(Insert opening theme)

(Insert title theme from "Gonzales' Tamales")

In a village in Meh-he-co, there lived a bunch of Mexican mice. However, all of the mice in the village have a problem. As we hear two mice, who are lounging up against a pillar, talk to each other.

"Hey, Pedro?" One of the mice said. "What do you want to do?" "I dunno, Manuel." Pedro said. "What do you want to do?" "Oh… I dunno." Manuel replied. "Wanna go out weeth preety gurls?" "All the preety gurls in love weeth Speedy Gonzales." Pedro said. "Speedy Gonzales? The Fastest Mouse in all of Meh-he-co?" Manuel said. "That Speedy Gonzales?" "Sí. All the gurls are een love with heem." Manuel said. "All that is left are Chihuahuas."

It was true that Speed Gonzales was a ladies man, in fact, he practically stole the hearts of many female mice around the village.

"Why you not forget about this Speedy Gonzales fellow?" A mouse said to his girlfriend. "Seex yeears I courts you, eet ees time for ONE leetle keess, no?" The Mexican mouse girl giggled and said, "Sí. Cochita geeve you the keess."

The mouse was thrilled that his girl was going to kiss him as he closed his eyes. But as he waited to receive his kiss, Speedy Gonzales was running through the village!

"Arriba! Arriba! Ándale! Olé! AH-HAH! YAHHA! " Speedy shouted as he sped through the village.

Speedy suddenly stopped as he saw a girl.

"" Speedy shouted as he ran towards the girl.

But as the male mouse was about to kiss Cochita back, Speedy zipped right out in front of him and just kissed her instead. Speedy jumped in the air and ran off, leaving Cochita love struck…

Cochita sighed romantically and said, said. "Speedy… he like me…"

…but left the other male mouse, very grouchy.

"Ooooh…. that Speedy…" The male mouse grumbled, as he shook a fist. "Someday…"

In another part of the veelage, another male mouse was serenading a song to another female mouse on a balcony. The female mouse loved the song he was singing so much, that she dropped a flower down as a token for her love. But just as the mouse was about to catch it, Speedy sped by and caught the flower instead!

Speedy stopped as he smelled the flower and said, "Gracias, señorita, mi'amor! Adios, hasta la vista! WEEHEE! "

The mouse drooped in sadness as he sadly walked away, mumbling about how Speedy stole his girl.

The male mice couldn't take it anymore. They all grouped up together to try and do something about Speedy's antics with the girls.

"We have got to do sometheeng about this Speedy Gonzales fellow." A mouse said, standing on top of a can. "He take away all our women!" Then he asked, "Anybody got it any ideas?" "What about the gringo pussygato?" One of the mice suggested. "Didn't we rely on heem to chase Speedy out of town?" "No, eet wouldn't work." Another mouse said. "Speedy chased heem out of town the last time we needed his help." "Well, what else can we do?" The mouse ringleader said. "We need to find a way to get Speedy away from all the girls." "Hey! Jose got eet, an idea." A small, but fat mouse said as he brought his friend, Jose, up. "Jose got eet an idea?" The mouse ringleader said, "Hey, fellas! Jose got eet an idea!"

All the mice laughed at the fact that Jose wasn't smart enough to have any ideas. But Jose's friend wasn't laughing, he knew for a fact that Jose's idea could possibly work.

"Don't laugh, señors." Jose's friend said. "I theenk Jose's might actually work this time." Then he turned to his friend, Jose. "Go ahead, Jose. Tell them." "Well, uh…" Jose said. "Me and Hervey just saw a beeg black gringo hedgehogo and a bat señorita in town. They are named Shadow and Rouge. I theenk they may be federal agents or sometheeng." "So?" The ringleader mouse said. "So why don't we get this gringo hedgehogo and the bat señorita to chase Speedy out of town?" "Hey… that's good idea!" The ringleader mouse said, figuring Jose's idea would work. "How you come up with that?" "Jose's brains are like gear wheels. They go… Cleeck, cleeck, cleeck." Jose said as he laughed.

Meanwhile, at a Mexican Hotel, Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat were resting on recliners by a pool. As they were resting, some of the Mexican Mice began to put Jose's idea into effect. One of the mice was carrying a brick while two other mice followed.

"Ok, fellows." The ringleader mouse said. " You got the message tied to thee breeck?" "Sí." Jose and his friend said. "Alright, stand cleear." The ringleader mouse said as Jose and his friend gave him some room.

