3 Moon Beam II 6 Crystal 6 Illusion 2 3 Moroco 7 1 Cartwright Mystique 5 Sector 7 Navigator 6 Sequoia 7 Network 9 Sherlock 4 Niagra 7 Shibori 7 Nova 8 Shift CALL Oculus 5 Shimmer 4 Odyssey 4 Shimmer 2 4 Ombre Petal 8 Silverado 4 Omega 4 Silverado 2 4 Orion 5 Solitude 6 Pala 7 Spectrum 4 Palatine 4 Speedway 7 Palatine II 4 Spin 8 Panache 5 Spirit 3 Pebble Beach 4 Spot-On 7 Pinball 5 Spring 8 Pinpoint 5 Spyro 7 Plateau 4 Square One 8 Polished 5 Strand-It 8 Polo 7 Strata 4 Posh 6 Streamline 6 Prism 3 Sundial 7 Provence CALL Symphony 7 Quad 7 Tally 5 Radius 7 Tectonic 6 Raya 6 The Plaid 9 Rhythm 6 Theory 2 Ringling 7 Top Notch CALL Riviera 8 Tritik 8 Robotic 6 Uptown 9 Rodeo 3 Urban 7 Rogue 5 Vault 6 Roundabout 5 Velocity 8 Sagrada 10 Vineyard 7 Sahara 5 Vista 3 Samba 7 Volt CALL Santa Fe 5 Windlass 8 Santorini 7 Yoyo 8 Saxon 7 Zip Line 8 Sea Willow 10 Updated 2.2018 2 Cartwright ARCHITEX 2018 GRADES Beehive 5 Carrel 8 57 Chevron CALL Bellevue CALL CatchMeIfYouCan 7 78 RPM 5 Ben Day 4 Catwalk 6 A Frame 9 Bergerac 6 Cetus 6 Adare Manor 4 Berkshire 5 Chain Link 4 Adlon 9 Bermuda 6 Chambray 8 After Party 4 Biarritz 4 Champagne 6 Algonquin 4 Big Bird 5 Chatterbox 7 Allendale 7 Big Game 5 Chaucer 10 Allure 8 Big Sur 9 Check Out 5 Amagansett 7 Billow 8 Cheerio 8 Andromeda 7 Biscayne 9 Chelsea 4 Anemone 8 Bittersweet 8 Chenille Waistcoat 4 Angora Mohair CALL Bloom 9 Chesham CALL Animal 5 Bluff 9 Chorus Line UB 8 Annapolis 4 Bobbin 3 Chronicle 9 Anodized 6 Born and Bred 3 Cirrus 7 Aphrodisiac 5 Boston 5 Clam Digger 8 Array 7 Boucle 8 Classic 9 Artesima 9 Boudoir 4 Clique 6 Astronomy 8 Boulevard 5 Coalesce 9 Athena 6 Boyle CALL Coconut Grove 8 Atherton 7 Brick and Mortar 5 Code 5 Aura 5 Brook 8 Coexist 7 Autobahn 4 Brushed Metallic 4 Collins Ave 10 Aventura 8 Buenos Aires 5 Columbus Circle 3 Avenue 5 Burlington 4 Communtity 8 Avion 6 Burst 9 Composed 8 B and B 4 Burst UB 9 Cool Comfort 5 Baa Baa 10 Cabriolet 4 Cooper 3 Baby I Am a Star 5 Cadillac 5 Coral Gables 8 Badlands 6 Calabasas 4 Corddry 6 Bal Harbour 6 Calf 9 Core 6 Balcony 7 Cancan 6 Corinthian 4 Bamboozled 5 Cape Town 5 Corrales 7 Banda 7 Caracas 7 Court 6 Basket 5 Carat 7 Cowboy 4 Bayside 7 Cardift 5 Cowgirl 6 Beachcomb 8 Cardigan 5 Crazy Horse 4 Beanstalk 8 Carnaby 8 Crest 8 Bedrock 5 Carnegie Hill 3 Crew 4 1 Cartwright Croc 7 Enthusiast 6 Glazed N Confused 4 Crossover 6 Equestrian 6 Glint 5 Cupertino 8 Equus 8 Glitz 5 Cupid 5 Essay 7 Gloucester CALL Cutting Edge 8 Estoile 8 Good 2 Dakar 4 Etienne 4 Grace 8 Dakota 5 Evolution 6 Grafton 5 Damen 3 Excursion 7 Grain 7 Dance Line 7 Fashionista 5 Great Dane 7 Dapple 8 Fathom 9 Great Pretender 4 Dash 7 Fedora 5 Ground Control 8 Daydream 5 Fibonacci CALL Hampstead 4 Debonair 2 Filigree 7 Happy 8 Deco District 9 Filly 5 Harmony 6 Delight 8 Fine Gauge 8 Hashtag 8 Digital 9 Fine