THE VOICE OF ’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 July 14, 2010 • vol 25 no 41 page 6 Judge: Part of DOMA is unconstitutional BY LISA KEEN KEEN NEwS SERVICE

In an enormous victory for same-sex marriage, a federal judge in Boston Thursday, July 8, ruled— in two separate lawsuits—that a critical part of DADT Surveys the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. In one lawsuit, Commonwealth of Massachu- setts v. Health and Human Services, Judge Jo- seph Tauro, of the U.S. District Court in Boston, ruled that DOMA violated the Tenth Amend- PHOTO ment to the U.S. Constitution by taking from REMOVED the states powers that the Constitution gave to BY REQUEST them. In the other lawsuit, Gill v. Office of Per- sonnel Management, he ruled that DOMA violates the equal-protection principles embodied in the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment in an effort to “disadvantage a group of which it disapproves.” Maura T. Healey, chief of the Massachusetts attorney general’s civil-rights division, led the Massachusetts lawsuit while Mary Bonauto, civil- Lilith Fair’s page 14 rights director for Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Kate Nash Defenders (GLAD), led the Gill case. Bonauto and GLAD also led the landmark lawsuit that won equal marriage rights for Massachusetts couples Raising in November 2003. Both of the lawsuits heard by Tauro targeted Section 3 of DOMA. That section states that, for federal government purposes, “the word ‘mar- Cayne page 17 riage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the entertainer/actress Candis Cayne (; Drop Dead Diva) talks with Turn to page 4 about acting and changes in her life. See page 17. Christina Kahrl continues to blaze trails Ride page 22 BY ROSS FORMAN talked about rooting for the New York Giants in Kahrl is a Jackie Robinson of sorts. for AIDS the 1920s. “I consider myself immensely fortunate be- His roots as a fan dated back to his Chris eventually went to school, married a cause of the women who did have the courage to childhood, while growing up an Oakland A’s fan woman, and always maintained his passion for come out [before me,]” Kahrl said. “They made who lived near Sacramento. Chris Kahrl listened baseball. life so much easier for people such as me who tJuly 7, 2010 to baseball on the radio back then, often while And it’s still there today, in Chicago, where transitioned [after them.] Sure, the challenges nightspots Raise doing his daily chores. Chris is now Christina Kahrl, the transgender are still there, but there is so much more knowl- the Roof Gays love a parade! pages 16-17 In the mornings, it always was a race—against Rogers Park resident who turned that childhood edge. his younger brother, Ben—to see who would passion for baseball into her profession. “The trans community is so much more part of wake up first to get the daily newspaper, so they Kahrl is one of the co-founders of Baseball the public dialogue today than it was years ago. could read the box scores in the sports section Prospectus and, starting with the 2009 base- It is so much easier to come out today in the pick it up about the previous night’s games. ball season, a member of the Baseball Writers transgender community than it was in the ‘60s, “Being a fan of baseball as a kid was, well, Association of America (BWAA). So, she is now ‘70s and ‘80s. I can only imagine what they had take it home Pride Fest is best! Showing page 28 ChicagoPride just part of growing up as an American kid,” said eligible to vote on post- to go through. for 8 years. page 14 Kahrl, an admitted history buff who fell in love season awards and (eventually, after 10 years’ “My baseball work now … I’m just going there with, among other things, the historical aspect membership) nominees for the National Baseball Turn to page 19 of baseball. After all, a great-grandfather long Hall of Fame.

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K July 14, 2010 3 index NEWS White House unveils AIDS plan 4 “A GENEROUS, NEARLY Judge: Part of DOMA illegal 4 Gov. vetoes civil-unions bill 5 NOTE-PERFECT PORTRAIT OF A Controversial DADT surveys 6 MODERN FAMILY. Presbyterians’ split decision 6 Exquisitely played by Annette Bening and Julianne Moore.” ADAP troubles; Gender JUST 7 MANOHLA DARGIS TPAN CEO leaves; CJR drama 8 Chicago Hellfire Club profile 8 Passages: Gaskin, Ligmal 8 Local items; dot429 brunch 9 Quotelines 9 “HILARIOUS AND HEARTFELT. Views by Solis, Wolfe; letter 10 IRRESISTIBLE. ENTERTAINMENT/ ‘The Kids Are All Right’ makes its own special magic. EVENTS Queer rocker Kristen Ford (above) talked The actors are to die for. Annette Bening and Julianne Moore Dancin’ Feats 11 with WCT’s Kristin Kowalski. Read the very nail every nuance. Mark Ruffalo is dynamite.” PETER TRAVERS Theater reviews 12 intriguing interview on page 15. Pop Making Sense 14 Kristen Ford PR photo Kate Nash interview 14 Kristen Ford; Keane 15 Inception, Apprentice; Emmys 16 “INVIGORATING AND FRESH. Candid Candis Cayne 17 Billy Masters 21 UPROARIOUSLY FUNNY. Annette Bening and Julianne Moore are real treats. OUTLINES Director Lisa Cholodenko shows a warm, funny side and Real estate; classifieds 18 crafts some brilliant chemistry between her two leads. Calendar Q 20 A seductive turn by Mark Ruffalo.” BILGE EBIRI & LOGAN HILL Sports: Force in Sweden 19 Gay hockey fundraiser 19 Christina Kahrl 19 Ride for AIDS 21 CRU competes in Sprints 21 Local social-justice organization Gender JUST took action in Detroit, Mich. Read “FUNNY, SMART AND SEXY. more on page 7. This pitch-perfect movie charms audiences into Photos on cover: Image of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis from organization’s a state of enlightenment.” Photo courtesy of Sam Finkelstein website; Kate Nash PR photo; photo from Ride for AIDS by LISA SCHWARZBAUM Ross Forman ANNETTE BENING JULIANNE MOORE MARK RUFFALO

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n i g h t s p o t s tJuly 7, 2010 n nightspots ONLINE INDEX Raise the Roof Gays love a parade! pages 16-17 A PIECE OF CAKE MIA WASIKOWSKA JOSH HUTCHERSON THE POST- Amuse Bouche profiles PRIDE ISSUE! Nic and Jules had the perfect family, a cousin’s pound cake until they met the man who made it all possible. (right) while Sugar & Space looks at the eatery Pride Fest is best! Showing page 28 ChicagoPride for 8 years. page 14 known as The Boiler Room.

Photo from Ames Hawkins EMMY TIME! FAIR GAMES SHOW #374 With the Cologne Gay Games beginning in less than three weeks, WCT profiles entrants Santina Croniser and Andy Burke (left).

Photo by Ross Forman getting a taste TVN Take a look at Trey Songz (right), Gavin Rossdale, Teairra Mari and other Check out our musicians who performed video channel for at the Taste of Chicago. new videos weekly www.QueerTV Photo by Vern Hester EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENTS NOW PLAYING MOBILE USERS: For Showtimes – Text KIDS with your ZIP CODE to 43KIX (43549) RIVENDELL MEDIA Chicago Windy City Times Trim: 5" x 13.5" Issue Date: Wednesday, July 14th Color Newspaper 4 July 14, 2010 White House DOMA from cover sex and those with spouses of the opposite sex is to create a distinction without meaning. And announces nat’l opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.” Nei- where, as here, ‘there is no reason to believe HIV/AIDS strategy ther lawsuit challenged the section of DOMA that the disadvantaged class is different, in rel- To combat the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic, that enable any state to ignore valid marriage evant respects’ from a similarly situated class, the White House released the National HIV/AIDS licenses issued to a same-sex couple in other this court may conclude that it is only irrational Strategy (NHAS) and the accompanying NHAS states. prejudice that motivates the challenged clas- Federal Implementation Plan July 13, according In ruling Section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional sification. As irrational prejudice plainly never to a press release. in Gill, Tauro stated that he could not find “any constitutes a legitimate government interest, In the United States, approximately 56,000 identifiable legitimate purpose or discrete ob- this court must hold that Section 3 of DOMA as people become infected with HIV each year and jective” for DOMA to treat same-sex couples dif- applied to Plaintiffs violates the equal protec- more than 1.1 million Americans are living with ferently. DOMA, he said, “is a status-based en- tion principles embodied in the Fifth Amend- HIV. Secretary Kathleen Sebelius also announced actment divorced from any factual context from ment to the United States Constitution.” that $30 million of the Affordable Care Act’s which [this court] could discern a relationship ©2010 by Keen News Service. All rights re- Prevention Fund will be dedicated to the NHAS’ to legitimate [government] interests.” served. implementation. This funding will support the That finding was important because, in 1996 development of combination prevention inter- decision, in Romer v. Evans, the U.S. Supreme Local comments ventions. It will also support improved surveil- Court ruled that animus cannot be used to jus- lance, expanded and targeted testing and other tify a law. on DOMA ruling activities. GLAD legal director Gary Buseck noted that —U.S. Representative Mike Quigley, D-Ill.: “We can’t afford complacency—not when in GLAD made the argument “very strongly” that “I applaud the decisions of the federal district the ten minutes I’ve been talking to you, an- DOMA was motivated by animus for gay people court. I agree that the Defense of Marriage Act other American has just contracted HIV,” Sebe- and that it gains considerable credibility from Andrea Crain. Photo courtesy of Crain is an unconstitutional intrusion into state and lius said. “That’s why our strategy calls for ag- its confirmation by Tauro, a Nixon appointee individual rights, and I will continue to push gressive efforts to educate Americans about how whom Buseck describes as “very centrist and for its repeal. These decisions affirm Lincoln’s dangerous this disease still is and the steps they conservative.” statement at Gettysburg that this nation is al- can take to protect themselves and their loved GLAD’s Bonauto had argued that the court Tauro noted, in particular, that the Massachu- ways moving towards freedom and equality for ones.” should apply an even more stringent level of setts case posed a “complex constitutional in- all.” The NHAS has three primary goals: reducing scrutiny. But she said she was not disappointed quiry” about the power of the state to deter- —Andrea Crain, Join the Impact-Chicago: the number of new infections; increasing access that Tauro applied only rational basis in strik- mine marital status versus “whether Congress “In a court with a fair judge, the pro-equali- to care and optimizing health outcomes for peo- ing down DOMA. may siphon off a portion of that traditionally ty case comes into sharp focus and the other ple living with HIV; and reducing HIV-related “His ruling on rational basis alone,” said Bo- state-held authority for itself.” side’s irrational fears amount to a blurry mess. health disparities. nauto, “is consistent with judicial minimalism But, he concluded, “DOMA plainly intrudes on Obama’s Justice Department should not try to To accomplish these goals, the NHAS calls for in constitutional cases and deciding no more a core area of state sovereignty—the ability to defend this irrational law in court.” a more coordinated national response to the HIV than is necessary.” Bonauto said GLAD would define the marital status of its citizens” and —Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illi- epidemic and includes a NHAS Federal Imple- continue to argue for heightened scrutiny at “imposes [on the states] an unconstitutional nois: “DOMA was ill-conceived and was never mentation Plan. The plan outlines critical short- the First Circuit, assuming the decision is ap- condition on the receipt of federal funding.” grounded in sound public policy. Its only aim term actions that the federal government must pealed. “It is a fundamental principle underlying our was to deny recognition of same-sex couples by execute. In addition, the White House issued a “It is a very strong opinion and very carefully federalist system of government,” wrote Tauro any means necessary. That’s why we are all the presidential memorandum directing agencies to reasoned,” said Bonauto, during a phone con- in the Massachusetts decision, “that ‘[e]very more pleased that the federal district court has take specific steps to implement this strategy. ference with reporters July 8. law enacted by Congress must be based on one found the key provisions of the law unconstitu- The Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) Attorney General Martha Coakley, who joined or more of its powers enumerated in the Consti- tional.” hosted 14 HIV/AIDS community discussions the conference call only very briefly at the be- tution.’ And, correspondingly, the Tenth Amend- —June LaTrobe, transgender liaison for with thousands of residents across the U.S. and ginning, called the Tauro decisions “a landmark ment provides that ‘[t]he powers not delegated : “I was very pleased to see reviewed suggestions from the public through step” for marriage equality and a “victory for to the United States by the Constitution, nor the federal courts take steps to return what the White House website. ONAP also organized civil rights in Massachusetts.” prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to properly belongs in the states power. I see it as a series of meetings on several HIV-specific top- Buseck said that, “as a technical matter,” the States respectively, or to the people’.” another step forward in applying existing laws ics, and worked with federal and community the Gill decision involves just the eight plain- Tauro also noted that the 1st Circuit U.S. to the discrimination which takes place against partners who organized their own meetings to tiff couples that participated in the lawsuit, Court of Appeals has upheld federal regulation the broad rainbow community.” support the development of a national strategy. though the state’s lawsuit could be seen as of state family law “only where firmly rooted in —Democratic Congressional candidate Dan “The unveiling of the National HIV/AIDS Strat- encompassing all gay married couples in Mas- an enumerated federal power.” Seals: “I am encouraged to see that a federal egy marks an important and eagerly awaited sachusetts. But before the ruling in either case Tauro acknowledged that attorneys for the court has recognized the Defense of Marriage step,” said Kevin Carmichael, co-chair of the extends beyond Massachusetts, he noted, it will federal government argued that the authority Act’s unconstitutionality and will reiterate my Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition, in a require a ruling from the 1st Circuit U.S. Court for DOMA was grounded in the U.S. Constitu- support for DOMA’s full repeal. It is a disap- statement quoted by The co- of Appeals. A 1st Circuit ruling would extend to tion’s “Spending Clause.” That clause says Con- pointing injustice that same-sex couples don’t alition represents providers of medical care and Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, gress has the power to collect taxes and pay have the same rights—be it healthcare, em- drugs to AIDS patients. “For the sake of our Maine and Puerto Rico. A U.S. Supreme Court debts to promote the “general welfare” of the ployment benefits, or tax fairness – that my patients, we hope adequate resources are dedi- ruling would affect the country. country. family does. cated to help achieve this,” Carmichael said. As of deadline, attorneys for the federal gov- But Tauro noted that DOMA goes far beyond —Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.: Sebelius, White House Domestic Policy Council ernment on the two cases had not yet filed no- provisions related to federal spending. “I am thrilled by Judge Tauro’s decision that Director Melody Barnes, Office of National AIDS tice of appeal or a request that the judge stay “The broad sweep of DOMA, potentially af- declares part of the Defense of Marriage Act Policy Director Jeffrey Crowley and Health and the effect of his decision until an appeal can fecting the application of 1,138 federal statu- (DOMA) unconstitutional. This is a tremendous Human Services Assistant Secretary for Health be decided. But the Obama administration has tory provisions in the United States Code in victory for all who believe in equal rights and a Dr. Howard Koh were slated to be present for the made clear that it intends to defend DOMA and which marital status is a factor, impacts, among dramatic confirmation of justice under law. plans’ unveiling. an appeal is considered virtually inevitable. other things, copyright protections, provisions By ruling that DOMA violates the Fifth and There was to be a reception after the release of Most legal observers believe both cases will relating to leave to care for a spouse under the Tenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, the strategy. Christopher Brown, assistant com- eventually be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Family and Medical Leave Act, and testimonial Judge Tauro affirmed states’ rights of sover- missioner of the Chicago Department of Public Court for resolution, including Supreme Court privileges,” he wrote. eignty and individual rights to due process. Health, HIV Division, and AIDS Foundation of nominee Elena Kagan who, during her confir- “This court has determined that it is clearly Put simply, his rulings confirm what we already Chicago Vice President of Policy and Communica- mation hearing last week, declined to respond within the authority of the Commonwealth to know—there is no legal basis for discrimina- tions David Munar were among those slated to to questions concerning DOMA, noting that recognize same-sex marriages among its resi- tion against same-sex couples.” attend. Windy City Times will have much more cases challenging the law were “on the road” dents, and to afford those individuals in same- —State Rep. Greg Harris: “It’s just becom- online this week and in next week’s print issue. to the high court. sex marriages any benefits, rights, and privi- ing more and more clear with each passing The strategy is at The only other marriage case in federal court leges to which they are entitled by virtue of decision of courts and each passing positive istration/eop/onap/nhas and the accompanying right now is the Proposition 8 marriage case in their marital status,” concluded Tauro in the decision of legislatures that marriage equality’s plan is at a federal district court in San Francisco. Judge Massachusetts opinion. “The federal govern- time has come. For all the activists who have policies/national-hiv-aids-strategy/. Vaughn Walker heard closing arguments in that ment, by enacting and enforcing DOMA, plainly worked for so many years on this issue, you’re See more news and community response on- case in June and has not yet issued his deci- encroaches upon the firmly entrenched prov- beginning to see legislation take root on this line at and in sion. That case, challenging a state law ban- ince of the state, and, in doing so, offends the issue. Each step forward is a big step. History the next edition of Windy City Times. ning the right to obtain a marriage license in Tenth Amendment. For that reason, the statute is on our side, and justice is on our side.” as violating the equal protection, will is invalid.” —Christopher Clark, Lambda Legal attor- Correction likely be appealed to the much larger 9th Cir- “By premising eligibility for these benefits ney: “We’re very excited about the decision. cuit, which covers California and eight western on marital status in the first instance, the fed- We think it’s a very well-reasoned decision. It’s In the July 7 article on Arizona teen Caleb states. eral government signals to this court that the unclear at this point exactly what the decision Laieski, the caption incorrectly listed him as Both the Massachusetts and Gill cases were relevant distinction to be drawn is between will mean for people living in Chicago who were “Casey.” Windy City Times regrets the error. argued in May, and the decisions released to- married individuals and unmarried individu- married elsewhere…We think this is a stirring day are relatively quick turnarounds, given als,” wrote Tauro in the conclusion of the Gill victory for the LGBT community and it is clear that some judges take almost a year to decide opinion. “To further divide the class of married that DOMA has to go.” cases. individuals into those with spouses of the same —Kate Sosin July 14, 2010 5 ONLINE AT WINDYCITYMEDIAGROUP.COM NATIONAL NEWS

—Pro-gay Gov. july 14 – 18 ex-madam Linda Kristen Davis (left) Lingle. to run for N.Y. gov. —Amtrak starting strawdog theatre company Hawaii gov. LGBT campaign vetoes civil- —Google honors unions bill Frida Kahlo red noses by Rex Wockner Equality Hawaii’s Alan Spector commented: “Today is a sad day for the thousands of Hawaii Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle vetoed a civil-union families who remain second-class citizens. We bill July 6 that would have granted same-sex fail to see how the governor’s actions are in the couples all the rights, benefits, responsibilities best interest of Hawaii’s future and are nothing and obligations of marriage under a different more than political maneuvering at the expense name. of people’s lives. We’re disappointed and out- “I have been open and consistent in my op- raged.” position to same-gender marriage and find that National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive House Bill 444 is essentially marriage by another Director Rea Carey called the veto “a disgrace.” name,” Lingle said at a 3 p.m. news conference. “Hawaii’s lawmakers passed this bill because it “I am vetoing this bill because I have become was about fundamental fairness,” she said. “The convinced that this issue is of such societal im- governor’s action today flies in the face of both portance that it deserves to be decided by all common sense and common humanity. We urge the people of Hawaii,” she said. “It would be a the Hawaii Legislature to override this veto.” mistake to allow a decision of this magnitude to Same-sex marriage is legal in Connecticut, be made by one individual or a small group of Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont elected officials. ... There are issues that require and Washington, D.C. the reflection, collective wisdom and consent of Five additional states have domestic-partner the people and reserves to them the right to or civil-union laws that extend to same-sex directly decide those matters. This is one such couples all state-level rights and obligations of 2010 issue.” marriage: California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon Lingle went on to criticize the way the bill had and Washington. been passed in the House of Representatives. Five other states extend limited marital rights “The legislative maneuvering that brought to registered same-sex couples: Colorado, Ha- House Bill 444 to an 11th-hour vote on the fi- waii, Maine, Maryland and Wisconsin. nal day of the session via a suspension of the New York and Maryland recognize same-sex rules, after legislators led the public to believe marriages from other states and countries. that the bill was dead, was wrong and unfair to California recognizes same-sex marriages from the public they represent,” she said. “This is a anywhere in the world if they were entered into decision that should (be made) by all the peo- before Proposition 8 amended the state constitu- ple of Hawaii behind the curtain of the voting tion in November 2008 to re-ban same-sex mar- booth.” riage, which had been legal for 4 1/2 months. Lingle said she felt “very comfortable” with A high-powered lawsuit charging that Prop her veto, but added: “I would be surprised if 8 violates the U.S. Constitution will see a U.S. this does not go on the next available ballot. ... District Court decision in San Francisco this I would encourage lawmakers to do it ... so that summer. The case likely will end up at the U.S. we can all move on.” Supreme Court.

