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Princeton Theological Review Vol. 18, No. 1 | Spring 2015 Church for the World: Essays in Honor of the Retirement of Darrell L. Guder Prolegomena 3 CATHERINE C. TOBEY Darrell L. Guder 5 BENJAMIN T. CONNER “Sent into All the World” 9 Luke’s sending of the seventy(-two): intertextuality, reception history, and missional hermeneutics NATHAN C. JOHNSON The Church as Organism 21 Herman Bavinck’s ecclesiology for a postmodern context MICHAEL DAVID KEY Eucharist as Communion 33 The Eucharist and the Absolute in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit LUKE ZERRA Lesslie Newbigin’s Indian Interlocutors 45 A Study in Theological Reception DEANNA FERREE WOMACK Book Reviews 63 About the PTR 71 Prolegomena CATHERINE C. TOBEY Executive Editor, Princeton Theological Review Who am I to be a witness? Who are you? How can we even dream of being heard when addressing this wide world overcome by complexities, needs, doubts, and suffering? For Karl Barth, the answer is simple. He writes, “The point is, in general terms, that only on the lips of a man who is himself affected, seized and committed, controlled and nourished, unsettled and settled, comforted and alarmed by it, can the intrinsically true witness of the act and revelation of God in Jesus Christ have the ring and authority of truth which applies to other [humans]” (Church Dogmatics IV/3.2, 657). Darrell Guder is such a person, one whose witness is made indelibly clear as Christ’s compassion and conviction simultaneously shine through him. As he retires from his post as the Henry Winters Luce Professor of Missional and Ecumenical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, it is the great privilege of the editors at the Princeton Theological Review to present this issue in his honor.
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