Point Velvet 8 Hathaway 5 District 3 First Class 7 Haute Seat 8 Division 8 Fit 5 Havana 8 Doodle 4 Fixie 4 Haven 4 Dorian 4 Flagship 6 Healthy 8 Doric 5 Flatiron 3 Heritage 5 Dragon 9 Flights of Fancy 9 Hidden Hills 6 Draper 5 Florida 6 High Line 3 Draw Straws 7 Flourish 10 Highway 5 Dream Weaver 5 Flower Market 8 Himalayan 8 Dublin 3 Foiled 4 Hint 6 Dumbo 3 Folio 3 Hive 9 Duomo 8 Follow Me 8 Holmes 8 Duotone 7 Follow The Leader 6 Holstein 6 Dupioni 4 Free Hand 8 Homespun 5 East Village 5 Fridays 5 Honeycomb 9 Editor 10 Friendship 7 Hook 3 Elvis 4 Frond 9 Hookah 5 Emergent 9 Front Desk 5 Hoop 6 Enamored 3 Gaia 7 Hootenanny 9 Endurance 9 Gala CALL Hopsack 4 Endurance UB 9 Gallon 6 How Dashing 5 English Leather 4 Gate House 3 Hudson Yard 3 English Suede 4 Gecko 8 Hush 3 English Summer UB 8 Gelato 7 Hyde 6 Entangle 7 Gilligan 5 Icon 7 2 Cartwright Ikat CALL Long Necks 9 Missonly 5 In Rio 4 Long Play 5 Mocaskin 5 Inline 5 Longhorn 6 Modena 5 Insalata 5 Loom 3 Monarchy 7 Insideout 9 Loose Ends 8 Monolith 5 Inspire 9 Los Altos 8 Montauk 8 Intricato 6 Lounge 3 Montecito 6 Irrestible 8 Luce 9 Monterey 8 Irving 3 Lusso 6 Moonglow 8 Isle 8 Luster 3 Moors 5 Jackpot 4 Mademoiselle 7 Morin 9 Juke Box 6 Mammoth 5 Mortaio 6 Juliet 4 Manhattan Valley 3 Motive 5 Jump For Joy 10 Mantle 5 Mount McKinley 5 Just Dandy 3 Manzanita 9 Mountaineer 5 Kainai 6 Marqueyssac CALL Mr Eddie 8 Kent 7 Marquisette 5 Muse 3 Kettering 7 Marylebone CALL Nakoda 4 Kindred 9 Matrix 5 Nebbia 6 Kinship 6 McQueen 5 Nest 8 Kips Bay 5 Meadow 5 New Deal 5 Knowledge 9 Meander 6 Night Code 8 Koi Lily 8 Medley 7 Nili 8 Krista 8 Melange 5 Nonchalant 5 Laceum 10 Membership 5 Nostalgia 5 Lake Como 5 Merchant 4 Nostalgia UB 5 Lakota 4 Merrill 8 Ocean Drive 7 Latte 5 Metal Flake 7 Off The Grid 9 Leatheretta 4 Metallurgic 5 Officine 7 Legacy 4 Metaphor 4 Olympus 5 Legend 6 Mic Mac 4 Oops a Daisy 6 Leisure 5 Mid Century 6 Open Water 7 Lennon CALL Midday 7 Orbison 7 Leopard 5 Middleton 5 Orchestra 9 Lex 4 Midlands 5 Organza 5 Leyland 3 Midtown 3 Orion 7 Liege 4 Milano 6 Otti 9 Line Dance 5 Mineral 6 Otto 8 Line Drive 4 Mingle 6 Oxide 8 Locker Room 5 Minimal 8 Paddle Leaf 8 Lodge 4 Missing Link 7 Pagoda 6 3 Cartwright Palo Alto 8 Radius 5 Shetland 5 Pane 5 Random 7 Shibori Linen 9 Panel Plus 112 3 Razzle Dazzle 3 Shilling 5 Paramount 8 Reed 3 Show Off 7 Parker Paisley 9 Reign 7 Shower 9 Pasta 5 Relic 5 Shuttle 3 Pastimes 3 Relic UB 5 Siegel 10 Patent 6 Rena 6 Simplicity 6 Pathway 9 Reptile 5 Sinclair 6 Pelle 8 Reverie 4 Sketch 5 Pendlesome 9 Revival 5 Skyway 5 Perlato 6 Ring Toss 6 Slick 5 Pickford 10 Ripples 8 Smoothie 5 Piet 7 Riva 8 So Square 4 Pinkerton 5 Roadie 5 Soft Spot 5 Pinna 9 Rocky Mountain 4 Soho 5 Pipeline 7 Rolling Hills 8 Sole 7 Pisa 8 Roman 5 Somersault 5 Plaid All Over 6 Room Service 3 Sound Bite 10 Plaited 5 