Lambda Legal and the American Civil Liberties Internationally, same-sex marriage is legal in e Union promptly announced they would file suit Belgium, Canada, Iceland, the Netherlands, Nor- over the veto. way, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and “We’re obviously disappointed that Gov. Lingle Mexico City. has, once again, used her power to deny the people of Hawaii their civil rights,” said Laurie Schock: I’m not gay Temple, staff attorney for the ACLU. “Luckily for U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., has garnered a the people of Hawaii, however, our constitution on th lot of press and admiration for his physique— prevents discrimination based on sexual orienta- enough so that he has attracted quite the gay tion. If the governor won’t honor her oath to following. However, according to a New York uphold the constitution, the courts will.” Times article, he has shied away from the at- Hawaii’s constitution was amended by voters tention and has denied he is gay, mentioning an in 1998 to give the Legislature authority to re- ex-girlfriend. strict marriage to opposite-sex couples, which Schock, 29, who represents Peoria, is quite it did. The amendment does not prohibit civil accomplished. He was elected a member of the unions, or the Legislature’s changing its mind. Peoria Public Schools school board at the age The amendment states: “The legislature shall of 19, making him the youngest person on an have the power to reserve marriage to opposite- Illinois school board. At age 23, he became a sex couples.” state representative. He has been a member of Freedom to Marry called the veto “deeply dis- the U.S. Congress for two years, and serves on appointing” and said it “unnecessarily delays three committees. Hawaii’s journey toward fairness and equality.” However, people continuously pay attention “Gov. Lingle has rejected the will of the state to his buff body; in fact, Huffington Post read- Legislature and the advice of countless business ers voted Schock the “hottest freshman” in Con- and faith leaders and turned her back on the gress, and even said he was more attractive than committed couples and Hawaii kin who have U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., known for his expressed their support for this measure,” said box office 312.742.7994 Cosmopolitan centerfold spread taken decades Executive Director Evan Wolfson. “Freedom to ago. Marry urges the Hawaii state Legislature to over- rule Gov. Lingle’s veto.” 3&(+;,/-P!+K.+! !

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“Would recognize committed, lifelong relation- faith traditions that you are morally and spiritu- Presbyterians split on gay issues ships that are already being lived out by our ally equal, which is a life-giving and life-saving by Chuck Colbert members.” blessing.” “We Presbyterians like to study, which is not For Adee, the assembly’s action sends a “clear The nation’s tenth-largest Christian denomina- a bad thing,” Cindy Bolbach, a church elder and message,” he said, the denomination recognizes tion approved a measure that lifts a more than Previously, candidates for ordination such as the assembly’s elected moderator, told the As- that “all children of as created in the image of decade-long ban on ordaining openly LGBT cler- ministers, deacons and elders were held to a sociated Press. God” and all Presbyterians are “welcomed and gy. But a few hours after the vote, delegates “fidelity in marriage and chastity in singleness The assembly’s deferral buys time for the 2.8 affirmed within our tradition.” to the Presbyterian’s 219th General Assembly in clause,” which in effect Adee said “mandated million-member mainstream Protestant denomi- He also said the move to fuller inclusion “en- Minneapolis, Minn., declined to reformulate its compulsive heterosexuality” or the imposition nation, enabling Presbyterians, least for now, to courages us to be live out our baptismal vows” understanding of marriage to include same-sex of celibacy or chastity, depending on how one side step controversy as the Church studies the to “support and nurture in faith this child into couples. reads the text.” issue for the next two years. adulthood.” In other words, “there are no con- Both votes in Minneapolis on July 8 were Under the new overture, the wording of “joy- But some marriage equality supporters voiced ditions,” he explained. “We don’t say when a close, with ordination equality passing 373 to ful submission to worship of Christ” replaces the disappointment over the assembly’s deferral. 15-year-old says he’s gay that we are going to 323—a margin of 53 percent to 46 percent. The language of “fidelity” and “chastity.” “I am disappointed,” said the Rev. Shawna withhold those promises.” vote to table marriage equality by accepting a For ordination equality to become church law, Bowman, who serves as a chaplain at Rush Uni- Historically, the river of equal ordination runs final committee report to preserve the current however, it must be approved by ratification versity City Hospital. “Change is inevitable. The through Chicago. During the summer of 1974, marriage status quo passed 348 to 324 with six votes in a majority of the 173 U.S. governing longer we out feet, the less relevant we’re the Rev. David Sindt, a graduate of the McCor- abstentions—a slim margin of 51 percent to 49 bodies or presbyteries. going to be to communities that already minis- mick Theological Seminary, held up a large sign percent. Consequently, the Presbyterians failed Harry Knox, religion and faith director for ter to LGBTQ individuals.” at that year’s General Assembly. It read: “Is any- to give pastors discretion to marry same-sex the Human Rights Campaign, voiced hope that The marriage piece is particularly dishearten- one else out there gay?” couples in states with civil marriage equality, church presbyteries will ratify the equal ordina- ing for Bowman, who attended the assembly and The lifelong Presbyterian’s visibility and out- including Connecticut, the District of Columbia, tion overture. “The last time, they fell short but is affiliated with That All May Freely. “I think reach enabled him and others to found Presby- Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hamp- it was pretty close,” he said. This time, Knox we made conscious decision to bury our heads terians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns. Eventually shire. said, the LGBT affinity groups, namely, More in the sand and operate out of fear,” she said. that group became More Light. The General Assembly, moreover, approved a Light and That All May Freely Serve (www.tamfs. “We’re afraid of this and are not going to go The late Rev. Sindt came to Chicago in 1970 to measure proposed by the Board of Pensions to org), another LGBT Presbyterian advocacy group, there,” leaving “LGBT individuals out to dry,” as work for the Illinois Department of Children and extend health care benefits to same-sex partners have “solidified their support for ordination” well as “pastors who are having to make diffi- Family Services. He worshiped at Lincoln Park and spouses, including dependent children. On through “detailed process of public education” cult decisions every day” about “how to navigate Presbyterian where in 1972 the local governing July 9, the vote to approve passed 366-287, with a “priority to move presbyteries” that need pastoral care and these [same-sex] relationships body of the church called Sindt to serve as part- with nine abstentions. to be brought along. without any guidance.” time assistant pastor and minister to the gay In striking down the celibacy requirement, the Meanwhile, the close vote to dodge marriage Still, other LGBT advocates rejoiced over the community. But the Chicago presbytery twice Presbyterian Church/USA adopted “one standard equality took some delegates by surprise. Earlier Presbyterian embrace of ordination equality. blocked the call. Sindt died in 1986 of compli- for all,” said Michael Adee, executive director in the week the assembly’s committee on Civil “Certainly the vote on ordination, and even get- cations from AIDS. In 1995 Sindt was inducted of More Light Presbyterians (, an Union and Marriage had voted 38-18 to change ting the marriage vote out of committee, was a posthumously into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian LGBT advocacy organization. “Instead of looking the church constitution’s understanding of mar- huge step forward,” said More Light’s executive Hall of Fame. at one’s marital status or sexual orientation or riage as a covenant between “two people” rather director Adee. ©2010 Chuck Colbert. All rights reserved. gender identity, it’s about a person’s life, faith, than “a man and a woman.” Adee added, “This says to LGBT people of faith and character,” he said. The change, a committee statement said, within the Presbyterian Church/USA and in other July 14, 2010 7 Drug assistance troubles mount by Bob Roehr

State waiting lists for the AIDS Drug Assistance infections. Federal funding has not kept pace Programs (ADAP) are skyrocketing with no relief with this growth. in sight. The prospects are growing that Ameri- Unemployment continues to hover around 10 cans will die of HIV simply because they could percent. People have not only lost their job, not get life-saving drugs. they often have lost their health insurance as Officially, 1,924 people are now on ADAP wait- well. Those fortunate enough to be able to con- ing lists in 11 states, federal ADAP administrator tinue to pay for health insurance under COBRA Deborah Parham Hopson told the Presidential provisions often have reached the end of the 18 Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) at its month coverage of that program. June 29 meeting. That is about 1 percent of the The Centers for Disease Control and Preven- people served by the program. tion (CDC) is rolling out a program to increase Three years ago there were no ADAP waiting testing for HIV and make such testing a part of lists. routine medical care. That means more people “This represents an increase of 269 people in are learning their HIV status and want to begin the last week, and an increase of 730 people treatment. during the month of June,” she said. “I have not Finally, revisions to treatment guidelines last Gender JUST members in Detroit. Photo courtesy of Sam Finkelstein seen such a rapid increased demand for ADAP December now recommend starting therapy ear- during my entire 8 year tenure” with the pro- lier. They say treatment should be started before through organizing,” according to its mission gram. a patient’s CD4 count falls below 350; and pa- Gender JUST’s statement at The U.S. Those numbers mask an even greater problem. tients should be given the option of starting a Social Forum (USSF) is a “space to come up Louisiana stopped enrolling new ADAP patients drug regimen once the CD4 count nears 500. eventful trip with peoples’ solutions to the economic and in June and didn’t even bother to set up a wait- All of these factors have contributed to the ecological crisis” and is the “next most impor- ing list. As program administrator DeAnn Gruber pressure on ADAP. to Detroit tant step in our struggle to build a powerful said, “We don’t want to give anyone false hope” By Kristin Kowalski multi-racial, multi-sectoral, inter-generation- that a person might eventually be added to the Funding al, diverse, inclusive, internationalist move- program. AIDS advocates pushed for increased funding A group of 15 young people from the Chicago- ment that transforms this country and changes The problem is money, or rather the lack of as part of the economic stimulus package ear- based group Gender JUST set the tone for the history,” according to it. Even in the best of times, federal funding lier this year, but those pleas fell on deaf ears US Social Forum that took place June 22-26 Another activity Gender JUST participated seldom has kept pace with the expanding epi- within the Obama administration and Congress. in Detroit, Mich. When the group saw that the in was an AIDS-awareness die-in in Cobo Hall, demic. Obama’s budget for next year provides for a forum was not going to live up to the promise where the USSF was held. “Basically a die-in is States that added their own funds to the pot $20 million increase in funding for ADAP, but of gender-neutral bathrooms to support their where you go and pretend to die somewhere are no longer able to do so as local economies that is far short of the $126 million that the mission of inclusion and equality, the youths and just lay on the floor and take up a lot of and revenue have tanked. Most state constitu- National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS decided to take action. “We just started pull- space and there’s people passing out informa- tions require a balanced budget, so they do not Directors (NASTAD) says is needed now. ing people out of the crowd and telling them tion about why we’re doing what we’re doing,” have the federal government’s freedom of deficit A group of conservative Republican senators— we were going to march to the registration said Birrueta. “It was pretty cool because we spending. led by Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, the former area and tell them that they need to enforce got a lot of information out about HIV/AIDS to Many other states have reduced the formulary co-chair of PACHA—has proposed that the full having gender-neutral bathroom signs at every everybody around there because even though of drugs they cover, while others have tightened $126 million be funded out of unspent stimulus bathroom,” Adrian Birrueta, a youth member it was supposed to be a social justice space eligibility requirements, making lower income money in the Department of Health and Human of Gender JUST since February, told Windy City there was still a lot of discrimination going working people ineligible for ADAP. Services. Times. on.” Birrueta said that he felt uncomfortable On July 1 Ohio lowered the income eligibility “At a time when waiting lists are growing with “In five minutes we used all our organiza- when he held hands with his boyfriend at the standards, and stopped paying for HIV drugs for no end in sight and these patients no longer tional tactics,” said Birrueta, “and we rounded forum because people would give them dirty 320 people. have access to their life-saving drugs through up like about 50 people.” The group marched to looks and gesture at them. “I thought the so- New Jersey will cut the ADAP rolls by 600 Aug. ADAP, there couldn’t be a more appropriate registration and shouted, “What do we want? cial forum was going to be a space where I 1. funding stream to deal with the preservation of Gender-neutral bathrooms. When do we want could express myself,” said Birrueta, “because None of those purged from the ADAP rolls will healthcare and the promotion of these individu- them? Now.” By the time they got there, the there were people who shared my passion for be counted as eligible for those services, further al’s wellness,” says Bill Arnold with the National signs were being made and Gender JUST pro- equality.” hiding the scope of the crisis. ADAP Working Group. ceeded to hang them up at all the bathrooms. Gender JUST’s visibility was apparent early The Obama administration has been slow to Gender JUST is a “multi-racial, multi-ethnic because of the bathroom situation, and so the Driving forces embrace this approach. and multi-generational grassroots organiza- group ended up participating in more than it A perfect storm of forces is driving the in- Advocates believe the situation will only get tion of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, anticipated, according to Birrueta. By the end creased demand for ADAP resources. worse before it gets better. Queer and Allied (LGBTQA) young people, LG- of the trip, Gender JUST was part of approxi- The “natural” growth of people living with HIV BTQA people of color and LGBTQA grassroots mately 10 rallies and five different actions, in the United States is about 40,000 per year, folks developing leadership and building power said Birrueta. once one subtracts deaths from estimated new Do you suffer from pain due to HIV-related neuropathy? The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) is conducting a study for participants who have pain associated with HIV-related neuropathy. The study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of a study medication to treat this pain. If you are interested in participating, please call (312) 238-7611.

Participants must meet the following criteria: • Be at least 18 years of age • Be diagnosed with HIV-related neuropathy

This study will last about 127 days. Participants may receive placebo or study drug that has not been approved by the FDA for this condition. Subjects may receive compensation for participation.

