Farthest-North Collegian, Vol. 21, No. 08 (May 1943)

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Publisher The University of

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tUME XXI. •COLLEGE, ALASKA, MAY 1. 1943 w . , , . 'Pres. Bunnell Bramhalls lumni Notes Speaks To “Travels In Mineral Dr. J, C. Ryan To Deliver recently in Fairbanks, Alas* Student Body Transferred Afghanistan” Report To j Sergeant and Mis. David Tew- Address n, their first child. Ser- Wash., D.C. Described Be Published Tewkesbury is a member of .of 1937 and at present is ted Students on April 28, Presl- Dr. James C. 1 After 8 and 10 years residence in ■ A second report on strategic min­ i Mr. and Mis. John B. Bunnell delivered an inspiring tie Interior respectively, Dr. and eral occurrences in-Interior Alaskc daughter, their first child ess to students, faculty, and ad-1 tion of the MacMillan Company will soon be published by fixe Ter­ Mrs. Ervin H. Bramhall are leaving catalog of, pew spring, books, appears psmed Chloe Ann. The Dorshes ministration members. ritorial Department of Mines, ac­ Drl Bunnell, introduced by Don for Washington, D. C. soon. Dr. a page description of “Travels Bramhall is to assume his new du­ Afghanistan” by Ernest P. ;Fox. 1 cording to Henry R. Joesting, in Wilcox, gave his interpretation of charge of the College office of that ties with the Carnegie Institute’s pus residents; He was Professoi Freedoms.” “Freedom of organization. This report will sup­ Ionospheric research work as soon Educations and head- of 'the Speech” and “Freedom of Rellgioh” plement a similar one published in earned freedoms; earned by the as transportation can be arranged. 1942. partment of Education Until J Mrs. Bramhall, then Mary Jo nary, 1941, when he resigned to 1 .'idual himself and by those who In addition to describing a m ieph T. Flakne, ’34, now acting s before Kim. Right to Walker, came , to the University in the fall of 1933 as instructor In His- ber of mineral deposits that v director- for the territory, Speech belongs to all who consider , lither prospecting, the well before speaking; right thinking ind English. She also was host- the Sir Is’ dormitory, liter port contains up to date informa neans right doing. — — nner in which various “Freedom from Fear” should read Dean of Women. She had degrees i Loftus, ’28, government agencies are aiding in ‘Freedom For Courage,” as the for- Whitman College; and Wash­ the managei the development of, the strategic ner carries a certain negative im­ ington State College. Placers, Inc., , succeeding mineral resources of Alaska. An- plication; ‘ “Freedom From Want’’ Bramhall was appointed Pro- I G. Levis. For the past 8 should read “Freedom to Prosper." Mr. Loftus has been superta- of the report are received for Dr. Bunnell, a resident of Alaska mt of U. S. Mining and Smelt- distribution. since 1900, outlined the development ., operating, on Cleary Creek. During the coming -field Season the Territory, from the early Rus­ the college office of the Department ibert Mize, ’31, assayer and clerk sian explorers; through the hectic, Khyber F Sf, Mines will continue the detailed fe Pirst National Bank days, until today. He survey of tungsten deposits in the gi&duate of Northwester] B since 1936, recently resigned stressed the important strategic lo-l Fairbanks district, which was start- shers College