Roscoe 4 South Beach 5 Plenty 2 Rose Hill 4 Southgate CALL Point Pelle 8 Royale 5 Spectacle 6 Pollo 4 Rugged 6 Spin Art 10 Pollux 7 Ruth 7 Spoonful 4 Poof 6 Ryder 5 Sport Jacket 3 Positano 8 Sag Harbor 9 Spot Light 7 Posy 9 Salt Spring 7 Sprinkle 10 Precise 9 Sandbox 5 St Barts 4 Premiere 3 Sandwashed 5 St Maarten 4 Preppy Handbook 5 Scottie 7 Stampede 6 Prescription 4 Scottsdale 5 Straigh Talk 8 Presence 8 Scusi 7 Straight Up 8 Pretty 4 Seabed CALL Strawberry Fields CALL Printemps 9 Seaside 4 Stuyvesant 3 Progress 9 Selznick 8 Suite 4 Prosciutto 6 Semi Precious 5 Sundance 4 Pumice 5 Sequence 5 Sunnyvale 8 Puppytooth 3 Serendipity 5 Sunshine 8 Qbert 4 Serendipity UB 5 Surface 7 Quarry 5 Shabby and Chic 4 Swayed 7 Quilt 5 Sharkskin 6 Swerve 6 4 Cartwright Sylk 8 Twentieth Century 7 Zebra 8 Tailor Made 3 Twilleries 7 UPDATED 2.2018 Takes Two to Tangle 5 Twinkle 5 Talia 9 Twist Again 5 Tangent 8 Tycoon 3 Tannery 5 Ultima 7 Tapatio 4 Ultrachevron 6 Tattered Tale 6 Ultraflannel 6 Tattered Tale UB 5 Ultraluscious 6 Tech Tweed 5 Ultraposh 6 Tee Off 5 Unite 3 Telegraph 5 Urban 5 Templeton 4 Vache 9 Tenacious 5 Valencia 9 Tendril 7 Valloires CALL Terra 7 Vanish 6 Terroir 8 Vaulted 5 Tessellation 8 Veloce 9 Tetris 8 Vino 9 Thalys 5 VIP 4 The Find 8 Viper 5 The Find UB 8 Vitality 5 Theatre District 4 Voila 6 Theorem 5 Wade 7 Thornton CALL Waistcoat 3 Thrive 9 Waiuku 9 Tickle 5 Wales 6 Timberline 6 Waterford 6 Tonic 4 Weathered or Not 7 Topsy Turvy 7 Wellness 6 Toronto 5 Westminster CALL Torte 6 What the Fray 5 Toulouse 5 Wiggle 5 Town n Country 8 Wind Wave 8 Trapunto 10 Wisdom 8 Treble 5 Wish 10 Tribeca 4 Worsted 5 Try to Rest 7 Yavapai 10 Tupelo 7 Yorkville 3 Turtle Bay 3 You Are A Gem 9 Tweed 3 Your Bird Can Sing 8 5 Cartwright Camira 2018 Grades Grade Sprint 1 24/7 Flax 4 Stripes/Aqua 6 Aquarius 3 Stripes/Black 5 Aspen / Halcyon Collection 4 Stripes/Eaton 6 Aztec / Nettle Collection 6 Stripes/Frenzy 6 Blazer 3 Stripes/Mole 5 Blazer Quilted Channel 7 Synergy 3 Blazer Quilted Hourglass 7 Touch 4 Blossom / Halcyon Collection 5 Track 4 Canopy 2 Trail 5 Cedar / Halcyon Collection 4 Traveler / Nettle Collection 7 Century 6 X2 2 Chicago / Mill Collection 1 Zig Zag CALL Code 6 Updated 1.2018 Craggen 5 Ebb 3 Era 1 Extreme Havana 3 Flow 3 Gravity / Mill Collection 1 Haven / Mill Collection 1 Hebden 5 Hemp 3 Honeycomb 4 Individuo 5 Landscape/Balance 5 Landscape/Contact 6 Linden / Halcyon Collection 3 Main Line Flax 3 Main Line Flax Check 3 Main Line Flax Stripes 3 Manhattan / Mill Collection 1 Nexus 2 Nomad / Nettle Collection 6 Oxygen 4 Patina 3 Poplar / Halcyon Collection 4 Rivet 1 Silk 4 1 Cartwright Textiles Consult your JCI Binder or our website, www.jackcartwright.com, to view our complete selection of Leathers and Faux Leathers.
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