IRB Project # INC1-10-002; Principal Investigator: Dr. Norman Harden The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago is an academic affiliate of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 8 July 14, 2010 second: He served in that position temporarily pating] people; I think it’s at a different level of prior to Weiss’ hiring. Farrand, whose degree is connection, and a lot of people don’t understand in community counseling, has worked for the or- that; they only look at it from the outside or at ganization since 2007. a very surface level. I think people pre-judge people in the club.” And yes, the public “absolutely” would be sur- CJR drama prised by the Hellfire Club’s membership, which includes professional, along with others who continues work in retail, government, education and fac- By MASON HARRISON tory jobs, among other areas. However, the Chicago Hellfire Club employs a The saga that continues to engulf the Coalition controversial policy of not including transgender for Justice and Respect (CJR) played out further people. July 8 as the group’s embattled executive direc- “They are not [allowed],” he said. “We are tor, Marc Loveless, held an open conference call a private club and have the ability to set our for members of the community to address issues memberships, and they are currently not ac- surrounding an array of controversies that have The Chicago cepted in our club.” besieged the LGBT-rights organization. Loveless’ Hellfire Club: Do you foresee the membership expanding and Bill Farrand. group has come under fire in recent weeks from inclusion of transgender people? former allies who allege Loveless has engaged “It has been discussed in the past, and is re- A closer look viewed annually,” Scheid said. in questionable mismanagement practices and By Ross Forman embezzlement and has left staffers unpaid for “I think everyone in the leather community [across America] knows about the Chicago Hell- TPAN CEO months. The allegations have sent reverbera- The Chicago Hellfire Club is one of the most mys- fire Club,” Scheid said. “We’re very proud to have tions through the leadership of Chicago’s Black terious organizations within the LGBT community, reached our 40th year.” steps down gay community. but, as the private gay men’s club prepares to cel- The club’s website is http://hellfire13. BY SAMUEL WORLEY Loveless, however, remains unflappable and ebrate its 40th anniversary starting this Novem- org/. took great care during the conference call to as- ber, club president Roger Scheid sat down for an Bruce Weiss, the chief executive officer of Test sure those listening that CJR is still open for exclusive interview. He spoke with the Windy City Positive Aware Network (TPAN), resigned from business. “We have a number of projects that Times’ Ross Forman about the Hellfire 13’s mem- his position July 6 after 15 months on the job. we’re working on,” Loveless said. He also stressed bers, memberships, practices and attitude toward He was replaced by TPAN Director of Client Ser- that CJR’s research partnership with the Univer- transgender people, among other topics. vices Bill Farrand, who will fill the position while sity of Chicago remains intact despite sources the organization’s board of directors seeks a per- who claim that all of the recent controversy has The Chicago Hellfire Club is one of the oldest, manent replacement for Weiss. put the partnership in serious jeopardy. and certainly one of the leading, BDSM (bond- Although Weiss did not respond to a request Windy City Times contacted Dr. John Sch- age, discipline, sadism and masochism) leather for comment, Farrand described his departure as neider, the point person at the University of organizations in the United States. “very amicable,” saying that it was Weiss’ deci- Chicago for the research partnership, to deter- There are about 400 members, including 70 sion. mine if university higher-ups were going to pull who live in the Chicagoland area. Members are In a press release, TPAN Board President Tom out of the CJR agreement in light of the group’s as young as 21 and some are in their 70s. The Hart said, “Bruce arrived at a time when TPAN, troubles. Schneider would not confirm or deny group is commonly referred to as Hellfire 13 af- like many other organizations, was struggling what sources have reported for weeks, but it- ter its 13 original founding members—and one with the effects of the downturn in the U.S. erated his steadfast support for continuing to of the 13 is still alive and active in the organiza- economy and reduced funding, and helped to work with CJR—with or without Loveless. tion. Albert Gaskin. provide stability as well as to improve infra- During the conference call, Loveless chalked “It’s a safe place to come and play, a great structure at the agency when it was needed.” up attempts to have him removed as the group’s place to learn,” said Roger Scheid, in his fourth Weiss joined TPAN in March 2009 after hav- executive director to “internal upheaval” and year as president of the club. “We are a private PASSAGES ing served as director of community health for argued that the organization he founded three gay men’s club that believes in practices of a Washington, D.C.’s Whitman-Walker Clinic. Prior years ago is “still consistent.” Loveless blamed leather lifestyle, including BDSM; that’s the Albert Gaskin to that, he was director of the Whitman-Walker troubles with administering CJR’s summer-jobs common bond that brings the group together.” Chicagoan Albert Gaskin passed away Clinic of Northern Virginia, and served as ex- program on Youth Pride Center head Frank Typical Hellfire activities include flogging, peacefully July 1 after a four-year battle with ecutive director for the Washington, D.C.-based Walker and others. That idea, however, was met bondage, wrestling, rubber gear, water sports, prostate cancer. He was 76. Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League. with stiff resistance from at least one caller who master-slave, daddy-boy, role-playing and more. Gaskin served two years in the U.S. Army TPAN, a 23-year-old organization located on charged that Loveless’ own “incompetence” with Scheid said many club activities are fetish-driv- and enjoyed a 45-plus year career as owner the city’s North Side, offers support services and running the program has caused payment de- en. of Albert Gaskin Realtors in Evanston. He also programming for people living with HIV and lays for some youths, something that has been “When the club started, the BDSM aspect was was the first African-American member of the AIDS. It also publishes the bimonthly magazine dubbed by one youth worker as an “injustice.” a very buried subset of the gay community, prob- North Shore Board of Realtors. Positively Aware, which addresses HIV treatment Attempts to reach Loveless for further com- ably even more closeted than the gay lifestyle His parents, Terrence and Jessie Bell Gaskin, and wellness. ment were not successful as of the press dead- [as a whole],” Scheid said. “Many in the Chicago and his brother, Geroid Gaskin, preceded him Farrand’s tenure as interim CEO will be his line. area didn’t think [the club] would succeed when in death. it started, but the club has prospered and done Gaskin is survived by his partner of 41 years, well. Robert Bachand; brothers, Robert Gaskin “Like any group or organization, we’ve had our and Edward N. Davis, Jr.; sisters, Maggie R. Thursday, July 22 trials and tribulations over the years, our ups Maddox, Mae (Lynwood Whitley, Jr.) Whitley Nathan Rabin and downs, but we’ve always persevered. And and Henrietta Whiteman; niece, Kimberly A. The Big Reward: the common bond has made it successful.” Whitley and nephew, Edward Murphy. A Memory Brought to Plans to celebrate the 40th anniversary are Memorial Service Sat July 17, 2:30pm at You by Pop Culture now being finalized, Scheid said. But they plan , 1600 N. Clark St. to start celebrating this November with Associ- In lieu of flowers, donations to Evanston ate Applicant Weekend, an in-town get-together Chapter of the NAACP General Scholarship Friday, July 23 with events at its private Chicago clubhouse, Fund or Midwest Palliative and Hospice Care 7:30 p.m. along with a banquet and more. Center. Audrey Niffenegger Membership is limited. New members must be Arrangements are by Cremation Society of Her Fearful Symmetry Have your sponsored and each must be approved to join. Illinois; 773-281-5058 or www.cremation- Annually, they bring 10-40 new members into premiums the club. “Everyone has different interests. Not every- PASSAGES increased one is into everything. It’s what you feel com- Jeffrey J. Ligmal fortable doing, or what you’re expertise is in, 5233 N. Clark Jeffrey J. Ligmal—a former catering man- or what they enjoy as a recipient or the giver,” ager at Fox and Obel, Macy’s, Stefani’s, Cali- (773) 769-9299 recently? Scheid said. “Bondage is always very popular, in- han and other businesses—passed away June See me: cluding rope and metal restraints. I haven’t yet 25. He was 54. seen the current hot trend. A celebration of his life is being planned. Charles T. Rhodes, “The biggest misconception is the whole con- In lieu of flowers, donations may be made Agent cept of BDSM; people don’t understand it. Some to Center on Halsted, www.centeronhalsted. 2472 N. Clark people might consider it to be abuse or perceive org. it as hurtful, but, there’s a huge bonding be- For information call the Cremation Society [email protected] 773.281.0890 tween people [who participate]. People don’t State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company of Illinois at 773-281-5058 or visit www. Parking Available (not in NJ) understand the energy exchange and the love State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) that can be exchanged between those [partici- Wheelchair Accessible Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois July 14, 2010 9 niversary of the “All the Way In” radioshow— Point Foundation Wed., July 14, 7-9 p.m., at the Rhode Center for soiree July 16 the Arts, 514 56th, Kenosha, Wis. The Point Foundation—which provides finan- Lake is a minister whose books include A Call cial support mentors students who are margin- to Action: HIV/AIDS & You. The show will fea- QUOTELINES alized due to sexual orientation, gender iden- ture comedians and spoken-word artists, among BY REX WOCKNER tity or gender expression—is holding its annual others. See summer soiree Friday, July 16, 7-10 p.m., at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, 2430 N. Can- Q Asians & Friends non. “I do believe that God created male “Plain and simple, on the big ticket Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is the special BBQ, anniv. party and female and intended for marriage to items—the ones that matter most like em- invited guest. The LGBTQ group Asians & Friends Chicago be the relationship of the two opposite sexes. ployment nondiscrimination and repeal of Tickets are $225 each; see www.pointfounda- (AFC) is holding a BBQ/meeting at a private Male and female are biologically compatible to ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ and the Defense of Mar- residence in Barlett, Ill., on Saturday, July 17, 2 have a relationship. We can get into the ick riage Act—leadership from the White House p.m.-7 p.m. The Our hosts will have hamburgers, factor, but the fact is two men in a relation- has been scarce at worst and inconsistent at hot dogs, brats, buns, condiments, potato salad, ship, two women in a relationship, biologi- best.” — Advocate reporter Kerry Eleveld in a YPC’s free lunches beer, soft drinks and assorted desserts. To RSVP cally, that doesn’t work the same.” — Possible June 14 commentary. Countering the phrase “There’s no such thing directly, call 630-483-1933 or wallmarsh@aol. presidential candidate Mike Huckabee to The as a free lunch,” Youth Pride Center (YPC) is of- com; those needing a ride from the city or want- New Yorker, June 28. “I know that when you’re in the midst fering just that to LGBTQA youth 18 and under ing to volunteer a vehicle for a car pool should of a great movement of change it seems like every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 2-4 call 312-409-1573. “Brilliant. Love him. Want him (law- it is glacial, but any fair assessment, from my p.m., at the Fellowship Hall of the Hyde Park Also, AFC is holding its anniversary party Sun- yer Ted Olson) on our side on all the is- perspective, having lived longer than at least Union Church, 5600 S. Woodlawn. day, Aug. 15, in Rogers Park. See www.afchi- sues we care about.” — National Center for more than 75 percent of you that I see in this The lunches will take place until the school or e-mail [email protected] for Lesbian Rights Executive Director Kate Kendell room, is that it is extraordinary what has hap- year starts in September; no RSVP is required. more information. live-tweeting from the closing arguments of the pened in such a short period of time.” — U.S. E-mail [email protected]. federal Prop 8 trial in San Francisco, June 16. July 17 youth HOF nomination deadline now Aug. 3 “(Pro-Prop-8 lawyer summit cancelled The 2010 deadline to nominate individuals Charles) Cooper (says Brilliant. The Y.E.S. Youth Empowerment Summit—the and organizations for induction into the Chicago the) evidence showed July 17 event slated to take place at Columbia Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame has been extended lesbians especially change Love him. College that aimed to bring together 30 young to Tuesday, Aug. 3. their sexual orientation Want him transfeminine activists for workshops—has been Nomination forms can be downloaded or print- many times. This explains on our side... cancelled. ed from the Hall of Fame’s Web site (www.GLHal- my desire to schtoup —Kate Kendell (right) An expected highlight of the summit was a or requested by calling 312-744- George Clooney.” — Na- on anti-Prop 8 showing of Rosskam, Sam Feder and Taylor 7911 and leaving a mailing address. The 2010 tional Center for Lesbian attorney Ted Olson Casey’s film, transfeminism. Regarding the mov- Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame induction Rights Executive Director ie, Rosskam wrote, “We believe that the film will ceremony and reception is currently scheduled Kate Kendell live-tweeting still serve as a tool to inspire and empower many to be held Thursday, Oct. 21, at the Chicago Cul- from the closing arguments generations to come and that is where we will tural Center. The ceremony is open to all at no of the federal Prop 8 trial in San Francisco, June Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at her official put our resources towards now. We expect the cost. 16. “LGBT Month” event, June 22. film to be complete in the [s]pring of 2011.” See Completed nominations should be sent to: The Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame, Chicago “The plaintiffs’ witnesses were quite Commission on Human Relations’ Advisory Coun- candid and unequivocal and uniform that “Just as I was very proud to say the Radio anniv. July 14 cil on LGBT Issues, 740 N. Sedgwick, Suite 300, sexual orientation does change. It does change obvious more than 15 years ago in Beijing over time. And it apparently changes especial- that human rights are women’s rights and The Rev. Deborah Lake will host “Makes No Chicago, Ill., 60654-8488. For more information, ly in—in women.” — Pro-Prop-8 lawyer Charles women’s rights are human rights, well, let me Damn Sense!”—a show celebrating the first an- call Bill Greaves at 312-744-7911. Cooper at the federal Prop 8 trial June 16 in say today that human rights are gay rights San Francisco. and gay rights are human rights, once and for all. ... We are elevating our human rights dia- “We can ‘accept’ ex-gays and we can logues with other governments and conducting take them at their word, I suppose, and public diplomacy to protect the rights of les- On the dot(429) allow them to enjoy their ex-gayness unmo- bian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons.” lested. But when a conservative politician or — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at her religious bigot points to ex-gays as proof that official “LGBT Month” event, June 22. no one else has to be gay (and hence there’s no need to protect or acknowledge the civil rights “I’m sensing relief now. I had not con- of gays and lesbians)—and when ex-gays al- sciously decided to come out, but there’s low themselves to be used to make an explic- no doubt looking back that I had become in- itly anti-gay political point—then we have a creasingly bold about attending gay events, right to ask that political/religious bigot this like pride festivals, and going to dance clubs question: ‘Would you want your daughter to and bars. Last year I attended Las Vegas Pride marry one?’ The answer is always no. Because and San Diego Pride.” — Outed California state the people out there pimping ‘ex-gays’ don’t Sen. Roy Ashburn, R-Bakersfield, to the Los An- believe in ex-gayness any more than the still- geles Times, June 12. gays and never-gays do.” — Gay writer Dan Savage on his blog, March 21. —Assistance: Bill Kelley “I’ve never run so fast in my life. After we ran away from the anti-riot police, (activ- ist) Ira Fet and I took refuge in the small room of a VIP building where they keep the trash. We stayed there for 20 minutes while I was receiving calls from media outlets.” — Russian a gay leader Nikolai Alekseev, one of 40 people GAYin the who violated a city ban and staged the first gay pride parade in Minsk, Belarus, on May 15. The LIFE unauthorized parade was violently broken up by police forces. Two marchers required medical at- tention.

“’We’ve always done it that way,’ is the ... corollary to ‘Because I say so.’ It’s not a reason (to restrict marriage to a man and a coming soon to dot429, a professional network for the LGBTA community, held a brunch July 11 at the River woman).” — Lawyer Ted Olson at the closing of West spot Luminaire. The event featured a spread by chef Troy Graves. Photos by Kat Fitzger- the federal Prop 8 trial, June 16 in San Fran- ald ( cisco. 10 July 14, 2010

VIEWPOINT VOL. 25, No. 41, July 14, 2010 The combined forces of Windy City Times, founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, Department of Labor clarified the definition of have had the chance to meet Meftah, and her founded May 1987. “son and daughter” under the FMLA. Our inter- story is, sadly, as common as it is compelling. HILDA pretation ensures that an employee who assumes The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR the role of caring for a child receives parental Law estimates that more than 100,000 children Tracy Baim SOLIS rights to family leave regardless of the legal or growing up in same-sex families could benefit ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky biological relationship. We’ve done so because from this simple but important action. MANAGING EDITOR Andrew Davis the realities of who is a “mother” and who is a The Labor Department’s interpretation of the BUSINESS MANAGER Meghan Streit “father” ... and new, important and responsible FMLA makes clear that children can get the sup- DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright concepts of “parenthood” simply demand it—at port and care they need from the people who ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson ACCOUNT MANAGERS: Terri Klinsky, Amy Matheny, Interpreting home, and at work. love them and are responsible for them. This is Kirk Williamson It’s called in loco parentis, a Latin phrase and certainly a win for LGBT families, and recognizes PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT Cynthia Holmes legal doctrine meaning in the place of a par- the importance of a partner who shares in the NIGHTSPOTS MANAGING EDITOR Kirk Williamson families ent. When applied to the new realities of work parenting of a child in a same-sex relationship. NATIONAL SALES Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 SENIOR WRITERS Bob Roehr, Rex Wockner, Marie and family, it means all employees who have as- But it’s also a win for “tia” (Spanish for aunt) J. Kuda, David Byrne, Tony Peregrin, Lisa Keen, It’s been 17 years since Congress passed the sumed the responsibility for parenting a child, who steps in to care for her young nephew when Yasmin Nair, Emmanuel Garcia Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)—ground- whether they have a biological or legal relation- his mother has been called to active military THEATER EDITOR Scott C. Morgan breaking legislation that allows parents to take ship with the child or not, may be entitled to duty, or a grandmother who takes responsibility CINEMA WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. unpaid time off from work to care for their chil- BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair FMLA leave. for her grandchild. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS dren. Consider the case of Nazanin Meftah and her We know that family-friendly policies and laws Mary Shen Barnidge, Jim Edminster, Steve Warren, Since then, thanks in large measure to tech- partner, Dr. Lydia Banuelos, a lesbian couple in like the FMLA aren’t “niceties” but, rather ,ne- Lawrence Ferber, Mel Ferrand, Catey Sullivan, nology, work has changed. And as a result, work- Tucson, Ariz. Meftah developed medical compli- cessities that contribute to the well-being of all Zachary Whittenburg, Jonathan Abarbanel ers have changed, often at warp speed. But what COLUMNISTS/WRITERS: Yvonne Zipter, Susie cations after the birth of the couple’s children in families and a better bottom line for employers. Day, Jorjet Harper, Lee Lynch, Steve Starr, Lisa many have been slow to recognize is the fact 2007 and 2009. Despite a clear need and obvi- No further interpretation of that is required. Keen, Charlsie Dewey, Michael Knipp, Mark Corece, that “families” have been changing for a very ous relationship to the children, Banuelos was Hilda L. Solis is the 25th United States sec- Sabine Neidhardt, Sam Worley, Billy Masters, John long time. denied unpaid leave both times by her employer. retary of labor, serving in the Obama admin- Fenoglio, Chuck Colbert, Micki Leventhal, Sarah Well, the administration took a major step in Toce, Rachel Pepper She wasn’t able to care for the kids because she istration. PHOTOGRAPHERS Kat Fitzgerald, Mel Ferrand, Hal recognizing that change recently, when the U.S. was not a biological parent or legal guardian. I Baim, Steve Starr, Emmanuel Garcia CIRCULATION CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Jean Albright The other crucial component of the film’s our vital role in supporting the careers of les- DISTRIBUTION: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Renee, landmark status is that The Kids Are All Right bian filmmakers (and all our LGBT and straight Sue and Victor KATHY is being released by Focus Features. Focus is a filmmaker allies as well). We’re very proud to say company that has demonstrated an enormous that we first distributed Lisa Cholodenko’s short WOLFE commitment to releasing smart, complex and film The Dinner Party way back in 1997 (just Copyright 2010 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media thoughtful gay movies. Unlike many Hollywood before she made her big splash with High Art). Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back issues (if available) for $5 per issue (postage included). studios and mainstream distributors, Focus Fea- Watching our filmmakers advance in their ca- Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, tures genuinely seems to care about the gay and reers is the most rewarding aspect of our work. and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. lesbian community. And yes, these are the folks I want to encourage everyone to get out to All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy who brought us not just Brokeback Mountain, the movies to support Lisa’s movie and send the City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned Our lesbian for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing but also Milk. message to the powers that be in Hollywood and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, This is truly a landmark moment in lesbian film (and to Lisa): Thank you and we want more! cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own Brokeback: and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City history. We’ve come so far! A big-budget film Kathy Wolfe is the founder and CEO of Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of with major movie stars playing lesbian roles! It’s Wolfe, the world’s largest exclusive distribu- a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy The Kids absolutely fantastic that this film is coming out City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the tor of LGBT movies—currently celebrating sexual orientation of such person or organization. While in 2010—25 years after Wolfe first went into its 25th Anniversary year. She was recently we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make Are All Right business. We’ve been around long enough now named the second annual recipient of Phila- this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept to see our stories fully enter the mainstream. delphia QFest’s Barbara Gittings Award. Learn responsibility for advertising claims. People often ask my perspective on which mov- (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 I am personally enormously grateful for this. more about Wolfe at e-mail: [email protected] ies I think are the most significant lesbian films I’m also gratified that Wolfe continues to fulfill ever released. As the founder of Wolfe, the world’s largest exclusive distributor of lesbian use this workshop as a template to be used in radio: and gay movies, I have been working with les- Letter other dioceses and archdioceses whose Bishops video: bian film and lesbian filmmakers since 1985. Teaching bigotry? feel as Cardinal George does. I’ve seen the landscape change drastically over WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, I am a Catholic and firmly believe hate pro- 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, IL 60640 USA that time—from the 1985 release of Donna Dei- The archdiocese of Chicago and its head, Car- moted in any guise is wrong. One of the things (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) tch’s Desert Hearts, through the indie-lesbian dinal Francis George, are no friends of LGBT the recent Health Care Debate has shown is film boom of the mid-‘90s (which included Lisa rights. So it would come as no surprise that that Catholics do not follow in lock step with Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. Cholodenko’s High Art), though the amazing the archdiocese is sponsoring a seminar on the Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. the pronouncements of either the Vatican or Identity (BLACKlines and En La Vida): Now box-office success of Bound to the July 9 theat- church’s teaching on same-sex marriage July the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Sister online only rical release of Lisa’s latest project, The Kids Are 23-24 at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat Center. Carol Keehan, CEO of the Catholic Health As- Deadline The 10th of month prior. All Right. The purpose of the workshop is designed to sociation (CHA), supported healthcare legisla- OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE Ever since we were lucky enough to attend equip deacons, their wives and other individu- tion. It is acknowledged by President Obama Lisa’s world premiere at the Sundance Film Fes- als to explain clearly the church’s position on that without the CHA, support the bill would tival this past January, we’ve been describing “gay marriage” cost of the workshop is $75 per have never passed. George’s response to Kee- The Kids Are All Right around the office as “the person. (For further information, please visit han was critical, of course; he accused her of lesbian Brokeback.” setting up a parallel magisterium—in other On the surface, the films may seem to have Let me be perfectly clear about what this re- words, the bishops can no longer claim sole “Windy City Media Group generated nothing in common; but digging deeper it’s treat is about; it is providing justification for authority in the Church. enormous interest among their readers clear this is an apt comparison. discrimination against the LGBT community in While I realize the cost of the workshop is in this year’s LGBT Consumer Index For a variety of reasons, The Kids Are All Right the archdiocese of Chicago. We should view prohibited in these harsh economic times: Survey. Out of approximately 100 is the most widely distributed lesbian-themed this gathering no differently than we would I would encourage those who can afford the print and online media partners who mainstream movie in history. Like that beloved the gathering of the KKK, for in the end both registration fee to attend for the purpose of participated in the survey, Windy yet sad gay cowboy movie, it has major stars wish only to promote their brand of bigotry engaging the bigotry at whatever level you City was the best performing regional in the gay roles: Julianne Moore and Annette against LGBT people. This workshop represents feel comfortable, individuals can make a differ- media in the U.S. Only survey partners those who are foes of progress. Bening as lesbian moms. This ensured that the ence. with a nationwide footprint were film reached a wide audience. Most exciting of The organizers of the workshop feel out- The Rainbow Sash Movement condemns this able to generate a greater number of all—with its entertaining yet ultimately po- maneuvered by gay activists on such recent workshop for promoting homophobia as justifi- responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research litically powerful message of putting a lesbian victories as “hate crimes” act and proposed cation for being opposed to same-sex marriage, Director, Community Marketing, Inc. family front and center—the film opened hearts changes to the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ENDA, DADT and hospital-visitation rights un- and minds very much like Brokeback did on its (DADT) policy barring open gays from service. der the guise of religious belief. Catholics are theatrical release. They were also shocked when the president taught we are sons and daughters of God, if Also like Brokeback, The Kids Are All Right announced a proposed federal rule that any this is case, how can any in good faith promote isn’t striving to create a scenario where the gay hospital participating in Medicare or Medicaid, discrimination against the LGBT Community in characters are perfect. Rather, it’s telling an meaning “most hospitals,” give gay partners Chicago? authentic story. In doing this, writer-director the same privileges and visitation rights as Lisa Cholodenko demonstrates that it’s possible “straight partners.” Sincerely, to speak to a gay and lesbian audience at the The bishops are also opposed to Employ- Joe Murray same time you’re speaking to the straight main- ment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), and will Rainbow Sash Movement stream. July 14, 2010 11 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