Back on the other side of the wall, Shadow was resting when suddenly, a brick was thrown over the wall and conked off of Shadow's head, causing him to wake up.

"Huh? What? What was that? Who threw that?" Shadow said, looking around to see what struck him on the head.

Shadow then saw the brick that struck him on the head. But he also saw a piece of paper scrolled up and tied to the brick. Shadow took off the scroll off of the brick, unrolled it and began to read.

Gringo Hedgehogo,

Eef I see you around, I weell pull your tail out by eets roots !

-Speedy Gonzales

"Pull my tail, huh?!" Shadow said, then deciding to wake up Rouge. "Come on, Rouge. We've got a rat to whack." "So a little mouse threatens you, and you're gonna take it personally?" Rouge joshed. "Read this." Shadow said, handing Rouge the message.

Rouge got up from the lawn chair and read the message and chuckled.

"Ain't that cute?" Rouge said, lifting her sunglasses. "A mouse is threatening you." "Well, when I find that little punk… " Shadow said, clenching his fist. "He's going to know the true meaning of the word 'threaten'." "Chillax, Shads." Rouge said. "It couldn't be that bad."

Shadow then saw the Post Script of the message, which was referring to Rouge.

"Then what does THIS tell you?" Shadow said, showing Rouge the post script.

P.S. Your bat señorita is a FAT BAT .

Rouge's calm and joshy attitude changed to that of an annoyed and irritated attitude.

"Shadow? Are you going to go look for that mouse?" Rouge said.

Shadow nodded.

Rouge paused for a second and then said, "Lemme get dressed."

Later on, when Rouge was dressed, she went with Shadow to look for Speedy Gonzales when they suddenly came across a mouse hole which had the words 'SPEEDY GONZALES' written over it.

"Same name as the one on the message." Rouge said, checking the message. "This must be his little pad he calls home. Care to do the honors?"

Shadow then bashed on the wall a few times and said, "Come outta there, you little punk! We wanna have a discussion with you!"

Speedy sped out of his home and gazed up at Shadow and Rouge.

"Hallo, Gringo Hedgehogos and Bat Señoritas." Speedy greeted. "So, you're gonna pull my tail out by the roots, huh?" Shadow said, as he turned around, bent over and lift up his tail. "Well, I've only got two words for you…. Try It." "And just for calling me a Fat Bat...." Rouge said, also "Let's see ya pull my tail out as well for laughs. Go on, ya little pack rat... Just try it! We double dare ya!"

Speedy grabbed both of their tails as he looked up to them.

"Are you sure?" Speedy said. "Quit talkin' and start yankin'!" Rouge spatted. "Ok." Speedy said, as he jumped in the air and started running. "OLÉ! OLÉ! AH- HAH!!!!!"

Speedy ran off as he yanked both of Shadow and Rouge's tails off completely by their roots, leaving only bare naked bottoms. Then Speedy zipped right back while carrying Shadow and Rouge's tails.

"Here are your tails, hedgehogos and bat señoritas." Speedy said as he dropped them to the ground.

Shadow and Rouge attempted to stomp and pound Speedy, but forgetting that he was the fastest mouse in all of Mexico, he ran right back into his hole.

"Alright, punk! You asked for it!" Shadow said as he picked up his tail and stomped off. "We'll be back!" "As soon we find some glue, you are gonna SO going to GET IT!" Rouge spatted as she picked up her tail and stomped off as well.

Later on, when Shadow and Rouge got their tails back on, they were ready to take Speedy down. Shadow had already thought of a perfect way to get Speedy.

Shadow and Rouge were hiding behind a big green trash bin as they were preparing the bait for Speedy. Rouge crept out from behind the trash bin as she placed a piece of cheese on the middle of the road and crept right back behind the trash bin. Then Shadow and Rouge waited to see if Speedy would come out.

However, Speedy knew they were up to something.

"*to audience* Eet looks like la gringo hedgehogos and la bat señoritas are trying to lure me with thees cheese." Speedy said, then called out to Shadow and Rouge. "Ok, señor hedgehog and bat señorita, I am luring ! ÁNDALE, EPA, EPA, ÁNDALE, EPA, YAH-HAH HA-HA-HA-OLÉ, ÁNDALE!

Speedy dashed out of his hole as he made his way towards the cheese. However, Shadow jumped out from behind the trash bin as he tried to catch him, but to no avail. Speedy just ran right under Shadow as he ran up towards the cheese.