Denali Subscribers Please Note jmpetlng his technical. training More About Raivo course, the last part of which »elieve it oe not— ro Raivo, who left college at at Yale university, earl: Rljhe 1943 DENAU copy has been received by the J; A- Alles the end of the first semester to be- Lt. Q’Neill has been assigned b Coast Guard vessels, operate Publishing Company of Los Angeles, California and production of ’ a flying cadet, writes to the Ion the Bearing Sea in peace be Yearbook has begun, according, to word received recently by Dormitory Association that he one frequently noticed an Hn Wilcox, editor. Mrs. Druska Carr, registrar, has kindly con- tdy to leave California for to distribute the Denali by mail. Complete responsibility Wichita Falls, , where he will Joseph jtfonagle,- former student, iak in addition to the regular life boats. The pliable skin cover ,ke. prS’-aviatioii basic training .lor from Fairbanks, : om Juneau, is with the Army, sta- (the D tall is to period of about two months. ■ oned at Ladd Field. (Continued on Page 2) ' PAGE TWO, ftiE FARTHEST-NORTH COLLfeGfAtf m a y a: la, THE FARTHEST-NORTH COLLE&MM Atiiniiti Notes Bunnell Visits J46r«* Aboat Newspaper • Published Monthly by Ketchikan And ^toaents Named The (Continued frorii rage 1) THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA to a Naval Ammunition Gons^tuc Petersburg “Oomiafc” At GoHege, Alaska tlon project i | i k ficer In chdrSe o!f ^sign*. && iik titU ly returned I Fairbanks after a rAatnea |}^Dawn St^cKlana. J’otfo^s Le'l^atfitt M B e vtmetffin t Insulating Board • Rock Wool . -While the £tsi feoast is ic>pi3ft£' fo Europe, ttBs Section tit f acfelers Hosts To » Asphalt Felts & paper « Asbesfos Sic ■ the country is regfiifcfirig te# Pacific theater as ftl tit Expert Watch action and tire teeming millions? 6i Gt&rt& arrd iritfra as JtSf Faculty Kesidefits rtfa^et. ilfSslfeS fitaylSe StHf fncicf£ff£ia!i fir tffe vast pfej*o#ania, Engraving MciflefrfiSI ft fftevrtabiy Is, aiffi ft# bo&t 6f bStog itie Profes^r. and Mrs. Facbler were STORM SEAL & Corrugated cfeitttf at ttMMfffa; fe, i¥& fotig, S&rtsiiti it>! Be' & demofBlfralSfc hdlits (fl'ifaenlty residents oft tfte f&it. ortOptw to April 17 at theft holhe Galvanized Roofing rfitt Village SlStftWh. Nails/ Flywood, Plasterboard, We would not maTse bold tg, Venture a projSftecy as to whast fmSSM Sf flW v&itf, dMAi;, a« this means to ^ development of Alaska, Northern British fas^,iicH #a‘s reifu'fre'tf to'ri$ £ Sdsff, HSIddri, fr Millwork Of Selombia and the Yukon, for the far-reaching effects Mmseff aA Waiter fioniiei. froffi a teto pf tulfillmeht aafe to^.iet|able and imftfeiicMbfe: ii latge araortment of iiHerfaiis. all kinds. the halfway bouse between me worth’s greajf^t protfftdtfelh idally clever was the ''photo­ Eskimo eeftters amd the world’s greatest marKe^ ftotts.pfeienftaMe^ graph^./'’ £a6£ guest lidd fus picture 0LT M FI# Ptirttand Cement 'WWh somewhat stagger the Aiost virile imagination. taker), rfeveioped, and'printed to a HANDICRAFT t!on erf tomorrow dees not mean the flyirig of passengers CafVed fVory Curios, Representative Federal Housing Adininfsfration £fcife.- few seconds by Prof. Fackler. Re­ sults were hilarious— §»£- Models/ Moccasins/ it &8&S ftif art (Weffligfhfr transition' betw^rf tee d£f§ 8t Mittens, Mukluks, tnd Singig tRdtof, tfflea bti^pih plane whieB could cStiffy 6 I characteristic of each guest. Warehouses Cr Offj^; Steese Highway $&S8Agef isksidi^ tiig fiitet M& s few pouwas of Baiggage' P^^tpetltive games, directed bjl For Jackets and Me tfkite-tt&tti eflpper shij). a sfim flmfg ag« ft Mrs. Fackler, proved' good fun foil Parkas. $&£ iidfit p f i e V S frfififi k picce of heavy equipment was HpBpants, more ; so. for the We deaf c/irect wrtfe ffit Es- aptfli, fflBS® itttts ith fSSfated spot/ and teeM feassemfr-- spectators. Kimos.,6f King, DipfKe'dp, rerf. now M M ifirisikttthig tanks art'd afftiti?i6ft{ By Re^resHnferi^ 6f saniSwlcii'e's, coofi'J ana St. LPwrfencff IsldncK, Wal^S, SirfShWareff, aria f t Jtiflii Uttd might MfisftSrt tftelMs &i€ 111 and! punfifi io^p'ed yr a SeUght- Benfg io'tistidiitm w ic h frfaM those of today appear as pyg- |fui lvenffi|. f l K SEND FOR BERNli CARR 6 U R CATALOG 0 f *rte thin® we' autj be very ferfain. fe e cfay §t ifie coifi- Larsen Now I Dealers Rlease write for paf settve isolatton of Alasta js a dw of Ine S s f • • • gone'^itli At Long Island . Term’s. Men^s doihing afitf Fttfittishiri^s the dog team aftd the two-bit package of glim . . •• a| extinct as the trajpper’s btew of prune Juice Iridf tne curse of Mii'rvy. Dr. Helge lah^&r,' Alri. ittfsOi Tfte ftrgosies of the Sir will deliver the wares of the worM fo nd son, Ole, iOttm residents A. Fofet Wfiet6 Quality Tells tfte aotfrsftep ot Alaska/ KigW^afs, sft^iln'f line's fefls Fairbanks, are n6w.5vta^‘ cm Long NOME, ALASKA wtfl add their' bit and, as 'the ftoUfttr? 6‘6ftn6is t# ff ctes^ t6‘th& Ybr^. jpr, Larsen ^par- Established 1900 m V r te e Sells. wrsfrM 61 the ifrorld, systems tfrteidffltiMMMdh &M ficipated in the i8SS-*t excavations transportation win foFFow #fth ^fe/4tf6'e^tfSg' sMed, re­ the interests of the sources will be developed, and the* iSrfiibf^ wffi fifeA(ikg 4 tsiiiisfi National Museum, Speeding eoAstantly more livable and MMihg for aft tffiff ' itf thg seek opportunity.- H P I ------— Aik wo?iii| l » • irftrt ttls dtbHfl/ike! fklf fifeture there has already been i Iki jectetf the' cu&e 6f Mteynaifonal jealousy ShS the jSc!ieyiA§ Th'e H&tMi archaeologist "Quality" ptfflg "Service" for advantage. Th6rl should bA no M6& 61 trffs at£f£ff3e' as s®« cofrtinWtt^ Ms ijj'ott oS ifie between Canada and the united Stat^y rto1 rWfh tof it- it&ulbk fefeort a< fee Am'ftM' Thete Will be business’ m ail—more of it tham thg faeiliti^s ^ftfsettm 6t Natural Hisftfry. dV. tti& Hne§ 6alfi fiSiidW fSt many years, to 6o&e*. $fe havS i&f&bk #ifl s6loli taie* o%r fife p6if- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN gTOW tfariadi ffig jufHi fftrftugh building a mstnry-million 4c<(fig: ittf&tMt Si firefiisliorfc hf^«va!^ fdf^W iftn^ her northern airfields. We A'fch’feolo^' st H® AmeffcSn' tiiu- Stople and Fancy GroierfeS, rfdy,- Grtfrh tftid Fe«d/General Hardware, Paints, of Natur^f Histoify, fifioff ffi? a11^ y $ SHE Canadian territory, Canada Oils And Glass, BdtiH and Sfcoes, Crockery ancT Glassware, Purnifure, Carpets, sovereignty of either need be to- m^nt 6? present curator, Dr. ■Nelson. ■ Rugs and Linoleum, (bry GoodS> BbHdihcT kUteHal,- (Citifreii tttih tik, " t « f z 6f ties that bind Canada and the tnntea State's m s &h fm^fegnable North American eombi- & T&etft ieitet, iff . anrf Mrs. ffoAd' «ufeer Goods Star Brand Shoes, Woofriel., Pendfeton and Black Bear nation. Lafifen expross their great longnig (o' fflM f fc seffij #alfban4s, Clothing. fete we believe te be also eventually inevita’frfe A rff^'tinf !ome‘ W&soA' tftey flo •A minds to amity and fair spirit pn the subject of avi'atien Drainark, they will • • • 9 to the NdttMaaef tfotaM #tiararttee- to both nations a rightful Sfi&ie i& tM SiiMrys d&fflftattm 88& HuSBm tiM in thi' cfOtlh that W ds is tpgfether in mnt&f At^iffle'SS. Northern Commercial Go. —The Alaska Weekijr—April 2, 1943. MAY 1, 1943 THE FARTHEST-NORTH COLLEGIAN PAGE THREE. Incidents Worth Leo Satz Eagles Of pig and waited ten dayis tor a storm Mining 10 Years Ago Your Chuckles to blow over, bht the pig ate and Presents gained a pound a day while It wait­ From Collegian It Happened This Way The Arctic Society ed, and the man in Flat couldn’t TJie farthest^ North Collegia^, understand why he should pay the ; Last fall occurred a series at In­ Review Banquet legian, May 1, 1933, had a write-Op 1 cidents involving three faculty mem­ ten pounds excess baggage. on the nine students, one girl and bers which for a time caused no end Talks To Relations Club There was no argument over the eight boys, to. receive degrees on- 'j |of bewilderment. molar tooth, however. It was flown May IS, 1933. ' Notwithstanding the loss to. In] from Ophlr Creek to Fairbanks, IJhey were: Tom Ek, Sidney Hen- ■ It all started when Prof. Swift, armed forces of “skipper” Finn Bai­ about 300 miles, and the freight rickson, Perry Landis, Jphn Meggit, . ■new metallurgy professor, meeting a It was Joe who found and brought ley, the International Relations Club cost was $3.41. The molar tool Frank Redmond, George Rayburn, s large group of faculty members, back' the body of Ben Eielson, Sam Moyer, Inge ‘ Dorothy \ schooner plowed ahead in Its policy been extracted from some J day. April 16. Since bt pomehow got the two civil engineer­ L i sponsoring social Science talks another sad mission later was bring­ Young (now Mrs. Pattinson). , * , ing professors, Johansen, and Cash-' ing In the bodies'of Will Rogers ground, weighed twelve pouh<^^| ■vice w )t available that evening, the student body this month. On had once belonged to a prehistoric en, mixed up. This Is understandable Aptil 7 and 14, Leo Satz presented Wiley Post. Joe, one of the ablest ie B,A. It is also lr j&qumOT everyone was ids both are old grads, both dvB en- a review of Henry George's classic tfnd safest pilots I there ’ was onj/-1 Fairbanks To Seattle, doing the dinner justice. ope girl ai I graduates: aiii- j? work, “Progress and Poverty.” carrying passenger, flew In. terrific Alaska's airplanes are busy all the otne^memBe^o^ the. graduating* 5 both tall, dark, Lack of space prevents us weather to Point Thirty-five were prcse toxin In a diphtheria crisis. When year around. A letter can fly from ing' guests, faculty, alumni, and blass, Marioji Boswell, passed away, | Johansen Married reproducing the excellent review In at her home in Oregon a few weeks they ride with death, they ride Fairbanks to Seattle to 18 hours. present members. Toastmaster John : In October Johansen married. The full. Mr. Spate stated the purpose of Since June, 1940, regular mail planes j before commencement, one semester ] following week Swift encountered the book; to attempt to explain tH alone. Joe was the lad who flew McAllen, with his unfailing hum short of graduation.. s with Sir Hubert Wilkins In the and passenger service fly twi and vast supply of jpkes, assur fJashen and believinghlmtobe the presence of poverty in spite of l| week from Juneau to Seattle. Bishop Jno. Boyd Bentley, Sufrn- a faewly-mairied man rushed up and creased ■productive power and gei the success of the introductions. gen Bishop of Alaska and head of A Trappers have standing orders Shook his hand. era! technological ■ progress. . It was Joe Crosson' and Jerry .Dean Wilcox asked all inembers to the Episcopal Mission at Nenana, | for groceries and arrangements for S ■Swift: “Well, well, congratula­ Mr. Sate dwelt shortly upon tl Jones who faced the problem of was announced as 1933 speaker it j flights back to the towns after the society might not be able to tions. I just heard the good news I” "Wages Fund” theoiy and the Ma rescuing a man and bringing out in body for some time. _Ja public reception in Cashen, somewhat perplexed aft this thuslan theory, Indicating hJ two bodies from: the far, reaches Mount McKinley In summer wht mote parts of Alaska, people The Mining Society wishes to graduating seniors at:th •enthusiasm for his merely being ap- George disproved1 of these two iqB much more about airplanes of President | Bunnell o: jkoin^ed. the Student Affairs' Com­ portant doctrines Which were wide­ they had to take off on wheels a: thank George Dahl, Lorn Andcr-| mittee, thanked him kindly and ly used to explain the persistence of son, and John Bagoy for their ser-J I The Donoval Affair, a mystery a vices performed at the banquet. - I poverty. miles to his credit was greatly To George the problem of poverty fields and treacherous glaciers The banquet closed with thd !cL*efore the tv ered by the automobile traffic i pe Empress Theater on April ijTi' | is essentially one of distribution, Mt. McKinley. They’d have to ts “Miner's Song”. streets. and hC tried to discover the existing off on skis. But how? That waj I Professor Bastress was elected )o • relationships between the faotors ■ tough one, though a problem they wish the consamed things ■ ' TTale Chapter pf Sigma Xi, Na- | production and the portions had to "face. Then they got’ 1 would stay up in the air where they James Kennett tional Honorary Science Society. V'sj Wealth which they receive. He baa- brilliant idea of soaking a field dering what this Joeing business was —ELLA WILSON HILL. James Kennett, freshman s •all about. . his “single tax” upon tfye relation! grass until the skis would slip- I worked. They glided off, landed H Swift: "How is your wife?” ship established upon his laws ol underwent a major operation at St a glacier, and brought back their ; Cashen: ‘1 have to wife.” distribution. Harry Cheek ■Jseph’ hospital last month, is nod burdens. . fcswift: "Oh—I thought I heard, After a short analysis of various bck at his studies. A rthur S. Brown you were married last^ month.” . forms. George comes to the^Hfl Freighting Is Common Accepts Position uslon that the solution lies i Graduate Optometrist jpDsshen (thinking Swift is kidding These are just a few of Alaska’ Harry Cheek, former manager pi I ANCHORAGE.—An increase' oi ^^HlleCtlon Of the economic eagles who make mercy flights as i >; “Oh, ie Matanuska Valley Cooperative [three thousands ■ dollars in the Watch Repairing ie ftehwheel.” land ^This would, ■ ■ matter of course. In a mining counl cording to < George, do away i Association, has taken, a position pi budget for this year was pre­ •Swift: ‘ try much of their freight, naturally! the agriculaural, experiment Jewelry’Ma'nufacfUFing: ? find so sc speculation and- eliminate jalmost dicted when, preliminary figures M f c ' 1 fbrms of taxation^ TM prsented the city council by Gifts, and CurioS’ ... " Days pa d and Swift encoi remote parts fehere there are partment at the University of Alas Single Tax” arose out of this.| roads: Places, perhaps, where g. board. The preliminary Single tax reform would ka, Lorin T. Oldroyd, director o figures showed a budget of $107,000 Telephone East 175 eminent geologists have repor^l the department announced. practically abolish the private | $104,00( 2nd and Cushman Streets favorably on the ground. Machinery Mr. Cheek has been very activi ^rship of land... ka Weekly. en, it’s carried In and raw in Washington State grange work and Poverty” from L'Swift: «‘Yw we Joe Hansen, .!, brought out on the return trip. But served with various coopera thought. you • were Woody Cashen.” airmen also carry strange cargo: He has engaged in dairying F IN E S T LAR G E ST said about I S iJohansen: “ You have me and Live reindeer, a' live pig, and beef production, potato and cab­ ^H.STEAMERS FLEET M * •peorge’s writings: ,*£»Ho aid Bill mixed up. I am not Cash, my a ride. bage production. He will havi graduate of< a higher educatibni charge of reports and bulletins ana ! Swift: “Your ijame Is Woody Joe stitutSujn, has a right to regard keeping of records of livestock] Hansen. Well, well, well, M i l educated man iai J fcetjfrell, I arij 'gls& tafS sfraighten- ^oug&fe^fi^es^lie^ rhas.. some | fed out. Goodby^g, Ban&a." ? And so, although! Swift has been pretty well straightened out as to hundred miles of road. Yol the identity of Bill, Joe, Woody, i little figuring on that fed Cash, Johansen, aid Cashen, the ■ou wouldn't get your mid phantom JOE HANSEN still haunts National Park airplanes, too.-. Mr.' W. E. Dunkle Brown tr Hawkins Corp. commutes;; back and forth ESH| I'According ’to the White Star a SEWARD, ALASKA letter from Captain George Black, planes from 'his home t i _ _ A Living Tribute lember of Parliament for the Yu- chorage to his, mine. Anchorage has Wholesale and Retailers •INFORMATION ON SAILINGS < pri, states that the Canadian gov- M airplane to every 55 people. !’«■ Clothing - Groceries - Hardware ft standing iri:a,rose-wall- nnent has reserved an area of over I world statistics on hand, but I ^ AND ARRIVALS FURNISHED 10,000 square.miles in the south- tern part of . Yukon .Territory as v ONLY ON REQUEST WHEN AS lational park: Within this area is We Can loftiest peak in all Canada and But to get back to live freight, it L.AND IF AVAILABLE. second to Mt. McKinley oB ’the is an Anchorage pilot who brought *Today, I’m laughing with friends I om Bristol 'Bay to Anchorage 121 Supply ’e reindeer. Thp reindeer were foil And paging .through 'bpq^s.profound, I moving picture company, and Your Matching wits with an athlete fa|r; »rt of the bargain was that every |>rn must be in perfect condition. Drug Store ime areas of the world. The reindeer Were tied and bound, Today, I’m standing in a whitewail- very tine'of their antiers came Needs Robert G. Wedemeler, ’41, fe no And sitting on a grey-draped lounge, with the United States Smeltir argument lasting into weeks Watching the city smoke stretch Refining and Mining Company t place oyer "a ten pound live pig ^ ; ;,high,_ Silver City, , where tl . man in Flat; Alaska, had or-4 Remembering all of you . v •' company is interested in lead-zii y • i' \ —Maxine Bede. ’■ properties. ; so the pilot used a good For

