Seventy-Six Boys Awarded Diplomas
r- VOLUME LXXXI HIGHTStOWN GAZETTE, HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW IF.KSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 N U lil^ R I EDWIN B. THORBURN, SR. PEDDIE GRADUATES FALLS RETAINS On Thursday last. May 30th, Edwin The class of 1929 of the Peddie B. Thorburn, Sr., formerly a resident Seventy-Six Boys Schqol was comiiosed of the following: FROM TRACK of Hightstown, passed away at his Gilbert Abbe, Washington, D, C.; home in Berlin, N. J. after a brief ill Edward L. Arnold, Jr., East Orange, N. TITLE ness. ROOF Mr. Thorburn was born in Morrisan- J.; Clyde W. .Austin, Coudcrs])ort, Pa.; Mri. Nora Sclieidler Topples Off Porch State Intericholaatic Track and Field ia, now a part of New Yofk City, Janu Awarded Diplomas Leon A. .Avazian, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Wil ary 28thj 1854. In 1876 he started busi liam .\1. Bailey, Jr., Rochester, N. Y.; Sustaining Fractured Skull. Died Be* Meet For Prep School Diviiion fore Medical Attention Could Be —Peddle Wins With Total of 43 ness for himself in New York engrav Roger Paul Beirne, Fairfield, Conn.; ing titles for music and was looked Rendered._______ _____ ____ ^— Points. Nelson J. Bell, ,Day ton, Ohio,; C. upon not only as an expert in his Iutct;rSixty-Third Annual Commencement Ex Peddie successtully defemfed its but an authority upon many branches Houghton Birdsal, Jr., Westfield, N. While attemtiting to retrieve a win track title on the Annenburg Field, of art. While photography was still in George Blackburne, Newark; Henry C, dow screen, which had fallen from a Saturday in the state interscholastic the experimental stage, Mr, Thorburn ercises of The Peddie School Held Borger, Westwood, N.
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