Curriculum Vitae PHILIP D

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Curriculum Vitae PHILIP D Curriculum Vitae PHILIP D. BENNETT Eureka Scienti¯c, Inc. 2452 Delmer Street, Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94602-3017 U.S.A. and Department of Astronomy & Physics Saint Mary's University Halifax, NS B3H 3C3 Canada Tel: (902) 423-8489 e-mail: [email protected] Citizenship: U.S., Canadian & British Education: ²B.Sc. (Math., Hon. 1st class), Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, B.C., Canada: May 1975 ²M.Sc. (Astronomy), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.: November 1983 ²Ph.D. (Astronomy), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.: November 1991 Scholarships: ²Crown Zellarbach Scholarship (1970{74) ²British Columbia Government Scholarships (10 awarded during 1970{74) ²University of British Columbia Graduate Fellowship (1982{83) ²University of British Columbia Graduate Fellowship (1983{84) Professional A±liations: ²American Astronomical Society ²Canadian Astronomical Society ²Astronomical Society of the Paci¯c ²International Astronomical Union Graduate Research Supervisor: ²Dr. J. R. Auman, University of British Columbia Teaching Experience ²Part-time Faculty: PHYS 2400 (Electricity & Magnetism), Winter 2009, Dept. of Astronomy & Physics, Saint Mary's University ²Part-time Faculty: ASTR 3400 (ISM & Stellar Evolution), Fall 2008, Dept. of Astronomy & Physics, Saint Mary's University Teaching Experience (continued) ²Part-time Faculty: PHYS 3417 (Thermal Physics), Winter 2008, Dept. of Astronomy & Physics, Saint Mary's University ²Part-time Faculty: PHYS 3405 (Classical Mechanics), Fall 2007, Dept. of Astronomy & Physics, Saint Mary's University ²Part-time Faculty: AST 608 (Selected Topics: Stellar Atmospheres & Winds), Winter 2002, Dept. of Astronomy & Physics, Saint Mary's University ²Part-time Faculty: PHY 446 (Advanced Lab), Fall & Winter 2001{02, Department of Astronomy & Physics, Saint Mary's University ²Honorarium Lecturer: ASTR 1120 (General Astronomy: Stars & Galaxies), Spring 1999, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences, Univ. of Colorado ²Instructor: ASTR 1120 (General Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies), Summer 1998, Dept. of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado Principal Investigator on Research Grants: . Total funds awarded $862,367y ²Imaging CO Cameron Band Structure in the Red Rectangle . Awarded $25,000 | GALEX Cycle 4 (2007) Guest Investigator Program (094) ²Masses and Mass Loss Rates of Red Supergiants in Binaries II . Awarded $23,000 | FUSE Cycle 6 (2005) Guest Investigator Program (F915) ²Masses and Mass Loss Rates of Red Supergiants in Binaries . Awarded $29,000 | FUSE Cycle 5 (2004) Guest Investigator Program (E937) ²Stellar Parameters and Winds of Red Supergiants in Binaries . .Awarded $30,600 | FUSE Cycle 4 (2003) Guest Investigator Program (D123) ²VV Cephei: The Egress from Chromospheric Eclipse . Awarded $66,051 | HST Cycle 10 (2001) General Observer (GO-9231) ²Mapping the Chromosphere of the K Supergiant 31 Cygni . Awarded $33,171 | HST Cycle 10 (2001) General Observer (GO-9109) ²Chromospheres and Winds of Red Supergiants . Awarded CAD$43,001 | NSERC (Canada, 2001) Individual Research Grant ²VV Cephei: The Egress from Chromospheric Eclipse . Awarded $39,942 | HST Cycle 9 (2000) General Observer (GO-8779) ²A Semi-Empirical Model of the Structured Wind of 32 Cygni . .Awarded $37,402 | HST Cycle 8 (1999) Archive ²The Brilliant Lives of Massive Stars . Awarded $9,983 | Cycle 8 (1999) HST Education/Public Outreach (EO-8257) ²VV Cephei: The Egress from Chromospheric Eclipse . Awarded $95,936 | HST Cycle 8 (1998) General Observer (GO-8257) ²Chromospheric Structure & Wind Acceleration in ³ Aur Stars . Awarded $40,000 | 1997 NASA Astrophysics Data Program ²The 1997/98 Eclipse of VV Cephei . .Awarded $174,810 | HST Cycle 7 (1997) General Observer (GO-7269) Suppl. Award $95,733 ²Systematic Analysis of Mass Loss from Evolved Stars . Awarded $30,471 | HST Cycle 6 (1996) Archive ²A NLTE Analysis of the UV Spectrum of HD 44179 . Awarded $37,115 | HST Cycle 6 (1996) Archive ²Realistic NLTE Radiative Transfer for Modeling Stellar Winds . Awarded $62,300 | 1995 NASA Astrophysics Theory Program yGrant funds are in US$ unless otherwise speci¯ed Research Experience and Positions Held Oct 2005{present: Scientist VII, Eureka Scienti¯c, Inc., Oakland, CA Dec 2000{present: Adjunct Professor, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia 1995{2005: Research Associate (PI), CASA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO ² HST/STIS (GO-9109) and FUSE observations (D123) of the 2003 eclipses of 31 Cyg (K4 Ib + B4 V) and ³ Aur (K4 Ib + B5 V) in progress. ² Analysis of the chromosphere of the primary star of the eclipsing binary VV Cephei (M2 Iab + B0?) from HST/STIS observations during total eclipse and egress phases. Funded by STScI grants GO-07269.01-96A & GO-08257.01-97A to P. Bennett. ² Obtained coordinated VLA radio continuum observations of VV Cep (simultaneous with HST/STIS observations) at 1.3, 2, 3.6, and 6 cm (programs AB865 & AB875) to monitor wind variability. ² Analysis of the wind variability of the ³ Aurigae binary system (K4 Ib + B5 V) over the 17 year