CPT Doubles Quota

Igor Sikorsky Presents

In Defense Step-Up;

Lecture, Movies Here Cites Requirements

Famous Aircraft Men With Certificates Eligible for

2nd Course Regardless of Credit Hours Builder Will Talk Mr. L. V. Johnson, co-ordinator of Civilian Pilot Training for On Georgia Tech and Candler Field, announced yesterday that he had By Hugh Powell just received word from CPT headquarters that, "Due to our past , a key commander of record here, Tech's present CPT quota has been doubled." Thus, the Second World War production many students who were formerly refused training may apply battle, will lecture at the Georgia again, and may, this time, be ac- Tech Auditorium, March 10, at 8:30 cepted. p. m. The public is invited free of Tech International Requirements Lowered charge. A feature of intense interest to engineers and laymen alike are Rellations Club Host Besides increasing its enrollment, movies of his recnt , some the CPT has lowered several of its At Annual Meeting of which will be shown. requirements. Now, only 15 college semester hours are required for those First to See Pictures Atlanta Biltmore Will who enroll in the elementary course. "Tech is the first college in the Be IRC Headquarters Any man who has a private pilot's country, as far as I know," states The Tech chapter of the Interna­ certificate from CPT is now eligible Professor Knight of the Aeronautics tional Relations Club will be host for for the secondary and advanced Department, "to have the privilege of THIS HELICOPTER, one of the many achievements of Igor Sikorsky, a the nineteenth annual Southeastern course, regardless of his credit hours. seeing these films." Not a regular lec­ well known war production manager, will be featured by the inventor in a IRC Conference, which will be held in The present age limit is from 18 to turer, Sikorsky is coming to Tech on lecture and movie in the auditorium March 10. Atlanta next Friday and Satorday, 26 years. the invitation of the Student Enter­ March 13 and 14. Marion Metcalf, tainment Series Committee and Pro­ Under the new regulations, ad­ president of the Tech group, will pre­ fessor Knight, to whom credit goes 'How to Beat the Blackout' or vanced ROTC students do not have side over the conference. for arranging this unexpected visit. to sign the affadavit if they can get Formerly seen as a partial succes­ 'Why We Dislike B.O. Wardens' Well-Known Speakers a letter from their commanding offi­ sor to the automobile, the helicopter, Among the famous personages who cer stating that flight training would like the automobile, has been drafted Wardens Won't Co-operate I T i r« i/"^ will be present at the conference are be helpful in their work. for war use, where it has vast poten­ With Students' Enthusiasm Dr. Wilson Leon Godshall, of Lehigh Five Courses Offered tialities. Already naval experts are John Bier, hd Curry University, and Mrs. Vera Micheles By Rock Canady considering the possibility of basing Dean, of the Foreign Policy Associa­ The CPT now offers five courses, as What with all the big build-up Fill Vacated Places them on merchant ships for convoy tion of New York. Dr. Godshall will follows: Elementary, Secondary, and anti-submarine work. Unusual about having dates for last Thurs­ speak at luncheon in the Tech Din­ Cross-country, Instructor, and Instru­ day's blackout, and bringing them On Student Council ment. Former CPT students who en­ flight properties would enable it to Ed Curry and Johnny Bier were re­ ing Hall at 2:00 p.m. Friday. He has around to the house for the duration, ter the army or navy air corps regu­ land on a small shipboard platform. cently ushered in as members of the chosen as his subject, "Basis Fac­ it was not very surprising to find all larly receive 30 to 40 hours credit, if Pioneer Designer Student Council. Johnny Bier replaced tors in the Far Eastern Situation." the frat houses on the campus as they have completed the secondary Long a pioneer in aircraft design in Jack Hancock as a Junior represent­ After the 8:00 p.m. banquet Friday quiet as Willkie the day after elec­ course. general, and helicopters in particular, ative, and Ed Curry replaced Claude night, also at the dining hall, Mrs. tion. Sikorsky is a Russian by birth, who Du Teil as a Co-op representative, D^ean will speak on "Building a New Apply Now The exception, Phi Kappa Sigma, World." All interested Tech students entered this country with $600, no in the Student Government. Members Any student who is interested in provided enough all-out rioting to have been invited to attend either of knowledge of English, and a genius Bier and Curry were eligible for their any of the courses should turn in his these speeches. for making flying contraptions. He is make up for the quietness of the rer new positions because they ran second application to the CPT office, room comparable to Donald McKay, whose of the campus and have a good bit in the campus elections of last fall. Round Table Discussions 25, Aeronautics Building. The office drawing pen and board made Ameri­ left over. When we passed, around Ed Curry is a well-known member The program for the conference is open to receive applications each ca sovereign of the merchant lanes a nine o'clock, long before the sirens of the Co-op section and assumed his also includes four round-table