PIONEERS IN CAREFUL SELECTION Building Supplies LABORATORY APPARATUS AMD SUPPLIES . . .^COMPLETE ASSAYER'S OUTFITS . . . CRUCIBLES . .. CUPELS . . . CRUSHERS . . . PULVERIZERS t CELOTEX . . , PROCESS AND FLOTATION CHEMICALS Borax (glass, powder, granular, crystals), Copper Sulphate, Cresylic Add, Cyanide, Lead » ART PLY Acetate, Litharge, Mercury, Pine OJ1, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Sulphide, Zinc (dust, Cooperative • TYLE-LYKE GAL­ t VENEERS shavings, sulphate), and all other Metallurgical Chemicals. V A N I Z E D IRON Drug Co. ROOFING BRAUN-KNECHT-HEIMANN-CO. 1400 16th Street, Son Francisco, California Braun Corporation Scientific Supplies Co. » COMBINATION Los Angeles California: Seattle, Washington: STORM AND SCREEN DOORS see Nordale Hotel Telephone East 351 INDEPENDENT The Fastest and Most Comfortable Route to Seattle 511 Second Lumber Company via Fairbanks, Alaska — Established 1906— Pan American Airways, Inc. PAGE FOUR. THE FARTHEST-NORTH COLLEGIAN MAY 1, 1943 fi I I 1 I I R I I I E i B i I 1 1