Photo courtesy of Muntu Dance Company LEAPS AND BOUNDS Muntu Dance Company (above) will stage a tribute to the late choreographer/performer Dr. Pearl Primus. See the spotlight on page 12. MOVIES MUSIC SPORTS Dream weaver. Ford-tough. Swede success. Page 16. Page 15. Page 19.

Photo of Leonard DiCaprio Photo courtesy of by Stephen Vaughan the

The Chicago event, to be held at The Dance Barba, founder of the Brazilian body percussion Dancin’ Feats Center of Columbia College July 28-30, promises group Barbatuques; and Derick K. Grant of Bring By Alicia Wilson a wide array of styles, artists and companies in ’Da Noise, Bring in ’Da Funk and Imagine Tap. representing the up-and-coming dance scene in Also a part of the festival—Workshops and mas- This month we are celebrating the old and wel- this city. July 28 features the work of Jacqueline ter classes, conferences regarding the field of coming in the new. Two events happening in Stewart, Alicia Wilson, Mike Gosney (Elements tap, a kids program, and the presentation of the July, while accomplishing very different goals, Contemporary Ballet) and Kate Corby (Kate Corby annual JUBA! Awards. Founder/Artistic Director come from a foundation of seeking to preserve, & Dancers). July 29 showcases Peter Carpenter Lane Alexander explained the significance of grow and bring community to the art form of (Peter Carpenter Performance Project), Rebecca Rhythm World: “CHRP’s 20th anniversary festival dance. From emerging experimental choreogra- Lemme, Michel Rodriguez (Hedwig Dances) and is not only a milestone for our organization, but phers to passing on the tradition of tap dance— Molly Shanahan (Mad Shak). July 30 brings the also for the global field of tap presentation. It there are sparks flying around the city that just work of Mary Tisa, Ginger Krebs and Andy Brad- signifies that tap institutions are coming of age may make you want to put on your own dancing dock, Philip Elson, and Joanna Rosenthal (Same and that we are ready to take the next steps shoes. Planet Different World) to the stage. toward establishing the first cultural center in The Joyce Theater, in association with The the world dedicated to American tap and con- If you could give a $10,000 grant to an emerg- Dance Center of Columbia College, presents temporary percussive art.” ing Chicago dance artist, who would you choose? The A.W.A.R.D Show! held at The Dance Cen- The festival culminates with the performance This is the underlying premise of The A.W.A.R.D ter of Columbia College, 1306 S. Michigan, 8 of JUBA! Masters of Tap and Percussive Dance Show!, put on by The Joyce Theater Foundation, p.m., July 28-31; $15. To purchase tickets at the Museum of Contemporary Art stage. Each in association with The Dance Center of Colum- call 312-369-8330 or visit night features a different group of Tap greats. bia College Chicago. A national event, each of dancecenter. The Aug. 4 performance, honoring JUBA! Award the 2010–2011 series—in New York City, Chi- winners Dianne Walker and Sam Weber, features cago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco The Chicago Human Rhythm Project (CHRP) takes Alexander, Ayodele Casel, Jay Fagan, Derick and Seattle—presents the work of 12 emerging tap seriously. More than just a tap-dance com- Grant, Jason Janas, Sarah Savelli and Jason choreographers. Three preliminary evenings fea- pany, CHRP has a long list of achievements as an Samuels Smith, in addition to Walker and We- ture the work of four choreographers per night. organization that speaks to their passion and vi- ber. The Aug. 5 performance—honoring JUBA! Each dance piece is 12–15 minutes of a com- sion for the art form of tap. Celebrating 20 years Award winner Gene Medler—features Fernando pleted work, excerpt or work-in-progress. After this season, the mission of the organization is Barba and Bruno Buarque of Barbatuques, Mi- each performance, a moderated artist and au- to “present world class, innovative performance, chelle Dorrance, Jakari Sherman, Lukas Weiss dience discussion takes place, followed by an education and community outreach programs and several of the nation’s finest youth tap audience vote to select a finalist to perform on Elements Contemporary Ballet’s Joseph that further the art form’s development and ensembles. The Aug. 7 performance—honoring the fourth and final night of the series. Each Caruana and Gabrielle Del Re Ashley. Photo build affinity between diverse groups of peo- the MCA as a JUBA! Award winner—has CHRP’s night, the audience and the artists are invited by Matt Glavin ple.” Coming from the mindset that tap dance resident ensemble BAM! and a wealth of Chicago to a post-performance reception to encourage is a part of America’s contribution to the global tap ensembles including the Cartier Collective, further informal dialogue about the work. On the public into the grant making decision. The Joyce culture, CHRP works to both advance the form Chicago Tap Theatre, Jump Rhythm Jazz Project, final night in each city, a panel of experts in Theater website describes the founding of the and preserve the tradition, history and memories Jus’LisTeN and MADD Rhythms. dance and other cultural arts fields, along with event in this way—“The A.W.A.R.D. Show! was of tap. The company presented the first and only For complete Rhythm World information, visit the audience, chooses the winner of the award. created in 2005 by choreographer Neta Pulver- year-round performance season of U.S. tap and or call 773-281-1825. A.W.A.R.D is an acronym that stands for Art- macher/The Neta Dance Company, Scott Kasen percussive art, and the Rhythm World festival CHRP presents Jumba! Masters of Tap and ists With Audiences Responding To Dance, and and producer Marisa König Beatty in response is the oldest and most comprehensive festival of Percussive Dance at The Museum of Contem- the mission of the event strives to help audi- to a need for a lab-like space in which working American tap in the world. porary Art Stage, 220 E. Chicago, 7:30 p.m., ences better connect with the dance happening dance artists can engage in an open dialogue Rhythm World takes place this year July 26– on Aug. 4, 5 and 7; $30, $25 MCA members, on the stage. While one artist does walk away with the audience about the work presented. It Aug. 8 in downtown Chicago. Kicking things off $10 students. To purchase tickets call 312- with some hefty “prize money,” the main focus is dedicated to nurturing new work, discussion, are intensive residencies led by Seattle-based 397-4010 or visit remains in creating dialogue about the process exploration, creativity and to the free exchange international tap artists Cheryl Johnson and An- formances. behind the choreography as well as letting the of ideas, thoughts and opinions.” thony Peters; Dianne “Lady Di” Walker; Fernando 12 July 14, 2010 THEATER REVIEW The Emperor’s CRITICS’ PICKS New Clothes/ Fucking Men, Bailiwick Chicago at Stage 773, through July 25. Director Tom Mullen Demons extracts strong, nuanced performances from Playwright: Keely Haddad-Null, adapted his all-male cast in this contemporary daisy from the story by Hans Christian Andersen chain mating dance based on Arthur Schnit- At: National Pastime Theater at zler’s sexually-frank 1897 hetero original. the Old Speakeasy, 4139 N. Broadway JA. Phone: 773-327-7077; $20 Killer Joe, Profiles Theatre at Royal Runs through: Aug. 1 George Theatre Center, through July 18. Its author won a Pulitzer three plays after writ- BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE ing it, and this production took the top Jeff Living Canvas, award—we just can’t get enough of those Don’t be fooled by the title: National Pastime part of murdering, trailer-dwelling low-lifes, can Theater’s Naked July: Art Stripped Down festival, Demons. we? MSB while featuring plenty of exposed skin, is not Photo A Streetcar Named Desire, Writers’ The- about sweaty salacious sensationalism. Indeed, courtesy of atre in Glencoe, extended through Aug. 15. a character in Keely Haddad-Null’s adaptation of The National We warned you in May not to miss this bril- The Emperor’s New Clothes (not to be confused Pastime liant revival, but in June, a coupla New York with the G-rated version at Navy Pier) lists sev- Theater critics told everyone to cancel their vaca- eral perfectly valid reasons for going bare, rang- tions and see it instead, so now you have ing from indigenous climate to universal parity. Giving Tree, Demons’ account of a waif seduced connected to the identity of his missing sire. a few more weeks to beat the closing-night The “emperor” in this modern re-staging of by pagan creatures and the sister who seeks her If, as VH-1 says, every life story has a sound- rush. MSB the Danish fable is the Mayor of Los Angeles, liberation proceeds with seamless fluidity to cre- track, those choosing to be guided by the bal- Sweet & Hot: The Songs of Harold Ar- who has retained his office despite many scan- ate breathtaking spectacle dazzling the senses. lads of Appalachian troubadours must encounter len, Theo Ubique Cabaret Theatre at No Exit dals involving the usual moral issues—because Running time on each show is only an hour, vicissitudes: in the course of his journey, our Café, through Aug. 15. Late composer Har- “naughty” distracts his constituents from “il- and the Naked July Thursday-Sunday roster young wayfarer bears witness to destructive old Arlen may have never had the hit show legal.” With economic collapse imminent, his features slapstick farce in The Tumultuous Tale hate and destructive love, chats with deceiv- he so longed for, but so many of his songs henchmen must now cook up a peccadillo shock- of the Tragically Transparent Tunic, along with ers of the unwary and deceivers of themselves, have become cabaret touchstones. Theo ing enough to prevent an uprising among the Eros, Shifra Werch’s “multi-media exploration of falls prey to impulsive predators and impulsive Ubique does Arlen just right in this beauti- commoners upon whose services their lifestyles aphrodisiac elements.” benefactors, his frequent setbacks alleviated by fully sung and wonderfully intimate revue. rely. A reclusive film producer well-versed in the unexpected wellsprings of kindness and compas- SCM SoCal mentality steers them to a designer whose sion. Oh, and there are the stories—”You tell a —By Abarbanel, Barnidge fashions are guaranteed to stun viewers—of suf- THEATER REVIEW good story, everything becomes more valuable,” and Morgan ficient sophistication—into speechless awe. That Sordid insists a purveyor of fake antiques, while anoth- Most retellings of this popular parable soften er fourflusher declares, “This is the South! You the satire, but director Carolyne Anderson re- Little Story pay for things with stories,” as he slyly stiffs the characters in each play from biologists to chem- jects easy escape routes, instructing her actors Playwright: Andrew Hobgood, waitress. Our young hero’s immigrant co-workers ists to neurologists. This permits Mercantel to to play their roles with never a wink or snicker. Will Cavedo and Benno Nelson may tell their stories in a different language, but apply different scientific concepts for her talky The dialogue, forged from contemporary buzz- At: The New Colony at the Viaduct, they are storytellers, just the same, with experi- character to justify their amorous actions. vocabulary, is delivered with deadpan solemnity, 3111 N. Western ences composing another chapter in his progress Mostly, it works and offers nice insights, but right down to the inspirational oratory—”We Phone: 773-296-6024; $25 to maturity—maybe. often it feels like they’re spouting scientific con- are living the American Dream!”—spewed forth Runs through: Aug. 7 And if every Road Saga aspires to Homeric cepts to suit the playwright’s interests instead with evangelical fervor by the city’s chief offi- proportions, New Colony co-authors Andrew of being character-driven dialogue. cial, clad in nothing but tan lines. Meg Elliot BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE Hobgood, Will Covedo and Benno Nelson cannot In an ideal situation, each play would feature projects mischievous charm as the trickster tai- help but come up short of Dante or Milton, even the same company of actors under the same lor (who keeps her clothes on—specifically, Em- When Europeans run away from home in search if our orphan does turn out to be the spawn of director. But in this case each play features a ily Beaudin’s enchanting gown-of-many-colors), of adventure, they only have to travel 50 miles or lineage as divine as our age can provide. But different cast and director, which unfortunately Don Claudin and Miona Harris are a delightfully so, but the United States is much bigger and its theirs is still an engaging yarn, replete with exposes certain deficiencies and strengths in ac- clueless First Couple, while Mary Roberts, David literary odysseys usually spread over more terri- colorful characters hinting at further intriguing tor performances and staging styles as the cycle Bettino and Taylor Entwistle comprise the deli- tory—a tour of the Deep South circa 1963, say, histories (even when recounted in untranslated progresses. ciously amoral trio of civil servants. beginning in Fayetteville, Ga., then meandering Spanish), and spurred by the down-home harmo- The weakest link is the first play, Numbfeel, The Friday-Saturday program’s late-night slot west through the Alabama cities of Montgomery nies of the five-piece band led by composer/lyri- which comes off like Marcantel’s delayed set-up is occupied by the Living Canvas, a dance troupe and Mobile, pausing a moment in Jackson, Miss., cist/music director Henry Riggs. That so richly for her superior subsequent plays. Because of that performs costumed in lighted projections and winding up in—where else?—New Orleans. textured a narrative as this can be packaged in this, the actors under Lavina Jadhwani’s ho-hum utilizing colors, patterns, and graphic images, And they must be based, not just in escape, but a brief two and a half hours (with two intermis- direction don’t get much to play dramatically. in turn invoking op-art collages produced by the a quest—in this case, a fatherless youth’s obses- sions) evidences the care and discipline invested It’s in Dumbspeak that Mercantel’s writing moving bodies’ contours bending the flat-screen sion with a string band named That Sordid Little in its execution. skills rev into gear, allowing director Eric Hoff pictures. And unlike last year’s plot-encumbered Story, whose songs appear to be mysteriously to get great performances from his cast as their THEATER REVIEW characters go through some spectacularly messy breakups. These includes Alice’s contentious (a)Symmetry Cycle break with the insufferable wannabe scientist Playwright: Chelsea M. Marcantel Isaac, while Peter is used to help facilitate bi- At: Viaduct Theatre, 3111 N. Western sexual Lill’s longed-for relationship deal-breaker SPOTLIGHT Phone: 773-269-6024; $15 per show; with clingy lesbian Arlie. $25 all three shows on Sunday Peripheral characters like the musician Billy Runs through: July 25 and the only spoken-of Monica get to have a more significant role in the final play, Blindsight. BY SCOTT C. MORGAN Here Marcantel mostly tidies up the shattered Muntu Dance Theatre of Chicago honors the lega- relationship remnants in a satisfyingly insightful cy of influential late choreographer and dancer Dr. Too big to ignore and hopefully not too big to way, even if she does go overboard to emphasize Pearl Primus with the company premieres of her fail were my thoughts going into Chelsea M. that science can’t fully explain away matters of archival works Hard Times Blues and the Langston Marcantel’s ambitious (a)Symmetry Cycle. Three the heart and soul. Hughes-inspired A Negro Speaks of Rivers. Both full-length plays (Numbfeel, Dumbspeak and Director John Ross Wilson also works wonders pieces make up the concert Cultural Bridges … Blindsight) comprise Marcantel’s science-meets- with his Blindsight acting company, vitally pull- The Pearl Primus Project, with said pieces being relationships soap opera now playing at the Via- ing you in the dilemmas faced by Marcantel’s reconstructed by Kim Bears-Bailey, the assistant duct Theatre. cast of chatty characters. Wilson’s staging con- artistic director of the Philadelphia-based dance Marcantel had a lot of cheek opening this cept of having the entire cast onstage practi- company Philadanco! Muntu Dance Theatre of Chi- world-premiere trilogy on Independence Day, cally the whole time builds into the sense of cago’s Cultural Bridges… The Pearl Primus Project especially since most people (myself included) community and shared responsibility in looking is at 7 p.m. Saturday, July 17, at Millennium Park’s would rather relax instead of being holed up in out for and forgiving one another. Harris Theater for Music and Dance, 205 E. Ran- a theater for five hours on a national holiday. Marcantel’s (a)Symmetry Cycle is in no way per- dolph. Tickets are $25-$250. Call 312-334-7777 or Thankfully, the plusses of (a)Symmetry Cycle fect, nor does it entirely justify its epic length. visit An archival photograph of outweighed its minuses. But its final two-thirds make up for the overall the late choreographer/performer Dr. Pearl Primus (a)Symmetry Cycle features the same charac- time invested, so don’t dismiss Marcantel’s