discus­ afternoon from one to five-thirty. century ago. Recently, Sikorsky, with sounded, their blackout was already new duties a short time ago. More sions, to run concurrently, on the his multiple motored clippers, was in progress. recently, Johnny Bier took over the topics: "The Totalitarian Challenge well on the way toward giving Amer­ to Democracy," "After the War— One room had been set aside for duties of Hancock. Bier is a promi­ ica another new empire in the air­ What?", "American Solidarity," and blackout purposes and was as dark as nent figure in the regular junior sec­ ROTC Camps ways, when war clouds forced him to "Cooperation in the Far East." the center of a four-foot cube of coal. tion. He is a key figure on the Blue new ceilings. All the rest of the lights in the house Print business staff, former president Delegates from other schools will Aircraft Executive Now Abolished were ablaze. of Skull and Key, and a member of stay at the Atlanta Biltmore, head­ And now," besides keeping abreast the Debating Society. quarters for the conference. in commercial aircraft, Sikorsky, as Lone light left after the signal was For the duration of the war, there Engineering Manager for Vought- the traffic light on West Peachtree will be no summer camps for senior , is famous for his and North Ave. Cause was the lack Election of Y.M.C.A. Cabinet Officers R. O. T. C. students. So far there (Continued on Page 6) of a key to fit the control box. After are no definite plans as to what will a short discussion of possible reme­ Will Be Held March 16 in All Classes serve in place of these camps, but dies, five wardens and three Beta several rumors have been advanced. Kappas decided against using one of All Students Vote for President, Vice Final Dances According to Colonel Collins, com­ the warden's .30 cal. Enfield (loaded) President, Secretary in this Election mander of the R. O. T. C. unit at Set for May 1 to put it out. Vote was five to three. Nominees for officers of the Georgia Tech Y. M. C. A. have Tech, the most probable of these ru­ been selected by the Nominating Committee composed of the sen­ mors is that the graduates will be Cost of Four Tickets ior members of the Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. The date for the election sent to training schools of their par­ ACS Investigator To Be Lowered to $5.50 is set for Monday, March 16. As usual, ballots will be distributed ticular arm of the service. This ap­ in all classes. Students not having an opportunity to vote in class plies to co-ops also. At the last Interfraternity Council Calls Tech Short in meeting, March 1, definite plans wert may vote at the Y.M.C.A. desk be­ tween 9:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. on announced for the final dances, which Chemical Graduates will be held as usual, despite the new March 16. All students will vote. Bal­ three-semester system. Georgia Tech was included in a sur­ lots must be signed in order to be The dates set were May 1 and 2, vey of 118 colleges, universities and counted. this being the most convenient week­ technical schools which disclosed The nominations as presented have end open. Students will be glad to there is an "appalling shortage" of been approved by the Board of Di­ hear that, as there was a consider trained personnel in chemistry and rectors of the Y.M.C.A., composed of able profit from the recently held chemical engineering. faculty members, alumni, members at mid-term dances, the price of admis The defense committee of the Amer­ large and students. The nominees are: sion will be lowered to $5.50 per ican Chemical Society found that lack PRESIDENT: W. C. (Bill) Kouns, block of four tickets. of technically trained men for indus­ Huntington, W. Va., Junior, M. E., There will be two evening dances try is jeopardizing future production. member of the "Y" Cabinet, study groups, chairman of the A.P.O. Blood and two tea dances, and the I. F. C Greatest demand is for graduates Bank, Wesleyan Fellowship, retreats has expressed the hope that it will of the doctorate level, most of whom and delegations. Active member of be able to make these dances as en have accepted positions pending re­ St. Mark Methodist Church. joyable as were the mid-terms by se ceipt of their degrees, the committee E. B. (Eddie) Van Voorhees, Nash­ curing as good, if not a better, band learned. Georgia Tech reported that The above men have been selected as nominees for the coming ville, Tenn., Junior, present vice-pres­ than Harry James. Stokes Ramsaur, approximately 40 per cent of this ident of the Y.M.C.A., president of Y. M. C. A. erection. Left to right, and from top to bottom, they are: I. F. C. president, will probably make year's graduating class in the chemi­ the Junior Class, past president of For president, Bill Kouns, and Eddie Van Voorhees; for vice-president, a trip to New York some time in the cal field would be diverted to combat the Tech Bible Class at North Ave­ Kirk Nesbit, "Tex" Harrison, and "Cats" Wong; for secretary, Bill Mann, near future in an effort to fulfill this service through R. O. T. C. and na­ nue Presbyterian Church, member of Bill Johnson, Minor Crowl, and Scott Vinson. hope. val training. (Continued on Page 6) Page 2 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Friday, March 6, 1942