"Muchas gracias, amigos." Speedy said as he nibbled on the cheese.

Shadow got up as he saw that Speedy did ran right under him, by leaving a trail of bare skin on his torso. Even his patch of white chest fur was taken off! Shadow wasn't a bit too happy with what Speedy just did.

"Allow me, Shads." Rouge said, as she turned her attention to Speedy. "Hey, Speedo. I got some more cheese over here. Why don'tcha… come on over here?"

Speedy zipped right up to where Rouge was.

"Where ees eet the cheese?" Speedy asked. "Hold out your hands and close your eyes, and you will get a cheesy surprise." Rouge said.

Speedy held out his hands and closed his eyes, but what Rouge was about to do was cheesy, in deed. She caught Speedy with a net!

"Hah! Let's see you run through this, bub!" Rouge said, clutching on the handle of the net. "Just try it!"

Speedy jumped in the air and ran off with Rouge still holding onto the net as she was being dragged across the town! Speedy was able to get out of the net by entering his mouse hole, but due to the size of the hole, it was too big fore Rouge as she smacked herself right into the wall!

Shadow saw what happened and ran off. But he came right back with a shotgun as he dropped to the ground, slid across and aimed right into the mouse hole!

"Alright, punk! I've got you covered!" Shadow threatened as he placed a finger on the trigger. "There's no escape this time!"

But as Shadow pulled the trigger, the gun didn't fire. He pulled a few more times, but it still wouldn't fire. Shadow took the gun out of the mouse hole and looked at the gun to see that it was plugged up by a cork.

"Why that no good, rotten, pesky, little…" Shadow grumbled as he tried to pull the cork from the gun.

But just as Shadow dislodged the cork…


The gun blew up in Shadow's face, most of his quills blown off his head, leaving only a bare naked head.

Later on, once Shadow had his face recovered, he and Rouge returned to Speedy's mousehole with a new weapon: a grenade. Just as they arrived, they suddenly heard Speedy singing.

Speedy Gonzales: (singing) La cucaracha, la cucaracha…

Shadow crept up to the mousehole, pulled the pin and threw the grenade right into the mouse hole!

Shadow zipped back up to Rouge as they ducked and covered. But as they did, they didn't know that Speedy Gonzales carried grenade out of his hole, placed it right next to them and ran right back to his hole.

Shadow and Rouge then saw the grenade on the ground right next to them! Rouge picked it up, flew towards the mouse hole and tossed it back in! Then she went back to where Shadow was.

But then, just as they feared, they heard Speedy coming out, so they ran for their lives through the town! But Speedy was right behind them as he carried the grenade through town. Once Speedy had placed the grenade far away from his hole, he ran right back!

However, Shadow and Rouge were tossing the grenade to each other as they were trying to take it back to Speedy's mousehole. But before they could even make it to Speedy's hole…


The grenade had already blown up. Shadow and Rouge were frazzled from the explosion, even Rouge's batwings were blown off from the explosion. And all Shadow was a broken grenade that already went off. They just ran slower and slower until they've finally arrived at Speedy's mousehole as Shadow threw the broken grenade into the hole.

Later on, Shadow and Rouge had a new tactic to get rid of Speedy. This time, they bought a Mexican mouse girl wind-up toy that they would use to attract Speedy. But Shadow was making one more modification to the toy.

"Rouge, do you have the nitro-explosive microchip?" Shadow said. "Right here, baby." Rouge said, giving Shadow the chip. "When that rat falls for this little mouse..." Shadow said as he was attaching the chip to the wiring of the toy. "He'll be in for a little, or should I say BIG surprise."

Once the wind-up doll was modified, Shadow and Rouge went back to Speedy's mouse hole, where they would tempt Speedy with the doll. Once they were there, Shadow began to wind up the doll to activate the mechanism of the explosive microchip. Then he placed the doll onto the ground as it began to walk over to Speedy's mousehole while playing a music box-like tune of 'Mexican Hat Dance'.

"Once the doll stops moving, the microchip will detonate." Shadow said. "Then that mouse will get a real blast of that mouse-chick." Rouge added.

Shadow and Rouge watched as the windup doll mouse girl entered into Speedy's mousehole. But as they did, Speedy crept up behind him with an already inflated bag. Once he was close enough, he raised his hand over the bag, and then smacked it, causing the bag to burst open and sound like an explosion.

"AH-HAH!" Shadow said as he ran around the corner to the mouse hole, followed by Rouge. "We got 'im this time!"