many courtesy of the company ters in a linear plot, but Marcantel sequentially remarkable achievements in (a)Symmetry Cycle. switches the scientific careers of its researcher July 14, 2010 13 neighborhood, which was an epicenter for the gay-rights movement prior to the AIDS epidemic ‘Billy Elliot’ of the ‘80s. ending Jan. 15 Pritikin, who moved from Chicago during the Billy Elliot the Musical is ending its run in Chi- early 1960s to be part of San Francisco’s growing cago early next year, with the last performance gay community, documented the rising move- at the Ford Center for the Performing Arts slated ment with candid shots. for Jan. 15, 2011. The exhibit runs through Friday, Aug. 13. Visit Eric Fellner, one of the show’s producers, told or jerrypritikin. the Chicago Sun-Times that the production is, or call 312-341-6458. very expensive, partially because of the many children in the show. (They require chaperones, Dance in the tutors and additional personnel.) The show will move on to San Francisco and Toronto. Parks in July, Aug. The final block of tickets ($30-$100) will go on In collaboration with the Chicago Park Dis- sale July 16; see trict, Dance in the Parks (DIP) will present free, professional, concert-dance performances in four different Chicago neighborhood parks at the end Bricklayers to run of July and beginning of August. The goal is to promote an appreciation of concert dance by Kushner translation The Bricklayers Theatre Co. has announced introducing audiences unfamiliar with dance to its 2010 season of plays, which includes the the art form in a relaxed, casual atmosphere. Chicago premiere of Tony Kushner’s translation Performances are scheduled for Tuesday, July of Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt 27, at the Humboldt Park Boat House, 1400 N. Brecht. Sacramento; Thursday, July 29, at Indian Bound- Kushner, who’s openly gay, wrote the epic ary Park, 2500 W. Lunt; Tuesday, Aug. 3, at the Broadway blockbuster Angels in America (a play Douglas Park Flower Garden Pavilion, 1401 S. in two parts: Millennium Approaches, and Per- Sacramento; and Thursday, Aug. 5, at the South Amy J. Carle (left) and Malaya Rivera Drew in The Sins of Por Juana. Photo by Liz Lauren estroika). Bricklayers’ Mother Courage will run Shore Cultural Center, 7059 S. South Shore. All Aug. 13-Sept. 12 at the Theatre Building, 1225 performances are 6:30 p.m., rain or shine. the relentless march of time and hints of the loss W. Belmont. THEATER REVIEW See of love, it’s the most profound and emotional of Tickets are available now on Ticketmaster and Hard Headed Heart the three pieces. Thomas is visible throughout from Theatre Building Chicago’s box office at Playwright: Various sources the works not only as puppeteer but as a clown 773-327-5252. At: Blair Thomas & Company, with whiteface make-up and fiery-red eyelids. Victory Gardens Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln For this final work, he wipes off the make-up. Tickets: 773-871-3000; There is no question about the imagination; $25 and skill with which Thomas and his associates Runs through: Aug. 8 create their miniature world, which immediately draws you in and holds you. The brief evening BY JONATHAN ABARBANEL may impress, delight and surprise you more than it moves you, but you’ll never doubt its singular- Your response to Hard Headed Heart will depend ity and creativity. on your taste for puppetry, which always ap- pears child-like—or toy-like, more accurately— even when it’s adult. In this instance, performer About Face Blair Thomas (co-founder of Redmoon Theatre and his own Blair Thomas & Company) serves as announces solo puppeteer, musician, editor, actor and de- 15th season signer. Hard Headed Heart offers three short and Celebrating the 15th anniversary of About disparate pieces linked by love or lust, running Face Theatre, Artistic Director Bonnie Metzgar just 75 minutes in total. Each piece is played and new Executive Director Jason Held have an- on a separate mini-stage with its own unique nounced the 2010-2011 season, which includes character, but all featuring Rube Goldberg-style the second annual XYZ Festival of New Works, mechanical devices and recycled objects such as Float by Patricia Kane, Pony by Sally Oswald and an old iron bed frame or tin funnels. The Homosexuals by Phillip Dawkins. Along with “The Puppet Show of Don Cristobal” leads off, a stellar new season, About Face Theatre marks a brief farce by Federico Garcia Lorca about a its 15th year with a new slate of Artistic Associ- The kids in Billy Elliot. Image by Amy Boyle Photography scoundrel doctor who marries a slut and reaps ates; an expanded education initiative; and a cuckoldry as his reward. Done with hand puppets strategic planning and rebranding process. that really are hard-headed and head-banging, “About Face is excited to roll out our 15th an- it’s a variant of a traditional Punch-and-Judy niversary with a season that examines individu- puppet show derived from the stock characters als at the precipice of change,” Metzgar said in of the classical commedia dell’arte. Special flour- a press release. “As our organization and society ishes include the musical surprise of a rare, real at large both make pivotal choices, this season hurdy-gurdy, and the influence of non-realistic looks at the risks and exhilarating possibilities Asian theatrical masks and make-up in the mul- available to us in periods of transformation.” ticolored faces of the puppets. It’s a fine cur- Since its founding by Kyle Hall and Eric Rosen tain-raiser for the trio of works. in 1995, the company has premiered more than The second piece, featuring marionettes, is a 30 new plays by writers and directors who have literal playing-out of the old New Orleans slow- been recognized with several Tony Awards, the drag jazz lament, “St. James Infirmary,” about Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the MacArthur Fellow- a hard-drinking, hard-gambling man mourning ship and dozens of Joseph Jefferson Awards. his dead lover. Central to this is Thomas as a For ticket information, visit www.About- one-man band using sound sampling to record tracks—before your very ears—for percussion, toy piano, ukulele and brass bass merging into a crude orchestral loop against which he crudely lines out the old song, as he manipulates the ‘San Francisco’ puppets against a scrolling backdrop of New Or- leans streets, parlors, barrooms and gambling exhibit at Gage dens on his way to an amusingly macabre end- “San Francisco in the 1970s”—a photographic ing. exhibition featuring the photos of Jerry Pritikin, The final little work, the shortest and most and sponsored by Roosevelt University’s Office beautiful of the three, features shadow puppets of the President and the College of Arts and and four scrolling screens to highlight portions Sciences—is currently being exhibited at Gage of Wallace Steven’s poem, “13 Ways of Looking Gallery, 18 S. Michigan. at a Blackbird,” presented without spoken words Photographed by Pritikin—a Chicago publicist, to Ben Johnston’s String Quarter #4, which pays gay-rights activist and Chicago Cubs fan known homage to “Amazing Grace.” With its echoes of as the “Bleacher Preacher”—the exhibit fea- tures photos of gay life in San Francisco’s Castro 14 July 14, 2010 On Saturday, July live shows, just be sure to wear lots of black. MUSIC 17, Chicago singer-song- At Pride Fest, the crowd was treated to a writer Dylan Rice is host- performance by Frenchie Davis. In 2008 Davis Natalie Merchant ing a record release con- called out protesters during her set. (This has at Borders July 22 cert for his eagerly awaited become a sensation on YouTube.) This year, the Singer Natalie Merchant—who was part of the sophomore bow Electric American Idol contestant belted out hits like band 10,000 Maniacs—will appear at Borders, Grids & Concrete Towers at “Million Dollar Bill,” “When Love Takes Over” 150 N. State, on Thursday, July 22, at 12:30 Martyrs’, 3855 N. Lincoln. and “Halo” better than the original recording p.m. to sign copies of her latest musical project, Rice excels at taking his artists. She treated the sea of fans to an encore Leave Your Sleep. (She will be performing that POP listeners on a journey with performance of “When Love Takes Over.” evening at 8 p.m. at The Chicago Theatre, 175 N. his storytelling and Morris- After Davis joined Inaya Day for “One Night State.) MAKING sey-like delivery, as heard Only” and “Nasty Girl,” I caught up with her With 10,000 Maniacs, Merchant released two SENSE on the timeless “Emma backstage. I had to ask if the beautiful diva platinum and four gold records during 1981-93, Jane” and “Homewrecker’s feels the connection from the audience that including In My Tribe and Blind Man’s Zoo. She Lament.” Electric Grids & we feel from her. Her face lit up with a smile. went solo in 1994, releasing CDs such as Tiger- Concrete Towers is out now She also said to expect another single to drop lily (1995), which sold 4 million copies. She has on Deep Tissue Records. shortly. Then she will be in a production of Cin- collaborated with musicians ranging from Mavis Robyn continues derella in California as the fairy godmother. The Staples to Tracy Chapman to Ladysmith Black to break the mold with her vocal powerhouse juggles all of this while she Mambazo. by David Byrne and Tony Peregrin electro-pop and hip hop is a student, studying vocal rehabilitation. Now Call 312-606-0750 for more information. sound on her latest Body Talk Pt. 1. This will be that’s what makes an idol. Sarah McLachlan has a knack at lulling me to the first of three albums Robyn plans to release sleep with her dreamy melodies. Her latest, in the next year. NUNN ON ONE: MUSIC Laws of Illusion, opens with “Awakenings,” Body Talk Pt. 1’s lead single is the remarkable whose guitars swear off any chance of slumber. “Dancing on My Own,” which has the same bro- Kate Nash On “Forgiveness,” our newly separated heroine ken-hearted storyline over an irresistible beat as is not willing to let her former lover back into her comeback single “With Every Heart Beat.” The singer behind “Show Me Love” has a po- gives her ‘Best’ her heart. This is done in a beloved McLachlan By JERRY NUNN fashion and is begging to be used in a movie tential anthem with the electro goodie “Fembot.” trailer for a romantic tear-jerker. Here, she sings, “I’ve got some news for you, fembots have feelings too.” It is a scrumptious English singer Kate Nash is coming to town Another standout is “Out of Tune,” an ode to with Lilith Fair and wants everyone to know the one who makes everything alright in a cha- Scandinavian pairing, as Royskopp contributes to “None of Dem,” where Robyn pleas for better her “Best Friend is You!” She talked with Windy otic world. “Bring on the Wonder” is progressive City Times about her leg, her song about gays and modern, as if it was plucked from Imogen music from DJs and fellow pop acts. Robyn steps away from the pulsating beats with an acoustic and Lilith. Heap’s latest. “Don’t Give up on Us” and “U Want Windy City Times: Hi, Kate. I heard you Me 2” were first heard on the Canadian’s 2008 version of her don’t fall in love with me warn- ing “Hang with Me” and the Swedish standard hurt your leg again. retrospective. Kate Nash: I sprained my ankle in Canada on This year, McLachlan is reviving Lilith Fair. Un- “Jag Vet en Dejlig Rosa” (I Know a Lovely Rose). Robyn’s stateside tour starts off here in Chicago my North American tour actually. I fell. fortunately, a series of dates has been cancelled WCT: Your career was originally started already. Lilith Fair is coming to Chicagoland Sat- at Pitchfork Music Festival on Friday, July 16. She will have select concert dates elsewhere when you wrote songs after breaking your urday, July 17, with a stop at First Midwest Bank Kate Nash. with Kelis. leg. Amphitheatre, 19100 S. Ridgeland, Tinley Park. KN: Yes. Maybe Peter Murphy’s vampire connection Some of the attractions on the bill are Heart, WCT: I feel bad for you. Are you doing is immortal. First his band Bauhaus performed So you have at least gay fan right here! Mary J. Blige, La Roux, Kate Nash and, of course, jumping jacks or something? “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” during the opening of the KN: Oh, cool! McLachlan. KN: [Laughs] I don’t know. Maybe I am just 1983 vampire film The Hunger. Now, the goth WCT: Being on Lilith Fair, you will be gain- In conjunction with the tour’s return, there is pretty clumsy. rocker sinks his teeth into a cameo in the latest ing some new lesbian fans. the companion compilation Lilith 2010. Granted WCT: Well, I love the new album, My Best installment of the Twilight franchise. Here, he KN: I know. It is cool because I come from a it seems quite pop-oriented with the likes of Is You, and the new single, “Kiss the Grrrl,” appears as a colonial vampire during a flashback huge feminist background. I have very strong Ke$ha, Rihanna and Kelly Clarkson. At least hip- has a great video. You look fabulous in it. scene told during the council meeting. Murphy females that brought me up. I am very excited sters and rising artists like Tegan & Sara, Brandi KN: Thank you. is planning to release his latest solo effort Ninth about performing live with these women. The Carlile and Kate Miller-Heidke offer indie cred- WCT: Did you write that song about some- this fall and The Dirty Dirt Tour kicks off at the history is a bit intriguing. This is a platform for ibility. one specific? end of this month overseas with more dates to females to play their music and get out there. On her classic “Love and Affection,” Joan Ar- KN: It is about acting human, being insecure be announced. WCT: And how amazing is it to perform matrading declares, “I’m not in love, but I am and a bit jealous. A boyfriend and girlfriend It is a time warp back to the early ’90s as with Mary J. Blige and Sarah McLachlan? open to persuasion.” On This Charming Life, The are having a nice time but one will sulk a bit Lords of Acid and My Life with the Thrill Kill KN: I know! It is so interesting that there is True Color Tours alumna is very much in love, and it can be over something completely inno- Kult are taking to the stage at The Cubby Bear, a community vibe at festivals. There is some- as heard on the exceptional “Heading Back to cent. Some people can get all dramatic about 1059 W. Addison, on Saturday, July 24. Lords thing like it at the Big Day Out festival in Aus- New York City,” “Virtual Reality” and the title it. It is not all serious just about heartache of Acid is best known for its sexually aggres- tralia. They put all of the artists up in the same track. This set is mostly up-tempo rock songs with a partner. sive techno tracks like “I Sit on Acid” and “Cra- hotel. They have after show parties and you with guitar chords and drums sustaining the WCT: What is the secret behind the song blouse.” My favorite, “The Most Wonderful Girl,” get know to people. I am hoping it will be like material, save the superb, somber closing track “I’ve Got a Secret?” is featured in the film Sliver. My Life with the that. I want to really spend time with people. “Cry.” Armatrading’s world tour to promote This KN: It is about being gay. People can be so Thrill Kill Kult does not escape fine cinema ei- WCT: What artists do you like? I know you Charming Life comes to The House of Blues, 329 ignorant. They think being gay is still a big ther, as the industrial outfit has two songs on like Sia, who I have interviewed. N. Dearborn, on Sunday, July 25. deal and weird or bad. I have had a couple the Showgirls soundtrack. Both acts have wild KN: I love her. She’s wicked. I love Bikini Kill. of people that are close to me come out. I Sleater-Kinney is one of my favorite bands. I don’t think they should have to come out. I like the Buzzcocks and Elliot Smith a lot. I like have had a background of being open-minded ‘60s girl groups, The Beatles and Nirvana. through my family and living in London. I went WCT: Several punk bands are in there and to a theatrical school where everyone is fine you have done a side project playing punk with it. I never came across homophobia that music. much. People have to deal with it in suburbs KN: Yeah, The Receeders are a punk band. I and it has been a real stressful time for my play bass. friends to come out. WCT: You have the V festival coming up. WCT: We tend to live in a bubble in the KN: Yes, I playing in Scotland and Ireland bigger cities. for their festivals. Then I have the V festival KN: Yes, and I had forgotten that there are and will be touring in September, October and still prejudices. For me, Jerry, gay people are November in the UK. represented with the males being very catty WCT: Well, you are welcome to come back and queen-y, and the girls are sexy lesbians, to Chicago. who are experimenting and not sure. I think KN: I will! we need representation of gay people being Keep up with Kate on her website, www. completely normal. I think homophobia is re- She is at Lilith Fair this Sat- ally fucked up and I wanted to make fun of it urday, July 17, at the First Midwest Bank, in the song because it has happened to people 19100 S. Ridgeland, Tinley Park. The show that are very close to me. I am very passionate begins at 2:30 p.m.; see Robyn. about the subject. WCT: Well, I am gay and love your music. July 14, 2010 15 NUNN ON ONE: MUSIC Keane instinct by jerry nunn