Students9 Duty Is Fraternities Should Campus Camera

Here, Don't Desert Save Waste Paper

Several weeks ago, Scabbard and Blade Society sent College men of today accasionally have the ugly letters to all fraternities urging that the members save epithet, "slacker," hurled in their faces by well-mean­ all waste paper in an endeavor to conserve paper for ing but short-sighted patriots who consider the armed National Defense. Unfortunately, the fraternities as a forces the proper place for all able-bodied young men. whole have shown very little effort to cooperate with As war conditions grow more serious, this condition Scabbard and Blade in this worthy cause, and hundreds is very likely to become aggravated into real danger of pounds of waste paper are still carelessly being to our ultimate war effort. burned or distributed over the landscape. No man, especially a free American, likes to be Perhaps the trouble lies in our failing to see the im­ called a coward. For that reason, it is probable that portance such a simple contribution does have toward college students will enlist in increasingly large num­ furthering the national war effort. The purpose in bers as American troops begin falling to the enemy saving paper is twofold. (1) Waste paper is reprocessed and the public gets "slacker-conscious." to make not only the constituents of incendaries and That is precisely what we must not do. As we have ammunition clip covers, but it is also used in countless been told before, this war is one of production, the other types of war needs. (2) Making new paper from ability of the United Nations to overwhelm the Axis old paper eliminates several steps in the manufacture ARTHUR KAHLER with planes, tanks, and ships. This production effort of paper from raw materials. Thus, this industry's COACHES FOOTBALL AT DICK­ relies on the ability of American engineers, and Geor­ INSON! COLLEGE AMD BASKET­ production is hastened by re-using old paper. A saving gia Tech must produce its share of men well-trained BALL AT BROWN UNIVERSITY/ in paper manufacturing equipment is also effected. in the technical skills. The TECHNIQUE urges that the fraternities and The first duty of every Techman is to remain in any other organizations use some foresight and, in­ school and get a good technical education as soon as stead of destroying paper, simply throw it into a box possible. Though the sneering looks may be hard to provided for that purpose. Each week, the Red Cross take, we must heed the advice of our nation's leaders or the local Defense Offce will have it picked up. and learn how to produce what Americans must have —G. S. K. to fight with. R. C. E.