K 1 - 4*. J This man was taught n o tfp drink watei^

ATER _sTiT« just plain drinking ade! But' how were our boys t they’re so well cared for! We’ll all"agree W water : s s is a mighty scarce itetn lemonade around with them?1 that the best of everything is none too good! to American soldiers now m the -North | .The' Desert Warfare Board found the African deserts; ■ And what little' water answer to that one : i : in- what they call ! The things our fighting men'needTand j they can find, often isn’t fit to drink.. Field Ration K. This provides three So before our soldiers were landed1 in deserve* cost money. They cost semuchj meals for one min, each in a separate beat,, ■ money that if we are to provide them,fit1 Africa, they were put through a stiff course with a total weight of 33 ounces, and a will mean that each of us will have1 to: . of training to wean them away from drink­ total value of 3700 calories;; ing water! They were taught to dip water invest at least to % of his or her income] i1 Field Ration K provided meat three times in War Bonds and Stamps.- from streams in cups, and add a dash, of a day ; :■: veal luncheon rceat for break­ iodine before drinking; This served the fast, pork luncheon meat for dinner at I Perhaps you are already putting 10% of; your pay, in War Bopds every paydSayj' double purpose of disinfecting the water, noon, and cervelat sausage at supper time; But can’t you boost that 10% f; ;J: Just as and of making it taste pretty terrible.-! It provides coffee for breakfast, bouillon # Each time, a heavier dash of iodine was for dinner, and a package of-lemon juice little? You can if you’ll try%*s'» andf added (but never enough to be dangerous), powder to make lemonade for supper"; you’ll try all right, if you’ll just stop and] until finally die soldiers lost all desire foi Ration K also includes [ malted mitlr tab- >• think how badly that money is needed!,1 drinking wat«r except in prepared drinks. lets, biscuits, a bar of chocolate, and three ji Think, too, about what a swell investment; sticks of chewing gum;- • | An American soldier’s favorite drink i ! War Bonds are.- Safest investment in the! 1 ’ Sounds like “gobd teadaV»-fw^those . world s i : and, for every $3 you invest in] The favorite prepared drink of the Amer> American boys in Africa, ‘’ doesn’t it? i War Bonds today, jou get back $4 terjJ , icari soldier is goody old-fashionedjemon*' *V M^e^you_feel^nughty^good^toTknow ( fears from now! •