Keane is an alternative rock band that has sold over 10 million albums worldwide. “Is It Any Wonder” that the members would play in Chi- cago with their new album, Night Train? Windy City Times talked with Tom Chaplin, a straight chap who was recently on the cover of England’s Gay Times. Windy City Times: It’s the Tom and Jerry show today! Kristen Tom Chaplin: Yes. I still tired from last night Ford. in New York City. WCT: I just got back from New York. Where MUSIC is “I didn’t think it would happen, but it hap- did you go? Keane’s Tom Chaplin. Photo by Takay pens all the time.” Like, what the fuck does that TC: We hung out in the East Village, actually. It was me, Tim Rice-Oxley and Jesse Quin, who just Queer rocker mean? I don’t know. But people seem to really mainly Tim? enjoy it. I mean because they can relate to it. So joined the band. It is a phenomenal place to go out. You kind of forget what a great city it is. TC: Tim usually starts out with a small idea. Kristen Ford it’s often the less you say, the better or the more Then we go in the studio and try to work some- vague you can be—without being overly cliché. WCT: How did the members of Keane meet? TC: I really don’t remember, actually. It was thing out. That is the way things go with Keane. brings it home WCT: So your new record—Alone, Togeth- We try to flesh stuff out in the studio and re- er—just came out? such a long time ago. We are unique in a lot of By Kristin Kowalski ways because many bands are made up of broth- hearsal. One of the great things about the songs KF: Yeah, it did. It’s called Alone, Together be- we did with K’naan [a Somali-Canadian rapper/ cause the first six songs (Alone) are a solo EP ers and family members. We are not related to Kristen Ford is back from Boston right after the poet] is that they were really unfinished. It was that I did with this woman named Audrey Ryan, each other but we have known each other since release of her new album Alone, Together. Windy quite a process where did a lot of work in the who is, like, a fuckin’ genius. And the second six we were really small kids. Tim’s mom and dad City Times wanted to catch up with her while studio and was quite spontaneous. The songs songs (Together) is with my band of almost two met mine before I was even born. We go back a she’s here in Chicago for a show. came together as we recorded them, which is years—we did a live recording back in April. I really long way. We grew up in a small town and Windy City Times: So are you excited to quite unusual, I suppose. think people will get a taste of both, so more had all the same dreams as every other kid. We come back to Chicago? WCT: For your Chicago show the lead singer thought out sparse kind of you can imagine me wanted to be in a band and be like our heroes. Kristen Ford: I’m so fucking excited to come from the group Travis, Fran Healy, is opening just with an acoustic guitar and then you’ll get We didn’t lose our dream. It became more impor- back to Chicago. I lived there for like, almost for you. Would you ever want a solo career? the energy of the band and kind of what you can tant to us as we got older, instead of it passing four years and I feel like it’s made a huge im- TC: [Chuckles] I don’t really know. I do write expect from a live show. This new record there us by. pact on me just as like a human being. And plus songs and I would like an outlet for that. It was just one or two takes for everything and the WCT: Did you take voice lessons for that there are so many like amazing people there and doesn’t preoccupy me at the moment. As a band live portion is obviously just it is what it was. huge range of yours? cheap burritos everywhere and cute girls on bi- we are at such a good place. We are full of in- It’s probably the most honest thing I think you TC: I did, actually. I think I have always had cycles. It’s a great town. spiration and excitement for what we do. There can put out. Hopefully, people will embrace it. I that element to my voice. I had a big range, even WCT: Yeah, it is. So, why don’t you tell me seems to be a great demand for the music at the think it sounds pretty good. when I was kid. I loved singing and performing how you got in to music? moment. It would be strange to deviate from WCT: What will you be performing at Reg- on stage. I really think it was kind of innate. You KF: I originally wanted to be an actress and that course. I could see it happening one day gies? Any new music? can’t keep it held up inside. Even when I four or I had a lot of trouble getting cast in roles that but I am not making any big plans. KF: Reggies will be a lot of new music. I’m five years old I was in school productions. There I wanted. And I just sort of found myself doing WCT: People can find out about the group at taking Colin Kelly with me on tour. He’s going is no one musical in family. In my teenage years more and more music and I didn’t get really too, correct? to be playing lead guitar. And my ex-bandmate I had a few lessons. The most important lesson serious about it until I moved out to Chicago for TC: Yeah, a pretty cool website, I might add. Ann Van Marter from Plaid on Plaid will be de- was singing in clubs and pubs to learn my trade college. Me and a bunch of people started play- We are proud of it and the fans who help run buting her new band, Deathmaps. And I hope there. ing at this open mike at this café. So we would it. It has turned into a massive thing. When we that there’s a lot of really adorable queer people WCT: I have listened to all of your albums. just play every week and that kind of turned started out websites we just a token effort but comin’ out for the show. That seemed to be what On the new one I like the track “Looking into me garnering enough material over like has become a central part of who we are. We would happen when Plaid on Plaid would play— Back.” It has a Rocky theme-song vibe to it. six or seven months and playing my first actual are constantly updating it and most days there we’d have, like, any dive bar we played at kind of TC: It literally has a Rocky vibe to it. [Laughs] show. And then maybe six or eight months later is something new that goes up there. There are turned into a for the night. It was pretty When Tim wrote that song he was pretty excited I started Plaid on Plaid with Ann Van Marter and videos and news footage. Richard, our drum- awesome. and said he had a brilliant riff that he had writ- Buck Foley. And I’ve just kept going since then. mer, does a lot of photo blogs as well. Wherever WCT: Do you prefer performing live or re- ten. [Sings the chorus] We told him that was the So, hopefully it will be a lifelong love affair with we are in the world he gets out there with his cording an album? Rocky riff and it hadn’t dawned on him that he music. camera and takes pictures pretty much of every- KF: I’m really addicted to performing. I played hadn’t written a new riff but had ripped off an WCT: So, with everything I read about you, thing, This is really cool for the fans. 100 shows last year and probably am on course old one! We loved it and it was such an infec- you sound pretty notorious for jumping If you are a fan, get your tickets at The to exceed that this year. I think that I really tious riff to use, we just thought it would be around into different genres. Chicago Theatre, 175 N. State, before Keane love performing, but in recording you can really perfect. We got permission to use the tune. As a KF: Yeah, maybe I should just be more selec- performs there Wed., July 28. Call 312-462- act more as the musician and it’s pretty incred- song it works incredibly well. tive about the type of music that I enjoy, but 6300 or visit ible to look at the mixing process and the differ- WCT: Do you write any of the lyrics, or is it I really like everything. And I try to bring ver- ent sounds you can get through a microphone. satility to all the different environments that The sky’s the limit, really. This record is I think one could play in. I don’t know, I just never a new direction for me and we wanna continue CULTURE CLUB wanna be too predictable and I never wanna be that and releasing more music and having it be boring. Hopefully, that’s something that people real. Where a show is hopefully something crazy can embrace and like believe it. Especially when awesome will happen, but it’s just the moment. you’re an independent artist, you should be eas- WCT: Do you have anything else going on ily definable so you can grow in that scene. But right now? I don’t really care, I just do what I want. KF: I don’t know. I would really like to become WCT: So, how would you describe your lyr- the queer Lady Gaga, if possible. So once this ics? What are you trying to say with your mu- tour wraps up I’m going to be starting a House sic? of KFO productions where we’re gonna do a crazy KF: My lyrics are kind of just a mix of lies and music video. So, that should be pretty awesome. truths and just creative vomit that comes out And if Chicagoans ever want to come to Bos- at the same time as the guitar part. Sometimes ton, then they can see me regularly. I might just there’s a vision involved, but sometimes not. I’m have to come visit more. It’s a pretty amazing continually trying to be more sparse about my place. Chicago’s got a good rep—I think deserv- lyric writing cause I think a really good song, edly so. like if you look at the lyrics on the paper, they’re Kristen Ford will be at Reggies Music Joint, like one paragraph, if that. But, I do try to tell a 2109 S. State, at 8 p.m. Thursday, July 15. story or like take listeners some place that they Tabitha Tae, Deathmaps and Sour Boy Bitter can like see themselves and it doesn’t even mat- Girl will also be performing. See www.reg- ter what every word’s about. It’s just the song is what it is. I think my most popular song so For more about Ford, see www.kfomusic. far is called Red Couch and that’s from my debut com. record, Filthy Nasty. And the chorus to that song 16 July 14, 2010 subconscious secrets. (Talk about high-concept!) After being tested by Saito (Ken Watanabe), a ‘Glee,’ ‘Modern wealthy Japanese businessman, in the movie’s Family’ get KNIGHT opening sequence the group is hired to pull off an intricate job that involves “inception”—or Emmy nominations AT planting an idea in someone’s head. The specific FOX’s Glee—the breakout TV show that cen- THE someone is Robert Fischer, Jr. (Cillian Murphy), ters around a high-school performance club— the son of a dying business tycoon and Saito’s and ABC’s Modern Family (which includes a gay MOVIES biggest competitor, who will inherit the busi- couple among its main characters) were among ness. Saito wants Fischer to break up the corpo- those receiving Emmy nominations. Sofia Verga- ration and hires Cobb & Co. to plant the idea in ra (of “Family”) and Joel McHale (of Community) his head. announced the nominations July 8. Page is the dream architect brought in to con- Glee led all TV programs with 19 nominations, struct the maze-like spaces of the multilayered with AMC’s ‘60s show Mad Men a close second dreams, all reality-based and all occurring simul- with 17 nods. taneously. Once the team goes in, it learns that The nominees for Outstanding Drama Series Fischer has had training to block dream invaders are True Blood, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Lost, Mad and has dream security with weapons ready to Men and The Good Wife. Glee and Modern Fam- fight off the mental attack. DiCaprio’s late wife ily will compete for the Outstanding Comedy Se- Inception; (played by Marion Cotillard) is inside one of the ries Emmy along with Curb Your Enthusiasm, 30 dreams, too, adding another level to the thick- Rock, The Office and Nurse Jackie. The Sorcerer’s as-molasses proceedings. By that point the movie has become so dense Apprentice with the pretzel logic that Nolan has conjured By Richard Knight, Jr. up that when Page exclaims, “Wait a minute. Nicolas Cage in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Whose subconscious are we going into?!” you In this summer of also-ran blockbuster sequels can’t help but laugh in relief. If the characters New York City from a passel of bad magicians only the kiddie fare like Toy Story 3 and the al- are confused, imagine how the audience feels. (including Molina and Krige) once they are freed ternative movies like I Am Love and The Kids And the dreamscapes don’t have nearly the oth- from an ancient vessel. Cage must train the neb- Are All Right have really thrilled me. Like other erworld visual panache of The Cell, What Dreams bish who he deems is the one to take his place. fans of big, effects-driven action pictures, I May Come or even the Nightmare on Elm Street But said nebbish only has eyes for a pretty have been waiting for something to rhapsodize series (or, for that matter, 1984’s Dreamscape). blonde classmate who has a radio show at the about—something to give me that roller-coast- We simply see a multitude of action sequences college (all the better to stick in a batch of song er thrill effect. Inception, from writer-director in different exotic locations—the effect is like montages) and gets to say all the snarky, jokey Christopher Nolan, certainly promised to live up seeing a sort of stylized Ocean’s 11 without the stuff the audience is thinking about the dour to these expectations. tongue-in-cheek humor or a James Bond with- Cage, who natters on about rings, dragons and The follow-up to Nolan’s dazzling 2008 sum- out the sensual violence. other ancient stuff. Baruchel also gets to com- Emmy nominees Chris Colfer, Jane Lynch and mer hit The Dark Knight, this epic action block- At one point Page is given a reason why she ment during the action sequences—a pint-sized Paris Barclay at the recent event OutFest. buster would seem to have everything going for must keep the dreams reality-based but the ex- Bob Hope or Lou Costello in his prime—but this it. Inception is visually dazzling; stuffed with planation slipped past me and, as the action se- device, nearly as ancient as Merlin, works thanks Lesbian actress Jane Lynch received an Out- great action sequences; and acted by a gorgeous quences piled up and the Hans Zimmer score was to the young actor’s comic timing. standing Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series cast headed by Leonardo DiCaprio that includes cranked to the heavens, my attention wandered. Less persuasive is a live-action re-creation of nomination for her role as Sue Sylvester on Glee. queer audience faves Ellen Page and Joseph Gor- Nolan is so in love with his convoluted concept the classic “sorcerer’s apprentice” animated se- Among her competitors are Vergara and 30 Rock’s don-Levitt. And it’s not a sequel with a premise he lets his movie go on for close to three hours. quence from Fantasia. Because it feels wedged Jane Krakowski. Sharon Gless received a nod for that’s far from the standard-issue action block- At two hours the density would have been much into the action, it breaks the flow of the movie. Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Se- buster. So far so good. more welcoming but at this running time … But that’s a minor bump in the road for this ries for her role in USA’s Burn Notice; among the But the reality isn’t quite as enervating as one well, it’s like a dream that goes on too long. likeable little movie. Directed by Jon Turtel- other nominees in the category are The Good would hope. To begin with, Nolan’s propensity One awakens with a bit of a movie hangover, taub—responsible for the fleet-footed National Wife’s Christine Baranski and Mad Men’s Elisa- for gimmicky, unnecessarily complicated sto- remembering slivers of pleasure and the feeling Treasure pictures—The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is, beth Moss and Peggy Olson. ries—witness Memento as Exhibit A—wraps his that a lot of stuff has happened—but virtually at last, the delightful Saturday matinee fantasy- Also, Sir Ian McKellen received a nod in the audience in so many layers that eventually even no recall of what it was. action fest that kids and kids at heart have been Outstanding Lead Actor In A Miniseries Or A his characters onscreen cry “Uncle!” Second, if missing this summer. Brimming with much more Movie category for his role in Two. His competi- I see one more movie with a subplot that fo- Any movie with Alice Krige and Alfred Molina as vitality and creativity (not to mention Cage hav- tion includes Jeff Bridges, Michael Sheen, Den- cuses on DiCaprio’s character in emotional free- the villains is worth at least a cursory look and ing a hammy good time) than Prince of Persia, nis Quaid and Al Pacino. fall due to guilt over the death of his wife (this that The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, a fantasy film Percy Jackson & the Olympians, and the stilted A Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defama- year’s Shutter Island and 2008’s Revolutionary from Disney, doesn’t completely utilize them Clash of the Titans, this is a lively, diverting fan- tion (GLAAD) press release congratulated other Road immediately spring to mind) I’m going to is a strike against it. But, hey, at least they’re tasy. Though the movie is magic-like rather than openly gay and lesbian actors, including Chris have nightmares myself. Third, the picture’s too there. magical and is, to be honest, on the thin side, it Colfer (Glee), Alan Cumming (The Good Wife), long. So are a long-haired Nicolas Cage as a centu- cast enough of a spell to keep me entertained. Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother; In this futuristic thriller, dream manipulation ries-old wizard named Balthazar Blake, a one- Check out my archived reviews at www. Glee), Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Modern Family) and has become possible. DiCaprio plays Cobb, who time student of Merlin, and Jay Baruchel (sound- or www.knightatthemov- Lily Tomlin (Damages). Wanda Sykes received a leads a crack team of operatives into the dreams ing more than a tad like Christian Slater) as the Readers can leave feedback at the nod for her HBO comedy special, Wanda Sykes: of wealthy clients and their targets to unearth physics geek he takes on in his quest to defend latter website. I’ma Be Me. In addition, heterosexual actors Eric Stonestreet and Will Arness were nominated for gay roles in, respectively, Modern Family and 30 Rock. Also, openly gay directors Paris Barclay and Ryan Murphy received nominations. An intriguing development occurred when the Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien received a nomination but the Tonight Show with Jay Leno did not. The awards show will air on NBC Aug. 29. Last ‘Threat Level’ episode July 15 The final episode of “Threat Level: An Evening of Queer Shorts”—featuring “best-of” favorites such as “Queer Teen Romance” and “Rosebud”— will take place Thursday, July 15, at The Pig Pen, 1920 W. Berwyn. A BBQ grilling will start at 6 p.m., and the screening will begin at 8 p.m. A $10 fee covers two food/drink tickets. E- mail [email protected].

Leonard DiCaprio watches the situation unfold in Inception. Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. July 14, 2010 17 NUNN ON ONE: TELEVISION its top, there was like thousands and thousands of people that went to the pier. I remember I Glamorous ‘Diva’ did this song, “Mickey”—you know, “Oh. Mickey you’re so fine,” and I had gotten, like, 13 or 14 dancers, and we’re doing a cheerleading number. Candis Cayne And we’d go to the park every day, and they all BY JERRY NUNN did it for free, and we’d practice for hours until we were doing pyramids and basket tosses. And Candis Cayne is the first transgender actor to we went in front of the audience and all you play a recurring transgender character on prime could see were people. It must have been like time television. Nunn on One talked to the sweet [what] those huge singers feel and see … and diva herself. PHOTO doing that number, it was a lot of fun. windy City Times: Hey there. So you’ve got wCT: So what’s in the future for you? a new guest spot coming up on Drop Dead REMOVED CC: I kind of went through another transition. Diva. BY REQUEST I let go of my manager and I changed agencies Candis Cayne: Yes! I’m super-excited about Arnold Myint. Photo by David Geisbrecht/ in the past month or so. And I ended my seven- that. They asked me to do a part on the show, Bravo year relationship. So I’m kind of at this moment and of course, I was like, “Yay”! So the creators having a breath of air before I start back with and I went to dinner, and they talked about this ‘Chef’ contestant the whole crazy pitching ideas and that stuff. character they wanted to do, and it’s a law show But it’s just started now. … I’ve just started tak- when it comes down to it. gone in shocker ing meetings again, so I am excited about the They wanted to kind of discuss the idea of BY ROSS FORMAN future. I think sometimes you have to change in me playing a transgendered character who was order to grow. And it’s definitely that time for married to a woman, and then went through From first to worst to bye-bye—with smiles, me. the transition, and so it ended up that the two tears and a full stomach along the way. wCT: Are you still doing your cabaret act? women were married. And so where’s the legal Arnold Myint, the popular and charismatic ex- CC: Yeah, every Monday at the Abbey [in Los ramification in that and how is that going to ecutive chef and owner of three restaurants in Angeles], and I’m going to be coming to Chica- work out? Her wife dies and now my character Nashville, had a roller-coaster ride over the past go. I’m super-excited. I’m going to a club called has the house and the assets, and her parents few weeks on Bravo’s Top Chef (Wednesdays, 8 Spin. want to take it all away from me because they p.m.) wCT: Oh my gosh! I’ll have to come by and say we weren’t legally married. And so it kind of He won the elimination challenge on June 30, say hello. explores that law. It was a really good experi- as the chefs had to prepare a classic picnic feast CC: Yeah, you do! ence. And Lifetime was so happy with it, they’re for Capitol Hill interns at Mount Vernon. Candis will be at Spin Nightclub, 800 w. going to air it at OutFest next year, and we’re A week later, he was eliminated from the Candis Cayne. Belmont, Saturday, July 24, with her one- going to do a panel afterwards with Cybill Shep- show. woman show taking place 11 p.m.-midnight. herd, because she was on that episode, too. On the show that aired July 7, the chefs were Tickets are $5 in advance, $10 at the door and wCT: well that sounds awesome; congratu- I decided to do it and as soon as I did, I was just tested to create a dish that fit the needs of Hil- $20 for the meet-and-greet. For more infor- lations. That episode sounds like it will be happier than I’ve ever been. ton Hotels & Resorts guests, global travelers mation visit important to a lot of people. wCT: I’m so happy for you. It can take so who demand around-the-clock accessibility to CC: Yeah, the writers called me afterwards say- long for anyone to find themselves. good food that is healthful, affordable and so- ing they were crying at the end, that I did a CC: Totally. I think that’s one of the things phisticated. The chefs had to create a breakfast, great job. So it was really a nice feeling to know that transgender people go through. They really lunch and dinner dish for a select focus group, that my work was good. That’s what I most care discover who they truly are and have the guts to and the chefs were paired into seven teams of about, that I portray characters that are true change it. two. and meaningful. wCT: You have a lot of support, too. You Myint and Lynne Gigliotti were eliminated. wCT: Did you study theater? have a twin brother who’s supportive of you. “When I was standing in front of [the judging] CC: I’ve been in theater since I was 10. I’ve Is the rest of your family okay with you? panel, I couldn’t believe it,” said Myint, 32, who been doing it non-stop forever. So I didn’t go CC: Yeah, they’re all really amazingly support- has been profiled in Windy City Times. “I did my to a formal acting school but I just kind of grew ive. You know, I’m just their daughter now. And part so well and was just confused. I wanted to up in the theater; dancing, acting, singing and actually, I’m super excited, because my whole present myself with poise, so when the point stuff. extended family is from Sacramento we’re all came when I realized that this was my last time wCT: You are from Hawaii? meeting there for the Fourth of July for my sis- PHOTO in the Top Chef kitchen, my head was scrambling CC: Yeah, I grew up in Maui, then moved to ter (well, she’s basically my sister, she’s my best REMOVED for my thank you statement; but it had been a New York from there. I always felt a little differ- friend since we were one) just had a baby and BY REQUEST long day of cooking and I was tired. I was also ent everywhere I was until I went to New York we’re all going out to see her. concerned for Lynne because I knew she hurt her and found it, it was home. It was a place where wCT: Fun!! Now, when you did Dirty Sexy knee and was standing for quite some time. there people just like me, and we all created a Money, that must have been a wild experi- “Experiencing Top Chef first hand is exactly big family. It was kind of an amazing time in the ence, you know, to be on prime time…. what was missing in my life. For anyone who ‘90s in New York City and the East Village. I feel CC: I know, to go from New York City barra- knows me, it’s no surprise that I wanted to make so honored to have met the people that I had cuda to an ABC show with Donald Sutherland it on the show. met, and all the girls who taught me everything. and Billy Baldwin and the rest of the amazing Myint said there was no lowlight of the experi- It was a really cool experience. cast. It was! It was the craziest thing that’s ever ence. “I don’t think that way; I learn from every wCT: And you didn’t even know what a happened to me. experience and only see stepping stones.” was when you got there, right? wCT: I just actually talked to Lady Bunny Find out more about Myint—including who CC: Right, I was totally oblivious. Until I met a last week and you did for a while. he thinks is going on win—online at www. couple of girlfriends and I was like, ohhhh, that CC: Yeah! Some of my most amazing memories looks like me. That’s the way I’m supposed to be. of New York were doing Wigstock. I mean, at