Future Awaits Us;

Today's Bible Topic We Can Lead South THE TRUTH ABOUT ALCOHOL: Who hath woe? THE INFIRMARY AT REED COLLEGE, PORTLAND, ORE.. who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath IS NAMED 1942 may be remembered as the year when "oppor­ babbling? who ha£h wounds without cause? who hath IOWA STATE COLLEGE AT AMES\ tunity knocked at our door." QUIETT INFIRMARY redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they IOWA, IS THE GEOGRAPHICAL JN MEMORY OF A STUDENT. We students are too involved with our physics and that go to seek mixed wine.—Proverbs 23:29, 30. • • • CENTER OF THE

Sweethearts of Sigma Chi 40% of Students Seniors to Continue Tech Training

Say Allies Fighting Student Union Fund Ship Is Sunk To Save Democracy Many former R. O. T. C. students For Class Project of Georgia Tech, including football AUSTIN, Texas.—-Four out of ev­ stars, will remember the destroyer ery ten college students believe that By Kenny Sessler Jacob Jones, sunk by an enemy sub­ the United Nations are fighting this Realizing that the Senior Class marine off the coast of New Jersey, war for the same reason usually given gifts to the school for the past few as the flagship of a destroyer squad­ for fighting —to pre­ years have been of little importance ron in which they made a training serve democracy, a national sampling to the school and student body, the cruise in 1936. of Student Opinion Surveys of Amer­ Senior Class of '41 gave a gift that Ralph McGill, executive editor of ica shows. will undoubtedly prove to be one of The Constitution, accompanied the Battle For Bill of Rights the most beneficial in the history of Tech unit. He was aboard the Jacob Taken on college campuses all over the school. Due to the fact that more Jones. the country, the poll reveals that 40 water fountains and benches would The Tech boys, manning the de­ per cent of the students, a group more be unnoticed and useless, the class of stroyers Dickerson and Schenck, were than twice as large as any other '41 decided that they would set aside on a competitive cruise with R. O. T. group giving a different answer, be­ their class funds as a start for a new C. units from Harvard, Yale and lieve that World War II is being Student Union building on the Tech Northwestern. fought for the continuance of democ­ campus. This new building will be The Jacob Jones joined the squad racy or, as some put it, "for the Bill similar to the Tech Y. M. C. A., but ron out of New York and steamed of Rights," or "for freedom and lib­ in no manner jeopardize the Y. M. with them down the Atlantic seaboard erty." Eighteen per cent, the next C. A.'s functions. It would provide a and through the Panama canal. largest group, think we are fighting SENORITAS PAT ALLEN AND MARGY RAGAN will lead the housing for such events as meetings, primarily to defeat the Axis powers. Sigma Chi "Spanish Fiesta" Saturday night with their caballeros, Gene lectures, dances and any other activi­ ties that the school or student body Mulling, president, and Bill Simpson, vice-president. Dean, Meadow Are Why Are We Fighting? might have to offer. Without suggesting any possible Funds Left With O.D.K. . Council Nominees answers, interviewers were asked, The class of '41 left their funds in Sigma Chi Holds Costume "What would you say we are fighting the trust of 0. D. K. with the hopes H. G. Dean and F. J. Meadow were for in this war?" The complete re­ that following classes would continue nominated in the recent co-op pri­ mary elections, March 2, as candi­ sults, shown in eight different group­ Ball at Atlanta Athletic Club to increase the fund so that construc- ings of answers, follow: ion of the new building could begin dates for a place on the student