Shadow looked into the mouse hole to see if Speedy was blown up.

"How do you like that, punk?" Shadow said, peeking his eyes into the hole.


Shadow's question was only with an explosion in his face. Soon enough, Rouge finally decided to talk.

"You know, Shadow… I think I might have a better idea to get that mouse." Rouge said. "One that doesn't involve explosions." "What plan could YOU possibly come up with?" Shadow said. "I've already been humiliated enough by these explosions." "Chill out, Shadow. This time, I'll catch him for you. Just to save you all the trouble. Here's what I have in mind…" Rouge said as she whispered her plan into his ear.

Later on, Shadow was peeking around the corner to see if Speedy was outside of his hole.

"All clear, Rouge." Shadow said. "But are you sure this plan of yours will possibly work?" "Shadow, the explosive wind up doll of yours might've flunked…" Rouge said, "But if there's one thing I know… is that no one can resist my charms, especially that mouse."

Rouge stepped out from behind the alley. She was now wearing a Pink Mexican Dress as well as having her bat wings tucked inside of her dress, she also had a blue hand fan with her. Rouge also took the liberty of curving her bat ears into round circular shaped ears similar to that of mice ears. Rouge had disguised herself as a Mexican Female Mouse.

"Watch and Learn, from the real female expertise." Rouge said as she walked over to Speedy's mousehole.

Once Rouge arrived at the hole, she began to put her plan into effect by knocking on the wall.

Rouge got into position and disguised her voice as a sweet and seductive Mexican mouse girl, "Yoo-hoo… Señor Mouse… Are you in, mi querido?"

Speedy poked his head from out of his hole and he looked up to see a big and beautiful white Mexican mouse girl (or so he thinks he saw)!

"Buena stias, señorita." Speedy said, taking off his sombrero and bowing down. Rouge giggled and said, "Buneo stias to you too, mousey. Would you like a keess?" "Sí, por favor." Speedy said, holding onto his sombrero as he closed his eyes and waited to be kissed. "Ok..." Rouge said as she took out a mallet from behind her back. "Here is one right for el kisser.."

But before she could whack him, Speedy jumped up in the air and whacked Rouge on the head with his own mallet! Realizing how he saw through her disguise, Rouge took off her dress, revealing her normal attire and began to chase after Speedy along with Shadow, who watched the entire thing. Speedy ran around a shopping stand and took refuge inside a box of red hot chili peppers. But Shadow and Rouge knew where he went as they went up to the stand.

"I hide in one of theese chilee peypers, amigos." Speedy said, hiding behind the box. "You no find me!" "Oh, yeah?!" Shadow said, picking up a pepper. "We'll getcha even IF we have to eat all of these things!"

Shadow ate the first pepper, but then the effects of the hot and spiciness of the pepper began to take effect as Shadow felt fire coming out of his mouth!

"HAHH!!!!" Shadow shouted as flames came out of his mouth!

Shadow ran over to a water cooler as he took a big drink of water to relieve the fiery taste of the pepper.

Then it was Rouge's turn, she took a little bite of the pepper she picked up to see if Speedy was hiding in that one. However, even the tiniest of bites of the chili pepper still meant the same results as Rouge, too soon felt the burning effects of the pepper!

"AAHH!!!!" Rouge yelled as she made a run for the water cooler as well as she took a big drink of water.

Shadow and Rouge then decided to try and take bite out of the peppers together, to see if Speedy was hiding in one of them. But as they did, the chili peppers' effects took place once again as they felt the burning sensations within their mouths! Shadow and Rouge both ran for the cooler once again, but as they both took drinks together, they didn't notice that Speedy had switched the container of water, and instead replaced the cooler with a big jar of Tabasco Sauce!

"AHHHHH!!!!!" Shadow and Rouge both shouted as they were both launched up in the horizon sky because of the amount of spiciness in their mouths.

Meanwhile, the two lazy mice, Pedro and Manuel, were now lounging against the wall, when they heard the sounds of rockets being launched in the sky.

"Say, Pedro?" Manuel said. "Those theengs in thee sky, are they burds? Are they planes?" "Nah, that ees the gringo hedgehogo and the bat señorita." Pedro replied. "Weren't they the ones who were supposed to get Speedy out of town?" Manuel said. "They were." Pedro said. "But now eet looks like they're the ones who are getting out of town."

(Insert Looney Tunes Ending Theme)