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OUT OF TOWN SAUGATUCK GET-AWAY. Buy a 3 bedroom, 2 bath manu- factured home, in gay friendly Saugatuck Michigan. Per- fect as a vacation or weekend get-a-way. Ready to move into, small mobile home community just two miles from downtown. WE FINANCE - EASY APPROVAL. Several to choose from. Call Maggie at 269-857-1191 or e-mail PETS [email protected] (9/22/10-26) FOR RENT IN THE HEART OF ANDERSONVILLE, Large 2 bedroom 3rd floor unit in 3-flat building steps from Clark Street. By TERRI KLINSKY Keep those puppies cool during this hot, hot summer. Separate dining room, sunporch, hardwood floors, free laundry in basement. Available Sept. 1. $1400 It was a hot, humid Pride Parade this year and their owners. It is up to us to make sure they are left in a car in the summer. Believe it or not, includes heat. Call: 312-909-0052 (8/4/10) yet I saw several people walking with their dogs safe. it only takes 15 minutes for a small dog to get LAKEVIEW DUPLEX ARCHITECT-DESIGNED Sunny in the parade. I saw one dog with a towel over When the temperature is very high, don’t let heatstroke. Even on a relatively cool summer day one bedroom, approximately 1000 sqft. 1-1/2 bath, washer/dryer, central air, glass bridge, skylights. Near him/her. I spoke to the owner (OK, I will admit your dog walk on hot asphalt. Being so close (78 degrees) a shaded car’s temperature is 90 transportation, Southport restaurants, Music Box. that it was more like I screamed at the owner) the ground, your dog’s body can heat up quickly, degrees and a car parked in the sun can reach No smokers or pets, please. Available October 1. and she insisted that the dog was fine and the and sensitive paw pads can burn. Walks should 160 degrees in only minutes. So either use the $1200.00 month. 773-485-1956. (8/4/10) towel was wet. A towel wrapped around a dog be kept to a minimum and should be done ei- drive-through or skip the latté altogether if your 4 BEDROOM - LOGAN SQUARE, Moffat street at Kedzie only creates steam and covering the dog only ther early in the morning or late in the evening. dog is traveling with you. (south of Armitage), 4 BEDROOM, TWO BATH TWO STORY attracts and traps more heat. I also saw a small Walking on grass is much better for their paws I hope this information helps both humans and DUPLEX, new fridge/oven/carpeting. Central AC/heat. beagle trying to walk through the leftover rain than walking on hot asphalt or sidewalks. their pets enjoy a safer, happier summer togeth- Quiet street. $1290. 219.902.1715 (7/28/10) puddles to cool its paws. I have no doubt that Dehydration can happen quickly, so offer your er. the people I saw with dogs love their dogs so I dog water several times on a walk. They are not REALTORS thought it was time to once again remind people going to ask you to stop at a fountain. Dogs WWW.GAYREALESTATE.COM Free On-Line Directory of about the dangers of allowing your dog to be with darker coats, small dogs or overweight dogs the Top Gay & Lesbian Realtors in Chicago & the Nation. out in the summer heat. I am hoping that peo- will heat up faster than other dogs. Instant access at or Toll ple will think twice about bringing their dogs Heatstroke can happen quickly and result in PARKVIEW PET Free 1.888.420.MOVE (6683). (6/24/11–52) to parades and summer street fairs. I did check brain damage or death. Watch for symptoms SUPPLIES with the Pride Parade organizers and found out such as restlessness, excessive thirst; heavy EST. 1921 that pets are not permitted in the parade and it panting; lethargy; lack of appetite; dark tongue; is stated so in the forms that all parade partici- rapid heartbeat; fever; vomiting; or lack of coor- 5358 N. Broadway pants sign. dination. If your dog shows any of these symp- Dogs don’t sweat like we do; they get rid of the toms, get her or him into the shade immediately Chicago, IL 60640 heat through panting and some minimal sweat- and call your veterinarian. Lower the animal’s ing through their paws. Panting helps dogs cool body temperature gradually by providing water 773-561-0001 themselves but they are not as efficient at cool- to drink; applying a cold towel or ice pack to the ing themselves as people are. Unlike us, they head, neck, and chest; or immersing the dog in Sensible Food will not stop and rest when they are hot. They lukewarm (not cold) water. Sensible Prices will keep moving to stay close to and to please The most frustrating thing is seeing a dog July 14, 2010 19 KAHRL from cover daily, about baseball mostly,” Kahrl said. “I think we’ve benefited from each other. We’re to do the job. The fact that I am transgender just working professionals in this industry. I is no different from, say, the blind sportswriter think it’s helped each of us as far as positive who is at the park all of the time. It’s interest- reinforcement. ing on an abstract level, but not really relevant “Losing Christine Daniels was something of a to how well I write a game story or just cover wakeup call. baseball as a whole.” “One of the reasons we participated in the HBO thing was, it’s important to remind peo- Chicago Force Kahrl is a pro at the park, period. Be it Wrig- ple of the positive examples in part because team members ley Field or U.S. Cellular, when she reports from we take for granted that there are so many in Sweden. home games for the Chicago Cubs and Chicago unhappy examples of how trans folk are not Photo courtesy White Sox, respectively. accepted. The bigotry and difficulties that so of the Force Or earlier this season when she attended home baseball games of the New York Yankees, many of us confront, or have to deal with, New York Mets and Pittsburgh Pirates. those are very real. In the wake of yet another Stress-free and issue-free—that’s been Kah- unhappy story—Christine’s—I think it really rl’s baseball world. kind of brought home to me the obligation to “I have not run into the kinds of problems also point out that not all of our stories end up unhappy. That being trans does not auto- In the championship game, for instance, Gri- that a lot of people would anticipate,” Kahrl WOMEN’S FOOTBALL matically involve an unhappy ending. We have safe connected with Rusty Sowers for a 31-yard said. “I think that’s reflective of the fact that achieved a lot in the last several decades, and touchdown to end the first half with a com- there’s more capacity for acceptance and good we will continue to achieve.” U.S. wins gold manding 51-point advantage. in American society than bad. That goes for the LGBT community and Major Team USA opened the tournament with a 63-0 “I’m just different from what I used to be in League Baseball as a whole, especially in Chi- in Sweden rout of Austria, and then destroyed Finland one aspect; but I’m still writing the same stuff By Ross Forman cago, where is now part of the 72-0. and still enjoying the same work.”

The U.S. won the inaugural International Fed- Grisafe helped Team USA open a 34-0 halftime eration of (IFAF) Women’s lead against Finland with a few TD tosses, in- World Championship in Sweden—and did so in cluding a 47-yarder to Desiree Weimann of the dominating fashion. South California Breakers. Grisafe also added a Chicago was well-represented overseas—by, quarterback sneak for a 47-point advantage with specifically, the Chicago Force of the Indepen- 5:55 still left to play in the third quarter. dent Women’s Football League (IWFL) and mem- Kansas City Tribe wide receiver Rusty Sow- bers of the LGBT community. ers, a Force foe during the IWFL season, won The U.S. defeated Canada 66-0 at Zinkens- MVP honors against Finland as she tallied three damms IP Stadium on Saturday, July 3, for the touchdowns among the United States’ 11 visits gold. Team USA coach John Konecki is an as- to the end zone. sistant boys’ football coach at Crete-Monee High School during the fall and the head coach of the Force. Anthony Stone is a Force assistant Gay hockey assn. coach, and was the defensive coordinator for raises money Team USA. Christina Kahrl. Photo by Tracy Baim “Canada was an excellent team and we had to at Crew work hard to prepare and play against them. I By Ross Forman feel honored to have coached Team USA. It is a Kahrl talks baseball with the best of them. She ownership team/family of the Chicago Cubs. remarkable group of women,” Konecki said. Kevin Bryson was the grand-prize winner July talks to heterosexual fans at the park and at She was one of four Ricketts family members Jamie Menzyk of the Force was named the 1, when the Chicago Gay Hockey Association book signings. who sang “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” on championship game’s MVP with fierce blocking. (CGHA) held a fundraiser at Crew Bar on the Baseball is just her passion, and her profes- Opening Day at Wrigley Field. She was joined in Sweden by Force teammates north side. sion. “It is a wonderful opportunity for the LGBT Angie Bandstra, Keesha Brooks, Sami Grisafe, He skated away with an autographed Brent So- And this summer she’ll be with all the names community under the Ricketts family, and also Patricia Harper, Kim Marks, Jamie Menzyk and pel Chicago Blackhawks jersey. “It’s awesome,” of the game when she covers the annual Major for Wrigleyville and Lakeview, and so much Dawn Pederson. Force General Manager Linda Bryson said of the jersey. League Baseball All-Star Game in Anaheim, Ca- more,” Kahrl said. “I’m kind of hopeful that Bache also attended the tournament. However, Bryson said he’s giving it away—to lif., in July. the Cubs become an active social institution Finland won the bronze medal with a 26-18 a friend who collects such items. “Everyone is civil, polite and grown up; there within the community, and I think that’s where win over Germany. Sweden took fifth place with “It’ll make his day; he’ll go crazy,” said Bryson, is no rioting in the streets because there’s a the Ricketts [family] is going with the team. I a 20-18 final-day win over Austria. 40, who lives in Chicago’s Edgewater neighbor- transgender sportswriter in town,” said Kahrl. think that’s going to be good for Chicago as a “It was amazing to win the gold medal. It was hood. “I easily could be someone you’re related to, whole, especially the North Side and the LGBT very emotional. We played an awesome team The CGHA fundraiser was a benefit for Sopel’s someone you have a random conversation community, because there are a lot of gay, les- and it feels great to be in this moment,” said personal charity, Angels Get Their Wings. with, someone living in your condo building; bian, transgender and bisexual baseball fans. I Sharon Vasquez of the , whom Sopel, who won the 2010 Stanley Cup with the I just happen to be a sportswriter.” think the Cubs should be reaching out to the the Force defeated this past May in Chicago. Chicago Blackhawks and has since been traded She attended the annual baseball winter LGBT community as much as they reach out to The U.S. now hold all IFAF tackle football to the Atlanta Thrashers, rode with his wife, meetings in December and met several baseball anyone.” world titles with the USA Football Women’s Na- Kelly, on the CGHA float in the annual Chicago executives for the first time. tional Team joining their male counterparts, who Gay Pride Parade June 27. Again, no issues. More about Christina Kahrl: won the senior crown in 2007 against Japan, “We’re honored to be associated with Kelly So, does that mean baseball is ready for an —Dating: “After transitioning, I dated men and the juniors (aged 19 and under), who beat and Brent Sopel, and the Angels Get Their Wings openly gay active player? exclusively for several years, then [played] for Canada to lift the 2009 IFAF Junior World Cham- charity,” said CGHA team president Andrew So- Hmmm, eventually, she said. Within 20 years, both teams. Now women [only], and I’m dating pionship. botka. “This fundraiser was just the first of many mainly because it’s already happening at the Charley Wannamaker, who moved to Chicago “The experience in Sweden was amazing,” initiatives that the CGHA will be doing to help high school and college level. last fall.” Bandstra said. “The chemistry between 45 wom- Sopel and his charity. It’s the least we can do af- “I’m looking forward to the day when it just —It’s a fact: Before the 2009 season, she en from 22 different teams could not have been ter the enormous, ground-breaking move Sopel doesn’t matter that there are out gay athletes asked the BWAA if they had any concerns or any better. made by volunteering to join the CGHA in the in the major sports, and there basically is no hesitations, knowing she is transgender. She “The girls from the Force landed in Austin, Chicago Gay Pride Parade.” closet because, well, no one really cares,” Kahrl was told they support her 100 percent. [Texas] on Saturday night, [June 26], and we Added Bryson: “It really was a historic parade said. “The bottom line is, all everyone really —On the real Christina Kahrl: “The real had team meetings into the evening. Sunday this year. Between Sopel, the Stanley Cup, the cares about is, whether or not that [gay] ath- Christina Kahrl is someone who is very inter- morning, the 45 individuals came together as [Chicago] Cubs also having a float and more, it lete helped them win the game. ested in family and love, loves cooking, loves one and we became 45 strong. I have never felt really was an exciting time in Chicago history.” “So will it happen? Yes, eventually, “and I living in Rogers Park, loves walking her dog a bond between a team like this before. We had The CGHA has a full day of hockey scheduled think the capacity for society at large to ac- at beach, watches the sunrise, enjoys hanging two-a-day [practices] in Austin for five days, for Saturday, July 17, in north suburban North- cept [him] is stronger than most people antici- out at The Glenwood, does volunteer work on which was very intense. brook. The team will host a practice/scrimmage pate.” behalf of the LGBT community.” “While we were in Sweden, we overcame a lot that is open to the public, starting at 1 p.m., at After all, they accept Kahrl, in her sorority of —Final thought: “I love being in Chicago of adversity, but we knew that if we stayed to- the North Shore Ice Arena, 2111 Founders. two. and all that Chicago has to offer—not just the gether we would never be defeated. We left no The practice is followed by a potluck BBQ at Kahrl and Bobbie Dittmeier of are baseball. It is the best of all American cities. doubt that we were the best in the world. Our nearby Techny Park, at 3-5 p.m. the lone out transgender sportswriters cover- Accepting communities, a great cultural scene, mission statement was: One team, One mission. The CGHA returns to the North Shore Ice Arena ing the national pastime. The late Christine incredible restaurants and so much more.” “On Saturday, [July 3,] our mission was com- at 5:30 p.m. for a game between its Chicago Daniels of the Los Angeles Times was a trans Read much more about Christina Kahrl, in- pleted. Mission gold.” Blackwolves team and the Black Magic. writer who committed suicide last November. cluding what it was like growing up, online Quarterback Grisafe did for Team USA what she For more information on the CGHA, visit www. The three were profiled this spring on HBO. at regularly does for the Force: generate offense. “Bobbie and I are very close; we IM almost 20 July 14, 2010