9 council. To preserve democracy 40% Dance Will Have Setting of 'Spanish Fiesta ; as soon as possible. To defeat the Axis 18 $1,000 In Fund The final elections will be held on Hearn Will Play Both Latin Music and Hits A committee has been selected by March 9, at which time one of these For economic reasons 10 The Beta Psi Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity will top the Alumni Secretary, the Faculty two men will be elected for a term of Self-preservation 9 the week's social activities tomorrow night with its annual Cos­ Treasurer of 0. D. K. and Dr. P. B. one year. The candidates, both of the For England 4 tume Ball at the Atlanta Athletic Club. The setting will be that Narmore, to see that the money shall pre-junior class, were elected by the Because of Pearl Harbor 4 of a Spanish Fiesta, a sequel to their famous South Sea Island not be idle during its accumulation, co-op sophomores and pre-juniors For a lasting peace 5 setting of last season. but that it shall be of some use to the only. Other reasons or no opinion 10 Tech's own engineers and archi­ school, students, or as a deposit for Gene Clarke Bette Sinclair tects will convert the huge ballroom Flynn Hardy Betty Brantly earnings as interest. Suggestions into an atmosphere as Spanish as Brooks Haas Marianne Sumpter have been made that the money be Ray DeShon Betty Ittner Old "Espana" itself. Dancing and Charles Burdell Jane Kreiling invested in National Defense Bonds. Camp Puckett Harriet Richardson gaiety will hold forth between the Gay Robertson Dot Magill Others haxe expressed the opinion that NO BLACKOUT hours of "nueve y medianoche" (nine Bob Wall Dorothy Ann Griffin the funds could be used beneficially as Roy Freeman Peggy Ward and twelve to you Americanos). The Dick Cason Corinne Kenimer well as safely as a backing for a suc­ Charles Carroll ...Patty Barbour cessful repetition of our recent mid­ music, Latin tunes as well as popu­ Derrell Crosby Marion Mundy lar hits of the day, apportioned ac­ Monk Wheeler Ceres Stark term dances. However it is used, it Elmer Dyke Suzanne Sherman cording to the desires of the guests, Buck Marchbanks Mary Ann Linane will be for the best possible results. Ben Parsons Mir House The fund now amounts to about will be furnished by "Senor Harry Bill Shoaff Wayne Ripley Hearn and his band of troubadours." Cash Peacock Tomay Turner $1,000 which was given entirely by Bill Mann Virginia Stauder the class of '41. Wide Variety of Costumes Bill Lane Molly Puckett The costumes, while possibly not Atkins Henderson Betty Ann Barber Charles Walsh .Marge McCormick as barbarous as those of the South Olin Rambo Charlotte Thomas Alfred Brownell Elinor Sauls Sea Island Party, promise to be none John Axton Barbara Prink the less interesting and colorful. Guy Mankin Betty Jane Watson John Cheek Sara Walker BUY A Some of Atlanta's most beautiful Other members and pledges at­ senoritas will appear in costumes rep­ tending are: resenting everything from the Conga Bill Kilpatrick, Horrace Riley, Lon Shackel­ dancer to Carman Miranda, and ford, Jack Tomlin, Pluto Oliver, Jimmie Bur­ gess, Newt Cunningham, Miller Gowen, A. W. Tech's hard-working but fun-loving James, Hugo Heidenreich, Bud McCrory, and engineers will play the parts of Gau- Billy Weeks. BURSTERS chos and Gay Caballeros. Such a com­ Past President Here bination, together with the gaiety Chaperones for the dance will in­ and comfortable freedom that always WHILE YOU CAN clude past National President Hamil­ accompany any costume party, prom­ ton Douglas, Jr., and wife, of At­ ise to make this dance one of the most lanta; Province Praetor James K. exciting of the season. Rankin and wife, of Atlanta; Mr. and Senors and Senoritas Mrs. Charles F. Leifer, of Atlanta; Now You Can The officers and their dates are Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford, of At­ Own the Genuine Gene Mulling, of Virginia Beach, lanta; Major and Mrs. Gordon Lewis, KIRSTEN You've Always Wanted president, with Miss Pat Allen, of At­ of Atlanta; and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo — Enjoy the Per­ lanta; Bill Simpson, of Brunswick, Sowell, also of Atlanta. fect Smoke! Georgia, vice-president, with Miss Margy Ragan, of Atlanta; Royster Johnson, of St. Joe, Michigan, and Glee Club Will Hold Harry Bell, of Elberton, Georgia, treasurer, with Miss Barbara Lowe, Open House Friday also of Atlanta. Other members, pledges, and their On Friday evening, March 6, Bre­ ... for industrial research! dates are: nau College will present its Choral PATS. & PATS. PENO. Joe Aizpuru Isabell Shockley Club in a concert. The concert will "RADIATOR" Evan Taylor..... Mary Frances Kilpatrick begin promptly at 8:30 in the "Y" PIPE In these critical times engineers at Western Don Metzger June Reynolds Lin Flanagan Dot Hanson auditorium. Electric are at work harder than ever develop­ Jim Leonard _ Hazel Benton O. M. Smith .Marion Ruckman Following the concert, the Glee ing advances in the art of manufacture. George Edwards _ „ Edith Anderson Standard- $5.00 Club will be host at an "open house." These are being applied in producing the Bob Uhl Frances Younker $7.00 H. E. McComb Carolyn Edwards Everyone on the campus has been Medium — latest types of military communications equip­ O. F. Walker Anna Sue Wallace Large .50 Walter Pullen Louise Keel extended a cordial invitation to at $10.00 ment—now being turned out on a large scale for Bill Carey Genie Neel tend this gala function. Aristocrat Buddy Singer Isabel Andrews Holders — - $2.00 our fighting forces on land, at sea and in the air. Tom Galey _ _ Nouvella Bonner Dancing will be enjoyed in the Ben Johnson _ .Maurine McDougall William Watt Dorothy Holmes lobby of the "Y." During the course All this is in addition to our greatly increased Bill Shackelford Ruth Lambert of the evening, light refreshments Joe Tillman Myrtle Keel job as manufacturer, purchaser and distributor SCHWARTZ'S Gordon Lewis „ Helen Mullins will be served. There will be no for the Bell System. Meeting the abnormal George Backus Patsy Lowe charge for this entertainment. Cor. Forsyth and Walton Bill Sanders Marian Barr telephone needs of America at war is a tremen­ dous task, complicated by shortages of many materials. Even record-breaking production cannot fill all civilian requirements now, for 24 Hour Automobile Service Uncle Sam comes first!


"RED" VOGT HEMLOCK Western Electric 5653 Atlanta, Ga. . . . is back of your Bell Telephone service Page 4 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Friday, March 6, 1942