This Message Is PtibfisRfed by us - in the Irifeiresf of Victory Pacific American Fisheries, Inc. Bellingham,- Washington THE FARTHEST-NORTH COLLEGIAN STUDENT SECTION.-. Mating I SpeeM Of 19431 Meeting Of A.S.U.A<

Bag class of 19*3 i f l gnany years, having normally the ■ ■ , A special meeting tji ttik A&.U.A. Was called Wedr^sday, Aprjl 21, by [iresiaeni ^ojs ^flpo!s, fi&j Bijsiness toon, as elsewhere, a included discussion’ on 61ed£ldri of jrstudents joine; | ,Stn|enf Jody'oilfifiers, plahs' id Fjjjy Bely after Pearl Har- 4 ptoque' oh wfefeH wffifd jfe tfi- , r a jcrlbed ffie palnes qf stJldenij of t o 8 PI tffflversfty wfeo fiave $0' tir ihst • Iheir; llyee ta seryiei', pigtis tp fjBOf .M M

movies pn Farni, Uf^ illustrat

Exchanges 6pefRe$rd In a book fftgMi tlife itiiiSt&s of is

. The teacher Was testing tl knowledge of the ldndergirten etas placing a half, foliar on the des sh)e sg,id ohppply, is. p?” bKcT:, ^ 0 ’ * Overheard at S^n^aft:

the^ I i|on’t ki but Ladd Fffeffl Surt carriec article last month aboi^t two < ttiftiripiL rFt$y frizzled. I

■Ibther said. And that Wofked f: £or a while, ^ut eyftfitihtfe’ tlfe ms ^rew long as it was before. The Bfs£ screwball jbhen chopi #>ff his mount’s tail, but it, ;tpo, Sc

inability to ‘ ■M ay 17th—Commencement. Ma$ Vt—fciafi ip cap tthd road, itdw— ,sifey ©f MipJairgatf, ©sfrjtffli' Robijison gowns, a sefti&r class will mai&Ai lt^r^cesSion. /Pherfe wijlxfep they always ^Pifough. ■ be granted the addresses and awards—they will be} hfeard. But Iri the excite- MoM# evenin#£o \- a “reaf Italian b ifi Ss iie figs tfe$£ ■terrt &nd tfiffli of th'6 occasion, tsMjj^seflior class will remem- spaghetti” dinned frettt Oh£-tialf ^oz- called 'Into active service; as flying ler little of thgrti. Their thoti^ht^ will be^ccupi?d with— dinner, Formef Students particularly a cadet, “Robbie” wpflred fethte Cpi- fwhat is next—what do I do iow?” No mace b«*S. No more ^‘"phpffed” py poro$hy lyp^oji was 3- is one o| staff and tfe -I^nall staff. I classes. They are on their own. Whether ijj the servicc of the tj|||g I ttL fta interior and derits from to period 1934-1S3S liowecf pafEiculaf abifity' as iiaMon ffi a time of war^ or a tfviii^ ifi Uttejtf peacp—they -eiriemfier John it- Bastie, a I the University on •e on their owa. . . \ . ■■. PVench m | ng nice! Eve!ryah&^toip!p6d off the piiniii# *u«eWt wh®' fiftlS# frete geattle. 'l-r-oi'm.;' fr rfesien’s doUege gradates hearly always; ask—:if they do not ask in$i# &y gbing to the^^ff^s.'Mer- Weekly of April 23 he has recently PlJr graduation Seorge they SSotad^r—“how can I mEjffee my -life a success?" Ss if .pyone could answer that qufcsttah ftiflf as wrfl as the one ; —Bafb&,r^ Barrack. eeri awarded the Ah MiWit tor lieutenant ta the A- G. leritorious achievement ih aerial X.eo Satz, a transfer from City who asks it. There is one tip, howwepr-'i you start a thing, rafl to go to Officers’* flight. He previilhi!!^ has the Dis- I kool. Cqljege, New yptk, will W ffqntfid j finish it! Jt spyncje .familiar, ^ piecp oi ojd-fashloped advice, his B.S. in Metalurgy. ijg has been at it is part 6f ah engineer's Sfesigri for iijjrttigf-^“fi# sh it!” Don Wilcox flnguished Flying Cross. John Oast- w s first lieutenant', was com- D»n Eagan at the Untvdrsttj' two' Jdars. A quiet. Reasons for quitting are ajhrays at hand. It nyiy fipt be Is In A Fix rned a year ago. He Is with to prought op ta Fair- hara-working student, he-fpung !jt-i worth finishing. Maybe it isn’f, but ip this particular t|me of Eighth Air Pofce iri Engi«Rff. :yoilf life, the real job isn’t \tfhat ypu are wording and Babe'. Uta ersft^ 6f 6’iii(6frtla. • the commencement. He stronger habit of quitting and a lower place to begin again. Antony had his Actium, Don ! Virginia Calkins, foffnef tTftW&r- BMderable experience ta He who holds on, even if h # fa ilp fh is objective, is led to Cleary Hill. ity co-ed from Nome, is now work- ||Mvil engineering ana another objectand still another. ig at Corisolidafed Aircraft iri La nat field after the war: Bay Smith will Be Awarded a B.& Senior class—you all have & post. No one will'hole! you to Woolford Jolla, California. "Gttoie” plans to Eaptain and will leave in Metalurgical E'flglneeWng. He has Bay Woolfora, who left college im to Alaska soon. Kraimng school after been very active ih the ittalng So­ that post but yourselves. Abaijdon it and you’abandon some­ thing in yourselves. | a Junto* a year agcr, fs how wild | 1 He played basketball, ciety and served as president during I agent with t o Alaska Game Cm in RioJlMona, California, with K of the Junior Glass,. his senior year. An E R C. student, The '.heater of this drama Js yourselves; the irtihc} may large a circumstance into a shackle, Or it rfiay lift you into parents. She was recently rtattr fet of the ClvH Engineer- iy James Walsh, graduate of t o june‘ i After, the w^f hfe expedis tb b sphere Where things are plastic. The power and cotirage rearrange, adjust, or change things completely is proved University vh? \ W gtatipnea at follow his choset| pttfcs«on, tnidtaj- p Bah* frothy Hildre daily as ohe of everyone's commonest experiences. In It#- low­ a Kelly and Frank Iric’k are lildre (Dorothy Vasano- liest form, this compulsion, this power, is StMify ttie a< air csrdets “pendfng”—fftationed Betty Thies Bt will get pbe hanging on, doggedly forcing oneself on for yet one day, one imp Hoon, Riverside, California- Business Aamihistm- Betty Thies will receive t o .B.Ed. hour, one minute. Persisted ill) against al) o44s and ail rea­ sons, the attitude Will lead through—it does lead through. Quitting make a dead end of any road—often Ju§t as it was ready to open. Transfer if yefli nuisf catcfi another wave- | Association, knd t :ngth; change your level to a highe? one, ftut don’t quit—it , always too sOoff t

