HONDA for Honda Sie'i
HONDA Honda Siel Power Products Ltd. Head Office & Works : Plot No. 5, Sector-41, (Kasna) Greater Noida lnduslrial DevelopmenlArea, Disn. Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.) Pin-201310 Tel. : +91~120—2341050-59 June 07, 2019 Fax : +91»120—2341078-79 Website cm : L40103DL2004PLC203950 _ , Corporate Relationship Department E-mail : BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 25th Floor, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai — 400001 Listing Department The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Exchange Plaza, 5’h Floor, Plot No. C/1, G- Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (E), Mumbai 7 400 051 Sub: Compliance with Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the half year ended on March 31, 2019 In Compliance with Regulation 23(9) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed disclosures of related party transactions on consolidated basis as on March 31, 2019. We hereby request you to take the aforesaid certificate on record. Thanking you. Yours Truly, For Honda Sie’I/ throducts Limited, k M \< 339%V Sunita Ganjoo \\_/ Company Secretary Encl. as above. - 110025 Regd. Office : 409, DLF Tower B, Jasola Commercial Complex, New Delhi Honda Siel Power Products Limited (All amounts ill [NR IGHLS, unless otherwise stared} Related party transactions (a) Parent entity The Company is controlled by the following entity: - Place of Dw-nershi interest Name Type -E incurpnrah'on March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 and “1mm” Honda Motor Co. Ltd. Japan Japan 66.67% 56.67% gum?“oldmg company (b) Other related parties Place of Type ”a” incorporation Fellow subsidiaries with whom transactions liave .
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