lifetime of the IUE satellite (»100 observations). Funded by NASA ADP grant NAG5-6901 to P. Bennett. ² Continuing study of the detailed structure of the chromosphere and complex wind outflow from the ³ Aurigae binary system (K4 Ib + B5 V) using GHRS spectra observed near the April 1993 and December 1995 eclipses. Funded by STScI grants GO-3626.01-91A and GO-06069.01-94A to A. Brown. ² A similar analysis of the wind around the binary star HR 2554 (G7 II + A1 V), based on HST/GHRS observations, is completed. Funded by STScI GO grant to A. Brown. ² Modeling the chromosphere and wind of the K supergiant star ¸ Velorum based on HST/GHRS spectra using the faster J-MULTI non-LTE multi-level code to compute Fe II wind line pro¯les; work completed. Funded by NASA ATP grant NAG5-3033 to P. Bennett. ² Computation of model chromosphere and wind of the M supergiant star ® Orionis constrained by medium and high resolution GHRS observations; work completed. Funded by STScI grant AR-06383.01-95A to P. Bennett. ² The computation of non-LTE models of circumstellar CO around the post-AGB star HD 44179; work in progress. Funded by STScI grant AR-06387.01-95A to P. Bennett. ² Continuing observing program, The Precise Mass Project, to determine funda- mental stellar and orbital parameters of »50 ³ Aur binary stars accurate to »1%. Since 1994, »5000 Coud¶e spectra have been obtained at the DAO 1.2 m McKellar telescope, near Victoria, Canada. 1992{94: Research Associate, JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO ² Computation of model photospheres of ³ Aur B (B5 V) using the non-LTE TLUSTY code of I. Hubeny, and production of synthetic spectra using Hubeny's SYNSPEC code. Funded from a STScI GO grant (PI: A. Brown). ² Investigation of the importance of radiation pressure in initiating and accelerating the winds of cool, evolved stars (with G. Harper) ² Determination of the masses, radii, luminosities and distance of the ³ Aurigae binary system using Hubble Space Telescope GHRS observations and existing data from the literature. Funded from a STScI GO grant (PI: A. Brown) 1984{91: Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Geophysics & Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada ² Developed and implemented the ATHENA model photosphere code which computed spherically symmetric models of cool giant and supergiant stars using the complete linearization method. 1974{81, part-time 1982{92: Programmer Analyst/Accelerator Physicist, TRIUMF, University of British Columbia ² Maintained, implemented, and documented code changes and upgrades as necessary to support several large numerical accelerator design codes at a cyclotron and nuclear physics laboratory ² Assisted with cyclotron and beam line commissioning and tuning ² Developed OPDATA, a high-level, interative, programming environment for mathe- matical and physical analysis ² Co-developed (with J. Chuma) OPDATA's successor, PHYSICA, now in use at hun- dreds of sites worldwide. 1989{92: President, Integral Mathware, Inc., Vancouver, B.C., Canada ² Negotiated transfer of PHYSICA software ownership and distribution rights to Inte- gral Mathware from TRIUMF and the University of British Columbia. ² Awarded a British Columbia Science Council MART grant of $40,000 to undertake a market survey and develop a plan for commercial production and sale of PHYSICA. 1984{87: President, UBC Graduate Student Society, University of British Columbia ² Managed an organization with an annual budget of » $1M ² Supervised o±ce with 4 permanent sta® and » 15 casual student employees ² Led the executive team that negotiated a major agreement with the University in support of graduate student operations, thereby ending more than 2 years of political dispute over building operations and control of revenues. Papers in Preparation Bennett, P.D., Bauer, W.H., Brown, A., Harper, G.M., Guinan, E., Yang, S., Baade, R., Reimers, D., Stencel, R., & Linsky, J.L. 2010, HST/STIS Observations of the 1997-98 Eclipse and Egress of VV Cephei, in preparation, to be submitted to AJ. Bennett, P.D., & Harper, G.M. 2010, A Multi-Wavelength Analysis of the Eclipsing Binary ² Aurigae, in preparation, to be submitted to MNRAS. Refereed Publications Bauer, W.H., Gull, T.R., & Bennett, P.D. 2008, Spatial Extension in the Ultraviolet Spectrum of VV Cephei, AJ, 136, 1312. Bauer, W.H., Bennett, P.D., & Brown, A. 2007, An Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of VV Cephei During Total Eclipse, ApJS, 171, 249. Harper, G.M., Brown, A., Bennett, P.D., Baade, R., Walder, R., & Hummel, C.A. 2005, VLA Observations of ³ Aurigae: Con¯rmation of the Slow Acceleration Wind Density Structure, AJ, 129, 1018{1034. Cuntz, M., Harper, G.M., & Bennett, P.D. 2001, What can HST-GHRS Fe II observations of ® Orionis (M2 Iab) tell us about short-period heating?, A&A, 376, 154. Brown, A., Bennett, P.D., Baade, R., Kirsch, T., Reimers, D., Hatzes, A.P., & Kurster,Ä M. 2001, Ultraviolet Eclipse Observations and Fundamental Parameters of the Binary HR 2554 (G6 II + A1 V), AJ, 122, 392. Bauer, W.H., & Bennett, P.D. 2000, The Ultraviolet Spectrum of VV Cephei Out of Eclipse, PASP, 112, 31 Carpenter, K.G., Robinson, R.D., Harper, G.M., Bennett, P.D., Brown, A., & Mullan, D.J.
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