Freight Train Service DIRECTORY Freight train carries coach for accommodation o* passengers, Fairbanks-Healy. Mining Machinery INSURANCE

Milling Machinery Dr.E.I.Baggen ALASKA Telephone East ,186 I NSURANCE Glenn Carrington BRANCH TRAIN SERVICE AGENCY & Co. NORTH POLE BLDG. General and Life Insurance North Turner St. Mixed train leaves Anchorage at 9:00 A. M., Monday, Wednesday, and Fr John Butrovich, Jr. -j Art Hayr day for Janesville. Returning, leave Sutton 2:00 P. M., arrives Anehorag Fairbanks, Alaska Plumbing 5 :00 P. M. Drs. Hall & Hughes INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Dr. Hall Dr. Hughes Except life A. L. WILBUR F A IR B A N K S & SO N v A G E N C Y CO, Inc. Sheet Metal, Heating, Reduced round trip tickets are on sale daily from all stations lin Empress Bldg. . Fairbanks v ! and Plumbing 535 THIRD • TEL. 154 ited to seven days in addition to date of sale at fare of i one of and one-third for round trip. LADIES DRESSES TAILORS For rates and information regarding passenger and freight • service inquire: RED-CROSS a, Alaska Railroad Passenger Depot — Telephone 79E DRUGSTORE GORDON'S Reliable Cleaners Alaska Railroad Freight Depot — Telephone 161E Since 1.905 & Tailors 4TH A N D CUSH MAN STS. Phone East 31 514 2nd. Ave

KUBON'S DRUG TAXIS COMPANY ; N. C. Company DURING SEASON OF NAVIGATION Everything for the Lady STEAMER SERVICE BETWEEN NENANA AND MARSHALL^ TELEPHONE HARVARD 1 GOLDEN HEART T A X I CO. WILL BE OPERATED ON TANANA AND YUKON f COOPERATIVE Nordale Hotel • Telephone 251-E RIVERS DRUG COMPANY MEAT MARKETS Telephone East 41 P IO N EER C A B CO, 529 SECOND AVE. 24-HOUR SERVICE Waechter Bros. Co. Anytime— Anywhere Telephone East 10 ( 715 1st Ave fresh and Smoked Meats HAULING Poultry and Fish Phone East 163 539 2nd Ave. Attorneys-at-Law THE ALASKA RAILROAD ANCHORAGE PIONEER EXPRESS PIGGLY WIGGLY J. G„ R IV ER S . All Kinds of Haulage ALASKA Telephone Harvard 42 Pnone Harvard 3 • 536 1st Ave. 203 CUSHMAN STREET THE FARTHEST-NORTH COLLEGIAN PAGE SEVEN. p g l n rfockey Ganie All M o o l Last Downhill jew, By A Beats The Picfftic Enjoyed Ski Race feward Glance Spring Deadline Tod y ggtintiki, t^ay t\ ® juni­ Hi£ Ski 6iu6 field lfi last do%A- Sunday, April 4, saw ihe fiocRey or Glass gave a pienje for the grad- h'ffl r4ce at Birth HJl- 6ti i?prll i. ame of ihe season—rit^raily. Si - uattog;. seniors en the Borden Field, . i- lisufally easy course was' Jcy and a me was played on the University near Balli^ne Lake. This arrangd- dangerous, and.1 bafe spots thieafc RSiSfirrfng tit ‘lite iii pffl Tdu nK and brought together the Ladd ejied in many places. I bHi i shaft try to lift the Held and College teams. Voung Kay Hub'er again proved Hpii—those eVeiitS‘, nCws- I The weather was ..right for hock- ft Of A. Coeds Ski Season Closes that he is the best downhill skier ip' Kuring the past nine rttatittis. fairly warm, no wind, bright sun- [the interior by winning in the fast piddle of September when Play High School, With Trips To time of i ml'n. 41 sec., fully 8 sec-. H 6btfeglMeS H ® all c'of- L ^ th an tt»t 4esL, ' , !£&&& afifl some paints of Ladd Field Teams Cleary Summit I ‘ r “ ' ’ were as'.Mbife: lited states had all i&riv’ea made w it h ir m Many Enjoy Outing SSfe'ge knl, one |p?| itiicHS as well prepare tc> dp-JrtJ^iollt thAi.' , Huber, High l^opL 'Cuflers for fiea'uty patior and home jftters at tita fyjj Gamma, irougliout the three periods. v of iJidv&t&ity sitt-' . oi?e&ui_ U^versify ...,| fere—Betty HfiiSs, Helen Ogg, )usi fce'fei afflm td' list . ijuekmister, Fuir&anks 1: bef«»8«Aa» mmtiky sta'ftta {Be Fairbanks Hfgti Scho6i giiis fii-. ftenti aid tfieir 4 friends efijdy4d of rtiriiifoi1 fchieh' ifoff iefid steefdfS pSflBbhi' Qrcfce C'6fe, Pat ade'd ffie University t£o; defeat ffie tuting to ufeary Stimmit on ApVil Itkevirts iriidwrfy lfi the flfSl period pfdtefiffed. ButkWs for' C16tttri^, ek- . Gorin'asori, UiifvfT$fly rVf jiatzihetft stitt ifraiy CfHei, n tie' scoied1 Hie first Jblffl 6f the ®#efSlty teairf iff f^6 fttij oi ffife? fc/ U^offlclaliy ciosfn^ S £ " eetH dveiittk and dttn^arie^, rt^ifila- . fettsoh’, Ladd i^eld .,..1; I-Siede, Vera; r rr~ ' i' i _ * 8: The KfiscOtffch- Sfojlfeys wgfi on% feSIf gtoAfe. The’ Uriftgfstty eason. The slsiing was |6o#, trl ipfie' ttffe toy 1 1 1:-;, a rid sewing rinni'l--. . Ra&orney, iad'df #ie|d’ ...J (Rnii, BarbfiS fttfr&cK. £Wf- i‘‘ in i i i - seating r l inrS leam threatened throughout mej of the drifts which made the lipple- WSSf we fast M GrSoe fibte fames, but was unable to overcome rflarke^ ^downhill cotfrse SDmewhatl of tfoA and stem ts forBiafleA'. StiOti-* . Anderson, Universiiy.,,.^ ■> '-uy«a eititd-ite m.i ./ " a . Dahl,. University, jpSti if t&Sse with rmgs-§9 i , 6rf flie tise ttj {h* iff'"' of |,the lead1. Elizabeth Critesf captain difficult t long6r be usea for cAinolig the spills, one by Denni- coffee pot?,- furrrftafe, Hardware, . Tduiig, Ladd csufct&s. w*ff tl&se tse- jdishes, Saucer^ and plates as well as . Hiiber, Q^ade: ScjSooi. i: SporoH^ Vasanoja toldfe- I I *K*f tfirfe. Hirt^sfaff’s tftie me/ mt the lilgh | Welcome Dainee Til totorties n- (*.f (rat c! a total icllt)ol &irls rallied^ t■■in; ® g^me tome back to the opening of In basketball the Varsity (gills)- Uc/tiHta bldy£d ids riSuaH smwsi- fe* fin ,| ? ?* lr town Lost hard- • fought game to a team who pre'parad the lunch. Not to ang game, which Is equa;lly hsrfS 6» re^-esentmt tacVd Field. W Wffeoi, i/iid hetpfedi to' pii boys. Though oQ&umber-il opponSHts aft'3 stSeboaMs. or to one, tine codBs came'] ttlti wfe#e;: iet Wp-Ud^d mdM-U'ih&h tSKellf of fibber footwear wltf Kelp | tfltfi gafe^i—“Afe, fiuth arid I w^d lift^ was tbHiilb'S^d ; Lena Kaiser, Bertha Scha*ffer, [tlpn ^bringing a bevy of 6ha?rmihg conserve dwindling stfpjifei# di tW rand hotdogs and punch. I M^ry-fCrites, Elazibeth Critfes.iGraca essehti#l Material, me aPA cdrf- ^mbef rhaffea | first flMeat;l MiseoyKH, iight #l*g: rieg- O’Connor, Mildred KendJer,\Dorothj,. sutter Division,snggests tliat rubber other rubber patching ; \&t rtfng. The1 otflffr line;^ ~ ^mon, Pat fiagan, Barbara Bar-, footwear be kept cle$n with soap1 fJeWoH, cSWef; omOt Rtititt- (bod” they were "took” by then and BUlie Mae Atkln^qn.j^Qt-1 Robinson and water, other pointers id help flWWW' ptiool hard and home-run hlt-'l right *tfig; Bit! JofcrCBUfti, left nI score for the Ladd Field presbrve rubbers toelude' /storing j' — wing. The defense was composed of I was Helen Sample (tt. of* A.?: ta„a “ °l, dark place i after s,(h„ nef m KoSWir, jofeewlKt1! Called itU&ing tfcem wkii peipei. Be careful . « itiorttUfkes M> mk high V&rWUS t6MWAatkinS ol: Jiftm Bi- H^por the University Betty Tfiiei Idiamond. SJdltfflf#, Be® D6ha^06, tfaa higK sIScitif. Pinal ^cbfe was', 3&‘ 0^6®I R6l5*nsOh,' ^{Odt^GCfiing gfe- M-otl SWtttWta, tiitCt ftertA'lt ftofeff. Ijrfsr H |naTC a 'fria^iir#” the] filtfr Ifi th6 £f6p^r trtieWt of ^tfsiness owifi r 'l. waa W ’ of teft hand-woven scarfs waJ iffidnif6i6tffitioii, Wag caKed tnW MS efs jftft Military Baft I&t—tfe t tftroogff {file falflSllin!: | Vera Bsc&sefi, PEagan, 1 West Coast Grocery Co.