Jordan Receives Trophy by Proxy Engineer Swim Team

Conquers Vols, 44-31

Still Undefeated Swimmers Meet Auburn

Tomorrow As Gators Loom As Only Threat

Tech's undefeated swimming team, on their first trip of the season, downed a hard-fighting Tennessee team 44 to 31 at Knox­ ville last Saturday. The contest was exciting throughout, with Tech winning four events and the relays and Tennessee the other three events. The meet was decided by the final relay. McAuley Stars Herb McAuley continued his spark­ Foilsmen Outpoint ling record, winning both the 220 and 440 freestyle events and swimming Fencing Club Team anchor on the final relay. Captain George Stradtman had another big day, as he tied McAuley for high- For Fifth Victory point man with 113/4 points, win­ ning the 50 and 100 freestyle events Tech Meets Vandy, Wildcats and swimming on the final relay. Bill Harris was barely nosed out This Week in Foreign Tilts in the diving by Bill King, and the Tech's still unbeaten Jackets were conference should bring a battle royal pushed hard throughout the contest between them. but went on to win their fifth straight Undefeated Team match by downing the Fencing Club The swimmers have the only unde­ to the score of 9-8. The Club showed feated Tech team this year and the a surprisingly stronger resistance prospects of remaining so look very than when Tech beat them 12Ms to 4% bright. They travel down to Auburn earlier in the season. Tech took the this week-end to tangle with the Tig­ foils event 6-3, again tied the At­ ers and are heavy favorites. Next lanta Club in the saber 2-2, and in week-end they invade Rollins College this match lost the epee 3-1. Captain Arthur Wade contributed a pair of and the University of Florida, where foil wins and a tie in the epee, while their first real threat will be met. Jimmy Sturrock also notched two The Jackets' average score for 6 wins in the foil and gained a saber meets this year has been 54 points to decision. Dick Schwarcz and Tom Mc­ their opponents' 21. Murry added the remaining victories TECH VS. TENNESSEE in the foil, and Schwarcz took one of 44-31 his two saber matches. The Jackets 300 Yr. Medley Relay: Won by failed to register a win in the epee Tech (Caldwell, Newman, S. McAu­ department for the first time, their ley). 3:22.8. single point resulting from two ties as both Wade and Price tied Mo­ 220 Yd. Freestyle: 1. H. McAuley renus. (T); 2. Ashton (U.T.); 3. Demere (T). 2:30.9. Courtesy of The Atlanta Constitution Freshmen Win 50 Yd. Freestyle: 1. §tradtman The Joe Rhodes football trophy, which is given to the most valuable man on the Tech team Ensign Jack Ivey was the Club's (T); 2. King (UT); 3. Dailey (T). each year, is being exhibited to Mrs. James D. Robinson, Jr., and Red Barron by Coach Alex. outstanding man, winning 2 saber :24.9. Wex Jordan was this year's winner of the awa rd but was not present so the coach received it bouts, a pair of epee duels, and a foi Diving: 1. King (UT); 2. Harris for him. match. (T); 3. S. McAuley (T). The Freshman team completed the 100 Yd. Freestyle: 1. Stradtman Sharpshooters! evening by downing the Club's Prep Fraternity Basketball Nears Finish; (T); 2. King (UT); 3. S. McAuley team 6-3. Withorn, Freyfoos, and (T). :56.9. Willingham each contributed a pair Seven Teams Play in Quarter-Finals Tech Marksmen Win 150 Yd. Backstroke: 1. Silva (UT); of victories to the score. For the past two weeks, the basket­ the Phi Kappa Sig's reached the quar­ 2. Keller (UT); 3. Caldwell (T). Tech Makes Road Trip ball teams of the different fraterni­ ter finals in the "Gold" league. 1:52.3. Hard-Fought Tilt This week Tech takes to the road ties have been battling nightly at the The final winners will be deter­ 200 Yd. Breaststroke: 1. McVey for matches with Vandy in Nashville Naval Armory. The teams have been mined by a round-robin starting (UT); 2. Newman (T); 3. Dickson and Kentucky in Lexington. The divided into two divisions, the March 9th. Four teams will be in the From Georgia Team (T). 2:43.7. Jackets have previously defeated "White" and the "Gold" leagues. The round robin—two from each league, 440 Yd. Freestyle: 1. H. McAuley The Tech rifle team came from both these teams in matches here at Sigma Chi's, the Beta's, the S. A. and each team will play three games. (T); 2. Ashton (UT); 3. McElroy behind last Saturday to nose out the Atlanta, but are expecting to meet E.'s, and the K. A.'s are in the quarter The team having the highest per­ (UT). 5:36.8. Georgia marksmen 1850 to 1825 in with plenty of stiff opposition when finals of the "White" League, while centage of wins in the round robin 400 Yd. Freestyle Relay: Won by Athens. The match was a shoulder- they encounter them in their own the Sigma Nu's, the Kappa Sig's, and will win the first prize and the team Tech (Demere, Newman, Stradtman, to-shoulder contest in which four or­ grounds. One cheerful bit of news is with the next highest percentage will H. McAuley). 3:58.6. the fact that Straighton Hard will be receive second prize. If one team ders of three men each fired five shots eligible for these matches and is plan loses, it does not mean that this team per man from each of four positions: ning to be with the team when they will be out of the running. It will only prone, sitting, kneeling, and stand­ Headquarters leave on Friday morning. Hard was Pranksters! lower the percentage point of the ing. Only the scores of the eight high especially effective in the first match Unidentified but thorough intruders team. The round robin will be fin­ men on each team counted, however. for all against^ Vandy in which he won all in Seattle's college's 24,000 book ished on March 12th and the final Riley and Mason High four of his matches. library one night turned the volumes Ga. Tech Boys winners will be announced. Riley and Mason of Tech tied for around on their shelves, their ends high score with 189 out of a possible and titles to the wall. Two Good Drug Stores Although the Georgia contest was 200 while Symnes of the Bulldogs was the highlight of the week, the Jacket A half-dozen patient co-eds were TRY a point behind with 188. The scores sharpshooters also engaged in several busy for several days re-arranging for the eight high Yellow Jackets are Biltmore Pharmacy postal matches. The results of most the books. Meantime library business as follows: Riley and Mason, 189; was suspended. CREAM WHIP of them have not come in yet but Biltmore Hotel Richards, 182; Kearney, 179; Wood- two varsity results and one freshman HEmlock 2353 ard, 179; Gowen, 178; Baker, 177; Glazed Doughnuts score has arrived. The varsity beat | For Better Vision ( and Edelblut, 177. Florida and Carnegie Tech while the Cinnamon, Twisted, and Shoot Against Georgia freshmen triumphed over Yale. Pis Rhodes Center The Athenians will have their tol matches will be fired this' week Jelly Filled chance for revenge tomorrow, how­ with Maine, New Mexico Military In­ Pharmacy Served at ever, when they invade Tech for a stitute, Kentucky, Penn, and Culver return match. Military Academy. TO FORSY Peachtree at Rhodes Center THE COLLEGE INN HEmlock 7411 W. B. COLBY F. C. WILSON STORES OF PERSONAL MRS. BEAN'S Optometrists SERVICE 49 DOUGHNUT SHOP MAKE THE Aircraft Mechanics Training NECESSARY Only the Best at Prices YEARS IN as Low as the Lowest 908 Rose Circle Ma. 7015 Intensive Course Prepares You for Work EXAMINATIONS in the Aircraft Industry JLANTi Day and Night Classes


Southern Aviation Manufacturing Co. The Technique FILTERED 27% North Avenue, N. W. Phone VErnon 9706


The only place where 66 Baffle Filter retains flakes-slugs and whirl-cools you get the correct smoke in Medico pipes, cigarette and cigar holders. GARVIN ELECTRIC COMPANY crew cut QUALITY RADIO SUPPLIES J. V. MARTIN 69 Forsyth St., N. W. Wa. 2240 Page 5 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Friday, March 6, 1942

Extra Points

All Students May Engage By MAL MACHT and RAY SADOW

S. C. TOURNEY The Southern Conference cage tourney, scheduled for March 5, 6, 7, is now well under way, with the Blue In Summer Sports Program Devils from Duke as odds on favorites to take the title. A glance at the sea­ son's records shows the Dukes with a 19 won, 2 lost record, the two losses coming at the hands of George Washington and Temple. The Devils play

Wide Variety of Sports Will Jacket Cage Team Washington and Lee, 8th ranking team, in the first round. If they survive, they will meet either Wake Forest or North Carolina, both of which having caused Duke plenty of trouble during the season. We look for a big upset Be Taught Undergraduates Bows to 'Bama Five somewhere along the way.

