THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 July 14, 2010 • vol 25 no 41 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com page 6 Judge: Part of DOMA is unconstitutional BY LISA KEEN KEEN NEWS SERVICE In an enormous victory for same-sex marriage, a federal judge in Boston Thursday, July 8, ruled— in two separate lawsuits—that a critical part of DADT Surveys the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. In one lawsuit, Commonwealth of Massachu- setts v. Health and Human Services, Judge Jo- seph Tauro, of the U.S. District Court in Boston, ruled that DOMA violated the Tenth Amend- PHOTO ment to the U.S. Constitution by taking from REMOVED the states powers that the Constitution gave to BY REQUEST them. In the other lawsuit, Gill v. Office of Per- sonnel Management, he ruled that DOMA violates the equal-protection principles embodied in the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment in an effort to “disadvantage a group of which it disapproves.” Maura T. Healey, chief of the Massachusetts attorney general’s civil-rights division, led the Massachusetts lawsuit while Mary Bonauto, civil- Lilith Fair’s page 14 rights director for Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Kate Nash Defenders (GLAD), led the Gill case. Bonauto and GLAD also led the landmark lawsuit that won equal marriage rights for Massachusetts couples Raising in November 2003. Both of the lawsuits heard by Tauro targeted Section 3 of DOMA. That section states that, for federal government purposes, “the word ‘mar- Cayne page 17 riage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the Transgender entertainer/actress Candis Cayne (Dirty Sexy Money; Drop Dead Diva) talks with Turn to page 4 Windy City Times about acting and changes in her life. See page 17. Christina Kahrl continues to blaze trails Ride page 22 BY ROSS FORMAN talked about rooting for the New York Giants in Kahrl is a Jackie Robinson of sorts. for AIDS the 1920s. “I consider myself immensely fortunate be- His roots as a baseball fan dated back to his Chris eventually went to school, married a cause of the women who did have the courage to childhood, while growing up an Oakland A’s fan woman, and always maintained his passion for come out [before me,]” Kahrl said. “They made who lived near Sacramento. Chris Kahrl listened baseball. life so much easier for people such as me who tJuly 7, 2010 to baseball on the radio back then, often while And it’s still there today, in Chicago, where transitioned [after them.] Sure, the challenges nightspots Raise doing his daily chores. Chris is now Christina Kahrl, the transgender are still there, but there is so much more knowl- the Roof Gays love a parade! pages 16-17 In the mornings, it always was a race—against Rogers Park resident who turned that childhood edge. his younger brother, Ben—to see who would passion for baseball into her profession. “The trans community is so much more part of wake up first to get the daily newspaper, so they Kahrl is one of the co-founders of Baseball the public dialogue today than it was years ago. could read the box scores in the sports section Prospectus and, starting with the 2009 base- It is so much easier to come out today in the pick it up about the previous night’s games. ball season, a member of the Baseball Writers transgender community than it was in the ‘60s, “Being a fan of baseball as a kid was, well, Association of America (BWAA). So, she is now ‘70s and ‘80s. I can only imagine what they had take it home Pride Fest is best! Showing page 28 ChicagoPride just part of growing up as an American kid,” said eligible to vote on Major League Baseball post- to go through. for 8 years. page 14 Kahrl, an admitted history buff who fell in love season awards and (eventually, after 10 years’ “My baseball work now … I’m just going there with, among other things, the historical aspect membership) nominees for the National Baseball Turn to page 19 of baseball. After all, a great-grandfather long Hall of Fame. Brought to you by the combined efforts of page 20 Lite_10-25x13-5_SeeYouOUT.pdf 1 6/17/10 2:50 PM 2 July 14, 2010 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K July 14, 2010 3 index NEWS White House unveils AIDS plan 4 “A GENEROUS, NEARLY Judge: Part of DOMA illegal 4 Gov. vetoes civil-unions bill 5 NOTE-PERFECT PORTRAIT OF A Controversial DADT surveys 6 MODERN FAMILY. Presbyterians’ split decision 6 Exquisitely played by Annette Bening and Julianne Moore.” ADAP troubles; Gender JUST 7 MANOHLA DARGIS TPAN CEO leaves; CJR drama 8 Chicago Hellfire Club profile 8 Passages: Gaskin, Ligmal 8 Local items; dot429 brunch 9 Quotelines 9 “HILARIOUS AND HEARTFELT. Views by Solis, Wolfe; letter 10 IRRESISTIBLE. ENTERTAINMENT/ ‘The Kids Are All Right’ makes its own special magic. EVENTS Queer rocker Kristen Ford (above) talked The actors are to die for. Annette Bening and Julianne Moore Dancin’ Feats 11 with WCT’s Kristin Kowalski. Read the very nail every nuance. Mark Ruffalo is dynamite.” PETER TRAVERS Theater reviews 12 intriguing interview on page 15. Pop Making Sense 14 Kristen Ford PR photo Kate Nash interview 14 Kristen Ford; Keane 15 Inception, Apprentice; Emmys 16 “INVIGORATING AND FRESH. Candid Candis Cayne 17 Billy Masters 21 UPROARIOUSLY FUNNY. Annette Bening and Julianne Moore are real treats. OUTLINES Director Lisa Cholodenko shows a warm, funny side and Real estate; classifieds 18 crafts some brilliant chemistry between her two leads. Calendar Q 20 A seductive turn by Mark Ruffalo.” BILGE EBIRI & LOGAN HILL Sports: Force in Sweden 19 Gay hockey fundraiser 19 Christina Kahrl 19 Ride for AIDS 21 CRU competes in Sprints 21 Local social-justice organization Gender JUST took action in Detroit, Mich. Read “FUNNY, SMART AND SEXY. more on page 7. This pitch-perfect movie charms audiences into Photos on cover: Image of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis from organization’s a state of enlightenment.” Photo courtesy of Sam Finkelstein website; Kate Nash PR photo; photo from Ride for AIDS by LISA SCHWARZBAUM Ross Forman ANNETTE BENING JULIANNE MOORE MARK RUFFALO Al[^\1GXikf];FD8 `jleZfejk`klk`feXc;FNECF8;K?@J ;8;KJlim\pj IX`j`e^ >fkfnnn%N`e[p:`kpD\[`X>iflg%Zfdkf[fnecfX[Zfdgc\k\`jjl\jf] C`c`k_=X`iËj BXk\EXj_ :Xpe\ \jkfYcXq\kiX`cj :_i`jk`eXBX_icZfek`el N`e[p:`kpK`d\jXe[E`^_kjgfkj% I`[\ ]fi8@;J K_\eZc`ZbfeXepX[Xe[Y\kXb\e[`i\Zkcpkfk_\X[m\ik`j\iËjN\Yj`k\ www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com nightspots tJuly 7, 2010 n nightspots ONLINE INDEX Raise the Roof Gays love a parade! pages 16-17 A PIECE OF CAKE MIA WASIKOWSKA JOSH HUTCHERSON THE POST- Amuse Bouche profiles PRIDE ISSUE! Nic and Jules had the perfect family, a cousin’s pound cake until they met the man who made it all possible. (right) while Sugar & Space looks at the eatery Pride Fest is best! Showing page 28 ChicagoPride for 8 years. page 14 known as The Boiler Room. Photo from Ames Hawkins EMMy TIME! FAIR GAMES SHOW KidsAreAllRightMovie.com #374 With the Cologne Gay Games beginning in less than three weeks, WCT profiles entrants Santina Croniser and Andy Burke (left). www.WindyCityQueercast.com Photo by Ross Forman GETTING A taste TVN QueerTVNetwork.com Take a look at Trey Songz (right), Gavin Rossdale, Teairra Mari and other Check OUT OUR musicians who performed video CHANNEL for at the Taste of Chicago. new videos WEEKLy www.QueerTV Photo by Vern Hester EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENTS NOW PLAYING Network.com MOBILE USERS: For Showtimes – Text KIDS with your ZIP CODE to 43KIX (43549) RIVENDELL MEDIA Chicago Windy City Times Trim: 5" x 13.5" Issue Date: Wednesday, July 14th Color Newspaper 4 July 14, 2010 White House DOMA from cover sex and those with spouses of the opposite sex is to create a distinction without meaning. And announces nat’l opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.” Nei- where, as here, ‘there is no reason to believe HIV/AIDS strategy ther lawsuit challenged the section of DOMA that the disadvantaged class is different, in rel- To combat the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic, that enable any state to ignore valid marriage evant respects’ from a similarly situated class, the White House released the National HIV/AIDS licenses issued to a same-sex couple in other this court may conclude that it is only irrational Strategy (NHAS) and the accompanying NHAS states. prejudice that motivates the challenged clas- Federal Implementation Plan July 13, according In ruling Section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional sification. As irrational prejudice plainly never to a press release. in Gill, Tauro stated that he could not find “any constitutes a legitimate government interest, In the United States, approximately 56,000 identifiable legitimate purpose or discrete ob- this court must hold that Section 3 of DOMA as people become infected with HIV each year and jective” for DOMA to treat same-sex couples dif- applied to Plaintiffs violates the equal protec- more than 1.1 million Americans are living with ferently. DOMA, he said, “is a status-based en- tion principles embodied in the Fifth Amend- HIV. Secretary Kathleen Sebelius also announced actment divorced from any factual context from ment to the United States Constitution.” that $30 million of the Affordable Care Act’s which [this court] could discern a relationship ©2010 by Keen News Service.
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