iirnly t* I Kaiser, B1U Coghlll,- John Ntfli WHOLESALE GROCERS books, stffence almost |Bob Peterson: \ Featurinig ^/behind the portals Former B. A. Club1 members ^ Subscribe to the gilorth—not ’ natloriaf-soronfyj ttwgs at MSttffy toa Se&for iMtriWtaii Amocat Products knally may be hearcf over The Peak ot Quality 1 of notes and question I F. M. DUNHAM f-Tfreft it is all trtef, thre< s, Dorothy Hildre, and Dorothy What has happened to Pierre'f Reef Cfdss K: will have graduated: To guitar? TW« halls used' W ring witi of them—ofer very AaS Wishes aBHS flbd Wat tMht at tt» lnstrur C ffitiiffe fa fr i" bii world ^Wffen Plefire started strum* Drug Store ANDREW NERLAND foy and Dorothy are both with miner, everybody present would be* Ktn their fingers and- so my U&t singin’g. FAIRBANKS, ALASKA Midvlce could not tftft jfoj FAIRBANKS, ALASKA Betty,' president of Pffi Tau When the morning bus slipped RUGS FURNITURE lek of ambition and rise quick- i deep rut. He single-hs GLA^S SASH ahd bOOftS feUILDlNG MAffe^lAL tiUed tfrt? ietMg out of thi Then, he says, he lifted the n ’ plasterboard c e l o t e x e raid SSS tarried it t SAVE 11;pur yeaf (bitttiet—oik Si pt one of work too, to each' rhe Road Commission hai Time and Money: . . Kiri—goodbye; ||| luck;, and trying to hire HfiS since that tim£ Vacation. [ave you noticed Have ybifr Laundry trBoi itetegS ^ery effort to catcfi done on tftg Campus Was it our bichard ? 410 bus these days. The i fast fcterate Bob’s being latS by fhe iir: What is your name dinner.—Now, take the Hildres: 8 C.O. (commanding officer) Mde: Richard King. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FAIRBANKS ►lor: Always say "Sir” w iy when she Polar Bear FAIRBANKS, ALASKA definitions from Laundry Requests frahn otif-o^tcrsvtt customers given fctffefa'i dt-