By Milton Merts The world's tallest basketball DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS In Thriller, 37-32 Coach Alexander has given his promise to the student body team, representing the country's that this year's additional semester will not entirely be taken up biggest state, is the first team to accept a bid to the New York Inter- Kentucky Wins SEC Tit'e with lectures on mechanics, math, slide rules, and the like. Collegiate tournament. West Texas State, of Canyon, Texas, has earned the The novel situation of the entire student body attending school After Battle With 'Bama bid with a season's record of 28 wins and 2 losses, averaging 71 points per* during the sunny months of the year has given birth to a new game. The two losses were to L. I. U. and Bradley Tech. Most amazing fact Coach Roy Mundorff's basketballers summer sports program in which the •f all is that the average height of the squad is 6 foot 6! played the game of their life in the whole school is invited to participate. last half of their initial appearance FLORIDA BREEZES The gossips have it that Big Hal Trosky, volun­ Collegians Cancel Starts in June in the annual Southeastern Confer­ tarily retired from the Cleveland Indians because This program will get under way ence tournament last Thursday in of migraine headaches, is playing 'possum while waiting for a possible trade about a week after the start of the Plans for Wedding Louisville, but it wasn't enough to to the Yankees. The Yanks could use the big slugger very nicely. They have new semester. Anyone interested in trip the classy Alabama quintet that three possible choices for first base right now: Buddy Hasett, as weak a softball, baseball, swimming, gym­ went on to snare runner-up honors. hitter as draftee Johnny Sturm, Ed Levy, last year's sensation in Kansas Until End of War nastics, track, wrestling, fencing, ten­ 'Bama Stops Vols City, and Tommy Henrich, long-time threat to give up the outfield for first. nis, or golf will have ample oppor­ College youth, on the threshold of The surging Crimson Tide, which Mel Harder, Joe DiMaggio's old nemesis, is getting another chance with tunity to improve his abilities. For active participation in adult life, is the next day swamped the Mehen the "Tribe" this year. s those so athletically inclined as to having to postpone its plans for mar­ brothers and nosed out Tennessee in a Rumors about Ted Williams clutter up the ticker; first he was drafted wish to include more than one sport riage. mighty upset to earn a berth in the then deferred by F. D. R. himself; the latest word is that he has departed in their afternoon time, the sched­ How war is taking precedence over finals only to be dropped in turn by for Chicago, to join Mickey Cochrane in the Navy. ules will be well dispersed throughout the every-day pursuits of most Amer­ Kentucky, was clinging with dear life The Giants are about to bring down the wrath of McGraw on Bill Jurges, the week. The classes will be held late icans is being seen everywhere every to a slender five-point lead as the final their only holdout. Some think he is merely stalling for time in order to in the afternoons so as not to inter­ day, and how it is affeeting the na­ gun echoed through the overflowing hang around his new bowling alley. fere with the regular school program. tion's young people is perhaps the gym, to win a scant 37-32. Best looking new pitcher in training is Yanks' Johnny Lindell, fresh Each activity will be under the su­ most significant of social upheavals. Lewis Leading Scorer from a great season with Newark. His rookie co-star at Newark last season, pervision of the coaches connected A national sampling of Student Opin­ It was the Jacket's inability, or, Fordham Hank Borowy, is also threatening to replace the ageing Yank with that department. ion Surveys of America indicates that better, the Tide's ability, to control twirlers. while a year ago this month at least Varsity Football the rebounds that spelled their de­ The Big Leagues are doing their part in national defense by donating bats, half of the students attending col­ Coach Alex has stated that, while feat in the end. This, along with balls, and gloves-to the service teams; all the Army and Navy want now is leges and universities hoped to be the varsity football will be in sum­ their nice floor game and general a few teams for their men to play. They are asking teams from colleges married within two years after leav­ mer practice, this will not interfere heads-up ball, got the 'Bamans off to near training centers to do their best to schedule service teams. ing school, today only one-third of with the classes given to the student a flying start and by half time they A situation unique in baseball history has arisen out in California. The them have the same expectation. Chicago Cubs, in training on Catalina Island, are under military rule. No body. The tennis, golf, baseball, swim­ had built up a 21-12 lead. Despite Interviewing students of all ages visitors allowed, and all copy by the scribes covering them is censored. ming, and track teams will also be in their uncanny, sensational long shots and incomes in a proportional cross The Detroit Tigers are the hardest hit club in the majors. The loss of full swing. They will feature matches in the closing stanza, this proved a section, the Surveys placed this ques­ Greenberg, Hutchinson, Uhle, Gehringer, and now that sensational outfield with other teams in city leagues and handicap a bit too difficult for the tion before hundreds of collegians: find, Pat Mullin, really knocked their chances of even a first division berth schools that have also adopted the engineers to surmount. "How soon after you leave college into a cocked hat. They don't even know where Buck Newsome stands. After summer program. do you hope to be able to be mar­ Captain Carlton Lewis led the Yel watching Bobo drop twenty games last year, the Tiger management is ready No Schedules Yet ried?" low Jacket cause by swishing thirteen to drop a few figures off of his latest contract. Bobo objects strenuously to points to edge out All-Conference Definite schedules have not as yet Before leaving college, such a policy. Adair for individual honors. been adopted, but they will be pub­ Men Women SCREWBALL TRADES If you think your favorite team has made lished in THE TECHNIQUE as soon said 1% 1% some dumb trades lately, listen to these: New as possible. Within 1 year 13 17 Orleans got a pitcher for a sack of oysters; San Francisco bought a first Within 2 years 18 20 Tech Men Complete baseman from Memphis for a box of prunes, and gave Oakland a pitcher for Within 3 years 9 10 NOTHING ... he must have been good! Rinksters! Within 4 years 5 9 Basic Air Course at ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW WITH ADOLF RUPP (coach of the Within 5 years 6 4 Army Flying School Univ. of Ken­ Tech Roller Hockey Within 6 years 7 5 tucky basketball' team; winner of 6 S. E. C. tourneys in the last 10 years). Within 7 years or more.. 6 2 RANDOLPH FIELD, Texas, Feb. 27 How does Southern basketball compare with mid-western or southwestern Six Beat Lakewood Depends on the war—17 14 Former Georgia School of Technology ball ? Well, good Southern teams are not as numerous as good western teams, Already married 1 1 students, members of the second war­ but our best squads are every bit as good as their best. We lost to Ohio In Easy Victory, 7-4 Don't know 17 17 time class of Aviation Cadets and State and Tennessee this year, and I believe Tennessee is best. Maybe if Co-eds, it may be noted, are eager Student Officers at Randolph Field— we can arrange a game with Illinois, Big Ten champs, we might be able to Last Friday night the Rambling to marry sooner than men, but the a class which felt history being made prove my point. Has the game improved during the past few years? Yes, 'Reck roller hockey triumphed over hopes of all have diminished. Last —were militarily "at ease" today because of the greater emphasis that has been placed on it by the schools, the Lakewood six 7-4. This was their year, for example, 22 per cent wanted having completed basic flight train principally through basketball scholarships. Who was the best player I third consecutive victory against the to settle down within a year after ing here this week. saw this year? The Melch brothers of Tennessee, I think, are about tops. purring Tigers. This also was the graduation; now only 14 per cent of Dean W. R. Woolrich of the Uni­ Hockey Club's sixth win in as many both sexes have that hope. Still making every flying second versity of Texas College of Engineer­ starts and well shows their caliber. Engagements, on the other hand, count while tapering off for their finale, which will see them shuttled ing estimates Texas defense indus­ Better Defense appear to be comparatively high. tries will need 55,000 additional work­ "Would you mind telling me i| you off to any one of a half dozen ad You and I During the first period the 'Recks ers in the next few months. are engaged to be married?" inter vanced training bases, were: J. Ed battered the defense as it had done win Heatherly, Atlanta, Ga., '38-'41; in previous games, scoring three good viewers asked. and William H. Wilson, Chattanooga, tallies. In the second period the Tig­ Men Women Tenn., '37-'41, B.S. Paramount Theatre ers rang the bell four times, but Tech Are engaged, said 1% 10% Now Playing was always one goal ahead and as Are not engaged 88 84 Known officially as Class 42-D, the Held Over the last quarter ended led 7-4. Would not answer group completed the streamlined question 5 6 pilot-training courses in record time BETTE DAVIS Last Game ANN SHERIDAN This was the last game of the reg in ular season, although some out-of For the latest "The Man Who Came town games are being scheduled. The 'Recks were at their peak, although to Dinner" RCA Victor and Bluebird Records some slight injuries were suffered with Monty Wooly and Billie Burke Red Nichols was high scorer, scoring Come to the enlarged two goals unassisted and three on Aviation Short Know The Reason Why— passes from the team. Plus Paramount News Cox Prescription Shop Jeff Breger played an inspired . . . why the most attractive men game as goalie. Tony Zagarella alter­ buy their clothes at Muse's, and nated left defense and center with 161 PEACHTREE that personal appearance speaks Capt. Red. Jimmey Withers, veteran Techwood Theatre volumes. Let a Muse suit do your of the Tech High squad, turned in a Next door to the Paramount talking for you! good game at forward. Friday, March 6 "BURMA CONVOY" • Gabardines Charles Bickford