Ave., Chicago, Chicago Gender Society & EQIL Summer BBQ The Chicago Gender Society and invite you to a summer BBQ on the Sidetrack roof deck! $25 at the roof deck or visit the website. 4pm, Sidetrack, 3349 N Halsted St, http://www. Brought to you by the combined efforts of Dylan Rice performs from new CD Dylan Rice performs in celebration of his new FAIR PLAY CD, Electric Grids & Concrete Towers with Saturday, July 17 guest vocalist Grazyna Auguscik, $10 at the door, 21+. The Greenwoods and Mil- hous also perform. 9:30pm, 800-594-TIXX, Sarah McLachlan (above) Martyrs, 3855 N. Lincoln, Chicago, http:// will headline the all- Wed., July 14 Dining on the Rooftop Join us on our Rich- ELI, ELI, OH female touring festival ard M. Daley Rooftop to enjoy a unique, Saturday, July 24 Sunday, July 18 Lilith Fair in Tinley Park. intimate dining experience created by Chicago Area G/LChamber of Commerce 15 talented youth enrolled in our After Genderqueer activist Eli Gay Day at Wrigley Field $36 per ticket PR photo School Matters What’s Cookin’ Culinary and Roof Top Tickets at $115 per ticket Arts Program. Tickets are nonrefundable Clare (right) will lead the which includes unlimited food, drinks and and only reserve seats for the date speci- Disability Pride Parade at a gift bag. Indoor seats online, Roof Top fied. Ian Wilson for group sales: iwilson@ 401 S. Plymouth. seats call the chamber. Guests get Sum-; 773-472-6469, ext. mer Sponsorship T-shirts to wear the day gia, Charlie Trotter’s, David Burke’s Prime- 446; 5:45pm, Center on Halsted, 3656 N of the game. 7pm, 773-303-0167, Wrigley house, English, Fulton’s on the River, Halsted, Field, 1060 W Addison St # 1, Chicago, IL, Graham Elliott, Japonais, Kendall College, Definitive Guide to Cancer, author talk Lockwood Restaurant, MK The Restau- Lise Alschuler and Karolyn Gazella will Noche Latina Circuit’s Hot Latin Night be- rant, NAHA, Perennial, Province, Ria, RL talk about their book:”Definitive Guide to gins at 7pm. Show hosted by Veronica Restaurant, Sepia, Spring, Sprout, Swirlz Cancer: An Integrative Approach to Pre- Cupcakes, The Bristol, Union League Club movement prior to the AIDS epidemic of 954 W Belmont, Zaid begins at 10pm. $3 Corona. $8 non- vention, Treatment and Healing”; 6:30pm, of Chicago, Vie, and many more! 5pm, The the ‘80s. Through Aug. 13, 2010. Gage IN THE LIFE On WTTW/Channel 11 This members, $4 members. 7pm, Circuit Night Women’s Club of Evanston, 1702 Chicago, Peninsula Chicago, 108 E Superior, www. Gallery, 18 S. Michigan, Chicago, www. month features lesbian “touristas” who Club, 3641 N Halsted Ave. Evanston bring positive visibility and lend a helping is a casual, peer- Natalie Merchant Over her 28-year career Bisexual Panel Discussion HIV/AIDS Tweetup with Rae Lewis Thorn- hand to local communities in the Carib- Monday, July 19 lead conversation group. This is an event Natalie Merchant has earned a place ton Don’t miss this HIV/AIDS Tweetup, bean, and rappers who use their words and Windy City Open mic with Kat Fitzger- for bisexuals, bi-curious, and bi-allies to among America’s most respected record- the official celebration for the launch of images to change hearts and minds within ald Windy City Open Mic, hosted by Kat form community, share ideas, and connect ing artists with a reputation for being Rae Lewis-Thornton’s blog: A Diva Liv- the music industry. Or, watch the entire Fitzgerald, every Monday. Sign-up starts at with peers. Come check us out and help a songwriter of quality and a captivat- ing With AIDS and The PROTECTED Proj- episode online at; 7pm and the music gets going around 8. build the bisexual community! 7pm, Cen- ing performer. 12:30pm, Borders - State ect. Hors D’oeuvres, Cash Bar, Swag Bags, 11:30pm, On WTTW/Channel 11 Network Includes prizes and raffles. 7pm, Uptown ter on Halsted, 3656 N Halsted Street, 150 N. State Raffles and Lots of Twitter Fun in the En- Chicago, Lounge, 1136 W Lawrence Ave, http:// First anniversary of Deborah E. Lake’s All cour Liquid Lounge. $5 suggested dona- The Way In Radio Recorded in front of Friday, July 23 tion. 6pm, Allegro Hotel, 171 W. Randolph Friday, July 16 Miss Chicago Heart A new friendly boy-to- live audience. 7pm, 262-657-9540, Rhode Ripley Caine performs live Ripley has Street, Pitchfork Music Festival The Pitchfork Mu- girl contest celebrating the art of drag. Center, 514 56th St., Kenosha, Wis. served on the board of directors of Women Threat Level: An Evening of Queer Shorts sic Festival is a three-day event showcas- Watch 15 contestants compete in four in Rock and is the founder and co-coordi- Featuring “best of” favorites such as ing over 40 of independent music’s best categories to win the title of the very first nator of Cake Chicago (a monthly queer Thursday, July 15 “Queer Teen Romance” and “Rosebud” bands and artists on three stages. Friday, Miss Chicago Heart. $1000 in cash and “San Francisco in showcase at Red Line Tap). Her latest re- ‘San Francisco’ exhibit followed by $10 Backyard BBQ Central at July 16, Saturday, July 17 and Sunday, prizes to be awarded. Doors open at 7pm, the 1970s”—a photographic exhibition lease, “Not Like Other Girls,” is currently the; 6pm, The Pig Pen, 1920 W. Berwyn, July 18. $40 single day passes, $90 three $10 cover. 8pm, Circuit Night Club, 3641 featuring the photos of Jerry Pritikin, a available for download at Itunes. 9pm, Chicago, day passes. 3:30pm, 1501 W Randolph St. N Halsted St Chicago publicist, gay-rights activist and Red Line Tap, 7006 N. Glenwood, Chicago Cazwell live at Berlin (Bobby Pins’ Birth- (West Loop), http://www.pitchforkmusic- Chicago Cubs fan known as the “Bleacher Crew’s Fratboy Friday Enter Crew’s Hot day) Cazwell performs live at Stardust Tuesday, July 20 Preacher” Features photos of gay life in Jockstrap Contest and win cash prizes! Thursdays, plus don’t miss Bobby Pins’ live Point Foundation Summer Soiree The an- Mario, Make Me A Model Mario Tricoci Hair San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood, $300 first place, $100 second place. Sign- performance of “Morning Light.” It’s Bob- nual fundraising event to support Point Salons & Day Spas is bringing Chicago’s which was an epicenter for the gay-rights up by 10pm. 11pm, Crew Bar & Grill, 4804 by Pins’ birthday at Berlin! 10pm, Berlin, Foundation and the Point Scholars study- beauty into focus this summer with its N Broadway ing in Chicago and surrounding areas. third annual search for the modeling stars $225 individual. 7pm, 212 247-7318, of the future. Attend one of the “Mario, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, 2430 Make Me a Model” open calls in downtown Saturday, July 24 Disability Pride Parade with disabled N Cannon, http://www.pointfoundation. Chicago, Skokie, Oak Brook and Orland Park genderqueer activist Eli Clare The 7th org/chicago/ to take your turn in front of the judges. Annual Disability Pride Parade—”Pride Speed Dating for Men 35+ No special 10am, 312-499-5249, Mario Tricoci Hair Revolution”; 10:30am, 401 S. Plymouth, spark across the Internet? Long, wasted Salons & Day Spas, 900 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, evenings with those just-not-happening Hollywood Beach clean-up/picnic Meet blind dates? Time for some real-time, fun- Speed Dating for Lesbians (Age 30 to 45) up at Ardmore Hollywood Beach, near time SPEED DATING at Center on Halsted, Date up to 30 lesbians in one night, in- Sheridan and the lake to pick up trash, co-sponsored by Out Alumni Chicago, creasing your chances for a Match. Event take water samples, report on the con- the Chicagoland Gay and Lesbian Singles Check-in time will begin at 6:30pm and dition of the beach, enjoy a volunteer- Meetup and the Chicago Professionals will end at 7:00pm. Speed dating will start appreciation picnic. 9pm, Hollywood Meetup. Cash bar opens at 6:45pm. Tick- promptly at 7:15pm. 7:15pm, 773-327- Beach, Chicago, ets are $12 at the door and $10 advance 7711, Spin Nightclub, 800 W. Belmont your_community/14477.htm online. 7pm, Center on Halsted, 3656 N Ave, Open casting call for The Biggest Loser’s Halsted, events.php new season The Biggest Loser casting Fu_king Men Tony-nominated writer Joe teams will do their best to see the first DiPietro’s latest play, FU_KING MEN, ob- Wed., July 21 500 people in line and candidates should serves the sex lives of the modern urban Gospel Recovery Jubilee 5th Anniversary bring a non-returnable photo of them- gay American male. 8pm, 773-327-5252, Recovery Support Group Anniversary Cel- selves (and their partners if applying as Theatre Building Chicago, 1225 W. Bel- ebration for GLBTQ in recovery. Recovery a team). 10pm, NBC Tower, 454 N. Colum- mont, speakers, dancers, food and more music by Tremaine & Company, LRC Recovery Choir. bus, Saturday, July 17 Admission is free. 6:30pm, 773-576-5930, Lilith Fair Founded by Grammy-award win- 1505 W Morse Ave, http://lifereclamation- Saturday, July 31 Women & Children First Bookstore annual ning artist Sarah McLachlan along with used book sale Help support the Women’s Dan Fraser, Marty Diamond and Terry Graffiti Party at Minibar Come see the Voices Fund and shop for incredible values McBride, Lilith Fair was the only tour of uber-hot David G. and Jay P Wednesdays at the same time at our annual used book its kind—a celebration of women in mu- at Minibar Ultra Lounge and Cafe; 9pm, sale. Scan the stacks for bargains galore sic. $41.50-$127; 1pm, 877-598-8703, Minibar Ultra Lounge and Cafe, 3341 N in women’s fiction, gay and lesbian titles, First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre, 19100 Halsted, nonfiction, children’s books, CDs and Ridgeland Ave, Tinley Park, http://www. DVDs, and more. 10pm, 773-769-9299, Thursday, July 22 Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark St., Gender JUST Youth Celebration BBQ! Chefs and the City Chicago’s premier din- MODEL BEHAVIOR Come help Gender JUST youth celebrate ing event, Chefs and the City featuring Thursday, July 22 the Grievance Process victory. Bring some- tastes from 33 Club, Aldino’s, Arun’s Thai thing to BBQ or a side, drinks, or dessert! Restaurant, avec, Avenues, Belly Shack 2pm, Douglas Park, 19th St. & Albany and Urban Belly, Blackbird, Café Spiag- HIV/AIDS agency Vital Bridges will host its annual “Chefs and the City” event at the Peninsula, 108 E. Superior. Get : Photo of model from the 2009 event by Andrew Davis online July 14, 2010 21

Once or twice a week is never enough! BILLY MASTERS

“I’m too busy being an active beard and helping closeted actors who’ve stepped on too many toes SShhoowwTTuunneessTTiimmeess33 try to get back into the good graces of the gen- eral public. But you never know when love will be just round the corner.”—Cameron Diaz explains why she hasn’t settled down. Funny—I have the FRIDAYS “After Work” 5 - 9pm same reasons! Phase one of my European adventure has come SUNDAYS “After Brunch” 4 - 9pm to an end, and I’m ashamed to say I had mo- ments where I was an Ugly American. I was in one of those Eastern European countries where MONDAYS speaking English is virtually impossible. While a foreign tongue is most certainly appealing, it “The Night Belongs to Show Tunes” did make some tasks quite difficult. To help make 8pm - 2am myself understood, my initial instinct was—get ready for it—to speak with a British accent! And not a Mr. French accent. This was more Dame Helen Mirren. Lord knows what I was thinking, except that maybe the Queen’s lilt would help (it didn’t). On the positive side, I developed a Keep up-to-date deep appreciation for the United States during by joining us on this sojourn. There’s a reason we’re a super- power. They may have culture, history, pride and PETA’s new campaign features “Dream”-boats. passion, but we have something they’ll never Photo provided courtesy of PETA. have—ice! Yes, what separates us from the bar- barians across the pond is that we don’t count operate the only 24/7 youth suicide prevention out our cubes individually when chilling a drink. hotline for LGBT youths). On the red carpet, she And that, my darlings, makes all the difference. said, “My daughter has just come out, so it’s Whoopi Goldberg has announced that she’ll be personal.” Incidentally, Sheedy’s mom is also a making her West End debut during her August lesbian. It must be one of those genes that skips hiatus from The View. What’s interesting is that a generation! the show she’s going into is Sister Act—The Mu- If the National Enquirer is to be believed, sical! Yes, Whoopi (who is also a producer of Warren Beatty and Annette Benning’s daughter the show) is back in the habit—but this time Kathlyn wants to go through gender-reassign- as Mother Superior. This reminds me of when ment surgery. Allegedly, s/he is in college and Anne Baxter, who made a name for herself as insists on being called Stephen. The rag reports Sidetrack The Video Bar • 3349 N. Halsted • the eponymous All About Eve, replaced Lauren that “Warren is beside himself”. I was beside Bacall on Broadway in Applause—which was the myself once, but then I realized I was next to a musical version of that classic film. And with mirror! one short sentence, I managed to simultane- Angelina Jolie told Vanity Fair that her daugh- ously reveal my vast knowledge and age. ter Shiloh “wants to be a boy”. The 4-year-old Whilst I was frolicking in Europe, sexy Scott girl likes to dress in male clothing and begs to Evans was enjoying some free time in Provinc- have her hair cut short. It’s shades of Chastity etown. In fact, it’s sounding like he’ll have more Bono all over again! free time since he’s no longer attached to that Speaking of the artist currently known as film he was going to shoot elsewhere on Cape Chaz, Cher recently stepped out with her “child” Cod. But there is a member of the Evans fam- and looked about as happy as Warren reportedly ily who is working in the Boston area—and he’s is. On the other hand, that may be as happy as showing his member. Chris Evans is shooting Cher is capable of looking these days! “What’s Your Number?” with Anna Faris, and it Cybill Shepherd’s youngest daughter has come required the sexy 29-year-old to jump into Bos- out as a lesbian—making this Cybill’s second ton Harbor completely naked. He told onlook- lesbian child. Last year, Clementine Ford an- ers (who, thank God, had cameras), “I’ve never nounced she was gay. This year, Ariel Shepherd- done a nude scene before—this is awesome!” It Oppenheim showed up at the GLAAD media most certainly is. Pics on awards in San Francisco with her girlfriend to Someone else worth checking out is Miley support mom, who was being honored. Cyrus’ ex-boytoy Justin Gaston. The sexy stud When I’m considering giving up meat to get has posed nude for PETA, alongside his If I Can closer to some beefcake, it’s definitely time to Dream co-stars Giglianne Braga and Ben El- end yet another column. I’ve got one more story liott. I’m not one to gush, but WOW! It’s almost for you. While overseas, I was involved in some enough to make me watch this direct-to-Hulu matters I can’t go into here, lest I compromise reality web series (almost but not quite). And some delicate matters of international secu- forget about Justin for a sec—especially since rity. But, at one meeting I had on a somewhat he left the show to hit the road as Kris Allen’s clingy T-shirt—certainly not as tight as any- opening act. Ben Elliott. Lordy, Lordy! Just wait thing Anderson Cooper wears on CNN. One of till you see him. Of course, we’ve seen Justin my colleagues said, “You’ve got a whole Jennifer before (including his penis in some see-through Aniston thing going on today.” So I start toss- undies). Now we have another excuse to run ing my hair, figuring that my new conditioner those pics—and the new ones. is doing everything the label said it would. But The on-again/off-again film version of The the (straight) guy said, “No, you’re erect.” On Normal Heart is allegedly on-again—and without my way to glance at my nether regions, I no- a Streisand in sight. This new information comes ticed my nipples were front and center and alert. courtesy of sexy Mark Ruffalo, who was promot- Note to self—before I head back to Europe later ing The Kids Are All Right and said that his next this month, buy Sassy Nips! For more on various project is starring as Ned Weeks in a big-screen parts of the male anatomy, be sure to check out adaptation of Larry Kramer’s epic. (Kramer also If you’ve got a question, wrote the script.) Ruffalo also states Glee and just write to me at [email protected] and Nip/Tuck head honcho Ryan Murphy is involved. I promise to get back to you before my next Hollywood offspring seem to be popping out of wardrobe malfunction. Until next time, remem- the closet left and right. Last week, Ally Sheedy ber, one man’s filth is another man’s bible. was at a fundraiser for the Trevor Project (who 22 July 14, 2010

Ride for AIDS raises $286K

Members of CRU at the Chicago Sprints. Photo by Ross Forman

you do running or biking because you’re using CRU makes waves more muscles; you’re using your whole body.” Curcio said about 60 or 70 percent of those at Chicago Sprints who complete CRU’s Learn To Row “will want to By RosS forman keep with it.” But, he added, it often takes a few years to hone your skills. The novice team within the Chicago Rowers CRU this year features several former colle- Union (CRU) made its debut splash in the water giate rowers, including members who previously on Saturday afternoon, July 10, competing in represented Michigan, Cornell and Florida State. the annual, two-day Chicago Sprints—the big- “We really want to expand our women’s divi- gest sprint race in the Midwest. sion,” Curcio said. CRU’s club and competitive teams also partici- CRU will be back in their boat at the Milwaukee pated, though none won their divisions. River Challenge on Sept. 18. “Our teams performance has really improved For more information on CRU, or to register this year,” said CRU president Scott Curcio. for its Learn To Row, go to www.chicagorowin- “Our three coaches have really made a differ- ence; they are making sure everyone is working smarter and harder. They are working hard on everyone’s form and technique, and that’s really Caster Semenya helped our performances.” The local race is the largest sprint-season re- able to compete gatta in the Midwest, and among the top five Caster Semenya—the South African runner largest non-collegiate sprint regattas in the who was the subject of a test to verify her gen- United States. The Chicago Sprints attracts par- der after a win at the 2009 World Champion- ticipants from 10 Midwest states for its 1,000 ships in Berlin—has been cleared to compete meter course near Lincoln Park Zoo. again, according to Semenya, 19, CRU is the only predominantly gay rowing club may be able to compete as soon as July 19 at in the Midwest, one of only two in the United the World Junior Championships in Canada. In a States, and one of three in the world. The other statement, she said, “I am thrilled to enter the gay rowing club in America is in Washington, global athletics arena once again and look for- D.C. CRU has about 40 members this summer, ward to competing with all the disputes behind including two women, and nine newcomers to me.” the sport. “They were excited and excited,” Ernie Kimlin, the coxswain for CRU’s novice team, said after Red Stars win the Chicago Sprints. “I think they’re already ex- on ‘LGBT Night’ cited for their next race.” The Chicago Red Stars scored two goals in nine CRU’s novice team includes several rowers minutes July 10 as the team extended its un- loaded with potential to advance to the club’s beaten streak to four games with a 2-0 win over other teams, such as Jeremy Bonsol, Josh Thur- Sky Blue FC in Bridgeview’s Toyota Park. bee and Chip Howard, among others. As part of “LGBT Night,” some fans has the “The novice team is really good; they are really chance to attend the second annual meet-and- taking to the sport very well,” Curcio said. “The greet with special Women’s Professional Soccer members of the novice team have a lot of good league players to raise awareness for the Lesbian rowing years ahead of them.” Community Care Project. CRU members range in age from 23 to 43, and The Red Stars, who are now 4-5-5, next take More than 250 riders completed the annual two-day Ride For AIDS Chicago, which started Curcio said the team “really is improving.” Cur- on the Atlanta Beat Wed., July 21, in Kennesaw, Saturday morning, July 10, on the campus of Northwestern University in Evanston and cio and Bill Moudry are the only rowers who have Ga. See ended—about 200 miles later—on Sunday afternoon, July 11. been on board since the club’s inception. The largest fundraiser of the year for the Test Positive Aware Network (TPAN), the 2010 And CRU is now working on plans to celebrate ride raised more than $286,000. Brian Harder was the top individual fundraiser ($7,200) its fifth anniversary in the fall. and Richard’s Riders—a team of 25 riders led by Lakeview resident Richard Cordova—was “We’ve come so far in five years,” Curcio said. CMSA Wedneday the top fundraising team, bringing in about $39,000. “I thought it’d take a lot longer [than five years] “This was the best Ride ever for multiple reasons, including the number of riders [who to start winning races.” Night Kickball participated], the funds raised and the overall camaraderie among participants,” said Rhett CRU claimed the championship at the Grand Lindsay, TPAN’s associate director of special events. “We couldn’t be happier. We moved the Regatta in late June in Grand Rapids, Mich. event from June to July, which helped increase [the number of riders] and overall involve- CRU’s next Learn To Row session begins Satur- W w L Tie day, July 17, in Skokie. Team X-Cel 4 0 0 ment. The move allowed the riders more time to train.” Bucks Corn Fed Kickers 3 0 1 Broadcaster Alex Perez from NBC Chicago was the host for the opening ceremony. Sheila Founded in 2005 by 12 men as a team for Chi- The Spot Steel Toe Divas 3 0 1 Simon, an avid cyclist and the Democratic candidate for Illinois lieutenant governor, rode cago’s Gay Games, the team was then known as 4 Kicks 2 2 0 Qrew Chicago. The team’s name changed to Chi- Cocktail 2 1 0 the first leg—about 13 miles. Halsted’s 2 1 0 “It was nice to have both [figures] involved,” Lindsay said. “Sheila said she’d like to cago Rowing Union in 2009. CRU’s season runs Rub Her Balls 2 2 0 participate next year.” from April through October, with annual winter SoFoSexuals 2 1 0 Marc Chavez, from Richard’s Riders, was emotional when he returned to Evanston. “This indoor sessions, and competitions in the Mid- The Call Girls 1 2 0 west and elsewhere. Rockford Peaches 1 2 0 was one of the toughest, hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. It also was the most Scarlet Ball Kickers 1 2 0 rewarding thing I’ve done in my life,” Chavez said. “Coming across the finish line was some- “Rowing is the most efficient workout you can Spyners Banana Hammocks 0 3 0 thing I’ll never forget.Text and photos by Ross Forman get,” Curcio said. “You actually burn more fat The A Team 0 3 0 and get a better overall workout rowing than Ballz 0 4 0 July 14, 2010 23 CONNEXIONS MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS

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Reception before the show THE TALENTED MR RIPLEY

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