Ringstad has entered t t^Mtiori. W& issue Local and Foreigh tfrtiffs tffid |pleld hospital—to serve ai SERVICE WHILE IN KETCHIKAN Travellers' Checks. SATISFACTION Stay at the INGERSOLL WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS RELIABLE HOTEL TAlL&ftS A N B . . .* # * . .t The Farthest-North National Bank Ketchikan's Best Hotel CLEANERS G&SfffS fiffriSEi Mgnqgef PAGE EIGHT. THE FARTHEST-NORTH COLLEGIAN Creek, Yukon Territory, w_. ^ Town Topics to resume dredging operations, Farm Life Graduating about military age will l BEAR TRAP BY AL STEGER Class Of 1943 I Edwin W. Fancher, 1941 freg (Continued from Pane 5) wh^ participated so profitabl; house hungrily demanding “When the Denali staff, the Pinacle staff, do we eat?” Re had brown eydHH 6 1 payable at, the door.1: was good looking of a slight and was student editor of the Col­ legian thisyear. An outstanding ath- is made possible through Every one said he appeared so ssy of one Pierre St. Am young. Forty-one, he thought, ils Schlck lnjector Electric Ra-‘ well past the doltish stage meanwhile dressed bccomlnglyinG.I.’s. Says Bobl sometimes' felt really old. He asked, Icheerleader. Betty baa consistently rman when he heard that Nathaniel stretches out a

inson has been practicing three weeks for that te: Frank Reed, Jr, fora from Anchorage, Who transit** ar has been formally declared In the' Girls Dorm :rsity of Washington®^ er military la#. Their war-cry is a Hymi sophomore year to study ’ Id is for less of the element of the Bewilderment of. Queens whld llties, is now an ensign in tiaH irs when blinders are heeded in travereirig the above-mentionei e Mining Society. DAYROOM.; “Enjoyment of our social hall,” reads a recent bulletin pub The Bi | Mrs. Lydia Fohn-Han led by the Fish Hall Femmes, “IS; requested, to .pertain to all or one Extension Service write discrimination should be shown as to who frequents Fish Hall or whi he other day. On the c has met up with Norwegian I ten would take the lei sveral j years. Upon gradjiati sys her regulations.” potatoes at Petersburg, develt ‘ She noticed mom’s u: I Ken will join the Territorial I from seeds Imported three * deluding trees, brush, partment of Mines, as assistant ago. These potatoes are light,1 with the little lilt in Dr. Jocsting at the office here. £ left si At supper Jerry fold texture and good flavot y(png man who hadj distance call ssyihg, "J ! examine the potato salad for T.N.T.? m Ben sitting on his skis, w Universiti Personal Mention 1 Is in the Navy’s Enlisted He­ Lunch re Corps and expects to be called ment gang Gone-Flats. Result: Dawson kicks through w C o u n ter small bouquet of wild Honeysuckles ng hunts for a Denali Damsel to escort J. J. I so she couldn’t be angry with be complete. ' Dorothy Tymon, a transfer fr few York University, will bo gr; ated jffth the degree Bid., in >r history. She- spent onl£ the ays when the “minority” was racox (James) and De Long, le st. Wilcox (Donald) £ PLATE LUNCHE^ structing his own mental versi SHORT ORDERS the war and its ramifications. Struggle Is Hard Raleigh Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. ICECREAM Mom and Pop struggled so hard vehemence before tl He reports to have seen Mary atad had little pleasures. Sometimes Bert Fraleigh will be awarded agan, ’40, Harold Gronroos, ’41, and CANDIES j (us' Gissberg on the West Coast. they wondered if farming paid. ferred to the U. of A. as they from Occidental College ii would strive a: IJiUs he has spent t

Batobridge Field, . He re­ Hours: oftfen thought of the free time oth­ Monday through Friday er, women had for club work, ho­ ips, and- creaking students arriving late to first-period cl ceived his pre-flight training ' at bbies, visiting and shopping while Our Apologies that the BiR;. tracks arc receiving heavy service until mt Maxwell Held, Alabama. y dust and mosquitoes dim the air. Top-Sergeant Fish of Ian MacDonald, former student „&I>til .1 issue of the sts that if you are going to be late, be late* and take the hm DejWson, Y. T“ £ repo^ lo made Mark Ring Don’t call at 1:30 informing jjer that you are going to be Southern Airways freshman while he really is a at you are going to.be later, and at 3:00 that you can’t get ■fled sophopj • The scraping; of chairs drowra men induct* out the announcer’s voice. Jerry w: on her way to *he office again whi ly didn’t m the boys divided up the daily pap suffering the Indignity to be placed to, lead. Mom still had the. dish Prosh like theMiscovich- to- do and ydung chickens to ten 1£ King. We are afraid University Bus Lines i might be a sergeant by: lads of the XT. of A. labored manfully to prepare the si Serving University of Alaska-Ester Min. . enter the Army. Our for skating, but...... it makes a better swimming pool, or ipologies, Mark, i date, a hog-wallow, for dog-paddling or wallowing as you sei ing Camp - Ladd Field Airport - on 1 regular schedules with Modern j Earl Fosse, '42, is reported to be I Streamlined Busses. vith it U of Mines 1 We appreciate being consulted on special trips any, where you m.ght wont to go. Ask us for special prica Phone East 40 ute walk coulsl be stretched BUY DEFENSE BONDS. - Pop went .to turn the irrigation Standard Garage Headquarter) water, and'she was alone again with her 'thoughts as company. Sh< For screen entertainment at its best an interest to home-making. Other- wise there would be no honjes, foJ ihen were absorbed by business out! Visit the Lacey or Empress ■ side which was less connected to s home. ' For Your Winter Now she realized this was her ful­ The Empress Circuit of Alaska fillment, making a home instead of having free time for other things CAPT. A, E. b\THROP Comfort Well she was almost through, ANCHORAGE CORDOVA - FAIRBANKS had been a busy hard day and si Get Some Warm Clothing was weary, she enjoyed the evi Timely Suits and O'Coats Filson's Forestry Clothing from the river. The HEALY RIVER COAL CORPORATION codling from that di ■ -cricket, under the porch, began to MINERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF SUNTRANA COAL Gordon's Sport Wear ‘ sing. Her time saving glances were WE SUPPLY ALL POINTS ON OR NEAR THE ALASKA Sgato going out tlie window strength­ Woolrich Woolens ening the spokes of the wheel, keep­ RAILROAD WITH DEPENDABLE FUEL AT ing all well and Tunning smoothly. REASONABLE PRICES Star Brand and Walkover Shoes By HELEN OGG. Wilson Bros. Furnishings JoeSheely . SERVICE WITH A SMILE .:' Joe Sheely, ) exuberant stude Cooper's and Wilson Bros.' . frwii Anchorage, Matanuska, ai FIRESTONE TIRES Underwear SU way points, was commuting b tween tlie dormitory and the a ministration building by r CHEVROLET crutches u TROPIC AIR HEATERS Martin A. Pinska Davoson, 1898 Fairbanks, 190* SERVICE MOTOR CO. FRONT STREET Fairbanks, Alaska FAIRBANKS, ALASKA