Saturday, March 7 • Tweeds 29.75 Double Feature "SMILING GHOST" • Worsteds RI ALTO ^^jRand & Company, Tnc. "THE BRIDE WORE CRUTCHES" 3rd Floor 201 SPRING ST. N.W. Sun. & Mon., March 8-9 "MAN'S CASTLE" "BALL OF FIRE" Spencer Tracy MUSE REPRESENTATIVES Loretta Young Walter Logan Gene Broadwell ARCHITECTS', ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES with Tuesday, March 10 "DOUBLE DATE" BLUE PRINTS, PHOTOSTAT PRINTS Gary Cooper Edmund Lowe

"RACO" ENLARGEMENTS Wed. & Thur., March 11-12 Barbara Stanwyck "INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON" Ronald Reagan Friday, March 6. 1942 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Page 6

Nominees— Chi Psi Queens Technique Needs (Continued from Page 1) Council Passes the Student Council, editor of last New Staff Men year's "T" Book, active in intramural Distribution Plan; basketball, Camera Club, Tech Band, Openings Offer Variety A.P.O. Of Jobs to Students Starts New Year VICE-PRESIDENT: S. R. (Tex) Harrison, Tyler, Tex., Sophomore, M. THE TECHNIQUE needs new At its last meeting the Georgia E., Co-op, member of the "Y" Cabi­ men! Any Tech students who have Tech Student Council finally took ac­ net, social chairman of the Y.M.C.A., ever worked on a school paper, or tion upon the new distribution plan member of the Tech Bible Class of the who have made grades of "B" or bet­ for the profits of THE TECHNIQUE North Avenue Presbyterian Church ter in English 11 and 12, can now and passed the system, making it be­ and Young People's League. find a position on that staff for come effective the next school year. K. N. (Kirk) Nesbit, Savannah, which they are best-suited. The Council refused to pass the Ga., Sophomore, G.E., present secre­ The jobs are many and varied. new distribution set-up to go into tary of the Y.M.C.A., vice-president There is news writing, sports writ­ effect this year because the present of the Sophomore Class, president of ing, feature writing, editorial writ­ editor and business manager took the Tech Bible Class of the North ing, proof-reading, re-write work, and their position under the old system make-up work to be done. Practically Avenue Presbyterian Church, and ac­ expecting that system to continue. any capable man can find a type of tive in boys' club work of the "Y," According to statements made at work that will please him. member of A.P.O. the Council meeting by several mem­ All men who think they would like C. A. (Cats) Wong, Hartford, bers, the new system is expected to to work on THE TECHNIQUE should Conn., Sophomore, M.E., member of help the newspaper considerably by be present at the next editorial staff the Y.M.C.A. Cabinet and active in increasing the number of staff mem­ meeting, which will be held in the retreats, boys' club work, intramural bers and making it worth while for basement of the YMCA this Tuesday MISS CHARLOTTE THOMAS AND MISS PATTY SPELLMAN basketball, member of Tech Bible at 7:30 p.m. well qualified students to work on the will head the leadout with their dates, "Sandy" McNeill, President, and Class of First Baptist Church and paper. Joe Griffin, Vice-President, respectively, at the Chi Psi Formal Dance Tech Glee Club. Attends St. Mark Methodist Church. Following is the distribution of which will be held tonight in the Georgian Terrace Hotel. SECRETARY: W. S. (Bill) John Any other student on the campus THE TECHNIQUE profits in per­ son, Davenport, Iowa, Freshman, pres­ may be nominated for an office by centages under the new system: ident of the Y.M.C.A. Council, active submitting to the committee a peti­ Editor 25% Chi Psi Holds Annual Formal in retreats and delegations, attends tion signed by 100 members of the Business Manager 25% North Avenue Presbyterian Church, student body. Student Council 20% member of Freshman basketball Nominations to fill the vacancies on Managing Editor 5% Tonight at Georgian Terrace team. the Board of Directors are: alumni News Editor 4% M. R. (Minor) Crowl, Upper Darby, member: Mr. Geo. T. Winship; fac­ Sports Editor _ 4% Dining Room, Ball Room Will Be Decorated Pa., Freshman, member of the Y.M. ulty, Professor Count Gibson; mem­ Feature Editor 2% Extensively With Fraternity's Colors C.A. Council, publicity chairman, ac­ ber at large, Dr. S. V. Broyles. Business Staff 8% This evening at the Georgian Terrace Ball Room the Chi Psi's tive in boys' club work and retreats. All student candidates for the Editorial Staff 7% will give their well-known formal dance. Attends Lutheran Church of the Re­ above offices have signed the follow­ Before the dance the members and the pledges will entertain deemer, member of International Re­ ing statement: "Inasmuch as the Y. their dates at a dinner. The dining room and ball room will be dec­ lations Club and sports editor Nau­ M.C.A. stands for the highest in re­ ligious, social, and political life, we New Army Captain orated with the fraternity colors, purple and gold. tilus. request that you as a student select Officers and their dates are: W. C. (Bill) Mann, Marianna, Ark., your candidate on the basis of merit Assigned to Tech President Hector McNeill and Miss Sikorsky— Freshman Arch., vice - president and personal qualifications. We ask Captain Paul Hayden Gates has Charlotte Thomas. (Continued from Page 1) Freshman Council, has participated that you vote according to your own been recently assigned to the Geor­ Vice-President Joe Griffin and Miss contributions toward America's mili­ in "Y" retreats. Member of Meth­ convictions and not as a member of gia Tech Coast Artillery Corps as of­ Patricia Spellman, of Savannah, Ga. tary air power, namely the "Corsair" odist Church, member of Blue Print any group or clique. No candidate ficer-instructor in the elementary and (F4U-1), world's fastest shipboard business staff. Secretary Billy Bergen and Miss wishes to hold office as a result of advanced training courses. He has fighter, and the world's largest patrol C. S. (Scott) Vinson, Cordele, Ga., Cathleen Budde, of Lexington, Ky. undemocratic action or unethical pol­ been ordered here to supplement the . Among his past achieve­ Freshman, I.M., secretary Freshman Treasurer Alf Anderson and Miss itics." staff of the Coast Artillery Unit, ments is the record of having de­ Council, active in Y.M.C.A. retreats. Jean Thames. which has been depleted by the trans­ signed the first helicopter in America, Members and their dates are: fer of Major William J. Burke to New first four-motored plane in the world, YOU'LL HAVE A BIG TIME AT BIGTOWN Orleans, Louisiana. Captain Gates was Avery, W. H Roslyn Ison first two-motored plane in America, Olsen, S. M Julia Harvard Doors Open 8:30 A. M.—Close at Midnight formerly stationed at Camp Davis, McNeill, H. M Charlotte Thomas the first trans-Atlantic craft, and the Harrison, C. W Betty Linane North Carolina, anti-aircraft train­ Weeks, W Mary Ann Linane famous Atlantic and Pacfic Clippers. BIGTOWN Recreation BILLIARDS Nowak, J LaVerne Curtis ing center. This record makes Sikorsky inter­ Richmond, C. C Mary Alice McDougall At Five Points 10!/2 Edgewood Avenue Captain Gates, prior to World War Anderson, A. H Jean Thames esting to many types of people. No* Darrin, W. A Vera Freeman One of America's Finest I, attended the University of Ver­ Bergen, W. P Kathleen Budde only aeronautical students and tech­ mont, where he received a three-year Hester, E. M Jessie Etheridge 20 New Brunswick Tables — Luncheonette Baker, R. F Billie Garrett nicians, but anyone interested in the Air Conditioned ' military course, similar to the R.O. Mott, F. E Kay Worthington trend of world affairs today would be Weeks, S. E Betty Lovett T.C. course here at Tech. When the Butler, F. K Virginia McCaully interested. United States entered the first World Bourquin, G Patsy Baker Griffin, J. E Patricia Spellman War, Captain Gates was stationed at Wilson, Glen A Lucille Griser Hoke, C. L Betty Murphy Fort Monroe, Virginia, as an officer in training. It was here that he re­ Chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. ceived his commission. On completion Asbury Green, Mr. and Mrs. Robert of his training, Captain Gates was Plunkett, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Os­ No Food Over 12 Hours Old sent overseas, where he was stationed borne. for the duration of the conflict.


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